"rTJRARFIELD, PA., JULY 21. 1869. "rIrsTo insure the safe transmission f monevby mail, pMroni should remit by eheek n.T-order. or nave their letter! registered. 'tit money jwmea to hind: Tyi-oae and Clerfield Railroad. 1 rin leaves Tyrone at : : : 9.00 a m Ai, at Clearfield at : : 1.00 p.m. Mai ;, I,, m leaves Clearfield a : : :2.00 pm. Arrives at Tyrone at : : : :4.50 p.m. Connects with Cincinnati Express i East at .17 - - Mail West at ..44 p, m ; Bald Eagle Ex D,s 'at 7 60 p. m. Keligiocs. Divine services will be held next Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows: By Rev W. II. Di'l, in the Methodist church, moroinR and evening. Sabbath Xul at 9 A. Prayer meeting, every Thursday at Ti P. 31. Communion servieea Fit Sabbath of every month at 10J A. M. By Tlev. NixJrff in the Lutheran church in the morning and evening. S-Tviocs in St Andrews' Episcopal church on Tuesday evenings, at 7 1 o'clock. Seats free. Ft. Francis' church Mass at 10 A. M., the second and lourth Suudavs ot each month. a . Escaped From Jail. John Cannon and "William Hall, convicted and setenced for jiot at the last terra of Court, escaped from iail last week. We suppose no very great i vuins were taken to keep them, or the? -w.iuiJ not have got off. IVo Numerous. There is a superfluity of dogs in this town. Something ought to l iune with them. It would be well e bok!, also, to pay some attention to the tvr. sgjed puppies that make uight hid tleoua with their howls. Skrrvape. We tender our thanks to the Cornet I'uud, of this place, for a seren ade o Saturday evening last. The music dixtKiwed was excellent, and we feel confi dent Lat, with a little more practice, the land will ' be second to none in this section of the Suite. Appointed. John F. Moore has been relieved t. Route Ag nt on the Tyrone and CtarfieU Railroad, and David Adams ap pointed. lr. Adams, a son of David Ad ams Sr., of this place, is an honest, upright a'.J worthy 'j'ming man, who will make a competent ami efficient officer. Wasted Badi-V. Some measure will have to be tatken speedily to supply our town with lifht'and water. The w; ter in the wells, in iLis sandy loam, will soon be uniit to use. Moreover we need a hotter Mtpply of water incase of fire. Ourenter juisins citizens .should take hold of the mat ter at once. 1'Kovmr.D is Time. The Rev. Mr. Ar cVr, who met such a tragic and sudden lraih, had his life insured for $4, OCR). Iui-nr.uiatt.-ly on ibe facts being made known to the company, that amount was paid to lii ri-pri-sfiitaiivo. He was insured in the 1' iiu'j', of which Swoope & Adams are the Agents for Clearfield county. Gone to Willi amswrt. Ex-Judge Linn has removed from Belief onte to Wil liiTiisport, where he.rnpdsc.s to practice his profession. Vil!ianis;ort is improving so lapMly on the profits and proceeds of Clear t id lum'jer, that it will soon absorb all the small ton ns along the West n ranch. If our ha-iut's men would emulate the example of her enter;. ri-itir citizens, it would greatly enhair-e the property of Clearfield. Akw Hotel. Last week, work was onimerieed on the new hotel, which is to b erected on the ground of the old Clearfield Hivt-e, corner ol First and Market streets, lately occupied by Geo. X. Col burn Esq. Hie iijw huilding is to be of brick, three stories high, an 1 fitted up in first class styie. Tiie location is one of the best within our R iroui'i limits, and will, no doubt, be a I iaeeof public resort. The house is to be completed this season. The I'HiLii'snuna Homicide. Eugene F J.hnton, who killed Levi Knnis on the l'-'tbint., iu l'hilip-iburg, is now in jail at Ikcf inte awaiting his triaL He is from -Vtrw jit, anj ;s ga;j jo beKing to a very er!ihy family. We understand two of "i.r tiHiM l iominent lawyers have been re ' 'a i in his defence. He will be tried at t! Ai:tut Court in Belielonte. It seems b:.iSL- Mayer is destined to have his hands ! 'ii.uf lit'Diocidcs. Iledi.-jKwesof thcuj,how ""'r. j roiuptly and enerpctk'allj. Ti:k Xi w Jaii The new jail is to be '; .t-u,e County Commissioners have so Ived. and it only remains to settle the K-a'iou. We understand that the Commis-''oi-r lavor its erection on the site of the 1 r.H tit building, but we sincerely hope they - l aiiee their minds. The plan they L-u- adopted rp-i'itres ample and unimped 1 'Innnij.j. I'nlcss there is every facility t wryinsr away the fihh, its accumulation " ?!C very centre of the town, will be worse ttnn a pest house a nuisance that it will .' impossible to endure, and too expensive Jl vanre. It must be apparent to any one will Iiiot at the ground, that there can no dfainaee from the site of the present .1:1. It cannot be drained from the surface, much K f,oni the cellar: and no possible bent can be adopted to drain where tl "'re ls no fall. To build on such eround a iir?c and expensive jail, with a water- 'H t i 0TerJ. an j expect ;t t0 rcmain 1 '"r a liabitation tor human beings, is r-e tl,an folly. It is simply criminal, and ' jrosh authorities dUgbt to tale meas to stop it. The County Commissioners e uo more right to erect a public nui- -- m tiie bart of the town, than anin-t vi'iual. ar. J if they persist in doing so, the ormich ofiicers ought to invoke the strong arm of the law to prevent it. A suitable site for a jail can be found, e,1horonthe side of the hill, east of the t,15rn-or on the bank of the river, from hich there will be copious drainage, while 'he pre., building and lots can be sold "f large sum, which will aid materially in jje erection of the new jail. The centre of ?e tfwn is no place for a jail under any circumstances, and we trust that our citi- -s will protest against such an eye-ore in'J Dij.--ar,ce. . ) Rev. Cambridge Graham. Oa Sab bath last the Rev. Cambridge Graham. for merly of Clearfield, and at present located in Perrysville, Juniata county, preached in the M. E. Church of this place. He is an original and powerful preacher, brim full of ideas and overflowing with feeling. He al ways strikes directly home, and pins a man so fast, that it is almost impossible for him to escape conviction. We regard Mr. Gra ham as one of the most original and power ful preachers in the church. We learn that Iaat year, in his present charge, he received 121 new members into the church. He is one of the most laborious and devoted men in the ministry. His many friends in Clear field county will be glad to learn of his great success. Concert. A grand entertainment will be given by James Anderson, ablind man, at Leavy's Hall, on Thursday evening, July 22d,for the purpose of raising funds to take him to California, where he has an offer of teaching in an institution for the blind. Mr. Anderson was born blind, and never knew what it is to be blessed with a father or mother, and yet he tries to make him self contented under the afflictions that God has,in his All-wise providence, placed on him. Mr. Anderson has given several entertain ments,and met with good success. In Sun bury, the several ministers volunteered their services and interested themselves in his behalf. He gave an exhibition in the Presbyterian church and all expressed them selves as much pleated with the entertain ment. Admission, 15 cents; children 10 cents. Tickets for sale at the several stores. Ioors open at 7 i o'clock : performance to commence at 6 o'clock. For particulars see bills. Shot Accidentally. On Tuesday, Ju ly 13th, Mr. Ed. Sullivan, of Huston town ship, met with a serious, if not fatal acci dent. Sullivan, Thomas Evans and a little brother of Sullivan's, went hunting in the afternoon of the day named. In passing through the woods they suddenly came a cross a deer Sullivan being about ten feet in advance of Evans. In the excitement of the moment, Evans cocked his gun and brought it to his shoulder, and in going through some bushes, it would seem a branch caught the hammer of the gun and discharged it the ball hitting Sullivan. The ball took effect about one inch above the lower end of the left shoulder blade, and, passing obliquely upwards and outwards, somewhat injuring the shoulder joint in its passage, lodged under the large muscles of the left arm near the joint. Dr. Burchfield, of this place, being called to minister to the relief of the wounded man, succeeded, after some difficulty, in extracting the ball. At last accounts the patient was doing as well as could be expected. considering the nature of his wound th3 symptoms being favora ble to his recovery. This accident should be a warning to all persons who attempt to shoot game out of season. Election of Officers. At a meeting of the members of the Clearfield County Agricultural Society, held in theProthonO tary's office, on Saturday, July 17th, lSCO, the foil owing officers were elected to serve the ensuing year : President, Hon. G. R. Barrett. Vice Presidents, Jacob Yoas, Robert Mitchdll, James Thompson, Amos Ilile; Jno. M. Cummings, Zaek Ogdenj James A. Bloom, Klishu Fcnton, Levi Dressier, Amos B. Tate. Horace Patchlh, Andrew Ac'dleman, Dr. J. 1'. Hoyt, Jos. Patterson, G. W. Caldwell, Thomas Henderson, JoS. Fry, W. W. Anderson, Wilson Hoover, D: Gearhart, Daniel Stewart, Leonard Kyler, Charles Sehnarrs, F. CouLiet, Alexander Murray, Alexander Reed, Conrad Baker, T. II, Forcey, David Tyler, J. A. Blatten- berger. Board of Managers, Thiiip Blahchard Robert Porter, J. B. Kyler. S. P. Wilson; F. G. Miller, John Sahkey, E. A: IrviU, Iac Caldwell, James L. Leavy; Jdhn Liu she, Hiram Woodward, J. J. Pet, Jacob Gnelich, James Forest, A. K. Wright. Corresponding Secretary, Elisha Fentoti. Recording Secretary and Librarian, A. W. Graham. Treasurer, John F. Weaver, Executive Committee, Wi'litim Bigler, D. F. Etzweiler, N. Rishel, L. F. IrvirJ, J. B. Graham. . . ; . Disolution. The co-partnershiD here: tofore existing between Bennett, Blatten berger & Co., in the mercantile business, in Osceola, was dissolved by mutual consent on July 1st, lSfiO. The business will be continued at the old stand by J. A. Blattenberger & Co July 21, 1SGO. 3L To Customers. We, the nnuersigned merchants, of the Borough of Clearfield, do agree to close our respective places c f bu siness at eight o'clock every evening, (except Saturday evening), on and after July 21st, 1S09. C. Kratzer & Sons, J. B. Graham & Sons, I). G. Nivling, AVeaver& Betts, R. Mossop, Merrill k Bigler, J. Shaw & Son, J. P. Krafxer. Wm. Reed & Co., I. Ij. Reizensteia To Invalids. Invalids throughout the County should not fail fo have their cases examined and treated by Dr. Clark, for the followinc reasons : 1st. Every case is examined and described without asking any questions concern ieg the diseases. 2d. Xo case will be treated which is not described to the satisfaction of the patient 3d. No case will be treated by Dr. Clark, when there is no reasonable hope of curing or benefiting the patient thereby. 4th. Examinations are made free of charge, at all of his appointments. See ad vertisement in another column. dr. c. The returns of the vote in the Methodist Church on the question of lay delegation, so far as in.foot up 69,537 for the measure and 25,638 against. More complete returns from the election in Virginia show that Richmond iournals have heretofore overestimated Governor Walker's majority, whioh turns ..it to be 17,500. , : r r MARRIED ! At Pennlield,' on Thursday, July loth, 1869, by Charles Robecker Esq., Mr. Al fred Scofield, of. Saratoga, N. Y., and Miss Mollie E. Robecker, of Penfield, Pa. . We tender the happy couple our best wishes for future prosperity ; and hope that no perverse circurhstances may arise to mar their anticipated happi ness and felicity during, the matrimonial journey upon which they have' just entered. DIEO : On Wednesday, July 14th, 1869, Henry Irwin, of Lawrence township, aged 65 years, 7 months and days; . A Great Remedy for the cure of Tltroat and Lung Ditmtet.'DoctbT Whhart'M Pine Tree Tar Cordial It b the vital principle of the' Pine Tre, ob tained by a peculiar process in tba distUSatien of the tar. fay wbteh its higheat medical properties are retained. , . It is the only nfegnard and reifabre remedy whiob hai ever been prepared from the juice of the Pine Tree It invigorate the digestive organs' and restores the appetite. It strengthens the debilitated system. It purifies and enriehes the blood, and expels from the system the eorrnption which scrofula, breeds on the lungs. It disolves the mucus or phlegm which stops the air-passages of the longs. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated surface of the lungs and throatj penetrating to each diseased part, relieving paiO and subduing inflammation It is the resnlt ofjyeartof study and experiment, and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive assurance of its power to a a re the following dis eases, if the patient has not too long delayed a re sort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough. Sore Throat and Breast. Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Biind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whvoping Cough. Diptheria. Ac. Ac We are often asked why are not other remedies in the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, and other Pulmonary affections equal to Dr. L. Q. Wishart'a Pine 1 ree Cordial. We answer 1st It cures, not by stopping cough, but by loosoning and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Most Throat and Lung Remedies are com posed of anodynes, which allay the cough for awhile. but by their eonrtringing effects. the fibres become hardened, and the unhealthy fluids coag ulate and are retained in the system, causing dis ease beyond the oontrol of our most eminent phy sicians. 3d The Pine Tree Cordial, with its assiitants, are preferable, because they remove the cause of irritation of the mucus membrane and bronchial tubes, assist the lungs to aot and throw off the un healthy secretions, and purify the blood, thus scientifically making the cure perfect. Dr. Wishart has on file at his office hundreds and thousands of Certificates from Men and Wo men of unquestionable charaotor who were onee hopelessly given up to die, but through the Prov idence of Uod were completely restored to health by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial A Physician in attendance who oan be consulted in person or by mail, fr-e ot ihargr. Prieo of Pine Tree Tar Cordial SI 50 per Bottle. $11 per dos. Hent bv Express on reociot of prioe Address. ' L. Q C Wish art, M. D. No 232 North 2d Street Phila delphia Pa. April 21st, 1869-3m. SPECIAL NOTICE. ScJienck's Pulmonic Syrup, feeweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, will eure Con sumption. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if ta Ken according to directions. They are all three to be taken at the same time. They cleanse the stomach, relax the liver, and put it to work ; then the appetite becomes good, the food digests and makes good blood, the patient begins to grow in flesh the diseased matter ripens iu the 1 ngs.and the patient outgrows the disease and gets well. This is tha only way to cure the consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenck, of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled sucoess ia the treatment of pulmonary consumption. Tbe Pul monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expectora tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, a slight eough will throw it off, and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. To do this, tbe Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely used tii cleanse tbe stomach and liver.ro that the Puluionio Syrup and the food will make good DIOOcl. Liver Cnrhplairit is one of the most prominent causes nt Consumption, hebenck s seaweed I on ic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and tbe alkali iu the Seaweed, which this preparation is man a oi, assists tno siomacn to tnrow ouune gas trie juice I'd dissolve tbe food with the Pulmonic syrup. ana it ismaaetnto good biood witboatter mentation or souring In the stomach. The. great reason wny pnysiciansuo not onieconcuaipuon is thi: try to do too much ; they give niedicirie to step tbe eough. to stop chills, to stop night sweats. Hectic fever, and bir to doina: thev dcranire .the whole ti'gestive powers. locking up the secretions Ann; eventually tbe patient sinks and dies. Dr. bebenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, high t sweats chills or fever, Re move the cause. and they will, all stop of their own accord . No one can be oured of consumption, liv er complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcer ated thrbat.unlfcss the liver and stomach are made healthy. . If it perron baseonsbmption.of eon rat the lungs i'ri some way are diseased, either tubercles, ab sbefseS, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or tne lungs are a mass or innamatlon and last de caying. In such oases what must be done : It is not only the lungs that are wasted. but it is the whole body. The stomach and liver havo lost their power to make blood out of food, iiow the only chance is to takechehek's three medicines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin want food, it will digest easily and make good blood ; then the patient begins to gain in fleah. and as soon as the body begins to grow, the lungs beg-n to heal up. ana the patient gets flectiy and well. This ls the only way to core consumption.. When there is no lung dlsltte, and only liver complaint and dyspepsia, Schenck ' Seaweed Tonioand Mandrake Pills are sufficient without tbe Pulmonic rvryp. Take the Mandralre Pills freely in all bilious complaints, aa they are per fectly harmless. Dr. Pchetiak, who baa eritriyed uninterrupted health for many years past, and now weighs 225 poinds, was wasted awav to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of o a Imonary consumption, his physicians having pronounced his ease hopeless and abandoned him to his fate. He waa eured by tbe aforesaid medicines. and since his reeoverv many similarly afflicted have used Dr. Schenck "j preparations with the same remarkable suceeas Tbe directions accompanying each, make it not absolutely necessary to see Dr. Schenck. unlets the patients wish their lungs examined, and for mis purpose ne is rrolessionally at bis I'rtncipal Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all letters for adviee must be addressed, lie is also professionally at No. 32 Bond Street, New York, everr other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover St.. Boston, every other Wednesday. He fives advice free, but for a thorough examination with bis Respirometor the price is 9 i. Office hours at each city from 9 A. M to 3 P. M. Price oi tbe Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each SI. -SO per bottle, or fS.SO a half-dosen. Mandrake Pills 2i eehts a box. For sale by all druggists. DR. J. H. PCHESOK. Ap. T,'69-Iy.J 15 iV. A St., Phi a. Pa Clearfield Setail Markets. Cobbbctbd BV R. MoflROP. Jess: 29, 1969. Apples.dried. lb, IS Apples, green, ba, 1 50 Applebutter, gal, 1 Oil Butter, lb. 30 Beef, fresh, lb, 18 Beef, dried. 2i Buck wheat, bush. 1 00 Buckwheat flour lb, 4 Beans, bu, . 3 00 Boards, per M, 15 00 Hay, ton, Hams. Ib, Shoulders," Ki'es. " Lard, Ib, Oata, ba. Onions, ' Pont, lb, ' mesa, bbl, 915 no 2i 17 20 25 80 2 00 15 37 00 1 00 Potatoes, ba, Plaster, bbl. Corn, shelled, 1 25 3 50 ears, S3 meal, 2 ffO Peaehee. dried, lb, 19 Rye. bash, I 50 Rags, lb, 3 Salt, per sack, 3 00 Shingles, 18 in, ' 5 00 28 in. al2 00 Timothy seed, bo, 5 00 Wheat, bu, 2 00 Wool, lb. 40 Chop, rye, 3 25 mixed, z an beese, lb. 28 Cherries, lb. 19 Chickens.dressed.lb, 20 Eggs, 20 flour, bbU 7 50 T) ISSOLUTION. Thejartnersbip here tofore existing between the nndersigned in the Mercantile business, in the Borough of Clearfield, was dissolved by mutual consent ou June Utb. 1869. Tbe books and accounts of the firm are in the hands of D. O Nivling for settle. meat Persons indebted to said firm are request ed to settle their accounts at as early a day as possible. . - D. O. NtvLtNG, Jane 1. '69. J. 8. SHOWERS. N. B. The Business will be continued "at the old stand hv D It. Nirlins" -Thankful for nasi I 1 favors he would solicit acoutinuance of the same. . WINE & LIQUOR STORE- I. U REIZENSTEIN' 4 CO., DEALERS 19 WIXES AND LIQ UORS, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELDPA. A good assortment for medical purposes always on hand. January 27, 1869-6m. jp:N sy YOU T II S' AND tiOYg', CLOTHING. tit undersigned having recently added RE A D T-jilA D E CLOTHING to his former business, would respectfully Solicit an examination ol his stock. Being a practical Tailor be flatters himself that fce is able to offer a betfer clas of ready-made work ' than has heretofore beea bfonght to this mar ket. Anyone wishing to buy goods fn his line would save money by calling at his store, -and making their selections. AJ.no, a full supply of Qents'furnishing goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for psst favors, be wo&ld re spectfully solicit a continuance of the1 same. April 2S. 1809. if. BRIDflE. a. a. attoi, : : : e. A. intis, . : : : '. jsa .ajATTo'x, : J. r. ikwi.". tl. fi. PATTOX & CO. Having fitted dp a first-class PLANING -MiLL, are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of Man ufaetured Lumber, such as fl 6 oiiixa, smhxG, Surface-dressed Lumber, SASH; DOORS BLINDS, and every description of Plain and Fancy Mould ings, Dealers will And it to their advantage io consult our prices before purchasing elseffherb Address, E. B;.Patton & Co:, " QuriccnsvUle, Dec. 2,T8. Clearfield Co., Pa. BEST GOODS" AT "LOWEST PlilCES J. A. Blattenberger & Co.; iJOW OFFER At TJIEIR MAMMOTH STORE; In OsceolA; A laFge anii weli selected stock of fresii SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS; put-chased at lowest market rales, and tb be sold at m .flight advance on cbH, consisting til dry goods, Groceries, liARbWAREj QUEENSWAREj WOOD k WILLOWWAREj NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, - FLOUR, FEED,. And everything appertaining to well regulah ( households, as well also to MILLS, MINES AND CAMPS. Orders received and promptly filled. Highest market price paidfo Country Produce.1 Salesmen are polite, attentive and obliging CALL, SEE, EXAMINE, ; and be convinced.4 . : .' J. A. Blttftenberger & Co. Osceola Mills, April 2i ,1.469. A TTE N TI O N ! PRESERVE THE FRUIT TREES. Cnreulio, wood-borer', and" all other insects so destructive to fruit trees, successfully prevented from committing their ravages on orchards. The tender vice and ornamental tree alike preserved in root, body, branch, and bud. from the attack of any kind of vermin or insect, by -'Fisher's new and useful process for preventing the borer or other insects from injuring fruit trees, shade and ornamental treec. shrubs and vines," Patented September 12th; 1888. This remarkable invention' has, been tested in the most htorough manner," and ha. ia every in stance given the most conclusive proofs of its merits , In no ease has it failed to prove itself a perfect and complete protection against the va rious kinds of insects that for yeais past have been preying upon all kinds of fruit and fruit trees. Testimonials furnished if desired. Individual and township rightscan be had upon application to D. DRESSLEK. Esq.. at Kocaion, Clearfield eonntj, Pa., who is ageni for Clearfield county. iJune 23, IH69.-3 m p XEPORT of the cofirKtion of the First National Bant: of Clearfield, Penn'a. at the close of business on the 1 2th day of June, 1869 : BESOFRCES. Loans and discounts - - - . - - 5102.650 53 Over Drafts 3,273 46 U. S. Bolide deposited ith Treasurer of D. S. to secure circulation - - 100.000 00 IT, S. Bondsand seeuretfe on hand 1.50'.l 00 Due from redeeming and reserve agents iMt lri Due from other Nat Banks. .... 2.247 15 Due from other Banks and Bankers - 2. bid 50 Furniture and Fixtures ..... 1,2391ft Current Expenses 453 73 Taxes Paid - 1,228 14 U.S. Mint - 170 00 Cash Items including stamps - - - - 4.442 44 Bills of other Nat Banks . - - - - 2.1 j0 U0 Fractional Currency (inclodi.-ig nickels) 217 08 Legal Tender Note! - - - - - - 13.915 00 Total 1241595 44 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in, - - - - Surplus Fund - - - - ' - . . Discount - - - - . - Exchanges - - . . Interest ....... Nat. Bk. Notes outstanding - -Individual Deposits, .... Due to Nat. Banks Due other banks and Bankers, Dividend account - -Profit and loss Total Liabilities ' - - 8100.006 00 " - 7.0U0 00 ,-: 3.200 92 . -" - 3.(0 flf - 3 979 71 . - Ptf 773 00 - . 37.775 21 : . ; 832 115 . : 845 SH . ... 8 HO -- - g50 93 J S24ll59544 I hereby certify' tliaif the ftbove is a true abstract of the report sent lo the Comptroller of tbe Cur rency. AjC , FINNEY, Cash'r T ErORT OF TIIE First National Bank of CurwunsvUle. Pa., as shown Iv its books at the close of business on the I2th day of June, isos). BEROtitrr. Loans and Discounts, : : : : : Si 77,255 19 Overdrafts; . : : - : : : '' : :' i : : ,490 00 U. S. Bonds deposited with U S Tr. to secure circulation, : : : : : 81,000 00 Other StocKs and Bonds :::::: 900 00 Due from Redeeming and Re serve Agents ::::::::': 34,539 57 Due from National Banks. : : : : 4.5st 38 Due fro in other Banks and Bankers, : 3 2S4 65 Banking lioose. : : : : : -. : : 2.5nu On Furnitnre and Fixtures ::::;: 1,000 00 Current Expenses : : : : : : : : 75 58 Taxes Paid : :-: : : : : : : 1.53i5 fiu Cash Items (including stamps) : : : : 42(1 02 Bills of other National Batiks : : : : 2,305 flu Fractional currently (including nickles) : : : : : : : 700 35 Specie fcoifi) ::::::: : : : : 121 07 Legal lender Notes ;:::::: 19.125 00 Total, :::::::::: $335,527 41 LIARILITIK. Capital stock paid in, : : : : : : $100,000 00 Surplus.fund, : : : : :. : : ; ; 25.ooo 00 Discount : : : : : : : : : : $3 995 12 Exchange ::::::::: 3,1011 B3 Interest, ::::::: ; : : : 4.3S9 83 Profit A Loss, :;::::::: 1.041 III Nat. Bk. Circulation outstanding, : : 67.030 00 Individual Deposits, :::::: 121.958 92 Due National Bg.nks, ::::::: 6,014 89 Due to other Banks and Bankers : : : 94t 01 Tbtal Liabilities :::::; T3357527ll I hereby Certify that-the above Statement is a tru abstract frbin tbe Quarterly Report made to the Comptroller tif the Currency this 19th day of June. 18 .9. , . SAM'L ARNOLD, Cashier. JimeM. Iftftf 3t Cl'RWENSVlLLli AbVEIlTlSKMKXTS, A M E R I C A N HOUS E , . . CurweusviHe, Pa. Having taken charge of this well-known Hotel, the undersigned would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Travelers will find the accommodations eijnal to tbote bf any othr house in this section. Charges moderate. Dec. 2. ISCtPtf. JOHN J REED, Prop'r T S. COLE would inform his old cus tomers, and the jiuhliQ generally, that be still continues to manufacture BOOTS AND HOES of tbe very best French Call and Kip. at the lowest prices for cash or. approved country produce, lie also makes all kindsof heavy boots All work warranted, and perfect satisfaction giv en. Opposite Draucker's Hotel, Curwensvf lle.l'a. Jdly 29, 188-iy. s usQUEii Anna ii ouse. Curwerisville, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This well. known Hotel, having been re-fitted aud re-furnished throughout, is how open for the accommodation of travelers, and the publio in general. Charges moderate. . , WM. M.JEFFRIES. August 14, 1S87-tf. Proprietor. fl LEARFIELD N URF Ell Y. E.Ncotn- ACE HoMK jNDtSTKT. The undersign ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike, half way between Curwensviile and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen-. Shrub bery, (J rape .Vines, Gooseberry; Lawtrn Black berry, Strawberry and Raspbeiry vines. AIo Sibnah Crab trees. Quince and early ScarletRoea; barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31.1SS4. J.0. WRIGHT, Curwensviile Sj. HAYES, sYr;f.on tteJrtisf, Office on Main Street, Ctirwensrille; Penn'a., Will make professional visits for the conveni ence of of the public commencing in April. lSti9 as follows, vis : Luthersborg first Friday of every month ; Ansonville.first Mondsy of every month ; Lumber City, first Thursday of every month ; spending twodays in either place. All ordes for work should bs presented on tbe day bf his arri val in each place. ty Teeth extracted by the application of local anasthesia, comparatively without pain. All kinds of dental work guaranteed. ; N. B. The public will please notice, that Dr. II., when not engaged in the above -visits, may be ound in his office in Curwensviile. ap.l.'n9-ly L V A Y S N E W, WITHOUT FAIL. JOHN I R VI N. Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensviile. an entire new stock of Pall and Winter Goods which he will sell very cheap for cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc. The public generally is respecfnlly irvited to give him a call ; gee his Stock and bear bispricrs, and purchase from him if you find it will be to your advantage. Nov. i6. 180(1 N EW SPRIKO GOODS JL'ST RECEIVED AT K IR K &. SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., . Tbe nndersigned would respectfully inform their customers, and the publio in general, that thev have tost received their Spring stock f goods, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hata, Caps, Fish, Salt. Flour, Bacon. Nails, Paints. Oils. Stoneware, Hardware, vueenaware. Baskets. Tubs. Churns. Carpet, Oil cloth, and a general variety of such articles as are usually kent in country store, all of which they will sell cheap ro cash. They would also direct attention to their large stock of Ready-made Clothing, which tbey offer fur sale at a small advance upon cost. KIRK t SPENCER. Lumber City, Pa.. Mar 8, lSti7.. N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con stantly keep on hand, a general-assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men. women and children. KIRK. A SPENCER. "POR S ALEthre huiiaine lots, 34 by P5 .feet, near the railroad depot Will be old sepal ate, ur ia a body. For further informa tion apply to II. K HN'YOER, Clearfield. Pa- Ofrfr POUNDS WOOL WANTED JfJJJ ,y the Rubf-eriher. which will be taken on book account or in exchange for goods. Maraet prices paid fof WcOl. Bower. May 21. DAVID BELL; F. C, CH0MM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA-, Adjoining the residence of Dr. J. 0- HartswicV, Keeps a fine assortment of plain and fancy eluths. eassimeres. etc. which he will make up to order, in the latest styles, at tie lowest prices Being an experienced workman, ne guarantees entire satisfaction. A share of publio patronage solicited. Jan. 20,'fi9-lf. "PARMERS. LOOK TO YOUR INTER- : ESTS. The nndrsiened having ob tained tbe right to sell T J. Booth's improved Stump Extractor, after a trial of three days on the farm of Jesiah W. Thompson in Lawrence tp. we find it par excellent in every respect, giving perfect satisfaction to all present, nothing as yet gotten Out of repair. We extracted every tree and stump as we passed, large and small. We now offer it to tbe ciusens of Lawrence. ?ike. Penn. Bradford and Gosben townships. We will sell tbe right to build a single macbiue for S30 (0 or any person wishing a machine this summer, we will deliver the same on the farm of the pur rhaser. and. give it a trial for bis satisfaction, for S20 00 with terms liberal. . P.TATB Address Tate A Brown. A. II. BKOtVJf. Clearield P.O . je 16-2m.J Clearfield county, Pa. VALU.VBLE UEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The .undersigned. Executors of the Fstate of Jason kirk.. late of the Borough of Lumber-city. dcsed. oFtr at private sale the following de scribed real estate, to wit: The undivided half of about two hundred acres of land, situate in Union township, Clearfield county. Pa., known as the rUnion Mills" property. About 22 acres of the land is cleared, from 80 10 100 acres is covered with excel'eot white pine, besides hemlock and other timner. The improvements ate a valuable grist mill, saw thill, aud woolen factory, besides a good frame hoose and barn. Tbe water power ia good, situated On Anderson's creek, about 12 miles above Curwensviile. Persons desirous of seeing the property, can call ttponj. R. Arno'd. residing thereon. For further particulars apply to the undersigned at Lumber citv IMAA.C K-fRK. SAMUEL KIRK, Jan. 13.'fi9. JOHN KUS.SKLL. Exr's RfM O V A L , Ii AUTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old and new costu mes, that we have removed our establishment to the new building just erected on Market street, nearly adjoining toe Mansion House on the wet, and opposite Graham A Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite the public to come and boy their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI CINES, OILS. PAINTS Jr VAUNJSUBS. Our stock bf Drugs and Medicines consist of every thing used, sjlectcd with the greatest care, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! We also keen a lull stock of Dyes. Perfumeries Toilet articles. oaps. Tooth tirui'ne. Hair lirunh es. Whitewash Brusbes. and every other kind of Kruthei. We have a la' ge lot of Whites Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed ttfl. Paints, and in fact everything u?ed in the painting business, which we offer at City prices to canh juyets. TOBACCO AXD SEGARS, Coniettionery. Fpiees, nnd the largest stock of va rieties ever offered in this place, and warranted to be of tbe best the market afords. J. (J. HAKTSWffK, Dee. 2, JOHN P. IRWIN. PROCLAIM IT TO ALL THE WORLD X that. .. THE NATIONAL BITTERS. has cured more caea of Djspepsia. hiore cases M LIVER COMPLAINT, more cases ot' NERVOUS HEADACHE, FEVER AAtil K, and moie cases bf DIHlLlTY. than any other remedy before the public in thesatne spaC4 bf time IT PURIFIES THE filoOt clams the mind, restores sleep, ia an Excellent Ap pettier, and a general vigorator of the .System. . WALTON k ZUiJ. Proprietors, No 9 N. Seventh St. Philadelphia. Sold. by Druggists, and Dealers gem rally. Feb 21. IS9 j - mo. FOR BALE; White Lead. Zinc Paint, Liss:ed Oil. Turpentine, Tarnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and dry, Paint ahd Varnish brushes. IIARTSWICK A IRWIN, ciearfiel.l.Pa -il 5,'B j. MASSACHUSETTS .MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PAN Y. Incorporated IKil . Assets nearly Three Million Dollars Dividends Annually. One-third or one half of lire premium loaned to the assured. All Policies Nbn-Fbrteitable by law of the State of Massachusetts Reliable aud energetic Agents wanted Apply to JOHN KNOX MARSHALL. State Agent. S. W.eot- 6th and Walnut Streets. May 12. 60 3m Philadelphia. Pa. q 0M E T II I N G NEW IN ANSONVILI.F, ' Cli-arfiold county, Penn'a. . The undersigned having erected, during tbe past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now epgared in filling it up with a new nnd select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which he offers to the public at prices to suit the times Hi. stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from 1 10 to S2H for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, and tiro eerics. of every kind, a complete assoitinent; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety: Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an entiles assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very oheap. Prints at 10 rents a yard. and other goods in praporjlon Now is the time to huy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exehsnge for f;oods; and even Greenbacks will nor be refused or any article in store. Examine wy stock be fore von buy elsewhere. October 30.1867. HJJWAN. XTOTICt'. AM persons indebted to the subseri- i her, are requested to come and settle with- out delay. K. MO.SSOP. SALT SALT:: A prime article or ground a urn stlt. pat cp in patent is-m. forsalerhca at tbe stem or It. MOSSii- PLASTER the cheapest in tbe county, at May 29 '? MO.-SOP'S. NAILS k SPIKES thecbeapert intheecontv at , MOSSOP'S H ARNS8F. Trimminffs. ahd Shoe-findings for sale at MERKtLL ft l.lHLEK'S. IRUNES a quantity on hand and for sale at May 27. GRAHAM'S. s ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars it., for sale at MKKKKLL 4 UlCLER'S. THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, t. r Wag. oaf, for sale Hy MERRELL 4 BIGLER o IL, Putty, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at June '6ft. MERRELL BIGLEK'S s TOTES of all sorts and siscs. constantly oa hand at MERRELL k BIGLER S IRON i IRON! store of -Best bar 1'on, for sale at the MERRELL k BIGLER. G USE. Pistols and sword cones to be had at Jure.-o - MERRELL k BIGLEK e. . CLOVER; Timothy and Orebard-grasa seeds at C. KRATZER A PONS. PITTSDCRrt ADYERTi3KMFNT FAIRBANKS STANDAftI SCALES, Or ALL EIXD5, ALSO Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copyirg Presses, Improved Money Drawers, ic. FAIRBANKS, MORSE' k CO., 102 Second Atenue, scar Wood St , PirlSBCRGH. PA. Apr.7-6th.jl Scat', Promptg Rrpair'i. JAS. T, BRADY k CO., (Surutnrt to S. Sours 4- Co..) CORNER FOfjRTU AND WOOD SIKEETS, PITTSBURGH, PA., BANKERS, BTT !D SELt. ALL KINDS Or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gokl, Silver anl Coupons. Six per cent, interest a Mowed oi deposits tub ject to check. Money loaned on Government Bonds. Bonds registered free of charge. May 19. no-ly. JAMES T. BRADY CO. EI), FOERSTER, DEALER Wall Paper, Window Shades, Floor and Table Oil Cloths ke A very ex tensiveassorfmcntof all quafffles of above goods will be kept constantly on band and sold aa low as the lowest WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT No. 14 Smithfleld Street, Dear Cth Avenue Pittsburg Pa. A SPLENblb STOCK OF TOYS AND FaNCY GOODS Will be found in another department of the same bouse. .March 17, '69-3m. LINDSAY STERRITT & EUWER, NEAT WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE. 31 1 LIBER Tl" S T.II EA D dSMlTIIFIELD, PITTSBURGH PA. D. B. FCLLEBTOM. w. b. at rneasnx. NEW FIRM! Fltllertox & McFiiersox, Keep constantly on band Fresh Meats, Such as BEEF, VEAL, jk'TTCfN. trc.i FRESH FISH, All kinds of Vegetables, in season, canned fruits, BUTTER, LARD, EtC.j Which they will sell at the lowest market prices. Cash paid for Cattle, Butter etc. ROOM ON MARKET ST,, ClearBeld. Pa -May 12 '69. DR. CLARK rcofESSon or A nn torn i ca 1 Pa thai ogy, and Pliysiei;in for tiie exclusive treat ment of Chronic Diseases: All Conciliation and Ex'ititl?t'ioUbJ Paucutt matte Eftt of Clutrgt. Dr CrrrZ eT4 mt nt a tut trplaiH potft' 4irn?m without akins uitv iueilian9 If hcHttiersttini iotirra von Ittom it. and rtivnl he. dereihrd. If lie ravttot tell yoitr di :eaf. and how vnn feel trtth out aituff yuejtuonr hi don ttoi comuler himself enmpete.ht to treat your r.-s. Thin i ft the riteri on to go lr and patir.Ht' riroktd not 64 sati'fied mtk at-y other.. Thi i lit, otttu dirert and votitivm endetiee of irty ability ax a S-ientific . Phytirian, and ft y M11 standard lam trilling to be Judged. It. Clark treats nil case unless conscientiously of the opinion that it can be cured or permanent ly benefitted Dr Clark treats no ease unless be dan describe tbe disease and its symptoms without interroga ting his patiert; Dr. Clark will treat no Chronic Disease unless he Ciin exolain its character to tbe complete and perfect satisfaction of the patient examined. And the Dr. would here must positively state, that ho desires no patients to taKe treatment from him. unless they are fully and completely satisfied with his consultations and examinations, which are made free from charge. Dr. Clark bases bis practice upon the incontro vertible law of Nature. First That evury cause bas an effect. Second That diseases are causes , producing effects or syinptotfs. and that every ' aiieRe lias iteown peculiar ruceis or symptoms, which if properly and thoroughly understood by the examining Physician, can be clearly pointed nut to tbe complete satisfaction of the patient ex ami tied. Dr. Clark's method or diagnosing or explaining diseases and their symptoms is only tbe process of reasoning frum cause to effect.. and has been acquired by thorough literary and inedieal cul ture, and also by an almost unlimited practice tn every lortu of uistiisc to which the human system is liable. " ISy this process of reasoning the Dr. bas ae quired a reputation and success in treating dis eases seldom attained. Dr. Clark is making quite a number of conve nient appointments for ibe benefit of invalid who cannot go a long distance to consult him Pa ticnts will find this an opportunity rtrely afford ed, and one they should not fail to take ad van tare ot. ' The Dr. furnishes all tha medicines, instru ment! and apparatus nc;eSiilry fur tbe successful treatment of every case. CLEARFIELD COUN CY APPOINTMENTS. ClelrSeld. Mansion Ilouse. Monday, Toesdty, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 21, 21, 23, 2-1. 25, and 26. 18n9 ; Curwensviile Monday. JunelH; Pennville. Tuesday. June 29 : Parkers ville. Wednesday. June 30; Luthersburg. Thurs day. July 1 ; Roc It ton. Friday. July 2; Clearfield, ' Mansion House. Satuird-iy. July 3; Bloomington, Monday, July 5 ; Lamber-eiry, rueada v. July 6 ; Ostend, Wednesday. July 7; Burnside. Thursday, Jutv 8; Patchinv'ille Friday. July 9; Cbeiry Tree. Saturday, Jnly 10; Weatover, Wondayjuly 12; Ulenbope. Tuesday. July IS; Mt. Pleasant. Wednesday, July 14; Jaynesrille, Thursday .July IS; Madera. Friday. July I; Anaonville, Satur day. July IT : New' Millport, Sunday, July IR; Clearfield. Mansion House, Monday. July 19; Grammandole. Tuesday, July 20; Morrisdale, Wednesday. July 21 ; Grabamton. Thursday.July 22; Mul-'onburg. Friday. July 2i; Karthaus. tat. urday. July 2t; FrenehviMe. Monday. July 2A; 6bawsville, Tuesday, Jul; 27: Forcus.Wednesday. July 2B; Clearfield. Mantdon House. Thursday and Friday, July 2? S.1 ; Pbilipsburg. Grey "a Hotel, Saturday and Sunday, Jul 31 k August 1. My business agent makes out my visits, and sends one of my circulars to every resident ia the counties visited. Go to your prie;ipa! Pns Office, get a ciroular nd it oarefi:'.'7 befre ca''Irg ca ta i-Jt'T. f.Tane H-Si II ji hi n irk 5 3 1 K:1 1,1 Si 3 1-1 . a: 7 : ! 1 : t t . 1 i ... t,