LIL mi "CLEARFIELD, PAUG-18,' 1869. rf'.ii To insure the safe transmission bv mail, patrons should remit by check of ofd.r oshave their letter! registered. r Wiil be enclosed in the first paper after Zl ney ernes to band: , Tr?:e a-d Clearfield Railroad. 'ti leaves Tyrone at : : : 9.00 am Arrive' at Clearfield at : t 1.00 p. m. iVi.a !' Clearfield : : : 2. CO P -. Arrives at Tyrone at : : ; r 5.69 p.m. rnanecu i h Cincinnati Express East at SJ7 "? We;tatUp,m ; Bald Eagle Ex- 'at ? 0,1 P- . : 4 pElI0Ious. Divine services will be beld xt Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : B? Rev. W- H. Di'l, in the Methodist cWii morninc and evening. Sabbath -boolV (' A. M. Prayer meeting, every TwJir ' Tl I. M. Communion services ISt s'bUih of every month at 10 A. M. Service5 in St. Andrews'-EpipaFdinrch on' Tuesday evenings, at 7 o'clock. Seats rft Franks' church Masqat 10 A. M., the second al iourth Sund.nvs of each month. . . . SEPF3LICAII COUNT! COHYESTIOU. Ucaday. Aninst 30, 18C3. The Animal Convention of the Republi can party of Clearfield County, will be held in ths Court House in Clearfield, on Monday the 3tib, iost., at 2 o'clock, P. M. . . It is hopud that every township in the county wii! le fa'ily represented. II. Ii. Swoop e, Chairman Co. Com. ExrEKDixij Quiet. The , Packer and. IVrshing's head quarters. Have all the blowers biowed out ? Boots, Sboea, Hats, and Caps, cheaper limn ever, at the Bjoikt Store, of J. C. Lightcnp Si Sou. R.ue B'.I bhojs at Grt CDt. Promised. A second passenffiir train lias been pvou.i tod us for a loiifr time, but it doesn't "nrrove." We hope Superintond ent Wilkin hasn't forjtftttcn it, and that we shall soofi hear th,- d i-t!e. A Sutkks. The Grove meeting under the au.pies i f .!es-iahV Church, near Iy ltTtuwii, coii:!ii- need on Wednesday last, proved a decidi-il iiw??. A very larjte uuiiiler of jft.p!e were in attendance. Left. GooM R.vW. the "Us man," lias delivered his lecture and "c-ne for Ridi vrsv." A the rlntchman said '"he's more Liii as sound." The members of the bar, on whom he levies bis minimi contributions wnaM be f'.id to have bis visits few and far between. Camp Mfltinu. The members of the C!-n II pe Circuit, of the M. E. Church, lti'l hold a Catnip .M-vtin;, on the camp jnnund r;f-ir New Millport, coinnieneinir on Friday. .V'trii-t 2Hli. WX The friends fviii n ith'i.-.rii.g circuits are cordially invit ed to attend. The New I:t;r;GE. r...;V, r,rin! of the now bridge ate up, un.l it vi!l soon be t;o fjr piiii j-'eted as to aeeninnioda'e travel. It w.ll I en groat coti'.t nience to those residing n til?.-western ii?t-of the river. The bridge is a very su'r'antial structure, and the e;m trai-tur, Mr. Milii-r.hasuUcharj.'ed Lis whole duty ii, the !i-ih!m-s. (In Tur Pecmne. Twenty years aao IVi!iy!va!.i-i w:i. li e largest wheat pre.duc i;ig stte ii t lie lTs;i..ii. Now it is a! iut twe'h n tl - ii-t. Ail. or nearly all, the gniin u-ed in ( '!t :u n. !d is broitjbt from the great w.-r. Oar i cp'e think luubcr and ceai p:y littler than train. I'i;t NKKNNfss We th;:.k there were tnetedr;iiAi n men in this town un Saturday aftertiimu ;.,.d evening than we ever saw be fore, or h";ie io see again. Oar borough authorities .-h.iuld pioviJe proper efRcers to irrtt and Lx k up every drunken bnnlcr. It i- tlu- only way to j reset ve the peace and 5-:it uf the town. At'i'iiiii ScitiKiT. We lieartily reeom- C!e:i:Lre!d Academy and its excellent tfj'-her. iV.d. llanison,to the patrouage of 'h i-ewii.i bvc children lo educate. The iwtrueiinn c'en at thid institution is the v.n- l.t in its Jopart merits. - Thj disoi I' iii'ld and yet Grm, without bein fi'lr l arh or severe. This is the school ''' I iMoi,;ze. I !!K It 1 1. C.s" We are fiv.iucntly ask tl whedirr .ir not David Hal!, convicted of ni'ir hr i.i th'.! first decree at the la-t term ' t C Mirt. In bet ii eranted a new trial. A Jiiotii.n wa made U-r a new trial and arcned t lenitth, which tiio court bell under sd vitufiit. (T;i to t!ie present time it has 1 em dis;.- sod of, and prob-ably will not 1' until ih? ?e;.tp;i!oi!;- tcrta. 'oon .n r.-E. Henry Ward Beech er M5's "I Kbeve it to lie the duty of every ii an to se;:l u.un his wife a certain amount "I Keren, tliich sball uot be afifepted by ' "'her bis bankj-uptcy or his death. This :y lieduuii ly a life iu.-urauce especially ii it i a policy that counot be forfeited by "ylm of paym.-ut." Call at the offbe of II. U. w, ope and attend to it at ouce. AH J'-'ur neighb ax are doiiiir ko. l'iRE Ci.av. Several - weeks since, a riwmen tit li,e ciay was left at our ollicc, fcluiuel a few miles east of this plue.wbich Ljs been pronouiK-ei by experience 1 work ' n to be at ba t equal in, if uoi superior Iany re clay found eW-whcre iu the Uni '1 Mates, tbr the manufacture of white stine ware, (Q-joensware). Thatj our ouun ty U.und in the various minerals and oth tr nmeria!. f make it one of the most exten sive and prosperous manufacturing districts i" 'he Stite.U no longer problematical. Ev C:yday devclope? souie new source of wealth. A'l that is renuired to demonstrate the truth fcf the sta'craonts made, is proper investiga ti naiid trial by competcot persons. We lope that manufacturers and capitalists will five this subject the attention it demands, s we feel assured that it will accrue to their individual advantage, and be the means of developing and utilizing the vast treasures that now lie dormant in this county. ; For Sale a good House and Lot. House new and location desirable. Apply to, 1 : Aug. 18,'69-2t. Frank K. Smith. ! J. C. Ligbteap & Son are selling their Straw Goods off at cost.' All persons in need uf such articles should call at once. ' - Home Insurance. Our citizen? are tak ing stock and organizing our Insurance com pany. If. properly managed, it will no doubt prove beneficial to the whole com munity. ' .- ;'. ; Lady's Friend. A handsome steel en graving of Portia, the heroine of "The Merchant of Venice," opens the September number of this charming periodical, follow ed by the usual large and brilliant Fashion Plate. Among the interesting literary mat ter are the following: "The Prize of Two Meo's Lives,'' "Roland Yorke," "Betweea Two," &c., tc. Published by Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut st, Phil's, at $2.50 a year. , Bask Ball. The following is the score of a game of B: se Ball played on the fair ground on Tuesday, August 10, between "Wallace's nine,'' and "Robins nine," of this place, resulting in favor of the former, by a score of 49 to 41 runs: WALLACE. O. ft. . BOE1N8. O. . ft. J K. Johnston.1" " 4 '54 A. W. Walters. 3 5 J.P.Irwin, ' f Hi' P. Borchfield, 2 J. Howe, 3 -6 W. H. Hill, 3 5 Eil .fuhnnton, ' 2' 7 A. A.Adams, 1 8 II. F. Wallace, 5 5 C. Barrett, 3 5 F. Chorpenning. 3.4 Clsr.Johi.eton, 2 5 Smith Wilson. 45 John Jobiuoa, 4 .2 O. L. Moore, 4 5 N. L Robins, 2 Ciaj-ton Jobufon", .0 1 h. Morgan, . .4,3 UnriiiK T. J. M'CuIlough. Scorer E. A. Bigler. Irom the Counties Arround lis. Indiana. The money has been sub scribed to erect a telegraph between Indi . ana and BVis'Sville, , Jefeebson. On Mondav of last week, John McAriuich of Gaskill township, was instantly killed, while felling a hemlock tree. He was alone when the accident bnppened. . . . James E.' Mitchell, of Puuzsutawney,' was severely cut in the knee, by the axe slipping while Ikewing a ft)g. . . . The Jef ferson Court, commences on Monday, Sep tember 14th. . . . Anew Post. Office has been established midway between Reynolds ville and Jefferson Line, called Dolingvilie. Joseph Broadhead is Post muster. Camrria. The dwelling house of Mr. Cullrt. near Perkinsvillc, was burned to the ground on Sunday afternoon last. . But little was saved of the contents. We are not informed how the fire originated. . . On Monday, Mr Sweitzer, of Conemaucrh, met with a f ainful accident, which resulted in the loss of a limb. As some cars wers be ing backed down to th.2 rolling mill he was on the bumpers, to unloose the coupling, one of his feet hanging down between the bumpers. The lower caf ran off the track, -tau.-iug the bumpers to come together with tremendous force, and bis foot was canghr between them aud crushed in so horrible a manner that amputation hecame necessary. . . . Court will commence or. Monday, Sep tember 6th. Er.K. We learn from the A'hncite that, on Monday morning a-week, "Boot," a lit tle son of Ei'iis Brown, aired about 1 1 years csnte to bis death in the following manner: Mr. Wilbur a gunsmith' in Centreville had a gun for repair containing a load of powder, ball, and lamrod all of which had be come so rusted in the barrel as to make it necessary to take out die breech. IIj then placed the end of the barrel in the fire to melt out the ball having first cleaned out as be .supposed all the pwder. At that moment the whole contents were discharced the ramrod takirg effect in th-? abdomen of the deceased, who at the timo was standing near the iiiu?!e of the . barret, f "After nine or ten hours tff "severe pain death relieved his .'uiTc-iings. : Blair. They have a city park, and driving track, in Altoona. . . . The Tyrone people have arranged to lay water pipes through the town immediately. . . . John Campbell, convicted of murder in the sec ond degree, was sentenced to five years in the penetimiary. . . . The Republicans nominated the following ticket : Assembly, Joseph Robinson; Commissioner, Jacob Wabcr; Poor Director, Jacob II. Stifller; Auditor, Win. II. Calvert. ... A woman made a narrow escape from death by potson, having taken "Kunkcls pain slayer" inter nally according to direction. An antidote was fortunately administered in time tosave her life. Another warning to beware of quack medicines. ... During the preva lence of a storm, one of the wires, connected with the Penn'a R. R. telegraph office, in Altoona, was stntek by lightning, the fluid passing into the building and cutting off three or four other wires, scorching the ceil inc of ihe telegraph office, and exploding with a report as loud, as a musket. The lightning arrester and ground wire being properly adjusted, no further damage was done and nobody hurt only a littlti-'skcer-ed." V Centre. They have organized a Ceme tery Asociation iu Philipsburg. . . . "A son of K. W Harper, of Philipsburg, was seriously injured on Thursday by being struck wiih a slick of timber. The flesh was stripped from the knee to the toes, off otio leg. . . . Court commences in Belle fonte next Monday. ... The barn of John Long, near Salonav was struck by lightning on W ednc-day ; Inst, an I burned to the grouud. The entire contents were destroy ed. It was insured to within t20) of its full value. ; . . A horse belonging to Mr. Geo. Milliir.ISvingrriear the toll gate on theBoals burg turnpike, ran away with one ot nis workmen on Monday last, injuring him so severely as to probably prove fatal. ... The Republicans nominated the following coun ty ticket: Assembly,' James L. Coburn ; Prothopotary, Sam'l G. Barr ; Register, William Curtin ; Recorder, Daniel Rote; Sheriff, Jere Butts; Treasurer, Rash Cad walader; Commissioner, Lewis Hess ; Cor oner, Dr. Reiber ; Auditor, Benj. Liggett, . , . The Democrats nominated Assembly, Jacob G. Myer ; Prothonotary, John Mor gan; Register, John II. Morrison ; Record er, Israel Grenoble; Sheriff. Daniel W. Wondring; Treasurer.Simon S.WoIf; Com missioner, Joseph McCloskey ; Ccroner, J. F- Larimer; Auditor, D. H. Yeager. . An education is a fortune. One of the best places to. acquire a sound education is at the Normal School. Write for its circu lar. Address J. A. Cooper, Edinboro,Erie Co., Pa. - Pic Nir sear PENNnLL.Theongre gatiou of St. Bonaventuri Church, near Pennvillc' Grampian Hills, will hold a Pic nic on the 2Sth of August, to pay the debt on their new church. Dancing will begin at 10 o'clock, a. m. K. O'Branigan, i Aug. 4,'69-4t., .-,!.' ;.. ( Pastor. Camp Meeting. A camp-meeting, com mencing August 27th, 1S69, will be held on the Clearfield Circuit, in a beautiful Chest nut Grove, on the premises of John Sankey, near the Goshen M. I- Church, about 5 miles east of Clearfield town, and miles west of Shawsville. ' Our friends from adjoining-Stations and Circuits' are cordially invited to tent with us. - Lumber for tents furnished gratis. Road and other facilities moderately good. - For further information, address, ' W. A. Clippinoer. Pastor, " ; : - , .' . Clearfield, Pa. Concert. The Woodworth Sisters Al ice, Ella, Metta and Little BeHe of Cleve land, Ohio, will give a musical entertain ment at L'-'avy' Hall, Clearfield, on Thurs day evening, August 19th. ; The numerous complimentary notices, from gome of the leading papers of the country, warrant us in saying that the Woodworth Sisters trill give an 'entertainment of ' the first1 order. "The father of these Singers,cnlisted in de fence of his country at its first call, and, while fighting for . the Union, was taken prisoner arid died in the hands of the reb els." Being the children of a deceased soldier., they are worthy the patronage. of a generous and appreciating community. 'Ad mission 35 cents; children 15 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock, commence at S. Tribute of Eespect. At a meeting of the Curwensville Temple of Honor the following preamble and reso lutions were unonimousiy adopted : Wf terra. Almighty God in his wise prov idence, fin calling Bro. J. S. Cole to his re-war-) has removed from the church a chris tian, from his family a kind husband and father, and from 'the Temple of Honor a brother worker iu the cause ot Temperance ; therefore, be ir ' Resnlced. That, to the family of the de ceased, we tender our sympathy in their sore afllietion, aud commit tlieru to Hiin who has promised to lie a husband to the widow and a f.tfher to the fatherless. . t . , , Rntnlriii.1, That in our loss of bis1 presence we mourn, and in his gain rejoice. llesoh eil, That our charter be draped in mourning for six mouths. lient,(rfl. Tint the preamble and resolu tions be inserted in the county papers, and a copy sent to the family of our brother. Curwensville, August 13, 1G9. DIED : Oa Safurdsy. Auernst 7th. 1809, Eliza El. mira, daughter of Henry T- and Kliz.b th T. l'ariisworth.of Lawicuce tp.,aged 1 year, 9 months aud 8 days. Claaifield Retail Markets. CJatxcTia Br It. Mossop, Aco 17, 1S09. Apples. dried, lb. $ Apples,, 1 Applcliuitr. gal, J Ru;ter. lb. Href, fresh lb, Rerf. dried. ' IlacKwhra?, bash. 1 Hsy. ton, Hums. lb, Sbuoldrrzi, " Si.'es. " Lard, lb. Oats. bo. Onions. Porit, lb, " incfs. bbl, Potatoes, b J, -Plaster, bbl, Peiohes. dri'd, $12 no 17 20 2r. 80 50 15 , 37 00 1 00 3 60 lb, J 9 1 25 3 3 on 5 on aI2 00 I'ticKwhcat flour lb. Re-ins. bu. . 3 I'xmrds, pnr M, Curn. shelled, Ii I ear. ' meal, i 2 Chop, rye. 3 mixed, 2 t'heefe. lb. -Cherries, lb. . KKS. Hour. bbl. 7 Rve. bush, ) lta-s. lb, S'alt. per sack, . Shingles, IS in, 2fl in. Timothy seed, bi Wbat. ou, Wool. lb. 5 00 49 Closir-g Quotations of Goveram't Securities. JAMES T. Bit .11) T A CO., s itrrrtrrg to S. Jour A- Co.) COBXBB OP FOURTH AN O WOOD STIlEfcTS. Pittsburg, Aug. 16. I8S9. tiuv sell i Viiiy .sell. OOLT " i33l'.lSU:;5-2n. Jan.'7, 12i 120 U S. fis.. H81, 122j,l22i ; 20a..lul. r67 120 M20i 5 2ii.lKfi2, 123i.?2:: 'June, 7-3its, 10!bHiti 5-20a,ls04, 12li'l2Ui;.JuIy, 7-30s. 100,1001 5 20s.ls65, 21J.12l?i'May Comp,'B5.1l4 . 10 40s. Jiaiill4iliAug.Cornp.fti.USJ 1131 5-2oa. .lan.'C.i, 12HJ 10SJ, Sept.Comp."6S.l 18 lllsf 5-209, .Tnl. '(15.120 :lflfrj:Oct. Comp. '65.1171 IS We are-now converting 7-30' of the June and Julv seriesinto Gold Coupon 5 20 bonds of 185-7 SAWED LUMBER. The undersigned bavins started in the Lumber business, near Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., is now pre pared to furnish pine eoard. clear and panel stuff. Ac. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order and shipped on short notice. C. R. MACOMBER. ' ' - Osceola Mills. May 5. 18M-tf. Clearfield co.. Pa. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The Firft Session of the next S.'holastio year of this Institution, will commence on Monday, the Bth day of September. 1S69. Pupils can enter at aoy time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of much experience in bis profession, assures pa rents and guardians that bis entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed nnder his charge. Teiihs or TciTioa: Orthography, Rending. Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) So 08 Uramtaar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo ry. S8.00 Algebr-i.Geotnetrj, Trigonoraotrj, Mensuration Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geo.ra pby. - i --..' 9.0 Latin, Greek, and French, with any of the a bove branches.. - - .v $12.0 Musis. Piano, 30 lessons.) - -, .. i - .- . H.00 tyXo deduction will be made for absence. For further particulars Inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A. M. July 31.1367. Principal. "XJOTICE. All persons indebted to the subseri xN ber. are requested to come and settle with out delay. P.. MOSSOP. . SALT' SALTII A prim article of ground a urn salt, rat cp in patent saccs. forsalechea attheffMtjf R. M0.5SO.- PLASTER the cheapest in the county, at May 29 '7. . MOSSOP'S. "VTA TLB A PPIKES JN at -thecheapeit in theccunty o IL CLOTH , at greatly -reduced pricsj.; at MayI2.'fi9. jivaaur o GROUND AND CSGROCSD SPICES. Citrn English CnrranU, Essence Coffee, and Vina, gar ot the best quality. for sale bv Jan. 10. - HARTSWICK A IRWIN. A Great Remedy for the cure of TJiroat nnd Lung l)ixeies. Doctor ' tlitrf'f Vine Tne Tar Cordial It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, ob tained by a peculiar process in the distillation of tue tar. by wnlcn its nigoest medical properties are retained. It is the only safeguard .and reliable remedy which haf ever been prepared from the juice oi the Pine Tree It invigorates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. -. ; -i - It strengthens the debilitated system. " ' It purifies and enriches tbe blood, and exnels from ihe system the corruption which scrofula breeds on ihe lungs. .. It d iso Ives the mucus or phlegm which stops the air-passages of tbe lungs. Its healing principle aets npon the irritated surface of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing inflammation . ' ' , It is the result ofyearsof study and experiment, and it is offered to the afflicted, with tbe positive assurance of its power to care the following dis eases, if the patient has not too long delayed a re sort to tbe mean? of cure : Consumption of tbe Lungs, Cough. Sore Throat and Breast; Bronchitis, Livar Complaint, Blind and Bleediag Piles, Asthma, Whuoping Cough, lliptheria. Ac. Ac We arc often asked why are not other remedies in the market for Consumption; Coughs, Colds, and other Pulmonary affections equal to l)r. L. Q. Wishart's Pine 1 rce Cordial. We answer f-;lst It cures, rot by stopping cough, but by loosening and assisting nature to throw off tbe unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Most Throat and Lung Remedies are com-! posed of anodynes, which allay the cough for awhile. but by their conptringing effects.the fibres become hardened, and tbe unhealthy fluids coag ulate and are retailed in the system, causing dis ease beyond the control of our most eminent phy sicians. 3d The Pine Tree Cordial, with its assii rants, are preferable, because they remove the cause of irritation of tbe mucus membrane and bronchial tubes, assist the lungs to act and throw eff the un healthy secretions, and purify the blood, thus scientifically making tbe cure perfect. - Dr. WisUart has on file at hif' hundreds and thousands of Certificates from Men and Wo men of unquestionable character who were once hopelessly given up to die, but through the Prov idence of God were completely restored to health by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial A Physieian in attendance who can be consulted inpersou or by mail, fr'n of rharzt. Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial SI 50 per Bottle. Sll per dos. 8ent by Express on receint of price Address. '-L. Q C Wishart, M. D. So '231 North 2d Street Phila delphia Pa. April 2l?t, lBV)-3m. " ' SPECIAL NOTICE. ... ; ScJicnck's Pulmonic 'Syrup, Seeweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills.will no re Con sumption. Liver Cou. plaint and Uystepioa, if ta Kea according to directions. They are all three to be taken at the same time. Thy cleanse tbe stomach, relax the liver, and put it to work ; then the appctito becomes good, the food digests and makes good blood, the patient begins to grow in tlesh the diseased matter ripens in the I ngs.aud the patient outirrows the disease and gets well. This is tha only way to cure the consumption. To the?u three medicines Dr. J. II. Schenek. of Philadelphia, ones his unrivalled success in the treatment of pulmonary consumption Tbe Pul monic tyrup ripens tLe morbid. matter in the lungs, naturo throws it off by an easy expectora tion, for wben the phlegm or . matter is ripe, a slight cough will throw it off. and tbe patient has rest and the lung' beg:n to beal. To do this, tbe Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must bp freely used to cleanse tbe .otoinaeh and liver, so that the Pulmonic syrUp and the food will make good blood. ... . Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption. Scbenck's Seaweed Ton io is a get, lie stimulant and alterative, and the alkali in tbe Seaweed, which this preparation is made of. assists the stomach to throw out tbe gas trie Juice lo dissolve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup, and it is madeiuto good blood witboutfer mentatton or souring in the stomach. The great reason why physicians do not cuie consumption is they try to do too much ; they give medicine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers. locking np the secretions and eventually the patient sink and dies. Dr. Schenek, in his treatmont. does not try to stop a cough, night sweats chills or fever. Re mot e the eaue.aiid they will all stop of their own accord No one can be cured of consumption, liv er complaint, dyspepsia., catarrh, canker,, ulcer ated throat unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. If a person has consumption. of course the lung in some way are uiheasox, eitner tubercles, ab scesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or tbe lungs are a mass of inrlamation an 1 fast de caying. In such cases what must be done? It is nol unly the lungs that are wasted, but it is the whole body. Tbe stomach and liver have lost their power to make blood out of food. Now the only chance is to take Schenck's three medicines, whiib will bring up a tone to the stomach, tbe pHtient will begin want food, it will digrst easily and make good blood ; then the patient begins to gain in flesh, and as soon as tbe body begins to grow, tbe lungs licg-n to hoal up. and the patient gets fle.-hy and well. Xhis is the only way to cure consumption. When there is no lung disease, and only liver complaint and dyspepsia, Scbenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient without the Pulmonic Hyrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely in all bilious complaints, as they are per fectly harmless. Dr. Schetiek. who his enjoyed uninterrupted health'for many years past, and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in ihe very Lrst s'age of nnlmonary consumption, his physicians having pronouneed his case hopeless and abandoned biiu to his fate. Be was cured by the aforesaid medicines. and since his recovery many similarly afflicted have used Dr. Scbenck's preparations tvith the same remarkable success The directions accompanying each, make it not absolutely necessary to seo Dr. Schenck, unlets the patients wish their lungs examined, and for this purpose be la Professionally at his Principal t'ffine, Philadelphia every Saturday, where all letters for advice most be addressed. He is also professional! v at No 32 Bond Street, Xew York, ever other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Ilanover St.. Boston, every other Wednes-day. He fives advice free, bat for a thorough examination with his Respirometor the prere is $5. Office hours at each city from 9 A. M to 3 P. 41 Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each 51.50 per bottle, or 4S.60 a ball-dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggists. DR. J. H. SCHENCK. ' Ap. 7.'69-ly . 15 ,V. (ilk St.. r,i a. Pa. T H. KLINE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, having located at Pennfield, Pa., ofi'urs his professional services to the people of that place and surroundingconntry. All calls promptly attended to. July 2j,'69-3tp. "V"OTICE. AH persons knowing them---V selves indebted to me will please call and settle at once. The books are at the store of Whitcomb A Townsend, Osceola, Pa. Jolv 21. lS69-tf. G. S. PERRT. rrOWX PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell, at private sale, on reasonable terms, ceveral valuable town proper ties. Any person wishing'to purchase a house and lot had better call. ' July 21. ISO. II B. SWO'lPB. CCHOOL TAX. Notice is hereby given. that the School Directors of Clearfield Borough have placed in the hands of the School Treasurer a certified duplicate of tbe School Tax for 18ti9. and all persons shall be entitled to an abatement of five per cent, on their tax. 'on pay ment of tbe same to the bis residence. on or before the 2?th day of October next. He particular and read the Act of Aktembly at the toot ot the notice lelt ai your resilience. July 2S.4t. ' i J. M KETTLBBERGEK. Tres'r 0 R P n A N ' S COURT SALE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Clearfield eoonty, the nndersigned. Adminis trator of tbe esta'e of Sarah Ann Jury, late of said county, dee'd, will tell at public sale, on the premises, on . - WED XESDA 1', SEP TEMB ERlu, 869. the following described real estate of said deosas ed. ro wit: All 'hat certain tract of land situate in Girard township, said county, containing 65 acres, HI perches and allowance, and being the same premises conveyed to said Sarah Aon Jury .from Horace Patcbin and wife, by deed dated June 13th, A D,. 18o7,anct recorded in Clearfield county, in Deed Book - B B," pages 58-9. - Terms or Sale. One-third cash on confirma tion of sale, and the balance in two equal annnal payments thereafter the latter two payments, with interest to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. JOHN R. CARR. July 24. I86tf-t. - Administrator. TP. KRATTER sells the best mowing scythes, . patent snaths. Rhodes' ctlebrated rakes, hay forks, solid steel shovels, hoes spades.scoops, Harvest cans, Ac- FAIRBANKS' STANDARD J SCALES, ; ..: v.- , f : .-,- '. .- , ' Or ALU XIXD-T. ALSO, Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Truck Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawers, Ae., i .'I I , ) J i.' for iali at1 ", ':. i' JIERRELL &JiIGLT2R, Dealer in Hardware,. . . ', June 30. J Clearfield, Pa. 1889. C. KRATZER & SONS are receiving a splendid stock k of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILKCOATS AND OVERSK1ETS, ELEGANT SUAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED " '' " ' " HATS,' ' ' ; 7 ' ' " ' DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, . BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, . ' ' FINE BLACK ALPACAS," ' UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, -MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, nEA Vr CALF BOOTS, $5, MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, ' BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $0, : CASS1MERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield, Jnne SO, 1869. ATTENTION, BUY E It S READ! READ J! Who sells the cheapest goods in tho ; county? MOSSOP ! Vfho sells best calicoes at 12 J cts a yard ? MOSSOP! - Who Fells best unbleached muslin at 17 cents7 M OSSOP! Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at ?o00? MOSSO P! Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at $4 50 ? MOSSOP! Who sells it all's bestKip Boots at ?4,50? MOSSOP! Who seKs Hats lower than anybody else ? MOSSOP! Who sells Sugar the cheapest? MOSSOP! ? - - . - . lit . ..-",.. : . . . v Who sells Syrup the cheapest? M O S S 0 P! Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? M O S S O P ! Who sells Quecnswafe the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? .-.MOSSOP!,. Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? - ;" M O S S O PI Who sells Plaster the cheapest 1 V' , MOSSOP! Who sells Salt tlrs cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first bronght goods down to the ' ' lowest cash prices : ; MOSS OP! - Everybody should buy their goods at MOSS 0 P'S! . Clearfield, May 12. 1869. E D PERKS A Co's flonr, the best in market, for . . I . ,1- L i V XT ale by - -- j. cna w qvj . D ESSICATEDCOCOANTJTS,forpiea.puddings, lo , for sale at uttAtiAJi a. CABLE CIIArSS a good article, on hand and forsale by MEKHELL A BIG LEU. WINE & LIQUOR STORE ' I. L. REIZENSTEIN St CO, ' .-' ." - . . ... ,-. , . ........ DCALErS 131 v - ,. .',,. . WES'-AXJJ LtQ VORSi MARKET STREET. CLEARFIELD, FA. A good assortment for medical purposes always ' ' r -I.' en hand. - .:. January 27, l3R9-4m. 3 ENS', . - : '' s 'Y O U T II S' ' . A N 0 B O Y S', CLOTHING. The undersigned having recently added READY-MADE CLOTH 1 XG , . to his former business, would respectfully : solicit su examination of his stock. Being . a practical Tailor he flatters himself that be is able to offer abetter ., ' clasa of ready-made work than has heretofore been brought to this mar- '.'.''' -'' . ket. ''' ' i Anyone wishing to buy goods in this line ' would aave money by calling at his store, . . and making their selections. Also, , a full supply of flents'furr.ishing , goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for past favors, he wonld re-' gpectfully solicit a continoance ef the -' t 1 - . same. - s . April 2?.1S39. "" H. BRIDGE. ,' . B. PATTOS, A 1BV1, J. a. ibwis. E. S. PATT0N & CO., Having fitted ap a fint class A - ... t 4 PLAXING. M I L L, are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of Man nfactured Lumber, such as FL O OR ING, SID IX G, Surface-dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, and every description of Plain and Vancy Mon'd ings. Dealers will find it to thoir advantage to consult our prices before purchasing elsewhere. Address, E. B. Tatton & Co., QiinccnsvUle, Dec; 2,'GS. Clearfield Co., Pa. BEST GOODS" AT 'LOWEST PRICES." J. A. Blattenberger & Co., NOW OFFER AT THEIR MAMMOTH STOKE, IN OSCEOLA; A large and well selected stock of fre.h SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at Liwest market rates, and to be sold at a slight advance on cost, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, : ; HARDWARE, QtJEENSWARE, ; WOOD k WILLOWWARE, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, ' HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, FLOUR, FEED, And everything appertaining to well regnlaU ( households, as well also to . MILLS, MINES AND CAMPS. ' Orders received and promptly filled. Highest market price paid for - Country Produce. Salesmen are polite, attentive and ohltrina CALL, SEE, EXAMINE, and be convinced. J. A . Blattenberger d- Co. Osceola Mills. April 2i, 1869. niSSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. The partnership hereto fort existing be-' tween the andereigned in the wago toaxing ba sin ess baa been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the said firm are requested to make immediate settlement, aud those having claims will present them. W5I M KNMHT. Jnlly U,'69. CHA8. JASNOT, : 'DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHLP. . ihe Partnership heretofore existing b- l-!!L - "nd?r"-d in the Mercantile and Lombenng buaiaesa, at Bald Hilla, was disaolvwt D V mnln.l Dnn,..l . v - ia.l , . . ti.. C C . ' " l"o nay or joit. isfiti. t He books and accounU are in the bands If . flf. irwm for aettlement. p r IRwfV Jolj28,IS99 ALEX.IRWI5. N. It Th. knri.... 1 1 , . . - . - - w miiBiH oy l. Irwin at the old stand. FOR SALE, : White Lead, Zfne Paint, UnUti Oil. TnrpenUn; Varnishes of al? kinds, Color; in oil and dry, Pain and Varnish brushes. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, , . Cleatfield.Pa -M 5.'bi Dollar. i7.i'Zj. Tnree Mnfion kir .v -- "uuoai.y. une-tnird or one MassachotV R.,". " 8?.U wanted Annlrto Agenu JOHN KNOX MARSH ALL. State Agent, M..11 o ?" 'h mr4 w'n ftreefn, MayH, 69-3m ) Philadelphia, Pa. TU" ANTED AGENTS for Prof. Pr, son s Lisii H ,-; n-t- i ,, Sin,KV,h"d f?T' fnf " r in every of l!w l' 11 eph,J n V?'-i- , Profess,' ot Law In Harvard University A new book for everybody, ixpuining .ve7ry kiudlttJt and legal obhgaiion. and showing how ts draw and execute them. Tbe highest and best anthor 1CT in the land K.,t r... ,:i , . . ' f-r.rP...tB fAKMhLFK A CO.,Phil a.P. NTHE DISTRICT COURT OP THE Siarj f.M. i- . To W EOkf rr Hir fn rmw. m . tu- ' j h. v. ,..n.w . a. u luaertirBCii ervbvcivec iinlnt. ..f i. r-. . r.f C''a1rIvM a:,J St" "nsyitan" .. xinuum rruo oss oeea adiudcec a Itanxruntna eroilitn-.' . n , . . ,-. r - in Aiutriei Court of said District. , . 4t A. A. ADAMS, Assignee. jfjhe creditors of aid Bankrupt. PROCLAIM IT TO ALL THE WORLD that TUE KA Tin TA r. ' n rwru & llEADACIlR fcftVP A.iji -i.. j" . litni ttf i. ' , "B" eases ei UlblLill. thaa aoy other remedv before tl, m public in the same space of time. IT PURIFIES THE BLOOD clams the mind. restire.In l,.ni.'...Ti..i a petiior. and a general vignrator of the Systen. WALTON A 7.U(J, Proprietors, o ... Ko 9 ?i- ''venth St., PhiiaderpMa. rold bv DrUiT7.Nta and 1 l..l. 1 1 - iF.h i ia.;Y ' 1-'"'-"-'- t 'T -J 6 mo. COMETH ING NEW IN ANSONVILLZ, Clearfield county, Penn'a. The undersigned having erected, during tha past summer, a large and commodious store reom, is now engaged in tilling it np with a new and select assortment of Fall and Witter rood, which he offers to the public at prices to suit the timet. Ii if stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is anosualr ly extensive, and is offered to customers at frem SID to Si') for a whole suit. Flour, Salt, and Oro ceries. of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Phoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety: Ladies' dress goods, fun, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of nations, too tedioni to enumerate, always en hand, and tor sale very oheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard.and other goods in proportion. Now is the time te bay. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused for any article in store. Examine ray stock be' fore you buy elsewhere. Ootober 30,1867. H. 8 WAIT D. It. rCLLBKTOS. W. B. PH1BSOK. r ii nr tv. y ti ir i n tj r l n ;u i FUT,LERT0N & McPhERSOX, Keep constantly on hand Fresh Meats, such as BEEF, VEAL. MUTTON, Etc., FRESH FISH, All kino's of Vegetables, in season casxed mriTs, BUTTER, LARD, Etc., Which they will sell at the lowest market price. Cash paid for Cattle, Bnttcr, etc; ROOM ON MARKET ST.. Clearfield, Pe-.J-Mav 12 '. MUSICAL GOObS.vioIins.flutes-CfesclarooebJ, accord eons. Italian string, guitar strings, clarionet reeds, mufie paper, instruction books, forsale by J. P. KRATZER, agent for Pianos and organs. January 6, lelfl9 D Kt GOODS the cheapest In the eouary. at May IU, H. MUrc'Jr P. H ARSES?. Trimmings, and Fhoe-fmdings for sale at MKRRELL A BIGLER'S. PRUNES a quantity On hand and forsale ai May 27. GiiADAM'S. s ADDLES, Brid!es. harriers, collars Ae., fof sale at MKRHELL A BIOLER'S. H O!l?E-?H0ES. and horse-nails, to be had at Ang. 23. MERRELL A BIGLEK'S. "1 TERY FIXE blankets will be seld cheap V by J. SHAW A SON. rjlHR highest market prices paid fir Phinrles a "j - crtfirr swu. s PRI XQ GOODS. Jnst onenine a anlendid stelt of new goods at C. KRATZEK A SONS. CrjERAXTS the fcest and cheapest in t county, at GRAHAM'S the DRIED FRI IT Apples. Peaches. Prones. Cherries. Cnrrants, Raisins, jest received ai Juce 2, 1S)9. i. P. KRAIZEIl'S. WOOL WANTED 100 000 pounds wool want ed, for which the highest market price wfll be paid, by .J. PTKKA'IZER.' RANTED lO.Of.O ponnds of WOOL, at the ngrsroa Tom!."viea:BeId Pa. jeU rniTE WINE VINEGAR a Superior arti- cieir.rpicKiing.tnr sale by J P. KRATZER. MAPXE EtJGAR jusj received at J. P. KKATZSR g, Market Street.. WALL PA PEP. new and be&atlfal designs, suitable for parlors, halts and dining monu, sold cheap at J. P. KKATZER'S. H ALL'S FIXE CALF SKIN BOOTS, at $5 00, May I2 '69. at MtfeyP'S. D BIED FREIT, at reduced prieef. May 12,'6ST mu'jr a. Q CEENBWARE Tea sets best stone-ware, 4 pieces, at S ! at jiu&jp s. SWAIM'S PANACSA. Eennady's Medical Dis covery. Hembold's Bneho. Btkve's C5d Livsjr Oi' Javne's and Avar's Med ieires.fer sale by " jan.10 HARTBW16K A IRWIN IRONt IRON '.!--Bet bar imn. for sale at th store of MERRELL A BIGLER. G C TJXS. Pistols and sword eafiei to be had at Juae.'6S MERRELI. A If JLKK.'J. LOVER, TmothjandOrehard-gr-sskeedsat in m ti r m i i --1 !.-'; rm