S : BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA WEDNESDAY. MAY 5, 1869. VOL 15.-NO. 35. ThM. iB tWiUsht Kr"7 bu Hi" y-foor b,,M:k-two bln" B,i:Bl ol I? d happiness too. Watching for Pa. j,y. with her placid and thoughtful brew, , Ocntl free btminl wilh love just now ; WUIU, the rogue, to Coring and gay, Staaliug kin from hi sister May Watching for Pa. Jfellie. with ringlet ofsunoy ha, Coi!y nestled between the two. fnnibg her eheck Against the window pan, Wifhiog the absent one homo again, Watching for Pa. Oh ' huw the j gizo at the passer by. -Hs's coining at last," they gaily ory, Irr again, my pets." exlaim4 mamma, And Sailie adds, -There's the twilight tar Watching fur Pa. Jack auds and smiles aa with basy feet Be lighU the lamps in the busy itreet: Ila: aweet little group he know full well JUj and Willie, with golden haired Nell, Watching for Pa. Esea joyous shout firm the window iteal, A9d ea-cr patter of childish feet. Gay autre now chime through the ball ; A manly Twice respvw.Ua to the call "Welcome, Papa'" TJSrOEGGTTLir WORDS. "Have you examined that bill, Jamee?" "Yes, a"tr." ''AnytLiog wrong V" "I GdJ two errors," "Ah! let me see." The lad banded bis employer a long bill that bad been placed upon the desk for ex amination. "Here i an error in the calculation of ten d J!ir.i which tbey have made against theni telves; and another of ten dollars in the luOiing." "Also aratajit theruaelves?" Ye. ir." The merchant smiled in a way that struck the !a! a- peculiar. "Twemr dollars asrainst themselves," he reaiarked in a kind of a pleasant surprise. Truty clerks the must have." "Shall I correct the figures?" asked the hi. "So ! Ictthein correct their own mistakes; e don't examine Liiht for other people's benefit," replied the merchant. ''It will be time to rectify those errors hen they ij them out Al so much gain, as it now atands." The boy's delicate moral sense was (shock ed at so un-j-ectexl a remark. lie was the tun of a poor widow, who had given tain to undi-rstaiid tl at to bejust was the duty of lu en. Mr. Carwin, the merchant, in whose em (J-yuient be bad been for only a few mouths, i- an old fi ieud of his father's, in whom lie rc4-M.-d tlic bi.lie.it confidence. Iu fact, Jiinc- h .d alwiys louke-1 upon hiiu as a i.r.J nj uijdei uiuii. and wheu Mr. Carman ifcej to lake him into his store, be felt thai a d lortuue was in his way. ' Let t'tttm correct their own mistakes." The words made a Mronx impression on tie wind of James Lewis. When first spok tr M. Carman, and with the meaning eaiuroived.he lelt, we have said.tdtocked ; he turned them over again to his oilits,aud connected their utterance with lersoD who st.Mid so high in his mother's tarnation, he began to think that the thing -lair euough iu business. Mr. Carman Lanliy the man to do wrong. A few "".sifter James had examined the hill, a tn.ia the house by which it had been fttdwed called for settlement. The lad, ha sa, j.reent, waited with interest to iether Mr. Carman would speak of the tlr B it he made no remark. A check kruw amount of the bid reudered was fill e P id a receipt taken. "I thpt right V W a.kej himself this question. His t-ne siid no ; but the fact that Mr. ' rman had so acted bewildered his mind. . :";i' ' the way in business' so he ! i.hi (0 himself, -'but it don't 1 10k hon 1 o.i!J t believe it cf him." , lr r.u ,n had a kind of a way with 01 'hat w,)ii the boy's heart, and naturally to uiike him judge whatever he f'thut, iu .he mjit favorable manner. 1 ""h he had corrected that error," he ' hitu.e!f a sreat many times when nuking i , ,.leased way of Mr Carman, hi g kxI fortune in having been received hi. employment. "It don't look right, l II may 'w the way of bussioess." Vnt d:i h-. went ui th hank and drew on a chi t k. In counting it over he t,'!" he teller had naid him fiftv dol- j '"" much.so he went back to the counter 2Ji l ' hU IU'lsute- The teller . an )e retunied to the store 'he ctisiioiisness in his mind of bav right. s; ,Tt": te'I-- overpaid me fifty dollar-.." he ' Mr. Carman, as he handed him the aooey. Indeed !" replied the latter, a . light Joking 'er hi countenance : and he '"''Jt Cuuut-J .t, . l ni. k hghi iaJej as the hwt till left his , lQ uq uittako, James." A tone of . i'P"mtuient was in his voice. .' 1 ?ve him back the fifty dollars. 'tthatriEht?M 7 """Pfetoa !" exclaimed Mr. Car wty,m kno,, that bank mistakaa y.,,, "V1 Greeted ? If the ielkr had paid . y.dll:'M short he would not have n.u r The warm blood mantled to the cheek of James under this reproof. It is often the case that more shame is felt for a blunder than a crime. In this instance the lad felt a sort of mortification at having done what Mr. Carman was pleased to call a silly thin?. and he made up his mind that it' tbey should even overpay him a thousand dollars at the bank he should bring the amount to his em ployer, and let him do as he pleased with the money. "Let people look after their own mis takes," taid Mr. Carman. , James Lewis pondered these things in his own heart., The impression they made was too strong ever to be forgotten. "It may be right," he said, but be did not feel altogeth er satisfied. A month or. two after, the occurrence of the bank mistake, as James counted over his weekly wages, just received from Mr. Carman, he discovered that he was paid a half dollar too much. The first impulse of his mind was tore turned the half dollar to his employer, and it was on his lips to say, "You have given me halt a dollar too much, sir," when the uuforgotteu words, "Let people look af;er their own mistakes," flashing upon his thoughts, made him hesitate. To hold a parley with evil is to be overcome. "I must think about this," aid James, as he put the money into his pocket, "it it is true in one case it is true in another. Mr. Carman don't correct mistakes that people make in his favor, and he can't com plain when the rule works against himself." But the boy was far from being in. a com fortable state. He felt that tokeep a half dol lar would be a dishonest act- Still he could not make up his mind to return it, at least not then. James did not return the half dollar, but spent it for his own gratification. After he had done this it came suddenly into his head that Mr. Carman had only bean trying him, and he was fiiled wilh anxiety and alarm. Not long after Carman repeated the mis take. James kept the half dollar with less hesitation. "Let him correct his own mistakes," said he resolutely ; "that's the doctrine he acts on with other people, and he can't complain if he gets paid back in the same coin he puts in circulation. I just wanted half a dollar. From this time the fine moral sense of Jamea Lewis was blunted. He had taken an evil counselor into his heart, stimulated a spirit of covetousoess, latent in almost every mind, which caused him to desire the possession of things beyond his ability to obtain. James had good business qualifications, and so pleased Mr. Carman by his intelli gence, industry, and tact with customers, that he advanced him rapidly. and gave him, before he was eighteen years of age, the most reliable position in the store. But James had learned something more from his employer than how to do business well. He had lear.ed to be dishonest. ' He had never forgotten the first lesion he bad re ceived in this bad science ; he had acted not only in two instances, but in a hundred, and always to the injury of Mr. Carman. He had long since given up waiting for mis takes to be made in his favor, but origina ted them in the varied and complicated transactions of a large business in which he was trusted implicitly ; for it had never oc curred to Mr. Carman that his failure to be just to the letter might prove a snare to this young man. James grew sharp, cunning and skillful : always on the alert, always bright and ready to meet any approaches toward a discovery of his wrong doing by his employer, who bell him in the highest regard. Thus it went on until James was in his twentieth year when the merchant had his suspicions aroused by a letter which spoke of the young man as not keeping the roost repectable company, and as spending mon ey too freely for a clerk on a moderate salary. Before this time James had removed his mother into a pleasant house, for which he paid a rent of four hundred dollars; his salary was eight hundred, but he deceived his mother by telling her it was filteen hun dred. Kvery comfort that she needed was fully supplied, and t-he waa beginning to think that after a l ing and painful struggle with the world, her happiest days bad como. James was at his desk when the letter was received by Mr. Carman. He looked at bis employer and saw him change countenance suddenly. He read it over twice and James saw that the contents produced disturbance. Mr. Carman glanced toward the desk, their eyes met ; it was only for a moment, but the look that James received made his heart stop beating. There was something about the move ments of Mr. larman for the rest of the day that troubled the young man. It was plain to him that suspicion had been arous ed by that letter. ! O, how bitterly did he repent, in dread of discovery and punish ment, the evil ot which he had been guilty. Expo-ure would disgrace and ruin him, and bow the head of his widowed mother even to the grave. "You are not well this evening," said Mrs. Lewis, as she looked at her son's chang ed face across the table, and noticed that he did not eat. "My head aches." "Per hap the tea will make you foel bet ter." "I'll lie down on the sofa in the parlor for a short time. " Mrs. Lewis followed him into the parlor in a little while, and sitting down on the so fa on which he a as lying, placed her hand udoo his head. Aa. it would take . more than the loving pressure of a mother's hand to ease the pain fro n which he was suffer ing. The touch of that pure hand increas ed the pain to agony. "Do you feel better?" asked Mrs. Lewis. She had remained some time with her hand on his forehead. "Not much." he replied, and risin? as he spoke, he added, "I think a walk in the open air will do me good." "Don't go out, James," said Mrs. Lewjs, a troubled feeling coming into her heart. "I'll only walk a few squares." And James went from the parlor and passed in to the street. "There is something more than headache the matter with him," thought Mrs. Lewis. For half an hour James walked without any pur pise in his mind beyond the escape from the presence of his mother. At last his walk brought him near Mr. Carman's store, and on . passi.ig he was surprised at seeing a light within. "What can this mean?" he esked hrtuself, a new fear creeping, with its shuddering im pulse, into his heart. lie listened by the door and windows, but he could hear do sound from within. "There's something wrong," he said; ''what cau it be? If this is discovered, what will be the eud of it? Ruin! ruin! My poor mother I" The wretched young man hastened on. walked the street for two hours, when he returned home. Ilia mother met him when he entered, and, with unconcealed anxiety, asked him if he were better. He said yes, but in a manner that only increased the trouble she felt, aqd passed up hastily to his own room. Io the morning the strangely altered face of James, as he met his moiher at the break fast table, struck alarm into her heart He was silent aud evaded all her questions. A'hile they sat at the table the door bell rung loudly. The sound startled James, aud he Urned his head to listen iu a ner vous way. "Who is it?" asked Mrs. Lewis. "A gentleman who wishes to see Mr. James," replied the girl. James rose instantly and went out into the hall, shutting the dining room door as he did so. Mrs. Lewis sat waiting her son's return. She heard him coming back in a few momeats; but he did not enter the dining room. Then he returned along the hall to the street door, and she heard it shut. All was -silent. Starting up she ran into the passage, but James was not there. He had gone away with the person that called. Ah, that was a sad going away. Mr. Carman bad spent half the night in exam ining the accounts ot James, aud discovered frauds of over six thousand dollars. Blind ly indignant, he fent an officer to arrest him early in the morning; and it was-with this officer that he went away from his mother never to return. "The young villian shall lie in the bed he has made for himself!" ex laimed Mr. Car man, in his bitter indignation. Aud he made the exposure com Ictely. On the tri al he showed an eager desire to have him convicted, and presented such an array of evidence that the jijry could not give any ot her verdict than guilty. The poor mother was in court, and audi ble iu the silence that followed came her convulsed sobs upon the air. The presid ing judge addressed the culprit, and asked it he bad any thing to say why the sentence of the law should nor be pronounced agaiust him. AH eyes were .turned upon the pale, agitated young man, who rose vith au ef fort, and leaned against the railing by which he stood, as if ueediug the support. "Will it please your honors," he said "to direct my persecutor to come a little nearer, so tiiat 1 cau look at him aud your houorsat the same time ?" Mr. Carman was directed to come for ward to where the boy stood. James look ed at him steadily ior a few uiouieuts, aud tlieu turned to the judges, "What I have to say to your honors is this," (he spoke calmiy and distinctly,) "aud it may iu a degree extenuate, though I can nut exeuse my crime. I weut into that man's store au innocent boy, aud if he had been au houest mau I would cot have stood before you to-day as a criminal." Mr. Carman appealed to the court for protection agaiust au allegation of such an outrageous character ; but he was peremto riiy ordered to be silent. James went on in a firm voice. "Only a few weeks after I went into his employment I examined a bill by his direc tion, and discovered an error of twenty dol lars. The face of Mr. Carman crimsoned. "1'ou remember it 1 see," said James, "and I shall have cause ' to remember it while I live. The error was in favor of Mr. Carman. I asked it I should correct the figures, and he answered, "No, let them corrert their own mistakes; we don't exam ine bills for other people's benefit." It was my first lesson in dishonesty. I saw the bill settled, and Mr. Carman take twenty dol lars that was not his own. I felt shocked at first; it seemed such a wrong thing. But soon after he called me a simpleton for handing back a fifty dollar bill to the teller of a bank, which he had overpaid mo on a check, and then "May I ask the protection of the court?" sa d Mr. Carman. "Is it true what the lad says?" asked the judge. Mr. Carman hesitated and looked con fused ; all eyes were on his lace ; and judges and jury, lawyers and spectators, felt cer tain that he was guilty of leadio; the young man astray. "Not long afterward." resumed Lewis. "in receiving my wages, I found that Mr. Carman had paid me fifty cents too much. I was about to give it back to him, when I remembered his remark about letting peo ple correct their own mistakes, and said to myself "let him correct his own errors," and dishonestly kept the money. Again the thing happened.and again I kept the money that did not of right belong to me. This was the beginning of evil, and here I am. If he had shown any mercy, I might have kept silent and made no defence." The young man covered his face with his hands and sat down overpowered with his feelings. His mother who was Dear him sobbed aloud, and beuding over, laid her hands on his bead, saying : "My poor boy ! my poor boy I" There were few eyes in the court room undimmed. In the silence that followed, Mr. Carman spoke out : "I my character to be thus blastod on the word.- of a criminul, your honors? Is thisriht.?" "Your solium oath, that this charge in untrue," said the judge, "will set you iu the right." It was tiie uuhappy boy's on ly opportunity, aud the court loll bound iu humanity to hear him. James Lewis stood up a sain instantly, and turned his white iuceauddaik pieic ing eyes u; on Mr. Carman. "Let him take the oath if he dare!" he exclaimed. Mi. Carman consulted wilh his counsel and withdrew. After a brief conference with his associ ates, the presiding judge said, addressing the criminal: "In consideration of your youth, and the temptation to which iu tender years you were unhappily subject, the court gives you the slightest sentence, one year's imprison ment. But let mo- solemnly warn you against any furthur steps in the direction you have taken. Crime can have no valid excuse. It is e-Ml iu the sight of God and man, and leads only to suffering. When you come forth again after your brief in carceration, may it be wilh the resolution to die rather than commit a crime." And the curtain fell on the sad scene in the boy's life. AY hen it was lifted again, and he came forth from prison a year after ward, his mother was dead. . Ten years afterward a man wis reading a newspaper io a far wuHtern town. He bad a calm, serious face, and looked like one who had known suffering and trial. "Brought to justice at last I" he said to himself,as the blood came to his face, "con victed on the charge of open insolvency, and sent to state prison. So much for the man who gave me in tender years the first les sons in ill doing. But, thank God, the ot h er lessons have been remembered. "When you come forth again," said the judge, "may it be with the resolution to die lath er than commit a crime,' and I h ve kept this injunction in my heart when there seemed no way of escaping except through crime ; and God helping me, I will keep it to the end. Mr. Clay ard the Goat. In one of our Southern exchanges, we find the following capital story of an old he goat, which almost everybody in Washinetnn city remembers as having formerly inhabited Naylor's livcry.Pennsylvania Avenue. This animal was probably the most independ-mt citizen of the metropolis. He belonged to no party, though he frequently gave passen gers most striking proofs of his adhesion to the leveling principles, for whenever any body stopped in his vicinity, "Billy" was sure to drive at him horns and all. The boys keenly relished the fun of imitating old long heard, and frequently so annoyed him that he would "charge Iwenet" at lamp posts and trees, to their i ifitiite -merriment and satisfaction. It so happened that one day the grand luminary of the west, Henry Clay, was pass ing down the avenue, and seeing the boys intent on worrying Billy into a l'ever.stoajied and with his characteristic humanity expos tulated with them on their cruelty. The boys listened in silent awe to the ap peal of the great statesman ; but it was all Cherokee to Billy, who the ungrateful scamp arose majestically on his hinder legs, and made a desperate plunge at hi" friend and advocate. Mr. Clay, although he had not "slain a Mexican," proved too much for his assailant ; he seized both horn" of the dilemma, and then came the tug of wai Greek had met Greek. The struggle was long and doubtful. "Ha!" exclaimed the statestnan,"I have got you fast, you rascal ! I'll teach you let ter manners. But, bovs," he continued he turning to the laughing urchins, "what shall I do now ?" "Why. trip up his feet, Mr. Clay," said they. Mr. Clav did as he was told, and after many severe efforts, brought Billy down on his side. Here he looked at the boy and imploringly said : "I never was in such a fix before." The combatants were nearly exhausted but goaty had .the advantage, for he was gaining breath all the while that the states man was losing it. "Boys," exclaimed he, puffing and blow ing, "this is rather an awkward business, "what am I to'do now?" "Why, don't you know?" said a little fellow making preparations to run, as he spoke; "all you have got to do is to let go and run like bbies." Sentimentalists sing, "Give me a cot in tho val'ey 1 love," but persons of a more practical turn would prefer a walnut French bedstead. A Talk With Young Men. Under this heading the Auburn New in dulges in a conversation with yourrs; rlen, which that class of our readers,- we' know, will thank us for giviug prominence in the columns of the Journal. . ' Young man, a word with you' You have been attending school or' sever al years, snd if you have improved your time have acquired a fair English education. Your parents have been at ftiuefi expense in rearing you to your present years and stature. They naturally feel much anxiety to1 know what is to' result from all their labor and outlay in your behalf. Now, iha't you are fifteen or sixteen years' bid, they naturally think it is time they should know what you are good for'.- Young friend I show those g'iwd parents of yours that you are good fof something. "How is this to be done ?" you ask. It you have ever had any rittttoTr that you wuuld make your way ill life' without work, get rid of the foolish idi-a immediately. Resolve tlr t yon will matte yottrself master of a good trade. Don't look for a "situation.". He only who is skillful in some trade, art, or business, is "master of the siroatifm." Many a young man has been rui;ed by waiting for a situa tion or ati opening. Think over the Itfrtg list of useful and "profitable trades, and study to know which is best suited to your tastes and abilities. Talk with your father arfd mother on the subject. Their longer experience in the world, and their affection lor you will cause their advice to be invaluable to you. If ihey are wise parents they will not try to make this, that, or the other out of you to gratify parental pride, or foolish notions of respectability. Having carefully come to a conclusion as to what trade is best for you. proceed to learn it by going into wme shop or manu factory where your chosen art is thoroughly un lerstood, and successfully practiced. Don't expect to make money at first. The trade you acquire will be worth much more than money. As soon as your services are worth more than the trouble of teach ing you, and the value of the material you spoil, you may expect to make some money. Apply yourself diligently and attentively to your business, rnd in the course of no long time you will find yourself master of a trade worth more than money. A rich man is richer by beimi master of a trade.. Pos sessed of a trade, a poor man is independent at the outset, and if industrious, economical and prudent, will become rich in a lew years. Our advice is not given to the poor young man alone. If a boy has a fortune in pros pect he should learn some branch of honest in ustry, in which he may profitably and usefully employ his capital when it comes to him. In the mutations of human affairs his fortune may fly from him, ard in such a case the trada acq tired in youth would be a gmtd thing to tall back upon. Young Peter, of Russia, was heir to an Empire with all its vast revenues, but he wisely applied himself to the work of learn ing the art of -bip building. He was a bet ter, a wiser, and a happier king, because he wa? a ship carpenter. We have known the sons of wealthy pa rents to serve a faithful and industrious ap prenticeship to a trade. Early and late, day by day, they have applied themselves to their mechanical toil. Such young men show themselves capable of building iscful and enduring superstructures oh the foundations of wealth and influence laid by their fathers. Go thou and do likewise. Shall we Meet Again ? A BeaUtiFul Extract. The following waif,afloat on the '"sea of reading," we clip from an eichange. We do not know its paternity, but it contains some wholesome truths. beautifully set forth : "Men seldom think of the great event of d. stli until the -ha 1 )s fall across their own pnth, hidinir forever from their eyes the traces of the loved ones whose living smiles were the sunlight of their exist-nee. Death is the great antagonist of li'e and the cold thought of the tomb is the skeleton at alj feasts. We do not Want to go through the dark valley, although its passage n;av lead to Paradise ; and with Charles Lamb we do not want to lie down in the muddy grave, even with kings and princes for our bed fellows. But the fiat of nature is inexorable. There is no appeal of relief from the great law which dooms us to dust. Wc flourish and we fade as the leaves of the forest, and the flower that blooms and withers in a day has no frailer hold upon life than the mightiest monarch that ever shook the earth with his footsteps. Generations of men appear and vanish as the grass, an I the countless multi tudes that throng the world to day, will to morrow disappear as the footsteps ou the shore. In the beautiful drama of Ion, the instincts cf immortality, so eloquently ottered by the death devoted Greek, finds a deep response in every thoughtful soul. When about to vieid his young existence as a sacrifice to fate, his beloved Clemanthe asks if they shall not meet again, to which he replies : "I asked that dr.adful question of the hills that look eternal of the stars among whose fields of axure mv raised spirit hath walked upon thy living face. I feel that there is something in the love that mantles through its beauty that cannot wholly perish. We shall meet again. Clemanthe'." You can judge of a man's religion very well by hearing his talk, but you can't judge of his piety by what he says any more than you can judge of bis amount of linen by the stickout ot his collar and wristbands. A man who is angry is no longer himself. AW. WALTERS. ArffofcsiT at Law, . Clearfield. Pa. Office in the Court House , f ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Uw, Clear V field, Pa. May 13, 1b63. E D W. GRAHAM, Dealer in Drv-Goodi.Oroee- ries. Hardware. Queenaware. Woodenware. Provisions , etc., Market Street. Clearfield, Pa. NIVLINO A FHOWKRS. Pealers in Dry Good. Ladies' Fancy Goods, flat and Caps. Boots, ohuet.ete . Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. eep25 TERRELL A BIGLER, Dealers in Hardware LYJL and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron tare. Second Street. Clearfield, Pa. June "R8. HF. NAUGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watchea, Jewelry, ce. Room in Graham 's row, Market street. Not. 19. HBUCHER SWUOPE. Attorney at Law, Clear . field. Pa. Office in Graham's Row, fourdoo s west of Graham A Boynton's store. No. It. JB M'EXALLY, Attorneyat Law, Clearfield, . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoin1 ng bounties. Office in new brick building of J. linyn t 4i, 2d street, one door south of Lanicb's Uotel. rTEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa., will . attend promptly to all Legal busine entrust ed to his earn in Clearfield atd adjoining coun ties Ofhoe on MarkeUtreet. July 17, lb67. rpMOMAS H. FORCET. Dealer fn Square and Sawed Lumber, Dry-Goods.Queensware, Gro ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Baoon, Ao , Ac, Gra bamton. Clearfield county, Pa. Oet 10. J P. RKATZER. Dealerin Dry-Goods. Clothing. . Hardware Queenaware, Groceries. Provi sions, ete. Market Street, neaily opposite the Court House. Clearfield, Pa. Jane. 18C.5. HRTSWICK A IRWIN. Dealers in Drugs. Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary, Perfume r Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street, Clearfield, Pa Dec. 6, 1863. (1 KRATZER A- SON. dealers fn Dry Good. . Clothing. Hardware. Queeosware. Groce. ries, 1'rorUions. Ac, Second Street Clesi field, Pa. Dee 27.18. TiltIN GVELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds ot J Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield. Pa He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. AprlO.'SO. rpKOMAS J. M'CULLOCGH. Attorney at Law. 1 Clearfield. Pa. Office, east of the "Clearfield o liauk. Deeds and other legal instruments pro 's red with promptness and accuracy. July 3. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west ol JoMrntJOficK. Clearfield. Pa. Apr27 FB. READ, M D., Physician and Surgeon. . William'a Grove, Pa., offers his professional services to the citiiens of the surrounding coun try. July 10th. 18rt7. tf. "tTTESTERN HOTEL. Clearfield. Pa This W well known hotel, near the I ourt House, is worthy the patronage of the public The table will be supplied with the bett in the market. The beat of liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY. DR. J P. WOODS. Patsicii Soboeo. Having removed to ANSON VftLE. Pa. oilers bis professional services to the people ot that place and surrounding country. All calls promptly attended to. Dee. 2 ISfiB-finip. FREDERICK LEITZINGER, Manufacturer of II kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or der solicited wholesale or retail He also keep on hand and for sale an assortment of eatthens ware, of his own manufacture. Jan. I, I8S3 JOHN II. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field. Pa. Office with J. B. McEnally. Esq., over First National Bank. Prompt attention giv en to the securing of Bounty claims. Ac, and to all legal business. March 21, 1867. WALLACE. BIGLER A FIELDING. Attor neys at Law' Clearfield. Pa.. Lea-al business of all kinds promptly and accurately attended to. uiearneid, fa.. May lota, ISoo. WILLIAM A. WALLACB WILLIAM 9. BIGLEB I. BLAKB WALTEBS W B AKK FI ELMKS WALBI RT, A BRO S.. Dealers in Dry Goods, .Groceries, lard ware. Oueensware. Flour Ba con, etc., Woodlanl. Clearfield county. Pa. Also extensive dealers in all Binds of sawed lumber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. TToomana. ra., Aug. lytn. isrJ DR J. P. BUROnFIELD Late Surgeon of the 83d Resr't Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, offers his professional services to the citiiens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sional calls promptly attend ad to. Offlea on South-teas; corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4. 165 6mp. WT GIBSON, Practical Dentist, having permanently located in the town of Janes ville. teodeis his professional service to the people of that place and vicinity. All work en trusted to nis Cara will be done in toe most satis factory manner and highest order ol the profes sion IkOV. IB. IMIHIn aURVEYOR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. tit may be found at his residence in Lawienee township, when not engaged or addressed by letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. March nth. Is67.-tf. J iMES MITCHELL. TiiO.MAS W. JIOORE, Land Surveyor and Conveyancer. Having recently lo cated in the Borough of Lumber City, and resum ption ed the practice of Land Surveying respect fully lenders his professional services to the own era and speculators in lands in Clearfield and ad- joing 'counties. Deeds of Conveyance neatly ex eeuied. omce and residence one door Bast 01 Kirk Sr Spencers Store Lumber City. April 14, 1867-ly SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES. A recent bill has passed both Houses of Congress.and signed by the President, giving soldiers who en listed prior to 22d July, lafll. served oneyearor more and were honorably discharged, a bounty of sum. 7Bountiei and Pensions collected by ma for thueeeotitled to them. W ALTKK BARRETT, Att'y at Law. Aug. 1Mb. 1806. Clearfield, Pa. fLEARFIELD HOUSE, Clearfield, ' Pa. The subscriber would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of his old lriends and customers at the --Clearfield House." Having made many Improvements, ha isprepar ed to accommodate all who may favor blm with their custom. Kvery department connected with the house is conducted in a manner to give gen eraJ satisfaction. Jive him a call. ov.4 186. GEO. N. COLBCRN. D ENTAL PARTNERSHIP. D R. A M. HILLS desires to inform his patients and the public generally, that be baa associated with him in the praotiee of Dentistry. S. P.SH AW. D. D S . who is a graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, and therelore has tba highest attestations of his Professional skill. AH work done in the office I will hold myself personally responsible tor being done in the most satisfactory manner and nignaat order wf tne pro fession An established practice of twenty-two years in thi place enables me to speak to fey patrons with confilenee. Engagements from a distance should be made by letter a few days before tba patten designs ooming. lUiearneid. June a. isnn-iy. pURE BUCK LEAD, equal in quality to A English white lead; Oils, Taints and Varnishes of all kinds; Gold leaf in books, and bronses. for aale by - A-1- SUA w. ClaarfieW, October 23. 186T. GRAIN WANTEIT-jrkeat. By. Cara, Book wheat and Oatc sttsrt. for which tba high et market prio wtKbopaid by J. P KRATZER. Market Errant. rp peseta the Jail, Clsarteld, P. T J. C V N N I N G It A M. a rTORNRV AT TAW. Real Eatate Agent and Conveyancer, TYR0.1B, blaib cocktt, fa. Special attention given to the collection of claims. Tyron.Pa., January 27, 186 tf "HANKING 4 COLLECTION OFFICE or McGIRK a PERKS, 6 accessor to Foster. Perks, Wright A C., PuiursauBw, Cbhtbb Co., Pat. Where all tba business of a Banking Bona will be transacted! promptly and upon the most favorable terms. March 2S -tf. J.D.HSIBK. awnPEBKB Jm P. KBATZER, Clearfield, Penn'a, Dealer ! Dry Good, Dress Goods, Millinery Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware. Queens-ware, Stone ware, Clothing, Boot. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Floor, Bacon , Fish, Salt, etc., h constantly receiving new snpplies from the cities, which he will dispose of st the lowest market prices, to customers. Before purchasing elsewhere, eiatnrne his stock. Clearfield. Angust 28, 1867. QLOTHING! CLOTH I N G 1 1 GOOD ABB CHEAP 1$ Men, ToatnsSnd Boys ens be vuplpi'ed with full suits of seasonable and tashionable slothing at RKIZENSTEIN BROS CO.. wherC It Is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which bas been given, has indneed tbein to increase their s'ejck, which is now not (arpvsed by any estab lishment of th kind in this part of the Stat. Rei2eftstein Bfo's & Co., 8611 foods at a very small profit, for cash ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one th worth of his money They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body sis. Their ttotk is dcrntenleritiy situated1 They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they can sell cheaper tl an others ror fhess and other reasons persons should bay their clothing at REIZKNSTEIN BKCS A CO. Produce of every kind taken at tb highest market prices. May 18. 1b64 Jf Etf SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW k SON. Hat Just returned from th east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in th room, formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they aow offer to th pnblie at th lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenswarc, Hardware, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Dress Goods, ' Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Browns. Kails, tc. , in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store can be bad by calling ai this store, or will be procured to oTdef. Their liofik it well selected, and consists of th newest goods, is of th best quality, of the latest styles, and will b sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine oar stock before making your purchases, as w ar determined Mease all who may favor as with their eastom. May 8.1867. J. SHAW A SON. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The Fourth Session of tb present Sjbolaetie year of this Institution, will commence oa Mob day, th 26th day of April, 18S0. Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from th tim they enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexee. Th Principal having had th advantag of much experience in bis profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to th mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. -Tsrks or Tcttio: Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) tb M Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Hist ry S6,M AlgebrA.Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration Surveying. Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Pbysioal Geogra phy. . Latin, Greek and French, with any of tb a bov branches. $12.00 Music. Piano, (,30 lessons.) $10.00 CWSo deduction will be mad for absence For further particulars inquire of - Est. P.L.HARRISON, a a. Jnly SI. 1867. Principal. a. l. br an. J r.WBATKB w. row ILL, . r. aoor. NOTICE, 'w w jua as. BBTTS CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Msssna. HOOP. WEAVER CO., Proprietors, woald respectfully inform th eitiseni of tba county that thy have completely refiited and supplied their PLANING MILL, ia this Boruugh, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and ar aow prepared to execute all orders ia their line ef buaiweaw, aaeh as Flooring, Weatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. " Tbey bav a large stock eldry lnmbwr a head, and will pay cash for lr ataff, ono-and a-ha't inch paaaol plank ptwfasrsj . (Now ft, 67. "s, if rn