A f?3! ! '"3! -- 'Jr. J 4 Raftsman's Jflttntal. Jf5'-T-ii i in t J-Bgfr-'J"1 . J. OIT. DITQ.D PROPRIETOR. ChEARFIELD, PA., MAY 5, 1809. . Conniving at Sascality. Some strange thing occur in connection with crimes committed in various parti of the country tha latest of whicb'is the re cent heavy bond robbery in 'l'hilaleliihia. The circumstances connected with the rob beryof over $1,000,000 in bonds. money and securities from the Beneficial Savings Fund Society, in that city, remain as much a mys tery as ever, although some of the stolen bonds have been returned. No information can be obtained by the most indefatigable reporters from the officers of the institution or the detectives that have the "working up" of the affair, in relation to either who committed the robbery, or from whom the returned' bonds were obtained. The amount of bonds recovered reach somewhere betwecu $300,000 and $400,000. They were return ed to the officers of the institution by a de tective, but the President states that he has no knowledge from whom the detective ob tained them. The thieves only obtained about $02,000 in negotiable bonds, making, with the $8,000 in greenbacks stolen, about $80,000 to reward them for thiirmemorable Sunday's labor. The institution will resume business shortly,as they hold a large number of mortgages on some of the best properties in Philadelphia. The detectives, it set ius, know who the robbers arc or at least are in communication with them and the act ion of the bank officials and the police looks very much like compounding a felony. This is not the only instance in which a "compro mise" of this sort was effected between po lice officers and robbers, within the last few years. Such transactions should meet the unqualified condemnation of all upright cit-' izens being nothing less than the offering of premiums for the commission of the most henious crimes. " .Sew Eailroad Project. Several years ago, the question of a Rail road from Buffalo to Washington city via Clearfield, was favorably spokeu of in these columns, but the subject met with but lit'le favor from our citizens then. Now tho ques tion of building the road is again agitated. The Pittsburg Commercial of Friday last contains the following" item on the subject of this road : "A general railroad conven ' tion to be composed of delegates from " New York, Maryland, Washington city, and " the counties of Blair, Huntingdon, Centre, " McKcan, Cameron and Elk, in this State, " favorable to the St. Marys route for the " Buffalo and Washington Railroad, will be " held in the Borough of St Marys, ou " Wednesday, May 12th, 1860." By refer ence to a map it will be seen that Clearfield lies nearly on an air line between the two terminating points of this proposed road. To say nothing of the benefits to be derived from the construction of so great and im ortant a thoroughfare through our county, the fact just stated bhould alone be sufficient to stimulate our citizeus to active esertion to secure the building ot the road to this place. Hence, we hope, our influential men will at once arouse to action, call a public meeting, appoint delegates to the St Mary's convention, present the feasibility of this route, and uso every honorable means to have the road located to Clearfield. Now is the time. There must be oo delaying. Next WednesJay is tho day for tho assem bling of the Convention.. Then arouse aud act at once, or it will be too late. The Eegistry Law. The new Registry Law passed by the last Legislature, is a matter of importance to the people generally, and as such all should be familiar with its provisions. The law, as it passed the Legislature, contains forty-three sections, but the first twenty-one are only of a general character the remainder having reference only to the city of Philadelphia. The propriety of some measure to check the progress of fraudulent voting is an admitted uecessitj by fair men of all parties, and the ; new iaw lias been drafted to meet this want It is probable that the experience of a few years will suggest changesand improvements in it, but the principle of a careful registra tion of voters will always be retained. One of the bcst.features of the uew law are the guards it provides to prevent the polling of fraudulent naturalized vo'es, and the severe punishment imposed on ballot box staffers, rejieaters, eta. . The Assessors are required to co mine nee ; making the registration of voters on the first Monday in Jane, and to complete and make public their list on or before the first of August. -Some provision should be made for the publication of the Jaw, for the benefit of the whole people. Soldikb-V Obtuiaxs. In taking care of the soldier's orphans, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts take the lead, aud it is a dis tinction of which they may be justly proud. Some sixteen States have provided by legislation for the helpless children of our fallen defenders, but in only three or I jur have the aets ben carried into practical ex ecution.! I It is bar J to realize this, and sad to think of it, but it is the faet, and one that cannot be too often or too Wrongly pre sented. The gre.t State of Xw York, for instance, bas done absolutely nothing. A :'Silver" 8tort.A resident of Treas ure City, in tbe White Pine tuinisg region, recently died, and a man was hired to dig hi ravt,- When 'the funeral oortege arriv ed at the spot, tbey were informed by the firave-dipger that ho had struck a splendid ead.and had staked off a claim; mad h re used to allow the body to be hurried in the Jiole he had dug. ; Side Issues. -' , The Pittsburg Gazette, of April 29th, contains the following timely and very for cible observations relative to the side issues thatwimcot its members would tack on to the Republican party. The party, from its inception, has been the advocate of the great principle of freedom, and before it can boast of "having firmly established the measures for whieh it has so long contended, and which constitute its true glory, it ha still a mighty wo; k to pci'iortu.aud hence it cauuot afford to fritter away its strength on the side issues with : which sonic viuld burden and endanger its existence. The Gazette says : "Whoever supposes that the Republican party is in darger ot going to 'everlasting smash,' tbat nothing will keep its organiza tion unbroken, unless a variety of side is sues are resorted to, clearly fails to appreci ate the real foundations upon which the party has been built up. . If Republicanism has no solid merits of its own, which are independent of the varying phases of the hcur, and which spring out of the immuta ble priueip'es of morality and public justice; if it has been a merely temporary political shift, to bring about a change of places be tween the mm fit and iu ; if the field of Na tional politics to day presents only exhaust ed questions and accomplished results, not one wrong needing to l e righted, not one mistake yet to be corrected, with no longer any public duty neglected or any private right denied if Liberty, Equality and Jus tice, the public faith, the obligations of the Union, and the supremacy of the law be everywhere acknowludged and respected if the partisan opposition, which has so long, so bitterly and so powerfully withstood the final triumph of Republicanism, be at last extinguished, never to be revived if, in fine, all the people ot the States be cordially agreed to accept aud stand faithfully by the new order of things for which Republican ism has apparently won such decisive victo ries then, perhaps, there will be no further use for it as a political party, aud we may wisely turn our attention to the attractive side issues of foreign wars, and annexations, or to the more domestic charms of the tem perance question, or that of the rights of women. "But the facts do not yet justify as in con gratulating each other upon the complete triumph of the Republican cause. Let ns complete Reconstruction, reform the civil service, purge the Treasury, and make a fair start iu the payment of the vast war debt, before we talk of the Republican mission as complete. "Fortunately.there is no danger to be ap prehended in the direction of a foreign policy of annexation or war. In that quarter, are rocks which would shatter the Republican party in an instant and hopeless wreck. But whatever madness may possess individuals, the wiser councils of Republicanism will steer clear of that palpable ruin. The real perils to be feared will be found in the side issues which are likely to afflict our politics for the next two years, with an Egyptian pertinacity. Here lies the hope of the opposition, and, possibly, temporary disaster to the great party which feels itself strong to risk any thing, and which is strong enough to over comeatiy opiositionoutside of its own ranks. " Qlitk Mistaken. Every time the slight est difficulty occurs between prominent members of the Republican party, or men who are considered prominent every time a disappointed office-seeker grumbles every time a sore headed editor gives a back-haud-cd blow at the administration, the credu lous Democracy cry out : "The Republicans are demoralized their party is broken, ru ined, gone!" . Never were men more mis taken. The signs they think they see are no sighs at alL The men whom they look upon as the instruments providentially de signed to wreck the party are.says the Chica go Post, '"Mere flies and gnats buzzing and flying around the great Republican elephant who would smash them into invisible spe:ks if he were not too dignified to exercise his trunk on such game. If the Democratic party cannot learn that the Republican par ty does not demoralize worth a cent, it is hardly possible for it to learn anything." The Alabama Question. The English press, conservative and liberal, reject with great acerbity, the rule of damages suggest ed by Mr. Sumner for the settlement of the Alabama claims ; but still they appreciate the danger, of leaving the question open, with the Alabama as a precedent, to be ap plied to British commerce whenever occa sion offers. It is more to tbe interest of England to have the question settled promptly than of the United States. The claims will not abate a jot by the lapse of time, and the fitting out of rebel privateers in Euglish ports, adopted as a precedent to be applied to England whenever .she is cm broiled in foreign war, will be a perpetual guaranty for the good behavior of that power. Honesty; at a Discount. Since Gov crnor tionman.ot -Ne.v lork. nas shown a disposition to check dishonest legi.-lation,he has brought down upon himself a large wing af the Democratic party, whose leaders are deeply interested in "ring" legislation, Since he lias placed himself in front of the treasury doors as a guard against the inroads of Deuiocratic fillibu ters,he finds himself in a measure deserted by bis I former party friends in the Legislature, and is obliged to rely mainly upon Republican support to sus tain him in his efforts to stop the system of corruption aad plunder to long carried on Qute Beixiu EBfcA'r. Srague is catch ing it all around. Captain Goddard, having been charged by the Senator with deserting his :post as a member of the First Rhode Island Regiment in an hour of peril, writes a card pronouncing the Senator "before the world, and with a full apprehension of the word I use, a liar, a calumniator, and a poltroon." - . .Death1 op an old Politician. Hon. AroM Pkiramer, formerly Canal Commis sioww of Pennsylvania, and representative in &f i-oss from tha Venango District,died at bis residence in Franklia, on Wednesday akcrooonVt April 23th, agd", seranty-fivc years. He was an influential Democratic politician, and a public f-pirijted citizen. gf;c vaftmm$ goxxxmt, gfearfiefb, ltt., $tlai) 5, I. 0. 0. P. Celebratioa. On Monday, April 26th, was the first semicentennial aniversary of the eatablish nient of Odd fellowship in the United States, and was 'pretty generally-celebrated by tha members of the order, throughout the country. ' The most imposing demon stration took place in Philadelphia, under the auspices o : the" Grand Lodge of the Uni ted States, in accordance with resolutions adopted last Septemler.at the anuual meet ing iu . Baltimore. Extensive preparations had been made, the day was fine, and no thing occurred to mar the ceremonies. The exercises opened at the Academy of Music, about ten o'clock, A. M., where prayer was offered by Rev. J. W. Venable, Grand Chaplain, and the address of welcome de livered by John W.Stokes,Esq..Past Grand Master of the 1L W. Giand Lodge of Penn syIvania,rcspouded to by E. D. Farnsworth, Esq., of Tennessee, Most Worthy Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the United States after which James L. Ridgeiy,Esq., of Baltimore, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the United States, delivered an or ation on "American Odd Fellowship its Origin. History and Developement." The procession waH formed soon after noon, em bracing about twenty : thousand members of the Order in regaha,from all parts of the country, and accompanied by flags and ban ners, and an unbroken stream of music Business was generally suspended, and the city thronged with visitors. Innumerable flags fluttered in the breeze from balconies, windows, and house-tops, while myriads of handkerchiefs were waved by the ladies as the grand pageant moved over the designa ted route. Exercises were held in tho eve ning at the Academy of Music, when a con gratulatory address was delivered by Past Grand Master William T. Ford, and also an able and stirring address by Past'Crand Master Rev. W. Meredith, of New Jersey, eulogistic ot the order. Ou the2Gth of April, 1819, Thomas Wil dcy, an Englishman by birth, and resident of Baltimore, organized iu tbat city the first lodge in the United States. During its in fancy, the progress of the order was slow ; but after the organization of the Grand Lodges of Pennsylvania in lS:i3, aud of the Ucited States, in 1325, its growth became very rapid and constant. Its prosperity has never been greater than at present, and the rapid increase of its membership is perhaps the best evidence that it is honorably carry ing out its mission. The anuual report made to the Grand Lodge of the United States to the 30th of June last, shows a total number of 3.195 lodges, of which Pennsylvania has 526, Ohio 353, Illinois 2S6, Indiana 273, Mary land 86, and the District 13. The number of initiations were 40,000 ; rejections 4,514'; admitted by card, 7,205 ; withdrawn by card, 8,095; reinstated, 4, 259 ; suspended, 11,300; expulsions, 893 ; deaths, 2,322 ; members, 245,036 ; members relieved, 21,344; wid owed families relieved, 3,911 ; amount paid for the relief of brothers, $4oS,538,43 ; paid for relief of widowed families, $113,275.02 ; paid for education of orphans, $19,957.26; paid for burying the dead, $103,272.50. Total amount expended for relief, $2,110, 951.06. The report of the patriarchial branch of the order to the same date shows a total of 795 encampments, and swells the annual re lief extended to nearly a million of dollars. During the half century of its existence the order in the United States alone has ex pended $2J, 153,592 for the relief of the sick, assistence of widows and orphans, and burying the dead. The number of reliefs to members reached 684,189, and in addition 55,188 widowed families were benefited by the fund. The Democracy. The Richmond Whig is very severe upon the Northern Democrats for their cower dice and selfishness. It charges that while they prate a great deal of their interest in the South, they really do not care enough to make the least self-denial. The Whig says : "They do not say to us, you fought our battle for four years fought it until you could fight it no longer, and were compelled to surrender your armies in the field and now you are eutitled to repose ; surrender the last garrison you effectually hold and address yourselves to the necessary work of recuperation. No ! they do not say this, or anything like it On the contrary, they meanly appeal to a crushed, bleeding and broken hearted people to sacrifice the last feeble remnants of their political and social existence, iu order that they (the Northern Democracy) may be saved from the ojera tions of the Fifteenth Amendment. No thing more shameful has occurred in these days of degeneracy and profligac3T." If the conduct of the Northern Democra cy, says the Newark Courier, is shameful, the conduct of the Southrenlpeople has been uuwise. Nothing so foolish has ever occur red in history as the political union, since the war,of the Confederate leaders with tbe disloyal Democracy. If the Confederate leaders had done what good sense and jood policy dictated, that is, joined hands with the Republicans, reconstruction would have been accomplished in six months. The do litical contest of the last four years is due to the sclnshness of the Northren Democracy and the folly of the South in placing any confidence in the Democratic leaders. C . ...... rf, m, oi.vnLAiii.1 iiarunu me rsoston iW.diseussing the Indian question strange ly enough For a laukee paper, says : "As long ago as the first settlement of the coun try, there were two plans in vogue in the in tercourse of the whites with the Indian that of New England and that of Pennsyl vania. Since that time the former has ot' laiucu practical control, ine inaian has first been isolated, then cheated and mad dened, and finally hunted to death by sol diery. We have pretended to make treat ies with him, but they have only been a mockery of justice and a snare for the on tiding red men." Sharp. An exchange calls Senator Sprague" "the shadow of a spindle-shanked shade," and in reference to dirt as a cura tive agent, remarks: "If what is said about dirt be true, some use can at la.it be found for 'tha "unwashed" Democracy of America." - A Little f Everything. Rose the river, cm Sunday last. , " , t v Fell the b'hoy with the blae ht " " To ell gooda advertlie is tbe Joirnal. Green the grau and growing grain. " Ditto the chap with tho ring-striped eoat. Cold the atmosphere, the first three days of May. the California State Treasury has a surplus of $1,400,000.' - ;": " Done at the Journal office all kinds of job work, on short notice. , . - , - - Convalescent the fellow who "indjlged" in a cont'f worth of lager, last week. Commenoed work neighbor Goodlander, as Commissioner's Clerk, on 3Isy 1st. A "Mier organ-griuder," in Boston, is said to make forty dollars s day at the business. One farmer in Texas hjs fenced in a nice little pasture of one hundred and thirty thousand acres. What Spain wants of the Anglo-Saxon nations England to give it a loan, America to let it alone. Mayor Hall, of New York, is quoted as refer ring to quack doctors as pillars of the constitution. ' An Irish girl of Easton has fallen heir to S"0, 000. Bhe is believed to be much handsomer' than formerly. The Cuban flag is a red triangle with a white star in the centre, and five stripes alternate blue and white A Western paper uses an old quotation in thii way: '-Sprague's baby is christened, and his name is Anthony." The Uuntin'don GoU flies the name of Hon. Daniel J Morrell as its favorite candidate for the Gubernatorial nomination. Gen Sicsles is retired with the full pay of Ma jor General, not of Colonel as has been erroneous ly published in some papers. A rumor comes from Berlin that Mrs. Abraham Lincoln is to marry Count SchtniJtswill, Grand Chamberlain of the Duke of Baden. The New York HernLt thinks the recent ex ten site publications in the Coagrnuonal Globe show Sprague to be a "man of letters." Getting plenty basiness signs, in this, place. That's right; and now, with a judicions system Of advertising, you are bound to succeed. "Money," says an exchange," was tight on State street yesterday, and the doubtful example scorn ed to be followod by many individuals." Tho Louisville Journal says that Spain lately got rid of one Queen,-Isabella, and is likely soon to lose another, the Queen of the Antilles. As Grant won't say much mboat things a great many things are said about him. abont halt of which are incorrect and the rest are not true. Gov.Curtin is tbe ionrth Minister to Russia from Pennsylvania. Ilia predecessors were AVm Wilkins, Jaiues Buchanan and George M. Dallas A New Orleans blind beggar appeared in aourt the other day and went security for a friend, swearing himself to be worth $20,000 in property. A physician boasted at dinner tbat he cured his own hams, when one of his guests remarked, Doctor, 1 would sooner be yout bam than your patient." The New York Express suggests, now that the Odd Fellows' jubilee is over, that the "odd girls" get np a eelebration, and get even with the men by marrying. It Is interesting to learn that ''Mumtazamul-Moock-Mohsuuiod-dow-cah-fureed-poojah sound-Munzoor-ali-khan-Buhadoor:Musrutjung," nabob of Bengal, has arrived at Paris. A clergyman inYirginia. writing to some friends, says: I preached the funeral sermon of a man yesterday, and to-day, at the same hour, I mar ried his widow to another man." A woman who for eighteen years past has ped dled matches in the streets of Detroit, bas reared and educated three children, all of whom have good trades, and has paid lor a house. A young girl at Irwinton.Westmoreland eottnty, drank a large quantity of whiskey out of her father's private jug, on April 20th She fell into a stupor, from which she never awoke. There are many more people anxious to go into office than ever there were to go into tbe army. No drafting for office, though a great many will no doubt be in the draught before they get one. Tha DemMratio members of the St Louis City Council, being in the majority, will not confirm the Republican Mayor's nominations unless be makes half of them from the Democratic party. Iowa plants every three years a forest of 5,000.. 000 trees, and within considerably less than half a doten years 2i.OJO,000 forest trees hav been planted and are now growing in tbe Northwest. A correspondent of a New Haven paper looked at tho telegraph wires during the late auroral display, and saw the "sparks of electricity bop along them like inCniteaiinrlly small illuminated toads." - Among the incidents of tbe late storm in St. Louis, was the return, of a sportsman with 6ve doien snipe which he had found killed by the hail. A pigeon' was brought down in the city by a hailstone. The Democrats have the majority in Fayette county, and there is a grand rush for office there. There are seven candidates for Assembly, ten for Treasuier, six for Protnonotary and eight for Commissioner. The Albany Evening Journal asserts that the evidences are conclusive that "Governor Hoffman has broken with his own party and now relies on the Republican party to save him being overrid den by the Legislature." Vice President Colfax was quite instrumental in the Order of Odd Fellows, in procuring the creation of the Degree of Kebekah for the wives of members. He was, also, author of the ritual and ' work" of the degree. A Mississippi editor and justice of the peace married acouple in 1853, divorced them in 18fi0 married the man to another woman in 1S61, ditto the woman to another man in 1862, and ls?t week married the original eonple. A young soldier who went to Washington some time since as an applicant for a Consulate, having spent all his money and pawned his watch, has gone to driving a cart for one dollar and fifty eents a day for a street contractor. Japanese newspapers have translated and printed the inaugural address of President Grant. Aside from the compliment, this is satisfactory evidence of the interest and confidence felt in this Government by Oriental nations. ' Anna Dickinson succeeded in getting one worn an in Dea Moines to start to work as a tinner, that trade was probably chosen because so much spout in; can be done in it, and even the most anony mous of Miss Anna's friends can scarcely deny that she is a great sponter. The La Crosse (Wis ) Democrat says : Alderman Solburg. on Tuesday last, purchased one of the Scandinavian trunks at the great baggage sale for S3 50, and fonnd that it contained a lot of wearing apparel and ninety-seven Norwegian ail ver dollars, and two half dollars. A Nashville dispatch states that one thing is certain, that Mr. Johnson will not be the Guber natorial candidate now, but it is about eqoally certain that his present movements have a pros pective bearing looking to the United States Senate or Governorship when suffrage become universal in the State., A promising young shaver of five or six years was reading his lesson at school, one dsy, in that deliberate manner for which urchins of that age are somewhat remarkable. As be proceeded with tbe task, he cam upon the passage, Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from guile.'' Master Hopeful drawled out,'; Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips from girls." Strew Flowers'on Their Graves. '.. Last year, for the first time, the beautiful and touching ceremony of strewing flowers on the graves of the brave soldiers who fell in the struggle to preserve the Union, took place, y In that ceremony the hearts of the people engaged.old and young, men and wo- n:en. went out together to drop at the same time a tear and a flower on the graves of the departed heroes, as slight nicmoii.ds of love and gratitude. ! This ear we are in vited by the Commander-in Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic to renew our offerings on the same sacred shrines to once more visit the last resting place of those who fell in the cause of their country, to decorate their graves with freshly culled flowers, and breathe around them the incense of loving and grateful hearts. The invita tion will be gladly accepted, and wherever a c'ty cemetery, or a country churchyard, or a place specially dedicated to the purpose con tains the mortal remains of a departed he ro who died in the great battle against re beliiou, to that spot will the multitude sol emnly wend their way on the 30th day of May the time specified and there deposit their beautiful tokens of remembrance and affection. It is the fervent wish of our heart that the custom may endure while the Republic lasts, and that the Republic may live forever. We subjoin Gen. Logan's order : H EAriOfcARTERS GRAND ARMY OP THE Kepuki.ic, Adjutant General's Office, No. 411 h- St., Washington, D. U., April 12, 1809. Gcutral Orders, No. 21. 1. Ihe30th day of May proximo a day set apart by the Grand Army of the Republic to com memorate the glorious deeds of our depart ed comrades will be observed throughout the United btatcsin such manner as bene fits the solemnities of the occasion, and as will testily the undying love of a graterul people for the memory of those who died that the nation might live. This is the sec ond public observance of the occasion, which, it is trusted, will recur yearly while there remains a heart loyalto the cause in which our comrades fell, and while the moving principle of that struggle is worth preserv- msr. It our organization naa no otneroo- j'ect, that alone of keeping green the resting place ot our nation s detouders, ty mis an nual commemoration would be motive enough to hold us together in a fraternal band- I he voainiander-ii - Jlnet desires to thank those patriotic men and women who gave their aid aud sympathy on a former occasion to make successful this National Memorial dav. and they are cordially invit ed to unite with the comrades ot the Grand Army in the approaching ceremonies; and he thanks the loyal Press everywhere, through whose generous aid a lasting record has been made of the observances one year ago: To the Congress of the United States, the comrades are specially indebted for au thorizing the publication, in book form, of the proceedings of last May. and for the promise held out that each year a compila tion will be made and published, as a nation al recognition ot sympathy with these me morial obs-enrances. II. It has been determined tiot to pre scribe any form of ceremony for universal observance, but each l'ost, or any number of Posts, may arrange together such fitting services as circumstances will permit. The newspaper press are requested to give pub lication to this order. , III. Department and Post Commanders are specially enjoined to preserve and for ward to these headquarters a copy of the proceedings (in printed form so far as pos 8ible) which take place in carrying out this order. IV. As the 30th of May occurs on Sab bath, Posts are at liberty to observe either that day or Saturday, the 29th. By order of John A. Log ax, Commander-in-Chief. A Senatorial Missionary. The Cincinnati Times, in a short editori al on "Senator Sprague as a Missionary," says he has furnished a key to the mystery of his speeches. He is neither drunk nor crazy, as he has been profanely charged with being, but he is inspired. We have his own Senatorial word for it that he is "the mere instrument of Divine Providence to Bit us a glorious work of progress and re form." Everybody knows, says the Times, that he was from Providence, but nobody suspected before that he was from Divine Providence. If he is preternaturally en dowed, he ought to be listened to with re spect. Probably Senator Sumner has been slow to discvoer the missionary character ol Mr. Sprague, from the fact that one of his first utterances was, that this country owed its prosperity in a chief degree to the insti tution of slavery.! Naturally enough the Massachusetts Senator would think that no such messages 'as this came from above. It will be a consolation to Mr. Abbott and Mr. Nye, whom Mr. Sprague spokj of respect ively as a mastiff and a puppy, to know not only, as Mr. Sprague declared, that these were "words of soberness and truth," but also that they were of semi-divine origin. So, too, the same reflection may console the people in the galleries, who were told, on a former occasion, that they were idiotic, with the intimation added that their good clothes were the best part of them. We are sur prised that Senator Sprague, entertaining the notion which he now avows, has not christened his extraordinary financial scheme which is to afford infinite relief to finite thing, as The Celestial Bank of Discount. School feforni is the order of the day in in Austria and South Germany generally, Everywhere the extreme party oi the Cath olic Church opposes reform. A spirited scene took place recently in the Bavarian chambers, when the prime minister, in dis cussing the question of reform, launched out boldly against the Pope. Bavaria is a Cath olic kingdom. A cable dispatch from Vien na informs us that a similar scene has just bsen witnessed in the Reichsratb. The de bate on the Primary School bill had been exciting in the extreme, the Polish and Ty rolese deputies, devoted and unreasonin: churchmen, all keen, even bitter, iu their opposition. At the close ot the debate theso deputies left in high dudgeon ; but the vote was taken and the bill became law. Thus, in spite of the chuich.reform goes ou. A Rumor. The Washington Express says a report is going the rounds to the ef fect that a large number of disappointed of fice seekers have left this city for Madrid, to offer themselves for the Spanish throne, vice Isabella, removed. We don't believe a word of it. The have all had enough of office-seeling, and either have gone home or are on their way thcie, to look up some more respectable employment than king craft. i860. A Pleasant Incident. An interview between General Carl Schurz and the Pres ident on Monday a week enlivened by a pleasant incident. The Presideut remarked : "General, I see 'by the Democratic papers ihat you and I have been having a fierce fight." "Yes," said Schurs, "that is the first that I had heard of it." "Well," said the President, "if it isn't any fiercer on your side than it is on mine, it isn't much of a fight." "Well, if it isn t fiercer on your side than it is on mine, we can afford to make up," responded the Senator, jocular ly. "Well, let's make up," said General Grant ' Many of our offices have been in the habit of sending away for their inks. We would call attention to the advertisement of the Grey' 3 Ferry Printing Ink Works. We are using ink from the above factory and find it entirely satisfactory in quality and price.and take pleasure in adding our testimony in its favor. 1'hiVa Evening Star. Printing Ink. We take pleasure in calling the attention of printers to the ad vertisement of C, E. Robinson. Tbe "Morning News" is printed with ink from his manufactory. It is clean, well ground and ot good color, and is sold at a very rea sonable price. In fact, it is the best ink for the price that we ever used, and we cordially add our endorsement to those in the adver tisement. Savannah (Ga.) Sew. 3lTln 3 l1rT,fr!tTitifi! pt ( Adverturment set "V iHtargetvvr-.mroiitot vfat ettle, tvUl be eliargtd double usual rates. Xfo tuts WANTED a MILLER to run a Grist Mill with a good run of custom. Pos session given at once. Good recommendations required Apply to T. 11. FORCE Y, O AWED LUMBER. The undersigned havinsr started in the Lumber business. near Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., is now pre pared to furnish pine boards, clear and punrl stuff, Ac. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order and shipped on short nonce. V. H. MAV.UJltJt.tt, Osceola Mills. May 5. lSS9-tf. Clearfield eo.. Pa. FOR SALE, White Lead, Zinc Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine. Varnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and dry, Paint and Varnish brushes. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Clearfisld.Pa -M ,'. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania CHRISTIAN J. 8HOFF, a Bankrupt under toe not or Congress or iMareh Zd 1SG7, having applied for a discbarge from all bis debts, and other claims provable under said aot, by order or tne Lourt.notic is bereby given. te all persons who hare proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on tbe 13th day of 1ay 18S9. at Two o'clock. P M.. before S. E. Woodruff Esq. Register in BanKruptcy at bis office, in Clearfield. Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why adiscbarge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further, notioe is hereby given, that the Second and Third meetings of Creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 2Hth sections ot said act. will be bald before tbe said Register, at tbo ham time and place. e. C. MoCANDLESS, Clerk. Jlay 3tn, isoy.-zi. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE -1- United States, for the We-tern District of Pennsylvania. STACY W. THOMPaUN, a Banarupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims nrovable under said act, by order of the Court. notioe is hereby given. to all persons wno nave proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 13th day ot May. IHii", at 1 o'clock. P M.. before S. E. Woodruff. Eq., Register in Bankruptcy, at bis office in Clearfield, Pa., to show cause, if any tbey have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third meet ings of creditors of the said Bankrwpt. required by the 27th and 2Sth sections of said act, will be held before the said Register, at tbe same time and place. S. C. McCAKDLESS, Clerk. May 5, 18B9-2t. THIS WAY! Having just returned from New York and Philadelphia we take this method of no tifying all our old customers, and many others whom we desire to have as customers, that we are reoeiving a very LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, of all kinds, which we will sell at very low figures. Give us a eall.exaut ine our goods and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere and thereby save from 5 to 20 per cent, on your purchases. THOMPSON CO., Surretsorsof Ten Eyci If Thompson. Curwcnsville, Mny 5. 1869-Jt. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The following valuable property will be told at puono outcry, on SA TURD.K Y, MAY 21i h, 1369, between the hours of 12o'clock, M.and 2 o'clock P. M., in tbe town of Glen Hope, vis : 234 ACRES AND ALLOWANCE, of choice timber land, situate in Becearia tw'p, tiearneia county, ra , lying witnin one and a half miles of Big Clearfield ereec, and writ cov ered with choice pine, oak and hemlock timber (being part of the Isaao Wampol survey.) and is well calculated for timberine or loscins. There are valuablj coal mines opened on lands immediately adjoining the same. The above tract is part of, and taken out or. the lands for merly belonging to Wm. Pnsey. Persons wishing to purcnase witiuo well to examine tnis property The conditions of sale are as follows: One half to be paid down on confirmation of sale.and the other half on the first day of May, 1870, to be secured by bond tnd mortgage, with interest irom aay oi sale, i-orsession will be given lm mediately. The owner reserves one bid. May t., 1869. SAMUEL W1DEMIRE. NEW GOODS! The undersigned adopt this method of notify ing the public generally, and the citisens of Cur wonsville and vicinity in particular, tbat they have just returned Irom the East with, and are now opening, ia their NEW STORE ROOM, one door West of Bloom's Hotel, a large and well seloctcd stock of goods, which will be sold as cheap as the same quality elsewhere ia the county Our stock consists of Dry Goods, of every de cription, together with a fall assortment of no tion. Clothing, Hats anl Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, as well as Tinware, Co- darware, Willowware, Bucket and Broom, to gether with a large stock of Groceries, and al ways a full stock of Flour, Fish, Salt, Ac. In short, we keep a full supply of everything nsed in this market. We want all our old customers, and aa many new one as eaa make it convenient, te give ns call before purchasing ebewherw. " Curwensville. Pa., DANIEL HARTSOCK, May 5, 189-4t. EIMVIN GOODWIN. HEW ADTEETUZKMTa. QAUTION. All perwMn aie here) y caa v tioned against purcha inu or in aiiv wav meddling with two MARE Mlii.ES, one a bl.ck and the other a dun, en two bora wagon, atj one set double faarocs. sow in possession of' uw Hancock, as the same belong to us. and are only left with said Hancock on loan jnhject toouror lt Philipsburg.mi 3ip WAGONEK if B110 ' PUBLIC VENDUE. 1 here will be exposed to public rale, at the res idence of tbe subscriber, ia Pike township, on . FRIDAY, MAY SEVENTH, 1869, the following personal property, to wit- Tire horses; one three-year old. and two yeaarlinr colts; two cows, and a lot of young cattle: sheep hogs, geese, 4c One Wagon, Buggy and sleigh, sied. log-sled and chains; set duub e tug-harou' vingle harness and saddle ; plows, barrow and de rivator, cutting-box and grindktone, forks, rkt shovels, hoes, 4e Wheat, Kye. corn, buckwheat and potatoes, eti cupboard, bookcase, tables chairs and bedsteads ; Steves, carpet. Ae.. together with a a am bar of ar ticles Dot mentioned. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock of said day. Terms will be made known on dav of sale. A oir credit given if desired. I'.'W McNAl'L April 2S, 13S9. ' - T EGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is here by given that the following account liav been examined and pawed by me.and remain lld of record in this office for the inspeetioa of heirs, legatees.crediters.aad ail others in aay other wty interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at the Vanrt House, in the Boroagh of Clearfield eommcneingoa theSd.Mondsy of May IA69 Final account of G H LYTLE, Administrator of Daniel M. Weaver late of Curwensville borough . deceased. Final account of DAVID LABORDE Adminis trator of Elisabeth Doney deceased who was Ad ministratrix of Nicholas Doney, of Union town ship, deceased. Final account of John McCOY. Administrator of of James McCoy, late of Beccarria township de ceased. Final account of John McCOY, Executor of Margaret Cowen, late of Beoearria township de ceased April 23. 1869. A. W. LEE. Register. T?EPORT OP THE First National Bank " of Curwensville. Pa., as shown by iu book at Ibe close of biuineaa on the 17th dav of April 1869. BESOCBCI Loan and Discos a U, : : : : : $ 146,282 31 Commercial Paper : S47.OO0 00 Time Accom. Loans : 98,452 32 Suspended and Overdue Paper (good) : : : 850 00 -, Indebtedness of Directors 24,750 00 Overdrafts. : : :::::::: 1.434 86 U. S. Bonds deposited with U S Tr. to secure circulation, : : : : : 81.000 00 Other Bonds :::::::::: voo Oil Due from Redeeming and Re serve Agent :::::::: 9.511 H Due from National Bank : : : : ' S.z.ll 21 Due from other Banks and Bankers, : 2 7V2 77 Banking House. : : : : : : : 2.500 Oil Furniture and Fixture ::::;: 1,000 00 Current Expenses : : :::::: 635 33 Taxes raid :::::::;::: 971 60 Cash Items (incl nding stamps) I: : : : 385 61 Bills of other National Banks : : ; : 135 00 Fractional Currency (including- sickles) :::::: 1.189 S3 Specie ::::::::: ::::10 90 juegai render ote ::::::: zo.949 00 Total, :::::::::: 35274.931 33 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, :::::: 8100.000 0( curplus fund, 25,000 M Discount : : : 81,821 41 Fxcbange : : : 1,411 17 Interest, : : ; : 2.139 82 Profit A Loss. : : 1,04 1 01 6.413 41 Circulating Note reeoeived from Comptroller : (67,500 00 Leu amount on band : : 250 00 Amount Outstanding :::::: 67.250 do Individual Deposits, : : : : : : 74.451 It Due National fiknks, : : : : : : J ,755 45 Due to other Banks and Baukers : : 31 33 Total Liabilities :::::: 5274.931 38 I hereby Certify that the above Statement ia a true abstract from the Quarterly Report mads te the Comptroller f tbe Cwrrenc. dam I KKSOLO. Cask. April 23. 18C9-3t T 1ST OF RETAILERS. Of Foreign and Domestic Merchandise in the County of Clearfield, subject to thej payment of license fur ine year lsoy. Class. To Port mob is bbccaria. 1I Leonard Krler. 1 J is 11 S.M'Farland, 515 00:13 J 0 BrennerA Colt 00 13 W. S. Dickey, 10 00 14 John Odell. 7 u 13 J.G Ulaago. 10 00 14 Stewart a-Mods, 7 c 14 A. Montgomery 7 00' - r 14 W.C. Meta. 7 00 IS Johnson 4- Co It 01 bradt. 14 Jonathan Walls, 7 Ot 12C.AO.bcbwem, 12 50 14 James Flynn, 7 00 12 L B. Carlisle, 12 50 mioa. 13 J A. Terpe. 10 00 14 D AJ U Brubaker,7 00 13 D. tioodlander, 10 00 woodward. 13 R II. Moore. 10 00 12 Sam'l Hagerty, 1251 14 J. Kunti if Son, 7 00 13 Forrest A Son, 10 W 14 Carlisle A Son, 7 00 13 Conn A Cox. 10 0 14 John Schurich. 7 tl 14 Tbo. Henderson. 7 Ot 14 J liebei ling A Co. 7 00 14 John M. L'baoe. 7 t 14 Smith Curry A Co 7 00 CLeAaritLo aoaeroa. BlTaKSlOB. I 9 Richard Morwp.25t 12 McMurry A Co. 12 50 10 Jos Shaw Soo,20 Ot 12 Wm. C. Irvin. 12 50 10 tt. L Reed A Co 20 Ot 13 Jcksoa Patehin.10 00 10 J. P Krataer 20 Ot 14 Matthew Irwn 7 00 1 1 Wis. Reed A Co 15 0t 14 Horace Patchin 7 00 II MerrellA Bigier.liM 14 W.J.Nugent, 7 00 11 C Krataer A .Sons 15 ELL. 1 12 Nivling A Co. 12 5t 14 Robt. Mahafioy. 7 00 1 3 J Grabam4-Sonsl2 5t' I4.C. A Rorabaagh-7 00 12 Wright A Sons, 12 5t 14 David Bell. 7 00 13 Robt. Mitchell 00 . USHarUwiekA Co-IVM 13 John Holt. 10 00 14 Alex Irwin. " M' BRAKroan 14 I. L Rei senstien " 00 13 Albert A Bro. 13 J. W Funk. 14 Ed. William, crest. 13 HurdiVMcblee. 14 Wm Hunter, 14 O. P Peirce, COVIJGTOM. 14 F. Coudriet, 14 L. M. Coudriet 14 S S Cranston. 14 Justin Plubol, DICATLB. 14 G.M. Brisben, GUBLICB. 12 P. A A. Flynn. 13 H. Allaman, QIBARD. 14 R. 8. Stewart, 11 Aug. Leeonte, ORABAM. 13 T M. Forcey, GOSREB. 14 Irvin A Sons, BUST0.1. 10 F. C Bowman. 13 James Peat sol, 14 Henry Brown, JUR DAS. It Henry Swnn, 10 00 1 4 H. Bridge. 7 00 10 00 14 Dr Boyer 4-Shaw 7 01 7 00 14 M. Neiee, J !14 J. V Lightcsp. TOO 10 00, 14 A Sborpp, 7 00; 14 H. F. Faugle. " 7 00; 14 Mrs H WeIshACo7 00 14 Miss Susan Keed.Ttt 7 001 1 I .L. Reisenstein Lt 7 00 1 quor Merchant. 30 W 7 00, vnawaxsviLL 7 00'ioE. A. Irvin 20 0 112 Hartsock A Co. 12 50 7 00; 12 Thompson A Co 12 ll2Jonn Irvin. IJ' 150 1 4 Jo. R Irwin. 7 0 10 00 14 M J. Thompkins-I J 114 Wm.McBride, 7 M 14 John Jenkins, TOO 7 OO114 j.eob Bilzer. T0 14 Fleming A lloel, 7 w r Ban era rlTY. 10 00 12 J. FergusonACo.1250 Il3 Kirk Spencer, 1J0 7 00 I A V....nn Bra 7 US 20 00 10 00 7 00 15 00 Kit WASBISST05. 9 McMurry A Co. 13 Samuel MeCute.l2J0 OSCSOLA. ( Bennett A Co. 50 JO t i s P.rrv. ? KABTBAtT 13 MeCloskoy A Co.lO 00 u w. S. Wells. i LI ia nil .a a & L . m I . 14 W. S Sankey, 7 OO14 C Sweitter. BOX. 14 Wise A Son. 7 00 LAWBBSCB. 13 James Forrest, 10 00 14 Dr. D. K.Uood, 7 00 ETAIt DBALEBS IX Tk TEKT EIC1! 4 UarUwicit 0 Irwin, Clearfield Borough, ' . .. .... . . . 1 1 I, .. .. k 9 v 4 tioyer anaw.oiearneia wt-i 4 D. R. Good. Osreola Borough, 4 Jo. R I rwin, Carwensville Borough 4 T. U. Forcey, Graham Township, curirrioiiti axd bbotebibs. 8 D. W McUaughey. Clearfield Borough. 8 W Entres. Clearfield Borough. 8 O. PGaler, Clearfield Borough. 8 Ned Galloney, Curwensville Borough. 8 Catherine Graff, Curwensville Borougn. 8 Christophet Yaekla Osceola Borough, 8 John A Stadler, Clearfield Borough, 8 Alfred Preseott. Brady Township, 8 W. F Irwin, Clearfield Boroagh, J 09 5 0 5 0t i 00 i 00 5 0 5 0 500 50 5 00 i 00 00 BBEWEBS. 10 W Endres. Clearfield Borough. 10 Casper Lcipoldt, Clearfield BoroBgb, 15 0 15 HLUltS SAUMB AJ TEBMB Lt,TV , ... D. W. MeUaughey, Clearfield Borough lo bles.) - (XI and I Tenpln alley. T.nnia T. F. Boalicb, Osceola Borough, (one ""r alley, KASCRSS. Clearfield County Bank. ClearfieM bor. " An appeal will be held at the t'ommi"""''' Office, in tbe Borough of Clearfield, on ol,?i. tbo 2ith dav of May. A. D.. 1869, when all parties feeling aggrieved will P"" fr according to law' WM. TVCKK.r April 28. 2869 4t. MereanaieApprai' CANNED FRUITS all kinds', "'fi (T- and fresh, at GRAHAM e. II