13, 18T0. .for the f ami".; ' ""How to Use a Grindstone. . ' After the g. ind.tono U rigged readv for 'use, some little skill in its management is necessary in order to sharpen tools properly ' and keep' the Etonc itself iu order. Each kind of tool requires a manipulation peculiar thereto in grinding down to an edge, and the nature of the edge itself is so different indifferent cases as to involve the use of 'stones of very various pit. . One of fimr texture, but still c'learand sharp in the grain, will be found best for common carpenter, millwright, and workshop implements, and, when possible, should bo run steadily, rather slow than fast, aod should have just enough water supplied upon its tace to keep it wet without rippling over the edgo of the tool this having a tendency to lude the edgu from 'the ketn eye which the grinder must lave upon the progress of the s-barpeuing, if be would bring the tool to the cotiuiiiou ly which those of a good workman are always known. As a general rule, the stono should turu toward the operator,. : as this, tends to pre vent the thin burr or feather edge illicit results when the stoat? moves in the opposite direction. It is very common to hold the tool, especially when the edge is upon the end, otar the top of ibe stoue ; but it is better in most cases to bold it lower dowc, for example, about midway Ictwtuu the top of the itone and a borizoi.tu line passing through its axis In grinding such a tool, . for example a plane iron, the iron should be grasped by the right hand iu such a way as to guide the tool, while the Sngrsof the ielt band are laid upon the back of the same to keep it iu contact with the face of the stone, at the pressure required to provide the re quisite abrasion. The harder the pressure, the mora rapid iha work, but beyond a certain limit this will render the hand un steady and ihe bevel will be badly formed. This angle of the bevel should be about thirty-five degrees, in other words, thia should be the inclination of the chamfer with reference to the flat surface of the blade. , Even more important than thi-,ti;egettitig'of the csact chamfer, is the holding of the tool so that the line presented by its edge shall always be kept parallel with the axis of the stone. This done,; if the face of the stone L true, the edge will not be ground down at the corners, as is frequently experienced when this precaution is neglected. Unless the grinder has acquired skill by much prao tic?, it is a good plan in tharpeiiinjf plane ' irons to leave tl.e top irwn on during the grinding care being previously taken to set it back about an eighth cf an inch from the edge of the iron. The end of thi top-iron will constitute a kind of guide line by which the operator cau see whether the edge being made straighc and exactly at right angles to the length of the tool. There is a great deal in the manner of holding a tool to the grind tone. If we take it at arm's length, it has a kind of leverage upon the muscles, and consequently wabbles and the wcrk is not well done. It is best to press the arms, a far as the elbows, closely against the aides, and in moving the tool across the face of the stone to do so by a slight lateral swaying of the body, without ; changing the position of the arms with reference to the tool which by this means is held steadi'y in place. This plan of grind ing plane irons is also applicable to chisels and the like, only that with narrow chisels tiieie is more liability of making the ..edge oblique, and, cf course, even more care is needed in the grinding. Gouges' are ugly things to grind. They ate held in the same manner as chisels, except that the fingers of the left band, piessing them against the stone, are so held as to permit an alternatins semi-rotary movement of the tool, sny within the limits of one-third of a circle. This movement is similar to that given a brad-, avtl in boring a hole. With these tools the stone is turued toward the operator, but with gouges used for wood turning, and which have elliptical edges, the reverse is the case. The last-named variety of gouge is turned back and forth on a half circle, as iu giin iing a carpenter's gouge, but simul taneously with this should be made to tra . verse across the stone" not," says Iivrne, 'in a straight line, as in most rectilinear tools but iu a seuii circula"- path, like an inverted arch, the sides of the gouge beinn applied nearer the top of the stone then the I middle of the gouge." Although this is not the most clear upon paper, it will be perfectly intelligible to any one who will try to follow it in practice, and a few trials will ' make the operation easy to the tyro. These directions for grinding wood cutting tools are so simple that it is a wonuor that they 'should not be universally followed, but that such is not the case may be seen in almost any work.-boj. The angles to which, ulti mately, the bevels of different trw;'s are brought, varies much according to the hard ness of the wood or other material that thev are interded for catting. Accoiding to Byrne's "Hand-book," the stuallc.t is twenty-five degrees, but it is often somewhat less than this. Plane irons, as we have seen, have about ten degrees ni ore. ' Chile's and gouges should be ground 16' about thirty degrees, or between '-those of a spoleshave aud plane iron. Turning chisels may some times run to an angle of forty-five. 1 Mol-1 ding tooN, such as are used far ivory and for very hard wood, ure made at from fifty to sixty degrees. Tools lor working iron ; and stncl are beveled nt an inclination to the edge of from sixty to seventy decrees, and for cutting gun and si niilar metal range from eighty to ninety.- LEARFIELD HOUSb 1 FROST STREET, PHILIPSEURG PA. I will impeacb njr one irho say I Tuft to give direetand personal aitentiou to all ourcustomer. or fait to runts them to rejoice over a well lur nished table, with clean ruoiua uud new beds, where all ma feel at borne aod tbe weary be at rest. Sew stkb!ii:g attached. -- Philipsboig. Sep 2,"83. J AS. H. PALER. PXCHANGE HOTEL, Hnnfingdon. Penn'a. Tbil old establishment having been leased by J. Morrison, formerly t'roprietorof ibe "Morrison llou-e.'" has been thoroughly renovated and re furnished, and supplied wi'b alt the modern im provemcnts and coveniexcieneoessary to a 6rst class Hotel. . The dining room ban been removed to tbe Erst floor, and is now spacious and airy. Tbe chambers are all well ventilated, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make bis goestsper feeily at home. J. MOKRf SOX. Huntingdon. June 17.IS6S. Proprietor C. KRATZER & SONS are receiving a splendid stock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS, LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILK COATS AND OVERSK1RTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS ANDLAGE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIHJIED HATS, ' DRESS GOOD J AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE-. MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CI1ILDREN S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, HEAVT CALF BOOTS, 5, MEN'S AND EOTS' FINE AND HEAVT SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $6, CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield. June 80, 18G9. xlTTENTION, B II Y E R S READ ! HEAD !! Who 6ells the cheapest goods iu the county ? MOS SOP ! Who sells be.t calicoes at 12 J cts a vard . . MOSSOP! Who sells best unbleached muslin at 17 cents' MOSSOP! Who sella Hall's Calf Boots at 3 00? MOSSOP! WLo sells Hall's best Coarse Eoots at S-l 58 ? MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's best Kip Boots at $4,50? C MOSSOP! Who sells Hats lower than-anybody els? MOSSOP! Who sells Sugar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop anl Feed the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Hardware the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Quecnsware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? u Who Sf lis Tinware the cheapest ? M O S S O PT - Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Piaster the cheapest ? M O.SS OP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? moss on . Who first brou-rht goods doVn to' the lowest prices MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSS OP'S! f Clearfield. May J3 135P. ( JtritJb. ut, fiats, s.nr.iuu, BANKERS ASD DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES.. , . Ko. 5 Xassac Street. New Tore, FESRCiBTl5th,lS70. Tbe remarKable success which attended oor ne gotiation of the Loans of tbe Central Pacific Rail- r .ad Company and the Western Pacific Kailroaa Company, and the popularity aud credit which Loans bave maintained in tbe markets, both in th'e country aud Europe, have shown that the First Mortgage Bonds of wisely located and hon orably managed Railroads are promptly recogni zed and readily token aa tbe moat au liable, safe, nnd advantageous form of investment, yielding a more liberal income than can hereafter be de rived from Government Bonds, and available to lake their place. Assured that, in the selection and negotiation of suotrior Railroad Loans, we are meeting a great public want, and tendering a valuable ser vice both to tbo holders of Capital and to those great National works of internal improvement whose intrinsic merit and substantial character entitle tbam to the use of Capital and the confi dence of investors we now c-fi'er with special confiionco and satisfaction the FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TBE Chesapeahe and Ohia Railroad Company, The Chesapeake and ObioMtailroad. connecting the Atlantis coast and the magnificent harbors of tbe Chesapeake Bay with the Ohio River at a point of reliable navigation, and thus, with the entire Railroad system and water transportation of the great West and Southwest, forms tbe addi tional East and West Trunk Line, so imper.i'.ively demanded for tbe accommodation of the immense and rapiilly grtxting tiitnsportation between the Atlantic seaboard and Kurope on tbe one band vnd the prest producing regions of the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys on the other. The im porta nco of this Road as a new outlet Trom the nest to the sea magnifies it into one cf national consequence, and insures to it an exten sive through trnffio from tbe day of its comple tion; while, in tbe development of the extensive agricultural and mineral resources of Viriuia and est Virginia, it possesses, along its own line, tbe elements of a large and profitable local bu siness. Thus the great interests.both general and local wliicb demand tbe completion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad to tbe Ohio River .'ffiri the surest guarantee of i's success and value, and render it the most important and substantial rail road enterprise now in progress in this country. Its superiority as nn Ea.t and West route, and tbe promise of an immense and profitable trade awaiting its comp'xtion, have drawn to it the at tention and co operation of prominent Capitr.li.-ts and Qailro id men of this City, of sound judg ment and known integrity, whose connection with it. together with that of eminent citizens and bu siness men of Virginia and West Virginia, in sures an energetic, honorabU,aud successful man agement. ' The Road is completed nd in operation from Richmond to tbe celebrated White Sulphur Springs ot West Virginia, 227 miles and there re main but 200 miles, (now partially constructed) to be completed, toearry it to th proposed terminus on lhr Ohio river at, or near, the mouth of tbe big Sandy tliver. loll uiilei above Cincinnati. and 350 miles below Pittsburg. Lines are now procectrd or in progress through Ohio and Kentucky to tLis point, wliicu will con. nect the Ches,ipeuke and Ohio with tbe entire railroad svsteu,s cf the West and Southwest, and wi:h tbe Pacific Kailrcad. Its valuable franchises and superior advanta ges will place tbe Chesapeake and Ohio Raiiro'd Company among tbe richest end most powerful and trustworthy corporations ot tbo country ; and there exists a present value, in completed road and woTk doi.e, equal to the entire amount of tho mortgage. Tbe details of the Loan have been arranged with special reference to the wanfc- of all classes of investors and combine the various features of convenience, safety, and protection against loss oa fraud. - The Bonds are in denominations of S100(V$500 axd $100. Tbey will be issued as Conpon Bonds, payable to Bearer, and may be held in that form ; or the Bond may be registered in tbe name of the own er, with the coupons remaining payable to bearer attached, the principal being then transferablo only on the books of tbe Company, unless re as signed to bearer : or tbe coupons may be detach ed end cancelled, the Bond made a permanent Registered Bond, tractfurable only on the Books of the Company, ond th interest made payable only to the registered owner or his attorney. The three classes will be known respectively as: 1. -'Coupon Bonds payvbls to Bearer." 2. '-Registered BonJs with Coupons attached." 3. "Registered Bonds wiih Coupons detached." and ahold be so designated Ly correspondents in specifying tbe class cf Bonds desired. They bave Thirty year to run from lauuary 15, lHTO.with interest at six percent per annum from November 1, 1So9. Prinjipal and interest paya ble in gold in the city ofXew York. Tbe injerest is payable in May and November, that it maty take tbe place of that of the earlier issues of Five- Twenties, and suit the convenience of our friends who a'roady hoi -J Central and W estern Pacific Bonds, with interest payable Janunry nnd Jnly and wbo may desire. in making additional investments, to bave their interest to ceivablo at different seasons of the year. Tie Loan is soenred by a mortgage upon tbe entire Line of Road from Richmond to tbe Ohio Kiver. with tbe equipment and all other property and appurtenances connected therewith A SiLkirg Fund of ilOO.OOOrer annum is pro Tided for the redemption of the Bonds, to take ifTect oue j-ear aftt-r the completion of tbe road. The mortgage is for S15,l)0(l,Cf 0. of which 2. Ol'O.OCO will be reserved and held in trust for the redemption of outitanding Bonds of the Virginia Central Railroad Company, cow merged in the Chesapeake and Ohio. Of the remaining 1 13 O00.000. a sufficient amount will be s'piM to complete tbe road to the Ohio riv er, perfect and improve the portion now in oper ation,acd thoroughly eqnip the whole for a large acd active traffia. The present price is 90 and accrued incre-t. A Loan so amply secured, to carefully guarded, and so certain hereafter to command a prominent place among tbe favorite securities ithe mar kets, bo'.b of tits eonntry and Europe, will be at once appreciated and "Quickly absorbed. Very respeotlully, FISK A HATCH, Banker j.. P S We have issued pamphletscontainingfull particulars, etjtistical details, maps, etc., which will be furnisbod upon application. Ci? We buy and sell Government Bonds, and receive the accounts of Sauk!!. Lankers, Corpora tions, end other, sut ject to check at si'ht, and allow interest on daily balances. Sleroii 3, 1570-S m. FEW - STORE. Corner of Second St. aud BUI Boad. R. MITCHELL . lias just received- anil op-ned, at tbe abov nam ed place, an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Good's, which be will sell very cheap for cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Quecnsware. lioots and Shoes. Ilata and Caps, Ready made Clothing, eto. He also keeps choice Flour, Com Meal.- Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits.- Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectlully requested to give him a call. Approved country produce will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange for goods. Clearfield. June 17, 1S6S. 0, YES! 0, YES!! norm j?AT?r vnv. s w.v. A. V-A V V-r A. i A. l I iTl. J. V eV 91 -a-.lv J M- I Persons desirous of purchasing a farm, are di reeled to rximine that valuable properly In Law reuce township, ami situate at the mouth of I f learOeld creek two miles fast of the liorongh of Clearfield, and conveuieot to schools and churches. . The property contains O.VC IIITXPHED Proved ad" " ' , I ris- i nrn 'i- nn- 't. . ,-. , -o . t- i :. i ; 1 rh w inin ti.intf wlt fin..fi t?onl iron ore. and other minerals are found on the same. I Tbe building. Coni-t of a Cood two-story d.-kl.v. ar.u otnrconvciiientouinuiiainKs ma L i toere is growing on the premises a youne bearing This urouertv is verv Pleasontlv situated and being at tbe cunOuence of the creek and tbe river. H is a very uesiraoie anj inviting resilience inr a t private family. Its posmon on tbe creek and river also render it good situation for a board ing bouse during the rafting season. The west and north sides of this property being bounded by the creek and river, makes it one of tbe bct rafting grounu6 in this section, and a such yields a baudsotno revenue yearly. The' owner, 7Ir M. A. Frank, having perma nently settle I in tbe west, is the reas.in tor dis posing or this vamable propert v.- rur terms, etc. apply to S. J. 1UHV. Octobers. Cli-arheld. J'a. GO 3 -3 -a ! m eH5 9? o o ctf 1 o o o o a e a T5 o t-1 ) i O H H O "7ANTED 10 000 pounds of WOOL, at the V KBT8ronSTn,"CIla-P. J" SALT, FLOrit, BRAN and CHOP, at wholesale. (Opposite the Jail.) T c KR ATZFR. TTERYFCNE blankets will be sold ebeap iy J SHAW k SOX. C UILURENSfurs twemy-five percent less than cost at J SHAW A SOX r ACOX. Hams. Sides and Shoulders at reduced ) prices, at MOaaOP b. OLKEXSWARE Tea sets. best stone-ware. 45 pieces. at S5 all at M't'SOP S. SPRING GOODS Just opening a splendid t.k of new goods at . njvKA TZF.R A SONS. QLOVER, TimotbygW DWAIM'S PAN ACEA. Kennedy's Medical pis lt.vi- riiirhu. Bake' Cod LivS vnu i vnii'll VflUMH nun : iun nvti - I IX jj 31 (J V A -tl. I- Tbe undersigned respectfully informs the cut- I tens of Clearfield and viciuity. that ho has re moved bis BAh.fcKl totne ouimmR ... , . , , . ... r. ..1. .wom.iad ox ajarxei ana xnini ciri. r i by John Ililburn, where be keeps on nana an kinds ot Confectionaries, BREAD, PIES,. Cakes, etc., which will be sold at very reasonable rates. BREAD vyLY 16 VENTS A LOAF. Fsb 23,la7-3m. JOHN A. STADLER. ATTENTION RAFTSMEN! Raftsmen are informed that the best and cheap est biead can at all times be bad at STADLEH'S BAKERY, Clearfield. Pa. a. L. RERD. - - O. r. loop I 1 NOTICE ', j r.weavRR clearfielu plAxMinu mill. - - ALL RIGHT. Msssns: HOOP, WEAVER t CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the eitiiens of the county that they have completely refitted and -PP PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the bestand latest improved wood WORKING MACHINERY. . . and m now tircoared to execnte ortlcrs in I na nw prcparea lo execu le oraci. in tbetr Itne of business, sucn a Flooril)", Weatlierboardirig, , t ti- i 1 1 . J SaStl, UoorS, Blind?, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a largestock ofdrylumber on hand, .and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-half inch pnnnel plank preferred (Nov 8.'fi7. 1 1 I.ORILI.ARD S J is an excellent article of VITPli'L" V " U-rauulated Virginia; JjUJiJjIVV I wherever introduced it is Smo-iing Tobacco universally admired. It is nut un in hatmfoine muslin bajrs. in which or ders t Jr .Meerschaum 1 ipe are aatiy pneaoa. LRILLAP.DS I classed hy allwboconFome Yoolit Pliili I itastho- finestofall;"it 1 ll, II l- VIlll j. mll(ie of the choicest Smokinz Tobarco I leaf grown ; it is anti-ner vous in its effects, as tne Nicotine has been ex tracted : it leaves nn disaereeatle taste after smo king; it is very mild, light in color and weight. hence one pound will last as long as 3 of ordinn- tooa"co in tnts nrana we aiso paci orqers every .1 r c . I : . VI t : T S. I "y. : " ;. LY.:-. . kL .. ... ...,.. ... -the finest of all. LOH1LI .ASD'S I This brand of Fine Cut P I'"1 J T IT 1'V I dewing Tobacco has to A-'- equal or superior a n y- tlhewing-Tobaco. where. It is w i t h o u t doubt tbe bestchewing tobacco in the country LOltn.UKD'S nave now oeen mirenerai S N U F F S I in he United OVr I 111 JI!. IOU emi - , ii rnurstoreaeeper uoes nor onve inese articles f - . . : . , i : ... . . I . . 1 - I 1 I ivr (e. n.M ic in iu gel mem , iufy ure auiu u te..pcctaule jobbers almost everywhere. Circular of pr:ce firwarded on application Pec t, fiD-Sui l P. LOKILLAKI). Ne . York T? U K N I T U It E ROOMS. A. JOn. GTELICH, Desires to inform bis old friend arid customers I that having enlarged bis shop and increosed bis facilities- for manufacturing, ne is now prepared to make to order sucn furniture as may be desir- d. in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on band at bis - rui ntur e Looms, a varied assortment of furniture, among wbich i. Bl'KEAUS ASD SIDEBOARDS. Wardrobes and Cook -cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor, ilreaktast and inning extension tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jea- ny-r.md and oilier .Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT HACKS, W ASU-SIA4US, Ae. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chain; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new g!e! fcr old frames, wbicb will be put :z. on very r5c;iable terms, ottenurt notice. lie also keeps on hand, or furnu-besto order. Hair, (Jorn-tuat. liair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS. OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. ' The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged foran- proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, liin-wmiu nna oiner lcdi ocr sniiacje lor ice Dt ness. taken in exchange for fnrcitnre. Remember the shop t on M arise t street. Clear field, and nearly opfostte tbe "Old Jew More. iiectiphKrt. ism Ji'Ufi Ci1.FI.lt H P. T. I. . DR. BOYER'S WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure. Pleasant. Pafe and KeliahleTonic.com pounded from freh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirits, tree from luu oil. or other irritating properties, and will not disagree or offend tbe most dtlicate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more mod icinal virtue than any bitters at present offered to the publio. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase tho Appetite to promote Digestion to cure Dyspepsia to cure Fe er and Ague to cure Biliousness to cure Constipation to eure Chronic Iiairhea to cure Flatulcnco to eure Acid Kructations to cure Nervous Debility to cure ll pocbondria to eure Sallownesf of the Complexion to enre Pimple snd Blotches to core General Debility and Prostration o: tbe Physical Powers, . . . IT HAS NO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHERE, AT St PER BOTTLE. A liberal dtsrouMt to tU trads - StlxorACTDRKD EXCLUSIVELY BT A. I: S II A W, " CLEARFIELD. PA . Dealer in Drugs. Me-liciues. Chemicals, Dye fctuff.. Oils. Paints. Varnishes. Ac. Patent Med ieiuea. Pure Wines find Liquors for ' medioalpurprc.es Fancy and Toilet .. Articles, and nil goods usnally . .. kept in a Drug Store, cold. . Feb. 13. . chenp. 170. -NAXXED FRUIT. Canned Plums, Peaches j and canned corn, eto , for sale at the Drag Store of A. f . SUAV . Marh IS. 1S. IT J- C U N M (r HAM,! u. aitohsky at law, . Real Estate Agent and Conveyancer. ttrosb. m.Aia cooxtt, a. Special attention given to the collection of claims Tyron.Pa , January 27. ISsg-tf . vrIVp. t. fV1T T VPTinV nVPII'U la.im.iu a uuuiiuiiv.. m OF McGIKK & PERKS, Successors to Foster. Perks, Wright A Co., PUILIFSBCRO, CsilTKE Co., Pa. Where all the business of a Banxing House will be transacted promptly and upon the most favorable terms. March 20. -tf. j.o.u'eiKK. " T E M O V A L G UN SHOP Tbe undersigned begs leave to inform bis old ind new eustomers.and tbe publie generally. that he baa fitted una new GUN SHOP, en tbe lot on the corner of Fourth and Market streets. Clearfield. Pa., where be keeps constantly on band, and makes to order, all kinds ot tsuus Also, guns re bored and revarnished. aad repaired neatly on short notice. Orders ty man win re ceive prompt atteuuon. June , 18o. JUil muube,. sMALLPR0FITSandQUICKSA HARTSWICK k IRWIN are constantly replenishing their stock of Drags, Medicine. Ac School books and Stationery, including the Osgood and National series of readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of tbe best quality, and at tbe lowest prices. Call and see. ClearSeld, Xor 10, 18G9 rp HE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the Railroad Depot), . Reed Street, Clearfield, Pa G. D. GOODFELLOW : : : : : Profiktor. , " L".:.::t. " : A new first class Hotel in every respect com dern iraproveinen ts tl: .. .i i.,;- aooamo toaiKv. xuo u.uuu.cr ui .u o uuunu ia Solicited. iy -xl-tf JEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. ii u w a 1. 1) iu a u i. , I Market Street, nearly opposite the residence Jl. U s soope. r.sq., CLCARriCLD, Pi., T Would respectfully annonnce to tbe citizen of 1 ! ...J r w that It V. . . An.n.t a Bl)yx AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L. Cuttle.a alawoffice. and that he j9 determined not to be outdone either in qoality I of work or prices. Sterial attention iciven to the manufarture of sewed work. Frenoh Kip and Calf ikins, of the best quality, always rn band. Oive bim a call. June -4. M. H. F. N A u a L E , WATCH KAKE2, GRAHAM'S ROW. CLEARFIELU Thenndersiened respectfully informs his old customers and the publie. that he has on hand, I (and constantly receiving new additions.) a Iarft i stock of Clooas, atones ana jeweirv, CLOCKS, a laree variety from the best Man- I .. :.,: FIk;.H. .nH thirW.hnnr sprine and Weight, and Levers. Time, strike and Alarm etoexs IVA 7 CUES a fine assortment, o silver Huni- ing and open case American patent Lever, plain J and full jeweled. GOLD rEXS. in elegant assortment, of tbe V. nnnl.tv 1 m in n .vl.nttnn .nil .1 . 1c i , - SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and i .I.LI .nlnrjul aH nlflin .l.M I " ' . ... . j c,-- i niee to a fnll set. I . . ALSO, fine assortment of 5roons, Fork, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alanata. A .SO. Hair Jewelry. with pure gold mounting got up to order, vail and sea sample I ooa. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry, car fuliy repaired aod WarratrL. A continuance ox catronaze is solicited. Nov. 2-tth. 1365. H.F. NAUJLE MUST BE SOLD! CLOSING OUT AT COST AT TUB KEYSTONE STORE! The undersigned, intending to retire from the mercantile business is now closing out his en tire stock of goods at and below cost, comprising SILKS, MERINOS, , TOPLINS, ALPACAS, - . EMPRESS CLOTH, - WOOL DELAINES, MEN'S AND BOTS' CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, SATTINETTc. KESTUCKT JEANS DESINS, LADIES' CLOAKING, C0AT3, SHAWLtS, Ac. ; - !. . : . - .. : - A Toll line of Domestis Goods, DELAINES, SHEETINGS, GINGHAMS, , ( FLANNELS, COTTON FLANNELS, &&, &c, kc. ' ' LADIES' L CHILDREN SHOES, G UM & ARCTIC OVERSHOES, IIATS AND CAPS,' 4 - . Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets all widths. - Window Shades and Wall Paper, A great variety ofTHosiery, Notions and Trim mings of every description, Ladies'. Trimmed Hats. Velvets, Ribbons, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Linen snd Wool Table. Covers, Napkins, Tewels, Counterpanes, a large assortment of Ladies' and Children's Wool Hoods, Nubias, Shawls, A. Persons in want of anything in the above line of Goods are invited to give me a call, and obtain goods at wholesale prices. D. G. NIVLING. ' j - Grain and eonntry produce taken in exchange forGoods. (Nt. 10. WJ. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! C. KRATZER & SONS, Uav removed to the large aod elegant SEW STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoining e rell A Bigler'a Hardware Store, where they will be pleased to see their old and new customers. Citizens of the eounty viaiting Clearfield, aid wishing to make 'purchases, aill tni it to eir advantage to examine thairstoek. Goods at cash price exchanged for all kinds ef country produce. jaB. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Pooks; Sheet Jtasi' lor i iano, riuie ana iieus; Blank Account and Paas Books, of evtry 4. scripuon; raper ana t-nvtio) ei. t rench pressed and plain; Pecs aud Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exeirptioa std riUUIHIIT .1 UiCE , Blank legal Paper; "White and Parchment .brief; Legal cap; necord eap acd Sill eap, eto , Will he sold at Wholesale or Ketall by P. A. GAULIX, At tbe Post effioe. on Market Street, Clearfield. Pa. May o, 1S8S 1 a. r. aoYSTOX- o i. rorss. B0YNT0N & YOUNG, r.. r.Tt r; c.. of I . J. uni m liia- J. ter. uiitrts( CLEARFIELD, FA., iiAXt-f CTrar.es or STEAM EXGI X ES, Malay and Circular Saw Mills, READ BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING. PCL1EYS fcOLTP. and all kinds of Mill -ork. STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stove, Sled Sloe?, Flo-?, and castings of all kinds. DEALERS IX Giffards' Irjeotor, Steam Gauges, Steam '-fli'tTes, Oilers, Tallow Cups. Oil Caps. Gang fVik, Air Cocks. Globe Valves, rhec Valve Wrought Iron Plpa Steam Pumps, Eoi,er Feed-Tumpe, Arti-frictico Metais. foap Stone Packing, Gum Packing. e. ic , n-feeraberO. ISi-tf j. s. fiuais. c w.onisiw. a. i. esiBix. NEW FIRM! IJAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAI.nr.S f n all kinds of Dry Goods, BooUeand Shoes. Ilat. and Caps. Notion, Groceries. Hardware, Quns ware. Wood acd Willowware. Flour, Bacon, Fih,S.iIt e'.o., Marks! St., CLEARFIELD, PA. FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets Silks Coburgs. Alp. Merino. Wool Delaines. Lustres. Girg hams, PrinU. Poplin, Lawn" Snt shades. Handkerchiefs Kid aad other Gloves. Hosiery .Ba.nio rals. Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bons trimmings. Buttons, Braids, ei.e . at the lowest FOR GENTLEMEN' Tbey have Black and Blue Cloths Bisck ni Fancy Cassimcres.SattinetU, Twee-is- Mel tons. Water proof Cloth. Silk. and common Vestings, etc , great variety, and at priees that will give general, satisfaction to buyei. ALSO, A general assortment of Ready-trsi Cl"h ing. Eats and Caps, Boots and ?. Hardware and: Queensware, a good Stock, Wood and Willwwr' aod a full stock of Groceries- IN FACT, GRAHAM SONS" sell all artiole b r BSU.L'y kept in weII-rrilJ '"' ' store, and hence to people gtBryJ will find it to their sdvantag te ha) goods of them. Orala and country produce ts xviiange for Gee U r