Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 15, 1869, Image 3

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    mm; rg I i iwrnn
Wc Q&ftzimn'z oixtna, katfttfb,
icmfier 15, i860.
aSaftswan gcuntat
i To insure the safe tranzmisslon
,nev bv mail, patrons should remit by cheek
' E :.i-. ..tkni their latter reristerrd.
or bare tbeir letter registered.
cr i2"n " j j'e er c,,se,j in the first paper after
A rece. ' ... i,... -
cou.es to nat'i.
lyrsnf 3d CleaxSsjld Etilroad.
v tM sit-in leviTyronM : : : 9.H0 a m
A-'ive-at Clearfield at : : l.HO ,. in.
t - I ,','tile:ie" Clearfield a : : : 2.00 p m.
Arrives at Tyrone at : : : : S.50 p. m.
f -ne..i with Cincinnati Express East at 17
. m : M.il at6 4p, ni
bald Eagle Ex
j,jeii at 7 0 P in.
ItEl IGlot'S. Divine services will I e held
nextViabbatii, in Clearfield, as follows:
By Rev. V'. II- li'l, in tho Methodist
tliu'.h mritit's? and evening. Sabbath
w.lwl l y v M- 1rfli'er meeting, every
Thuix'ay at 71 1. M. Communion services
First ;SaU "f every month at 10 A. .M.
Service-in St- Andrews' Episoopal church
on" Tuesday evenings, at 71 o'clock. Seats
St. Fran church Mass nt 10 A. M.,
the snnd and iourth Sundavs of each
Jetting of the Republican Co. Coittee.
A meeting of the Republican County
Ct.ibtiiifit.-e will le held on Friday afternoon,
5e;. IT.IjH'9, at the office of the undersign
ed. A full attendance of the members is
iviue.-ii-d, as business of importance will
le transacted. T. II. Ml'RRAT,
Chairman Co. Committee.
Tilt new bridge is now paisaMe, and is
one of the best iinproven:en!s ever made in
t!.i- it.wn.
TilE l'roth uiolary has received the pam
!,!, t Laws of 1 809, from whom thuse cn
::!. J can obtain theiti.
TilK. railroad track is bein?
s.;itaie lurther up Third street,
it will tint be Lug until it will
wl ilc streci.
e-t.mljl a
We suppose
occupy the
Tllt'HE a a i.i'.l passed last whiter to
Biiihxiiz our I onm.-h to lxirrow money.
Why is ilie 1-ian not tTjetel. an l the need
ed iuipri'Vfim nts made? What are the
inv.- and T.iwn Council about ?
Til E Winter's log shanty, on Trout Run.
containing- the lied ling, implements, an?
clutliing uf the men, was destroyed by fire
l i-t wc- 'i. T!ie m'ti were all absent at the
ti:iu. The c:m-t; of the tiro is mtt kno.rn.
T;ir return panic between tha Atliletic
T.te If.iU Club, of Ciirwensville, and the
K'v!in Club, of Clearfield, was p!:yed
on !ho L'n'i:iJs of the Athletics on Saturday
Y'-t. Tli.- panic resulted in favor ol the
Kystenos l y a score of 132 to 53.
.-MM':r:uii ,aaht to lie tl-ie to stop the
. . . .. 1 1 .T- 1 .1 I
: i, ilM llln-HILr UICIII 1 liC Si ICCIS at
tt:4't. At ail hours, from dark to daylight,
tl-i-rean- j.frs.'ns isiiUittu' niht. hijoous, by
t' Vir 2i t:nkcu howls. The proper authori-
itc.s should take the matter jn hand.
riMfTHWI. bat, king t-on.--ti:ute a part of
ti.o regular course of study at (he Iroii City
Cill.'je. For circulars giving a full outline
ci the ni.'t hod pur-ued in this imporlant
Jirt if a IIumiicss 1-Mui-ation, ao.ircss tho
rrincipal.-,Sinith Cowley, l'ittsburgli, I'a.
We o'.s.we that the
lit i J
:e a:
mi tin.' rt p.-.ind,
and is lempnruu'y
c.'i.-rd t i tr.u-i'I.
tr liclow the l.rid
IVrsons can ford the riv
e,or come d;'Wi and cross
st the ti v. ii. The bridge needed a new
f! r very la l!y. It will be put iti thorough
E aid a shoit visit to Wallnceton on
Monday, whii-li is Incoming jtiite an cnttr
ir;itig vil!;.-. The Sic am ,aw Mid, re
fir-t c!
lam ,f,
It. .1
'!' t x.
blown up, liis been replaced by a
mill, bclo.igi.ig to Wallace Gra
. Co, th-j engine of which was mar.u
1 I.i-ro. It is making boards rapidly.
i .-i:tg a wjII near the d jpot, a vein
v:ii-:it i:al, four and a half feet in
e, has been discovered. When sue-
f-"!''ii!y oj . rated, it sill add greatly to the
l-r'J-i.crity of Wa!Iaeeton.
oiu-t have new school houses. T!ie
j txiit iiuildiag used 1'jr the public scho-jls
; u:i. ,'y unlit lor the purpose, and is a
Vra,c t the-town. We have a li:io court
l.uv. s;i!u-:i Jid ch irehes, beautilul pri
'lci.ing.,, aii 1 are about to hive a ucw
J, Lilt ih.; -,-iiooIs are still nro.ioviili-.i tor
ii a lonn in the State, ol the
'""irlL-: 1, tint lui si;h iniserabie
lor Its s, iioois.
!l V','.. ..,.1., tr. I ..
v ; 1 1. v l
:t the Seliool Ii-
' a-IiaiiiL'i of it. L,
ii.ca-mes at oi.ee lo eu p'y this
viiic i-,
''111 i- 1
i .-i-yiei lan Church at Curwens
iriy u.i ly to be dedicated. It is a
b i.iding, of stone, in" the pure
ty:.:. With a iMttern roof, ai.d win
u'- ! si,ii.i-i u:lss, stau ling on an eleva
tiu' u;i ' iu ad le.-pccts an ornament to
t i -a. The interior is beautifully fres--"-
! the r:Lisareof oak, the pews baud-
'"'l a.-n-hed. the pulpit in pcrletit keep
".in the liothic architecture, ami the
d:.;-h l.JSLe,e!e(;ai:t and h;
ii. li
"ic -tone Wails shaii be overrun with
liheairof newness is gaue, it will
' tile HI ).-t beautiful elmr.-luw in thu
J.e. e eonji-atulate the congregation
V'tliecmc.i.rizoauJ good tas;e dl-played
1,J !U erection and fii.h.
' is an aJmiited fact that no country can
ecr fi jiirl, s0 ion!5 a3 the citizens purchase
'v.r g,H ,!s and wares abroad. This is also
true ,,t eitios, towns and vill.iges. No place
:i:cv r i.r i, .,,,.1 i . i ..i
x long as its citizens patrouue
U'echaniei ,.,,.f, l,....t ,.r .h. r
I-ts, to the detriment of home manufac-u-
de.alers- I'urchasing abroad not
-i niipdverishes your own uiechanics and
iue,, U)erii but ajs0 d,ajns (he towfj of
e uuey that is needed for busine ss pur
l"" atL(ne. It is wise and prudent there
to buy a!l your RUpi)Ii0S from your QWU
cuunts, and ti get all your work done by
own mechanics. By patronizing them,
"uild up a prosperous town.
The old stump ttill lies ou Third Street.
Have we do borough officers?
A NUMBER of second Land, coal and wood
stoves, and one good lounge, the property
of the Lite J. G. Archer, for bale, by A. M.
link lit.
Voi;xj man. go to school ; you will nev-
er recret it. Uu to the best school. t nte
for a circular of the State .Normal School.
Atldress J. A. Cooper, Edinboro, Pa.
Memphis devotes only $. 12,807 per year
to school purposes, while her police pystem
costs $157,702. The veritable carnival of
crime whieh prevails in and around this
model Democratic town presents a striking
commentary on these figures.
s m
Meteorological Report for the week
ending Saturday, September 11th, IS69, as
furnished by K. Fentou, Esij., of IVnn tp. :
Masimum of thermometer, on Sept. 5rh ;
Minimum, 44 on Sept. 10th ; Mean, from
three daily observations 7 a. m. and and
9 p.m. Mean of 1 arorueter 23. 17 rain
fell during the week 1.8S1 inches. Showery
most of the week.
Thk Humboldt Centennial was ger.ernlly
celebrated by the Germans yesterday. Al
exander Vou Humboldt, was born at Derlin,
September 14th, 17t')9, and died at the same
place on the Clh May, 1S59. He was the
most distinguished savant of the Nineteenth
century. His contribution."! to sc-icitee were
the largest ever made by anv individual.
There is no branch of natural science that
has nt been illustrated by his guuius, and
cnrienea by lis researcHes. lie explored
nearly every part of the world, making As
truuomieaV tjL-uitigiea.), Btanieai. Zoologi
cal, Chemical, and Philosophical observa
tions, the results of which were chronicled
from time to time in tlu numerous books of
which he is the author. In the evening of
hi life ho commenced hi great and crown
ing work, the 'Cosmos," for which all his
previous years of travel and study were but
the preparation. He worked at it for fifieen
yeirs, sometimes for sixteen hours a da-.
and completed the last volume on his eighty
ninth bin h day. The following spring,
having thou closed his treat and famous i
labors, without, a parallel in tho annals of
scientific research, he quietly passed to his
rewanWafter a brief li'n j.s of two weeks.
In the long proccs-ion that followed his
body to its !at re-ting phu-.e wore the minis
ters of state, the generals of the army, pro
fessors in the University, oiacers of the
court, the diplomatic corps academians,
students and citizei.s; and the cofliu was
received at th; porttJ of the tomb, by the
lU-ftcnt and all the IViucesof I'iu sia. His
memory will be honored as long as scieuco
has a vot-f.v on the h tl.itab'e globe.
On Wedne-d.iv, September Nth. lSGO.by
Kct. W. J. II. iLatrieh. Jr. Jam is A.
Maxv. i i. i. rind Miss iiutECCA Uuss.Lotii of
On Velne!day, S. ptcmber Sth, ISt".9. by
Kev. W. G. rergu-on, Mr. Thomas J. Uo
key. of Mitilir. Vo., and Miss S.VLI.Y E.
Taylor, of Curwcnsville.
On Tuesday. September 1 4th, ISfiO, by
Kcv. S. S. Stouffer, lr. William 1. Alex
AN PER and Mis, ("I.AKA E. AitNtiLD, both
of Lu horsl u -g.
OAIITION. Bill (Juiilini. pauper of
Hiaiifird rowthip, h -vinir wandered
from aia uoirdin pKce. will reiaru to it or
to worK. a- wo will not pay hi boarding. or debit
coiitracta.l elsewhure tliau at "L-njjir.in Kne.ps.
P,?pt. 15, t-3-.tfp. W. P. rll 1 KEY,
Pw.r Overi"eets.
T 7 '
uenck .v
Secwced Tonic an-1 Mndrtike Pill.w!! cure Cmi
kuih 1 ! i..n. Liver Ci.u.plaint and i'y?jepia, if ta
Km according to djrectiorH. Tboy nic nil throe
to b tiikn at the s.ime time. Tliy cleanse the
utoiL'ach. relax the liver, an 1 put it to work ; tbtn
the pilitu heconiim g.iol.lhe fu. l .lixe.-ls ai.d
in b kerf soo t bloul. thu patient begins to jjrow ii.
3ch the dis4.Jel u.atler ripens in tlio 1 ugs.aud
tlie atient outgrow the diit-aso and gets well.
Thi i tl o ofcly way to cure the consumption.
To thp-e three niedicires Dr. J. II. Sehenck. of
hiUdelf.hia. o hi. unrivalled uitccs iu tlie
truiitnTr'nt of pulmonary consumption The Pul
monic Syrup ripena the morbid matter in the
liingn. nature throws it off by nn eay expeclora
tioii. tor wbcu the f lilcui or n.atter i ripe, a
.-lii;)it ciiigh will lhr..w it ..J. and the patirnt h.-.s
rest and the luna b.iii to heal. J'o do tbi. the
Se.iwced Tonic and M;in trake Pil!" mast b.' freoly
11-ed to cleaniie the stomach and liver, to that th
1'ulno.tiio 8vrup a-id the food will make good
Liver (Ton.j.luint is one of the most prominent
nQes f t-'.it.h-uiiiption. bohenck'a Seaweed Ton
ic is a gnOie jiin uini.t and alterative, and the
alkali in the Seaweed, wbi--h this preparation is
uia la of. a.'M'clt. the stomach to throw out the gas
trio jnue to .ii..S;ilvc the food with the Pulmonic
Syrup and it is made into good blood without fer
nicniH(to!i or nouriiig in tiie gtomaoh. The great
rea4.n a by hj sk-iane do not cuie consumption IS
they try to do too tna.'b ; they Jive medicine to
Moo ilit coiiili. lo -uip chills, to stop niht sweats,
hi :atio fever, and by si Join they derm. go the
whwle d'ptive powers. htckiui; np the xecretious
wni evei.iua'iy the parent .-ink and dies.
Dr. Sshetirk. in his tr? iriaent. does not try to
top a coaii. u'i.-ht cwents chilis or fover. Ke
nio, e the c:iue and they will all stop of their own
accord o ..no can be cured of consumption, liv
er complain', dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, uicer
nted iLroat uniesj the iivor and stomach are ma le
if a person has consumption. of oourse the lungs
income way are diseased, ei.'her tuberelea, ab
scesses, bronchial irritation, pleara adhusion. or
the lunjs arc a :u i- of intlamntioii aud fast de
cayitig. I n f uch dues what must be done? It
is tail only the luns that are wasted. but it is tho
whole body. Tte .-.ti-maeb ud liver have lost
their power to ninke bio.i1 out of fo'ij. Now the
only chance is to lake Sehenck't three medicines,
wtiii'h will Lriti; up a tone to the stomach, the
pationt will begin want food, it will di st cas'ly
and nisfce pood bluod ; then the patient begins to
gaiu in flesh, and a.s -uion as the body begins to
grow, the lungs be.; n to heal up. and the patient
gen. Achy and well. This is the only way to
cure consumption.
When there is no tons disease, and only liver
comi'laiut and- dyspepsia, Sehenek's Seaweed
I onic and Mandrake l'ilis are sufficient without
the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mat diake Pills
freely in all bi! lout' coin plsiuts, as they are per
fectly harmless.
I)r Schenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted
healih-for many years past, an-i now weighs 223
founds, was wiu-ted away to a mere skeleton, in
the very last stage of lulmonary coiiaumpttou. his
physicians hartni; pronounced his ci se hopeless
j and abandoned him to bis fate, lie was cuied
ny tfce uloreyaid iuclicines.and since his recovery
many similarly afflicted have use! Dr. Subenck s
preparations i!a the same remarkable i-pccess
The directiutts accompanying each, make it not
absolutely necessary to sue Dr. Schonek. unlets
the patients wish their lungs examined, and for
this pornose be is Professionally at his Principal
t'jEee. Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all
I.Vers for advice must be addressed, lie is also
professional! at No 32 liond Sirect, New York,
evert other Tuesday, and at Xu. ."i Hanover St.,
Boston, every other Wednesday. He s ives advice
free, but for a thorough examination with his
Kespimmetor tlie price is j. Ulaoe hours at each
city from 9 A. M to 3 P. M.
Trice of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton
ic each 51 f) per bottle, or 50 a half-dosen.
Mandrake Pills 2j cents a box. For sale by all
Ap. 7,'69-lj.J 15 N. 6:h St., riiUo, Pa.
j TlON Whereas, by an Act of the
t 'Tenerai .sseuitoy o. tne coiunionwcaltti o, IVnn a,
I entitled "An ae to regulate the -icuoral Election
j within this Comn.ouwcalth,'' it is enjoined on the
1 Shcrius ot the several euuiiti.s to j,ive public no
nce oi suen eicoun. i.-ie piuces wnere to be nel'l
and the oUiets to be elected : Tukrkpuiir, I, CY-
ittNLS il'JWE, liigh t-henff of Clearfieid CO., iio
hcrrly frirr. ' public notice to the Electors of the
county ul Lieariiel.l.thatatiK.M-.UALELl-.CTIuN
will be held on the Srrou-t Tnr.nliy of Uclohrr
iicti. (oeing me i n iu i u day ot the month)
at the several election districts in-said county, at
which time and place the qualified voters will vote
For one person for Governor of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania.
For one per-on lor Judee of the Supreme Court of
me lODiuionweaito oi l'enn a.
For one person to represent the counties of Clear
Delil. f.tic and hurest in the House of Kepre
eentatives ol this Commonwealth.
For one person for Treasurer of Clearfield connty
For one person for Commissioner of Clearfield
Forone person for Auditorof Clearfield connty
The electors of the county of Clearfield will
take notice thxt the said general election will be
neld at tne lotlowing places, vis
At the Union Hotel, iu Glen Hope for Beccaria
At the house of Aseph F.llis for Bell town.hip
At the hou?e of the late James liloom, Sen., for
L'loom township.
At the bouse of Edward Albert for Soeirs town's
At the house of Jacob Pearce, for tho township
of liraulord
At the public bouse of R W. Moore for Brady
At Young's School Honse for Bumside township
At the school house nearSiiaon Korabaugn's for
the township of Chest.
At the ooort bouse for the Borough of Clearfield
At the house of Jacob Maurer for the township
ot Lovint
At tho house of I. Bloom, dee'd, for the Ber
ough of Curwcnsville.
At Centre school house for the town'p of Decatur
At tho bouse of John tjreijory. formerly oecn
pied by Thos. Kobigon. (Broadway) for the town
ship ot r erguson
At Congress Hill school house for the township
of mrard.
At the public school boose Tor tioshen township
At the house of Jacob ilublcr for the town. hip
ot t,iahaiu.
At tho school house in Janenville fur the tewn
ship of tJuclieh.
At the house of J.Wilson fnrthetwn'p of Huston
At the school Louse in Auaonville for the town
ship cf Jordan.
At iirii'geu s school house for the township of
At tho Turkey Hill School house for the tewn
shin of Knox
At the court house in the Borough of ClearfiuJ
for Lawrence township
Atthepublio school hous-3 for the borough of
Luni ber city.
At the house formerly occupiod by Thomas Ky
ler for the township of Morris.
At the public school hcusw fur the Borough ef
aevr vv a.-htu;rton
At the puli'ic House of Milo Hoyt. for the Bor-
ouiih of t sceola
At the house formerly of Win. V. Anderson f&r
tue township ot I enn
At the nous of I. Illonra.dcc'd, in the Boroit'b
o t'urwensville for Pike township
At the house of D. E. Brubuker lor Cnion tow'p
At the house of Thomas lloujersou for the town
ship of Woopnard.
AN ACT rei:ulaiii.g the mode of votini at all
elections in the several counties of this Com
Skctio 1. lif it rii'icttd by the Senate and
House of Kepresentatives of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly mot. and
it is hereby enacted by the authority oi' the same.
That the iiujiiliei voters of the several election
dis'rietsot this Coinnionwealrh. at all general,
township, horutigh and 3pecial elections. are here
by, hereafter authorized and required to vote. by
tickets, piinttd. or written, or partly printed and
paniy written, severally classified as follows:
Oi.c ticket shall embrace tho names of all judires
f courts voted for. and to bo labelled outside
judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace the names
of the State offi'-ora voted for. and ba labelled.
sute; one ticket shall embrace the names of
all county officers veiled for, including office o
senator, member and members of n.-setubly, if
voted tor, and members of Cougreas, if voted for
aud be labelled --county ;" one ticket shall em
braco tho names of all township officers voted
for. and be labelled ' Township ; one ticket shall
embrace the names ot all borough officers voted
for, aud be labelled bo.-ouh ;'' and each class
shall te deposited in sex'crate ballet buxej.
I also give official notice to the electors of Clear
field county that, by an act entitled -An act fur
iber supplemental to the act relative to the elec
tioiis of Ii is, commonwealth.' approved April 17th
A i ISii'J, it is providi d as follows
S. TloH 1 Brlteuortrrt ty tin tStiltlt' and Ifon.'f
uf llrpier.t ttnt uf IkrCommuniVKallh oj l'rtnt--ylrumn
iu Ueujral AaXhiblt nu t. anil it is her, hy
r.i.iriti hy lUf authority of tin sum a. That it shall
be the duty of each of the assessors within this
couiuiouwealth, on the first Mondayof Juue in cucb
year to take up ihc transcript he has received from
ihecouniycomuiissinners under the eightt section
of tlie act ot hlieeuth April, eighteen hundred and
thirty four, and proceed loan imiueJiate revision
ot tue same by sinking lharet' oiu the name of eve
ry person who is known by biui to have did or re
moved siuce the last previous assossuient from the
district of wLieh he is the assess r.or whosedeaih
or removal from the same shall be mads known to
h im. and to add to the same the nau. eof any quat
llied voter who siiail be known to him to have
u.oved into tho district since the last previous ai-.-essuieot
and whose removal into the same sha.l
be or shall bare been made known to him. and
al.-o the names of a. I who shall nuke claim to him
t.i be qualified voters therein. As soon as 'his re
vision is completed he shail visit every dwelling
house in his district and mnke earefpl inquiry if
any person whose name is ou his list has oied or
removed tr.im the distric'.. and if so, to tasie the
same therefrom, or whether any qualified voter
resides therein whose name is not ou the list, and
if so. lo add the same thereto; and iu all cases
where a name is added to the list a tax shall forth
with be asscesed against the person; and the as
sessor shall iu all cases ascertain, by inquiry . up
on what ground the person so assessed claims to
be a voter L'pon the completion of this work, it
shall be the du;y of each assessor as aforesaid to
preveed to make out a list, in alphabetical order,
ot toe white freemen above twenty-one years of
j;e. claiming to be qualified voters in the ward,
borough, township or district of which ha is the
assessor and opposite each of said names state
w bether said frecmau is or is not a housekeeper ;
and if he is, the number of his residence, iu towns
where the same are numbered. with the street, al
ley or court in which situated; and if in a town
where there are no numbers, tho name of the
street, alley or eourt on which raid house fronts;
also, thu occupation of the pcrsiii ; und where he
is not a housekeeper, the occupation, pince of
h.iarding and with whom, and if working for an
o.her, me iiameot the employer, and write oppo
ril;i ench of said nau.es the word voter;' where
nuy person claims to vote by reason cf naturalisa
tion, ne shall exhibit his crti2cate thereof to the
assessor, unless he has been for fire consecutive
years next preceding a voter in said district ; and
in all cases where me person bus been naturalis
ed, the namiishall be wanted wiih the letter 'N';
whsre the person has merely declared his inten
tions to become a citizen aud designs to be natu
ralised before the next election, the name shall
be marked D I.'; where the claim is to vote by
reason of being between the ages of twenty-one
and twenty-two. as provided by law, the wnrd
age" shall be entered; audit the pers.n has
moved into the eleotion district to reside since
the last general election, the let er -K" shall be
placed opposite the name. It shall be the further
amy ot each assessor as aforesaid, upon the com
pletion of the duties herein imposed, to make out
a sep;rato list of all new assessajauts made by
him. and the amounts assessed upou each, and
furnish the same immediately to the eouuty com
missioners. b:j shall immediately add the names
to the tax duplicate of the w ard, borough, town
ship or district in which they have been assessed.
Sec 1. On the list being cumpleted aud the as
sessments madoas aforesaid, the same sbai funh
wiih be returned to the county commissioners,
who shall cause duplicate copies of said lists. witn
the observations and explanations required to be
noted as aforesaid, to be made out as soou as pra
ticable and placed iu the hands cf the assessor,
who shall prior to the Erst'of Augnst ineach year,
put one copy thereof on the door of or cn the
hcuse where the election of the respective district
is required to be held, and retain the other in his
possesion, fur the inspection, free of chtrge. of
any person resident in the sai i eice'ion district
who shall desire to see the same ; and it shall be
the duty of the said assessor to add. from time to
time. on tho pe'soaal application of any one claim
ing the right to vote, the name of such claimant,
aud mart o;p site the name "C.V " and immedi
ately assets him with a tax. noting, as in all other
cases, his occupation, resideuoe. whether a board
er or housekeeper; if a boarder, with whom he
boards; and wbe'her naturalized or designing to
be, mariving in all such cases the letters opposite
the name, "N " or '-1 I." as tte case may be; if
the person claiming to be assessed be naturalized
tiesuail exhibit to the assessor his certificate of
naturalization; and if be claims that be designs
to be na'uralized before the next ensuing election,
be shall exhibit the certificate of his declaration
of intention; in all cases where any ward, bor
ough . township or election district is divided into
two or more precincts, the assessor shall note in
all his assessments the election precinct in which
each elector resides, and 'ball make a separate
return for each to the county commissioners, in all
cases in which a return is required from him by
i he provisions of t
njii.rs,iu mk
this act, and (he
county com- !
itg duplicate copies of all such
rs:nr..j .uuii t. .....1....... . .
--..-....-,, ..v.ici oi ;ha names
"i ins veiers
iu racu iin-cii-rc. sepa-aioly. mtli
the same to the asses i..s n i .l
shall furn
1 copirs lequirod by this act to be placid on the
u.wrs oi or on me e eciion places on or before the
first of Aucust iu each year, shall h i a
the door of or on the election place iu each of said
Set-. 3 Afier the assessments have been com
pletedon the tenth day preceding the second Tues
day in October of each year, the assessor shall on
the Monday immediaiul v .followimr W1,i,'.
turn to the county commissioners of the names of
l-er.-oiis essesseu oj uim vj ine Secotd section
of this act, noting opposite each name the ol. serra
tions aud explanations required to be noted as a
foresaid; and the county romtnissior.ers shall
thereupon cause the same to be added to the re
turn required by the second section of this act. and
full and correct cony thereof to ha ,..,)
taining the names of all persons so returned as
losiueui taxaotes in sani wara, Dorou-h, township
or precinct, aud furnish the eauc, together with
tho necessary election blanks to (be officers of the
election in said ward, borough, township or pre
cioct, on or before six o'clock in the morning of
the tecond Tuesday ot Ociober; and no man shall
be permitted to vote at the election ou that day
whose name is not un said list, unless he shall
make pruof of his right to vole, as hereinafter
fc.ee. 4. On the day of the election any person
whose name is uol ou the said list, aud claiming
the right to rote at said election, shall produce at
least one qualified voter of the district as a wit
oess to the resilience of the claimant in the dis
trict in which he claims to be a voter, for the pe
riod of at least ten days next preceding said eleo
tion, which witness shall take and subscribe a
written, or partly written and partly printed, af
fidavit to the tacts stated by him, which affidavit
shall define cleai ly where the residence is of the
person so claiming to be a voter; and the person
so claiming tbe rigat to vote shall also taae and
subscribe a written, or partly written and partly
printed affidavit, stating to the best of his knowl
edge and belief, where and when be was born ;
that he is a citizen of the commonwealth of Penn
sylvania and of the United States; that be ha re
sided in the commonwealth ouo year, or if form
erly a citizen tberciii. and has moved therofroio.
that he has resided therein sis months next pre
ceding said electi u ; that he has not moved into
tho district for the purpose of voting therein;
that he has paid a state or County tax within two
ye.r,, which was assessed at least ten days before
said electiou; and. if a naturalized citizen, shall
alto stale when, where aud by what court he was
uuturalizcd, and shall alsa produce his certificate
of naturalization fot examiuatiou ; the said affi
davit shap ale. i slate when and where the tax
claimed to be paid by tbe affiant was assessed, and
when, where and to whom paid and the tax re
ceipt therefor shall bo produ -ed for examination,
units- tho affiant shall ssale iu his affidavit that it
has been lost or destroyed, or th at he never re
ceived any; fcutif the person soclaimiag the right
to vote shall take and subscribe an aludavit, that
he is a native b rn citizen of the Lnited States
tor if born elsewhere, shall state that fat in bis
affidavit, and shail produce evidence that ho has
been naturalized, or that ha is emitted to citizen
ship by reason of bisfather's na'uralisalion.) and
shall lurther siale 111 his affidavit that he is. at
the time of ta iu:; the affidavit, between tbe ages
of twenty one and twenty-two years; that he has
resided in the Mate one year and in the election
district ten days next preeedine such election, he
shall bo entitled to vote, nlthoush he shall not
have paid taxes ; the said afliJav-tsof all persons
making such claims, und ihe affidavits of the wit
nesses lo tbeir residence shall be nreserved bi tho
electiou board, and at the close of tbe election 1
they shall be enclo.-el with the li.-t of voters tal
ly list and other papers required by law to be filed
by the return ju l-'e with tho urothonoiary and
shall remain on hie therewith iu the prothoiuta
ry's office, subject to examination, as other elec
tion papers' are; if the election officers shall find
that the applicant or applicants possess ail the le
gal qualifications of voters, he or they shall be
permitted to vote, aud the cuuia or nan.es shall be
added to the list of t:ix.ibles by the election offi
cers, the word - lax' beins; added where tbeelaim-
ant claims to vota on tax. and the word 'a-'e'
where he claims to vote on aeo : the sumo words
being add d Ly the clerks iu each case respec
tively on the i-sts of persons voting at such elec
tiou Skc.5. It shall be lawful for acv nualified citi
zen of the district, notwithstanding tho name of
the proposed vi.Ur is contains ! on the list of res
ident taxahles. to challeugc the vuieof such per
son; whereupon the samo proof of the ri-jbt of
suffrage as is now required by law shall be pub
licly made aud acted on by the clcc'ion board,
and the vote admitted or rejoeted. accuriiiug to
the evidence; every person claiming to be a nat
uralized citizen shail be required to produce his
naturalization certificate at the election before
Vii.iue;, except where he has bei-n f.r teu years,
cou.-ecuuvoly, a voter lu the district in which be
offers his vote ; and on the vote of such person
beiu rceived. it siiail be the duty ef tbe elec
tion officers to wrLe or stamp on such certificate
the word 'iruted." wiih the mouth and yeai ; and
if any election officer or officers shall receive a
second vote ou the siuie day, by virtue of the
same certificate, excepting where sons are enti
tled to vtttu i v virtue oi tho naturalization of
their fathers, they and tho person who shall otter
such second vote, upuu so uu'endin sha.ll he guil
ty ot a hirh misdemeanor, and on convictiun
theicof. bo fined or imprisoned, or both, at the
discretion os theourt; but the fiuo shall no ex
ec..! one hundred dollars in e-i-h case, nor the
imprison aifnt one year; tbe like luni-hment
shall be iuflictd. on conviction. o.i tho officers of
election who shall refuse or neglect to make, or
cause to be made, the indorsement required as
aforesaid on said naturalization certificate.
tc. 6. If any election, officer shall refuse or
neglect to require su -h proof of tho right of suf
frage as is prescribed by this law, or the laws to
which this is a supplement from any person of
fciii.2 to vote wbo"e name i; not on the list of as
sessed voters, or whose riaht to vote iscUal enged
uy any quaiinea voier present, and shall admit
such person to vole wiihout requirinir such proof.
every person so oliendiug. shail u-ion conviction
oeguil-yot ii lii.-l misdemeanor, and shall be
sentenced, for every such otlcnse. to pay a fine
not exceeding one nnuareu aoiiars.or to undergo
an imprisonment not more than ouo year, or ei
ther or both, at tbe diecietion of the eueK
Snc 7. Ten days preced re every election for
electors of Presidert and Vice President of the
l nited States it shall be the duty 14' the Astessor
to attend at the place fired bylaw tor holding
the elociion in each election district, and then
aad there hear all applications ot persons whose
names have been omitted iroui tue 11st of assess-
d voters, an i who ciaicu the right to vote or
whose rights have originated sinc the same was
made out, and shall aad ihe names of such per
sons therto as shall show that they are entitled
to the right of suffrage in such district, un the
personal application of the claimant only, and
tortbwith assess them with the proper tax. After
completing the list, a copy thereof shall be placed
on the door of or on the Louse where tbe eleotion
is to be held, at least eifit days belore the elec
tion ; and at the electiou the same course shall
be pursued iu ail respects, as is required by this
act and the acts to wh ich it is a supplement, at
tbe general eluciions in October. The Assessor
suuii als 1 make the same returns to the county
commissioners of ail ussessaients made by virtue
f this section; and the county corumissioiiprK
shall furnish copies thereof to the election offi
cers in each district, in like manner, in all re
spects, as is required at the general elections in
Sec. t?.. The same rules and regulations shall
apply at every spocial election, aud at every sep
arate city, buiougb or ward election, in alls re
spects as at the general eiociioas m Ootoner
isEC. V. Ihe resuectire assessors, lnsnectnra and
judges of the elections shall each have the power
10 aiiminiscer oaius 10 aoj persons ciaimin" the
right to be assessed or the right of suffrage, or in
regard to any Oihcr matter or thing required to
be done or re quired into by any of said officers
under this act ; and any wiliut false swearing by
any person in relation to any mat'er or thing
concerning which they shail he lawfully interro
gated by any uf said officers shall be punished as
Skc 10. The assessors shall each reeeivo tho
same compensation for the time neses-arily spent
in periorming mo uunus ueic-ij enjjlntd as 1;
provided by law for the performance of other
duties, to bo paid by thecoumj commissioners as
in other cases ; and it shall not be lawful tor any
assessor to assess a tax against any person what
ever within ten days next preceding 'he election
to ba held 0 u tbe second 1
ue.sdav oi ll.ruk
any year, or within ten days next before any e
lection for President and Vice President of the
Lnited States; any violation of this ciovision
shall be a mir'euieauor, aud subject the oifiers
so offending to a fir.e, 0:1 convio ion, not exceed
ing one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not
exceeding three months, or both at the discretion
of tho oourt.
Skc. Ii. On the petition cf five or more citiiens
of tbe county .stating under oath that tbey verily
believe that frauds will be practiced at the elec
tion about lo be held in any district, it shall be
the duty of the court of common pleas of said co.
if in session, or if not judgo thereof in vaca
tion, to appoint two judicious, sober and intelli
gent citiiens of thecouuty to act as overseers at
said eleotion ; said overseers shall be selected
trom different political parties. where the inspect
ors belong to different parlies, and where both of
said inspectors belong to the sina political par
ty. both of the overseers shall be taken from the
opposite politicatparcy ; said overseers shall have
the right to be present with tbe officers of the
election, during the whole time the same is held,
the votes counted and the returns made out and
signed by the election officers; to keep a list of
voters, it they see proper; to challenge any per
son offering to vote, and interrogate him and bis
witness under oath, in regard to hisri.ht of suf
frage at said electiun. and toexamine lis papers
pr-duccd ; and the offieeis of said electiou are
required to afford to said overseers so selected
and appointed every convenience and facility for
,.,.u..,ScU1 ineir duties; and it said elo
tion officers shall refuse to permit said overseers
10 oe present auj perform tbeir duties as afore
said, or if tbey shall be driven away from tho
pons uy violence or iMimidation, all '.ne votes
puilea at sucn election di-trict may be rejected
by any tribunal trying a contest under said eloc
tion: Provided. That no per on sizninz the ne-
ouiMi uBB-'poiuiejaii overseer.
OBC j. it any protfaouotary. clork. "r tbe
deputy ot either, or any other person, shall affix
tue seat 01 omce 10 any naturalization paper or
permit the same affixed, or give out or Cause or
pera.it the same to be given out, in b auk. where
by it may be fr iu luleuliy used, or furnish a nat
uralization certificate to anv neiaun who si, nil
not have been duly examined and sworn in open
com 1. 01 ins presenco 01 some ot tbe judges there
of, according to the act of Congress, or shall aid
in. connive at, or in any way permit the issue of
auy irauuuient naturalization certihcate.he shall
he guilty of a high misdemeanor ; or if any one
shall fraudulently use any such certificate of nat
uralization, knowing that it was fraudulently L.-
euea. or snail vote, or attempt to vote, on auy
Certificate of naturalisation nut issued to hiin. he
shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor; end ci
ther or any of tho persons, their aiders or abet
tors, guilty of either of the misdemeanors afore.
said, snail, on conviction, be fined in a sum not
exceeding one thousand dollars and imprisoned
iu ioe proper pcniteutiaqitur a period not ex
cecdin-r three year.
Sec. !3. Any person who on oath or affirmation
u or oeiure any oourt in this Stale, or officer au
thoized to admiuister oaths, shall, to procure 1
ccmucaie or naieralizanon, lor himself or any
other person, wilfully depose, declare, or affirm
any matter to be fact, knowing the same to be
false or shall in like manner deny any matter to
be fact knowing the same to be tree shall be guil
ty of perjury; and any certificate of naturaliza
tion issued in pursuance of any such denosition
declaration or ufhruiation.shall be nu'I and void;
aud it shall be tbe duty of the court issuiug the
same, upon proof bei' g made before it that it was
fraudulently obtained , to take immediate mea
sures tor recall ing the suie for cancellation, and
auy person who shall vote, or attempt to vote, on
any papcrto obtained, or who thull iu auy way
aid in, or have auy agency whatever iu the issue,
circulation or use of any fraadulent naturaliza
tion certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeaa jr. and upon conviciion thereof . shall un
dergo an imprisonment iu the penitentiary for
not tnoru than two years, and pay a fine of not
more than one thousand dollars, for every such
offence, or eilLer or bo-.h,at the discretion oi the
Sec. 14 Any assessor, election c-fficer or person
appointed as an overseer, who shall neglect or
refuse to peiforin nny duty enjoined by this act,
without reasonable or legal cause shall be suhjaet
t) a penalty of one hundred dollars, and if any
assessor shall a-scss any person as a voter who is
not qualiffed.or shall icfuse to assess any one who
is qualified, he snail be guilty of a misdemeanor
iu office, an on conviction be punished by fice or
imprtsonruont, and also be subject to au action
for damages by the party aggrieved ; aud if any
person shall fraudulently alter. add to. deface or
destroy any listf voters made out s. directed by
this act. or tear down or remove the same fioiu
the plaso where it has been fixed, with fraudu
lent or ui schevious intent, or for auy improper
purpose the prrson so offending shall be guilty
of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction shall
he ',. jnished by a fine not exceedinir five hundred
dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding two years
or both, at tho discretion ot the court.
Skc. 1 j. All elections for city, ward, borough.
township and election officers shall he'eaftcr be
held oa the second Tuesday of October, subject to
all the provisions cf the lairs regulating the elec
tiou of such officers not inconsistent with th;s act ;
the persons elected to sucb offices at that time shail
take their places at tho expiration of the terms
ol the pe sons holding the same at the tiu.o of
aach election: but no election for the office of as
sessor or assistant assessor shall be held under
this net nr.til the year one thousand eight hun
dred and seventy.
Skc, Id. At all elections hereafter held under
tho laws of this ci.unn. in wealth, the polls shall he
opened betwein tho hours Jof six and seven 0
cionk, a m., and closed at seven p. m.
Skc. 17. It shall be the duty of the Secretary
of the Commonwealth to prepare forms for all
the blanks made necessary by this ace, and fur
nish copies of tha same to tho county con missinD
ers of tbe several counties of the commouweuith;
aud the county commissioners of each county
shall, as soon as may be nece,sary ufter receipt of
the same, at the proper expense of the county,
procure aud furnssh touli the election districts of
their respective counties copies of such blanks. in
such quaniities as may bo rendered necessary for
the discharge of their duties under this act.
Sac. 19. Tbst citizens of this State tempora
rily in the sorvice of the State or of the I uite.i
States governments, on clerical or other du'y.and
who do uot vote where thus employed, shall not
be thereby deprived of the right to vote ia their
several election districts if olherwiso duly quali
all persons, except Justices of the Peace, who
shall hold auy office or appointment ef trust, un
der the government of the United States or of
this State, or of any incorporated district, wheth
er a commissioned officer or otberwis-v a subor
dinate officer or agent, who is or shall he ero
p oyed under the Legislative. Executive, or Judi
cial Departments of this State or Lnited States,
or any city or incorpoated district, and also that
every member of Congress aud of the State Legis
lature, or of the common or select council of any
city, or commissioner of any incorporated dis
trict, are by law incapable of holding or exer
cising, at the same time, the office er a p oint
ment of Judire. Inspector, or Clerk of any elec
tion of this Commonwealth.
And the Return Judges of the respective dis
tricts aforesaid are requested to meet at theCoert
Hone, in the Borough of Clearfield, oa the hint
I'riiiay next after the said Second Tuesday ef Oc
tober, then and there to do those things required
UI VLN" under my band and seal, at Clearfield,
this Filtenth day of Septemberin the year of oer
Lord one thousand eight band red and sixty-nine,
and of the Independence of the Lnited States the
ninety-third. CYREXL'S. UOVI B, stherisT.
persons knowing them
selves indebttd to me will please call
and settle at once The books are at the store of
Whilcomb J: Townscnd. Osceola, Pa.
J ly 21. lS.-3-tf. a. S PERKY.
-- undesigned will seb, at private sale, on
reasonable terms, ccveral va'aabie town proper
ties. Any person wishing to purchase a house
and lot had better call.
July2I, Irtutf. II B. SWO'lPg.
f1 ACTION. AU persons are hereby cau-
tinned nsainst purchasing or it anv way
meddling with the following property now in
possession of James M'Clinsey, of Bell township ;
two burses, one cow, one two year old heitter. five
sheep, three acres oats, two acres buck wheat, one
stove, two bedsteads and bedding, and 1 10 dozen
wheat, a? the same belon? to me and have only
been left in care of said M'Clinsey, and are sub
ject to my order at any time
fi-ep. l.-G-.t-Jtp. A.MIlthiV terh-NCEK.
pXAMINATIONS. The annual cxami
nation of Teachers for Clearfield county,
will be held as follows: Brady, Bloom and L
nioa. September I Itb, at Luthersburg ; Curwcns
ville and Pike, tbe 13th. at Curwcnsville; Peuu,
the I4tn. at Pennville; Lumber-city and Fergu
son, the lath, a. L city ; Bell, the irith.a' Bower :
Burnside, tho 17th, at Hurnside; New Washing
ton aud Chest, the 2tb, at New Washington:
Jordan, the 3!st,at Ansonvilie; Beccaria. tbe 22d.
attalen Hope; 0 uclie h. the 2od. at Janesviile:
Woodward, the 24th. at JIappy Valley School
House; Knox, the 2-ith, at Now Millport: Beiirs
the 27th. at Centre School House: Decatur and
Osceola the 2sth. at Osce-jla: Morris the 29th. at
Kylertown; Ciraham. the SO'.h.at ;
bra iford aud Independent. October 1st. at Jack
son's School House; Clearfield and Lawrence, the
2d. at Clearfield; Karthiu. the 6th, at Salt
Lick ; Cuvington.the 7th. at Mulsouburg ; Girard,
thoSth.at ' ongress lii:l ; Uoshvn, the 9th, at
Ooshen School House.
Applicants will furnish themselves with pan
and ink, or penoil, and paper, as part of the ex
aminations will be written. No more private
examinations will beheld : her.ee it is necessary
for all who intend to t?arh to attend some of tbe
public ones, which will commence promptly at 9
o'clock A. M , after which noun wil' be admitted
to the class. U. W. SNYDEK.
SepL 1, ltj9 Jonnty Sup't.
Antl other Fnrm Set'?, from Diifz's Ex
perimental Farm, Chamfrmbury. Fa.
Diehl'sand Bongbton Beardless; Week's and
Tresdwell's Bearded White Wheats; French
White and Bed chaff; Purple Straw Bearded Hcd
Mediterranean, and Herman Amber Beardless,
are the best, earliest, hardiest and most prodnc
five Wheat that can he recomtnenued for gener
al cultivation. Price Si per bushel. 4 pounds
of any kind by mail, post paid, for $1. Twenty
heads of different varieties rent post paid, for SI.
Twetny other varieties of Wheat, Barley and
Oats, of last year's importation. See Deitz's Ex
perimental Farm Journal ; send and subscribe
for it; the most useful Journal printed. Address
till J. A DEITZ, Cbambersburg, Pa.
Tha earliest, hardiest. and most productive Red
Wheat is the French White Chaff. Sep. tit-It
tor.- of Administration on the estate
j of William 'Viliiauis sr. late of Jordan tp. dee'd,
j having teen granted to the undersigned, notice
c ucicwj ocu u.aiu r.unj mucnitii 10 said
estate are required to make immediate payment,
and t lose having ;laim- against the same will pre
sent them, pioperiy authenticated for settlement
to A W. YOl Nti
Aug. 31. lSf.9 Ct pd - Admistrvtors.
tate of John G. Cain. In the Or
phans' Coartof Clearfield county, Pa upon the
report of Appraisers filed, setting out real estate
to Nancy, the widow of John . Cain, thereupon
it is ordered by the court as follows :
Now, June 29 A D. 169 publication in at least
one newspaper, for three weeks before September
Term, lstiu. publis! ed in Olearfield connty. is
hereby directed, notifying all persons in interest
1 that as to the real estate appraised and set out to
the widow of John (3 Cain, late of tiuelich t'p.
dee'd. under the law allowing her S30V worth of
property, to be thus set out to the use of herself
and family, the said appraisement will be abso
lutely confirmed unloss snffrcient reason to the
contrary be shown by the first dav of September
term. A. D. ISoV. BY THE COURT.
Attest A. W. LEE. Clerk O. C. ISep. 1 .
yj Real EsfatJ.
Under an order of the Orphans' Court of Clear
field couuty. Pa , dated June 2th. 1S4V. tbe un
dersigned Administrators of Henry II. Smeal.
deceased, will sell by public vendue or nuicrjr,
on thepremiss in itraham township ou TlJljfi$
DAY. SEPTEMBER 1 I"-9. at 2 o'clock. P
M., that valuable real estate described as follows :
Beginning at a post at tbe south-east cornet,
thence by laud of V. P Smeal south 10T perches
to a post, thence by lands of 11 H.nulin . West 72
perches to a post, thence by laud of Margaret
Smeal. North ill? perches to a pesl.thence by land
of V. P. Smeal east 72 porches to place of begin
ning, containing Fifty Acres, more or less.
TEniis. The one half cash on confirmation of I
sale, and the balance fn one year thereafter with
interest from date of sale, to be secured by bond
and mortgage on the property.
Sept. 1 'tifl. HENRY I! A Ml IN. Atmr.
i EG ISTER'S NOTICE. Notice ishere
by given that the following noeouuts
have been examined and passed by me. and remain
filed of recurd in t)is office for the inspection of
heirs. legatees creditors and all others in anyway .
interested aud will be presented to the next Or
phans' Court of Ceartield county, to beheld at
tbe Court House, in the Liorongu cf Clcarfiid
commencing on tho 4th Monday of September
lso9 :
Final Aceount of Patrick Curley. Adm'r of
James Curley. late uf Orabani township, dte'd.
Paitial Account of George SIoss Adui'ref John
Sloss. late of Knox township, dee'd
Final account of C. Kratzer Adia'r of Anthony
Kratzer. late of Pike township, dee d
Final Account of James Riddle. Adm'r &0-, of
Win. Auderson. late of tiurnstJe township, dee'd.
Account of Samuel A Caldwell, Adm'r of Jacob
Gearhart. late of Bog s township, dee'd.
final Account of li. 11. -Hunt and Lewis J.
llurd. Executors of Klius laurd, lato if Chest
township, deceased.
Partial Account or John s-rnitb and Oeorse
Smith sr , Executors of Oeorge Hughes, laie of
bia.ly tawnstnp decease.!.
The account of John II. Fulford. Administra
tor de. honii turn, of James Morrison, late of Jor
dan township, deceased.
Aug 2j, M9. A. W. LEE. Register.
"NTOTICE j. In the matter of the applic:
x tion of William Ma pet?, to the (iuit 1
ai.ef-, to the l-ouit of
Com uion I'll as of Clearfield count y.lo be discharg
ed f 10m his suretysn in for nior.ies received by
Francis Donlap.lute of said Borough of Clearfield.
Pa., froui theest-ite of John Crosthwsite. late of
Centre county. Pa. .being the legacies bequeathed
to John and Daniel Dutiiap.
By virtue of a certain rule which was cranted
by the Orphans' Court, at Clearfield the iiOth day
of June. Isti9 I do hctehy give notice to all per
sons interested in said fund received as above
stated to appear on or before the Se md Monday
of September, proximo, and present their claims
according to law, and do such other matters as
the Court may require of them in the premises or
be forever barred ; and also show cause accord ing
to tbe following ruie itiado In this case
Aug. 25-tt.J Att'y for Win .Mapos.
June 30th. ISM Rulo is era n ted to show cause
why Win. Mapes should not be released and dis
charged from a bond given by him as surety wiih
one Francis l'unlap to the Orphan's Court of
Clearfield couuty, on the 3rd day of September,
A. If., Ist4. in pursuance ot an Act of Assembly
approved the 2th day of April, IS44. Publica-
ti in to bo uiado of this rule in two newspapers
published in Clearfield county, for four weeks
prior to the September Term.
leal of the Court BY THE COURT.
C HEIUKF'S SALE. By vit tueof sund:y
writs of I tin. JJ.rrioiinx. issued out
of the Court of Commou Pleas of Clearfield
county, and to me directed, there will be exposed
to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough
of Clearfield, on MONDAY, the 2t'th DAY F
SEPTEMBER. Ioi;9,at2 o'clock P.M the following
described property to wit :
A certain tract of land situnte in Clearfield
Borough, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded as fol
lows : Beginuing at a post at the public road
leading from the borough of Clearfield to Clear
field Bridge 7 9 10 perches to a post, thence North
if perches to a post, thence West 13 nerches to
public road, thence by puhlio road South 20 dag.
Easts perches to post, thence f-oilth 13 deg
I perches to post aud place of bceinninz. con
taining lOll i perches having two dwelling bouses
erocted thereon. Best rv inn out of Ihe same a
small piece of ground West of tbe road leading
10 aioore s coai oana wnicn is already conveyed
to the Rev. Father Tracy. Seized, taken in exe
cution, and to be sold as the property of John
r eency.
Also a ccrtun tract of Innd situate in Chest
township. Clearfield connty. P. bouu.l.-.l ns fol
lows: beginning at a hickory corner on old Hue
of John liieuneman tbcr.ee South oil decrees West
L j aiar.iu ni ningion tract to corner made by
John McCoid at luj perches, thence by lands be
longing to the estate ot.loLu Met! uliy.dcc'd. North
west by line of McCtod t70 perches, more or less,
to a corner, thence by land sold 10 ii. R. JleOully
ioj perches lo a heinl' ek. down, thence bv old
iineSouih 4 II degrees East.to ulaee uf be'ir.nice.
cintaiuiiig 112 acres and 30 perches, with a house
and ham erected thereon; with a resi rvalion of
64 acres and l2o perches Sold to Samuel Str-iw.Ae.
Seized, taken iu execution, and to be sold as the
property of Joseph MeOully.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Chest
township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the
East by land of Henry Pearce and James Wood,
on the South by land of James Stevenson, on the
West by land of Austin Curry and Chest creek,
aud ou the North by land ol Wm Wagoner and
Hugh Uallaher coutaini ig about fiftjr acres more
or less, with about Ifi acres cleared, aud having
a small leg dwelling bouse erected thereon. Sei
zed, taken in exeeution.and to Le sold as the prop
erty of Simon Rorabaugh.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Morris
township, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded aud
described as follows, to wit : On the North by C.
Metz, on tbe South by Michael Loder and Philip
Baker and West by Richard '1 hom is and warran
ted in the name of Wm. Metx containing 361
acres and allowance. and no improvements there
on. Seized, taken in exeeution.and IJ he sold as
the property of John O. Lorain
Also a certain tract ot land situate in Fergu
son township. C'earfield connty. Pa., bounded on
tbe Kau by lauds of Orange Thurston, on the
South by lands of Martin Nolan, on the West by
lands of loseph Straw and on the North by lands
of tieorge Williams containing Oi acre and hay
ing a small fraino house and stable erected there
on. Seized, taken in execution, and to be Sold
as the property of Pett;r Suo.muns.
Also by virtue cf a writcf P4eri Fmtios, the
following real estate, to wit;
A certain tract ol land situate in Oraham tp.,
Clearfield county. Pa. .containing I o- acres and
2-s'perches. 25 acres leing cleared, having there
on erected a small bouse and b-irn, being part of
a larger tract warranted in tho name of John
Thomas, bounded by lands of Uraham, Forcey
and others. Seized, taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Win. M. Burge.
Also by virtue of a writ of Levari Faeia,iit
following described property, to wit:
A certain building situate in tbe Borough of
Osceola. Cle'rfield county. Pa., it teing a two
story stone and brick building or dry kiln for
drying lumber, being 7a feet long and 20 feet
deep, the lower stc.ry being built of stone about
10 feet high, and tho upper story of brick abuut
9 feet high, being built on a tract of land bound
ed on the East and South l.y Moshannon creek
and on the North and West by land of Lawshe,
W hite & Co .the said claim being entered against
tbe said building and tbe above described lot of
ground and cnrtillage appurtenant to said build
ing, s-ciied. token in execution, and te be sold as
the property of Richard GriQth, Ambrose Gill
man aud Toos. Farren.
Sep. 8. 1863. C.HOWE, Sheriff.
SALT S ALT'.: A prime article of ground a
nm zs.lt. pat cp in patent saris, for salechea
at the .trifl -f R. MOSSO-
PLASTER the cheapest in the county, at
May 29 '67 MOSSOP'S.
wr . aXstkos. : : : : : rHLLt.v.
ARMSTR't.Vti Jt LINX. ArroBXBrs -tT-La,w,
W illiarnsport. Lycoming County, P. All
legal basiiies eutrested to them will "be carefully
"J Pronpt attended to. (Aug 4, 'o9-s.ru.
of Aduiiuistraiiou 011 the estate of
llenry Irwin, late of Lawrence township, dec d.
having been granted tothe undersiened. notice ia
hereby given tbatall persons indebted to said es
tate are required to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the v.me will
present them, properly auihentieated. for esttle-mcat-to
Aog. II, 189-6tp. Administrators.
Yhite Lead, Zino Paint, Linseed Oil. Tarpeariue,
Tarnishes of all kinds, Colon, fa sol and
dry. Paint and Varnish brashes,
Clearfield. Pa -II i.'6.
SAWED LUMPER, -The undersigned
hnvinjr started in the Lumber business;,
near Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., ia now pro
P. f1,,r,,'n P'n koards. clear and panel
stuff. Ac. Pioe and Hemlock bills sawed to order
and shipped on short notice.
. t , , Osceola Mills.
---Ly 5 m9-)f- Clearfield eo.. Pa.
D R- B
0 L A R K ' S
Ccjor 4 Shaw and llsruwiek i Irwin,
Clearfield, Pa.
Ang 4.'oS-ly Retail Price. SI 0 per package.
I'?"."1 H" oases of Dyspepsia, more easea of
I.I El. COMPLAINT, more cases of NERVOUS
HKADACHE. FEVER A Aii I E. and wore cases rl
DIBILITY, than any other remedy before the
public in the same space of time
clnms the mind, restores sleep, is an Excellent Ap.
petitsr, and a general vtgnrator of the System.--WALTON
A ZUG. Proprietors,
No 9 N'. Seventh St . Philadelphia.'
Snld by Drngg.sts, and Dealers centrally.
1 sno.
A! TSS II. S. SWAN'S, Schiolfor Girls,
L Clearfield, Pa.
The Fall Term of twenty-two weeks will ee ra
nt ei.ee on Monday, September 6, IS69.
or Tt-iTiox.
Reading Orthography.W'ritlHg. Object Les
sons. Primary Arithmetic and Primary
Geography, per half term, (of 11 weeks), S3 00
History, Local and Descriptive Geography
with Alap Drawing, Grammar, Mental
aui Written Arithmetic, 6 id
Algebra and the Sciences, 9 00
Instruction in Inslruinonta! Music, le 00
Oil Painting, j 0)
Wax Work, g gg
For full particulars send for Circular.
Clearfield, August 2i, letl9-3m.
The undersigned offers at private sale the un
divided one half, or the whole ef the Bald Hills
Property, in Girard township, Clearfield eo.. Pa.
Said property centair.s about FIFTEEN HUN
DRED ACRES of land, well timbered with Pine,
Hemlock and Oak. A good STEAM SAW MILL,
fifty horse power, with capacity to cut 21.003 feet
per day, is erected thereon. Also, a Picket. Shin
gle and Lath Mill connected The maohinery it
comparatively new ana in good order.
Persons wishing to purchase can receive fur
ther information in regard to price. Ao . by call
ing on JOHN II. FULFORD, Clearfield, Ftsn's,
ALtX 1KYIS, on the premises, or the under
signed. Aug. II, 1869-3m. JAMES IHVIN.Sen.
Clearfield county, TenD'a.
The undersigned having erected, during the
past summer, a large and commodious store room,
is now engaged in filling it up with a caw aud
select assortmcntof Fall and Winter goods, which
he offers to the public at prices to suit the times.
His stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual
ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from
f 10 toS20 for a whole suit. Floor. Salt. and Gro
ceries, of every kind, a complete assortment;
stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies'
dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together
with an endless assortment of notions too tedious
to enumerate, always on band, and sor sale very
oheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and other reeds
in proportion. Now ii the time te buy.
Country produce of every kind, at the highest
market prices, will bo taken in exchange for
goods; and even Greenbacks will not he rsfused
for any article in atore. Examine my slock be
fore you buy elsewhere.
"etoher 3U.1SH7. H.SWAN
n. a. rCLLBRTO.
at maKtost.
Fcli.ertox k McPhersox,
Keep constantly on hand Fresh Meats, lack as
All I;ind3 of Vegetables, in eton,
canned fruits. "
Which they will sell at the lowest market prices.
Cash paid for Cattle, Butter, etc.
Clearfield. Pa -May 12 '9.
The First Session of tbe next Scholastic year
of this Institution, will commence oa Monday,
the 6th day of September. lSo.
Pupils can enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
tha close of the session.
The course of Instruction embraces everything
included in a thorough, practical and aeeom.
pltsbed education of both sexes.
The Principal having had tbe advantage of
much experience in bis profession, assures pa
rents and guardians that his entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the mental and moral
training of the youth placed under bis charge.
Terus or Tditioic:
Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary
Arithmttic, per session, (II weeks.) M
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Iii!e
ry. . Sfi.eo
Algebra.Gaometry, Trigonometry, llsnsuratioe
Surveying. Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry
Book-keeping, Botany, and Pbysieai C eagre
phy. ,09
Latin, Greek and Frensh, with any ef tbe -bove
branches. SiS.Ot
Music. Piano, (30 lessons ) SIS.OO
nr.N'o deduction will he mode for absence.
For further particulars inquire of
Rir. P. L.IURRI30y, a. .
July 31,1867. Principal.
XT AILS st SPIKES tbecbeapeut intheecunty
J May 12, 69
IL CLOTn S, at greatly reduced priest,