Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 11, 1869, Image 2

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    f;c giaftman' goxmtaf, gfcarficfb, l?a., rfoBer 13, 1869,
Mtsirait 's Journal.
Grant "Sound" on Trotection.
The proof that Grnn't tours through the
States have not bi'on merely for the purpose
ot recreation, but lor the much deeper pur
pose of informing himself of the wishes
and views of the people over whose affairs
be was chosen to administer, are gradually
coming out. Among the most cheering of
these is the fact, that while in our own
State.the President thoroughly investigated
the conditions at. d state of our chief indus
tries and in doing so arrived at the conclu
sion that the stimulation of home industry a
one of the most important means not only
of benefitting the working man, but of su.s
taining and improving the financial credit of
the Government. The following is the sub
stance of a conversation which passed be
tween the President and one of the gentle
men who accompanied him, on his recent
visit to this State:
Tn discussing the agricultural and manu
facturing interests of the country, the Pres
ident remarked that the annual importation
of iron and steel, and other manufactures
which could as well be produced at home,
amounted to more than $1"0,OK),OIW. This
he supposed to be what was required for
consumption over and above the domestic
supply, and lie asked a gentleman familiar
with the iron business, within what length
of time the home product of iron might be
expected to become sufficient fur the country.
In reply to this the gentleman stated that
the amount imported did not indicate an
inability of the country to produce all that
is needed. That the prnspt rity of domes
tic manufacture, stimulated demand and en
abled consumers to buy and tay for kinds
and shapes ot foreign iron, not made in this
country, or not made so cheaply here, the
President then said that he thought it vory
desirable that we should have a sufficient
supply from domestic sources, and thus ben
efit -the labor of the country, and effect a
saving of millions of dollars now annually
expended for foreign iron and .steel.
It is gratifying to believe that what so
many reviled as "a pleasure tour," has been
the means, as this eovetsatton indicates, of
putting the Chief of the Administration in
to such thorough' accord with the interests
cf the working men and of the whole peo
ple on the vital point of protection.
What the South is Doing. The
Southern papers generally, as we have said,
anticipate a cotton crop of about 3,000.000
bales colton, which" valued at i 1 OS' per bale
(say 455 pounds at 25 cents), will give f 324,
OOJ.OUJ; also a corn crop of 285,000,000
bushels, valuta at $230,000,000, and the
sugar, wheat, tobacco, and other crops will
yield $150,0!J,0J0 more, giving in all a
product of not less than $704,000,000, which
with a population of not over 11,000,000,
will show att average of 01 per head, which
largely exceeds that of the .Northern and
Western States. The State of North Caro
lina will thii year yield products worth f 50,
000,000, which, with her population of not
ouer 070,0 K), will show an average of $74,
62 per head. In any part of the South fine
lands under cultivation can be bought at
from $5 to $'J per acre, which in a few yara
will be worth five times the purchase mon
ey. The climate is exceedingly salubrious,
and offers no iu.upurabie hindrance to the
manual labor of the white man, as is proved
by the fact that there are njw no less than
200,000 whites cultivating cotton with their
own hands. And if white men fail to fur
nish the required amount of labor and the
negro turns out badly, there's Koopman
schapp and Lis millions of Chinese for our
Southern friends to fall back upon.
Secession in a New Form. Secession
seems to be developing itself 111 a new form,
viz.: the illicit distillation ot whisky, the
fluid to w hich it partly owed itsexLstence.and,
although the vase may be broken, the scent
of the roses hangs round it still. In one
week in Virginia thirteen illegal whisky
mills have ben seized by the United States
Collector. A manfacturer of this fragrant
essence in Georgia, bearing the Suggestive
name of Dcdniau, killed a deputy collector
early this month. We can understand how
a tax on whiky may be highly repugnant to
the unreconstructed heart both of the pro
ducer and the consumer; but Southern
gentlemen addicted to ardent spirits must
remember that there was a time, a halcyon
time, when whisky was poured uutaxed into
their tumblers. Having sinned, let them
suffer like men !
Dcaixa the progress of the late gold
speculation in Wall street., the President
was adjured Ly Democratic journals not to
interfere, warned that he had no I usiness
to break up speculations for a rise in Gold
and implored to let the Bulls alone and not
suffer the Bear to claim him. Now we find
these same journals even more zealous in
arraigning him because he didn't interfere
sooner, and seeking to prove that his delay
until the ill -fated Friday must have been
because of corrupt motives ! To such base
uses can party necessity bring them.
The Department of Agriculture, under
t!. cduiinbtration of General Horace Cap
roQjia growing into a great influence. It
was never trior effieienly managed. That it
can be largely improved, however, admits of
ao doubt. More opportunities should be
extended to th Commissioner to increa.se
bis experiment and to furni.h fuller in for
mation to the working farmers. He should
be especially enjoined to visit as many of
tna agricultural fairs, South, East, and
West, as possible.
Both nouses of the Virginia Legislature
have ratified the Fifteenth Amendment.and
thus far all is well in that quarter.
How to Pay the National Debt.
We quote an instructive passage from the
address delivered to (he farmers of Ulster
county, N. Y., at the fair in Kingston, by
the Democratic Geovernor, Mr. Hoffman,
who seems 10 be favorably impressed with
the Republican idea of paying the National
debt. He -aid :
4'0ur country, notwithstanding the great
debt which rests upon it, cannot tail to
grow rich and prosperous, if our people
will be economical. The extravagance of
the ae in which we live, however, must be
checked, or, with the corruption and de
moralization which attend it, will come dis
aster and distress. There is no estate so
large that a spendthrift cautiot exhaust it.
There is no people so powerful that extrav
agance and corruption cannot destroy them.
Oar exports of the great staples will bring
noither national nor individ lal wealth, if
they go only to pay for luxuries which ener
vate and corrupt. Far be it from me to de
ny any man or woman the enjoyment of any
thing which will contribute to his or her
ppa-e and happiness. But the nation is in
debt twenty-five hundred millions of dollars
more than a thousand millions of which
is held by the people of other lands. What
the nation owes, the people owe, and what
the people owe, each individual owes, for
we are sureties and ltondsmen for our coun
try and tor each other. Bondsmen, indeed!
and who is so much a bondsman as the debt
or '! There is no way to get out of aebt but
one, cither for nations or individuals. A
man cannot pay his debts ty giving his note,
nor can any Government pay its obligations
by the Lssue of irredeemable paper. There
is but one standard of value, and that has
been fixed ly the common consent of the
world, aud by that standard must ail debtors
ultimately be judged. As no quack reme
dies can remove deep seated diseases, to no
ingeniously devised financial schemes can
point out any but otic way to pay a nation's
debt. When a man has violated the laws
of health and finds his system broken, and
his powers weakened, there is no medical
specific which can save him. He must
cease the practice of dissipation and tolly.
He must nurse his exhuu.-ted energies. He
must economize his wasted strength. He
must duvelope, as best he can his physical
"So it is with our couutry, which has
bceu called upoH for profuse expenditures.
It has within it elements of strength and the
means to meet all its obligations, fully and
fairly, if it will, but it must diminish its ex
penses as well as iucrease its revenues. It
must labor in earnest aud economize iu earnest-
If a farmer owes $1,000, the payment
of which is secured by a mortgage, he can
pay it if he will, by his labor and out of his
laud. If he neglect his farm ; if ha and
his sons and daughters are extravagant ard
wasteful; if family discord destroy the
peace of home; if a reckless dissipation
characterizes his life, he will add to his ob
ligation and will not pay his debt. So with
the nation. The labor of the country aud
the great area of its territory, upon which
the whole national indebtedness is a lien,
can sustain the credit of the Government
aud pay its obligatious. But if the people,
who are the laborers, are extravagant and
idle; if strife, discoid and contention shall
prevail among them ; if passiou and folly,
instead of judgment and good sense, shall
control them ; if hatred rather t han love of
one another and of their commou country
shall move them, then the national honor
will be imperiled. I have read many learn
ed essays on the question of "How to Pay
the National Debt." When men ask me
what financial theory I have, I answer,
"Only one, and it is this : A utiion of peo
ple aud of States; a hearty joiniug together
ot all sections, in the common work of re
establishment aud restoration ; iudjstry,
prudence, retrenchment and economy. In
crease your earning ; diminish your exend
itures. Save when you can and spend on
ly when you must, and let the whole world
ce that you mean to pay your debts.
"If the people are extravagant, the Gov
ernment will be. The stream caoL-ot rise
higher than its source. The representative
will not be better than those .he represents.
Other people have sunk under thecrushiug
weight of individual and general extrava
gance and folly. Let us take warning by
their examples, and iu doing so avoid their
Liability fob. Baggage. The New
i'ork Commercial says: Oue by one the
arbitrary rules set up by railroad companies
and other grasping corporations are brought
to grief; it only needs that they bhould be
vigorously contested by some persous of en
ergy and persistence. One of their arbitra
ry regulations has long been, that baggage
or other property received by one company
would not b paid for if lost or damaged on
a connecting line ; but Chief J us. tice Perley,
ot I he Supreme Court of New Hampshire,
has decided that this rule is good for noth
ing. He very sensibly held that where any
property is transported over a railroad line
composed of several distinct roads, he or
riginul company which received it is liable
for the loss or injury, should any occur,
whether the damage be on its road or any
ot her.
Sl LPUrR. From Sicily most of the sul
phur used in this country is obtained. The
sulphur beds are a mine of wealth. At
present 370 pits are open, aud the annua
yield has been about 16O,0j0 tons. In 1G67
as much as lhT.OOO ions were exported. The
sulphuriferous soil f Sicily extends over
the whole islaud, from Mt. Etna in the east
to Trapaui, uear the wine district of Marsa
la, in the west. The sulphur is found in
layers of minute crystals alternating with
calcerous deposit. The principal centres of
production are Caltaulsetta, Agrigentum,
Palermo, Catania and TrapanL
Notwithstanding the fact that the Hornet
is still detained under orders from our Gov
ernment, the Cubans are seemingly confi
dent that she will soon be unconditionly re
leased. A statement embodying the law
and the facts of the case has been drawn np
by the Cubans, and will be presented to the
Cabinet for consideration.
Ex-President Pierce died at his residence
in Concord, N. U., on the 7th instant.
Appalling Disaster.
A terrible accident occurred on October
1st, at the Indiana State Fair, resulting in
a frightful loss of life, of which the Indian
apolis Journal gives the following graphic
account :
One o'clock in the afternoon was the hour
assigned for the trial of portable engines and
saw mills, and into the competition several
firms entered, among xthem Sinker & Co.,
engine builders, and Jxng. Joseph & Car
ter.sawyers. The tent had been completed,
and the victory, if victory it is, had been
won by the Sinker machine. Seven min
utes and a half of sawing had been done,
with every part of the engine and mill strain
ed to the utmost tension, after which the
fires had been pcrmi ted to go down and
the machines to rest. About three o'clock.
Mr. Sinker's foreman thought it advisable
to saw up the logs on hand, so as to clear
up lor removal on the morrow. The engine
was started, and the task accomplished, with
the exception of two "turns." The pit be
neath the saw was fil!d with sawdust, and
a temporary rest was taken, to allow two
colored helpers to clean it out. A large
circle of interested lookers on were gathered
about the area occupied by the machinery,
while here nd there over the grounds were
scattered twelve or fifteen thousand people.
At a moment of undisturbed quiet, while
the hum of the machinery was hushed and
attention directed toward the ring where the
fast trotting was about to commence, a noi?e
like the explosion of a park of artillery sa
luted the esr, und a c.mcussion of the earth
as of an earthquake sent a thrill of fear to
the heart. A volume of steam, a blinding
cloud of dust and smoke, the air filled with
debris of timber, of pieces of iron, of bhreds
of clothing, parts of human beings, of
groans, and of shrinks, men falling hither
aud thither, and ranks opening as if plowed
through by grape and shrapnel, told the
fearful tale of an explosion. The engine, a
minute before a thing of beauty, obedient
to the touch of man, was torn and rent by a
mighty convulsion ; its comeliness gone, its
parts scattered to the four winds, hardly a
joint left in integrity. That which in one
second bad been the implement o! industry,
in the next was turned into a sickle of death,
reaping and mowing its victims in a swath
confined by no rule and measured by no reg
ularity. The scene was one to appal the stoutest
heart. The immense crowd, only informed
enough to know that a terrible accident had
occurred, surged and swayed like mighty
billows, breaking over every confine and
threatening to add to the , list of deaths, by
trampling beneath their feet some of the
weaker and the smaller, who were reeling a
bout in the vortex in utter helplessness.
First impelled by curiosity, the jam was to
ward the spot from whence the sound came ;
the maimed and wounded lying about the
vicinity were overwhelmed, and doubtless
some were killed outright who might have
lived had they been allowed air and given
attention at once. When curiosity was ap
peased by the ghastly sights which met the
eye, and when the people, in a dazzled and
bewildered way, came to comprehend the
character of the disaster,a panic seized them
and even a more fearful calamity was threat
ened through their terror. ' Strenuous exer
tions were made by the cooler and calmer
to quiet and allay excitement, and, after a
time, something like order was evoked. A
survey ot the extent of the causal ty, reveal
ed the fact that twenty-four persons had
been killed, and about one hundred wound
ed. Of the wounded a number have since
died. This is truly one of the most fearful
and appalling disasters that has ever oc
curred in this country.
German-American Cable. It is pro
posed to have direct telegraphic communi
cation between North Germany and the U
nited States. It is under discussion wheth
er the Anglo-American cable shall be used
or an entirely new one laid. The opinion is
in favor of the latter, German men of sci
ence believing that it will not be necessary
to make the cable as strong as the one now
in use, thereby greatly reducing the eost.
Whatever may be determined on, ia this
respect, it is agreed that Cuxhaven must be
the starting point for the cable, on the North
German coast. It is fifty eight miles west
of Hamburg, and is about the same distance
north of Bremen, both of which are cities
of great commercial importance, having in
creasing relations with the United States.
There will be no difficulty in raising the re
quisite fuuds, once that the details of the
project are Arranged.'
Storms in the Sun. Scientific investi
gations into the mysteries of the suns sur
face has been great this year. A great
magnetic storm is predicted. An examina
tion of the sun through new and powerful
instruments has revealed new and wonder
ful appearances on its surface. Immense
spots, millions of miles in circumference,
are said to have appeared. One of them
recently moved a hundred thousand miles in
a second. We are told, too, that violent
physical changes are going on; that the
magnetic storms are regulated by fixed laws,
and occur every eleven years. The next
one is to be in 1870. Its effects upon mag
n.tic instruments will be noted with intense
interest by the fii st scientific men ot the day.
What effect thesis-"tonus will have upon the
atmosphere, vegetation and the light of the
sun, will afford plenty of food for specula
tion and thought.
New Postal Stamps. Th Postal Ilec
ord says: "General Terrell, the Third As
sistant Postmaster General, in order to re
move dissatisfaction expressed against the
present postage stamps, proposes to change
them, and, with this view, he has directed
the Baai Note Company which furnishes
them to prepare the new designs for the
new issues. The heads of Washington,
Jackson, Franklin, Lincoln and Jefferson,
are to be restored, in place of the present
designs, to be represented as profile busts,
each to represent the various denominations.
The stamps are to be larger that tWe cow
in nse, and oblong. Instead of one hun
dred and fifty being printed on a sheet there
will only be one hundred. The former col
or red will also be restored. A month or
two may elapse before the new sumps will
be ready."
A Little of Everything.
Cool the nights.
In demand bnctwbtit
Scare potato and butter
Said to be plenty chestnuts.
Ha tbe gas agitation died out 7
(jood th roada in this county.
Very low tbe water in tb river.
Notes of admiration lore letters
Old men are mowed down, babies are cradled.
Progressing tbe work on tbe new brick hotel.
What has become of tbe water works question ?
Interesting to sea one drunken man lead
Never torn a blessing round to see if it has a
dark side to it
Th new voting list of Liverpool contains the
names of 3.500 women.
Spiritualism, accordin? to Carlisle, is tbe "Lit
urgy of Dead Sea Apes."
Iowa horse thieves complain of too many ducks
ducks in hors ponds.
Tact aud talent talent is tbe locomotive, tact
the engineer that drives it
It is announced that tbe President will visit the
Sonth daring the coming winter.
Delaware has shipped over two and a half mil
lion bushels of peaches this year.
Lost sight of the new jail, during the political
excitement. Where is it to be built?
"A victim of bacchanalian immoderation" is
the polite Chicago term for delirium tremens
No saloon keeper M an actor, but still his pa
trons visit him for the sake of his little dram-ab.
Completed lbs new bridge, at tb lower end
of town. The toll house is in process of erection
Experimental philosophy asking a man to
lend you money. Moral philosophy refusing to
do it.
Curtis gets $7,500 a year to ait in Harper's
"Easy Chai. " A very nicely cushioned chair
Huntingdon county has a maple tree wblcb
measures 25 feet 8 inches in circumference. A
big un.
There is no folly eqnal to that of throwing
away friendship in a world where friendship ia
so scarce
In a Western city the agitation against "rings"
is so strong that it is proposed to take tbe city
hall bell
Introduce change in your reading and studies.
Who reads but little at a time retains that little
the better.
The "original preLS used by Benjamin Frank
lin'1 is said t be in 176 different American print
ing offices.
Missouri has a clerk in her Stat Land Office
named Whist, but he won't allow any on to play
him games.
Prigham Young's family weighs fifty-two hun
dred pounds, of which Brigham accounts for two
hundred pounds.
Harsh words are like hnilstones in summer,
which, if melted, would fertilise th tender
plants they batter down.
Mr. Hockersmitb, of Kentucky, threw a stone
tbiongb the window at his wife, aid she imme
diately shot him for a Ka-klui.
Late potatoes are selling at Alton. Ill , at twenty-five
cents per bushel One farmer in M-idiron
county reports bis erop at 400 bushels per acre
The London Newt publishes a letter from Gold -win
Smith favoring tbe .idependooe of CanmU.
but opposing its annexation to the United States.
Secretary1 Brutwell says be hasn't got through
with the Wall street thievee yet, and it is mis
trusted that a sew financial plan is in contempla
tion Princeton, Indiana, recently had a mammoth
mushroom grown in one night. It was thirty
four inches round, and weighed nearly four
New York is overrun with Spanish spies, of
whom a local paper says, "they insert their noses
everywhere, and strange to say, do not get them
A western writer says if as much attention was
paid to improving corn as is given to grapes, one
hundred million bushels might be added to the
annual crop.
It if estimated that about $500 000 of th new
is-ue of ten atid fifteen cent fractional currency is
kept out of circulation by people keeping one of
each for samples.
Gaulin, a: tbe Postoffice, has the largest and
best stock of books and stationery in town. He
also keeps daily snd weekly papers, monthly
magazines. At. Give bim a call.
Mr. John Hastings, ef Altoona, has purchased
the Altoona Vmdirator tffice and leased the sam
to Mr. Campbell, tbe foimer proprietor, who has
resumed the publication of the paper.
An exchange says, many a business man will
warrant a piece of goods to be all wool, white
knowing it is part colton, to an innocent customer.
Hit relationship to a thief is very cluse.
"It cost a Cincinnati youth 520 to kiss a girl
who didn't like it.' He got off cheap. Many a
youth has kissed a girl who did like it. and it
has cost them twenty dollars a week ever since.
Uncle Bob Martin of Melton oonnty. Georgia,
died recently, aged ninety three years, having
been born in Henry county. Virginia.in 1776. For
seventy-nine years he was a Master Mason in
good (-funding.
A wise clergyman, now deceased, one said :
"He bad learned to preach sot only so that people
Could understand him if tbey had a mind to, but
also so that they could not misunderstand him if
they wanted to."
Tb following is a Frenchman's definition of a
broker: "Ah! me make von disco. eric Vat is
de raisen vot fore de people call de agent hrokair?
It is because ven de person ne have bizziness wid
him be become broke."
Minneso ta. renowned as a wheat growing State,
it seems has been outdone by Montana territory
this season. where the statistics show a large yield
of first-class wheat averaging not less than thirty-three
aud perhaps thirty-five bushels to the
A New York eotemporary thina it remarkable
that there should be uch a ru.-h of candidates for
nomination to the New York Legislature, when
tbe pay is only $300 per year Our extemporary
is mistaken. The talarp is only 8300; the pay is
another matter.
Increasing the demand for anthracite eoal in
this lace Would not a reduction in the price
of bituminous coal bar a tendenoy to drive th
other out of use bere? This is a question worthy
tbe attention of those who are mining eoal in the
vieinity of town
In St Louis Dot long since, a German named
Horsdolu paid his wife S2.000 to ' desert" him. in
order that he might secure a divorce from her, as
by the laws of Missouri desertion by husband or
wife is cause sufficent to procure a severance from
th matrimonial noose.
Three years ago a Georgia planter sold his
plantation for Sa 000. As the purchaser was un
able to make the payments, be was compelled to
take tbe land back and cancel the bargain. Since
then ho ha made three good crops of, cotton n
tb land, and a few days age be sold it for 1S,
750. Milton Page, of Alexandria, N H., last week,
eat in thirty minutes seventy-four of the largest
ggs that could be fished out of two hundred doi
en. weighing twelve and ahalf poun is and equal
to ne hundred and ten common eggs. He has
offered to eat one hundred and twenty five eggs,
and deserves to be henpecked to death.
Letter of Father Hyacinthe.
-The following', ia the text of the letter,
which, as advised by cab!e,Fatber Hyacintbe
has addressed to the General of his order at
Rome :
31 v Very Reverend Father: During
the five years of my ministry at Notre Dame
de Paris, despite the open attacks and secret
accusations of which I have been the obj'ct.
your esteem and confidence have never fail
ed me for a moment. , I preserve numerous,
testimonies of them written by your own
band, and which were addressee! as much to
my preaching as to myself. Whatever may
happen, I shall hold them in grateful re
membrance. To day, however, by a sudden
change, the cause of which I do not seek io
your heart, but iu the intrigues of a party
all powerful at Rome, you arraign what you
encout aged, you censure what you approved,
and you require that I should speak a lan
guage or preserve a silence which would no
longer be the entire and loyal expression of
my conscience. I do not hesitate an instant.
With language perverted by a command, or
mutilated by reticence, I shall not ascend
the pulpit of Notre Dame. I express my
regret tor this to the intelligent courageous
Archtdshop who has given his pulpit to me,
and sustained me there agaiust the bad will
of men of whom I shall speak at the proper
time. I express my regrets to the imposing
auditory who surrounded mc there with its
attention, its sympathies, I was nearly going
to say, its fiicndship. I would not be wor
thy the auditory of the Archbishop, of my
conscience, nor of God, if I would consei-t
to act before them in such a role. I separa
ted uiy.se Tat the same time from the convent
in which I have resided, and which, under
the new circumstances that have happened
to me, renders it, for me, a prison of the
soul. In acting tbuslauinot unfaithful
to my vows. I have promised monastic obe
dience, but limited by the honesty of con
science,, the dignity of my person and my
ministry, 1 have promised under the benefit
of that superior law of justiee and of royal
liberty which is. according to the Apostle St.
James, the proper law of the Christian.
It is for the more perfect practice of this
holy liberty that I came to ask at the cloister,
now more than ten years ago, in the elan of
enthusiasm free of all human calculation,-!
shall not venture to add free of all. c'ne illu
sions of youth. If, iu exchange for my
sacrifices, I am to day offered chains, I have
not only the right but the duty to reject
them. The pr-cnt hour is solemn. The
Church pa,es through one of the most vio
lent, drk, and decisive crises of exigence
here below. For the first time in three
hundred years an (Ecumenical Council is
not only convoked, but declarad nectxxary ;
such is the impression of the Holy Father.
It is not in such a moment that a preacher
of the gospel, were he the last of all, can
consent to remain as the mute dogs of Isra
el, unfaithful guardians, whom the prophet
reproaches as unable to bark. Canes nuti,
nnn vahmtes latrare. The saints were nev
er silent. I am not one of them, but nev
ertheless I belong to their race, filii sancto
rum Mumiis, and I have always been ambi
tious to place my steps, my tears, aud, if
necessary, my blood, iu the tracks which
they have left. I rai.-e, therefore, before
the Holy Father aud the Couucil, my pro
testation as Christian and preacher against
these doctrines and practices, calling them
selves Roman, but which are not Christian,
aud which in their cnroachuients, always
most audacious and most baneful, tend to
change the constitution of the Church, the
basis as well as the form of liar teaching,
and even the apirit of hei piety. I protest
agaiust tbe divorce, as impious as it is in
sane, which it is sought to accomplish be
tween the Church, who is our mother ac
cording to eternity, and the society of the
nineteenth century, of whom we are the
sons according to the times, and toward
whom we have also some duties and attatch
ments. I protest agaiust this more radical
and dreadtul opposition to human nature,
which is attacked and made to revolt by
these false doctrines in its most indestructi
ble and holiest aspiration. I protest above
all agaiust the sucreli;.'ioa? perversion of
the Word ot the S n of Gjd himselt', the
spirit and the letter of which re equally
trodden under foot by the pharisaism of the
new law.
It is my most prof jund conviction that if
France, in particular, and the Latin races in
general, are delivered over to social, moral,
and religious anarchy, the principal cause is
without doubt not in Catholicism itself, but
in the maimer in which Catholicism has,
during a long time, been understood and
practiced. It appeals to the council about
to meet, to seek tor remedies for the excess
of our evils, and to apply them with ns
mush force as geutleness. But if fears in
which 1 do not wish to share, come to be re
alizjd, if the august assembly has not more
liberty in its deliberations than it has already
iu its preparation, it, in a word, it is depri
ved of the essential characters of (Ecumen
ical Council, I will cry to God and men to
cailau 'ther truly united io the holy spirit,
uot in the spirit of party, and representing
really the universal church, not the silence
of some men, the oppression ot others.
"Fur the heart of the daughter of my peo
ple am I hurt; I am black; astonishment
hath taken hoi 1 on me. Is there no balm
in Gile:d'? Is there no physician there?
Why is not the health of the daughter of
my people recovered?" Jeremiah viiL In
fine, I appeal to your tribunal, O Lord Je
sus! A1 luum Domine Jatn tribunal ap
pelht. It is in your presence that I write
these lines; it is at your feet, after having
prayed much, reflected, suffered and waited
much, that I sign them. I have confidence
that it men condemn rstem on earth, you
approve them in heaven. That is sufficient
for me living and dying.
Fa Hyacinthe,
Superior of the Barefooted Carmeiites of
Paris, second preaehor of the order in the
province ot Avignon.
Paris-1'assey, Septum bet 20, 18C9.
If Tennessee is not carried back to the
darkest days of anarchy and treason, it will
not be the fault of tbe legislature. A clean
sweep of all the laws passed in the interest
or tne union ami ireeanm in l300-b--8 is
in progress, and a new constitution to match
the proceedings of this character is to be fit
ted to the State and screwed down.
National Thanksgiving.
By tfie President of the United States of
America Proclamation.
The year which is drawing to a'close has
been free from pestilence. Health has pre
vailed throughout the country; abundant
crops rewarded the labor of the husband
man ; commerce and maufacturcs have-suc-ccssfully
prosecuted their paths; mines and
forests have yielded liberally; the nation
has increased in wealth and strength ; eace
has prevailed, and its blessings have advanc
ed every interest of the people in every
part of the Union ; harmony and fraternal
interest restored are obliterating the marks
of past conflict and estrangement ; burdens
have been lightened, means have been in
creased ; civil and religious liberty are secur
ed to every inhabitant of this land, whose
soil is trod by none but freemen. It be
comes a people thus favored to make ac
knowledgment to tbe Supreme Author,from
whom such blessings flow, of their gratitude
and their dependence, to render praise and
thanksgiving for the same, and devoutly to
implore a continuance of God's mercy.
Therefore. I, Ulysses S. Grant, President
of the United Siates, do recommend that
Tltursday, the eighteenth (ISfiJ diy of A'j
vcmlrr, be observed as a day of thanksgiving
and prayer to Almighty God, tbe Creator
and ruler of the universe; and I do further
recommend to all the people of the United
States to assemble on that day in their ac
customed places of public worship, aud to
unite in the honor aud praise due to the
bountiful Father of all mercies, and in fer
vent prayer for the continuance of he man
ifold blessiugs he has vouchsafed to us as a
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the. United
States to be affixed this fifth day of Octo
ber, A. D. 1869, and of the independence
of the United States of America the rmcty
fourth. U. S. GiiANT.
By the President, Hamiinu Fish, Sec
retary of State.
Bright Yoi:;q Men. At almost every
step in lifi, we meet with young men from
whom we anticipate wonderful things, but
of whom, after careful inquiry, we never
hear another word. The effervesence of
youth and passion, and the fresh gloss of in
telect and imagination, endow them with a
false briliancy, which makes fools ot them
selves and other people. Like certaiu chintz
es, calicos, and ginghams, thev show finely
on their first newness, but cannot stand the
sun and rain, and assume a very sober as
pect after washing day.
Decline in Real Estate. Real estate
in Philadelphia, it is said, is worth nothing
like what it was two or three years ago, and
is still declining in value. There arc more
houses than tenants, and brick and lumber
are so low that buildings built when ju ices
were higher cannot compete with those more
recently erected. The ' many Southerners,
too, who during the rebellion took refuge
in Philadelphia, have gone back to the
South and left vacant dwelings behind them.
SftsMt? f!rin,ti'Ssmif
Alvrtisnurutx set vp m large nut of p.'m
ttylt. trill bt chargtd donblt utuml tmtli. No tutl
SLY 65 00. You can get a pair of French
Kip Hoots tor nve dollars, at
October 13. ItM'iS. J V KRTZEH't?
BOOT? ! BOOTS ! ! w )OTS ! ! ! Tbe
celebrated RICH AKDrsoN HOOTS for salo,
wholesale and retnil. at J P. KR TZtiK'S.
T OST On Thursday evening September
30th, lsfi'j. on the put. lie road bew?- n
Isaiah Caldwell's and R. S;. Humphrey's, a NEW
KLaCK CLOTH OVKKCOAT. Any person find
ing tbe same will receive a liberal reward bv re
turning it to the undersigned, in Pike township,
or addressing him by letter.
October 13. 18!9-2t. Curwensvilie. Pe.
ter of Administration on the estate of
Robert Thompson, Sr., lata-cf Lawrence township,
deceased, br.ring been granted to the unesigu
ed, notice is heroby given that ail persons in
debted to saioVrstate are reqnired to m.ike im
mediate payment. and those having claims against
the same will preseutthem properly authvutica
ted for settlement to SIMON THOM lSOX.
Oct 13. lSo'J-fitp. Administrator.
A UDITOR S NOTICE. The undersivn
ed an Auditor appointed bv the Or
phans' Court of Clearfield coun'v. to make d:s-
tritulion of monies in tbe hands of Cyreuus
Howe and Charles 'Moan. Administrators Ac i.f
Jacob dearhart, late of Morris township, deo'd.
to and amongst thos legally entit'ed thereto will
discharge the duties ot bis appointment at bis of
fice in Clear6otd.on THOKSUAV. THE 4th UAY
OF NOVEMIiLIl next, when and where all per
sons interested may attend if they see proper.
Oct I3. y-3t. D L. KRELS. Auditor
T EG ISTERS NOTICE. Notice ishere-
()y given that the following accounts
have been examined and passed by me. and remain
filed of record in this ofnee for the inspection of
beirs.lcgatees creditors. and all others in anyway,
interested and will be presented tn the next Or
phans' Court of Cearfield county, to beheld at
tbe Court Hons, in th Borough of Clearfitd
commencing on tb 4th Monday of September.
1869 : r
Final Aoconnt of A. 8. Dickinson, Administra
tor de ham. kom enm tettameulm antuxo of Julia
Dickinson, late of Beccaria township , deed.
Partial Account of Mary Mullen. Executrix of
i nomas inuuen, late of iieooeria township, dee'd.
Oct. 13, '69. A. W. LEE, Register.
ter of Administration on the estata
of Catharine Wbiteaide. late of Guelieb t. dee'd,
having been granted to th undersigned, sUe
is hereby given that ail persons indebted U said
estate are required to make immediate pavssant,
aud tuose having claim-against th sam will pre
sent them, properly authenticated for settlement
to t . W. M CULLY,
October 7. 1869 6 pd. Admistrater.
ters of administration on the estate of
"in. naislon. late or Alums township, deceased,
haung been granted to the undaraigned, se
ttee is hereby given tbat all persons indebted le
s.iid estate are requested to make immdiat pay
ment. and those having claims against the sam
will present them, properly authenticated, fr
settlement to ALEX. RALSTON,
October . lSS9-fitp. Adsniaistrators.
No. 908 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Especial attention ia invited to this commodi
ous and beautiful establishment, th extensive
stock of seasonable and dasiiabls goods alwavs
on hand, the reputation obtained as a leader tn
fashion, and th great facilities possessed for th
fabrication and prompt dispatch ot all orders
Although eminent in the proecotioa of vry
branch of the trade, for tb particular benefit f
?n f?lrumber 'tiBi, PA M TA LOON
v -a. J. I .1 IX
a a 'prciaJity. is announced, which
is an art not obtained by imitation, but tbreugh
elos study, experience and prictie.
inose aestrtng easy and stylish panta'oons.ar
invited to give this method a trial. Oct 6. 69 3m
"TrCK- A" P00 indebted to the subseri
XI ber, are requested to come and settle with
out delay. r. MOSSOP.
...a.-.v. iur me r..ui ot h ;rl i
fencer, an immedia: cj.iecrine of -
iiig aceouuta is now rrquirel. ; . th...., f l
couuts will b in my hauls for i.'.fa,.. "
November 15th. !o-W, ar4 tb. Lot -uiJ1
that un,. will Le plaoai iutba 1.-..,,,"' 1
for eollnrit , :l w V7,-
Lambor city. October i'.. If.J. K-
T ' ll v9 tERF'rT ' Tim m axp
Ibis Ltmn.ttrr ha,-ii- T
some years pasuv-. 'imi'y uiej..-,i,,'bt t'i,' ,;r
prietor. and its good tffwsts count. to . .
sented ton.jnnfature if,.r tt Wsi'u cf . ."
flicted everywhere. It is th bew r.u.i. 7""
Catarrh and 3il Irons Choli. err '.ffjrei
... v i..'ir Bli
ing the price to
Oct. , ISC?.
Clcarheij eo.;. pt
0, YES! 0, YES!!
Persons desirous of p.-reb sflr.g a fara, rr &,
rected to exarniu-. Lia'. raicaul') pr.r.y .t Lm
reuce township, and situete at ice oi-- f
Clearfield er.-k two r-;!le r,a-tof i!.r ii
of Cleerfield. and ootiveaietit to sh!is x
The property eoi,.ati. ONE ffYPBrri.
AND f iVENTX ACH F...p.rl ..f wtiei uT
proved and auiur a high sis' of caliitU'S
the w'lole being w ill ft- ir.yl Cr il. irja urs.aU
other minerals are found on tbe
The buildings onnsitt of a eoJ T'0-8Tilr r
D WELLING UOVSE, 2", by ? feet-
BARN, aud other cot.von-'fit vutoui'Mi,,,
there is growing on tbe t.ren: ires a ;orn.
orchard of choice fruit treat,.
This property is vry r'tarantly Mtf. ,i
being at the confluenoa of. ifc. ;i r, 4
it is a verjr uesirablc rl :nvi .eg resid-iuc '
private f imily. l, po.:i .i, on the crk ,
river also rsu !'., p , grwi situa ioj f,f a hear.,
ing house during th raf.iag seat.u.
The Tiest and norfl' siie of this property Wsh
Donitlcd by the creek nbi r.ver mH- I- "B. $
ie best raffing grohnas ia iris st :ti.jn. suj u
such yields a handsoive reverue ye-tr'y
The owner. Mr ..i. A Frai k. bav.ag p-re.
nently settled in the west, is .be re.vs.r d.
posing of this valuable prvpe. tv. For 'arias w
apply to a J. L.OV.
October 8. ISR9 CUa-neid. pa
II T FI O R N , M. D., 1'i.vsiciax asi
x StROKON, having I'-car.-i i Kylerr-wu,
Pa., offers his profeMiorial rvices to ifa ritj.
sens ol that place and vicinity.
Sep iJ 1,
: : : : saucmllim
AKM.STROXa A LINU, Arru-tsETs-at-Li.
VYilliauisport, l 'C:u.l. f t-Oiioty. Pa. All
legal bus;ness entr iisT-i to t ---, w.ii "b, erif'.i
and promptly attended to. 'S lit Sin
QXEN FOR SALE. The itudt-rsign,
" residing in ClxM t-iw-.-iiif. a- '(. .-.le
FOUR YOKE OF OX1-.N. frwi.. 4 io yrso!i.
They are in good order and iui'tuV 'either f-r
work or bref. Tjrws Ujde:t.
Sep. 29. 9-st. l J iu ;;r.
Q AWED LUMBER. The u-.. hr.i.J
having starred in th" Laird-T 1-umpcm,
near Osceola, ClearLtM or -irty. P ... : pre
pared to furnish pine brw-ip rU,r ri.-t pa-. J
stuff 1c. Pino t.d H. mirr. bills s.w.d uorJu
and shipped on short notica.
C. it. M U,O.M3'iU.
;)ctu!it sltilr.
M.-y 5. 13fl9-tf. C;rtiu!5 co . I'.
of Adir.iui.-tratl .ij ou the rstat of
Jacob S. t'ok iaie ol I.f." jeree u.-Hr.. i-t J,
having vrrts gTJOtt.,1 totts ufic-Hiiin-: a)li i
horeDV giv.n tliutaM irron .a leo.t i Kit
tate are require! to trVj iurnc':.te ps.tuxiit.
and thoee baring .-Uiuis iiir..' cb . lit i'l
present tuein, properly i;ih" :': C:. 'or 'te
ment. to Sv A. t" 'I r.
Sept. 22. l?".9-?tp. Adx.nirtrnr'x
N M Y O W N K O 0 K.
Having i-in-lnsi.'il II e -n'.iv n '
old ntaild ft K:1K fc Spflidr. i I.'. mhrrC' V.
I iutemi carrying on til bu.K.-.-s. t ii,-:e:u-firo.
my motto i.sia ss;;.rii?AP roa
Thanking our fri.-m!s ai.l fbstorn-rs fnr
jiaat pjtronsge I aoli-jit a cout.boj ' its
ia inc.
Sej.t. 1 tli, IS'.S, IAAC K.EK.
a O M E T II I N a N K w
in asmv:i.i.c.
Clcai liuld lonntr, l't-tiu a.
Tbe nriderigncj hevit.g crec.n'. d::rii j tke
past summer, a i:trc and Cf i-jtLiO'l tu More rJB.
is now vii?sCil '.-i ti'ii:: i ' i wtii tiw set
(eltct a'oniuon: if !'al! tn4 "iTln'ei nJj. b
he offers to tbe puriic iiri.n-s I. ;uit tl; t:t.
Ili'.-U.ck rf Mtnr' r.i iiy. r'fc!l'ii is ;ra-eI-Ir
fi!nirf, ii,! iOrei !o ci-icrr st Ir
Sit) toS2i f..r a ho'.. suI. f .u ..-tii.tii ;
ceriej. f evry H; j. a eu.;!ete as w. !:
Stoves anu St jve-pipe, s l.ia; t si : a , E"w
Fboos. liars and t'a " :r. ient vr!t : LsJitt'
.ires stood, furf. a:i l :er i-.cy v o-ls t.g'-irr
with ac endless s crtmeit of tt .its
Io enuaiernie. airruy ft- !:nd mi. or .-a' ve:l
ohdap. Frints ut I'l ret.'.- a jrrJ fcn'l o'htr
in proporjton No -s tl.e tint !a "'
t.ountry f T'iduor or veiT kn: j. ;i i-e air""
trket price. :11 be takvu iu ri.h.rfe f"r
ds; and even Greenback aii: i.o r'."
T anv article in store
fore you buv tWslcrs.
October r.u.lsn7
lit iii::
I! off AS.
Advantages of the AtVTCAL Pti '"'
K'titrn Premium Plan of
S ti CP
37 30
47 on
a 40
Return Pr'm
D,fTrfnrt Teer't
OU l f '.il lS '
In 0 H4
2- A M
$40 RS
64 2
74 50
109 3
tin th. ., n Ihm r.', of th riot 01-
Sany ar from 2i to 84 pet ce.il. tigasr ta
lutual rates.
Policv for SS.COO at I Pf :i.J ' th WnJ
aee of 32. on the return I ma it " "S4..'
premium plan of Mt-k , case, ant. '
Companies, annual pre
mium. all cash. SI39 .SI.
and Dividend to b.
it. cull, ite!i'S '"
erest or uO'.et- !.
made. In ease of de: til
I iti t rVj Mutual .'or fi
at end of 10 years, tb
:iy will iaj tee
stock Company wit! pay
A ovt of
I J - - I'' J
Policy S5 ftf.g I in t of Po'try l
Premium 1 3: J Le.-s IVm not.s
iteturn rremium
S9.3M ".'-J?
in Cash. and 4 Jii--'JS-
rinj that fir SI 10 nnre Ce a r'''"2'.
thagain on th Mutnal plnnt.. -u
ber's family is Ft,if P " Ce-t
ocenr at the end ot 5 yea-s t- cj r"'4 " r
Cash n'd Stock Co .if-"7 i)-f i to &.:jj-! ft
At th sg of 4 th rl o ' r ,:'?'
Cash Premium will yield , , ..j .
plan for Si 0.12 iP.Cs'fc P-susiur.. UM- ; . "
50, Showing a ir on th wti''- I :" 01 "
327 50. and dividend.
II. B. SW00PE, Agfnt,
Jy.l4,'9-tf. " CltarSeM.
iLAPTER b eheapot in the coil ty r
May 29 '67. M.l' -----
CTJRR STS th best anl ehep'
county, at 2r!j!j
1J Cherrtr-i. Currsutt, iiaisu' j'J' 'TrviTa
puonc ; ana will ,;.,re m ..: y other .:us., f.
human body. U is also i.me c..,e f ur K ,.
and Wh.d-g.tll, in horws Dir-Mi o. fo- iw
accompany eeh botOe. Prio ; ' per h tJm
six bottles for Si. S.-nt to any 4Jreis t j ' r