.1 f ,)c madman' gouruaiV rcarftel' a. J 18T0. M 7.i '3 ov the farmer. - A New Method of G3Atimo. Mr Sullivan Hotcliinwn, of Btiato!, in 'hi State, las recently patented a p:ocss for tfinkinc fruit trees from Ji'mlx. Mr. Hutch inson claima that by tli'is inetliod s jth fruit Unring limbs as may be conveniently spared, can be transformed into independent tret that will continue bearing from the first year, regularly, as before. The process is a follows: Into the limb which is intended for the future tree, small roots are grafted, op In fome way inserted undr the baik just above where the limp is to be severed i v tn Lp- from one to ! OUCH iiuil's wo " " two inches in diameter." B?low these roots the branch is girdled. A email Los filled with earth is enclosed about the lituli in a position to embrace these roots. During -the summer these rocts grow, and the con neetion is formei with the limb above. The -following fall and box will be filled with roots, when the limb may be cut iiotn the parent stock and set in the ground. It is claimed that the uext yenr this new tree wit! bear fruit just as though it had not been severed from the original tree. To Rejuvenate Oli Grai'EVISes The editor of the I'ractical Farmer says Having on our premises, planted by foner owners, probably twenty years ago, half a dozen old grapevines, with large weather beaten trunksor stems, which madeanuua'.ly but little new wood, and yielded but very few poor grapes, two seasons ago we eut off the branches, and hiidtLe main stems down in trenches, covering with about a foot of earth. Vigorous and healthy shoots sprang vp in great abuudancc, the weak ones of which were broken off, and lcadiug ones, at a proper distance, trained to the arbor. The new growths arc now clean, healthy and strong sufficient entirely to cover the large arbor the present season ; we now look for bushels of fruit from the new-bearing. We see old grapevines everywhere doing no good, and which conld be made young and thrifty by this process. Check Rein. A goo! horseman will always drive with, a tight rein just so tight that the animai will feel a gentle pressure on the bit and if the check rein is not too tight, this is the best safeguard against stum bling. The carriagehorse is often cruelly punished ty the unmerciful tightness of the check rein ; bis mouth becomes callous by the constant bard pressure of the bit, and loses its sensitiveness to the gentle pres sure of the driving rein. LIFE INSURANCE COMPARISON. Advantage' of the fillTTUA L Plan ovzr the Return. Prrminm Plan of STOCK COMPANIES: RATES. Return Pr'm yi ilual Diffrrrn-tr Yrnrlu A?: Plan Plan en S 1 .00U SI" 0:'l) 49 StO 65 S32 00 SS Bi S4 5ti 4i SI 2i) ' 37 30 18 V0 1H9 ) 60 75 60 47 0!) 23 50 2S5 tin 65 10 3i 59 40 49 95 4 ait 50 On the aes named tbe rates of the Stock Com pany are from 25 to bi per cent, b igber than tbe Mutual ratei. RESCLTS. Prliey for $5,000 at I Policy in ttao Maim! age if 32. on tbe return Company time age linll preuiiain plan of Etock , cash, half note, for StO. Companies, annual pre- tMiU.will cost in 10 year, mium.all eah. ilZ'J 50. in cash, including in mnd no Dividend to be terest on note, i I.5C5. made. In caeeof ueatb I Eut the Mutual 3 ompa t end of 10 years, the I ny -will pay the Mock Company will pay tbe n't of Policy $3,000 Return Premium 1.395 Am i of Policy StO.OOO Le Pr'm no if 4 500 $3,395 in Casn. 0h 59 Mill aud 4 dividomls. Showing that for $110 mort Cu-'t Pmniuit: Hie gain on tho Mutual plan to the it!Furl mem ber'! family is Pi ft 9 Prr L'rt Should death ocour at the end ot 5 years, the comparison wuu'd be Caih p'd Stock Co Rp7 5d-p-d to family? i.fiOi 50 ' "Mutual- S735 09- " $9,500 flit and diridend. At the aze of 40, the Mutual plan for 31.916 --. Cash Premium will yield ?9.S"0 ; while thetock plau for $2 032 50. Cash Premium, yields $7 0"t0 50. Showing a train on tbe mutual plan of Si 2 327 50, and dividend. INSURE TOUR LIFE TN THE PENN MUTUAL, OF PHILADELPHIA. H. B. SWOOrE, Agent, ; Jy.l4. 9-tf. - --' Clearfie'd.'Pa. ' R E M0VA L . HARTSWICK. & IRWIN, DRUQOISTS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old and new custo mers, that we have removed oar establi-hment to tbe new building just erected on Market street. Dearly adjoining the Mansion House on ihe west, and opposite Graham & Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite the public to come and buy their VRVGS, CHL'KtCALS. PATENT MEDI CINES, UIL.S. rAINTS Sr VAUNISHES. Our stock of Drnss and Medicinesconsist of everv thing used, ajlecied with the greatest eare. and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! W also keep afull s'ock of Dyes PerfumeriesJ j.ouer articles. soaps, iootu urosoes. iisir brush es. Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind of Brushes. We have a la' ge lot of White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in faot everything nsed in tbe painting business, which we offer at City prues to oath uuyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Cnnfeotionery Spices, and tbe largest stock of va rietie ever offered in this place, and warranted to be of the best the market aff .rds t, . ,al. J- " HAKTSWTCK. Dee. 2,19. JOHN F. IRWIN. T')LATER tbe cheapest in tbe countv at T-iUYGOOD,h, .h.apesl iotbe eounty, t ftLEAEFIELD HOUSE FRONT STREET, PBILIPSiCR'i PA. I will impeach nnv one who "T 1 fal1 to :Te direct and personal Jrrani " cr custoiusrs. or f.-.il to culms treifl to rejoice over well fur nished fable, with e'iMr.,'rooi!.s and Lew beds, where ail mav feel at home aud ihe wenrj be at rct New stablirg am.-hed. w Fh i-irsbu p 2.-6S. J AS. II. GALER. ore II AXOE HOTEL, i-J 1 1 iinriiiL-iliui- Penn'a. This clil establishment having been leased bj J. llorrison. formerly i'ropritto.r of the -Morrison llou-e." ha beeu tbiroash'y reiinva'ed ai-d re furnished, and supplied with all the modem ioi proveiuenu and enveniencies necessat y to a first ct.tss Hotel. The dining room has b.cu removed to tbe first floor, and is now spacious and airy. The chambers are all well ventilavvd. and tbe Proprietor will endeavor to runke hip fc iests per fectly at home. J. MORRISON. Huntingdon June I7.1RG3. Proprietor C. KRATZER &; SONS arc receiving a splendid stock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAIXS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AXD QUILTS, LIXEX TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKtN-S, LADIES SILK CO ATS AND OVEKSKIRTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE FUINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOOD j AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES'. GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FAXCT SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, DEAVr CALF BOOTS. 55, MEN'S AND BOTS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $6, CASSIMERES VERT CHEAP, GROCERIES. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST KATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED Cli. fic!l. June 30, 1SG9. ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ!! Yiio sells the cheapest goods in tho couutj ? 510 S S O P ! Who sells best calicoes at 12 J cts a yard MOSSOP! Vtio so'.lj host unbleached muslin it 17 cents7 MOSSOP! Who-sells Hull's Calf Boots at 5 00? MOSSOP! Who tclla lUU'a be.t Coarse Peotsat SI 50f MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's bestKip Boots at 4,50? M O S S O P ! M'hotcl'a Hats loivor than anybody olse?' MOSSOl'L Who sells Supjar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sell Svrup the cheapest? MOSSO?! Who sells Flour tho cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest ? MOSSOP!' Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Vt'ho sells Quecnswarc lite cltcMpcst ? MOSSOP? Who sdls Tinw.-.re tho cheapest 1 MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? M 0 S S O P ! Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSO P ! Who soils Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! . Who first bronnrht goo.1, down to the lowest cah prices ' MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'S! Clearfield, May 12. ISl5. QFFIL'E OF F I S K & HATCH. CANKERS AND DEALERS IS GOYEUNMENT SECURITIES, Kg. 5 Nassau Stpeet, New York, Feebtaet 15th. 1S70. The retnarKable success which attended our ne gotia'ion of the Loa& of the Central Pacific Kail r .ad Company and tbe Western PiGo Railroad Company, and the popnlarity and credit which Loans have maintained in the markets, hoih in tb'e country and Europe, have shown that tbe First Mortgage Bonds of wely located and hon orably managed Railroads are promptly reco:.i led and readily tuken as the most su iiablc. safe, and advantageous form of investment, yielding a more liberaT income than can hereafter be de rived from Government Don J, and available to lake their pluce. Assured that, in the (election ar.d negotiation of superior Railroad Loans, we are meeting a great public want, and tendering a valuable ser vice both to the holders ol Cnpitnl and to those' great National works of internal improvement whose intrinsic merit and substantiul character entitle them to the n?e ot Capital sod tbe confi dence of investors wo now tffer with special coufiienca and satitfaction the FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE Chesapeake and Oluo Ha (Iron d Company, The Chesapeake an l Ohic'Uai'roitd. eonnectim the Atlantic coast and (he magnificent harbors of tbo Chesapeake Bay with the Ohio ltiver at a point of relinble navigation, and th us. with the entire llailroad system and water transportation of tbe great West and Southwest, forms the addi tional East and West Trunk Line, so imperatively demnnded for the a-comtno'iation of .he immense and rapidly growing ttanportatvon between the Atlantic seaboard er.d Furopo on the one hand vnd the prent producing rrgions of tbe Ohio and Mississippi Valleys on tbe other. Tbe importance of this Road as a new outlet from the West to the sea magnifies it into one of national consequence, and insures to it an extrn' sive through tr.iffie from the day of iia comple tion ; while, in the development of tbe extensive agricultural and mineral resources of Virii.iu and I- est Virginia, ip ossesse?talora; its own Itoe the elements of a large and profitable local bu siness. Thus tbe great interests bwh general and local which demand the completion of the Cbfsnpeake and Ohio Railroad to the Ohio River, afford the surest gunrantee of i's success and value, and render it tbe most important and substantial rail road enterprise now in progress in this country. Its superiority as an East and West route, and the promise of an immense and profitable trade awaiting its comp'xtion. have drawn to it the at tentionand co operation of prominent Capit.-.lifts and Quilro id men of this City, of sound j-i li; inert and known integrity, whose connection wiih it. together with that of eminent citizens and bu siness men of Virginit and West Virginia, in sures an energetic, honorable, and successful man ageincut. The Road in completed und in operation from Kichinond to the celebrated White SulpJ.ur Springs ot Wts! Virginia. 227 miles and there re mnin but 200 miles, (now partially constructed) to be completed, to carry it to tho proposed terminus on the Ohio river at. or near, the mouth of the Big Sandy River. 150 miles above Cincinnati and 350 miles below Pittsburg. Lines are now proccct'd or in progress through Ohio and Kentucky to this point, which will con. nect the Chesapeake and Ohio with tt e entire railroad systems of the Wett and Southwest, and nitb tbe Pacific Railroad. Its valuable franchises and superior advanta ges will place the Chesapeake and Ohio Rai.ro d Company among the richest end most powerful and trustworthy corporations ol the country ; and there exists a present value, in completed roml and woik dene, equal to the entire amount of the mortgage. The details of the Loan have been arranecd with special referi-nee to the want r.f all classes of investors nnd combine the various features of convenience, safely, and protection agaicst loss oj fraud. The Bonds are in denominations of 61000, $500 and Sioo. They will bo is?ucd as Coupon Bonds, payable to Rearer, and may bo hold jn that form ; or the Bond may be registered in the name of the own er, with the coupons remaining payable to benrer attached, the principal bein then transferable only on tho books of the Company, unless re n signod to bearer : or the coupons may be detach ed end cancelled, the Bond made a permanent Registered Bond, transferable .only on the Boi ks of the Company, and Ibo interest made payable only to the registered owner or his attorney. The three classes will be known respectively as: ). 'Coupon Bonds payisbl i to Dearer." 2. '-registered Bonds with Coupons attached." 3. "Registered Bonds with Conpons detached," and shold be so designated by correspondents in specifying tbe clas of Bonds desired. They have Thirty year torun from lanuury 15, 1S70. with iuterfst at six percent, per annum from November 1, 1SU9. Primipal and interest paya ble in-gold in the city of New York. The interest is payable in May nd November, that it may take Ihe place o'f that of Ihe earlier issues of Five- Twenties, and suit the convenience of eur friends who alroady hoi2 Central and V'estern Pacific Bonds, wi:h interest pnyable it January and July and who may desire. in making additional investments, to have their interest te eeivablo at diBercct seasons of the year. Tte Loan is seenred by a sunrtgr,ge npon tbe entire Line of Road from Richmond to tbe Ohio Kiver. with the equipment and all other property ana ap purtensnces connected iheiewith A Sirkirg Fund of 5100.000 f er annum is pro virtetl lor the redemption of tbe Bonds, to take iffect one year after the completion of the road. Tho mortgage is for Slidlilft.OOP. of which S2. M'O.CCn will be reserved and held in trust for tbc redemption of nutrtanding Bonds of the Virginia Central Railroad Cou:pany, cow merged m tbe Chesapeake nnd Ohio. Of the remaining $13 000. 0.10. a sufficient amount will be sold to complete the road to tbe Ohio riv er, perfect and improve the portion now iq oper ation, and thoroughly equip the whole for a larg and active traffia. The present price is 90 and accrued intere.-t. A Loan so amply secured, so carefully guarded, and so certain hereafter to command m piomfnent place among the favorite stcur'nies in the mar ke's. both of ibis country and Europe, will be at once appreciated and quickly absojbed. Very re.-pectlully, FISK A HATCH, Banker. P S. Welave issued pamphletscontalninsfull particulars, statistical details, maps, etc., which will be furnished npon application. VsT We buy and sell Government Bonds, and receive tbe accounts of Cau'xs. Bankers. Corpora lions. end others, aul-jcct to check at ai&ht, and allow interest on daily balasoee. Maruh S, 1610-3 m. .NEW STORE. Con.erof Second St. and Hill Road. R. MITCHELL- Has just recsived and op-ned, at the abov nam ed place, an entire oew stock of Spring and Summer Goeis. which he will sell very cheap lor caih. C is stjck consists of Dry Goods. Groceries. Ilardwaro, , Quccnsware. Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps. Ready made Clothing, etc. II a aim keeps choice Flour, Coin Meal. Chop fted, Dacon. Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desirous of porclyiriog goods at fair rales are respcct:ully requeitcd to give him a call. Approved country produce will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield. June 17, 1S(H. 0, YES! 0, YES!! GOOD FARM FOR SALE Persons desirous of purchasing a farm, are di reeled torxnnine thai valu ible propenv in I.aw- rcuce township, and situate nt the mouth of learneld creek two mil:S r ast ot the l!orou;h of Clearfield, and couveuieut to schools aud churches. The proportv cr.nlnin? OXE HIT NT) 11 EI) AND TIVEXTY A'.'KHS. part . f whi,-h is im proved and uoder a hih state of cultivation tke w lole bein well fecoi'd Coal, iron ore, and other minerals arc found on the game. The buildinscon'itofagood TtVO STORY V WE1.L1XQ 1H)VSF..-!A ly 4fi fVrt a GOOD ITA li N. and utbvr cuiiicnient outbuildings And there is growing on the premises a young bearing orchard of choico fruit trees. This property is very pleasantly situated and being at the confluence of ihc creek and ihe river, it is a Very desirable and inviting re-idence for a private f unity Its posiiion on the creek and river also render it -i gon. I situation for a board ing lioust- during the ratling season. Tbe west and north sid"S of this property being bounded by thecrck and river. iu;ikrs it one of the Le.-t rid'ting grouuus in this section, an 1 as such yields a handsome rereaue yearly. Tho owner. Mr M. A. Frank, having permit nent!y settle I in the west, is ihe j-eas.ni for dis-po-ingnf this valuable proper! v. For 'erms, etc.. apP'T o S. J. ROW. October , tftO CN-arfield Pa. WW Q CP r I I ! o j- o o o CP H M ts r I 53 S3 f? O Vs o GO o o H H. O 7ANTF.r-n.ono pounds of WOOL, at the f ? ' KursroxB Stokk. "Jlearhclrt. ra. je I ii CJ U.T. FLOUIt. rtllAS and "IIOP. at wholesale O C'ppositelhe Jail.) by C Klt'ZrR TTERY FINE blankets will "tre-sold cheap by : J SIIAW a Ml.N. 1,HtLDRENSfurs twenvy-five percent lesslnan r ACON. II,i ids Sidesand Shoulders ntrednoed X pr ces. at wug'ji- j iCKEXSW.ARE Tea sets. best soie-ware. 48 pii-c-s at S-J Ml at ' J - ' Ql PRIN'G GOOD.Just oreninsr " sp'endid t. ck -Q of new goods at O KtAIU.K n LOVER, Timothy and Orohar.l-srnss seed, at J. M. , . " - SALT' SALT'.! A prime article of groni J a urn salt, pat up in patent sacKS. for salecuea ttbestcieaf B. MOSbOe". NOW! NOWj! NOW!!! REMOVAL. The ondtrsiffn-d resneerfully inform! the citi- sens of Clearfield inJ vicinity-'hat he bits ro ved his BAKER V to the building on tho corner of Maiketacd Third Streets, foimeily occupied by John Ili'.butu, where he keeps cn hand ull kiudioi Confectionanes, BREAD, PIES, Cakes, etc., which will betd at vcrv reasonable rates BRE4D ONLY 10 'JESTS A LOAF. Feb 23,l370-:tm. JOHN A. STADLER. ATTENTION RAFTSMEN! RnftMnen are informed Hint the best and cheap st biead can at all times be bad at STADLEll'S BAKERY, . Cleatfiald. Pa. S. L. HERD. J r.WKAVKU w. i-oi:u, . F. HOOP NOTICE. ICS. BtTTS CLEARFIELD J'LANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Mkssiis. HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the cititens of the eounty that they have completely rctltcd and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, such AS Flooiiniv, Weathevboardinrr, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. Tbcy have a large stock of dry lumber on hand and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-balf inch r-annel plank preferred Xov 4. 'R7. j E W SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW k SON. (lave jnt returned from the last and are now opening an entire new stock r.f goods in tbe room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which tbcy now effor to the public at the lowest cosh prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, Roots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc., in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store can be had by calling nt this store, Or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of tbe newest goods, is of the best quality, of the lutesl styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before naking your purchases, as we are determined . lease all who may favor us with tbeirenstom. May 8. !Sa7. J. SIIAW SON. P U R N I T U R E R O O M S. JOHN Gl'ELICH, Desires to inform bis old friends ard customers that having enlarged his shop and. increased his facilities f,r manufacturing, he is r.ow prepared tn make to order such furniture as tray be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for ea-h. lie mostly has on hand at bis Fui nitur e li o n s,' a varied assortment of furniture, aruorg w 1 ich i- BU REAPS ASIi SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes nnd Book-cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor. Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Ccrarnoa, Freneh-posts. Cottage, Jen- ny-Jjina snd other Eedstenas. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS. WASH-STAM1S, 4e. Spring-scat. Cain-hottom. and Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glai fcr ola frames, wbichjvill be pu :r. n very o r;son Able terms, ostnurt notice, ii also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair. Corn-huili. Hair and Cotton too Mattretscs. COFFINS, OF EVERY KI. P, Made to order, and funerals attended with a . Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are forntsbed to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the bui-i- nes.s. taken in exchange for furniture. Remember ihe shop is on Mnritet street. Clrnr field, and nearly opposite the -Old Jew Store." Iecember4. 1 J- 1 .ICJiy fil Fill i P. T. I. DR. BOYER'S PURE ' : WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure. Pleasant . Pafe and KeliahleTonic.com pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirits, free from fail oil. or olher irritating properties, and will not disagree or offend the mosw delicate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal virtue than any bitters at present offered to the public. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite to promote Digestion to cure Dyspepsia to cure Feierand Ague to cure Iiillousness to cure Constipation to care Chronic Diatrhea to cure rlittulene to cure Acid Eructations to cure Nervous Debility to cure Hypochondria to cure Sallownese of the Complexion to eiire ' Pimples ant Blotches to euro General Debility and Prostration o: the f bsical lowers, IT HAS NO EQUAL TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERTWUEHE, AT SI PER BOTTLE. A liberal disrottnt to the trade. MANCFACTCREO EXCLUSIVE!. V BT A. I. S II A W, CLEARFlF.LD. PA., Dealer in Drugs. Me'licines. Chemicals, Dye Stuff, nils. Paints. arnishes. Ac.. Talent Med irH.es. Pure Wines and Liquor, for medical purposes Fancy and Toilet Articles, aud all goods usually kept in a Iru. Store, sold Feb. 23.1 cheap. J1Q70. -ANNED FF.TTIT. Canned Plums. Peaches y J and canned corn, eto , tor tale at the Drug eiore 01 a. i. Bitaw. Marsh 19,1869. J. , CUOI X G IIA M, AIT0KXEV AT LAN, Real Estitte Agcn and Conveyancer. TYRONE. RLoltt COCSTY, PA. Spc-iial attention given to the collection of cluims Tyron.Pa , January 27. Is3 tf T AN KING & COLLECTION OFFICE -L' OK MC3IRK PERKS. Successors to Foster. Perks, Wright A Co., I'hilipsui r.o. Cknthe Co., Pa. Where all tbe business of a Backing House will be transacted promptly and upon the most favorable term. March 20 -tr. J.O.MGIKK. EB.rKI J E M O V A l.O U N S II O V 1 he undersigned begs leave to inform his old and r-ew cu.-tomer. ami the pub!ic generally, that he bus titled up a new GUN SHOP, on the lot on the corner of Fourth and Market streets. ClearGelJ. Pa., where be keeps constantly on band, and makes to order, all kinds ot Guns Also, guns rebored and rcvarnished. and reraired neatly on abort notice Orders by mail will re ceive pioinpt attention June 9, iSf.9. JOUS MOORE . gM ALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES HARTSWICK A IRWIX are constantly replenishicg their stock of Drugs Medicines. Ac. School books and Staiioncry, including tbe Osgood and National series of readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of the best quality, and at the lowest f rk'CB. Cail and see. , ClearSeld. Nov 10, 1859 rjiHE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the Railroad Depot), ' Reed Street, Clearfield, Pa. G. D. GOODFELLOW PaOTBlETOIt. A new first ciass Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all ihe modern improvements the best of Liquors prompt attendance, and lea sonable charges. The patronage of tbe public is respectfully oolicited. . jy-il-tf NEW ROOT AND SHOE SHOP. E I) W A R P .MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite the. residence of Jl . B f wonpe Esq., CLEAKriELD, Pi., Would respectfully announce to the eitizeneot Clearfield and vicinitv. that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J I. Cuttle. as alawoffice.and that he is determined not to be ouvrone either in quality of work orprices Speofil attention given to tbe manufacture ol sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the best quality, always r hand" Give him a cail. .lone 24. "6. II. F.- N A U G L E , "WATCH MAKEE, GRAIIAMS ROW, CLEARF1ELU. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watchesaud Jewelry. CLOCKS, a laree variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, strike aud Alarm clocks. ' 1VA TCHESn Sne assortinent.o fsllver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also in silver ..extensiou and disk holdirs SPECTACLES. large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a single picen to a full set A a fine assortment ofpoons. corns, Dut- tor knives. etc.. plated on genuine Alabala. .I I. SO. Hair Jewelrv. with pure gold uionnlitu got up to order. Call and see sample bock. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully Repaired and Warranted A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2-ith. 1m55. II. F. NAl'GLE MUST BE SOLD ! CLOSING OUT AT COST AT TUE KEYSTONE STORE! The undersigned, intending to retire from . the mercantile business is now closing out bis en tire stock of go-ids at and below oost, comprising SILKS, MERINOS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, EMPRESS CLOTH, WOOL DELAINES, MEN'S AND EOTS' CASSI MERES, CLOTHS, SATTlXETTa, KENTUCKY JEANS DENINS, LADIES' CLOAKIXQ, COATS, SI1AWLS, 4c. A full line of Domestic Goods, DELAINES, SHEETINGS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, COTTON FLANNELS, kc, &c, &c. LADIES' k CHILDREN'S SHOES, GUM & ARCTIC OVERSnOES, HATS AND CAPS, Tablo and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets all widths, Window Shades and Wall Piper, A great variety ofTIlosiery, Notions and Trim mings of every description. Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Velvets, Ribbons, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, linen and Wool Table Covers, Napkins, Towels, Counterpanes, a large assortment of Ladies' an Children's Wool Hoods, Nubias, Shawls, Ao. Persons in want of anything in the above line of Goods are invited to give me call, and obtain goods at wholesale prices. D.G. 2EIYLIXG. Grain and country produoe taken in exchange forGeedi. (Nor. U, lSf.9. REMOVAL! R E M O V A L ! C. KRATZER & S0XS, "Have removed to the lasge and e!gaot SEW STORE ROOM, on Second Street adioiti'u reil Bigler'a Hardware blare, where they , be plcasod to see their old and new customer, Citixtnsf tbe county visiting Cler.rfiriii ,.4 wisblng to make "purchases, win aaj t ,0 ,i advantage to examine tb?ir stock. Goodsat cash prices exchanged for at) kii i!a country produce. j LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Tcoks; Sheet Mjs'a for Piano, Fiu.e aad Violin; Blank Aeeount and Pass Books, of evtrt co seription; Paper and Envelopes. Frrt,ch pressed and p'.-ln; Pens and Penci't; ; Deeds ; Mortgases; Judgment. Fxemr tion tj Proiuisoty Notes; Blank T egal Paper: White and Parchment Eiief; Legal eap: Kecord cap usd ill cap. eta., Wili be sold at Wholesale or Etta!! by R A. G A U LIN, At tLo Pos officf. oa Market Street, ClearCcld Pa. MayS. lf,3 A. r. EOVSTO.V. O S. TV'T-S-G. J B0YNT0N t YOUNG, Cor. Fourth and Pine Sfrrrtt, clp:arfield,pa., M.txrracTt bes ot STEAM EN G I X E 5, Malay and Circular Sa-r M':;'., HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING. PULIES, BOLT?. and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY PARLOR STOVE.-, COOK STOVES, Heating Stoves, Sled Shoos, and eastings of all bice's. DEALEI'.S IX Gifiards' Iriector. Steam G jitgcs. Stcim Wiittlei Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cnps. fis-ige rc'Yt, Air Cocks. Globe Valves. Cfc'. Valves. Wrought Iron Pipe, 5team PsjtcpJ, KoiterFeed-Pcmps, Ar.H-fric:!uTi " Metals. Foap Stone Packing. Oum Packirg. il c , December 9. lS-!f. i. a. siaBas r. w. ei tatM A. A" i:i;Ht3. N E W F I R M ! JAS. B. GRAHAM & S WnoLL'ALr. AND RETAIL DEALER Ip s!l hinds of" Dry Goods, Coots ar.d fhoes. flats sr.! Cap, Notion.'. Groceries. Hardware, Qnffrs ware. Wood nnd Willowware. Flenr, scoo, Fih.SaIt ete., iiarkvlSt., CLEALFIKLD, PA. FOR? THE LADIES They bare Bonnets Si";fc Co'inrgs, A!p'i Merinos. Wool Delaines, Lustres, fiin; hams. Prints, foplins. Lawns. P'a ebades," Handkerchiefs Kid and ether Gloves. Hosiery .Balme rafs, Iloop-skirts, and a genera! variety of rib bop, trimming", Bottor.s. Braids, eto.. at the lowest prie". 1 FOR GENTLEMEN' They have lilack and Blue Cloths. E!ac aii Fancy Ca?simeres,attinett, Twd tons. Water proof aoth.Filk. ?atia and common Vestinga. ' . ia great vtriety, and at prion that will giva gcteral stti.-ftctiPD to buye:. ALSO, A general Mortment or Ready-made c: ing, nets and Caps. Boots and eli' Hardware and Queensware. a go" Block, Wood and Willowware, and a full stock of Grocetio IN FACT, GRAHAM & SONS sell all articles that r usually kept in a well-regulated country store, and henoe the people generally will find it to their advantage te buy goods of them. Grala and oountvy prodaie taaea exchange for Oer Aw. -.