Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 09, 1870, Image 3

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    Raftsman's Joatnal
ciEimiW, I'A., FKB. 9, 1870.
-1 m . To insur
the eaf traBamisalon
, !. by mail, patrons snouia renin djcdcci
order, or their letter. registered.
7eipt i oe'Kl fir' P'P" ft"
tBe p.QBeycon-,1'"''-
id ri" , . . i ,
Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad.
leaves Tyrone at
Arrives at Clearfield at
12 16 . m.
J.JO p m.
fil 1 1 tin leaves Clearfield :
" . t Tyrone at : :
5.35 p. en.
vsets with Cinctnnati-Expres East at 6 OS
- Mail t t 6 44 p. w ; Bald Eagle Ex
V -
gtT 09 p m-
Accommodation Train.
l-,,e Clearlield at . : : . :
Pbilipsburg at : :
Arrive at Oaceola at
Lei.ee Oteeela at - -., : :
rbilipbnrg at .
Arrives at Clearfield at :- :
7.00 A. M.
9 10 A. at.
10 li k. f.
. 2 oe p.
2.30 p. .
KEUiHOCS. Divine ocrvices will te Leld
next tabbath, in Clearfield, a follows:
Bv Kov Nixdorffin the Lu'.heraji church.
,t 1 i A. M. and 7 P.M. Sat-Lath school at 91
A. M. l'rsyer meeting every Wednesday
ermiini: at 7 o'clock.
tfv Kcv. Hall, in St. Andrew a Episcopal
chui'ch, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday
school t 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every
Wednesday evening -t 7 o'clock.
By Rev. Butler.in the Presl.rterian church,
mornina and eveniiiff- Sabaath whool at
3 P. M" Prayer meeting every Wednesday
evenine at 7 o'clovk.
By llev. W. II. Dill, in the Methodist
church, tnoroin? and evening. Sabbath
pihool at 9 A. M. Pmyc-r meeting, every
Thursday at 71 P. M. Comniunioti services
Finn Sabbiih of every month at 10J A. M.
St. Francis' church Mas at 10, A. M.,
the second and fourth Suudttvs of each
month. v
Bather "Bix'k" the prospect for a
ripply of ice daring the coming suiiiiiier.
Already we hear regrets ex preyed in regard
to the prospective scarcity of "I-sereaui."
' Live in hope, if you die in despair."
Somewhat Indignant the two b'hoy
who asked th way to a-certaSn whool house,
whfti, after traveling about two miles, they
di-ciiver-d they had !een tnf that distance
out of their way ju a "fool's erraut." Bet
ter luck-next "tint.
1' ; i Kirovs Notice. The Fourth quar
tet iy nivcting of the M. K. Church Clear
field, will be held next Sabbath. Feb. 13th.
Lev. J. S. 51 'Murray. Presiding Elder, and
!..'. :'. W. Sear. will conduct the services,
l'rivehi.'iir morning and evening.
Puwkh Joii-Press. Business men. who
desire to have Cards, Circulars. Bill heaJs,
,-tiT-h''aJing, Handbills Envel-jpes. Pa
j itr-b iuk-, or blanks printed, arc s;iflriiicd
tiut ih-.-y tan have theui donn, on very hort
linriee and at the very lowest pricv., at the
,oorfiZ. uf&ta..
TiMBEH-n.vri.i.N i.amiil niuih retarded
o:i ai-uitirit of the scarcity of uow and the
'f the ruads, Oa yesterday.
(Tuesday), however, several inches of snow
Hi.Vjt The 5j;.t;;.!??i.n.4 Si-itkjt if wVH.tr.p
t:ui:i u iitJu'iei:t length u time to te of
Biui'h Ix-iK-iit iu fianliii;.
l'mui'SULKO. From the Journal we
ham that, on Saturday morniug. January
2Vih. Mr. J. (Jortou of that plaoe wat severe
ly iiijurcl by acciduntaliy falling from a pile
of !uiii!-r' on the edge of a car, which ha
ii I-M-lin,
W-4 b.-.i-I'lhi-r
r t!i . tiui TiTj of
a. Ii mj Ij-j being hi I y
l'"'!tv. . We a:e inforuicd that, on Friday,
: the '.vjgon3ia,ivifrhop,t04:ether with
s ". :!: t..l,. of William" A. Ogden, of Wil
!;:i:u- lir.iv.., in ihij county, was d.'stroye.l
ly ai !. A .jui t;tty iif wj:kjl oat tiiilt-riil
t.-n 1 tuiiMiitif I. The !.. i t-Hti'iiatcu at
at-.u; Nv imuratiw. Tu Sro was
'it AiiVic. A ' pajer in Illinois
tslV-. iu ihiji way. " H you owe one but
a -iii2!e tiollar. go and pay hiiu : when there
i." so lit tie money we oui;ht to keep it mov
in? around lively. Jim owed us and we
ted Dili, and l?i'.l owed Jim. Jim got
ma bttMiise we made him pny one morn
i-t? lat i-ck ; but w paid IJi'.l, end Hill,
I aid Jin . and Jim went to Led that night
if ; py aa elaiu, with yal as much uion
' h - h i I in i he uiot nitix, and three men
mt v! .ivht.
!'! ni. J.ja Day. The weathf r proph
aii'i til-.- groan I hi,g, must have made a
J:va!c'ila'ioti thU year. According to tra
Jiiijti, ou the Seaoii l da of February his
lor :.ii.' inaje-'ty eineries t'ruiii his burrow.
a:'d 'i' he hi- thaj jw will return to his
WtiiU-r unrters for nix weeks hard winter
-ajier for that period of time bein? the
f,"u.t of his prognosis. The nn nhone
I'liuhi and warm aim j.it throughout the en
tircaj ju the Si-cni l au l the weather has
CuDiiuueJ unuMially uiild and pleaant ever
ne. 1 1tt'iiitiM lr thi
CJtitriiry. p. Pigey,as well a the weaih
-oipej. will lose his reputation if they
J'U t d Loiter in the future.
Oh.tlakt. Ou Monday morning, Feb
riry 7di. H7i, of consumption, Thomas
Lii.bKLi..ad4tyears,7 months and 7 days.
ll'e-i-eea.-ed was a Scotchman by' birth,
'unnraud to this country several years ago,
ttltJ in Jordan township, iu this county-
n .rtly alter the outbreak of the late
r-:i;:o:i, he filtered the army as Second
-fuM of Company E., 14'lth Pcnnsyl--a
o.iintetri, was afterwards promoted
J'lrt Lieutenant, and served with mark
' Jistmction aud bravery to the close of
""' War-l'aviiig participated in all the bat
1 wln. h the army of the Potomac was
ea'''J. during that memorable and ardu-
I :' f?s?s,e for t,,e ,ife o he "fttion- M r.
1 was a man of superior ability and
' iu 1, ne t and inJustiious. Possesked of
d well balanced mind, of good
rrect judgment, and an eroellent ed.t
'") he wa, highly esteemed by all who
"'n, and much admired and beloved
lit , u'!iforui kindness and affability by
IIL, lntiu)"te friends and acquaintances.
l u ',,r",re wa not nxped to
taT, fHffi:'1r-or friends, as all were
W w hl rapi J declioe- But few
rZ c V hl9 be -e"rked to the
tCh that Le had 00 bPea
swung any better, and that he wished the
XDre 77- B havio for tin Pt
to de,?: ,h'm,elf 43 willing
li' 10 that rae froni whenoe
to return. Let him rcrt in p.
Call and see the new Sewing machine at
Miss E. A. P. Rynders, Clearfield. 3t
a - .- .
Druggists labels, and Physician) blank
prescriptions, done on 6hort notice and at
city prices at the Journal. Power press job
office. Send in your orders. , ...
Meteorological Ff.port for the week
ending February 3d. 1870, from three dai
ly observation!", as furnished by E. Fcnton,
of Penntp. : Maximum of thermometer, 40
on 2d; Minimum, 12 on 2d; Mean, 26;
Max. of barometer, 28.30 on 3d; Miuiru
um, 27.S5 on ,31st ; Pvange, .45 inches.
Mean of Barometer for the week, 2S.04.
Depth of water fell during week, .21G inch.
Depth of snow during the season, 49 iuches.
Little or no snow during the week fields
and rouds mostly bare much lumber lyiug
Lack. -
Salfs or Real Estate. Below we giye
a list of the Deeds, as entered of record in
the Recorder's office in this county, for the
week ending February 7th, 1S70, together
with the consideration named, where located,
and the names of the grantors and grantees :
Deed. Exr's Henry Hcgarty. dee d., to
Henry Coogan. for 106 acres in oodward
township. Consideration, $1,000
Deed, Jeff. Lit, M. D.. to Jas. L. Stew
art, for house and lot iu Kylertowu. Con
sideiatiou, $1,250.
Deed, Geo. Oom.ll, to Wallace. Forcey,
Graham & Wilson, lor 433 acres in Graham
township. Consideration, $3,000..
Deed, Moshannon Lund and Lumber Co.,
to Jarvis Gonpiil, for lot No. 305,in Osceola.
Consideration, $55.
Deed. James T. Leonard, to B. II. Tay
lur, for 20'J acres iu Beccana township.
Consideration, $2,300.
Editor Journal. In conformity with
previous MinouncemenU a concert was giv
en in the M. E. Church, in Lumber City,
on Saturday evening, the 2'Jth January, by
the pupils of the Musicd Convention under
the charge of Prof. O. A. B.iggs, which de
serves more than a passing notice, for al
though the night was unfavorable, from in
clemency of the wffl'ber, Lad road, Ac,
the church w.n filled to its n0iost capacity
by upwards of throe bundled ipftctators.
The evening's entertaininert was rich and
varied, and too much praise cau not be award
ed to Prof. Briggs for the systt-inatis drill
acquired by his pupils iu the short time they
have beeo under his instructions. The ex
ercises comprised over fifty pieces of music,
and were discoursed in su-.th a.n interesting
uian-ier as to tivet the attention of the whole
audience. The committee of arrangement
deserve o ir highest eommeudations lor the
tasteful style of the decorations, and their
attentive and uutiring exertions to arrange
and accommodate the crowded audierce,
and the citixeus of Lumber City lee! a just
pride in tendering their thanks to the whole
community for the attention and excellent
order observed throughout the everi'in' en
tertainment, wiiieh hinted un ii a iu.e hour.
The utmost jrood feeling prevailed, and .ueh
a striking display of Juvenile America we
do uot remember ever to have seen. T.
Horrible Apcident ani I)e.tu.
The Brook ville Rimbtcnn of Feliua'y 2d,
contains the following account of a niot
heart-rendin'aceident. which o.x;ured about
oue mile south tf Beileview, JefTerson coun
ty, ou the 1st inst. Itsays : "Mr. Leanher
Tetrick wont out early in tbo morning for
:he parp.Me 'of hauling limber, and was
seen by a Mr. KsuLtsn aboiL.tcu o'clock
while in the woods near his residence, in the
not ol loading a stick of timber. About fire
o'clock in the evening Mr. English was
returniux from Kiugold, and when oppo
site tlie plaoe where h had seen Mr. Te
Tkick in the morning, his attention was a -traded
by the wailing of a temale in the
woods ; several other persons coming ut at
the time, they went to her asitanee, when
a inot horrible sight met their gaze. In
loading the loj: iu the morning it had by
some means lid or rolled upon Mr. Tb
TlilCK, and about half an hour before Mr.
E.Nu:.i.sa came up. his wife iu searching
for hiiu found him a corpse with the log
resting on bis body. The anguish of the
wif and mother upon such a discovery can
more easily die imagined thin expressed.
Htiwasthe father of four children, who,
almost frightened todtatb, were found cry
in in different parts of the woodf, where
they had strayed in the confusion. His
body wa taken up and removed to hi
home, where the friends and neighbors met
to coa.-:o!e the almost disconsolate wife.
Tribute of Eesjiect.
The M. E. Sunday School, at Mt; Joy,
being ia t-e.-iott, the following preamble: and
resolutions were unanimously adopted :
WntRKAS, It has pleased Almighty God.
in the wise dispensation of His providence,
to sum unn from among us our esteemed
friend ami co worker in the Sunday School
cause, William Hudson Fenton, deceased;
and Whereas, his empty sent and absent
sympathies create a vacancy deeply felt by
all interested in the advancement of the
master's kingdom, therefore
JiesolreJ, That we, the officers, teachers
and scholars of the M. E Sunday School, at
Mt. Joy, Clearfield circuit. Central Pennsyl
vania conference, do deeply mourn the loss
of our beloved brother in our social and mor
al cirelo, and yet rejoice that "our loss is
his gain."
Jletuhetl, That we bereby espress our
heartfelt sympathies with his bereaved pa
rents, brother and sisters in this their day
of affliction aud prav that God, "whogiv
eth and takcth away," may in the latter day
form of them an unbroken family circle in
that home ''where sickness, sorrow, pain
and death, are felt and feared no more."
AVWtW, That a copy of the preamble
and resolutions be sent to the parents of the
deceased, and that they be published in the
Clearfield papers. R. J. Shaffner. Sup't.
Nathaniel Kissel, Secretary.
,?.Ti"Ml!ay February 3d, 1370,r-y Rev.
W. H. Dill.Mr. Ashley Thorne and Miss
Mart Reed, both of Clearfield. -
On Sunday, January 14th. 1870, bv Rev.
VI. B. Purdy. Cyrcs E. H. Thurston and
Mies Eliza Wolver, both of Chest tp. .
T BATHER Oak tan and Spanish Sole, French
A and American Calf and Kip. Upper
Moroooo. Bind infra Linings and Shne-findinga. at
(Opposite the Jail ) C. KBATZEK S
A Great CiaiosiTr. The great nat
ural curiosity known as Sunken Lake is t-h
nated in the Cascade Mountain, about
seventy five miles northeast of Jackson
ville Oregom , Tho wall are two thousand
feet high, and almost perpendicular, run
ning down into the water, and leaving no
beach;- Tho depth is unknown, the sur
face is smooth and unruffled, audit lies m
lar below the surface of the mountain that
the air currents do not affect it lis length
is estimated at- twelve miles, and its breadth
at ten. No living man, it ia said, ever
reached the water's edge. The lake lies
"silent, still, and mysterious in the bosom
of the everlasting hills, like a huge well
scooped but by the hands of geniL
Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities.
(Suertttorj to S.Jont ir Co.)
rittaburg Feb. 6. 1?7.
jaell ;
I boy. .Hell.
l5-20a, Jn.'7. 12il'2l
ii 20s.Jnl 67 120'120
i.Iune. 7-:(, lWi 100i
'July. 7-30a. 109i;108J
GOLD, i2"i
U.S.on.. 1881. 1173
S 20a, 1352, 11-U
5-aoe. 18H4, 121?
20a.l8G3, 12! J
10 40a. 114
5-20. J.in.'fii, 120
5-2U, Jul. '65.120
illS I
May I'omp. n
Sept Comp.'5 UH ills
Oct. Comp.65,U7i'll8J
The RarTiaAa'a Jodbhal ia publiahod on Wed
nisday at $2,00 pet annum in advance. If act
paid at the beginning of the year, $2.50 will be
charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the oloae.
ADVEBTiSBif i.iti wi'l be inaerted at 1.50 per
aquare, for three or leal inaertiona Ten line
(or leaa) oonnting a aquare. For every additional
ioiertioo iOeeotawill be charged A dedaetion
n ill be made to yearly advertiaera
So aubaciiption taken for a shorter time than
aix months, and no paper will be discontinued ue
tillall arrearagea are paid,exeept at the option ol
the publisher. S. J. ROW.
SeliencJcs Pulmonic Syrup,
.Seeweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills.will cure Con
sumption. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if ta
Ken according to direotiona. They are all three
to be taken at the same time. Tbay cleanae the
stomach, relax the liver, and put it to work ; then
the appttite becomes good, the fond digests and
make ?'.od blood, tho patient begins to grow in
flerh the diseased n-atter ripens in the 1 ngs.and
he patient ontzrowa the diarase and gets weil.
This is tli a only wsj to cure the consumption.
To the' iir medicines Dr. 3. II. Schenok. of
I'hiladelphij. owe? h' nrivlled auocesa iu the
treatment of pulmonary ;onMimpn. he Ful
mouic Syrup ripens the moreitl mur in the
lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expttcra
tiun. for when the phlegm or matter is r.'pe, a
alight cough will throw it off, and the patient b."
rest and the lung begin to heal, io do this, tne
.Seaweed Tonio and Mandrake Hilla muat be freely
csed to cleanse the noma. -h and liver, so that the
Pulmonic Syrup and the food will make good
Liver Complaint ia one of the most prominent
causes of Consumption - hchenck's Seaweed Ton
io is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and tbe
alkali in tbe Seaweed, which this preparation is
mnl of. assists the stomach to throw out the gas
trie juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic
SyruD and it is made into good blood withoutfer-
mentitlnn or souring in the stomach. The great
imhuii wliy .bysicinsuo nyt cue eop'timntion is
h?r ty t', ,if to mu;b ; rh?r yr rj-ftv-ire to
top the euurii, to aiopcbilta, lu slop utgul sweuts,
keotie fever, and by so doing tbey derange tbe
whole ilicrstive powers. locking np the secretions
an.i eventually the pat'ent sink- and dies.
Ir .c he iick, io hia treatment, does not try to
atop a cough, night sweats chills or fever. Re
move the cauae.und they will all stop of tbeirown
accord No one can be cored of consumption. liv
er c 'in pi. lint, dyrpepiia. cats: rb, canker, ulcer
ated throat, unless the liver and stomach arc maJe
If a person hasionsnmption.of conrw the lungs
in some way ate diseased, either tubercles, ab
rcenses. bronchial irritation, plecra adhesion, or
the lungs are a mass of iiift.-imation and fa.t de
caving. In such cases what must be doue ? It
it not only the lungs that are wasted. but it is the
whole body. Ti e rtoroach and liver have 1st
-their power tn make blood out of f.tud. Now the
only chance is to take&cneneK s Hiree medicines,
which will brine up a tone to the stomach, the
patient will betin want food, it will dijf' st eas'ly
and mnke good blood; then the patient begins to
gain in flesh, and as soon 4 tbe O'.ly Dvgins to
jrrow. the lons beg n to heal up. and the pationt
gets flo'hy and well, '.'his is ;h only way to
cure consumptton.-
Wben there is no lung disease, and only liver
eoinnlaint and dvspepsia. Sehenck's Seaweed
Tonic nnd .M nod rake I'ills are sufficient without
the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mar.dr.tl'e Pills
freely in ail billons complaints, as tncy are per
fectly harmless. t
l)r. Schatick, who lias enjoyed uninterrupted
bealth'for many years past, and low weighs 225
pounds, was wasted away to a mere, skeleton, in
the very Uet stage of pulmonary consumption, his
physicians baving pronounced his ease hopeless
and abandoned bim to bis lute, lie was cured
bv tbe aforeraid medicines. and since his recovery
many similarly afflicted bave used Dr. Scbenck'a
preparations witn tbe same remarkable eucces-4.
Tbe directions accompanying each, make it not
nbsolutelv necessary to see Dr. Scbenck. nnlets
tbe patients wish their lungs examined, and tor
thT purpose he is Professionally at hia Principal
Office. Philadelphia every Saturday, where all
letters for advice most be addressed, lie is also
professional! v at No S 2 Bond Street, New York,
ever otherTuesday. and at No. 35 Hanover St..
Boston, every other Wednesday lie (ires advice
free, but for a thorough examination with bis
Respirometor the price i S5. Office hours it each
city from SAM to 3 P. M.
Price of the Pulmonic Pyrup and Seaweed Ton
ic each SI 50 per bottle, or id n a half-dosen.
Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all
DR. .T. It. SCnENCK.
Ap. 7.'H9-ly 1 15 N. flthSt.. Phil a.
MISS II. S. SWAN'S, Schoolor Girls,
Clearfield, Pa.
Tbe next Term of twentf -two weeks will com
mence on Monday, November 29, lii'iS.
tkkms or Tnrriow.
Reading-Orrhography.Writing. Object Les
sons. Primary Arithmetic and Primary
Geography, per half term, (of It weeks). $5 00
History, Local and Descriptive Ueogrsphy
with Map Drawing, U ram mar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic, 50
Algebra and the Sciences. 0
Instruction in Inslrumeutal Masie, 0 00
Oil Painting, 12 00
Wax Work, o OU
For full particulars aend for Circular.
Clearfield, Aagust 25. lSti9-ly.
LORILLARt'8 lis an excellent article of
"PTTPVlv "ltrnulted Virginia ;
l-i LJ lilrvi. j wherever introduced it ia
?moli2 Tobacco I universally admired. It
is put up in handsome muslin bags, in which or
ders far Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed.
LORILLARD'S I classed by all whoconsome
V.w.V.4- fMiili I ix M th"netofall;" it
1 tit lit viuo . made of the choicest
Smokinr Tobacco I leaf grown; it is anti-ner
vous in its effects, as tne Nicotine has been ex
tracted ; it leaves no disagreeaLle taste after smo
king; it is very mild, light in color nnd weight,
hence one pound will last as long as 3 of ordina-
tobacco. in this nrana wc aiso pars orders every
day for first quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try it
and convince joarwum i ail it claims w ue.
tne n dbb. vi
LORILLARD'S This brand of Fine Cut
Cn -v- rp TJ "fV I Chewing Tobacco has no
Llii 1 U JU j equal or superior any
ChewingTTobaeco. I where. Itiswitboat
doubt the best chewing tobacco in the country.
t3 rr . Dn'll I I, ivH now Iieen In cenernl
nonii.o.io i ; -- - . " ; .
r t j i ij i(t Q I use tn the Lotted Mates
i) j. U i i ,J jover !! yawi. and still
acxnowledged -'the best wteraver usca .
If your storekeeper does not have these articles
for sale, ask him to get them; they are aold by
respectable jubbera almost everywhere.
Circular of price forwarded on application .
Deo. I,y9-3m. P. LORILLARD. New York.
IKON. IKON!! Beat nar iron, for sale at the
store of MKUltKLL AB1ULER.
IL CLOTH 3. at greatly, reduced r-ricM, a'
I. L. RKIZEX5TE1N & CO., '
DKALsaa ia
A good assortment for medical purpose always
on hand. '
January 27. 1969-0 m.
The undersigned having recently added
to hia former business, would respectfully
solicit an examination of his stock. Being
a practical Tailor be flatters himself
that he is able to offer a better
elas of ready-made work
than has heretofore been
brought to this mar
ket. Anyone wishing to buy goods in this line
would save money by ealiiugat his afore,
and making their selections. Also,
a full supply of OeDts furnishing
gouds always on hand.
Feeling thankful for past favors he would re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the
April 23. 1869 II. BRIDGE.
c. B. ra-rroje, : :
a. a IBV1SI,
1. B. IRWm.
E. B. PATT0N & CO.,
Having fitted np a first class
are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of Man
ufactured Lumber, such aa
Surfacc-drcsscd' Lumber,
and every description of Plain and Faney Mou'd
iugs. DeaUrs will 6ed it te their .advantage to
consult our prices before purchasing elt'CwLsre
Address, E. B. Pattern "& Co.,
Doc. 2,'G8. ; CleaificM Co., Ta.
E. A. Irvin & Co.,
Roing specially engaged in the business of buy
ing and selling SQL' AUK TIMBER, would repre
ent that they are now prepared to purchase tim
ber, deiivorcd at either Curwensville. Lock Haven
or Marietta, or will take it at any of these points
and sell on commission, making such advances as
are necessary.
Those engaged in getting ont timber will find
at our store in Curwensville, a very large stock
of STAPLE GOODS, of all deceptions.
and everything necessary for nse of Lumbermen.
RAFT ROPE, of all sites. kept on hand in large
quantities, and aold at a small advance, by tbe
Special Inducements offered to those manufac
turing Square Timber.
Curweniville. Jaa. 12. 1870
URRANTS the beat and cbeapeat in the
county, at 'sHAH AM S
TOVES of all sorts and siscs. constantly on
band at Mbnn.r.L.11 UIULKK'S
TANTED 0.000 pounds of WOOL, at the
-KBTiroB STQK."'Jiearneid,Pa. jelO
IL, Putty, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at
Jnne'HA. flitun cul. BtULEK'S
ARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for
sale at MERKF.LL A BKiLER'S.
SPRING GOODS. Jnst opening a splendid st.-ek
of new goods at C. KKATZER A SONS.
A. IRWIN A CO . Curwensville.
.Hay IZ,'69. at MObSOP'S.
BACON. Hams. Sides t)d ?hnnMeT-- Btverfn
prices, at MQSSOP'S '
rilHE highest market prices paid f t Shiasle
THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxen. Ut Vftr
one, for sale by M ERREI.I. A HfOT.FB
L Light Kip, $5 ; French Ktfi $: French
Calf. Si: at - C. KRATZER'S.
Jo - - Opposite the Jallr-
..FOR THE YEAR A. ., IboS. .
WILLI tM VL WEIGLEY. Esq.. Treasurer of the
county of Clearfield, in the -Commonwealth ot
Pennsylvania. in acoouut with tbe funds of said
county from the l&ib day of January. A. D.
lStia, to the H day of Jauuary, A. D. 1S70.
To balan;e due county last settlement. $1,335 66
To balance due from collectors for lsaiS ' 1
and previous years 1,553 39
To balance due from collectors on State .
for lsdS and previous years. 18 72
To amount itssessed on unseated lands
for 18(18. . 19
To amount assessed on unseated lands
for I86. "627 61
To additirm'l assessed on unseated lands
in Bcccaria anal Knox, 1 6i
To amount trom collector! returns for
ISoJaud IS68, . , 11J 98
To amount assessed oaeollectorVdapti-
eate for 16.19, 1 9,27s 8
To am t assessed on Fegietera' returns, 600 82
To amount assessed on Mate acconnt. 1,267 06
To redemption un liauin tract in Brady
for ItSOtS and 1SJ7. (col. return), ! , 00
To redemption on MeOormick' tract iu
Knox torlotit to 1868, (col return), 144 23
To casn tor old iron,
To commonwealth, costs refunded, 3s
To redemption ou No ;0 in Fos! tp-i 31 70
To amount received as jury fees. 11 00
To am't received as fines A forfeiture- 300 r)t
To am't transferred from militia tund, 217 75
To am i ree'd froi A. M UilJe for tel. 5 00
To redemption on land by Shoff, vsale
oook), 5 80
To redemption on land by J O. Sbubert
in Morns, (sale book), , 12 80
To sale of county maps, li uU
To redemption ly Albert. 50 acrea in
Decatur, (aale book), 30 10
To Fox townbhip school balauce due
lust settlement, 4102
To am't Irom Ocinmiisicners" books, 1 .700 OU
Total, $15,518 47
By amount due from collectors for IS69
sou previous years couuty, 52,074 97
By amount due from eolleelorsfor 18C9
and previous years State, 72 81
By amount due trom unsealed lands for
1698 and 1809, 15JM4 43
By exonerations to collectors on county
for ISoU aud previous years, 790 74
By exonerations to collectors on State
for ld!9 and previous years 33 18
By collectors' percentage on oonnty 993 83
Uy do do State 63 2j
liy State Treasurer's receipts for State
tax 1,557 06
By amount paid Co. Supetintendent. as
per Act of 9th April. lst7. for inci
dental expensesof Teachers Institute
tor lb.S9. a- per bills filed 23 75
By treasurer's per centage on receiving
$laAU 3rt, at lj percent, 331 35
By Treasurer's per ceniage on paying
out HZ tf jO m, at I i per cent. 3(4 41
By overcnarge in Cbtfst and Huston 40 00
liy amouut d-ie from collector's roiuras 103 oi
By assessors' wages. 37 00
By Commissioners Office, via :
Henry Stone, 1 08 day a $120 03
Othello Smead. 452 50
S. H. Shaffner. 442 50
S- H. Hiudman, 55 00 1.370 0(1
By expenses in view:ng prison 101 21
By Cuurt House expensed, vis:
Fuel and light $101 70
Benairs t. buildinx. 118 41
Baianco on clock 117 65 3.1s 70
By court house bands and coupons, 54a 00
By .lail expends, vix :
Coal and wood, $ 93 50
Repairs to building. 70 73
Stove, 7 00
.Med. atten.'ance to prisoners 75 35 .
1 vvaiouinen "v
j Washing clot b'g for prisoners, 93 20 6S2 27
By prison expeuses, vu :
For arcuiw""; i"'". 00
Adv. proposals aU? friauug"
estiiuatec. A specifications. 77 il
I'nrav and print new bonia.175 uo
Payment on ce.f iatt lot. ' tiUU UO 1.3j2
By Court crier s wages, . M
By tipstaves' wages, -- in v.
By janiior's wages. 7a -Ci'
By amount paid tate deficiency, Ml 3'J
By road views. " 2U 00
By Commonwenlfh costs, vix :
Com'th vs. Ba'l and Hear, SCI92 f-9
to Sebastian Smith. 10.' 27
. Ho Jew Miller, 07 22
Do Dempsey, 12'.' ?0
- Do Kitchen, 11 13 -
Do Lamoyne, 6:18 73
Do . . Coulters. - al 07
Do Crcswell, 1 20
Do Lingafelt, 40 W
D fchearer, 6S 38
I'o Hum, 24 Hj
Do Michaels A Ilurd. 22 12
Do Lee, 17 70
Do AVatb. Crsdy, ' 47 08
Do Shanks, 12 78
Do Knox. . 114 71
Do Morrison. 1 1 25
Do Flagnl. 3S H7
Do Crowfoot, 19 86
lo Trov, 33 57
Do " titigerald, 15 00
Do Johnson, 77 57
Miscellaneous costs, 47 70 3,719 14
By boarding jurors in capital eases, $4 75
By postago td telegrams, Zi 61
Uy sta iji.ery, 24 63
By transcribing r.ld records, ltl 7j
By Prothonotary's fees, 410 65
By expenses delivering duplioatea, 19 70
by jurors wages, via :
"Urand, .r66 40 -
Traverse. 2,33j ij 3.452 96
By inquest fees, 74 38
By justiots' fees, 40 35
By Sheriffs fe-s. 1.413 90
By fox and wildcat sci'ns. 117 42
By insurance 00 Court House. 728 00
By Auditors' and clerk's wuges. 210 00
liy Cou.miafioners clerk's wages, viz :
Bradley, (former) $Si2 00
Uoodlander. 500 00 1.3S2 00
By House of Refuge. ; 213 83
liy Jury Comini. sioners and clerk, ' 85 00
liy refunds, D7 34
By attorneys' fees, via:
Wallace, $150 00
Test, 105 00
Swoope, ' 50 00
Kuiford. 60 00
McEnally. 100 00
T.J. McOullougb, 60 06. Mi 00
By District Attorney's fee, 332 50
By books and records, vis .
For Proth. notary s office. $110 00
For Commissioner's office. 47 90
Frr Recorder s office, 2b 50 183 40
By constables' fees, 357 45
By election expenses, 714 98
By Begislry Law expenses, vis.
Books and stationery, tA 35
Printing and publishing law, 2J4 25
Amount paid assessors. 5t4 90
Additional clerk hire, I2j vO 1.035 40
By Bnrosi.le bridge, (500 UO
By printing. 4Ui 00
By road damages. 65 00
By Ceroniirfioncrs' counsel. 150 00
By auditing Prothy's A Kegr's aee'ta, 30 00
Ly mUcelianeous. 41 38
By amount overpaid Fox road fund, 12 64
By bal. due county by Treax. Wrigley. 2.759 49
ToUl, "Tl5,5iar7
Received, Clearfield, January SO, 1870, of Wm.
K. Wtigley, lata Treaearer. the sum of two thou
sand, seven hundred and fifty-nine dollars and
forty-nine centa, being in fall of the above balance.
l2,759 49 J LEVER FLEGAL, Treasurer.
Probable Ordinary Expenses for 1870.
To ordinary expenses estimated at SM 50 00
To exonerations tocoll rson U tt. lands. 1,325 00
To Ireas'ri and Collector per eeiitage, 1,593 83
By am't due from collectors 52,074 97
By am t due from U S. lands. 15,214 43
By am't due from Col a returns, 103 82
By am't deficiency foi 1S70, 6 045 61
$23,488 83 $23,16883
Tax due from Collectors.
The following is a detailed statement of the
several amoanu dne from Collector for 1869 and
previona year:
Yr. .Bnr Tp'.i Col's Name I Coanty.j Bounty.
1867 Beccaria. T S Washburn IS'13 76
1869, Beccaria, H B Wright. $194 13 106 07
Bell. Wm T Thorp. 151 4R SMI 06
Bradford, iFdmund Dale. 3 VI' 37
Ohest. ijs.M'Kwen. 4.1A 41 j 133 23
Clearfield. .1 M'OlellHn, 487 21 32 S'.
Curw'le. J Thompson. 73 3S 116 21
Ferguson, Geo Williams. 22 S5 43 53
Girat. t RS Stewart, . 6 16! Inj po
Graham. !D M'Dowell. 201 431 33 79
Jordan. IRM Johnson,! 15 40! 72 10
Kartbaua G Fisher, 132 17 17 20
IMorris, 'Peter Mens, fie. 25
'Pike. ' (Robert Ross, j 188 !3i ' 24 36
Woodward S Henderson, I 150 20: 22 13
Total, $2074 971$7 45
rax nca pstoH ottrcrotis -C'-stisci o.
1 -Yr Ilur. J p a.: Col's Name t
52 3?
iir ro
35 l
57 t'7
Ji 75
22 32
23 0
I it
17 67
27 05
58 05
12 3
I U...i. , T tV n .V k.
I.A r : I., i . 1
S3 77!
2 :
24 nii
-5 no!
a 78 J
2 23
! I! red ford. iKdmord Dale.
iCbent. IJas M h wen,
lOlcarfleld. J M CU;u'.
Carw'lo. IJ ihompson.
rerguHon ueo niinams
It S Stewart.
D M'Dowell,
K. M Jnhn.i.n
Karthausl Fisher,
Morris. l Peter Men.
Pike.. 1 Rohert Ross.
'Woodward ;S Henderson,
12 3
I 42
I TV.,.!
1 S72 SI S:M9 5-
Those marced thua have paid on account since
.Ill.m. TkM. ....... .1 . , . 1 . - ,
full aiuce settlement.
Koad Fund for 1363 arid 1869.
WILLIAM K. WKIOLEY. Esq . Treasurer of the
couuty of Clearfield, in the Com to an wealth of
Pennsylvania io account with tbe several town
ships iu said county for Head Funds fur 1K0S-9
To balance da tw'ps at last settlement. SI. 702 11
io am t assessed on unseated lands IKH. 8.M.' 21
To am't assessed on on. rated Linda ls'19, S 667 $1
To am't returned in Woodward, by Col r, 2 07
Total, , ... i . 'S2T.057 .10
"''.. .;i CBCPITOB.
By cash in freasurer's hands. $!2a 30
By bal. due from U S lands for l?o-9. Ifi.yoR Mi
By over charges in Chest and Hosron, 50 00
By agregate am't paid Supervisora. 2 S29 S4
By Treasurer's percentage, 85 48
T"tu, 520.057 30
I - S3
r- ; 2 !
Townships Eg g I
111 I
Beccaria, 17 9ft' tno 0
Bell. J03 60 42S Ji
Bloom. 6 74 133 47
BoKgs,- 25 75 H5 671
Bradford, 30 90 111 H
Brady. 1 92j 47i 77l
Buroside. 271 o; 159 15'
Chest, 37 67 3ir0 2ij
Covington 60 60 305 lo,
Decatur, 117 14 342 47j
Fergutori, ,15 98 44 29!
Girard, "i3 95 383 65!
(io.-hen. 3S 61 :tai 63'
Graham, 1 10 o7 206 77
Guelich, 21 t)Jl 192 21
Huslon, 309 92! 2094 21
Jordan, 46 31 76 1 1
Kartbaus, 92 48 20 OA
Knox. 69 0'j 275 85
Lawrence, 51 07 431 42
Morria 156 OH 379 9
Peon, 15 471 ISi 7
Pike, 4 00 100 Ml
Union, 170 721 344 Kti
Woodward. 67 5lj 455 7o
f.2 09
i 0 W
273 61
317 1)9
253 32
10K5 lift
' 589 S7
! XJ7I 69
670 92
H2 08
104 54
1111 25
."21 7
624 41
411 V4
455S 31
175 3
, 59i 33
625 42
9i3 91
916 54
.'47 03
3oi fti
SSO 32
4.M 6',f:
133 47j
115 67!
I'l IH
475 77
159 IS
374 76'
305 16
3o2 45
4t 2:
3 .3 f.5.
391 6.1:
2b6 77;
192 21 !
2.09r 21
53 93:
2J5 bi:
2S0 4 is
43! 42:
.VU :
165 7:
l io g.lj
344 0
455 75i
Total, $2702 10. 50Si 2I5h.6S7 91 i20057 30
Z 3
Si 41:
3 10
1 77
I 12!
4 30'
8 I3
9 23t
1 to:
3 bi
S77 92
100 50'
57 2
38 C3!
139 22i
262 9I1
29-i 4ti
.'S 79
US frjj
372 37;
37 4dj
107 55i
$ 47 78. 09
S:.7 3S: 660 96
9fia o.l - Mi Ah
268 94 j
25S ot;
216 12;
921 oi
."in 30 1
715 02:
fil6 06;
7.'4 9t
58 o?j
713 '
7c3 2d!
273 6S
317 00
J0U5 06
iS9 37
1072 69
670 92
ftf? (HI
104 5t
mi 25
b2l fi7
624 41
aH9 01
1 16;
3 321
. V4'
11 (ot
5'.3 54
23 89;
ii 4'u8n urn
1 39;
3 43
3 1?
1 53
4 70
44 02: 130 m,
i7 35
598 3 i
625 42
9!3 91
-916 54
317 03
S'la K0
F60 32
9-1 03
111 08
102 SSi
49 51!
4S3 82
519 3x1
862 fi
748 1j
331 U
2i2 m
151 92
15 till
165 SO
5 12
6S9 60
902 0.-
2 37
78 62,
95 40j?,t29 94 $l6Woro:.;2i).057 30
Notb. The turn of 52 07 waa returned by the
coliecror of Woodward t'p. Am't of exonerations
S'iII 00. vix: Chest S20 (13 and Woodward 'I0 00.
Balauce iu bands of Treasureril25.30.yis- Bloom
6.74. Bradv 26.64. Covington &J-.26. Fergucon
SI847, Girard I3 4S. Morris SI2 96. Pike $12 76
Clearfield. Pa.. Jan. 20.1870 Received r.r Wm
K. Wrigley, E.cq late 'I reagnrer. tie sum of one
hundred and twenty Gtedollsrs ami thirty cents,
being in full of the above cash balance due the
road fund
5125 20 LEVER FLE'J AL, Treaa r.
Bounty Fund for 1869.
WILLIAM K. WRlllLEY, Esq.. Treasurer of the
county ot Clearfield, in tbe Comtsonwt alth of
Pennsylvania, in account with the Bounty funds
of said county for tue year A. If. 1S5
To balance due fund lJt settlement - $13 907 37
To balance due from collectors for I.S8S
and previous years.
To balance due from nn'e-itod lands ftr
To amount assessed on nneeted ta'nds
for 119. T
To additional in Brady. Kertha'u and
To amount due from collectors' returns
1,3:0 30
4.312 77
.S9 69
121 24
i To f mount a.sesred un seated duplicates
! for 1889,
8.315 12
026 73
To balance doe Treasurer Wrigley
S34 1iS 61
By balance due frcm collectors for "3
and prev.ous years. $-1
07 45
By balance do' from unseated lands for
11.1S and 1809,
By balance due from collectors' loturns
uy exonerations to coliectora.
By per centage allowed collectors.
By amount ot bonds redeemed In !363,
By amount of coupons canceled in I Hi.
By Treasurer's per ocntage oa recoiving
$3,021 00
By Treasurer's per oentage on paying
out $22,912 33
8.466 69
111 50
562 01
186 90
19,897 33
3,01. 00
SO 21
220 42
S34.06S 51.
f aggregate amount of bond iaaaued. $270,335 0"
To aggregate amount redeemed to Jan
uary. 1869, $213,070 00 y
To aggregate am't redeem
d during 1869, 19,897 33
To aggregate amount unre- .
deemed January, 1870 37,387 67 270.335 00
I'o amount of bobdi over dne, $1,500 Of'
Ta , i ,..,.1,1. jnlt '7I ao aqo no
To am't redeemable Jan, '71, 1,800 00 11,400 Of)
To amount redeemable during 1870, $12,950 00
To am't redeemable July. '71 $6 000 00 -To
am't redeemable Jan., '72 2.100 00 8.109 00
To amount redeemable July. 1872, 14.40Q f")
To amount redeemable July, 1873. -1 801 i
To amount redeemable July, 1878, 1.20 00
To amount due from collectors, $..AT
To amount due from unseated 'and. 8.466 C'l
To amount due from collectors.' return - III 5 )
To deficiency to be rsisod daring 1870, 7.233 15
By bonds redeemable, in ,70. $12,900 00
By int. on unredeemed bonds, 2,213 08
By ex tnerations and 'Press
ure r's per centage. 1,500 00
By bal. dua Trea. VTrigley, 623 73
$17 320 79 $17 320 79
School Fund for 18C3 and 1869.
WILLIAM K WKIOLEY, Esq . Treasurer of tte
eonety of Clearfield. Iu ilia Cutuwon wealth f
Panr.sy lvania.ln acconrt with tn several Sohoal
Districts, in said county Tor School fund fir
: ises-9. -
To bal. dne dist's last settlem't-leas Fox, 3 421 34
To bal doe rox last settlement, 4142
To m't asa d unseated lands r..r 13S3. 11,592 17
To am't asa d unseat i la ids for 1869. 13,174 31
To am't returned by Col I colors in Bunt
side, Lawienca, and Woodward, 27 76
Tolal, $23,257 M
By esh fn Treasnrvr's hands, fill M
By amount paid Di at riot Treasurer. ',421 it
By bal. in rox rranaferred toeouoty. tl
By exonerations in Beccaria, BraJy,
f'crgusiii and Huston, 71 ff"
By tl due Treasurer la.t settlement io
fl.eat and Hnrton. 12 54
By fcwlaice oaeolleowd, 24.189 T2
7tf. , 257 00
w s
S 8
S 5
2 '
f e
Bloom, I
Brady. j
221 441
' ;t2 33
41 41.
. 49 69'
. 689 43!
513 4i
146 3i
2t 5j
2ltl 2
S3.10 M
V 29
173 ."0
37 75;
- 200 10)
C6 8
3i? 3a'
5?5 4x.
381 45
6ntt 69,
i 7S'
472 7i;
435 19.
1 73 50
8 75
J13F -V
747 6
313 30
749 52
mt 16,
E6u 9.
53 00
4.72 74!
667 '
. U it;
307 54!
2C64 21;
91 68
M 01
4i it
4t its
ess v-i!
J4S 68!
:ii bi:
12X9 T7
1216 ft
34f 12
77 tr
4J)3 2
1713 ftl
1333 4
10M I V
J70J Tjl
1 12
1193 to
1567 85
1433 48
772 62
3111 l
321 9
t If
rs 71
1V6 4
1269 49
571 t
5SI tt
417 M
2117 9w
Decatur, j
Oof bee, !
i". nth usu , 1
'iuelich. j
Huston, j
Jordan, j
Knox, I
Morris, j
116 Jf
. til
71 28;
- MT 60
id 95
119 IX
1047 i
47 61
154 141
08 20
197 8!
91 5li
33 ta;
51 vJi
93 52i
449 3
413 S.ll
647 14'
493 98!
290 121
IH6 lit!
206 tw
B20 38
275 S4
.'lM 95
S342I 34;I15927 Sll 74KI S2S'f!5 9S
' 1 ' 4 r a
1 5 S-S- tr3 O S t
DUrict. .'Ih ill HZ
Beccr-ria, ?24 44 J $101 si , ft
Bell. 102 33 1 1 14 S
l!oom, I 1J 317 0
gK. . 40 41 1 fc .9 . 670 91
Bradford, 40 fit! I u it 421 4
Brady, 299 fc9 37 M 1373 7
Burcsido Cn-i i3 41 sl
Chest, JJ79 jT
Covmgt n 313 44 4 24 6H2 Sa
Decatur. 116 63 jifg 4
Ferguson. 22 hi 12 102 M
Jirard, 248 02 17 52 92T f
Goshen. 116 94 rtS 9t
Grabau. 22 34 14
Gnolieh 119 13 M 49
llaton: Jo 4 Jn'sfl M
Jordan, 47 62 J74 X4
kartbaus I 154 14 S3 83 79S II
Knox. j 06 ;o 65 60 779
oawrencei I9i St - 1398 92
Morris, j 91 5 13 o4 11M 9X
Pi.a, I S3 19 - &38 B
P'ke, 21 17 71 Te 46 07
t riion. ' 54 94 ' 432 73
Woedej'd.. . 96 52 25 24 j IV'96 22
Tolal, ( $3,421 21 $512M (24.1S T2
Notb Amount returned bjr collectors, f Tf.Tt.
vis: r.urmide S7 VI. Liwrence S3 70. Woodward
S16 15. Amount of exonerations. 479 98, vie:
Beccstia $60 02. Brady f 2 66, Fergnron S3 28.
Hnston 5 0i rTcTsnr due Trersurer, S12 54,
tiz. '"heat 97 22, and liuaton $4.82.
ClearSi-ld, Pa.. Jsnuary 20. 1S70. Received of
WSU. K WrictliV T.rV . far TrMinrar Ik. .r
l Fire hundred and twelve do.lara' and fif.v fonr
cents, l.oing Iu full of the above balance do the
I .1 ,
School Fund
5012 51
V.'e the andersif nedl, Comxctssionara f the '
coauty of C'loarfieis). ia the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, hsriu inct on the 3d day of Jan
urv. A D, ia70. aeeoraJiag lew, ar d haviag
exaniined the soveral accounts and vouchers of
William K. Wrigley .Era., Treasurer of said eona-
I ty, for the year A. D 1869, do certify, that era
i ; - as above a:ei. . .:. . - . .
54 i
nit-1 the sm-ntit due '.Le oounty by hrm tn
be two tawBMnd. seven hundred and fifty niow
dollats and for(y-nin;nts. 709 49.4
The a monnt due snd oi.utandiug from Collector
for Jbf-J aud , revi.)u ycara is on Coaaty, two
thousand and seventy four dollars and ninety
saten cents. ($2,074 97); oa State, saventy-tw
do.lara and eighty-one cents. $72 81); from
sested lands, fifteen thousand, tsro haadrad aad
fcrly four dollars and .(orty-thre .cents. (I5.
211 43 Tbe balance due tbe County Fond by
Tiea'urer W rigley is two -thousanj, .ever hun
dred and Ofiy nine dollars and forty-nine eema,
('2.7. y 49 )
The aggregate amount of bounty boadaatill .
redeemed Is thirty-seven thousand, throe hua
dred and rixiy seven dollars and tixty-seven eaata,
($37,367 67). The ao.oant to be reiteemed dar
ing the year A. 1'. 1670. is twelve thousand, nine
hundred and fifty dollars. (, 12 9j0 50). and tbe
interest fur the year, will amount to tbe sum of
two thousand, two hundred and fofiy-two dollar
Bd six cents. $i 212 06,
Tbe amount Sue from Collector Is on thoaa
and, five hundred and reves dollar! and forty-fir
cots. ($1,007 40): from vnseated' laidi eight
thousand, four bun I red and sixty eight dollats
and sixty-nine eeot. (f MM 69); from Collector
srtutas. one hundred and eleven dollar and fifty
cents. (Slit Ml).- .
.Tho amount dee Treasurer Wrigley is six hun
dred and twenty eight dollars and seventy-three
cent. (SIM 3.) ......
The amount to Kc raised' by laxatien during tha
year, to meet the dcSeincy. ra titan thousand,
two hundred acd thirty three dollars ane fifteen
j cents, to meet the payments of tbe current year.
i 1 ne agreaie balance due the several school
I Finnic:, by the Treasurer i J fly hundred and
. twclie Jol-arJanJ nty four cent. Vl 44; fer
2i ahicb see tabular statement
I Tbe aggregai balance doe the severed' owa-
slips on Koad fund by the Treasurer is on. ban
tired and twenty 0ve dollars and thirty ewosa,
(f ri.-i 30; for which so tabular statement.
Witness our hands, at Clearfield, this 20th day
of Jauuarv, A. D. 1870.
. li. B. (JooPLAVDea, Clerk. Commrstiwaers
We the undersigned. Auditors of (he eoanty of
Clearfield, in the Commonwealth ot Pen esy I ya
rn's , bavins met at Ihe Curf Hofl-e In the boro'
of ClearGold, according to law, and having-examined
tbeseveral accounts snd voucher of 'iiliax
K. Wiiglej. Esq.. Treasurer of aH roaaty. for
tte year A. U. o69.Jo report tbt we found tbeaa
(S above I'd
. Tha ""--Uance due from him on County eeounl
' '.Vi thonsand.aeven hundred and fifty-nin Jut.
Urs and forty nine cent. (92.709 4V.)
He is also indebted to the Road fund In the
sum or on hundred. and twenty-five dollars and
thirty centa. (f 125 30) and to the bcbool fund five
hundied -at.d twelve dollars and fifty foar cents,
(S5I2 54); while the Bonnly fund is indebted ta
bim ia the sum of x hundred and twenty-eight
dollars and sevenly-threa cents, ($629 73 )
Ib testimony wboreof we hav hereunto set oor
bands, this 20lh dy rf January. A D. 187$
G. B.Goor.r.axora. Clerk, Ca. Adttora.
ALT FXjl'ft, BR.VN and CHOP, at wboleeal.
(Opposite the Jail.) by C. KRA 1 ZtCR.
CLOTHING -A large stork of CLOTH I !f 3,
- wiil Le eloeed out at a sacrifice, at
(Opposite the Jail ) . C. KRATZER'S.
OTOV'ES Tb celebrefed Ironside and Fa'axer
O Cook. Revolving Light and Sun I'.rlor. and
aa assortment of Pipe, at C. KKATZER B.
Jan 26.'70 - Opposite tbe Jail.
HT 2. 'til. M.-kOa-...'
1i"sES aTqaantitjoB hand and fa-taalea
- JayJ7. GRAetAM'8.
ITERYFINE blankets will he aold cheap
a kv . r i . , i. ......
J u puah iHl.V
SA DDLES, Bridies, harness collars to., foe
aale 1 MERKtLI. A BI(,J.!i.R'S.
H0K!:E-Sn08, and herse-nails. tab bad
VTOTIfcfc'. All persons indebted to tk sabser'l
XI - ber. are rcueted to com ana) settle witV
out delay. ; R. MOSSOy
2 ALT '. SALT?! trim artTcl of grv
O ult. paltf ipial aaea. fersaleehea,
al the ate i a it R. MQPSOJ
I""S. Pistols and sword cane to be bad at
CLOVER, Timothy ad Orehard-grax iced at
CWAfM'9 PANACEA. RennedV, Medical Dir.
a"5 eovery. Ilembold'a Bueba, Bake' Cod Liter
OH, Jyne'nd Ayer's Medieice for (ale bv