l)e "gtafferoanV gonnwf, gfarficft, 1a., Jtprif 28, i860. -HnELIXPATAPRIL2S; 1860. . Xo insure """ 10 , mail, patrons should remit by check rf "'"border or have their letter registered. 0j pDQ" . - - . - , ... ... Clearfield Railroad , leaTes Tyrone at : : ; .0 a m ' l AV.?t Clearfield at : : 1.00 . m. u -i i, ."in lea' Clearfield a : : : J.00 p m. at Tyrone at : : : : 5.60 V. m ' ... wi,h Cincinnati Exprest East at 8T7 "!h West M4 p, m ; Bald Eagle Ex- ir-inrs Divine services will be held in Clearfield, a follows : fr i ILKl, in the Methodist i. i, momitiz nd evening. Sabbath C 1 .tTv M. Prayer meeting, every j .Av M. Communiou services TVNth o ey month at 10 A. M. FR bS : SxJorff in the Lutheran church - .if. mnrnine d evening. at 10, A. M ,he wnJ aJ fourth Sundavs of each month- , . ir - Sfed Potatoes. Joseph Kirk, at Lum ber city, ha some choice seed potatoes for sale, fee advertisement. A Timely IIi.nt. Never run down a neighbor business-man' gooda in public. Let him pay for his own advertising. Vexdie. U. W. McNaul of Tike town ship. oSeti for sale, on Friday, May 7tb, a brw lot of personal property. For partic ulars see advertisement. A Fact. -The merchant who desires to fell his goods, and at reasonable prices, will be sure to inform the public of his in tentiuus by advertising. Bank Report. The statement or the First National Bank of Curwensville, ap pears in our columns to-day. The business oi ibis Bank seems to be in a very satisfact ory condition. Read the statement. Foa Sale. Garden seeds, fresh and gen uine, jut received from tha Philadelphia gardens, n well a. a quantity of super-phos- j.hate hnie and bone-dust for agricultural purpose. Ht the Drug Store of Hartswick & Irvrirr, Clearfield, Pa." ap 13-4t. Clothing. The advertisement of II. Bridge, relating to his ftock of new cloth inp, is published to day. Mr. Bridge has bn hand a very excellent selection of goods in bis line, to which he a.sks the attention of the public. Pont fail to call and examine bis stock. A Good One. Recently a gentleman in quired of a photographer, "what will you cfejrgt; to make a picture of me and another woman?' Evidently Le beloi ged to the 1'i'BioCTa'ic persuasion, and was :n doubts as to wbtther "me" or the "other woman" wote tbe bn-echei. Ti.y.rKBANfE Lecicre. Rev. Coombe. of Piiilad-j'pltia.wiil lecture on Temperance, in ('urwcnsviile, on Monday and Tuesday pveiin;,Mav .Id and 4th. Rev. C. is a fine Sf(';iKiT, ntil it U hoped that our teruper tnco r-. ,.-, tin ou.l bunt the county, may be tvent. N. K. Arnold, W. R. A Vv"oi:d of Caution. At this season, ;1 i.!(t-iria:i: v. mm and cold diiys, dou't tale fT ll f oveici als. or the thick f-boes, or tin- mi Jer c!u! lies, too soon. One indis cretion of I bis kind now, while the constitu tion i- run down by the winter's cor.fine-r.i'-nt.muy c-:i!ji upon you life long suffering. Ar.Mosr a Fiiiii r. Oil Monday afternoon, two ; fl i.it.-rs quarreled in our streets, c!i:ic)i-l i o h-r, and were only prevented !r.;:;i iMiniii t ) blows by sotua bystanders '.irei i'enn. Tiiey then started to go out of town and .-e't'e tiiu matter; but, on reach iig the ''Datch (ii;," tliey concluded to cp iii'.o the bar mom of the "Allegheny H 'U.-e" slid coiiij'roniise the difiiculty. by giiiijing a g'ass of laer. "Dat ih goot." Twenty-five Dollars Fine for Kil unu a Small Bird. By an act of the taieral Assembly of Pennsylvania, ap Foted the 31st of March, A. D. 1C6S, a pen-&jx-f tictutif five dollar is imposed for the k:h:iii.' uf any insectivorous bird, one half of tli fiiiL- to l-e paid to the informer. Here i-an o.;,urtuniiy to make twelve dollars and fia.f, and render the community effective fcrviiw There is no practice so inhuman "tl".- killing of the pretty little songsters ta4t iilil twicaih our wiudows and glad-li'-n o'ir h'j.srt.-.. It is the duty if every good Cl'z ;' to prvv.'nt their distruction and this "'i v cm:i Kc done by pr jsocuiing those who V:": the law. Trie birds that are classed u 'l'-r tl.e boad uf iuseelivorous birds are ri"ii. in i rtins, swallows, blue birds, wood Pv Xv-. iu., in f.ict a!l the various suiall 1 ira" S'-in-raliy sfcn in ibis latitude. TKi:isis yr y. On Friday afternoon ls,!. a li' in iKiincd Miller, got into a quarrel '"! Kd. Williams (colored) of this place, t'i'.h rou!ud in a rencontre, duii.ig which i rri;. r stabbed the latter in the left rt-t with a pocket knife inflicting a J-'u'U tifarly two inches deep. When Ed. rati; l,c yf.A . btJ,bhcil, he picked up a stolie "buw at Milbr, but dropped it irt the so -Matiuti of several citizens w ho hastened to - S'ot, !iercup'.-n Miller again rushed ui 'i the darkey with his knife, and but for interference oi LystanJers would have J'ii ftui,;,. Williams. Tha wound in--card i a rather serious one being in tbe rV-n of the heart but is not considered y di gerou.s. Miller, we are informed '? person who was present, was the insti rof t!ieq;,arrjl and made the first as a'J t, an 1 yet n t spcial effort was made to '"Teeth.ra. Apropos: Tho suptneness and 'Wifferenee so often manifested on the part P'-it lic officers in not promptly arresting e violai c, -j'' thr! law, has, in ouropitiiou, tnd!iiey to t-nef.irage evil disposed per-. r' in the comiuission of violence and n""?; and hence, it is to be hoped that, in 'e lutl,re. more active vigilance and exer J;&, wi be exercised by :hcw, and that all """uunity win be promptly arrested and Jm"hl7J:h0r,Tise the lives of our citi- 's will he in constant je-tpardy, and their F "P'-rty sul jw, to c-.Wto destruction. J'A 0rdtothevfiseU,.jmcT.Ot." An Excellent Appointment. We are highly gratified to learn that, our fellow townsmen, Zachariah McNaul, baa been ap pointed by President Grant, and confirmed by the Senate. Agent to the Sac and Fox In dians. Therea re combined inMr. McNaul all the elements to make him a popular and efficient agent. Hij business qualifications are of a high order. His well established rep utation for integrity and honesty of purpose, both at home and abroad, is such as to make his appointment all the more desirable. Vi'e, therefore heartily congratulate him up on his appointment. As we are aware that the appointment was Deither sought nor asked for by Mr. McNaul, but was brought about by influential "Friends"wUo knew his fitness for the position, we wish him a pleasant and successful mission. And we have no hesitency in saying that the Government will find in him a faithful and honest officer; and the Indians a kind friend, who will do all in his power to redress their grievances and see that justice is done them. Curwensville. A Topers Opinion. An exchange is guilty of the following : A veteran toper has been reading a scries of articles on liquor adulteration in New York the analysis of the liquor shows an average of about sixty five parts of water to thirty-five of spirits. "They don't give tho spirits a fair chance," said the aged bacchanal ; "They'll keep on tooling with water till it depopulates the earth ai'uiii." Local Normal. A local Normal School, will be open id by Prof. V. V. Watson, in Curweusville, on Monday next, May 3rd. MARRIED: On March 25th. 1869, by Rev. W. B. Purdy, at the residence of the bride's fath er, Mr. James VVALKER.of Indiana county, and Miss Almira S. Potman, of Clearfield county. On April 21st, 18G9. by J. M. Calder wcod, Esq.. at Tyrone, Mr. D. II. Fuller ton and Miss LUCY DOUGHERTY both of Clearfield, Pa. The happy couple have our best wishes for their future welfare. And may they re member that, although subject to many per plexities and troubles, much pleasure is in store for them if they will but exercise a loving forebearing towards each oilier in their journey through life. Closing Quotations of Goyernm't Securities. JA M E S T. B II A I Y A CO., (Surmsors to S. Jones Sf Co.) CORNER OP POl'RTR ISO WOOD STREETS. Pittsburg, April 24. 13(59. buv 'sell buy. sell. GOLD V'iii 1.103 5-20s. Jan.'7, lllljiUO, U.S. 9.. IS31. 1171 lI6i 5 2fls.Jul '67 108 M08 S2IU.1SG2, 114 1 1 H !June, 7-(, 109 109 5-20.lrtfii, 108J 105' .Inly, 7-30s. 109J1091 5-2ls.lat5, 1051 10i;; May Comp. fl5.114 10 40s. I0.i 10:;j:iAug.O.mp.'6o.llSj:il81 5-20s. Jan.'5, 10$J10$2l!Sept.Conip.'65.118 jllSj 5-20s, Jul. '6. 103 ;l"8i!;0ct. Coinp. '65,1171' 1 18 We itre now converting 7 S0 of tbe June and July series into Hold Coupon 5-20 bonds of 7. SPECIAL NOTICE. ScJtenck's Pulmonic Strup, Seeweed Tonic and Mandrake Ptlln.will cure Con sumption. Liver Cuu.pluint and Dyspepsia, if ta Ken accordirg to flireetumff. They are all three to ha taken at the same time. Th;j clcanso tho I stomach, rel tx the liver, an I put it to work ; then the appetite becomes good, the food digests and rasKes good blood, the patient begins to grow in tieth tbe diseased matter ripetiB in tha 1 ngs.and (be patient outgrows tbe diseade and gets well. This is tha only way to cure tbe connuniption. To the?e three medicines Dr. J. H. Bcbenck, oi Philhdelphia. owes his unrivalled saccess in tbe treatment of pulmonary consumption Tbe Pul monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in tbe lungs, ntttur throws it off by an easy expectora tion, for when the J hi eg m or matter is ripe, a slight cough will throw it off, and the patient baa rest and the lungs bein to heal To da this, the Seaweed Tonic aud Mandrake Pills must be freely nsed to eleinse tbe stotnauh and liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the food will make good blood. Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Ton ic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is made of. assists the stomach to throw out'tbe gas trio juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup, and it is madetnto good blood witboutfer menuili.n or souring in tbe stomach The great reason why physicians do not cut e consumption IS they try to ilo too uiuch ; they give medicine to stop the cough, to stop oh ills, tc stop Dight sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange tbe whole digestive powers.locking up the secretions and eventually the patient sinks and dies, Dr Scbenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop a eougli, night sweats chills or fever. Ke mov e the cause and they will all stop of tbeir own accord No one can be cured ef eonsumption.liv er complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, eanker, ulcer ated throat unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. If a person haseonsnmption.of course the lungs in some way are diseased, either tubercles, ab scesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of inSamation and fast de caying., In such cases what most be done? It is uoi only the lungs that are wasted. but it is the xhi.lt budy. Tl.e stomach and liver have lost tbeir power to make blood out of food. Now the onlyebsnco is to takeSchenck's three medicines, which will bring up a tono to the stomach, the putientvi!i liriu want food, it will digest eas'ly and m:ike good blond ; then tbe patient begins to g.iin in dcsli. and as oon as tbe body begius to grow, tbe lungs be n to hoal up. and the patient gets flt'.-hy aii'l well. his is the only way to cure conauiaptioa. When there is no lung disease, and only liver complaint slid dyspepsia, Schenck's Seaweed Touicai.d Mandrake Pills are sufficient without the Pulmonic Syrap. Take tbe Mandrake Pii Is freely iu ail bilious complaints, as they are per fectly harmless. Pr Pchenek. who has enjoyed uninterrupted heallh'for many years past, and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of ? ulmonary consumption, his physicians having pronounced his esse hopeless and aoand iajed him to bis fate. lie was cured by the aforesaid medicines. and since his recovery many similarly afUicted have used Dr. Schenck's preparations with the same remarkable succesa The directions accompanying each, make it not absolutely nece-s iry to see Dr. Schenck. unlets the patients wish their lungs examined, and for this purpose be is Professionally at his Principal Office, Philadelphia every Saturday, where all letters for advice must b addressed. He is also professionally at No 32 Bond Street, New York, ever, oiherTuesday. and at No. 35 Hanover St.. Uoston. eviry other Wednesday. He t ives advice Tree, but for a thorough examination with his Respirometor the price is Sa. Omce hours at each city from i A. M to 3 P. M. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each SI. 50 per bottle, or So 50 a balf-dosen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggists. DR. J. H. SCHENCK. Ap. 7;'My 1 15 iV. 6A Sr., PhiCa, Pa. A DM I N ISTR ATO RVS NOTICE Let-a- t ers of Administration on the estate of John L McCully. late of Becoaria township, dee'd, having beon granted to the undersigned, no tice is heroby given flat all persons indebted to siideeat" s-re rc'iested tnruake immediate pay uient. tnu ;bodc uavitig ciainiA against the snme will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement to Q. W. MsCULLY, April 2lst ln09flt. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. -ters of Administration on the Let- estate of Elijah Smeal. late of liners township, dee d. having been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to said state are require! to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe same will pre sent them., properly authenticated for settlement to MARY E SMEAL. EDW. U. WILLIAMS. April 8!. l?9 etpd. Admistrators. A. A. GRAHAM. NEW FIRM! JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cap9,Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, Queensware, Wood and Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt, etc., etc., etc., MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. The Largest, Be3t and Cheapest stock of goods to he found in the county is now on sale at JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS. FOR THE LADIES They bave Bonnets. Silks, Coburga, Alpacas, Merinos. Wool Delaines. Lustres, Ging hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and other G loves. H osiery , Balmo rals, Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bons, trimmings, ' Battens, Braids, etc., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres.Sattinetts, Tweeds, Mel tons. Water-proof Cloth. Silk. Satin and common Yestings, etc., in great variety, and at prices that will give general satisfaction to buyers. READY MADE, Such as Overcoats. Dress coots of various qual ities and prices. Plain'and Fancy Vests, Cassimere and Flannel Overshirts, Woolen and Cotten undershirts, Handkereh-iefsnd neck tios, Cotten and Woolen socks, Calf and Kip boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and such otber articles as are usually needed. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Amonjr hich may be found Carpeti.Oilololhs, Kujs. Frown Muslins, Bleached Mnslins, Drillings, Pillow casing. Sheetings, Towelings, Table sloths, Table covers, Window Blinds, Cor tains.Ticnings and a very S large assortment of . such articles aa are wanted by housekeepers, and aft prices to suit the times. QUEENSWARE, A full assortment, consisting of Tea and Din ner -sets, Pitchers, Bowls, Dishes, and a general variety of ware that will be sold by tbe dosen or piece, and as cheep as it can be purchased elsewhere iu the county. HARDWARE, Such as Saws and Files,Door Locks and Latch es, Hinges of all Kinds, Augurs, Screws, Kails, Spixes, Taoss, Brads, Shovels, Spadea.Hoes. Forks, Axes, Hatch ets.Chisels.Kni ves and Forks, Buteher Knives, Carving Knives and forks, and all articles usually wanted by the people. GROCERIES, ETC., Consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Teas. Spices, Syrups, Dried Fruits, Cheese Flour, Bacon, Feed, etc, always on haul and for tale at a small advance ou cost. WOOD & WILLOWWARE, i Such as Tubs, Buckets and Churns, Clothes wringers and Wash boards, Clothes. Mar ket and Dinner Baskets.a general as sortment, at all times, in store and for sale low. IN FACT, GRAHAM & SONS sell all articles that are usually kept in a well-regulated country store, and hence the people generally will find it to tbeir advantage to buj goods of them. SAWED LUMBER. We are also extensively engaged in buying and selling all kinds of Sawed Lumber, and as we intond giving this branch of business special attention, wa feel assured that wecan make - it to the advantage of those whohavelumberfor sale to deal with us. Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber. GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. Grain and eonntry produce tasen in exchange for Goods. ' " " .4ro. 2-'8. . J.B. GRAHAX. : B. W. GRAHAM. rj.RAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the leading hardy varieties'of . first quality Concord Cuttings.-!. 00 per hundred. Orders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in -otation, by AMU ILLS. pURE BUCK LEAD, equal in quality to English white lead; Oils, 1 aiots and Varnishes of all kinds; Gold leaf in books, and brontes, for sale by A. I. SHAW. Clearfield, October 33, 1867. rpO WAGON MAKERS. The under signed is desirious of connecting with his SMITH SHOP, afitstclass wagon, sleigh i sled establishment. A good opportunity is offered te a Wagon Maker, who wishes t go into business. The subscriber can also furnish to applicant a comfortable bouse (near tha soop) if desired. HENRY KERNS, February. 10th 1369. Curwensville, Pa, rpiIOMAS W. MOORE, Land Surveyor aud Conveyancer. Having recently lo eated in the Borough of Lumber City, and resum sumed the practice of Land Surveying, respect- fnllw anrlMr hill nrnfeSfiional UTVMM tn th.na. ers and speculators in lands iu Clearfield and ad joing counties Deeds of Conveyance neatly ex- ecuiea. vuicw iuu awwuw uun uoor xast oi Kirk Sr Spenoers Store Lumber City. April 14, 1867-ly. J P. -KRATZER, Clearfield, Penn'a, Dealer in Dry Goods. Dress Goods Millinery Goods, Groceries. Uard-ware. Queens-ware, Stone ware, Clothing. Boots. Shoes, Hats. Caps. Flour. Baeon, Fish. Salt.eie . is constantly receiving new supplies from tbe cities, which he will dispose ot at the lowest market prices, to customers Before purchasing elsewhere, examine hi stock. Clearfield, August 23, l.So7. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the Uni ted States.fur the Western District of Pa : In tbe matter of ) STACY W THOMPSON, S In Banlmptcy. Bankbcpt, ) To whom rr mat coscrhm : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Stacy W. Thompson, of lioggs township, in tbe county of Clearfield, and State of Pennsylvania, witbin the raid District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upoa his own petition by the Dtstriot Court of said District. apr I. WM M M'CULLOUGH, Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the Uni A ted States.for the Western District of Pa : In the matter of . ) CHRISTIAN J. SUOFF, Iu Bankruptcy. Bankrctt ) To wbom it mat coxcebit: The undersigned hereby gives notice if his appointment as assignee of Christina J S huff, of Woodward township. In the county of Clearfield, and State of Pennsylva nia, within the said District. who has been adjudg ed a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the Dis trict Court of said District. Apr.I. WM.M. ji'CCrLLOCGH. Assignee TN THE DISTRICT COURT of tha Uni ted States for the Western District of Pa: In the matter of ) JOHN RYAN IN BANKRUPTCY. BlMRDPT. ) To wbom it mat conckrk : The an Jarsigaed hereby gives notice of his appointment as as-ignea of John Ryan, ef Burnside township, in the county of Clearfield and State of Pennsylva nia, within Mid Distriot. who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own Petition, by tbe District Court of said Distriot Dated tbe 26th day of March. A. D . 18n. March 3I. B9-4 1. A. A. ADAMS, Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the Uni ted States for the Western District of Pa : In tbe matter of ) THOS. HUMPHREY, IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankkci-t. J To wnoM it mat concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of 'Jhotuas Humphrey, of Pike township, iu the coouty of Clearfiuld. and State of Pennsylvania, within the said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own Petition, by tbe iis trict Court of said District. Dated she 2lith day of March. A D. .1869. March 31-4t. A. A. ADA MS. Assignee. TN THE COURT of Common Pleas of Clearfield County, Pa. : Fans IE Smith, ) No. 179, Jan. Term, lit. hi Smith, s. M. Smitb. ) Joseph M. Smith. ) Sui. Stir Diver it. March 17th, I8R9, D. F. Etsweiler. appointed a Commissioner to taKe testimony in this case. By too Court. A. C lAIE.Proth'y. Twill attend to tbe daties of the above appoint ment at the office of Wallace, Bigler A FieidiBg, in Clearfield on FRIDA Y .thelid day of APRIL. 1 809, at 10 o'clock.A M , where all parties inter ested can attend. D. F. ETZWblLEK, April 1, 1S69. ' Commissioaer. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE -- United States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania THOMAS HUMPHREY, a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2d 1307, having applied for a discbarge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said ast, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given. to all persons who have proved tbeir debts, and other persons Interested, to appear on the 13th day ef May 18o!. at Two o'clock. P M , before S. K. Woodruff Esq. Register in Banxmprey at his office, in Clearfield. Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge thou Id not be granted to the said bankrupt Aud further, . notice is hereby given. that the Second and Third meetings of CreiJi on of the said bankrupt, required by tbe 27th and 2Mb sections ol said act. will be held before the said Register, at ibo lame time and place. S. C. McCaNDLESS, Clerk. February. 1st, 1363,-2t. BEE HIVES! BEE HIVES!! The undersigned having on hand and for sale the America Movable comb Bee Hives, and finding it impossible to supply the demand for hives have eoncluded to sell one half of the terri tory which they own. to wit: Clearfield and parts of Centre and Cambria counties. Tbey bave made arrangements to bave the material for hives cut to order. Persons desirous of seeing a sample of the hires wil' please call at Nivling or Showers Store, in Clearfield. Bee rauers will find it to their advantage, to have the patent hives. Per sons wishing to buy either hives or territory can address us to Glen Hope, Clearfield eountv. Pa April 14. ISrtS A. W. A NIVL1NG. "LECTION. To the School Dikec 1 tors of Clearfield County: Gentitmrn: In pursuance of the lorty-third section of the Act of the 3th of Ma, 1354. yon ire hereby notified te meet in Convention, at tbe Court House. In Clearfield, on the first Tuesday in May. A D. 1369. being tbe 4th day of the month, at 1J o'clock in tbo at lernoon.and select vivivf, by a majority of tbe whole numher of directors present, one person of literary and scientific ae quirements. and of skill and experionce in the ait of teaching, as Connty Superintendant for the three succeeding years; determine the atnuunt of compensation for the same ; and certify the re sult to the State Superiniendsnt. at Harrisburg, as required by the thirty-ninth and fortieth section-of said Act. GEO W.SNYDER. Connty Superintendant of Clearfield County, April 14, I369-3t. SELECT SCHOOL ! The Summer Session of Susquehanna Select School, located at Campbell's Chc-reh in Bell township, will commence on tha third Monday of May. (first Monday.) for the 'trm of live months, with a vacation of three weeks in midsummer. The Common Branches will be taught, and also the following;, it dssired to wit: Algebra. Geome try. Plain Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying, Philosophy. Physiology, Physical Geography, Rhetorio and Logic. THE PRICE OF TUITION. shall be. for tbe full term of five months. SI 2. and for less than the full term, at the rate of SI per month All pupils shall be held till the end of tbe term, without special agreement at the time of entry, and the price of tuition shall be paid in advance. Tbe School is located in a pleasant neighbor hood, and a competent Teacher has been secured. Boarding can be procured for S3 per week. Any further information can be had by address ing the President of tbe Board, Cush Poet office, the Secretary at Burnside, or Professor Smith at Curwensville. J LEE President. J.W CAMPBELL, Treae'r. JAMES DOWLER, Seo'y. March 24. 1869. c ANNED FRCIT. Canned Plums, Peaehes and canned corn, etc , for sale at the Drnr Store of . A. I. SHAY. March 10, lifi. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES, Or ALL USDS, A'.BO Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawers, Ae. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 102 Second Avenue, near Wood St., PITTSBURGH, PA. Apr.7-6m. Stales Promptly Repairtd. 1869. 1869. GRAND OPENING OF SPRING & SUMMER STYLES IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, SHAWLS, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Having selected our stock with the greatest care, we cannot be surpassed in Style and Quality. All our goods will be sold at a close cash price, so that purchasers will find it to their advantage in oalling on ns. Having fitted np a separate room for Hats and Caps and Straw Goods, the finest assortment of these goods will be kept. WM. REED & CO., Market St. Clearfield, Pa. April 14, 18S9 ii- BEST GOODS" AT "LOWEST PRICES." Bennett, Blattenberger & Co., NOW OFFER AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE, IN OSCEOLA, A large and well selected stock of frerh SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at lowest market rates, and to be sold at a slight advance on cost, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QITEENSWARE, WOOD k WILLOWWARE, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES, . FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, FLOUR, FEED, And everything appertaining to well regulated hensebolds, as well also to MILLS, MINES AND CAMPS. Orders received and promptly filled. Highest market price paid for Country Produce. Salesmen are polite, attentive and obliging. CALL, SEE, EXAMINE, and be convinced. . Bennett, Blattenberger t& Co. Osceola Mills. April 2 , 1R69. T J. CUNNINGHAM, J. AITORJIEY AT LAW, Real Estate Agect and Conveyancer, TTR05E. BLIB COCSTT, PA. Special attention given to tbe eollection of claims. Tyron, Pa., January 27. l39-tf SHA. A SON now offer tbare whole stock of , woolens for less than first eost in Phila . flHILDREySfars twen-.j-fivw per cent leu tb.an i V-cew at J. SHAW EO. A Great Remedy for the- cure of Throat find Ijttnr;'' Disease. Doctor Htsluirt l ine Iree Iir t-ortltal. It is tbe vital principle of tbe Pine Tree, eb tained by a peculiar pruoess in the distillation of the tar. by wmcn its nighest meaica' properties are retained. It is tbe only safeguard and reliable remedy which bos aver been prepared trom thejuioe of the Pine Tree It invigorates the digestive organs and restores toe appetite. It strenethens the debilitated system. It purifies and enriches the blood, and errels trom tbe system the corruption which scrofula oreeas on tbe lungs. It disolvea the mucus or phlegm which stops the air-passages of tbe lungs. Its healing principle acts upon tha irritated surface of tbe longs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing inflammation It is the result ofiyears of study and experiment, and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive assurance of its power to euro the following dis eases, if the patient has not too long delayed a re sort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough. Sore Threat and 8reast; Bronchitis. Liver Complaint. Blind and Weeding Piles, Asthma, Whuoping Cough. Diptheria. Ac Ac We are often asked why are not other remedies in tbe market for Consumption, Coughs. Colds, and other Pulmonary affections qual to Dr. L. y. Wisbart's Pine I ree Cordial. W e answer 1st It cures, not by stopping cough, but oy loosening and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. 2d. Most Throat and lainic Remedies are com posed uf anodynes, which allay the) eoagh for awhile. but by their constringing effects. the fibres become hardened, and the unhealthy fluids coag ulate and are retained in the system, eausing dis ease beyond tbe control of oar most eminent pby sicians 3d Tbe Pine Tree Cordial, with its asstftants. are preferable, bees use they remove tbe cause of irritation of the mucus soem-brane and bronchial tabes, assist the lures to act and throw eff tbetrn healthy secretions, and purify the blood, thus scientifically making the cure perfect. Dr W ishart has on hie art hi- office hundreds and thousands of Certificates from Men and Wo men of unquestionable character who were once hopelessly given np to die, but through the Prov idence of God were completely restored to health by the Pine Tree Tar Cordial A Physician iu attendance who can be consulted in person or by mail. r. rhargt. Price of Pino Tre Tar Cordial 50 per Bottle. Sll per dor. Sent by Express on receiot of price Address. V Q C Wishart, M. D. No 232 -North 24 Street Phila delphia Pa. April Hat, 1869-3tn. PUBLIC SALE. The Subscriber will offer at pnbiio outcry, on his farm in Lawrence township, midway between VJiearneld sail Curwensville, one-naif mile IS or Id of tbe road leading from Clearfield to Curwens ville. on FRIDAY. APRIL 3S)TH. 1869, tbe following personal property, vis ; One Horse and one Male, One l ncsier-wbite Boar, (between one and two years old,) one Chester-wite syw, (be tween one and two years old, and will pig about tbe first of May.) 2 .-boats. 14 geese. 3 turkeys, 1 trio pair Brahma fowls, (pure stock.) top buggy. I two-horse wagon, dearborn wagon, i set bay ladders, plows and harrow, subsoil plow, culiiva tor. windmill cu'ting box. shovels and forks. timber sled and ehsins. pair twin sleds, one-horse, sled, I hand cart, I saddle and a lot of harness maul and wedges, grindstone, a lot of CONCORD CLINTON GRAPEVINES. Currant bushes, (best French variety tor wfnes,) Cook stove. Parlor Steve, Ten-plate stove and farmer's boiler. (40 gallons) 1 corner cupuoard. book-case with desk, 1 kitchen sink, table, meal chest, meat barrels, sausage-cutter and staffer. 1 barrel of tider vinegar, bedtteads. 1 sewing ma chine, and various other arlioles too nawerous to mention TKK.MS: Amounts of SI 5 or tinder, cash, before goods leave tbe premises ; from Sla to S20, thir tv davs credit : from -0 to HO. three months credit;. and all amounts over 50. six months credit. When credit is given, with notes approv ed security will kf) required in all coses. Sale to commence at IU o clock A v- April 21. IHo ( KOROE THORS. THE GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS. A Safe Blond Purifier, A Splendid Tonic, A Pleasant Beverage. A Certain Cutc and PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES TheZINQARI BITTERS are compounded from a prescription of the eelebrated Egyptian physi cian Dit. Cnuopcs, who, after years of trial and experiment, discovered tbe Zisari Hrb the most remarkable vegetable production, tbe earili. perhaps, has ever yielded certainly the most effective in the cure of disease. It. in combina tion with tbe other valuable properties of which the ZINiiARI BI TIERS is composed, will core Dyspepsia. Fever and Agne. Bilious F'ever.Cholic, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption in itsfirst stage, Flatulency, Nervous Debility, Female Com plaints, Rheumatism. Dysentary, Acute and Cbronio Diarrhea, Cholera Morbns, Chol era. Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Yellow Fever, Scrofula. Diseases of the Kidneys, Habitual Coetiveness, Ac, Ac, Ac, In the Feevestioi and Ccre of the above dis eases, it has never been known to fail, as thou sands of our most prominent citizens throughout all parts of the oountry, will testify. Let tbe afflicted send for a circular containing testimoni als and cerii Centos of 'nose who- have been cured after tbeir eases have been pronounced hopeless by oar best physicians. Principal depot. P. RAUTETt A CO.. Jlo 6 5. Front St , Philadelphia. Recommended by Ex Oov. David R. Porter, of Pennsylvania, Hon Robert J. Fifher. of Penn sylvania, lion. Edward Mo Pherson. of Pennsyl vania. Hon. Joel B Dinner of Pennsylvanic lion. Wm. MoSherry.of Pennsylvania, and others Send tor circulars Feb IQlh. lf-69 It., NOTICE. TN THE COURT of Common Pleas of Clearfield Co. : No. 85, Jan. Term, 169: Jonathan Boynton vs A. Updergrsff ; A. A. Winegardner ; L Jamison, and Annis O. Ensworth Widow and devisee ; Lydis E Rogers.daugeterand heir of Loren A Ensworth. and Geoige Rogers husband of said Lydia ; Allen Ensworth A Allice Boyd.devisees of said Loren A. Knsworth; and Annis O. Ena worth. Horace E Taylor end Henry Parsons, Execntors of said Loren A. Ensworth-, dee'd. Summons tn Ejectment r.gainat defendants, to appearand answer to a eerta.n complaint made by Jonathan Boynton, tbe Plaintiff that they the said Defendants now bave in their actual posses sion the following deteribed traetaof land, situate in Clearfield Countv. Pennsylvania, to wit: That certain tract of lnd known as tract in nameoi Isabella Jordan. situate in Knox townsnip, voun ty and State aftfresaid, containing four hundied and twenty nine acres, more or to -a : Also one otber tract in tbe nine of Nanoy Boggt. srtnate in F.nxritownshiD. Cleai field County aforesaid, containing 440 aores more or less : Also one oth . . w w r :.b -: . . er tract in the name ui iu . .iovuruii:. wiubi. in Rnioi townshin. Connty and State aforesaid. containing 443 aeres more or less: Also one other tract in the name of John Reed, situate in Law rence township, Oounty and state aioresata. con i.ininir 413 acres, more or less: Also a balance of i98 acres, mere or less, in the name of Hugh Jordan, in Lawrence township. Connty and State aforesaid, being the balance of saidtract not sold to Dahgherty and McLaughlin; Also the timber or timber irrest, on. or in the lotf aores of land of said tract .-..11 to McLaughlin. The right of pos session, or title to which be. the said aonaiusn Boynton.says is in him and not in the said defend ants: All of wnieh he tbe said Poynten.aters he is p repute J to prove Ao Returnable to Jan.T. !89 This action of Ejectment being brought to eompel specific performance ot eontraet between Fitcb A Boynton of the first part and A Upder graff A. A- Winegardner. L-. A Ensworth and L. Jamison Said contract dated 25 th Sept., 1 858. ' Now. March 15th, 1869. it appearing that return has been made as to defendants, that they cannot be found. As.. On motion of J. B. MoEn ally.PlaintiSs Attorney, a rata is granted on the d -fondants named to appear and plead by the third Monday of Jane. A. D. 1869 Notice of wbieh mle is to be published, describing tire rjremises.for atleaat 6t) davs D receding the return day thereof.in at least on newspaper published in the County of Clearfield, and to be inserted at least three weeks in accordance wttn maim seotion of th Aot of 14th April, A- 131 Rvtke Court. Certified from the reword thU Uf day ot April, A. D. 1WM. A. O.XAka - . April H, ISM 4X F C CR0MMr MERCHANT TAILOR, MARisrr STRisrr, CLvawnsrur. pa., Adjoining tbe resideaceof Dr. J: G. Harts wick, J' Keeps' a an assortment of plain and. faney cloths. oaimeres. etc.. whiob be will make np to order, in the latest stylra, a. tre lowest' prieasx Being an experienced workman, he guarantees entire catistaotion. A shore of public patrecaee solicited. rjM 23,'S9-4f. PROCLAIM IT TO ALL THE WQBLI that . TIIE NA TIOXAL BITTERS.. bas cured more cases of Dyspepsia, more eases of LIVER COMPLAINT, more cases-of XERVODS HEADACHE. FEVER AAUUK, and mora cases of ' DIBILITY, than any other remedy before the public in the same space of time JT ' PtTRlFlES THE BLOOD clams the mind, restores sleep, is an EaceMeat Ap Fwr, ana a general vigoraior ot tna system. - ihliu.x a. Aju. rroprietors. No 9'fi. Seventh St , Philadelphia. Sold by Drnggiscs, and Dealerr rent rally . Feb 24. 159 j a sao. TO TUB WOIIIIO fllll T an m. m u. uvw VI,Um to furnish all clams ith - p : . at their homes, tbe whole ef the time, or for the spare moments. Easiness new, light and profita ble Fift eenU to b per evening, is easily earn ea br cersoneef either ..j a. l j - , . -" " tuv UUJ H IOU STiriS earn nearly as much as men Great indecementa ui"r, WDO wmi as vote tbeir whole time to the business: and. that ewy person whe. sees this notice, may send' me tbeir add rets and test tbe business for themselves.. I make the fol-- iunm aparauea oner: lean who ere not well satifivri with tbe business, I will send l to Bay lor the trouble of writing me Full partiorlar. direetions, Ae , sent free. Sample sent by mail! eT 10 cents Address E C Aii.kh Ari-mi. v SOMETIIIN& NEW AND BEAUTI Krir.i The Photograph Marriage Certificate is truly a thing of rare beauty. It consists of a beautifai engraving, with a place on the left re insert the photograph ef tbe Husband; and a plaee en the: right to insert tbe photograph of the Wife .' ac-- coiopsoied with passages of Scripture adopted to- eocn Ac , co. What a pleasure irwill be. when our hairs are- getting gray, to have hanging to our parlors, a -keepsake," that writ remind ae of our mridal' day, and tridod hravty. All wbo have been lately married, and those contemplating marriage should have them. Many wbo have been married for years are applying,: for them. Any competent peuman ean fill them, out. 1 be undersigned- is the exclusive acent for the- Photograph Marriage Certificate r for Clearfield,. Centre end Elk counties. Tbey wil be seat by. mail pre-paid. bend your address and get a deieriptive etrealorr gratis. Address W. a PURDY, Wrstover. Marca i, bu-ty. Clearfield Co. fa VALUABLE REAL ESTATE; AT PRIVATE SALE"- The undersigned. Executors of the Estate of Jason Kirk, late of the Borough of Lumber-eity, deceased, oner at private sale tbe following de scribed real estate, to wit: Tbe undivided half of" about two hundred seres of land, situate in Union. township, Clearfield county, i'a., known as the -Cnien Mills" property. About 2 acres of the- land is cleared, from- 80 to 100 acres it covered, with excel ent white pfne. besides hemlock and other tiniler. The improvements are a valuable grist mill, saw mill, and woolen factory, beaides a good frame house and barn. The water power is good, situated on Anderson's creek, aboet 12" miles above Curwensville. Person oTesiposir of seeing tbe property, can eall upon J. U. Arnold., residing thereon. For further particulars apply- to the urodersigned at i-uniDer city . ISAAC KIRK. SAMt'ELKlKC,. Jan. 1.V69. JOHS RCSSKLL, Err'- REMOVAL! REMOVAL! G. KRATZER & S0XSr Have removed to the large and' elegant. NEW' STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoining. Mer reli A Bigler's Hardware Store, where they will! be pleased to see their old and new customers. Citiiensof the county visiting Clear field, and wishing to make 'purchases, will find it to- their advantage to examine their stock. Goods at cash prices exobanged for all kinds of oomtry produoe. Jan. 6-,"69. ER.L.ST0UGIIT0N, MERCHANT TAILOR, ItARKET STRirf, CUiinUS, A.r Would respectfully inform the cftisons of Clear' field and vicinity, that he has opened a aew tail oring establishment in Sbaw's Row, one door east of the Post Ot&oo, and Baa just returned from toe eastern cities with a large and elegant stock of Cloths, Cassimercs, Nestings, . Beavers, kc, and all kinds of goods for men and boys' wear, and is prepared to make np to order CLOTHIXGF, from a single article to a full suit, in tbe latest style and most workmanlike manner. Special atten tion given t eastern work, and-catties; oat for men and boys. He offers great bargains to owe to rn era, and warrants entire satisfaction. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. Call and examine the good. Oot 16, IBtil. E. R. Ik STOUGHT03. EW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEITED AT KIRK &, SPENCERS, Lumber City, IV, The undersigned would respectfully tafera tbeir customers, and tbe publio in general, that they have Just received their Spring stock ef goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fish, Salt, Floor, Bacon. Mailey Paint, Oil. Stoneware, Hardware. Queensware, Baskets. Tabs. Churns. Carpet, Oil cloth, and a general variety ef such articles as are usually kept in a country store, all ef which they will sell cheap for rasa. They weuld also direot attention to their large . ' stock of Ready-made Clothing, which they efer , -for sale at a small advance npon cost. k...' KIRK A SPE5CER. Lumber City. Pa., Hay &, 1667. N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con stantly keep en haad a general assortment ef Boot and Shoes, for mea. women and children. KIRK. A SPENCER. H. N A U G L E , WATCH MAKER, GRAHAM'S BOW, CLEARFlLl. Theanderslcned respeofidlly Inform! hit aid customers and tbe publio. that be has on haad, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. IVA TCIIES a fine assortment, o (silver Hunt ing and open cose American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, ft fie best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored! and plain- glass. JEWELRY ot every tariety, from a tingle piece to a full set ALSO, fine ansarrmeni of Spoons, Forkt, bat ter knives, etc.. plated on genuine Alahata. . ALSO. Hair Jewelry .with puifegold mounting got np to order. Call and tee sample book. AH kinds of Clocks. Watob.ee and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted., A continuance of patronage is solicited. Not. 2Sth. 1864. B. 7, MAL'SLE. ' 500,000 .'rtfrsVx SOX. C Tl Bothy and Orobard-grass seeds at 5. KRAZZSfc k 301.3,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers