Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 12, 1870, Image 3

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3ottrnaf, - QkatfuHb, a;, SamtariK 12, 1870.
t 'A
6- -
ni:tn PA .JAN. 12, 1ST0.
rfpTov -T thc "f LunhrcWkfSna'y,iasleen ,1,e niost successful of
T . hvmail. p'wi" should remit bych eck ; .,. a
money dt " 'taTe thelr ettcr, registered. ; nny MiK'e the institution began. bucces.s,ui
of noi'J -'. ThT.
or nionej le cn(.loied in the first paper after
A i 1
ail Clfl&rfleld Kfcilro&d.
. ' ......Trroaesi : : : a m
i -' - rie.rfield at : : 1210 H. m. ,
T, r. ave.Cl.arfiella- : : : 2.30 p m. I
"'.' :... .. Trrnne at : T : :6.JP-di-
: "4 Pi i
rs with Cincinnati Express feast at o iv .
MH w"4t at 8 u p. m ; Bail,Eag!e Ex- j
at 1 0 P
preM Accf-mniodation Train.
l.(avenerli-ld at : : :
Philip'bnr? at :
Arrive t eeoU at : :
I vei Osceola at : :
Arrives at ClearfielJ at :
7. CO A. m .
9 lOt. M
10 15 A. M.
2 00 p u.
2.30 r. m.
ii ti p. u.'
1'Eiinir.f-?. Tiv!n? services will 1c held
Vt'aUa'!". in Clearfield, a follows:
RvTIcv ixdorff.in the Luilu ran church,
-til A.M. and 7 P.M. Sat bath wdioolat ji
M. l'i 0Pr meeting every Wednesday
treninir tit 7 cloitk. . ,, . ,
It v Hall, in St. Andrew s l-.p scot al
chinch, at I ' A. M and 7 1'. M. Sunday
f hofl af 3 I'. M. Prayer meeting every
Wednosdny'rvenin? t 7 ' o'e'ock.
ByEev. Bi'ier.in the Presbyterian chnrc.i.
mornine ami cvet.inc Sabaath school nt
?, V. M. Prayer meeting .every n eduea.iy
iTenimr at 7 i-'"k.
Py Ujv. W. II. Pi", in the Method ist
fhurch. morpinsr and evening. Sabbath
.ho.d at 0 A. M. Prayer nief tinp. every
Thur?bir at 7 P. M. Connnnnion servi.es
First SabLa'h of every month a; 1J A. M.
St. Fratu-is" ehiiieh Mass at 10J A. M.,
the topiid and fourth Sund.ivs of oadi
month. . ,
ISarpains in Dres (ij')ds. Sbnvls. l:r.,
Ac, for th'i ty .lays only. Wm. Ri:i.1 Si Co.
Wantek to rent, or farm on the share,
either a t;:re or small farm. Add:es. Inn
iel JlcieJh. Millford ?I:ik ChcMer co., Pa.
Thank. We are indebted to CJ.iv. Jid.n
V." fii-arv fi no e9r5v e "V of hi snnnal
mes:iL'e itt f.nrdon repor:. lie will accept !
our thaiiks fr the fame. j
0.i:itT 'i'l.- January term ofo'ireo'inty j
courts C".!ivi'v 1 on Monday. Qi'.ite a nui.i- I
ber of I't'iipie are in aMendaw'o.
civc the it.i: c.-. t.iu i;i iuii nest wee:
I.T.. The pros-p cts o! having a t;nply
of i. e. d-irin ti'- umiii?r ninmlii. a.e not,
at pv.-eri!, very ilalteiiuj. Those persons
who .-ir- foriiKiate possonrs of i -e hou
ae., fch'uild til them assoon as the river
T:m nt ".. K A. In in Jt Co., of Cur-wt-ivi.ie.
are prepared to bny nil kind of
tiiiil-ei. delivcit l cither at C.trwctisviile,
J.ock Ilavt u ir Marietta, or tlicy will take
itatchher of these po:n?s an 1 m'II it or. j
. . i i i - i . 1
conimission. Uea i th.-ir a iveni-einei)..
Lak.;e II mi. We learn that Mr. W. P.
Tale, d' L-iw:ence to.vnship, la-t week kill
rd a beg-, twenty months o!l, th?t weighed
t il pounds when dre-sed. It vasa Chester
Vv ii'irc Its biifrth was ti fe-t 8 inches, and '
girthed 0 feet 2 inches. This is the largest
Lejj killed this season, in this vicinity.
Donation. We L-arn from th- A'ioona
Tri'mue that our friend, 11 ;v. A. W. iiuy
ir, pat r cf the Grst M. II. Cho.c'i, hi
that I'ity. was .surprised "ti Ch'i.-f.-.ini Kve,
by a larire u-i uhe.r of his friend s ciiliri-' no
itT Li'iiSi'Jt or iauiilv. ifuc'h exnrcs-
K.i-H uf alf .riiin and re.rarl.are at all times
a.wptabl-j, as well as a so iree of great eti-t'-iur.-ijeuK'ut
to thit hu:ahie and l.tithfni
i' lui-tci and follower ol the meek and lowlv
S.ti.rir. Would thai their reoarieuce were
lii ire oLf) ! .mi: and jenei-il.
Nkw I. O. O F. H.U.I,. The members !
! til'- --v a.hliiitton h hi ire, No. 5C7. !
1. O.O. F. h-ive erected and just -otuph;tcd '
. it m i ," i
i ti. -Jf t Ij st ry I J J 1 1 lll.nl.liir. at a Cost oi ;
1 -ur tlii nt -T-: ;j J ,1 ,!;mi. 'i'ht; tir.-t iioor con
t ;tt-a la: e'e: and commodious .-tore room, 1
tin- svemi is in -en lei tor a TiWli flail, and
I , . , , . :
t i' t.iir i tor the Lo lie room. It- is a Intmc ;
1 iiiii.- !',- liont iiy 01) feet deep. The j
L 1 he ront.t is one of the lartest aiid be-t j
l.ttt:i!n.d in Ciiiti;;! Pennsylvania, and a
i-ri-d.t to the members i f New 'Vuhinton
Li'L'e, as well as to the Oi J.-rat hirje.
I. 0. O F. ( )n Thursday eveninir la-t a
l' -x LiJire of Odd Fellows was oruani.'-d at
V'.ir. side, in this t-outny.s-lyl.jd F.tirnside
I." he, No. ti7J. The fiil!owitijr are the of
'1 -cfs fur the ensuing term : J tunes Wctzell,
N ti. ; Thomas O. Brid le. V. O. ; lb II.
I'-iv s, Sei-'y: John L. Allison, A-s't See'y;
"i II. 1!. Darr. Treasurer. A goodly hum
' r i f members from New Waihins'on.
n-rry Tree, Smethport, and Ciea field
l. 'h'es were jiresent at t! participated in t!;e
T'-tuorm-s. The new lyidire starts under
"'ry pronti-uip. auspices. Wewi?l it sueees.i.
bi UN'siitK This is a flourishing village,
k ' ' itcd i'ti :!;e Sus-quchanna Kivtr, aloat
' mi:,.-s .-s.otth West oi Clcariield, and in
' " I'-' hi of one of the best lumbcrins re-i-"
: in this co-jii'y. The town is located
i;i ' :n st Jc.-. ('.' 1 he river. The large grist
' oi l o. 1-r.i:' t!it residerce, ar.J other
1 ii:.i:::. h . iiin- to 3Ir. Wm. C. Irvia,
:: - s:-ua:-1 0:1 the ris'ttt bank of the river,
I" i ii icipa! portion of the town is on
f !-u l.t!,i. Tiie buildi.'iirs are nearly ai!
T- it; i :.: )-;ly of the modern style of ar
' " :re. I iie citizens are etiiei io iiin an-.l
;--..e. lti our opinion, the day is not far
os'tia: when Iitirnside will rank as one of
: "ouri-liin and extensive business
'"as ;:i .-.ar coiitilv.
UKr.f PitAYER. The several meet
1 i ct ic; the "We-k ot Prayer" in this
' " v' :" well attended, and much interest
a ai-iMie-teJ in the exercises by many of
t.n ll? ,n' mbership of the various Christian
'-non.oja'.i. ns. The cxercUea were held
-terna:i-!y i the L'tthcran, Presbyterian
"' I nhodi.-t houses of worship, and con
:jJed with riionsi'rA-icesand thecommeui
'ration of the Lord's Supper in the Presby
nao Church, on Sunday morning la-t.
e "asion was one of the most solemn we
Cftr wimossed. and will have the effect to
Ut"te lm:rc d.woly the members of the sev
denominations in the bonds of Christian
l.owsliir. and io stimulate all to work more
i.mly for the spread of the Go?pel of
'He Sou of God throughout the world. '
To facilitate removal our entire stock of
men handise will be sold at actual cost, for
30 duvs or.lv. Wm. Reed & Co.
The rust session in the Ilo'ltJaysburjr
Lard times, is not a Lad test.
Tekvsichorf.aK. On Thursdiy evening.
January 'JOth. 1ST0, a Citizens l?a!l v nl
come off in the Town Hall (second floor of
t!, npw Odd Fidlow' LuihiimrHn New
, , i .
ashmgton t he proceeds to be applied to
t lie liquidating or the reinaimntr ocM on
building. The member ol tie Order, and
the public generally, are invited to attend.
By order ot t!ie Committee.
Hall DnDtc.vTtov. The new O Id Fel
laws' Hall, at New Wa.-.hii:z!on,iH be pub
licly dedicated, on Thursday, January 20th,
1S70. Members il the Order from the
neighboring L'd;;es, as well :h the pub'ie
generally, are invited to be p;c-f nt. The
dedication Cr ices v ill commence ul 1 o'clock
P. M. Jamks M. Rose,
A. I. liFVNfcTT,
John P. Faith.
Jan. 12, 1S70. Committee.
MF.TKOiioi.o'iiCAi. Ki:ra:iT for the wei:k
cndinii January Gill, 1S70. from three dai
ly o'.-scrvation. as furllilld by II. Fenton.
of Penjitp. : M iximum of thei moiiicter,
a lilft; Minlmi:m. 4 on 5:h; Menu, U4 :
Max. barometer, Us 19 (in o h ; Minim
urn, 117. 04 on 12d ; llarpe, 1.15 ire-hep.
Moan of 'Uarometcr for the r-etk, 27.S;
The lowest mean of any wctk t-ir.ce I l;ac
uade a record; and 'n Sunday, the '- td
the prt.-i-iii month, ti e Paro.ue t r was !ou
cr than for the lut Cve years. lVj.tli o!
water fell during week .tCA of in inh
Pept'.iof snow durinp the f-eason, 424 im be.
Mot of the week cloudy; h.avy wind on
Sun day nipht ; snow drifted -ciiifi jdaees
the l'ois lli i-kfd.
MA(t!liED :
On Tues'ay inoriiitK. Jawwary 4;li, 1S70
af the rc.-iuv:ii.-e vl' Ji-tia. I'-yton, ivn., by
U.-v. Coieu Ha!!, Mi. II.tHAI-.T Ai.! ;.!;t,
of Phiiisburflr. and Mis jli:iu Nxvu::i.
of i'l-a. iL'i.i ii iuu;h.
On Thnrr.lay. I W.-mb.-r C3ih. by
J. i'. Fitrwell. M-.-j., Mr. J.ukon M'Ci.ix
sky and M;.-i Ll.i Y itOBWNS, both of Pike
towns!.. ir. .
On Thwrsdar. Janunrv fi;h, lS70. by R-.-v.
W. M. Ptiicl'Sie.id. Mr. UAiJtt.s !ln.i:an.l
liss Effie (1am;y. beta id i'ik.- tp.
On Tues.Iay, .)a:.i;.iy 4:li, I7'J. by J.
Hoddens. Kmj.. Mr. hulls OoSTtifK and
Miss Jf.X .VIS F.LI Kil. b:jl': ol O-eeuU. .
J K ;i O V A 1.
a u n shop
" he an lera; gr.cl bejrs leave ij-forrri h:so!d
a:I new cusii.uicrs. bi.1 ae punlio i;eiicri.y.
tli-.it hf has lillei up a new i!UN .J10j'. on ti.e
,.t n .i.e cr-.tr of Four.h ar.d .Mariirt aireefa.
LicnilclJ 1 . wrere no keep cwistantly on
I:nr..l, anl in ikv tu ord- r, li ksnJ i t tl-ans
Al.. guua reboreJ aiid rcvumishe i. auJ rerKirt-d
tcntly on shun nntii-o UrJers lJ mai! wul io
ceivr pr::;;! atleatioa.
(Xear the Kaiiroad I'cpo'.),
Kced Street, Clearfield, Pa.
ti. I). GOOIjFEI.L'.'W : : l: : Pi:orKjiTon. j
A r n rst rlflf Ifotai in every respe?? com
f.;rJab:c rMnns all the mo-lern im pro cements
iho bearfif Liq'it.rn vrorrtpt uttru iuneo. r.ntl if n
r... k i i :.. . i- . . .-n ,.t r bn . ;
ji:w srom-i and saw mill,
Clearfield county.
Th nr-'tcrTpr.rd. rinvirfr oppr.rd n largo nr.d
wi'll s;I.:cu:l ai..ck of g a I'-aicJ Iliil.-Tci'iar-
fi.M i;o;.;iTj. r:.-pcr,tfuily solicit hbare of public
f ;,.'r"T!-'0' , . , .
liar.lwnrc 'JuKi.sniire.7iii-Mri.,Bi.r.tf artl Shoes.
nr,i -'P. nly taail riothir;. ar.U ageu-
it il .i..H;ir!mrut el NoIooif, rto.
Tiicy atwavt. keep on I'P.i'd the l.cjt omslity of
Floor, and a variety of Feed
.11' .,.II,lg..l..l..ant........ - n v.-fc ti. trii for
approved country produce.
Having also created a Steam Saw MM. they are
f-edaicd to Saw .11 kinds of lumoor to order,
i r. so!i.-it..l. or.d Du:,otr.ilT nil.d.
N.v. .D, lSo7.
F. ii. i A. lUV.'IN.
Cibtes and Miscellaneous Poi ks ; Sheet Masic
for Piano, Flu e and Violin ;
filar.k Account and Pass Pooks. of every de
scription: Paper ar.d Kr.vclopes. Trench
pressed and plan.; Peneand Pencils;
Deeds; Mor ttj:-.tres; Ju-lment. Exemption and
Pruuiisory Notes;
Dlark I eun! Paper: White and Parchment
Iiritf; Leg-1 ep: rtecsrd cap and
till cap, etc ,
Wili le sold at Wholesale or Itetail by
P. A. G A U LIN,
At the Pos" ofT.:-. cn Market Street,
Clearfield. Pa.
Msy 5. lriS
czzd czis.a.1 :::
Men. Toutbs s.ni Hoyi r.tn be a pi pied wit h full
suits of seasonable and tashionable clothing at
where it is jold at prices that will induce theit
purchase. The universal satisfaction which P.u
been given, has induced tbeni to increase their
s'Cs-h. which is now not surpassed by at:y esttib
liihment of the kind in this part of the State.
Reizenstpin Bro .t Co.,
S15 goods at a very small profit, for cash ;
Their goods are well made and fashionable.
They give every one tbe worth of his money
They treat their customers all alike.
They sell cheaper than every body c'se.
Their store is conveniently situated.
They having pnrcbased their stock 1 1 reduced
prices they can sell cheaper ti an others
for these and other reasons persons should bny
their clothing at
Produce of every kind taken at the highest
market prices. May 18. IbrU
"VfOTICU. All persons indebted to the aubscri-
ber. are requested to come and settle with-
out delay.
SWAIM S PANACEA. Kennedy's Medical Dis
oovery, Ilerabold's Buchu. Daka's Cod Liver
Oil, Jayce's and Ayer's Medicinea.for sale by
Scla'ficlcs Pulmonic tyvi'p,
See weed Tonie anl M'indr lite ri'.la.wiK care Con
somption. Liver Cf.n.ntnir.t and l'y.-ppi. if ta
Ken aecnidinp to (ii-ecticrs. Tin-y are all thres
to b taken at the aina time. Th.-y eleanse the
Ftoraach. relax the liver, an l put it to work ; then
the apptlite becomes good, the fu'id itigests and
mko. jood blood, the patient begins t grow in
fleh the diseased ir.atti-r ripenj in fie I ngs.and
the patient outgrows the di'taseand (fe: well.
1U19 1& 1 1' 4 VUIJ w.j ' " v... ' ' a
To these three meil'iiinrs lr. J.H. Febenek.nf
rbiiidclphia, owea his unrivalled sascesii in the
trc:itinei.t of puluiotiary consumption The Pul
monic Svrup ripens the morbid mattor in the
iungn rii'iture throws it off by an easy expecmra-
i- i . . . , i . n.utir i . rine ft
lion. lor woeo oic I'lii'-r'.' - . - r - -
sliirht cou 'h will throw it off. and the patient has
1 .1,. I....3 H.crir, tn henl To ll" this, the
res', .iiiu hid -
Seaw eed Tonic and Mindrake i'lllsmust be freely
oo l to cleanse the stomach and liver so that the
Pulmonic Syrup aid the foodill make jjood
Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent
causes of Consumption. .Schem-k' .Seaweed Ton
ic in a gentle etimolaut and nituralive. and ti e
alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is
notiio of. assifts tho siomach to tbrovr out the gas
trie juice io dissolve the food with the Pulmoine
Syrup and it ism .ideinto irowl blood withouller-menta-.ton
or c.urin In the stotna-h The rat
reason whv pb -jici.il" Jo cu' c consaiup turn is
they tiy ijdt too mujh ; ihey give me lo-itie to
slop cough, to t...ch.;!i. to Mop night swen's
hec:i.-fever, and bv doin Ibcy derango tn
wb.,le dijsrarive p.jorers.IocSiiitt up the secretions
an i ivi-ntualiv the pnt'ent sink.' ami dies.
i'r. Subonck. iu his treatment. do:-s not try to
stop a U;?h. ni;5&t sweats chi:s or inr. -c-mov
e Ihe caiwe.-nd tboy will al! Blop of t:.-ir own
aseord No one can be cured of consumption. liv
c c.-unlaint. dyspepsia. caUirih, canker, ulcer
ated throat. unless the liver and stomach are made
heap by.
If a pcr.-on Tiaeonsnmption of c"ur-e toe lun?
in some way nre rtiscaavd. eiihwr tubercles, ab
'cesses, bronchial irrit tiion. pleura adbosion. or
the lunirs are a in is.s of infl im itiui an 1 fast de
cuvii-K- In such esses what mast ha done? It
is t o- only ibe lunj; th it are wa-:.l.but it is the
wt.ole body. Tie utiona-b anl liver have I'M
their power tf make blond out of fond. o the
oi.ivrbai.ee ii to lalu-chencV tisre medicines,
wi i -h will brini np a tor.o to tho stomieb, the
p -.itient will bi-i'n want fond, it will ;: -t easily
anl make Rood blood; then the putiem besins to
g iin in flesh, aui a--oou as the bo ly bcjrir.s to
'row. thelun-'s lie - r. t heal u.-v a;;J 'he patient
jjets fle.-hy and well. Vbi i 'be oolyBi.vto
i-otc cmauuii i.oii.
Vl;en !hei c is liO
......... i ...1 ov
P2 fr.tl only Hvcr
I.. : . ., .1 M .n.'.rnlra !ill JM suffijler.t witjont
ru'i-iioiii-.- Svru-.. Take the Mai-dial-c Piils
free y mi aill i'l jus carupialts, a they ale per
i'cuilj huriulof.
Dr. ?.-he:.::1. . t.Iiii lua enjoye-1 nnlr.tr-rrnp'ed
he.il:li-f..r m a it years pi s, "iu"l inn wcigt-.s iV
pun-id--, mi w.ist.-i aw.iy to a rr.'re Vc!eton. in
the -t v- la,-t s:,i i j cf ul'ion: ir ? insuiapti'-.i b.s
i !; v.?i.-!''.s havitr; protiounee.i bis cm- hc-i. cic.-'S
ain't .i!:(iond h:m to his fat.- He was cured
by mc ntorefuid iiit.diciiics.auJ .-io.;- hi-reeovcry
ui.inv s-ii-iitarl.i iilHa-'td bavo n.-e l i;r i'-eh -io-l: s
pr. o. r.'tior.s with the s:-.n;e remarkable tuceefs.
Too iiiifi-:io!i accjuipatij irp ea.-b, lnal'.c it i.ot
ubsoliitely ite-e,s .-y oo Ur. s'jbmcit. .nlff!'
the patients i-h their lur.i's i-iaiL ined. niid for
tliis purpose. fc i Professionally ot his Principal
t tbee. Philadelphia, cvry ratur lay. where all
!et:ers for n ivio must be iiddrcised. lta is also
professionally at "n 111' iton l Street, New York,
ever, other Ti.ffl.ty. and ct No. 3j Ilunovor St..
Pcston. every nihcr'Wc hiivl iy. He I ives iidvice
frcr. but for a thorough eraT.inatiiin with his
i. -T.iroMie'or the prn is 5. OSico hours it each
city Iroiii s) A. -M to 3 P. 11.
r.-iee n the Poiaoinie Syrup "rid roTrt-cd Tin
ij e:teh "5-1 o p.r hotoe. or Sii f.o a ball-dozen.
Mandrake Puis 2 a cents a bo. For nle by all
DR..1. H. SCtlEN'r-K.
Ap. 7.'e9 ly 1A -V. tU.'i?!.. FIJi'n.
Tiic on!) r (Tiahle cure for
iir Wishart'aOreat American Pyspep ia Pillr
and Pine Tree Tar Cor.. ial are pofirive and in-f-ti
iiMe cu ro for tlj-spej.sia i o its most njruvated
form, ai.-i ro matter of bow long standing T her
pCDCtrate the secret abode of Ibis teiril'lc disease
htl exie'iuinntc it. root ir.d br.tticii. fon-vcr.
: lii-v sin vi-uc ir.ote sipy abd !lnt si.llerinj
rap.n li'iijuocan lei I. 'ihey aie need fir curing
:io. n:ost j-pera,e a;.:I boni!rs caes. hen tveiy
known tneJls f-'ii to cC rc'ier' No f rui . of
dy.-i -epsia or iauijjfet.iou can resist then penetra
tinf p.'-.vet
Ir WisLart". Vine T rce Tar Cordial.
It is the vital principle of ihe l'ine Tree, ob
tained by a peculiar loeess iu the distillation of
tho tnr. ly which its bit-best medical rtoperiit-s
us roi.-iii.ed . 1 1 inviirui at. s the d i s i vc orj.ai.a
ami r. stoies the a petite It 'Uri.iti6i.s the de
h'lt'a ed system, it purities and em icbcsl'tbe
h'o i'i. and "expels from'tbe system the corru tion
which rcrufula brecrts on the lur.-.'S. It dissolve
the laasus or j bUcia ivhieh slurs the a-r p a-es
of ibo liio-s it: 1 ealii-t! 1 rir.ciplc acts upou the
irrit ;:ed su.f u-s ol tl.e luK ai d lbioa! pet.o-tra-ip-
10 . o h di-earc-l pait, rvltcvitig pain ai.d
su tsi! !i i p Cnmsilion 1 ! is the result of years of
study and i-xpvriu.eot, and.it i iffered to the nt
llictsd wi h josilive assuraMi of ils power to
earn ihe f..iuwiut diseases, ii the patient bus not
ilclnvt-d a n-.-ort to ire n cans of cure:
"hi frnttifu'ttf th f,nv, Cnth. tin' T.raul
a ul H'f'.st. .0V0..T,;-. .'tvr Ctii unit, lilini
titut JJsr -
Dift' ''-' ir-
A mrdica! Xpert, bcl lirg hic-h eillssriate hon
ors a- voles his entire time lo the xam ination of
patients at the office parlors' Associated wi:ii
l ira arc three consultin; ph vsieins of ackr.owl-e.le-i
rn.ir.tnce w hose services are given to the
public free of e!ar,;c. Th is opportu-jily is offer
ed by co other iostiiiition in the country Letters
from' atiy partof tin cout.try. ntkiitg advice will
be pioup'ty aid gratuitous ly rt.-pii.ded to
Where co. venier.t. n m'ttaiu-es should lake the
rht'pe o! 'trails or post cGiee orders
1'rice of V.'isl-.art's American liy;iersia Pills $1
a box sent hv mail on receipt of price. Pi ice
of W h hart's Pine Tien Tar Cordial. & 1. 10 a bot
tle or 51 I per iezen. -Sent by cxpies.
Ail commui.Tcaiiens shoti hi be nutiressed.
I. Q C. WiSiiAi.P. M. 1 ,
No 3 North Second Street,
Oct 27,'Cil-om j I'hiladeiphia
J. C U N N I N G II A M,
A I TO o Nil Y AT P. W,
'P.e.il Estate Agent and Conveyancer,
Special attention given to the collection of claims.
Tyron. Pa , January 27. iai9-tf
I) op
Successors to Foster. Terks, Wright A Co.,
PmLirsiauio. Ck.stkk Co.. Pa.
Where all the business of a Parking House
will be transacted promptly ar.d npon the most
favorable terms. March I'D -tf.
j.n.M'cuiK. . tWD.PrBKS
J. SHAW & SON. .
Have jnst returned from tbe east and are now
c eotn sn entire new stock of goods in the room
formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market
Street, whi-h they now offer to the public at the
lowest cash pricc6.
Their stock consists of a gcneril assortment ot
Pry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware,
P.uotA, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bonnets. Press Goods,
Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, l?roonis. Nails, etc. ,
in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store
can be had by catting at thts store, or will be
procured to order.
Their stock is well selected, and consists of the
newest goods, is of tho best quality, cf the latest
styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for eash,
or exchanged for approved country produce.
Be sure and eall and examine onr stock before
making your purchases, as wa are determined
nlease all who may favor ns with theircustom.
May 8,1S67. J.SHAW A SOX.
DKY GOODS the cheapest in the county, at
May 2i. '87. MOSSOP'S.
PRUNES a quantity on hand and for sale at
May 27. GRAHAM'S.
1. L. KErZF.NSTIIIN & CO., - -
A good assortment for medical purposes always
on hand.
January 27. ISM-Hm.
The undersigned having recently added
to hJa formar business, would respec'fully
solicit an examination c' his slock- tcing
practical Tnilur be flatters himself
that he is able to iffer a better
c!a-s of ready-made work
than has heretofore Lecu,
brought to this mar
ket. Anyone wishing to buy goods in this line
would save money by calling at his store,
and making their selections. Also,
a full supply of tients'furtiishing
goods al v ays on ham. ,.. .
rVcTintr thankfcl for pint f ivors ha would rs
gpuctfally solicit a continuance of the
.'pril !1. II. rjltD-IK.
S. T.. rATT"X,
.'"O r.lTTOS.
j r lawt.x.
Ilaving fitted cp a Crit class
P L A K I X G M IL L ,
jtrc prepnreJ to furm-. io or!r u'J kinds of Man
ufacturtd LaiuLer, f ucb a
fl o oris a, si uxa,
SuiTacc-di'Cs.-od Lumber;
and every description of Plain an l Fancy Mou'd
ings, Pealcra will Scd il to their advantage to
consult our prices before purchasing elrcwbere.
Address, E. 15. Pattern & Co.,
. Ciirtvcnsvitit,
Dec. 2,'G8. Clcarfi?lJ Co., IV..
-- ' ' j
4 . V. WALTC113. Attousex at Law,
ClcarCeld. l a Utnce in ihe Court Hot.se.-
til BAKKETT. Attcunoj atbaw, Clear
ci-ia.l'a. Jlry 13, ls:i.
I -ID. W. GRAHAM, hc-alc: in Iry-Gcods. re
ries, liardware. QueeiiFv.'Me. Wooden ware.
I'lovisions. etc, MarKct Street. Clearfield. Pa.
D AVID 3. XIVLtNGV, Dealer in Pry-Goods.
Ladies' Fancy tioods. Hats and Caps. Hoots,
Shoes. etc .See ind Street. Cle-irBeld. P. Sep2o
TERRELL IUG LtR. Dealers in Hnraware
an i manufacrerers of Tin and Sheet-iron
rare. Se-iood Street. Clearfield. Pa- Jane '56.
HF. N'Al'GLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches. Jewelry, Ac. llooni ia
Graham's row, Market street.
No. ie
TT BUCIIEtt 6W00PE, Attorney at Law. Clear
Ti. field. Pa- GEet in Graham's Kow.fourdoo- s
west of Graham 1 Doycton's store. Nor. 10.
I R M'EX LTiY. Attorney.it Law. CicarSeld
J . IV. lrsotic.e in Clearaeld and aujoin:iig
counties. 0ce In lew brick buildinj of J. lioyn
t n.2d strevt, one door south of Lanieh'e Hotel.
TTKST. Attorney at Law. ClearSeld. Pa . will
. attend promptly to all Leal boriuess entrust
e l to his care in I'learfield ui.d adjoining coun
tiea. OSce on MarLct s-.rcct. July IT. ISbT,-
rjt!i'"MAS II.' FT.tCEY. Tlealer In Square ard
1 Sa ved l.UQiber. P'ry-Good-.tJeciuwiirc. Gro
ceries, clour. G r-iin Feed, ilaccn, Ac . ti ra
batnton. Clcarl! 1 eouuty. Pa. Oct Id.
' Kit A T7.F.5:. Os.ilcr in l'ry-Goo.s. Ciothifj.
ilari.vare tiiiee:iaware. Groceries. Piovi
sifjns.e!; . Aiirxet jirtd :caiiy opjosue tiie
Cotirt House. Cieurai ! i. Pa. June. 1 rSi'.J.
HMITSWICK A iUn.W Scalers in Prnirs.
Medi'iines. Paints, ni's. St atiotinry. Perfume
ry Fancv G oo;is, o i tons, etc., etc.. Mark et street.
Cleai-Evid, Pa Pet . 1 8f.-"V.
KRAT7.KK ft SON', doalers in Pry Goods,
V . Clothing. Hardworo ?uecr;swr:;e. Gricr
rics. 1'rorisions. Ac .-' Seooni Street Clesi f;eld.
Pa. Doc 27. IS.5
J.lirJ 'J?HC1I. Mani'.fnetnrer of all kirds oi
Oabiuct-s-MC JWarhet strtef. CU-artt-ld Pa
He nlscmnkes to urdei' on shot! not-ct- ard
it.eiids f-:oert.ls wi'.h a heirs? - AprlO.'ES
f io;; WW
'P, Pealor ir. Torclg!
3tir f ry 'Jo :
. t c. toon:
on Marlrct itrt ot. afov -In
et ot .Jntrr
Z.? t;'earf, -U. Va. A pi Si
"7M.VCK KIELr.ING.AiT ib'Itj at 7 -.v
IT OicBrfti.l 1. I'a CSice io ris 1 ten rf A.
ri!j-,n !,s.-.,l !.i!M'.i of .11 i::. ' i.t-1 i--. t.d i.o
with prom olncss and fidelity. I.I-tr. 5. 7(i y;
iva, A. W ,L'.iC2
r.t.KK i-I!:i.;m.o
IT u SuITU. ATTOKMr.r at Law. Cl.a-r.eld.
3 1. Pa . will attcid promptly to Kusiie ? eti
ruited to his e ire iHle on secctol tl'.r of l'e-
buiidirj a.Hj-iinina Cjantv .National HinK.itrdi
nearly onjositc the Court il mse. 1-TuLfc .1 '. i'.9
n ;t:i.i)c:iii kp.eb-. AttNrv8-T-i.Aw
li Cle.ii So id. Pa Ail legal bit.iue--tprMi.pt-
:e;.dcu to
v.ccsu.tal2CLa in t. piisu
Oc. 27.
T. J. wVrLLoroi.
n-a'Ct'RRICU l.PITZlNGKP:, Manutaetr.rer of
t, all kinds of tone-ware. Cieurhelu. I'll. C'r
de-s Joliciteii wholesr.ie or retail lie cpt kocp
on hand and for gale an assortment of prtlii-us
ware, of hlso-i.ii mj.n-if.ie.ture. Jan. 1. Is3
"VT M. H'lOVl- H.Wl oWs'e and Petail Peeler in
lar.i;'-a-sor.ment of pipes oi.-r crises, .t c con
stantly or. hand. Two doors ICa-t of the Post
tlQ.ie,' Clearfield. Pa. .May 19 '09.
"ITTESTKItN HOTF.L. CTearfield. Ta TLis
T y well Ionian hotel, near the t ourt House, is
worthy the pa'ronao of the public '1 ho table
will be supplied wii'a the be,t in the in.it kct. 1 he
best of liijiiors kept. JOiiN UuTG li t UT Y.
nfIS II. FULFntl, Attorney nt Law. Clear-
il.irt .-wick t Irwin's Drui? Store. Prompt attcntioB
given to the sreuriuguf Houutj ciainm. Ac..ni to
ail lal h:tsintfss. March 27, I Sf7.
i t ii "or x7yi'. T p":.Ysif :a.v ami.
1 - PrnilKoX, btivine loeaied at Kyh-rtown.
Pi., otters his profis.iorai seryiocS to the c'ni
xens oi (hat pl.ioe and vicinity. l"ep 2J-!y
wm h. ARVfsc'trf. : : : : : siattiuss
I 1; MSTR i.V J A LINN, Attornkys-at-I.aw
W il!i.iu?-port. Lycomi.-.c; Couiity. Pa. All
U-sh1 hus.i-ors entius'cd to them will Le carefully
and pr( nit.tly attended to. Xog 4. (.9-' m.
iv ALUi-'.itT. A t5:'.G"o..IeIort in Dry Goods.
II . G ro.-e ries. Hard ware. (.lueerisw arc. i lour tia
con. etc., Woouiaiid. Cleai Srlil county Pa. Aio
extensive dealers in all kir of saueii lumber
shingles, and srju.irc timber. Orders Solicited.
Woodland. Pa., Aug. I'Jth. 1-R3
DR J. P. tiUKCii L I. ill. ! I ate. Si rgeoa of the
S'll Ite't l'cuu'a 'ols.. havii:;- retutr.cd
Iroiu the army, offers his profssior.al services to
the citizens of CloarSeld tir.d vicinity. Profes
sional oalls proiap!!y r.ttrT-dd ro. Office on
Seuth-Eaar corner of od acd Marlicl Streets.
0-it. 4 lStii 5mp.
KVOR. The nnder.,i?nrd oiTcrs
his services to the rmblic. as a urvrvor.
He may be foend at his residence in Laf-.si.ce
towi.ship. when not cngtieJ ; or addressed by
letter nt Clearfield. Pcnu'a.
March fitb. ISU.-tf. J MES MITCIIIH L
t F F K li S ON h I T Z.
M. D.,
rJ T'l,....:,.; i c l
J II t rl'.ltt.l I in i "I .
Having 1rv:;te j at scco)a. Pa , riffT? hit prr.fps-fi-f!iaJ
frrvioca to the .. jilt of thnt jint-e nutt sur
roaidin cmnirr. Ai! ca!a pmiur il v tti nUd
to. Office ani reaulnpo on Curttu Street . farner
ly rf?ipicd by Pr Kline. Mn; I9.o3.
T K. H O T T O P,- I-' s
riio to'jsaph if a lu:r r.
M.VHKKT S nt R KT. ILK A KF I l.I.n, PKSS'jl.
Negatives made in cloudy ns well as in cTeir
neither. Constantly en hr.il a gout! a-sortment
of Frames. Stereoscopes and Steteosropij Views.
Frames, from any tyle of moulding, ttinlr to
order. . , tdeo 2.'Cs-jy. 14-sa-tf
'P.iOMAS W. MOOKK, Land Pnrroyor
and Conveyancer, ll ivin"; lecent'y lo
cated in the borough of Lumber City. and resum
6umed the practice of Land Surveying, respect
fully tenders his professional services to the own
ers and speculator in lands in Clearfield and ad
j ling coun-ies Dee-lsof Coiiveyance neatly ex
ecuted. Otnco and residenca one door Fast of
K-lik A-Sper.cers Store
Lumber City. April 14, ISo8 ly.
Clearfield. Pa
Rm! estate bonjht and s.l 1. tirlcs c x.-irtilr.d.
taxes pant, convey auoes prepared, aud insuran
ces tafieu.
Office in new building, nearly epposite f ourt
House. plan 6 s7o.
WM. A. W ALL ACSt . J. HUSK W.lLTcr.S.
J has p.ased both Houses oi Copercss and
signed by the President, giving soldiers who en-li.-teil
prior to Hi Jnly. l-ttl .scrTcd oneyear or
more and were honorably discharged, a bounty
of i lib).
"itounties ar.d Pensions collected by me for
tbo&eentiftei to them-
WALTUt BAliEETX. Atfy ,it Law.
Aug. 15th. lrtt'a. Clearfield Ta.
DR. A M HILLS desirettoiniorm bis patients
and tho public generally, that he has associated
wiih him in the practice of Dentistry.S. P SH AW.
I). D S . who is a graduate of the Philadetpbia
Dental College, and . therefore has the highest
attestations of his Professional skill.
All work done in the omse I will hoM myself
personally responsible for being done in the most
satisfactory mannerand highest order of the pro
fession An established practice of twenty-two years in
this place enables me tospeak to soy patrons with
coitii fence.
Engagements from a distance should be made
by letter a few days before tbe patient designs
coming. iCIearBeld. June 3. ixfis-ly.
t' FINE blankets will be sold cheap
SADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars Ae., for
0RSE-SH0E8, and horse-nails, tn be had
AILS A SPIKES thecheapeat i n the county
at aioeat't-'tj
; T70U SALE-2 Jsrse, HIIAVT .MARK?.
S T.-lll lit Si, il row;itiM. .e. l'.r
want of us I3i"av!e far locking or-luuibcrins
t u. li. :;.in, 1 1.
Pee. S, lSfi?-
LiorfcH Pa
i rTinvrrn t:.. .,...;,,. i ! i
ineJieea u-i?ul;ir;y i-. a nxtL i prepared
to call Jle is any parr, .f ihe evuji'j. j. Charge
moderate. Per-ons de'irinj; ins tervica will
ell upon or addrc.-s, CilAo II. HFNSALL
Not 24-3mp. .'".1 Smith's Mills. Pa.
pAUTJON AH persons are hereby eau-
V t:Bd aaainst ptin-lmsinL'.nr in any wy
reeeiving a certain p.romissoiT note (tivn ty '
4i Carson in favor of the unders'sncl. and call
ing for one hundred an eventy five dollars
the said note huvi' j? bren stolen fri ru uie
Newbu g Vce 2!) t.tf 3t JOliN F. CAHyrN.
ATLS.S U.S. SWAN'S, Sd.ool for Girl,
L Cle.ii field, Pa. .. .
The next Term of Iwontr-twi weeks will eoui
incncc on Monday. .V-.Temt-er 29, lS'J.
TKi-.ua or Tl'lTIOS.
ttondirp Or-hojrraphy.WriLin j. :bjet Les
sons. Primary Aiittiuietic and Primarjr
Geography, per half term, (of U weeks) Si CU
History, lire a I and iiesi-riptive Ucoriiphy
with .Map drawing, tirainmar, .Ucnul
and Written Aiiihmetie. . . . fi -0
Algebra and the Sciences. ' ' 0 !''
I i,s; i action in instraaiciilal Jluic, 1' 00
nil Piii iios,- - - 12 Ctt
Wax v.' oik,.. , T s
" Per full psstiuirs for CircuTsr.
CI- urfold. Auc-r.si IV,il-!y
E. -
O. T II O M P S 0 N ,
o. P08 Walunt Street. Philadelphia,
Esptci.il attei.t'on is ii ite! :o this eomtnoli
r,u, uhd butirel establi.-iimen'.. the cxtensii
stock ot ' st-asoi.nbie and deiitable goods always
on hand, the ri pnfatfon ohntir.eo as a Isa ler in
fashioLS and the reat f.ictli its possessed for the
fubrica' ion and pn.uipl uirpa'ch ot all orders
Although eminent ia the prosectttiua oi ovcry
branch of the Hade for the particular benefit of
the ereat rumber dissatisf.c i. PA XT il.)0.
CUTT1SG, tix a jirniiii'it:. is announced, which
is an art not obtained by imi'atiou. bat through
close s udy. experience and i.ri.ctie.
-J hose .loeiriciT e:iy an l siytish pauta'ootis arc
ii.vitcd uigivutliisincfnoiutii.il. ('.'-ct fi. le.i-rui
CJ O M P. T Tl.l N G
;' county, Pcs.n'!."
hfiviii erecte l . ooi trig Ihe j
r ii.it.i-.cr. ;
la r.e J!1-
salix-t nssortm,
he offer? to the
ii-sio k ef Jl
. u.r. a:ei c
!!ttr o i : r.- :.lorr ror:n
' v '. h a re :r ar t
u Wiuter o-is. v uk-h
'oc- ;o f !f te lit::-s.
U p
ly extersrve, and is ffrrod to citsl r? ft Ifeii
i-iii totv'il for a w:.! s.uit. Flur..Salt,and Gro
ccrt'f of every kird. a compute a-soitinent;
Stoves a-id Stove r ire. a heavy stock ; Boot at.d
wiih iTd end toss as ertr-tett of ooti.ts too mdloas .;
!. ........ :waTa r.i. hand and sot r iio very
chtaj. Prints a it cei:' a va-d.and :hcr aoodr j
.. ..-n-,;...! Sw.w is the time to bur. t
Countrv p.rcuuss oi eT-.rv rii-.i, ai urn ntjim
cttokct p-.ices, vit! be. lattet; in excl-ange I'm
eooj- a'id even Greenharks will not he refused
?;:'l t.tle ins orc Exauiitte tv stock be-
fore tou hn elsewhere.
. OctbVcr 30.1857
is an excetlent .irti'e f
ererulated Virginia;
wherever introduced it is
LniveisaPv admired. It
is out ui in haudioine mti-liu bags in which or
ders f..r Meerschaum Pipes are daily pscked
Yacht Clii!)
c!as.'cJ by allahocon'un-.e
it as tho -Cni fct of all ;"' it
is made of the choicest
fini kins: Tebai co leu irrown ; it is asiti ner
vous in its cfiocis. as toe Nico-.in has l-een ex
truded ; it lean s i.o lilrjprci ai.lc taste alter smo
kingr ft is very mil, light in color and weight,
hci.ee ci.e pont.d wi'I Is v as lorg as 3 of ordina
toliaero In this brand wc also puck orders every
dry for first qutility "'.cr-clnuiu Pipes Try it
ai.it c. nvii.ee youiclves it is il il itUitas to be.
the finest of all."
I.0H1T.T.API. S j This brar.l of Fire Cut
Ci -T ri -7 py I 01 swing Tobi.oeo has r.o
'-'x A C it 1 ec-ual or superior any
Chf v trg'Tc bsc.-o. I where. It is w i t b o a t
doubt Ihe best chewing tobacio in the country.
L0liri.L4l!P'S '
hare ri'f.w been porcral
ure in The I r.iieti iftirteB
over 1iU TCHf. M;d Still
acKuow-k-iged 'Ike btst" w herjver used
Tf vour storekeeper oos riot h-ve these art-e'es
for sale, a-k Mm to pet th,m; they are j.old by
respectable jobbers almoft everywhere
Circular of price forw.nded on app'.ie a'lon.
Dec. l,"69-3tn. - P. 1.0I.ILLA11P. New York.
0, YES!; 0, YE S!l;
Persons desirous of purchasing a farm, are di
rected to examine that vniuible property in Law-
I reuce township, snd siluate at the mouth of
' f learfieUl creek two miles Host of tho liorongh
of Clearfield, and cortvutiient to schools and
! churLcs
......n : addition to tbe above, tho be: suggestions on the
, J',l:;rArrnr,.tl I i rl'M AND GAPPF-N . be (oumTauywhcre
AXI i 'IVI'X TT A', fi l-S. part of which is im- . - ' .
proved and under a high statu f litlUvat ton- I . 1 ir.glc eopy. per year. SI .50 ; in clch.
the w tole being well fcrced Coil, iron ore. and I of Sl.2a trcaob copy; in clubs of tea SI I i
other minerals are found on the same. t " P-P' ho lf'-P f "i ' h,"'
-t in r. war the. subscriber to h WKhKLY
The l,nilding enn-ist of a s;ood TWO-!? TO T J' i HA.KTJ'E receives .w irmnnnt of mwtr equal
7;i' IZt.KIX'.: HGUfiE,-H by 4S fctf a -OOD f' many voiumes. fr-r tbe unall ainooat of $1.50
liAUIs.nad other tou cnio'n f ou tbui idincs And ! or 1 .1 .-. and mr.re matter' than fl her journals
theie is growing on the premises a young bearing sold at $2.0" .r year. Owtr; 6 rts rapidly in
orchard of choice fruit trees. areasing circulation -bo proprietors wilt be ana-
) bld 3Goike it even more interesting during; 1S70
Thts property is very plfaftii tly sitnited and
being at the ct.iifl jcrire of the creek and tbe liver,
it is a very desirable aud inviting rSnidence for a
p'tvato f imily. Its position 'on the ereefc aud
river also render it a good situation ior a hoard
ing Loust during tho rafting scasrou.
Tho -west and north tides cf thts property being
bounded by the crfck aud river, makes it one ol
the best r.;ftin5 grounds in this section anl as
such yield" a. c?udscmc revenue year y
1"p0 owner, Mr M. A. Frank, having pcrma
nerttly settle t in the west; is the reason for dis
posing of this valuable property. For terms, etc..
apply to S. J. K'HV.
October 3, 1869. . 'Cltarfinld. Pa1
for sa'e
t the
JL store of
M clltltLLL A KI'.: I.
OTT. CI.OT1I S. at rr""y reduced rr
May 12. f 9 M'1
ric. l'
if's .
IVURANTS tho . best r..l chenpost in the
coitntv. at GRAHAM'S
kj hand at .
1 l-ANTED-
' Kr.van.Na Srotte
'Cleai !' . Pa
vlli. Putty. Paints Glass and Nnils. for f ale at
V Jnne rtT YiElll'.ELLA BIG l.Kl;S
salif at
, Trimmtnrs. and Sboe findii gs for
SPRING GOODS. Just opening a splendid t. ck
of new .goods at, - KHATZSK A SONS.
E A. IRWIX A CO , Curwensville.
.May 12 'f.Q . ... , at MO&SOP'S.
13LASTFR the cheapest in the county, at
May W67. . . -- MO.SOP'P.
V3T English Currants, r.ssence Coffee, and Vita
gar ot the best quality. for sale hv
VFENEWARE. Teasets:best stone Ware. 4
ieeea. at 50 at
f) AC0N. Hams. Sidesand Shoulders at reducoi
) pr-ces. at
rjIHE highest market prices paid for Sbineles
TIIIMBLE.SK KINS and Ptpe-boxes t. r Wag
ons, far sale by MERRELL A BIGLER
CHILDRiNPfurs twenvy-6ve per cent lessthan
cost at ' J. SHA'(VrX?fJT.
ado LP ii, seuoLFiy: ; T
MAjtirtrrrKtn st Wholesale w JtcMits
IraaiKK it Ctaaaii Alio TiaavO v
Wool.? respcetful.j auj.ouDce that Be hni rcmT
ed to iu iTgs aiid c vmuodious 2tore-rooui. op
posit the CikixI , Hons ,.S.codq Street, where
he has opened a geocral assortmect of Tobacco,
Cigars. etc.. which he is pjeparej tcsell, holfai
or retail, at reasonable prices. -
Mis cigar are made ef the rcry best rtiaterial,
ari in style ef Mann fact lire srili Cjouipare with
those of any other ectabiisbmeirt.' .... . ; X
lie has always on hand a mptrior article of
chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which kadi
recta the attention of lorersof the weed."
Merchants and Healers, throoghout the oountr
supplied at the lowest holesale prices. ,
Call and cxaicice his stock when vea come to
Cleareld. Jul e tfl. If8.
o l. nr.rD
Of. B00P.
w. ro ELL,
Mtsitis, COOP. jVEAVEK A CO', Prop r: tr-tra,
would respectfu'.lj infuriu tlo cluaens ofrth.
csunty that "Ihey have rtntpletel y reCtted and
supplied their PLANING MILL. in t'uii Bor wjh,
with the best and latest improved . ; i :
and are now prepared to execute nil orders la
their line of business, such as ..
riooi-inrr. Vctttliprhonrilin?, -S:i:sli,
Doov.tj Biir.rJs, BracketSj and
Moldings, 'ot nil lind." '
7'ieyhaTe a Iargcstoclt of drylumber1 on band,
as.l vril! pay eash for otear stuff, one-and-a-half
ire, r-rpr! f'rV preferred $r r.6t.
The Seeon t Session of the prescM Sjbolastio
day, the 22i day of ceptemlicr. 1889, .
Purils can enter at ar y time. They will Ive
tharicd with tuitioc from tho time they enter to
i . chk
! ibo course ofinstruction embraces eTervlhiBg
... , , , .
! incio-Ied a a thorouj-b. prwtic.l and as.om-
plishcJ education of bo'h sexes. ,
The Principal having had the advantage, of
much experience in bis profession, assures pa
rents aud guar Jians that h's entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the mental and Moral
training of th youth placed under his charge.
Tr.nss or Tuition: . o.;
Orthography, Heading. Waiting and Primary
Arithr.iitiis.pfcr session, ill weeks.) -
(tramiiiar. Geography, Ari'.hmetio, and Hiato
ry" , sa.ca
Algehra.O'ooroetry. Trigonometry, Tdensuration
Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry
Book-keeping- Botany, and. Physical Geogra
phy. F t9.00
Latin, -flrctk and French, with ary cf the a
boTebranchea. U.OO
Musio. Piano, 0 lessons ) 1 00
t"No dedaclion will be made for absecca.
For further partieclrs iuqutra ef r
Rsty P. If. HAKP.tSOS. .
Julv ?T : 1 ' ' Principal.
ZHTTK is the largest and i-heanesi week
ly paper publiihcd west of the . Alleghe -ios. It
circnlaics very extensively all over Western Penn
sylvania, Fa.-tern Ohio. Western Vircfnia nud
the gnat West- It cnnlains all ho leading Edi
torials of the DAILY IMT.'OS on Politics, Lit
erature, Sconce and the Topics of- the. day.- It
is Ihe recognised oran of the Great Kcpublican
party of Allegheny county, which gava 11, LOO
majority for Pre.-idcLt ti rant . .
It furnishes the must reliable .MARKET I'-F-POK1
S. and on,lhis account has lcnnie most pop
ular with Merchants. Drovers and rauners, who
look upon it as .-u inJisj ei siblo r.ccesjily in their
business. . . ,
It fires tbe latest quotations in Wool, Cattle,.
Pry G Oods. G roceries and the Produce of the
Farm. It is the Only paper that reports the Live
Stock Market of Pittsburgh and Allegheny spe
cially for itself giving each neck a full report of
the number of cattle, hogsand sheep sold, weight
of each, price paid, aud me name of the seller
and buyer. . .. , .
In all eaRs of lilt - ft'-.'-, in --e 'nr'. tKe mar.
kct reports of ti-c .i.-lrc i tiijca e,
v.hioh sLi.j-iii reliability as wcii us iu iuperi
ori. v in this rcapcot. i
It gives the NEWS OF THE DAT. trom all
prrts of the world, lint it entail. each week. in
than it has nee previec!. . Address :
rENSIS ASriT.FI:!) CO.: Propr's,'
Gaiette Uuildtng. S A 8t Hf'h Avenue.
' Jar. . 4 1570. . l Pittsburgh. Pa.
4.tjw-ei of tut A1UTUA L PI an. ovrr tt
R turn Prrminm. Piatt of
, . - . r.ATi. . .
Ai' '. y'T7i ti,noo f.i3
4'i $0 - ?.. - fS K) f.50
it ? ZT f. T M 99 - A co
' i 7S - 7 art " 2- Mi 2S oa
f. ifill 3i ' - 6 49 - 49 95 4f9 6i
On the t named the rates of the Ctoi-k Coin-
pr.r.v ercTr t-i 2i 1,1 r t jo r eert. higher th- n tbe
Mutual rales. -
::i.HKi:LT3. .
Polisy for ntifi at j : ToVny tn the Mutual
ae of 'il, on the rerorn J Con.paity same age.haif
premium plan of Stork , cash, half note, for SIC.
Conir.anire. arr.at?' i re- f flfO.wi,! eest in 10 Tears.
rmrum.all ch. Sl.' 49. I in cash, including in-
auii m J)it)i-ieHj to be Uireaf ou not a. Sl3il5.
I matte. J n cascof dearb IB
Jn cascof dearb I Put the Mntaa.1 Comtia.
i at end of H years, tlic j ny w::l pr-.y tba
I Stock Coronanv will nay
f Iho ' "
t A m't of Policy i.0fia
Am 't of Policy SI S.Ooft
Less rr'tn notes ioo
Keturn Prctiiium 1 395
in Cosh.
Cah S9.i0n
and 4 diriaeads.
Showing that for SIIO ior C Prrmium,
he gain on The Mntual plan to the insured mem
ber s family ia Fifty Per Cent Nfcould death
occur at the end ol 5 years, tbe comparison won 14
Ca?h p'd Prick Co .r?7 5np d to famili 50
" Mutual $7.15 09- " a,Mn) CO
and dividend.
M "?oof 41, the M"tnal plan lor $I,9M 4
Cash Premium will yieli ; while the Stock
plan for S'2.u:'.2 50. Canh Premicm. yields t7.0?.J.,
.'0, Showing wgnin ou the mutual pianof 92..
327 50, and dividend. . ,
II. B. SWOOPS, Agent,
Jy 14,'69-tf.
Clearfield. Pa..
CANNED FRTJ1T. Canned Pines, Peach-s
and canned ecrn, eta . for sale at Ihe l-rnj
Hwe of A bSiUv.
March 10, 1889.
. i ,