Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 28, 1869, Image 1

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VOL. 15. NO. 34.
Perhaps my dVar reader, you never heard
of Puffin-ham Allgaz. Well, I am the
iJentk-dl inaiviJual I am a family man.
At the pre-nt moment t u. living witn
my ihirJ ""ifo.
cinda Pastors.
Her Maiden nama ws tu-
She was an orphan,' and
hai ten Ji.-afj'ointed in love when I met
her. She was a bonny lass then, though
the is mure fc"i.' than bonny now. Our son,
P. Ua!i?r Allgaz, resembles her especially
in the fct-'ues pet baps you have remarked
I am the happy father of three children.
Th eldest, a daughter, was christened Ma
th Xino, Lut we c-a!i her Violet, not because
she is very modest or unassuming, or par
t'C'j'ariJy like a violet, but because because
she is well, you know Lord Dundreary's
Irutbt-r called him "Wobert fcrVause his
niiie as lVedick," and we eall her Vio
Itt Ltcau- her name is Maria Jane. She
n-t .Tfn-ilij beautiful, I confess, although
";Le hath a pretty foot, a cherry lip, a bon
v:y, a pacing pleading tongue," a form
fe'atitl. an 1 an Lu ujiic q l.tnrity of sunuv
lit. which is fu:te an item in these times.
tLevta my second wife's ehild. and eonsc
(iitnily is not too dear to my dear Lueinda.,
f Ir a.-1 remarked before, was disappoint
ed in lure in early yomh, from the disastrous
tft'.-ta of which she has never fuiiy recover
el. (iiir second child is of the masculine gc-n-j-r,
t):i::i:t!'y named I'ufTiiigliani Waller.
T' Ji-ti..!LMi.-h bet wveu Hither and son, I in
tra It -1 ..-.: $: sh'-uIJ bo called '.V alter, Lut
in;-witj per-i-.t- iii calling hiai Puffy not
fecan-e 1 1- is puffy, but because he isn't.
l'hysii-alK 1 c i.s a n.ost reir.arkabV child,
bis hair f t'i.; so uiiniiiura'ly white as to
give his head the appearance of a dandelion
t."ue to seed. Then his eyes, which arc blue,
Live a fashion peculiar to themselves, of're
volvini? entirely independent of each other,
. that he has in reality the ability to "look
iiw way 'nr Sunday." Moreover he has
another peu!i;irily, his mother having been
(bapiKjiiittd iu love, it gave a twist to her
a:-j.r,iriin, and saM twist having been
t.i'i-inittci to the child, it found a lodg
ment in his spinal column, and consequent
ly he is for ever trying to untwist himself,
glwnz him the semblance of an animated
oirk -screw. As you may suuuose. P. Walt-
cri- co'usMered tlie flower of the family.
Oir thirl child h a girl, and was ihristeo
ul Florinda Pazters. She is a grand com
fort to Inr mother, as Mrs. Levengdel, the
f'airvoyiMit, assured her .she would be. Vcs,
fhe is a srreat comfort to her mother and
H.wt.-re boils t Jo'j!
1 am not wealthy, although I live in good
;";.V.na beautiful cottage at Forest Hill.
N . 1 am nor wjaliliy. iiowithstanding the
!iit ilat I Iiuve carried on bu.-iness ever
"i. my tweniy-Srst birthday. Hat I have
m -,. 1 beyond the unht sanguine ex-
. ,,t my friends i'c.s sir, astound-
!- a ;I "''" seeiii, I have managed by
c.iie attention to my business and almost
!-u;;rhuiim:i sagarity. to sink my entire bus
i" " i i ,:m; upon two different occasions.
I s s I u-r-1 my turd itors to sccept fifty cents
'' the u.."ar. Ihe inducements which I
I'M out w.-re -u.-li as they couM not very
-.l r.-i j-e. e called it a compromise I
lie lb.- ailj ; fact, I like that way
:pi:g d-bts. At present lam doing
h-iur- U; ,n capita! borrowed of my fath
my br elt r ar.d my uncle, and if I sue-.
! s ,t, ! as I rspr c t to, I shall soon be
wto c.inppmie wi,n the ahov
above nien-
Sflnltll.-.l. Ill
U-ral terms say ten percent.
'JT.airiv the-k f'ew preparatory remarks,I
w.K pti-d with my story, which relates
t. ?h 1 ... ,,f that angelic creature whom I
-iiiT.li-!iJ above my eldest daughter
f'lit i had entertained hopes that
V t d'i honor to the nam5 of All
! 1 1 a'unys b:-en ir. the best SO
t Mill Srd. d, and I never
- i v.nil 1 step out of her own
a !: isbjn I, ail ta ire fore jou
' i '.lie my urpnsc wiien I learn
i i .!.: -red l:erud". etions upon a
y iuuch hcueaib her in the
e tirt to en!
uten me re-
't 111 ll.l.l.r!
aa-,'!iter s heart.
' I LX
i-iied 1
1 a:u
'.ciiiJa. "She loves
ru, aj 1 you know
" hi ?'' f deiaaded.
' ' iC'DiV t!
ie laiuily.
r ..
au 1
- ' "i 1:1 a retail
''-v-rel Lueinda.
' 1 ' h-i aipirei to the hand of
I ee it all now. lie has
' and Lis delicate atten-
"1 her sole. I pity her for
i !i I had suffered much
;( hive,' but notwithstanding
S irher, I must put a stop
-Waz is worthy someihing
; Kuiig."
a -.-;
(IT. .. ,
t. -t'
"H, :
t'.- r.,,
A i
"ed here several
times, my
ir heard anything about it
tin. merit !.,. t. t
on Niu ';J '" r lo-morrow. and forbid her,
Tl f V":y eVt:rIast'ng displeasure, to
hwr ,gagain-" :
haI " j,'1? morning and my wife had
M.-! !T'e: S,,e ha3 been subject to
inl,.' c'' rsiu,x hLe was disappointed
:ih th.
was reclintne on the lonntre.
'"i'aut phenomenon," Florinda
;n h
t-r.. l .
lftr arms.
P. Walter Was rnr.
wm, ana 10-
llB-, r- " c',ntents of, one pf3Ir.
s tale.
'Violet, my dear," said I, "will you
please to abstract yourself from the realms
of fancy for a few moments, as I wish to
have some conversation with you?"
'Wtl t..' j . i . i .
iii.ii, iucr, auu iuo roveiy girl turn-
eJ her Mft , .
il i ; . .. .
"I understand that you have received at
tentions from a certain person called Kuug,
and I understand moreover that you have
encouraged these attentions. Have I been
rightly informed ?"
"I love him, father."
"Yes, father, I knew you would think
only of his poverty, but I thought if we
could only many, you would then forgive
us, take us home, and board us for nothing,
just as they do in novels," answered Violet,
with charming fdinpheity.
"Marry him ? Impossible you can nev
er be his wife."
"Cut I have promised to," she cried.
"Unheedfu! vows may heedfully he bro
ken," I returned. "Xo, I can never sanc
tion sueh a marriage as this, uiy child. Do
you realize who you are? Methinks you do
not no, you cannot. Ha ! the idea ofyour
marrying Kingsley Kung! You mate with a
Kung the peerless daughter of Puffingham
Allguz why, it is preposterous!"
Violet sobbed.
"My dear girl," I continued, patting on
my benign aspect, and stroking n.y red and
yelvow whiskers,"! cannot really blame
him for loving you, for you were born to be
loved. You urj indeed a lovely female.and
s j was your mother (here Lueinda winced).
I loved her but who was she? She was the
daughter of Judge Spongcr.and consfiiuent
ly my equal. Your grandmother was Ru
by Sponger, ones the belle ofJungston.
llemember your desceut, uiy love ; remem
ber your grandfather and grandmother, and
also remember that you arc an Allgaz and
forget this vile plebian."
"But Kingsley loves me so," she urged.
"I admit that, my dear. I am willing
that he should continue to love you ; Lut
although a cat can look at a king, it isn't to
be supposed that the said king would allow
anyof his kin to marry grimalkin."
"O father, I ca can't give him up!''
sobbed Maria Jane.
"Then thou d st not love the author of
thy being, girl. Ask yourself if you owe
me nothing. Ah, that it should come to
this," I groaned. "O my daughter, may
you never "feel how sharper -than a ser
pent s tooth it is to have a thankless child."
"I will make any other sacrifice, father."
"I wid accept uone Lut this Kunir or
For a moment the silence was unbroken,
save by the yells of the "infant phenome
non," and the shouts of P. Walter who was
seated upon the piano, playing that he was
foreman of "Tiger No. 2," and was madly
rushing to a fire. -
"Violet." said I "we shall be pleased ta
hear from you."
By a mighty effort she calmed her emo
tions and spoke.
"Father, I will see Kingsley"
"Never again, Vioi;t."
"But I must. J will sec htm, ard tell
hiui lean never, never, no, never be his
Then she burst info tear? and hurst out of
the room. As the door closed behind her
a scrap cf par er fell to the floor. P. Walt
er picked it up and gave it to me.
"What's that," inquired Lueinda.
"A piece id" torn paper that Violet drop
ped." -
"But it has hecn written upon?" -
"Yes," I looked at it carefully, but
could make nothing out of it at first, but a
name caught my eye.' "Ha ! here is a frag
aieut of a letter, and by heavens, 'tis from
Kingsley Kung !" I cried turning to Luein
da. "Head it," sai-I she, for you must know
she has a great fondness for love letters,
since she was disappointed.
"'Tis toin so that I can make nothing of
it. B-at 'liold what's this?" and I read,
"I have just couie into possesion of luilj a
nti'ttini cj money
"Half a million of money !" screamed
Lueinda. . .
"Half a million of money !" yelled P.
Walter. -"It
can't be true," said my wife.
"There it is iu black and white. But
who could have left him so much property?"
I asked.
" iolot said that he had a rich uncle in
the East Indies," Lueinda observed.
Jateiy deceased, no doubt, I suggest
ed. :
"Leaving his entire property to Mr.
Kung. Is it possible, Pufhiighain, that you
can be so cruel to V lolet ? Will you persist
in breaking her heart?" asked my wife.
"Lueinda, don't talk to me so. You know
what a tender hearted creature lam half a
million of money ! You know lam thinking
only of Violet's happiness."
"From what I have seen of Mr! Kung, I
take him to be a very fine young man," said
my wife.
"I dare say Mr. Kung has some excellent
qualities," I returned. , ;
"If I am a judge of character, he will
make a good husband."
"Quite likely, my dear." -";
"And perhaps Violet could not do bet
ter." - 'Perhaps she couldn't." (
fearyoa were too hastj, Puffingham."
"I fear 1 was, Lueinda. Upon more ma
ture deliberation, I am sure of it" I half
a million of money! Upon my word, Luein
da, the more I think . about "Mr. Kung the
te hi " " Ur'un
-r'r-rr -.-:' "
doI rejoined y w.ta. r
better 1 like him.
i'And so
'And I think he's just the man to malco
. i.i , ;7
"cv1 wW,y8 thouSht:BO" crie1 Lueinda.
Shall I call her?",' ;. ;
"I thinlr vnn hA KaOa. It-IP. :n:
j uan u .uimuii m
money yes call Violet."
In tears she came ; sorrow had already
begun its work, and her nose was now red
and swollen with grief. I folded her in my
arms and dried her teat s with my handker-
No more tears," I whisDered.
But father. Hove him SO."
"That's right, my dear tirl. You mtbt
continue to love him with all your might,"
She raised her eyes to mine in mute as-
tonish inent.
"Continue to love him I command you
to love him."
"But, father.'
' It's ail right, my dear giil. I only wish
ed to test the strength of your affections,"
said I.
And may I marry Kingsley?" cried
Violet, throwing her arms around my neck
"If he aski you to, but he must not be
"He ha asked me."
"Then marry him by all means. I will
never stand between two such loving
"O, thank you, father."
"Not at all, my dear, I have only done my
duty. Go, my daughter, be a Kung and be
Violet retired.
1 turned to Lueinda, who still reclined on
the lounge.
"It seems like a dream," she murmured.
Can it be possible ?"
It is a happy reality, my love. Madame
Jevmgdel s prediction is to be verified. You
rememoer tnat she told me while in a state
ot clairvoyance, tharJL should become very
weaitoy, sometime between the forty second
and forty third year of my life. The veil is
urrea me wav is dear. It is thrnnrrl,
Kung that this wealth is to co.ue. Let the
wedding take place as soon as possible, and
in the meantime 'O lady fortuue, stand you
That evening Mr. Kung called
iU."..:nr:.i.. .... - . ,
"lurri samiuiet, mis is niy neart s
elected. I
1 . . . - 1
x iook mm Dy the hand, 1 Could have
cmuiawuu nun i couia nave kissed him
...V I V- . T 1 1 , . . . -
for his uncle, but I didn't. I took his hand
'and smiled, and then I spoke :
T. ir i t . i
-ul. ivung, saiu i, --invest tnou my
daughter I He blushed, but answered not
his feelings overcame him.
lolet,- said I, come hither.mv dausrh
terfair;" I placed her hand in his, "take
her for she is thine
"My Kingsley. O ny Kung!" murmur.
ed wlet, while tears of j y rolled down her
'Now all the blessings of a glad father
compass thee about, my children.'
"O, that I had words to thank you for
this, said Kingsley,
'Never mind the thanks, my boy. Love
her be kind to lipr linir w a Aaa I
every fortnight -and a new bonnet every
, .lv, u.jitnnui vuiiia uore inenameor iiirn- im.
month and all will be well.'
Kingsley having promised to do all in his
power to make his wife happy, we left the
lovers alone, and Lueinda and I retired to
think upon the glorious future in store for
the Allgaz family.
Preparations for the wedding were made
as rapidly as possible. AH the dressmakers
Silks, satins, muslins, lace and linen filled
the house, and Lueinda omitted her regular
Ui.au,..B u. iuicc weeks in uccession.
lueaDume x naa maae inquiries aboat
ti . I
xYung ana learnea mat ne had left his late
employer without giving any reason for so
doing. 1
'TT, 1 l. r i .' ..
may nave ouiatnej a situation more
agreeable to him," explained the man of
And possibly a large fortune has fallen
to him, from an uncle iu the East," I re
"I never thought of that," returned the
gentleman. "Yes, he had an uncle in th
"To be sure," said I,
"And Kingsley
, 'Nothing more certain, sir."
.Lead, rou re right," exclaimed he of
the boots and shoes. .
"Of course I am ;" and of course I was.
I returned home perfectly satisfied with my
inquiries. ,
At last the happy day arrived. The sun
never shone bl ighter. Everything was love
ly, and all was joy and gladness within the
house of Allgaz. The birds sang until they
were hoarse, aud yet they continued losing;
and the bees hunmud and wiggled their
little tails with delight, as they roved from
flower to flower and still the sun shone
' Everything was in readiness. The draw-
. . ...
"UI """J jii x aiier, i
j i-iiLi .. .1
dressed in npKh m nnul tinltfo .
i ..i.i i . , ,
.. - - o l a i'il
oi pasieuuaru wings iasienea to nis should
ers, was placed upon a pedestal in one cor
ner of the room, armed with a bow and ar
row, to represent Cupid. At a preconcert
ed signal, he was to draw his bow, holding
the arrow pointed at the happy pair.
The guests began to arrive. First came
the Allgazes, then . the Paz ters, then the
Spongers, aud then the Forest Hill brass
band, whip h was stationed in the front yard.
under the drawing room windows. Then
came the butcher, the baker, the candle
stick maker and the minister, the latter ar
riving just as the clock struck ten,' which
riving justas the clock struck ten,' which
wsthu hour, appointed for the commence-
mtntof the marri-e ceromflny. ' ' -
f 5?nd,l..n!w th U nn ,!,,.,
I " 'j ..-w.w ... i'u.i oucuuc
through the room, and with
of cymbals and rattle of drums, the band
strikes up "Haste to the Wedding," and
ir i rr ?.i ir- i . ,
i jvinesiev ivune WIIU loiei leaning nnnn
his arm marches into the room, followed by
the bridesmaids and groomsmen. They take
their places, the signal is giren, and Cupid
alias Puffv draws his bow. 'TU o
never to be forgotten. I gazed enramured
n :Juv.. i tu r .l. .
i xiii ia uuaocu. .mo cjwui in guests are
I fl..i tyAa si,: .f..-i..
zlinir in hr nrnnd beautv 11r Ko..,;f..i
eves Khin with nnwontpd hHlKnnnv
Jong, cream colored hair is coiled around her
fashioned straw bee hive, while from behind
her star-board ear depends a long tress of
tanded hair, which she has forgotten to
comb or curl because it's the fashion.
The ceremony proceeds. I give away the
bride, the ring is plaeed upon her finser,
and then, just as the minister pronounced
them one flesh, Cupid, who has become
weary of holding the boar string taut, lets it
shp.an 1 the arrow strikes Kung on the nose,
glances, and lodges in Violet's hair, causing
considerable coufusion, but no serious dam
The regul r kissin? ceremony havinjr been
gone through with, th6 carriage which is to
convey the bride and bridegroom to the d
pot, from whence they are to proceed upon
their wedding tour, is announced at the
j. ieii, mat l inusi see rvingsiey lor one
T VU il... T . r-r ,
moment, and so I called him into another
room where Violet was taking leave of Ler
. i j ii , -it .
ivuigsiey, my near lenow, sahl 1. now
that it is all over, a:id you are mv son in
law. I can sneak freel
"Certainly," said Kung, drawing on his
"As soon as you retnrn from this little
jaunt. I would like to n,.-.L- Smm,,
for taking youinto business with me. Ilealiv
I ; t ,!., .!.:... t ...
"How can I thank you," ciied Kimrsley.
grasping my hand.
"Thank me! 0 ucver mina that ; hut 1
say my dear boy, if you could make it conve
nient. While VOU are IXIV T'm ninnlxwl
lust a little for monev at nrn-.t ;p t
- - - , L BUU II X
cnnld Hmw nn t--.., .i i-
i ojr iU1 mrco or iour
thousand, I
lhree or lour thousand!" exclaimed
A mere trothing for yon, I am sure," I
returned. .
"Mere nothing! you're inclined to be fa
cetious, I sec."
'How's your wncle?" I asked with a
"Uncle, I've no uncle."
"In the East, I mean."
"Ha. ha, ha! so you've heard of the joke.
have you 7" exclaimed luvson in-law
"A joke.sir? I think it is beeomintr serious
Explain, if you please."
"Why, you see, sir, I am not aware that
I have a single relative living, but the boys
at the shop finding out that the Prince Re
i iu:.... l .i ,
mediately dubbed him my uncle, and since
that time I am often spoken of aj theyouuit
gentleman wha has a rich uncle in the
Lueinda gasped for breath.
"Perhaps, sir, you'll say next that you're
not worth half a million ; you'll say that's a
"O father, let ma exnlain ."
COmine- fiirwnr.l 'Ml tvus all (....U T
loved him so. I could not eive him nn 1
dropped that piece of paper purposely. The
WOrds thnfc ni M vnn so' rvft-A kl.
j 1 -v a uuva
,,avp1 t;rt,J 'Half f;n: Af mM
ev.' Yon will fnralve
"Ncver!" I shrieked. "Co, take your
Kung and go to China!"
They went to Saratoga instead. I have
never seen them since ; I have uo desire to
.1 T , ....., . '
mougn l unaerstancr that they have return
ed to Forest Hill, and that he has obtained
an excellent situation and is doing well.
As for me, I am completely- crushed. You
will admit that it was a stunning blow. But
for my family, I would shave my head and
become a monk.
' Valley of Jehosaphat.
The eCorts the Jews have made, and uf-
erii)g, losses and humiliations they h ive
borne for the purpose of obtaining sepul
ture in the Valley of Jehosaphat, form a
singular feature in human history. No oth
er nation has ever thus struggled, not to
live in their own land, but'lo be suffered to
lay their dust therein. Many descriptions
have been made of this marvelous place;
but I confess none of thenv ever afforded
me a notion of its actual appearrface. Wan
dering alone past tho fountain of Siloam
and by the arid bed of Kedaod, it suddenly
opened to me a perfect mountain of graves
a bill-side paved with sepulchral slabs.
ciyuv 1 oiuail. aw aiumi US 111 infill m
the conclusion that the bodies must he hnr.
;,i ..i:.i.i . n . .
I'viL'tuuiLuiauv. .it. ail events, it thfi
. . . vi.a, n im,
n. i. ,.... . :. . J
"".luiuuc miereu were
simultaneously to
arise they would form a crowd as dense and
compact as it would be enormous. . Short
Hebrew inscriplions.some evidently of great
age are on all the stones ; and these are laid
together with intervals of only a few inches
as in our oldest churches. The slabs are nl.
most on the level of the ground, and of
equal hight, so that it is literally one large
pavement of death an appalling, almost an
overwhelming sight
"Fine day for the race," said wa to a
sporting tnend one bright morning lately.
"Whatrane'" nn-rl
"What race?" anxiously inquired his friend
"Why, the human race: to be sure " was
the reply " " - A
The BellB of Moscow.
The foreign correspondent of the New
York Observer has the following article on
"The Bells of Moscow :"
At the foot ol the Ivan Tower.in the Krem
lin of Moscow, supported by t he pedestal
of stone, is the largest bell in the world, and
probably the largest that ever was in the
world. A pieces is broken out of its side,
and the lrairment is lying near. The breadth
of bell is so great it is twenty feet across
that the javity underneath has been used
as a chapel, where as many people can stand
as in a circle sixty feet around.
In Russia the bell is an instrument of
musiefor the worship of God as truly and
really as the organ in any. ether country,
This fact is not mentioned in the accounts
we have of the wonderful, enormous and a!
most incredibly heavy bells that have been
cast in .Mjscow, but it is the key to what
would otherwise be dificult to est 'aiu. It
appears to 'be stupid to cast bells so larg
as to be next to impossible for convenient
Use, in danger always of faHins and draj
guifr others to ruin in their fall. But when
the bell is a medium of communication with
the TnEinite, and the worship of a people
and an empire finds expression in the ma
jestic tones op a bell, it ceases to be a won
uer that a bell should have a tongue which
requires twenty four men to move, and
whose music sends a thrill of praise into
every house in the city and H i its away hi
yond the river into the plaiin afar.
Moscow is the holy city of the Creek
church, rilgnms come hither from thous
ands of milosoff, and on foot, and sometimes
without shoes. I have seen them with
staves in th'jir hands, and their travel worn
in i .iMuin nn in ciorns, wenuing their way
to the sacred hill. And when they draw
an uuui i ue city, ana on the evening air
the music of these holy bells is first borne to
thnr ears, they fall upon their faces, pros
trate, and worship God. If they could go
no further, they would be content to die
there, tor they have heard the bells of
Moscow, and on their majestie tones their
souls have been taken up to heaven ! This is
the sentiment of the superstitious peasant,
and it is a beautiful sentiment, ideal indeed,
but all the more delicate and exalted.
As long as five hundred years ago this
casting of hells was an art in Russia. It is
one of the fine arts now. Perhaps ourereat
bell founders the Meneelys, will not admit
that the founders there have any more skill
in their manufacture than we have, and I
a;n not sure that their hells have any tones
more exquisite than ours would have if we
would put as much silver and gold into
our bell mettle as they'dd! But so Ion" as
these precious metals are at the present
premium little or none of them will find its
way into our church bells. We have not
the mistaken idea of the Russians as to the
use of a bell. We use it to call the people
to the house of worship. Our bells speak
to us. I heir bells praise God. They cast
their silver and their gold into the tnpltcn
mass, and it becomes an offering, as on an
alter, to Him who is worshipped with ev
ery silvery note and golden tone of the holy
This one great bell is the growth of cen
turies. In 1553 is. was cast and weighed only
36,000 pounds. It fell in a fire, and was
recast in 1651, being increased to tho aston
ishing weight of l'SS.000 pounds. This
was too vast a weight to be taken un the
top of the tower, and it was sustained by a
frame at the foot of it In 1700 it fell in
another fire, and was broken into fragments,
which lay there on the ground about thirty
years. It was recast m 1 733, four fears af
terward a piece was knocked out of the side
of it, and it has been standiug here ou the
ground more than a century. It weighs
444,000 pounds ! Id the thickest part it is
two feet through. It has relief pictures on
it of the Emperor and Empress, of the Sav
iour cud the Virgin Mary, and the Evange
lists. Ascending the Ivan tower we find on three
successive stories bells to the number of
thirty-four. Some of these are of a size to
till one with astonishment had he ,t n
the giant below. The largest is on the first
story above the cht'pel, and weighs more
than sixty tons. It swings freely and is
easily rung. I smote it with the palm of
my haii 1, supposing that sueh a blow could
not produce the slightest vibration in such
a mighty mass of iron, but it rung out as
clear and startling as if a strit within had
responded to my kuock without. Two bells
are of solid silver, and their tones are ex
quisitely soft, liquid and pure. It was ex
eiting to go froai one to another and strike
them with their tongues, or with your hand
and catch the variety and richness of their
several melodies.
The chapel below is dedicated to the pat
ron saiift of all ladies about to married, and
it may be readily believed that the bell that
gives expression to their prayers will have,
at least to their ears, the sweetest tone of
all the bells in Moscow.
I had come down from the Kremlin to my
iodgingf at Bil.ot's, and, wearied with the
wanderings of the day, was lying on the bed
and looking out ou the city. It is just be
fore sunset, and the day has been oppress
ively warm. . A delicious glow from the gor
geous west is bathing all the domes and
roofs with splendid colors, and silence is
stealing in with the setting sun upon the
crowded town. It is the eve ot one of their
most holy festivals of the church. One
vast church edifice is diree.ly in view of my
window, aud but a short way off.
A I lie musing, from this church at hand
comes the goftastj sweetest toue of au cyeu
ing bell. Another tone responds. A third
is heard. The lyan tower ?n the height of
the Kremlin utters his tremendous voice,
like the voice of many waters. And all the
churches and towers over the whole city,
fourhundred bells and more, in concert, in
harmony, "witb notes almost divine,"lift up'
their voices in an' anthem of praise, such as
I never thought to hear with mortal ears,
waves of melody, an ocean of music, deep,
rolling, heaving, changing, swellina.siukiiig,
rising, sounding, overwhelming, exalting.
I heard the great organs of Edrope, but
they were tame and trifling compared With
this. The anthem of nature at Niagara is
familiar to my ear. but its thunder i.s one
great monotone: The music ot Moscow's
bells is above and beyond them all. It is
the voice of the people. It utters the emo
tions of millions of loving, beating, longing
hearts, not enlightened, perhaps, like yours,
but all crying out to the Great Father, in
these 8oIemft and inspiring tones, as if these
tongues had voices to cry : "Ifoly, Holy,
Lord God Almighty, Heaven and earth are'
lull of Thy Glory!"
Ups and Dowii3 licthe World.
Sir, bring me a jrood plain dinner, said a
melancholy looking person to a waiter at
one of the principal hotels iu a Western
"Yes sir."
"The dinner was bronatht and devoured,
and the eater csd'ed the landlord aside, and
thus addressed him :
"You are the landlord?"
"You do good busiuess here?"
"Yes." (in astonishment.)
"You make probably ten dollars a day
"Yes." .
"Then I am safe. I cannot pay for what I
have consumed. I have been out of em
ployment for several months but nave en
gaged to work to-morrow. I have been
without food four and twenty hours when I
entered your place. I will pay you in a
"I cannot pay my bills with these prom
ises, blustered the landlord; and I do not
keep a poor house. You should address
proper authorities. Leave me something
for security."
"I have nothing."
"'I will take your coat."
"If I go out in the street without that I
will get my death, such weather as this."
"You should have thought of that be
fore you came here. "
"You are serious. Well I solemnly swear
that in a week from now I'll pay you."
"I will take your coat"
The coat was left and a week after redeem
Seven years after that a wealthy man en
tered the political arena, and was presented
to the caucus as an applicant for a Congress
ional nomination. The Chairman of the
caucus held his peace. He heard the naaie
and history of the applicant, who was a
member of the church, and one of the most
respected citizens. The vote was a tie, and
he cast a negative thereby defeating the
wealthy applicant, whom he met an hour
afterward, and to whom he said:
''You don't remember nie 7"
"No." .
"I once ate dinner at your hotel, and al
though I told you 1 was famishing and
pledged you my word and honor to pay you
in a week, you took my coat and saw me go
out in the inclement air, at the risk of my
life, without it."
"Well, sir, what then?"
"Not much. You eall yourself a Chris
tian. To-night you were a candidate for
nomination, and btit for me you would have
been elected to Congress."
Three years later the rich hotel keener
became Lankrupr. The dinnerless wretch
that was, is now a high functionary. The
ways of providence are indeed wonderful,
and the world's mutations almost beyoiid
conception or belief.
The Age of our Earth.
Among the astounding discoveries of
Science, is that of the immense periods that
have passed in the gradual formation of the
earth. So vast were the cycles of tune pre
ceding even the appearauce of man ou the
surface of our globe that our own period
seems as yesterday when compared with the
epochTthat have gone before it. Had we
only the evidence of the deposits of rocks
heaped upon each other other in regular
strata by the slow accumulation of materials,
they alone would convince us of the long
and slow maturing of God's works en earth;
but when we add to these the successive
population of whose life the world has been
the theatre, and whose remains are hidden
in the rocks into which' the mud aud sand,
orsoil of whatever kind, on whir.h they lived,
has hardened iu the course of time or the
enormous chains of mountains whose up
heaval divided these periods o'f quiet accum
ulation by great eonvusions or the changes
of a different nature iu the configurations of
our globe, as the sinking of lands beneath
the ocean or the gradual rising of continents
ana tsisna ahove or the slow growth of
coral reefs, those wonderful serf-walks raised
by the little ocean architects, wbdse own
bodies furnish both the buihling stones and
the cement that hinds them toget her.and who
have worked so busily during the long cen
turies that there are extensive countries,
mountain chains, islands, and long lines of
coast consisting solely of their remains or
the countless forests that have grownup,
flourished and decayed, to fill the store
houses of coal that feed the fires of the
human race if we consider all these records
of tho past,, tho intellect fails to grasp a
chronology of which our experience furnishes
no data, and time that lies behind us seems
as much an eternity to our conception, as the
future that6tretches indefinitely before us. -
AffUSSlZ. . -
. The undersigned hiring perfected irraBgemaiiU
"now prepared to fill onleri lor Either cuiti burnt
"r wood -burnt lime, and Aatllraet'e ool - Yard'
' the Kai!ro&i depot R. B. TAYLOK.
Feb 24.1Sl'.
E D W A R'D M A C Kr .
Market Street, nearly opposite th residence of
II. B Swoope. Esq., -.
Clearfield, Pa-.,
Would respectfully announce to the Citixens of
Clenrfteld ri vicinitr. that he has opened af
BOOT ASU SHCEt-liip, is the building lately .
occupied by J L. Cnttle.as alawoffice.and that he
is determined not to be outdone either iu quality
of work or pr ices. Special attention giren to the
manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip and
Calf Skins, of the Beat quality, always on hand.-
Uie him a cull. I June 34. '64.-
! . .
Made to Order at flie Lowest Itsrte&v
The undersigned would respectfully invite tha
attention of the citizen! of Clearfiel Jand vicini
ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St.,
nearly oppon te Jlartswick A Irwin's drug store,
where he is prepared to make or repuir anything
in his line.
Orders entrusted to hi will be executed with'
promptness, strength and neatness, and all work"
warranted as represented.
I have now on hand a stock of extra frenoh'
calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, ttatlwilr
finish up at the lowest Hgures.
June 13th. 18fl. VASltL CONNELLY
Manufacturer amd Wholesale aji Retail
Would rcupf-clfully announce that he has remov
ed to ihe large and comuiodiuas tftore-room. op
posite trie rosidence of II E Cwoope. Esk, where'
be has opened a general assortment of Tobacco.
Cigisrs.etc. which he ii prepared to sell, wholesale
or retail, at reasonable prices.
H is cigars are made of the very best Material,
and in style of manufacture will compare with
those of any other establishment.
lie has always on hand a superior article of
chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which he di
rects the attention of -lovers of the weed."
Merchants and Dealers, throughout the Co only
supplied at the lowest wholesale prices.
Cull and examine hie stock when yon com to'
Clearfield. Jane 10. 1S68.
Clearfield county.
Th nndersigned . having opened a fargV and!
well selected stock of goods, at liald Jiillt. Clear
field county, respectfully solicit a share of pnbha
Their stock embraces Dry doodtt. 6roeeries,-Mardware.Queensware.Tin-ware.Eootsand
Hats and Caps. jrea4y-tt4e Clothing, and a gen-'
eral assortment of Motion t, etc.
They always keep on band the (rest fcttality of
Flonr, and a variety of Feed
All goods soldehcap for cash, of exchanged for
approved country produce.
Having also erected a Steam Paw Mill, they are
predared to saw all kinds of lumber to order.
Orders solicited, and punctually filled.
Nov. 20, 1S67. F. B. A A. IRWT.N.
Clearfield county, Fenn'tt
The undersigned having erected, daring the) '
past summer, a large and commodious store room
is now engaged in tilling it up with a new and
select assortment of fall and Winter goods, which '
he offers to the public at prices to suit the times
His stock cf Mens' and boys' clothing is nuosnal- '
ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from !
S10 to20 for a whole suit. Floor, Salt, and tiro-.-ceries.
of every kind, a complete assottmehi;
Stoves and Stove-pipe, heavy stock; Boots and: !
Shoes, Uats and Caps, in great variety: Ladies'
dress goods, furs, and 6tter fancy sjowds. together
with an endless assortment of notions t06 tedious
to enumerate, always on hand, and sor aale very
oh en p. Prints at 16 cents a vard.and Other goods;
in proportion Now is the time ta bay.
Country produce of every kind; at the highest .
market prices, will be taken th exchange tui -goods
; and even Greenbacks will not be refused
or any article in store. Diamine lay stock be
fore, j o u buy elsewhere.
October 30.1SO7. ' if . S tfA jf. ,'
Men, Youths and Bovaean fcatnnUi .lit. f.ii
suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing" i
where it is sold at nrieea that m !)... i..u
purchase. The universal saiisfaction which ha
been given, has induced them to increase their
i'ork, which is now not surpassed by any estab
lifhuient of the kiud in this part of the Stats?.
Reizenfttoin Bio's &. Co.,- ;
Sell goods at a very small profit, for ceshj
Their goods are well made and fashionable'. i
They give every one the worth of his money.
They treat their customers al I alike.
They sell cheaper than every body elie".
Their store is conveniently situated.
They having purchased their itoct 1 1 reduced
prices they can sell cheaper ti an others
For these and other reasons persons should buy
their clothing at .
t roduce of everv kind r Iron '
market prices. May 18. lhfil
j. SHAW k SON,
Have just returned from the east and are now
opening an entire new stock of goods in the r66i
formerly oecnpied by Wm. P. Irwin, on Market
Street, which they bow offer to the public at tho
lowest casn prices. -.
Their stock consists of a general assoftmeiif of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenaware, Hardware,
Boots, Shoes, Hati, Caps, Bonnets, Drtss OeoJs,
Fruita, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, HiHt, etc. ,
in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store
can be had by calling alt this store, or wfll be
procured to order. -
Their stock is well selected', aid eons'fsts of ibe
newest goods, is of the best quality, of the Jatesk ,
styles, and will be sold at lowest prices" for cash, ,
or exchanged for approved country produce. ..
Ee sure and call and examine our stock before
making yonr purchases, as we are determined
lease all who may favor as with their custom.
May8, 1887. . J. SHAW A SOT. "
STOVES of all sorts and iro contit!y on k
hand at MEK.KELL A biaLEil'li.