Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 02, 1870, Image 2

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    ;c gtoffeman' Sountaf, ieaxfielb, a., gtcBruan; 2, 1870.
Raftsman s laurnaK
UliKARKIELD, PA., FEB. 2, 1870.
It is Mid that there are but two members
of the Virginia Legislature, who cannot
take the oath of the new law.
Gott'kb Bonner and Albert Von Bonleo
berp, were convicted oi the tnurdor of the
Pciglital family, at the late Huntington couii
ty court. .
One of the best papers in the state The
Pitteburg Ditjyatvh. We commend it to
Mich of our readers as want a lire and in
teresting daily paper.
SenVor ffprajrue, ff Rhode Island is
oproed to the ratilk'titiors of the fifteenth
amendment. Certainly; a "nigsers" vote
would contaminate his millions of gold.
The news from Atlanta of the election of
Mr. MeWhorter as Speaker of the House of
Representatives of the Legislature of Geor
gia indicates a gratifying Republican tri
umph. Brick Poniroy denies that he ever borrow
ed only $2.70 front a wsgro printer which
he forpnt to pay. "If it was anything, it was
more.'' That's light. Brick, ccknowied.se the
"chango," but make it a respectable s-um
and then refund it to the "nipper.""
Senator Hamlin, the venerable ex Vice
President, was importuned by some of his
friends to frank their letters. The Senator
took the letters, affixed postage stamps upon
them all and blandly returned then) to the
writers. We presume the writers would feci
a little ''cheap" about that time.
The fleet, conveying the remains of Mr.
Peabody to thiscountry.arrivcd at Portland,
Maine, on the evening of the 5 tit of Jan
uary. The remains lay in state at City Hal
un till Tuesday (yesterday) from where they
were conveyed to their final resting place,
followed by an immense concourse of peo
ple. The agents of Queen Isabella are said to
be at work in Cuba stimulating the rebellion
in the hope of advancing her own chances
in Spain. This it is maintained is a new
peril for that country; but it is not probable
that the expelled and disreputable ex Queen
will be able to effect much cither for Cuba
or herself.
The approaching census.it is said, will show
8 frightful dacline in the rural districts of
New England. The decrease of population
in the country towns of New Hampshire,
Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island
is startling. The war made a deedlj breach
in the rural population, and since its close
there has been a general exodus to the cheap
la tids of the south and west.
The Washington Chronicle makes the
startling statemcut that the agitation of the
question of removing the Capitol "has al
ready cost the people of Washington not
less than 812,500,000 within a year in the
depreciation of real estate." And tbe thing
is running on, it says, wit bout any certainty
wheu it wiil 3top. SueU agony ought to
cause the Wot to ahut up.
It is with more thantmlinary interest that
we see Virginia cross the threshold of the
Union and watch her course as she again
prepares to catch step in the column of the
States. Her future depends largely on the
use bhe makes of this hour, and her future
and that of the whole country are insep
arably bound together. The body politic of
the nation cannot grow in perfect health
and vigor with any diseased member.
Confirmed. It gives us pleasure to an
nounce, that the ai pointment of II. Bu
pjxer Swoope, Esq., as U. S. District- At
torney for the Western District ofl'enu'a.
was duly eourun;dby the U. S. Senate, on
Monday January, 24th. In this connection
it may be well enough to mention, that it
is not Mr. Svroope's intention to remove
from this place, and that hU appointment
will in no wise interfere with his legal bu
siness here.
A Roman wit has discovered the habits of
alt the Western Bishops at the Ecumenical.
Thjfl ftigiUh are always taking out some
thing to eat; the American Bishops are re
tiring to smoke; the French Bishops are
fussing about and. talking; tbe Spanish
Bishops ore io little groups, talkiug their
own politic?; the Germans arc silent aud do
ing nothing. The Italians, if we may con
clude from the example ot the wit himself,
are making their observations.
A Memp&i paper says that "an anxious
looking chap ktragg!ed into the Mayors ot
fioe the other day aod iked permission to
J.iok at tle bfiok in whiuh the jiames of can
didates for ofBuare entered." "Mutt office
re y oo running for, e-ir?" To which i lie
other repliad, "Wall, I dunno; thought
I'd look over and fO lor any vacancy that
might turn up. I'm beastly fond of orfis."
There are a goodly number of jut such
patriotic gentleman to be found everywhere.
Oar reference to the "bargain and sale"
between certain disaffected Republicans and
jtht Democracy in the Legislature, two
week since, afforded our neighbor the op
portunist, last week, of indulging in a little
prevarieation for the purpose of placing us
in a false position on the subject of Legists
five corruption. But as his object will fail
with all intelligent and regular readers of the
.Journal, who know our position on that sub
ject, it unnecessary to make any cxplana-
Our Country's Progress.
Among nations, the United States is one
of wonder and envy, if not of admiration.
The offspring of persecution, weak and
dwarfed in her infancy, she has, in less than
a hundred years, grown to be the most gi
gantic aud powerful on the face of the globe.
In material, intellectual and moral progress,
in discoveries and inventions, she has made
unexampled advances. By means of the
electric telegraph, we are in daily communi
cation with "the ends of the earth," so that
by the vesper lamp we can read what has
been transpiring on the morning of the same
day in London, Paris, and other cities of
the Old World. Since the completion of
the Pacific Railway, the continent can be
crossed iu six days, a shorter period of time
than was required, a quarter of a century
ago, to travel from one cud of the State ot
Pennsylvania to the other. Of machinery
lor the workshop and the farm, she has pro
duced such an endless variety that "labor,"
as experienced by our grandfathers, exirts
only in the imagination; and the moans of
supply are adequate to the most extraordi
nary demand for products of every descrip
tion. The land is dotted over with school
houses, colleges at d churches ; aud religious
opiuions are tolerated to an extent never be
fore known.
Whilst we haverea?on to be proud of the
progress we have made in the arts and sci
ences and intellectual attainments, we like
wise congratulate ourselves upon the great
advancement we have experienced in cross
ing safely over the "Red Sea" of slavery,
and wiping out an institution that was a
shame and a reproach to tbe Nation. Ten
years ago, the most enthu-iastic and hopeful
"abolitionist" did not dream that the year
1870 would see the four millions boudsnien
of the c?outh cnioying the advantages of lib
erty, urn. h less that the emancipated slave
should be exercising the right of suffrage
and taking part in making and administer
ing the laws. Such, however, is the fact;
nnd our example and influence are being felt
all over the habitable globe, wherever civil
ization and intelligence have a foothold at
ail. In Germany, Italy, Spain, France, and
even in England, the liberalized aspirations
of the people are developing and gradually
encroaching upon royal assumptions, until
the heads of the mightiest monarchies fee)
themselves constrained to join in offeusive
and defensive alliances. And, if wc do not
misinterpret the signsof the times, not many
years will pass before the decree will go forth
against some of the latter-day Kings as it
did against Belshazzer of old: ''God bath
numbered thy kingdom, and finished it !"
In the mean time the United States will con
tinue to push forward in the career of great
ness and glory which has been allotted to
her by irrevocable destiny.
Notes Prom Harrisburg.
The Pennsylvania State Senate, last week,
voted to continue the publication of the
Legislative Record, but the project was
killed in the House. A journal of the pro
ceedings, however, is to be published, in ac
cordance to a provision in the Constitution,
Latin what IVn." ha llot been decided as
The returns, filed with the Secretary of
the Commonwealth elect Senator Watt by
a clear majority of one hundred and seventy
five. More than that, it is said that Watt's
counsel will undoubtedly be able to show
that Diamond received over five hundred
fraudulent votes.
The Harrisburg Telegraph, of the 23d..
says: "Txisr night the committee on the
case of Watt and Diamond met to vote on
the motion of Watt's counsel to quash the
petition of Diamond. This vote was of vi
tal importance. Quashing the petition at
once ended the case. Yesterday morning
the Democratic members of the Legislature
held a caucus and decided to support the
new county project of Morrow B. Lowry,
solid, as a party. Lowry, it is alleged, owns
a largfe amount of real estate at Titusville.
Titusville is to be the new county seat. The
building of coutt house, jail, &c, at public
cost, will enchancc the value of property
there very largely. Lowry went against
quasing the petition of Diamond ! Will any
gentleman be kind enough to put that and
that togethei ?"
The latest reform measure reported from
Hanisburg is an order from the Speaker of
the House excluding from the floor all but
those entitled to official privileges. Uuder
this rule the lobby will no longer be permit
ted to invade the territory which docs not
belong to them. For years its members have
overrun the floor of the House, seriously in
terrupting the legitimate buiiuess of the
legislature. Pending the vote on impor
tant bills they have been seen rushing from
seat to seat, with brazen effrontery, often
loudly expostulating with members in regard
to their course. At ail hours l hey were in
terfering with the clerks, and demanding
more of the attention of the messengers and
pages than the members themselves. One
of the most impudent of the class has been
heard to exclaim, in encouraging tones, du
ring the call of the roll, "Tnat's right.
Smith," in token of his approval of the vote
of the member, or to shout, "That's wrong,
Jonas," when the announcement of a vote
gave him displeasure. The strict enforce
ment of the rules of the House will prevent
a repetition of these disgraceful scenes.
A bill has been introduced into the State
Senate for the abolishing of the death pen
alty. A resolution was offered in the Senate in
structing "The Committee on Judiciary to
inquire if any additional judges are required
for the Supreme Court of tbe Common
weabh." The business of tbe Supreme
Court having greatly increased, there is lit
tle doubt that additional judges are required
to facilitate the business of the Court, and
hence there is a probability of the passage of
a law authorizing such increase.
The question of erecting a new county in
the oil regions, was before the Senate, but
no decision was reached. Titusville U the
proposed new county scat.
A bill to provide for the calling of a con
vention to amend the Constitution of this
State u one of the important measures claim
ing the attention of tbe present legislature.
It will likely become a law.
A Little of Everything.
A French inventor has taken out a patent
for "stockings with garters attached.
About one thousand men have been dis
charged from the Philadelphia Nay Yard.
A State temperance convention will bj
held at Harrisbug, on the 11th of February.
Orders were received Saturday tor the
discharge of three thousand men at Charles
town Navy Yard.
The Bombay Gazette says that half a
million people in India have starved to death
since September.
The earnings of tha Union Pacific Rail
road for the six months ending December
last were $4,011,101.
The Salt Lake Reporter knows of one
Mormon family that ha buried one hundred
and forty-eight children.
Troppman,the French murderer. was guil
lotined on the 9th of January. The execu
tion took place in public.
The Apaches are industrious in Arizona.
They have lifted the scalp of otie out of eve
ry nine whites in the territory.
Mr. Burlinganie must be having a nice
time of it, getting $70,000 gold a year from
China for "traveling expenses."
Wholesale dealers in Chicago return sales
in 1809 aggregating $471.X)0,0O0, an in
crease of 21 1 per ceut. over 1808.
The Pope's infalibility has Vn put to
the test, lie prayed for and promised a
Prince to the Queen of Naples. It was s
Sarah S. Stafford having n pious regard !
for the religious welfare of New Jersey leg- I
islators, has presented, each Senator with a
The President sent to the Senate, 3-ester-rluy,
the name of Franz Siglc as Assessor of
Internal Revenue tor the Sixth District,
New York.
A female resident of a TeniiOFfcc town,
appropriately named New Kuiu. yesterday
presented her husband with a twenty second
little responsibility.
New Yoik sewing women. make balmoral
skirts for seven cents apiece, and they can
earn about fourteen cents a day. Rather a
small allowance to live upon.
The forthcoming statement of the public
debt, it is said, will tihow a very small de
crease for the present month, probably not
over one and a half or two millions ot dol
lars. The Constitutional Convention of Tenn
essee has adopted an amendment iiimiing the
regular session of the Legislature to seventy-five
days, and called sessions to twenty
days. i
The MethodNt Church has grown vastly
in popularity with the progressive women
since it struck the word obey from the mar
riage formula aud opened its colleges in Io
wa to girls.
The Wheeling, W. Va., municipal elec
tion, on Monday a week, resulted in the e
lection of the citizen's ticket, equally Dem
ocrats and Republicans. The Democratic
ring was defeated.
Only five hundred negroes fought at the
battle of New Orleans, but about seven hun
dred aged darkeys are applying to the State
tor pensions for helping to knock oi l Pack
inghaui out of time.
Judge Strong, the new United States Su
preme Court Justice, is a native of Somcrs,
Connecticut. His father was he Rev. Win.
S. Strong, once pastor of the Congregation
al Church in Somers.
People who Biith when they read that the
orange trees of Florida are yellow with fruit
l'usl now, should remember that the weather
down there is also propitious for musquitos
about three inches long.
Among other religious movements for
which the year 1870 promises to be noted,
must be included its celebration as the cen
tenary yrar of Universalis as a distinct de
nomination of the Christian faith in Ameri
ca. In the vote on the fifteenth (neero suf
frage) amendment in the Rhode Island leg
islature, the Providence Journal says that
two or three Democrats voted for the a
mendment, and two or three Republicans
against it.
Hiram IT. Revels, the new Senator from
Mississippi, whose olive complexion has
been the subject of comment, is from Nat
chez, where he has long been a prominent
and influential citizen. He is a graduate of
Oberlin College.
A man in Iowa sold his wife in a load of
hay . for seventy-five oents that is he hail
her packed away in the load, so as to cause
an increased weight. His little trick was
discovered by the wagon and load upsetting
just alter it had been weighed.
The United States Senate, a slow mov
ing and dignified body, with an aristocrat ic
contempt tor saving at "the spiggot," has
reduced the number of its employees from
one hundred to sixty four, effecting a saving
to the Government of $50,000 per annum.
' An enterprising journalist got into the
secret session of the (Ecumenical as an
Eastern Bishop in full fig. His Latin be
trayed him, and the papal police escorted
him to prison. The tailor that made his
Bishop's robe was sent to keep hiia compa
Colonel Jones, of Monmouth, N. J., owns
the orignsil copy of the famous Lecompton
Constitution over which the country had
such a wrestle. It is on a square yard of
narebment. was twice caotnred during the
I Kansas troubles, and went safely through
j the sacking of Lawrence.
1 Mexico is looking up under the adminis
tration ot Juarez, telegraphs are being ex
tended all over the country and important
railroad enterprises are being consummated.
Education is also being encouraged with
zeal. and examinations in public and private
schools are conducted under the personal in
spection of tbe President.
The foreign bankers of Wall street who
pay no tax on the millions of dollars they use
are yet tj receive the attention of ex Asses
sor Webster. August Belmont, who is a
representative member of that class, lends,
it is said, millions of Rothschild's gold at
high rates of interest, but never pays the
tax on capital in ue. The revenue from
this source alone will amount to millions of
dollars a year.
Governor Campbell, of Wyoming, must
be an exceptionabiy niodest man. After
going so far as to subscribe his Gubernato
rial signature to the act enabling women to
vote, lie declined to snter the chamber in
which the National Women's Suffrage Con
vention is now sitting in Washington. With
such an opportunity to receive female idoli
zation, it is truly surprising that the gallant
Campbell should have kept in the back
ground. It is proposed in Washington to make the
Government officials, who are responsible
for the furniture used in the Capitol and
Government Depart sients, to give bonds for
tbe proper use and safety ot the same. The
Government spends an enormous sum for
furniture, and there is great extravagance
in the care of the ame. On a smaller scale
the same kind of dishonesty has hitherto
prevailed at Harrisburg, especially in strip
ping the halls of the Senate and House, at
the close ot the sossioti, of 'every variety of
portable property.
An exchange say?: We have news from
London that a movement is on foot for ag
itating the question of the annexation of
England and all its American provinces to
the United States. Posters to that effect
are said to be numerously distributed
throughout the British metropolis. We
feel obliged to protest against this whole
sale measure of annexation. We may pos
sibly afford to take in Mexico, Central
America, St. Domingo.St. Thomas, British
Columbia, the Winnepeg district, all the
Canadas and perhaps even Ireland, but we
can hardly venture, with due regard to the
health of the Great Republic, to swallow at
one mouthful the whole British Empire and
half the West India islands. Save us from
such an over dose.
A Philadelphia cotemparary scouts the idea
which some timid persons have come to en
tertain, that the country is on the eve of
bankruptcy in trade. He says: Trade, for
the last half year, has not shown that bustle
which we have sometime witnessed, and
many articles of produce are certainly lower.
But inquiry among individuals has left the
impression on our mind that the markets
have been moderately active in nearly all
commercial departments, and that the ag
gregate amount of business in the channels
of legitimate trade-is now, probably, as largo
3usq:il at this stage of the season, but
there is much less speculative animation,
and prices of most descriptions of merchan
disc show a decline from the earlier rates."
The earnings of the Union Pacific Rail
road for 1869, not including receipts from
the sale of lands, were $S,I2i,287,04. To
tal expenses forlheyear.$6.1ul,33''.fi. This
includes buildings, improvements and taxes.
The gross earnings for December were $781,
27,70, a decrease compared with November
of $12!),5.V.),40. Expenses for the mouth
of December, $4:52, 'J.VT 07.
A bill providing for the disposal of the
unexpended balances in the State Treasury,
is an important measure, now lefore
the legislature. It provides that deposito
ries shall be established and the money loan
ed at interest the depositories giving suffi
cient security' for the faithful performance of
the trust confided to them.
The Treasury investigation drags along
slowly. The Senate committee met, but ad
journed without any action, although Treas
urer Mackey was present and ready and will
ing to answer such questions as might be
Sftcw 3dmti$rmcnts.
Advertisement net vp xn targe tyytt..o out of pfatn
tttre.wii be rhargtd double-usual rate. JVotutM
- n-lw,l..c,l.,
PARKER. Pork Packer and
dealer in Baoon. Mess Pork.
Lard. Snirar Cured llama and Beef. No. 309 Lib
ejrty Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Feb 2.'70-2mp.
CAUTION. All parsons are hereby cau-
tioned against purchasing or meddling
with a certain one horse top buggy, now in pos
session of D. Tyler, of Houston townsh ip, as the
same was purchased br me at Sheriff's sale, aod
left with snid Tvler, subject to my order.
Feb 2-70 Jl. B. BRTJSH.
T) ISSOLUTi OX. The partnership here
tofore existing between the under
signed, was dissolved by mutual consent, on tbe
24tb day of January, 1870. Tbe books, accounts,
1V0-, ol said firm, were taken by A. I. Shaw, to
whom all persons baring claims must apply for
settlement, and these knowing themselves indebt
ed will please make payment.
Jan 21-70. A.I. SHAW.
The Drag buxine.s will hereafter be conducted
by tbe undersigned, with a lull and complete
stock. He intends lo make it an object to persons
in w.int of goods in his line to give him a call
Feb. 2-711. AJ . SHAW.
Tbe Third Session of the present Scholastic
year of this Institution, will commence on Man
day, the 7th day of February. 1S70.
Pupils can entar at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
the close of the session
Tbe course of instruction embraces everything
included in a thorough, practical and accom
plished education of both sexes.
The Principal having had the advantage of
I much experience in his profession, assures pa
rents and guRrdinns that his entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the mental and moral
training of the youth placed under his charge.
Jiusi op ToiTtos:
Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary
Arithmttio. per session. (11 weeks.) f 5 00
DrimiiUr, Geograph v, Arithmetic, andliisto
ry. ' t.oo
Algebn.flimnefry, Trigonometry, Mensuration
Purveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry
Bonk -keep in- Botany, and Physical Geopra
phy. .0t
Latin. Greek and French, with any of the a
bove branches. S12.00
Music. Piano. f.O lowr.s.) 510.00
Cj?"No deduction will bo made for absence.
For further particulars inquire of
July 31 . 1 W. Principal.
LJEPORT OF TIIH First National Bank
of Cnrwen-iville. IV. an shown by us
books at the close of business on the 22d day of
January, 1670.
Loans and discounts - - - - - Sl3v,i89 fi
Over Drafts 18 23
li. S. Bonds deposited with Treasurer
of V. S. to secure circulation - - 81,069 60
U. S. Bonds and securities on hand 2 00 00
Due from redeeming and reterve agents 3G.8IS 67
Due from other Xat Banks. - - - - 2 331 36
Due from other Banks and Bankers - 7.733 52
Banking Houmj. -.:::: : : : 2.50U 00
Furniture and Fixtures 1.000 00
Current Expenses - -- -- -- - 20 06
Taxes Pai.t 956 00
Cash Items including stamps ----- 147 61
Bills ot other Nat Banks 2 610 60
Fractional Currency (inoluding nickels) 855 15
pecie (com) ::::::: : : : .
Legal Tender Notes -
. I?,9U VV
Total - - -
- $316,048 38
: $10i 000 60
; : : 33.060 60
' : : 1.353 92
: : 83 60
: : : 233 87
: : : 853 57
Capital stock paid in, : ". : :
Surplus fucd.
Discount : : : : ; : : :
Exchange : - : : : :
Interest, ::::;:: '
Profit t Loss, : ; : :
Nat. Bk. Circulation outstan Jing,
Individual Deposits, : : '
Due .National Banks, : : : :
67.029 60
116.342 68
: 2.159 74
Total Liabilities ;-.:::: $315,046 38
I. Samuel Arnold, Ci.shier of the First nation
al Bank of Curwensville. P , do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true, to the best of
my knowledge and belief. ..
SAM'Ij ARNOLD. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th
day of January, 1870. Josiah Ktaxs, N P.
Correct. Attest :
Jonx Pattox, )
John P Irtix, Directors.
E. A.luv.x, I J a.'7-.
aiLDRESSfurstwenvj-five per cent less than
V-'cust st
FOR THE TEAR A. D., 189.
WILLI IM K WRIGLEY. Esq.. Treasurer of the
county of Clearfield, in tbe Commonwealth ot
Pennsylrania.in account with the funds of said
eounty from tbe ISth day of January. A. 1
ltxiX, to the 3d day of January, A. I. 1S70.
To balance due eounty last settlement.
To balance due from collectors for ld6S
and previous years.
To balance due from collectors on Etate
for 1S6S and previous years.
To amount assessed on unseated lands
fur lHhS,
To amount assessed on unseated lands
for ISti,,
To addition'l assessed on unseated lands
in Beocuria and Knox,
To amount lroin collector's returns for
1867 and 1S4S,
To amount assessed on collectors' dupli
cates for 1 Still,
To am't assessed on Registers' returns,
To amount assessed on Btate account.
To redemption on Baum tract in Brady
for lfeoo and 1807. (col. return).
To redemption on McCormick tract in
Knox fur leol to 1348, (col return),
To cash tor old iron.
To commonwealth costs refunded.
To redumption on No 4340 in Fox tp.,
To amount received as jury fees.
To am't received as fines k forfoiturs,
To am't transferred from militia fund.
To am't ree'd frou A. M iiilla for luel.
To redemption on land by bhoff, vsale
To redemption on land by J (J. Shubert
in Moiris, (sale book),
To sale of couuty maps,
To redemption ty Albert 5Q acres in
Uecatur. (sale book),
To Fux (owiitbip school balance due
last settlement,
$1,335 C8
1,553 3
148 72
6.943 19
8.627 61
14 65
112 96
19,275 86
600 82
1,207 06
3d 00
144 23
5 67
3 3S
31 70
64 00
300 09
27 75
5 00
3 90
12 80
8 00
30 10
41 02
Jo am't from CoinraUdkners' books,
1,70(1 00
By amount due from collectors fur 13;! 3
and previous year couuty, 2.0
By amount due from collectors for 1HG9
and previous year. State.
4 97
72 SI
15,244 43
790 74
31 18
9'J3 83
63 35
1,557 00
23 75
381 35
344 41
-Id UU
lut 82
37 00
By amount due irom unstated lands for
lfniS aud 1 Soy,
By exonerations to collectors on county
fur IbOJ and previous years,
By exonerations to collectors on State
lor lrii.9 and previous years
By collectors' pcrctntuge on county
By do do State
By State Treasurer's receipts for State
By amount paid Co. Snpetintendent. as
per Act of 9th April, ISo7. tor inci
dental expensesot Teachers Institute
for 18,19. a- per bills filed
By treasurer's per ceutage on receiving
$25,423 -Irt, at li percent.
By Treasurer's per cen;age on paying
out $2.9411 8, at I i per cent.
By overcharge iu Cnest and Huston
By amount d ie from collector's returns
By assessors' wages.
By CommifiSloners' Office, vii :
Henry Stune, 164 days $420 00
Othello Smead, i - 50
S. 11. Siiufi'ner, 442 50
S. U. Hinduian, 55 U0
By expenses in viewsng prisons
By Court House expenses, vis :
Fuel and light 5101 70
Repairs U building, 116 41
Balance on clock 117 65
By court bouse bonds and coupons,
By Jail expenses, vis :
Coal and wood, 593 50
Repairs to building, 76 72
Stove, 7 00
Med. attendance to prisoners 75 35
Watchmen 336 50
Washing clott'g for prisoners, 93 20
By new prison expeuses, vii :
For architectural'deMgns $500 00
Adv. proposals and printing
estimate A specifications. 77 42
Engrav and print, new bonds. 175 no
Payment on new jail lut, 600 00
By Cuurt crier's wages,
By tipstaves' wages,
janitor's wages,
By amount paid State deficiency,
Hy road views.
By Commonwealth costs, vit :
Coni'th vs. Ball and Hear. fJ92 59
Do Sebastian Smith, li)5 27
Do Joe Miller, 97 22
Do Dtiupgey, li'J -to
Do Kitchen, 12 13
Do Lamoyne, 6-18 73
Do Coulters. 53 07
Do Creswell, 15 20
Do Lingofelt, 40 VI
Do t-hearer, 63 3t5
Do Horn, VI 95
Do Michaels A Hard, 22 12
Do I.eo, 17 70
Do Wash. Brady, 47 06
Do Shanks, 12 78
Do Knox. 114 71
Do Morrison. 1 1 25
Do Flcgal, 38 07
Do Crowfoot, 19 86
Do Troy, 33 57
Do Fitigerald, 15 00
Do JuLuron, 77 57
Miscellaneous eos:a, 47 70
By boarding jurors iu capital casus,
By postage and telegram ,
By stall ji.try,
B IranevriJing nld records,
By Protbonolary's fees,
By expenses delivering duplicates,
By jurors wages, vis :
(rand, 569 40
Travcise, 2,386 56
By inquest fees,
By justices' foes,
l!y Sheriff's fees.
By fox and wildcat scalps.
By insurance on Court lloue.
By Auditors' and clerk's wages.
By Cou.mtaioner' olerk a wages, vis :
Bradley, (foimer) os2 t)0
Uood lander. 500 00
By House of Refuire,
1.370 Oil
104 21
3.H 7a
54a 00
6S2 27
1,352 40
68 00
154 uti
75 GO
389 39
211 U0
2.749 14
fc4 7o
24 61
24 61
111 75
410 rtj
19 70
3.432 96
74 38
40 3
1.413 6
117 42
728 00
210 0J
1.3S2 00
By Jury Ci mmtsiuners and clerk,
By ref unds.
85 00
187 34
By attorneys fees, vis :
Wall ice,
X..I- McCullonh,
Iiy Listrict Attorney's fee,
By books ud records, vix .
Fcr Pruth notaiy's office.
For Cuminisiuner's ofiicu.
Fcr Recorder's ufhco.
$150 00
105 00
50 00
60 HO
loo 00
50 00
515 00
332 50
$110 00
4" y
25 50
li-3 40
2.7 45
714 98
By coi:t .bits' fees.
By election expenses.
By Registry Law expenses, viz :
Books J stationery, S3 25
Printing and publishing law, 2.H 2-
Amount paid assessors 59 9J
Additional elerk hire, li oO
By llurnsiile bridge,
By printing.
By rond damages.
By CommirMouurs' counsel.
By auditing Prothy's 4 Ke-r's atM'ts,
By miscellaneous,
Bj amuunt overpaid Fox road fund.
1 40
600 00
410 ('0
:,! CO
150 O0
31 Ot!
41 31
12 64
2.759 49
$45,518 47
By bul. due county by Ireas. nrigley
Received, Clearfield. January 20, 1870, of Wm.
K. Wrigiey, late Treasurer, the sum of two thou
sand, seven hundred and fifty nine dollars and
forty-nine cents being in full of the above balance.
l$2,759 49.J ' LEVER FLEGAL, Treasurer.
Probable Ordinary Expenses for 1870.
To ordinary expenses estimated at $20,550 00
To exonerations locoll'rson U S. lands, 1.325 00
To Treas'rs and Collectors per cenlage, 1,593 83
By am't dne from collectors.' $2,074 97
By am t due from V S. lands. 15,244 43
By am't due from Col s returns, 103 82
By am't deficiency foi 1S70, 6 045 61
$2-1,468 S3 $23,468
Tax due from Collectors.
following is a detailed statement of
several amounts due from Collectors for 1869 and
previous years:
Vr. Bor aTp's. Col's Names I County.l Bounty.
1867 Becearia. TS Washburn -14
1869 BeceariR, ! I! B Wright, $194 13
Bell.w Wm T Thorp. 13145
Bradford, ,Edmund Dale, 35 91
Chest. jJasM'Kwen, 438 41
Clearfield. IJ M'Clellan, 467 21
Curw'le. J Thompson, 73 36
Ferguson, Geo Williams, 22 85
Girard. t R S Stewart. 6 16
32 39
Graham. D M'Dowell, 301 43
! lordan.
R M Johnson, 15 40
IKarthaus G Fisher.
132 17
IMorris, Peter Mens,
iPike, Robert Ross.
jWoodwaadjs Henderson,
186 281
150 2u
24 36
22 13
Total, $2071 97 $lil'7
rax Dm raoM ollectors coxtixceii.
Tr. Bor.aTp'f.! Col's Names
S22 37
56 05
18 85
35 15
22 02
27 67
8 75
22 32
22 80
1 18
17 67
ISo7 Beocaria. T S Washburn
1869 Becearia,
I Brad ford.
H B Wright,
Wm T Thorn
2 77
Edmund Dale,
3 221
3 i
Chest, -
Jaa M fcwen.
Cm w te.
J M'Clellan.
J Thompson
2 68
9 96
24 8C
5 l0
5 76
2 23
Ferguson lee Williams,
ttirard. f
K S Stewart,
li rabam.
D M'Dowell,
K M Johnson
U Fisher,
Peter Mens,
Robert Ross.
S Henderson,
1 5
12 32
1 42
872 81
1 ' Total.
S349 58
Those marsed thus have paid on account since
settlement. Thor marked thus f have paid in
full tiuce settlement.
' Soad Fund for 1868 and 1869.
WILLIAM K. WRKJLKY, Esq , Treasurer of the
eounty of Clearfield, in tbe Comm an wealth of
Pennsylvania in account with the several town
ships in said county for Road Funds for 1S68-9.
To balance due tw'ps at last settlement. $2,702 11
To am't aeed on unseated lands IS68, 8.BS5 21
To am't assessed on unseated lands 1869, 8 667 91
To am't returned in Woodward, by Coi r, 2 07
. Total, $2n,057 30
By cash in Treasurer's bands. $125 30
By bat. due from V. S lands for 1868-9, 16,966 60
By over charges in Chest and Huston, 50 00
aggregate am't paid Supervisors. 2 829 94
By Treasurer's percentage, 85 46
Total, ' S20.057-30
-3 I -5 g
Law rence,
$17 90
1 03 6tl!
6 74
25 75i
36 96'
143 52,
271 071
387 671
00 BOl
117 14!
15 96
3-3 Dal
3j 611
1 10 87i
21 62;
3 .X V2i
4 31 1
92 4rtj
Hi 06
51 07
156 62!
$3oo ft";
423 R9
133 47
145 61
SUO 12
428 filH
133 47
145 67)
11 18
475 77
159 15
374 76
3115 16
362 45,
41 29
33 65
3V 6.1
2.6 77
192 21,
2.094 21:
53 93
255 81 !
2S0 4Si
431 42
379 93
165 78:
150 80
344 fO
455 75i
$128 09
9..0 98
273 68
317 09
2j3 32
1IU5 Vii
1072 69
67H 92
842 06
104 54
Illl 25
821 P7
624 41
409 04
4.58 34
175 35
59S 33
625 42
913 91
916 51
347 03
305 60
NtO 32
981 68
111 18
475 77
159 15
39'l 21.
SOa 13
3-2 47:
41 29
363 li.)
391 6.1
2ati 77
192 21;
20.4 2l;
76 11!
2'io or;
275 8-lj
431 42
379 IMil
16a 7ej
150 80!
15 47;
4 00
170 72
67 51
314 80
455 75
Total. S2702 10 .$C685 2lS8,o67 9l,$2i057 30
b a
a. o
G rahnm.
$2 41,
3 lOl
I 12
4 30 1
8 13
9 21
1 81'
3 52.
I 16l
3 32l
il 10!
I 394
3 43
$77 92
100 50
57 28;
38 081
139 22
298 44;
58 79
113 62
372 37!
37 45
107 55;
23 H9
426 34 '
44 92
111 OS:
102 86!
49 54;
$547 76
857 38
266 V4
258 04
1 095
45 8
216 12
924 90 i
318 3fi
745 02;
606 06 1
724 92
86 OSi
713 82
73 26!
5!3 54'
3H4 42
4K90 9ll!
130 04;
483 82;
519 3-1 1
862 86.
746 95!
331 561
262 84
6S 60!
902 0
3 18
1 53
4 70
151 92
15 01
15 60
5 12!
2 37
7S 62;
Tot-.l, ! $85 46
f2,S29 94 $1696660i2O.O57
Sot. Tbe turn of $2 07 was returned by the
collector of Woodward t'p. Am't of exonerations
SiOOO.vis: Chest S20 00 and Woodward 50 90.
Balance in hands f Treasurer $ 1 25.30.viz- Bloom
in. 74. Brady S25.64. Covington $1.26. Ferguson
51S47, Girard $13 48. Morris $!2 96, Pike $42 76.
ClearfielJ, Pa., Jan. 20.1870. Rece ived of Wm
K. Wrigiey. hfq . late Treasurer, the sum of one
hundred and twenty fivedollars and thirty cents,
being in full of tbe above cash balance due ibe
road fund
15125.26 LEVER FLEGAL, Treaa'r.
Bounty Funl for 1869.
WILLIAM K. WRIGLEY. Esq.. Treasurer or the
county ot Clearfield, in tbe Commonwealth of
Penn!ylvania,in aocouut with the Bounty funds
ol said county for tue year A. l. 1869
To balanee due funl last se'tlement $13 957 37
Io balanco due from collectors for 1608
and previous years.
To. balance due from unseated lands for
To amount assessed on unseated lands
for 1 869,
To additional in Brady, Karthaus aod
To amount due from collectors' returns
Toriuuunr a-sessed uu seated duplicates
fur I86.
To balance due Treasurer Wrigiey
By balance due from ooilectors' fur '69
and prev.ous years, $1,507
By balance do Irom unseated lands (or
H6.-i and ISoO, 8.46-
P.y balance due from collectors' teturns 111
exonerations to collectors. - ao
By per coo'ageallowed cuiieators,
'.',y aaiouut ot bonds redeemed in IS63.
By amount of coupons canceled in lo'j'J.
Bv Treasurer's per ceutage on receiving
$S.('2I 00
By Treasurer's per ccntage on paying
oat :2,.12 33
- 3.C45
To aggregate amount of bonds issued. $270,335
1 o agtep.te amount redeemed to Jan-
nary. 1SIW, S2i3 o0 00
To aggregate am't redeem
ed during 1869. 19,807 J.S
To aggregate amount unre
deemed January, 1870 37,367 67 270.3oo
1 o amount of bonds over due, $1,550
To am t redeemable julv, '70 $9 600 00
To am't redeemable Jan, "71, 1,800 00 11,400
To amount redeemable during 1S70, $12,950
To am't redeemable July. '71 $6 000 00
To am't redeemable Jan.. '72 2,400 00 8.400
To amount redeemable July, 1872, 14 400
To amount redeemable July, 187S, 1 800
To amount redeemable July, 1878, l,2o
To amount due from collectors.
To amount due from unseated lands.
To amount due from collectors' returns
To deficiency to be raised during 1870,
By bonds redeemable in ,70. $12,950 00
By int. on unredeemed bonds, 2,24 2 06
By ex mentions and Treas
urer's per eentage. 1,500 00
By bal. due Treas Wrigiey, 623 73
$17,320 79 $17 320
School Fond for 1868 and 1869.
WILLIAM K. WRIGLEY, Esq ., Treasurer of
eounty of Clearfield, iu the Commonwealth
rennsy Ivania.ln account with the several School
Districts, in said county for School fund fur
To bal. due dist'alastaettlem't.less Fox. $3,421 34
To bal. due fox last settlement. 41
To am't ass d unseated lands for 1868. 11.592
To am't ass'd unseated lauds for 1869. 13,174
To am't returned by Collectors io Barn-
. . .... . . ST
side, Lawienoe, and ttooawara, '
Total, $28,257
By cash in Treasurer's hands
By amount paid Ditri-t Trwnrers,
By bat. in Fox transferred i county
By exoneration in Becearia,, Brad",
Ferguson and Huston. - J'
Chest and Huston,
Py balance uncollected.
!,1I h
3 l It
41 ,J
05 !
05 I
W 257j
g 5 5
Districts. s S S
2.o. 5 2 -2
$224 441
102 33
41 41 1
49 6j
$606 U
51 2tf
173 50
378 75
206 10
61 06
318 30
655 42
381 45
688 69
65 28
472 74
763 26
667 60
345 95
299 t
689 43
313 44
Decatur, I
146 63;
22 85
248 02;
116 84;
252 34,
119 13
47 62
154 Uj
96 20;
197 39;
91 51
33 1
24 17i
54 94!
96 52'
Grab am,
147 13
182 66
449 92'
413 83
647 14:
493 99.
296 12;
196 041
206 8i
820 36'
Total. '$3421 34 $11592 a7i $11 74s 557
: 3
e 5
$101 51
, 86 50
12 17
37 30
o 4 o
? 3
t "
9224 44
102 33
40 41
49 69
299 89
6.S9 43
313 44
1 In A3
22 85
248 02
116 91
2 -2 34
119 13
Becearia, j
1114 5
347 (X)
7 91
421 43
1373 7
! Jl
12:9 22
62 35
lifS .
102 B-i
927 H
14-0 !)
11 M II
(iil 411
1 3oo St
S74 J4
77'J i
12H 02
41 7
4! 72
IVWi 22
$24 189 72
! Brady, J
burtuide. ;
Chest, j
liecxtur, j
tiirard, I
Goshen, !
(iral.tm. ;
Hu,ton. ;
Jordan. 1
Karthaus ,
50 64
33 83
55 56
12 96
71 76
25 24
$512 54
47 62 !
154 14 ;
" 20
197 39 '
91 51 i
33 19 i
21 17
54 94
OA a
$3,421 22j
Notr Amount returned bjr collectors. $27.7,,.
vis: Burnside $7 91. Lawrence $3.70. Woudeare'
SIB. 15. Amount of exuneratioas. $79 96, vis;
Becearia $60 02, Brady $2 66, Fergu-nn 2 2".
Huston $15 00 Balance due Treasurer. $12 i4
viz. Cheat $7 22, and Huston 6182.
Clearfield, Pa., January 26. 1876. Rsreived f
Wm. K. Wrigiey. ksq . lale Treayuror. U.c .m f
Fivo hundred and twelve dollars and t: fi v four
cents, being iu full of the above balance at tL
School Fund.
i$512 54 J LEVER FLEGAL. Treat r.
We. tbe undersigned. Coiumiinners of the
eounty of Clearfield, in tbe Coruu,oi..waltb jt
Pennsylvania, haviug met on the 3-1 day .( Jan
usry. A. D. 1870. accordiag to law. ai-J hariac
examined the several aocounr aud vuiicherp of
William K Wrigiey, F.mj. , Treasurernf aH ei.aa
ty. for the year A. D 18i9. d certify, that
find them as above stated.
We find the auount due the county by bin to
be two thousand, seven hundred and nny-iiica
dnllars and f.rty-nine ent. (2 7 9 P.)
Tbe amount due and outstanding from I'ollectora
for 1S69 and previous year, ir on t'oanty. two
thousand and seventy four dollars snl ninety,
seven cents. ($2,074 97); on Sttte. st(ntv-t4
dollars and eihty-ane ents. $72 SI); frin en
sealed lands, fifteen thousand two hundred anl
forty four dollars and forty-three cents. ili,
244 43.) Tbe balance due tbe County Fund by
Treasurer W rigley is two thousand. en b&o
d red and fifty nine dollars and forty-nine cents,
(52.7-9 49 )
Tbe aggregate amount of bounty bonds still aa
redeemed. is thirty-seven thousand, three eua
dred and sixty-sc-vcn dollars and ixty-even cents,
($37,367 67). The amount to be reJeemed dur
ing the year A. D. 1870. is twelve thousand, nine
hundred and fifty dollars. (512.9 .u 501. and tbs
interest for the year, will auiouui to the suioot
iso thousand, two hundrsd and forty-two dollars
and six cents. (52 242 06;.
The amount due from Collectors is one thous
and, five hundred and seven dollars and forty-fire
cents. (l 507 45); from unseated laLds eight
thousand, four bun I red and sixty eight dollar
and sixty-nine cents, (S.thl 69); from CoMscturs
s turns, one hundred and eleven dollars and fit J
cents. ($11 1 50).
The amount due Trearurer Wrigiey " UB"
dred aod twenty eight duliars aud soven'y-turce
ecu's. (528 73.)
The amount to be raised by taxation during 0)e
year, to meet the dtficincy. is seven thousand,
two hundred and thirty-three dollars and fift
cents, to meet the payments of tha current year.
The agrega'e balance due the several school
Districts by tbe Treasurer is five hundred and
twelve dollars and fit'y four ceuts. (5512 54; fr
which see tabular statemrnt
The aggregate balance due the several town
ships on Koad fund by the Treasurer is one hun
dred and twenty five dollars and thirty eeoM,
(l l 30; for which see taouiar staieoieui.
Witness our bands, at Clearfield, this 2ttb a7
of January, A. D. 1870.
Attest ; S A M L' E D H H I M M A S .
U . B Goodlaxprr, Clerk . Coinmis-reaeri
We the undersigned. Auditors of the eoenty f
Clearfield, in the Commonwealth ot Pniuyl;
nia, having met at the Court House. in te OK
of Clearfield, according to law, and barm ei
inod the several accounts and vouchers of Wins"
K. Wiigley, Efq.. Treasurer of said eouotT. I-r
the year A I). I809.do report thtt we found '
as alxiTe stated .
The balance due from him on County eeeoB"
tstwothousand.seven hundred and fifty-nine so
lars and forty nine cents, ($2 759 49 )
He is also indebted to tbe Road fond ' "T
sum of one handled and twesty-five dollsr?
thirty eents,(l25 30) and lo ihe School
hundred and twelve dollars and fifty foni 'een w,
($512 54); while the Bounty fund is mdrbwa
Vs- : .h ... ; hundred and teeniy-e's
dollars and seventy-three cents, 1128 .3 )
In testimony whereof we have herentit" set
hands, this 20th day f January. A. V l'
Attest: JOHN' D. MILLER,
G. B. GoonLADER, Clerk.
. , t. m ore viitsw ..? rilOP. at whole-"
15 (Opposite the Jail.) by C. KRAt
A lr,a stock of CL01UI-
j will be closed out at a "7iT7K5'.
(Opposite the
eJail) .
CJTOVES The celebrated Ironside and j is .
KJ t-ooRS. Revolving figot "'-..,,'
an artment of Pipe, at t KR JpJi.
Opposite i
IBB . D, iU'
Calf, $5; at
Jan 26, '70.
IEATHER Oak-tan and Spsntsl i Nie,
J and American Calf and K ip.
Morocco. Bindings. Linings and bhoe en
(Opposite the Jail.) C. kKAW---
k UDITOB'S NOTICE. The ie"'f fBrtrf
A wi.o, .minted bv the Orpbsnf l
Clearfield e.anty. at January Term, !' tai.
th duties of aaid anrointment. at ecEB
Clearfield, on FRIOA K.tbe 18th D 4J Y'ul
RUARY, 1870. of which M&Jfifa.
will take aotiee. A. W. WALlt' it,r.
Jan. aa.TO-St- "
1 " 1 .... s fadwr
BACON. Ham. Bidei and Sbonldersp ,
Prices, at "
. . ,.. ehie1"
THE highest market prices PJg 4 vrAjO-
y ; , ' WsJ"
ens, for sale by MERRELl -
19 Tp-.
1.3 a0 j.f
si; 2s
M ! u
'V I'M
I 7 64
91 rig 3J,
426 ,2 ,j0
647 IS U9 '
55 S. 'SIS
3181 i;,!!
'IM 9 2117 v
dit. adjust and mace aistnu- - , MCll
arising from tha petition of the rea
Greenwood MeCrackeo, d.-e'd. to Bd.ID,jbr
nartiaa lee-all entitled thereto. ,s