61 f &( 23, 1870. . . Vi a ef tmnimill1nn ,TLTby P,roo' ,lhoD,d "mit b chefk 100 ; ffl;j,r or have their letters registered. " t will b' enclosed iu the first paper lifter I'eTCO'o hand: .. ' r : Tyrone aad Clearfield Railroad.. r e.pt;. vr,p5fl5 CB0 m" Wen at 6 44 p. m ; Bald fcgle t '.tTuap-m- " ' ' ...lttm TT0.1TI- Leaves Cleameld at : " L Philipeburg at S : Arrives t Osceola at : I cares Osceola at r ' philipjburgat . Arrives at Clearfield at : : 7.00 A. M. 9 10 a. v 10 15 A. H. 2 00 P. M. 2.30 P. M. U.45 P. H. ""ItMiGiors. Divine services will be held nxt Sabbath, in Clearfield, a follows: l?v llev Nixdorff.in the Lutheran church, at 1 K M. u-!7 P.M. Snhbath schoolat 9 M. Prayer mealing every eduesday IlaiuSt. Andrew's Episcopal chnich' at 11 A. M. and 7 1. M. Sunday !,o..l at 3 1. M. Prayer u.eetiHg every VVJiusday evening- - 7 r'ock-. , , Bv Rev. But!er,in the Presbyterian church, morning and evc-fr. StvfcK 3 1. M. Prayer ui.:eiing every Wednesday veninff at 7 o'clock. , ,. By llev. W. II. 1N, in the Mothodirt cl-iirch, niornintr and evening. sabbath MW at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, every f hursdav at 71 P. M." Communion wrw first Sabbath of cv.-ry month at IttJ A-J'. St. Francis' church Mass at 10J A. the second and fourth' Sundava of acn cioiith. Appears the dissolution notice of E. B. Patton & Co., to day. All the Monthly niatrazines, and Weekly paper?, for ilc at Too Port-office. . ;' S iiF.T:irsa Nkw "ho assortment of fino Clironios tor .j1 at the Photograph gal lery. Pux'ti.ixk Baulks the man who refus ed to take a Filver qunrter in chang;, the other day. ' ' Cl.F.Ani'lEI.l' Temple lir Honor. No. 42, rieeu in the Odd Fellow's Hall, on Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock. Xrw Stock. R'ifnstcin has just rc Ci'iv.'d the Iar-r,st and Imhi. stuck of clothing ever hinnrht to this place, which he will pt.-li at reduced prices. Give him j call. tlonr.r's liAnv's Book. The April number of this highly popular magazine iV 'out. and contains many things of great, in terest to ftife' ladies. Every lady should have a copy. Court. Court convened on Monday morning. Judge Mayer and Associates, on the bench. A this was only an argunient 'curt. all the business was promptly dis 'patched, and the court adjourned yesterday '- Tuosdar. ' First of April. The First of April is c'os'r at hand, when, no doubt, some of our Fu'is'-'bcrs will change their places of resi l 't;c. We Inpe that all intending to do so will it -'"mi n nt their rein ival, so that we c im r "rJi.-ir papers to their proper po.-t o.Tice. Attitr'-vvi) On S inliy 'at, a numliT f ! er 'i'i-ivl the Town HriM.ni thisplae, a ii J tir.ikr -:n sonie r.f the desks and bench es, liny w-?rc" arrested on Monday, nnd 1 rvn ! over f : a further hearing on Satur l.iv iiext, This i.H a "bad fix" for the boys M he in. Snow an? Mn. Within the past eck. s'liie cittiMdir-a-ile snow fell in this region ; l!it th'! warm -air and sun ca'ised it to nie't ripidly ami nf.w niu-1 prevails to a conid-e-a'.lo extent its stead. Should the weath er continue fav'Yrable, raftiiij; wiil commence in a few days. . KMliiil.VTl.'f Several families left this pSce, last week-, for Nebraska. A number of persons frotA his county,- have also re moved to N'ort"! Carolina, recently, while i lii r-i are onteMtdatiri'j a residence either Seuth ir Wesf. We with suecesj to all, iri their new homes. Pt'l.i.. The bf.iiding business seems t,i have co:in; to ner.rlv a stand-still in this p'lifV jut nis. V.'e presume this state of affairs arises, in a reat measure, from the scarcity of money At this season of the year the funds being required for rafting pur pises. We antWpate a -resumption of buildine opentToris after our lumber has locn Liken to waikrt nnd sold. Ci.oskh lp On yesterday (Tuesday) tiiuriiiiia; we noticed trt.it s;veral of the land n in t!ii place had closed up their bar r en. ''on inquiring the cause, we learn- ! j'.iaf. owing to an informality in their pe ti!i"ti., by (.siiitii. to cic the provisions of "tne e!,l l iw, tie Court refused to grant the i.'iii-es .voi'id fir. This, io doubt, was fvii 'r un!."C!i.jetHl to the landlords, and will he "( :-'n-'de-ab!e disadvantage to thctn. li'ttcr I nek nest time. The Shipment ok Timber Th heavy, i'iare timber, for the Pennsylvania Kail r .al eunpany's new Round housa at Altoo-n-t. is now being shipped thither, by rail, b"'n t lil p'a -e. In our opinion, the day is n-'t distant when the lumber trade, by rail, volexeced the most sanguine anticipations 'i our people generally. The necessary i:u-i if i, -taring facilities is all that is requir ed to mi 1 Up a permanent and profitable Jt in this line. We hopo our capitalists give tiiis subject the consideration that its importance demands. MErEi:oi.oiCAL report for the week tiling Mirh 17th, 1S70, from three daily observations, as furnished by E. Fenton, of I'enrj tp. MaX. cf Thermometer, 43 on Mar. 'h. Mia. 10 on March 16th and 17th. Mean of the week, 25. Max. of Barometer, -N.l')on March J4th. Min. 27.26 on March lh. Range .84. Mean of Barometer for the week, 27.73. Depth of water fell du ring the week, 1,579 of an inch. Depth of nw 16 inches. Snow during the winter, 85 inches. Quite heavy snows fell on the nights of the 12th and 15th, and now, this. 17th,we ve about ns much snow as at any time during the winter, ' Some places the roads fhtrt hy dnfta-the weather cold. Sales of Rf.ai Estate. -Below we gWe a list of the Deeds, as entered of record in the Recorder s office Iri this coufltyj for the week ending Monday March. 21st, 1870, together with the Consideration named, where located, and the names of the grant ors and grantees ' " . Deed, Morgan Hale & Co. . to Wtri. Y. Thompson, for 5 acres iu Boggs township. Consideration, $100.- Deed, Samuel W. and Electa Bliss to Ell as Hornii g, for 161 perches in Huston town ship. Consideration Deed, William Hewitt to Fred'k Brown, for 51 acres in Huston township. Consid eration, $400. 5 i - Deed. William Mapes' to Richard Mossop, for lot No. 47 in Clearfield Borough. Con sideration $4,000. Deed, William Irvin to ITiram Leech, for lot in Pike towoship. Consideration, $100. Deed, D. Ilout? to Charles' Kenney, f r lot No. 4 in Ilontzdale'. Consideration $100. Deed, James Irvin to Pariee Graham, for 11 acres in Uirard fp. Cons-ideration $113. Deed, Jere. Cooper to Hetty G. Patchen, for 1 acre in Glen Hope. Consideration $104. Deed, A. G. P. Dodge to Wm. E. Dodge, for the undivided half of 32 tract in Elk, Cameron and Clearfield couotios. Consid eration, $1,000. Deed, Geo. N. Chand'erto Andr. Reese, for lot CI in Osceola. Consideration, $150. Deed, Osceola Coh! Co. to Stanley Miller, for lot 194 in Osceola. Consideration, $12S. Deed, Stanley Miller to Sol Ilammer schlag, for lot 194 in Osceola. Considera tion. $510. - - Deed, G. L. Reed to Daniel Stneal, for 200 acres in Boggs tp. . Consideration, CO0. Deed. C. Howe, Sheriff, to Samuel Shoff. Ar lot No. 30 iu Madera, Woodward town ship. Consideration, $52 1. : ' : ', Deed, Godfrev Zilliox to Catharine Korp, for ai-r?s in Brady township. Coimider ation $1,000. ' Deed, Danle! Fryer, Adm'r, to Nicholas Fers. for 4l ne2s in Brady township. Con sideration, $890. ' About onco a week we have a rumor from Washington, that the Ho ise Committee on Foreign Affairs will at once iep"rt in favor of granting belligerent rights to tr?e Lulian rebels, and .the rumor is as regularly con tradicted "ty authority," the day af:C The most piquant falsehood looses its charm if often repeated ; it is only w-fresh lie which can be depended upon for a first class sensa tion. ' , Emigrants arc said to bo passing thivu.ah Washington for the South in considerable numbers. With that unerring instinct which ever attends capital and enterprise, thediseor lant and rebellious States. are a voided and the loyal ones sought. Missis sippi is the destination of the majority. ' The Uig Horn region, to which several expeditions are now fitting out, is on an Indian reservation. The, present Indian depredations seem to be the ostensible re suit of these encroachments on their reser vations. The Government should puta atop to this state of affairs. - r - The New York Journal of Commrrctt is of opinion that "if paper money touches par in gold without diminishing in volume, and fpecic payments rcsnlt, the quantity of real money obtainable for most products will be mure than wasrcnliacd when gold was selling at a high premium. . - The snow storm, on Wednesday last; was quite severe in the Northwest. Four feet of snow is reported as the average level over the northern end of Minnesota; thico feet as the average level over the whole State, and two feet as the average depth through out Wisconsin. : The Senate committee on Foreign Af fairs has refu.- ed to recomirrentt the ratifiea tion of the treaty for annexing San Donim eo to the United States. The Alaska spoc ulation makes members a little cautious on the subject of "real estate" purchases. A further handsome decrease of the 'pub lic debt is promised tor the month of March. Every such evidence of economy is an argu ment in favorof a party whose sole resolve 13 a just government for a free and patriotic people. It is said that Attorney General Hoar will resign his present position in the Cab inet, his friends not relishing the action of the Senate in reference to his nomination to tho Supreme Bjnch. The Senate will not admit SenalorJmes of Mississippi, to a soak Hois considered to have been ineligible, as not legally a cit iren of that State at the dale of the elec tion. Congress has so much business before it that it will probably sit till July. Some of the cadetship traders prpbably think it has had too long a session already. MARRIED. At Lumber citv, on . Thursday, March 10th, l!70, by J. P. Farwell. Esq.. Mr. Arthur Uekce and Miss Millie G. Hall, both of Deea.ur tp. Clearfield Eoiail Markets. COIIRRCTRD WERKLT BT R. HCSSOF. Apples, dried, lb', 12 Apples, grean. bu. 1 52 Applebutter, gal, 1 03 llutter. lb, 40 Beer, fresh, lb, , 10 rteof, dried, lb, 25 Buckwheat, bu, 1 25 Ritck wheat flour. lb 5 Beans, bu, 2 611 Boards, per M H 00 Corn, shelled, 1 25 " ears, 60 " mfial, 3 00 Chop, rye. 3 00 " mixed. . 2 50 Cheese, lb, 25 Cherries, lb, 19 Cbichens.dresssed lb, 15 Eggs, 25 Flout, bbl, 8 58 Hay, ton, Hums. lb. Shoulder;, lb, Sides, lb, Lard, lb, Oats, bu. Onions, bu. Pork, lb. Pork, mess, bbt, Potatoes, bn, Plaster, bbl. Peaches, dried, Kye, bu. Rags, lb. Salt, per sack, .Shingles, 8 ia. Shingles. 26 in, Timothy seed, b Wheat, bu, . Wool. Ib, 20 00 25 IS IS 25 AO 25 14 1 35 00 1 00 3 50 15 Ib. 1 25 3 3 00 5 00 12 00 5 00 1 60 45 c1 lLOStSO PRICES OF Df.HAVEN BRO., 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia. 3 o'clock, P.M., March 12th, 1S70. U. S.ft'oof IdSl, II. 8. of 1862, V. S. 6 of 18B4, U. 8. or 1S65, U. S. S t of ISflj, new, U. 8. ' cf 1S7, new, U. S. B'sof ISiS, U. S. 5'a, 10-tU's. U. S. 30 year per cent. Cy., Doe Compound Interest Motes, Gold, . .- , Silver, Union PaciflaR. R. 1st M. Bonds, Central Pacific R. R.. Union Paoi6o Land Urant Bonds, 114( 114 lit) 110, 190 1091 luvi lU9f 104 lOai 109 10W 109 1U9 liij 10.( 1121 112 1 - 1121 1121 1111 " 112 820 830 950 960 728 730 PRUNES oqnantityoa hand and for sale 04 May 27. WRAHAM'S. SrECIAL NOTICE. Sehenek's Pulmonic Syrup, - Seeweed Tonic and MumJrake Pills.will oilre Con sumption. Liver Con.plnint and DjFpepsia. if ta- icen according to directions, lney are all tnree to bt taken at the same time. Th tj eleanra the stomach, relax the lirer, asJ pat it to work ; then the apptfite becomes gowt. the rood aigests and -ikes goad blood, tba patient begins to gro ia fleh the diseased matter ripens ia the 1 Dgs.ind the patient outgrows the disease and gets well. This is tha only waj to cure tba consumption. To' tWe'thre medicines Dr. . IT. Scheock, of Phil.J.lnl.;. . nnrivlll ,.flS III thfl treatment of pulmonary consumption. The Pul monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter. in the tuags. nature throws it off hy an easy expectora tion. lor wnen tne poiegm or sii -slight coagh will throw it off, and the patient has ...... 1 I k;n tn h!tl To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake HiTIs must be freely nea to cleAnse tnesxomaca ana n,er,w ,um ,ud Pulmonic Syrup and the food will, make good blood.' Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption. - Scbenrk's Seaweed Ton ic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the alkali in the Seaweed, whrch this preparation is made of. assists the stomach to throw out the gas trie .Juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonis Syrup. and it ismadeinto good blood witboatfer mentatlon or souring in the stomach. The great reason why physiciansdo nut cuie consumption is they try to do too much ; ihey pre medicine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so d..iog thoy derange the whole digestive powers.locking up the secretions and eventually the patient sinks aud dies. Ir Scbenck, tn his treatment, docs not try to stop a eougli. night sweats chills or fever. Re move the Muse.nnd they will ill stop of tbeirowu accord No ona can be cored of consumption, liv er complaint, dyspepsia- catarrh, canker, ulcer ated throat.uiiliss the liter nnd stomach are made healthy. If a person has consumption. of conr?i the lungs in some wy are diseased, either tobBrclcs. ab scesses, broncbiul irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lunge are amass of 'infl iirjation an I fast de caying. In such cases what must be done? It is nol only the lungs that are wasted, but it is the whole body. The stomaoh and liver have lost their power to mnke blood out of food. Now the only cbnnce is to take Schenck's three medicines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the natient will beein want food, it will dig, st easily and make good blood; then the patient begins to i-ain In flesh and M won as the body begins to grow, the lungs bej n to heal up. nnd the patient gets flashy and: Well. This is the ouly way to cure consumption; . . . - When there Is no long disease, and only liver complaint and dyspepsia, Schenck'a Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills ore sufficient without the Pulmonic slyrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely in all bilious eoinplaiuta, as they are per fect!) harmless. ' Dr. Schenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years past and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the Terr last aiae f juliaonary consumption, his I -bysioiuns having pronounced his case hopeless I 1 . , , v 1 : . ri A l,.,! aoauuoneu mm iu u in iic. n w p vu.iu by ic aforesaid medicincs.and since bis recovery many similarly afflicted have used 0r. Sehenck's preparation. with the same remarkable success. Tho directions ccompanyiug each, make it not huOnxtW nenesjary to see Dr. Schenck. unlets Ihj. nnli.nl, w,th ti.'eir lUDZS CX examined, and for this purpose he is fio'wionally at his Principal Hffice Philadelphia, evei'v Saturday, wnere a satnraaa. wnere an letters for advice must be aodresfed. lie isai n,r.i..niii ,t in 32 Hood btreet. New ork. evcrj)ther Tuesday, and at Ho. Hanover M.. Boston, every other Wednesday. He ives adyice free, but for a thorough examination with his Kefpirometor the wri i. ii. lltHoe byurs t each city from 1) A. il to 3 P. M. Price ot the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each SI. Ml per bottle, or S6 5t) a half-dosen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggists. DR. J. H. SCHENCK. A p. 7.!K9-lyJ 15 If. filhSt.. Phil' a. CO I' NT V DIKECTORV. TIME OF HOLDING COCRT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday in June. 2 w. Id " iu March, f tth ' in Sept 3 w. lh " in May, 2d in Not 2 w. COUNTY AND DISTRCT OFFICERS. Pres't Judge Ilon.Chas A Mayer. Lock llaren. Xs'le.Judgi'S Hon. Samuel Cljde, . Clearfield. Hon-Jacob WHlhelnf (Irahaniton SlurifT. . . . Cyreuus llowa, . . . CiearGold Prothod-ttary, Aaron C. Tate, . . Reg. A Kee. . As-burv W. Lee. " KUtrict All y, W M M Cullough, . Treasurer.. . Lerer Flegal,. . . " Co. Surveyor, S. P McOloskey, . Cuiwensville Commiss'u'rs, Othello Smead, . N. Washington Samuel ShafT:ier, . Clearfield. Samuel. It. llintlman, Glen Hope. Auditors. . . Clark Brdwn. . . . Clearfield. PriiJj A. Howies, . N.Millport. - John D. Miller, . . Hurd. Coroner. . . . James A. Moore, . . Clear6eld Co.Siiperind'tUeo W.Snyder, . . " LI5T OF POST-OFFICES. Tovinhtp. NaMrnofP.O'. NanW10P.M. beccaria, - '- Glen Hope, ' - 11-imer 1 ul'rce, . . Ltahvillo, - - - S. McFarlaDd, - - Hegarty's, Roads Samnel Ilegarty Cell, - - - Bower, - - S A. Koranaugh Chest, .... Thos.A. M'Ubee " - - - Cush. - - - -J.W Campbell. " .... Octend. .... 11. L. liendemun Bloom, - - Forrest. - - - - Algernon lloldeii Boggs. -.- Clearfield Bridge, - Jas. Forrest. .... Wallnceton, - - John E Moore Bradford, - Woodland, - - - Win. Albert. . . ; . Win's Drove, - - Ed. Williams Brady, - - - Luthersburg. - L. B. Carlile .. ... Troutvtlle, - - Mrs. C. Weaver . . Jefferson Line, - . John Ileberlin. tlurnside, - New Washington - Sam'l McCone - - - Kurnsiue, Matthew Irwin. ". ... Patchinrille," " ... East Kidge, Chest,- - - - Hurd, - - ... Mc3arvey, -. - - Westover, -Clearfield', - Clearfield. -Covington, - Fronchvillei, " - - - Kafthaus. - - Jack Patchin. - W. Summerville LewisJ. Hurd - Wm McGarvey S A. Furber. P. V Gaulio - Claud. Baimoy - John Keiler - Charles Hoel Curwcnsville Curwensville Decatur, PhilipsburK. Centre county, Pa. - West Decatur. - - Lever fnieal. Ferguson, - Marron. - - - Johu P Straw, liirurd, -- - Leconte's Mills. - Augu's Leconte, " - - - Bald Hills, - - Alex. Irwin. Goshen, - - Sbawsville. - - H.H.Morrow. Graham, Grahamton," - - Thos. II. Forcey Uuelich, - - Smith's Mills, - Jos.l. Ganoe. - - . - Allemans - - - lienry Aiteman. Huston, - - Tyler. - - " - - - I'eiinfieU. -Jordan, - - Ansonville, -Kartbaus', - Salt Lick, Kdo.t. - - - New MLlport, Morris, ... Kylertowu, - ... MurrisdHle. -Osceola. - -i cil Mills. Penn. - - - Lumber Citr t - Miss K.J. Tyler. f rank Bowman. II. Swan Goo. Heckacforr. H J. Sloppy. Ed. C. Brenner. John Odell. T. F Boalich. U W. Spencer. .... (trainpian lluis, Jons. all Pike, --- - Curwensville, - Chas Hoel. t'nion, - - - hock to a. - -' . D. E. Brubaker. Woodward.- Jeffries. -' James Lockett. .1 .... Madera, .... J..1 Derby. 4 This Post Omce tr II do f Cherft township.' t WU1 answer for Ferguson township. STATE ft r. STATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Governor, - - - John W. Geary, Cumberland, Sec'yofCora. - Frank Jordan, Bedford, Dep. Secretary, J. M. Weakley, -Auditor Gen - John F.Hortranft, Montgomery, Surveyor Gen.- J. M. Campbell, - Cambria, Attorney Wen. - F. C Brewster, - Pbiladel hia. Adjutant Gen. - D. B. M'Crea y. - Erie, State Trtakurer, Wm. W Irwiu. - Beaver, Sup Com Seb's J. P.Wickersham, Lancastar, Depoty Sup't. - C. K. Cobum, - - Bradford, State Librarian, Wien Forney, - - Dauphin, Supreiib Cocrt Chief Justice James Thomp son. Associates. Henry W. Williams. John M. Heed. Daniel Agnew. George Sbarswood. Ses sions, Pbiladelpiha, 1st Mon lay of January. Har risburg, 4th Monday of April Sunbury. 1st Mon dsy of October Pittsburg, 3d Mono ay of October. OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES. President. - - - Ulysses S. Grant. - Illinois. Vice President. Schuyler Colfax, - Indiana. See.-of State, - Hamilton Fish. - New York. See. of Treas'y, Geo S Bout well, Massachusetts Seo of VTt, - Wm. W. Belknap. Iowa. Sec. of Nary. - (lei. M. Knbeson, New Jersey, See. of Interior Jacob D. Cox, - Ohio. P M Gen. . - J A.J. Creswell, Maryland, Attorney Gen. - K. B. Hoar, - - - Massachusetts Scpremi CornT Chief Justice. S, P. Chase, of Ohio. Associate Justices Nathan Clifford, of Maine. Samuel Nelson, of New York, David Da vis. f Illinois. Noah II Swayne, of Ohio, Sam uel F. Miller, of Iowa, Stephen J. Field, of Cal. Salary of Chief Justice S8 JOO.of Associates $6, 000. H ALL'S FINE CALF-SKIN BOOTS, at $5 00 May 12,'9. at MObSOP'S MISS H. S. SWAN'S, School for Girl, Clearfield, Pa. The next Term of tweut-two weeks will com mence on Mondar, February 21, 1870. TKRMS Of TUITIOS. Reading Orthography. Writing. Object les sons. Primary tiiwwf rnmary i - i half If rm liif II , , " ucvgnjiii, ' " . - History. Local and Descriptive Geography f li..:.if liramniBr 00 WILD -U M l' I n " f, . , ravuMi nrl Writrpn Arithmetic, w ft fiigvui r, Kilt. ,uv - - . - . nstrnction in Instrumental Musie, A I 1. - . . 1 ,H iftnceS. 9 10 12 It vmi rninring, Wax Work, Fur full particulars senu lor circular Clearfield. August 25. IHfi'i-ly- .C. KRATZER & SONS are receiving a splendid stock of Carpets and oil cloths, " lace cdeta1ns, wljfdow shades, COrjNTEKFANSS AND QUILTS. LINEX TABXE CLOTHS AND XAPK1XS, LADIES SILK COATS AND OVERSKIRTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHfLDEEN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GO"ODi AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOTHS LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AN 0 ClIILDK EN ' S , BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, HEAVY CALF BOOTS,'5. MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, S3, CASS1MERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLPUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND CtJUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield June 30, 1369. ATTENTION, B U Y E R S READ! HEAD! Who scll-i the cheapest goods in the county? . MOSSOP ! Who sells bet-1 calicoes a 1 1 2 cts a yar J MOSSOIM Who sells best unbleached mulin at 17 cents MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at $5 00 MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at Si 50? MO SSOP! Who sells Hall's best Kip Uoots at 4,50? MOSSOP! Woo sells Hats lower than anybody elsa? MOSSOP! Who sells Sujxar the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who 811s Syrup the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who 3ells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest MOSSOP! Who sells lla'nt'.vafe the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! . Who sells Flaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down to th lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods a MOSSOP' SI ' : Clearfield, May 11 l8u9. E D. PERKS A Co's flour, tie best In market, for sale by J. SHAW A SON D ESSICATEDCOCOANUTS,forpiea.puddings bio., ior isio at UHAUAAl 9. TERMS OK TUB. JOTRXAL. The RirTSMAH's JotRSAL ii publiihed on Wed eaday at $2.00 pet annum' in advance. If not aid at the beginning of the year, f 2.59 will bo charged, and $3,00 if nol, paid before the close. Advertisehekts wiil bo inserted at tl.50 per square, for three or less insortioni Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will bo charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers' " No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un till avil arrearages are paid, except at tho option of the publisher. S. J. ROW. WINE & LIQUOR STORE- I. L. REIZENSTEIJs & CO., DIALERS IH WIXES AND LIQ UOIIS, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. A good assortment for medical purposes always on hand. January 27. ISSO-Sm. UNITED STATES BONDS, B O Xfti h T, SO LD"A Xi EXC H A A CEP ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT and SOLD at MARKET KTES. COUPONS CASHED. iUCiFIC It. R. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLO. STOCKS BOUGHT and SOLT) on. COMMISSION ouy. Accounts received and interest allowed on daily balances subject to check, at sight. D e II A YEN &' BIIO ., 40 SOUTH 3n STBEET, " Til I LA DELPHI A. Mareh 2. 1 870-1 y. TOUT H AND BOY S', . CLOTHING; The undersigned having recently added READY-MADE CLOTHISG to bis former business, would respectfully Solicit tin examination ol his stock. Being a practical Tailor be flatters himself that bo is able to offer a better o'.ai of ready-mado work than has heretofore been . brought to this mar ket. Any one wishing to buy goods in this lire would save money by calling at his store, and making their selections. Also, a full supply of Gents "furnishing goods always on hand. Feoling thankful for put favors, ho would re spectfully solicit a continuance of tho same. April 2?, 18(59. H. BRIDGE. 1870. FEBRUARY. 1870. RECONSTRUCTION! " Intend to Fight it Out on T7ih Line.,f W M R E E D Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. DRESS GOODS; FANCY GOODS; NOTIONS, T III M M I N GS( LADIES' AND GENT'S' FURNISHING GOODS, hats, cArs, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, AT POPULAR PRICES The entire stock on hand will be sold at PRESENT VALUE, and the stock will be replenished every sixty days, with the choicest and best goods in the market. SHAW'S ROW, (a few doors west of the Postoffice,) CLEARFIELD, PA. February 2, 1S70. MCSrCAL GOODS Violins. Flutes, Fifes. Ao eordeons, Claronets. Harmonicaos, Violin Strings. Bridges, Keys, and Tall Pieces, Tuning Fork, Preceptors and Music Pa par. at C. KKATZER'S, Opposite tba Jail. mUE CELEBRATED RICHARDSON BOOTS I Light Kip, ti; French Kip. So; Froncu Calf, 85 : at C. KRATZER'S March 9. 70. Opposite tbe Jail o If, CLOTH S, at greatly reduced prions, at May 1 2,'69. MUSSDfB LEATHER Oak-tan and Spanish Sole, French and American Calf and Kip, Upper Morocco, Bindings. Lining's and Shoe-findings.at (Opposite the Jail.) C. KRATZERS. CCRWKNSYILLB ADVERTISEMENTS, A M E 11 I C A N ' II O U S K, Having taken charge of this well-. mwb Hotel. the undersigned would respectfully solicit share of the public patronage. Travelers will fioJ tho accommodations equal to thote of any other house in wis section, marges moderate. Dee. 2. lstlS-tf. JOHN J. REED, Prop'r. (OLEARFIELD NURSERY. EncOur- ACE HOME Industky. The undersign ed having established a Nursery. on tho Tike. uau way ootween Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen-. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black berry, Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also SlbrianCrab trees. Quince and early ScarletRbou barb. lo. Orders promntlv attended 'o. Addres Aug 31.1S84. J. D. WRIGHT, Corwonsville SJ. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist, Office nn Mail, Si i f I ' . . ... . ; 11 I . ' .... - - . . .. . . . . vui ncikiMlir, I l ll ll tx. , Will make professional vifit for the conveni ence of of the publio commencing in April. 1859. as ioiiows.vis : L.umersourg nrst t naay of every month ; AnsoDVille.frrst Monday of every suouth; Lumber City, first Thursday of every month; spending two days in either place. All ordes for work should be presented on the day of bis arri val in each place. I7 Teeth extracted by tba application of local anesthesia, comparatively without pain. All sinus ot dental work guaranteed. N. B. The publio will please notice, that Dr. II , when not engaged in the above visits, may be found in his office ia Curwensville. ten l.'n9-iy tj e w Foundry in Cfirwensvillc. The nhdefsigneri having entered info e. part ncr?-in. in the FOUSDRY BUSIXESS in Curweasville. woui.I ir-irm the public that they keep on hand, ant will manuUoiure to fJ" Plows, Cultivators, THRESHING MACHINES, Stoves, etc., aird every other description of article! generally made in a country foundry. Terms reasonable. Old metal taken in ex change for work. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited. JACKSON KORISOX. Feb. 21,'70-fy. J AMES. VI. WELCH. PALL OPENING ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, Cnriccnsville, Venn a., Have just opened a large and most complete stocV j I OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, j HOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE; GROCERIES, BACON, SALT, &. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AS TO QUALITY AND PRICES. All kinds of Lumber and Produce taken in ex change for'goods. Give us a call before purchasing else where. ARNOLD & IIARTSnORN. Curwensville, Sept. 22, 1819 SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvin fc Co., Being specially engaged in the business of boy ing and selling SQUARE TIMBER, would repre sent that they are now prepared to purchase tim ber, delivond at either Curwensville. Lock naven or Marietta, or Vfi'I take it at any of these points and sell on commission, making such advances as are necessary. Thos engnged M getting out timber will find at our store in Curwensville, a very large stosk or STAPLE GOODS, f all deseriptiocs. ALSO, FLOUR, MEAT, PvYB, OATS, CORN, and everything necessary for nse of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, of all sizes.kept on hand in large quantities, and sold at a' small adtanre, by Ibe coil. Also, PULLET BLOCKS, SM ALL HOPE, Ac Special inducements offered to those tnarutac turing Square Timber. E. A. IRVHf Oi. Curwensville. Jan. 12, 1870 c URRANT5 th best and cheapest in th county, at GRAHAM'S. w JA?JTED' 10.000 pounds of WOOL, at th -KBTSros broaa," Clearfield, Pa. jelo s ALT, FLOUR, BRAN and CHOP, at wholesale. (Opposite tbe Jail.) by C. ERATZKK. VERT FINE blankets will be sold eheap by J. SHAW A SON. c II I LI It ESS furs twenvy-fire per eent less than cost at J SHAW ABO B A CON. Hams. Sidea and Shoulders at red need price, at MOSSOP S. UEEXSWARE Tea sets. best stone-war. 44 pieces at - .Iff at MOSSOP'S. S PRING GOODS. Just opening a splendid t-ek oi new goous at V hirtl.r. ...... . C LOVER, Timothy and Ornbard-grass seeds at SWAIM'S PASACEA. Kennedy's Medical Die eovery, Hembold's Buebu. Bakes Cod Liv, Oil Javne's and Aver's Medielnes.for sale by JjVlS HARTSWICK A IRWIS. TAMES H. PARKER.. Pork Packer and wholesale dealer in Bar-on. Moss Pork, Lsrd. Stigar Cured Hams and Beef. No. 3 Lib erty Street, riiisbnrgh. Pa. Feb.2.'70-2n.p. ORPHANS'. COURT .SALE. Ettate of Robert Thompson, Sr., deceased. Under anlLoii.y from th Orphans' Court of Clearfield county. Pa., the undersigned will ex po, (6 sale, by Public Vendue or ewtcry, at tho house ot A. It ise. in New Millrert. oo MOXDAY, MARCH 23TH, 1870, all that certain valuable real eftate, late the prop erty of Robert Thompson- Sr., situate iu Ferguson township. Clearfield ouuniy. Pa., described as follows, vir; Beginning at a stone earner oo pub lio road, tfaenc hy graveyard South 691 degrees West 18 1 ID rercftes to stone corner, thenee bv Samuel Richards North 63 J degrees West 17 2 10 ercnes to stone cornet, thenee South f degree at 9 rercbea to store oorner. tbeneo South 89s degrees West M perches to Stone corner, tuenea eoutn by Jonn S W llliams 1 i degree West 59 4 1 9 perches lo stone corner, (hence by Martin O. Stirk N rth 281 degrees Wert 20 perches' Worth .11 deg. Wvst 2i perches to place ot Legiiintae containing 17 acres,97 1.10 perches, more or less. Said real estate is situate at. or Lear. New Mill port, and contains a dwelling house and S ' valuable improvements. SIMON THOMPSON, March 2-4M Adm'r of Kob't Thompson. Sr. QLOTHlNG! CLOTHING ft C00D a53 CHEAP !!! Men, Tonths and Boys can bevoplpted withfu't suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at KEiZE.NSTEI.H 1ROS' k CO.,- whero it is sold at prices that will indues their purchase. The universal satisfaction which bag been given, has induced them to increase their s'ock, which is now mt surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of tho Stat. Reizenstein Bro's Jb Co.,' Sell gods at a very small profit, forrasfj" -Their g joiIi are well mads and fashionable. They give every one th worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body ls. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their rtoik 1 1 reduced prices they can sell cheaper D sn others. For these and other reasons persons should bey their clothing at REIZUNSTFIX EhO'S A CO. Prodnc of every kind taken at tbe highest market prices. May 18, 1S64. JUST IN T 1 M E I tnE NEW GOODS AT A. K. W R I G II T fc SONS. CLEARFIELD. PA., Having just leturncd from the eastern cities' we are now opening a full stocx of seasonable ft1 w"' - . ' " 1 . . ' .- v l ,ivi.u di i cv , . i,i nuii u they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic gcnvrnlly. Our aarcrtuient is unsurpassed in this section, and ia being sold verv low for cash. The -lock eor-sists in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such as Prints. Delaines. Alps eas. Merinos. Gingbtm Muslins, bleached end unbleached ; Drillings Tickings, eotton and wool Flannela. Caaaimers. Ladiea; Shawls, Coats, Au bias. Hoods. Hoop skir's. L'almorals. It.. 4c. all of wkich will be snid low for C13H. Also, a fin assortment cf tho best uf MENS' WEAR, consisting of Drawers and Shirts. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ilacdkerchleftt cravata, ete. Alio. Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Faltina Augnrs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lasup wicks and chimneys, ete., etc. AlW, Quernswere Glassware. Hardware. Groee ric, and spices of all kinds. In short, a gent-rat assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail stcre. all rheap for rash, or approved eouatry produce. Nor. 23-jalO-noI.t. WRIGHT FPKS. II. F. J3IGLER & CO., DKALEKS I HARD AT A It E, n M AVtTiCTLFERS Of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD, PA. THIMBLS-SKE1SS and Pipe-boxes, tr r Wag ons, for sal by 11. F. BIGLER A CO I HON i IKON'.! Beat bar iron, for sale at h store of 11. F. BIGLEK A CO. STOVES of all sorts and sties, constantly on. hand at It. F. BIGLEK A CO S.. C A TILE .CHAINS a good article, o hand and forsaleby U F. BIGLER A CO. HORSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, to be had at I!. F. BIGLER A CO'tj, s AT'DLES, Bridles, harness collars Je., fer sale at 11 V. BIGLkK A CU'S. G X'XH. Pistols and sword canes to be had at li F. BIGLEK A CO b. H ARSESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for .ale at ii. jr. uiui.fctt a jva. O II.. Put'y. Paints Glass so J Nails, for sal at March 70 M r . UIGLEIt A CO'S. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, PP AI.L STUD. ALSO, f'aKSnEa Burrows, Warehouse Trucks, Cswyfag; Presfes. Improved Money Drawr, ., row SALK BV II. F. BlGLER & CO., Dealers in Hardware, . . Man-h 1 Clkarficld, Pa. t8?0. C1LOTHINO A larg stock of CLUTHIN8, will lie elcsed out at a sacrifice. a V2P Pnfii tb Jail ) C- KB.ATZER'3. STOVES The celebrated Ironside sod Farmer Cooks. Revolving Light aud Sun Parlors, aad ah assortment of Pipe, at C. KRA TZKR'8. Jan. 2ft.'70- Opposite tb JaiL D li V GOoLl.S -the copest ib (he county, at May 2, ol. xiwwr'B. NOTICE. All persons jadebted to the subfcrti ber, are requested to com and sertl with ut delay. . K. MOSSOP. O ALT SALT'! A prim articl of rroucd a IO urn salt. FatcP patent saras. fer saieettca at th sfc-f R. MOSSOi. CEENS WARE Tea Sets. Chamber Set. Wa. ler Pitehors, Bwls. Soup, yarnu, Creant . Meat Dishes. Saue Dishes. Butter Plate. tnr Bowl. T Pots. and an assortment f Glajs and Yellow-war, for sale by C. KRATZEK, Opposft th Jail. frtOBACCO Prima article of Navy. Cavendish. X Spun Roll, and' Natural Leaf. Cigars, Snuff, Ao . at C. K RATZER 8, Oppe.it th JaiL - XTAIL3 A SPIKES theeheapeit latheccantw i at ,. . . MO.-SOP'a THE highest market prices paid for Shiuhs by J. HI AW ASoli. sn ' t s t-1-. 1 1 '. ; f ' r.;.t: J5? n I V- V: W V,, 3 :1- n n