Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 26, 1869, Image 3

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    'glje. iaftemmt' gourttaiy gfcarficl'b, Iga., "gftay 26, 1869.
iSaftsnian'S gauntal.
f.rwK -To insure the safe transmission
,T br m.ii. patrons should remit by check
fc I border or have their letter registered.
if sjoncj 1 . i
" Iy:on9 and Clearfield Railroad.
r,.i.uIj'1'"" : : : 9.00am
1 Arrives si Clerfield at : : 1.00 p.m.
I ,, in leave" Clearfield : : :3.00 pm.
Arrive. t Tyrone .t : : : : 5.60 p.m.
, with Cincinnati Express East at 6.17
- Mail W-it.P. ; Bald Eagle Ex-
at T 00
"VrTtriors Divine services will be held
. it "al.lih. in Clearfield, as follows :
v Iter. W. 1in- in he Mg1
, '1&t(j M. Grayer meeting, every
it M. Com m n nion perr ices
ItTto ol -erv month at 10 A. M.
IJv Rev N' '"rff t')C Lutheran church
in the niornine ami evening.
t Fran. -iV rhurcli Mas' at 10 A. M.,
the 'xoa an-1 fourth SunJavs of each
ui.mtb. . .
T, piBrvT. GrviniiA. Paotobi snd others,
ab"ieSiu. Wards, or Friends may be leaving
bjmefor reside .ce in Philadelphia :
The Yoocz Men's ''hristiaa Association of Phil-,:t'nhia-announce
that tney have a comtnirtee
f. r t'ie purpose of showing kindness to Young
Vftl who aro stranger, and leading thorn nnder
r.licious ii.Bjenccs. They therefore request all
who desire the co-operation of this committee, to
Kti the sanies and addresses of Young Men about
!0 rsi.'e in Philadelphia in whom they are inter
ne! :th sueli particulars tf character as they
mir deem proper, (which will be strictly confi
,.f 'he Association. 1 Chairmanof Committee,
i21u Chestnut street, j Philadelphia.
Niv AiVs. Several new a.lvertisinent
ajeur in this L-sue. Head them.
A. B T. Certainly, your receipt calls to
O.x. Iiv. Bill sent is to Oct. ISG'J. Terms
of the Journal, $2 in advance.
Kaktino. A large nunilier of rafts pass
fi this i!H?e on Saturday and Sunday last,
(vi their way to the lower markets. The
wjtcr was rather low for running, and, we
pn-vjtne, nearly ail tied up at the various
landings between here and Lnc-k Haven.
Admitted. Thus. II. Murray, Esq., who
haa lien a s'.u-Lnt in the office of II. B.
f'wotir.e, F.s.. Ilt the last two years, was
July ailn;itt-il t ) practice in the several
courts of lliii County, on Monday last.
Mr. Murray w.rs examined in open Court hy
lion. W. A. .Valine, Hon. J. B. McEnally.
and Hun. T. J. MsCullous'u, the Commit
tee apifiinied. and afterwards by his Honor,
Ju k-e Mayer fruui the Bench. He passed
a highly c.-..-Jii-.iYe elimination, answering
tLij i;tic.s(inns a.-ied him prom ptly and cor
r v;!y. showing cloo attention to his text
1 -'jivs. aa 1 an unusual familiarity with
tii.'y contained. Mr. Murrry Lsa young
turn i f line promise, is an eloquent speaker ;
:ml lias made for himself, in this communi
ty, a hiiMi character as a christian gentle
man. He has started well in the race of life
aii' 1 can in it fail to reap many of its richest
Ljimts and reward.
Hrnct Aits Arretted. Two r-Veh were
li-L'td in our county Jail, on last Saturday
at'ttiiiiKin, who -are, without doubt, two of
tin; lingers who roMitd the County Na
ti.n.l Bunk, on the morning of the 13th of
JJr.y. They were arrested outh of Bedford,
lyihe deputy Flies iS' of that county, while
fii tli'ir way t Cumberland, Maryland, in a
n.it.vi-nach. The l.urglars took passage in
t!.ei- .-h at B!i"r 1. a. id, after the driver
lu.l pr;hvedt'd over five ltiifc? nu his way
i-mun'.-i Ciinificrland, his sosiicirjns were
ar'iiiM'd th:.t two of hi-; passengers were the
robbers of ..mr bank. S.on thereafter a
y-ung ninn was Jiasscd on the road. The
driver llltlted hi.- t a:ti. rt. iff llio nnnr-h anil
railed lo him to stop, when be approached
and re piested him to hasten to Bedford and
iiifi'nii the Sht-ri.Tof his suspicion. After
the iliiver had returned to the coach, the
r.ieii now in our jail, aked hiru why he had
haited that man on the road? lie leplied,
inat he had forgotten to deliver a letter and
w.njust sen ling it buck. The Sheriff, upon
ftvoiviiig the message sent by the driver, at
oii'-e ent his deputy in pursuit, who over
raiiif j the coach about fifteen miles 60uth
(f Bvdf ,rd. When he reached the coach
lie 4-'ii:inded the driver to halt, whereupon
the Lavlars jumped out and took to their
h wis. The deputy Sheriff, drhrcr and pas
f f i.'' rs at once started in purfuit. The dep
uty .i.in ovprhanled the larger of the two
m.n snd orditied him to stop, which he did
I i.tii in ded the authority for his arrest.
Hie . ( ury said he had it in his pocket.and
pitting l,i haml in his pocket hauled out a
t vi !ver, wliii h seemed to he satisfactory as
be made tin further resi.-tanee. The other
"''ii urn rfcii-g il.ut bLs couuade had
'i 1 1 (d. ai,d wa converging with the dep
uty, turned n I came to hih side, and from
!-. iuoks manifested a disposition to fight,
f'" no tnrthcr aetnonstration was made.
ith the aid of lhj pas-engcrs and driver,
the deputy then hecurett the two and con-V'-ytd
them to Bedford, aud fioin thence
they tre Iroufht here by the Sheriff.
The man overhauled by the deputy had a
tr-! c!i.-s uiorocco traveling eatchel, but,
examination, it contained nothing but
a fi' trifiing articles of weariDg appareL
l';i areiiing the men, there was founAup
' iitlifm jl2 in uiottcy and two revolvers.
f!i. Ii.ir.j were fouriJ at a stump where
'I '7 l.al jumped over the feuce after the
J- . L was -topped by the deputy Sheriff it
l "V:pg l.,) observed that one of them
.-tv. ,-J at tjjg stump as be was running
rsst it
1 thetrening previous to the day on which
!hi5e two uitn left Bedford in the coach, a
fctrjiigt-r LireJ a livery man to take him to
I uiiicerland paying the livety man an nnn-su.-.liy
Iarge fee for so doing. On the way
he cxpre-sed himself as exceedingly anxious
to reach Cumberland in time to take the
fir;t train west on the Baltimore and Ohio
r-i;roaJ, as he had business at Frostburg
t..t rt.piircd his presence there at the ear-
"-t pobsibla moment. Accordingly the
i-nver made the utmost haste to reach the
Muroad. It is supposed that he was a con
federate in the robbery of the County Xa
tiun J Bank, and that he had the stolen
money m his possession, as only the small
sum above stated was found on the men
ho were lodged in our jaiL If so ; the re
.Tcr ot lhe money U rather problematical.
tc burglars will be tried in June.
For Sale. Win. Ten Eyck.of Curwens-
ville, offers his house and lot, and person
al property, for sale on June 9th. See ad
vertisement. 1
" i
Court. The May terra of our court com:
menced on Monday afternoon. Judge May
er arrived here on the train at noon. . Con
siderable business has been transacted thus
State Suxdat-schoox Convention.
The Annual Convention will be held atWil
liamsportjPennsylvania, beginning on Tues
day, Juno 1st, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Ar
rangements have been made on a' liberal
scale, to make this the best Sunday-school
Convention yet held in Pennsylvania, Sunday-school
teachers and superintendents.and
clergymen interested in the work are cor
dially invited to be present, from all parts
of the State. Each Sunday-school is" re
quested to send one or more delegates. In
order to secuie entertainment, delegates will
please notify the commit tee at Williainsport,
of their intention to attend the Convention.
Address as early as possible. The promi
nent It:ii!rbad Companies hare agreed to
make the customary reduction to delegates
who pass over their roads. A. Ul'DEGRAFF,
Esq. Willi'imsport, J'a.
Cut This out axd Kkep it. Franklin
Dyre, a highly respectable and intelligent
farmer of Galena, Kent county. Maryland,
gives the following as a sure cure for the
bite of a mad dog. As will be seen, he has
tested it with the most gratifying results :
"Elecampane is a plant well known to
most persons, and is to be found in many of
our gardens. Immediately after being bit
ten take one and a-half ounces of the root
of the plant the green root is perhaps pref
erable, but the dried will answer, and may
be found iu our Drug stores, and was used
by me slice or bruise, put into a pint of
freah milk, boil down to half a pint, strain ;
and when cold drink it, fasting at least six
hour afterwards. The next morning, fast
ing, repeat the dose, using two ounces oi
the root. On the third morning take an
other dose, prepared as the last, and this
will be sufficient. It is recommended that
after each dose nothing be eaten for at least
six hours.
'I have a son who was bitten by a mad
dog eighteen years ago. and four other chil
dren in the neighborhood were also bitten ;
they took the above dose, and are alive and
well to this day. Aud I have known a num
ber of others who were bitten ana applied
the same remedy.
"It is supposed that the root contains a
principle which, being taken up by the
blood in its circulation, counteracts or neu
tralizes the deadly effects of the virus of
"I feel so much confidence in this simple
remedy that I am willing you should give
iuy name in connection with this statement."
On May 10th, KSG9, by J. 1 Farwell,
Esq., Mr. Ellis Michaels and Miss IIar
hilt McChacickx, both of Ferguson tp.
On Thursday. May 20th. 1809, by llev.
Wm. . H. Dill, Mr. Richard J. Shaffner
and Mrs. Katcra J. OuDEX, both ot Law
rence township.
On Thursday, April 2Sth, 1SC9, by J. R.
Caldwell, E-1-, Mr. Aaron Loxu, of Ac
ron. Ohio, arid Miss N axxie J. Caldwell,
of Pike tp.
On Thursday, April fSuh, 1S59. by J. Pv.
Caldwell, Esq. Mr. PFl'ER A. CALDWELL,
of I'ike tp., and Miss Sarah A. Bloom, of
Bloom tp. "
On Thursday. May 13th, 1SC9. by J. R.
Caldwell, Esq., Mr. Jos. G. Williams, of
Ferguson tp-.. and Miss LIBERTY R. Sha
FER, of New Millport.
Clearfield Retail Markets.
COBBECTED BT R. M)8OP. MiT 13, 1S69.
Apples dried, lb, $ 19
Apples.green.hu, 1 5
Applebniter, gal, 1 00
Butter, lb. 40
Beef, fresh lb, 18
Beef, dried. ' 25
r.ucKwhoat. hush. 1 00
Hucuwheat flour lb, 4
Deans, bu. 3 00
Hay, ton, S25 00
Hams. lb, 22
Shoulders,'- lit
Sii'es, " 20
Lard, lb. 23
Oats, bo. SO
Onions. " 3 00
Poric, lb, 15
" mess, bbl, 35 00
Potatoes, bo, I 10
Plaster, bbl, 3 50
Peaches, dried, lb, 19
Rye. bush, 1 50
Rags, lb, 3
Salt, per sack, 3 00
Shingles, IS in, 5 00
26 in, 18 00
Timothy seed, bu, 5 00
M'beat. bu, 2 00
Wool, lb. 4d
Boards, per M, 15 00
Cm. shelled, 1 25
' ears, 62
" meal, J 75
Chop, rye, 3 25
- mixed, 2 50
Cheese, lb. 2S
Cherries, lb 19
Uiiokens.dressed,lb. 21
Kegs. 20
Hour, bbl, 8 50
Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities.
Strrxor9 to S. Jonn&r Co )
corer or rot ura ad wood streets.
Pittsburg, May 22. 1S89.
boT sell ; I
buy. sell.
r.OLD HO i4 :5-20, Jan.'fi7, llOiiMOj
V. S. fls.. 1SB1. 117 Hoj d-20a.Jul '67 103 'lOSJ
5 2t's.lM2, ll4i lisi June, 7-3"s. lrt 109
5-2.is.lsiU, lOfij lOfii; July, 7-30s. 109rjrj9
5 2i's.l5(jj, lO.sj.lrt.-.j. May Comp,'65.ll4 j
10 40s. 10:! 'lOttJ '! Aug.C-omp.'fij 1 IS 119
5-20s. Jan.'j, 10sJ 10s, Pept.Comp. 5.118 lllSf
5-2fls. Jul. -05. 103 .lftfiiOct. Com p. '65,117' 1 IS
We are uuw converting 7 30 of the Jane and
July series into (lol l Coupon 5-20 bonds of 1345-1-7
T 1ST OF CAUSES set down for trial at
June Term, 1&69:
Phoff s. M'Xeal.
Harmon ts. Kuntz. "
Counsel vs. Faust.
Hockenbcrry vs. Brown.
Zillioz ts. nith Co.
Brown vs. llockenberry.
Morgan ts. Oosa.
Leonard ts. Fitch, et al.
P.ailey vs. Hoels.
Irrin ts Fmead.
First Nat Bank ts. Sboff & Askey.
(allagber ts. Forrest,
bebaaa ts. I.ansberrr. et al
Hipps ts. jsummerucld.
Erhard ts. Mays.
Gaus vs. Irrin.
Mays A Smith. ts. tsankey.
Cole . vs. Smith.
Horithall ts. White.
Uorxthall vs. White.
FUL! The Photograph Marriage CertiScate is truly a
thing of rare beauty. It consists of a beautiful
engraving, with a place on the left to insert the
photograph of the Husband, and a plaee on the
right to insert the photograph of the Wife; ac
companied with passages of Scripture adopted to
each Ac ,c.
What a pleasure it will be, when oar hairs are
getting gray, to have hanging in our parlors, a
'keepsake," that wilt remind us of our kridal
Jay. and bridal beamy.
All who have been lately married, and those
contemplating marriage should have them Many
who have been married for years are applying
for them. Any competent penman can fiilthem
The undersigned is the exclusive agent for the
Photograph Marriage Certificate, for Clearfield,
Centre and Elk counties. They will be sent by
mail pre-paid.
Send your address and get a descriptive circular
gratis. Address W. B PLRDY, Wsetever.
March 17, '9-4y. . . Clearfield C. Pa
A Great Remedy for the cure
of Tliroat and Lung Dixeaxe. Doctor
Wishorl's tfiie Tree Tar Cordial
It is the vital. principle of the Pin Tree, ob
tained by a peculiar process iu the distillation of
the tar. by which its highest medical properties
are retained. -. . ' , .' ,
It is the onlv safeguard and reliable remedy
which has ever been prepared from the Juice of
the Pine Tree .
It iBTigorates the digestive organs and restores
the appetite. r -
it strengthens the debilitated system.
It purifies and enriches the blood, and expels
from the system the corruption which scrofula
breeds on the lungs. .
It disolves the mucus or phlegm wb tea stops
the air-passages of the lungs.
Its healing principle acts upon tKe irritated
surface of the lungs and, throat. . penetrating to
each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing
innammaiion . -
It is the result of vears of study and experiment.
and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive
assurance of its power to cure the following dis
eases, if the patient has not too long delayed a re
sort to the means of cure.: ..
Consumption of the Langs, Cough, bore Throat
and Breast, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Blind
and PleediBg Piles, Asthma, Whuoping Cough,
Diptheria. Ac. Ac
We are often asked why are not other remedies
in' the market for Consumption, Coughs. Colds,
and other Pulmonary affections eoual to. Dr. L.
Q. Wishart's Pine Tree Cordial. , W e answer
1st It cures, not by stopping cough, but by
loosening and assisting nature to throw off the
unhealthy matter collected about the throat and
bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough..
2d. Most Throat and Lung Remedies are com
posed of anodynes, which allay the, cough for
awh!o but by their eonstringing ettecis.tne nores
become hardened, and the unhealthy fluids coag
ulate and are retained in the system, causing dis
ease beyond the control of our most eminent phy
3d The Fine Tree Cordial, with its assistants,
are preferable, beedie they remove the cause of
irritation of the mucus membrane and bronchial
tubes, assist the lungs to act and throw off the un
healthy secretions, and partly the blood, thus
scientifically making the cure perfect.
Ir. Wishart has on file at hit office hundreds
and thousands of Certificates from Men Ksd Wo
men of unquestionable charaetur. who were 6nee
hopelessly given up to die, but through the Prov
idence of God were completely restored to health
by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial A Physician in
attendance wbo can be consulted in person or by
mil. fr.e of rkargr. Price ot Pine Tree
Tar Cordial $1 50 per Bottle'. SU per doi. Sent
by Express on receipt of price Address, '-L. Q
C Wishart, M. D. 3o 232 North 2d Street Phila
delphia Pa.
April 21st, 1809-3m.
ScJiencJcs Pulmonic Syinip,
Seeweed Toaie and Mandrake Pills.wrll cure Con
sumption. Liver Complaint and llyspepsia, if ta
ken according to directions. They are all three
to be taken at the same time. Thoy cleanse the
stoaiucb. relax the liver, and put it to work ; then
the appetite becomes good, the food digests' and
makes good blood, the patient begins to grow in
flesh the diseased matter ripens in the I ngs.and
the patient outgrows the disease and gets well.
This U tlio only way to cure the consumption.
To these three medicines Dr. 3. II. Schenck, of
Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in the
treatment of pulmonary consumption. The Pul
monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the
lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expectora
tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, a
slight eough will throw it off, and the patient baa
rest and the lungs begin to heal. To do this, the
Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely
used to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the
Pultnonio Syrup and the food will make good
Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent
causes of Consumption, bchenck's Seaweed Ton
iu is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the
alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is
raada of, assists the stomach to throw out the gas
trie juice to dissolve the food with the- Pulmonie
Syrup and it is made into good blood without fer
mentation or soaring in the stomach. The great
reason why physicians do not cure consumption is
they try to do too much ; they give medicine to
stop tho cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats,
heotic fever, and by so doing they derange the
whole digestive powers, locking up the secretions
and eventually the patient sinks and dies.
Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to
stop a couirtt. niKhfc sweats ebills or fever. - Re
move the oause.and they will ail stop of tbeirown
accord No one can be cured of consumption, liv
er complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcer
ated throat. unless the liver and stomach are made
If a per.'.on has consumption, of course the lungs
in some way are diseased, either tubercles, ab
scesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or
the lungs are a mass of inttaination and fast de
caying. In such cases what must be done? It
is not only the lungs that are wasted, but it is the
whole body. The stomach and liver havo lost
their power to make blood out of food. Now the
only chance is to takeSchenck's three medicines,
wbieh will bring up a tone to the stomaoh. the
patient will begin want food, it will digest easily
r.tl make good blood; then the patient begins to
gain in flesh, and as soon as the body begins to
grow, the lungs beg n to heal np. and the patient
gets fleshy and well. This is the only say to
cure consumption.
When there is no lung disease, and only liver
complaint and dyscensia. Schenck's .Seaweed
Tonic aild Mandrake Pills are sufficient without
the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills
freely in all bilious complaints, as they are per.
feet! harmless.
Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted
healthTor many years past, and now weighs 225
pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in
the very last stage of pulmonary consumption, his
physicians having pronounced his esse hopeless
ami abandoueu biin to bis tate. tie was cured
by the aforesaid medicines.and since bis recovery
many similarly afflicted have used Dr. Scbenck's
preparations with the same remarkable sucees.t
The directions accompanying each, make it not
absolutely necessary to see lir. schenck, unless
the patients wish their lungs examined, and for
this purpose be is Professionally at bis Principal
Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all
letters for advice must be addressed. He is also
professionally at No. 32 Bond Street, New York,
ever other luesaav. ana at o. 65 Hanover M.
Boston, every other Wednesday. He rives advice
free, but for a thorough examination with his
Respirotnetor the price is So. Office hoars at each
city irom 9 A. M to 3 r. M.
Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton
ic each SI. AO per bottle, or S9 50 a half-doten
Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all
Ap. 7. c9-l y 15 N. 6th St., Phi a, Pa.
A Safe Blood Purifier,
A Splendid Tonic,
A Pleasant Beverage.
A Certain Cure
. , and
The ZING ARI BITTERS are compounded from
a prescription of the celebrated Egyptian physi
oian Dr. CnEoprs, who, after years of trial and
experiment, discovered the Zinsari JItrb the
most remarkable vegetable production, the earth,
perhaps, has ever yielded certainly the most
effective in the cure of disease. It. in combina
tion with the other vilusble properties of which
tbe il.xiiAlil Blli.-fcKSis oom posed, will cura
Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever,Cholic,
Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption in its first stage,
Flatulency, Nervous Debility, Female Com
plaints, Rhenmatism, Dysentary, Acute and
Cbronio Diarrhea, Cholera Mcrrbns, Chol
era, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever,
Yellow Fever, Scrofula, Diseases of
the Kidneys, Habitual Costif cness,
Ac, Ac, Aa.,
In tbe Prevention and Ccbe of the above dis
eases, it has never been known to fail, as thou
sands of out1 most prominent citizens throughout
all parts of the country, will testify. Let the
afflicted send for aoircular containing testimoni
als and certificates ot tDose wno bave been cured
after their cases have been pronounced hopeless
Dy our Dcst paysiciana.
Principal depot,
No C N. Front St., Philadelphia.
Recommended by F.x-Gov. David R. Porter, of
Pennsylvania. Jinn. Robert J. ruber, or renn
sylvania. lion. Edward McPherson. of Pennsyl
vania. Hon. Joel B. Danner. of Pennsylvania
Hon. Wm. MoSherry, of Pennsylvania, and others
tend tor circulars. 1 1 eb 101b. IrbV ly.
Jf English Currants, Essence Coffee, and in
gar ot the best quality, for sale by
Jan 1. HASTSWICK 4 lit WIS.
NOTICE. All persons indebted to the subscri
ber, are requested to eome and settle with
out delay.' . . R. ilOSiiOP-
Q AWED LUMBER--;The undersigned
. having started in the Lumber business.
near Osceola, Clearfield, fouoty. Pa., U now pre
pared to famish pin, boards, clear and panel
stuff, Ac. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order
and shipped on short notice.
Osceola Mills. -,
May 5. 1869-tf. Clearfield co.. Pa.
VT bite Lead, Zine Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine,
Varnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and
dry, Faint and Varnish brushes.
Clearfjeld.Pa -M 5,'69.
Incorporated 1851. Assets nearly Three Million
Dollars. Dividends Annually. One-third r one
half of the premium loaned to the assured. AH
Policies Non-Forfeitable by law of the State of
Massachusetts Reliable add energetic' Agents
wanted. Apply to
S. W.cor 6th and Walnut Streets.
Mayl2.'6f Jm Philadelphia. Pa.
"POUND on Market Street, nearly oppo
site the iail, the cheapest nlaee to buf
(wholesale or retaiTj
Drv Goods.
Confectionary, Nails,
Clothing. ,
Hard ware.
Boots A Shoes.
Hats A Caps,
Chop. .
. Oil Cloths,
1 Wall Paper,
Tobacco and
. ... j , . " " '
Muaict! ftftnit. - Salt-
hoe Findings, rlastor,
May 121m.
iv i'i5fiiv:t.i
Clearfield county, Fenn'a.
The undersigned having erected, during the
past summer, a lare and commodious store room,
is now engaged in filling it up with a new and
select assortiuentof Fall and Winter goods, which
be offers to the public at prices to suit tbe times
Hirsute! of Me as and boys clotbinz is unusual
ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from
S10 to S20 for awholesuit. Flour, Salt. and Gro
ceries, of every kind, a complete assoitment;
Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies'
dress goods, furs, and other fancy gnods. together
witn an endless assortment oi notions too tedious
to enumerate, alwsys on hand, aril sot sale verv
cheap. Prints at 1? eeAts si yard, and other goods
in proporjion Now is tbe time to buy.
Country produce of every kind, at tbe highest
market prices, will be taken in exchange for
goods ; and even Greenbacks will no be refused
fur any article in store. Examine my stock be
fore you buy elsewhere.
October SO.lboT. H. SWAN.
Who sells the cheapest gooild in the
Who sells best calicoes atl2Jctsa yard ?
Who sells best unbleached muslin at 17 cents7
Who-sella Hall's Calf Boots at $5 00?
Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at Si 50 ?
Who sells Hall's bestKip Boots at 4,50?
Who sells Hats lower than anybody else ?
Who sells Sugar the cheapest ?
M O S S O P!
Who sells Syrup the cheapest i
Whd sells Flour the cheapest ?
Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest ?
Who sells Hardware the cheapest ?
Who sells Queensware the cheapest ?
Who sells Tinware the cheapest ?
Who sells Clothing the cheapest ?
Who sells riaster the cheapest ?
Who Bells Salt the cheapest ?
Who first brought goods down to1 the
- lowest cash prices ?
Everybody should buy their goods at
Clearfield. May 12. 1S9. ,
D. PERKS A Co'i flour, the best in market, for
sale by W. SHAW A SON.
vie , ior saie ai uhauam t.
tABLE CHAIN'S good article, on band asd
W lor safe by 39ilHbb m BIGLBR
- X . fiiwanceiHii
. U V-1 V- l lllu, A. tM.
Uavina taken charze of this well-known Hotel.
tbe undersigned would respectfully solicit a share
of the public patronage. Travelers will find the
accommodations equal to those of any other house
in this section. Charges moderate. .
Dec. Z. isns-ti. juii J. KfcEii, v rop'r.
T S. COLE would inform his old ens-
tomers, and the public generally, that
he still continues to manufacture BOOTS AND
S1MES of the very best French Calf and Kip. at
the lowest prices for cash or approved country
produce. lie also maaes all kindsof heavy boots
AH work warranted, and perfect satisfaction giv
en. Opposite Drauckers Hotel, Curwensville.l'a.
July 29, l6S-ly.
Curwensville, Pa. .
This well known Hotel, baying been re-fitted
aud re-furnished throughout, is now open for the
accommodation of travelers, and the publio in
general. Charges moderate.
August 14,1807-tf. Proprietor.
ace Home Indi strt. The undersign
ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike,
halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield
Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all ktndsof r rui
trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen". Shrub
bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black
berry. Strawberry and Raspbei ry vines. Also
Sibrian Crab trees. Quince and early ScarletRhea
barb. AO. Orders promptly attended o. Addres
A u g3 1 . 184 J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville
SJ. HAYES, Scrgeon Dentist. Office
Will make professional Tisits for ths conveni
ence of of the public commencing is April. 1S69.
as ioiiows.vix : Lutbersburg hr-st t riday of every
month; Aosonvilla, first Monday of evory month;
Lumber Lity first Ibursday of every month;
spending two days in either place, All ordos for
work should be presented on the day of his arri
val in each place.
Teeth extracted by the application of local
anasthesia, comparatively without pain. .AH
unas oi dental work guaranteed.
N. B. The publio will please notiee. that Dr.
H., when not engaged in the above visits, may be
ound in nis otnea in Curwensville. lap.l. ea-ly
L W A Y S N E W,
J O H N I It V I N.
Has just received and opened at tbe old stand
in Curwensville, an entire new stock of Fall and
Winter Goods, which he will sell very cheap for
cash. His stock consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, Boots and
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready
. made Clothing, etc.
The publio generally is respecfully invited te
give him a call ; see his stock and hear bisprices,
and purohase from him if yoa find it will be to
your advantage, Nov. i5, I860
Having just returned from New York and
Philadelphia we take this method of no
tifying all our old customers, and
many others whom we desire to
have as customers, that we
are receiving a very
of all kinds, which we will sell at very
low figures. Give us a call.exam
ine our goods and prices be
fore purchasing elsewhere
and thereby save from 5
to 20 per eent. on your purchases.
SnrrtJttoTtof Ten Eyei dr Thompnon:
Curwonsville, May 5. ISfit tt.
The undersigned adopt this method of notify'
ing the publio generally, and tbe eitisens of Cur
wensville and vicinity in particular, that they
have just returned from the East with, and are
now opening, in their
one door West of Bloom's Hotel, a large and well
selected stock of goods, which will be sold as
cheap as the same quality elsewhere in the county
Our stock consists of Dry Goods, of every 'de
scription, together with a full assortment of no
tions. Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Hardware, Queensware, as well as Tinwtre, Ce
darware, Willow wire, Buckets and Brooms, to
gether with a large stock of Groceries, and al
ways a full stock of FIcur, Fish, Salt, Ac.
In short, we keop a full supply of everything
used in this market.
We want ail oar old ctfstotbers, and as many
new ones as can make it convenient, to give us a
call before purchasing elsewhere.
Curwensville, Pa., DANIEL HARTSOCK,
Lumber City, Pa., -
- The) undersigned would respectfully .inform
their customers, and the public in general, that
they have Just received their Spring stock of
goods, consisting or ury oooda. uroceries, coots.
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fish, Salt. Floor, Bacon, Nails,
Paints, OH. Stoneware, Hardware. Queensware,
Baskets, Tubs, Churns. Carpet, Oil cloth, and a
general variety of such articles as are usually
kept in a country store, all of whioh they will
sell cheap for cash. . .
They weald also direct attention to their large
stock of Ready-made Clothing, which they offer
for sale at a small advanoe upon cost.
Lumber City. Pa., May 8, 1867.
N. B. We also manufacture to order, and eon
stantly keep on hand a general assortment of
ioots and booes, tor men. women and children
F. N A U G L E ,
The undersigned respectfully informs bis old
customers and the pablio. that he has on band,
(and constantly receiving new additions,) a large
stock of Clodks, Watches and Jewelry.
CLOC&S, a large variety from the best Man
ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-boar
spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and
Alarm eloeks.
WATCHES a fine assortment. o sliver Hunt
ing and open case American patent Levers, plain
and full jeweled.
GOLD rEIfS. aa elegant assortment, of the
best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk
SPECTACLES, a large assortmant, far and
near sight, colored and plain glass.
JEWELRY of every variety, from a single
piece to a full set.
ALSO,m fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, bat
ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata.
ALSO, Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting
got up to order. Call and see sample book.
All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry ear
fully repaired and Warranted. - . . ,
A continuance of patronage is solicited.
Not. 2Sth. 1865. H. F. NACGLE
May 12, '6t- at MObSOP'g.
ILOiOTHS, at greatly reduced pries j, at
. , .. L L- REIZENSTEIN k CO.,
A good assortment for medical parposes always
on hand.
January 27. lSfio-finV.
AND B 6 Y S',
The undersigned having recently added
to his former business, would respeetful'y
solicit an examination of his stork. Being
a practical Tailor he flatters himself
that he is able to offer a better
class of ready-made work
than has heretofore been
brought to this mar
ket. Anyone wishing to buy goods in this line
would save money by calling at his store,
and making their seleolions. Also,
a full supply of Gents'furnishing
goods always on hand.
Feeling thankful for past favors he would re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the
April 23. 1S69 II. BttlDGE.
E. A lavi.v, :
E. B. PATT0N & CO.,
Having fitted up a firt class
are prepared to furnish to' order all kinds of Man
ofaitttfed Lumber, saih as
Surface-drese:l Lumber,
and erer jr description of Plain arid Tinbf Moald-
ings. Dealers will find it to their advantage to
ooniult oar prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Address, E. I. Pattern & Co.,
Dec 2,'GS. Clearfield do., Pa.
Bemiett, Blattenberger & Co.,
A large and well selected otccfi of fresh
spring aXd Summer
GOODS, purchased at lowest market rates, and to
be" sold at a slight advance on cost, consisting of
G R 5 C E Pt I E S ,
FL0LR, FEED, : '
And everything appertaining to well regulaU I
households, ai well also td
Orders received and promptly filled.
Highest market price paidfo
Country Produce.
Salesmen are polite, attentive arid obliffuta
and be convinced.
Bennett, Blattenberger & Co.
Oaeeela Mills, April 2i ,139,
leading hardy 'v-arieties of first quality
Concord Cuttings", 1.00 per kandVed.
Oiders solicited as soon as convenient and filled
in votaiiorl. by A ZI. KILLS.
ten of Administration on theesteof
John L McCully. late of Beccaria township, dee'd,
having been granted to the undersigned, no
tice is hereby given Last all persons fndebtod to
s.iid estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and Or we having claims against the same .
will present them, properly authenticated, for
settlement to G. W. MeCULLY,
April 21st Infi9-t Adruii.wtrator.
cx- ters of Administrate
ml inn nn fT,A Ad ala
of r.hj.'io bueal. late of Bog its lownfS'rf, iee'd.
having been granted to tbe undersigned, notiee
is hereby given that all persons indebted to' said
estate are required to m:tka immediate payment,
end thnsehaviagflaiinagair.st tbe same will pre
sent them, properly authenticated for settlement
April 21. 1S69-CI pd Adi'uistrators
Front stkeUt, pniLiPSLTRG. pa".
I will impeach anyone who says t til to' gfva
direct and personal attention to all oar customers,
or fail to rausa them to rejoice over a well fur
nished table, with clean rooms and new beds,
wbere all may feel at home and the weary be at
rest. New stabling attached. ...
Pjilipsbarg. Sep 2,'fiS. J AS. II. GALER.
"V . Hutitiiiadon. Peuff'a..
This old establishment barinz been leased bv
I. Morrison, formerly 1'roDrietor of the "Murrison
House.'' has been thoroughly renovated and re
furnished, and supplied with all the modern ira
provetucnts and cotiveniencies necessary to a first
class Hotel. Tbe dining room has been removed
lo tbe first floor, and is now soacious and airv.-
The chambers are all well ventilated, and tie
Proprietor will endeavor to make bis euests per
fectly at home. J. MORRISON.
Huutiugdou.June 17.163. Proprietor-
The undcrsizned barinz on. Blind and for aala
the Axei.ic.il MoTABLB-coxn Bee Hivas, and
finding it impossible to supply the demand for
hives have concluded to sell one half of thaterri
tory which they own. to wit: Clearfield and parts
iitenireand VMiuorta counties. J bey bave made
arrangements to bave the material fur hives eut
to order. Persons desirous of skeins a sSWDie of
the hives wil' please call at Nivlini J- Showers
Store, in Clearfield. Bee raUors will Cnd it to
their adtiuitage. to have the pateat hives. Per
toi.3 wlsLiug t buy eitner hives or territory caa
address us to WIen Hope, Clearncld county. r.
April 14. lSi'ifl A. A W. A XIVi.lNG.
To the Working Class: I am now prepared
to furnish alt classes with const ant employment
at their boms. tbe wboieof the time, or for the
spare moments. Bnsintvs new. liht and pi ofi ta
ble. Fift eenu to Si per evcpitig. is easily earn
ei by perSonsof ei:her sex . and tbe boys and girls
earn nearly as much as men Groat inducements
are offered thoia who will devote their whole
time to.lbe business : and, that every person wbo
sees this notice, may send me their address and
test the business for themselves, I make' the fol
lowing unpnralled offer : To all wbo are not well
satisfied with tbe businoa. I will send SI trf pay
for Ibe trouble of aritiug me Full particulars,
directions. Ao.. sent free. Sample sent by mail
for 10 oenis Address K C, Allk. Augusia. Me.
The ondersigned. Executors of the Eataie of
Jason Kirk, .late ef the Borough of Lumber-city,
deceased, offer at private sale tbe following de
scribed real estate, to wit: The ondivided half of
about two hundred acrs of land . situate in Lnioa
tewnthip, Clearfield county Pa., known as the
-Union Mills" property. About 22 acres of tbe
land is cleared, from SO to ioo acres is covered
with excel eut white pine, besides hemlock and
other timber. The improvements are a, valuable
grist mill, saw mill, and woolen factory, besides
a good frame hoose and barn. . The water power
is good, situated on Anderson's creek, about i'i
miles above Curwensville. Persons desirous of
seeing tbe property, can call upon J. R. Arnold,
residing thereon. For further particulars apply
to tbe undersigned at Lumber city.
Jan. 1.V59. JOHN RL'SSELL. Exr's.
The following valuable property wili be told
at public outcry, on
S.l TUHD.K Y, MA Y 29lA, 1389,
between tho hours of 12 o'clock, SI. and 2 o'clock
P. M., in the town of G'en Hope, vis :
of choice timber land, situate in Beccaria tw'p,
Clearfield county. Pa , lying within one and a
half miles of Big Clearfiold creeK, aud well cov
ered with choice pir.e, oak and hemlock timber,
(being part. Of tbe I jane Vaapole survey.) and
is. well calculated for timbering or logging.
There are1 vaiuab'j coal mines opened on lands
immediately adjoining the same. The above
tract is part of, and taken out of. the lands for
inerly belonging to Wm. Pasey. Persons wishing
to purchsse willdo well to examine this property.
The conditions of sale are as follows ; One
half to be paid down on confirmation of sale and
the other half on the first day of May. If'rt. te
be sreured y bond -tnd mortgage, with interest
from day of sale. Possession, will he given im
mediately. The owner reserves one bid.
3,000 Engravings ;
1S40 pages quarto Priee Sl3.
10,000 words and meanings not in dthet Dic
tionaries Viewed as a whole, we are confident that no
other living language bas a Dictionary which so
fully and faithfully sets forth its present condi
tion as this last edition of Webster does that our
written and spoken English tongile. - Harper's
Mngaxine "
Tbese three books are the sotfl total of great
libraries, tbe Bible. Shakspeare. and Webster
Royal Quarto --Chicago tvening Journal." v.
Tbb New Webtee is glorious it is perfeet
distances and defies competition it leaves no the
Ing to be desired. J. H. Raymond, LL. D., Pres't
Vss?ar College.
Tbe most nsrfal and remarkable compendium
of h .man knowledge in our language. W. S.
C'lark, i'res't M ss. Agricultural College
Wensraa's Natioxal Pictorial DicriortABT.
1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Esgbavics Price SS.
The work is really a gem of a Dictionary! just
the thing for the million. American Educational
Monthly. Published by G AC. MEKHIAM,
Springfield Massachusetts.
Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary
1040 pages Octavo: tiOO engravings: Price 6:
Tbe work is si gem of a Diotionary, just the
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-Iu many respects tbis Dictionary is the most
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for osein families and schools," A. Y. Tiihun.
"It is altogether the best sreasary of words ef
it stz which tbe English lrngaagehas ever pos
sessed." Hartford Pre.
Published by G. r Q. MERRIAM, Springfield,
April 28, ISg9.
ADDLES, B'idles. harness, eollars te., for
THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes. t-r Wag
oas, for sale by . MERRELL A BIGLER
PRUNES a quantity on hand and for sale at
M,y 27. GRAHAM'S.
IL, Putty. Paints Glass and Nails, for sale U
Jon 'SB. MEttHnl.1. a m"'-''"
TOVES of all sorts and sisoa. constantly en
hand at MCtiKtLL a cimuk b
CANNED FRUITS all kinds, warranted good
and fresh, at GRAHAM'S.
SPRING GOODS. Ja.it apming a splendid stuek
of new goods at C KRATZKK A SON'S.
CURRANTS tte twf and cheapest in the
eoaaty, at GRAHAM'S.
LOVER, Timothy aad Orchard-grass seeds at