Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 21, 1869, Image 2

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    g (je affsmcm's ourttaf, gfmrftcfb, a., JprU 21; 1869.
"fiaftsmaas 3f carnal.
a. J. bow. eniTirn AsnraorairTOB.
CLEARFIELD, PA.. APR1L21, 1st 9.
The Alabama Treaty Snmner's Speed).
8eoator Sumner male his Ions erjwctetl
report nfon the Alabama trcntj. in cxecu
live 8ion on Tuesday, April l&h, and ac
companied it with a forcible and convincing
speech, to whidi the Senate gave very earn
est attention. Senator Sttrunc-r's muin ob
je tinns to the tr aty :im briefly : Thit the
treaty did not rise to the dignity of tie
questions involved that it only propose
the settlement of th.; claims of privj'e indi
idaals, while a propter treaty on lh-i sub
jecta nhouM eonsid. r the in-u!t and injury to
oar national sovee'enry that American
commerce had beep driven from the sea
that the danger from British pirates and
consequent ii:ror-od rates ot insuranre had
changed the trade from American vcshjIs to
the English or those ol neutral nations
that our ship ha I rotted at their vhrve.
that onrship yard. hud Wen idle, at d trade
in all its brantdvM hud been depressed by
England's action that the loss to the ship
ping interest alone hi I Wen more than one
hundred millions that by England recog
nizing tins reliels a bctigerenu the war had
been proloirrc ) at the cost of niuuh treasure
anl many preeiom livos ml hinw the
mere payment for the: four ship dostroyd
by piratu could n't so; tie tha matter. Mr.
Stunner leu nothing to It; desired in the
way of a clear exposition of the uiurits of
the caso as seen from thj A iieriean utand
point. No on pretending to a knowledge
of the sa-iti'ii 'nts of the people jrenerally
will pretund to say that he did not set forth
the views of the reflecting portion of the
nation. There never was an interference
oa the part of nation in the affairs of
another so utterly unjustifiable as the course
of England" tov.irds lbs United States dur
ing our late conflict of arms. The rebellion
was the natural outgrowth of, and had fur
its object the ma:ntenan? of a barbarous
institution lieo,.':tihed to uv-i by Ureal Rrit
aiu, an J hence hsr co-.irse, whether viewed
from a moral or international .standpoint,
moat tsiriko tlia iui partial observer as unwar-
rantaole and without exciuse, and t to be
adjudicated by the Matplo payment of a
ee.tain sum ot money for bo many ships,
but that, in addition, she is entitled to make
satisfactory reparation tor her infraction of
her international obligations. Mr. Sumner's
ppeeeh was pacific throughout, uu 1 he was
eompliuiented by the entire Senate uj on
losing his remarks with one exemption
which indicates that that body desires the
-elllctuent of the diflereui-e.i between the
two nations to be iiud. in a spirit of amity,
ami tree Iron, all prejuUtee and passion. At first ih Governorship of Tennessee was
That Mr. Sumner's speech was in accord j was suggested as the motive ; then the Sen
with the true sentiments of th. Senate of j torsnlt ; i.ut now it i, believed that nothing
the Lotted State-, it is only necessary to J short of the Presidency itself wiil satisfy
state that after its close the Alabama treaty j .Mr. J0,n,0!1. His efforts in reorganizing
WMdofeatedbythecnormousvoteofnltoI. j ,hc party in the South will have his signifi
Andtherejecf..n..t the treaty by such a de- Ci,nc.t. . and this is the interpretation of the
cisive majority ,n the Sc .ate is tlnr severest j wnaerful egotism and selt laudation in
relink thai Mr. Seward, Beverdy Johnson, j whIch he constantly indulges.
uu .iii-ay lioousou couiu possibly receive,
and the strongc.-t assurance that President
Grant's administration wiil bo marked by a
strong foreign policy that there will be no
wore trucklinc to, nor lowering of our na
tional flag to the whims of England. But,
notwi h-tanding this almost unanimous ae
tien of the Senate in rejecting the treaty, it
does not necessarily follow, as some timid
persons are wont to believe, that wo are on
the point of declaring war against England,
or that war will ultimately be the result, but
merely shows that we know our rights and
that we are ready to maintain those rights
that the honor of the nation, as wed as the
questi n of duBtas and cents, must be tak-
en in to consideration in th; settlement of j
the Alabama claims. That's all. j
FiTTtxo End to Kobbf.rv. The Cin-
ciiinau ii.uTtiii iasi wect sjys : auies i
Brown, one of the robber of the Treasury
-fp. i . - , . , . , :
Of Coshocto.oounty ,n I.,S, was convicted ;
seven I days ago. Brown, a banker, con-j
spired with Ketchum, the Treasurer, to I
take the county money, about S2,000, and '
to give it the appearance of a robbery,
Kitchum was left in the office hound and j
gagged. He was a Djuswrai. and there i
was then a Democratic legislature in Ohio, ;
a visitation win- ii comes once in ten years,
which in most nspicious haste pissed an act
to relieve the Treasurer. Upon this he had
the effrontery t,i sue the Strife Jnnrwl for :
because it commented on the suspicions '
circumstances and remonstrated azainst this '
ha-ty action. This suit was continued along ,
for years an i fii.n!!v aKowcd to die. The!
county spent 2U) in trying to ferret out i
the robbers. At ktijtth Ketchum quarreled !
with Brown beea-ise be knt the lion's shsrw.
ana eipose.J the l.'e affair. Br
rown is ;
paid to te wr.rin Slt-.,0C0. IT
fenced to ten year in the peuitfatiary and i - - ,a,i" a8r " Senator
to pay a fine of $41.0R ' j Wilson, as incapable, from his social Dosi-
vtlZ v.uJ? Sa "Uh aT-acy ofll,e ut
t- ..n. r country says: "It is noceatv, wc
7W says : The Do moeratie p8rty has al- j mre led to infer, to have an allUnce by' mar
ways poseJ. and o, he j r;a,e with the heal of the judiciary, and to
brains of th nation." Without stopping count eo-to., mil'- I i I
, . 1 1 " 1 count cotton Wilis by scores, workmen bv
th MO- -nercly ask ' thongs, and monov bv ...UUnn. . I...
- uric iiit mjiii.i-racj ra ries us Oram
.1., .1 1
what i does wi'h trcm ? Ts it possible that
the democracy conceals its lieht nnder a
buhei. or are wo to suppose that its won
derful talents are only sr en to advantage say
in a tunnel, or a canal, or 4 Crre1 train?
Their Salaries. The ministers to En
gland and France receive l7.500a vear
eich ; the minister t Russia.Austra Spa:n
and Mexico $ 1 20 each ; the mincers to
Hayti and Lil eiia. f (0.500; the mipwer.
rodent SwHen Belgium. Ouen,ala.
ioguta, ic.ivia ca 4 N icaragua, 7, 500.
The L Legislature.
The following graphic sketch of the
"Pennsylvania Legislature" is taken from
the "New York Independent," and Udoubt
less from the pen of Tueodoue TtLTO.v. It
contains more truth than poetry. The
Pennsylvania Legislature is a blistering dis
grace a fostering sore on the body politic
an J, unlo-s the people take it in hand and
reform it by electing men of character and
intellect, it had better be abolished altogeth
er. Here is the impression it makes on an
intelligent stranger :
"Happening to be in Harrisburg a day or
two ago, we made a visit to the Peunsylva
Legislature. Our curiosity to gaze upon
that sanhedrim was not prompted by the
line reverence which inspires one to make a
pilgrimage to i-ome historic shrine. We were
not as o.vt:rful y drawn toward ti. a c itul-ve
as it it had been a convention of the signers
of the Dec): ration of Iudependance, or the
framcrs of the Federal Constitution. Nev
ertheless, finding ourselves within an easy
walk of the legislative presence, and the
weather being tair, and the train not due
for two hours, wj sauntered toward the Cap
itol grounds, swung open the oily-hinged
gate, roamed awhile up and down the gravel-paths,
listened to the singing of the
sp log birds, and then entered th ; ungainly
brick edifice, and sat down to compare the
innocent trc-op notes out of doors with
the human jargon in.-iiji. More than a com
mon bed.iim saluted our ears. The Key
sone Legislature was on that day a double
choir of dicords. Ia both houses there was
wrangling enough for U-n taverns ; but the
lower house in particular was in an open riot
of unruly tongues. The speaker's gavel
travn passionate raps for quiet, but only ad-
! ilea to the Imlub or noise. A certain
member's personal character had been wan
tonly assailed in public print, and he was
tremendously repeHhtc the ju;t aspersions.
In our travels we have visited many legisla
tures, and never saw much decorum in any;
but we have never beard Mich an incessant
;,nzz of Babel in any other so called deliber
ative body as in the Pennsylvania House of
Representatives. But the chief disagrees
bleuessof the spectacle was the noticeable
look of inferiority which a large majority
of the members wore on their faces. Never
before have wo seen so ?n.ualid an array of
low brows grouped together in any one leg
islative chamber, not even in Albany. Solid
Peiinsylvanians say freely (and with many
intersprinklod damnations) that the present
Legislt lire is the most corrupt that ever
preyed upon that bleeding commonwealth.
We take no part in this accusation not
merely because we cannot substantiate the
authenticated facts, but because men may
have bad-looking faces without having ill
nieauiii!.' hearts. Far be it from us to insin
uate that the Pennsylvania legislature is
corrupt; we simply mean to characterise it
as the most auspicious looking public body
we eicr s.jw. After sitting an hour anions
the .sorrow-stricken spectators, we returned
jnyfullj to the fresh air, the blue sky. the
singine birds, and the common people. And
we soliloquized as follows: 'What, a country
is ours f God's bounty is lavished upon it.
Nature's smile daily glorifies it, and even
man s inrigovernnient is not able to rum
The Nkw Democratic Programme.
Before Andrew Johnson left Washington, a
campaign was laid out for a reorganizing
the Democratic party South a work in
which he wasjto lead. The plan is develop
ing as it was agreed upon then and there.
His visit to dilferent points in Tennessee,
and his speech making, and the announce
ment that he will visit all the Southern
States in turn, are but parts of the plan as
it was agreed upon before he left Wat-bing-ton.
The ambition nf the man is srrp.ts-r
,,., ever, stimulated by a thirst for revenge.
Defaultixo Collector. The Harris
burg Trfrgraphsnya: 'Ve hear thai a rev
enue col.ector in anadjoinin district is now
thirteen thousand niue hundred dollars in
arreas for taxes actually collected ; although
h3 was removed Dy President Johnson some
three years since, yet he has been permitted
to retain the money ; but wo learn that the
acting commissi mer has given orders that
the money must be collected at onca. This
is right and proper. The taxpayers demand
that the money paid by them must go in the
treasury, and not into the pockets of uis
hnnest collectors. The money I bus dishon-
I estly withheld from the Oovernment ought.
to be collected now without delay, with
proper interest added ; and it would be
to prosecute criminally. It is somewhat
singular that some of tbee dishonest collec
tors are conslant'y using their newspapers
"j'lvss uu- iu.iuc uu a uenei mat iney
are UJlld(.,s ftf ()m.s,v
Cost ok Prisoners. In twenty four
State Prisons in the United States thete
were in ISC'! an agreg ate of 10.825 piisoners.
These cost the Siates the round sum of $ 1
5oii.9s2, and their earnings amounted to
... .1... vt. 1. 1 . ! r .i . .i
$1 , 092.6?'). The avarage cost of these prts-
oners was $!:: a heal. the most econom
ically managed prisons in the United States j
were those of Connecticut and Ohio, where !
the average cost was less ih.n $120 a head. !
If all the prisons had managed as econotni- j
caily. they would hare yie'ldcd a net profit j
of over $li)0,n:j;)to the States. More than j
one-tifih uf all the prisoners in these State j
Prisons were minors. i
Deserved Hit. The Boston AJrcrtl '
i fir, good naturrdiv lidii-nlimr tl, rwn I
, -, , . . - ' :
j iwucsim oenao.r prague, and retelling ;
- "n
stand the profligacy ar.d manifold . wicked
ness of which the American people to-day
are capable. '
A Good Idea.-Ius proposed to define
by law the salaries of revenue agents. We
daresay this measure -is to be brought for
ward at the suggestion of Get. Grant, who,
both in speech and act, has manifested a de
termination to swell, as much as is in his
power, the receipts of the National Treasu
ry. Such a law enforced would doubtless
add millions to the Government revenue,
which nox goes into private exchequers.
Comnetent Witnesses.
In reference to the act passed by the Leg
islature, making parties in interest compe
tent witnesses in civil suits, the Pittsburg
Gazette of Wednesday remarks : Hereafter
the parties in interest in all litigations in
the Courts of this Commonwealth, may offer
themselves a competent witnesses in their
own behalf. A party cannot be made a wit
ness ag&iast his own consent, but in offering
himself, of course, is exposed to the legal
cross examination. - . . .
To be a competent witness is one thing;
the question of his credibility is a different
affair. A witness is competent whom the
law suffers to go on the stand at all ; his
credibility relates entirely to the value of
his testimony. The competency ia a ques
tion of law for the court ; that of credibili
ty is one of fact for the jury. By the tiew
law, the parties themselves, who were here-1
tofore entirely excluded as incompetent.may
now testify in their own behalf, and jurors
will give them a credibility, to be varied by
the circnmstanccs.
This is a decided innovation upon the
former rule of evidence, but the judgmeut
of the profession almost universally accepts
the experience which, in other States, has
established the merit of the change. In
Ohio, a similar rule has prevailed for years,
and Binety-five per cent, of the Ohio bar
are agreed that the ends of a substantial
justice arc thereby subserved. An extended
trial of the new rnle in civil causes finally
led, to its incorporation in the criminal law
o' the State, but without beneficial re
sult to any corresponding degree. But it is
to be noted that the criminal, a witness in
his own behalf in Ohio, usually does more
harm than good to his own case. In that
view the ends of justice are so far promoted.
The new rule is wholly confined to civil
causes in Pennsylvania. We shall find that
whjre one party testifies, he other will do
the same; the jury will find the truth,
usually, between them, and, not seldom, the
evidence of one or both parties will contrib
ute materially to theelucidationof the facts.
There Ls no reason to fear tlu inauguration
of any general system of perjury. It is found,
of experience, t hi t the parties in interest
are really, rsa class, the most cautio-is and
timid of witnesses. They know that, the al
adversary is equally familiiar with the facts,
and that a swift contradiction will follow a
misstatement, and that a vindictive punish
ment will pursue to the faintest shadow of
perjury. We are confident, therefore, that
the new law will be found satisfactory to the
profession, and acceptable to our people.
Commencing ARtoirr. The State Tem
perance Union are striking the nail square
on its head, in organizing their movement
to carry on the Temperance work from a
religious basis. They find their fields of la
bor in the pulpits and Sunday schools, and
their weapons in the moral law. They evi
dently perceive that this Temperance ques
tion must be transferred to f onie forums
from which politics can be altogetherexclnd
ed, in order to justify a reasonable hope of
tlieir final success. The campaign of '69 in
this religious field, has been opened along
the whole line, and is to he vigorously fol
lowed up. On the 30th of May. every clergy
man in Pennsylvania is invited to preach a
Temperance sertron, and to ask a contribu
tion from the people for the cause.
Free Worship in Spain. A leticr
from Seville, March 10th, describes a re
mailable demonstration there. It was the
day appoiuted for the grand demonstration
in favor of religious worship and a free
church the new creed of the Republican
party. There were about .'50,000 people in
the procession, but including chiefly the
youth of the city, from sixteen to thirty
years of age, many ynunu ladies and women
marching five abreist. The prettiest girls,
and thosj dressed the nicest, were the bear
ers of pure white flags. There were a great
number of bands of music in the procession,
and many of the large flags were very hand
some. They made a collection from house
to house to defray expenses. The whole
city made holiday.
Oua Financial Condition. It is ex
pected that, on the first of May the Treasnry
will hold aSout a hundred million dollars in
specie. There are eighty two millions now
on hand, and the customs for the month are
estimated at nearly eighteen millions. Twenty-eight
millions of coin interest come due on
thelst proximo. Some few applications have
been made for the prepayment of interest.in
response to the Secretary's recent offer, but
not to any considerable amount. It is ex
pected that thistlass of payments willbecon
siderably increased on and after the 1st inst.
A Candid Confession. Our distin
guished Representative, Hon. T. J. McCul
lough, was the recipient of a gold watch,
presented, on the adjournment of the Legis
lature, ny a number ot members of the
House. In his very eloqueut speech return
ing thanks for the gift, he said:
I feel I have bean oM and paid for."
erily, '"out of the fulness of . the 'heart
the mouth spcaketh."
More Silver. There are reports of new
discoveries of silver in Sonora, less than a
hundred miles from San Francisco. That
Mexican State rests on the Eastern coast
of the Gulf of Calif ornia. and barely touches '
that State with its Northern corner. It has !
loug beeu known that Sonora was rich in I
. ...... . , iil .1 ue-,eiop-
nient awaiting the ultimate annexation to
the Union.
Indian Commission. The President is
contemplating the appointment of a com
mission of eleven persons distinguished for
their intelligence and philanthropy, as pro
vided by the Indian appropriation bill, to ad
vise with the Secretary of the Interior on the
management of the Indians. At Iast two
of them, it. is said, will be selected from
Obsf.rvinoi the Sabbath. -President
Grant has made a rule to receive no calls on
the Sabbath, and has forbidden his Secre
taries to bring him any letters or telegrams
except they are 00 import.-nt public busi
ness, in answer to something he ias called
" A Little of Everything.
ImproTing th road.
Bny plowing tfaa farmers.
In eatoa garden making.
Kttnrning daily tbaraftmen.
Should be rumored too ash heaps along our
at recti.
Uot a new figa A. T. Shaw, Druggist. It
luoka well.
Looks well Ed Mack's show wradow, with
gailt lettering. ::
Blancbarda log drive passed this place yester
day (Tuesday )
The Penniylrania Legislature adjourned tin
ait, on Friday last.
The United States ben ale, will likely adjourn
to-day, Wednesday.
Sprightly oar merchants, oa aaoouat of the
daily arrival of their fpring goods.
Many deer, tired of the despotism of monareh
ial Canada, have Bed into Vermont.
The nomination of Gov. Curtin as Minister to
Ressia, was con6rmed on Inst Saturday.
Awarded to Ed. Mack the meerschaum pipe,
as the champion velocipedes in this place.
Heat muat be a gre t traveler it is never o-er
taken; butoolJ is we can catch cold.
The new postage stamps are as u;ly as a mui
fence, smeared all over with ladies paint
Excellent the arrangement and display of
books, etc., in the window of the post office.
Fifteen hundred Cubans are drilling in Near
York when tbey ought to be fighting at home.
Tbree ei ec'itk nf.;rcinfcrsetnents for the insur
gents) are said to have landel in Cuba recently.
The New York Senate passed resolution ratify
ing the Efteentb amendment by a vote of 17 to 15.
Somebody says the rules for volocipdists are
tbree and simple. vis : straddle paddle skod.id ile-
Increasing the velocipede mania, in tb is place
judging from the frequent conversations abouj
the -hannima!."
Nashville. Tennessee, presents for the -'championship'
a widow lady, aged 1 14, who has over
400 descendants living.
Two twelve year old girls of Albia. Icwa. com
mitted to memory eleven hundred verses in the
Testament in one week
The French mifsim ban cost General Dix S3.000
a year more than his salary, bo great is the ex
pense of living in Paris.
A Mis?i&ipi town has be un an extensive raid
on profane swearers and has secured numerous
convictions lor the offense.
A Mr. Sjalf. residing in Elkhart county. Indi
ana, iii one hundrod nnd five years old. Ilia eld
est living son i i seventy.
A vory dsitraitirj ti- o;juril in Pittshar.
last wefck. Several oil refineries and tanks were
burned. Loss about S3i!0.00
Senator Spragne is said to own all of Rhode
Inland, excepting the Providence Join 11 U and
Senator Anthony owns that.
The yoong lady who presides over the Rijh
Postoffice has decided that she is a postmaster. and
not a postmistress or postmiss
W hen the Massachusetts Legislature was re
cently considering female suffrage, the onlr pro
test ngainjt it cime from a number of women.
Judgment bas been rendered in the United
States District Ouurt, St Lonis against the Ktna
Insurance Company, oi Hartford for SM .IK'O.
. A blacksmith in Hudson City thrust a hot iron
into a can ol nitroglycerine. Wednesday, and
blew himse!t through the roof in several pieces.
Mrs. Patton, of Hampton Iowa, is one of tbe
heirs ot the Nicholas Alhertson (Holland) ojtate.
worth SjO.OOO 000. The heirs are just loonked
In Kentui-ky the Executive Mansion is called
the "Oorernor's palace," and mote tb.m S34.0H0
have been spent in furnUbing it duriug the pat
Tbe ladies of Bel lefunte are circulating a re
monstrance in that place, proving the Court nut
to grant licenses for the sale of intoxicating Ii
Whleh has tbe most readers a book or a news
paper ? Docidedly the latter. Nothing as fresh
or as valuable as the newrpapor, and nothing as
The French Government bas made a contract
with two houses in New York city for three thou
sand hogsheads of irginia tobacco, to be filled in
Missouri liKes the income tax so welt that she
has started one on her own account and the
Courts have decided that this State income tax is
OccrBREn a destructive fire in Altoona. on
Fridny last. Seventeen houses and some outbuild
ings. were burned. Tbe fire was the work of an
incendiary, it is auppored.
The St. Louis Dsmorrot at Tuesday says - There
it now enough train afloat for this city from
Minnesota alone to load a thousand ears! So
much for tbe grain movement.
Net une tenth of those who die and leave prop
erty in Indai a. leave a will. The law, it is
said , makes for Ibem better wills than they would
be apt to make for themselves.
Four skeletons were found while digging for a
gold mine in Lafayette. lod.the other day. They
were the remains rf four wealthy land buyer who
were murdered in a bagnio twenty-five jears ago.
A nnmberof citizens of Newton county, (ia ,
who left for Honduras shortly after the war, have
returned to their old homes, perfectly satisfied
with the anticipation of wealth and bappiuess in
another lund.
The Pope is raid to entertain the intention of
conferring on tbe Prince Imperial of France the
title of Koman Patrice, which was once destined
for the Emperor Liuoiolf.and which was last borne
by Charlemagne.
The Chicago V(says: A innho-I of detloriz
ing codfish has been discovered. Now if soinn
social cheomt wiil discover a method of deodor
izing codfish aristocracy, the world will smell a
good dea I sweoicr.
Our lady readers, interested in the prevailing
fashions will bo glad to (now that at a frontier bull
recently, a noted Indian belle appeared in a hoop
skirt ornamented with fox tails, and waut of yel
low flannel slashed with stripes of beffa'o bide.
Collector Griunell has consolidated two divis
ions in the Custom House under one Deputy Col
lector. It is understood this change dispenses
with one deputy at S3 000 a year, and a numoer
of clerks wbose salaries amount to many thousand
of dollars.
The Legislature of Illinois has passed a law giv
ing married women the right to use and possess
their own carniuji, aiid t. sue for tbe same in
their own name, free from the interference of a
husband of his creditors.
Advices from St. Joseph. Michigan, fruit region
state that ae. or ling to the present prospects there
will be a larger crop of peaches, apples, pears,
plums, grapes and berries thanof any preceding
year Tbe peach crop promises to be at least
double that of last year.
Tbe latest fashion in hats for young men takes
the form of a sort of a skull cap, with a brim to
it made of sky-blue eloth. If colored bats are to
b in vogue, why not adopt green as the favorite
color? H is agreeable to tbe eye, and wouldin
many instances correspond with the mental bear
ings of the wearer.
A few Sudaya si nee a clergyman in Maine, in
the middle of his aerm n. b ii oeeision loose his
handkerchief, and to bis astonishment scattered
in all directions some fifty specimens of paper
dolls, which his little daughter had lodged in the
paternal pocket fer safe keeping. The effect
upon the audience -was Barked . . .r
Pennsylvania War Damages. The
Border Claim Commissioners, appointed by
the Governor under the act of 9th April.
1-C8, to assess the damages sustained by
the citizens of the counties of Adams,
Frantlin, Fulton, Bedford, York, Perry aud
Cumberland, of this State, have m ade a re
port to Au iitor General Hartranft.by which
it appears that the amount of losses claimed
is $1, 821,031 04, and the amount allowed
$1,693,351 52. The losses are divided among
the counties as follows : ' t
Perry county Damages by Union troops
to realcitate, $1,515, and to persona! prop
erty, $1, 223 SO, and by rebel troops to per
sonal property, 70 00. Total amount to
real aud personal in Perry county, $2,S0S 00,
of which S2.64J 40 is allowed.
Bedford county Damages by Union
troops to real property,$ly8 00; to personal,
$5,025 19. Damages by rebels to real prop
erty, 50O OU; to personal. $2,U31 25. Total
amount claimed, $7,lS'i23; allowed, $",
12C 23
Fulton county Damages by Union troops
to real estate, S420 00 ; to personal proper
ty, Jd.SVtS. Damages by rebels to real
property, $4 39 25; to personal, 50.714 07
To ai amount claimed, $54,421 32; allowed
$45.6011 57.
Cumberland county Damage ly Union
troops to real property, $22,197 22; to per
sonal, $2S.S"3 73. Damages by rebels to
real property, $10.Si SO; to personal,
$I76,S55 55. Total amount claituel, ?233,
400 02; allowed $216,724 4'3.
Adatiis county Damages bv Union troops
to real property, $44,728 20, to persotial,
$30,982 41. Damages by rebel to ri al
$117,670 7; to personal. $352.278 00. To
tal amount claimed, $542,383 97; allowed,
$507,797 37.
York county Damages by Union troops
to real property. $1,330 30; to personal,
$5,909 12. Damages bv rebels to real. $7,
832 48; to personal, "1 11,030 57. Total
amoutitclaiined.$127,0(iS55: allowed, $121,
728 50.
Franklin county Damage by Union
troops to real property, $3,122 22; to per
sonal, $19 631 28. Damages by rebels to
real, $22,79 94; to personal. $793,854 79.
Total amount claimed, $838,162 IS; allow
ed. $788,733 99.
From the above report it would seem that
either the claimcrs tvere conscientious and
modest, or the Commissioners very liberal.
The report is made too late for action at the
present session of the Legislature.
Commercial Distress. A Toronto let
ter draws a gloomy picture of affairs in the
Dominion. Deep commercial distress pre
vails. Business is everywhere stagnant, and
failures are both numerous and frequent.
Some large hou.-es in Montreal have been
obliged to succumb, aud oth rs will follow.
The system of forcing goods upon country
merchants is worse than ever, and the count
ry swai ms with commercial travelers. Ilcre
toloie the complaint was that over iuiporta
tioti did the mischief ; but the same thing
cannot be said now, for the stocks are by no
means heavy. What makes the matter
woite, is the lact of a continuous esodus
of the youth ol the country to California and
the United States not French Canadians,
merely but numbers of able bodied young
men in Ontario, who miht be supposed to
be willing to undergo any amrmtit of hard
ship iu Canada if everything suited them.
That Cuban Expediton. Bear Ad mi
ral Huff, who has been for some time on the
watch tor a Cuban cxpidiuon sa'd to lie in
preparation for departure from NewOrleans,
reports to the Department that alter dili
gent inquiry he c u!d learn nothing in refer
ence to the alleged expedition, and bad
come to the conclusion that it was a myth,
lie was about to give up further search aud
inquiry and sail for Havana. That will give
the filibusters, if there are any, a chance to
get out to sea, and on to some point of Cu
ba most favorable for landing.
A Great Difeekexce. The imports
into the United States from Canada and the
other British provinces for the fiscal year
ending June 30. 1865, nnder the reciproci
ty treat', was valued at $30,176,977, on
which a duty of $8,387 was collected. For
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S68, the
value of imports fell to $28,569,135. but the
duty collected (there being no reciprocity
treaty) amounted to $3,280,916; a differ
ence in favor of th U. S. Treasury of $3.
272,529. After that, who says "Reciproc.
A'lvrjrimrmr.Ht' let Hp hi forpe typ,- .tin of plain
. null hr rhaTgttl tiouble us Mui tut fit. t uts
t cis of Administration on theestatenf
John L SlcCnlly late of I'.ircari i tow nthip dee'd,
baiiug been granted to the undernine-l. no
tice is hen'by given tint all persons indebted to
Slid estate are rvquested to umke immediate pay
ment. aud those h.iving claims against the same
will prcsout them, properly authenticated, for
feettleuient to ' ti. V. MoCL'LLY,
April 2lt lfiq-t luiii.iiuati r,
x ters ol Administration on the esta'e
of Kltjan Sin al. late of Eoggs tnwojhip. dee'd.
having been granted to tbe undersigned, notice
is hereby given that all persons indebted to said
estate are re ) 11 ire I to rua immediate payment,
aud tauseh iving claim- against tbe same will pre
sent them, pioierly authenticated for settlement
April 21. 1 fit pd Admistrators.
Tbe Fourth Session of tbe present Scholastic
year of this Institution, will commence on Mon
day, the '.'tith day of April. 13C9.
Pupils can enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from tbe time they enter to
the close of tbe session
Tho course of instruction embraces everything
included in a thorough, practical and accom
plished education of both sexes.
The Principal having had tbe advantage of
much experience in his profession, assures pa
rents and guardians that his entire anility and
energies will be devoted to the mental and moral
training of the youth placed under his charge.
Terms or Tcitiox:
Orthography. Reading. Writing and Primary
Arithmttic. per session. (11 weeks.) f 5 00
Grammar. Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo
r7 $6.00
AIgebr.t.(5ometry. Trigonometry, Mensuration
Surveying. Philosophy. Physiology, Chemistry
Book-keeping. Botany, and Physical Gengra.
pnj S9.00
Latin. Greek and French, with any of the a
bove branches $12 AO
Mue. Piano. (.10 lessons') $10.00
CtTSo deduction will ba made for absence.
For further particulars inquire of
i , ,. ,a..E,T- P- L-HARRISON, a .
Jwly 3I.1MT. Priswiw.1.
The Subscriber will offer at pnbiio outcry, oa
his farm in Lawrence township, midwa y between
CI earfield and Curwensville. one half mile North
of the road leading from Clearfield to Cnrwens
riile on
the following personal property viz: One Dorse
and one Mate. One beater white lioar. (betwei-n
one and two years old,) one Cbester-wite syw, (be
tween one end two years old, and will pig about
the first of May.) 2 t-hoats. 11 geese. 3 turkeys, 1
trio pair Brahma fowls, (pure stock.) top buggy.
1 two-horse wagon, dearborn wagon, 2 set bay
ladders, plows atd barrow, subsoil plow, cultiva
tor, windmill eu'tiug-box. . shovela ana lurks,
timber sled and eh tins, pair twin sleds, one-horse,
slsd, I hand eart, 1 saddle and a lot of harness
tuanland wedges, grindstone, lot of
Currant bashes, (best French variety tor wines,)
Cook stove. Parlor stive. Ten-plate store and
farmer's boiler. (Ill gallons) loonier cupboard,
book-case with desk, 1 kitchen sink, table, meal
cbesi. meat barrels, sausage-cutter and siuffer. 1
barrel of cider vinegar, bedsteads. 1 sewing ma
chine, and various other articles too nameroas to
TKKM3: Amounts of SI5 or under, eash, before
goods leave the premises ; from via to i0, tbir
ty days credit ; from $'20 to Sil). tbree months
credit; and all amounts over SMI. six months
credit. When credit is given, with note approv
ed security wiil be required iu all cases, sale
to commence at 10 s 'cluck A sr.
April 21. 1839 GEORGE THORN.
1 Great Remedy for the cure
of Thrnat and Lnnq DUetise. Doctor
Y:harf line Tree Tar Cordial
It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, ob
tained by a pe-ulir proses iu tbe distillation of
tbe tar. by which its highest medical properties
are retained.
It is tbe only safeguard and reliable remedy
which has ever been prepated from the juice ot
the Pine Tree
It invigorates the digestive organs and restore
the appetite.
It strengthens the debilitate! system
It purities and enriches tbe blood, and excels
from the sv?ti-m the corruption which scrofula
breeds on the lunps.
It diso Ives tbe mucus or phlegm which stops
the air-passages of the lungs.
Its heating principle acts upon the irritated
surface of tho luti and throat, penetrating to
ecb diseased part, relieving pain and aubduing
inS mma'ioo
It is the remit of year of study and experiment,
and it is offered to the afflicted, with the positive
assurance of its power to cirre the following did
eastt, if the palieut bas not too lonj delayed a re
sort to the means of cure :
Consumption of tbe Lungs, Cough. Sore Throat
and ireas' tironchitis. Liver t'oui plaint. Blind
and I'leediug Piles, Asthma, Whuoping Cough.
Diroheria. Ac le
We are often asked why are not other remedies
in the market for Consumption, Coughs. Colds,
and other Pulmonary affections equal to Dr. L.
Q. WUhart's 1'iuo I ree Coriial. We answer
1st It cures not by stopping cough but 0)
loosening and asi.-ting nature to throw off tbe
unhealthy 111 .it tor collected about the throat and
bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough.
2d. Most '1 hroat and Luug Kerned ies are com
posed .if anodynes, which allay the4 rough for
awhile. but by tbeir cnnMrinxing ffec the fibres
become burdened and tbe uuneaUhy fluids coag
nlateand are retained in tbe syvtein. causing dis
ease beyond the control ofour most eaiinent phy
.Id Tbe Pine Tree Cordial, with its assi-tants.
aro preferable, because they remove the caue of
irritation of the mucus membrane and hmr.chial
tubes, apfist the lungs to act and throw ff tbe un
healthy secretions and purify the blond, tbui
scieatiacally making tbe eare perf ret.
Dr Wish irt has on file at hi) office hundreds
and thouaandsof Certificate from Men and Wo
men of unquestionable character wbo were onee
hopelessly given up to die. but hrough tbe Prov
idence of God were cowir.letely restored to health
by tbe Pine Tree Tar CordraI A Physician in
attendance who ca'i he c insult,, t in person or 1 y
mail. Jr-e 91 ihargr. I'riee of Pine 1 rt e
Tar Cordial 1 50 pur little, 311 per doz. Sent
bv Kxprecs on recoir. t of price Address. --L. Q
C Wiihnrt. M. 1. Xo SM -Win 2d Street Thila
dcipia Pa.
April 2 1 at, lS89-3tn.
Bennett, Blattcnbergcr & Co.,
A large and well selected stock of fre.-h
GOODS, pnrchared at lowest market rates, and to
be sold at a slight advance on cost, consisting of j
And everything appertaining to well regulated
households, as well also to -
Orders received nnd promptly filled.
Highest market price paid for
Country Produce.
Salesmen are polite, attentive and oiligina.
and be convinced.
Bennett, Bkdtenherger tfc Co.
Osceola Mills. April 2i ,1889.
J6II AW A SON sow otTer there whole stock of
. woolen. for than first eost tn Phila.
CHILDRESS fura twenty-five per cent teat than
ewet at v, ' . 4 s. - j BHAWftBOX.
K-adintr hardy variwi.--.f firt ouh'U
Concord tnttings, $1 .lit 1 t-r bur.-! r.., -Oiders
solicited as soon as tot.veniei.- ,u 4 i,j
in -otatlon. by M.!i:i..s
piJKE BUCK LEAD, equal innua!,
Eughsh white lead; (Jtl. 1 uints an,i
Wrnisbesof all kinds; Gold leaf in bo. ki ,.i
brontes. for sale by A.I SllAW
Clearfield, October 23, 1S7.
pinned is desirious of copnevtinir with V,.
SMITH SHOP, a Oist class wagon, sleigh ,!,.?
establishment. A good opportunity is offer L
a Wagon Maker, who wisbe to go into burin.
The subscriber can - lo furnish to applicant a
comfortable house (near the rfopl if orred
February, 10th 1889. Curwensville. Pa,
rpilO.MAS W. MOORE. Land Surveyor
and Conveyat cer. Having recently lo
cated in the Borough 01 Lumber .'ity and rp.ua.
sowed the practice of Land Purveying res,.. cf
fully tenders hi professional services to the a
ers and speculators in lands in Clearfield end w.
joing countiea Ileednot Couveyaur neaMv ti
eeuted. 'fce and residence one door K.t of
Kirk 4' Spencers Store
Lumber City. April It, 13fi7-ly.
x o dcrof the Court ot Common Fleas nf
Clearfield county, and in accordance wi-n :h,
provisions uf the Act of Assembly in such ca.rs
made and piovided, notice ia hereby given that
application has been made to 'he said Court for
the incorporation of -The First ltaptiet Church of
Curwensville.'" the Petition and Articles of Ao
ciation having been duly 6'el in my office; an
the raid Association will be incorporated at the
next Term, if no cause appears to tbe contrary
Mrch 31. fi9-U. A. C TATE. Proth'y
tcdStaics.forthe Western District of l'a:
In the matter of 1
STACi' W TUoMl'SUN. In DjHiripr,r
BasKttrr-T. J
To wnow rr mat ro.CKK.v : Tbe Btiderlgnts
hereby gives notice of hi appointment a v-Crt
of Stacy W. '1 boinpoou. uf iSoggs town-hip iu the
county of Clearfield and State ot Pennsylvania,
within the raid District who bas been adjudge)
liauarupt upo his own petition by tbe Litr:ut
Court of sji l 1'istr ot
apr I W M M. M'CVLLOCGIi. Atoigcea.
ted State.s.for the Western District ot l'a:
In the matter of )
CIIltli-TlAS J. sUOFF, la Bmhuvtrv.
BiMKrii-r )
To whom it siav coc:b.v: The undersigned
hereby eives iso'i.-e of his appointment as ansignt
of Chri.tian 1 sni ff, of Woodward township, la
the county ot Clearfield, and s'lute of Pennsylva
nia, within the said District. who ha been adjudg
ed a liat.Krupt upon Uif own petition, by tbe Ii
trict Court uf said District
Apr.l: "M M. .u'Ct'LLorGlI Ateignee
ted States for I he Western Dh-lriet of I'u:
In tbe matter uf )
it ASHU 1'T. )
To whom it jiav losrrns: The nndersicnrl
hettby aives notice of Lis appoiutment as
as iguce of John llyan. of Burnside township, ia
tbe county of Oleai field and State of PeuiiSTlia
nia, within eaid I'islrict. who has been a'tjulnl
a liankrupt upon his own Petition, by thePistnct
Court of said Di'trict l'ntcd tho 2'jtb day uf
March. A. U lS. tl.
March 31.'i-4t. A. A ADAMS. As-i'ner.
A ted States for the Wo-itet 11 Dietrictof Pa:
In-tbe matter of 1
To wh k ir mat cusctR.i : The uzdrr'ifria
hereby give; notice ot hi" appointment as ihij-nt
of . bmuii? llutnplirey. i.f l'iae township, iu U
eounty of I'lcni fii'l l . aud :-:tate uf I'tnci jluju,
within ilie faid I'i.triet. who has been ailju'-gni
a lUubriipt upon own IV't-ion. by li.c 1 1-
tlht Court of raid I'is'.iict. I'M ted the liih uy
of March. A D. ISM.
March -i i t . A A ADAMS. Astigaer.
N THE COURT nf Comiiui, Pica, of
Cleartield County, Pa. :
Fannie jiith, 1 JCo. 17S. Jan. Term, M-M.
" i
Joseph M. Suim. J Sub. Sur Dirarn
March 17th, ia:'i. l. F. KtsweiU-r. apr-ii'tea' a
Couitoi.sioncr to take testimony ia thit rase, t-j
tbe Court. A. C TAIE I'retk'y.
I, wiil attend to the defies of tbe al ove appoit.t
ment at Ibe office of Wallace, Uigler A Fie dies,
in Clearfie'd.on FX I PA Yjkt'iSdHay of APRIL,
ItJflU. at IU o'clock, A M . where all parties inter
ested can attend. D. F. ETZWtlLLK.
April I. Iniia. Commioi'iter.
Unit, d States', for the Western Pi-tr.rt
of Pennsylvania THOMAS lU'MPHiltY, a
bankrupt under the act of Congress of .March U
lSi7. having applied tor adiH-bargr fioio all bis
debts, and other claiuis provl.lc uu-lf sid art.
by order of tbe Court notice ia berehr girvc l:ll
persons who hare proved tbeir Oeb:s. lJ 01 her
persons interested, to appear on the 1 "it at dr ef
May ISH9 at Two o'clock. P M . before S' B.
Woodruff Efq Register in UanKmptrj at kr
office, in Clearfield Pa., to show eau. if aiy
tbey have, why aili.-clmrge clioulj not besractJ
to tbe said bankrupt And further, retire is
hereby given that the Second and Third meeiirf
of Credi ors of the said bankrupt, requirrd
he 27th and 2-th section' ol said act. will be it'-i
befoie tbe said Kegisier. at the mitt time aU
piace. .- S. C. McCiSllih?i. Clerk.
February. Irt, 18,19,-21.
The undersigned having or hnd ard fur sale
the American .Mi.vabi.k-i omb 1'kk Hivis r
finding it impossible to surply ll:e tieu.atd f-t
hives have concluded to re!l i.tio half of the terri
tory which tbey own. to wit : Clearfield aid f-sri
i f Centre and Cambria counties. Tbey bareaiiJs
arrangements to have the niiteri.-il fur bivrtccl
to order. Persons desirous of necin a faian's f
the hives wil' plea cull at Niwiii-r " Show.rs
Store, in Clearfield. Bee rai.-ers will 6t.d
tbeir advantage, to have tbe patent hives. Per
sons wishing to buy eitber hives or territuryc-a
address ustuGleu ilope, Ciear6r!ld enuntv.
April 14. Jrt.W A. A W. A XIVUM
LECTION. To Tiiji School Pibec
1J Tons ok Ci.EAitKin.i) Coi xtv:
Gmt, nifti : 1 11 puruarco of the torty-tli'r
section of tbe Act oftbertth of Ma , l-i4 yoa ai
hereby notified to meet in Convention, stirs
Court House. In ClearBelil. on the Sr.-t Tussla"1
May. A 1). ISfiM. being the 4lh day of 'he iui,.
at I j o'cl.K.-k in the attcrnoon.an l select
by a majority of the whole number of directors
pres'-nt. one person ol literary and rirntii
quirements. ami rf skill and experience i 'f
art of teaching, as County Snperintcn lant
three succeeding years ; determine it
of romperisittion for the same ; and C,r'if-T . ' '
suit to the Stale Superinicndant. at HariiJ'"rS
as required bv tbe tbirty-rintb ard forties
lion- of said Act. iKO W. HNYI'tH;
County Superintendant of Clearfield Cenr..'.
April 14. l5tia :it. -
The Summer Session of Fufquehansi
School. Iiwated at Campbell's t bar. -h 10
township, will commince on tbe third lonaT
Mar. (first .Monday.) for the rrc of t re ''"'
with a vacation of three week in ni'1,n0""1;i
The Common Branches will be tauitht. sts
the followinsr. il deaired.to wit: A igehra.i'S
try. Plain Trigonometry, Menurati"0 an'K;
Philosophy. Physiology, Pbj'ical ueojrV"
Rhetoric and Loic.
Tin: price of tvitioS. t
shall be. for the full term of five months "
for less tfcau the full term, at the rate ol r
month All pupils shall be held till ,n B,
tbe term, without special agreement at t as
of entry, and the prioe of tuition shall be t
advance. vkbor-
The School ' located in a pleasant ,
hood, and a competent Teacher has been see
Boarding can be procured for S3 Per."1etijjn)f
Any further information eao be had lg (
ing the President of tbe Board. Cub ron (
the Secretary at Bumside. or ro(er"
Curwensville. J F. I.FE. ",d2L,T.
March 24. 18fl9.
PR I SO GOODS. J ust openi ng a .r'."'
of new goods at C KKATZ:
1 ...k. f
F0DDR CUTTERS of ""P'J"'!?--
sale at reasonatle pr'ses, at "";
Biet-I.R'R.ClearfieHt.Pa. '