Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 23, 1870, Image 2

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    i)c gtafkttwtt'g gournaf, gfcarftefb, a.? gefiruary 23, 1870.
4 ;
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M.S. B01f,mDtT01liOPROPRIBTIll.
CJ J5ARFIELP, PA.V'FKB.:.23.i!7a-
U. S. Bonds at Frankfort 93L
Tfce epitaph or the tomb of the Demo
cratic party the fifteenth Amendment.
-- .
The total funded debt of the city ol Phil
adelphia on the' la.-it Jay of January, iZki,
as $42,401 ,934.''
T'he vetoof the Phil'a Metropolian P-
lice Bill, gives pretty
all over .the State.
genera! satisfaction
The Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth
Amendments to the IT. 8. Const it Ht ion have
ftastei hiwli tiwo-- ct t lie TVim." Legislature.
The Chicago 7VWcondea.ses the Ratler
Cox affair into the following spicy line: Cox
to.Butler. "Bottle. Fly." Butler to -Cox,
"Shoo, Fly." . :,
- - m - - "i- -
. , The school-trustees of the Seventh . ward,
in New Vork reeoiuiucnd that "the ancient
Irish Language be taught in their public
schools." That' an original "Democratic
idea, sure. " ' " '
I m
A Democratic paper juggesu that "an
aquariuu should be attached to the capital
building at Washington." That would be
death to hia party triend-s who eschew all L
water except "fire-water."
The Democracy hare suddenly fallen in
love with Governor Geary cause, the veto
of the Phil a Metropolitan Police bill. "No
thanka for their praise now ; which is in ra
ther bad taete after four years ot persistant
The Nebraska Legislature, on Friday
last, ratified the 1 5th Article, with but five
di.-aenting votes. . Thirty States have now
given their assent to the amendment two
more than the "Constitutional requirement.
Alas! poor Democracy ! -
Judge Strong of Pennsylvania, ha3 been
confirmed by the U. S. Senate, as an As
sociate Judge of the U. S. Supreme Court
by a large majority. The cane of Mr. Brad
ley, of New Jersey, for a siinal.ir position,
was postponed for the present.
Gold elo.'ed on Thursday, in New York,
at 1 J 91, which is the lowest price since Sep
tember 24th, 1862. At the same time Uni
ted States bonds in London advanced to 83,
which, with exchange at 100, is equivalent
to 97, or four per cent, higher than the
English consols.
Some of The Democratic papers are much
exercised over the defeat of Foster, in his
contest with Covode for a seat in Congress.
Foster should in the future, adopt State
Senator Find'ay's tactic!" in order to be suc
cessful provided he can find the pioper
material. A-hem !
The World once more declares war to the
knife with Tammany. The loyal people of
the United States will witness the strug
gle in the lk-mocratio arena with quiet sat
isfaction. "It is not our fiht. iffcil, which
ever side wine, the country will be benefited
by the blood drawn during the encounter.
- The last number of the Williaiiispoit
Standard contains a very hand.omc and
appropriate 'Wigical" Castration the ed
itor reading the "Caucasian" v.M;e fitting
along side of a table upon whijh ire a bo?
tie nod goblet. We hope he'll be able, by
aid of his surroundings, to survive the 15th
Apropos of Chief Justice Chase's recent
decision against the legal-tenders, the Boston
Transcript says : "The man whose face is
on what the Supreme Court calls 'irredeem
able paper cunrency has some 'cheek to
turn his back on his portrait. No man ever
pronounced against his own issue to the ex
tent of Chief Justice Chase."
."From the Vidette we learn that several
robberiea were perpetrated in Jersey Shore
on ndy night a week. 1 ho sate in a
foundry was blown open, and the post-offic-i
robed of about $M dollars the safe con
tained nothing of vihie to the thieves.
Tti us far the Jersey-Shoreites have failed
to secure the long fingered Democracy that
perpertratcd these deeds.
The HVW continue it warfare on the 1
Tammany ring of New Vork, in a regular
Democratic . slaughter-house fashion. It
speaks of the sachems mildly as the
thieves of Tammany," "the thieves of the
King, it is ail aoout tne new etiar-
ter for the city. lueJlerata nas tne place
of organ to the wigwam. HoSfmau's troub
les are beyond computation.
In the Supreme Court at Philadlphia, on
Monday a-week, in the case of Schoeppe vs.
Com'th in Error to the Oyer and Termin
er of Carlisle the court decided that, un
der the statutes, the Supreme Court caunot
review the evidence, nor can have anything
to do -with 'the guilt or innocence of the
prisoner, and therefore is compelled to af
firm the judguient of the court'. below.
.This left the- prisoner in the hands of the
Sheriff for execution. Upon hearing of the
4eeisiofl of the Court, the Penn'a Legisla
ture passed a law empowering the Supreme
Judges to examine into the facts pnd the ev
idence in criminal cases carried up on a writ
of error. The Governor vetoed this bill but
the Legislature passed it promptly by a two
thirds vote over the veto. This being the
law-now, it is presumed that Schoeppe's
case will be brought before the court once
. more ior review.
N-The Bible in Public itchools. .
The Supreme Court in : Cincinnati,' last
week decided the casein references' to the
exclusion of the Bible from the public
Schools in that city by the board of Education-'
The Conrt decided agains the ru
ling of the Board : and has made the injunc
tion, restraining them from carrying it into
tffect, perpetual. By this decision the
courts declare that Christianity is a part of
the comvion law, and that exclusion of the
Bible from the public schools is a violation
ofaiich law. This opinion is seconded by the
unnMtt.ut.f ttif 1 1.1 t)ia .Inftr Jf lt,n'" StflfA
. U - 'JU I "MU ' . -! .Lit. 11HJ V I L II U I V.
J to care fur the intuligence and morals of
I the people, aud that it is'nnlawful to strike
down any of the, means which the ; world
, recognize, or facts prove, essential to
good government It is difficult, says a'co
temporary, to meet this question in ' the
l ijrht spirit, on account of the intensity of
the feeliug stirred up by religona discussion.
But reason should prevail. We look upon
the deci.-ion of the Ohio courts as proper,
it docs not even hint at sectarian teaching.
This is left to enthusiasts,-' to those whose
reasons are not so free as their passions and
ptejudices.' By many it is supposed that
the question just decided is the percursor of
a Jiost which Catholicism threatens to drive
down upon Protestantism. It is not our
purpose to inquire whether this be true. If
it is, Protestantism should not lay claim to
this decision. If it, is not, Catholicism
shriiiti not repine at it. The State must
exist. . Religion is free to exist. - Let . this,
however, be said, the Bible should ' never
be driven from our schools of instruction
at the -command of any sect or any party,
In itself the Bible is not sectarian. It is
the focus of ll sects. AH cluster around
it ss Ihey would gather aronnd God in the
end. When interpreted by The lip lit of
sect, when preverted by perjudice, when
corrupted by ignorance, then complaints a
gainst its introduction into the common
schools miirht with some ' plausibility be
heard. But, looking upon it as a Divine
law given to assist our understanding of
the inner law which we are slow to discover,
early habits of perusal should become one
of the first elements of education Or, a
gain, looking upon it as a repositoty of
quaint history, as a cabinet of the purest
and best English, as a work unexcelled for
its poetry and pathos, it can never be over
valued as a text-book. Why, then-, should
it be expelled ? Reason cries out against
it. We suspect the obstinacy that insists
upon its removal. ' ' .
i -r , -
The "Border" Claims
The Bill, introduced into the State Leg
islature, providing for the "payment of dam
ages caused by Lee's invasion of Pennsylva
nia, is a somewhat suspicious affair. It au
thorizes, first, a loan by the Commonwealth
of $750,000, and provides also that the see-'
ond and fifth sections of the art creating the
loan for the redemption of over due bonds,
approved February 2d, 18C7, be made ap
plicable to this loan, in addition to the a
uount raised by the loan; the State Treas
urer is authorized to pay upon the claims
aforesaid out "of any moneys in the State
Treasury, five hundred thousand dollars on
the 15th of March, 1S70, and thrsc hundred
thousand in June and December each year
thereafter, until the whole amount of said
claims has been paid. It likewise names
certain persons in the counties of Adams,
Franklin, York, Perry, Fulton and Bedford,
by whom "the said claims i-haU. be examin
ed and approved." The appropriation of a
sum sufficient to pay all juxt claims of the
kind referred to.might possibly receive gen
eral approval; but the Bill before the Leg
islature has some features about it which
make it appear as if it were designed more
for the benefit of the lobbyists who have it
in charge than for those who had their
proerty destroyed or injured by the invad
ing Rebels. Be this, however, as it may, it
will do no harm to have it closely scrutin
ized by those who are running the law-inak-'
ing machine at Hanisburg, before they cast
their votes in its favor.
The Franking Privilege.
The bill lot .f,c repeal of the Franking
Privilege, in the slia? " which it passed
the House of Reprei?ntatir?8 at Washing
ton, provides that nothing be C."111111
ted free in the mails, and hence, if-it be""
comes a law, postage will have to be paid
on newspapers sent to subscribers residing
in the county where published, and the edi
tors of papers will also have to pay postage
on their interchanging publications. It is
doubtful whether a single individual, who
signed a petition for the repeal of the frank
ing pririrge, supposed that the bill would
be made so sweeping in its provisions ; and
the only exp!anati m that suggests itself for
the course pursued by the House, is, that
the members of Congress were in a pet about
the abolition of a privilege to which they
cling with unprecedented tenacity, and
therefore determined to make it as odious as
possible to their constituents for which
t Ley may possibly fiud themselves remem
cered in the future. The Senate, we are
glad to see, manifests a disposition to change
the Bill so that the free circulation of papers
to subscribers in the county where published
w ill be continued as at present.
The murder of Dr. Livingstone, the Af
rican explorer, which was reported a few
dsys ago, is not believed by the most com
petent authorities in England, Sir lloder
if i- i? iii i,
ic jiurciusou, nimseii an old African ex
plorer, publishes a letter iu which he denies
the probability of Dr. Livingstone having
been at the head of the Congo river, ninety
days journey from the mouth, where, accor
ding to Captain Cochrane's statement, he
was burned by the natives as a sorcerer.
From what is known of the eourse Dr. Liv
ingstone iutended to take it is impossible
that he could have biseu iu this locality by
the time indicated. . k 5
It is believed that the current investiga
tion, into the alleged sale of cadetships in
the Military and Naval Academies, will re
sult in clear proofs against nearly a doxen
members and ex-members. If the effect
should be to check an evil which has been
flagrant for years, the enquiry will be sus
tained by public opinion.
A Bill to) restore the Spring elections is
before the Legislature. The popular senti
ment is clearly in favor of the retention of
the present system. Otherwise; provision
must be made for spring registrations. Is
the repeal of the registry-law a part of the
Coalition'programme? The anoexed para
graph from the Bedford Inquirer very fair
ly expresses the opinions ot by far ths larg
est number of the journals of-the State.
The Inquirer says :
We hope there will be no interference
with the present law until it has had a fair
trial. .The people have not yet had time to
get accustomed to the change, but if it is
continued a year or two and t airly tested, we
do not. believe they will wish to return to
the old Spring elections. A vast amount
of time and money is saved by the present
arrangement and the elections fall at a much
more pleasant season. We can see no good
reason for a change at present and we hope
there will be none.
, ,
Somewhat Mixed.. Politics In New
Hampshire are getting slightly mixed and
muddled. There are four tickets in the
field the Labor-Reform ,Tem oerance, Dem
ocratic and Republican. The Democrats
are doing nothing for themselves directly,
but are quietly patting the Labor-Reformers
on the shoulder, while they keep their
own ticket in the field, as the best mode of
distracting and defeating the Republicans,
which is not likely to happen. But, should
the Labor-Reformers, with thu aid of such
allies as the Temperance men and Demo
crats, come out of the contest victorious, it
might be well for them to remember a cer
tain fable of the cat and monkey the point
of which turned upon who should roast the
chestnuts lest, perchance, they should find
a victory with such aid rather worse than a
defeat. - '
Nef.D8 Stampiso. Many persons sup
pose that after having received a letter ad
dressed to some friend or acquaintance, all
they have to do to make it reach the per
son (who has left the place in the mean
time) is to change the address merely and
drop it in the postoffice. The postoffice
Department has decided that all letters in
tended to be forwarded must, after having
passed from the custody of the postoffice,
be prepaid by stamps in the same manner
as though the letters had never been taken
in the mail. If they are not so prepaid they
are held for posatge and sent to the dead
letter office as unpaid matter.
Texas. It is gratifying, says the Wash
ington Clironicle, to see the vigor with
which Texas wheels into line iu the great
work of establishing impartial suffrage. No
other State has ratified the fifteenth amend
ment with equal unanimity the vote being
70 to 8 in the House and 24 to 2 in the Sen
ate. The work of reconstruction in Texas
goes harmoniously forward and will be com
pleted next Teusday (yesterday) by the e-
lection of United State Senators. May .we
uot hope that, should the Senate ever get
through with the case ot Mississippi, the
very clear record of Texas will secure her a
speedy admission ?
The House Committee on Ways and
Means now propose to reduce the revenue
form the tariff about $20,000,000, and that
from internal revenue about $30,000,000.
This action, it is said, meets with the ap
proval of the President, and will be received
by the people with universal satisfaction.
As the currency during the coming year will
be much more valuable than in the preceed-
ing, it is safe to say that the revenue col
lected would be fully equal to that of last
year, and, besides, the productive interests
of the country would be relieved to the ex
tent of at le-ist fifty millions of dollars.
Thk Question Solved. The warm
weather ot the present wiuter is accounted
for. The astronomers are responsible for
it. They have recently discovered that the
sun is actually four million miies nearer the
earth than was previously supposed, and
that, instead of ninty-five million, the ac
tual distance is only ninety one million miles.
But for the timely discovery of this impor
tant fact, we might have gone on in miser;
able ignorance and had cold winters for
ever. Let us give thanks to the astrono
mers. '
The U. S. Navy. The Xary Register,
just out for 1870, shows that of eighteen
hundred officers in the service not less than
hirtecn hundred and forty-five are on the
active Ilt, rUe of the balance two hun
dred and rori-eht, are miushipmen t
the Naval Academy. ,re re one l)un-
dredand eighty-eight vessels 0 M Kinas
and classes, from ships ot the lit." t0 lu"
tie torpedo boat laid up in New lor ar"
bor. : During last year fourteen vessels were ,
sold and one (the steam tug Maria) lost.
Giving Them a Chance. A resolu
tion which, if passed, will test the popular
ity of the woman's rights doctrine among
women, was introduced in tho Illinois Con
stitutional Convention a few days since. It
provides that there shall be submitted to the
women of the State, of the age of twenty
one or over, a separate constitutional a
mendmcnt giving to them the right of the
ballot. If this amendment receives a ma
jority of the votes cast, it is to be considered
a part of the Constitution.
The New Jersey Senate, following the
bad example of the Representatives, last
week rejected the FfteentL Amendment by
a vote of Vi to 8. With characteristic in
fatuation, the Democrats voted against de
mocracy, and recorded themselves in the
Bishop Simpson said in one of his recent
lectures that while in Europe he never trav
eled with a German student without being
told that he (the student) was saving mon
ey to go to America, nor rode with an Irish
man that did not ask, him if he knew his
cousin ! '
Mississippi is reconstructed at last The
bill restoring the State to its Federal rights
has passed Congress, and is, ere .this, ap
proved by the President. Her Senators
and Representatives will take their seats at
once. Now for Texas and Georgia I
The wheat is itportcd tot be an inch Lih
v iu Kansas,
. 1 Little of Evrything. H '
1 j . . -
The ioe crop i fins in Aluka qurtr of a
mile thick.
For ule tho ''Tribano Almanae" for 1870, at
the Ppstoffice.
The State Tempera nee Co'nroBtion defeated the'
new party project. Sensible. ;
Erery fashionable young lady in New York js
be danced with Prince Arthur.
. E very Republican in the county should hare
the Journal. Price, SI in advance.
. iAn Indianapolis paper telli of a man who "re
proved his wife with an axe-handle."
A man was froien to death in Somerset eonnty
last week, lie drank too much whiskey.
Never accuse a man of intoxication nntil yon
see him trying to light his pipe at a pump
- Get your job work don at the Journal Power
Pros Job Offioe, if yon want it on abort notice. -
There are eight thousand Quakers in Iowa. Al
most enough for another Quaker City tome here,
Bohner and Bordenberg, the murderers of the
Peightal family, will be executed on the ilth of
lie who it ashamed to ask qaestions will never
learn, and he who is too saving to advertise will
never thrive.
They have big snow storms out In Nevada. The
last one continued two weeks,covering the ground
to the depth of five feet.
Some of the town councils in Maine Sue a per
son ten dollars if he does not pay a doc lor one
dollar to get racoinated.
The subject of building associations is being
agitated in Johnstown, Altoona, Huntingdon, and
other places. Why not here ?
chnnlendomovitchowegin means love among
the Choctaws. Almost anywhere else a word ot
that size would mean business.
Calcutta was illuminated on the occasion of the
visit of Prince Alfred, and an undertaker embla
zoned "Welcome !" over his door
Dr. Chapin says that every young lafly should
jump at the chance of marrying a mechanic. Uirls
don't Jump unless they are scared.
It is said that "James (lorion Bennett never
made a speech, never voted, never was naturali
zed, and is still a subject of Queen Victoria "
It is understood that the coming census will be
taken under the regulations adopted in 1850 mod
ified t suit the new amendments to the Constitu
tion. A man attempted to sUirl a writing school at
Denver, last month, but they maje bini turn it
into a saloon, not wautiug any '-fangles in this
Mrs. Stanton's advice about choosing a wife is :
'-Always Iook for a girl with good teeth, for the
teeth are a sample of every bone in the fair one's
A disgusted woman in Iowa sued for a divorce
because her husband bad given her, during four
years of married life, only oue present a eoral
It is said thct if you take two letters from mon
ey there will be one left, bnt a Southern editor
heard of a man who took money from letters,and
there was none left.
Our devil will joke on the most serious subjeoU.
He says that any fellow who would purloin pen
nies from a poor printer ought to be penned up
in the )MNytentiary.
In North Carolina the law permits a husband
to iufliut "reasonable (?) corporeal punishment
upon bis wife." Wonder it this is the reason so
many people are going to North Carolina.
The Csb,in the Miami river lately got on a ben
der from distiller's slops turned into the stream,
whereupon some hard hearted speculator oaugbt
a wagon load of them and sold them to the people
of Miltord
Rutland. Kane county, Illinois, has a majority
of Catholic inhabitants, wbo.it is said.show their
devotion to 'unsectarian'education by compelling
the teachers of the public schools to give instruc
tion in the Komao catechism.
Thecliffsof tho Cumberland river. in Kentucky, 1
are smarming with robins. One roost is three
miles long. Ihey can be picked off the bashes
by hundreds, and persons come a distance ot ten
miles to fill their baskets with "Poor robin red
breast." The Supreme Court of Ohio has decided the
case of Brown, wbo robbed theCoshoeton county
Treasury, on a writ ot error. The judgment of
tbe eourt below, sentencin Brown to a 6 no of
$40,000 an! ten years in the penitentiary, waa
The Mexandria Minn ) Pott speaks of a new
kind of legal tender, namely. muskiat skins which
bave recently been an active medium of circula
tion among merebants. The catch has been large,
and furnished many a family with groceries and
A yonng lady in another State has just secured
a position as school teacher upon the following
certificate : "This is to certify that Tamar Noyes
stands on a medium with other girls of her age
and sex, acd, for it hat I know, is as good as folks
in genera'."
The IIuntiLgdtn Gloht says a business house in
Harrisbnrg baa a very large card hanging outside
of the store door with We want to Seo," in large
letters at the top of it. and then follows a list of
dishonest cuMcmers who have failed to call and
settle, A good idea.
A Minnesota editor feelingly says that he dis
likes to see an old man with one foot in the grae
and tbe other on the brink, tottering along in a
beastly state ol intoxication, stumbling every now
and then over unseen obstacles, and then blaming
the slippery sidewalks for his misfortunos.
An Italian in his 1 10th year, being asked tha
(e;ret of his living so long, replied :
iben hungry, of tho best I oat.
And drv "n 1 ke,P mT,fM' ; i
I screen my U .-m m n and ram .
And let few cares perplex" my brain." .
Lutheran Sweden has at last enfranchised ber
dissenters and Jews. If we are right In tne pro
sumption that the former class ineludes all ot her
non-Lutheran christians, thus removing the disa
bilities of the Catholics, we must regard this act
of wise toleration as a long step in the advance of
enlightened civilization.
The Roman Catholics of San Francisco are
building an earthquake proof church. It is to
be constructed in such a way that if the roof
should be shaken down it will fall outside of tbe
walls, thus preventing eatastropho within, if
perchance a congregation should bo worshipping
at tbe time. It does not appear which way the
architects intend tha walls shall fall.
It is reported that the Russian Government has
sooeeeded in securing the servioes of the most ex
perienced inventor of ammuniiion in the world-
Colonel Boxer, of the English arsenal oy a sal
ary of 000 pounds a year. The British Navy
Department is muoh blamed for allowing a for
eign Government to remove trom England so val
uable a man.
Two men, named John Dolan and Patrios: Sloaa
went into an ore mine near Mount Union, Hunt
ingdon ooonty, on Wednesday last, and, while
stooping over a box containing powder, a spark
from a lamp which they carried fell into tho pow
der. An explosion followed, and Dolan was in
stantly killed and Sloan so badly injured that ho
will not survive.
Benjamin Franklin once wrote ;
He who"by the plow would thrive
Himself must either bold or drive
These Knes were very popular in their day, and
even now they are ocoaonally quoted by old fo
gies. But some person has eclipsed them, by
bringing out the following :
"He who by his bis would riso ,
I Must either bust or advemse.
" ; The Treasury Investigation.
The Senate Finance Committee met, Ja?t
week, in the Speaker's worn, in Harrisburg,
far the purpose of furthetexamining State
Treasurer Mackey, when the latter present
ed a statement showing , where the State
funds were deposited when he assumed the
duties of the office, and also- where he had
them on the 31st day pf January last, and
gave the committee the privilege toexamine
the books of the Treasury at any time. The
following is the statement handed iu by Mr.
Mackey, to the Senate, to wit :
Treasury lialance Monday, May, 3, 1869.
Due from Bankt and Banker t.-
National Bank, Catasaqua, : " $2,418 37
Bauk of Commerce, Kri (tail-
ed 1861) 3,896 48
Venango National Bank, Frank-
lin, Mailed 1S65) . 7,22150
Messrs. J.. II. I)ick & Co.,
Meadvillc, 3,532 66
Messrs,Bear A Shook, Lancaster 8,738 62
Carlisle Deposit Bank, . 8,504 51
MaDheim .National Bank, 5,000 00
First Nat'l Bank Washington, 102 82
Farmers' and Mechanics, Batik,
Shippensburg, 10,500 00
Juniata ValleyB'k.Mifflintown 15,082 49
Union Banking Company.Phila. 10,000 00
Citizens' Bank, Pittsburg, 16,369 76
Stehman, Clarkson & Cm. Lan
caster, 20,133 35
J. F. Mason & Co. .Towanda, 16,201 55
First Nat'l Bank Northumber
land, 11,170 01
First National Bank, Warren, 10,000 00
Farmers' and Mechanics' Nat'l
Bank of Philadelphia, (gold) 806 17
Iron City Bank, Pittsburg, 12,663 42
Uuion Nat 1 Bank, Lewisburg, 10,00 00
Ilarrisburgh National Bauk, 2,714 60
Tradestnau's National Bunk of
Pittsburg, 14,076 78
Second Nat'l Bank, Mechanics
burg, 15,000 60
Girard National Bank, Phila. 120 00
Farmers' and Mechanics Nat'l
Bank of Philadelphia, 17.031 10
National Bank of Middletown, 70,000 00
Mercur's Bank of Towanda, 20,162 10
First Nat'l Bank, Harrisbnrg, 31,029 70
Win. 31. Lloyd & Co.. Altoona, 50,000 00
First Nat'l Bank.Bellefonte, 20,000 00
Jay Cook & Co., Philadelphia, . 75,923 00
C. T. Yerkes, jr., & Co. ... 100.00U 00
First Nat'l Bink, Norristown, 20,000 00
Merchants1 Bank, Harrisburg, 161,9-Sl 10
Jacob E. llidgewar. I'hila. 100,000 Oil
Vault, 211,303 99
Draw, 3.252 23
Counon account, 17,781 50
Advaucos to Oificers of Gov't, 26,405 62
Balance in Treasury, Monday,
May, 3, 1869.
$1,135,194 02
STATEMENT NO. 2. -Treasury
B ilance, January 31, 1870.
Dne. from Jinnies and Hunkers.
Workingmens' Savings Bank,
Allegheuy $2,500 00
Allegheny rfaviugs Bank, 10.000 00
Bank of Commerce. Erie, 3,896 48
Venango National Bank, r 7,224 50
Farmers' and Mechanics' Nat'l
Bank (gold) 802 09
Bear & Sjbonk, Lancaster. 5,000 00
German Savings B'k. Allegheny 5,000 00
Stehman, Clarkson & Co., Lan
caster, 5,0)0 00
Indiana Deposit Bank, Indiana, 5,000 00
Kirk. M'Veigh & Co., West
Chester, 10,0 00
National Bank, Middletown, 115,000 01
Farmers' National Bank llead-
iug. 20,000 00
First Nat'l Batik, Bcller.intc, 20,450 00
Jacob K. Kidgeway, Phila. 100.000 00
Harrisl.tiri' National Bank. 1.077 OO
Mechanics' Bank, Harrisburg, 25,000 (X)
Mercur's Bank, Towanda, 20.041 91
Win. M. Lloyd, Altoona, 50.000 00
t,l. F. Mason & (Jo., Towandi, 15,000 39
.Iiininta Vailev Bank. Minlln-
town, 33,082 49
State Bank, Uarrishnrg, 20,000 00
Lloyd, lloff & Co., Latrobo, 10,000 00
Dougherty Bros. & Co.JIarrUb'g, 55.000 OO
Danville National Bank, 4.000 00
First National Bank, Sharon. 10.000 00
Union Banking Co., Phil' a, 140,000 00
Kensington Nat'l B'k. Phil'a, 75,000 00
AUechenv Nat'l B"k. Pittsburg, 205,213 58
Hunitnelstown Bank, 3.000 00
To,, nIro fv n. Phil'a.- 4 7r li
First Nat'l B'k, Harrwburg, - 233,877 71
Farmers and Mechanics' Na
tional Bank. Philadelphia.....
Vault, 8.44H 00
Draw. 2,437 16
Coupon Account, 180.61 6 50
Advance to officers ot Wov t, li,SSJ w
Advance to officers of the Sen
ate and Iluuse, 49.730 00
Total. $1,1.09,129 90
Less, Farmers and Mechanics'
Nat l Batik of Philadelphia, 144,021 51
Balance January 31, 1870, $1,425,103 39
Three hundred and eighty thousand dol
lars deposited in Bank on Monday, January
31, 1870, hut no advice until Tuesday, Feb
ruary 1, 1870.
From the above it will be observed that
the State has the following sums in banks
reported as failed, viz : Bank of Commerce,
Erie, $3,896 48 ; Venango National Bauk,
$7,24 50; total, f 10,620 9S.
These banks failed befoi e either Mr. Irwin
or Mr. Mackey assumed the duties of the
office of Statu Treasurer,
Uw guUcrtiacm?nt$.
AAwtmimntn ttvm tnargtlyjtr,jr outof plain
style, will he charged double usual rales. JV's tuts.
Foil BALE Four span of good. sound HORSES.
Will be sold for Cash, or on Time to respon
sible parties Apply at tho Camp, Laurel Run,
Clearfield county. "
geb, 23,'70-3t. JOHN A. OTTO.
WATERMEN. The undersigned
have onened a house of eu'ertatnment.
for watermen, at tha Bis; Basin, to which tbey di
rect the attention of watermen. Tho rocks have
been blown out of the basin, so tbat there is a
rood landing- on both sides of the river. Fare
cood. and charges moderate
Feb. 21, 1370 HOOVER A FRAZER.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cau
tioned against purchasing or meddling
with one bay Horse, ore spotted Cow. one two
horse Wagon, and one set double Harness, now in
possession ot E. B. Blackwell, of Deeatur town
ship, as the same were purchased by me at Con
stable s rale, ana nave aeon iesi wiwu saiu ijikok
well snbjiot to my order.
Feb. 23, 70 3t. JOHN C. HENDERSON.
CAUTION. All parsons are hereby cau
tioned aeainst Durchasiner or taking an
assignment of a certain promissory note, calling
for one hundred dollars, given by me to Theodora
Weld, of Beooana townihio, and bearing data
Anril 169. Davable April 1870. as I have received
ao value for the ssme, and will not pay it unless
compelled to do so by due process or law.
Feb. 23, 187tf-3tp. GEO. W. PIERCE.
--' -Tbe partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned in tbe Foundry business
in Curwensville, was dissolved by mutual oonsent
on February 1st, 187a Mr. Wann retiring. The
books and accounts of the Arm will be settled by
by Mr. Kobison. to whom those indebted to said
firm will make immediate payment.
Feb. 2S,"!0 3tp. JOHN WANN.
DISSOLUTION. The partnership here
tofore existing between E. A. llipple
and Daniel Faust, at Curwensville. nnder tbe
firm of Hippie ir Faust, is dissolved by mutual
consent. All debts owing to tho said firm are to
be received by said E. A. llipple, and all demands
againat said firm are to be presented to hira tor
payment. K A. IltPPLK.
Feb. 23 3. DANIEL FAUST.
itr Curwensville.
The undersigned having entered into c part
nership. in tbe FOUXDRY BUSINESS in
Curwensville, would inform the publio that they
keep on hand, and wilt manufacture to order.
Plows, Cultivators,
" 1 ' Stoves, etc;,'
and every other description of artieles generally
made in a eeuntry foundry.
Terms reasonable. Old metal taken in ex
change for work.
A share of patronage is respectfully solicited.
Feb.2J,'70-ly. JAilKSM. VVJ-XCU.
T EG ISTEK'S NOTICE. Notice isbere
by given that the following accounts
bave been examined and passed by me, and remain
filed of record in this office for the inspection of
heirs. legatees creditors. and all others in anyway,
interested and will be presented to tbe next Or
phans' Court of C'earfield county, to be held at
tbe Court House, in the Borough of Clcarfird
commencing on tbe 3d Monday of Moron. 1S70 :
Final account of Joseph 11. Breth and Mary
Williams. Administrators of Samuel Williams,
late of Burnside township, deceased. -
Final account of Catharine Mitchell, Executrix
of C. C. Mitchell, late of Burnsido t p, dee'd.
Final account of John Patton and Elisa Fergu
son, txecutors of James rerguion, lata of the
Borough of Lumber-city, dee'd.
Partial aicount of Samuel Hegarty, Executor
of Samuel Hegarty. Sr., late of Ouelich t'p.dec'd
Final account ot Samuel Uagerty, Guardian of
Wilotta C. U-e.
Feb. 23. 1S70. A. W. LEE, Register.
The undersigned respectfully informs tbe eiti
lens of Clearfield and vicinity, that be has ra
muved hia BAKERY to the building on the corner
of Market and Third Streets, formerly occupied
by John Hilburn, where he keeps on hand all
kinds ot
, Confectiouarics,
I 11 E AD, PIES,
Cakes, etc.,
which will be sold at very reasonable rates
Feb. 23,lo7n-:'tn. - JOHN A. STADLEK.
Raftsmen are informed that tbe best and cheap
est bread ean at all times be had at
Clearfield, Pa.
P. T. I.
A Pure, Peasant . Safe and KsHahlo Tonie. com
pou titled from fresh and choice herbs and pos
itively pure apiriu, free from iu-il oil. or
other irritating properties, and will
not disagree or offend the mo(
delicate stomach. Warrant
ei to contain more tued
ieiuat virtue thin anj
bitters at present offered to the public.
To increase tha Appetite to promote Digestion
to cure Dyspepsia to cure Fo er and Ague to
euro Biliousness to euro Constipation to cure
Cbronio Diarrhea to cure Flatulence to cure
Acid Eructations to cure ervous Debility to
cure Hypochondria to cure Sallownesc of the
Complexion to cure Pimples and Blotches to
cure General Debility and Prostration of the
Physical i'owers,
A lih'ral dili-nimt to the trade.
A. I. S II A IT,
Doaler in Drugrs. Medicines, Chemicals, Pve
stuffs, Oils, Paint", Varnishes, Ac, Patent
Medicines. Pure Wines and Liquors fur
medical purpoces. Fancy and Toilet
Articles, and all goods usually
kept in a Dru2 Store, sold
Seb. 23,1 cheap. tS7
TAMES II. PARKER. I'ork Packer and
" vtinlcil jl en in RnMi T 1 iirt
Lsrd. Sugar Cured Hams and Beef. No. 301) Lib
erty street, flttstmrgh, 1'a. teb.Z, 0-Ziup
A UCTIONEER. The undersigned, hav
ine been regularly licen.scd, is prepared
to call kales in any part of tbe county. Cbarzes
moderate. Persons desiring his services will
cill upon or address, CHAS 11. HENSALL.
iov z-3mp. rmun a .mils. i a
MISS II. S. SWAN'S, School for Girh,
Clearfield, Pa.
The next Term of twentv-two weeks will com
meoce on Monday, February 21, 1870.
Reading. Orthography.Writing. Object Les
sons. Primary Arithmetic and Primarv
tocography, per half term, (of II weeks i. $i 00
History, Local ana Descriptive ueograpny
with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic, (SO
Algebra and tbe Scienoes, 0 00
Instruction in Instrumental Musie, 19 00
Oil Painting, 12 00
Wax Work, 8 00
For full particulars send for Circular.
Clearfield, August 25, 1869-ly.
is an excellent article of
granulated Virginia
wherever introduced it ia
Smoking Tobacco
universally admired.
is nut up in handsome muslin bags, in which or
ders tor Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed.
LORtLLARD'S 1 classed by allwhooonsnm
i rtUlti viuu u mmit of tna eboicesl
Smoking Tobacco leaf grown; it ia anti-ner
vous In its ettects, as tne Pliootiae Has been ex
tracted ; it leaves no disagreeable taste after smo
king; It is very mild, light in color and weight,
hence one pound will last as long as 3 of ordina
tobacoo. In this brand we also pack orders every
aay mr nrst quality aiearseoaum npes. Try H
andkeonvinee yourselves it is all it elaiaas to ho,
"the finest ot all."
This brand of Fine Cut
Chewing Tobacco has no
equal or superior any
wners. Itiswttbou
doubt the best ohe wing tobacco in the country
LORILLARD'S I have now been in general
SXUVPR '' th United States
id J X X. O I over 110 years, and still
acknowledged -'the best wherever used
If your storekeeper does not have these articles
for sale, ask him to get them; they are sold by
respeciaoie joDoers almost everywhere. ,
Circular of price forwarded on application
Dee. l,'69-3m.l P. LORILLARD. New York
...... aLt.9?riir,
- ouarga ot this ven.
the i .nder.,Sn.d would respectful, -," r-:l.
of he public patronage. Trave l J m' 1
accommodation, .qua?,, those",.""1 tkj
V. ace Home I n DtsTRr. ri,lT;',xcl B-
-A -..IT.. 1. -
i he un,l fir.,...
r laoiisned a Aar
C J. H AVP5 SrD... v.
i in i
SDendinr two ! iw, ...k . "cry aottb-
work should be presented on the da, 'L'li"
val in each place. 3 w n rn-
fy Teeth extracted br tS. .?:.-.,
nastbesia, comparatively without i.:-?51
inds of dental work guaranteed r " "
B The public will please notice, thai !.
, when not engaced in the .h,... 'OM "r
found in his office in Curwontvill.. Ian i
a iivik,
"0 r.TTo,,
J is a is.'
E. B. PATTON k t o.
Having fitted up a first-elass
L A X I X Q M I J,
are prepared to furnish to order all kinds uf v..
ufaotured Lumber, such as
fl o ortrxa, sr dx(.
S iirfa c e-d rcssc d L u 1 n be r.
nd every description of Plain and Fnrj Mu( J.
cgs. Dealers will find it to tbeir advantage to
consult our prices before purchasing elrtwhsre.
Address, E. 15. Patton & Co.,
Dec. 2,'CS. Clearfield Co., Ts.
VuricrnsiuHe, Venn it..
Have just opened a large as J tnot roirf's's itock
All kinds of Lumber and Produce tsken in ex
change for goods
Give us a call before lmrdniMii i'I
Curwensville. ept 22, ISM
E. A. Irvix & Co..
Being speoially engaged in the business ot tr
ing and selling SQUARE TIMBF.lt, woaia re
sent tbat they are now prepared to purchase tits-
ber, delivered at either Curwensville. ""
or Marietta, or will take it at any of the psis"
and seil on commission, making sucn aa-
a J .. . mj M
are necessary.
Those eng-ged in gettinj cut tim
ber will ri
at our store in Cnrwonsville. a very
of STAPLE GOODS, of all descriptions.
ofLsmVens" and everything necessary for u
hrdii ls'S
RAFT ROPE, of all sises.kept on
quantities, and sold at a small adv."?'.
, , ms1e'
Special induoements offered, t
taring Square Timber. v
- E: A. I vis
Curwensvin. Jn. 13. 1870
. i mtr
1 -1
-.TL. Pt.y.TainU "lYi BIUlJ
KJ an a' oil
"... , oetween Uurwensvill, ,BJ r',
Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kiaj J',:
trees. (Standard and dwarf ) r., " d,offi
bry,rp. Vines, UooJl"- fcn.
berry. Strawberry and Kaspheir. " B,"
Pibri.n Crab trQnine..,'-' u!
barb. 4e. Orders promj-tlv atiea. , r'"Rh-
Aug ansa. J.p.V&ttnj AiiT
- - ..is,
vruirninni ttait -i
nee or of the public eommeneinain I, ,
a. follows,viT Luth.r.bnr,t'';i1,Jr,f1
month : Ansonville first Monday of ever.
Lumber C'itv fir.i TI...J. -J every agouti,