Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 05, 1869, Image 3

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    iafeman't Journal, gfcarpcfb,
j&taw 5. i860.
aaftsmahV Journal;
"cLE.VgFIELDJPA.", MAY 5; 1869.
t P.thoss To Insure the afe trantmisvlon
jt oner bT mail, ptroD should remit by check
eney-order, or have.thoir letter registered.
Tirana and Clearfield Railroad.
w,;i i ,nn leaves Tyrone at : : : 9 0 a m
Arrives at Clearfield at . : : 1.00 f. m.
u.il ,, ;a leave Clearfield a : : ; 2.00 p m.
Arrives at Tyrone at : : : : S.50 p.m.
with Cincinnati Express East at 8.17
- V.il " P' m i BaU EaS,e
.,ati0p. n ' . .
jjELifiTors. Divine services will beheld
,r "iabbath, in Clearfield, as follows: -"bVBcv.
W. H. Di'l, i" the Methodist
church mornin? and evening. Sabbath
chuol 9 A- M- ra-vcr wcrl ing, every
Thursday at 71 P.. 31. Couimuniou services
First Sabbnth of every month at Ml A. M.
By Kev. Nixilorff in the Lutheran church
in the morninp and evening.
St. Francis church Mass at 10J A. M.,
the second and fourth SunJavrf of each
j G. II. -pY our letter is to hand, but its
Tutlisitioo was Inadvertantly omitted. Will
appear nest week. Write again. -
Go and see the nice assortment of Hats
ad Caps cheap for cash at the Banner
Hit Store of J. C. Lightcap &. Son, Mar
ket street.
EW. A D VF.RTISEMF.NT3. Messrs. I Iait
sock & Goodwin, and Thompson & Co., ad
vertise new goods. Several other important
notiees also appear to-day.
Radishes. Messrs. Fulerton & McPher
son, will accept our thanks for the radishes
presented to us on Monday last. All kinds
of vegetables can be obtained of them, in
Kama. , , ..
The best is always the cheajtext. This is
a truth patent to every one. Therefore we
advise you to go and buy your Boots, Shoes,
Hats and Caps, from J. C. Lightcap & Son,
Market street, Clearfield, Pa.
CorsTY Si PKatNTE.NDBXT. The elec
tion for County Superintendent came off at
the Court House yesterday (Tuesday) after
noon, and resulted in the re-election of Geo.
W. Snyder. The vote stood Geo. W. Sny
der 51 ; C. B. Sandiord 35. The salary was
filed at $ 1 .200.
Still Coding. We inadvertantly omit-,
teJ to call attention to the new advertise
ment of Messrs. Nivling & Showers, last
week.' They have just received their stock
of Spring goods, which they propose to sel'
at low prices. Now is the time for buyers
tucill and mate th;ir selections. .
Recovered. Two horses, stolen from
31r. Xtfff and Mr. Johnson, Greeatree,
Huntingdon county, were recovered by their
owners near Mr. Copelin's Hotel, in' this
county, on Monday evening of last week.
The thieves, when overtaken, jumped from
the Torses and made their escape into the
A Bio Days Work. The Philipsburg
J 'nrnal xays : "A sawyer employed in the'
Bii'.t of J. J. Zimmerman & Co, has borne
off the palm for rapidity in sawing having
on Friday last, April 3(h, cut ol.lOS feet of
nth lumber in ten hours. The greatest
number fret rut in the same length of time,
b those parts, previously, was :JG,XK)."
lVaped. Another of the prisoners con
fined in our jail made good his escape one
da? ht week. Bcinir unwell and under the
care ot a physician, he solicited the privi
lege of gving into the yaid, but not return
ing as soon as anticipated, search was made,
wbi-n it was discovered that a new bed cord
li.d been thrown over the wail, by means of
'iich he succeeded in scaling it. He has
if)! been seen since.
StuioisAocii)ENT. We learn from the
Bi:3cfoute papers that, on April 21st, Mr.
Gie V. Williams, of Huston township,
u seriously, if uot fatally injured, while
jrkine on a steam Raw-mill. lv luin. stm.-l-
i-j a - -
the bead with a piece of slab, which
""flit Oil the taptli nf rim Knar nn,l in
wn wi(h sucn force that; a portion cf
penetrated the right eye to the depth of
') ini a quarter inches.
. rrx Ikai. We learn from the Phil
Hluf J.mruul, that Mr. John G. White,
oeuftlie pioneers of that town, was found
i m hi, rcx.m, on the morning of April
It appears that he fell dowu the
uray lta,ii,,s froni j,;s roonlj on ,,e gat.
V previous. The injuries sustained were
Wl'MseJ u be liht, but seem to have pro
'i licnii.rrhago, as his bed was found to
Saturated with LI.xhI. The coroner's i'n
VK'l rendered a verdict iu accordance with
ttcbovc facts.
List ur Letters remaining unclaimed in
t OiTiee at Clearfield, May 1st, 1 WJ :
'Mtii ALei ; Win. Barron ; Nich-
;k.W,; Melchoir Buk ; Harry Brown;
"I'dCuimi,,.,:,,,,; M. A. Dale, ('); A.
F'";"-n; M, Mary J. Klliuger; George
llerfard Giilin ; Albert J. Gilmau ;
m ""' ,,' iHtuQ ; .Mrs. Andrew Hahn;
p n TC"1 H'v; Albert II,ofer; Jas.
utdi,n; Miss ILmis Ilockcnberry ;
ri", r''' 1K K Jt',1s,; T.Kcn
i ii , Lui",?s,0" J Geo. J. Slering;
E n i S MiM 8usan 'iot.(2)
sta,. x'V MT-K Rogers; -
StLuli u,My sn'Lh; Mrs. Bosie
'L ,'t Tho,"I)so"i ; Miss Hamia
tj, ,'' J,,lln A- Wcstbroor ; S. A. Whar
l'a James White.
M'?NED Man' Vovso. Some time in
Mi p-i.1.' lain Wa3 Jrowned at Moshan
lrtL V hU cou"-Lav'",e: f"en ofT
tij e liarJ "f the occuneuee at the
H.mv Ut ascorlain no particulars.
bodvn M'Jnday evening, AprU 20th,
Lick Wa,S.dl-scovcred Q tne river near
qucLtr Lpon exat"ination, by an in
Uof LiJttf vfn were found in the pock
be auin uPn o of which could
the naie V Y 0rk'" Whetber
laon tk downe,l m or tKt, is not
lody. ,, n Were lo found upon the
Ua ,T V!r the 1enn' Railroad, a
w.y TKW"h, about and S7.09 in
af the' rlr y was burrieJ on the bank
r' Dea' where it was found.
I Trade at Home. A cotemporary eays :
Every man's interest . in consulted by en
couraging his home trade. Supposing he
can as well nupply his own wants in his own
city, county, or btate, as ; elswhere, he
wrongs himself when he goes elsewhere ,to
spend his money. ' When it is known that
this is his rule of action every, fair dealer in
his neighborhood will aim to trade with
him so as to enable him to realize the worth
of his money. It is an injury to the place
in which you live to use your spare money
lor the benefit of a place elsewhere, and
thus create a rival. Build up your own
home interests, thereby you increase the
value of your own property. You will
share in the profits if you want to sell and
remove at any time. A lively, thriving
town, invites tiew settlers, enterprise and
capital, which are but additions to the ag
gregate wcalth of our home.' If one is to
enjoy life, and is fit for it, he must desire
to see those around him prosper. His law
is "live and let live." - -
A New Jail. It will be recollected that,
at the last Court, the Grand Jury confirmed
the recommendation of theformcrGrand In
quest for the building of a new jail iu this
county. There seems to be some diversity
of opinion as to where it should be built
Some favor its erection on the lot? where
the present one stands, while many urge its
locution elsewhere. The argument used
against the building of a uew jail ou the pres
ent site, is owing to the fact that water con
stantly stands in the cellar underneath the
present structure and thus rendering it unfit
for the confinement of prisoners. If this be
the fact, the County Commissioners should
exercise great caution in deciding upon the
location for the new building. Under the
circumstances, perhaps it would be better to
sell the present lots and buy others. We
throw out these suggestions for the consid
eration of the people of the county, as upon
their prompt and ppecdy action will depend
the decision of the Commissioners as to
where the new jail shall be erected.
TniEVES About. Thieving seems to be
on the increase in our midst no less than
three thefts having been committed in and
near this place, last week : Oa Tuesday
night, April 27th, some scoundrels entered
the house of Mr. John 3IcGaughcy, iu the
southern part of this Borough, and stole
therefrom all Mr. Mc-G's best clothing and
boots. A hand-trunk was also taken, which
the thieves cut open and left lying on the
road a short distance from the house. It
contained nothing of value. .... On the
same night, the house of Mr. George Hall,
two miles above town, was entered and rob
bed of a small sum of money, a revolver,
and several small articles, no doubt by the
sanje persons who .re at McGaughey's. . .
The spring house of Mr. Milton McBiide,
two Miles east of town, was also relieved of
some twelve or fifteen dollars worth of but
ter. The frequent petty thefts occurring
should titimulate our citizens to greater exer
tions to ferret out the tbievesand have them
punished otherwise the depredators will be
emboldened to make more extensive raids
upon their property.
For the Raftsman's Journal.
The Buffalo aad Washington Eailroai.
Citizens of Clearfield county, awake to
your intere.-ts 1 The friends of t he contem
plated Buffalo, Rochester, St. Mary's,
Ueynoldsville and . Washington chy Kail
road, will hold a Convention at St. Mary's,
on Wednesday, May I2th. The citizen? of
Buffalo, llochcster, and Western New York,
have for years been anxious to reach the
great coal -fields in Pennsylvania, and it
seems, they are now about to realize their
wishes. The route of the contemplated road.
after reaching the Pennsylvania line, will
be up Potato creek to Smethport, in Mc
Kean county; thence by Bishop'ssumtuit, in
McKcan,toSt. Mary's.in Elk county; thence
from St. Mary's south of Centerville and
along the Western slope of Boone's mount
ain, crossing the Bennett's Branch Railroad,
to west of the tin nel at Hickory -summit;
then'je by the Bsnnert'a Branch route to the
Keynoldsville coal-fields, and from thence to
the Pennsylvania Central road af, or near
Tipton, Blair county. And from Tipton
south by way ot Bedford to the Potomac at
or near Martinsburg, Vsl., and from thence
by Harpers' Ferry and Leesburg to Wash
ington city. The citizens of Buffalo, and
Rochester. Sis well as those of Western New
York generally, being deeply interested in
reaching the coal-fields in this Stace.arc
pledged to furnish at once, the necessary
means to build the road at the earliest pos
sible day to the lleynoldsville coal-mines.
Now let the citizens of Clearfield aioue to
a sense of their interests, by extending the
road to their county seat. From where the
above contemplated road will cross the Ben
nett's Branch at Sandy, west of the summit,
(connecting the waters of Sandy and Au-
dcrson ereck's by a short tunnel), by way of
Curwensville to Clearfield is about 27 mils.
From the summit to Tyrone an 1 Tipton the
distance is about the sumo. Hence by go
ing to Clearfield, the building of forty miles
of road could be dispensed with for the
present, that number of miles being now in
operation between Clearfield and Tyrone.
Curwensville is a thriving borough situate
on the left bank of the Susquehanna river,
and at the mouth of Anderson creek. Clear
field is the county scat, and is located on the
right bank of the river, six miles below Cur
wcnsille. The water power is most excel
lent at both places, and there is an abund
ance of coal and other minerals in their im
mediate vicinity, besides large qu iiitities of
white pine and other timber. Annually hun
dreds of thousands of dollars worth of tim
ber, logs, and manufactured , lumber is sent
to the eastern markets from this section,
and with the proper railroad facilities for
transportation, both Curwensville and Clear
field are destined, at no very distant day, to
become very important and extensive manu
facturing centres.
The writer of the ulove was formerly a
resident of Clearfield eounty, and hence,
feeling a warm interest in the welfare of its
citizens, would urge the citizens of Curwens
ville and Clearfield to send delegates to the
St. Marys Convention. Their interests de
mand it Yours,
Ladies, for the nicest Polish Boots' ind
Gaiters, go to the Banner Shoe Store of J.
C. Lightcap & Son.
The Flblic Debt. From the state
ment published, it appears that the public
debt was decreased $6,300,070 during the
month of April.
Just received a nice assortment of Men's
and Boy's Boots and Shoes, at the Banner
Shoe Store of J. C. Lightcap A; Son, Mar
ket street sign of the Flag.
For Sale. Garden seeds,fresh and gen
uine, just received from the Philadelphia
gardens, as well as a quantity of super-phosphate
lime and bone-dust for agricultural
purposes, at the Drug Store of Hartswick &
Irwin, Clearfield, Pa. ap 13-4t.
On April 20th. 1SC9, by Rev. W. G. Fer
guson, JlftG. W. McCclly of Ansouville,
and Miss Mary E. Anderson of Curwens
ville. ' ,
On Saturday. May 1st, 18fi0, at North
Kast, Erie county, Pa., by Rev. "", Mr.
Orlaxdo Emory, late of Benezettc, Elk
county, and Miss Mary Eliza Pearsall,
daughter of A. Peaisall, E.-q., of Caledonia,
Elk county.
. When last heard from the happy couple
were on their way frome Elmira to Lock
Haven to spend their honcy-nioon. Maya
laree measure cf happiness be ia store for
them in the new character they have assum
ed to each other; and may prosperity attend
them iu their journey through life. F.
died :
On April 15th, 1S69. near Luthcrsburg,
David Wall, aged 85 years, 1 month and
2 days.
1 Great Remedy for the cure
of Throat and Lung Diieases. Doctor
iYt'short't Jne Tree Tar Cordial.
It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, ob
tained by apecnliir process in the distillation of
the tar. by which its highest medical properties
are retained.
It is the only safeguard and reliable remedy
which has ever been prepared from thejuioe of
the Pine Tree
It invigorates the digestive organs and restores
the appetite.
It strengthens the debilitated system.
ft purities and enriches the blood, and expels
from the system the corrnption which aorofula
breeds on the lungs.
It disc Ives the mucus or phlegm which stops
the air-passages of the lungs.
Its healing principle acts upon the irritated
surface of the lung and throat, penetrating; to
each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing
iiiflQiDwation - ,
It is the result of years nfstuJy and experiment,
and it is offered to the afflietod, with the positive
assurance of its power to cure the following dis
eases, if the patient has not too long delayed a re
sort to the means of eure :
Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Bore Throat
and Breast .bronchitis. Liver Complaint, Blind
and I'-lcediag Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough.
Dipthcria. Ac. Ao
Wo are often askort why are not other remedies
in the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
and other Pulmonary affeetious equal to Dr. L.
Q. Wishnrt's Pine '1 roe Cordial, W a answer
1st. It cures, cot by stopping cough, but by
loosening and assisting nature to throw off the
unhealthy matter collected about the throat and
bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough.
2d. Most Throat and Lung Remedies are com
posed ,f anodynes, which allay thoj cough for
awhile but by their conftringing effects. the fibres
become hardened, and the nnhealthy fluids coag
ulate and .re retained In the system, causing dis
ease beyond the control of our most eminent phy
sicians. 3d The Pine Tree Cordial, with its assi.-tan's.
are preferable, because they remove the cause of
irritation of the mucus membrane and bronchial
tubes, nssist the lungs to act and throw. off theun.
healthy secretions, and purify the blood, thus
scientifically making the cure perfect.
Dr. Wiehart has on file at hi office hundreds
and thousands of Certificates from Men and Wo
men of unquestionable charactur who were once
hopelessly given up to die, but through the Prov
idence of God were completely restored to health
by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial A Physician iu
attendance wbo can be consulted in person or by
mail, fr't f tfmrpt. Price of Pino Tree
Tar Cordial 1 50 per Dottle, Sll per dos. Sent
by Express on receipt of price Address, '-L. Q
O Wishart, M. 1). No 232 North 2d Street Pkila-di-lphia
April 2 1 at, 13G93in.
Selienck's Pulmonic Smj),
Seewocd Tonic and Mandrake Pills. will euro Con
sumption. Liver Coa.plaint and Dyspepsia, if ta
ken according to directions. They are all three
to be taken at the same time. Th?y cleanse the
slomacb. relax the liver, and put it to work ; then
the appetite becomes good, the food digests and
makes good blood, the patiuiit begins to grow in
Uesh the diseased matter ripens in the 1 uga.and
the patient outgrows the disease and gets well.
This U ilia only way to cure the consumption.
To these three medtcinos Dr. J. II. Scheuck. of
Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in the
treatment of pulmonary consumption. Ine rnt
monie Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the
lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expectora
tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe,, a
slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has
rest and the lungs begin to heal. -To do this, the
eaweed Tonie and Mandrake Pills must be freely
used to eleanse the stomach and liver, so that the
Pulmonic Fyrup aid the food will make good
Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent
causes of Consumption. Schenck'a Seaweed Ton
ic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the
alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is
made of, assists tho stomach to throw out the gas
trie juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic
Syrup, and it is made into good blood without fer
mentation or souring in the stomaoh. The great
ruasun why physicians do not cute consumption is.
they try to do too much ; they give medicine to
stop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats,
hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the
whole digestive powors, lock ing up the secretions
and eventually the patient sinks and dies,
Ir Schonck, in his treatment, does not try to
stop a cough, night sweats chills or fever. Re
move the cause. and they will all stop of their own
accord No one can be cured of consumption, liv
er complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcer
ated throat. unless the liver and stomaeh are made
If a person hasconsomption.of coarse the lungs
in some way are diseased, either tubercles, ab
scesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or
the lungs are a mass of inflamation and fast de
caying. In such cases what must be done ? It
is not only tho lungs that are wasted. but it is the
whole body. The stomach and liver havo lost
their power to make blood out of food. Now the
onlyebance is to take Sehcnck's three medicines,
which will bring up i tone la the stomach, the
patient will begin want food, it will digest easily
and make good blood; then the patient begins to
gain in flesh, and as soon as the body begin to
grow, the lungs be'n to heal up. and the patient
gets fleshy and well. '.This is the only way to
cure consumption. ,
When there is no lung disease, and only liver
complaint and dyspepsia, Scbenck's Seaweed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient without
the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Piils
freely in all bilious complaints, as they are per
fectly harmless.
Dr. Sehenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health'for many years past, and now weighs 225
pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in
the very last stage of pulmonary consumption, his
physicians having pronounced his case hopeless
and abandoned him to his fate. lie was cured
by the aforesaid medioines.and since his recovery
many similarly afflicted have used Dr. Scbenck's
preparations w ith the same remarkable suoeesa.
The directions accompanying each, make it not
absolutely necesstry to see Dr. Sehenck, unlets
the patients wi.'h their lungs examined, and for
this numnte he is Professionally at his Principal
Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, whore all
letters for advice must De addressed, jib is aiso
professionally at No. 32 Bond Street, New York,
every other Tuesday, and at No. 3i Hanover fit..
Boston. ever other Wednesday. He Kives advice
free, but for a thorough examination with his
Resnirometor the nriee is ti. Offioe hours at each
city from A. M. to 3 P. W.
Price of the Pulmonis Svrup and Seaweed Ton
ic each $1 50 per bottle, or $8.50 a half-doxen.
Mandrake Pills 25 eenM a box. For sale by all
ijb J. n. lien viv.
Ap. 7,M9-!y J I 15 V. 6rh St., Phil', Pa.
, Extensive Art Gallery. Next to the
Rihhv no book5 is more nsoful th.-.n Woh.
ster'a lietionary. The L'tiabridged is an
extensive art gauery, containing over" three
thousand engravings, representing almost
every ftiimal, insect, reptile, implement,
nlants. ete.. which we know anvrliino-nhnnr
It is a vast library, giving information on
almost every mentionable subject. It in
deed has been w ell remarked that it is the
most remarkahle compendium of human
knowledge iu our language. Jloumhuld
Advocate. . ' , - '
Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities.
(Strcrssorsto S. JonaSfCo.) '
Pittsburg, April 24. 1869.
Iiut 'sell-'I nn. sell
OOLD. . 133 1301. 5-JOs, Jan.'?, llOilllO
D.S. 6s., 18S1. 117J 116 ,5-20s.Jul. '67 108 'ifts
5-2fts,18B2, 114i !is:l;june, 7-3s, 1091109
5-20S.1861, 1061 106iliiJuly, 7-30s, 109i109
5-20S.1S65, 105,106j.May Comp,:65.114 i
1040s. I03jil03iltAug.Cnp.'B5,118 118
5.20s. Jan. '65, 10S10S!,Pept.Comp.'6.S.l 18 118f
5-20s, Jul. '65.103 ;108iOct. Comp. '65,117i'118
. We are now converting 7-30s of the June and
July series into Gold Coupon 5-20 bonds of 1855-7
desirous of obtaining Early Goodrich,
and ether new and valuable varieties of Potatoes,
can be accomodated by calling on the undersign
ed at Lumber-city. JOSEPH KIKK.
April 28. lK6tf.
FRESH bread always on HAND
and for sale
At the Bakery of
Clearfield, Pa.
M !7. '69-2m.
Something new hi Clearfield !
Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes !
Great Bargains in Hats and Caps !
Lad ies look to your interests and call and see
the lateit and most fashionable styles of
Purple. Blue, Bronze ajod Bismarck Shoes, for
Misses and Children, of high out.
made a speciality at this store.
would respectfully announce, to the cititens
of Clearfield and vicinity, that they hare
opened a large aad varied assortment
and CAPS,d the Store-room
on Market Street, oppo
site the residence of
II. B. Swoope, Ecq., where they will bo happy to
wait on all wbo wish to patronize a First class
r s - ! .
TRUNKS4o., Ao. . "
Cull and boc for yourselves what we
have got for sale.
Bcniember the place,
Opposite the residence of II. B. Swoope, Eeq.
March 31,1 369-tf.
MUSICAL GOODS.vioIins .flutes. Ufesolaronets,
accord eons, Italian strings, guitar strings,
clarionetroeds. music paper, instruction books,
for sale by J. P. KRATZLK:agcnt for Pianos and
organs. January 6, 1869
FURS german fitch Botts.fr ench squirrel setts"
american squirrel muffs, sadle victorines sil
ver martin setts, mink capes and muffs, gents' fur
g liars, (beaver and minkat J. P. KRATZER'S.
English Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vine
gar ot the best quality, for sale bv
J SHAW A SON now offer there whole stock of
. woolens for less than first cost in Phila .
CHILDREN'S furs twenty-five per cent less than
cost at .: J. SHAW A SON.
IRON i IRON !1 Best bar iron, for sale at the
RY GOODS -the cheapest in the eounty. at
May rt. '67. - - MOSSOP'S.
UN'S. Pistols and sword ear.es to he h.d at
June.'66 M ERELL BlULER'S.
ARNESP, Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for
sale at MtrnttLL A BIGLER'S.
HORSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, to be h.d at
ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars e.. for
mHTMBLE-SKElNS and Pipe-boxes. tVr Wag
1 ons, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER
)RlTNE5 a quantity on hand and for sale at
JJay 31. OttAltAM'S.
OIL. Putty, Paints Gls and Nails, for sale at
PEING GOODS. Just opening asp lend id stek
oi new goods at - v;. rnsucu A aUJMe.
URRANTS the beat and cheapest in tie
county, at UaAUAA c.
leading hardy varieties of first quality
. voocoru vuiungs, 9i.uu per nunarea.
Orders solicited as soon as convenient and filled
in rotation, by A M. HILLS,-
, t ers of Administration on theestateof
John L Mcl ully, late of Ileeearia township, deo'd,
having been granted to the undersigned, noe
tic is nereoy given taat an persons indebted to
Slid estate are reouested to make immediate dit
merrt. and those having claims against the same
will present them, properly authenticated, for
settlement to u. w.McuuLbl,
April 21st lnR9-6t. - -, . Administrator.
ters of 1 Administration on the estate
of Elijah Smeal. late of Boggs township, deo'd,
having been granted to the undersigned, notice
ia hereby given that all persons indebted to said
estate are required to make immediate payment,
and those havinsrolaimsarainst the same will pre
sent them, properly authenticated for settlement
April 31, 1869-6t pd. Admistrators
T? X C H A N O E II O T E L,
Huntingdon, Penn'a. : 1
This old establishment having been leased by
J. Morrison, formerly Proprietor of the "Morriaoa
House.'' has been thoroughly renovated and re
furnished, and supplied with all the modern im
provements and conveniencies necessary to a first
class Hotel. The dining room has been removed
to the first floor, and is now spacious and airy.
The chambers are all well ventilated, and the
Proprietor will endeavor to make bis goests per
fectly at home. J. MORRISON.
iiuntingdon.June 17,1863. Proprietor.
The undorsigned having on hand and for sale
the Amkricax Movable-cox b Bkk Hives, and
finding it impossible to supply the demand for
hives have concluded to sell one half of the terri
tory which they own, to wit: Clearfield and parts
of Centre and Cumbria counties. They bare made
arrangements to have the material for hives out
to order. Persons desirous of seeing a sample of
the hives wil please call at Nivling 6 Showers
Store, in Clearfield. Bee raisers will find it to
their advantage, to have the patent hires. Per
sons wiBbing to bay eitber hires or territory can
address us to Glen Hope, Clearfield county. Pa.
April 14. 1809. A. W. A NIVLING.
To thb Work ia Class : I am now prepared
to furnish all classes with onnst ant employment
at their homes, the w hole of the time, or for the
spare moments. Business new, light and piofita
ble. Fifty eenta to So per evening, is easily earn
ed by personsof eitber sex , and tue boysand girls
earn nearly as much as men Great inducements
are offered those who will derote their whole
time to the business : and. that every person who
sees this notice, may send me their address and
test the business for themselves, I make the fol
low irgucparalied offer : Te all who are not well
satisfied with the business, I will rend $1 to pay
for the trouble of writing me Full particulars,
directions, Ac, sent free. Sample sent by mail
for 10 cents Address E. C, Allkn. Augusta. Me
The undersigned. Executors of the Estate of
Jason Kirk, late of the Borough of Lumber-city,
deceased, offer at private sale the following de
scribed real estate, to wit: The undivided half of
about two hundred acres of land, situate in I nioo
township, Clearfield county. Pa., known as the
Union Mills" property. About 22 aeres of the
land is cleared, from 80 to 100 acres is covered
with excellent white pine, besides hemlock and
other timber. The improvements are a valuable
grist mill, saw mill, and woolen factory, besides
a good frame house and barn. The water power
is good, situated on Anderson's oreck. about 12
miles above Curwensville. Persons desirous of
seeing the property, can eall npoa J. R. Arnold,
residing thereon. - t or further particulars apply
to the undersigned at Lumber-city.
Jan. 13. '69. JOHN RDSSELL. Exr'a.
3,000 Engravings ;
1840 pages quarto Prioe S12.
10,000 words and meanings not in other Dic
tionaries. Viewed as a whole, we are confident that no
other living language has a Dictionary which so
fully and faithfully sets lortn its present condi
tion as this last edition of Webster does that our
written and spoken English tongue. Harper's
Magazine "
These tbreo hooks are the sum tola 1 of great
libraries, the Bible. Shakspeare. and Webster's
Royal Quarto "Chicago Evening Journal."
The New Webstir is glorious it is perfect
distances and defies competition it leaves nothe
ing to be desired. J. H. Raymond, LL. D., Pros't
Vasrar College.
The most useful and remarkable compendinm
of h-man knowledge in our language. W. S.
Clark, Pres't M ss. Agricultural College.
Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary.
1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Ejgbavincs Price SS.
The work is really a gem of a Dictionary. just
the thing for the million. American Educational
Monthly. Published by G A C. MERKIAM,
Springfield Massachusetts.
Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary
1040 pages Octavo: 600 engravings: Price 18:
The work is a gem of a Dictionary, just the
thing for the million: Arnmerican Educational
"In manr respects, this Dictionary is the most
convenient ever published," Roeli:ter Demo
crat. "As a manual reference, it is eminently fitted
for use in families and schools." iV. Y. 'C$ibuar.
''It is altogether the best sreasury of words Of
tts tiz which the English lrnguage has erer pos
sessed." Hartford Prtit.
Published by G. iV C. KEnRIAM, Springfield,
April 23, IS69. 1 - - .
fX THE COURT of Common Pleas of
L Clearfield Co. : No. 85, Jan. Term, 1SG :
Jonathan Boynton ' --
A. TTpdergraff ; A. A.Winegardner ; L Jamison,
and Annis u. fcoswortn widow ana aevisee
Lydia E. Rogers, daugeter and heir of Loren A
Ensworth.' and Geoige Rogers husband of said
Lydia; Allen Ensworth A Allice Boyd.derisees
of said Loren A. Ensworth; and Annis G. Ens
worth, Horace E Taylor and Henry Parsons,
Executors of said Loren A. Ensworth, dee'd.
Summons in Ejectment against 'defendants, to
appear and answer to a certain complaint made
bv Jonathan Boynton, the Plaintiff that tbey the
said Defendants now have in their actual posses
sion the following described tractsof land, situate
in Clearfield County. Pennsylvania, to wit: That
certain tract of land known as tract in came of
Isabella Jordan, situate in Knox township. Coun
ty and State aforesaid, containing four hundred
and twenty-nine acres, more or lers : Also one
other tract in the name of Nancy Boggs. situate
in Boggs township, Clearfield Connty aforesaid.
containing 440 acres more or less : Also one oth
er tract in the name of Wm. McCormick, eituate
in Boeirs townshm. County and State aforesaid.
containing 435 acres aiore or less: Also one other
tract in the name of John Reed, situate in Law
rence township. County and State aforesaid, con
taining 413 acres, more or less: Also a balance
of 198 acres, more or less, in the name of Hugh
Jordan, in Lawrence township. County and State
aforesaid, being the balance of saidtract not sold
to Daogherty and McLaughlin ; Also the timber,
or timber interest, on. or ia the 100 aeres of land
of said tract sold to McLaughlin. The rightof pos
esnoa.or title to which he. the said Jonathan
Boynton. fays is in him and not in the said defend
ants: All of which he,theraid Boynton.arers he is
prepaied to prove 4e. Returnable to Jan. T. 1869
tv:. . r T:i,tmnt beinir broueht to
compel specific performance ot contract between
Fitch A Bornton of the first part and A Upder
graff. A. A." Winegardner, h. A Ensworth and
L. Jamison Said eontract dated 25tb Sept., 1858.
Now, March lam, loon, n appearing ina
return has been made as to defendants, that they
cannot be found. Ae., On motion of J-. B. Mctn-
ally.Plaintifla Attorney, a rale te granted on tne
defendants named to appear and plead by the
third Monday of June. A. D. 1869 Notice of
which ru'e is to be published, describing the
premises.for at least 60 days preceding the return
day tbereof.in at least one newspaper published in
tho County of Clearfield,' and to be inserted at
least three weeks in accordance with the 11th
section of the Act of 14th April; A. D. IS51.
By the Court.
Certified from the record this 12th dsy ot April,
A. U. ISoa. A. v. iail, rtou y.
April 14. I869 4t ' ' ' -J
iTOVES of all sorts and sizes, constantly on
hand at
j.n: crabU. : m w. uraiiaii. : a. a. oraham.
In all kinds of
Dry Goods Boots ahtf Srroes, ffafs
and Cap3,Notlons,Groceries,IIard
warc, Qucensware, Wood and
Willow ware, Flonr, Bacon, -Fish,
Salt, etc-, 6ic'.,- etc'-,-
Clearfield, Pa. "
The Largest, Best and Cheapest stock
of goods to be fouil! in trie connty
is now on sale at
JAS. B. GRAHAM 4 8028;
They bare Bonnets. Silks Coburgs, Alpacas,
Merinos. Wool Delaines. Lustres, Ging
hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun
shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and
other Glovea.Uosicry, Balmo
rals, Hoop-skirts, and
general variety of rib
bons, trimmings,
Buttons, Braids, etc , at the lowest prices.
They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and
Fancy Cassimeres,Sattinetts, Tweeds, Mel
, .. tons, Water proof Cloth, Silk, Satin
and common Vestings, etc., in
t great variety, and at prices
that will give general
satisfaction to buyeis.
Such as Overcoats, Dress eoats of various qnal
ities and prices. Plain'and Fancy Vests,
Cossimere and Flannel Orershirts,
Woolen and Cotton undershirts,
Handkerchiefs and neck ties,
Cot ten and Woolen socks',
Calf and Kip boots
and Shoes, Gam
Boots and Shoes, Hats and daps, and such
other articles as are usually needed.
A:non- . hich may be found Carpeti.Oil oloths,
Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins,
Drillings, Pillow casing, Sheeting!,
Toweling., Table cloths. Table
corers, Window Blinds, Cur
tains.Ticnings anda very
. large assortment of
such articles as
are wanted by housekeepers, and at
prices to suit the times.
A lull assortment, consisting of Tea and Din
tier seta, Pitchers, Bowls, Dishes, and a
general variety of ware that will be
sold by the doien or piece, and as
cheap as It can be purchased .
elsewhere in the eounty.
Such as Saws and Files, Door Locks and Latch
es, Hinges of all Kinds, Augurs. Screws,
Kails, Spixes, Tacss, Brads, t-hovels,
SpadesJIoes. Forks, Axes, Hatch
ets. ChifeIs.Kiitves.nd Fork..
Butcher Enires, Carving
xnires and forks,
and all articles usually wanted by the people.
Consisting of Sugars". Coffees, Teas. Spices,
. Syrups, Dried Fruits, Cheese.Flour, Bacon,
Feed, etc, always on baud and fur
sale at a small advance ou cost.
Such as Tubs, Buckets and Churns. Cloth.cs
wringers and Wash boards. Clothes. Mar
ket and Dinner Baskets,a general as
sortment, at all times, in store
and for sale low.
GRAHAM A SONS sell all articles that are
usually kept in a well-regulated country
store, and bonce the people generally
will find it to their advantage to
buy, goods of them.
We are also extensively engaged In buying
and selling all kinds of Sawed Lumber,
And as we intend giving this branch
of business special attention, we
feel assured that weean make
ft to the advantage of
those who have lumber for sale to deal with as.
Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber.
Grain and country produce tatea In
-' 'r exrh"ang for Good. , j j
Aoa. 26-'6o.
f f
The Sreger M'anufaOtariaf' Company's nav
Family Sewing Machine, and the eole-- "
brate ' Floreoee, for . the
N Persons in want of Braehfnee would" id weft
fo oall amf eaantfhe the Staa-er and Tot- -
see before purchasing Every mar '
chine warranted to give Satisfae
' fiOB.
Machines and1 machine findings at Ways ma DSArt '
Feb.'24,i86.J NIVLING A 8riorTERS. '
: M'GAtiGHEY'S :
Restaurant and Refreshment , Saloon,
occupied try Rote.)
Second St., Clearfield, Pa,
Constantly left On hand a tre sefectio of
Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, jfu, As.
Also Fresh, Oystars, received daily, aa4
served up la any style, to suit the
taste of customers.
3aF Billiard Saloon in Second Stoft
Deo. 9, 1868. DAVID M'GAUGHET.
iiEMOy ALi
Hare removed to the large and elegant, NEW
STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoiaihg Mer
rell A Blgler's Hardware Store, where tbey will
be pleased to see their old and new customers.
Citizens of the county visiting Clearfield, and
wishing to makt 'purchases, will find it to their
advantage to examine their stock.
Goods at eaih price, exchanged fbr'aii kinds of .
country prodoee. - Jan. 6, '69.
Mcknight & jannot,
Wagon and Sleigh Makers,
(Immediately in rear of Planing Mill,) .
The subscribers wonld respectfully inform the
eioHnsof Clearfield, and tne pablie in gansfal,
that they are prepared to dd all kinds of Work ea
on short notice and on reasonable terms, aad ia
workmanlike manner. A new feaiart in ear lias
si tnat we Iron bur own work.
AH Orders promptly attended te,
wm. Mcknight.
Would respectfully Inform the cHlxens of Clear'
field and Vicinity, that he lias opened a new tail
oring establishment in Shaw's Bow, on door east
of the Post Office, and has just returned from the
eastern cities with a large and elegant stock of
. Cloths, CaA8imeres, Nestings, .
Beavers, &c, and all kinds of goods for
men and bo's wear, and is
prepared to make up to order CLOTHING, from
a single article to a full suit, in the latest styles
and most workmanlike manner. Special atten
tion given to custom work, and cuttifag out for
men and boys. He offers great bargains to custo
mers, and warrantsjeutir satisfaction. A liberal
share of pablie patronage is solicited. Call and
examine the goods.
Oct 16, 1867. E. R L. STOtiOHTOX. .
Corner of Second St. and Hill Road.
Has jast received and opmed, at the a hot nam
ed place, an entire hew stock of Spring
and Summer Goods, which he will
sell rsry cheap for Cash.
His Stick consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Qtieenaware. Boots and Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Ready made Clothing, ate. He also keeps
Choice Ftoor, Corn Meal, Chop feed,
Bacon, Fish and dried Fruit.
Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair
rates are respectfully requested to '
give him a eall.
Approved country produce will be taken, at
the highest prices, in exchange tor goods.
Clearfield, June 17, 1868.
t LIDCEtt,.
4. t. HHTOEE.
Stditecidters and Stonemasons,
Will execute all kinds of work in their liae, at
moderate prices aad a first class style, such as
of all kinds;
-" In all styles, Ancient Or Modern,
Stone dressing for Baildtngs, and
. For the latter, they have proeared the services
of First Tate 'masons, and jti do any amount of
. UaVtng control of the best resources for obtain-
Ing every kind of material, and baring a full ex
perience tn the basinest,hVy oan do work cheaper
and in Better style Than has ever been attempted
in this county
Shop on Reed St , near the Rail Road Depot.
Maroh 17. 69. '
CANNED FRUIT Canned Plums, Peaches
and eaoned earn, etc , fur sale at the Drag
Store of A. I. SHAH.
March 10, 169
SALT SALT!: A prime article of groand
am salt, rat cp in patent saexs. for salecbea,
ttbestcia-tf . R. MQSSO"
PLASTER the cheapest in the eoeatret
May 2 T. MOSSOP'g.
KAILS A SPIKES tueeht.pest in the cennty
7JNTED H.000 pounds of WOOL, at the
KETros, Store," vtearueto;,ra.; jetu