Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 25, 1869, Image 3

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itygitsf 25, 1869.
"CLEARFIELD. PA., AUG. 25. 1360.
rV?.0,, To Insure he safe transmission
10 Ivmail. ratrons should remit by cheek
niOS.j . k. their let er- r-eistcred.
" i" be erelos' d in die first paper after
T t- 11- - -
-rr-jre tni Clearflld Bailraad.
i ,,'j'eicTvrcai : : : "0 m
M I.rlv-sat Clearfield t r : 1.0ft p.m.
w ; U i. iVart'C'earSeld a : : : 2.00 p m.
Arri -.et Trone at : : : : 5 50 p m.
r n: b Oitioinn.-.ti Expr-as East at 6 17
Cu0.r ,-.f: Vei at 6 '.4 p. m ; Bald Eagle Ex
J,jjt 7 j
i'EUi!H's. Pir'me services will te held
rX't al-buth, in Clearfield, sj follows :
B- Rev. Xixdorff in the Lutheran church
;n the mornin? nd evening.
r. r.-v. W- H-1'''' ,ne Methodist
1 nrth ' Vwrnin- and evening. Sabbath
0t t S A. Prayer meeting, every
TinrJav at l'- J1- Communion services
Rrrt SAl'h of every month at 10J A. M.
'-WnVe-in St. Andrews' Epi5opaI"chorch
nn Tuesday evenings, at 7i o'clock. Seats
iVe$ Fiancis' church Mas. at 10J A- M.,
rlie "second and fourth Sundavs of each
Ucndaj. Anmst 30, 1889.
The Ai.thw! Convention of the Rapnbli
cs'r, party of ClearSe'd County, will be held
ir,' die Court Hjusc in Cltarficld, on Monday
the :;n:!i, inst., at 2 o'c'ock, P. M.
I: is hope 1 that every township in the
connty will be fully represented.
II. IS. Swoop r.,
Chairman Co. Com.
TV new lintel is going up rapidly. The
rk'!; wort is nearly done.
A n"STrf prinkler is a pood iii-tit'ltion but
tlnMiin: in operation oii.bt to have a "broad
er l.Jn..d."
Wf. fcope our friends throughout the
c.'iitity wil! ret that there is a full .lttendanee
at the C'Uii'y eonven?ion nest week.
No one ev t regret ted having obtained a
go. 1 o''.ui3ii. Every young persim can
jret an :d t. .!':! u by attending the "ftate .Nor
mai c-lIhio! i.: K.iiiil-oro.
Mks-'Ks. ":ii!ai.-e and Svvoope have gone
to I .!" . r ! t to (!t:fi"!i l Eugene Ji.bn-ton f:r
the tiiurd.'r oi' Levi Knr.is, at Phi!ipburg
On; neVhbor suggests to the 'CityFath
rr-' i'.w i!n;ior::ttec of marking the names of
tin; sre!-ts. It is a good idi-a, and ought
to lie untie at otee.
V k Mi. l v the A'n itt'ian.ikst Irvin Pay,
tit: i;iiier:int eolou-d 'it iiclitr, well kuuivu
in u ul' our river men, was druwiicd in
tin: i-aiini vihilc fishing. J'oor Irvin! Lis-1-rt-ai-l.aig
is in J. d.
Mai. l.-r.-no L-r-.irr. A:!r.nt Piofe
(f'r I'i C'livi::i.,!ry at West Point, was on a
v'tit to his many friends in Clearfield last
itft-t. -The f:tf-.r Itioka 'and wemed
t j i i.j;iy his visit to hi.-old home among the
TliK school direjtoi of Clearfield Poro,'
wc uiid-rs:aiid, have employed Mr. J. S.
Sn.it h. Mis Waiters rr.d Mijii Morgan, as
ti i'-htTs li.r the ensuing ix mcnths. The
n!.-iri-?s ari respectively. ?7!, nud 35
T U;.j-i'll.
A L.w.i.r, t.iim'.n.'f ofouV jcople went to
the C.n.ip Mit-ting at Wayne ration le!ow
L kx Haven, un 1 je'liaine'd over Sabbath,
i; i .it.,- f tii- !ar-cst V.1J in the Siate.
An i.iitvc;- e . o i rt-jaiion assembled on Stin
y. 1: vis na-e at I.'), 000.
Tiie C!ar5r' 1 Ir-s Da:id is nmkirg rap
1.1 l if'u"' s5. On Saturday niht it diseours
fisw.et n:ii;c t.iidcr the window of all
O'lr prominent citizens. We hope the mem
bers will persevere, until they acquire the
ilita:i.n .f the lest la ml in the State.
The U'v-'k River Poom at La Crosse
?i.i-".i:aii. i p;il.aps, the largest in the
". J. 1 1 t.'.'.'7.47t) feet oi logs have been
'i!c i from it this .season. It in eotimated
i: ; ;in n- a:e yet in the boom unsealed J j,-
-.-- f iVt. o! which only S, C-00, CK!'.) re-c--.il
ti'i -o! J. Oar liouie lumber tiadefeenis
"'3'i:'. coiepareu with the.-e gigantic oier-
W an funned that the county cotn-liiu.-i.HK
r :ct:iftd the Court House to the
.) if.ivth Si tcrs fur thesr concert last
.. U ;s ;: 1 ccause they were a soldier's
':-.'V!-? Ti.cy g:vc it a few days before to
'' '"!! H :i r.i, a vsgai-otid, who is a nuis
i'c l a Kfie. to deliver u lecture in. It
snis ftrai'gt. th.it ir .-lum!.! have been re
''f ' t the widuw aud thiiureu of a de-fta-d.V.dirr.
A M vr.i;' of our ci:izeiis have lately re
;i'' liiimraj lied letters from parties iti
V Yoii. oiTerit- (or tale U. S. bonds and
"'t'. Of ( ;--ire r.one of our people wi!j
tiicia,, Ives I t l caught in so flimsy a
'I'- It ;s a p'.ty t!,e scoundrels who send
!."'"" cinn.it be delected asid puni.shed.
1 ':eii, r;:c, -vie? such letters, ought iinme
tu-.c'y t.ii':rwaid th-jm to the Treasury Ie
1 r;iiic:,t ut V'ul,ii!gton, to he placed in
t-e liaiiiis oi' t:;e Government Detectives.
--"f. r:.h in cor per and zinc arc from
ti:!ir t.) t;.lle l,r0uSht to town by persons who
---.y they are f-,,d ahmg Cleat field creek.
Mi air of gre at mystery, they de-
i'O' to te'I i1k exact lot-ality. Buch con
,c: bsolish in i;ti estrenie. If there re
a !: re valuable miiierals on Clearfield ereek
ui f'lnK'it-i.-t quantity to be worked proSta
'"i" i: i- a tr.atter of importauco to the whole
Coa"nu:iiry that they should be developed.
Any insn possing such information and
ituiioIJmg ir, U cither a knave or a fool.
' J? c.iily way he can make it profitable to
'just., i to make it u-.cful to (he commu
n::.'. by making it publio, fco that capital
' be furnithed for its devclopmenr. If
any rtrsons really know where there are orea
,t0 'e loutid. they ought at onco to make it
con. that the locality may be examined
those competent to ascertain whether or
they exist in sufheicut quantities to ixi
i'iilatle for practical purpose.
The roercuty stood at 9S or Friday, the
hottest day of the season.
New goods arriving almost daily at J". B.
sons ,
. Pic Nic j-eau Pennville.- The congre
gation of dt. Bonaventuri Church, near
Pcnnvillc, Grampian Hills, will hold a Pic
nic on the 2th of August, to pay the debt
on their new church. Dancing will begin at
10 o'clock, a. u. K. O'Bbaniqan,
Aug. 4,'CO-ft. Pastor.
To those in search of a good school we
take pleasure in saying that they need go
no farther from home than to the Academy,
located in Clearfield, to find a first-rate in
stitution, under competent teachers, with
moderate charges for taition. Next session
wiH open on Monday, September 6th,
Parents who desire to semi their daugh
ters to a good school, are requested to read
the advertisement of Mis? Swan, which ap
pears incur columns to-day. Several , new
branches are to be taught in the school. A
primary department will be organized this
fall, to which especial attention is directed.
TrrEfiE arc but two kinds of timber in the
whole world. We Used to think that there
were a hundred kinds of timber, but when
you take out the straight kind and the
crooked kind, there is none left. There are
but two kfndVof Boots, Shoes, Ha'.s and
Capsin the world gooilaod bad. CREAP and
pear, and J. C. Lfgbtcap & Son, Banner
Store, Market Street, Clearfield. Pa., keep
the good aud cheap kind for Ladies', Misses,
Gents', Boys an J Childreus' wear. Call and
tee for yourselves.
Ladies! the itejulianties and great ad
vantages of the Odessa Patent Collapsing
Skirt, place it beyond comparison with any
other hkiits, and make it just the article
that every lady wants. It has been greatly
improved and i now offered as a perfect
sL.ii'1. Its advantages are : 1?L It will fit
any lady perfectly, and can be worn with
any style of dress, is altered in size and
shape in an insiant, and is simple. 2d. It
can be shortened and lengthened by our
Pat Jut Lifter, so as to be suitable for long
or short dresses. 3d. Kvery skirt is war
ranted, ami is not only convenient and ele
gant, but the most durable skirt in the mar
ket. J. Shaw & Son, sole agents for Clear
field, Pa.
The corner stone, of a new Lutheran
church, was laid on Saturday, August 14th.
near Reirer's School house, in Covington
township, thu county. The services, . on
the occasion , weie conducted by Ilev. G. A.
Nisdoiff, of this place ai also were the
services on the following Sabbath. We un
derhand it is in contemplation, to lay the
corner stone' of another new church in the
s:iuie pastoral charge, in a short time. The
iuteiesits of the church, in that section, have
received (ptite cn impetus under the minis
tratiousjot lit j (.resent worthy and efficient
Pastor. Kev. S. Croft. May God bless his
labors, in the conversion of many immortal
souli, and iu the adding of large numbers to
the congregations comprising the Karthaus
A CORRESPONDENT infirujs Us that. "The
people of Kylertown and vicinity had the
pleasure of attending r pic-nic on Tuesday,
the 17th instant, at Brown' Grove, near
Kyleitown, by invitation frcni Mr. K. K
Iluttou. The day was tine, and, in conse
quence, a large number of person were in
attendance. At 1 o'clock, all were seated
to a sumptuous dinner, gotten up by the
youtig ladies, fVr the occasion, and who de-
. serve much praise for the good things dealt
out by them. At 3 o'clock the Rev. W. II.
Swartz delivered a Temperance Lecture on
the ground. His remarks were well receiv
ed, and made quite a favorallc impression
on the minds of his bearers. Everything
passed olT quitly, and all retired to their
homes well pleased with the recreations cf
the day. Mr. Hutton deserves the thanks
of those present for the satisfactory manner
in which he acquitted himself."
The selection of a gift, everybody knows,
is a delicate piece of business. The Rev.
Francis Lobdell being about to leave the
church of the Advent, in Cincinnati, his
flock, casting about for something to give
him, hit upon a paid up policy of life in
surance for $5,000, as "an expression of
their feelings," and a neat and prudent
"expression" we consider it to have been.
Services of plate arc well enough in their
way, and embroidered pocket-handkerchiefs
from the ladies are known to be touching to
the clerical heart, not less than worsted
slippers end brocade dressing-gowns ; but
the l ive Thousand Dollar Policy is at once
ornamental and j.cimainntly useful, while
in this world of chances and changes, it
may prove of inexpressible value'. Any
persons desiring to present their Pastors
with a like substantial evidjnee of their re
gard, can be accomodated by calling at the
office cf II. B. Swoope.
A NOIRE it of oar young men belonging
to the Chiivch'clamoose Base Ball Club, of
this place, went to Curwensviile, by invita
tion, on Saturday, to play a friendly game
with the Susqnehannas. The game was
lively and exciting, and was well played,
notwithstanding the heavy rain that fell
during its progress. The fielding was ex
cellent on both aides, though owing to the
condition of the ball used, the batting wa
not so good. The following is the score :
O. B.
H. F. Wallace, e. 4 3
t. L Hoover, a s. 3 4
A.W.W altera, r f 3 4
S. V Wiljon. 3 b. 3 3
C. U.Barrett, I f 3 3
O L Moore, p. 4 3
N L. Robins. f. 3 4
J P. Johnson, 2 b. I 3
E C. Johnson, I b. 3 3
O. B.
J. Pattoa.e. S 1
W.O. Arnold, p 3 2
A K Patton, s.a. & 0
W Thompson, l b. 3 2
A Irvin. 2. b 1 4
Wm Thompson. 3 b 2 3
T. Kobinson, 1 f. 2 2
Simon Owena, e. f. 4 0
M. Ltimodae, r. f . 4 1
Total. Z7 SO I Total. 27 15
Insns. 1J345 6 789
Chiclbclamoosb.O 3 4 2 5 5 2 2 7-31
Si syirnasA 01021302 fi.15
Flt Catches. Cbinoleclc moose. Hoover t Wal
ter I , Wilson 1, Moore 2. J P.Johnson 1, E. C.
Johnson 2 8.
Susquehanna. Arnold 1, A.E. Patton 2. AY.
Thompson 1. Owena 1 5.
Focl Fly, Wallace 3. Moore 1
"J Patton 2, Arnold 13
H. K. Cbinoleolamoose. Wallace 1, Hoover 1,
Monre 1.
Tmpibb. O (I Jenkins, of the Testtmsea Club.
Scop.eks, A. M. Row, P. M. Clark.
Tiaie of Game 2, hours aqd 20 uiinutea.
Jcst received, a largo stock of cigars, at
J. Shaw & Son's.
For Sale a good nouse and Lot.' House
nw and location desirable. Apply to,
Aug. 18, '69-2t.J Frank K. Smith.
Those desirous of having job work done
neatly and expeditiously, and at moderate
priees.can be accommodated at the Jocrnal
We are indebted to our friend, S. P
Swartz, of Philipsburg, for a copy of the
"Alaska Times." of July 16th, published at
Sitka- It is neatly printed, and ably edited.
The "Times" is aoout balf the size of the
Juttmal, and the subscription price $5 a
year, in advance.
From the Counties Around TJs.
The Altoona Tark Association will havft
an Agricultural if'alr this fall.
A "cheap John" auctioneer was arrested
in Altoona and bound over to Court.
A grand pic-nic of the Kn'ghts of Pythias
is to take place uear Tyrone, on Friday.
Cresson Springs is crowded with visitors.
They have two Zjuave companies- in
A stone turnpike from Ebcnsburj to Cher
ry Tree is to be put under contract,
Efforts are being made to build the Lew
isburg, Centre couuty atid Spruce Creek
A new M. FJ. Church is to be dedicated,
by Bishop Scott, at Port Matilda, on the
29th inst.
A ten-pin alley and reading room is being
set np in Belk-fome. The habitues are to
be supplied with pleasures both muscular
and intellectual.
A man named John M'llcnry, supposed
to be from Luthersburg, Clearfield county,
was killed on the railroad track at Miles
burg. He was lying on the track, intoxica
ted. Another warning.
The house of Mr. James Watt.in Browns
town was burned on Thursday lnf.
On Sabbath the bouss ot James M' Laugh
Lin, iu Rayne township, was burned.
The new Court House at Brookville i
progressing rapidly. The court room is be
in frescoed. It is said to be a very hand
some building.
The new map of Elk county is completed.
John Baitaoo, of Kersey, was drowned
in Mead Run, oa Sunday, the 15th.
The new Catholic Church, in St. Mary's,
was consecrated on Sunday, the 15th. A
large number of strangers were in atten
dance. Some Clay was recently sent to the U. S.
Mint, taken -from a coal bed near Early,
which, upon being analyzed, proved to con
tain some gold.
Correspondo'tce. .
CtTRwnvsn-ir.L, Pa., Aug. 20, 1S69.
M a. Knw : rr Sir I observe, you
frequently publLsh notiees of doings in the
"rural districts," so I take the liberty of
forwarding you a sketch of a little affair
that came off in Curwensviile. on the 16th
insL, at the house of John S. Reed, to wit:
A Reunion Dinner, given by Br. David
IIuter, of California, to the Hoover family.
There' were about one hundred guests pres
ent representing York and other counties
in this State, a Well as Kansas r.nd Califor
nia. The (X casion was one ot unbounded
enthusiasm an 1 universal y. Congratula
tions tainted the ear on every side, and the
old fashioned hand shaking was the order
of the day. The dinner itself, though pro
fessing to be a plain one, was gotten tip in
a style reflecting credit upon Mr. Reed's
cooks. After dinner, letters were read from
Iowa, Minnesota and elsewhere toasts giv.
en and short speeches made by Dr. Hubcr,
Rev's Ferguson and Birchfield, Gen. Patton,
and others. One feature of the day was of
sufficient weight to deserve special notice.
A pair of Fairbank's scales were brought
into requisition, and nine members of one
family, (that of Geo. Hoover, of this coun
ty, deceased,) weighed. Aggregate 1917
pounds. Averace 213 pounds, (two others
not present average the same). Can Clear
Geld produce another family to match it ?
Altogether the affair was a decided suc
cess, and I think I never before had the
good fortune to see one hundred persons to
gether, where all were so well pleased, and
weut away so well satisfied.
Yonrs, &c, II. 11.
On Thursday. July 29, 1860, by W. J,
Nugent, Ksc., Mr. Levi Kcmmkl and Miss
Mauv A. Duncan, both of Bumside tp.
On Aiis. 10th, ISM, by Rev. W. M.
Burchficld, Mr. John R. Morgan of Law
rence tp., and Miss Elmira J. Wise, of
Pike tp.
On Sundav, Angnst 8, lSf9, by Rev. M
IT. Mover, Mr. Jamf.s A. Pkarsoi.i, and
Miss Sauantua A. Hewitt, both of Clear
field eounty.
Mav peace and prosperity be the lot of the
happy couple in their journey through life ;
and may no untoward circumstances arise to
mar their anticipated bliss.
D'ED :
In Lawrence township, on Monday, Au
gust ICth, 1809, of scanet fever, Mai d,
daughter of m. t. and leressa M. Hemp
hill, .aged 1 year, 1 month and 16 days.
Clearfield Eeta.il Markets.
ConalcTBO ar R. Mossop. Aca 21, IS59.
Apples. dried lb, J In
Apples, green. bu, 1 00
Applebutter, gal, 1 00
Butter, lb. 30
Beef, fresh lb, 13
Beef, dried." 25
Buckwheat, bush. 1 00
Buckwheat flour lb. 4
Beans, bu, 2 00
Boards, p. r M, 15 00
Corn, shelled, 1 25
aura. 62
meal, 2 no
Chop, rye, S 25
" mixed, 2 50
Cheese, lb, - 25
Cherries, lb. IS
Chickens,dressed,lb, 2)
Eggs. 20
r lour.bbl. I 50
Hay, ton, Si 210
Hams. lb, 25
Shoulders, 17
Siies, " 20
Lard, lb. 25
Oats. bo. 80
Onions. 1 50
Pork, lb, 15
mess, bbl, 37 00
Potatoes, bj, 1 00
Plaster.. bbl, . 3 50
Peaches, (tried, lb, 19
Rye. bush, 1 40
Kagx, lb.
Salt, per lack, ' 3
Shingles, IS in. 5
23 in. a!2 00
Timothy seed, bu, 5 00
Wheat, bu. . 1
Wool, lb. 40
blankets will be sold ebeap
J. HAW M oUJi.
Closing Quotations of Govercm't Securities.
, (SrirresorttoS..JorMSrCo.)
Pittsburg, Aug. 21. 1869.
OLI i3l wau.
U.S.6.,1S31. 123 123'
6 2H8.1S6.', 122? 122
5-208.1S64, 12ljl2iJ;
a-20s. Jan. '67. 12i"if I 2i
a-HOs.Jul. '87 12llj!l2(if
June, 7-.T0s, liltfi limi
July, 7-30s. 1091 lOUi
May Coinn. '65.114 !
5-20S.1S85. 12!i I2ijl
10 -lOs. 1I4 !HcAa!;.Conipf(5.1l8 1131
6-2119. .Ian.!5, 2i I2'ii'ept.Con;p.'65.11R lllsi
5-2Da. Jul, 'ilj.l 2'lj I2fjj Oct Couip, '65,nTl' 1 18
Vtf ara iiovr converting 7-30 of the Jnne and
July series into Geld Coupon 5-20 bond of ldrto-7
A Great Remedy for the cure
6f Throat and Lung Ditefuet. Doctor
tohhart't J'ine Tree Tar Cordial -
It is the vital prinffple of the Pin Tre, ob
tained by a peculiar process in the distillation of
the tar. by whlsh iu highest medical -properties
are retained. t
It is the only safeguard and reliable remedy
which has eveibeeu prepared- fronr the Juice of
the Pfne Tre
It invigorates the digestive organs and restores
the appetite.
It strensthens the debilitate system.
It purifies and enriches the blood, and expels
from the system the corruption which scrofula
Breeds on l fie lanes.
It disolves the mucus or phlegm whioh stops
the air-passages of Ihe lungs.
Its healing principle acts" upon the irritated
surface of the lung atf throat, penetrating to
each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing
inSararaation -
It is the resultof years of study and experiment,
and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive
assurance of its power to eure the following dis
eases, if the patient has not toe- long delayed a re
sort te the means of oure :
Consumption of the Lungs, Cough. Sore Throat
and Urea st Bronchitis. Liver Complaint, Blind
and Weeding Piles, Asthma, Whuoping Cough.
Diptheria. Ac. Ac
We are often askeI why are not other remedies
in the market for Consumption, Coughs. Colds,
and other Pulmonary affections equal to Dr. L.
Q. Wisuart's Pine Tree Cordial. We answer
1st It cures Dot hy stopping cough, hut by
loosening and assisting nature to throw off the
unhealthy matter collet-ted about the throat and
bronchial tubes. causing irritation and cough.
21. Most Throat and Lung Remedies are com
posed nf anodynes, which allay the, cough for
awhile. but by their constringmg effects. the fibres
become hardened-and the uiibeulthy fluids coag
ulate and ro retained in the synteui, causing dis
ease beyond the control of our mo3t eminent phy
sicians -
."tj The Pine Tree Cordial, with its assitants,
are preferable, because tbey remove the cause of
irritation of the mucus membrane and bronchial
tubes, assist the lungs to act and throw r.ff the un
healthy secretions, and purify the blood, thus
scientifically making the cure perfect.
Dr. Wishart ba on file at hipoffica hundreds
and thousands of Certificates from Men and Wo
men of unquestionable character who were once
hopelessly given up to die, but through the Prov
idence of God were completely restored to health
hy the Pine Tree Tnr Cordial A Physician in
attendance wno can be consulted in person or by
mail, fre rharge. Price of Pine Tree
Tar Cordial SI 50 per Hottle. $11 per dox. Sent
by Kxf re?s on receiot of price Address. Q
C Wishart, M. D. No 232 'orlh 2d Street Phila
delpbia Pa.
April 21st, l8r-3m.
Srfienck's Pulmonic Syrup,
Pecweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills will enre Con
sumption. Liver Cou.plaint and Dyspepsia, if ta
Ken according to directions. They are ull three
to b tnken at the same time. Thy cleanse the
stomach, rclux the liver, and put it to work ; then
the appetite becomes good, the food digests aud
niake.-i good blood, tbo patient begins to grow in
flesh the disease 1 waiter rens in the 1 ngs.and
the patient ouTrs the disease and gets well.
This is the only way to eure the consumption.
To thce three medicines Dr. J. II. Schenck, of
Phili-dcirihi i, Sfwes his unrivalled success in tin
treatment of nuluionary consumption The Pul
raonic S-jrap ripcus the niornid matter in tne
ungs. nature throws it oa by an easy expectora
tion, lor when the ralei-m or n.atier is ripe,
slight ciiu-'h will throw it cfl, and the patient has
rest and the luiifr begin to henl. To do this, the
(seaweed Tonic and Maodrhke Pilfs must be freely
used to cleanse the stomach and liver so that the
Pulmonic vruu and the -food will make good
Liver Complaint is oee bf the most prominent
causes of Consumption (scbenck s seaweed Ion
is is a gentle stitubiant and alterative, and tne
alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is
mada of, assists the stomach to throw out the gas
trie juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic
iSYrup.and it ismadoiuin gooa uiooa witnoutier
mentatlun or soui-tng in me siornacu i ne great
reason wnv rh vsicians do not cuieconsumption is
they try to d too much ; they give me:licine to
stop the couch, to stop chiils. to stop night sweats.
hectic fever, ami by so doing they Uerunge the
whole digestive powers. locking up the secretions
and eventually toe patent sinks and dies.
Dr. Scbenek. In nis treatment, does not try to
ston a couuh. night sweats chills or fever. Ke-
mo e the cause.and iney win an slop oi ineir own
nrd o one can be cured ot consumption, liv
er complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcer
ated throat unless tne liver and stomacn are made
If a perjon haseonsumption.of course the lungs
in some way are diseased, eitner tunercies, id-
suesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or
the lunzs are a mo ot mutmation an 1 last de
eayini;. In sucb cases wnat must ne done f it
is not only lbs lungs th.it are wasted. out it is tne
whole body. The stomai-b and liver have lost
their power to make blood out of food. Now the
only chance is to laKc-cncDcx s three medicines,
which will brine np a tone to the stomach, the
patient will boein want food, it will digrst easily
and make good olooa ; men tne patient oegms 10
gain in flesh, and as oon as the body begins to
grow, the lungs beg n to heal up. and the patient
gets fleshy and well. This is the only way to
cure consumption.
When there is no lung disease, and only liver
complaint and dyspepsia, ischenck s Seaweed
i onic and .Mandrake I'tns are sumcient witnout
the Pulmonic tfrrup. Take the Mandrake Piils
freely in all bilious complaints, as they are per
fectly harmless.
Dr. Pchenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health'for many years past, aud now weighs 225
pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in
tne very last stage oi o unuonarj consumption, iiis
physicians having pronounced hi case hopeless
t . i i , - L. : - r . , ri . ,i
and aoanaoneu unu iv u ia na viae
by the aforesaid medicines, and since his recovery
many similarly afflicted have used Dr. Schenck s
preparations witb the same remarkaoie success
The directions accompanying eucb. make it not
absolutely necessary to see Dr. Schenck, unices
the patients wish their lungs examined, and lor
this purpose ne is rroiesMonau j at ms i rincrpm
Office. Philadelphia every Saturday, where nil
letters for advice must be addressed. He is also
profes'i!.-il!v at No 32 Bond Street, New York
ever, oilier Tuesday, and at No. 35 Iianover St.
Boston, every other e-lnesday. He sovea advice
free, but for a thorough examination with h
Kespirometor the price is Si. Office hours at each
city from 9 A. M to'r- ai.
Price of the Pulmonie Syrup and Seaweed Ton
ic each SI. 50 per bottle, or $f 5i a Dalf-doxen
Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For salo by all
00 . , . , T ........
A'l.. J. II. fClir..JK.
A p. 7.'F9-lv I IS -V. KthSt.. FAX a. Pa
CCIIOOL TAX. Notice is hereby given
that the School Directors of Clearfield
Uorocch have ftlace-1 in the hands of the Schoo
Treasurer a ce'tiSed duplicate of the School Tax
for lSoS. and all persons snail be entitled to an
abatement of five ner cent, on their tax. on pay
ment of the same to the Treasurer.at his residence
on or before the 2?th day of October next. Be
particular and read the Act of Assembly at th
foot of the notice left at your residence.
July 2S.4t. J- M. KKT TI.EBEIti; ER. Tre'r
In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court
oi Clearneld rouniy. me nnaersigned. Adicinis
trator of the esta'e .I arat Ann Jury, late
said county, dee'd, will sell at public sale, on tb
premises, on
thefollowing described real estate of said deceas
ed. to wit : All hat certain tract of land situat
in Girard township, said county, containing 65
acres, 141 perches ana allowance, and being tb
same premises conveyed to said Sarah Ann Jur
from Horace Patchin and wife, by deed dated
June i:tth, A !.. IS'), and recorded in Clearfield
eounty. in Deed Book -ii V, pages 5S-3.
Tkkms or Sit. a One-third cash on confirma
tion of sale, and the balance in two equal annual
payments thereafter the latter two payments.
witb interest to be secured by hond and mortgage
on tne premises. juu.m n. UAKK,
July 2d, 1869 It. Administrator.
X P KRATYER sells the best mowing scythes,
f a patent snatbs. Knodes celebrated raket,
hay forks, solid steel shovels, hoes, spades.eeoops ,
harvest cans, Ac.
Bagjreee- Barrows, Warehouse Truclti. Convinir
Presses, Improved Money Drawers, Ac,
Dealers' ra Hardware,
June 30. J Clcarvicld, Pa. 1869.
are receivinc- a splenuiu stock ot
Clearfield, June 30, I3G0.
Wlid sells the cheapest goods in tbo
Who sells best calicoes at 1 2 cts a yard ?
Who sells best Unbleached muslin at 17 cents'
Who sells Hall's CJalf Boots at $5 00?
Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at Si 50?
Who sells Hall's bestKip Boots at $4,50?
W ho sel'.s nuts lower than anybody else ?
Who sells Sugar the cheapest ?
Who selte Syrup the cheapest?
Who sells Flour the cheapest ?
Who sells Chop ami Feed the cheapest '
Who sells Hardware the cheapest ?
Who sells Quccnsware the cheapest ?
Who sells Tinware the cheapest ?
V-"ho sells Clothing the cheapest ?
Who sells Planter the cheapest?
Who sells Salt the cheapest ?
Who first brought goods down to
lowest cash prices ?
Everybody should buy their goods a
Clearfield, May 12.1869.
-nD. PKRKS 1 Co's flour, the best in market, for
Yli sale by - -
I J etc , for sale at ui"ii" 'i -
ABLE CHAINS a good article, on band and
lor sale DV jicnaaui a niuiiii
White Lead,' Zinc Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine,
Varnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and
dry. Paint and Varnish brushes.
Clearfield. Pa -M's.'fitf.
QJAWED LUMBER. The undersigned
hsving started in the Lumber business,
near Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., is now pre
pared to furnish pine boards, clear and panel
stuff, Ac Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order
and shipped on short notice.
Osceola Mills.
May 5, 189-!f. Clearfield CO.. Pa.
WANTED AGENT8-for Prof. Par
" son's Laws of Business. With full
directions and forma for all transactions in every
State, by Theopailus Parson. L. L. D , Professor
of Law in Harvard University A new book for
everybody. Explaining every kind of contract
and legal eblijatien. and- showing- how to draw
and execute them. The highest and best author
ity in the land. Send for our liberal terms; also
for our Patent Bible Prospectus t-ent Free
Jw.2.'69-3m. PAK.MKLKE A CO .Phil'a Pa
,iiuf . a
has cured more eases of Dyspepsia, snore eases ot
HEADACHE. FEVER AAUL'K, and more cases of '
DIBILITY. than any other remedy before the
public in the same spam of time
clams tha mind, restores sleep, is an Excellent Ap
petizer, and a general vigorator of the System.
WALTON k ZUl. Proprietors,
No 9 N. Seventh St , Philadelphia.
Sold by Druggets, and Dealers generally.
Feb 24, 18S9.J . mo.
VrITtfiTf ft nnil licim imii
. Uwl.lIIi
AT l'li iVAIJi SALE.
The undersigned offers at private sale the tin.
divided one half, or the whole of the Bald Hill.
Property, in Girard township, Clearfield CO., Pa
Said property contains about FI?TKEN HUN-
Dili. I) ACKtS of land, well timbered with Pine,
einlock and Oak. A good STEAM SAW MILL.
t'ty horse power, wtrh capacity to cut 20.000 feet
or day, is erected thereon. Also, a Picket. hin-
ie aud Lath Mill conuected The machinery is
comparatively new and in good order.
Persons wishing to purchase can receive fur-
her ibformation in regard to price. Jko . by eati
ng on JOHN H. FT LFORD, Clearfield. Penn a.,
Lr. IKVi.N, on the premises, or the nnder
gned. At 11, 1859-m. JAMES IRVIN, Sen.
Clearfield county, Penn'a.
The undersigned baying erected, during the
past summer, a large and Commodious store room.
s now engaged in nlling it up with a new and
select assortmentof Fall and Winter goods, which
e otters to the publio at prices to suit the times
11 is stock of Mens' and boys clothing is ucusual-
y extensive, and is ottered to customers at from
0 toSJO for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, and (iro
ceries. of every Bird, a complete assortment:
Stoves aud Move-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and
Shoes, llata and Caps in great variety: Ladies'
dress goods, furs, and other fncy goods, together
witb an endless assortment or notions too tedious
to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very
cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and other goods
n pronoriton ow is tbe time te boy.
Country produce of every kind, at the hirhest
market prices, will be taken in exchange for
goods: and even Greenbacks will not tie refused
for any article in store. Examine my stock be
fore you buy elsewhere.
October .10.1 Sti7 II. SWAN.
t . r. x rasBSOM
Keep constantly on band Fresh Meats, such as
AH kinds of Vegetables, in season,
Which they will sell at the lowest market prices.
Cash paid for Cattle, Eutter, etc.
Clearfield, Pa.-May 12 f9.
The "Clearfield County Agricultural Society'
have determined not to bold a regular Fair this
year, for the reason, mainly, that notice has not
been given in proper time to have tbe necessary
preparations made. It has been determined, how
ever, to bo'd a Fair cn the old ground, near tbe
Borough cf Clearfield, on WEDNESDAY.
THURSDAY (r FRIDAY, tie 14f7t. U't rW
ISA dav of October. A.D. 1P70. and for the pur
pose of aSbrdicg the farmers an opportunity of
preparing, and making it an object to improve
and exhibit fall crops te be put in tbe ground
this year, the following premiums aieoffrred
forth e exhibition of 1870. viz:
Best 2 acres of Winter Wheat, SM 00
Best bushel of Winter Wheat, 4 00
Best 2 acres of Rye, 20 00
Best bushel of Rye. . 3 00
Best 2 acres of Oais, Id 00
Best 2 acres cf Buckwheat, 8 00
Best 2 acres of Corn. JO 00
Best I acre of Clover Seed," 8 "
Best 1 bushel of Potatoes, 3 00
Best i bushel of Timothy red, 2 00
The above premiums will be paid to the per
sons to whom competent Judges shall award
tbem. Tbe entire premium list will be published
soon, for the Fair next year. in tbe hope that many
may be induced to compete for the premiums,
and thus encourage a good cause.
The Society have also determined to open the
Fair ground on Friday, the 15th day of October.
1869. at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of a trot-
,!. nmti-h on the track for a citizens purse of
$30 best 3 in 5. In single harne.se. to trot against
time. Open to all horses owned in the county at
least 15 days previous. The grounds will beopen
from 1 to 5 o'clock, P M Admittance 25 cenU to
all persons. Persons desiring to enter their hor
ses to compete for tbe par-e can do so by giving
notiee, either in person or by writing, to tbe See
rr.tarv, and by the payment of an entrance fee of
$2 00.
It is hoped that township organizations will be
a-ot np in the mean time, in the different town
ships, and that a greater interest may be mani
fested in the cause of Agriculture. Meetings and
discussions will do much good. If requested the
Sowiety will send speakers to meet any of the or
ganizations once or twice, with a view of encour
aging and promotiag home discussions
G. R. BARRETT, President.
A. W. Graham, Secretary.
Clearfield, Pa., August 11, 1869.
"VTOTICE. AH persons indebted to the lubscri-
ber, are requened to coma and settle with
out delay.
QALT SALT!: A prim article of ground a
fO um salt,
, pat cp Id patent (neks, for sale ebea
at the stciej if
R. MOSs-Or
PLASTER the cheapest in tbe county, at
May 29 '67. MO.SSOP'B.
TAILS A SPIKES theheapest i"he ecunty
OILCLOTHS, at greatly r"e TVZi'k
May 12,'69. MOoaOP s
C E A K K ' S
- rxLasBivai-
rbii (alb r'
Boyer t Shaw and Hartswick 1 Irwin",
Clearfield, Pa:
Aug 4;-69-ly Retail Prio, $1.50 per package
If receiving new goods'
mih cnoice groeenes .
Has a full stock cf dry goods-'
Receives goods everyeek
Buys all his goods lor c-h -Can
afford to sel! them cheap -Has
the best cook stovs
Warrants his boots and fboes '
steeps ail kinds of leaiLer
Kxcbangea for produce
Is closing ont summer goods
Wants all kinds of grain
Delivers goods free of charge
Will buy you anything
Keeps everything
Hitore iaonnopite tha Jail:
Clearfleld, Augutt II, IS69-lui.
T .IS1? OF JURORS drawn for September
.a VI to. 10UJ,
Philip Dwtts. Brccaria, I L. Lanorte Curwcnsvile
Samuel !-hoff, ' Kecoiu Bratton Urabam
John W. Kyl.r, Hoggs. 1 John Witberow, Kncjr.
James Zigler, Brady, I John MMuri.r
hb.hl Ma-.lers, Bun, side I Reuben Caldwell.
Wm. Westover. "
I R ci. Uarr, Lawrence,
Matthew Irvin, "
I Miles Kes4.
A. CarrH "
1 fleorge Thorn.
Ja. Curry. Jr. Crest. I Wnr L. Mtrrell, Morris',
-iimn i ro. reotor, Austin legal.
R. Showalter, Jr.hn B Kyler,
J a fcnugart, - T W. C Hecver. Pea
11 B- WriSbt, Beocaria, Charles Mignot, Girard.
J -w Lu,L ' T H Fore o.
Theodore Weld. ' Hiram HummeMiuliob,
Jacob Campbell. Bell.
George S'jajIer,
David M Cracken.
Allen Cross, Kogg.
Vi'iu. Wiiiiaras. Jordaa,
Robt Patterson. "
S W M Garvy.Karlhsov
Wm Ceihc&rt, Knox,
Alex Ante. Lawrence,
W. P Fullertou, -Wm.M:-.ps,
S B laylcr, "
R. M Pnerson, '
Clark Brown.
Wm Deinney, Mersrs,
John Davis,
i R Dillon.
Roljt Dougherty,
John Brers. N. Wash,
O.W.'.a'.iaghdT, C R Boalieh. Oseeola,
J A.Blatirnberger,
John IaLe, .
Patrick Daily. Peon,
John Widemire, '
J. R Arnold ITaion,
G. W. Shoff, Woodward,
W.B. A lexander,
Jacob T.eed, K
Alger n llnlden. Bloom.
Henry Kyler. Bradford;
Daniel Stewert,
Scott Flegal.
Jacob Kuntx. Brady,
H. Hartsfelt. Jr., -Chas
Scbwem, -
Wm schwem, "
George Ellinger, "
V. V. Hnchen.Burnside.
Jonathan Fry, Chest.
Beni K'inger.
Jonathan Moland. "
J. B Pk-kard Covington
(r. L. P.eed. Clearfield.
E.A.Graham, "
R. A Mitchell, "
Wm. Porter, "
Joseph Goss, Decatur,
Danl Koozer. Ferguson,
W. T. M Corkle.Girard,
Nich Rosselot, -
A. rpackman, "
Fred Itwin, "
Samuel Powell,fieccaria I Th-is Leonard. Girard,
Arihur Bell. Bell I G W.Narehcod,Grah&m
Pat Gallagher, Eoggs. I Armine Nevling Gnlich
Jos Lines. Jr, Brady, David Tyler, Huston,
Alex l'unlap. Sylvester Jtect.
John King. Burnside,
John Thortipson.Jordaa
John Mehany, '
Wm.Lh'tr, Karthaus,
James Catbcart, Knox,
J. Dougherty rLewrer.ee
M. L C alich. "
W. M'CulIoush, "
L. C. Bloom, - ,
J. B. Fergos.m. L City,
Joseph Be.iley, Pike,
H. IS. Bailey. I'oion.
T. Hamptiii.Woodward;
Wm. K:ine, -John
Alfred Straw, (.best.
C. S. Worrall,
E P. M'Msstejs. "
J. M Adams. Clearfield.
Henry Parks.
C. B Sandford,
D. F. Coplin. Decatur.
Stephen Kephart, '
W. Ii Morgan. "
Lnther Barret, Fercoson
J Ferguson, "
Market St., Cfearjtefd, Pa.
We beg leave to inform our old and new cento-
tne.s. that we have removed our establishment to
the new building just erected en 11 ark -t street,
nearly adjoining the Mansion House en the west,
and apposite Graham A Sons' stor. where we re
spectfully invite the publio to come and buy their
Our stock of Drugs and Medioinetdonsist of every
thing used. Selected with the greatest care, ana
We also keep alull stock of lives. Perfumeries
Toilet articles. Sonps. Tooth Brushes. Hair !iroh
es. Whitewash Brushes, and avery other kind of
Brushes. e have a la re lot of
White Lead, Turpentine,
Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and iu fact everything tiled
in the painting business, which we offer at City
prices to caah uuyera.
Confectionery i Spices, and the Ingest stork of va
rieties ever offered in this !'- zail wsrr'ated
to be of the best the mars at afford?
Dee. 2, 1868 JOHN P. IRWIN.
Advantage of Cm MUTUAL Ptan aver th
Rtturn Premium Plait of
Return Pr'm
M itnu.- Dffrr'ne Yearly
Plan !.()0l)ttSieri.9
$32 0 H 65 tn iO
Xt SO 10 90 I9 00
47 00 ' 28 SO iai 00
59 40 49 5i 499 s9
Age. Plan
40 V OS
45 54 20
50 75 53
55 109 35
On th 8-c rained the rates of the block Com
pany ai-e from 25 to 4 percent, higher th a the
Mutual rates.
Policy for Si.uuO at I Policy In the Mutual
age of 32. on tbe return I Company 'sine age, half
plan ox fiKyCK , car..bait n
note, for Slti,-
Companies, annual pre-
OC'j.wH' cost in 10 years,
in Cash, including in
terest on uites. (1,505.
But the Muical C'otr.aa
ny will py the
mium.an casn, un ,
and no Dividend to be
made. In case of death
it end of 10 year.-, tha
Stock Company will pay
Am't of Policy $5,000
Return Premium 1.395
Ami or Policy 10,010
Lesa Pr'ia rotes - 00
in Cash.
Cash S9.500
and 4 dividends.
Phowinr that for SI 19 mw-t Caefi Premium,
the gain on the Mutual plan to the insured mem
ber's family is Fifty Per Ctnt. tb-jald daath
occur at the end of 5 years, tbe comparison would
Cash p'd Stock Co f97 50-p"d tt family5.97 f9
" "Mutual" (. o- ,r.rH
ad Cividead.
At thea.-eof 40. the Mutual plan tor $'.,914 40
Gush Premium, will yield t'i.S',0 while tbe --took
plau for 2 032 SO. Cash Premium, yields 7.ti 'z -50.
Showing a gain en th mutual plan of 62,-
327 50, and dividend.
II. B. SWOOPE, Agent,
Jy.l4.'9-tf Clearfield. P.
RY GOODS the cheapest in tb eounty. at
jv29,'iT. MQSSQP'B.
ARNESP, Trimming and Shoe-fnttirss for
sale at
w iM f. ft H. B. 1. L. till. Lett .
PRUNES a quantity on baad ar.4 for ail at
May 27. UiiAUAM'S.
ADDLES, Bridies, harness, col' us 4c, fcr
sale at MhRhbLLS oiuijuv
TTORSE-SHOE8, and horse-raiia
to be had at
XI Aug. 23.