Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 12, 1869, Image 3

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I gaftsman'is journal
CLEARFIELD, PA. , MAY 12. 1869.
piTgos. To insure the safe transmission
1 . 1,. mail, patrons should remit by check
ontJ order, er here their letter registered.
Tyrone Bod Clearfield Railroad.
:.in leaves Tyrone at : : : 9 00 am
""arrives at Clearfield at : : 1.00 p.m.
a il I ni leaves Clearfield a : : : J.00 p m.
Arris at Tyrone at : : : :5.50 p.m.
Connect! with Cincinnati Express T.Kit at 6.17
" Mail West at .44 p, m ; Bald Eagle Ex-
jEi idiors. Divine services will be held
. rt Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows:
BvKev. W. IL DiU, in the Methodist
chain, lunrninir and evening. Sabbath
at 0 A. M. Prayer meeting, every
irijay at P- M. Corutnunioti services
fXSabtith of every month at 10$ A. M.
Bv llw. Nisdorff in the Lutheran church
in the morning and evening.
't. Fraii" is' church Mas at 10 A. M.,
the second and fourth Sundavs of each
Rats and Caps
BatSwre. cheap at the Banner
Wasted. Two girls to work at pant and
xest nnVins. Enquire at F. C. Cromai's,
Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
Hail. We had quite a heavy hail storm
here, on Friday last. So lie of the hail
ere a large as filberts. No damage was
djtw, sofar as we know.
Geatlenien, look to your interests, and by
djinj so you will save mouey, by getin
ynur clothing made at F. C. Cromm's, Mar
Art street, Clearfield, sign of the man.
To Borrowers. The person who bor
roed a double block and one Lnndi-cd feet
oi half-inch rope from II. TJ. Taylor, will
confer a favor by returning the same with
out delay.
Death ok a "Pio. eer." Mr. John
Shaw, an old settler, died at his residence
in Philipsburg, on May 1st, 1800, aged 59
rears and 0 months. He was much respect
el by uWe who knew him.
Attextmx, Buyers! Mossop has just
-received ami is opening the largest stock of
pxvjs ever brought to the county. Crowds
aretfirnnirine the store at all hours. Ad
mittance, ?rcc. Children, hail" price.
To Oi k Patrons. We this week send
bill :o a larf;e number of our patrons. With
in tlic next two wevks we will send to the
rest. Ve hope all will be prompt in re
spouJing to iht-tii in a Mib.it ntiul mauncr.
rli:i. Mr. Sturdevant, father-in taw,
t'l.eui'tlie Me.-srs. l'linn, who arc logging
cn CIi arCi-'.J creek after an illness of one
W'-tk, died at Collnirn's Hotel, in this place,
on April :Mih. His remains were taken to
V iiliaui-pnrt for interment.
Thieving. The hotel of .Mr. Ceo. N.
Cjjlburii, in this Borough, was. eutered on
Saturday night last, by somi thieves, who
carried away a lot of bed clothing. Access
: guim-d to the house tlii ounh the second j
S ry w ii:di,w,by means of a ladder. TV bud- j
cW.iii.g was found, on Surny. hid in the I
oud., about half a mile ea.it ol town.
Removal. Lovers of "the weed'' are
loreiy icfomied that Mr. A. Seholpp, has
removed his Tobacco and Cigar Store, to
the room formerly occupied by A. I. Shaw,
a Drux Store, one door north of the
MaiiM n House, and nearly opposite the !
O'urt ll.iu.si. Mr. Scholpp keeps on hand j
isoixl assortment of the best Clears and to.
taan. Call and see him.
K"Biin.-Ve learn that, Ales. Irwin,
ol liid Hills, this county, was robbed ol
V.n at Q.iceus Uau dam. on April 2 th.
The money was in his coat pocket, which ho
! uioti olT and laid on 1 is raft, not think
irtlut robbers were about. Tite thief got
oil! changed in V'ilIia!upoit. that, was
nti5o 1, but no arrest has been made so
to i known.
A Noteworthy Fact. The Meadville
JiuLlican' has the following truism,
hieii ou-ht to Ik: published in every jour
' in the lad: "1 a drunken man'could,
U u,,; "-Lt ul' his iuebricty, be made con
!tk'u",f w'at a contemptible fool he makes
01 h""-e:f, it would at lea.-t shame him in
t" uj -kruu,,!,, if not into a total rejection
i:i! ,xi,-ati,,g cup. A drunkard does
""t alizt- dj, 0WI1 Ji.jrr.i,,;,,,, f.. ,i, r...
11 1! it. at the time the degradation Uat
"'greatest depth, the senses are steeped in
Letter from North Carolina.
KuAB.n-H, X. C, April 2'.,d, IS09.
, ':lKN"S:-i!cft Clearfield county in a
-torn,, on April Oih. The air Wits
u' J'--agreeublc until I rcac h-d Ma
and w!lL" 1 reached here, on the
.' 11 wa" very warm and pleasant. Yeg
J'W all kinds are in market, and the
up, a..d worked once. And now. a
t "ords ,0 fUcb wLjh to njake a j.ving
artumg ; This u Qw of the
wuiurk-s. to be louud anywhere. The
Uilner3 art' MJ '"'U here, that you can plow
ire lS tlD'e' anJ' KcnrHy, the summers
oflar S)'"Jt M ' tlcfiehl All kinds
j, 'jj l'r 'J;'et.s grow here in abundance,
rn a ""i a" f 'ru!lS- Ia t-'!eatfi'-,W
With10-! I r'ai' d1!arS 811 atre for IanJ
bbarl . timlr reservtJ.) -
uo,i tOC:oaranJ wor. on account of the
:Jatl H0"eS' Wh'1C 1,ere 0U ea" buy
'Utru Sa""'' l""ice an J free rrom such
5 -u can 1 t0 tasy. f3rQ)in?- I Clearfield
'rto'f raiseenouh in the sum
lere fj fyour K,ock through the winter;
od tZ ' eVCry k'nJ Srowsin profusion
eeurrT "'I'atively little labor to
Wiotr I1"16 Uewf yUr sUX'k- TllU
Wheat' " 0l eXSy 10 farm' and Pro,lu,;cs
Uoet'0""' lorn' rlcy, cotton, mellons,
tr4Sn 8Dd' faCt, "ear,y
oce (1if 8 . f: Wc also uavs an aoun-
M ot fisb'f,,r the etching. Wheat
1 houH i , " Vera foot in
teS. U rIeaJ t0 bae some
!tindsr lo someot my
fc'iX"1! thi8 coutry-tbey will
'ghte.d with it. But I must close.
of mv
Just received a splendid assortment of
Ladiea and Gents' Slippers, at the Banner
Shoe Store.
WeT'Steu's Unabridged. We have re
ceived from the publishers.G. & C. Merriatu,
Springfield, M ass. ,a copy of their recent revis
ed edition of Webster's Quarto Dictionary.
This recent edition contains the latest itu
improvements on the original work, embod
ying the results of the assiduous and intelli
gent labors of a large corps of scholars in
the various departments of learning. It is
certain that few works, evincing such thor
ough and accurate editorial supervision,
have ever appeared from the Amcik-an
press. A" 1'. Tribune.
Short Catechism.
Question Who sells the most Boots and
Shoes in Clearfield ?
Answer J. C. Lightcap & Son, of the
Banner Shoe Store.
Q. Who keeps the largest and best as
sortment of Boots and Shoes?
A. The Banner Shoe Store men.
Q. Where did you get those beautiful
high cut gaiters?
A. At the Banner Shoe Store.
Q- Can you tell me where I can get the
most fxshionable high cut walking boots and
A, Yes; go to he Banner Shoe Store
and you can get a better article, more fash-"
: ionahle and twenty per cent cheaper than
at any other house in Clearfield. I know,
for I have tried.
Q. rWhere can I get those colored shoes
which are so much worn in the cities?
A. They are to be had, of every shade,
at the Banner Shoe Store. The most beau
tiful I ever saw and cheap.
Q. Have Lightcap & Son got their sum
mer goods yet ?
"A. Yes; they arc gcttinz them in this
week. The largest and most delightful stock
of giods I ever looked at. Go and see for
yourselves and ask me no more questions.
Men's fine boots from $3 50 to $S 00 at
the Banner Shoe Store.
J. C. Lightcap & Sox.
List of Jt'itorts. The following is a list
bt Jurors drawn for June term, 1869:
Grand Jurors. Bell, Charles Thorp.
Bloom, Isaac Thonif son. Brady, W.T. Ham
ilton, John J. Beams. Chest, John Hock
cnberry. CovinsMon, James Ho!c Deca
tur, Curtis lleaais.J. B. Ayers, John Shaw.
JJiiard. A'icot Plubell. (Julich, John Bey
ers. Knox, Isaac P. Carson. Liwrence,
, Henry Owen, M. F. Wallaise. Lumber C,
'J. 11. Capp!es, Jason Kirk, II. W. Spencer.
Morris, M Zimmeraiun, George Cramer,
.Andrew Hunter. Osceola, G. M. Brisbin.
'J'ifce, I.-a:ic Caldwell. Union, J. II. Bru
ibaker. Woodward, Austin Kline.
Traverse Jruous first week. Bee-,
caria, Tliog. Mullen, James Haines, W. S..
Diekcy.B. B.Wright, S.C. Patchtn. Boggs,
David Adams, jr. Bradford, S. P. Wilson,
X. P. Wilson. Henry Albert, John Wool
dridge, Mark Kyler. Bradv Wui. Brock -bank,
11. II. Moore, Al. Elliug.r, J. W.
Wallace. Buruside. Thos. Young, T. M."
Si'Cpherd. James Mc.Murry. I). W. Lang-,
doti. Covington, J. B. Berger, J. P. Mul ;
son, John Bricl. Clearfield, J. II. Ililburn.i
J. T. L.ionrd,W. C. Foley. M Shirk. Cur-;
wcnsvillc, Wrn. II. Hartshorn. Decatur..
Wm. Ayer.. Goshen, A. B. Shaw. Gra-
ham, W. B. Green, B. Spackmun. Cue-,
lieh. Michael Stover, Alexander llcain. Hus-;
ton, Wm. Long, Robert Sullivan, II. Wood
ward, Lewis Berdell. Jordan, Henry SwanJ
W. S. Curry, Thomas Strong. Karthaus.i
C. Sehnarrs, J. W. Potter. Knox, D. J.;
Cathcart. Lawrence, J. II. Hoover, J..?
McGlaughlin, J. McClelland.' Morris, Jack-'
son Hoover, X. Washington, John M.
Cuinmings. Osceola, Elijah Weston, J. ;
S. L"ng,-Abr. Goss. Pcnn, Klani Johnson,
M. S. Spencer. Pike, J. II. Hancock, Jo t
siah Hancock, Saniiiel Caldwell. Uuion,
Mi. hael Hubert, John Laborde, jr., L. 1.
Dres.-ler. Voodard, 11. Alexander. j
Jurors for second week. Beccaria,"
G. W. Caldwell. Boggs, It. U. Faust.;
Bradford, Isaac Wilson, David Forcee, W.
Grabntn.jr. Brady, W.B.Alexander. Burn-,
side, C. R. King, Jacob Yingling, C. Iiora-
Luugh. Cleai field, D. Conclly, Wm. Mor-'
gan. Covington, J. J. Picard. Curwens
yille, Wm. Irvin, A Bloom, II. W. Kerns.
Ferguson, V. L. Moore.- Girard. M. Ij.
Coutriet, B. Green. Graham, G.W. Hall,
Samuel Spanoglc. Joi dan, Patrick Gilligan,
Bcuben Hunter. Knox, D. E. Mokel, D.
A. Wi.-e. Lawrence, James Fulton, T. W.
1 copies. l.niiiDer citv, u. ll. L.ytie. iUor
ris, Win. Jones. New Washington, A. J.
Jackson. Osceola, D. 11. Good. Pe tin. Jus.
G. Russell, Kichard Danver, Allen McDon
ald, i'ike, Alfred Ijong, Abraham Bailey,
Moies Wise.
On May 4ih. ls'J. by llev. ST W. Sears,
Mr. J. H. Little, of Posters mills, Ccutre
county, Pa., and Miss Anna M. Smeal. of
Boggs tp., ClearSeld county.
Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities.
(SnrCMfor to S. Joiiti A- Co.)
coK.ten or fourth and wooi stukxts.
Pilbburg, April 24. 1S69.
out sell, i hUy. sell.
1M3J 130! ,5-20s, Jan.'7, lluijllill
1ITJ lloj .5-20s. Jul. '67 108 M0S
Il4j !1S June. 7 3w, 1(111) 1 09 1
lili KKS"(,July, 7-30s, 1091109i
U.S. 6s., 1381
5 2ns.ls2,
5 2'ls. 1HH3,
JIUJ Klrtjj May omp. ha.lH .
IU3i! 1035!; Aog.Cnmp.'Ai.l ISJ. 1181
10 40.
5.20s. Jan. lOSj lusjj Sept.Comp.rS5.1 IS IMS'
5-20s, Jul. 'C5. 103 ilOSiiiOet. Coiup.'dj.iITPllS
We are now converting 7 3iw of the June and
July series into Gold Coupon 5-20 bonds of lS5-7
WANTED a MILLER to run a Grist
Mill with a pood run of custom. Pos
session given at once. Good recommendations
reouired Apply to T. H. FORCE Y,
May 5-Jt tirahainton, Pa
desirous of obtainiuiz ' Early Goodrich,
and ether new and valuable varieties of Potatoes,
can be accomodated by calling on the undersign
ed at Lomber-etty. JOSEPH KIKK.
April 2S. 1S.
FRESH bread alwajson HAND
and for sale
At the Bakery of
Clearfield, Pa.
M. 17, -69-210.,
jjl)e vjafUman'z jouitfaf, gleettfkfb, a., trtt;
1 f! rent liemedy for the cure j "RKGrSTER'SNOTrcR-Noticeishere-
of.ThrixU and Luna DUear I)ctur ' t Thygi vent hat the flowing acconfrts have
,.., ,. ; , Jt , 1,4K"jr j been examined and pawed by me.aad remain filed
II ixliart t 1 oie lree Tar Cordial. of reeord in this office for, the inaction r fc.;
It ia the vital principle of the Pine Tree, ob
tained bj ap:ali.tr proceed in the distillation of
the tar. by which its highest medical properties
are retained.
It i the only safeguard and reliable reined j
which has ever been prepared from' the juice of
the Pine Tree
It invigorates the digestive organs and restores
the appetite.
It strengthens the debilitated system.
It purifies and enriches the blood, and ezpeli
from the system the corruption which scrofula
breeds on the lungs.
It disolres the mucas or phlegm which stops
the air-passages of the lungs.
Its healing principle acts upon the irritated
surface of the lungs and throat, penetrating to
each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing
It ia the result of, years of study and experiment,
and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive
assurance of its power to cure the following dis
eases, if the patient has not too long delayed a re
sort to the means of eure :
Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Sore Throat
and 1'reaet, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, lilind
and Pleedisg Piles', Asthma, Whuoping Cough,
Diptheria. Ac. Ac
We are often asked why are not other remedies
in the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
and other Pulmonary affections equal to Dr. L.
Q. Wishart's Pine 1 ree Cordial. We answer
1st It cures, not by stopping cough, but by
loosening and assisting nature to throw off the
unhealthy matter collected about the throat and
bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough.
2d. Most Throat and Lung Remedies are com
posed of anodynes, which allay ibej cough for
awhile. but by their eonrtringing effects. the fibres
become hardened, and the unhealthy fluids coag
ulate and re retained in the system, causing dis
ease beyond the control of our most eminent phy
sicians. 3d The Pine Tree Cordial, with its assistants,
are preferable, because tbey remove the cans of
irritation of the mucus membrane and bronchial
tubes, assist the lungs te act and throw off the un
healthy secretions, and purify the blood, thus
scientifically making the cure perfect.
i'r. w isoart nas on bleat hit office hundreds
and thousands of Certificates from Men and Wo
men of unquestionable character who were once
hopelessly given up to die. but through the Prov
idence of God were completely restored to health
by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial A Physician in
attendance who can be consulted in person or by
mail. J'r.e hmrge. Price of Pine Tree
Tar Cordial SI 5(1 per Bottle. SI I per dos. Bent
by Express on receipt of price Address, '-L. Q
O Wishart, M. D. No 2S2 North 2d Street Phila
delphia Pa.
April 21st, IS69-3m.
Sr.Jicnck's almonie Striqi,
See weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills. will cure Con
sumption, Liver Complaint and Uyspepvia, if ta
sren according to directions. They ate all three
to be taken at the same time. Tbjy cleanse the
stomach, relax the liver, and put it to work ; then
the nppttite becomes good, the fond digests and
makes good blood, the patient begins to grow in
flesh, the diseased matter ripens iu tb 1 ns.and
the patient outgrows the disease and got.i well.
This is the only way to enre the consumption.
To these three medicines Dr. J. II. Schenck, of
Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in the
treatment of pulmonary consumption The Pul
monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the
lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expectora
tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, a
slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has
rest and the lungs begin to heat. To do this, the
Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely
u-.ed to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the
Pulmonic Syrup aid the food will make good
Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent
causes of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Ton
ic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the
alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is
run. la of, assists the stomach to throw out the gas
trie juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic
Syrup, and it is made into good blood without fer
mentation or souring in ths stomach. The great
reason why physicians do not cuie consumption is
they try to do too much ; they give medicine to
stop the cough, to stop chills, tc stop night sweats,
hectic fever, and by so il iiiig they derange the
wbule digestive powers. locking up the secretions
and eventually the patient sinks and dies.
Dr. Schenck, iu his treatment, does not try to
stop a eolith, n."-ht sweats chills or fever. Ite
tuo e tho cause. and they will all stop of their own
accord No one can be cured of consumption, liv
er complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcer
ated throat unless the liver and stomach arc made
If a person hasconFiimplion.of course the lungs
in some way are diseased, either tubercles, ab
scesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or
the lungs are a mass of infiamation and fast de
caying. In such eases what must be done? It
is not only the lungs that are wasted, but it is the
whole body. The stomach and liver have lost
their power to make blood out of food. Iow the
only chance is to take Schenck's three medicines,
which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the
pationt will begin want food, it will digest easily
aud make good blood; then the patient begins to
gain in flush, and as soon as the body begins to
grow, the lungs beg'n to haal np. and the pationt
gets Bet by and well, -his is the only way to
cure consumption.
When there is no lung disease, and only liver
complaint and dyspepsia, Scbenck's Seaweed
Tonic aud Mandrake Pills are sufficient without
the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pil Is
freely in all biiloug complaints, as they are per
fectly harmless.
Dr. Sohenok. who has enjoyed uninterrupted
hoaltb'for many years past, and now weighs 2'1'j
pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in
the very last stage of pulmonary consumption, his
physicians having pronounced bis case hopeless
and abandoned him to his fate. He wag cured
by the aforesaid medicines. and since his recovery
many similarly afflicted have used Dr. Scbenck's
preparations with the same remarkable success
Tbe directions accompanying each, make it not
absolutely neoessary to see Dr. Schenck, unlets
tbe patients wish their lungs examined, and for
this purpose he is Professionally at his Principal
Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all
letters fur advice must be addressed. He is also
professionally at No 32 Bond Street, New York,
everv other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Uauover St..
Uoston. every other Wednesday. He frives advice
free, but for a thorough examination with his
Itespirometor the price is $5. Office hoars at each
city from 9 A. M to S P. M.
Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton
ic each SI. all per bottle, or $3.50 t half-dosen.
Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all
Ap. 7 'C9-ly l 15 N. nth St., Phifa, Pa
A Safe Wood Purifier,
A Splendid Tonic,
A Pleasant Beverage.
A Certain Cure
The ZINGARI BITTERS are eompounded from
a prescription of the celebrated Egyptian pbyei
oian Dr. Cubopl'S, who, after years of trial and
experiment, discovered tbe Zinari Herb tbe
mu?t remarkable vegetable production, the earth,
perhaps, has ever yielded certainly the most
effective in the eure of disease. It. in combina
tion with the other valuable properties of which
the ZING AKI DI ITERS is composed, will eure
Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Cholic,
Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption in its first stage,
Flatulency, Nervous Debility, Female Com.
plaints, Rbeumatisas.Dysentary, Acute and
Chronic Diarrhea. Cholera Morbus. Chol
era, Typhoid aud Typhus Fever, Fever,
Yellow Fever, Scrolula, Diseases of
the Kidneys, Habitual Costivenets,
Ao., Ac, Ac,
In the Prevrstioi and Cure of the above dis
eases, it has never been known to fail, as thou
sands of our most prominent eititena throughout
all parts of tbe country, will testify. Let tbe
atHioted send for a circular eontaining testimoni
als and certificates of those who have been cured
after their cases have been pronounced hopeless
by our best physicians.
Principal depot,
No 6 N. Front St., Philadelphia.
Recommended by Ex-Oov. David R. Porter, of
Pennsylvania. Hon. Robert J. Fisher, of Penn
sylvania. Hon. Edward MoPberson. of Pennsyl
vania. Hon Joel R. Danner of Pennsylvania
Hon. Wm. MoSherry, ot Pennsylvania, and others
Send lor circulars. Feb 10th. l!-69 ly.
I7 I RS german fitch setts. freneh squirrel setts'
' american squirrel muffs, sadle victorines. sii
war martin .a. I minlr pinMin,! muffs venta' In,
j collars, (.beaver and mink) at J. P. KRAIZEK'S,
legatees.creditors.and all others in minthar
interested, and will be presented to the next Or-
puans' Court or nearneia county, to be held at
me i0;-r nouw. in me ooroopn of Clearfield
commencing-on the 3d Monday of Mav IRRu
- Final account of I H LYTLE, Administrator of
uamel -M. weaver late oi inrwensvillo borough
deceased. .....,
iinal account ofliiviu UAUORDE Adminis
trator or blizaneta uoney.aeceased who was Ad
ministratrix.of Nicholas Doney, of Union town
ship, deceased..
Final account of John McCOY. Administrator of
oi Jimea jiowj, jaie oi ueccarria township de-
Final account ot John McCOY, Executor .of
oiargaret Uowen, late ot iseccarria township da
April 23, ISC. A W. I.EE. Register.
T EPORT OF THE First National Bank
" of Citrwensville. Pa., as shown hv iu
books at the close of business on the ITtn day of
April lcov.
Loans and Discounts, : : : : : $148,282 32
Commercial Paper : 917.000 00
Time Aceom. Loans : 93 432 32
Suspended and Overdue
Paper (good) : : 850 00
Indebtedness of Directors 24.750 00
Overdrafts. : : :::::::; 1,436 86
V. S. Bonds deposited with U S Tr.
to secure circulation, : : : : : 81.000 00
Other Bonds ::;.::::::: Duo 00
Due from Redeeming and Re
serve Agents :::::::: 9,511 34
Due from National Banks : : : : 5.231 32
Due from other Banks and Bankers, : 2 792 77
Banking Uoute. : : : : : : 2.500 00
Furnitnre and Fixtures : : : : ;: 1,000 00
Current Expenses : : :::::: 35 33
Taxes Paid :::::::;::: 971 BO
Cash Items (including stamps) t: : : : 385 61
Rills of other National Banks : : : ; 135 00
Fractional Currency
(including nickles) :::::: 1,1 S9 33
Specie ::::::::::: :: lo 90
Legal Tender Notes ::::::: 20,949 00
Total, $274 931 33
Capital soek paid in, : : : : : : SI 00.000 00
Surplus futd. :::::::;; 25,000 00
Discount : : : $1 821 41
Exchange : : 1,411 17
Interest. : : : : 2.IS9 82
Profit A Loss. : : 1,041 01 6,413 41
Circulating Notes rreceived
lrom Comptroller : G7,50 00
Less amount on hand : : 250 00
Amount Outstanding :::::: 67,250 00
Individual Deposits, : : : : : : 74.451 19
Due National Vtnks, : : : : : : 1,755 45
Due to other Banks and Backers : ; 31 33
Total Liabilities :::::: "$274,931 38
I hereby Certify that the above Statement is a
true abstract from tbe Quarterly Report made to
the Comptroller of the Currency.
April 23, 18W 3t
T 1ST OF RETAILERS, Of Foreign and
XJ Domestic Merchandise in the County of
Clearfield, subject to the payment of license for
tbe year 1869.
CM.t. To Piiy MORRIS
BRCc.tniA. '12 Leonard Kyler. 1250
11 S M'Farland, 515 U J U Brenner A Colli 00
13 W. S. Dickey, 10 0(1,14 John Odell. 7 00
13 J. n Olasgo. lOO'l 14 5tewart4- Mons, 7 00
14 A Montgomery 7 00t frnk
14W.C. Men. 7 00 13 Johnson ir Co 10 00
shadv. 14 Jonathan Walls, 7 00
12C. A (i.Schwem. 12 50 14 James Fiynn, 7 00
12 L B Carlisle, 12 50 . itnio.h.
13 J A.Terpe. Ill Ol) 14 D AJ 11 Brubakcr,7 00
13 D. Ooodlander, 10 OOj woodward.
13 11 U.Moore. 10 01) 12 Sam'l Hagerty, 1250
14 J. Kunta A- Son, 7 Oil 13 Forrest A Son, 10 00
14 Carlisle A Son, 7 00 13 (John A Cox, 10 00
I i John churicb. 7 00 14 Thos. Henderson. 7 00
14 J llcheiling A Co. 7 00 14 John M. Chase, 7 00
14 Smith Curry A Co 1 OOj (XKARriKLn rordi ch
hi it.vsiDK. j 9 Richard Mossop. 25 00
12 McMurry A Co. J2 50 10 Jos. Shaw A- Son, 20 00
12 Wm. C. Irvin. 12 50 10 U. L Reed A Co 20 00
13 Jackson Patohin.10 00 10 J. P. Kratzer 20 00
14 Matthew Irwn 7 00 11 Wm Keed A Co. 15 Oil
14 Horace Patch in 7 00 II McrrcllA Iligler.15 00
14 W. J.Nugent, 700 11 C K raiser ASons.l 5 00
bkll. 112 Nivling A Co. 12 50
I I Robt. Mahaffey. 7 00 12 J Grauatmronsl 2
14 C. A R..rabaugh.7 00 12 Wriirht A Sons. 12 50
U David Bell
mu 1.1 KoM. Mitchell 10 00
13 1Iurtswick A Co.10 00
10 00 14 Alex Irwin. 7 00
14 I. L. Reizenstien,7 00
13 JohnUolt.
13 Albert ABro.
13 J. W. Fuck.
14 Ed. Wiliiams,
10 OO'U H. Bridge. " 7 00
10 00;U DrBoyer A-Shaw.7 00
7 00)14 M: Neioe, 7 00
114 J. C Liehtcan, 7 00
13 Kurd A- McKoe, 10 00 14 A Sholpp,
Inn. 7 00
1 11m. nunier,
14 0. P Peirce,
14 F. Coudriet,
14 L. M. Coudriet,
14 S S Cranston.
14 Justin Plubel,
14U.M. Brisbcn,
12 P A A. Flynn.
13 II. Allaman,
14 R. S Stewart,
14 Aug. Lecoute,
13 T M. Forcey,
14 Irvin A Sons,
10 F. C Bowman.
13 James Peaisol,
14 Henry Brown,
11 Henry Swan,
7 00 14 H. F. Faugle. 7 00
7 00 14 Mrs II WelshACo7 00
114 Miss Snsan Reed. 7 CO
7 00 10 I ,L. Reixenstein Li
7 00(- quor Merchant, 30 00
7 00 CFBWISsrlLLS.
7 00 10 E. A. Irvin 20 00
12 Hartsock A Co. 12 50
7 00 J 2 Thompson A Co 12 50
12 John Irvin, 12 50
12 5d 14 Jos. K. Irwin. 7 00
10 0O 14 M J. Thompkins.7 00
114 Wm.McBride, 7 00
7 JO 14 John Jenkins. 7 00
1 00l4 Ja0ob Bilger, 7 00
14 Fleming A Uoel, 7 UO
10 00
7 0"
12 J. FergusonACo.1250
13 Kirk A- Spencer, 10 00
14 Ferguson Bros 7 00
20 00:
J" 00; 9 Mc.Murry A Co. 25 00
1 0 ,12 Samuel McCut.e,12 50
6 Bennett A Co. 50 00
7 lian S Pnrrv. 40 00
15 00
13 MeCloskey A Co.10 00 n w. S. Wells. 15 00
13 Wm J. Hoffer, lOIIO'pjS A. Stoneroad,12 50
14 W. S Sankey,
i ,14 C Sweitser. 7 00
14 Wise A Son,
13 James Forrest,
14 Dr. D. R. Good, 7 00
7 00
10 0V
retail dealers is patekt med1cixei.
Class Licfssb
4 HartswicK ir Irwin, Clearfield Borough, 35 00
4 Boyer A Shaw, Clearfield Borough, i 00
4 D. R. Good, O eola Borough, 5 00
4 Jos. R Irwin, Cnrwensville Borough & 00
4 T. H. Forcey, Graham Township, 5 00
8 I. V MoOaughev, Clearfield Borough.. 5 00
8 W Eotrcs. Clearfield Borough. 5 00
8 O. PUxler, Clearfield Borough. 5 00
8 Ned Oalloney.Curwensville Borough, 5 00
8 Catherine Uraff, Curwensville Borough. 5 00
8 yhristophei Yackla Osceola Bo'ough, b 00
8 John A Stadler, Clearfield Borough, 5 00
8 Alfred Prescott. Brady Township, 5 00
8 W. F Irwin, Clearfield Borough, 4 00
10 W Endres. Clearfield Borough, 15 00
10 Casper Loipoldt, Clearfield Borough. 15 00
D. W. Mctiaugbey, Clearfield Borough (3 ta
bles ) 50 09
and I Tenpin alley, 30 00
T. F. Bojlich, Osceola Borough, (one Tenpin
alley, 30 00
Clearfield County Bank. ClearfieM bor. 30 00
An appeal will be held at the Commissioners
Office, iu the Borough of Clearfield, on Monday,
the 21th day of May. A. D.. 18(19. wben and where
all parties feeling aggrieved will please attend
according to law. WM. TUCKER,
April 28. 28S9 4t. Mercantile Appraiser.
English Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vis
gar ot the best quality. for sale by
J SII Alt' A SON now offer there whole stock of
wooleus for less than first cost in Phila
cost at
HILDRENSfurs twenty-five percent less than
IRON 1 IRON!! Best ar iron, for sale at (be
DRY GOODS the cheapest in the county at
May 29. '67. MOSSOP'S.
GUNS. Pistols and sword canes to be bad at
HARNESS, Trimmines, and Shoe-finding for
Aug. 23.
and horse-nails, to be had at
Bridles, harness, collars Ac , for
sale at
THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes. tor War
ons, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER
PRUNES a quantity on hand and for sale at
OIL. Patty, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at
has eared more eases of Dyspepsia, more eases ot
HEADACHE, FEVER A AG UE, and more eases ot
fimuii, tnaa any other remedy before the
puuuo in me same space 01 time.
clams the mind, restores sleep, is an Excellent Ap
petizer, ana a general vigorator or tbe System.
WALTON A ZCG, Proprietors,
No 9 N. Seventh St., Philadelphia.
Sold by Drugg.sts, and Dealers generally.
Feb. 24. 13i9. A mo.
Market St., Clearfield, Pa.
Persons desiring good pietures.of any style and
price, with all the modern improvements of the
art, can be accommodated by calling at my rooms
in Clearfield.
Negatives made in cloudy as well as in clear
taken accurately in a few seconds.
The To vr: nj Frvwr ..t - u.
" - - ' v soli j puvivjj 1 alius
guaranteed to equal that of any made in Phila-
delnhi or Nav Vf.rk
Constantlv on hum st !, itir.nl. .,r
of all sites, styles, and prices, and of tbe very
wo, IHUU,
Also, a choice selection of
of the most interesting American and Foreign
scenorr, for sale at reasonable rates.
Frames, of all siiea. from nw .tl. f.,..u:..
made to order. 6n short notice.
Dec. 2. 1868.
Market St., Qlcarfield, Pa.
We beg leave to inform our old and new custo
mers, that we have removed our establish meat te
the new building Just ereeted do Market street,
nearly adjoining the Mansion House an the wast.
and opposite Graham A Sons' store, where we re
spectfully invite tbe public to come and buy their
Our stock of Drugs and Med ioines consist of every
iuiug unu, ajim:iu wun me greatest care, and
We also keeu afull stock of Dvea. Pprfn mriia
Toilet articles.Soaps. Tooth Brushes. Hair Brush
es, Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind of
Brushes. We have a la' ge lot of
White Lead, Turpentine,
FlATSAArf Oil Paint nr.,1 !n fmnt V .. J
. T" . . ' - --- "".."""us uu
in the painting business, which we offer ac City
prices to cash onyers.
Confectionery. Spices, and tbe lareest stock of va
rieties ever offered in this place, and warranted
to be of tbe best the market affords.
SfjmetJthif new in Clearfield .
Great Bargains ia Boot3 and Shoes !
Great Bargains in Hats and Caps !
Ladies look to your interests and call and see
the late ,t and most fashionable styles of
Purple. Blue, Bronte and Bismarck Shoes, for
Misses and Children, of high cut
made a speciality at this store.
would respectfully announce, to the citizens
of Clearfield and vielnity, that they have
opened a large and varied assortment
and C.4P5,in tbe Store room
on Market Street, oppo
site tbe residence of
H. B. Swoope, Esq . where they will be happy to
wait on all who wish to patronize a First class
Call and sec for yourselves what we
have got for sale.
Remember the place,
Opposite tho residence of IT. B. Swoope, Esq.
March 31, 1869-tf.
MUSICAL GOODS.violina BUtes, fifes cJaroncts,
aocordeons, Italian strings, guitar strings,
clarionet reeds, mnsio paper, instruction books,
for sale by J. P. KRATZER,agent for Pianos and
organs. Janosj-y S, ltfl9
12, ism.
leading hardy varieties of first quality
Concord Cot tines. SI. 00 wer hundred1.
Orders solicited as soon as convenient aiitt' filleS
in rotation, by A M. HILLS.
-4-1- ters of Administration on the estate of
John L McCully. late of Beccaria township, dee'd,
having been granted to tbe undersigned, no
tice is hereby given tiat all persons indebted to
a estate are requested to make immediate pay
meat, and those having claims against the same
will present them, properly authenticated, for
re.ucunoi u U. VY. HettLbl,
April 21st 189-45t Administrator.
, 'crs ot Administration on the estate
01 r.ujan smeai. late of Boggs township, dee'd,
having been granted to tbe undersigned, notice
is hereby given that all persons indebted to said
estate are required to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the same will pre
sent them, properly authenticated for settlement
April 21. 18o9 -fit dL Adiistr.tors
Hnntiricdon. Peiin'a.
This old establishment having been leased' by
J. Morrison, formerly Proprietor of the "Morrison
House." has been thoroughly renovated and re
furnished, and supplied with all the modern im
provements and eonvenieneies necessary to a first
class Hotel. The dining room has been removed
to the first floor, and is now spacious and airy.
The chambers are all well ventilated, and the
Proprietor will endeavor to make his guests per
fectly at home. J.MORRISON.
Huntingdon-June 17,1854. Propriet6r.
The undersigned having on hand and for sale
the Aukkican M.iviKLK'OMs Bftsj Hives, and
finding it impossible to supply the demand for
hives have concluded to sell one half of the terri
tory which they own. to wit: Clearfield and parts
of Centre and Cambria counties. They have made
arrangements to Lave tbe material for hives cut
to order. Persons desirous of seeing a saurple of
tho hives wil' please call at Nivling if bbowers
Store, in Clearfield. Bee raisers will find it lo
their advantage, to have the patent hives. Per
sons wishing to buy either hives or territory can
address us lo Glen Hope, Clearfield coenty. Pa
April 14. 1Sil A A W.'A NIVLING.
To the Working Class : I m now prepared
lo furnish all classes with const ant emnlovmmt
at their homes, tbe wbele of the time, or for the
spare moments. Business new. light and piofita
ble. Fift.r cents to S5 per evenine. is easilv earn
eu by porsonsof either sex. a ad tbe boys and girls
earn nearly as much as men Great inducements'
are offered those who will devote their whole
time to the bwsiness : and. that every person who
sees this notice, may send me their address and
test tbe basiness? for themselves, I make the fol
lowing anpsrfilled offer : Ts all who are not well
satisfied with the business, I will ffud $1 to pay
for the trouble of writing: me Foil narriettlars.
directions. Ac. sent free. Sample sent by mail
iorlOcenis Address K. C, All. Augusta. Me
The understtrned. Executors of the Estate of
Jason Kirk, late of tbe Borough of Lumber-city,
deceased, offer at private sale the following de
scribed real estate, to wit: The undivided half of
about two hundred acrrs of land, situate in Uuion
township, Clearfield county. Pa., known as the
-Union Mills" property. About 22 acres of the
land is cleared, from 80 to 10(1 seres is covered
with excellent white pine, besides hemlock and
other timber. Tbe improvements are a valuable
grist mill, saw mill, aud woolen factory, besides
a good frame bouse aud barn. Tbe water power
is good, situated on Anderson's creek, about 12
miles ubove Curwensville. Persons desirous of
seeing tbe property, can eall upon J. R. Arnold,
residing thereon. For further particulars apply
to the undersigned at Lumber city.
Jan. 13.'C9. JOH3 RUSSEI L; Er's.
3,000 Engravings;
1M0 pages quarto Price $12.
10,000 words and meanings not in other Dic
tionaries Viewed as a whole, we are confident that no
other living language has a Dictionary which so
fully and faithfully sets forth its present condi
tion as this last edition of Webster does that our
written and spoken English tongue. "Harper's
Magazine "
These three books are the rum total. of great
libraries, the Bible. Sbakspeare. and Webster's
Royal Quarto. --Chicago Evening Jouriial.u
Tit a New Webster is glorious it is perfect
distances and defies competition it leaves nothe
ing to be desired. J. II. Raymond, LL. D.a Prca't
Vassar College.
The most useful and remarkable compendium
of ho man knowledge in our language W. S.
Clark, Pres't M ss. Agricultural College
Webster's National Pictorial Dictiosabt.
1040 Paces Octsvd. 600 Enukavixcs Price 5S.
The work is really a gem of a Dictionary .just
the thing for the million. American Educational
Monthly. Published by G AC. MEilRIAM.
Springfield Massacbhsclti.
Webster's National Pictorial tJictlonary
lOtO pages Octavo: 600 engravings: Price 6:
'-The work is a gem of a Dictionary, just the
thing for the million: AiaiAeriean Ediiealioiutl
Mo -Ilk If
"In many respects this Dictionary is the most
convenient ever published," RaeUstter Demo
crat As a manual reference. It Is eminently Sited
for use in families and schools," .V. 1'. 'tiibitnr.
'-It is altogether tbe best sreasury of words of
itt nz" wmch tbe c-nglish Irnguage nas ever pos.
sensed ' Ilartforrt Pre.
Published by G. C. MERRIAV, Springfield,
Massacb ossetts.
April 2d. I Soil.
TN THE COURT of Common Fleas of
-- Clearfield Co. : No. 85, Jan. Term, 1S69 :
Jonathan Bbyhton
A. TJpdergraff; A. A. Winegardner ; L Jamison.
and Annis G. Ensworth Widow and devisee ;
Lydia E. Rogers. daugeter and heir of Loren A
Ensworth. and George Rogers husband of said
Lydia ; Allen Ensworth A Allice Boyd. devisees
of said Loren A. Ensworth; and Annis O. Ens
worth, Horace E Taylor and Henry Parsons,
Executors of said Loren A. Ensworth, dee'd
Suminons in Ejectment against defendants, to
appear and answer to a certain complaint made
by Jonathan Boynton, the Plaintiff that tbey the
said Defendants now have in their actual posses
sion tbe following described tractsof land, siloato
in ClearSeld County, Pennsylvania, to wit : That
certain tract of land known as tract In nameof
Isabella Jordan, situate in Kuox township. Coun
ty and State aforesaid, containing four hundred
and twenty-nine acres, more or less : Also one
other tract in tbe Dill of Nancy Boggs. situate
in Boggs township, Clearfield County aforesaid,
containing 440 acres more or less : Also one oth
er tract in the name of Wm. McCormick. situate
in Boggs towuship, Couuty and .- Ute aforesaid,
containing 4 fi acres more or less : Also one other
tract in the name of John Reed, situate In Law
rence township. County and State aforesaid, eon
taining 413 acres, more or Its: Also a balance
of 19s acres, more or less, in the name of Hugh
Jordan, in Lawrence township. County and State
aforesaid, being the balance of said tract not sold
to Iiaugherty and McLaughlin ; Also the timber,
or timber interest, on. or in the !0 acres of land
of said tract sold to McLaughlin. The right of pos
session, or title to which he, the said Jonathan
Boynton.saysisin him and not in tbe said defend
ants: All of which he. the said Boynton.avers he is
prcpaied to prove Ae. Returnable to Jan.T. l.Sr9
This action of Ejectment being brought to
compel specific performance oi contract between
Fitch A Boynton or tne nrsi pari ana a upuer
graff. A. A. Winegardner. L. A Ensworth and
L. Jamison Said contract dated 25th Sept., lt&U.
Now. March 15th, 1809. it appearing that
return has been made as to defendants, that the?
cannot be found, Ae., On motion of J. B. McEn-
ally,Plaintifis Attorney, a rule is granted on tbe
defendants named to appear and plead by tbe
third Monday of June. A. D. 1S69 Notice of
which rule is to be published, describing the
premises,(or at least 60 days preceding the return
tsy tnereot.in at least one newspaper pubHsaed in
the' County of Clearfield, and to be inserted at
least three weeks in accordance with the 11th
section of the Act of 14th April, A. D. 1451.
By the Court.
Certified from the record this 12th day ot April,
A. U. ISO. A. V. lAl,ri J-
April 11, l6a-l
STOVES of all sorts and sizes eonstantly oa
hand at MERRELL A BIGLEli'5
t. a. orawau. : i. w. OssiUlr. : A. A. skahav.
- ( -
fa aril' kinds o
Pry Goods, Boots arrt Shoes, I'fa'fS
and Ca ps,2fot iorK,Groceries, lard
ware, Qtreerrsware,- Wood and
Willo'wwa.re,- Flour, Bacon,
Fish, Salt,- etc., ete., etc.-,-MARKET
The Largest, Best and Cheapest sfocfc
6f gocrda ia he found in the county
Is ho"w ori ale a
They have Bonnets. Silks Cobnrgs, Alpaca's,
Merinos. Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ging
hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun
shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and
bfher G loves. Hosiery .Balrno
fals, iioop -skirts', and a
general variety of rib
bons, trimmings,
Dittcns, Braids, ete., at the lowest pricei.
They have Blaek and Blue Cloths, Black and
Fancy Caseimerea.Sattinetts, Tweeds, Mel
tons, Water-proof Cloth. Silk; Satin
and common VeSfltigJ, etc.; in
great variety, and at prices
that will give general
satisfaction to buyers.
iltiAM MADE,
Such as Overcoats, Dress coats of various qual
ities and prioea. PlainCand Fancy Vests,
Cassiihere a net Flannel Overshirts,
Woolen and Cotton undershirts
HandkerehiefBand neck-tlosj
Ctnten and Woolen socks;
Calf and Kip boots
and Shoes, Gum
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, afad su6h
bther articles as are usually needed:
Among ,hich may be found Carpets,OiI cloths,
Rligs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins,
Drilling!, Pillow easing. Sheetings,
Towelings, Table cloths, Table
covers, Window Blinds, Cur
taihs.TlcKings and a very
iatge assortment of
such articles as
are wanted by h onself eepers, and at
prices to suit the times.
A lull assortment, consisting of Tea and Din
ner sets, Pitchers, Bowls. Dishes, and a
general variety of ware that will bo
sold by the dozen or piece, and as
cheap as it can be purchased
elsewhere In the bounty.
Such as aws and Files, Door Locks and Latch1
es, Hinges of all Kinds, Augurs, Screws,
Kails, Spines, Tacks, Brads, frhoveis,
Spades.HoeS. Forks, Axes, Hatch
ets.Chisels,Knives and Forks
Batcher Knives, Carving
Knives And fori;
and all articles ttsnally wanted by thl people.
Consisting of Sugars. Coffees, Teas, Spices,
Syrups,Dried Fruits, Cheese, Flour, Bacon,
Feed, etc., always oh hand and for f
tale at a small advance on cost.
Such as Tubs, Buckets and Churns, Clothea v-c
wringers and Wash boards. Clothes, Mar
ket and Diuner Baskets,! fieneral as
sortment, at all times-, in store
and for sale 10.
GRAHAM A SONS sell all articles that arc
usually kept in a well-regulated country
store, and hence the people generally
will find it to their advantage to
bnj goods of them.
We are also extensively engaged in buying
and selling all kinds of Sawed Lumber,
and as we intend giving this branch
of business special attention, wa
feel assured th at we ean asake
it to the advantage of
those Who have lumber for sale to deal with us.
Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber.
Grain and country pjednyce. taxes in
xehanga for Qoads.
Acq. 36r'C9,
: I"'
I i