11 11 man9JOMnt,:: gfearfiefb, -fa., ;attl)ti2, 18.0. Wc ?iaff - " "p TR0,g To insura the f trantmisslon 10 , br mail, patrons should remit by check ordr or have their letter registered. "?"Pt will be enclosed in the first paper after ,h. money comes to band. - Tyren and Clearfield Railroad a m Arrives at Clearfield at ii. ,1 1 1 i leaves Clearfield a 11 IB r. m. : 2.3(r p. m. Arrive at Tyrone at 5.35 p. ro. r.nneeti with Cincinnati Express East at 05 ; Mail Wert at 6.44 p, m ; Bald Eagle Ex- " ' " " . v All m. !.... at 7 00 p . Accommodation Train. . Lt,e5 Clearfield at : : Pbilipsbnrg at : : Arrives t Osceola at Leaves "seeola at : : : I'bilipsburg at : : : Arrives at Clearfield at : 7.00 .. . 10 A. M. in. 15 a. . J 00 r 2.30 p. h. p. u. Kei.khois. Divine services will le held next Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : By Kev. 'ixJorff,in the Lutheran church, t II A.M. and 7 P.M. Sabhath schoolat 9i A. M. Prayer meeting every V edncsday ereniiiif at 7 o'clock. . By Rev. Hall, in St. Andrew 8 Episcopal chuich, at 1 1 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday oh'il at 3 I. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening : t 7 o'clock. By Rev. But'er.in the Presbyterian church, miming and evening. Sabaath school at 3 P. M. Praywr meeting every Wednesday eveniiiiT at 7 o'cWk. By Uev. V, II. Di1!, m the Methodist church, iiiornins; and evening. Sabhath f..hool at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, evory Thursday at 7J P. M. (Jonimuninn services! Firt Sabbath of every month at 10 A. M. St. Francis' church Mas.- at 10 A. M., the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Clowns out shawls at cost, at Heed's. Eatku Sunday occurs this year, on the 17th day of April. Lent commences on the second day of March, (to day), this year. Gents and I. ya hat, above cost, at cost, hrlow cost, or any other way,to rtd ace 6tock at Keed'a, Markirt street. TilEV ore now jilanrinir early vegetables in Alaba-na. Ilt-ic winter has just com menced in good earnest. A hliht differ ence, eh ? J Fnl'NI) :t part (if an car dropon Thurs day last, near the ' Carhnlie church. V The tivvi.t-r can have it by apjdyiug at the Jolli Wl. office. A few set.-) furs at cost, at Reed's. A MATfit stick manufactory, employ ini? thirty huudt, is in operation in S..ov Mioe, Center county. Why couldn't one be started here? We certainly have pine enough fur that tiurjuwe. The s Toil': o!" Mwi P. W. Woledaglc ,V Sun. at "iliuire, IJIuir county, wai en t'.TeJ by burglars, woek btiforj last, and rob helof $130 in mo iev an 1 about tlOO in p-i id-.. Mr. W.il'vi'a te F.ir-iurly resided at (jiitiiatnt.m. in this conr.ty. 'I'll e Lady's Friend. The March num-K-r of this excellent monthly is beforo us. Its einbeliihmeiits are of a superior style, a tiai-tive and viried, and will recommend it favorably to the attention of th3 ladies. Price 'J 50 a year. Address Ieacot) k Pe-tcrr-on, :ilr.) V -ih i nt strwt. Philudeldiia. A:;ii:fn's Home M .viaink T. S. Ah tliir ,v Suns. I'hii'a - 2 a war. This uia.iz'fif for March is out. The iivsciit j ii I -r i a ni'ist e. -client and beautiful !:!. i.t-Mcs, i;,u rc'a!tig Msatter is or a Y'-ry en! erta:i,ii.g and interestitis characrer Sttil 15 cents and get a eiicciiueii uuui- Nfw Wat. ii MA!vKii.-rWe call the at- 1 ti'iirimi of our readers, to the ativertisment of Mr. S. I. Snyder, iu a'wt'ier column, wiiii. having rniwiieiiily Iticiittrt in Clear tii' .', offers his .-e: vices to the public as a wa'.cluuakcr and jeweller. Mr. S. former ly of Trenton, N. J. come, here highly i recommended as a werkmau, to which is a ll-'d the testimony of some of ourcilixcns wtiti have already tried his woikmauship. U;-vak for him a iibeial share of pat ronage. Mr.TEKuf.OiilCAL REPORT for the WCet ""ling fob. 24th, ISTH, from three daily e:.-Tvati.ms, as furnished by 1j. enron. of lVniiip. Mai. of Thermometer, on 19 a -1 Miu. s below zero on Menu, !- Max. of Urometer. 2S.lt) on L'l. M'a. .'Urn IS. Ilangc, 4i. Mean of Iarouic ' r for the week, 27. Ml. . Iepth of water : I.'J2 inches. fVpth of snow, 0. ' ' ' h of miow during the season, 61 inches. Tiie average of the Thermometer and Bar gainer have l.:!i been verr low roads d, timber ha'ding beinj; vigorous. I'm-im-Ru 1'kmai.e lou.KiiE. The ftexnt term of this steiling institution H clo-e wi-h the Rssay contest by the "iinitr of i he denier cla. on the eve n's of Marc 11th. The teim now clos es is more prosperous ilian the corres-I-'uding one of vcar. The nrosrwets lor t! oe .r!iig tenn. which will commence on T :arc h 22J, are unusually s "lerns". A, tei.-alioii for inn:lH aw re- titvf a!"; iai!y, and but lew vacancies (.'oik-- while so many schools are declin- in l-s the bft .it..... v' no i:aia:iii:iii 11 a'l.Uehiet,.. h rU-hiy J.-scrv iu larKC j T,"A?'KS" Thc numbers of the Clear "''d Comet JJand return their sinsere l"nU tu Mis, nurkt for ,he va,UHbe nw rendered on the occasion of thc con . oil TutaJay eveninc, Fet.nary 22 to W in. UiaJ..r for the use of her piano a"J to the gentlemen who so kindly took L rf ll ,hcdoor3' They al n,ate,hcir t Lou- to the County Commissioners for ,r of the Court House, and to thc f-etis 0f Clearfield and vicinity for the ufral support extended. i-Vppwyos to the subject, we would t!e that the concert, referred to in the wve card, was a success in every respect. H,i,;c pas CSoelieUt. and all th toi-I.-,,.- n.o . . ' w.- aeiuif tf.rt ti..... ! : nun. . " uiaeivcs IU i highly cred- --uic manner. The Cornet Rand is now eiabJUhcd ''in.tl.ntifin' ' r.C J ras among the best in Central Pcnn- -uceees to it. Ed Journal. . . - t ni: lawreica township, on Friday, February 25th, 1870, O. Pniup Gtelich, ayed 81 years, 1 1 months ami 9 days. The deceased was one' bf the oldest, most widely known, and tuo.-t highly respected citizens of this county. He was born- in the city of Ham burg, Creruiany, on the' ICth day of March, 17GS, and came to this country, in the year 1811 being then 23 years old. After a short residence in New York city, and in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, he came to this county aud settled where he has so long liv ed ; and where, after a long life of useful ness, devotion to the cause of Christ," and of ardent attachment to the Evangelical Lu theran Church, he has, at last, closed hi? earthly course.' He was united in marriage to Mk Sarah Ilaney, on the '25th day of June, 1815, and became the father of nine children of whom seven are st ill living. Father Guelich was a man of strong mind and great stability of character; and had been, lor many year,niost actively engaged in seeking to advance the interests of the Temperance and Bible societies, as. well as those of tha Sund iy school ause. He might, we suppose, be justly regarded as the great leader in the cause of temperance, in this county, and, lit least, as one of the earliest and most active friends and promo ters of the interests of the Sabbath school. Our tie parted father and frieud. must be re garded, also, in a very great degree, a the father, chief friend, and early promoter of the interests of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in this county. The footprints of his early and sidf-deuying missionary labors, in behalf of the welfare of the church of his early choice, are still clearly visible in many parts of the county. He was most ardently attached to the Evangelical Lutheran Church, yet he was no bigot, but chcii.--.bed the tnot friciJIy feelings towards all de nom inations of Evangelical Cbristiaos. It i.-- not stiantre thai he should, as a true man, have bee:i animated with feelings of this character, since he came from a land where tl.C .Lutheran church, ro far as Protestantism is cunoci Med, is greatly in the ascendancy, and in 80in j iocalities ilf church. lie was m;jt thoroughly acquainted with the history of L'uher a'ia ti;e Reformation of the Six teenth uuutury. " ill! appreciated the great ue-ss of the strueg.es through which the Church passed iu that eventful period ; and loved the doctrines and govern ment of the Church of his choice, as eminently Scrip tural and calculated to advance the interests of a sound moraluy, and of a wei consider ed and duep toued piety. lie was als'i quite conversant with the history of the Charc'h in this country, aud extensively acquainted with her ministry. . Notwithstanding Father Gue'ich has been spared to a good old age, yet the iiitcjiigciice of bis death will till the hearts of his many ivariu t'rieuds with feel ings of sadness. He was so much respected and beloved in his own couuty, as the friend and promoter of a souud morality, that, when there "was some hesitation in regard to the name of a certain . township, Judge Burn side decided that it should be called "Guelich." in honor of the deceased. The death of Father Guelich, was caused by a severe form of organic disease, which hal at inteivals troubled hi in considerably, for i he last few i ears. The recent attack was of quite a violent nature, and his suf ferings during a considerable part. of" the time, were of the mo.it inteuse character. It was a touching scene to L-hold so much sut leil;ig, combined with so great a degree oi resignation to the Divine will. lid tpoke feelingly to his children and friends, of re hgious matter, as they stood from day to u;,y by ,ni bcJ 01 extreme sullernig re nun. ling them of the vast importance of uot delaying the great work of preparation for deith, to a sick chamber or a dying hour. The funeral of Father Guelich took tdaee on Sabbath morning following his death,and ervices appropriate to the occasion were held at his own residence, and at the Luther- aii church in Clearfield, conducted by Uev. G. A. Nixdorff, paator of the congregation, agisted by llev. V. II. Dill, of the M. K. cjiureh, and Rev.. P. L. Harrison of the Lutheran church. The congregation at (he church was very lare, consisting of persons of diiTi:ieiit creeds. All seemed attentive, and, to some extent, impressed with the solemnity and importance of the occasion which had, in the Providence of Jod,ea!ied thutn together and au'xious to pay their iast tribute of respect to such a worthy citi-zeitiD-I faithful servant of God. After services in iiie .-Jiurch, his body was d posited in the Cfc.mtffliy near the town, where it uow lies uu ler" the shade of the growing pines. May alt jiis relatives and friends feel the responsibility ot their positiou for hav ing been permitted to set. tor tso long a pe riod, such a living witness for the fnith as it is in Jesus, ami bo led to imitate Jjis bright ex i in pic, so lLal God may not have calW unto us iu vain. The Cuilhrkn's Hour. T. S- Au thur A Sons, Phil' a. !.25 a year. Not wi'hst.iHiiiDS the "Hour" is specially de signed for the young, yet it is read with cjual interest by thc old. Specimen copies sent oa resevpt of 10 cents. MARRIED. On Tuesdav, Vobruarv Kh 1S70, by Rev. V. M. liurchfkdd, Mr- W. V. Kowleh, of 1'erguson township, and 51iss Lizzie Joiln stoN, of I'enu township. DIED : On Monday, February' 22d. 1870, in thij borouch, at the reridence of her son in law, Israel Test, Ksq., h )l McLei.LAN, con sort of James McJscIlau, aged C'J years, 5 months and 6 days. In Lawrencence towof-hip, on Thursday, February 24th. 870, of pneumonia of the lur,ps, Martha Jase, daughter of E. W. and.Maigaret lirooks, aged 14 years and 26 days. On Saturday, February 19th, 1870, after a lingering illness, LuriNDA, daughter of Joseph inery, of Bradford township, aged 19 years, 5 months and 4 days. Farewell, till we shall meet In heaven above, And there in uuion sweet i Sing a Savior's love f -"-'- Till then , farewell. milE CELEBRATED RICHARDSON BOOTS L Light Kip, rrench Rip. Sn; French Calf, 5; C. KRATZEK'S. Jan Opposite the Jail SPECIAL NOTICE. Svhenck's Ptihnonic Syrup, Seeweed Tonic and sfandrake PilN.will eure Con sumption. Liver Cotf-plaint and Dyspepsia, if ta ken according to direction. They are all three to be taken at the same time. Thjy cleanse the stomach, relax the liTer, and pat it to work ; thrn the appttite becomes good, the fond digests aad ikes good blood, the pntiont begins to grow in flesh the diseased matter ripens iu the 1 ugs.aed the patient oatitrows the disease and gets well. This is the only way to care the consumption. To tliee three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenck, of Philadelphia, owes his onrtTalled success in the treatment of pulmonary consumption. The Paf lnonie Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expectora tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, a slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills inapt be freely a.ed to cleanse the stomach and liTer, so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the food will make good blood. Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption, t-chauck's Seaweed Ton ic is a pentla stimulant and alterative, and the alkali iu the Soawecd, which this preparation is mada of, assists the stomach to throw out the gas trie juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup, and it is madeinto good blood without fer mentation or aouring in the stomach. The great reason why physicians do not euie consumption is they try to do too much ; ihey give medicine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers.lockmg up the secretions and eventually the patient sinkn and dies. Dr. Schenck, in bis treatment, does not try to stop a coui;h. night sweats chills or fever. Ke move the esuso.Hnd they will ill stop of their own accord No one cau be cured of consumption, liv er cnmplaiut. dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcer ated throat. unless the liver and stomach arc made healthy. If a person has oonsnmption.of course the lungs in some way are diseased, either tu lie rules, ab scesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the longs are a mass of inli imfttion n l fast de cnying. In such cases what must be done? It is not only the lungs thtt are wasted, but it is the whole body. Ttie stomach and liver have lost their power to make Wood out of food. Xo the only chance is to takeSchentk's three medicines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin want food, it will di? it easily and make good blood ; then the palient begins to gain in flesh, and as soon as the body begins to grow, the lungs be n to heal np. and the patient gets fleshy and well. This is the only stay to cure consumption. When there is no lung dise.ise, and enly liver complaint and dyspepsia, Scbenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient without the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mar.draVe Pills freely iu all bilious complaints, as they are per fectly harmless. Dr. Schenck. who ha enjoyed uninterrupte 1 health for many years paat. and uow weighs Tli pounds. ws wasted away to a mere skeleton, ifi the very last stage of julinonsry consumption, hit " physicians having pronounced his oms hepuies aud anandoned him to bis fate. He was cured by the aforesaid medieines.and since his recovery, many kimilarly afflicted hare used I'r. Scbenck's preparations v.itti tee same remarxaoie suocef. the directions aoompanying each, make it not absolutely naceis:iry to see Dr. Schenck. un!cfi the ptotieuts wish their lungs exumined. ntia tor ibi purpose he is Professionally at bis Principal liffice, Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all letters for advice must be addressed, lie is also professionally at No :12 Bond Street, New York, ever, other Tuesday, and at No. 33 Hanover St.. Boston, every other Wednesday. He tives advice free, but for a thorough examination with bis Ilespiroinetor the price is ?i. Office hours at each city from A. M to 3 P. M. Price of the Pulmonic Syrnp and Seaweed Ton C encu SI. 5(1 per bottle, or 56 i a half dnxen. Mundrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all drugjjists. DR. J. II. SCHENCK. A p. 7.'g-ly . 1 aV. fith Phil' a. L'Ol'STy DIRECTOR V. TIM OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, 3d in Marcfc, 4th ' in May, I 3d Monday in Jnne. 2 w. 4th " in Sept 2 w. 2d ia.Vgr.2v. COUNTY AND DISTKCT OFFICERS. Pres't lu Jge Hon. Chas. A Mayer. Lock Haven. As'te.Judgus Hon. Samuel Cljde. Clear6eld. " Hon. Jacob Willhelin. 1,'ruhamton -Sheriff. . . . Cyrenus Howe, . . Prothonotary, Aaron C. Tate, . , Keg. A Keo. .-Ajbury W. Lee. . I'iatrict Att'y, W M M'Cullough, Treasurer. . . Lever Fl.gal,. Co. Surveyor. S. F McCloskoy, . Coinuiiss'u'rs, Othello Smead, Clearfield Curwensville N. Washington c-amuei shnnaer, . Samuel H. liiudiuan, Auditors. . . t-'lsrk Brown. .. . . Price A. Howies, Johu D. Milter, . . C 'roner. . . . James A . Moore, . , Co.Superind t eo W. Snjdrr, . l!vaifiel4. tlloa Hope. Clrarfleld. N Millport. Ilurd. Clearfield LIST OP POST-OFFICES. To'rnxhip. A' of P. O. JVaiursof P.M. lieccaria. - - tllen Hope. . - - H-mer LuHree, ' - - . Utahvitle, - - - S. McFarlaod, . " - - lleiiiirty's. Roads ?auioel Hecarty Bell, - - - Bower, - ... 8-A. Koruhaub - - - Ciest, .... Xbos A. M'Uhee. - - - Cuxh. - - - J. W Campbell. - - - Oetend. . ... . 11. L.iiendersou - .j Forrest. - -. - - A Igernoa lloltlen - - - Clearfield Bridge, - Jus. Forrest. - Wallaeeton, - John A Moore Bloom, Hoggs. Lira. i ford, - Woodland, - - - Win Albert. .... Wru's Grove. - - Kd Williams Urady, ... Luthersburg. - L. II. Carlile Tcoutville, - - Mrs. C. Weaver ' - - Jefferson Line. - - John Heberiin. Burnside, - New Washington) - Suui'l MeCune - ... Bnrnside. - Matibew Irwin. .. - Patuhinrille, - Jack Patchin. -.- - Kast Ridge, - - W. Summerville Chest,- ... Hurd, - - - - Lewis J. Hurd ... MoJarvey, - - - lVm Modarvey " ' ... Westover. - - - S A. Farber. Clearfield, - Clearfield. - - - P. A. Uaulin Covington, - Freiichville, - - Claud. Baimoy - - -' '- Kertbaus. - John Reiier Curwensville Curwensville. -a - Charles Heel Decatur, - Pbilipsburg, Cuutre county, Pa. . -. . . West Decatur, - - Lever Smeal, Ferguson, - .Marrv, ' - - - John P Straw, liirard, - - - Leconte's Mills. - Aula's Lecoute, - iii. Bald Hills, - - Alex. Irwin, liosben. - - SOawsville, -. H. 11. Morrow. Orahaiu, - (rrahamton. - Thos. U.Forcey Ouetteb, - - (Smith's Mills, - Jos. G. Qanoe. .- ..... Mauera, - - - - L. A. Warren. - - Allemuns - - - Henry Alleman Huston, -- - Tylwr r Miss K J. Tyler. - Pennneld, Jordan. - - Ausonville, - -Karthaus, Salt Lick, -Knox, - - - New Millport, -Morris, - - - Kylertown, - - - - - - Morrisdnle. - -Osceola. - Osceola Mills.- -Penn. - - - Lnuher City.t - .... Grampian Hills, ik. - - - Curwensville, -i-r," n, - - - Uockton, - : - .- Frank Bowman. H. Swan Geo. Heckadorr. H J. Sloppy. Ed. C. Brenner. John Odell. T. F Eoalich. H W. Spender. Jona. Wall Chas. lloel. I. E. Brubsker Woodward, Jeffries, James Lockett. x xhi xt Ofhce vr II do for Chest townsnip. t Will anrw'ar tor ferguson township. STATE & P. S JATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF PEN'VAXIA. Oovcrnor, -.- - John W. Uearj'.- ''umbertand, Sec'y ofCom. - Frank Jordan, ' Bedford, Dep. Secretary, J.-il. Weakley, - -Auditor Gen - John F.Hartranft, Momomery Surveyor Gen.- J. M. Campbell, - Cambric Attorney Gen. - F. C Brewster, - Pbiladelp u.ia, Adjutant Gen. - D. B. M'Crea.y, - Erie, ' I Mate treasurer, nm. vv . irwrn. - Beaver. Sap. Com Sch s J. P.Wickersbam. Lancastar, Deputy tiup't. - C. S.Col'Uin, - - Bradford, State Librarian, Wien Forney, - - Dauphin, SepBFVE CotHT. Chief Justice. James Thomp son. - As.oeinte. Henry. W. Williams, John M Keed. llaniel Agnew. lieorgo Sharswood. Ses sions, Philadelpiha, 1st Monjay of January. Har risburg. 4th Monday of April Sunbury, 1st Moa day of October Pittsburg, 3d Monoay of October. OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES. President. - - - T lyase S. Grant. - Illinois Vice President, Schuyler Colfax, Indiana. Seo. of Stte, - Hamilton Fish. - Mew York. See. of Trcjs'y, tleo S. Boutwell, Massachusetts Sao of W ar, . - Win. W. Belknap, Iowa. See. of Navy . - Ge-. M. Kobewn, New Jertey, See. of Interior Jacob D. Cox, - - Ohio. P M Gen. - - J. A.J. Creswell, Maryland, Attorney Gen. K. K. Hoar, - - - Massachusetts Supreme Cocbt. Chief Justice, S, P.Chase, of Ohio. Associate Justice Nathan Clifford, of Maine. Samuel Nelson, of New York, David Da vis, of Illinois. Noah H.Swayne, of Ohio, Sam nel F. Miller, of Iowa, Stephen J. Field, of Cal. Salary of Chief Justice $5 500, of Associates S6,- ooo. HALL'S FINE CALF-SKIN BOOTS, at Si 01), May I26Sr. t MOsSCP S .FAIRBANKS'. STANDARD SCALES, OP' ALL KINDS. ALSO, Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawers, As., for sali: tr A , , . MERjRELL & BIG LERV Sealers in Hardware, June 30-1 Cleahfield, Pa. 11809. C. KRATZER & SONS a splendid stock .of are CARPETS AND OIL CtOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AJfrj QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILKCOATS AND OVERSKIRTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS " BEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLAClt AND FANCY SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, nEAVV CALF BOOTS, $5. MEN'S AND BOTS FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $3, CASSIMEKES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. ClearfiVM jnne 30, 1809. ', ATTENTION BUYER S . t it READ! READ?! Who 6ells the cheapest goods in the county? MO S S O j? ! , Who sells Lest calicoes a f 1 2 J cts a yard ? MO88OIM Who sells best unbleached muslin at 17 cents7 .' JIDSSOP! Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at 5 00? MOS&OP! Who sells Halt's best Coarse Hoots at St 50 ? 1 O S S 0 P! Who sells Hall's l)c?tK;i)P,ootsat?4,50? MOSSOP! Who sef'.s Hats tower thitn anybody else ? MOSSOP! Who soils Stiar the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour (he cheapest ? m o sso'r ? Who sells Chop ami Fee J the cheapest 1 M O S S 0 P! . Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? m o s s o r ? Who sells Timare the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? :' M OS S OP! Who sells Plapter the criennrvsr ? M OS SOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? M06SOP! '. - ..... - ; I . . Who first brought - goods down to the" ' lowest cash prices ? ' MOSSOP!- ' ' Everybody should buy their goods at MOSS OP'S!-' , - Clearfield. May 1. 189.- ID. PERKS A Co' ffotrr, the best in market, for li sale by - ' J. SHAW A SON. DESSICATED COCOANUTS, for pics.pudd ings, etc , for sale at GRAHAM'S. CABLE CHAINS a good article, on hand and ferial by JdERRELL A BIGLER. O J.HAYES, Scroeon Pemtxs'T, OflBce on JIain Street, Curwensville. 1'enn'a., Will make professional visits for the conveni ence of of the pub lie commencing in April, 1869, as follows, vii : Luthersburg. first Friday of every month ; Ansi.uville, first Monday of every month ; Lumber City, first Thursday of every month; spending two days in either place. All ordes for work should be presented on the day of his arri val in each place. rr" Teeth extracted by the application of local anasthesia, comparatively without pain. All kinds of dental work guaranteed. N. B. The public will please notice, that Dr. n , when not engaged in the above visits, may be found in bisomoe in Curwensville. ap.l.'69-ly D ENTAL PARTNERSHIP. D R. A.M. BILLS desires toinlorm his patients and the public generally, that he has associated with htm in the practice of Dentistry . S. P. SU AW, D. D S , who is a grademte of the Philadelphia, Dental College, and therefore has the highest attestations ef his Professional skill. All erort done fn the office I will bold myself personally responsible for being done in the most satisfactory manner add highest order of the pro fession An established practice of twenty-two years in this place enables me tospeak to my patrons with confidence. Engagements from a distance should be made by letter a few days before the palient designs coming. ; t ; I'lcarnem, June 3 itiort-ly. "VfEW. STORE AND SAW MILL, . AT BALD : II ILLS, Clearfield county'. . The undersigned. haTing opened a large and well selected stock of eoods. at liald Uillf. Clear field county, respectfully solicit ashare of public patronage. Their stock embraces l)rv Oooda. Groceries. I lard ware. Uueeoaware,Tin-ware, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, yeady made Clothing, and a gen eral assortment of Notions, ete. They alwaya keep on hand the beat quality of t lour, anu a variety ot reed AH goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for approved oountry produce. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are predared to saw all kinds of lumber te order. Urderssolicited. and ptfnctns-ily Curd. Nov. 20, 117. F. B. A A. IRWIN. COM E THING N E W IN ASSONVILLE, Clearfield county, Penn'a'. The undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and commodious store room. s nun engaged in tilling it up with a new and select asjurtmentof Fall and Winter goods, which ne onors to the public at prices to suit the tames His stock of Mens' and bors' clotbinK is urnsual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from 10 to S20 for a whnl suit Floor S.ill nn.-l Urn ' :rics, of every kind, a comulete assoitment Moves anu btorv-pipe, a heavy stock ; Roots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps, in great variety : Ladies' dross goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notiens too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and other goods in proportion. Aov is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, wilt be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused lor any article in store. Examine my stock be fore yu buy elsewhere. October 30, lb7. H.SWAN. QLOTHl&G! CLOTHING! GOOD A If D CHEAP!!! Men, Touthsand Boysean benplp!ed witbfull suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at RKtZENSTEI.N BROS' ft CO, where it is sold at prices that will induce theii 1 urchose. lhe universal aalisfaetion which bar been given, has induced them to increase theii f'ook, which fs B9w not snrpa. sed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Eeirenstei'n ' Bro's'i Co., Sell goods at a very small profit, fir eajti ; Their goods are well made and fashionuble. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they can sell cheaper tl an others. for these and other reasons persons should buv uiwk coming at REIZH.VSTEfN nkfVR rn Profditce cf every kind taken at the highest nisraei prices. -May 18, lb64. JUST IN TI M K! THE NEW GOODS AT A. K. WRIGHT & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., Having just returned from the eastern cities we are now opening a fnll sloe of reasonable goous, at our rooms oii Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic renerallv. Onr tii.m..i .... in this section, and is being sold very loW tog d)RY GOODS of the best analrtv. sni?h il?Wi,i, Ti1..a. i-i as, Mecioos. Ginghams; Mnslins, bleached and .u.mCU, iriiiings iicsings, cotton and wool Flannels. Cassimers. Ladies' Shawls. Coats Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals. 4e Ae all ot w-teh will be sold low roit cabb. Also, a fine Kssortmenioi ine Dcst or HENS' W E A (t consisting or Drawers and Shirts. Hats and Cans. n.... uk... u ji l - . . . ' uw vuvvs, u.iiuK.rcuiBiii oravau, etc. A S a O.A T, n n ...-' . i uK nupe, naitina Aururs - jinwsre, x.ampsand Lamp wicKiand chiarneys, etc., etc. -- ' i Also, Queensware. taasware. Hardwarr ,0roce rfes. and spices of all kinds In shert. a zen-rat assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, all cheap for task, or approved Co rrv NorSS-jaie-iiol.l. -WRIGHT SONS. 8. L. USD, J.P.WRAVKR W. P0WKLL, 9. r. hoop J. JOKES, W W.BKTT8. NOTICE. CLUARFIELD 3'LANING mill ALL RIGHT. ." HOOP. WBATER A CO.; Preprietora. would respectfully inform the cltisens ef the eonnty that they have completely refitted and supplied thefrP,ANINGMIL.fntbisBorotb, with te best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all Orders in their line of business, sach as Flooring, Weatherbbarding ; ' Sash, .Doors, Blinds, - Brackets, and ,' Moldings, Of all kinds. , They have Urgestock ofdrylambar bnhsnd, and will pay cash forelear stuff, one-and-a-half inch paanel plank preferred f Not .'7. CHILD RJENSfurs twenty-five per cent less than cost at J.SHAMfcASOS BACON.Hama. Sides and Shoulders at reduced pricey, at MO9S0PS. THE highest market prices paid for Shingles by J. SHAW A SOS. , TERMS Of 'II I IS JOlKXAL. The Rapto a"S JoranAL is fcbl)st4 oa Wed oesday at $2.00 per annum in alvaree. If not paid at the beginning of tha year, f 1.5 will le ehargwd. and 3,00 if not paid before the close. ADvsBTisitaixTt wi)l be inserted at I.iu per square, for thrte or let Insertions Ten Unci (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion SO eenta will be charged. A deduction will bet made to yearly advertiser No subscription taSen for a shorter time than six months, and ao paper will be discontinued un till all arrearages are paVd,eioep"t'at the option of the publisher. - ' S. J. ROW. WINE & LIQLOR STORE I. h. ftEIESTEIN & CO.y DXALIRS IIT WINES AX J) LI Q (J OllS, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, I'A. A good assortment fur medical purposs alwaya 6haad. January 27. 1SA9-Am. E R LSTOUGHTON, MERCI1AXT TAILOR, KARKKT STBKBT, 0 LK AR Ft S Lt, PA., - Would respectfully inform the citizens of CleaT field and vicinity, that be has opened a new tail oring establishment fo Shaw's Row, one door east of the Post Office, and has just returned from the eastern cities with a large1 sfid elegsnt stock: ef Cloths, Cassimeres, Nestings, Beavers, &c., and all kinds of goods for men and boys' wear, and is prepared to make up to order CL'lTHIXti, from a single article to a full suit, in the latest styles and most worknianlitre manner. Special atten tion giveq to custom work, and1 cutting out for men and beys. He offers great bargains to custo mers, and warranU ontire satisfaction. A Iibeial share of public patronage is solicited. CH and examine the goods. Oct 1, 18B7. E. R. L. STOUOHTOX. MENS', YOUTH S'' . . -: - - AND BOYS', , ; ... CLOTHING. . The undersigned having recently added READY-MADE CIAJTHIXG . to his former business, wonld rs ebtfuWy solicit an examination ol his stock, llcing a practical Tailor be flatters himmlf . -, ht he is able to offer abetter clas of ready-made work than has heretofore been -brought to this mar ket. Anyone wishing to buy goods in this line would save money by calling at his store, and making their selections. Alio, a full supply of Uents'furcishing goods always on band. Feeling thankful for put favors, he would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. April 23, 18fi. II. BRIDGE. 1 870, ''-FEBRUARY 1870. RECONtSTR tJCTION! " Intend to Ftyht it Out on Tux Line." M . RE ED, Market "Street, Clearfifld, Pa. DRESS GOODS, -- if - : .. t - j '" !f;U''cr! G 60 D s, NOTIONS, -TRIMMINGS, - LADIES' AND GENTS' F LT It X I S II I N G GOODS, HATS, CAPS, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, AT POPULAR PRICES The entire stock on haml will be oM at PRESENT VALUE, and thc stock will be replenished evorj sixty days, with thc choicest and best gods in the market. SHAW'S ROW, (a few doors west of the PostolTice.) CLEARFIELD, PA. February 2, lt.70. IRON. IRON!! Best bar iron, for tale at the store ef - - : -'MERRELL A BIGLER. OILCLOTHS, at greatly reduced priest, a' May ia,'6g. - . MOSrtOP'H CURRASTS the best and cheapest in the eoanty, at . , . : HRAUAM'S STOVES of all sorts and sites, constantly oa hand at MKKKELL A BIULEK'S WANTED 10,000 pounds of WOOL, at the VKeraro-ta STOBB,"Clearfield,Pa. jel NAILS A SPIKES tkeeheapeit in the ecunty at MOSSOP'S CANNED FRUIT. Canned Plums, Peaches and canned earn, ete , for sals at the Drug Store of A.I.SHAW. March 10, 1869. T) I'SSOLUTIOX. The partnerstin ber'' tuTora esistinir between K. A Hipp1 and Datllel Fans, at Corwensville. under ta" firm ef Hippie e Faust, fa dj.'solved by mats a' consent. All debts owing to the said firm are to be received by said E. A. Hippie. and all demands e'lo.t said Ana are ti b crasretel to bim lor payment A. HIPPLE. .. Feb. TX fr, . I l)AtIKLFAST. EGISTER'S NOTICE! Notice isberff t by.riven that the following acconnts have been examined atd passed bv me. and remain filed of record in thiseCRoe for the inspeelion of heirs.Ir ;atees crediiory and all others in anyway, interested and will be freseatad'tH the seat Or phans' Court of Ccarfield county, to be leld at the Court House, in the Borourh ef C1tttit& commencing oa the 3d Monday of Mrebla7U : Final account of JowDh H. Breth and Marv William. Administrators of Samuel Wjllicsns, late ut Buroride township, deceased. Final account of Catharine Mitchell. Executrix of C. C. Mitchell, late of Burnside t'p, deed. Final aceowtit of Jot a Patton aud Elite Fertu- som Executors of Jamee Ferguson, late of the Borough of Lumber-city, deo'd- , ,r Partial account of Samuel llesrartv. Executor of Samuel Hegarty. Sr., lata of Uaeltch t'p.dec'd Final account of Sasauel. Urty, txoardiau of WiluttwC. Ie. . - 7-- J W. ht.S. Reywter. NOW! yOWg IV0W!!I REMOVAL- The undersigned respecuaily iafuria the eitl tens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has re moved Sis UAKEKT to the Building ot corner of JIarket and Third Streets, formerly occupied by John Ililburn, wkere he keps on band alt kiuJjof ConfectioYiaries, B ir E A I) , PI E S , Cakes, etc., V which will be sold at very reasnnab'e rale B R EA D CV, r ! V B.VT. A KOA F. Feb 23,ll7-3m. JoUS X. STADLER. ATTENTION ItAPTSMEN! T r Raftnnwn are informed that the best'and cheap est bread can at all times be had at STADLER'S BAKERY, Clearfield. Pa. P. "".T L . DR. BOYER'S ... 1 PORE . WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure, Pleasant, Safe and Reliable Tonic.com pounded from' fresh an I choice herbs and pos itively pare spirits, free from furfH oil. or other irritating propertios. and will ixnt disagree or offend the most delicate stomach.. Warrant' ed to contain more med icinal virtue than any bitters at present offered to the public. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite to promote Digestion to cure Dyspepsia to-cure Feieraod Ague to cure Biliousness to eure Constipation to enrs Chronie Lfiarrtooa to eure Flatulence to cure Acid Eructations to cure Nervous" Debility to eure Hypochondria to eure Kallowneea of the Complexion to euro Pimples and Blotches to cure General Debility and Prostration of the Physical Powers, , IT II AS NO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERT WHfiBE, Af $1 PER BOTTLE. A liberal disrouut to tha traiim., . MAXl-FACTLkED EXCLUSIVELY BV A. I. S II A W, CL EAR Fl EL D. PA . Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuff. Uils. Paint'. Varnishoa. Ac. Patent Medirjues. Pure Wines and Liquors for medical purpo.es. Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all goods usually kept in a Drug Store, sold Feb. 23,1 cheap. I137i. TAMES II. PAllKETt, Pork Packer and " wholesale dealer in Bacon.' Mess Pork, Lard. Sugar Cured llama and Beef. No. 309 Lib erty Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. lFeb.2."7u-2uip. A UCT FON EEIL The undesigned, Jmv ing been reuularly lier-nsed, is prepared In eall .ales ir! my part of the eonnty. Charges moderate. Peions desiring bis services will call tfpon of addfeas, CilA.- 11. HBNSALL. Nov U-linf Smith's Mills. Pa. MISS tl. S. SWAN'S, ScIljoI for Girl, Clearfield, Pa. The next Term of twentv-twe weeks wilt com meuce on Monday, February 2t, 1 370. tkrxs or Ti-rnon, - ' ''' Reading. Orthography,W'rirltr, Object Lesv sons. Primary AruhnjeVi? Suid Primary Geography, per haU teres, fof 11 weeks), SS 0t History, Local n.d. Xicripiive Geography with Man Drawing, (irammar. Mental and Written ArUbmetio, . 10 Algebra and the Sciences, W Insiruoi'.n in Instrumental Msl, ., 19 00 Oi? Psinting, 13 0d Wax, Work," ' : a CU For full parUcu!r send for Circular. CieurfUId. August Irttig-ly. J O M K 1 I N D II S T 11 V ! BOOTS ASD SHOES ' ' Made to Or Jer at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite tha attention of the citisecs of Cloarfiel i and vicini ty. f give him a eall at his shop oa Market St., nearly opposite llartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anything in his line. Orders entrusted tohlm will be executed wirt promptness, strength and neatness, and allwerk warranted as represented. . i nave now en nana a atoex er axis rrencn j EL?l?M'XrrJ'' Ac ' 1 "W June 13th. Ittttl. DANIEL CNELLV LOIULLAKD'S " is an excellent article of "FITRFlV A" Jff'anula Virginia; J j u n.i. j-v-ri. wherever iutroduced it is ,. .-"moKifls Tobaceo aniveisally admired . It is put up in handsome muslin haga. in which or ders for Meerschaum Pipes are dally packed. LORILLARD S J clawed by allwhoeoosurae Y;ifllt T'lnh i't as thc -finest of all;" It i at lit v,iuo ls ra,de of the ehoi'cert Smoking Tobacco loaf grown; it is anti-ner-rous in its effects, as tne Nicotine has been ex tracted ; it leaves no disagreeable taste after smo king; It is vefy n5lld, light in color and weight, hence one ponnd will last as long as 3 of ordina tobacco. In this brand we also pack orders every day for first quality Meermbaum Pipes. Try it aud.convince vourselve it is all it elaJns to be, Mho finest of all." UmltLARD'S This brand of Fine Cut f t V VT I T T-? V I Chewicg Tebaceo has no A 1 V n.1 eqwal or superior a n y - ChwiRg'To'aeeo. where. II is w 1 1 k o a t doubt tha bestehewieg tobaoco la thceuatry, t.OlvfLLAKD'S I have bow been in general R V TT P P ft B,e iB the l oited States O o. U X 1 Pover 110 years, and still acinowledged 'the best'' wherever ased5 If your storekeeper does not hsve these articles for sale, a.k him to get them; they are sold by respectable jobbers almost every where. . Circular ef price, forwarded ea application. Dec. l,-o9-3nj., P. LORILLARD. Xew Tork. TEATHER Oak-tea and Spanish Sole, French J and American Calf and Kip, Upper Morocco. Bindings. Lining's and hoe-6ndinga at (Opposite the Jail.) C. EK AIZER?, s ;t If m IT n