W laffewatt' oitinaf, gfearpcfh, ga., "gloDcmficr 17, i860. aftjsmanJottral V'p?o To innro th. safe transmission To Ismail, patron, should remit by check """J order or have their letters registered, or onJ ,ncio,ed in the first paper after J Trou8 and Clearfield Railroad. -.. leaves Tyrone at : : 9.00 am irri "at Clearfield at : s 12.10. m. , . YZ '"ate .Clearfield a : : : 2.SO p m. M,llArr't Tyrone at : : : 5.35 p.m. "iih Cincinnati Express East at 0a Con"u'l i-..titl.p,m ; Bald Eagle tx P ",'. 7 ufl V- m p Accommodation Train. L" . : : : ::' -SI::: i-nni'"-"s Arrives t Osoeola at L,t Philip-"-'. : :. ArT;, mt Clearfield at 10 15 A. M. 2 oo p. h. 2 30 p. . 6.45 p. M. ,, t,iini s. Divine services will le held n.itVabUti.'. in Clearfield, a- follows: Rl. iev Vx lirtr.in the Lutheran church, til V M ami 7 l'.M. tfal.bath school at 'J J M. r'pr meeting every Wednesday ivanine at 7 o'clock. , . Hr Rev Hall, in St. Andrew s Episcopal e& ..i" A. M. and 7 P. M. . Sunday school at 3 P. M. l'ry meeting every Wednesday evcnm? t . o c.ock. By Il.'v. Butler.in the Presbyterian church, ,n.rnin Md evening. Sabt.ath e 100I at S Y. M. l'rayrr meeting every ediiesilay eveninir at 7 n'c-Wk. By lUv. W. II. Di'l, in the Methodist ohurVb, mornine and evening. Sabbath rhool at 9 A. M. Prayer met ting, every Thurv'av at 7 J P- M. Communion services First Sibbath of every month at 10 A. 31. St. Francis' church Mass at 10, A. M., th soeotid and fourth Sundavs of each month. . - . Another arrival of Beaver Cloaking toi ladies, at Wm. Reed k Co's. Vnr Snow On Sunday morning last. the earth was again bedeck ed with about thrre inches of snow, wlicrer.y we are aa nioniicd that winter in all its reality and seventy is bursting upon us. - - Thanksgiving Skrvh es. A union ser vice will Le held in the Presbyterian church of this borough, on Tlianktgtrii z day, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. The various congrena tu.ns, and the public generally, are cordial ly invited to be present. (.'Hriw'H Iedioatoix. -The dedication of the firt Methodist church in Bloom town ship, will take place on Sunday, the oth of Jicceailer next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The Rev. Ii;bison of Pittsburg will be preaent t-i preach the dedicatory sermon. . The Bev. Wilson in also expected to be piesont. The Her. James Clary, the partor in charge, cordially invites the public to attend. CorET. A court of couituoti pleas was in soskion all l:i.-t week, at which considerable civil business was disposed of. On Monday liioruing last, the Court again convened, and tip to this time much business has been iransarted. Tli attendance of persons thi.- week has greatly exceeded that of last week. Not beiiii able to procure the proceedings thus far had, for .10 day's Journal, we shall endeavor to give the entire doings of the two weeks in our next.' Fata'. ArriPFNT. On Friday last, a lit tle dunghierut Franklin McConuick ot Jor dan township, nged about i years, met with an ixvidenl ihat H'sulttd ill dculh. She a engaged in kindling a fire under a keltic in the yard, when lier clothes took fire, and be tin i lie flames could be extinguished s lie was mot terribly bin nt. She lingered in intense pain tint II Saturday uiorning. when death relieved her from her sufferings. The entile coimiiiiuity .ytiipaihize with the be reaved family in their sad affliction. Shot Arruir.XTAl.l.v. We learn that Mr. Hiram Woodward, of Huoton tp., was seriously injutcd h a gun in his own bauds, on Tuesday, of last week. He was out hinting, and, c lining to a log slide, he stop 1-ed to ulk with the person attending it. While engaged in conversation ho took the gun from his shoulder and set it on the side of the slide. Suddenly the gun slipped fm m its resting place, and the hammer ttrikingon the log discl.arged it the ballen teriiiS Mr. W's left arm near the wrist, enier ginz just below the elbow, and lodging in hi.' b dy near the shoulder. The injuries Musiained by him are of a serious character aril likely to prove fatal. Clearfield Academy. The second garter, of the present scholastic year, of the Clearfield Academy, will commence on Monday next, November 22d. The facili ties of ibis institution, for obtaining a good education, are unsurpassed by that of any tnnilar one in Central 'Pennsylvania. An additional attraction of the Academy is the importunity afforded of receiving instruc tions in vocal and instrumental music, under a competent teacher. Prof. Harrison de sfrres much credit tor the manner in which he conducts bin school, and the 'intenst he in.'or.fcsts in the advancement of his schol We cheerfully reommend this institu twn to all parents who desire to give their vhiluren a thorough practical education. An Oi -trade. A Kki.igiol'8 Conore- ation Iisti hf.d. On Thursday last, hi!ethe members of the Bartist church, this place, were engaged in prayer, some disposed fcounJrel threw a stone wcigh "s' three and a halt jounds, through the "f?r sah of a window into the house, but, fortunately, no one was 1 it with it. The '"we is rough and sharp cornered, and now i" oor pisession. Had it struck any per son al.ut the head it could not have failed 'i mtbet a serious, if not a fatal injury. It ' no uncommon occurrence for a certain m of individuals to prowl about the ehurehes in this town, arid keep up a racket and noie without, while the congregations orship within ; and the present outrage uP"n the members of the Baptist rhurch, is 't the natural offspring of the fiendiah '-'position manifested by these individuals nn other occasions. The disturbance of re I'cinus assemblies is one of the gravest of fences in the catalogue of er'uoes.and should di-countenneed by every g.Kd citizen. I( is to be hoped that the perpetrators of, diabolical act will be disaovered and mtiuLcd to the utmost extent of the law, 1 warning to others who are predisposed ui-turb christian worshipers while cnga i'! in roligious exercises. t . . . i ....... .-K Hurt nf T -l , 1 1 Coat anJ Press Buttons and Triruiuings, at in. lteeu oc v-o The Normal School is well provided with facilities for preparing teachers. It has a superior set of apparatus, lext lsooks in the common branchea are furnished free. A Word Of Advice. Parents desirous of securing to their sons the best facilities for acquiring a thorough practical Busiueas education are advised to send for circulars of the Iron City College, which can be obtain ed on application to the Principals, SiiUh & Cowley, Pittsburg, Pa. Will be opened on Friday the finest line' gents Bows, Ties and Gloves ever brought to town, ut Wm. Keed & Co'.i. Pitt3bubo Female Collkuic. The win ter term of this sterling institution will open on Monday, December 6th. It is in every way worthy of its large and select pat ronage, and we heartily commend it to our readers. Send to the president, llev. L C Pershing, for a catalogue. Died at the residence of his father, in this plaee. on Friday uiorning. November 12th, I860, James P. Kratzf.ii, after an illness of but three days. Mr. Kratzer was an exemplary young man, and much re spected by the entire corn ciunity. He was aged about 37 years. His remains were fol lowed to the Catholic cemetery, where they were interred, by an unusually large con course of people, on Monday last. Meteorological Report for the week ending Saturday, November Gth. 1S69, as furnished by K. Fenton, Esq., ol Penn tp. : Maximum of thermorueter,37onNov. 12th ; Minimum, 17 on Nov. 11th; Mean, from three daily observations 7 a. m. and 2 and 9 p. m. 25 Maximum of barometer, on 12th, 2$. 13. Minimum, on 7th, 27.80. Mean of I arometer 27. y9. Kain fell during week .351 of an inch. Dpth of suow, 4 inches. . Look Oct for Them. A certain set of sharpers, styling themselves "Wesley's Dra matic Troupe," are at present traveling ver the country and defrauditrg hotel keep ers, musicians, and printers, at every oppor tunity. Last week they performed at Phil ipkburg. Centre countr, tor several nights, and failing to pay the Cornet Band of that place for services rendered, t heir effects were levied on by the Constable to pay thj claims against them. - The. agent of the troupe, C. H. Scott, also contracted several small debts in this place, which remain unpaid in consequence of the seizure of.their proper ty at Philipsburg. Our brethren of the press elsewhere, and their friends, the hotel kcepeis, had better look out for these sharp ers lest they be defrauded by them. MARRIED: On Wednesday, Nov. l(iih.l.69. by Cha. Rohecker, Esq., Mr. Df.UUS Nkwkl and Miss Lydia M. Hoyt, both of Huston tp. On" Thursday Nov. 4th; ISO, by Chas. Ilol-ecker, Eq . Mr. Andrew Edimikr and Miss Jane Place, both of Huston to. DIED : At hi residence, at Becraria MilK on Friday. October 2Sth, lSiVJ, Amasa J. Smith, aced 65 vears. On Sunday. October 24th, 169. Hoi, den of Pike township, aged 87 y and 8 months. Wm ears ClearSeld Betail Kartrets. CoBKKCTan Br R. Dossor. Nov 17, HC9. Applea.dried lb, $ 12 Hay. ton. Si5(n Apples, green. bu, I pi) Hams. lb, 2 A pileluitcr, gal, 1 Oil Mimtlilera. ' IT Mutter lb. 40 Si.'e. - " 2(1 Heef fresh lb, HI LarJ, lb. 2. Reef, dried. 2S Oam. bu. 6il Kusitwhnat. bo.h. 1 2 Onions. 1 50 Puck wheat flour lb. 5 I'orK.lli, 14 Reans.bu, 2 fiO mess, bbl, 37 00 Boards, per M, IS 00 Putatuen. bj, I Oil LYrn.sbelled, 1 25 Plmter. bbl. 3 50 eara. I'll I'eiirhe. dri d, lb. 15 '- weal, 3 no Rye bosh, 1 4(1 Obop, rve, 3 25 Uaj.-i lb. " 3 niixed. " 2 60 8alt. per snok, 3 Ou 'hese. lb. 25 Shingles, H in. 5 0(1 Cherries, lb 111 2 in. al2 Oft Cbioken8,dre59ed;lb. 15 Timothy aeed, bu, 5 00 Kgs, 25 Wheat bu, 1 tin Flour, bbl. 7 50 Wool. lb. 45 STRAY. Came trespassini? on the prem ises of the subscriber, in Pike township, about the first of September last, a red and white spotted BCLL. with th end of hi. tail off. sup posed to be about tm years old, ef large growth. The owner is requested to come and prove bis property, pay charges and take bini away, or he will be disposed of as the law directs. Not 3-3tp. JOHN XORRI3. PROVISIONS. Just received at J. P. Kratzer' White Wheat Hour, Buck wheat Floor. Sifted Com Meal. Cranberries Sweet Potatoes. Lima Beans. Dried Peas. Butter. Cheese, Sugar-cored Hams. Dried Beef. Lard. Atmore's Mince Meat. Mess Pork. . Oat Meal. Tapioea. Rai sins. Citron. Dried Apples, Peaches. Cherries. Prunes, currants Pickles, Ketchup. Canned Peaebe. Strawberries. Gages Pitted Cherries, Corn Asparagus. Succotash, ilooey, Fpieed Oys ters. Tomatoes. CraeKera. As : rpll E WONDERFUL -LI NIM ENT. This Liniment having been used," for some yeais past. as a fami'y medicine by the pro prietor, and i La good effects eomin to the notice of his neighbors, has. at tbeir suggestion, con sented tomanufacture it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. Jt is (he best - remedy far Ca'arrh and Uillious Choiio. ever offered to th public; and will cur many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cur for Pol evil and Wind-galls in bnrses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price. SI per bottle, or six bottles for 5. bent to any address by enclos ing th price to ' WM 11 WA'i'lNEU Hurd PostorTise, Oet lri9. Clearfield courty, Pa. P O. THOMPSON, Lj' MERCHANT TAIL'ilt, Xo. 90S Walnut Street. Philadelphia. Especial attention is invited to this sommndi ous and beautiful establishment, the extensive stock of seasonable and desirable goods always on hand, the reputation obtained as a leader in fashions, and the great facilities possessed for the fabrication and prompt dispatch ol all orders. Although eminent In the prosecution of every branch of the trade, for the particular benefit of the great number dissatisfied. PA&TALOOX CVTTING.JVt a prrialttn. is announoed. whii-h is an art not obtained by imitation, but through close study, experience and practice. Those desiring easy and stylish panta'onns.ar t ited to give this method a trial. Oct 6 '6'J 3m 7ERY FISB blankets will be sold cheap s ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars c. fcr sale at MEHKELL A liMiLt.lt o. H ORSE-8HOE8. and horse-nails, to be had a Aug. IS. MERRELL A BIULEK'S H ARNESS. Trimmings, and Sboe-finding for alaat MERRKLL A HIULLK'S. S PRING GOODS Just opening a splendid st-ck new goods ai D.hKAlZtKi SONS. "VTOTICE. All persons indebted to the subseri her, are requested ta come and settle with out delay. K. MOSS0P. J flUILD i ycost a UILDRENS furs twenty-five percent less than SPECIAL NOTICE. St.Jtenek's Pulmonic Syrup, Seewecd Tonic and Mandrake Pills.wiU'eure Con sumption. Liver Cou.plaint and Dyspepsia, if ta aen according to directions. They are all three to be taken at the same time. They cleans the stomach, relax the liver, and put it to work ; then the appetite becomes good, the food digests and makes good blood, the patient begins to grow in fiesh the diseased matter ripens in the I ngs.and the patient outgrows the disease and gets well. This is tha only way to cure th consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenck. of rhilhflelphia. owes his unrivalled success in the treatment of pulmonary consumption The Pul monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs nature throws it off by an easy expeciora tion. for when the phlegm or nvaticr is ripe, a slight cough will throw it off. and the patient has rest and the luns begin to heal To do this, the Seaweed Tonie and Mindruke Pills must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver so that the Pulmonic Syrup a-id the food will make good blood. Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption Schenck's Seaweed Ton io is a gentle stimulant a-nd alterative, and the alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is niada ef, assists the stomach to throw out the gas trie juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonio Syrup, and it is made in to good blood without fer mentation or souring in the stomach The great reason why physiciansdo not cute consumption is they try to do too much ; they give medicine to stop the cough, to stop chiUs. to stop night sweats, hectic fever, ami by so doing tbey derange the whole digestive powers. locking up the secretions and eventually the pat;ent sinks aud dies. Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats chills or fever. Re move the cauie and they will all stop of tbeir own accord No One can be cured of consumption, liv er complaint, dyspepsiu. c.-rtarrb, eanker, ulcer ated throat.unleAlth liver and stomach are made healthy. If a person Irasoonsnmption.of oourse the lungs in soute way are diseased, either tubercles, ab scesses, bronchial irritation, pfeura adfiesion. or the lungs are a mass of inflatnation an t fast de caying. In such eases what must be done? It is uot only the lungs that are wasted, bnt it is the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost their power to make blood out of food. No the onlycbance is to lake Schenck's three medicines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin want food, it will digst easily and make good blood; then the patient begins to gain in flesh, and as aonn as the body begins to grow, the lungs be n to heal up. and the patient gets fletby and woll. This is the only way to cure consumption. When there is no lung disease, and only liver complaint and dyspepsia, Schenck"s seaweed Touicand Mandrake Pills are sufficient without the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills treely in all bilious complaints, as they are per fcotlj harmless. Dr. Schenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted bealth'for many years past, and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage i f j uluionsry oonsump'ion. bi phvsicians having pronounced his esse hopeles and abandoned him to his fa'e. fie was curod by the aforesaid niediciues.und since his recovery tiiany similarly ntHicred have ued lr Schenck's preparations with the same remarkable success The directions accompanying each, make it nut absolutely necess try to sae Dr. Schenck. unU's the patients wi:-h tbeir lungs examined, and for this purpose be is Professionally at his Principal office. Philadelphia every Saturday, where nil letters for advice must be addressed, tie is also professionally at No 32 Bond Street. New York, ever, oiber Tuesday, and at No. 3i Hanover St.. Boston, every other Wednesday. He tivesadvicc free, but for a thorough examination with hi ltespirometor the prie is Si. Office hours it each city from a A. M to 3 P. M. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton is each SI Ml per bottle, or id 50 a half-doien. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggists. , PR. T. II. SCHEXCK. Ap. 7,f9 ly 15 V ftiA St.. Phil'a. Va T7ie th rcl'mhle cure for nrSPEPSIA'lX THE AT.Voir.V WORLD lr Wishart's (Jront American Dyspep. ia Pills. and Pine 'i ree Tar Cordial are a positive and in fallible cure for dyspepsia in its most aggravated form, and r.o matter t.f bow long standing 1 bev penetrate the secret abode of this teirible disease and exterminate it. root and branch. for"vr. I Uey a lleviate more atny and silent suffering than tongue can tell. 1 hey are noted for curing i be most desperate und hopeless cases, w hen every Lrinwn mcwis fail to afford re'icf No form. of dvspepsi-tor indigestion can resist thai, penetra ting power Dr Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. It is the vital priuciple of the Pine Tree, ob tained by a peculiar ) roccss in the distillation of i be tar. by wbicb its highest medical pioperties are retailed It invigorates the d'gcs'ive organs and rf stores the appetite It streiigibens the de bilitaied system. It iurifU'S and enriches tha blood, and expels from the at stem the corru; tion which scrofu'a breeits on tbo lungs. It dissolves the mucus or pblegiu which stoos the-air passages i f the lungs I ts healing principle acts upon the irritated suifaceof the lungs and throat pen rating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subiluing ii, (Initiation. 1 1 is the result of years of study and experiment, and it is .ffered to the af flict.-d wi'b positive assurance of its power to cure the fallowing diseases, it (be patient has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure: I.' nmytinn of thr L'tii. Co-ih. Sore 'V .mat and iirrat. hronrkiti. Ijvcr Comp'atttt. li'm I an t i!er1iiz Pile) Asthma. W hooping Cuitsft, A medical expert, holding high collerriate hon ors, uevoles bis entire time to the examination of patients at the office parlors Associated with him are three consulting physicians of acknowl edged eminence whose services are given lo the public free of cbarge. This opportunity is offer ed by no other institution in the country Letters from any part of the country, asking advic will be promptly aud gratuitously respouded to Where convenient, remittances should take the shape of drafts or post office orders Price of Wishart a American Dyspepsia Pills $1 a box Sent by mail on receipt of price. Pi ice of Wishart's Pin Ttee Tar Cordial, $1.50 a bot tle, or $1 1 per dozen. Sent by express All communications shou Id be addressed. I. (J C. WISHART. M. D., No. 332 North Second Street, Oct 27,'69-3m Philadelphia T J. CUNNINGHAM; " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Real Estate Agent and Conveyancer, TTRO.tC, BLAIR COCKTV, PA. Special attention given to the collection of claims. Tyron, Pa., January 27, 189-tf ANKING A COLLECTION OFFICE MrfllRK A PERKS. Successors to Foster. Perks, Wright A Co., Philipsblbo. Cestkb Co., Pa. Where all the business of a Banting House will be transacted promptly and upon the most favorable terms. March 20 -tf. j. d.m'gihk. ewd pr.it a 3. 0, YES! 0, YES!! A (JOOD FARM FOR SALE Persons desirous of purchasing a farm, are di rected to eximine thai valuable property in Law reuce township, and situare at the mouth of Clearfield creek two miles tast of the Borough of Clearfield, and convenient to schools and churches. The property contains OXE 1IUXDRED AXO TWKX'rr A:KHS. part of which is im proved and under a high state of cultivation the w'lole being well fenced Coal, iron ore, and other minerals art found on the same The buildings eon-ist of a good TWO-STOR Y 1) WELLIXli UOUSE.iHbj 4S feet a GOOD BARX'. and other coovenii n t ou tbuildiisgs And there is growing on the premises a young bearing orchard of choice fruit trees. This property is very pleasantly situated aad being at the confluence ef the creek and the river, it is a very desirable and inviting residence for a private family. Its position on th creek aod river also render it n good situation for a board ing house during the rafting season. The west and north sides of this property being bounded by the creek and river, makes it one of the best rafting grounds in this seotion, and as such yields a handsome revenue year y The owner. Mr M. A. Frank, having perma nently settled in the west, is the reason for dis posing of this valuable propertv. For terms, etc., apply to S. J. ROW. October 6, 186J). Clearfield. Pa. IB A CON. Hams. Sides and Shoulders at reduced prices: at MOSSOP'S. MUST BE SOLD ! CLOSING OUT AT COST AT THE KEYSTONE STORE! The uadersistieeT, intending' to retire from' the mercantile business is new closing out his en tire stock of goods at an below cost, comprising SILKS, MERINOS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, EM TRESS CLOTH, WOOL DELAINES, MEN'S AND BOYS' CASSIMERBS, CLOTHS, SATTINKTTiS, KENTUCKY JUAXS, DEN INS, LADIES' CLOAKINtf, COATS, SHAWLS, Ac. A full tin of Domestic Goods, DELAINES, SHEETINGS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, COTTON FLANNELS, (SCO. SiCy LADIES' & CHILDREN'S SHOES, GUM & ARCTIC OVEPtSnOES, II ATS AND CAPS, Tabla ind" Floor Oil Cloths, Carpeta all widths, Window Shades and Wall Paper, A great variety of Hosiery, Notions And Trim mings of every description. Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Velvets. Ribbons, Balmoral aud lioop Skirts, Linen and Wool Table Covers. Napkins, Tewels, Counterpanes, a lurge assortment of Lad:a and Children's Wool floods, Nubias, Shawls, AO re r sons in want of anything in the above line of Good are invited to give me a call, and obtain goods at wholesale prices. D. G SIVLING. Grain and country produce taken in exchaage forGoods. Nov- 10, 1?H. IX'KE BUCK LEAD, eoual io quality to - Enii.-li white lead; Oils. Paints and Varuiebes of all kinds; Gold leaf in books, and bronzes, for sale by A. I. calAW Clearfield, October 2. IS67. P. T. I. DR. DOVER'S rt'RK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure, Pleasant , Safe and RolliibIeTonic.com pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pnre spirits, free from fusil oil, or other irritating properties, aad will not disagree or offend tbo moss d 1 1 icate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal virtue than any bitters at present offered to the public. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. i'd increase the Appetite, To promote Digestion, To cure Dispepsia, To cure Fever and Ague, To cure Billiousnes!?, To cure Constipation, v To cure Chronic Diarrhea, To cure Flatulence, To cure Acid Eructations, To cure Nervous Debility, To cure Hypochondria, To cure sallowness of the Complexion, To cure Pimples and Blotches, To cure General Debility and Prostration of the Physical Powers, IT IAS XO EQUAL TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHERE. AT SI PER EOTTLE. .4 liberal ditrount to tht trod. HASCrACTI BBO BXCLtSIVELY Br DOVER & SHAW, CLEARFIELD, PA., Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dy Stuffs. Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Ac, Patent Medicines. Pure Wines and Liquors for medical purpo.es, Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all goods usually j kept in a Drug Store, sold I I MaylO.Vj. cheap. Nov. 3,'69. I O A L AND L 1 M E. The undersigned having perfected arrangements is now prepared to fill order for either coal burnt or wood-burnt lime, and Anthracite coal. Yard at the Railroad depot. Ttro coal at RST Lixi 3 era. a BusnsL. IEL! EFOXTS COAL Bt. BT 40 CT1. A BCSBKL. " woou-BcaxT 45 cts. ' Feb I4.1SSU R. B. TAYLOR ?E7 BOOT AND SHOS SHOP. K 1) V,' A R D MACK, Market CrtTsol. nearly opposite the resideaeeof 11. R. Swoop. Esq., Clkarsikld, Pa., Would respectfully announce to th oiuiens ef Clearfield and vicinity, that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, ia th building lately occupied by J L. Cuttle. ss a law office. and that be is determined not to be outdone either ia qaality of worS or prices. Byecial attention given to the manufacture of sewed work, f rencn a.ip anu Calf Skins, of the tast duality, always on hand. Give him a call. June 14. 64. J J Q 31 K INDUSTRY"! B60TS AND SHOES Made to Order at tlie' Lowest Rates. Th undersigned would respectfully Invite th attention of th eitiaens of Clearfiel i and vicini ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he Is prepared to make or repair any tbi sg in bis line. Orders entrusted to him will ba executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra freneh calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will finish up at the lowest figures. Junel3th,18R6. DANIEL COBXKLLY EV STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD II ILL 8, Cle&r5ekl oounty. Th nndariigned. having opened a largo and well selected stock of goods, at Bald Mflli. Clear field county, respectfully solioit a share of peklie patronage. Tbeir stock embraces Dry Goods, Greceriea, Hard war. Queans ware.Tin-war, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, ready made Clothing, aad a gea eral assortment of Notions, eto. They always keep on hand th best Quality of Flour, and a variety of Feed All goods sold cheap foroash, or exchanged far approved country produce. 0 Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are predared to saw all kinds of lamber t order. Orders solicited, and pnnetually fillod. Nov.20,lS7. F. B. A A. IRWIX. QIGAIiS AND TOBACCO. ADOLPH SCIIOLPP, MlSCFACTt BItt A-r WnoLESAI.B ASD K K-IAJk Dealer ii Cicars ax Tobaccos, CLEARFIELD, PA., , Would resj-ectfully announce that h has remov ed to the large and commodious store-room, op posite the Court House, Second Street, where he has opened a general assortment of Tobaeco. Cigars. ete.. which he isprepared tesoll, wholesale or retail, at reasonable prices. His cigars are made rf th very best material, and in style of manufacture will oompare with those of any other establishment. He has always on hand a superior article of chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which he di rects the attention of - loversof the weed." Merchants and Dealers, throughout the county supplied at th lowest wholesale prices. Call and examine his stock when you oome to Clearfield. Jan It). lSto. JJ F. N A U L , WATCH MAKES, GRAIIAM-S ROVY, CLEARFLEJLu. The undersigned reipeotfully informs his old customers and th public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock or Clocks, watches ana jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and l.evers, lime, MriKe aud Alarm clocks. WATCHES a fine assortment, o fsilver Hunt, ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD PENS, as elegant assortment, of th best quality. Also, ia silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large asiortmont, far and near sight, colored and plait glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full sot ALSO, fine assortment of Spoons. Porks, bat ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. ALSO, Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting got up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry car fully repaired and Warruntrd. A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth, IH6. H. V. SACGLK. JUST IN TIMS! THE KIW GOODS AT A. K. WRIGHT & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., Having just returned from the eastern allies w ara now opening a fall stocx of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, t wbioh they respectfally invite th attention of th pub lic generally. Our assortment is ansnrpassed in this section, and is being strld very lew for cash. The stock consults in part of DRY GOODS of th best quality, such as Prints, Delaines. Alpa cas. Merinos. Ginghams ; alaslins. hleaebed and unbleached; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Cassimera. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Ma bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts, Balmorals. Ac. Ae.. all of wHch will be sold low fro casd. Also, a fine assortment of th best f MENS WEAR, consisting of Drawers and Skirts, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Handkcrohieftt cravats, ete. Also, Raft Rope, Dor Rojitv RalHna Augur and At. Nails and Spikes. Tinware, Lamas and Lamp wicasand chimneys, etc., etc Also, Queensware, Glassware. Hardware, Groo ries. and spices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, alt chtaffor cash, or approved ooaniry produce. Not. 23-jaI0-nol3. WRIGHT A SONS. pURNITURE ROOMS. JOHN GU ELICIT, Desires to inform hi old friends and enstomers that, having enlarged his shop and inereased hu facilities for manufacturing, he is new prepared to make to order such furniture as may ba desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on hand at hia Furniture Reoms, ' a varied assortment bf furnitare, among which is BI KEAI S ASD SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes aad Book -eases; Centre. Sofa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jea-ny-Liind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS. IIAI RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glass fcr old frames, which will be put ir. on very rrcr.able terms, outsort notice. II also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, flair. Corn-husk. Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. corn .vs. or every ki Mads to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, Hons painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash, or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchacjr for furniture. Remember the shop is on M timet street, Clear field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." December 4, 1S61 JOHN GfELICtt. c Q AWED LUMBER. The undersigned having started in the Lumber business, near Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., is now pre pared to furnish pin boards, clear an-pnel stuff Ao. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order and shipped on short notiew. C. R. MACOMBER. tsceol Mills. May 5, lS69-tf. ClearSeld co.. Pa. R E M O V A L G UN SHOP The undersigned begs leave ta inform his old and new customers, and the public generally, that he has fitted up a new GIN SHOP, on th lot on the corner of Fourth and Market streets. Clearfield, Pa., where be keep constantly on hand, and makes to order, all kinds oi Guns Also, guns rebored and revarcished, and reraird neatly on short notiee. Orders by mail will r oeive prompt attention. June 9, 1369. JOHN MOOR8. rpiIE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the Railroad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, Ta. O. D. GOODFELLOW : -. : : : Paoraiaioa. A new first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the modern improvements the best of Liquors prompt attendance, and rea sonable charges. The patronage of the publie is respectfally solicited. jy-21-tf P. KRATZER, CfVarSeld, Peno'a,- Dealer ia Dry Goods, Dresi Goods. Mlllinert Goods, Groceries. Hard-ware, Queeus-war, Stoa ware, Clothing. Bouts, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Floui. Baoon, Fish, Salt, etc., is constantly receiving sea supplies from tha cities, which hs will dispose of at the lowest market prices, to customer. Before purchasing elsewhere, examine his stock. Clearfield, August 2S, l'3.r. QL-0 THING! CLOTHING!! GOOD AJTD CHEAP!!! Men, Yonths and Boys' can be suplpfed with ful aits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at RfclZENSTElN BROS ft CO., where it ia sold at prices that will indue theii purchase. Th universal satisfaction which be. been given, has induced them to increase theii s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of th kind in this part of th Stat. Reizenstcin Bro's A Co., Selt goods at a very small profit, for oash; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one th worth of his money They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body els. llietrstor I conveniently itatd They hating purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they can sell cheaper tl an others iTor these and other reasons persons should bu tbeir clothing at REIZbXSTEfN BhO'S A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the hihes market prices. May 18, ISI54 J E W SPRING STOCK! J, SUA W Sl SON. Have Just returned from the east and are no opening an entire new stoek of goods in the rom formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the public- at lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment oi Dry Goods, Groceries. Queensware, Hardware.. Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. Bonnets, Dress Goods. Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, eto. . in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store can be hud Ly calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock II wall selected, and consists of ii newest goods, is of the best quality, ef th latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cask or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine oar stock before making your purchases, as we are determined nleas all wh may favor as with their custom. MayS.IS87. J. SHAW A SON. a. l. iieii a. F. HOOP. J. JOS is. J.r.wa v;" NOTICE w. ro ! V.W.IITTI CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Meskri. HOOP. WEAVER A CO., Proprietor, would respectfully inform th citixens of th county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLACING mIlL, In this Beruug h, with th KcStand latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and ar now prepared to exeeat all orders In their line ot Business, such as r louring, Weatlierboarding, Sajh, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings,- of all kinds. They have a large stoek of dry lamber en hand, and will pay cash for dear stuff, oo-nd-a-hH inch pannel plank preferred Nov S. 'T. Ii E M 0 V A L ; IIARTSWICK & IRAVlN; DRUGGISTS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. W"e beg lenve to inform our old aod new eusto me.s. that we have removed our establishment to the new building just erected on Market street, nearly adjoining the Mansion Hon.se on tbe west, and opposite Graham A Sons4 store, where we re spectfully invite the publie to eome and bay their DRUGS, CHEMICAL, PA TEXT MED1 CIXES, OILS. PAIXTS 4- VARX1SIIES. Ourstock of Drugs and Medieineseonsist of every thing used, soleored with the greatest care, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! We also keep a full stock of Dyes. Perfumeries Toilet articles. .Soaps. Tooth Brushes. Hair Brush es, Whitewash Brushes, and eVery otter kind of Brushes. We have a la' ge lot of White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and ia fact vervthinf used in the painting business, which we offer at City prices to cash onyers. TOBACCO AXD SEGARS, Confectionery. Spices, and the largest aleek of va rieties everonered in 'bis place, aaa warraniea to be of the best the market affords. .1. U. 11 ARTSWICK, Dec. 2, 1SC.8. JOHN F. IRWIN. PITTSBCRO ADVERTISEMENTS JAS T. BRADY & CO., (Sueetssort to S. Jortn ir Co.,) CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD S1RE2TS, PITTSBURGH, PA., BANKERS, BPTAND SELL ALL K1KDB Ot GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silrer and Coupons. Six per eeat. Interest allowed oa deposits sub ject to checkv Money loaned on Government Bonder lionds registered free of cbargv May lSfl-ly. JAMES T. BR ADY f C'?: rjaiE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY",- . v,r rii i-srsi, null. Incorporated by the Lnriid.rtnrr o f Prunsvlvmntn, Janitor. 24. mf7 1'i,r tXm Safe keeping of Bonds and other Securities tiold ana Mirer, fcilver Plate. Hooks Record- Dia monds, and valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee, and for th Renting of Sales, in it o.r J . tiuuamgand Olac, .'.. S.I fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh. Pa OLASAMEB UATLS. Sot a year or I sj , period. Gov t and all ot'nsr eodpoo eea- rities. It eluding bank bills, $1 do per 1 Gt'D (sold coin or bullion, 1 24 per ! ,1- Silver coin or bullion. 2 tlu war l.ouli Silver or Gold plate, under seal.on owner's estimate of full value, and rate subject ta adjustment' fcr bulk, on a basis "t 1 00 per1 1000 Deeds, Mortgages, Valuable Papers geaeralty. wben of no fixed' value, 5! a year each, or ac cording to bulk, Wilts. Sj.whrc-h priimruin eor crs the remainder of the lit of the maker. Cash Boxes, or small tin boxes, for pai ers of Backers, Capitalists Merchants. Lawyers. Traifesmerr Kara ites. Ac, will be received at Sllieticb box- or trirtik per year, or they w.ll be insured for the full - mount the contents being known, al above ra:s. No cbarge less than one dollar. The comp.iay is also prepared to rent small iron sates, (each lnr nirbed with a tin b- xl inside iis burglar pv,of vault the renter exclusively holding the key thereof, at the following rates.vix : ilh. StK :is, 6(l. S75; and $100 per annum Also, to Sior Uooks, Account Records, Valuable Title Parpen, eie.. at reasonable rates. Offk'krb. President. William Philips; Vie President. Henry Lloyd ; Directors Win Philips. Henry Lloyd. Wm. Kea, Wm. M Lyon. Jaaies I. Bennett. Byron II. Paiolar. Joseph H. Morris, n, Cieorge Black. Curtis i Hussey; Secretary and Treasurer. S. F. Von BoDnbnrst Scp 27-3m. J)R. B . CLARK'S CILIBSIATCa FEMALE TILLS, I OR SALS at Boyer A Shaw aad Ilartsaiek A Irw'&f Clearfield, Pa. Aug 4,'fl-ly Retail Price, J f 58 pr paekage. SravRron General's Orncs, 1 . Harrisburg. Pa., Oct. 22, tt6. To thi Ovntra of UiipalrutrH Lands : In obedience to an Act cf Assembly . a proved tbe eighth day of April, one thousand eignt hun dred and sixty-nine, you are heieby notified. that the '-County Land l.ien Docket." containing tb list of unpatented lands for t'ieaifieldcouiity.pie parcd under the Act of Assembly of the io: n of May one thousand eight burdred and sixt.four, and the supplement thereto, has this dsy Letn forwarded to the Prtthouotary ef the bounty, at whose office it may be examined. The liensean only be liquadated by tbe i.atinent cf the pur chase money, interest and fees, and receivir.g pat ents tbroogh this Department JACOB M. CAMPBELL. Oet 27.'fl9-im Snrvryor Genera!. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE . ,: AT PRIVATE SALE.. ... The undersigned offers at private safe the un divided one half, or the whole cf tbe Bald Kit's Property, in Girard. township, Clearfield co.. Pa. Said property contains about FIFTEEN lil'N DRLD ACHLSof land, well limbered with Ptae, Hemlock and Oak. A good STEAM SAW MILL. fifty horse power, with rapacity 'o ewt V" (M'f !"'. per day, is ereeted thereon. Also, a Picket. ."-b in gle and Lath Mill connected. The machinery is comparatively new and in good order. Persons wishing to purchase can receive far ther information in regard to prie. Ac . h eas ing on JOIi.N II. t l Lr OK l, Clearfield. Penn a , ALEX 1RV1N, on th premises, or th rder- signed. , Ang ll,18693u. JAMES IK VIN. Sen. M0NEV is an article despised by none, and we are row prepaied to show how all may posses It in abun dance, by following a few simple instruction which will be given FREE ' . ; of chn'rg. except th trifling cum of 25 cents as a guarcnte of good faith lht busine.-s is inex haustible, and thousands are now engsfred in it; while to their friends th causa r.f tbeir great success and prosperity remains a mystery. Any party engaging wilt irequentiy. receive sealed packages ty express or mail. Further than this the bniiness is all ttt yourself, - AS the article can t earriad in (be vest pekr. ex cept ahen wanted for use. . It reeds your atten tion but one or twodsy in the week, or a couplo of hours' daily, wbiob its be after other busice it over. All engaging must be of first "WATER. Kane but good smart mea wanted. wh can kesp their business to taeaiselves. art confidentially, with me. and make ftotu SitoSIO fu every hour's service Act promptly Begin now and a Fortune is yours. Inclose with yoar address ti cents and you will get full .-articular by return mail. Address, K F HALLET. Nov. 3-3t. Box Si&Titusviii. P. LIFE INSURANCE vC0MPARIS0N. AUemxtager of tht MUTUAL Plan over Inm RrtHru Prtmium. Plan of STOCfC CO MPAX1ES; RATES. Return Pr't AJalual Diff'rrneo Yar Afr. Plan Plan on !,l!00 ! OH) 40 4tl B5 $32 00 3 65 Si0 45 64 20 37 30 1 I9 00 50 75 60 47 00 ' 2 SO 25 M 65 10V 35 6tl 40 4 V6 439 60 ' On tha ages named th rate of th Stock Com- any ara from 25 to S4 percent, higher th- B tha luttial raws. RESULTS. Policy for $5,000 at I Policy In tb Mutual age of 32, on the return Company same age. half premium plan of Stock , cash, half not, for $16. Companies. annual pre- I HCO.will cost in lOye.irt, mium.all cash, f I-1V 50. in cash, including in aud k Dividend to be terest on notes. H.iOJ mad. In esse of death I But tb Mutual Co in pa st end of 10 year, tb I ny will pay th Stock Company will pay th Am"t of Policy $5,000 Return Premium X.iti Atn't of Poliey SI .W Less Pr'm sou 6to S.S05 Cash S.iO and 4 dividends. in Cash Showing that for 5110 m' CVA Premti.m.. thkgain on tha Mutual alaa to the insured a.om ber family is Fttv Per Cent r-bould death oceur at th end ot ayear. the eompansou wald Cltsh p'd Stock Co .SW SO-p'd to famitySS MT - Mutual $705 (10- - !,MM 0 and dividend . At lhageof 40, th Mutual plan tor 1.1 40 Cash Premium will yield MO ; while the Stork plan for S2 031 60, Cash Premium, yields $7.C3S.. 50. Showiag a gain on tbe mutual plan of 62, 327 5f, aad dividend. INSL'RK TOUR LIFE TN THK PENN MUTUAL. OF PIIILADEUPniA. II. B. SWOOPE, Agent, .ly. H,Via-tf Clearfl'!, Pa. h TTTT If