UL fl)c jHaffemau' gournaf, glearftcfb, a., Toucmficr 24, i860. itoftemaiT journal q.HliFIEPA-. NOV. 21 1800. t0 infO'B the sfe transmission T" . bv .nail, patron should remit by check of 6y,r. ...h.. their letter registered. rr ".' ;,, i'. ,nc!osed in the first paper alter "oaTand Clearfield Eallrcad. -, leaves Tyrone at : : : 9 CO a m !!vl r"n'tfls',Jt : :12 l.. p m. Miil I o .leave-Clearfield.' : : : P . Arrive, at Tyrone at : : : : S. P HjsI West at 8 14 p, ni ; Kald Kaglo Ex as at 7 tJ P 13 . prt Accommodation Tra'n. - I , I at : : 7.C0 A. if. 9 10 A. St. 10 15 A . H . 2 (to p it. 2 30 p. x I " Phiiipsburg at : : Arriv" t Osceola at i .,. "'' : : : : A r,T,., t Clearfield at : Tn .iof. Divine services wil! re held pVt -:a!.l.ati.. in ClearSeM, as f.,ih.ws: f'v Kev. x isirit.in tne ivtuuran enurt n li v V ni iTr I caM.at h si-Lool at u il-i- "J ,f i i .". ! . . .... . , , ,( tit .M. I'rayr meeting every eane-uti;. .Mcllosky, John V elelt, ll ii t.slioi n CalJ ii.tiiii? at T o'e'.ock , I well. IU licv Hail, in M. Andrew s l.pweonai , r a w i i . cl-mrb nt 11 A. M. at.J 7 I'. M. Sunday I ' Janl town . hf"l 'i 3 I' l'tai" meeting every ! ship, at village of Jiadera, Ironi the Clear V,".' Jut eveuintr t 7 nVYik. j fi , ro.id to lliilenstine-t shanty. Veiver Jv Kev. iiV.!er,iu the Fre-hytenat. .dinrdi. nearly, John Ilur.-Ii, S. C. i'atehin. i. .rni'ii? and evi-niiis. Sal':ta:it ehool at i i i i . i c i i ?',,.rnit"? ..... .. "..:., V...l,..dav I For r,J,il Kra.ly towi ship, from land A I . M. "ir " - . i-iiin at o fioi-K. I',. l!v V 11. ji'l. in the Merhodi chiireh. mornii:r a!i' :en:iig. r-.iiji .t n ,eh..! at o A M. IVnvir m- lii, ev-ry ; iW.yMTiP. M. Con.nj.irn.... sorvi.fi j nreh. nn'rniiiC atid veiling. Sahla'hj K r-t Sat.bn'h ot evrv in. .nth at Mi A. m. j t I'rn.-is' eh-ireh Mass p.t l-'J A. M.. j tl aeooad and fourth bundavs ot tacit rlHJllih. T - - . Vi-lvetfen ! velvctei-n ! a superior ar rticle very low, at Win. K.-ed k Co's. oiinc per-ons goins from home to school ; , f ' .... , wi.l tind a i-ood selMiul at ivliiiLofo. I l.ece'niiu to day an entire new stock of : ,irs at popular prices at Win. Heed k (A. s. . ifarket s re.-t. (Iiui-s' Sonooi.. By relerenec to tl-.e a-1-teni-cim-iit. it will be se-n that tin: next t-.-.-.-i.i'j of Miss Swan's school ior girls, open C!i M-t:-jav. X..V. 2'rh. Prii:KP.r.l. The aeeoiu.t of the dcdiei ti. :i of the Prtsbjterian church, in Curwi ns m":;c, c.iii.c ha'.-d too r.ie for p'lhlicaiion tiiis week. Wi:i :i( .'ar in our nest. I.i'i-civin tr.i.s v.eeK a iuii ;in oi ai.-r- .i- t rn it. .-li . pro if, ll'ai-k, Fro-ted and Chinchilla Beaver t. , . f i.,p i. i.itigs, very eiit ap al :n. li-.eu o. i Co s., Market Mrtet. j , , , , i,l I.AVK A number of de-r were hroiight ! .... , , 1 t.i t.orn -.vitliin the pa-t week, among tneui , .,1 .1 t ' I x wni aiiit.-ua.lv large ou; ks. I rices tire , - , i pii r v .-'.ecp ten cents a i o'.;i.a lor the . ." ! wi, .K- eaicass. t Ivi'HoVINU. We ut:Jer-!a!! l that Mr I ..idwa:d. w!i -e aet-idet.ral .-i.oout.g we j ti.-i.c !i-t ek..ssi.-,ly i,,,:,r.viI1? but st;;1. in a critic ! eon lition. it is to be hoped l.c taav ybccdov recover. . , , nit:imr .-! lucues oi miow fell . t:i lHV!!i!i:n- ot toe ( k. and. the roa.x-. j 1 . .r.i i:i .pi. to a order, sic 1 lit. W .- pret 1 .. l : l. e .t ... . . I II II.-K l-T -UfcCI.1. 111'..- Ill I ' lll l ( ll'lli-i'. j i 1 l.o iu lie iti ins arc. however, that it wi'i ! I -. ' oe long U.e atmo: ptie.e tu-mg tie. ider- a e en .ugh to Hi -It tie stio M.n.e. l..v;.V s i H!F.N:. I L l.t i.-t :.,a i.au.bir ; 1, i- bt a-. !:;:.; ..ti-tl eiigravings ei.tiiai.' j 1 j'tcures, ' I he 1 paltuie and "lne; . i J.cini. lu et ics many otlivr eneravi aii't uie.,,:..i tj-htou ;iate. It a;.-o eon- ; tons a n ltninr of reeipes.such as are want e I ! y ihe ta .i.-s at -he holiidays. hverv la t !v -ii'Ofid have a eopv. Piice $2. .00 a year j i '".!! nag a lar-jc steel ( ngravingl. lour! c.i ieifo. Ibaoou & Peterson, 311 Wal j lif street, Pliil'a. i PrceeerlinH cf Onui , . , , i. -'ew we give n I't it l pitomc ol the i tried at the November ses . ., . . i-i . on.' t. oiirt -the other CbU.-ci beli e e::i.cr settled or confitiiied : I'lilIll'.N PI. FAS. ' oi,','- Lcavy vs. Reuben M.-ore. Fi i.gn f ! i - i. Venli 'L for Ila'.nunf. V. I', liariil.al vs. Tbos. White. Scire ' .. . , ,. ,. til-! ai'as. Cau-e tried. tctuict for defend t. j K. I'. Ihtrithal vs. To.-s. White. Scire j Leia-. Cause tried. Vet diet for deb nd't. j James M. Leonard vs. George Dilirn and I t. ". ' - i , .r ! " )liu Liavis. Lapias adre-pond'ini in lies 1 -s. Cause t.iej. Verdict for plaintiff, ': dollar damages. K. C. & F. Mar.-h vs. S. Seibrinir. AJ.n'r "' J' hll imn.ii. i?n'il Si-ir. lacias. t'sit.se ,-),-.. , . . . . .. iriei. i ei l.et for - lail.tid. in the bum ol : C',,. II J. i'rutier i Co. vs Wm J Smi'Ii. -"; i "'a! (.-'.in J j-tice's il iekef. Can.-e tried. Vf !i.-t f,,i- .i. tcod .'it. ' la Sw:.!i vs. Abr. Matthews. Si I: Ji' Ign.el.t by con-eiit, in the sum ol I JiT keriesint.. Uoll foupon 5 in bonds of I -..'i-7 t'iyd!':!rs. ! - - - " '- ' C".iov,-r Pro's vs. Hegaitv's A.lmr's. ! CTR.W .Came tre-passmir on the pre,,, - i. . . ; ' . , i i is s of the .ib-ei'ber. iii 1'ike fowt:-b'p. V " 1 'L s" judgment III .avwr ol . ahnul ,,. 6r.t ,.f September last, a red and white ! otit'iT. i. potted HI I.L with the e.nt of his tail off TO- I-,. i i ,i ,, , - , , ; poed to be ah- ul I i veais - Id. of large growth 'vnei.1,. .VcConuell vs. M. Mcl.nde and I Uie .,,,. u r,.q ,;., , cm, ,.,, ,,r..ve i. I' 'i . '.fell nv. Stlp.M vi-.i'.s of L-i5trrei.ee ! pr '! ' pay charges at, ! take bin. away or he - ! i!l be dist..sed of as the law direct 1 1 tiU!ti.ons ca.-e upon i r itiu-e-,. j Nov 3.3, p. JulIN N'oRltl-s. l'Z:if!" K'r liTS- ThU '''iTTn'rWONPl-RFUL TlNlMKVlT .-l.vtAt to recover .latuacre. on aeeotiiit i Lil,i!t,:,r -,,.:,. t,e,.n v ,,. "' " i 'ilil'.lfT having broke a lee; by trau.j; ! some yeats past as a f iti.i'y .ni- ii.-iii-.' by the pro-i- ti . 1 -K ., 1 r I .,. .),..,-, I priet .r. an i its itie.d fll'wis cmniug to mo notice - ti....a,ri a broken euKert. lf Jri;,uh, has. aI iieir esi.o... ,, ' 'tin K. Ib.-kellb. rry VS. Abr. Brown. ! rented t.im.li.utT ture it for the brn. lit .f ihe ul- K-.;.,, ('., ,r: . 1 V.i;- f.e .b,. I flictel everywhere It is the best remedy for . 1 V." erlict lor j I'n'urih and ilillious Ch'.'.ii!. ever off. ret t.. the 1 -liiiV.tl tor $l,07o, payable at Juno I S70. ( puuli.;; and will cure many other diseases in the i human body. 1 1 is ! a su re cu re for Pole evil ta ".M i.j:k. 1 a'ru ! in debt Id l.in Vv IsattC (ia;n-. i-ttill- ; . . .-. . Cau-e tried. Verdict for j Kbr.-t Porter vs. Wm. II. Miner. Lcment. Cause tried. Verdict for the 1 ' ,'...:rr .11,,, i , 1. a n, jiin i to te released on trie pay '" ni.by .Li" n laut.of the sum of $0, 10S 14 'Jr lii'fiw .Pino tl 1 i"il -, --s vs. J. Krenaman. Kieetnient. I 's-iifll. l'Veo:icnt, tor Che lat.d. B.-nry Bi-okerho..f vs. II;tlty Rider. M-nry v ,i aitnon- ca-e upon pronil.-es. Defendant : losses iudk- nsiit 3 jeiut ..lent. 1 - j,. n. .., , .. , Oitrey Ziihox vs. W. C. Smith, et ah aannon ( P. I. .- I , . . 1 A'cicuaauts contess judgment. Bowman's use vs. Jona. B .wtntin. tuiect. Causa tried. Verdict for i-h'u j v.i "Win. Iivin. Adn.r. for use vs. O. Siuead, et. al. S -i. Fa. Caue tried. VerJici tor plaintiff for3G 63. First National Bk. Clearfield, vs. C. J. ShoiT and David A-key. Case upon prom ises. Cause tried. Verdict for plaintiff for $ 257. 5. Cri-n.ans v. Isaac Gains. Summons on promises. Defendant confesses judgment tor?."12.UU Cri.-tnans vs. Gaines. Cae npon prom ises. Defendant confesses judemeut tor J123.2I. ROAD ..IATTF.KS. Petitions For a road in Bos town- ship, from J. B. MeLiiai!y'd sa.V III to j . -i - "i v . ! turnpike near Geo. M.i.iin.el, br. .ewer-, . 1). Bigler, .1. II. Heed, . A. Warren. For a road in Brady township, from farm of C. Walker to near John Kuntz. View j ers. Geo. Kirk, J. Rishel, Jr., K. Ilai'inan. For a ro-.d ill r'iko tott n-hii. from Henl. l or a rouu in r ike ion.-i.i., i.on. in.ut.. nan s to riiuii n ticu s. i I'.'weri. r. ... . . . . . . .... ! it'.. i i - i- t i. ' v ' . c. t.t f.Te.-.-e Lines to landot Jos. Po.itletiiwaite. Vi. weis. G. C. Kirk, K. Snnh-v,15. Carson. j.,,r a cJiai,ire t,f town-hip !me Letwet j A 0 h f . .,ir a t.na!Urt. f tovnhip line Let wet- ween es. ' " ..v,...., Morri. - t.n. Kri.E OF Court. At Nov. term lsii, ' the i'oMi.wiiig rule was aih-ptt u ly she Co i t : ! ''I. .. T 1... .1,.. j .viii ! uiiii I i.iii.11 i.i . mil ill' 'ii' i i'j iiii: j h. riS'or his deputies and f;.tlinjt to appear. sli.l be ha:,!e to a ho-' ol tircht) itnUtus, . , unless he .-hall furnish an exeu.-e. tor In- tun , . . . ,. , . . . alien lunc;-, whioh snail he uVeuie.i sdiii.aeitt Ly the Court." Jurt.r.s, liereafter, liad l;et- tor retnsn.lxT this rule, as is a pretty : heavy 'i u, f ir Liiiin to atieul Com t. I Mi:ri:oitoi.or-,K-Ar. Rkp out for the wer;k en lini; Satordav. November O'h. 18(VJ, as j filit.i-ht'd Lv llii.-ha I'ciili.i!, ol Penn tp. : . ,'. , . ., . v ... , Maxiuiuni of theriiioi!i:;ter..iSi.ii Nov. I'.lin, Milli'iniill, 14 Oil Nov. 1 S : h : 3!e.lll, from . i -i i - - i .. i three. buy observations . a. ... an i 1 anil 'I n. in. -J7 Maximum of l arivne'i-r. ! on Itlth, 2S.25. M-nioi im. r,:i 17:1 Mean of i aroiiicter 2 Jlaiu fell diirii.i: eek 1 217. of au inch. Di'j.th of Mioir, S i inches. Wrather cool and cloudy wi: li pirt ty ool sleik-hing at the end of the week. jIXK..r.Y KxiITIXU .MACHINE. KIe- where will be found the card ol' Me.-stp. , ,, . . .traw A; Ji i;ton. -J..), ixlh street. :i". nt- , , , . ,., , , tor the at'.ive machine, n e have nver had , . itiut h c nj leiicc in the stall tnenrs tiiade it; , , I'rL'ar i to the caj abilities of the vat:i:us .... , , . limiting .laciiines nnw heiuie the public. but havitiir personally examined the llinkhy M.iehii.e. we Cud that it will perfo in ail ibat ;'-in.e.! .or it ti. tin a-Iwrttsenp nt, in a j "ti-!aciory manner, flic itfl.ts are aiiraii' j the mo-t rcliallo and enterprising of the j It - c ii- I lf'-i..ess m.-n ot otti-city, and their names ...... . , ., M,!ht.et.t tri.-irtit.tpo that nr ixnj. ,;,a cm.es fn-m tl.eir est ibli-dimei.t vrii! be a- rcpre-eulcd. Fittdmr' CltrUun. r." AitRlEO : i Oil Sll.l'aV, Nov. 14:h. 1V.. bv J. P. . Mr. Wm. Grtt.w. of W , otlC- wart tj i .Mi.-s M.VitTH A ANN DAVIS,,.! ; MuU,it I'i a-ant : ' OttO : f O" Slim. lie ( ,!!,. r 1 111 ul l,i- i .1... . ... I ... V ,', ' .... . ' I res! deuce in I gg- In., v V M . i. ' !li V-. in . i .......i ...... ,v :".-"".'"'" ......ii-. ' , ; i ... iw. .' I Ann v Bai'iKII. wife of ) n.i. l R u g 'ae. 17 years, 2 in 'nth- and 21 days. Clcar.:"ld Retail MatVets. CoKKECTEH BV H. ilos-OP. .6V ii, IS'jJ. I Apples dried lb. f- 12 1 Hay. ton. Sli 0 1 pi" green. bti, I (M Hams. ID, IM honldcrs. - 17 ! ApplebuttlT. gal, 1 Oil I utter lb 40 sr'u. l.ar l. ib. lllTS. bu. ttuions. ' Purs. ib. - Hi ess. bbl, p.,.f fre,h in. HI I, i Href, dried. 2S ouch w:.:.xl. nt.n. I - i:11;.Khent fi..ur lb 5 I 0 1 1 37 mi I n, 3 .in ' Peans. bu, ? al I lioanls. per M, 1 j 00 ' .' rn. sl.nl led, I 'J5 ears. o(. I ' n.e.t 3 I'D i ."hot., rve. It Potatoes, ba. Pla:er. bbl. Peaches, flri d, lb Kvo- bush, l'.ngs lb. Salt. ;,er suck. li 1 4,i .1 2 no ft 111. " mtted. 2f ' heese lb. 2i rherries lb til hicken dresscdjb 11 Kbilir. bid 7 ill Shingles. I s in. .i)2 no Timothy seed, bu, 5 nil Wheat r.u., I lin Wo-.l lb. 4a Closing Qnctatioa? of Goverum't Securities. - JA M E S T. BRADY CO., S'trrt-or tn .S Jnttr-$r Co ) CORVER OK ForriTII All. WlKIO 6TKt:ETS. Pittsburg Nov. fl. 1S69. nov sen ooLii ;2; ; 2-J buv ,sel i 2oa. Jan.'o- 12'j! 2i5 i 20s lul '7 lit'i I2"i io.sj. os.. issi. i i . l in i6Jns.Sii2, lli '1 i i-lune. 7 Sits. Ittyf 1 09 ! 5 2o, l"M. J2U 12 i Mlv 7-31.. lfttl Toli a 2 is. 12 12 I P'.iJ 1 omp. rn lo 40. Ill 114' Ann.Oi.n.,1 I O-J 1 l 5.2.1". Ian. 'f.r,, lioj 11 j-ept Conip. H.i H jll-; 6-2... Jul .'its !2a 12 Ufr r.mi 'a.ll75'll-i -in i Wind-ali in h oses Direction fr its use 1 's . . r,.- . -. . .n. -. . w -...n !'! 14 . 1 1 rr. s ier H'r iu. ur ... r... ..... hv ...,i l,.s- iug the price 10 WM 11 WAi'tSIR Hurd PostoBiTe, Clesrfii-n ccu ty. Pa. Oct 6 W.J. 1? 1. o. T II O M P S O N, MERCHANT HILOR. No. ?fist Walnut Stre-f. Philadelphia. Especial attention is invited to this commo li- ou. and beiutifal est a K t . h men t . t h e extensive OI sea-ono.e an . aiiau jw ." on hand, the re. Nation obtained as a lea Ur in fashions and the great f .ctli'ies pn..esed for r the j fabrication and prompt dispaich ot all orders Arr,"r::;rz:. : :;rr branch of the trade for the particular benefit of the great m.mber dis.a.istie t. P A TA l. 0 X , ... r T ... -. . , I - I 1 .'. " a vrial'tu t announced which i an art not obtained hy imitation but .brough Tk j - '' lo'co-e Those desiring easy an I ty'th pant e'oons are invited to give thi-method a trial ct (W .lin ! 500..000 L0N0 shingles wan'e.. by J. J-II.VW 4 SON, SPECIAL NOTICE. SiJieneK's Pulmonic Syrup, Feewecd Tonic an 1 M indrake PiPs.wil! cure Con aumption. Lirer Ci.ii.plaint and ly5pejrsia. if ta nen aci-nrdi-ig tn di.etious. They are all three to bi taken at the Mine time. Th;y cleanse the ftiimarb. relax the liver, and put it to work ; then the arntiite becomes irood the fool aigests and I make tfood blood the patient beym to row in flesh the diseased n.a(ter ripen in tne i the patient outcn.ws the rfisnise an 1 gets well. This is tha oi.lj way to euro the corgon i-tion. To these three med?eine Dr. J. H. Schcnck. of rhildelphia. owes his unrivalled success in the . .... .. . . r i ... n .... . .nn.nmntiim The I 111- monie strap ripens the niorid niaoer in ine lungs n.'ilure throws it off by an ea-y expectora tiT. ftir whon the r.hlezlu or iuat ler is ripe, a slight couih will throw it off and the patient haa rest and the lungs begin to heai Seaueed Tonic aud Mandrake I'ills u,e,, ,() eetn!Se ,b,ll,:,h and li; 1 li mi'', tug must be frei ly ; liTir po that the will ffiiike good ! Pulmonic i-jrup aid the food bluui- LiT" "''''"''VVL' criQeii of Consamption t-cnenea s sciweej i on ic is a gentle einnulant and !t".raliva. and the alkali i. the Seaweed, which thi- preparation is . . . ,h ,,,... , ,hr..w ..ur the. iis trie juice o dissolve me ..n-i wn mo uim."..w c .i ,c i t ,ro.id b ood without fer- .. . i. i , uientattiin or souring in the atom i-h Tro great reai.n why physui.ns do not cui e consumption is they try to do loo uiu:h ; they give iue. ii.:iii' to Mop she cousih. to atopchi'la u slop night .-wea's. hectic fever, and by so d .im lliey derange the whole ili.-stive powers.lock i ng up t'.e secretions en. I eventually the put-cut sink-" and dies. j r Ir. rchenok. in bis tre ituient. aoes noi iry m stori n iou.ri. niI ht sweats chills or fever. Ko - j llltivr the ciiue and they will all stop of their own ai-cord o one can be curea ot consumption. ov er cou.pl .-lint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcer ated throat unless the liver and stomaca are uiaJe healthy. If a person has consumption. of conrse the lungs in si-ine way nrc di-ess-'d. either tubercles, an eesscs. bronchial irril ition. pleura adhesion, or the luns are a m il- f ioli im itior. an i fa-t de caying. I u such c is." what must be done? It is not only the lungs th.it are waste 1. but it is the whole body. Tie stomach an I liver have lost their powi r u- make blood out of fo.-d. the onlv cii.ince is to takeSchenck s three medicine', wl.i. h will bring up a tone to thn stomach, the patient will begin wnnt food, it will dig st easily and mak good' iilood ; then the patient begins to gain in fl'sti ami a ioon as the bo ay liegii.s to grow, th lungs bog n to heal u, and the patient gets Bcfhyimd well, '.'hi is the only way to cure c.nsuiiii tiun. When there is no lung Ji-ease, and only liver comt laint and dyspepsia, Scbenck s eaweed lo.,io:u.d M uidroku I'll Is ar Minicicnt wiinnut i thn Puluior.i" -vrun. l ake the Mar drake I'i. Is I reel t in all bilious complaints, us lliey are per- rcciij biinu'.-ss. r. SehencV. who hat. enjoyed unintorr.ip'ed health for u.;ii.y year' f. and nt.w weih 2ii i minds. n? wasted away to a mere -ke'eron. in hc V(.rT J1Jt.,e f ,,,, ry c..iw..iuoto.. hi, pli.-ufaris having pionounced bis case hopeless mii i .niai.doneil linn to his f.oe. lie wa cured b, ,be frefia n.edica.e.ai.d since h; rc-.rery uiunv i-iutii.irl c ed have used lr Scbeitck's ons ;vi:h the sjme remarkatile suci.'e.-s 1 i.- dirfctioti- ao juiany ii.g va'... mnKe It r.ot ribsola'ciy nve s irysn jo Ur. 'cbe-ek. id!cs the paiients n i-h their lungs examitied. and foi llii.- purpose he is Pn-fes-ionally at his Principal "UicB rlnla.lr.pl.M every aturi.iy. wne.e atl letters for advice must he addre.se.l. He is also professionally at No 32 Bond Street New York, ever, oilier Tuo-day and at No. 3' Hanover -t lostin. every other We ine-day. lie ivcsa.iviee fiee. but fur a thorough exatoinaiion with l.i liespironetor the nri.a i1 Ottijo hours it each city Irom i) A M to S P M. Piice of the Pulmonic Syriir. and -!irpe1 Tun-it- e.-ich 51 on per botoe. or i ;iii a hall-di'zen. .Mani.aKn Pills 2j cents a box. For rale by all ilrnu'z'sts. IU. 1. II '"il!'.NK. A p. ".'"9 ly IS V e.thSr.. Fh, rn.. Pr 7"i ) y.t.i io7. 7i 1,1 jtlS I ft lill'ri I l looii ? 'ri r t nrT7S.7.V TUI1 KXoWX '! LU j,r M i,h',r.V.S.et American Iy-p-p ia Pi Is l'ine free Tar Cor nal are a p .-irive sod in fal'it.i.' cure for d vspct'la in lis l.io.-t agravatil ,rm. !,, m.tr .f 'how lot,- st.. ...g Ihe. pciietr.tte til'' s.,fcl a'H"l ol f ti 1 s : e i r I :) I e '1 : -r;e ii't frx'rmiFite it. toot And branch, forever 1 her alleviate leorc aif.-i y . n-1 i-ilent sufT-ri.. f:.a toi.uc rau te'l. 1 liey at e ni'c I r curing be nit,. iiepcr-ee an I Itoiiel--- ea-es w lien every l.it'inr. n.e . ..k fill to ifrd re ief No f -rin ot dy pepsia or iniigtion can re.-i.-il thei pexietra tin poMie. IT Wi-hart" I'i. e TreeTar eordiiil Ir is the vital prin.iple of : he Pii e 'lree.nl.- :'", i"'1 .''' the .l.s-;!Uti..u . are retail el 1 1 in vi -o'-iti the ges i e erf us .ui r suuoji the apC ite 1 1 et re.. lin- the 'ie ...litaiei fvtem It .uirilir" it.ii etiiieue- Oie ""I . at. I i x ie ' I r iu Oi e .-i -o ui i he c-.t fu too " h o1. -ci'if .. a hree i on t i-e li. Tin It .li-.-.U'e. .i . . .... . i ,,1 it. e lungs Its lie.itli.g pro clpte ac:s u j oil no' : irri'a'ed su face of tMe lungs ,. tbr.... tei.e rt.l.g to e.11 h (1 . -1-ase ' P'-i t- l t lev leg f .. .11 ali'l .-upn.ri.g ! 1 ill.ioi. II 1 I is Ihr; re-ull .! ear.- ..: -tud.v and iper'tnei.t. at.d it i- iT.o e i 01 'b- f il.cled well o.-i:.it n'-t. ra lie- el' i'-s u,..fer t,' ,-urc the f. Ili.mng c : Itares it 'he pa fir to Ii " 10 I ti o lol.g detiel a t" . : t 10 tie o.e.i.s id .-me 'mn iimjr" 11 nt ' It '-it.- 'iir r- - i im! lir. ,i.-.t Hniitrliiti . Lvr ' 'o.np an.t. li'm a li'mi.-g Mi-. A'ti,ti !P- ..;'.' :.,, !: . t'n l i t Vr A llieilical xticrt. hol-lit- 1 ijll e v' .'' -I rs u. vo'es h is e 0 ' i re t i.ne to ti'eiA..u. . i '. I atiaut at 11. c i fli e parl.o ta .. i ' I. iui are lb rec ciiiu ! 1 i ng yd. v si- i. tl ef ate- i;n n ' e.tge I eiiiilii iiee wl.o?e cervice are giv-.i .0 ' i-ut, iic free of charge 1 n is op to.rto "t y is.tl.-r ed by i.o.eher insiituii'.t. n. the cnoiiii y l.ro .rs tr-iui at.y partof the country. iokiug a-lv'Ce o 1 be f,ri.ll.p'ly li.td gl aluitoiis! y responded 01 W I; ere c-.ii veri icnl . ri in 'tinees should lake the shape ol drafts or post ofreT' orders Price of W ishart s tinerican Dyspepsia Pills 51 a b. x .-cut by mail on receipt ot prt e Piice of Wish iri s i'ine Tiee far ''ordial. 51 50 a bot tle r.r ?l I per dox-n Sent by exore-8 Ail comuiunicat i. ns should be add r esse d . L 4 0. WISH Alt I M IJ , No .i:!2 Nor.b Second tr-et, Oct 27,'88-:lm J Pbila iciidiia VOTICK All person kno-.ving then --m'Ih-s i.idebtui to .11" ws.l f.l.-.i-e ch I and settle at once lbe hook are at the store ot W heeouib A Townseud. t lsc ola. Pa J ly 21 isi'.l-tf ti Si PERKY. TOWN PROl'KRTV FOR SALK The ui.dui'-igiii'il will -el . nt private -..le. 011 reasonable teru.s. cevcra I valuable town proper ties. Any peisen wi-btng to purchase a house and lot had better call. July 2-1. ISrV'J. II B SWO PK. J. ,T. C U N X I N G II A M, A I T' K N li Y AT LAW, Ileal Estate Ager.t and ronvcyancer, TVItOSE BLAln IOI XTY, PA. 1 Special attention given to the ci.l.ei-tion of claims. ' Tyron Pa .January 27. IS 19 tf 1 RANKING & COLLECTION OFFICE MnillilC A IT.KK5. Suaiessors to Foster. Perks. Wright. Co.. PiiiLii'sm v.is Ckstre Co.. Pa Where all the business of a Panning House ill he transacted promptly and upon the nan' favorable nmis. March 20 -ti. J II. M OIKK B I' PKKkS TROYISl(lNS ,Iu-' n-eeived at J. P. Kiuizi-r's White V!i"i.i Flour. Buck wheat Flour. Sifted Corn Meal c,a,,berries sweet I Potatoes I. 'ma llr-an. Prteo Peas lluiter. cheese. a il - .1-1.4 T I 1 - . iik.iituic-j m.-.i- .-ii.,. ...... t.... ,ui,,.. . Mn.ee Meat .Mess Pork. Oat Meal Taa,i.,e Kai- ; sins, citron. I.ri. il Ap-oes. .en ties c nerries Prunes, 'nrrants Pickles. Ke'chuo. I'aoned Peaches, --triwlierries i!n;t Pitted tberric'. ( C'.rn Asparagus Sneeotiisb Hor.ey. spiced Ly-- j ters Ti-matoes CracKers Ac j 7EKY FIXE blankets will be sold cheap j hv .1 SHAW 4 SON CJ 4 ili.l-'S, Brid'es bur'. ess col'a.s .lc. tcr J aqaar M kit It Kl.l. A It! tlll.K'S. i I I Oll.-t-SIH'tS. an.r norse-nat.s. ro re na.i r ; 11 Ant. 21. Ml.KHELI. A PIOLEK s x A?vlK-,heheHT;',:y 1 1 at M ' "' , v. ,., 7 " . . , . ,. re' ! tiNT- ihe best and cheapest in the I 1 ' .'.iiiiims I V :".?: - ; pY,;,v,.S-the cheapest in the eourtr. ,,t I lyo""1 . . M.-eiliP' i May2;. rt,. '' JL iRI'NFS a quuutity on Li.u ai d for sale at May 2". GRAHAM'S. MUST BE SOLD! CLOSING OUT AT COST AT TIIR KEYSTONE STORE! i ue uouorsiuou. i -ouro irom me mercnnli.'e busiaoss is now cloting out hi en tire stock of gn-ids at and below cost, Comjrisiug vtt Tk4 -Ai-l, MERINOS, l'OFLINS, ALPACAS, EMPRESS CLOTH, WOOL DELAINES, JIEX'S AND BOYS' C A S S I 1 E I? E S , CLOTHS, SATTlXtTfo, KENTUCKY JEANS, UEXINS, LAtIES- CLOAKISti, COATS, SUAWU, 4c. A full line of Domestic clouds, DELAINES, SHEETINGS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, COTTON FLANNELS, itc, k:., kc. LADIES k CIIILDEEN'S SHOES, GUM k ARCTIC OVKKSIIOKS, II ATS AND CAPS, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, CarpcU all widths. Window bhalus and Wall Fapsr, At D A great variety nf Hosiery, Trotior.s and Trim mings of .every description. Ladies' Trimmed ilat. Velvets, Kil.i'i iis, Laliuoral and Hoop Skirts, i.ineu and Wool Table Covers. Naplcia3, Towels, Counterpanes, a large assortment of Ladies' &ui Childmu's Wool iiuuds, Nubian, bhawls, Ao. Person" in want of anything in the aboro line of ooods are invited to give mo a cad, and obtain goods a, wholesale prices. D. a. NIVUS'.J. lirain and country produce taken iu exchr.cge f.nio.ids. Nov. 10, 1SCS. nl KK BUCK LKAD. equal in quality to Kngii-b white lead ; Oils. I aints and Vari.tiiei of all kinds; Oold lent' iu books, and oioozcs f..r sate bv A. I. SHAW. Clearlicld. October 2.'.. 18R7. P. T. I. DIi. IJOYER'S PtR2 ! WEST BRANCH HITTERS. i j A Pure, rjeagaut . S Jifo ani Ite'iabl Tonic, com 1 ji(ur.iI from frcyh uti I choice urb and poi- iiiiriy j.uro L;irir free from fucil oil, or j :tir ifri;.i;ing prperiies. and will ! ut'.t i?Hfit or olTRa i ihe ino?s i.ate s'omai-h. Warmut- : to contain more Died ivinnl virtu it iha uny li:;cr ut prest-itt i fftied ti the public. IT NEEDS RUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite, To promote Digestion, To care Dispopsiti,- To Cure j?ever and Ague, To cure Dilliousness, . To cure Constipation, To cure Chronic Diarrhea, To curt- Flatulence," To cure Acid Eructations, To cure Nervous. Debility, To Cure Hypochondria, To euro satlowness of the Complexion, To cure Pimples and Blotches, To cure General Debility ami Prostration of the Physical Towers, IT HAS NO EQUAL. TRY IT AND RE CONVINCED. OLD EYLIiYWHEKE. AT f 1 PER BOTTLE. A lib-rot tiiti-H'iut to tie trade. M AI PA TCKEO EXCH SIVELY BT BO YE 11 & SHAW, c r. ea r i'i !: l n, pa ., iier i i.rg.. Medicine,, chemica., Dve! j - ! tuff"- "i,s. Paints, arn.shes, Ac, Patent j Milieii.e. Pure Wine and Tionorsfor I 1 ure ,oe- Liquors for medical purposes, Fancy and Toilet Artijles. and all goods usually . T . . . , ep in a xrug core, sum I May 1S,'6J.J cheap. (Nov. 3. 6'.'. 'EW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. K D W A Pi. D MACK, Market street, nearly opposite the resideaeo of II. B SKonce. Ksq-i Clearfield. Piv Would respectfully announce to the citiienaof Clearfield ami vicinity, that he has opened a bonT AND SH0K SHOP, ia the buildirg lately occupied by J I.. Cuttle. as alawoffi.-e.and that he is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the manufacture of sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the best quality, always on hand tjive him a call. " Jane 24. '6-4. TT o 31 K INDUS t R Y 1 15QOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of ClearSel i and vicini ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St. ucaii.i i t uhiewivh ti i i. 111 a . . . , where he is prepared to make or repair anythieg in bis lino. Orders entrusted to him will he executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock nf extra freneh ca'f skins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that 1 will finish up at theloaest figures. June l.lth, ISftf!. DANIEL CONNELLY EW STORK AND SAW MILL. A T B A L D HILLS, Clearfield county. The undersigned, having opened a large ana wall selected stock of goods, at fiald Hills. Clear field county, respeotfully solicit a share of public patronage. Their stock einbraecs Dry (Joods. Oreeerie. Hardware Queens ware. Tin-ware, Hoots and Shot's. Hats and Caps, yearly niadl Clothing, and a gen eral assortment of o-tiot.s, ete. They always keep on band the best quality of Flour, and a variety of Feed All goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Having also erected a Steam faw Mill, they arc predared to saw all kinds of lataher to ordor. Orders solicited . and punotualty filled. Nov. 20, lrS7. F. B. a A. IRWIS, c IGARS AND TOBACCO. AD0LPH SCH0L1T, M AM'P ACTCB Kk AND WuoLESALE AMI 5 KTAtL I'aAi.Ktt ii Cigars oik Tobaccos, CLEAUFIE1.T. PA . Wonld respectfully annoui:ce that he has rtni'ir- od to the large and c nnmodious a:orc-reom. op posite the Court House, econn 5.rcet. where he has opened a general assortment of Tobacco. Cigars etc. which he is prepared tosell, wholesale or retail . at re.isot.able prire. ills vigari arc made of the very best material. I and in ,iyle of uiapufaclure will compare witb those of any other cstnbl.ti.ment. He has always on band a superior article of chewtr.g and sinckiug tobaccos, tonb'eb he di rects the attention of - lovers of the weed." Merchant and Healers, throughout the oounty supplied at the lowest holes. lie prioti. 'Jail and examine his slock when you onme to Clearfield. June It. lSots. II. F. N A U G L , WAW3 KAKE3, GRAHAM'S HOW, CLEAHF1ELU The an.'lersigned re.pecfa!Iy inform his old customers and the public, that be has on band, (and constantly receivirg new additions.) a large stock of Clucks. Watches end Jewelry. ('.OCA'S, a largo v.trioty from the best Man- Tlfai't-.ry, cunTosti uv of I'igbl-day and th:rty-!eur , priT. an I Weight, and Levers, liaie, strike aud Alarm clock XV A TCII IZS a 5c assortment. o rsilvcr Hunt ing and open ca.-e American pateat Levers, plain and full jeweled C'iJ.D PIZXS. aa elegant assortment, of the be.t quality. Also ia cllver extension and defk holders FrXCTACLEf. a large crjortment, far and near si r,'it. colored and plain gifts. JhiWfil.RY of every variety, from a single pie. tp to a fwl I set A Lff). a fine assortment of ?poons. Forks, but ter knives, etc.. plaled on genuine Alabata. A !.SO. Hair Jewelry with pure gold mouuHug got up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clock. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired aud IF ' arrtintr4 A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2-th. 1S63. fl V. KArO!.R JUST IN time: THE SEW G0OD5 AT A. K. W R I G II T &. SO N S , CLEARFIELD. PA., Having just returned from the eastern eitie. we are now opening a fall stocie ef seasonable goods, at our rooms on Secor.d streot. to which Ihey respectfully ii.vito tbo attention of the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold v6ry low f; cash. 1 he 'lock consists in part f DRY GOODS of tha ht qo.-witT. such m Prini. De!ns. Art- eni:. Merinos GinjThiuijn ; Vu.lin. blenched aud unbleached : Orillings Tikin. cotton and woui rliiitnctfi. Tasnimer- .adies .""hi?ti'. roatt. ISn Oi.aa. Ho.jils. Hoop tfklrife. nw!.r...r,l5. ic . At?., all nf wHch wiil br nold i.ow rot canu. ico, a fin? jdsoilrueiit ot the tseet cf M E N 3 ' WEAR consisting of Drawers and Cliirts, Hats and Caps L!"ots and Shoes. Handkerehieftt cravats, ete. Alo. Rafr Rope. Tog Rape. Raltina Aonri and Axes. Nails and spikes. Tinware, Lauras and I.aajp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc Also, Queensware Glassware. Hardware. Oroce rie. and si.ices of all kinds In short, a general assortment of every thing osually kept in a retail store, alt ehttttji for cm A, or approved country produce. Not . 2si-ja1-noIS. WRIflnT SONS. P U R N I T U R E R 0 0 M S. 'JOHN GUELICII, Deatpesto inform hi old friends and enstotner that baring enlarged his shop and increased hit facilities for mannfsctnririg he is now prepared to make to order au.-h furniture a may be desir ed, in good stylcand at cheap rates for cash. lie mostly ha r.u hand at his -Fui niture Rooms," a varied assortment of furniture, among which if Bl'REA l"S AMD SlDEBtl RI)S, Wardrobes nd Rock-cases; Centre. Sofa. Parlor. Creakiest and Lii:ing extenHOE Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jea-ny-iiiad and ether Bedstead. "aOFAS OF ALL KTNHS. WORK-STANL'S, HAT RACKS. WASH-STANDS, 4c. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; And coiEClob and other Chairs. LOOK I KG-G I. A S S E S Of every description on hand, and new glasee fci old frames, which will he pu ir. ja very renso liable terms, ossnort notice. U also keeps on hncd. or furnishes to order. Hair, Corn-husk Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse- whenever riediraMa.. Also, iiou.-e paintii g done to order. The above, and many other article are famished 1 tn customer cheap for cash or exchanged for ap proved country produce. (.Berry, .v.aple rof ar. Lin-v.-ood and other Lumber suitable for the b'lti nes. taken in exchange for fnrnirure. Rememher the shop ! on Marxe street. Clear field, and nearly .ppni.e the -tilij Jew Sf.re." Oecem'ner. i-RI JfHIN Gl KI.ICH TT AKNESS. Trimming, and Shoo finding for h o"P.IX()l Oofnew n -ale at MbitKFLL RI'ILER'S . PRINrt GOODS. Just oi-ening a splendid f..ck of new good, at C K R ATZKR i SON 5. "VTOTICK. All persons indebted to the subreri JlN bcr. ara reOjUested to coma and settle with out delay. It. MOSSO?. j v-iULDRENSHr twcnvy-5ve per cent lessthan . V. ensf J. ?H AAV PO",. CAWED LUMBER. The nn.;erigned j having started iu the Lumber buso.e.-s, j near Osceola, Ciearneld eoubty. Pa., is new pie- I pared to furnish pine boards, clear anCpanif j stun Ac. l ine ana ucmiocK bins sawea to order and shipped on short notice. O.K. MAC0.MBER. Osceola Mill. May 5, ISoS-tf. Clearfield Co.. Pa. R E M OVA L-G UN SHOP T he undersigned begs leav lo Inform his old and new customers, and the public generally, that he has fitted up a new G V N SHOP, on the lot on the corner of Fourth and Maiket Mrcets. Clearfield Pa., where he keeps constantly on hand, and makes to order, all kinds ot ucs Also, guns re bored and revarnished. and repaired neatly on short notice Orders by mail will re ceive piouipt attention. June 9. IS69. J0HNM00BS. rpIIE LEONARD HOUSE. (Near the Railroad I'epoO. Bcod Street, Cleai field, Pa. Q. rr. UCrODFELLOW : : : : : Paoraiaat a. A new first r'oss Hotel in every respect roru fortable rooms all the n.ouero improvements the best of Liquors prompt attendance and tea suitable charges. The patronage of the public is respeetiully solicited. jy-UI-tf J. P. K R A T Z E R , Clearfield, Penn'a, Dealer In Dry Good. Dress Ooods Millirerv (oods, Groceries. Hard-ware. Queens-ware. Stone ware, Clothing. Roots. Shoes. Hats, Caps. Flour Bacon. Fish. Salt, etc.. is constantly recti virg new nupplies from the cities, whiob be will dispose ct at the lowest market prices, to customers. Feforv purchasing elsewhere, examine his stock. Clearfield, August 2S, 1 S7. LOOK AT TIIIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Mocel!npeous fo',k; cheet Mjsic for Piano. Fiu:c and Yioiic; : Elar.k Account and Pass Books, of every d. ecrirtion; Paper and Ervel") .'. Frer.eh pressed and plain ; Pensaau leiciii; I icfifj aiorrgagej. iungn-.cnt. i xcmpiioa anu Clunk Trial Taptrr; WMto and VarjbTiicnt liriet; LogI cap: Rrprd eap and Bill cap, etc , Vi!i h o!d at Wholcsa! or Hctail by P. A. G A U LIN, At the Pes otrice. on Market Street, Clearfield. Pa. Mj 5. ISSS QLOTI1ING1 CLOTUING ! GOOD aSD CHE A? !:: Men, Toalhs and TlnTscan be'iiptpicd with ful suits of soasonabid and ijthionaMi. ciothii-g at REIZE.STEI. I RON' & CO., where it is sold at prices that will irnce thei puicbase. The universal satisfaction which ba been given, has indnced them to increase thei s'oek, which is now not sutpa-sed by any estsfc lisbment of tbc kind in this part of the ritaie llcizenstein Bro'is & Co., Srlll gr.cds at a very small profit, fcr eab ; Their )oe.dj ar well made aud fa.hiouable. They give every one the worth of his money lliey treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every bociy else. I'l.eir store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stuck i t redneen prices thoy can sell cheaper li an others Kor these and other reasons persons should bu their clothing at REIZKNSTEIN PnO'F 4 CO Troducs of every kind taken at the higher market prics. May IS. lsC4 EW SPRING STOCK: J. SIIAYvr et SON. Hare just returned from the east and are nov opening an entire new stock of goods in the reon formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Marker Street, which t'tcy no e.C:r to tne public at tii lowest cash prices Their stock consists of e general assortment ol Dry Ooods. Groceries, Qaeenswa're, Hardware Boot. Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bonnets. Dress tfned Fruits. Candies Fish, Salt, Brooms. N ails, et in fact, everything usually kept irr a retail stere can he had by celling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of ihe newest goods, is of the best quality, cf the latrs, styles, and will be sold at lowest prices fer c&f'n or exchanged for approved country prudnee. Be sure and call and examine oar stock before making your purchases, as we are deterjn.J nlease all who may favor is with, their custom. May8, 1867. J. SHAW SOX. S. L. BKCD, 0. r. noor J r.wxAvra ! NOTICE, i JOSSS. w. rowtLL w.w.eaTT CLEARFIELD PLANING HILL ALL RIGHT. Mhssrs. HOOP, -WEAVER 4 CO , Proprietor, wonld respectfully inform the ciliseni ef the county that they hare completely re 8 ted and supplied their PLANING MILL. in this Eon-.cgh. with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared ta execute all orders in their line of business, such as Flooring, "Weatl.erboarding, Sash, Door?, Blinds, Brackets, ar.d Moldings, of ell tiii.je. They have a large stock nf dry leinber en hand. and will pay oash for dear stuff, one-and-a-half inch pannel plank preferred (Nor . 'T. DRIED FR FIT, at redacad price... at May 12 'o9 r MOSSOP'5. QCKEXSWARF T piice. at S 511 at Tea sets. best atone. war. 4i MOSS' PS- QlWAIM'3 PANACEA. Kennedy's Medical D H ssrerr. Hernhnld Rncfta. Hake's C.d Llv vcr Oll.Jayne's and Oyer's Medicines. for ele r r Jn 10 JU ARTSW ICK & IR WIN. PITTSBlRt ADVKirn3i:fFrTV JAS T. BRADY & CO., (Ntfviwcr to X. Jona ic t-'e..) C0RNKK FOLKTil AND '.V.Ci ?i..Eil? PITTBCRGH. PA . BANKERS. rt..U SELL ALL Kl fS O GOVERNMENT SECET.ITIES, Gold, Silver and Coupons. Six per eent. interest allotSed oa deposits b ject to check. Money fuaiied oa Qorernment Cond. Bocds registered free of charge. May 19. fi91y. JAMES T. Wtf Af.T .V C? rum: SAFE DKFOSIT COMPANY. A ok mnsrfrr.oH. Incorporated by the. Lexri.? it.ne u' rwri.i -..V-M.r. J limciry. 24. .V7. , jr Safe keening of l oud and c.hi r t;cu-iti-s '.' and silver. Sliver Pl'i l...ek" liecr J. : . u onds. and ra' rubles of .... jos. ripli- t s 1 11 ler gua -act. e. and tor the 1 er tirg r.f s' .n n. ourgiar Pro-.t Vmlt,. V1O0 :: ce.d taj;,X6. S3 toarth Avenue. Pittbn. ;t:, p:, OCABASTKa l?!ti. lor a rear ( r les . pe-S. Gov t and all o'her eofincn seca- rities, rneluding bank biilr, $1 00 per 1 0'! Goid ca?3 or buTuoB, I IS vi .ri Silver c !o or bullion. iiio .i l.t.f Silver or Gold plate, under seal on ow r.er's e-ttmate ed full -iln-?, and nee subject to adji;sT:urnt f"r bull:, on a ban f I PI j rr liej i.tejs. Mor'i'jges, Yalunb'e Paper- f'tfr.y . alien of no fixed value, c. : a ;;i.- ci,;-!- - r as. coidir.S to l.u.l; vTjt:.. vrio.-h pn u.i j-.. .; rr the remainder of il'O lif-or tne n:-.1.... "; Poxes or -mall tiu bi.x j- f r of . Ca; itattsts Merchants. La-AVf'-.s riJ n:v,i r.rr. ile-s. Ac. i.i be ice ireti at " 2'' e l...x t .-: e I er year. 01 they w t,l be in-ure J f . r O.e -n 1 1 mount the con U .... heirg k . oh n. i-t hb v r-' Nochrre les. than o..e lin'ir IL? rcfiwsi -a also prepared to rent mviII it. r ...;ie- - r uirhed with tiu box. it... i, is t.iretnr - r. : vault the nrter excln.-.e t'y h.Mirr, tl.j a . thereof, at toe following rates. vis : iir. i.i S ' , ?.'. STa. aud SKttl cr a-..i:i.'i A:o, to ? Pook. Acco'int Keard:, VUuabU Iii e.pe -etc.. at reasoucl.le rates Oiricti: Prt-fiHcrt Yi'ir,;.-.t:i PMltps: Yt . President. Henry Llojd ; t.i.-.cti,' War !'h;'.;i H'-Lry Lloyd. tVui. Itea. '.Vic. M !.yu... Ji B.es ' i ei.i ett. pyron H. Pai- .J.. r,h II X it: is Oecrge Black Curtitti iiu:s.y ; bs.;-'-;urr Tuasiirer. S F Von p, rt : ' -ep jsf t- I" R . B. CLAP. K ' 1 1 7 CLLrhr.-T5.i F E A I, E FILLS. re s u.t rr Ecyer Fhaw and H rriawi 'k .t Irii. CUaifttU. Pa. Aog 4 Katail Pri'; 51 :0 frr kMt u fil'LVKTOS Cric . J To th OtrneiM of V r:pat:tttd Iandi : In r-brdince to an At of A5.ijb!jr. app-o- 1 the Jlhth dijf of -Aprii. i,e thou hui- in Ctiu fy I.aijt! i.i:; jcfl.(-t. " u :iifii :'. h-t if util'Alfi led l:.nu '-.ii .-', conn y V r.-ied LU'ifr tLo A' t i' Au ; i inj i it Msv o. e Iht.'ii'-W.! k-ibi ho .! rr ! aI -ijpv -' mid Y-t n.j.r.ii-i:! (.tert .... Lu ir. ov -fbrr.-e4.r-"id to ie Ir '.hi.-t a. y t f i. i 'v - r wh.?e fiifC ir 'i.ay t ui I L - ii . ut brs l:ui?;.fd !j IV vr'";T. sf v u eh:ii? i,o .vy . ir.tnji; hi- i t a t -" ctila tbrouth tiij t'o;fir::.v i VALUABLE KKALLAT; AT PRIVATE BALE. The urd.'rirte 1 vir i.t pT :va. r.N: f'.. -.li-videdr.no iti'f.o: i il r whie . Propurtv. in li irard (owu-i,i. . u-:.: (i f 1" Shid propr cntnii f sT.out I"!! i ' ' W.k 1 AU t? of mi,!1.. t- r . iiitif(K'k aud ''ak. A g od 1'l. ' ' iifij iiorce or. v,;ib v ip::cii.- t i u; 'J. vr ddj. i? er"ctftl thortnt Alt . a ai . ;!e uriii I aih MiJ c-iit ec'cd j j.r r.wl:. . i:.iijf.&raiirely d?t arrd in for I frir. l'tTf -D w ifhii x to rarrl':.rf run n.-M. : !:cr ii fi'rir:!i.i in r.-rd f fre i : ; r i i.p on -i t J I N it It I.Ki:i I I'art-f M tti .IJ X lit VI IS. on ttie ptva.it:. or ii,- iiied. Aug 11. KJ.Vy-3ra. JAMF.5 lUVt. St . MONEY i an srtie'e rir.r.i.i.-t by n .re. ttrd wo Br pre; a.ed it show how a 1 c:y po.rs'. it ir at m dance by folle'wing a fsw ii,:. 6 IT'.i:-c',i -which wiii be tivei FREE of ctnrrf- Trint h ti iHii.e nin (f 2 c-r-r f. :uar..nre ot Tr'a i nr.-p :.1 U:iLer;b-r. anJ ; u.-li,J? arc c,ir ;i iiil to rliOir ,i. I15 the ru t tj.wtr ructe9 anii protpori-y -.ri-ii'" m rr.fr?. .-. " pa-ij tti)igii.; wiii lrt'ntM'j -c.t pckn ty txttf or Ciaii. t.rJct tLaO r " the business u all to yourself, AS he article cin lie currtcJ tu the re-f poc? et, cpt wttei wanted for uo. It nu-!; lion lot nc or (woija in werk. a or; 1 ot br.urs dfii'y. nt ic eaa be st'er oilier tc y is over. All cr:S;i K Qt be of tint W ATE It. None but good smart rp n wnpted i t ' their business lo theu'se',t a.-t Ct' with me. aud lm.kc from t.S'oi'C' : : -.' hoHr's service Aetprorupiiy tt.;st ) ri Fuiiune is yovrs. I.u'io-e wt.h j. -ji f..rs ' Cents, ftttd veu vill got full a- .cu ar- f reta-'.' ta-ail. Address, K F Ml,tUl; Nor. 3-ti. Box 3-. 1i'jr:'ie. I Life insurancr COMPARISC iV. Advantage of tie MVTVA L ii-K o. Rttur Premium Pii'n c'' ' ' STOCK vo i-f r 4 -V I r. R e-TL. ftrtnrn Pr'm lif iti'af f:j--:ne. ," - Ar. I lia i'i. hi ., ,. 4J f 1.1 i 5'1J '!) i'x 4i .'4 ZI V ! ft! 50 7a afl 4 7 ell 2 !' SS 10J 2'. 4-i 4-"' 4 '. On the ae canitd ihe .ate of fi' -.-. t.ariv ir: f.rm ij to it pt . cct b c.'to' th- u Mrtual ratts. r.ESCTT'. Policy for 5tJt al j Poli- t t'.e " " age of S2. on the rnurn I Cini.;n.) s:-.a mt . pre.iiieto plan of si, ..a (c...-t. 1 n. 't I- r :" Companies, urnua! p.e tiiium all cash. l.tJ a'l. li.B.W i! I f' St li e i ill Cash, iue'.t"f:i. tarest on r.o-e St, ' and ?e Diviileiiii to be m.de. I n ens1 of CealB I l;ui ttle iiit'nul v.cu at end of 10 years, the I ny will jay the Stock Con.psny w. I pay the Am't of Policy J..C110 Return Premium 1 .1 sr. 't "f Policy ' Le.s Pr Hi bh. - in Casn and 4 r- Show.pg that fbr 1 1.1 r-i.'. the gain cn the ' ut i .,n t- the i ' ber'a family is l-'.f-y P.-r Cent SI' a ' ' ccur at ihe end ot ft vcar. thr cor r - " ' i.e Cash p'd Stoct Co iir St-p'd to fac - jr . ' " Motual-e tJ ta " " a r ; -f - - At the are nf 40. the Ma rre. rlsr ' Cah Pnriiitum will yieid 3.2o , w ,-; ' t plau for 2 -33 " Prerrouc ' fn. Showing train on the runt.. ,; i 327 SO. and dividend. IXStRS TO f'R UFE TN' Tii PENN MUTUA I OF PHI LA l T. LP III A II. Ii. SVt00PL Age-. Jy.l4,'C-tf CIartJ ' i- t , - F - r ir f ' ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers