Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 04, 1870, Image 2

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    f;e affewan' gonxmt, gfearftefb, a.? ay 4, 1870.
Raftsman's $0ttntal.
Gold was run up to 1151 on Saturday, in
New York.
. It is stated that the infallability of the
Pope is not to be proclaimed, after all, by
the Ecumenical Council.
An investigation is going on which proves
that over two hundred New York Custom
House officers have received bribes from
smugglers. The fact will surprise no one.
but that it should be found out is really a
mazing. The Chicago Time having undertaken to
show, in a long aud labored editorial, that
the Democratic party can never succeed un
til it changes its name.the Post very proper
ly remarks, "the name is to nfuch better
than the thing, that it would be wiser to
chanjre its nature."
One Henry D. Foster, a Democrat of the
"straightest sect ;" one who would not rob
the people of- a dollar ; who has the inter
est of the poor at heart ; who believes in low
taxes and rigid economy, has coolly pocket
ed $3,500 of the public money, on the pre
tence that he was elected to Congress from
the Twenty-first Pennsylvania district.
Whatever scoffers may think of the doc
trine of the efficacy of grace, it has recently
had a remarkable illustration in the case of
Clement L. Yallandigham, who has deliver
ed an address in favor of the Holy Scriptures
in the public schools. Nothing less than
the grace of God or the hope of getting
back to Congress could bring any such good
thin& out of Yallandigham.
In the African celebration at Louisville,
Ky.,the other day,of the Fifteenth Amend
ment, they had a transparency in which the
"Train of Progress" was depicted a loco
motive labeled "The Fifteenth Amend
ment," with a train of twenty-nine cars at
tached, representing the ratifying States,
and a number of jackasses harnessed to the
rear car, emblematic of the States refusing
to ratify, and vainly trying to pull the train
backward. A neat thing for Sauibe "a
palpable hit."
The New York Star, a paper of decided
ly Democratic affinities, calls "common sense
to the front," and remarks, "What u the
use of more fuss about the darkey? Pleas
ant or unpleasant, the fact is that the Con
stitution of the United States, by the Fif
teenth Amendment, recognizes the black
man as a citizen, and grants him all the
rights of such. Now that it is settled that
he can vote, the question is, who will get
his votes. There is no use in sweeping a
gatnst the tide. It is much easier to go
with it and you can't go against it"
The plan of minority representation, which
has recently been much discussed in En
gland, has been practically applied, on a
email scale, in this Stace. An act was pass
ed by the Legislature amending the charter
of the town of Bloomsburg, which provides
that when six officers are to be chosen, each
voter may give one vote to each of six per
sons, or one vote and a half to eich of four,
two votes to each of three, three votes to
each of two, or six votes to one. At the
first election held under the new regulation,
for seven members of the town council, three
Democrats were chosen and four of the op
position party. As the town has hitherto
always been strongly Democratio,being the
home of Senator Buckalcw, this result was
rather unexpected, especially to the Sena
tor, who had himself procured the passage
of the law in question.
For downright cheek, of that stony, im
movable, unblushing kind, commend us to
J. 8. Golladay, the ex cadetship peddler in
Congress from Kentucky. After reiigning
to save expulsion from' Congress, Golladay
went back to his constituency with a whine
for re-election. Now he assumes a defiant
attitude rnd travels over his State with a
huse pis tol at his waist, threatening news
paper men and declaring his intention .to
"contest" the seat with the man just elected
to fill his plai e. The gallant Golladay's par
ticular ambition now is to perforate, with
buckshot, some newspaper man of Kentuc
ky, who has seen fit to expose his tricks,
which, we opine, will be no easy matter, for
those Kentuck editors have an ugly habit of
being very expert with, the pistol, a fact,
when the redoubtable Golladay considers,
will perhaps have an effect to cool his war
like nature.
The Altoona Sun, in referring to the con
duct of the colored men who participated in
the Fifteenth Amendment celebration in
that city, on the 26th of April, says : "Too
much praise cannot be awarded them for the
excellent manner in which they conducted
themselves. . . . The expectations of their
best friends wre fully realized. This we
say, as justice demands, of their good beha
vior during the day," and then bands them
over to the "radical party" in the following
very graceful style ; "So far as we are con
cerned, if the laws of the land must be vio
lated, and negroes permitted to vote, the
radical party is welcome to every such vote
x in the eouutry." But, we presume, the lat
ter remarks must be taken in a "Pickwick
ian" sense, for the editor next trys to whee
dle them into supporting his party, by say
ing that "if any negro has the good sense to
vote the Democratic ticket, let him be wel
comed." Certainly, Mr. Sun, let them be
welcomed ; but your way of putting it
nmks a Jittle of "sour grapes," eh?
A Big Sale.
The Brady's Bend ."thousand barrel" oil
6trike, has given a new impetus to specula
tion in that region, and lands are Selling at
almost fabulous prices in consequence. The
Oil City Times, iu referring to the subject,
"During the past week those who have
visited Brady's Bend to inspect the new well
which" is causing so much excitement in oil
dom, are reminded of the early days in this
region, when fortunes were suuk and made
in a single day. We had thought the days
of excitement were rer, even if there were
more of the very largest' wells discovered,
but it seems not, as at Brady's leases and
land increase in price thousands of dollars
in a single hour. One farm of eighty acres
was bargained for at $40,000, the money to
be paid tbe following day at precisely 2 P. m.
The purchaser was ten minutes behind the
stipulated time, when the farmer refused to
comply with the contract. . The same after
noon he set his price at $80,000 and sold a
gain. The f econd purchaser was also a few
minutes behind the time agreed upon when
the money was to be paid over, and he lost
the property. On the next morning the
farmer sold his eighty acres for $100,000 in
cash:" .
Here we have another instance of the ef
fects of individual enterprise in increasing
the value of property. Previous to the
present "oil strike," property sold at mere
nominal prices, and but a limited" business
was done at Brady's Bend ; but now all is
activity and bustle and life.
What individual enterprise has done for
Brady's Bend, and other places, it can do
for ClearfieM. But, says one, we have no
oil here. True ; but we have other equally
valuable resources. We have an abundance
of pine and oak timber, coal, iron-ore, glass-
sand, fire-clay, etc. If our citizens will but
erect saw-mills, planing mills, match facto
ries, furnaces, glass works, fire-brick works,
etc., and develop and utilize the resources
in our midst, the day is not far distant when
we will see Clearfield one of the most pros
perous inland towns in the State. All that
is required to make this place one of the
most important and extensive business marts
in the Commonwealth, is the proper spirit
of enterprise, for we possess the capital, the
water power, and other requisite raw mate
rials to make it such. We hope those most
interested, and who can command the means
and influence, will give these suggestions
the consideration their importance demand.
The New System of Tax Collection.
The Legislature, at its session just closed,
changed the mode of collecting the County,
State and Bounty taxes in this county. The
provisions of the law are, in effect, as fol
lows :
I. Prior to the first Monday in April, in
each year, tbe duplicates are made out and
placed in the hands ot the .treasurer.
II. The Treasurer gives 30 days notice in
the newspapers and by handbills, that he
will attend at the election house in each dis-
drict, on some day fixed by him, prior to
September first, to receive and receipt for
IIL Every person paying his or her tax
es to the Treasurer before September first,
is entitled to a deduction ot five per cent
IV. If any taxes remain unpaid for 30
days after September first, the Treasurer
adds five per cent to the amount thereof and
issues his warrant to the Constable of the
proper district, directing him to collect the
V. The Constable must demand the same
and if they be paid on demand or within ten
days, his fees are the five per cent added by
the Treasurer ; if not so paid, the Constable
is empowered to levy and sell, and collect
the usual fees.
VI. The Treasurer charges the Constable
with the sum of the taxes jeiven to him for
collection and he and his bail are holden for
the amount of the same. He can obtain ex
oncrations in the usual manner.
VII. It is made the duty of the Consta
ble to. collect, settle and pay over to the
Treasurer all of said taxes within two months
from receiving the warrant for collection,
and upon failure so to do, the Treasurer is
ordered to forthwith sue out his bond and
collect the same.
VIII. In such action against the Consta
ble and his bail, if judgment be recovered,
twelve per cent interest is to be charged up
on the balance due, after the two months
have expired, and no stay ol execution al
lowed. IX. A penalty of $50 is imposed upon
any Treasurer or Constable who fails or re
fuses to perform any duty required by this
X. The Treasarer is allowed five per cent
upon all taxes collected and paid out by him
under this act.
XI. All laws inconsistent with this are
The Tariff Qcestion. It seems that
the freetradista incline no w to suspect that
they sold themselves rather than the protec
tionists by their raid on the duty on iron,
during the absence of the Pennsylvania mem
bers, a few evening since as witness, the following:-
The indications now point to a failure of
the new tariff, which leads to a continuance
of the old, and maintains for another year
the existing oppressive rates. The brethren
are shrewd. Not being able to carry an
increase, and eyeing strong enough to forbid
a decrease, they will simply do nothing but
let the present crucifying rates remaiu.
The first impulse of the free traders was
to crow, over the result achieved, as a tri
umph of free trade. We most sincerely
hope our delegation will push the pending
bill to the wall If cheating is to be em
ployed, let the consequences fall on the
heads of those who invoke it.
Toe sew Army Bill. It is stated that
the army bill of Senator Wilson, as finally
agreed upon by tbe Senate Military Com
mittee, reduces the army to 25,000 enlisted
men ; abolishes the grade of general and
lieutenant general as soon as vacancy occurs
fixes' the pay of the former at $12, 000, and
the Jatter at $10,000 per annum. Ileduces
the number of major generals to three, and
brigadiers to six. It does not provide for
mustering out superfluous officers except
upon their own application, and then allows
them one year's pay. The pay of the offi.
cers is the same as in Logan's bill. It makes
it unlawful to hold a civil office.
Luckt Banks. Thirteen savings banks
in Nw York city, have on hand surplui
funds to the amount of $7,020,615 ns a
considerable portion of this large sum ia
made up of unclaimed deposits left by par
ties who have died or disappeared, making
no sign.
Terrible Disaster. -
A most terrible disaster occurred at Rich
mond Va., on Wednesday last, April 27th,
if hnnr 11 n iWlr The Snnreme Court
of Appeals of Virginia was crowded with
eminent citizens and many local poiuieiua
and a great many of the public at large, wno
were drawn there by curiosity to near me
result of the late hearing of the question as
to the Mayoralty ot Richmond. The friends
ot Messrs. Ellison and Cahoun, who com
prise the prominent Republicans and con
servatives of the city, had assembled to hear
the decision which u wis expected would be
given. Among the many prominent persons
were ex Governor Wells, ex-Congressman
Millson, Judge John A. Meredith, Patrick
H. Aylett, ex-United States District Attor
ney for this district : ex-Uoited States Dis
trict Atterney L. H. Chandler, and others.
At 1 1 o'clock the gallery of the court
room, which was crowded, fell in, the floor
followed, and then descended thirty feet to
the floor below, which was the hall of the
House of Delegates of Virginia, on which
some few of the members of a caucus were
walking around. There was a general crash
of all the timbers and the falling of the in
side wall.
Directly after the disaster occurred, the
fire alarm was used to give notice, and the
Wt and ladder rnmnanies of the city re
paired at once to the scene. A cordon of
police was drawn around the building, and
the ladders were thrown up to the windows.
For three hours the scene was full of horror.
Minute after minute there appeared, swung
out by a rope tied around the middle of the
body, some popular favorite, who after being
swung on to the shoulders of one of thefire
brigade, was brought down the ladder into
the green of the public park, where it was
instantly surrounded by two or three thous
and of those who had gathered to recognize
the slain. The park was filled with agonized
weeping women and anxious men until 2 o
clock, when the last victim was drawn from
the building.
After this the police closed the park,
refusing admittance to any one. The bodies
of the dead having been sent out, all the
stores in the city were closed, and placards
put up reading, "Closed in consequence of
the disaster at the Capital." No more
business was done during the day.
Fifty nine persons were Killed and about
one hundred and seventeen wounded a
mong them some of the most prominent
and influantial citzens of the city and State.
Gov. Walker, of Virginia, has issued
a proclamation recommending that Wednes
day, the fourth day of May, be observed by
the people of the State as a day of humilia
tion and prayer, to testify their grief for the
late calamity that has befallen the State,
and especially its chief city, and toacknowj
ed?e their dependednce on aj) all wise Provi
dence. The Democracy and the Negro.
Whatever else the Democratic party may
be a unit upon, it certainly is not on the
negro question. On this the wigwam shows
much diversity of opinion which, unless it
is reconciled and harmonized before 1S72,
must entail great trouble and disaster on
the party. Some portions ofit in the several
States are for accepting the situation as it is,
cordially and in good faith, while others
take a directly contrary course ; and there
is yet a third division between the two
extremes, halting, hesitating, not knowing
exactly what to do. The action of some of
the Democratic members of the New York
Legislature in the Assembly debaten Sen
ator Norton's bill to give effect to the
Fifteenth Amendment, is thus sketched iu
the Buffalo Express :
' "Many of the Democrats who spoke as
tonished their Republican auditors by the
remarkable change of heart upon the subject
ot negro sunrage which they exhibted.
Mr. Murphy explained that be aid not give
his vote for the bill out of any deference to
the XVth Amendment. Far from it. But
he was auxous to place the black man on an
equal footing with the white man at the
ballot-box, because slavery had been abolish
ed and because be regarded the exaction of
a property qualification as a great wrong,
unworthy ot a free people. Mr. Jacobs
voted for the billbecause he was bound, as
a Democrat, to support the laws. Mr.
Mitchell supported it because he felt it to
be bis duty, as a Democrat, , to " act in a
progressive spiiii,' because he bslieved the
colored voters would be found intelligent.
and because be expected the majority of
them would vote the Democratic ticket.
We have a suspicion that" it will not be long
before we shall find our Democratic breth
ren claiming the authorship of the XVth
A writer in the Chicago Tribune argues
that the product of gold this year, will, in
all probability, show a great increase on the
past. In 1867 the total product of gold and
silver in the Pacific States and Territories
was $58,000,000; in 1S09 it was;?63,500,000,
but this year there is a very marked im
provement in the'prospect cf mining affairs.
Not only have new mining regions been dis
covered, but owing to the improvements in
machinery and a more systematic plan ot
operations, there has been a large increase
in the yield of such old mines as those on
the Comstock Lode and many others. The
increase in the yield of old mineB has in
duced the renewal, within a few months, of
work in a great number of California mines
that had been abandoned for some years.and
the prospect is that the gold and silver yield
of tbe Pacific States will be at least $75,000,
000 this year.
The Canadians, it would seem, already
look upon the annexation of Nova Scotia to
the United States as a foregone conclusion.
The Montreal Pays thus refers to the sub
ject : "In a word, there is general dissatis
faction in NovaScotia, This discontent h as
intensified to the highest point, and we will
not be astonished if the present revolt be
the prelude of important events. Every
one regards annexation as the only thing
which can remove, the dissatisfied feeling
which exists in the province, and put an
end to the difficulties in which trade has
been plunged for wine year. An annexa
tion League has been formed, and each day
increases its strength. We are persuaded
that in a short time it will attain great re
sults." '
The Ccllom Anti-Polygamy bill has
proved a terrible thorn in the Mormon flesh,
and has added fresh fuel to the fires of domes
tic dissensions raging in Utah. At the
present rapid rate of Mormon dissolution
and snail's pace of Congressional legislation
the magnificent army of the bill's creation
will find no enemy to suSdue. Perhaps the
appearance of Governer Shaffer in the Ter
ritory, with the announcement that the
United States laws, and not those of the
Territory, relative to polygamy are to be
enforced, will be sufficient. We hope Gover
ner Shaffer does not go with the purpose of
provoking any conflict, but that he is under
instructions to eive the evil time to rot out,
as it certainly will if left alone.
' A Little of Everything.
Tbs census takers will soon commence opera
Dayton, Ohioelalms to have the heaviest Mayor
in the Union (00 pounds.
Florida eoro ia tasseling oat. Oure ia out too ;
not having bean planted, as yet.
Soar strawberries from tbe South are sold in
New York for four dollars a quart ''
Miss Peak, of Virginia, peeked into the other
world last week by taking laudanum.
In Iowa, women prisoners hare the rights of
men. They are set to breaking stone.
Janiata county has a bnttonwood tree whioh
measures thirty feel in circumference.
They call it a rongh joke on a friend at St
Louis to smash his ska 11 with a slang shot.
Beecber says a "Congregational iet is a dry Bap
tist, and a Baptist a wet Congregationalism '
Georgia frait-growers are indignant that they
have been baying young poplars for peach trees.
Ladies' fans are now made in the shape of pis
tols and daggers. Young men, "Beware, oh ! be
ware"." - The official rote of the Dominicans shows 14,210
for annexation to the United States, to -1 10 a
gainst. The long dry spell has done great injury in
California, and the oreps in portions of the State
will fail. --:
A man in Council Bluffs, Iowa, is both a liquor
saloon keeper and an mndertaker. One business
helps the other.
The young women who are engaged in jumping
matches in different parts of the eountry seem to
have mistaken 18T0 for leap year.
One regiment at Montreal, which was ordered
out to drill, in anticipation of a Fenian raid. mas
tered thirteen officers and eight privates.
A bill has been passed by the Legislature of
this State imposing a fine ot SI on boys detected
in jumping on railroad trains. Look out, boys.
Tbe President having received the resignation
of Judge Field, of Xew Jersey, has nominated
ex-Congressman Nixon to be Judge in his place.
It is rumored that ''Brick" Pomerey will be a
candidate for Congress in tbe district now repre
sented by Morriasey. A worthy successor, sure.
A Mulatto succeeds Gen Bragg in the control
of the New Orleans Water Works, and the Dem
ooratie papers of that city are in great grief
The Memphis Avalanche rays a number of
young men, all ex-Confederate soldieis, will start
from that city for Cuba in afewdays, to join Gen.
Jordan's army.
' If people knew beforehand all the misery it
brings, ' says a Japanese poet, "there would be
less going out with young ladies to look at the
flowers at night."
Wm. D. Murray, a printer in the office of the
Keokuk (Iowa) Constitution, has fallen beir to a
"fat take," in the shape of a large and valuable
farm in California,
The editor of the Muscatine (Iowa) Journal has
a horse pistol, which.be has been assured, is the
identical weapon with which Aaron Burr killed
Alexander Hamilton.
Tbe new Democratic Mayor of Milwaucee, a
German, earnestly recommends that the Sunday
dance-houses be closed and gambling be extermi
nated from that oity. '
Four experimenters in a new illuminating gas
at San Francisco assembled the other evening to
test it. Each left the room with a window sash
hung around his neck.
A wolf was shot on the mountain near Locke's
Mill, in Mifflin county, the other day. It is be
lieved to be a tame wolf tifat E. E. Locke owned.
and lost several jearj ago.
On the 23th April, the Lutheran church in
Wiightsville, York eoqnty, was struck by light
ning, and completely-destroyed. Loss about
$4,000, and ne insurance.
A Florida alligator's post mortem revealed aev
eral buttons, marbles and a top in bis stomach,
and a neighboring family thinks it knows, where
its missing little boy went to.
Aunt Susan says: "Suppose all the men were
in one country .and alt the women in another, with
a big river between them. Good gracious ! what
lots of poor women would be drowned !"
A Western youth who tried in tbe gaiso of a
ghost to frighten his rival from waiting upon the
young lady in question, has a fractured knee in
proof of the other chap's marksmanship with a
Rev. Jesse D. Jones, of Natick, Massachusetts.
says the day on which it is announced that the
ballot has been given to women by constitutional
amendment will be the first day of the millen
nium. A colored delegate sat in the New York Repub
lican Convention to nominate a Chief Justice and
Judges of the Court of Appeals. A, hen he rose
to vote he was received with "thunders of ap
Tbe United States steamer Michigan has been
ordered to Detroit and thereabouts to watch and
prevent the transportation of treops or war ma
terial from Canada iato or across United States
The Piegan Indians, having been severely
thi ashed, now express themselves anxious for a
permanent peace. They have been convinced by
the only argument that would ever have convin
ced them.
A Georgia town greatly enjoyed the spectacle
of a negro artist hiving a migratory swarm of
bees tbe other day. He sprinkled the erawling
mass with water, rolled it into a moist ball and
scooped it into a box.
A French philologist hes just published a Chi
nese grammar, the study of which may be mas
tered by an apt pupil in ten years or so. It ia
rumored that an effort will be made to introduce
it into our public schools.
It is said that Father Hyacinthe has been con
verted to Protestantism by M. de Pressense, and
that he isabout committing matrimony and taking
charge of s Lutheran Church. The Rappel of
Paris is responsible for this improbable story.
"Dyspepsia cured for two dollars," is the cheer
ful announcement emanating fremthat eity of
ideas, Boston. Tbe euro is indicated in two little
wood cuts, giving a life like representation of a
wood saw and the saw horse. This treatment is
reoommeoded to be taken twioe a day. "Sure
cure guaranteed, or money refunded."
A special says that, at the Cabinet meeting last
week, the propriety of allowing British troops to
paas ever our soil or through our waters to tbe
Ked river eountry for the purpose of putting
dowa a rebellion was fully discussed, and it was
unanimously agreed that such a thing could not
be permitted. Every memberof the Cabinet con
curred in this view.
There is hope for the Spanish Bourbons. If
the family of Prince Henry has refused to accept
cash as indemnity for the loss of a husband and
father by ihe pistol of Montpensier, that ia evi
dence of a disposition to remember. The fine was
not much only $6,600 a paltry valuation of the
services of a husband and father in behalf of a
family, even as a day laborer.
Tbe Cubans who are in Key West tell a humor
ous story in r elation to Spanish mismanagement
of what is called justice in Havana. A Spanish
judge wbe had s ease to decide was visited by
th plaintiff.who presented him with a handsome
span of mules. Subsequently the defendant pre
sented the judge with a carriage. Eventually the
judge decided in favor of the plaintiff. The de.
fendant privately demurred, wbereapon the judge
promptly said. You must not feel chagrined ; the
mules always go before the carriage."
VlnnrviA TfiitnnAna AMD VIRGINIA
Prospects. The coal field on the West
lope of the Alleghenies, extending from the
Monongahela to tbe Big Sandy Rivers, is by
far the largest, the richest, and is destined
to become the most valuable in the world.
In Europe nearly all the coal deposits lie far
beneath tbe general surface, an d far below
the water level. Deep shafts are sunn at
immense cost, to reach them ; the mines are
then ventilated and drained as they are being
worked, only after the most astonishing out
lays. On the Kanawha and Collateral val
leys, the coal crops out of the hillsides in
veins from 5 to 12 feet thick, far above wa
ter level, and can be dumped into the cars
by the force of gravity, for merely nominal
cost, and carried thence to wherever it ia
needed. The Chesapeake and Ohio R. R.,
now in course of construction from the nav
igable waters of the James River to the riv
er navigation of the Mississippi Valley, the
greater partof which is already in operation,
crosses both the iron and the coal fields, and
unites them to the seaboard on the one hand
and the Great West on the other. Nearly
7,000 men are employed upon this great
work, and it will not be many months before
the cars will travel continuously from Mem
phis, St. Louis or Chicago.to and from these
great iron and coal deposits, and if need be,
on to the navigation of the Atlantic at
Richmond. These natural advantages, to
gether with the encouraging rush of immi
gration now finding its way to Virginia and
West Virginia, will give to those States a
vast wealth and industry. The completion
of the C. and O. R. R. itself will set free a
wonderful amount of latent power, and is to
rank as one ot the most important works of
improvement now in progress. The loan of
the Company, which is announced elsewhere
in our columns, by the well known Banking
firm. Fisk & Hatch, of New York, it will be
seen is being steadily absorbed for invest
ments. These Bonds have several features
of convenience and security not hitherto
'o md comb'md. To all persons contempla
ting investments of capital, or the exchange
of securities, their remarks will be of spe
cial intetest.
After the Negro Vote. There is a
large negro vote in Philadelphia, which the
Democrats are determined to secure, if it
can be done for "love or money." In the
Fourth (Bill M'Muliin's) ward they have
established a notorious negro, who for twen
ty years has been a runner with the Moya
mensing hose company, in the hotel busi
ness. The Democracy supply bim liberally
with money, and he dispenses rot-gut free to
all who promise to vote the Democratic ticket.
How is that for the "White Man's Party?"
The Maryland Republicans are preparing
for a stirring campaign this Summer and
Fall, and they express themselves confident
of being able to redeem the State. A late
canvass of the State shows 45,000 black vo
ters, and about 35.000 white Republican vo
ters. The Democrats cannot poll over 70,
000 votes, which will make the State close,
with the chances in favor of the Republicans.
AdvrrtkXfyntHtx met vf mtargstype.or out of plain
stifle, trill tt ekargtd doubt usual rates. No t uts.
OR SALE a good BUGGY, on easy terms
Apply to ri. . bKMiAn.
Eighty sir Thtsandrveti Hundred and Eigh
ty-ont Machi ne Made and Sold tko
Past Year'.
The number exceeds by thousands the sales of
any other Machine, and the demand is still in
Because it embodies essential principles not
Found in any other Machine ; because ot its sim
plicity of construction, ease of operation, uni
formity of precise action at any speed, and ca
pacity for the greatest range an.l variety ef work,
nne or coarse.
Partieswishiagtopureha.se should not fail to
examine this best of all Sewing Machines.
I have the Agency for this Machine, and will
Keep a tan supply on hand.
Clearfield,May4.'70 tf J. S. SHOWERS
Marble and Stone Yard.
Having engaged in the Marble business, desires
to inform her friends, and tbe public, that she has
now and wil I keep constantly on band a large and
well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT
MARBLE, and is prepared to furnish to order
stone and Marble, CURBS aad
POSTS for Cemetery lets,
MENTS, 6e.
She would invite special attention to her Sand
stone Monuments which are built from original
desirns and will compare favorablv with any
thing ef the kind in tbe country. If desired she
can famish Marble Window Sills and Cape at a
slight advance on tbe price of bandstone.
fard on Ueed Street, near tbe Depot.Clearfield,
Pa. May 4, 1870.
Curwensville, Pa.,
Are now receiving, direct from Baltimore, Boston,
New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, an im
mense stock of
bought at lower prices than have been made to
Kny house in tbe town since tbe good old days
before the late war, all to be distributed to those
who visit Curwensville for supplies, in accordance
with the great sacrifice at whioh they were bought.
Are particularly invited to call at Hartsoek A
Goodwin's cheap store, and examine tbe splendid
StOCK 01
on exhibition.
Tliey Defy Competition!
Parties cannot de justice to themselves in buying
any 01 mm vcvsmu-icb i ihv. witnouicauieg on
May .'70-3m.l HARTSOCK A GOOD IN.
SALT ! SALT!! A prime article of ground a
nm salt, pat ap in patent iaec. for saleebea
at the itcie of R. JiOSSOf.
A. Main St Piinrnsvill. Pa.
Ilavinc leased for a term of years the above
well krown and popular Hotel, (formerly kept by
Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fouts), and having
newly rentted and refurnished it, tne present
nroprietor feels assured that he can render entire
satisfaction to guests sojourning with him. A fine,
large stable and yard is attached, for the care and
protection of horses, earriagos and wagons. A
share of patronage is solicited
May 4. 7Q-iy 1 A. J. unstithtB. rrop r.
or TH
Chesapeake & Ohio R. R. Go.
The advantages and attraction of this Loan,for
investment purposes, are many and important :
1. It is based upon one of tbe Great Through.
Lines between the Seaboard and the West.
2. Th security is already created, the greater
part of the line being in successful running oper
ation. S. The Local Traffic from the unrivalled Agri
cultural regions and Iron and Coal deposits ad
jacent, must be large and profitable.
4. Tbe enterprise receives important conces
sions and privileges from the States of Virginia
and West Virginia.
5. It is under the management ef efficient and
well-knoirn capitalists, whose names are guaran
tees for its early completion and successful oper
ation. 8. The Bonds ean be had either in
form; they have thirty years to run. both princi
pal and interest being payable in gold.
J. They are of denomination of
$1,000, $500 and $100,
bearing interest at the rate of six per eent. ia
eoin payable May 1st and November 1st.
From our intimate acquaintance with the affairs
and condition of the Company, we know these se
curities to be peculiarly desirable, and suitable
for safe employment of surplus capital, and fund
ing of Government Bonds, by Investors. Trustees
ef Estates, and others who prefer absolute secu
rity with reasonable inoeme.
Holders of Cnited States FiveTwcnties are en
abled to procure these Bonds, bearing the same
rate of interest and having a longer period to run
and to realize a large increase of capital in ad
dition. Bonds and Stoeks dealt in at the Stock Ex
change, received iu exchange for this Loan, at
the full market value, and the bonds returned
free of express charges.
Price 90 and accrued Interest in Cur
rency. Pamphletr.Mapa, and full information furnish
ed on application.
May4 10wl 5 hasho strict, mew tore.
$2,000 i
a year and expenses to agents to pell
tbe celebrated WIL-ON SEWING
Tbe best machine in tbe world.
Stitch alike on both sides. One Machine without
money. For further particulars, address 2S N.Stli
St , foil a. Pa. 1-tlarcn 3U,iO-Jm
liest and most oroJuctive ot all potatoes,
at S3 25 per Barrel. Also pure Goodrich and
Harrison Potatoes, at 8 1 75 per barrel. Orders
filled promptly. ENGLE A ItKOTUER,
Marietta Nurseries.
April It, 70-2t. Marietta, Pa.
rpO WATERMEN. Tlie undersigned
-- have opened a house of en'ertaintnrnt.
for watermen, at the Big Basin, to which they di
rect the attention of watermen. Tbe rocks have
been blown ont of the basin, so that there is a
good landing on both sides of the river. Fare
good, and charges moderate
Feb. 21, 1870 HOOVER A FRAZER.
"VTOTICE. All persons are hereby notified not
to meddle with two gray horses, harness
and wagon, now in the possession of Uavid 1' .
Copelan, of Decatur towiuhip, Clearfield county.
Pa as the same belongs to me, and are only left
with tbe said Copelan on loan, subject to my or
April 20, 1870-3t.
House and Lot For Sale.
Tbe undorsignrd will sell, at private sale, Lot
No. 21 in the Borough of Clearfiold, situate on
South 4th street, npon which is erected a large
two-story plank dwelling bouse, zl by 40 feet.
This house is new, and has a spring of good wa
ter in the cellar. For further information apply
ap 27 -4t.) Real Est. Agt'c, Clearfield, Pa.
WANTED, an aotive man. in each
County in the States, to travel and ixke
orders by sample, fer TEA.COFr EE and SPICES
To suitable men we will give a salary of S900 to
$1,000 a year.above traveling and other expenses,
and a reasonable commission on sales. Immedi
ate applications are solicited from proper parties.
References exchanged. Apply to, or address im
medialely, J. PACKER A CO ,
"Continental Mills."
Apr. 27-4t: 384 Bowery, New York.
Valuable Grist Mill Property
j For Sale.
Is offered at private sale, the Cadwallader Mill
property, situate on Daurel Hun, on the line of
Ihe Tyrone end Clearfield Railroad, and two miles
West of Philipsburg. The pjoperty consists of
22 acres of land, with a grist mill, S3 by 43 feet,
and three stories high.and has two run of French
burrs and double bolting cloths; a frame dwelling
house, with a small cleared lot; the balance tim
bered with Pine and Hemlock; and a first-class
water power, suitable for a woolen factory alt in
good order. Tbe property will be cold very low
and on easy terms.
Apply to, or address by letter,
ap 27-4t Beal Estate Agents. Clearfield, Pa.
MERCHANT tailor,
Clearfield, Pa.,
Would respectfully Inform the cititens of Clear
field county that he has purchased tbe interest of
. R. L. Stoughton, and is now prepared to make
up, in the most fashionable manner, all kinds of
clothing that customers may desire, be has
of every style, always on hand, from which cus
tomers ean make their selections. One door East
of the Poatoffice. f April 20, 1870.
PLASTER the cheapest in the county, at
May 29 'ST. MOSSOP'S.
The Rafts! s Jocaa il i nnhti.v . -
de,at S2.00 . l"-
Pid at the beginning of the year. J 5, ""T
chareed. and s nn is . :J i... .
- " wore the elOM
ADTKBTISKMiaTS. will h. I .....
quare, for three or 1... insertions-Tea
for lent nDnt;n. ""lines
, , rorevery addii;..,,
insertion 50 cents wilt be charged A A.a
willb. n,H.t- .s-.-..S dedti,
j j uvriiers
No subscription taken for .v,.. ..
. --v.,,:r une thu
six months, and no paper will be diseominued
tillall arrearage, are paid,except at the option of
r k j Tint
Good landing at the Mouth of the SinnsasW
in yood post, for snubbing, and rood E .
Jzliv- p'Sr.
II K. "S II A W II 0 US E?
This house was lately completed and in one.
ed to thy publicis oewry-turnUbed.and pro.W
with al 1 the modern improvements of a first clal
hotel. It is pleasantly located, in tbe bwine
part of the town, and near to the public build
ings. A share or patronage is respectfully ,!;.
ited Charges moderate. The best of Liquors in
' PT- March 30. Vtf
WKtIle unlersiK'ed, Black smiths of the
' Borough of Jlear6ekl. bwby atbnt
the following rates for wor and- rulerwith re
gard to securing pay for our labor;' and we each
pledge our honor as men and mechsnies.to adhere'
to and enforce the same, from and after M.t t.r
All work doneatshoing horses arat be paid for
when tbe work is done, at the following rates
SETTtyG NEW SHOE, : ; ; . ifJ ,
No eredi ditto be given for a lunger period tLan,
three months.
Apr.20, 70-1m. Gjc. PAsSMOKK.
In accordance with an act of the General AH
sembly of this Commonwealth, approred the-d-day
of March, A It. 1870. -relating to the eolfee
tion of taxes in tbe county of Clearfield." Nmire
is therefore hereby given to the tax-payers rt
siding in the districts below named .that the coun
ty Treasurer. in accordance with the 2d section or
raid act. will attend at tbe place of holding the
Borough and Township elections, on tbe fi.!l.,w
ing named days for tbe purpose of reeeiviae the
county, bounty. State taxes and militia nei a--ses.cd
for 1870 : '
For the Borough of Clearfield and Lawrenea"
township, on Friday aud Saturday, the 13th and
14th days of May.
For Pike lewnshipand tbe Borough of Curwent
ville, on Saturday and Monday, the 21st and 23d
days of May. '
For Karlhaus. on Tuesday. Mav 17th.
For I'ovington, on Wednesday ,My Hth.
For Girard. on Thursday. May IVth.
For lio.ljen. on Friday. May 20th.
For Graham, on Tuesday, My 24th.
For Morris, on Wednesday, May 25th.
For Iecatur. on Thursday. May 28th.
For Osceola, on Friday, May 27th.
For Hoggs, on Saturday, May 2Mb.
For Huston, on Monday. May 30th.
For I'nioo, on Tuesday, May 31st
For Biady, on Wednesday. June 1st.
For Itloom, on Thursday. June 2d.
For Peon, on Friday, June 31
For Lumber City, on Saturday, June 4;h.
For Bradford, on Saturday. June lllh.
Upon all taxes paid on the days designated
there will be a reduction of Firm yer Cent. Tte
balance of tue districts will be announced ia due
April 13. Treasurer.
f ISTOPRCTAILERS, ot F.-reign and
- Domestic Merehatnli.-, in the County of
Clearfield, subject to the payment of license fur
the year 1870 :
C(s La cent e
14 Wm Wie4 Son, 7
L acsca
13 James ForresL 10
1 4 J jnas Muns. 7
12 Leonard Kyler, 12 it
13 Johnson A Co., 1
14 D J.Brubaser.7
14 G M lirisbin. 7
12 Ssm l Hegirty. 11 it
14 T. lier.derscn. 7
14 John M Che. 7
rLCAitrirLO BOHereH.
10 Weaver A lletts.QO
14 I. L. KeiseDctein.7
13 W. S. Dickey. 10
14 A. Montgomery. 7
13 J.U.G tango. 10
1 1 S. McFarland, 15
14 J. E. Dillen, T
bradv j
13 D. Goodlander
12 U B. Carlile
12 50
12 C i. G Schwein.13 50
13 R. H M.jore. 10
14 J Kuntc A Son. 7
14 John Scheurich. 7
14 John Carlile, 7
13 J A Terpe, 16
13 Jack. Patrben, 10
14 Horace Vatchen, 7
13 Jas McMurray, 10
13 Wm C. Irwin, 10
14 Robert Mebafiy. 7
14 C. A . Rorabauh.7
14 David Bell. 7
114 H Bridre, 7
HOWoi. K-ed. 24
!ll Mrs. Wa'..n. 7
l!S J. Sbaw A Son. 29
9 K. M.xwop. 25
14 11. F Naugle. 7
12 Graham A Sons. 12 50
12 Wright A Sons 12 M
jl.fil K.ilig'er A Cote
,11 KratierJtSons, !5
14 J R. Reed A Co, 7
13 Albert A Bro., 10
14 E It. Williams, 7
14 Hose A M Cune. 7
12 Hurd A M Uee, 12 5J
14 Wm. Hunter, 7
14 J Plubell. 7
10C Kratier. 20
12 D. G. Nivting. 12 50
14 Mi.sKjnderCo.7
13 K. Mitchell. 10
12 Ilansock iV C. I! I
14 Firming A Iloel. 7
j 14 L V. B. Soper, 7
'12 Arnold A Co. 12 5
il2 Thompson a Co. 12 i
!l3 Wm. M'ltride, 10
l2 John Irain. 12 54
I lOt. A Irwin. 2s
50 13 Isaac Kuk. 1
114 Furguson Bro's. 7
j 1 2 J Furguson 4 Coll '
'II S.M'Cune. 1
IS Mc.MarrayACo,2
!l4 Mrs. T. Buckle, T
!l2 Ake A Kelley. 12 5
:i4 KepneroV iiro, 7
12 L. A St.inerwd.12 50
14 Francis Coudriet 7
14 L. M. Coudriet. 7
14 S S Cranst-jn, 7
14 Gilland A ')., 7
nsr ATLR.
14 J. 4-1) Knizhl 7
12 P A A. Flynn. 12
14 T A. Prideaux. 7
13 Il.Alleman A eotO
14 R. S. Stewart, 7
13 Aug. Leconte, 10
13 T. H Force, It
14 E. Irwin A Son, 7
11 F C. Bowman,
14 H. W Brown.
12 Henry fwan.
2 50 6 lllattenberger Coii
9 Wbitcomb a Co. 23
11 Weils A ileims, U
ia I,.V,n W Wanle. 7
13 50
U M'Grath Co , 12 50
13 MoClosky A Co, 10
14 W. J. Hoffer. 7
14 Wm S. Sackey, 7
14 James Wiggins, 7
class . i.icrs
4 T. H. Forcey. Graham township.
4 Dr. D. K Good. Osceels Borough.
4 J. R. Irwin. Curwensville Borough. J
4 llartowick A Irwin, Clearfield Borough,
4 A.I.Shaw, do do
13 Peter Gamier, Covington township, '
10 Charles Shaffer. Clearfield Borough. I
10 Lipoldt A Hessenthalor.Cleaifield Bom,,I
Solomon NutiMikkflp. Osceola, one alley- 3
D. R. Fullerton, Clearfield Borough, 3 ublei
and one alley,
Clearfield eonnty Bank,
co-irBrrioKER Ann groceries.
4 W. C. Mats, Beeearia township.
4 James Thompson. Morris township,
4 John O'JJcll, Morris township,
4 Anna Boalich, Osceola Borough.
4 PatriCK Dunne. 0ceola Borough,
4 Miss S. M Miller. Osceola Borough,
4 Dr. D. R. Good, Osceola Borough,
4 Joshua Brown. Osceola Bon ugh,
4 Edward Scoff Osceola Borough.
4 Christ J. Shoff, Osceola Borough,
4 J. Heberling A Co , Brady township,
4 James Flynn, Penn township.
4 J R Jenkins, Curwensville Borough.
4 Edw. Gallooey. Curwensville Borough,
4 J. R. Irwin. Curwensville Borough.
4 Catharine Graff, Curwensville Borough,
4 D. S. Plotner. Curwensville Borough,
4 James Comely, Woodward township,
4 Wm. M. Foster, N. Washington Boro',
4 Thoe. W. Moore. L. city Borough,
C. D Watson, Clearfield Borough,
W. End res. do
Hartswiek A Irwin.do
N M. Hoover, do
P A. Gaulin, do
Alexander Irwin, do
A. I. Shaw, do
D. K. Fullerton. do
4 John A. btadler. do
4 M. Neice A Co., do
4 J. L. Shaw tV Co.. Woodward town'p,
An appeal will be held at the Commissioners
office, in Clearfield, on Monday, the 23d " ,
May, A. D. 1870, when and where all parties e
ing aggrieved will please attend according to law.
J. B. SUA".
Apr. 27-4t. Mercantile Apprtiwr-