Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 22, 1869, Image 3

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r--to- 1
lf;e afferoan' gonrnaf, gfcarficfb, a.,- ecctuficr 22, i860.
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f money oy Dj b,ve tbcir letters registered.
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ae li(1Cv: , .
-'ra'and Clearfield BaUrotd.
. .; lee.as Tyrone at : : : am
JJ'' res .t Clearfield at : : U10 . .
., .T. leaves Clearfield a' : : : 2. M p in.
1-at Tyrone t : : : : 5.3S p. m.
, with Cinomnau Express East t 6 0)
'"h".! West at 8 44 p, n. ; IMld KaS' Kl"
rr at i CI - n(j,t:on Train.
7.00 a. .
9 10 A. M.
in 15 a.
2 CO P. .
2.30 p. .
b 45 p. m
pfcilipsburg at :
Arr;v ,t Osceola at : :
L" y-hinr-bcrsat : : .
Arrive- at Clearfield at :
Kei 'fjioi" Pivine services will be held
-,t Sabbath, iii Ch-nrneM, a' follows :
i p-.. V Til irff.in the Lutheran church.
at fl A.M. 'and 7 P.M. Sabbath sehool at "4
. !. I 'raver meeting every Wednesday
vrnins at c""'
I.-.. Hail, in St
St. Andrew's Kpiswpal
...'.!. 1 1 A M. and 7 I. M. Sunday
and 7 I. M. Monday
Prnycr meeting every
Wednesday evening t . o t:.te.
By Uev. ibttler.in the Presbyterian church,
morning am! evening. Sa'.aath school at
3 P. M. Prayer meeting every cdnesd:y
evenine at . o e'.'t-.;-
rL iCim, in the Methodic !
church, niornins and evening. Sabl.iith j
in.-iio.il at 0 A. Prayer meeting, rrery
Th'irs.'av at 7 1'. M. Loninmni'Vi s?r. ire ;
Kirt Sabbath 'if PVi-ry month fit t)-J A. .1.
',M , I , i.ii x M
St I rniciS cliurch iass at 1" A.
be scoond and fourth Suniavs of each j
Among the teachers hi the Hoiiidaysburg
Soniinory are grad nte' from cvcii difler
:it in-titules of learning.
To oi'H Patkon;. In necortiaioe with I
our ant tial custom, no rapor w:!! be :ssui:'f
f--o:n this o!Ti.e tin the l!'.;h. Trie m.xt mini !
1,t t ih: .liU'KN.vi. will appear fill January
I -7o.
pKiEKi' MivirAh Momtiii.V. Tho Jan
uary ncinber cf this highly popular work is
o it. It on'ains several excel! nt ieees of
music. Price u year. Address, J. E.
IVrcrs, New Yoik.
MultE S.vow. On Satt l.lay l:i:-t. sonic
rijiht or fn inclies ol .snow fell in this re
j:,i.n. much to the jny el liuibor and ! -g
l;:oilrrs. The rouds are no in food f'ttdi
tii-ii for travel and hauling.
I'lirSt'NT. Wetendir our thanks oiue
limit; to our highly itp"-ctoJ linnd, V.
l'ns!er, Ksp, of I'niontp., I't the jues !
t lit ol a half bii.-hel of most excellent a;
pies. May he every year be blessed wiih i
an abundaiive ol good fruit, anil uiiile being .
thus favored ni'';-" he tut f u i-e: t lie punier, i
is our sii.cere wih. i
Sam H.u.s We in. dci. -t:. 1 d that dr
r!:g the floi d in Juno last, sand bars west'
tliioivii up in T lie iier at the ' Kullu.g
St. me" eh ! "Ilasiri," extendiiig lr.ni the 1
Viiuk to near the ceiiur of the stream, j
Puft.-tiitiii should bear this ill tuind, and
guard against sticking their rafts on these j
i ar in the Si ring, in case they are not
canicd awav bv the ice flotxtr'.
TllKTlvrtKR Iirsj.VK.ss We lejirn that j
the l.uine.-s t.f making timber is being j
jni-l.e.l f irward vigorously in every part of j
the iviin'w Should the season c ntinue la- i
vornbie f..r haulirg. at least the usual year- j
ly -ii-p!y will be on hard J :ovided the j
"p:-iidulix" can be obsuincd for that pur ;
. We would again caution our people I
tjain.-t getting out an over stock of limber, i
1 he less the ijuanritr .-ent to tna.ket, the ,
b.-itirihe prices n:id the more pr..ii'al le :
tik !'ii-iiass. All siieuM bear thes.- fact.-, ;
iii u.i:i'i. ;
Nakh.av Ms aim O i Saturday la t, as J
the pa-st ngor tia'n we.-t on the Tyrone and :
( ';! fi'j-l.i ilaihi-ad was ncaiing Woodland 1
s!:.t: .:i , :i a curve, the engineer discover!-! !
a tine tree lying aeioss the I rack, .1 short
ih-rnner ahead. He ttuuiedin'eiv reversed '
ti:.- ( i.lne. b:it Uy hit - to j revet;t rur.tri-ig
s.-::a-t :he tree v. ;:!i such force a to bre::k :
1: ia tno and si-.ove it otF the track both !
'I; ' i'r.::ns snd. train however. eseat itig .! it:i 1
?' fr-:n the oHstr.j-"i n. Till tree was ;
aV-.nt ten inches in thickness. This was !
truly a Harrow ar.d fortunate e cape, a'niost
trj I'ocdetif id in the sin nabs of railroading, j
nin:iv.r IJttHBKKY. We uti lerstaiiJ J
ti i:, on Friday evenine last, just after daik. j
- Mr. John Funk, residing near Woodland, j
a 'iririrrr .:p !ng-IWk hi!i, on bis Way j
t 'Cn; .t-.v0 t."nTns sti.i fetiiv sprtin !
f oil. ;i,e ti':iics on t!ie-.;deif the road an i
the ho --.' he was dmt::g in 1 !nircy.
ca t 1! ia.o, ie i Li.- money. Mr. F. being
'Jnpiej sred for .-.k-!i an eii!erj.'eiiey, coneiud
t 1 t!ie 'i.etter part of valor" was to corn
1 ly ait'i tiie re pi 't. and aj-oordingly hand
td ovci hi pecktt ;o..k ((titaining about
throe hundred and fifty dollars, whereni-on
iiie robbers departed. The night being
1-rrtty dark. Mr. F. c-ui 1 not recognize the
rebbrrs, but believes them
'r: : .-. rs in tli-w puts. No clue as I
: I:i t::y ha. a -i yd, been discovered, j
is the t'.-t ease i f bizhwiy robbery:
eeuiit d in this region for many j
n Fit ..! . We are informed that
V e;.;,!,, Haight. a school teacher in
M .rris ;.. unship, met with ilea:h under the
1"- 'Wing circutiistances : Oti Saittrd.iy last
1 . wont t. Piiill.isburg on business. On
way hoiue he called at M. Jam -.,
lbtjhes' f,.r his wily tvlcre she was visit i g
hiring h:sa'.s,-ne.. Iiat th,; wife h i return
fl Lo:n- be! 'ie his auival. llaigbi tliet-n.irrt-d
t ,r home being abo.it f o'clock in
'lit evening. On Sun lay afternoon, at a
bo '-it 3 o'clock, he was found on the road,
uiitonseious an 1 so bally frozen that life
a nearly extinct. IIj was at once con-v-"el
to his home, and every effort made
n rt-Miscltati! him, but he tiit-d within an
hour after being found on the road. A
bottle of Hostctter's Eitters, partly empty,
eais to tell the talo ot tha sad end of this
"'fortunate man, and should be a warning
others who arc in the habit of indulging
dttle too freely in intoxi'ating drinks,
"ah: Ik was about :ij years of age, and served
Cllani!y thtougliout the late war. His
'Wh is deeply mourned by his family, and
! A Goon Work the Old Franklin Al
manac. Price 20ot3. Address, A. Winch,
505 Chestnut street. I'hil'a.
Concert. A musical concert will be giv
en in the M. K. Church, in Church, in Cur
wensville, Ly the cfasa under the instruction
ol Miss V. S. Boucher, on Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings, Dec. 2S'.h and 20th.
The "Clci.tticld Comet Band" wiii partici
pate in the Second evenings exerei-.es'. Ad
mission 23 cent?. Tickets to be had at Jos.
R. Irvin's Unit; Store, Curwensville, and
at the Post Oifiee in Clearfield.- Doom open
at G.30, and exercises cointnenee at 7 p. ni.
"Santa I lavs." Everybody, an 1 es
pecially the little folk?, will be gratified and
pleaded to learn that, Messrs. HartsWlck &
Irwin have just opened at their Drug Store,
a well selected stock of Haliday goods con-
sidling ol l'ort folios, Iituioii-,I erfunies,
Fancy and common candy toy.; Papier
inac.he, Meulic and wooden toys, etc. Their
tock being large and varied; iwrons should
avail themselves of the opportunity of pur
chasing their holiday presents at an early
clay, and at low prices.
"Kris -Kinki.e". As the II.!idavs are
at hand, it may not be amis to state, that
1. M Ganghey has just revived a very
large assortment of latiey candies, fancy and
.J,,:,, onn ly toys, and a largo variety of oth-
cr h ,,,,, art;(.le? f0 which he directs t.l
r l . !1
attt-iiuoii of !.n many c.i.-t.tnci-s vl-i au
- .
young. II is. stock is one ol the most com
i.leie ever broa'ht to the town, and i:l lie
sold at the lowest cash priejs. Persons in
want of anything in his line hou! 1 i y :. 1
means call at an early day, as his goo js a.e
selling very iapidiy.
MiaKor.oi.ntiicAI. KtroHT for the we k
ending Thursday, December C th. 1 - '.). as
furnished by Elisha l'cnton. of tp. :
Muxiuiuui oi thermometer.;!! oil I cc. o ;
31;!ii:r.iiin, '2 on Dee. '.Uh ; IMeari, from
three d ii!y observations 7 a. m. atsJ - and
0 p. in. 21 Maximum of barometer,
0:1 9;h. 2.511. Minimum, on lih. 28.02.
Mean of t atometcr 28 20. Ua"n fell during
week .513 of an inch. Depth of snow, ;"4
1 iclies. Depth of snow thus far in the wiu
t'.sr, 2ii ia.-hes. Weather mostly fair with
cold uiorulir.'S timber hauling good.
1 !Ionr.!i:i.K Ace n;: st. -
j 'h'l');)ll of the 17'h s.-iVs
-The i;-:!Li".r:fe
"Anotiie lata!-;r;-,d
at. Juii.n
, ity, sO C-liliJjo: Di
I.IU!. UCi
' Funtat'c. o:.u day l:i.t week. Two hrotheif
named 3IiltOii and Ellas Vlk. "I Hannah
1 rurnace, were- out 10 tlie v 10 is iiuritiug.
While ssuaiiog on a log. ui.-eas-iiig the
p opcr C'-iiise to be imrsue 1, "1 ilt 'ii a'.l.iwed
his g;t!i to riipfioiii hi. grasp, a::d 111 failing
tii.: hatvmor slniek a limb wi'h su!"tc:eiit
foeo to ( xpiode the cap. i t.':' bail entered
the bo ly in tin: right cheek, and pas-ii...
thniitgh tho head, lodaV'l v e ucr
Uie haek of the h.-ad. lb: die 1 aoao-t in-
U I. !, E T I
i li
iMill receiving,
Cli:istniis I'iescnts,
An e'eanl asso'.tieeiit
Of tho hit .st si;.!es,
"ery .o id and very cheap,
At tho I 'i -i;; Sto.e'of
CIcarHeld: I'a.
Tut: Eapv's FtttKN'K. The n-.i-iei- fur
J.iriiia'-y. Is7'l. is a truly -pletidid New
V-. ii 's g:l't. A tlniiling picture "In the
K.ipids" of Ni.-g.ii-a. is'ilie iirst sieel (date.
The seeoud is a Leauiiliil title page for the
uiagiizitiu, etieiicled with the Sower wreath
ed portraits of seven of its iady contribu
tors. The coloied Fashion P. ate, as Usual,
shows tho la'.c-1 styles; and there is beside
a page of richly coiored patterns for Berlin
Work. The music is the "Hs.'1-kawny Sehot-ti-eh."
A reat variety t.f articles for hi
dies' drc.ss, and for the work-table, are il'ns
trared l.y wood eutf. The publisher offer
great indueeaiei.ts to new subscribers, and
we teeomrnend our readers to inclo.-e ten
cents for a saniplo croy. to Da;?eon Si lVter-
s n, :-:i'.i Wanut Street. Piiil'a. Price 2.50
a onr (which nisO inelu ies a large steel ea'
graving). -;Four copies, G. Five copies
(and one -.rutis.), S.
MAsnlejl :
In the M. K. Chundi. Curwonsviile. Pa.,
on Sttti day. December I'.'ili, by Jlcv. W. Li.
l-pieat-ou, Mr. Samtkl M.'(.'i.oskv atid
.MlsS I.YiilA EsTHF.it CATtiCAllT, bolh of
V tu wci;.- il'e.
Graham's kot, clearfu:t.l.
Tec un lorstgned respectfully informs his old
customers and Ihe public, that he has on hand.
;ard constantly receivicg new ald?tions:) a large
stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry.
Cfa'iCKS. a large variety from the bess Mao
r.fa.il:r, consisting of Kig'nt-day nr-.d tairtv-hour
ri-i and iVcigfct. and Levers, Time, t-trike a:id
; A l.irai ci.cks
j IVr.-i TCUESn flac a?sortmerl.n 'silver P.unt
j in flnd open case Au,er;caa patut Levais, piait;
i and full jowclcd.
G-.t) 'iv.V.S. an e'erant assortment, cf the
1 V.e-t quality. Also, in silver extension and dtek
! SPECTAfr.EF.a large assortment, far and
I rear si-ht. colored and pUin glass.
J Ii WE LK Y of every variety, from a single
. piece to n fc'.l s't
i A ..SO, a fine ajtsorttcent cf Spoons, 1'orks, but
' ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata.
A LSf). Hair Jewelry .with pure go la mounting,
i got up to order. Call andjsee sample book,
j All kinds of Clocks. Walshes and Jewelry care
I fully repaired and V'arraninl .
1 A continuance ot patronage is?ol;cited.
i Nov. 2sth. lsS. !I F N AI C.LK
.RyPI:5. Trimminrs. and Shoe-findirtrs for
! CI PRINO GOOps. .lost opening a splendid stijk
i of new noodsjit C KK AT ZEH SuNS
j VTOTICE. All persons indebted to the eubscri
, her, are requested tu cofas and settle with
'out delay . .- -1'-'i';ct'-
Sc7ienclcs Pahnoiuc Strvp,
1 T , nir a Pi!1 Will C II T"A Con-
t-ecweea ira.c n i - -. - i
sumption. Liver Ccu-pio-int ai a i.-jyrpr. 11 .
sordine- to diicotioiu. Tbry aro all three.
. . , tl.na ThiiT ntuanne ihe
to OS laKcu ui --uc aiuuo j "--
stotnaoh. relax the liver, ani put it to wurk ; then
... 1 ,Iia fi-,A rtlffoiara stnil
ttienppti.ie oecomea g.nji.
makes Rood blood, the patient begins to gro in
fl".4i the diseased n-attar ripen u the 1 cg3.and
tho patient MHuruiti the dUeaae and gets well.
This is tha only way to cere the consumption.
To thew three medicines Dr. J. II. Sehcnek. of
Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success 10 tha
treatment of pulmonary consumption, i be I ul
monie Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the
"ngs. nature throws it off by an easy expectora
tion, fur when the phlegm or '5J 'Pe-
slight conKh will throw it off, and patient has
rest and the lungs Wgin to hear 1 4
seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be ;f"-ly
used to cleanse the stomach and Hr '
Pulmonic Syrup and the food will make good
Liver Coa.plaint is one of the most prominent
causes of Consumption. Schenrk s seawced Ion
ic isa Seiit!es'iii:clant and alterative, and the
alkali in the seaweed, which this preparation is
ma la of. assists the stomach to throw out the gas
trie juice to dissolve he food with the Pulmonic
Svrup.and it is raade.iuto good blood without fer
mentation or smr in in the stoawh the groat
reason why physicians do not eaie c.msoaiptiun"
Ihey tryto d. too mu;h ; ihey give medicine to
S!up the coui:b. to sn.pcbi la. to atop n-.ght sweats.
. r. r i i,.. ... A ,nT tnev tier a nice the
llCCllC icvcr. llii'.i " r - - .
whole digestive p..wcw.l.ckir.x up th .secretions
and eeiitua!Iy the patient suik- and dies.
lr Sehcnek. in bis treairaont. doe not try to
.top a cou,;h. night sweats chills or fever. Ue
move ihe Mnse.ai..! they will all stop of their o wn
a-cord No one can be cured of coiisuiuptiou.llv
crcmrlaint-dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcer
xtcd turoat;uiik-ss the liver and stumacn are mad.,
Ifa pcr-jnhajcnnsuaiv'.ion.of cnur?- the lnn?s
in "m- way :.ro dis-s. d. cither tubercles, ao
scessea. bronchial irrit aion. pleura anUe'i'Mi. or
tho luns are a mass of in!l on i'-io'i ua i fa". :"'
.avinir. In sucti eties what n.nst be done? Ir
is "not 'only the !unj th it ..re wasted. Im: it is tho
: whole body. Tie stoma. h mil liver have lost
iheir ro-v.'r t. in l.lood out of fo'.a. Now the
V - . . .-..l, 1-'.. ..... ...0,1,.-.T1P-
' U i V l-;li.lJ-rt IS IO hl.l .uc"' " ... - - .
which wiil br:i.e up a tone to the aioiaacb. the
I uiflDi wiill-'csin want food, it wiil ili-st ensuy
and uiakesood l.-lool ; thca tha p-t'icnt begins to
.-.in in fl-sli nn.Iassoon as tbe body bcgir.a to
,ow. theluaus n to he-it n. la i the patient
g-!s t'.csl.yaTil rtil. Vhia i tho only way to
:i:rc c-.-nsUni:'"-
Wben t'.orei to Tuns disease, and o:ly liver
ci.-ii !:.lnt and trvspepsia, Scl.enck- Seaweed
f-.ni- and Maudr.iko l'iils are sufficient without
t!.o Puononi-: Syrup. Take the Ma:.draVc Pols
(recly in all bilious complaints, as they aie per
fectly harmlcos.
"lr. Scbei.ck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted
heulth'for many years past, and now weislis -2o
I oundi. was w.:stod away to a iiirrc rveleton. in
ihe very l.it s'le . f j ulin.mary coniiinttiuu. hi
bvsi.-iai s bavms prouooueed his e - so hope less
Ktid aiui -l"iieit Imu to his f.icc lie n as cured
b ,- the af . r.-i-si.l ineJ'clncs.and since hi? rcrr
many si.-iiiarly afflicted Iim nae.i L.r- Schick's
pripar.tf.or.sj U! the same remarkable sn.'c-.M.
1 he dir. "ioi.- :te.:!u;at.yitig t.t mk it not
absolutely ncce- iry In s.-e ir. Scao.iCic, un.e
the pati. l.ls v.-isb th'.-ir lungs naat i a' d 1 '
ibis pun--.-' he is I'r !. i:'y at tVincip-l
I'S-ce. PLiiadelphU every s .tur lay wi.eic all.
lelte.-i for a ivico inw.t l. addiefsed. is also
I-r.a'cs.-i.isallv at No :;2 !"n i s'ttctt. : w Yo.k.
ever- t). .her Tuesday, and at No. H Hanover St..
Host.. n. every other '.VeJnc-lay. lie tires advice
free, i.ut fr a ikeroush cs..tuina!:,in wt-a i.i-!pir-t.'.--or
the l-.i.-c is i)Vij hour; at ea-b
city iron: 9 A. M to :i P. M.
Prtea of the Pulmor.ie Syrar. and .J.-.i'""l Ton
i r::ch S-1 '' pi r lotlte. or a bi.tt.7n.
.Mandrake PilK 2i esuti a box. For tale Ly all
Pi:, .i. ji. ?n:r.xcK.
p. 7 T!l-ly 1 15 .V. Cf'iSt.. lim'tr.
The ouhj reliable eire for
nrspxi'sA'i.x the A'.vohw wh;lt
Pr Wisharl's 'Jieat American Pysprp ia 1'iilj.
and I't ne Tree Tar C.ir.iial arc a pr.sitive and in
fallible euro for dyspepsia in i s most aggravated
iorui, arid lo inaitcrof how long standing 1 ncy
penetrate the secret abe.le of ibis tciiil.te disease
and (x'ftrniir.Ate it. tot and branch, fortver.
They alleviate tnt.te ag'tyaud aiieut tulfcrirg
than toii'z.:-.! can tr.ll. Hity aie rotcd tr oaring
the ma-ti!cs.crate and hopelcsscaes.when every
knam iaei.1 s fail to afford le'it-f No form j of
d vspepsm or ia ii.r.---tiuu can r-tist their peaetra
linr j ewel
L-r Wishart". Pi- e Tree Tar Oor lial.
It is 'he viti l prii'ciple of the Pine Trne. ob-taiu.-d
by a pfcu.iar leccss ii.Jthc dis;i!lalion ot
.to tar liv which us highest uid-li-ai i.n.pertiej
..re ut.io.tl it in : a! a'ui the Jits ivc organs
:u i r, so ires the ai.;i ii.e It ttreagtneus the d-
i '.tii.a'ed svstvoi It purines and eLiiehes tne
! 1.; i. and exi.e s from :ein the ei.rru tioi,
j whisS .crofala I re Is r.n toe lii::;-s. It d:s-ie
j i:- .aliens ar pb,e.-:.i waieb s't.ps tie ar pa -sages
I i f v.c lungs Itshctli'.g prirciple acts uf.,n tiic
j irrila'i I ea-.tw. of t'ae luns' ai d lb.-'. ..t I-.M.c
traring to eseh 'li-...aie 1 ra.t. ifcllevir.p pain and
I -ul.daii.t' ii C.ii.atieii. It is the result 1. 1 years '
I !udy a:. i t ij'critner.t. and Jit i- i.fl'iel to ihe af
! riic-.';! wi'h positive a.-surai.ce r.f its power to
I --.iro the following disia.-ts. i! the pa'.i.-tit has not
i l .o l-JiifC Uulayed ' resort to l:.o n.cnns of cure:
;t ;.?;. .)' t'ts r.'ini.Co'tsi. ,,rL:t"
! .ail Ifr.-jst. limtirliilh. i.-'-:r 'o ii lit ii. iiL.1
! j ii Ij'rii, tr Mr- Anil Ul t. ll'Asi7 i"i' fungi.
! I,),it.,.i,i
j A uu-.iical expert, holding high collcgiaio hon
ors. ivo;cs his entire tone to loe ixaioinaoiui in
patients at the of.icc pnrlors Associated ,wilh
him are ihrcc consuming physicians of aoSinowl
f i i niii.ei.ee w hose services are gircn to the
pui.lic f .e of charce. This opportunity is offer
ed by no other itistitaiion iu the country Letters
r ..r. o ,,1, t,rt of the country, a.-kii. ir advice will
he prenptty and gratuitously responded to
Where convenient, reinet .ii. es should lake the
shape of drafts or post otik'S or dors
Price of V.'ishart s American l'ysr.epsia Pills SI
a box .ser.t hy tn.ii! on receipt of price. J'l ice
t.f Wuhan's Hue Ties Tar Cordial, l iO a bot
tle or ' I p'-r di--?sn. Sent by express.
All ttomiuunicarions shuu Id he a id ressed.
I. 1 C. V.iSIIAllT. M. I).,
No 3:12 North Second Street.
Oct 27,V,-..in ) i'hilaUclphi-t
'V'OTICE All persons knowing thein
selves irtdebtid to nie will 'dense call
and settle at once. The books are allie store of
Whi cotnb A Towntead.OsjeoIa, Pa!.
J .ly 21 lsi-,9-tf fl. S. PERRY.
-- unilcrsiened will sell, at private sale
reasonable tcfm3. Sever 1 valfiable lown. prot'er
lies. Any person wishing to purchase a bouse
and lo' had oeiier call.
July I't. Is-... H Ii. SWOOPE.
T J. C U X X I X G HA M,
Rial Estate Agent and Couvcj rncer,
TVKONF. BI.slK C. 1 1'A.
Special attcr.liou given to the collection of claims.
Tyroii.Pa., January 27. ISSfl-tf.
Successors to Foster. Perks, Wright A Co.,
Piiiwrsta EG. Csntp.e Co., Pa.
Where all the business of a BarKing House
wiil be transacted promptly and open the most
favorul le t.rir.i. March 2.1 -tf.
j.o.u'oi.iu. wl' fi-.ttss
piKiViS.LONS. Jt'.'t received at J. P.
Kr-itxer's White Wheat Flotir, I!t:cic
wheat i'b.ur. Stftcd Corn Meal ( rart.eriies Sweet
Potatoes Lima iJeans . L'ried IV it Puttee. Chee-c.
Sti"ar-curr.d Hal:?. Pried P.ecf. I.trd Atmoru's
Moo-e Meat Sioas l.:k. I'at Mal. T.irioca. liai-
sins, c'i r.oi. l)ii. d Apps. Peaches. Cherries.
Prunes. Currants. Pickle.-, Ketchup. Canned
Peaehes. Strawberri.s. Cagts Pitted Cherric.
Carn Asparagus. Succotash, lle.cey, r-'piccd Oyt-tt-rs.
Tomatoes. Crackers. 4c
-y "L'UV FINE blai l-cls vill b sold cheap
1,7 .1. IIAW A S'N.
S.AlipLl S Ilridles. hnrr.es cellars o., icr
s:l!c..r MKRHh LL A EI;Ll-.i;'S.
T-roilfi'.s'.iei-'s and btre-rai!s. tr. he had a'
i t Aug. 2:i. MEKKELLA BIliLER'S.
X r .ILS A SPIKES the cheapest in the ccunty
CURRANTS the best and cheapest in the
eouMyat i1.?
DRY (1001)3 the cheapest in the eounty. at
May 29, '67. Ml?l '
jV.trSES anuantitv ou haisd and for sale at
May 27 ' " GRAIUK'S.
A good assortment for medical purposes always
cn hand.
January 27. 1359-Sm.
M K N s.
The undersigned having recently added
to his former business, would respectfully
solicit an examination ol his stock. Being
a practical Tailor he flatters himself
that he is able to offer a better
class of ready-made work
thanhaj heretofore been
brought to this mar
kef. Anyone wishing fo buy goods in this line
would rave money by callJng at his store,
and making their selections. A Lao-;
a fall supply of 'JCLts'furLishiDg
good? !i-iyst,n baud.
Feeling thankful for pt favors he would re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the
A pril 2S ls."!9. Ii. PJUIMJE.
K. B. PATToN , :
k a in v:s, :
: j . a. iawia.
E. Ii. PATTON & CO.,
Having fitted up a first tlm
are rcf-are'I to fiirr.;b to order a!) kinds of Man
ufVcturcil LuoiLor, such as
FL 0 GIUXO, .s7 DXO,
Sal -i: tcc-tl ros s e 1 1 L u n 1 1 c r ,
and every description r.f Plain and Fancy Mou'd-
ings, Pcalcrs will Sod it to thtir advantage to
consult our prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Address, K. II. Patton & Co..
Dec, 2,'fiS. ClearSfl.1 Co., Vti.
i i
8 years old. will be sold reasonable, for
wank of use. Suitable for lodging or lumbering
U. 11. I1AKKE1 1.
Deo. 6.1R89. Clearfield Pa
PROPOSALS. The School Dirctors of
Curwensville, Pa., will receive fealexl
propoeitls, up to January 1 st, lS7t), for bnildins
OXK SCHOOL ROOM, (on Korth East corner of
school lots.) tsaid bull. ling to be 4tl oy zi net,
H feet from floor to ceiling, with two rooms S by
10 and entrance (or hall) 6 by 8 feet in front end
of building; Gve doors and eight windows. The
entire building to be finished in style and uiancer
as the one on sail lot. except there is to be no
cellar, prnjocture. or belfry. The building to be
completed by September 1st. 1S70 Payments
will be: One-third when all the material for
raising. olosing and roofing is on the gronnd ; one
third when raised, closed aad rooted, and the
balance when the building is completed. It is
required that the contractor give security for the
completion nf the same. For further particulars
inquire of the Secretary. Jl. 13. THOMPSON,
Curwensville.Dec. S.r63-.1t.
ing of tbe'Town Council, of the Bor
ough of Curwensville, held on December 6tl.
ISnO, il was ordered that the following Ordi
nance be published, snd notice given that its
provisions will be stiictly enforced :
Be it enacted and ordained by the Burgess
and Town Council of tho Borough of Cur
wensville.au.l il is hereby enacted and ordain
ed liy the authority of tho same. That hereaf
ter it shall be tho duty til occupiers of lots,
and owners ol unoccupied lots, nlouic li sc
premises side walks are now, or may hereafter
be laid, under ordinance now in force or which
may hereafter be passed, to cause the airte
wa'ks alon, their respective premises to be
cleared of snow, when at:.i as often as Ihe jama
shall fall thereon, wi'lpti six hours niter the
same shall cease failing; and on default of
Mich occupiers ornttni is having such side
walks cleared hi aforesaid, he, she, or they,
shall be fined in the sum ol one dollar and the
: cost of cleaning the p iveiiicnt, ti he collected
nsitobts of like amount are now by law re
coverable. And it is hereby majo the duty
of the Burzeas to see Ib-it suits are brought
ngaiust all who m iy idlcnd against this, tmli
UUtlCC. Attest: . H. SULSRAUdS-I,
J.R. IltWlN'. Sec'y. Burgess.
Curaensville. Dec. S.'CO St.
71'JIt SALE. The undersigned cffi.rs for sale
one of scary A Ou's COMIilNATtdN fl R-
NAt.'LS nearly new.
Nov. li. IStiO.
ED. W Git A HAM.
rCTIONEER. The undersigned, hav
inrr been reifuhtrlv linsed, is prepared
to call sales in any part of tho couniy. Charges
moderate. Persous .desir'tng.th is s.tvict-s will
call upon or address, CHAS' H. IIKNSALL.
Nov 21-tiinp. Smith's Mills. Pa.
are crnst.-'ntly rcplenishit g Ihtir Uck or Drugf
M licinos. Ac. School books and Stationary,
ii.L-lu'lii.j th Osgood atul'Nailonal scries
of readers. A!o Thacco and Oi-
g .rs, of the best quality, and at
ihe lowest prices. Call and see.
Cicarae!J..N"ov 1U, Ish9
P XKCUT0RS NOTICn-Lef fcr.s Testa
ttiy on the csta'e of William Hol len,
'ate of Pike lo'Vii'iiip. deceased'!, having
oeen granted to tho unilt-.rie,tiod. auiice is
hereby given thatall persons iadui.ted to said es
tate are required to tna'te immediate payment,
and thoso having .-li.ims against lbs same will
present them, Prpcrlv authenticated, for settie
mer.t. to " JOHNSON H0I.HKN.
Nov. 17, is;;a-tit. Exccutsr.
ters of administration oti the estateof
John Spackman. lato of Girard township, dee d,
hain been jrianied to the undersign, no
tice is hereby irivcn tbat all persons indebted to
Slid estate are requested to make immediate pay
oaeut. ana tho?e barinj; claims against the samo
will present ff-'ciu. prcyiprly aathenttcated, for
settlement to
No,. 22, lsf,!l-.".t.
17 O. T II 0 M V S O
No. 90S Walnut Street. Philadelphia.
Especial attention ia invited to this cote modi -nus
and Leutiful cstnML-hmeijt. the extensire
itock of pon-sonabie and dc?irahfo koo! bIvtajs
on hantl. ths rriutat!in i lined a si a lort j r in
f ichinn?. and the roat faciliiicy po.-tjjesyed for the t
iaur:ca:ion and jn-mpt aip;irel! ot fit orders
Althou'jli eminent iu the .T-ouuin of vtry
hrnncii of th tr-i ie. i r the j arti-ut ir lpn:fit of
the fffprit number di.-sfitif tiod, P A . T 'A LOO V
CV VTI XG, i a ' pre.! 'i-' ity. i-i annoitrifeil. which
Is an ait not jb ii tifd by imitation, but tbrouga
cLe study, expei ie-ncc a.tid prnetiie.
' Tho-o lrtiriiip! e.y an-t stylish jjnTa!oons.mre
it.rir.ei to s'vw this nicthotl a trial. ct G.'tt'J-3m
MISS il. R. SWAN'S, School for Girh,
ClearSeld, IV
The next Term of twents-two weeks will com
mence on Monday, N vein her 2'J, IS:iJ.
Reading. Or :hornphy. Writing. Obiect Lcs
sous. l'riuiary Aiithuietic and Piiinnry
Geoifraphy. per half term, (of II weeks). $i 00
History. Local and Desoriptive Geography
with Map Drawing. Grammar, Mcuts.1
and Written Arithnielic, 6 0
Alrebra and the Sciences. 9 pft
!tistructitni iu Instrumental Music, l'1 go
Oil '"liuting, 11 i)
Wax Work. S 60
For full parti -libra send fWr Circular.
Clearfield, August 23, ISoy-ly.
Clearfield county, Penn'a.
The undersirrncd having erected, during tbe
past sttiiitver. a lars:e aad cornmtvlioafl store room,
is now engaged in filling it up with a new and
seieet assortment of Kail and Winter irot.ds. which
he offers to the public at prices to snit the times,
liis stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual
ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from
10 toS20 for a whole snit. Flour.Salt.and Gro
ceries, of every kind, a complete, assortment;
Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy slock ; Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies'
dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together
with an en J less assortment of notions too tedious
to enuau-rate. nir.-nyg on hand, and sor rale very
cheap. Prints nt 10 cents a yard and other goods
in pr:ip.oriion. Now is tbe time to buy.
Country produce 0f every kind, at the highest
market prices, will be taken in exchange for
poods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused
for anv article in store Examine tny stock be
fore you buy etsfwhere.
Ooiober 3U.1S67. H. SWAN.
0, YES! 0, YES!!
Persons desirous of pnrehasintr a farm, are di
rected to examine iait valuable property in Law
reace townsh:p, and situate &l .tne mouth of
1 1 leaihetd creek two miles Knst of the Borough
I cf ClearSfcld. aiid convenient to schools and
j churches.
! Tbe property contains OXE IICXDRED
A XI) TIVEXTY .ICR ES. pert f which i3 ic-.-j
prtived and ur.lar a high sts'o of cultivation
i the waolo being well fenocd. Coal, irou ore,and
other minerals are found on the same.
The buiWir.j-s eots-Nt or a e.l T'-YO-STORV
I WEhLISii nOUSE.Zh? 4S feet a lit JO D
RARX. and other conveuieiitoatbuildini! Ar.d
there is itrowiui; on the premises a youns bearing
orchard of choice fruit trees.
This properly is very pleasantly situated and
being at the couSuence of the creek acd the river,
it ia a verj desirable and inviting residence fur a
private fsmily. Tis position on the creek and
river also render it a good situation for a board
ing house during the rafting season.
The west and north sides of this property being
bounded by the creek and river, makes it one ef
the best rafting grounds in this section, and as
! ruch yielus a handsome revenue year y
i The owner. Mr M. A. Frank, having perma
j nently settle ! in tbe west, is tbe reason for dis
posing of this valuable property. For terms, etc..
' apply to S J. ROW.
i October S. 1W9. Clearfield, Pa.
L. A. II1V. IN A CO , Curweciville.
having started in the Lumber business, j 1870. Daily and Weekly,
near Oseeoia, Ciearaeld county. Pa., is now pie- j Al . thorough newspaper, sparing neither la
narej to furnish Dine boards, clear an d fan 1 I i , . .vf -..ti... , nnmt
stuff Acl Pice acil Heinlock bills sawed to order j
and shipped on short nonce
(Js.-cola Mills.
May 5. 19B9-tf. Clcarfleld eo.. Pi
The undersigned hejrs leave to inform his old
and new customers, and tbe r ublio generally,
that he has fitted up a new clI'N' SHOP, on the
lot on the corner of Fourth and Market streets.
Clearfield. Pa., where be keeps constantly on
hand, and makes to order, all kinds ot Guns
Also, guns re bored and revarnished. and rer aired
neatly on short notice. Orders by mail will re
ceive pioir.pt attention.
June 'J. 1 S69. JOHN MOORE
(Sear the Railroad Depot),
Reed Street, Clearfield, Pa.
A new first class Hotel in every respect eom.-'
fortable rooms all the mooern improvements
the bejt of Liquors prompt attendance, and tea
sonable charges. The patronage of the public is
respectfully solicited. jy-21-tf
P. 'K Ii A T Z
ClcarfieU, Penn'a,
Oealer in Pry Goods. Dreii Goods, Millinery
Goods. Groceries. Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Stone
ware, Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Flour.
Racon, Fish, Salt, ele.. isoonstantly receiving new
supplies from the cities, which be will dispose ot
at the lowest market j. rices, to customers. Ifore
putcha.ing elsewhere, exainiae his stock.
ClearSeld. August' 28, 18B7.
Bibles and Miscellaneous Pooks; stheet Mjsic
for Piano, Flule and Violin;
Blank Account and Pass Books, of every de
scription; Paper and Envelopes. French
pressed and plain; Pecs and Pencils;
Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment. Exemption and
Prouiisory Notes;
Blank T.cga! Paper; White and Parehmcnt
Brief; LhI cap: Record cap and
Bill cap, etc ,
Will be soi l at Wholesale or Eetail by
P. A. G A U L I N ,
At the Po otfiet-, on Market Street,
t'Wai field. Pa.
May 6, lsfiS
COOD AH3 cheap !
Men, Yonths and Boys can be "uplpied with ful
suits of seasonable and tashionable cluthing at
where it ir sold at prices that will induce theit
purchase. The uuiver.-al satisfaction which has
been given, has induced theui to increase their
I s'o.-k, which is now not surpassed by any estab
i lishoient of the kind in this part t.f tbe State.
Picrzcnstciri Bfo's Co.,
Sell .foods at a vary small proOt. for oesh ;
Their goods are well made and fashionable.
They give every one the worth o his money.
They treat their customers all alike.
They sell ohcapfir than every body e'se.
Their store is eonvontently situated.
Thoy having purchased their stock t rcdaced
priens they can sell cbeapar tl au others
For these and other roasons persops should buy
their nothing at
Produce cf every kind taken at the highes-
market prices.
May 18. !r6l
nave just returned from the cast and are now
opening an entire new stoek of goods in the room
formerly occupied by Wi. F. Irwin, en Market
Street, which they bow offer to the public at the
lowest cash prices.
Their stock consists of a general assortment ul
Dry Goods. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, j king ; it Is very mild, light in color and weight.
Boot-, Shoes. Hal. Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goods, h"ce t " "''""S ' 3 of ordina
, vuuc, i uuui, tobacco. In this brand we also park oraers every
Frairs, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Kails. et., day for first quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try il
. , . ., . ... . . .. I avd.convinee yourselves it is all it olaims te be,
m fact, everything usually kept in a retail Here i ..,h fiDeat of all t.
can be had by calling at
procured to order.
this store, or trill be
Their stock is well selected, and consists of the
newest goodj, is of the best quality, ot the latest
styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash,
or exchanged for approved chantry produce.
Be sure and eall and examine our stock before
xaking your purchases, as we are determined
nlease all who may favor as with theireustem.
MayS, 157. J. SHAW A SON.
a. x.. ksbd,
w. row ELL,
a. r. Boor.
. JOX E.
w w.r.tri.
A L L ii i ft ir T .
Messrs. HOOP, WEAVER i CO., Preprielore,
would respectfully inform the citiiecs of the
county that they lave completely rc Sited and
supplied their FlANLNG MILL, in this Borough,
with the best and latest improved
and are now prepared t9 execute all friers in
their line of basircss, such as
Flooring, Weatherboard.!!! g,
Saf-ii, Door?, Blinds, Eruckc-t!, and
Moldings, of all kinds.
They have a largestoek of dry lumber on hand,
and will pay cash forelear staff, one-and-a-hakf
inch pannel plank preferred JNot 8.'nT.
pvRIED FRUIT, at reduced prices, at
A juay iz, ta.
Tea sets. best stone-ware. 48
.-r piecss. at SI An at
CtAIM'S PANACEA. Kennedy's Medical I D:s
Id'sBuchn. Bake s Ood Liver
, Oil.Jayne'.-and A ver's Medieines fer s!e by
r.jahe inlelligetice, as the per; istent opaonent
of eorruption in ofEoe. and the advocate of Hon
esty. Economy. Retrenchment and Reform in
puone anaira; ai the sworn I re or -flings, an-i
every description of dishonest combination just
as ready to expose their practices in the Repub
lican as Democratic party, and even more to, be
cause it' holds that a party that will east out of
fenders of Ibis description entitles itself to the
confidence of the people as an independent Re
publican journal, the advocate of the rights and
interests of the people the Pittsburgh fommrr-
iai needs no new introdaction to the reading
and keeps up in tbe march of improvement anti
the dt velupment of ideas Thmourhly alire to
everything that is valuable or interesting it iden
tifies itself at once with whatever Seemi-calculated
to improve mankind and elevate the standard
of intelligence and morality. As a Republican
journal of the strictest stctl it deals with politi
cal questions with an earnest wish ro jet at the
truth, and place tfnly good and capable men in
and relieson theirsappsrt ant) good opinion rath
er than the favors of political leaders. Nor has
it done so in vi-.in. Iu indepenttenf course
more especially ia denouncing legislative corrup
tion and exposing the practices of thieves fn oftce
has made it tbe favorite of the in assess arj tha
learcdot dishonest aspirants and debauched party
leaders. Of the reputation it has earned in this
respect it is sincerely proud; and it wishes no
different standing in the field of journalism rn
this regard than a discriminating public prompt
ly accord it. To fSrbr faithful Iu their eoi.fMet.
and good or inicn will be ils constant endeaior.
rtml fans.' with the leading journals whi'-h aro
thoroughly awake to all that is roiiif on. Its
news department is always fresh and full' Its
C i:tr,r:!3 are wri'ter with a pnrptve in view. Its
market reports uiuss. u-i. t.ciul t..ws gatl.ertn&s
aic meant to supply ibe most exacting demanus
oi the business public.
having from the statt gone ahead, outstripping
older ocupants of the field of journalism, red it
has attained to a prosperity and come toexertau
intlueuce second to no papi r in the State. 'Ihsl
it bas fairly wou the rank of the first paper in
Pennsylvania ia ibevcruitrt f newspaper readers
in general.
it past coT'nsr: . its best rev-
and it is felt that there is no necessity for indwl
.Dg in new professions or uiuking frerb promisw.
It means, while ndbering to i'.s standard in poli
tica'and morals', to improve as it progresses, and
omit nothing thnt will add to its strength or in
crease its usefulness
1insCowinrrciaf enters on ai.other yrar strong
and hopeful, and with a deliberate purpose Con
sistent with what has been raid above And it
dues not hesitate to ask the co-operation' of all
who approve of thai purpose No hesitation, rs
teit in saying: that it desires Ibis support in in
creasing its circulation and enlarging the sphere
of its usefulness. The season is at hand when
Congress and l.egis'atire wiil be in session,
and ttirrmg tvenis at bulh the National and Slate
Capitals w.i it ha transpiiirg. 'Ihe aaensares of
the splendid admiuistrhiiou cf Cin Grant will
soon be before the country embracing questions
of the deepest interest to every reader and tax
payer. The State Legislature, loo, will present
matters of interest. Abroad, the sins are ani
mating, and at home in tbe field of polstics. pop
ular movements relating to education and reli
gious questions aro appearing, of which no one
should permit hitusell to be ignorant, and con
cerning which ail that is essential to be knowu
will be the aim cf the Vummrrrial to give.
Daily paper. $10 per year ; Si for six months ;
$2 ill lot ihree months.
is a large 3 column newspaper, containing CV
adverii.-enienls. Its ample columns contaius a
complete compendium of the news of the week,
the leading editorials from rtre daily, and tbe
loreign and home markets. It is emphatically a
family newspaper. Terms 2 per year, iuvari
ably in advance. In cluhs of 2U, 1 iu. Speci
men copies sent free. Send for catalogue con
taining list of premiums. Address
Pittsburgh, Pa.
CHKPJFF'S SALE. Py virtue of a
of J-'in-i J'm-Mtx. issued out of the C
a writ
of Common Pleas of Clearfield county. and to me
dircted, there will be exposed to puhlio sale, at
the Court House, in ibe Borough of Clearfield, ou
FRIDAY, DECEMUER, 24th, lSfiH. at 2 clock,
P. M.. the follr.wirg derciibed property, to wit :
All the Interest of the defendant of, in and to a
certain piece of land, with a steam raw mill and
its appurtenances, and other buildin-rs creeled
thereon, si'uate in Urady township. Clearfield eo..
Pa . described as follows . Beginning at a white
oak coiner, tbenee west 1 10 perches to a post, cor
nel of land sold to Robert Ration, thence north
132 perches lo a pott, thence east i3 perches to a
post, thence south 20 pen lies le a post, thence
eastat perches to a post. thence south 112 perches
to ph.ee of beginning, containing about 0 acres
and allowance being tbe same property convey
ed by Ira C. Fuller uitd wife by deed, to Wui 0.
Smith, and G. W. Canfield, recorded iu Clearfield
county, iu Heed book I'll, page 217. etc. Seised,
taken in execution and tu be (old as the property
of Wni. C. Smith.
Dec. I. C. HOWH, Sheriff
LORILLAItD'S lis an excellent artio'e of
"FITIJF1C A" Igranulated Virginia;
1 s H1J j i,crevcr introduced it ia
Smoking Tobacco universally admired. It
ir put up in bmdsotr.e muslin hags in wi.ieh or
ders f-r Me . t aL.ii. i'i. wre tli..iy p.tcLed.
l.ORILLARD'S 1 clasaod by allwboecn'ume
A'lit Mull il as the -finest of all;" it
li(.llb IvIUH ' -j njarjo f the chuifest
Smoking Tobacco leaf grown ; it is anti ner
vous in its effects, as the Nicotine has been ex
tracted it learrs po d'sarrreealle taste after im.
LORILLARD'S I This brand of Fine Cut
i v T,i ry -t t -i - I Chewing Tobacco has no
J -1 b) III j eaual or superior any
Chewing Tobacco. I where. It is without
doubt the bestohewing tobacco in the country.
LOKILLARD'3 I have now been in general
S-T T ? 17 C; I se in tbe United Slatea
, 1 over lilt years, and still
acKnowledijcd "the best" wherever used
If yonr storekeeper does not fcnve these articles
for sale, auk bini to get tbeiu; they are said by
iespectable Jobbers almost everywhere.
Circular of price forwarded on application.
Dec. l.'GB-Sin. P. Uili.ILl.ARD. S. Voik.
The Second Session of tbe present Sjholastie
jear of this InstTtutJon. will oorameace on Mon
day, the 22d day of September. 13)19.
Pupils can enter at any time. They will he
charged with tuition from the time they enter lo
tha close of the session.
The course nf instruction embraces everything
included ia a thorough, practical aud aeouni
plished edu3aton ef both sexes.
The Principal having had the advantage ef
much experience in his profession, assures pa
rents and guardians that his entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the mental and moral
training of the youth laced under hia oharge.
Terms or Tumor;:
Orthography, Reading, rrttag and Primary
Aritbmttie, per session, (11 weeks.) 5 00
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo
ry. o,0o
Alsebr.i,Gometry, Trigonomotry, Mensuration
Surveying. Philosophy, Physiology. Chemistry
Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Ceogra
phy. "
Latin, Greek and French, with any of the -bove
branches 13.i0
Music, Piano, i3u lesstmi ) ilo.Ci
IjNo deduction will be na4e for ahtence.
For further par lieelers intjOtre of
Rrv. P. L. HARRISON. X w.
July Sl.lbil. PriBCipal.
STOVES af ail sorts and sites, constantly on
hand at MEKUELL A BIG LEltf
IRONi IRONllllcst bar iron, for sate t Ce
store of ME HP. ELI. A C-'GLIiK.
OIL CLOTH S, at greatly
May 12. '6?.
iciucJ prieasi. a
of ;
fa 2;