if J BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAT 4, 1870. VOL. 16.-KO. 35. TEE WOSSiTAU TO HIS WIFE. Come Mary throw your work asiJe. And let your trouble? go ; . Leave care and toil and smoke awhile, And spend an hour with me ! We'll seek the eow.siip on the bank, The primrose in the lane : And haj py frights and sounds afar ha!l make us young again. It's Ions, my love, since you and I Have heard the bhn-kbird sing. Or cauplit by running brooks and woods The glory of'the spring ; It's long since yon and I have trod The p:iths were rr.;wtiiorn-i blow : Then, Mary, fling your work aside, And let your trouble go. The trcc shall bend to welcome us, The flowers ("hail clasp our feet, The very bees shall hymn our praise In murmurs soft and sweet ; The winds shall swell with ready voice The chorus hih and loud, And we'll forget the world, my life, And all its bury crowd. A thousand thin,r3 await us, love Blue skies and balmy air. Green fields, whoe very sight shall make The heart forget its care ; Then never sigh, n glad to day, Thrdw sorrow to the wind. Nor pause till we have left our ills A summer' hour behind. PS0FE332E HAL3TAD'3 GISL. A crotchety and contrary old chap was Jkl-I Shelleiibarger, a rich old farmer, as mulish as the donkey in his barn. Hi In I made his way in the world by the most do, ged obstinacy seizing hold of whatever came iu his way, and retaiuing that hold ao though life depended on it. Joel s niuhsli ncss had literally lx.cn the waking of liim, though you mightn't Lave cou.-idore'd the little, .(it bellied, thick skulled old man as much of a nuke after ail. Joel had one son h handsome, clear headed young man straight as a young lurch, tail, and as set iu his Way, when he choose to have one, as old Joel himseil. This sun, as he grew up, had proved a great assistance to his father iu workinu his farm, iinj bin services had been made the most ot. 'J'-.- old mm managed to keep liiiu at home villi him sometime after he ought to have been doing lor luniscit". Not an acre of his (at'tier's possessions was ever cailed his sou's b? owned nothing in the world save a horse, which some neighbor had given him, when i; was a sickly colt, and some sheep, obtain d iu much the same manner ; and the old g.-o.iJced hiai the keeping of these. Joil Shcll-'tibarger and his son differed often btif there were two points in which the difference amounted to something scri The first point concerned cduciti ju, for which the oid man had the most pro 1 ". :d contempt, s.id the son ha i nor. There was u coi:ege Mime dozen miles from the Shciicnbarger iurm. and tun her liav j-iif thoroaglily pie.iaied himself in spjieof l.i:her!y thwai'irisr and opposition Anson I.s-muL hiur elf in pitc of ttie sama rontitiu- e. .ippositioi', and by one couuivuuee and &'!, her, mni helped by his mot Iter's small i i-iiLetitit', kept himself there til! he gradu- ".!. J id Shi benbarger contctcd the , , i i-i- i":;:nj locii to" lu'-ii. D'lt was at rata m til ich fir ffiit was ulr:iiJ s '!': hiu :it,::i , to do am thing tiiure than be ob t his miii should leave him. That vrj the first poinr of diflcrence, and that win how Anson sou led it. The second was iifcr-iy to 1 e of so easy an arraiigenieut. At ivlleg'! Ai.sou had found some tilings be-tv.lt?-! graojaiitig honors, lie had chanced ;..! a ve-y charming co'tibination of curls nil azarc eyes a red-lipped, dimpled checked fairy, daughter of one of the pro-fi-ssors, who, iiistcad of curling her dainty hi at the homespun suit which his poverty and his. father's niygnriness compelled hi'ti to vr-. ar, never termed to be conscious of a .vtliimr or arv b- J else wiicti lie was bv. In slnirt, Anson h.:d found some one to love, some one th.it hi MM'itc I to m.irry, as lie gravely informed his fat her. Y ou should have se-ii t!ie old man's eyes ; it was a nier (V ti ey wcte fast iu their sAfkets. Here w:'.s i:ratitude ! This Anson having del'raud 1 1 his old father out of so much of his time, wj going now to set the teal upon his ab- iiirday a:d disobedience by marrying a town ...i ii i i .. . jim ; i:m riri.'iiii to umrry any one, seeing bis father wasn't thmugh witii him yet He should never consent, but a town ji.t'i ! and every Shellenbarger acre should go to ctraners before Anson should li4Ve one. if he presisied in rn idea so ridiculous ! "And pray what harm is there in being 5 town girl?" questioned Bnbio Halstead, when Anson to'd her, half iaughing, half vexcl. and altogether rueful, for. without a-sisiaiiee from his father, he could not mar ry Barbie for a long time yet. Ans.m laughed again, but with some em I nrrsissim-::', saying, '"My futher is afraid ti at a daughter of Professor Halstead would iioi make a very good farmer's wile." "Bees he think ?"' Barbie hesitated, !;.ki:ig wi'h smiling perplexity at her little white hao J-. "That these pretty hands don't know rauoh about brewing, baking, etc? Exact ly, I believe he thinks just that." "Then he thinks wrong," said Barbie, reddening and looking up at hc.r lover with a eo:uic-.l Utile pout. "I)idn't I hear you vay you needed a servant at home? I've a win 1 to gi d iwn and offer for the place." Anson laughed etijoyingly. "We need one bad enough, but my father will not sailer one inside the house." "Why, how do you live, then? Who coeks for you,now that your mother isiil?" " Ne do cir own cooking," Anson said, with a return of the half-smiling, half ciu btrrissc 1 expression. "We cook for our selves, or do without." The very day succeeding the one which witnessed this conversation, Anson was at home, busying himself over some culinary operations, when the outside door, which stood ajar.was noiselessly pushed wide ojien, and a singularly attired form presented it self on the threshold. It was a red and green plaid dress, the cheeks very large, a yellow shawl, and a very frowzy and tum bled white bonnet. A red feather, neatly a-i long as Anson's arm. streamed :rom one side, and within the brim flopped the im mense frill of a cap which clung close around the face of the stranger. The face, what couid be seen of it, was a very one to be in side of such a bonnet and cap. J ust now, as he surveyed the kitchen and Anson, her self unseen, the muscles about her mouth twitched nervously, and her eyes twinkled with roguish brightness. Presently Anson looked that way. In stantly the face took lugubrious length and coming into the room, the girl said hesitat ingly, but without looLing at him : "An' would ye be afther birin' a servant the day?" and stood fidgeting with the fringe of her shawl. "I believe not," said Anson, coloring with some annoyance, perhaps, at the na tuie of his employment. "Shure. sir, an' the lady that sint me, God bless her swate eyes ! said you'd be shuce to take me on her rfecoinmendation, which I have in niy pocket, and here 'tis now." She gave him a note which proved to re from Barbie Halstead. .Anson read it with very loverlike carefulness, but 6hook bis head. "I am very sorry, my good girl, but we do not wish to hire a servant." '"Belike you father mayn't object when he sees me," the girl persisted. Anson looked at the spoiled white bonnet and the red feather, and repressed a smile, wondering what his father would say. But bis was too kindly a nature to be willing to expose even this servant to his father' i rough manner. He repeated what he had said be fore, assuring her that it would be of uo use to see his father. The girl stood a moment. "If ye p1ae, sir, I'll just see him a moment Belike he may take a likin' to the look o' me." And before he could reply she had crossed the room, and stood upon the threshold of the next. Anson followed presently,eurious to see what kind of a reception she would get. 'Shure an" I'll do plenty mor'n I'm worth to yecs," she was saying with innocent em phasis, as Anson entered. She talked rap idly, pouring out such a toyent of words that the old man could not, by any possibil ity, slip one in among tbem, and sat regard ing her with an expression of the niost lu dicrous astonishment. Ths remarkable volubility completely baf fled the old man's slowness. He could not say a word if he wished to, and when she concluded at last with. "I can make flap jacks and corn bread that 'd bring the very eyes out iv yer head and nuke ye swally yer 'tongue with dolightsomeness," (if he had a weakness it was for flapjacks and corn bread. ) He could only twirl his thumbs in a sort of ridiculous awe, and asked her with a sudden smile how much she expected ' to get for doing a. 1 those things?" '"Seventy five cents a week," was the prompt reply. With a still more cunning laugh, Joel of fered her half the money. Greatly to his amazement she agreed at once ; and lie found himself, to use his own expression, '"in fur it." To add to his chagrin, Anson stood by laughing with intense enjoyment. But the girl, without further ado, ptoceeded to disencumber herself ot bonnet and shawl and vanish in the direction of the kitchen, before anything could be said. As she shut the door she stole a glance at Anson that made him start ami bite his lips, and pres eutly be stole kitchcnwaids also. She was already t wfuk. handling the broom like an adept, and grumbling in her rich brogue at the dust that had accumulated in the cor ners; for the extent of Anson's and hisfath er's sweepings had been to brush the centre of the room, somewhat to the dUadvan tage of the rest. She did not look up as Anson entered, but he sat dowi and deliberated, and furtively watched her. For some time the seemed uncoiiseio.ss of his scrutiny, but presently she turned and clasping bo !i her little hands upon the top of the liroom handie, said, with a mixture ot bravado and archness too nat ural to be mistaken, "Weii,- Anson, what do you think '!" 'i'lie you-13 man lanahed and looked an- i o ye i in tnc same liieatn. ""Then it is you. Barbie?" lie said, was suspcefintf something of the sort." ""Not till I looked at you." said the roguishly, ictreatinp as he approached. "I gir! !! vrni hint- ii is nniie I he. t hiriL'. Barbie?" -Shure, an' why ain't it the thing f'-r a t poor girl to be gcttiu' her liviu' decently an' honest v f v And that was all he could get out of her. Having acknowledged her identity with Bar bie for an instant, she was the most iinap proaohable Biddy the next, and would have uothii-g to say, save in that character. "'Does your father know of this. Barbie? What would he say?" persevered Anson. -Shure, an' it's not me own father would be interlerin' wid me, would he?" In lain were all remonstrances with the roguish and willful girl. She persisted in being Biddy, even to him, and maintained a distance between him and Barbie in her own proper self. Annoyed, provoked, chagrined and almost angry, the advent of his father lorced him to retire from the kitchen, for fear of bctmying Barbie's secret, which he we-uld not have done for a great deal. It was several hours before he could return to the houss bis father having, by some pre text or other, detained him. When at last they entered togethcr.kitch en and silting room, both of which bad been in an untidv state when they left there, had undergone such a remarkable renovating precess that old Joel drew back at Srst.think ing he had set foot in somebody else's house instead cf his own.. Supper was smoking on the tatile; such a supper as old Joel. at least, had not seen in months. To crown all, Mrs. Shellcubarger was sitting, propped up with pillows, in a great easy chair, and looking wondrously contented, and with reason ; the poor old lady had not had a woman s hand about her before or since her illness. They lived in such an isolated, inhospitable man ner, that very few cf their neighbors even knew that Mrs. Shellenbarger was not as wll as usual. Biddy, as she called herself, had tidied the poor lady up in a beautiful manner. Joel sat down to the daintily spread table and made a most hearty and keenly relished meal, glancing askance at Biddy meanwhile. Anson, strange to say, ate very liule, and he watched Biddy askance too. This was only ihe beginning ot reforais this daring girl instituted. First, however, as much for her own peace of mind as Anson's knowing that mother and son were fast 1j nn.l nlnr.iv nf one ouinion she toid her secret o Mrs. S., tad fairly wheedled the .ood ladv into approval. It is true that she shoot" her head at first, and looked won derfully shocked. It was so charming to have those little soft hands fluttering about her. and to see such brightness and comfort spring up around, that she could not for her own sake, help countenancing as much as silence could, Biddy's mysterious presence. I haven't time to give particulars.but hav ing made a good beginnine.with a, good true Irish facility, Biddy established herself in a very short time, completely in the good gra ces of the oid man. He had a lurking like ness for neatness and good order, and Airs. S., poor woman, wasn't a very tidy house keeper. Under the new reign order grew out of chaos ; the house se med in holiday garb all the timo, and an atmosphere ot so cial cheerfulness pervaded everywhere. Oue morning Biddy said something about leaving, and the oid man ended a grumbling vimnlaint of Anson with "I never see no cood come of eddieation yeL It it hadu't been for that college business you might have taken a likin' to a sensible girl and she one to you. He' glanced at Biddy as he spoke. She turned scarlet and came near dropping the dish she was holding. It was not the first time Anson had heard such insinuations, and he rather enjoyed Biddy's trepidation. "See here, father," he said roguishly, "just pick me out a wife, and see what will coma of it." . "The only girl I know of, worth having, wouldn't have you, I dare say would you, Biddy?" Joel said, grumbliugly, but sud denly turning to the girl, .Anson was smiling maliciously. Bridget had kept Barbie's lover at a tantalizing and unreleuting distance all this time. He was taking his revenge now. Making a desper ate effort, Biddy called hen confused senses to say, with considerable self possession : "Shure, sir, an' it isn't nieself that'll be af ter having any man till I'm asked." "Biddy, will yon marry tne V" said Anson gravely, extending his hand. "I will that, now," said Biddy, putting her hand in his, while old Joel came near choking with amazement. It was too late to recede, however, wheth er he had really withed stfch a thing or not, as she soon made him understand. He went out of doors presently, privately pinching himself to ascertain if he were iu his senses or not. Seeing the two standinn by the win dow in close conversation soon after,be crept with the same laudable intention toward them, under cover of the bushes that grew by the houie. "Mow, Barbie," Anson was saying laugh ingly, "what is to be done next? I must say you've managed wonderfully so far, but what do you suppose he'll say when he finds you aro not Biddy at all?" "XotBiddy!atall !" screamed Joel, struck with a sudden suspicion of he knew uol what as he started O'lt of his covert. There stood Biddy, the white frill of her close cap as immense as ever ; she laughed when she saw hitn, and deliberately taking off her cap, she shook her bright curls ail about her face, and reaching toward him her little hand, said : "Shure, sir, an' ye won't be afte blaming a poor girl because her name is Barbie ilal.Uead instead of Biddy U'Flynn?" "Von you Professor ITalstcad's girl?" "l'rofessor Halstead is my father," said Barbie in her natural tone. "What's that?" Baibie repeated it. '"And you're not Irish?" "Niver a bit !'' The old man stood a moment.clou Js gath ering in his face. "Well, Anson," he said rather saucily, "you've out-witted me again ; much good may it do you. You'd better get out the horses now, and take llalstead's girl home. He must want to see her by this time.' "Yes, sir.1' And Anson colored with mingled anger and amazement. Baibie did not change countenance, how ever, but exceeding that pretty hand of hers again, she said sweetly," You'!! shake hands with me, sir, won't you?" Joe! turned back and gave his band awk wardly. The girl took it in both hers, bent her bright face toward hitn and said, "I shall come back sometime, air, will you be glad to see me?" Joel bummed and hawed, and stammered out at last, "ycc-yea; come trick, Biddy I mean Mi.-s O'l lynn I mean Miss " "Barbie," suggested the girl, quietly. "Y ;s. come back, and t he sooner the bet ter. There. Anson, make the most on't !" Barbie did come back, in averv few weeks, too. and nobodv was gladder to see her than old Joel, tboneh he was a little shy at first of Professor llalstead's zirl. She soon made liini fori-et cvervtliinirsave that she was An- son's wife ; and the way he humore'l the sly puss to sundry grants ot nw'iev, rem nishiiig, repairing, etc., I cou.du t begin i re fur- to tell. Vrv. Likf. to See. An exchange say "We like to rcc youni; ladies who are bitter iteuiies kiss each other very affectionately. whej thev meet it reminds us ot a man named Judas, who lived st-verai years airo ! We like to sec a fashionably dressed lady nromenaJinc the street wearinii a blue silk dreaa trailing a yard behind her in the mud it cleans the streets to nicely ! Vc like too see a younx man very polite and obliging to. other Youtic ladies while he is scarcely civil to his sister af home it proves that the iords of creation are devoid of deception ! We like to see little bo3Ts come to church in the evetnnz and auiu.se themselves by stick itii; i)itis iu their neighbors it shows that they are not "buryiug talents in the earth !" e like to sec a man mvaiiabiy throw a newspaper, boots and hat into the middle of the floor, tor his tired wife to pick up it is evident that he reineinriers Ins promise to "cherish her!" We like to see the choir snend their time durine divine service in whispering and telling stories it helps us to appreciate the sermon, and convinces us that they are capable Ot sinking Willi uie spirit aud the understanding, also ! V e like to see younir ladies keep their jaws in constant niotiort, endeavoring to masticate a huge ball of chewing gum it looks bo lady like ! We like to see a man sporting fast horses, while be owes the printer, and gives nothing to the minister it looks honorable! lhere are other thirnrs we line to see, but we forbear." 31 any a man is rich without money. Thousands of men with nothing in their pockets are rich. A man born with a cood heart and good limbs, and pretty good head iiiece. is rich. Good bones are better than irold, tough muscles than silver, and nerves that flash firo and energy to every function, ara better than houses and land. It is bet tor than landed estate to have had the right kind of a father and mother. Good breeds and bad breeds exist among nieii. as readily as amcng herds and horses, education may do much to check, the evil tendencies or to develope gooifones.but it is a good thing to iuberit the right proportion of faculties to start with. Some civls, in kissing, purse up their mouths as if they were ahout to perform on the flageolet. This i.i wrong. Kissing is a luxurv which should be indulged in with "an atinetite," and not nibbled at as it it were "pizen." An observer of human nature reports rlmr Via hns seen some people possessing the peculiarity of three hands a right hand, a left riaoU, ana a nine Deumu uauu, "Why did he marry her?" is the title of a new love story. Probably because he was afraid if he didn't marry her sue wotua sue him for a breach ot promise. A ItUet dowc did William send, To tell the love that burned him ; But it was more like Billy, don't.' Ihe anrwer she returned him. ittsmtf JUrcctcnj. AW. WALTERS, Attorset at Law, . Cltarfield. T. Offica in the Court House. CTALTER BARKETT, Attorney at Law, Clear field, Pa. May 13,1863. ED. W.GRAHAM, Dealerin Dry-Good, Groce ries, Hardware. yueenware. Wooden ware, Proviaiona, eta., MarKet Street, Clearfield, Pa. DAVID d. NIVLISO . Dealer in Dry-Goods Indies' Fancy Hoods, Hats and Caps. Boots, Shoes. etc .Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. sep2i HF. BIGLER 4 CO., Dealers in Hardware a and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron rare. Second Street. Clearfield, Pa. Mar70. HF. NAUrtLE, Waton and Clock Maker, and dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ao. Room in Graham:srow, Marketstreet. Not. 19. HBUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clear . field. Pa. OfEri in Graham's Row, fourdoo-i west of Graham A Boy nton's store. Nov. 10. T ROMAS J. CCLLOlTGn, Attorsets-at-Law, Clearfield, Pa. All legal busineM prompt ly attended to. Oct. 27, 1869. B READ, M. D., PnviciA and Scrgkos, ; . Kylortown. Pa., respectfully offers his 'pro fesiiional services to the citi 4103 of that place and lurroundin; country. Apr. 20-8m. fi KUATZER, Dealer in Dry-Goods. Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries. Provi- siuus, eto . .Market street, neatly opposite the siuus Court House, Clearfield, l'a. June, ISf.i. JB M EN' ALL T, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoin:ng sountie. Office in new brick bnilding of J. Boyn t n, 2d street, one door sooth of Lanich's HotfTl. I TEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa., will . attend prouiptljtoallLeg.il business entrust ed to his care in ClearGeid and adjoining coun ties, umce on .Market street. Julyl7,T367. THOMAS It. FORGET, Dealer in Square and Sawed Lumber. Dry-Gooda. Queensware, Gro ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, ie., Ac, Ora hamton. Clearfield county, Pa. Oct 10. HRTSWICK A IRWIX, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils.Stationary, Perfume ry. Fancy Goods, Motions, ete., etc.. Marketstreet, Clearfield, Pa Dec. 6. 1865. "I KRATZER A SON. dealers in Dry Goods V . Clothing. Hardware. Queensware. Groce- rics, l'rovisions, Ac, Second Street Cleat Geld. Dee 27. 1S85. Pa. J DUN GUELICH. Manufacturer of al! kinds o Cabiuet-ware, Market street. Clearfield. Pa Ho nlsomakes.toorcler Coffins, onsbort notice and attends funerals with a hearse. Anrl0,'59. I) ICIIARD M05SOP, Dealerin Foreign and Do ki mestic Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour, Kaeon. Liq'iors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors wejtol Jourti'tlOgift. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. "A 7 ALL ACE A FIELDING, Attors-ets at Law Clearfield, Pa. Office in rcs.denee of W. A. Wallace Legal business of all Kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. Jan.5.70-yp 11, A. WALLACE. PRASE FIELDING HZ Pa., will attend promptly to bnsineis en trusted to his care, office on second floor of new building adjoining CoQnty Natioual BanK.and nearly opposite the Court House. June 3D, o'J T7REDER1CK LEITZINGER, Manufacturer of I1 all kinds of stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or iler? mlicited wholesale or retail He alsokeeps on hand ana tor sale an assortment or earthen ware, of his own manufacture. Jan. 1. 1863 XT M. HOOVER. Wholesale aod Retail Pealer i 1 . TOBACCO. CIGARS AND SNUFF. A largo assortment of pipes, cirar cases. Ac, con stantly 00 h:ind. Two doors East of the Post Office, Clearfield, Pa. May 19. '69 1 fASfins HOUE, Clearfield, Pa This well known hotel, near the Court House, i worihT the patronage of the public. The tabl will be supplied with the be?t in the market. The best of liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY. TOflN H. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field. Pa. Office on Market Street, orer il art wick A Irwin's Drue Store. Prompt attention giren to the securingofUouutj claims. Jtc.and to all legai business. Jiarcn il, iooi. A I T II ORN, M. D., Physician and SnttGKON, bavin? located at Kylertown, Pa., offers his proft-s.tonal serrices to the citi- sens ol that place aod Ticinity. Sap.29-ly UT ALBERT, BRO'S .Dealers in Dry Goods, V . Groeries,Hardware. Queensware. FIourBa- con. etc., Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. Also extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lumber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. u ooaland. fa., Aug. I3tn, is;n.j DR J. P. I!L ItCHFIELD Late Surgeon of the 8id Rog't Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, offers his professional services to the citizens of Clearflela and vicinity. iTotes- sional ca'ls promptly attended to. Office on cSouth-r.in: corner 01 Ja ana Jlarket streets. Oct. 4. ISS5 6inp. SURVEYOR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. He mav be found at his residence in Lawience township, when not engaged ; or addressed by letter at Clearfield. Penn'a. March th. lS67.-tf. J 4.MES MITCHELL. JEFFERSON LITZ, M. D. J Ptivatpian and Surgeon. Havinr located at Osceola. Pa., offers his profes sional services to the people of that place and sur .J : .. .n.,nt.. Allealla nrnmnllv Btlvnitiifl to. Office and residence on 'Jurtin Street, former ly oocupie ipied by Dr. Kline. May 19, '69. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERT. XAIIKET STRKCT, CLKARFlBLD, PIKS'A. Negatives made in cloudy as well as in clear weather. Constantly en hand a good assortment of Frames. Stereoscopes ana btereoseopie Views. frames, trom any sty ie 01 mourning, made to order. dee. 2, 68-jy. 14-89-tf. THOMAS W MOORE, Land Surveyor and Convevancer. llaviner recentiv lo cated in the Borough of Lumber City, and re'sum sumed the practice of Land Surveying, respect fully tenders his professional services to the swn ers and speculators in lands in Clearfield and ad joine counties l'ceas 01 conveyance neatly ex ecnted. Office ana resiaence one door .bast or Kirk 4-Spencers Store Lumber City. April li, laaa-ty. J A L L A C E WALTERS, Real Estate Abests Ann Cosvitascebs, Clearfield, Pa Real estate bought and sold, titles examined. taxes paid, conveyances prepared, and insuran ees tnxen. Office in new kuiiJinjj, nearly opposite "Court Home. Jan a 1870. WH. A. WALLACE. J. BLAK K WALTERS O OLDIERS BOUNTIES. A recentbill has nassed both Houses of Coneress.and siened bv the President, giving soldiers who en listed prior to zza juij, 1001, served one year or more ana were nonoraoiy aisenargea, a bounty of S I HO. ryBountics and Pensions collected by me for thoseentitled to them. WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at Law, Aug. 15th, 1S66. Clearfield, Pa Q ? WAIM'S PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical Die coverv. Ilembold s buehu. Bake'i Cod Lit Oil, Jayne'sand Aver s Medicines. for sale by Jan.l " HARTSWICK IRWIJL "VTOTICK. All persons indebted to the eubseri J, ber, are requested to come and settle with out delay. it. jairoam-. T"VRIED FRCIT. at reduced trioes. at I U May 12, '69. MOSSOP'S. A M U E L t. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, CiiiiriiLt, Pa. All work warranted to rive satisfaction. A good assortment of Watch-glasses and Keys al ways on hand. Rooms on Second Street, opposite the Court House. fMarch 2. 1870-tf. WINE & LIQUOR STORE- I. L. REIZENSTEIN & CO. DIALERS ! s WINES AND IfQUOllSA1110'""""'10"- MARKET STREET; CLEARFIELD, PX. A good assortment for medical purposes always on hand. January 27. lS89-6m. UNITED STATES BONDS, SOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED, ON MOST LIBBRAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT and SOLD at MARKETJIA TES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC R. R. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT and SJJLD on COMMISSION only. Accounts received and interest allowed on daily balanoes subject to check, at sight. DeIIAVEN & BR0., 40 SOUTH Sr. STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Mareh 2. 1870-1 y. Y 0 U T II S AND BOYS', CLOTHING. The undersigned having recently added READ T-MA DE CLO THING to his former business, would respectfully eolieitan examination of his stock. Being a practical Tailor he flatters himself that he is able to offer a better elass of ready-made work than has heretofore been broaght to this mar ket. Any one wishing to buy goods in this line would save money by calling at his store, and making their selections. Also, full supply of Gents'furnishing goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for pst favors, lie would re spectfully solioit a continuance of the April :3,lSoff. H. BRIDOE. 1870. APRIL. 1870. SPRING STYLES! I Intend to Fight it Out on Tills Liney W M . REED, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. DRESS" GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, LADIES' AND GENTS' BURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, : AT POPULAR" PRICES'. The entire stock on hand will be sold at ! PRESENT VALUE, and the stock will be replenished every sixty days, with the choicest and best goods in the market. SHAWS ROW, (a few doors west of the Postoffioe,) CLEARFIELD, PA. February 2, 1370. O ALT! SALT!! A prim article of ground a IO urn salt, put up in patent saexs. for saleehi atth(teiof R. M0S50P. SAWED LU5IBER. The undersigned KJ having started in the Lumber business. near Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., is now pre pared to furnish nine hn.rdu clear and n.l stuff. Ao. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order and shipped on short notice. C.R.MACOMBER. May 5, 1889-tf. - Clearfield eo.. Ta. c. KRATZER, Opposite the Jail. Clearfield, Penn'a, Dealer in Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Millinery Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Stone ware, Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Bats, Caps, Floor, Bacon, Fish, Ealt, etc., is constantly receiving new supplies from the cities, which he will dispose of purcnasing eisewnere, eiamiae bis stock. Clearfield, February 9, 187C. J)ENTAL PARTNERSHIP. DR. A.M. II ILLS desires toinform his nalianls and the public generally, that he has associated wun mm in me practice or Dentistry. S. P.oliAW, D. 1 S , who is a graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, and therefore has the highest attestations of his Professional skill. All work done in the office I will hold mvself personally responsible for beine done in the most satisfactory manner and highest order Of the pro fession An established practice of twentv-two veara in this place enables me tosneak to m'v patrons with confidence. Engagements from a distance should be made by letter a few days before the patient designs eoming. Clearfield. June 3. 18SS-ly. H OMR INDUSTRY! MOOTS AMD SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the eitisens of -Clearfiel i and vicini ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market t. nearly opposite Hartswick A lrwm's drng store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in his line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. 1 nave now on band a stock ef extra trench calfskins, superb gaiter tops, ie., that I will nntsn up at toe lowest figures. June 1 Jtn, isno. IIASIKI, piSJELLI SEW STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD HILLS, Clearfield county. The nndersigned. having opened a large and well selected stock of roods, at Bald Hills. Clear field county, respectfully solicit a share of pnblie patronage. ineir stock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware Queensware, Tin-ware. Boots and Shoes. Uats and Caps, 'jieady made Clothing, and a gen eral assortment of Notions, etc. 1 hey always keep on band the best quality of Flour, and a variety of Feed All goods sold cheap forcash,or exchanged for approved country produce. Having also erected a steam haw Jjill, they are preaared to saw all kinds or Iumner te order Orders solicited, and punctually filled. iSov.ZO, 1S07. r. B. a A.1KHIN. s O M E T II I S G NEW IN AN'SONVILI.E, Clearfield county, I'cnn'a. The nndersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and commodious store room. is now engaged in nlling it up with a new and ' select assortmentof Fall tod Winter goods, which be offers to the publie at prices to suit the times II is stock of Mens1 and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from I0 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour, Salt,and tiro eeries, of every kind, a complete assortment; Mores and tore-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety: Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together witn an endless assortment ei notions too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor tale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard.and other goeds in proportion. Ttow is the time to buv. Country produce of every kind, at the hichest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Ureenbacks will not be rofnsed lor any article in store. Examine my stock be fore you buy elsewhere. October 30.1 867. H. SWAN flLOTIIISG! CLOTHING!! GOOD AND cheap in Men, Tooths and Boys can booplpled with full sails of seasonable and fashionable clothing at RE1ZENSTEIH BROS ft CO.. where it is sold at prices that will induoe their purohase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced tbem to increase their s'eck, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstein Bro'a t Co., Sell goods at a very small profit, for cash ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers al I alike. They sell cheaper than every body els. Their store is conveniently titnated. They having purchased their stock t reduced price they ean aell cheaper tl an ethers. er these and other reasons persons should buy tneir clothing at Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. asay ia. job U S T IN T T M E ! THE NEW OOODS AT WRIGHT 4 SONS CLEARFIELD, PA., A. K. Having just returned from the eastern cities we are now opening a full sicca of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very low for cash. The stock consists in part ef DRY GOODS . of the best Quality, such as Prints, Delaines. Alpa aaa. Merinos. Oinrhams ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings, lickings, eotton and wool Flannels, Cassimers, Ladies isnawls. Coats, Kn bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts, Balmorals, Ae.. Ae.. all of wHch will be sold low ros call. Also, a fine assortmentof tne nest ot MENS' WEAR consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps, Boots and bnoes, HandXerehiefu cravats, ete Also, Raft Rope Dog Rape, Raltina Aignrs Spikes. Tinware, Lamps and and Axes. Nails and Ep Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc a.n n. ... 01. wr. Hardware, Groe t. j . t .11 iriiri Tn ihort. ft cefcerft! nuo v. we . rici. auu b p ices vi -- . assortmentof everything usually lipua.r.-.. tore, all chrap fmr eath. cr approved country pro-due - OI). PIOV. AO-jai v-nsa-' CDRWEHSTILLK ADTXRTfSIMBlfTS, A MEBICAK -HOU8I, rCurweBSTHle, ? . , Having takea charge of this wen- town Betel, the undersigned would respectfully soliell a skare of the pnblie patronage. Travelers will tad the accommodations eaaai to those of an a other bouse in this seetion. Charges moderate. Dec, t. 1868-tf. JQH3 i. 1IIP, Prep'rV 0 lear Field nursery. Ehcour- 7 ace Home I.idcstet. Tb mdersign- ed having established a NirNf.ai the Pfke, naif way between Carweasvllle aa4 Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to tarnish all ktadsef Frnl trees, (standard and dwarf.) Ivergma. Sbrafc bery, Grape Vines, Gooseharry, iawtrft Blatk berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vine. A Is SibrianCrab trees. Quince and early AeavletKhea barb, Ac. Orders promptly atteeetfl t. Addres Aug 31.1884 J. D. WRIGHT, CavasviM O J. HAYES, Scrgeon DehtisT, Offic .on Main Street, Curwennville, Pinn'a., Will make professional visits for the conveni ence of of the public commencing i April. 1M9. as follows, vis : Luthersburg.fi rst Friday of every month ; Ansonville.lirst Monday of every saentk j Lumber City, first Thursday of every month; spending two days in either piae. All ordee far work should be presented oa the da his arrt valin each place. Ew Teeth extracted by the application of leeai anesthesia, comparatively Without pais. All kinds of dental work guaranteed. N. B. The publie will please aottee. that Dr. II., when not engaged in the above virtto, saay be found in his office in Curwensville. fap l.'69-ly E W F O U N DRY in Curwensvilkj. The nndersigned having entered Into ee part nership, in the FOUNDRY BUSINESS, id Curweasville.-would inform the publie that the keep on baud, and will tnanufaetare te order. Plows, Cultiyatorg, THRESHING MACHINES, Stores, etc., and every other description of article generally made in a country foundry. Terms reasonable. Old metal takea in ex change for work. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited. JACKSON KOBISOJf. JAMES M. WELCH. Feb.2V70-ly. 'CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST ' GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST RECEIVED BY ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, Curwensville, Pa. (Oae door West First Nat. Bant.) Having just returned from the East with a Bora-1 plete assortment of Ooods, suitable for the Spring and bummer trade, we are sow prepared to fur-' nlsh all kinds of Ooods "CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." And after thanking our customers for their liV eral patronage daring the past year, we would most respectfully ask for a continuance of the same. Oar stock consists of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. HARDWARE. oTTKF.rfftvirAwn WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, GROCERIES. BOOTS a-StTOEtt. HATS k CATS, CLOTHING, CARPETS, TOBACCOS, EU. Also, Flour. Bacon, Salt. Fish, Orain, Ac, As., all of which will ba sold on the most reasonable terms. nd the highest market price paid for Grain Wool and all kinds of lumber aad eeantry proauco. Please give as a eall before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and prices. AKNOLD k HARTSH0RJT, Cor. Main a Thompson 8tt. April 20.'T0 Curwensville, Pa. SQUARE TIMBER. . A. Irvik & Co., Being specially engaged In the business ef hay ing and selling SQUARE TIMBER, weald repr sent that they are now prepared to parch as tim ber, delivered at either Curwensville, Lock Hara or Marietta, or will take it at any of thee peiata and sail on commission, making sash advaaees a are necessary. Those engsged in jetting out timber will flad at ear stor in Curwensville, a very larg Steak of STAPLE GOODS, of all descriptions. ALSO, FLOUR, MEAT, RYE, OATS, CORN, and everything necessary for use ef Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, of all sixes, kept en hand In larg quantities, and sold at small advaneey y th coil. Also, PULLET BLOCKS, EMALL E0PI.A. Epeclal inducements offered t thes maaufa- tnring Squar Timber. - E. A. rKTTH ft CO. Carwensvllle, Jan. 12, 1870. GROUND AND CNGR0TJHD BPICE8. CIrrem English Currants, Essenee Coffee, and Vine gar of th bast qnality.for sale by Jan. 10- HAETSWICK ft IEWIH. N AILS ft SPIEE8 theoheepest Intheetenty Musour 'B THE highest rkt prk pfcd for BhlnjlM hf J- 8HAW fcSOsP' IT