Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 28, 1869, Image 3

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If 3
taffeman'0 gonruaf, gfcarficfb, jga., gulf 28, i860.
To injure the safe trammisMon
T'' 1 by mail, patron, should remit by cheek
' m' J nr ler or have their letter registered.
r cu"1'" ,;e ,.ncioi,.d in the first paper after
Tv-one aai Clearfield Railroad
',, Tyrone at : : : 9.00 am
;; Tl.TcieIrfi.l.lat : : 1.0J P-
leave" Clearfield a' : : : 2.00 p m.
a!1 1 !'?.. at tjrone at : : : : 5 P "i.
1 with Cincinnati Express E!t at fi 17
C "v .il Veit.t6 Up,m ; Bald Eagle Ex-
at 7 CO P
j Pivine service? will leliel.l
' V v Y U- DIH, in the Methodist
v - morn'ina and evening. Sull.uth
' V 1 t") V 1- 1,,!,5'cr i)ef ling, every
s.-Uool .i a,j (J01Urn union services
JSh oj'-ry month at 10 A. M.
n l .v Nii'lorff in the Lutheran church
; tL nloreins evening
v- rv; --ii St. AnJrew. Episcopal church
on' Tu.Jay evenings, at 11 o'clock. Seats
b7t. Francis' church-M at 10 A. M ,
th- -ci-on.1 and i-urtn saiwi
nth. . .
If you want a first rare Hoot or Shoo, go
t, the Uanner Shoe store, they, have all
i;,;,ls fr.'iii the largest to tho smallest;
J-,,,,,, the coarsot to the finest, and every
A!:i!!::KE.-A little son of IVieliard
F.vm-. of Ciirwi-n.-ville, who is on a visit to
Mr. Liim MThcrs'.n's in Lawrence town
-Lip. whil.-t ninning about, the house on
j; ... I lV last, Ml an.l broke his arm. The
h.ttire was rcJucid, and, at lat accounts,
i!,.; litile follow was doing well.
1'A-iE. The fitllowins is a rowijt for
, :ii iMiuiiion naste. which will keep for
a time without fermentation . Dissolve
,!i .mkh-o of aiuni in a ciuart of warm water,
!,.'ti c..M ad 1 as much fl mr as will give it
tin' r.a.-i-tence of ceaiu, then strew into it
a- iii'ii li powdered rosin as will lio oh ahil
and two or three cloves, ground. It
v.u ki c-i !r a year, and when dry may be
s Iteiifd with watt-r.
I. ).(). I'. A new lo LC of the In le-
r-:idenr Order of O ld Fellows, was organ-i.:.-.!
at .'hn Ilnpe, on Thursday evening,
J..V Jl' i. Tlie ofijeers elect are Philip Pott.
. ('... T. P. Mitz. V. O., J. C. Keagy,
S .lidiii Saraa, Jr., Ass't ecn taiy. and
V. . U':i.iit, Tr-asurer. A goodly num
1 ; !) uhmiiIkts of Clearfield, New Wa.-h-ii
-t. i, ai.d Pliilil'shmg lodges were present,
: a: ti- :; :tu d in the cercuionii s. Eveiy
ti :!!.- ! 'i--ril i..T to the eiitiie saa.-faction of
Fatal ArriPEN'T We learn t LV, on
l ii !:iy !i.-t, a man named Martin (.Iiliigan,
t:..-t !:! a filial accident, on Whitmore Run.
a. ':t f.if.r nilis above Ansonville, whil.-t
. ,-ai-d in f'.-!!itir . titu'.-er. lie cut a tree.
Khi;-!. !'id-e ! heavily aaint another and
! t ir i vi ty much. A.-" the lodged tree
f'. I uii, the ulLr sjirung back Willi such
1 : a to cause the tojj to break off and fall
iij a tlu u!i!ortun:ite man, breaking his
i: k atnl c:r.!it.g in-ia!it death. The dc
,! was an inlii.-uioiis and highly re
; i V"U:ig man, whoc.Miidcn b aili will
! 1 ; 'y '.juit'iitcd by his many friends.
II.ii : i: Fi knkix Our corre? pondent,
'.':. im'.iu:- us that, t.n Friday, July 2d,
ili" i. .!!- i t' Jiauiel Fiy, near Vetovcr.
v .- lr-tre'.- i ly lii i-, togetht r with nearly
a!: it-i--:!.r, ncs. iiieluding all his books and
l ' T-. Mii i alioiu three hundred dollars in
lii.iuy-lh - only things tavidwcre three
i!...:r.-:ir: ! -evcral uthi-r small articles. Mr.
1 1 a !:, 1 inr to i:,i.-e a barn, about half
a in.!e fri.in hi- hi'i:e. at the time. Mis.
1 ry. an a-vd lady, was aione when the fire
:ih; -t il: covered in the roof, who gave the
u'a.m a.-...in a- i o--ib!e, but by the time
a--i-i ri:i. o e.inie it was too late to save the
luilditij r cotiter t !. This ios will be se-v.-ivly
fi !; by ". l'ry, who is a very indus
tf.fji an ! ;-; hv citizen.
I'm. Kou Small Pox. The following
i r thi- liuailtul malady is commnni
ctf 1 : i ti -rtnan paper ir New York by a
' :- ' I.-riL in China. It is said to have
1 i. uvered by a surgeon in the Friti.-h
"'i .bity in China. The mode of
t r -i' in- i,t as follows: When the pre
" ti- i- at its bight, au-.l just before
' ' r..;Mii appears ! cliest is rubbed
v-':i "d and tartaric emetic ointment.
I :.; .-i; ... ;,... whole oi theeruptiou to ap
1 '" .c .t p ut of the Lody, to the relief
' ' i !t al-o secures a full and com
I ' : an 1 ihu- prevents the dis
I ' "' '' a'i:u-k.n the internal organs.
1 : - .. 1 . ..v m th-establi.-hed mode
' :'!'""t '" tho M;ig:i.-li army in China,
- '. ti! or ler-, and is regarded as a pcr-
' vmk Laws. Below will be found
: ' ' ; ' I the gau.e laws, which we pub-
: benefit of the public:
1 r .i.;,.,t I t killed or taken except from
' el September until the 31st of De-
;-!. cr Phea-ants-can be shot from the
" ! A'i-ii-t to the 2oih of December.
l'ir:.-i be- can only be killed from the 1st
'' r to the 20th of December.
' 1 1 t'ukevs can be hunted from the 1st
' 1 ; ' r to the 1-t of January.
iirrel-and rabbits may be shot from
; ' A-tgut to the 1st of January.
"! .ek IVviuthe-khof July to the 15th
'-' N"V..--ini,.r
F:- . -Uvereus birds, which includes the
r are prohibited to be shot at any time,
v' 1 i- rkgul to rob the nests of wild birds
' - kind,.
r'"'it can be fished for, with hook and
:'' oi.'y. during the months of April, May,
J "ne and July.
;ia lay .-hooting or hunting is prohibited
tni; r heavy penalty.
) ;, r' jS' k''u':i' snares ic, are entirely pro
e-Mi.r, 0f n or otL,er galUlJ 0,,t 0f
v a-"': is sufficient to convict the party.even
" '.v were purcha-sed.
T1e Penalties Tary from $5 to $50.
ue halt the fine goes to the informer,and
"ue convicted and refusing to pay the
"r'" coc to jail for ten days.
Okeoos Lvmber. The lumber resour-1
ces of the State of Oregon are abundant.
Dense forests of the finest fir, cedar and
spruce grow upon the coast and along the
banks of'the Columbia river and its tribu
taries as far up as the Dallis. There is an
inexhau-stable supply of the finest and best
quality of timber at the mouth' of the Col
umbia river, and back of the town of Asto
ria is the most magnificent forest of spruce
and yellow fir that is to be found anywhere
on the Pacific coast Nature has done
everything to make a forest of timber along
the Columbia a source of great profit to the
lumberman; the finest of timber being
handy to shipping, and as there is fine wa
ter power on all the small streams emptying
info the Columbia, lumber can be manufac
tured very cheap. The bottom lands along
the river are also covered with a thick
growth of pine, maple, alder, cedar, ush and
cotton wood.
Novel Swearing. They admit the tes
timony of Chinamen in IdahoTerritory.and
the trial of Ah Ctioy and Ah Sam for the
murder of Ah Son, in Silver City is ati act
ing much attention on account of the novel
mode of swearing witnesses; a roosters
head is whacked ofl Willi a knile. a saucer
broken, the oath written on yellow paper.
burned, and the smoke, in which is supposed
to be the spirit of the burned oath, blown
up to heaven in each case. The prosecution.
and defense each swore five witnesses killed
five chickens, broke five saucers, burned five
nieces of natter, etc. After killing the
chickens they are thrown aw'ny by the Chi
namen and consideicd unfit for u?e ; but
having had their throats cut, nicely bled, etc.,
the American heathen consider them none
the wor.-e. .
f Ovsteusin Sl'-MMEU. Among the many
folk whims of America, few are more mis
taken or perverse than that which forbids
the eating of oysters in the mouth without
an "r." For the deep-sea oyster is in his
prime in scorching July, and brings from
the pale, cool depths of his abode a moVc
delightful savor and a firmer textuie than
the product of any wintry month afford
There is no more rcfrething and seasonable
lunch in sweltering days, as he will sny who
tries a dozen or so of these bivalvular beau
ties, chilled with ice, accompanied by :
ciispy crumbling cracker.
Safety of Col. Powell. Several let
ters have been received from Col. Powell,
of the Colorado expedition, since his re
ported death by drowning. They are filled
with wild adventures and hair breadth es
eanes. The Colonel and his party have
sueceeded In running the four canions of
that notable river, about twenty five miles
hi length each, the walls of which are from
two thousand to two thousand five hundred
feet high. Tiuj to hi-t scientific mission,
he announces his intention of taking ohser
vatioiu on the eclipse in August, at Green
rircr. '
Don't Uux Up Stairs. Often practical
it is ruinous to health. An eminent physi
cian once said to us that he wouldn't go up
stairs faster than a walk if the house was on
fire and he Lad valuable propeity to save;
i ana we ti'l:eve lie woun not. .wucn waiK-
ing Uj) stairs is e pecially injurious to wo
men, and frequently running up stairs is a
sure ticket to heart diser.se .sosaysaStiing
fielJ (O.) paper.
It is said that a cup of coffee is a sure La-
i ronieter, if you allow the sugar to drop to
the bottom of thecuf1, and watch the bub
1 bles rise without di'urbing the coffee. II
the bubbles collect in tha n. id. lie, the weath
i er wiil te fine ; if they adhere to the cup,
forming a ring, it will be rainy ; and if the
I bubbles separate without assuming any
fixed position, changeble weather may be
A Feakfi'L Calamity. -An explosion
took piace in-St. Helen's (Eng.) colliery.re
cetitly, by which a large number of persons
lost their lives. At last accounts forty-eight
deal bodies had been recovered, and it is
believed there are still others in the mines.
Tho heart sickens at the recurrence of these
dreadful disasters, and humanity invokes the
aid of science to offer some preventative.
A letter from Southern Illinois says the
crop of strawberries and raspberries has
been the largest known, that blackberries
are now abundant, that apples, pears.peach
es and quinces are promising well, that the
wheat crop is larger than ever before, and
that other farm and garden products are
turning out well.
citizen of Philadelphia who used a
solution of cuil olie acid as a wa.-h to
neutralize the offensive odor arising from a
cancer, discovered that the latter was entire
ly removed by the application. The solu
tion cun-i-t d of one-fourth of an ouuee of
acid diluted in a quart of water.
The New Cable. On Saturday last the
shore end of the French Atlantic Cable
reached American soil, at Duxbury, Massa
Summer and Straw goods, closing out at
reduced prices, at the Banner Flat Store,
Market street.
Pine Grove Acad em v and S emi xart.
This school w ill oten August 10th. Tuition
from $G to $10. There will be a Normal
class for the benefit of teachers. Students
prepared for business or for college. For
particulars address, B. F. IIlgiies, Princi
pal. Pine Grove Mills, Centre couuty, Pa.
July 23, lS60-2t.
Notice. This is to notify customers that
our respective places of business will be
closed, on and after August 1st to Nov. 1st,
at 71 o'clock, and from Nov. 1st to April 1st,
at 7 o'clock of each evening ; Saturdays,
days of public gatherings, and rafting ex
cepted. Persons having special business
after closing hour will find us at our resi
dences. Arnold & Hartshorn,
John Irvin, Thompson & Co.,
Jos. R. Irvin, E. A. Irvin & Co.,
Jno. H. Jenkins, Ilartsoek 4 Goodwin.
Curwcnsville, July 28, 1SC0.
DlSOl.UTION. The co-pnrtncrshin here
tofore existing between Bennett, Dlalteii
berger & Co., in the mercantile bu.-iuess, in
Osceola, was dissolved by mutual consent
on July 1st, lcC?. The business will be
continued at the old stand by
J. A. D L AT1T N" Ii ERG ER Si Co.
July 21, 1SG0. 3t.
To Ci'stomers. We, the undersigned
merchants, of the; Borough of Clearfield,
do agree to close our respective places ( f bu
siness at eight o'clock every evening, (except
Saturday evening), on and alter July 21st,
C. Krai iter & Sons
J. B. Graham & Sons,
1). (J. Nivling,
Weaver & Belts,
It. Mossop,
Merrill & Bigler,
J. Shaw fc Son,
J. P. Kratzer.
Wm. Heed Si Co.,
I. is. Ileizensteia-
To Invalids. Invalids throughout the
County should not fail to have t heir cases
examined and treated by Dr. Clark, for the
followine reasons :
1 st. Every case is examined and described
without asking any questions couceruieg the
2d. No case will be treated which is not
described to the satisfaction of'the patient.
3d. No ca-e will tie treated by Dr. Clark,
when there is no reasonable hope of curing
or benefiting the patient thereby.
4th.. J-.xaminaf ions are made tree of
charge, at all of his appointments.
fee a
DR. c.
vertisement in another column.
On Wednesday, Julv 7th, 1S9. by Rev.
W. B. Purdv. Mr. John Filtox and Mi s
Sl'sannaiI Hewitt, both of this county.
On Sundav. Julv 11th, isf.9, bv K. Hil
tebiand, Esq., Mr. D.XSIKL I'lSHELand Miss
Mauciaket Bltnrak, both of ('best t'p.
On Tuesday. Julv 20th, l.sf.. by Rev. J
W. Buckley. Mr. James A. Gintek at d
Miss Elizabeth F'. Woohsiue, both of
Janesvillc, Clearfield county.
.1 frcat Hemcdif for the cure
of Tiiroiit mid Lung Di.tm.irs. Dmlot
iVixhurt's line Tree Tar Cordial.
It is the vital principle of the Pin Tree, ob
tained by apenulUr process in the distillation of
the tar. by which its highest medical properties
are retained.
It is the only safeguard nnd reliable remedy
which hus ever been prepared from the juice ol
the Pine Tree
It invigorates the digestive organs and restores
the appetite.
It strengthens the debilitated system
It purifies and enriches the blood, and expels
from the system the corruption which scrofula
breeds on the lungs.
It disolves the mucus or phlegm which stops
the air-pas?ages of the lungs.
Its healing principle acts upon the irritated
surface of th lung and thront. penetrating to
e:ch diseased purt, relieving puin and subduing
tnfl immnrion
1 1 is the resnlt of years of study and experiment,
and it is offered to the nrllicred. irith the positive
assurance of its power to cure the following dis
eases, if the patient has not too long delayed a re
sort to the means of cure :
Consumption of the Lungs, Cough. Sore Throat
and Itrenst Pnnchitis, l.ivar Complaint, Blind
and I'leedine; Piles, Asthma, W huoping Cough.
Piothcria. Ac. Ac
Ve are often aske-t why are not other remedies
in the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
and other Pulrponary utTections equal to Dr. L.
Q. V ijihsrt's Pine 1 rec Cordial. We answer
1st It cures, not by stopping cough, but nj
loosening and nssUting nature to throw off the
unhealthy matter collected about the throat and
bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cou'rh.
2d. Most '1 hroat and Lung Remedies are com
posed of anodynes, which allay the cough for
awhile. but by their constringing effects.the fibres
become hardened, and the nnheulthy fluids coag
ulate and are retained in tho system, causing dis
ease beyond the control of our miut eniinei.1. pb j
3d The Pine Tree Cordial, with its assitants,
are preferable, beciuse they remove the cause of
irritation of the mucus membrane and bronchial
tubes, assist the lur.s to act nnd throw f ff she un
healthy secretiens and purify the blood, thus
scientifically uink'ng the cure perfect.
Tr Wishart has on file at hi.- of5 re hundreds
and thousands ot Certificates from Men and Wo
men of unquestionable character who were once
hopelessly given up to die, but ihrough the Prov
ideuee of Ood were completely restored to health
by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial A Physician in
uttendanee who can be consulted in persou or by
mail, at rJiarr. 1'rioe tif Pine Tree
Tar Cordial SI 50 per L'ottle. Si I per dot. Sent
bv Kxrress on reeeiot of price Address, ;-L. Q
C Wishurt. M. 1. No Til Nona 2d street l'hila
d IpLia Pa. a
April Z'st, ISDO-Sm.
Sclicncics Pulmonic &ny,
Seewced Tonic and Mandrake Pills. will cure Con
sumption, Liver Complaint and Pyfpepsia, if ta
Ken according to diiections. They ate all three
to be taken at the same time. Thjy cleanse the
stomach, relax the liver, and put it to work ; then
the appetite becinies good, the food digests and
makes giiud blood, the patient begins to grow in
flesh the diseased matter ripens iu tha 1 ugs.snd
the patient outgrows the disrase and gets well.
This is tha only way to cure the consumption.
To these three medicines Dr. ,T. II. Schcnck. of
Philftdelphi.1. owes his unrivalled success in the
treatment of pulmonary consumption The Pul
monic Syrup ripens tho morbid matter in tho
lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expectora
tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, a
slight cough will throw it off. and the patient has
rest and the lutirs begin to heal. To do this, the
Sea ecd Tonic and Mandrako Pills must be freely
used to clennse the stomach nnd liver, so that the
Pulmonic Syrup aid the food will make good
Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent
causes of Consumption Sehenck's Seaweed Ton
ic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and tho
alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is
inaiia ol. assists tho stomach to throw out the gas
trie juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic
Syrup, and it is made into good blood without fer
mentation or souring inthestomach The great
reason w hy physicians lo not cut e consumption is
they try to do too much ; they give medicine to
stop the cough, to stop chills, to slop nigh: sweats,
hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the
whole digestive powers. lock ing up the secretions
and eventually the pat'ent sinks and dies.
Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to
stop a cough, night sweats chills or fever. Ke
mo, e the caue.aud they will all stop of their own
accord No one can be cured of consumption, liv
er complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcer
ated throat. unless the liver and stomach are made
If a person ha? consumption. of course the lungs
in some way are diseased, eittier tuoerclcs, ab
scesses, broncnial irritation, pleura adnesion. or
the lungs are a mass of inrlamation and fast de
caving. In such cases what must be done? It
is not only the lungs that are wasted. but it is the
whole body. The stomacn and liver have lost
their power to make blood out of food. Now the
onlychance is to lakeSehenckTs three medicines,
which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the
patient will begin want food, it will digest easily
and make good blood; then the patient begins to
gain in nesh. and as soon as the body begins to
grow, the lungs begn to heafup. and the patient
gets fleshy and well. This is the only way to
cure consumption.
When there is no lung disease, and only liver
complaint and dyspepsia, "chenck's Seaweed
Tunic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient without
the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mar.draVe Pills
freely in all bilious complaints, as they are per
fectly harmless.
Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health'for many years past, and now weighs 225
pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in
the rery last staee of oulmonary consumption, bis
physicians having pronounced bis case hopeless
and abandoned him to his fate. He was cured
by the aforesaid medicines. and since his recovery
many similarly afflicted have nsed Dr. Schenck s
preparations with the same remarkable success.
The directions accompanying each, make it not
absolutely necessary to see Dr. Schenck, unless
the patients wish their lungs examined, and for
this purpose be is Professionally at his Principal
Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all
letters for advice must be addressed. Ho is also
professional! v at No 32 Bond Street, New York,
everv other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover St..
Boston, every other Wednesday. He give advice
free, but for a thorough examination with his
Respirometor the price is S5. Office hours at each
city from 9 A. M to S P. M.
Trice ot the Puimonio Syrup and Seaweed Ton
ic each 51.50 per bottle, or $6.50 a half-doxen.
Mandrake Pills 35 cents a box. For sale by all
Ap. 7,-ta-ly.J 15 N. 6tA St., Phil' a, Pa.
Clearfield Eetail Markets.
CoRHKeTisr bv R. Mossop. Ji lt 27, 169.
Apples.dried.tb, S In
Apples, green, bn, 1 50
Applol'Utter, gal, 1 00
liultcr, lb. SB
Beef, fresh lb, IS
Beef, dried. " 25
HucKwhual bush. 1 00
Buckwheat floor lb. 4
Beans, bu, 3 00
Boards, per M, 15 00
Curn.sbclled, 1 2i
" ears, 62
- meal, 3 0
Chop, rye, 3 23
" mixed, 2 50
t'heege, lb. 2S
Cherries, lb. 1
Chickens. dressed, lb, 2)
KRS8. 20
Hay, ton.
Hums. Ib,
Shoulders, '
Lard, lb.
Oats. bu.
Onions, "
Pore, lb,
" mess, bbl
Potatoes, bj,
Plaster, bbl.
15 no
2 00
37 00
1 on
Peaches, dried
Rye. bosh,
Kaga, lb,
Salt, per sack,
Shingles, IS in
3 00
5 00
12 00
Timothy seed,
Wheat, bu,
Wool. Ib.
bu, 5 00
2 on
Flour, bbl.
7 50
The First Session of the next Scholastic year
of this Institution, will commence on Monday,
the 6th day of September, 1869.
Pupils can enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
the close of the session.
The course of instruction embraces everything
included in a thorough, practical and accoui
plished education of both sexes.
The Principal having had the advantage of
much experience in his profession, assures pa
rents and guardians that his entire ability and
energies will bedevoted to the mental and moral
training of the youth placed under uis charge.
Tebus of Tuition:
Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary
Arithmetic, per session. (11 weeks.) S5 00
(irummar, Ueograpby, Arithmetic, and Histo
ry. S3. 00
Algebrj,Gometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration
Surveying, Philosophy. Physiology, Chemistry
Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Ueogra
I'hy. S'J.OO
Latin. Greek and French, with any of the a-
bove branches. - SI 2. 00
Music. Piano, ("0 lessons ) $10.00
I3"No deduction will bo made for absence
For further particulars inquire of
Rev. P. t. HARRISON, a. w.
July HI.ISftT. Principal.
Advantage of the MUTTA L P!au ova- t.'ie
Return Vrrmium Plan of
Return Pr'm M ttiial T)ifr'ic Yetrr?v
A"r. Plan Plan ou 51,000 on $10. Oud
4il StO fi. .:! 00 S 05 Ssrt 50
45 54 20 :!7 '!0 1 'JO 109 no
50 75 50 47 00 2h 60 2Sj 00
55 109 i 59 40 49 95 499 50
On the ages named the ratos of the Stock Com
pany are from 2 to Si percent, higher th-n the
Mutual rates.
Policy for 55.000 at I Policy in the Mutual
ago of 32, on the return j Company same age, half
premium plan of Stock , cash . half note, lor S1M,
Companics, annual pre- I 1100. will cost in 10 years,
mium.all ensh. $139 50, in cash, including in-
and no Hivtdeml to be j tercst on notes. 51,3(15
made: In case of death I But the Mutuul Couipa
at end of 10 years, the I ny will pay the
mock company will pay
Ain't of Policy $5,000
Return Premium 1.395
Am't of Policy SI 0,000
Lss Pr'm notes Mlo
tG.395 Cash S9.500
in Cash. and 4 dividends
Showing that for SI 10 more Cash Premium
the gain on the Mutual plan to trio insured mem
ber's family is Pilty Prr Celt Should death
occur at the end ut 5 years, the comparisou would
Cash p'd Pluck Co i'97 5C-pd to familyS5.fi97 50
" -'Mutual-' 5735 0'J- " $9,500 00
and dividend
At the age of 40, the Mutual plan for SI, 910 40
Cash Premium will yield 9.3C0 ; while theStock
plan Tor S2 032 50. Cash I'remium. yields 7.0.t2.
50. Showing a gain ou tho mutual plan of S2,
327 50, and dividend.
II. B. SWOOPE, Agont, '
July 14.'69-tf Clearfield, Pa
Anatomical Pathalov,
and Physician fur the exclusive treat
ment of Chronic Diseases.
Kll t?otuul tat tout and l.Tamiitativri of Patient
mad ri' oj Leharge.
Dr Clurt examines and txrar'nt your difense
without a-tius any intention If he HnHerttaaH
youeee you Luow it. anH ea.nnl be tiereivd. If
lie. cannot tell pour ill ene and lioie yon feel tcth
out OAiwz question he. doe not consider himself
competent to treat ynnr eaxe. 1 lux m tliei nterton
to so bv aud Matient should ni.t he .icttiitied intth
any uthjr. 'Phi ix the only direct and vomitive
evidence of my ability ax a 'ientific P'tytirinn,
and by thix xtandard I am milling to he jiuled.
T. Clark treats no esse unless conscientiously
of the opinion that it can be cured or permanent
ly benefitted.
Dr. Clark treats no cafe nnlcsss he oan describe
the disease and its symptoms without interroga
ting his patient.
Dr. Clark will treat no Chronic Disease unless
he can explain its character to the complete and
perfect satisfaction of the patient examined. And
ihe Dr. would hero most positively state, that he
desires no patients to tuKe treatment from him.
unless they are fully and completely satisfied
with his consultations and examinations, which
are made free from charge.
Dr. ClarK bases bis praetic upi.n the, incontro
vertible lawof Nature. First That every cause
has an effect. Second That diseases are causes
producing effects or symptoms, and that every
disease has itsown peculiar effects or symptoms,
which If properly and thoroughly understood by
the examining Physician, can be clearly pointed
out to the complete satisfaction of, the patient ex
Dr. Clark's method of diagnosing or explaining
diseases and their symptoms is only the process
of reasoning from cause to effect, aud has been
acquired by thorough literary and medical cul
ture, and also by an almost unlimited practice In
every form of disease to which tho human system
is liable.
By this process of reasoning the Dr. has ae
quired a reputation and success in treating dis
cases seldom attained.
Dr. Clark is making quite a number of conve
nient appointments for the benefit of invalids who
cannot go a long distance to consult him Pa
tients will find this an opportunity rirely afford
ed, and one they should not (ail to take advan
tage ot.
The Dr. furnishes all the medicines, instru
ments and apparatus necessary for the successful
treatment ot evory case.
Clearfield, Mansion House. Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. June 21 , 22
23, 24. 25, and 2rt, 109 ; Curwensville. Monday.
June 23; Pennville. Tuesday. June 29 ; Packers
ville, Wednesday, June 30; Luthershnrg. Thurs
day. July 1; Rock ton. Friday, July 2 ; Clearfield.
Mansion House, Saturday, July 3 ; Bloomington,
Monday, July 5 ; Lumber city, Tuesday. July 6 ;
Ostend, Wednesday. July 7;. Eurnside. Thursday,
July 8; Patcfainville. Friday, July 8; Cbeiry
Tree. Saturday, Ji'ly 10; Westover, Monday .July
12; Ulenbope. Tuesday, July 13 : Mt. Pleasant,
Wednesday, July 14; Jaynesville, Thursday .July
15; Madera, Fridiy. July 16; Ansonville, Satur
day. July 17; New -Millport, Sunday,. July 18;
Clearfield, Mansion House, Monday. July 19;
Grammandole, Tuesday. July 20; Morrisdale,
Wednesday. July 21 ; Urahamton, Thursday .July
22; Multmburg. Friday. July 23; Karihans, Sat
urday, July 24; Frenchvillo. Monday, July 26;
Shawsville, Tuesday, July 27; Forcus. Wednesday,
July 28; Clearfield. Mansion House, Thursday
and Friday, July 29 4 30; Philipsburg. Grey's
Hotel, Saturday and Sunday, July 31 A August 1.
My business agent nrakps out my visits, and
ends one of my circulars to every resident is
the eounties visited. Go to your principal Post
Office, get a circular, and examine it carefully
before calling on the Doctor, June Ifl-tit,
A good assortment for medical purposes always
on hand.
January 27. lS(9-5m.
The undersigned having recently added
to his former buM'ness, would respectfully
solicit an examination ol bis stock. Being
a practical Tailor he flatters himself
that he is able to offer a better
clas of ready-made work
than has heretofore been
brought to this mar
ket. Anyone wishing to buy goods in this line
wouM save money by calling at his stoio,
and making their selections. Also,
a full supply of (lents'furnishing
goods always on hand.
Feeling thankful for past favors, he would re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the
April 2. lr.9 II. LUIDCK..
E. A IKVl.t,
j. it. lnu i..
. E. B. PATT0N & CO.,
Having fitted up a first class
P L A X I X Vr "Si ILL,
are prepared to farnidh to order all kinds of Xian
nfactured Lumber, such as
Surfacc-drcsscd Lumber,
and every description of Plain and Fancy Mou'd
ings. Dealers will find it to their advantage to
consult our prices before purchasing elsewhere
Address, E. P. P-atton Co.,
Dec. 2,'CS. Cle.-trfie.! Co., Pa.
4 4-
J. A. IJlattcnbergcr & Co.,
A large and well selected stock of freh
GOODS, purchased at lowust market rates, and to
be sold at a slight advance on cost, consisting ol
And everything appertaining to well regulati i
households, as well also to
Orders received and promptly filled.
Highest market price paidfor
Countrv Produce.
Sales7)ien are polite attentive and oLh'yi'ug
and be convinced.
J. A. Ithtttcnberycr tO Co.
Osceola Mills, April 2i,lSu9.
Ctirv.ctisviilo, I'.i.
Having taken charge ol this well-known fl itel.
the undcisigueu wmuIU respectfully solicit a !.riare
of the pnl.Lic patr'-nage. Travelers wiil find tbu
acwntuodaliotiieii'iar ! tlioe ul atiy oiutr bouse
in this section. Cuarges moderate.
Dee. 2. IsoS-tf. JOHN J Kb I'D, Prop'r
T S. COLE would inform his ol.l ctw-
Miners, and ihe puhlic fiencraily, that
he still continues to manufacture B'Ji'iS AND
SHOES of the very bet French Call and Kip. at
the lowest prices fur cash or approved counfry
produce. 11a alsomaKes at kindsof heavy boots
All work warranted, ar.d perfect sati.-factiou giv
en. Opposite Drauoker's Hotel, Curwensvillc.I'a.
July a, IHW-ly.
Curwcnsviiie, l'a.
This well known Iloiel, having been re-fiiie.1
aud re-furnished throughout, is now open fr the
accommodation of travelers, and the abiic in
general. Char -cs mo leiaie.
August 14, lSS7-tf. Proprietor.
pLEAF. FIELD N FIlSEIl Y.-Em .1 ii-
ack Home I xi i $Ti;v. The under-iun-ed
having C3labli.-.hed a Nursery, un the Pike,
halfway between Curwensville and Cleartield
Boroughs, is prepared H' furnish all k i nils of Kri. i
trees, (standard and daarl.) r vcrgreen snrun
bery.tirape Vines, tinosebcrry, Lawti-n tlio-k
berrv. Strawberry and Riisrbei ry vines. Also
Sibrian Crab trees Quince au .1 early Scar'e' Hheu
barb Ac Orders promptly attended fo. A Ures
.Aug Sl.l.Stil J. 1). WKIt'HT, CuruensviUe
J. HAYES. Si-koeov 1f.ti-t. Oili-c
on Main Street. Cm ens iiie. Penn":!.,
Wiil make professional visi's f ir the cinveni
;ec f jf the pub !i c eiinin.ct.cing in April. IS '.'J.
as follows. vix : Ltitlicrs!nrg fir-t b'ridy of every
month; Ansoiiviile.fir-t -Munlay of every month;
Lumber i.'itv. fitst Tliur.-tlav of everv tnnn'u ;
spending tw. i d.'.ys in either plaije. A.I or.ies f"r
work sLoiild be presented on the day of his arri
val in eaeh place
L' Teeth cxtrjeted by the ap lisaiimi of loon!
annsthesiri. comparatively without pain. Alt
kir. ls of uentiil v.'urk utirautccd.
X. B. The public will please notice, that l'r
II , when not cniriged in tho abnee visits, tiw.y be
liuml in bis ofrio in Curwensville. ap l.'ii'J ly
Y L W AYS, N E ' ,
Hnsjut received and opened at the rid stan
in Curwensville. an -rtire new stock of Fall ami
Winter Goods which hp will seil veiy cheap fi
Casu. His stock consists of
Dry Hoods, fIrocciin,
Hardware, Ouotnswnrc, limits and
Shoes, lints. Cups, ltf-:uly
made Clothing, etc.
The public ecnerally is rcspe. fjlly iivitodtt
give him a call : see his stock ,-.nd henr bir r-rices.
and purchase from him if yi,u Iio.l it wnl he t
your advantage. .o'
. 1 -.fid
TOU SALE three htiihli Us, 21 l.y .v,
-- feet, near thePrVilroad depot. Will be
sold sepaiate, .r in a boly. For further inf.inua
tion apply to II . E SNVDEK, Clearfield. Pa
'a nnn pounds wool vanti:i
0,)VV l,y ,lie suh-crihyr. hieh will he
taken on hook account or in exchange for goods.
Maiket prices paid for Wool.
ISowcr May 2.1. DAVID CELL.
C R 0 M M
-ii ;
Adjoining the residence of i)r. J ii. liariEwiek,!
Keeps n fine assortment of p":iin an,i fancy
cluthj. c:tsimerec:. etc.. which lie willni-lkc up to
or.lcr. in the latest styles, at tie loutst priees
llein" an experienced workman, he guarantees
entire ratistac;ion. A t'baro of ptiMic pntn.nug?
solicited. Ian. '-', 'Vj-;t'.
L-i I The niiil' rsitif.l Imvini; cl
tained the riht to sell T .1 1'nMtVs Iiiiiireve-l
Stump Kxtrnctor. after a trial of three dnvs on
the farm of .Ivsiuh W Thompson.':: Lawrence tp.
we find it pi'r tXL-ellcut in every respect, giving
perlVet sati.sfHCtion to all present. ti,t!,i:i; as yet
gotten out of rcjuiir. We extracted every tree
and stump as we pushed. I::re and stuail. We
nov ofl'er it to tiie ci!::ens of L.-twrenco. Pike.
Peon. l:r:idfi.rd ar.d iosl.eu town.-hips. We wil;
seil :he riht to build a sin2le machine for S'iO .U
or au.v peison wifhi:, a u:iehinc tnis shuiukt.
we will deliver the s..u:e on the firm of ihe pnr
ehaer. and j;iveit a trial fur his sa'isfiction. for
53i'(i On with terms liberal. W. 1. TATK
Address Tate A Hrown. A. 11. liilOWX.
Clearfield P.O ,
j? !( 2ln.j Clearfield eunty, P:. '
A T T ) N T r O X ! I'll KSEIIV II TU E
Curculio. wool-b;;rcr. .nnd all other ii H.'cts $o
de-ttructive to fruit treed, succodfuiiy prevented
from comuiitiing thir ravages on orchards, i he
tender vii.e :tnd orn-taieuiai tre nlike preserved
in roo, body, branch, and bad. from the attack
of any kind of vermi-i or inject, by Fi.-hcr'ii new
and useful process f-r prcrci.tiu the b.'.r-jr or
other iiiecl8 from irijjrra fruit ire-, shaiif :ir.
ornutii'tntal free;, shrubs and vinca," raienicd
Septuiuber I2td. lh'irt.
This remark-ible inveriti'4i has ht;en ieste 1 in
the in net htorotigh winner, and in every in
stance givn the mot eonctti-dve pro"i"s of its
cicritfl In no case has it failed to prove it$if a
perfect and entnpiete protection, aatn: the t i
rious kinds of inn-ctj that for yea. a past have
been prvng uj-on all kind- of fruit and fruit
trecfV 1 'cj-timonial: furni.-h' ! i; desired.
Individual and townh:p rifht-can be hMi upon
application to O. Ii' ISUKrt. LVq . at KouK'oit.
Oluarfiold eouutj.Pa., who i- a'-nt for Clearfield
c'Unty. (.Tune Z'A. IWiV.-' m p
The anders.gned . I'xe-utor of the F?tato of
Jason Kfrk. late td' the Pun u rn o J-umber-city.
dece.'tsed. uffrr ;it private n:tle the following de
scribed real e tate. to wit: The undivided half of
about two hunJred aur s of land. ?ituae in L'ni -n
lown.'hip. Clearfield county, l'a.. known the
Union Mills"' property, -.h.jiit 22 aeres of the
lar-d it; cleared, from M) to lot acres is covered
with excel cut white pine, beside hetulork and
o'her innher. 1 he improvements are a valuable
grist mi! I, saw mill, and woolen factory, beside.-
a good frame house and barn. The water power
is good, situated on Anderson's creek, n bout i'2
miles above Jurwcnsville. Per?oni desirous of
pceinj the property, can call up'n-l. K. Amo!d
residing thereon. For farther purtioular-j ai-ply
to the uudorsiucd at Lumber tity
SAMTKl. KiliK".
Jan. 13.V-9. Ji)ill UL'SSfclLl.. i:jtr"s
E v s r 11 I X G GOODS
K 1 11 K & "S PK NCEIiS,
Lumber City. Pa.,
The nndcrsijncd won!' respectfully infirm
their customers, and the public in eener.nl. that
they have just received their fprins stock 01
(roods, consi.-tirjT of Dry Coods. tlr'ieeries. IJ.if Is.
shoes. Dais. Caps. Fish. Salt. Flour, Uacon. Nails,
Paints. Oil. Stoneware. Hardware. Queensware.
Baskets. Tubs. Chiirris. Carpet. Oil cloth, and a
general variety of such articles as are usually
kept in acour.tr? store, ail of which they will
sell ciiesp poi: cash.
They weuld also direct attention to tbeir large
stock of Keady-made Clotnire:. which tbey offer
for sale at a small advance upon eost.
Lumber City. Pa.. Ma v S, Im7.
N. B We also manufacture to order, and con
stantly keen on hand a general assortment of
Coots and clioes, for men. women and children.
"IIIMKl.E-S'KElNS and Pipe-boxes, t. r Wag
ons, torsaie ny .vir.nutl.Li lilULLK
IL, Putty. Painls GlasB and Nails, lor sale at
Jnne titi. .MERUELL4 BWLEfc'S
TOVE3 of all sorts and sixes, constantly on
hand at M tllllELL I EUiLLU'S H
-Rest bar Iron, for le at 'he
store of
UNS. Pistols and sword canes to be had at
CLOVER, Timothy and Orebard-rass eed at
FOR SALE,. . :
White Lead. Zinc Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine,
VarnUhes of all kinds. Colors, in oil ami
dry, Paint and Varnish brushes.
Ciearfield Pa -M 5,'M. -
Incorporated ls.il.. Assets nearly Three Million
Dollars Dividends Annually. One-third or one
half of the premium loaned to the assured. All
Policies Xon-Forteitabto bylaw f the State of
Mui-sacbusetls Reliable and energetio Agents
wanted Apply to
S. W.eor 6;h and Walnut Street.
May 12,'f.U 3m Philadelphia. Pa.
X that
bf s cured more cases of Dvspepsia. more cases ot
LIVER COM PHIS' I". more coses of XEKVOU.H
HEADACHE. FEVER A AG I E. and more ac ot
DIBILITV. than any other remedy bef.reLie
publ'.c in the same space of tiino
clams ihe u.tipi. restores leep i? an Excellent Ap
petucr. aud u ;rcct?ra vir:itor of itie Svgiem.
Walton .t zrj. Prol.ricto--s,
Nt 3 N . ovtnih , Philadelphia.
Sold by hri.-rg.su. u:.d Oeik-r-s gent rallv.
Feb 21. rt mo.
v i:v stoki-: and saw mill,
C:c;irlij!J county.
Tlie n?j'I'rsii:cd hav;nt opened a large and
v.'.l .-. !t;ctt-d sUt-k of g-K.d-?. at i:ald ti i 1 Clen f
F:ef i cow. ty. re-DCdfuiiy solicit i-hare t-f public
1 .:-r"r;e.
'il.tir -st-L'k embraces Dry (inods. Groeeries,
1 ! ;tr i ware tueeij-iw a it .Tin- ware. lioots and t-hie8,
i d Cap d. je:idy uiade t loii.iui;. and m gen
er ;l :ts.-urtiuciit of Nniins, ere.
't i.vy ai'.Viiv- k-p on Knni ihe be?t quality of
t'!. nr. nv.'l ;i arit-ty ol" i etd
At' ." i ld cbuup lor ca-?h. or exchanged for
jppn vx k ttuniry prudtice.
ii.is tt,z u!t i ic.t'd a Ste;tin Saw Mill, thenar
pre'tlif rc i to saw h kinds of lumbvr to older,
i i d -. - i i-iif d . and punctual ' v ti lii d .
:ov, J0, l?o7. f. L. Jt A. IKWIaX.
C O 31 i: T II I X O X E V.
Clear II cii:.ty, iVnn'a.
The or, Jer.ijrned having erected, darinjj the
past -summer, n iarc and cummo iious store room,
is now engaged iu rilling it uj with & new and
soled a-sr)iiieiittr Fall and Winter goda, which
he -Cer t the public at prices Ut suit the time
U i- Mock of A!enh and 1kjs' clothing U uiu?ual
Iv exten-ive. and i- offered to customers at from
S- U to 52ii fit r a whole suit. Flour. Salt-and tiro
cerics. of every kind, a complete ai-soitmei.t;
Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy et-ck ; BotR and
Shires. Hats hnd Caps in great variety; Ladies
dres irooiis. furs, and et'rr rmey ools. together
wiih an endless a-vortment of notions too tedious
to ciUaiiernte. always mi hnd and iir sale very
cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and other goods
in pr jporjinn .ow la tp.u time to ouy.
iiuntry proilue of every kind, at the highest
n: it k. t price?, will b taken in exchange for
good; and even u reenbuck ill not be refused
i.t anv article in store. Examine my stock be
fore you buy elsewhere.
ctober :Vo.lSn7- II. SWAN.
n. it. rci.LKr.TON.
Fco.r.nrox IcPnEiisox,
Keep constantly on baud Fresh Meats, such as
All kiiitls of V gi-taole?, in sc:ison,
CANNF.P fruits,
Which they will sell at the lowest market prices.
Cut-li i:ii l for Cattle, Butter, etc.
rieorfield. Pa -?Iay 12,'(i9.
Marh't St., Ckurfichl, Pa.
Vk'c beg leave to Inform our old and new casto
me.s. that we bvf removed our est jbli.-hmeiit to
the tew r niJdin-r juht erected pa -Mai ket street,
nearly adj- inmg lite Man-ion lionsc ou the west,
and ;ppor:te t.r-h;.u A Son.1 store, where we re
spectl'uily invite the pul-Iiu to come and buy their
Our stock of Drugs and Medieinceoonfttet of every
thing u.-d.. sheeted with the greatest care, and
We also keep a lull stin k uf Dyes. Perfumeries!
Toilet iirticl, s..io.i,3. Tooth Urusbes. U.iir Brush
es, WhitewHsb llrushcs, and every otLer kind of
15rusb.es. We have a la ge lot of
White Lead, Turpentine,
Flaxseed Oil, P.-.ints, ar.d in f.icl everything nsed
in the pniiiti:: business, which we offer at City
prices to c:iii juytro.
Confectionery. Ppiees. ml tho largest stock of va
rieties ever otlerud in thi i.-lafte. and warrauted .
to be of the best the market nrTird. '
Ucc. 2. ISC'. JOHN F. IKWIN.
X'OTICK. All iron indebted to the subscri-
jl. i ui-i. icicjuwmu tu come ami n-tue wiib-
out delay.
um ez.lt. rut ll in patent arKS. frrsalecbea
at the 'ri f It. 1MOSSO J
f LA.-'l ER the cfccapcEt
L Muy 2d '07.
iu te county, at
XTjlILS i jfllKK thecheapert In the cennty
Tf, CLaTf. S, at greatly reduced pric;. at
M:iyl2. S9. MOoSOrT S
HYCiOOD? the cheapest in tbe county, at
May 29. '(17. ' M JSSOp'S.
j T f-AKNES-". Triiuinin?. and Khoe-flndings for
j J J jaieat MKRUELL lil'iLEK'S.
)lll'SE a quantity on band arid for sale at
'lay 3. UrtAUA.M S.
SAL DLLS. Erid:es. barne.-s. collars Xe, tor
saieat MEHUKLL & tn'LEll
OKSE-SIIOEg, and horsf-nails bd
TERV FINE blankets will be sold cheap
by J. fllAW W..
flUIE highest market prices paidfor Fbinelc.
j b, J. i-HAW AHO.V
C PKINO GOODS. Just oneniny splenrtid ft.-ck
O of new oods at C. KRATZER 4 S-S
CtURr.ANTri tbe best and cheanest in tha
rcountyat GRAHAM'S.
TvRIEO FRUIT Apples. Peaches. Prune".
1 Cherries'. Currants, Eaisins. just received at
700L WANTED 10k Ofifl pounds wool wanr-
ed. Tor which tbe hitheit market price will
be paid, by J. PE:A1ZER.
ANTED 10.0(10 pounds of WOOL, at tbe,
'-Kr.vsrose Eifr.," Clearfield, Pa. jelO