Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 17, 1869, Image 2

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    glje affemcro' gournaf, gfearftcfb, Iga., gloncfflfier 17, i860.
Raftsman's Journal.
Gold closed in New York, on Saturday
. last, at J:!6.
United States bonds were quoted at 89",
at Frankfort, on last Saturday.
A recent fire in the Dismal Swamp explo
ded hundreds ot shells thrown into it during
the war.
Charles J. Folger, State Senator of New
ork, has been appointed successor to Gen.
Butterfield, as Assistant U. S. Treasurer in
New York.
Prescott, Xevadm, mast be a cheap plaoe
to live. Flour is $36 in gold per barrel; but
ter $2 per pound ; eggs $2 per dozen, and
other necessaries in proportion.
At a meeting of th Cuban Junta in New
York, on Friday last, a Spanish spy was dis
covered among the number present, and
was taken down e tails on the toe of a boot.
Served him right.
Haytien advices state that the city of
Meragoate was captured by the rebels about
the middle of last month, through the treach
ery of General St. John, who was afterwards
tried and executed.
The final decision in the Yerger case will
likely be delayed for some action by Congress,
with a full consent of the Court, which, evi
dently, finds itself in a quaudary, with an
elephant on its hands.
The Fenians have aimed a heavy blow at
England, which is likely to tell. The Am
nesty Committee calls on Irishmen to reduce
the English revenue by abstaining from the
use of tobacco until the imprisoned Fenians
are released. The committee evidently
means business.
The Baltimore City Court has rendered a
verdict of $15,000 for the plaintiff, in the
case of Beck vs. the Northern Central Kail
road. The husband of the plaintiff was
crushed to death between the cars of de
fendants in the fall of 1S58. Defendants
have moved for a new trial.
In the District of Columbia Supreme
Court, Chief Justice Carter, on Wednesday
last, rendered a decision that he would no
longer allow criminals to be released, after
their guilt bad been established, merely be
cause of a technical flaw in the indictment.
This most salutary decision should become
the law of the land.
The Democracy in Kansas appear to be ret
rograding very fast. Two years ago they had
thirty members of the Legislature, while
this year their strength will not exceed twelve
in a body of one hundred and sixteen mem
bers. They carry but portion of their
ticket in the three Missouri river counties of
Leavenworth, Atchison and Wyandotte.
The Secretary of the Avondale Rolicf
Fund has at last made a statement. He has
received $31,239 50, of which $10,723 80
Las been paid to the widows and orphans;
$57,850 C5 has been invested partially in
United States and Railroad bonds or depos
ited at five percent, interest, and $! 2, 665 05
remain in his hands to be invested 'soon in
Railroad bonds.
The Louisville Courier-Journal (Demo
cratic) is not an admirer of Judge Dent. It
aaya the "Dent butiuess begins to look as if
it was a bad investment," and that in Mis
sissippi there "is a lurking suspicion in the
minds of the masses, which the best politi
cal management finds it hard to combat,
much less to repress, that Dent-ism is mere
genteel carpet-haggery."
In a lata letter, Mr. C. L. Vallandigham
"doubts whether a single accepted issue of
the day will, at least in the present shape,
constitute any part of the subjects of discus
aion in 1S72. It wenis evident, too, that
the position of public men will be greatly
changed." From which we infer that, in
all probability, Val. may "change" into the
Republican rauks which we would greatly
The Louisville Courier. Journal expresses
lbs opinion that as the Cincinnatians have
excluded the Bible from the public schools,
"the next thing they will do will be to abol
ish the dictionary, put out the gas lights,
and move down to Louisville." Shouldn't
wonder ; as tlie Democratic portion of the
Cincinnati School Board would find more
congenial companions there, than any other
place we could or Die.
Brick Pomeroy says : "The editor of the
J ribune takes his defeat as a blind pig takes
its milk, without a grunt or squeal We
like Horaoo. God didu't make that nobis
head of bid for nothing. The Democratic
majority that rained down upon him in this
city didn't ctart him a wink no more than
trickling molasses over a stove griddle or a
warm rain would set in a tremor the statue
of Washington at Union Square."
Tb World keenly cririoises Gov. Hoff
man for promising too much, and for dis
playing a degree of assurance too large for
bis abilities and for the situation. At the
same time the Executive is oooly warned
that he it to be held responsible, after his
speech, for all tHe corruption of the next
Legislature, which be espouses in advance,
with more than a lover's confidence. The
cat under all this meal is the determination
of the ChasemeD tp crowd Hoffman off the
track in 1S72.
A War of Fire in Cuba.
General Cespedes, President of the Cu
ban Republic, has issued a decree urging
the Cubans devoted to the cause of inde
pendence to the destruction of every sugar
cane field on the island, and that "the ripe
ning tobacco crop be also destroyed as far as
may be, whether in the field or gathered
for curing." The object is to reduce as far
as possible the revenues of $37,000,000
which Spain derives from Cuban sugar, to
bacco and other products, and from which
she obtains her sinews of war. The eman
cipated blacks, who know every plantation,
road and by-path on the island, are to be
chiefly employed in this war of fire. "The
more effectually," says Cespedes, "this
work of destruction is accomplished the
more swiftly will our holy .cause be advanced
and the goal of freedom reached." This
has a startling sound ; but such is war. It
is precisely the course pursued by Sheri
dan, under the orders of Graut, iu the
Shenandoah Valley, and by Sherman on
leaving Atlanta for his march to the sea.
Cespedes also aims to strike the enemy in
his most vulnerable point, and we may ex
pect, therefore, that there will be such ter
ribl illuminations over Cuba meantime that,
with the meeting of Congress, the attention
of the two Houses will be drawn by Gener
al Grant to the expediency of some decisive
measures of intervention in behalf of peace.
Self Disfranchisement.
A numerous class of citizens exist in this
country who habitually refrain from voting
while they profess to be very tenacious of
the rights and privileges guaranteed them by
the laws under which they live, and who
generally are the first to grumble at the re
sults produced by their own apathy or neg
lect to exercise the elective franchise. The
Newark Advertiser, on the eve of the New
Jersey election, in alluding to this self-disfranchised
class, said :
'If a large and respectable class of citizens
were deprived by law or by violence of the
right to vote to morrow, they would go to
work and spare no pains for the recovery of
what they justly consider an inestimable
privilege. Yet every year there is just such
a class of citizens, men who disfranchise
themselves, abandon what they would fight
for if it were not their own, and so commit
political suicide, ihey omit to vote and
place themselves under the control of parti
san masters."
Here is a little food for reflection, worthy
the attention of allodia class of Republicans
in Clearfield county. Had our party friends
exercised this most inestimable right of good
citizens the right of voting the majority
against us would have been several hundred
less in this county. We hope all will re
member this fact, and that in the future they
will not abnent themselves from the polls.
Ahead of Clearfield.
The following item appears in several of
our exchange papers :
"The Erie County Commissioners, on the
petition of the Return Judges, have allowed
each member of the Election Boards three
days' pay for holding the late election, in
stead ot two as heretofore.
The Commissioners of Clearfield county
allow but one day's pay to election officers.
For the life of us, we never could see any
good reason why election officers in this
county should be compelled to perform twen
ty hours labor for one day's wages, while la
borers have to perform but ten hours' work
for the 6ame pay. Other counties pay elec
tion Boards for two and three days' services,
and why should those of Clearfield county
not receive an equal amount for the same
services? We commend this subject to the
careful consideration of the county commis
sioners, and hope that their decision will be
in favor of an increase of pay to election offi
cers in the future. "The laborer is worthy
of his hire."
Late Publications.
Peters' Musical Monthly. The No
vember number of this highly popular work,
is before us. It contains several of the
newest and best pieces of music. Lovers of
music should by all means subscribe for it.
Price $3 a year. Address J. L. I'eters, 599
Broadway, New York.
Godfy's Lady' Book. The Decem
ber, or holiday number, of this greatly ad
mired magazine is out. It contains two
steel plates two Christmas plates colored
plate of a cushion in" bead work a large
sheet ot embroidery patterns and niany
other attractive features. Price $3 a year.
Address L. A. Godey, Phil's.
Stuggoxi AHnTmmi'lii, or forty years' recollec
tions or P. 1. Karnum. Written bj himself.
Illustrated: 7S4 pp. Hartford, Cocn., J. B.
Burr Co. 1869.
From jhe well-known publishing-house
of J. B. Bnrr k Co. of Hartford, Conn.,
comes the above entitled work, fresh, pi
quant, and full of interest. "The Great
Showman" having retired to private life in
the shades of his cherished "Waldemere,"
(a picture of which accompanies his book,)
has been induced to give the public his "ex
periences" during forty active years, in a
large volume of 784 pages, adorned by over
thirty excellent engravings. His public ca
reer of over "forty busy years" has been
most evcntlul, and is recited to us herein in
spirited narrative, beguiling the reader irre
sistably on to the end as surely as he open?
the book. The work is not only exceeding
ly instructive in that interesting study, hu
man nature, but abounds in numerous anec
dotes well told. Whoever likes fun mingled
with good sense, or would learn "men and
things," thoroughly, and "how to get along
in the world," and "make money," will be
delighted with Barnuni's "Struggles and
The book contains his celebrated lecture
on "The Art of Mouey-Getting," which ex
cited so much interest and comment in Eng
land" and this country, a few years ago, and
which is worth in itself many times the cost
of the book. As a traveler Barnum exhib
its as much genius a in any other character,
and it is highly amusing to follow him on
his journeys. The trpoeraphy of the book
is excellent, of clear, bold type, easily read,
and does credit to the publishers.
"Struggles and Triumphs" is a peculiar
book in every way, and is one of those
works fortunately adapted to domestio read
ing, tj be taken up, if one likes, "every
now and then," and opened at any paire,
furnishing cheerful reading for the passing
hour. However, whoever takes it up will
be apt to be lured on to the end before he
stops, to full of iuterest is it.
Deaths of Prominent Men.
One by one they are passing away. Last
week we announced the decease of two emi
nent men that of Rear Admiral Charles A.
Stewart, and George Peabody, Esq., and
now we record below the deaths of Maj. Gen.
John E-Wool, Hon. Robert J.Walker, Hon.
Amos Kendall, and Ex-Governor Thomas
G. Pratt, of Maryland.
This old veteran soldier died at his resi
dence in Troy, New York, on "Wednesday
morniDg, November 10th, 1869, aged 86
General Wool was born in Newburg.New
York, in 1789. ne was engaged iu the
study of law in Troy when the War of 1812
broke out, and he at once entered the army
as captain of the Thirteenth Infantry. He
was shot through both thighs in storming
the hights of Qaeenstown, and afterwards
distinguished himself at Plattsburg and
Beekmantown. After the clo?e of the war
he was promoted, in 1821, as Inspector
General of the army, in 1826 as brevet brig
adier general. He was in constant military
service, on various duties, and obtained his
full brigadier rank in 1S41.
At the commencement of the Mexican
war he was detailed to raise volunteers at
the Wet. In less than six weeks he dis
patched 12,000 troops, armed and equipped,
and afterwards took command of 3,000
troops, and made a march of nine hundred
miles, from San Antonia de Bexar to Sal
tillo, without losing scarcely a man. He se
lected the field of Buena Vista, and com
mantled in that battle until General Tay
lor's arrival. General Taylor paid him a
high compliment in his official dispatches
for vigilence, activity, and gallantly. In
January, 1854, General Wool received the
compliment of a sword and a vote of thanks
from Congress for his services in Mexico.
At the opening of the Rebellion, General
Wool at once tendered his services to the
Government, and was employed in organiz
ing and forwarding the first regiments raised
in New York. He re-inforced Col. Diniick
at Fortress Monroe, on his own responsibili
ty, and thereby saved that important post.
In August, 1861, he was made commander
of the Department of Virginia. It was du
ring this command that President Lincoln
made his celebrated visit to Fortress Mon
roe, which resulted in the capture of Nor
folk by an expedition under General Wool,
May 10, 1862. He was shortly afterwards
transferred to the Middle Department with
his headquarters at Baltimore. His com
mission as full Major General in the regular
army dates May 16, 1862.
Since that time. General Wool has lived
in retirement at Troy, and died full of years
and honors. Stewart and Wool, two of the
few survivors of the prominent sailors and
soldiers of the war of 1812, have paased a
way together, both leaving behind them
honorable records of gallant and patriotic
services through long lives devoted to the
cause of their common country.
This well known and distinguished citi
zen, altera long and painful sickness, died
at his residence in Washington city, on
Thursday morning, November 11 th, 1869,
in the 68th year of his age.
Robert James Walker was born in North
umbcrland, Pennsylvania, in 1801 ; gradu
ated at the University of Pennsylvania in
1819 ; studied law and commenced practice
in Pittsburg in 1821. He became an active
Democratic politician, and is credited with
having been the first to propose General
Jackson lor the Presidency ; the party nom
inating him at the Harrisburg Convention
in 1S24. In 1826 Mr. Walker removed to
Natchez, Mississippi, where he became
prominent as both lawyer and politician.
In 1835 he was elected United States Sen
ator and continued in tha: post until 1545,
when President Polk appointed him Secre
tary of the Treasury, and it became his du
ty, as it was his pleasure, to frame and ad
vocate the low tariff of 1846, whereby the
Democratic leaders ware to fulfill their cam-
paigu promises to the people of Pennsylva
nia that Polk was a better tariff man than
Clay. Three native Pcnnsylvanians, John
K. Kane, Robert J. Walker and George
M. Dallas, were active in the work of thus
deceiving the Pcnnsylvanians. But Mr.
Walker was always consistently and openly
in favor of free trade, which is more than
can be said of the others.. Through all the
Democratic administrations, from Jackson's
to Buchanan's, Mr. Walker sustained the
great measures of the party, especially the
annexation of Texas and the war with Mex
ico. But after President Polk's retirement,
he devoted himself to the practice of law in
the Supreme Court of the United States.
When the Kansas troubles were W-aheir
hight, onj the resignation of the territorial
governorship by Geary, President Buchan
an appointed Walker to succeed him. His
short administration was a fair one, but he
opposed the Lejompton Constitution, and
because it was adopted by Congress, with
the approval ot the President, he resigned.
This was his last service in public office. In
1861, when the rebellion broke out. he took
a decided position in favor of the Govern
ment, and his 8eechcsat the monster Union
meeting in New York and Brooklyn were
among the mokt effective that were deliver
ed. For his noble stand in that great crisis,
the people of Pennsylvania will always re
member him with respect and gratitude,
while they can also make allowances tor his
candid and consistent difference in opinion
from them on the subject of protection to
American industry. '
Another distinguished American of the
Jacksonian era, Hon. Amos Kendall, died
on Friday morning, November 12th, 1869,
at his residence near Washington, D. C,
aged 80 years and 3 months.
Mr. Kendali was born in Dunstable, Mass.,
August 16, 17S9,und worked on his father's
farm until 1807, when he entered Dartmouth
College, and in 1SU graduated first in his
class. He was admitted to the lar in 1814,
and soon after emigrated toLexinetnn. Ky.,
where he followed the occupation ot a tutor,
and as such was employed in Henry Clay's
family. Subsequently he was made post
master of Gcorgctowu, in that State, and
occupied his leisure moments in editing the
Argus of Western America, When General
Jackson was made President he appointed
Mr. Kendall Fourth Auditor of the Treasu
ry, and in 1835 he promoted him to the po
sition of Postmaster General. His success
in relieving this department of debt, sim
plifying its details, and working it in the in
teret. not only of the people, but the tax
payers, forced President Van Buren to re
appoint him. lie held that office until
1840, and then resigned.but never afterward
took office, although President Polk offered
him a foreign mission. He has written a
life of Jackson. As a punliu officer, honor
able and charitable citizen, Mr. Kendall
will long be remembered.
Thomas G. Pratt,who filled the Guberna
torial chair of Maryland a few years ago,
died at his residence iu Baltimore, on Tues
day, November 9th, 1869. He was 65 years
old. The deceased was elected Whig Gov
ernor of Maryland in 1844. He was several
times a member of the Legislature, and
served out a portion of a term in the United
States Senate. Latterly he resumed the
practice of law, and resided in Baltimore.
Presbyterian Ee-Union.
Our readers will remember that an effort
Las been making, for several years past, for
a reunion of the two branches of the Pres
byterian church. That long desired event
wasconsumatcd at Pittsburg on Friday last.
The Gazette in referring to tha event says :
"Yesterday our city was. the theatre of
one of the most important events of modern
times the re-uuion f two grand divisions
of the Presbyterian Church of the United
Stales, which, -for almost a third of a cetitu
tury has been disunited, and were known
during that period respectively as the Old
School and the New School. Both in the
interim had grown mightily in numbers,
power and influence; both were pushing on
their respective missions, and planting
churches in the West, the South, and in
foreign lands, as well as in the older parts
of our country ; Loth felt strong in the work
they h-id to do. and not a sign of de
creptilude in either. But as years rolled on
good men iii both felt themselves more and
more drawn together, and that no good rea
son existed why they should move in sepa
rate orbits, or why they should not walk to
gether in unity. They desired to some to
gether again, and it lias happened in this
case as in all cases, that "where there is a
will there is a way." Suffice it to say, that
in the preliminary negotiations this attract
ive power of Christian love overcame all dif
ficulties, and there were many, and now
these two great organizations are one again,
under the name of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America.
"For two days the two Assemblies met
in their respective places the O. S. in the
First Church on Wood street, and the N.S.
iu the Third Church on Sixth avenue, to
arrange matters ..for the 'final union which
had already been decreed by the Presbyte
ries. In the even i nits the members mingled
fur prayer and social intercourse, but the
formal union was fixed for Friday morning.
Not a dissenting voice, nor an exception, nor
a jar, nor a crook was heard from first to
"At 9 A. M. yesterday the two assemblies
met as usual in their respective places. At
ten the members of the New School left the
Third Church in procession, and walked
down Sixth avenue into Wood street, and
as they arrived the members of the Old
School body left their church in the same
order, and in the streetjlended side by side
and arm in arm with their brethern from
the Third, and thus walked back, via Fifth
avenue and Smith field street, to the Third
church, which had ben kept clear until the
united procession should arrive.
"To every mind capable of grasping the
scene in all its far-reaching influences upon
the church and the world, the spectacle was
inexpressibly sublime sublime in its sim
plicity, grand in ths total absence of all pa
geantry. Those earnest men, with no out
ward trappings to distinguish them from
other men, with hearts filled with joy and
high resolve, representations of thousands
of churches and hundreds of thousands of
Christians, saw eye to eye and flowed togeth
er in the sight of our people with all the
simplicity and humble bearing that distin
guished the treat Master of all when he
walked amongst men.
"It is impossible to do justice to the fer
vid bursts of eloquence with which these
united brethren greeted each other when
they got together in the church. Everything
was conducted with the most perfect order;
aud when Dr. Fowler, Moderator of the
New School Assembly, rose and grasped the
hand of Dr. Jacobus, Moderator of the Old
School, "and while the two men stood there
with both hands grasped, and both manifest
ly under deep'euiotjon, the vast assembly
burst into the graud old doxology, 'Praise
God from whom all blessings flow,' it seemed
the very acme of the morally sublime."
Among he last acts of this body was the
passage of a resolution, pledging the raising
of five millions of dollars, as a special offer
ing to the treasury of the Lord, to be ex
pended in the several benevolent objects
cennected with the organization.
The Presbyterian church now occupies a
better position than ever it did to exercise
its influence in tavor of true Evangelical
Christianity ; and this reunion will have the
prestige of having set the example in the
great movement towards Protestant unity,
foreshadowed by a recent meeting in New
York an event most devoutly wished for
by all aiuoere followers of the Savior of the
The progress of Minnesota in the pro
duction of wheat is among the agricultural
marvels of the age. It is estimated that
the surplus wheat of that State the present
year will be fully 15,000,000 bushels, while
but. a little of the great grain plateau em
braced within its limits ha9 yet been brought
under cultivation. One farmer, the past
year, harvested 1,000 acres, with au average
yield of forty bushels to the acre. This sec
tion, while mich of it is too far north tor
growing corn, will evidently become the
Odessa ot America in the production of
A Little of Everything.
Spirit wrappers bottles.
- Feed stores pablio offices.
Fail creator dairy maid.
Men ef tail liquor inspectors.
Mammoth eaves hege failures.
Numerous hard winter prophet.
Criminal acta the labor of onvict.
A thorough washer woman Sal Soda.
Kather Coelie the Chinese question.
Mean teuperatare is best, and mean people the
worst. -
A boarder, who gets his lodging on credit, calls
it bed-tick.
How much does a fool generally weigh ? A
Reads a sig over a Denver store: "FyS
KCt 2 bak Oh."
The ties that connect business men with the
pub! ioatlver-tist .
Stockings are now darned by machinery, and
they are darned nice.
Pepperish Strong Pepper, the Postm alter of
Pepperville, Nebraska.
The surest way to lose your health is to keep
drinking other people's.
A medical question is opening a dead letter a
post mortem examination.
The cold spell has brought out a big represen
tation of last winter's clothes.
In Italy tbey blow a h.im before the cars start.
In this country they take one.
Kisses and apples are very similar they should
never be tasted without pairing
It Dot. Thomas G. Pratt, of Maryland, died on
November 9th, aged sixty-fir years.
Sitka ha already sixty bar room. It is a cold
place and something warm is needed.
The King of Holland is so "hard up' that he
has had to "spout" his picture gallery.
Poor whisky is called "fifteenth amendment"
in the South, because it's hard to swallow.
On the increase emigration from North Caro
lina and other Southern States, to the West.
A Democratic paper out West is called the
WUf. It is not found at the d-or of many poer
Reported that the President, in his forthcom
ing message, will express sympathy for the Cu
bans. Col Drake, the first man who "struck oil in
Titusville, recently died in a poor-house in Con
necticut. Seasonable luxuries mush and milk, cider
and apples, buckwheat cakes, sauer kraut,oysters
and sich.
There will he six eclipses of the sun and moon
next year, but none of them will be visible in the
United .States.
Three bodies, supposed to be of soldiers buried
in 1815. or therealouts.were exhumed a few days
ago at Peoria, Illinois.
Nothing like perseverance Youngman begin
by turning a grind-stone, and you may in time
become an organ griad er.
Four young ladies met in front of our office yes
terday, and neither of them looked back to see
how the others were dressed.
Th cold nights hare put a damper on gat and
door step 'parking. She now says, '-Come in and
shut the door," and he comes.
David Kendall, Past Grand Master of the Grand
Lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of
California, died a few days ago.
The Emperor of Russia is in such feeble health,
owing to bis dissolute life.that his physicians say
bis death may be looked for at an early day.
Oysters from Baltimore, eight days on tharoad,
created a '-decided sensation" in San Francisco
the other day. We should think they would.
A Kentucky paper apologises for its unusually
poor appearance "on account of th abundance
of whiskymnd the scarcity of printers in town."
Thomas Noble, a London clergyman, is but an
inch taller than Tom Thumb. lie more than
makes np for his six by the length of his ser
mons. Still continues the mining difficulties, in th
Ilaslcton and Lehigh regions. Over two months
of idleness hare already been suffered at most of
the coll ieiies.
Strange as it may seem to some, one of the
strongest advocates fur keeping the Bible in the
common schools in Cincinnati is a Hebrew gen
tleman of education.
A miserable man in San Francisco, unabl to
get work, wrote a note stating that he was going
to -'make application for a place as fireman to
the devil," and took arsenic.
Thanksgiving is likely to arrive in town before
our expected turkeys. Tutkeys are very slow
birds, in these diggins. Can any one inform us
of the whereabouts of our lot?
The past eight years exhibit the curious fact
that the higher the rate of duty was raised the
greater were the amounts ef railroad iron im
ported. A little more duty, then.
Indications of further Spanish troubles are
brought in the announcement that parties there
differ on other points than th selection of a King
It would be funny if they did not.
The Venango Spectator, noticing the defeat of
Dr. Early for Assembly, in the Clearfield district,
piou sly observes, Those wbo seek Early in th
aext Legislature will not find him."
Over nine thousand men recently applied in
one week to the New York Free Labor Bureau
for employment. For toes there were but four
hundred and twenty-eight situations.
A man out West read that dry copperas put in
a bed of ant would cause them to leave, lie put
some in his mother-in-law's bed to see if she
wouldn't go. He says she was there at last ac
count. In many places in Indiana, the latter part of
October, the corn, with blades as green as in Au
gust, was laden with now, and the rip peaches
were picked from trees bent to the ground by
snow and ic.
A fisherman of Montereau, France, lately caught
a fish, within which was found a breastpin, orna
mented with thirty precious stones, diamonds,
emeralds, rubies and sapphires, the whole valued
by Paris jewelers at $300,000.
The Dauphin oounty Bible Society held a meet
ing on Tuesday night of last week, and discussed
the question. "Shall the combined forces of Ro
manism and Infidelity break up our nobis sys
tem of a general Education?"
The Harrisburg Tr.lr-raph report another co
lossal fortune to a eitizen of that plaoe, a de
scendant of the great Hyde family of England,
but says it is a matter of grave doubt whether the
young man will next season build a new house
with any of the money.
The two hundred and fifty medioal students in
Philadelphia, taunt, hiss and jeer at the twenty
five young ladies from the Women's Medical Col
lege who attend the elinieal lectures at thr. Penn
sylvania Hospital. And there isn't n gentle
man among the two hundred and fifty to protest
against it.
A sentimental versifier, who could not restrain
himself, give vent to his grief in the following
"bust" of poetry :
The summer are over the winter are coming.
No more in the clover th bees is a humming,
The daisies is thinning, the buttercups alto,
The leaves beginning likewise for to fall so;
The gales of November blows chill on the panel,
And folks as U sober is patting on flannel ;
The storms that is blowing, the coming and drum
Says summer are going- and winter are coining
News Epitome.
Scientific men attribute the late severe
summer and autumn weather, the storms,
floods and earthquakes that have prevailed
in various places, to the influence of the sun,
which, they assert, is in a highly agitated
state. It is also asserted by them that the
body of magnetic light now shooting from
the sun in every direction will, by the le
ginirg of next year, will have extended far
enough to exoercise material influence upon
the earth, and then it is said we may expect
that phenomena will be observable such as
have not yet come under the notice of the
human race.
The State Department has received an
official communication from Mr. Burlin
gatnetbut the Chinec Government has ful
ly sustained the Burlingame mission in all
its official actions, and intercourse with the
United States thus far, and that the reports
to the effect that the "Celestials" would re
fuse to ratify and confirm any of the treaties
that the Burlingame mission has or may en
ter into with this or the European Govern
ments, are entirely without foundation.
The new President of the Cuban Junta in
this country, Senor Aldama, is the wealth
iest Cuban ou the island. His real estate,
consisting of sugar and tobacco plantations,
grazing lands, aud fruit orchards, U valued
at ten millions of money, aud his other pot
sessions at five millions. His purse has
been opened constantly since his arrival in
the United 3tates. He furnished $125,000
for a single expedition, and in all upward of
a million dollars.
A few days since Captain Joseph W.
Coppage, while plowing iu a field near Na
plc, Illinois, turned up a pot of gold coin.
He stopped his team, examined the glitter
ing metal closely, counted ic, and found it
amounted to $4,000. However, a doubt
depressed his eoul. He feared the metal
might have been deposited there by coun
terfeiters, and might prove worthless. He
took it to Winchester, and sold it to one of
the banks for $5,000 in greenbacks.
A mining story of unusually magnificent
dimensions comes from Davenport, Iowa. It
is said that several citizens of that place
have bought ix th iu-sanl rcres of land in
the Buulder Valley, Colorado, wherein they
claim is a richer vein of bituminous coal
than that of 1'ennsylvaiiia. The tract is
near ti e line of railroad to run between
Denver and Cheyenne, and only about twen
ty miles from the former city.
Pere Hyacinthe proposes to harmonize
the Roman Catholic and Protestant Church
es and to bringall the communicants thereof
into one common body, acknowledging "one
God, one faith and one baptism." Govern
or Hainan, having material to work with,
proposes "to make the Legislature ot the
State of New York honest." The Tribune
suggests that Hoffman has taken the heavi
er contract.
General Cespedes, with that high-minded
earnestness which characterized him when
he burned his large Bapano property, now
promises to give to each family of which
father or son have fallen fot Cuban freedom
thirty-three acres of land, till his estate is
exhausted. As Cespedes was an exte nsive
land owner, the gift must be very consider
able, and its example of great effect.
It is reported that Father Hyacinthe, be
fore leaving for Europe, will issue a pastoral
letter to the Catholics of America, calling
upon them to form a nucleus, around which
all libera! minded members of the church
can rally, without forsaking the sacred prin
ciples of the Catholic religion. He looks
upon Americano day as the cradle of rclig
ious independence.
The Lancaster Examiner estimates the
colored vote of Lancaster county at about
1,000, based upon the census of I SCO, when
the colored population was 3,4'JO, aud the
Lancaster Enquirer calls upon the Demo
cratic politicians to make their peace with
the new citizens, or they will be defeated in
the only districts in which they have ma
With careful picking and saving it is
likely that the Southern cotton crop this
year will reach the badsouie figure of three
million bales. This, at the moderate aver
age of twenty-five cents a pound is equal to
three hundred millijns of dollars a splen
exemplincaiiou of practical Southern recon
struction, on a cash basis.
An able engineer estimates the loss in
horses, extra wear of vehicles, and extra
horse shoeing in the cities of the Uuitcd
States, occasioned by black stone and cob-
ble stone pavements as follows : On horses,
$15,000,000; on vehicles, $20,000,000 ; and
on horse shoeing, $21,000,000, making a
total of $56,000,000. ,
. A New York paper states that since the
close of the war the ' Brooklyn Navy Yard
has not beeti so excited or busy as it is now.
Three thousand mechanics and laborers are
at present at work refitting and overhaul
ing everything except the Java, the Colora
do, and the Kalamazoo. What doea it
It is generally predicted that we will hare
a long and severe winter. Both East and
West the weather is unusually cold for this
time of the year. In Maine and Vermont
the snow is two feet deep, and it has fallen
very heavily as far South even as Virginia.
By the death of Admiral Stewart, Rear
Admiral Wm. B. Shubrick is the oldest of
ficer in either the army or navy, having en
tered the service in 1806. The oldest com
mission in the army is that ot Gen. Sylvan
us Thayer, who entered the army in 1S08.
The Illinois Constitutional Convention
will stand forty-four Republicans to forty
one Democrats. There were a large number
of able men chosen, and the Constitution
will probably be characterized by a reforma
tory spirit.
FUR SALE. The undersigned offers for aala
one of teavy & Co'a COMUIN ATtOS FUR
NACKS nearly new.
Nov. 10, 1869. ED. W. GRAHAM.
F)R SALE at the "Keystone Store,"
Cheap tor cash. Call and see them.
Nov. 10. 1S69. D.u MVLIN8.
aution. All persons are hereby caution-
ed against giving David Wright goods
or other articles, on my aeeount. without an or
der from me. ALEX. 1KWIN.
Bald Hills, Nov. 10, 13'J.
lcir drrrtfemettts.
Attvtrtwmtntt itt vp vtarrrtyp. ,
i.;. 1 the e3t,e t,f William Holt'
late of p,k, town.hin. dee....w.i "V'1"'.
. rfc
mnt. to
Nov. 17, l969-6t
a nd estate are requeued to make iasutei:.., Vav
mnt. and those having claim airairn ,
will present them, vr.irrlr auibr.7;l'. j V
settlement to
itiOS. U Y.lTvKAY.
lt- Adinmror
Nov. 22, lsf,9-
AflSS H. S. SWAN'S, School
1L Clearfield, Pa.
for 6'inV.
The next Term of t went t -two wey wj;i w
mene on Monday, Novrabr 21. law. "
Reading Ortht,graphy,Wr:ting.Obt X.,,.
sons. Primary Arithmetic ar.d Priui
(Jeography. per half term, (of U (hii. j
History. Local and Descriptive ijr.hy
with Mp Drawing. Ortmnur, km;
du ri nc n Ariicuiua,
Algebra and the Sciences.
Instruction in Instrumental Music,
Oil Painting,
Wax Work,
For full particulars send for Circular
ClearSld. August 25, lS9-ly
s v
t w
1? )
li I
Th Soond Session of the press ot t'uus
year of this Institution, will commence va U la
day, th 22d day of September, I8C9.
Pupil can enter at any tim. T will u
charged with tuition from tk tim tkmy eklsr to
th clos of th sesaion.
Th course of instruction embras 'rjtiit;
included in a thorough, practical aud .
plished education of both sxes.
Tb Principal having had th advantags
much experience in hi profession, aasaret j.
rents and guardians that h's antir auiMty tij
energies will be devoted to the mental aad a,.-cl
training of th youth placed under his etarg
Trms or Tt iTiox :
Orthography, Heading. Writing mud Piiai'-T
Arithmdie, per session. (II weeks.) It tl
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, aad Hii!
ry SIM
Algbr,Gomtry, Trigonometry, Jlnrutij
Surveying, Philosophy. Physiology, Caiaiistry
Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical t..gra
pby. Sv.es
Latin, Greek and Vreneh, with ny f tk
bov branch. Hi C
Music. Piano, (30 lessons ) kit
L jr" No deduction will be mad fr absent.
For further particulars inquire of
Rav. P. L. UakMSoV
July 31 .1887. Pristisal
O II E R I FF'S S A LK. B v virt ue of fund y
writs of Fieri facia, iavuel nut
f the Court of Common Pleas of Ciairti'.j
county, and to me directed, there will b txpr..'
to public sale, at th Court House, in tk Wo.";
of Clearfield, on TllUKSDAY, the S:b VM
DECKMOL'K. IbStf. at 2 o'clock f.H th. fcvU.iir.
described property to wit :
Two certain tract or parcels of land tiluste !
Ploom township Clearfield oounty. Ha , touaia-l
and described follows .via: Logrnii.f si
stone on the South side of te .SBscusosrs
nd Waterford Turnpike road, on fera t liss,
thence north eighty-five and a hilt' d -jr'tt ol
alougsaid Turnpike aixty-ono perrhai hsl..&s.
thence still by said Turnpike road acr h eittv
seven degrees east forty and one nif perch. t
a atone thence south one hundred and ttn pers'bt
to a pest, thence outh eighty seven itg-Mi mI
forty and one half petehea to a htsnlfck tjt.
souta eighty five and one half degree ts:
oje perches lo a hemlock, thence ir Pesrorj
north one hundred aud ten prchis to ths tiast of
beginning. atntiuitig 4.) acres. 142 ercbea, ..J
the usual allow tuve vt six j.er etnt Also one
other pieee of lunl btiriimin at hai'.t.-k ear
nr of nnmber 5fl31. thence by iiti mf inrcr
eapt on hundred and one &nl 4 rrr.l. --. L
s to post. thence by th u:h siite-.f (Ui ':.'
for Turnpike act the tirjt abovi (le.'.-rii-cJ p
tf land south eightyocven dtrusj tth: ft-r: l!
five-tenths perches, thence south eiKht-tle .. 1
ou half degrees vet ixty-oa perrhe ti
thenoe by number 5-SSI (Joseph Kosror.) t.-nb
sevecty and three-tenths perchs to tb pls f
beginning, containing 40 acre. 104 prch4 snl
allowance of six percent., th b-t triois mat
the same premises conveyed byJuies Biuwx K
Gainer P. Hlootn in on deed. Sritetf. uioe '
xecutiu,and to be sold astbepruutrttofiaii.tr
P. Bloom. WAI. Ti:CKK!.
Nov. 17, 1SB9 Deputy Sheriff
CAUTION.--All persons ars hreby t
tioned aitainxl pun-hasing ur tu au.''
meddling with a set of Harness t.r 1
Four Sbop and Thre Hogs now iu piMio f
Andrew Holt, of Jsrgusou towtsLip. lbs
belong to me and are on y left with ai U"- '
loan, subject to my Girder.
Nov tb 89-11 p. TEKiH Hj.kh
are constantly repleni.ihiag thir stock uf I'rsfK
Madicin. Ac. School book and Stail"rj,
including the Osgood and Hatioeal sr;s
of readers. Alio Tobacco trd Ci
gara. of th but quality, asd at
the lowest pricM. Call and it.
Clearfield, Sov 10, 156 ' "
I now tmblishinr a seris of Lrs from ihs Rst
Ur. E D. G. Pnmo.wbo imasingth unrr-'
World, by way of California.Japan, Ch:n
rgvpt. Ao. ; together with vrius other -r-
an iu r-w. i.. --- .
vari.ty or th bt Reader ""'
tl Now is the lime t? "
and a great
mmi mum wiwvtw'M ..,.w . p , .
i i i
oldest and ussi r..ttiL.i -!."- ,
mak the following libers j offers for n '"
rr f
bers. W will send tne .ov ir
on year to
On new subscriber and one old. for
Two urrw subscribers, for
Two new subscribers and on old, f j'
Three new subscribers, for
Thre new subscribers and one old, for
Four new subs ribri. for
Pour new subscribers nd on old, tut
Fiv new subscribers, for
! ... ...krih.r. for
i M
11 s
And to any larger number at thu.e rats
Sampl copies Tre Tnns.3-M r'1 n" ,
advance. Send By cheok.draft, p. efi
r registered letter Addrs
Nov 10,'9-Jt .17 Pk Uow.N.-,:.
ueceaseu. u .ug .,l rrsc
ed.notioe is tooj gi ; . ,. m.ks i
debted to said estate are "I".' , -Vr.-i
mediate payment.and those having '''"V
thesaui will present them jpropei J " . s
ted for settlement to SIMX'' 'l ;
Oot. 13. 18696tp.
AU 111 " '
a . . i
f .
ILT.1 ' II ' " ,:.k 11. I1 1
ministration on i"- - ,
Wbitesid. lt """" 7. ,.tif
rulford. Administrator
J.me. Morrison, late of Jfd" .
to and amongst those ..gaily ' ,lVo
discharge the duties ot his PP .Id. o
ficerof J. B. McEually, Mj. " ; 1 "
THURSDAY. THE 2d IAVW )kCt-1 lteli
..h k,.,..llDri:onsinti,eaD' 3
if thov see proper
Nov S.W-Jt.
1. W
hereby given bala!l person. iLJ.b- "
tate are required to make iai mediae t,., "
end tho having .-laims Sjrninst th slua. !!;
present them, properly authentic'.,! f ... .ul
7 7 'nJ'l''"isitratmii on the fia;.nf
Job braakman. late of ;,'r..l i.. "'"i
. . . " v - ,1.1.1;,. c ,.
having hern granted to the unde-siied
tic is herebv eiveo fiat all
tersof Adiuini,trli..n on the ewu
Robert Thompson. Sr ., late of L,"rf,D '
of Catharine
having been granted to tne ""- - . ,'
U h.rfb, givf n that 11 l-JJa.-M..
stat ar requ.red to mak. ,",a1B.,,1l, f
and thoaehavingolaimsags-Pt to ' tlMB,st
sent them, properly autheuu cated
October 1. 1863JJ"'
ed an Auditor appointcu -
phans' Court of Clearfield J"0'?;' 0f ;ka
tritotion of monies in the bands , .