aftznxan'z goiitnat teaxfdb, a., Jlugwof tt, 1869. I $69. t-.. ihe safe iranf mission ; T" vVvuhH. patrons should remit by check r, toiif.v ' l.t, fh,,r ic:iers registered. ere utir:il uei-ii-;iw : . i -v-jaJ anFciWraeld Katln-ud. ' ..Tvroneat : : : 9 00 a m 51 r-'rficM it : : 1.00 f. m. ! STrn-""- . , . . . . o r,n i jrriv'jt Tyrone at : 5.50 p. m. I ,h Cu-.eti.nau wr. - T. A 17 i . m ; West at 0 P- m i 7 a-.r) p in Pi vine services will le held 1 'v itk in Clearfield, as follows: Cv'w. H. Pi'l, ho Methodist i 1 I'.-rr.'." :mJ evening. Sabhath c'i'"l at'j lJfa-ver meeting, every " " i .,'-;V M. Communioti services TTaiUthl..lcvory month t 10J A. M. R I'-v Nixdorff in the Lutheran church iB the IrninpanJ evening. Wico-mSt. Andrews Episcopal church nn Tuesday evening at . i o clock, beats b VwV ch-m-h-M at 10 A. M., lhl. ;w.nd and fourth Sundays ot each nioiith. . ..t - fail in and ce the st ck of IlaK and the rr;,.e will he made to suit, at Wui. Reed Cu's, Cleat field. S. !:inr off at real cct the Straw Goods st t!:' Hut sture of J. C. ightcjp A Son, M.irkft street. Clearfield, Pa. ." i Fahi We understand that the Et fcu;ive LVwniittec t f the Clearfield County '!-ien!:ural .Society, have decided to not ho'.l a Yuk the coming fall. TnE Pi'.put Bcildixcjs. Doth the pas cnL r and freight depot buildings, at this ,ijv. jn1 approaching completion. Thoy an- iir-t cltss structures an ornatnetit to , ir t. ivii, and a credit to the company. Tiif. Nkw liuuxiE. We observe that the -::.rrtni(.-ture of the new biidge, at the I. 'fur i';id of town, is being put up. Its ..cdy eiimpletioti will be a ::ia'ter of great .e'lnveiiieiicc o many in and out of town. TfiT Xi v lloTV.c. The bricklayers com -im in c-d v.oik, '! Monday morning lat, on tin: new three .-lory hotel, on the corner of l':i-t arifl M i.Iict stru ts. This will be the lu-".-t and bot Luiiuing of the kin J in this when cii!:iilcted.- Ni.f J ml. The diagrams, now on exlti 1.;: ,i: the Catuuiis-i.Micrs' office, indicate that "iir iif is to be an extensive, betiU r.Ni! ar.l fi.-"-t structure provided ith a!; nirt Lrn improvements. The esti n .ti-J i-.'-l t-. nearly $."!, 00 I. Ir. will cer t !j : :hcai buildini il constructed for t! i;u. r-Ki Sto.m: Lavixo. The corner .iu- new Ev. Lutheran Church, on t!..-s.'te. n ar lleitcr's SchiMl Ilou.-e, Cov ;; I'liir!!-;., will be laid, if no prev nt r s I''Mv. on Saturday, August 4ih. nl ;, r. 'lijiiicnee at 10 o'clock, A. M. 7!':i!-r-r.-art l pcojile in general arc invited l'r f J'l J.-tT.t. li.t iv K Mkkting. IV'tvi i.-nee prrniit li:.. 3 n.eet:ug will be held, by the ji of Me-siah's Church. (Adver.tists). ihi: iild grounds, on lands of Abram tiear Kylortown. The rnectiti2 will i' niuniiiv on 'i'huis'Jay, August. 12ih, and i"!i:mue ovi-r the f.tllowiug Saiiba'h. Revs. II .li.iii 'i a:i i la : -h, and other ministers, are i'!'t:i:'ed .) be p e-cnt. Ali are invited to yi.Mi.i. ','v nra:i.Y ! ki timj The seec.iul qnar ttr!y iiifr'iiig. of'rhe M. E. Church in Cur i n vi!!v. niii be h 11 i.n August Tth and '!:. iVeai'liiiri; on Satuiday night, Sunday '''"Mi. aiid Sunday nihr. laove Feast ' ni'i! ning nt 'J o'clock. Children's Mi't-tui at 1'; .'clock on Sunday afternoon. II. v. .1 S M". Murray, P. E., will officiate at h!! i!il meetings. The friends arc invited t att: ii 1. T. Tf..-iif:is. The Siatc Teachers' As-s- i 'iia.Tlueli is to meet at Greensbuig on 1 -nurii of A T.-iist, praini-es to be a coin-ji.'.-tj ..i ve-.-.. 'fh; iiejjde of Grecnsburg h IV- "ill'. :irr:iri iKMts t) give t'l3 tea.di--r i !,: j' weleoiiie. AH the ladies who i t 'ii i w ill l.e entertained I'rec of charge :: ! :i:ir;:i!'ii at the low rate of from one -:v !o . ii,- d.d'ar and fifty cents per day. "-!!ir j.iyiiia lull f,i:c over the railroads :" " ii ; u.-g, will be returned free of 1 MiMiMi A camp meeting, corn '' "t: A ij'i-t 27th, 1WJ, will be held on '; ' I ar'-vM Circuit, in a beautiful Chest r :' 'r vc. u:i tl.o pieiui.-es id .John Sankey, ! :: t;., sbi-n M. E. Church, about 5.1 , ,,f (".iaificJ town, and 2 miles "fiiawsville. Our friends from ad Stations a'id Circuits are cordially . tn tent with us. Lumber for tents tmis. R.iad and other faciliiies g '1. F-ir farther information W. A. Cl.IPPINiiER. Pastor, Clearfield, Pa- Mi I. 1'liks. A gentleman who has '. 1 who is willing to swear that it is he -.ivs. inf.iniis us that the best flv- he w.i.-id is a tu.nbler of whisky, waii-r. They will gather about it ' -'-.!.!-. ,- nk it very greedily, get drunk t;i::i'.!. in head over heels inline i y. ai: J ,yia it, a jigy. (or informant ' !.:;: ii,is tin rjle ,iests ten times i; than he lightning fly killer, and ten in-are of them than the old fashioned . ::!('. and water. It won't cost '" it. and there's lots of flies to ' si -.HI! on iii.w. I.:sT (,r Ir-iKRS remaining unclaimed in ' '''t O E.-e at Clearfield, August l, '69: T. R. I-ong. Miss Mary C. Lender, Mrs. Emily K. Morse, James C McKay, A. Osborn, K. i Oram. George Keiter, Frank Kocker. John W. Uorabaugb, John H. Stewart, Merrit fsauster, F. S Syers, Kal R ismner. John smith, (3) Stacy W. Thompson, MissM. Dickerman, t.ilttrt Walk, Susan Walk. U. II. Wood. r ILiIlark. 'H 'r,..a ' 'n I,,.,. ,: r,' M le p,., Jr; 'r.T ticheolaub. ''xV Ke,lin8. 31 rrreaian. .'.-;; '.rAi,am, " 'rah-m. yy " Hl.auiina Henrv, ,, J3 U!. t;5. -'e.-tia Hiie, Uul.r, Lor.ia, 'CLKARF IELP.PA.. AUG. 4, Summer Dres9 floods, at reduced figures, at Wm. Keel A Co's. Throw that old Straw Hat away and get a ! new one, utco.t, at Wm. Reed & Co's. Soiling off at red cost the Straw Goods Hi um Hill oiuic vi m - w. uigut,u n, ouu Market Street, vicarueia, ra. Partnership. Bv reference to our , ... . . , ... -,, . - , , ,v navcriiMiie eoiaimj.', ii w..i wu.iuai t If Arni.!roni? and S. Linn. Ksn's. have f,,,.,,,,, a U- nnrtnershin in WilltainsDOrt. Pa. Persona having business in that sec - . . tion are referred to the gentlemen above named. Pic Sir neap. PtxxviLLE. The congre gation of St. Bonavcnturi Church, Dear Pennville, Grampian Hills, will hold a Pic nic on the 2Sth of August, to pay the debt on their new church. Dancing will begin at 10 o'clock, a. m. K. O'Braxman, Aug. 4,'69-4t. . Pastor. Pixf. Grove Academy and Seminary. This school will open August 1 0th. Tuition from S?G to $10. There will be a Normal class for the beneOt of teachers. Students prepared for business or for college. For particulars address, B. F. Hughes, Princi pal. Pine Grove Mills, Centre couuty, Pa. Ju'y 28, 1869-2t. DisOLl'Tiox. The co-partnership here tofore 'existing between Bennett, Blatten berger & Co., in the mercantile business, in Osccola.Iwas dissolved by mutual consent on July 1st, 1S9. The business will be continued at the old stand by J. A. Blattesbeuoeb & Co. July 21, 1S6). St. At a recent meeting of the Board of Health of New York, a letter was received from Pr. Harris concerning cholera in the west. He Fays the disease has not become epidemic this summer at any point west of the Aileghenies or north of the Ohio, but is spreading in a fearful manner west of the Mississippi, noon the great routes of travel. The Zingari Bitters will prevent and cure cholera as'well as all other aCection of the bowels. It is the greatest tonic extant. To CrsTOMERS. We, the undersigned merchants, of the .Borough of Cleai field, do agree to close oar respective places t f bu siness at eight o'clock every evening, (except Saturday evening), on aud after July 21st, 1809. C. Kratzer & Sons, J. B. Graham & Sons, IK G. Nivling, "Weaver & Butts, 11. Mossop, Merrill & Bigler, J. Shaw & Son, J. P. Kratzer. Win. Beed&Co., I. la. Ueisenstein. 1 Notice. This is to notify customers that our respective places of business will be closed, on and alter August 1st to Nov. 1st, at 7 o'clock, and from Nov. 1st to April 1st, at 7 o'cloek of each evening; Saturdays, days of public gatherings, and rafting ex cepted. Persons l aving special business afiwjcjosing hour will find us at our resi dences. Arnold & Hartshorn, John Irvin, Thompson & Co., Jos. II. Irvin, E. A. Irvin & Co., Jno. II. Jenkins, ILirtsock &. Goodwin. Curwensville, July 28. 1809. Ml P.DEIt IX Cambria Cocxty. We take I he follcT.'iug fn-m the Ebctisl.nvg AUrglie iiimi : At Fry's Mill, Susquehanna t iwu-.-hip, Caiid:ia county, two men, laewis Iloltzner and Phiiip Pbalon, employes were eng iged burning slabs and refuse stuff, on July 20ih. The work was mnnotouous,and '"to make the time pass away" a gallouof whi.-ky was introduced. The rtsult was that llul zaer and Phaloa became itoxicated and were speedily engaged in a quarrel. Words led to blows, un 1 during the fracas, as is al leged, Iloltzner stabbed Phalou iseven times with a pet ket knife. One cut took effect on the arm, one on the thigh, one on the top of the head, and four in the breast. One of the latter penetrated the heart to the depth of one inch, causing death almost instantly. Holtzner was arrested the same night, and was commit ted to jail the next day. A brother of Iloltzner' a was also ar rested und lodged in jail, charged with hav ing incited the quarrel and furnishing the knife with which the cutting was done. Late Publications. Arthur's Home Macazixk. ByT. S. Arthur, Phila -?2 a year. The August number of this favorite magazine, contains many things of interest engravings, fashion plates, illustrations of toilet articles, besides a large variety of literary articles and poet ry. It is a work worthy the patrouage of the reading f ublie. Once a Month. by T. S. Arthur & Son's, Phila $2 a year. Is a sprightly lit tle work, containing many of the finest pro ductions on both sides of the Atlantic The August number is fully up to the standard of its predecessors. Send 20 cents and get a number. The Children's Hoi r. by T. S. Ar thur & Sons, Phila $1,25 a year. As its title indicates, this is a work designed for children. It seeks to inspire children with La reverence for God, and a gintle, forbear ing disposition towards their fellow mortals. Parents should, by all means, place tho '"hour" in the hands of their children. Peter's Mcsical Monthly by J. L. Peter'fc, 19S Broadway, New York. $3 a year single copies St) cents. This work merits the patronage of the musical pub lie, because it contains much of the latest and best music published. The publisher gives over $50 worth of music in a year, be sides 108 pages of select reading, for $3. We commend it to the patronage of our readers. The Supreme Court of North Carolina has just declared that intermarriage between a member of the colored raeo and a member of the white race is unlawful, and therefoie void according to the law of the State. The internal revenue receipts on Friday last were 1,047.210.20. Grand total for month $20,579,797.61. Watchword of the Democracy Packer, Pc-rshing, and Bepudiation. Clearf eld Betail Kareets. toRRtcTEn it K. Mossnp. Arc 4, 1S69. Apr.lcs.drW lb, t IB II ty. ton. - 512 00 Apples. groen.bu, I 03 Hams. lb, 2 Applchutter, gal, 100 Shoulders, 17 tutter, lb. .Itl ies. " 20 Iff. fre,h Ih, IS Lar.l, lb. ' 2 Bctf, dried. ' 25 Oats. bu. SO ISui'K wheat, basil. 1 0!) Onions. " 1 5J Bucivwheat flour lb. 4 PorK, lb, 15 lieans.bu, 3 00 ' meu. bbl, 37 0 board?, per M, 15 00 Potatoes, bj, 1 00 C.rn.8hclld, 125 Plasler. bbl, 3 50 ears, , t'-'J Peaches, drifd, lb. 19 " tiiei!, if," live, bush, 1 25 Chop, rje, 3 25 Kags. lb. 3 ' mixed, 2 50 alt. rer sack, 3 00 'liee?e, lb. 2 .Shicgles, 18 in, 5 00 Cherries, lb. la 25 in. a12 00 Chijkens. dressed, lb. 20 Timothy aee.t, bu. 5 00 Egg.. 20 Wheat, bu, I $0 Hour, bhl, 7 50 Wool. lb. 40 Closing Quotations of Governm't Seonrities. JAMES T. B R A D T A CO., i3irrtsxor to S. Joxrr? Co.) CORNER OF FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS. Pittsburg, June 19 1SA9. buv 'sell i buy. sell. GOLD H0 M" 5-20s. Jan.'7, llOjIMOi U.S. a..lS81. 117 ll'fil 5 20s.Jul rC7 10H M0S 5 2ns.lS(i2, 114i MSi June. 7 SOir, 10MJ 10Si 5-20S.1SIU, 1061 10ft July, f-303, 109i109i 5 20S.1S85, 10.iJ.10fi May Comp,'5,1 14 , 10-40s. JOSi'lO:! Aug.Comp.'ft5,ll.l,llSl 5.20s. Jan. '5, 10SJ losj: 8ept.Comp. 65.llH illSj 520s. Jul. '05. 1 OS lost; Oct. Com p. '65,1 J71M IS We are now converting 7-30 of the June and July series into 15 old Coupon 5-20 bonds of ISS5 7 .1 (h-eat llemcJif for the cure of Throat mid Limy Disrates. Doctor Wi'xlinrt's Vint Tree Tar Cordial. It is the vital prineiple of the Pin" Tree, ob tained by a peculiar process in the di'tillalicn of the tar. by hloh its highest medical properties are retained. It is the only safeguard and reliable remedy which has ever been prepared from tho Juice oi the Pine Tree It invigorates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. It strengthens t.he debilitated system. It purities and enriches the blood, and expels from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds on ihe lungs. It disolves the muens or phlegm which stops the air-pussae3 of the lungs. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated snrfce of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing inflamraa'ion It is the result of yearsof study and experiment, and it is offered to the afflicted, with the posittve assurance of its power to cure the following dis eases, if tho patient ha not too long delayed a re sort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Lungs. Cough. Sore Throat and l'-reast Kronchitis. l.iver Complaint, ltlind and Pleeding Piles, Asthma, Wbuopiug Cough. Dipiheria. Ac. Ac Ve are ofton asked why are not other remedies in the market for Consumption, Coughs. Colds, and other Piilroo mry affections equal to Dr. L. Q. Wishart's Pine 1 ree Cordial. We answer 1st It cures, not by stopping cough, but ov loosening and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Most '1 hroat and l.ung Kemedics are com posed .f anodynes, which allay the cough for awhile. but by Their constringing -fTec:s.the fibres become hardened, and the unhealthy fluids coag ulate and are retained In the system, causing dis ease beyond the control of our most eminent phy sicians 3d The Pine Tree Cordial, with its nssutants, are preferable, because they remove the cause of irritation of the mucus membrane and bronchial tubes, assist the lungs to act and throw r-ff the un healthy secretions, aud purify the blood, thus scientifically making the cure perfect. Dr. Wishart has on tile at hi. office hundreds and thousands ofCertificates from Men and Wo men of unquestionable character who were once hopelessly given up to die. but through the Prov idence of Ood were completely restored to health hy the Pine Tree Tar Cordial A Physician iu aitiudance who can be consulted in person or by mail. r- chars'. Price of Pine Tree Tar Ciirdial SI 50 per liottle. $11 per dox. -"ciil br Kxf reps on receipt of priee Address. "I.. Q t! Wirhart. M. 1. 'o 2:52 Nonh 2d .etreet Phila delphia Pa. April 2'st, 18tl9-3m. SPECIAL NOTICE. StJicacSs Jytilnwntc fyi'tfj), Seeweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills. will cure Con smupiion. Liver Con. plaint and Dyspepsia, if ta Ken according to directions. They ar all three to b taken at the same time. Th?y cleanse the stomach, relax the liver, and put it to work ; then the nppttite becomes good the food digests and makes good blood, thu patient begins to grow in lleh the diseased matter ripens in the I ngs.and the patient outgrows the disease and gets well. This is tha OLly way to cure the consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. II. Schenck. of riiili.ilclphij. owes his unrivalled success in Ihe treatment of pulmonarv consumption The Pul monic Srup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs, nature throws it on ny an easy expectora tion, for when the i.h'.e'Mu or u.nticr is ripe, a slight cough w ill throw it off. and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. To do this, tho Seaweed Tonic aiid Mandrake Pills must be fretdy used to clo-inse the stomach and liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup a'id Ihe food will make good blood. Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption Schenck e Seaweed Ion ic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and tbe alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is inada of. assists the stomach to throw out the gas trie juice 1o dissolve tbe food with the Pulmonic SvruD. and it is made into good blood without fer mentation or souring in the stomach Tba great reason why physiciansdo not eoie consumption is thrra-Aa-T to do too much ; (hey give medicine to stoptbe cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers. locking up the secretions and eventually tbe pat-ent sinks and dies. Dr. Schenck. in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats chills or fever. Re move the cause. aud they will all stop of their own accord No ono can be cared of consumption, liv er complaint, ayspcpsia. catarrh, canker, ulcer ated ihrout unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. If a person has consumption. of course the lungs in souic way are diseased. -either tubercles, ab scesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of inilimation an t last de caving. In such cases what must be done? It is not onlv the lungs that are wasted. but it is the whole body. Tbe stomach and liver have lost their power to make blood out of food. Now the only chance is tu take Schenck's three medicines which will bring up a tone to tbe stomach, the patient will begin want food, it will digrst eas-lj and make good blood; then the patient begins to gain in flesh, aud as soon as the body begins to grow . the lungs beg n to heal up. and the patient gels fleshy and well. 'Jhis is the only way to cure consumption. When there is no lung disease, and only liver complaint ami dvspepsia, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Villa are sufficient trithout the Pulmonic Syrup. Take tbe Mandrake Pills freely in all bilious complaints, as they are per fectly harmless. Dr. Schenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted bealth-for many years past, and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton. the very last stage of a uluionary consumption, his physicians having pronounced bis esse hopeless and abandoned him to his fate. He was cured bv the aforesaid medicines.and since bis recovery many similarly afflicted have used Dr. Schenck's preparations with the same remarKable sncces.v The directions accompanying each, make it not absolutely necessary to see Dr. Schenck. unlets the patients wish their lungs examined, and for this purpose be is Professionally at bis Principal Office. Philadelphia, every Saturday, where ali letters for advice must be addressed. He is also professionally at No 32 Bond Street, New York ever, other Taesda v. and at Xo. 35 Hanover St. Boston, every other Wednesday. He sives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Kespirometor tbe prie is Si. Office hours it each city rrom ! A. 31 to .1 I'. M. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ieeacb SI. 50 per bottle, or iS.bO a halt-doien Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggista. DR. J. II. SCHENCK. A p. 7.'9-ly I 15 X. fithSt.. Phil' a. Pa, 3 TIIITE WINE VINEGAR a superior arti clc f.r pickling.for sale by J. f. HKA iZEK M APLE SI.'GAR just received at J. r. KKATZfcK S, Maraet career " ITSICAL (iOODS.violins.flutes. fifes claronets, l I aeenrdeons. Italian strings, guitar strings. i : . 1 . ......... r . nEriiatinn brink. for sale by J. P. Kli ATZER.agent for Pianos and organs. January 6. ISO", GROUND AND UNGROUND SPICES. Pitrn English Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vine gar ot the best qualitv. tor sale ov Jan 10. ilAiiXaWICli A IRWIS. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, OP ALL KITi. ALSO, EaESa;9 Harrows, Warehouse Trucka, Copying Presses. Improved Money Draerg, Ac., FOR S ALB BV MEERELL & BIGLER, Peiilcrs in Hardware, Jure 30. ClkarfielD, Pa. 1803. C. KRATZER & SONS are receiving a splendid, stock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILK COATS AND OVERSKJIITS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOODi AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANcr SII.KS, ' FINE BLACK ALPACAS, TJ if EQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, HEAVY CALF BOOTS, $5, MEN'S AND BOYS' FIXE AND HEAVY SHOES, BEST STOE TEA SETTS, $G, CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND CeVUTRY PRODUCE WANTED. CloarhYM. June SO, li!. ATTENTION, B U Y E II S REAR! READ!! Who sells the cheapest goods in the county ? MO S SO T ! Who sells best calicoes a 1 1 21 cts a yard ? MOSSOP! Who sella best nnbleached muslin at !7 cents' MOSSOP! Who sella Hall's Calf Boots at 5 00? M O S S O P ! Who sells Hall's best Coarso Boots at 54 50? MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's best Kip Boots at $4,50? MOSSOP! Who sells Hats lower than anybody else? M O S S O P ! Who sells Sugar the cheapest ? . MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest? M O S S O P 1 "Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? M O S S O P! Who sells Queenswarc the cheapest ? Mossor? Who sells Tinware the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? M O S S O P! Who sells Tlaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down to the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'S! Clearfield, May 12. 1S69. 17 D. PERKS 4 Co's flour, the best in market, for jj sale by J SHAW 4 SON. DESSICATEDCOCOAM'TS, for pics. puddings, etc , for sale at GRAHAM'S. CI ABLE CHAINS a good article, on hand and z for sale by ME .1'. ELL 4 BIGLEH. CAWED LUMBER. The undersigned having started m the Lumber business. ear Osceola, Clearfield countv. Pa., is now pre pared' to furnish prne Boards, clear and panel (tuff. tie. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order and shipped on short notice. U.K.MACOMREK. Osceola Mills. May 5. lpr,3-f. ClcarSeld co.. Pa. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Tbe First Session of the next Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence on Monday, the 6th day of September, 155. Pnpila can enter at any time. They w ill be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of tbe session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. , The Principal having had tha advantage of mnch experience in his profession, assure pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under bis charge. Tekxs ot Trrriox: Orthography, Heading. Writing aad Primary Arithmttic, per session, (11 weets.) $5 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo ' 6.00 AIgcbru.,Gemnetry, Trigonometry, Mensuration Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keening, Botany, and Physical Genera pby. $3,00 Latin. Greek and French, with any of the a- bove branches $12.00 Musie. Piano, (30 lessons.) 910.00 dfNo deduction will ba made for absence. For further particulars inquire of Rev P. L.UAKRISON. a w. Jujy 311S67. Principal . LIFE INSURANCE COMPARISON. AJvantapre of thr MUTVA L riau over tie lirtnrn Premium Plan of STOCK COMPANIES: RATES. Tl'turn Pr'm Al'itml Diff'renrm YearTy A?. Plra Plan on $1,000 ou 51 0.110(1 8S 115 Ssti 50 40 $10 65 3i 00 45 5 30 37 30 50 75 50 47 00 55 109 35 59 40 1A (0 Iri'J 0U 2s 50 2S5 00 49 95 4'J9 50 On the ages named the ratos of the Stork Com pany are from 25 to St percent, higher th n the Jiuiual rates. RESULTS. Policy ur S5.000 at I Policy in the Mutual age of 32, on the return Company same age. half premium pian m i-ioca , casn.nan note, lor iu Companies, annual pre Ol.0.will cost in 10 years. mium. all eh.SI39 50. in cash, iccluaing in terest on notes. $1,505 and it DiviUeiut to be made. In case of death I Hut the Mutual Cuuipa at mu oi iu years. Ibe I ny will pay the u,.i. .... 1 - fJ the Ain't of Policy $5,000 Return Premium 1.395 Am t of Policy SI 0,000 Less Pr'm nous 500 56,395 Cash 49.500 in Cash. and 4 dividerds Sho-n-ing tfiat for 5110 lor Cash Premium, tbe gain on the Mutual plan to tho insured mem ber's family is Pitlv Prr Crnt. Should death occur at the end ot 5 years, the comparison would ne- Cash p'd Stock Co .S'"97 5ft-p'd to fmily?5.rS97 50 "Mutual" S7 00- " S'J.aOD UU and dividend. At the aie of 40, the Mntna! plan lor $1,918 40 Cash Premium will yield S9.30I) ; while the Stock plau for si n.Yl so. Cash Premium, yields tT.O.ta. 50. Showing a gam on the mutual Ian of 'All 50, and dividend. INSURE TOUR LIFE TN THE PENN MUTUAL, OP PHILADELPHIA. It. II. SWOOPE, Agent, July 14.,69-.f Clearfield. Pa. DR, CLARK, rnoFESsoB of Anatomical Patlialoirv, TV 7 and lMiysiciari for tlic exclusive treat ment of Chronic Disease?. A Coiiiltatiott and Ej-iimiuntioii of Patient matie rrte of 1, barge. Dr Clari examiM and explain your diteasr mitiottt aLiii any tiiteiious If he aiitfrtai.'i your rae van Ihow it. attH e'itit be dereivd. If he. cannot tell your dtra and hovyon feet trith- out o-A-'Mf qnestiotl he. dor not rounder hi mri f competent to treat your caie. Tin m the rttrriou tn go I'll ami voticnu tliotiiit not lie auet vim any other. - Tki t lU only direct add itotttcc evidence, of my ability as a S -ietitijic Pltyiiritii . and by this standard I am willing to be judged. L'r. Clark treats no case unless conscientiously nf the opinion that it can bo cured or permanent ly benefitted. Vt. . lark treats no case unlesss nvcan d serine the dissasc and its symptoms without interrogi ting his patient. lr. Clark will treat no Chronic Disease unless he can explain its character to the complete and perfect eat intact loi or the patient examined. And the Dr. would hers most pfrsitivrir state, that be desired no patients to take treatment from him. unless tticy are tuny anu eompiete'y satiue-i with ilis court! Itations and examinations, which are made free from charge. Ir. ClarK bases his practice npon the incontro vertible law of Nature. First That every cause has as effect. Second That diseases are causes producing effects or symptoms, and that every disease has its own peculiar effects or symptoms, which if properly and thoroughly understood by the examining Physician, can be clearly pointed out to the complete satisfaction of the patient ex amintd. Dr. Clark's method of diagnosing or explaining diseafes and their symptoms is only the process of rensoning from cause to effect, and has been acquired by thorough literary and medical cul ture, and also by an almost unlimited practice In every form of disease to which the human system is liable. By this process of reasoning the Dr. has ac quired a reputation and success in treating dis eases seldom attained. Dr. Clark is making quite a nnmber of conve nient appointments for ihe benefit of invalids who cannot go a long distance to consult him Pa tients will find this an opportunity nrely afford ed, and one they should not fail to take advan tage ot. its Dr. furnishes all the medicines, instru ments and apparatus necessary fur the successful tre:inent ot every case. CLEARFIELD COIN IT APPOINTMENTS. Clearfield, Mansion House. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. .Tune 21 , 22. 23, "i. 25, and 26. lSf.9 ; Curwensville Monday. June 24 ; Pennville, Tuesday. June 29 ; Packers ville. Wednesday, June 30; Luthorshurg, Thursday-July 1; Rockton. Friday, July 2; Clearfield. Mai. -ion House. Saturday, July 3; T.looiuington. Morday, July 5 ; Lumber city, Tuesday. July 6 ; Ostend, Wednesday. July 7; Durnside. Thursday. Julv 8; Patchinville. Friday. July 9; Cbeiry TrM. Saturday, Ji'ly 10; Westovcr, Monday .July 12; Glenhope. Tuesday, July 13: Mt. Pleasant, Wednesday. July 14; Jaynesville, Thursday.July IS; Madera. Friday. July 16; Ansonville, Satur day. July 17; New Millport, Suuday. July IS; Cloarfield. Mansion House, Monday. July 19; Grammandole, Tuefday, July 3; Mnrrisdale, Wednesday. July 21 ; tirabamton. Thursday July 22; Mul-onburg. Friday. July 23; Kartbaus. Sat urday. July 24; Frenchville. Monday. July 26; ShuwsTille.Tuesday. July 27; Forcas.Wednesday, July 2S; Clearfield. Mansion House, Thursday and Friday, July 29 4 30; Philipsburg. Grey s Hotel, Saturday an t Sunday, July 31 4 Angostl. My business agent makes out my visits, and setds one of my circulars to every resident in the counties visited. Go to your principal Post Off.ce, get a circular, and examine it carefully bei'ure calling on the Doctor. June 16-6t II ALL'S FINE CALF-SKIN BOOTS, at S5 00, May IZfiS ar. aussur .-v D RIED FRUIT, att reduced prices, at M3J " f - ... ... . "VCEEXSWARE Tea sets. best stone-ware. 44 pieces, at S 60 at .viu?ut". S TV AIM'S PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical Dis covery, fiembeld's Buehn, Hake s Cod Live O l Jayr.e's and A ver"s Medicines. for sale by Jan. 10. H A KTSW ICK A I R WIX. WINE-& LIQUOR STORE- I. L rvEIZKNStElN: & C., LEArr.HS r!t WIXES AXI) LQ fonSy MAP.KET STIIEET CLEARFIELD. PA. A good assortment for medical purposes always on band . Javuary 27. 1809-4.m. M K Y Or U T II S'' iXD ECrYS', CLOTHING, TSe undersigned having recently ad'drd1 READY-WAVE : CLOtHIVG to his former basiilesS. woild respectfully solicit an examination ol his stoclr. Eiiing a practical Tailor he flatters himself taot he is able to offer a better rlVr of ready-made work than has heretofore beam kiought to this mar ket. Anyone wrsSmj to 6uy gxrs ra tn line wovrld save money by calling at his storv, and making their selections. Also; a fall spply of (Jents furnishing goods' always on hand. Feeling thankful for past favors, he wowld re spectfully solicit a coDtiauance of the same. April 2-5.1 8C9. tt. RUIDGE. . ft. PATTOX, K. Jl 1HV1N, J. R. IK W IN. E. B. PATT0N & CO., Having fitted up a first class P L A X r X (1 M ILL, sre prepared to furnish to order all kinds of Man nfactured Lumber, such as fl o onixa, si i) ix g, Sui faee-il rested Lumber, SASli, DOORS, BLINDS, and every description of Plain and Fancy Mou'd ings. Doalcrj will find it to their advantage to consult onr prices before purchasing elfewhere Address, E. B. Patton k Co., CttriccnxciHe, Dec. 2,'OS. Clearfield Co., Pa. 44- BEST GOODS t? AT "LOWEST PRICES ." J. A. Blattenberer k Co., NOW OFFER AT TflEtU MAMMOTH ST011E, IN OSCEOLA, A large and well selected stock of freh SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at lowest market rates, and to be sold at a slight advance on cost, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEEXSW ARE, WOOD k WILLOWWARE, a NOTIONS, CLOTHING, DATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, FLOUK, FEED, i And everything appertaining to well regulati t households, as well also to MILLS, MINES AND CAMPS. Orders received and promptl y filled. Highest market price pa id for Country Produce. Salenmeu tire polite, attentive and olAitjinQ CALL. SEE, EXAMINE, and be convinced. J. A. Bhttienhertjer & Co. Osceola il;i:3. April 2i,l59. FOR SALE, White Lead, Zino Paint, Linseed Oil. Terpentine, Varnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and dry. Paint and Varnuh brushes. HARTSWICK ir.VVIS, Clearfield.? -M 5,'C9. fAPSACnfJSETTS MUTUAL A INSURANCE COMPANY LIFE Incorporated 1 Hi I Anns nearly Throe Million Dollars dividends Aunua'ty. One-third or one half of the premium loanr-t to tbe a-urad. All Policies Non J-orlriuble by law tf the Str.ta of Massachusetts Reliable and energetic Agents wanted Apply to JOHN KNOX MARSHALL S-ate Agent. ' S. W.eor 6th and Walnut Street. Mayl2.'C9 3m J TMIadelpkh.. Pa. PROCLAIM IT TO ALL TIIE WORIJV THE XATW.YAL M1TTZRX. Bas-cured more eases of Dyspepsia, more eases of LIVER COMPLAINT, more cases of NiJUVO'JS HEADACHE. FEVER 4 AG t E, ard more caws of DIB1LITY. than any other remedy before tae public in the same space of tiiae it run i fie s run blood clams tbe mind, restores sleep, is an Excellent Ap petiser, and a general Tig... at ,r of the Svinem. WALTON 4 ZlG.P.-oi rietor. No ?N. Seventh St . Philadelphia.. Sold by Drugg.sts, and Dealers generally. a O M E T II I N O N E W IS ASSOXVU.I.E. Ch'ai fichi county, Ponn'a. fhe undersigned having erected irarmg trie past summer, a large sad cosaaisdioae store room, is now engaged in tolling it op with a Raw aTKi sclcct asvorlmentoF Fatl and Wintergoodd. which, he offers' to the public at prices to suit the times His stock of Mens' and boys' elcthin-r is nrusnal' ly extensive, rtnd is offered to customers at trom SI0 to 52l for a whole suit. Floor, Salt and Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete as-ottsient; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy ?t;.i k ; Roots-ar.t Shoes. Hats and Caps, in greirt variety : Ladies' Iress goods, furs, and other fancy onils. totro'her with an endless as-rrrtment of r.otmn too tedious to enumerate, always on hand aril tor sale Very eheap. Prints at in cents a yard. ami other g-mds in propoTi,BB. Now is the time to huy. Country produce of every kind, at ihe highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenback:: will nor be refused or any article in store. Examino my stock be fore yoa buy elsewhere. October 30. 1367. Fl SWAN. EW STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD HILLS, Clearfield cottnty. The undersigned, having opened ft large and well selected stock of goods, at bald Hills. Clear field county, respectfully solicit' a share of public patronage. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware. Queensware.Tin- ware Jtaots na.t Shoe-, lla's aud Caps. Heady made Clothing aad ajea er"l assortment of Notions, etc. They atways keep ou hand the be.-t onatity of Flour, and a variety of Feed All goods soldcheap for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they (ire prcdared to saw all kinds of lumber to order. Orders solicited, and punctually filled. Nov.2, 1SG7. tl. A A. IRWIA, D. ft. Fn.t.r.nfox. w. . K' XT 11 TIT Tt Ti HI I i ii n r i it m : FuLLiiuTox A: McPjiekson, Keep constantly o band Fresh Meats, sncb as BEEF, VEAL; MUTTON, Etc., FRESH FISH, All tfnJs of Vegetables, in season, CaNNEI' FRtlTS, BUTTER, LARD, Etc., Which they will sell at the lowest market price. Cash paid for Cattle, Butter, etc. ROOM OX MARKET ST., Cfeart-eld. Pa -May J2 '09. Pi E M 0 V A L . HARTSWICK k IIUVIX, DRUGGISTS, JlarMSt., CctirJetd, Pa. We f.c leave to inform our old and new ensto-nie.-s. that we h.v- removed ouf estsblNhment to ihe new build inj jtul erected ou Market street, nearly adjoining the Mansion House on the west, and apposite Graham 4 Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite tbe public to come and buy their nRVes, CHEMICAIJI, PA TEXT MEDI CI XES, OILS. PAINTS St YAKXISIIES. Our stock of Drugs and Mcdicineseonaist of every thing need, sjlected with the greatest care, and WAKIIJXTED STRICTLY rURE! We also keep a lull stuck of Dyes. Perfumeries Toilet articles.Soaps. Tooth ltrusbes. Hair Brush es. Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind of Lrushes. We have a la ge lot of White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in fact everything used in the painting business, which we offer at City prices to cath jnyers. tobacco Ayn segaks, Cr nfeclionery. Spices, and Ihe largest stock of va rieties ever offered in this place, and warranted to be of the heal the market affords. J. G. HARTSWICK, Dee.2. 1SB3. JOHN F. IRWIN. N'OTICE. All persons indebted to the subscri ber, are requested to come and settle with out delay. K. MOSSOP. SALT' !ALT V, A prime article of ground a um st It. j ji up in patent suras, forsalechea ai tbertrt. .f R. MOSSO-a ijLASTEU the cheapest in tbe coanty. at May 29 'fi7. MOSSOP'S. "VTAILS SPIKES-tleeheapert intherannty 1 at MOSSOP'S o IL CLOTH S, at greatly redaeed priest, at May 12. 69. asur n T-yRYOOOI RTGOODS the cheapest in the coun'y. at it May 29. '67. MOSSOP'S. TT ARSESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for I L sale at Alt.Hr.f.LL at BlULfcU s. PRVNES a quantity on band and for sate at May27. GRAHAM'S. ADDLES, r.rid'es. haruesa. collars le . (or sule at MERRELL A DIGLER S. HORSE SHOES, and horse-naile. be had at Ang.23. MEKREl.L A BIGLER'S 7-ERY FINE blankets will be sold eheap by J SHAW A SON. rpiIK highest market prices Pjid f"r '"j' L by J. SHAW 4 SO.ii. Ci PRIXtJ GOODS. Just opening a splendid stock Sofnw goodsat CKKATZER 4 SONS C.TTRRANTS the best and cheapest in tbe untyat GRAHAM'S. DRIED FRTIT Apples. Peaches, Prune?. Cherries, Currants, Raisins, just received at Jure 2. 159. J. P. KRATZEK'S. x Tf iVL WANTED 100 000 pounds wool want- ed. for which the highest market price wi I be paiLby J. PKRATZER "T7 ANTED 10.000 pounds or -., at u 1 'Krvsms a Stckb," Clearfield. Ta. jeltj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers