Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 21, 1869, Image 1

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    - ,vX
VOL. 15.-10. 33.
r VF A (. 'Waft
detect gartnt.
The heart of borne is beam ing
With rays of rosy light;
And lovely eyes are gleaming.
As falls tbe ibade of night;
And while thy step are leaving
Tbe circle pare and bright,
A tender voi:e, half grieving.
gay, "don't atay late to-night."
The world in which thou movest,
Ii boiy, brave and wide ;
Tbe world of bar thou forest
la at the ingle aide;
She waita for thy warm creeling,
Thy nni!e is her delight ;
Her gentle Toiee entreating,
Say, ''don't stay late to-night."
The world, so cold, inhuman.
Will spurn thee, if thou fall ;
Tbe love of ono poor woman
Outlatta and shames them all ;
Thy children will cling roemd thee,
Let fate be dark or bright ;
At home no shaft will wound tbee.
Then, -don't atay late to night."
An elderly man, shabbily, attired, was
seen walking through one of the fashionable
streets in a large city one cold December
day. His coat was of coarse grey, and had
ewJcntly eeu hard service, though still
jr.'ecily whole and teat. -The traveller
talked .-lowly along as I have said, examin
ing carefully as he passed the names on the
Viate He finally paused before a dwelling
of chowy eiterior, which if we may credit
the tcMimony of the plate upon the door,
was occupied by Alt-zander Beaumont.
"Alexander ileaumont! yes, that's the
houe," murmured the traveller to himself
a lie ascended the .steps and raiig the door
His summons wa anttwered by a servant
who, after a uiowentt's scrutiny, which ap
I -ircntly was not of a very favorable c-harac
ter, said roughly,
' Weli, sir, what do you want?"
"Is Mr. Beaumont at home?" asked the
old man, without heeding the intentional
"Xo, rir, he is not.''
'"Then perhaps I can acc'liis wife?"
"I think it very doubtful, but I will go
ami M'e."
Tho servant witlulretv without nsksnsr Le
cM mail (o enter, thoiili the o'.iy was very
and his clothing seemed to hardly
sufficient to protect him from its imleuieii-
cv. J
Mrs. Beaumont was reclining on a fantcail
inan om h.m.lsoiiK-I) itin.LsIad. The last
riev m ;gazine was in lie h; n 1, and Iter eyes
ere listlessly g!am'tii over its pages. She
is interrupted in her reading hy the id
trance of the sorvuut.
'Well, what now. Betty ?" .-he inquired.
' There is a man down stiars wants to see
you. nia'aui."
'"31a! a sreniieman yon mean?"
"No, ma'am." aid Betty, stoutly.for die
ve!! ui.iW.-teod what made up gentlemen
in the conventional sense of the term ; 'it
i-n't a m ink man et all, for he has pot on
an old j,-ay coat and ho has not got aiiy
glover on."
"What can he want of me!"
"I don't know ; he inquired after tlr.
rw-aumont first."
"Voa did'nt bring hita iu the pariof, did
"The ?irl shook her head."
' You did right, and you had better tell
him I'm not at home."
"Mrs Beaumont is not at home," said
Betty, reappearing at the door.
' I repose that means f.he is engaged,"
iil the iM nian ; "I think she will see me
len -he learns who I am. Tell her I am
kwfca'band's uncle, and my name is Henry
'"I list old rasr-fag master's unele," faid
"'Hy. wuiidering as she re-astended the
e a-rs.
''Jond heavens!" said her mistress "it
:n t that o!d veteran ho tt rolled off years
?..n. bo.lv kn .ws where. I did hope he
nr won Id (vme lack again. And uow I
?up;, ;s as p(Vr as a rU aM(j wIlU
. eI,- Vt!'. he won't get it if I can help it
Ut T suppose I :nust see him."
"V"" t'ght, sir. I am the wife of
r A..iiu,ur 'Jeaumont, and I suppose
um your language jou are
"His ueele Henry. Ah me ! I have been
fne iany years, and it does uie good to
'm to my kindred."
The old man leaned on his staff and his
Vtures W0led convukively as thoughts of
! pa-t tame over his mind. Mr.,. Beau
Mood holding the door as if waiting
rlimto depart. She did not give him
r invitation to enter.
'Isjour husband well?" inquired the
Vbltor- ''tin in, as if he expected an in
!n to enter and refresh himself after
"'.J'k.,'y an interval of ret.
He 1-. U you hive any message for him
p! "' -- it with me. and I will deliver
,'.' - Heauniont, desirous of rid-
g brelt o tLe intruder as sreedily as
tjiOU n,ay trt" ,liU, 1 hdVe Ca,,ed'" 8a'1
visitor in ad;sap,,iuted tone, "and that
I would like to hare.ecn him."
I lellhim -aid Mrs. Beaumont
be was abnm toclo.-e th.; do.,r.
Hold ! there is one questi m i.,ore. What
"' become of Alexander's MMer Anna?"
r..k T 1 know n,uch about ,'!r." was the
her dudainful reply; but I think she
,', ck'rk' meehanic, or some such
'"rson. His name is L-iwe, and livs in
''n street.. Is that all?"
ll'at iaU."
ri"-cld man turned his steps toward the
t uidicatoa, Uh Uisay forebodings Wst
his second visit might be as unwelcome as
his first appeared to be.
"Betty," said Mrs. Beaumont, as she
dosed the door, "If that old fool comes
again, be sure and not forget to tell him I
am not at home."
Norton street was not a fashionable street
nor was the two-story dwelling occupied by
William Lowe either handsome or costly.
It was marked, however, by an air of neat
ness which indicated that its tenants were
not regardless of outward appenraiices.
We will take the liberty of introducing
you into a little sitting room, where Mrs.
Lowe and her three children were even now
seated. A plain, serviceable carpet covered
the fioor.and the remainder of the furniture,
though of a kind which would hardly be se
lected for a drawing-room, had a comforta
ble, homelike appearance, which simply sa
tisfied the desire of those who derived
their happiness from a higher and less mu
table force than outside show. Mrs.
Lowe was seated in a rocking chair, engaged
in an employment which lam aware is ta
bood in all fashionable society. I mean darn
ing stockings.
Emma, a girl often, was brushing up the
hearth, whi;h the ashes from the grate, in
which a biasing fire was now burning, had
somewhat disordered, while Mary, who was
two years younger, was reading. Charley,
a little rogue ot five, with a smiling face
which could not help looking roguish, was
stroking the cat the wrong way, much to
the disturbance of poor tabby, who had quiet
ly settled herself down to the pleasant
dreams upon the hearth rug.
All at once a loud knock was heard at the
"Euiim" said the mother, "you may go
to the door and see who it is, and invite him
in, for it is a cold day."
Emma immediately obeyed the mother's
"Is Mrs. Ijoweat home?" inquired Hen
ry Beaumont for it was he,
"Ves, sir," said Emma; "please walk in,
and you may see her."
She ushered the old man into the comfor
table sitting room.
Mrs. Lowe arose to receive him.
"I believe," he said, "I'm not mistaken
in thinking that your name before marriage
wasAnua Beaumont?"
"Yon are right, sir, that was my name.
"And you have no recollection of an uncle
that wandered away from homo and friends
and from whom no tidings have come for
many a long year?"
"Yes, sir, I renuinaor him well my un
ele Henry, ami I have many times wished
I could hear something from hiiu. Can you
give me any information ?"
"lean, for I am lie."
"You my uncle?" said Mrs. Lowe, in
MirprLe, "tLen you are indeed welcome.
Emma bring your uncle the arm chair and
place it close to the fire ; and Mary, bring
your father's slippers, for I am sure your
dear uncle muist long to get off those heavy
boots. And now uncle, when you are quite
rested, I nuist demand a recital of your ad
ventures." "But yout brother, Alexander'interrupf
cd Mr. Beaumont, "let me first inquire
about hint. He lives in the city now, does
he not?"
A light cloud came over Mrs. Lowe's
"Yes," she said, "he does live in the
city ; yet, strange as it may appear, I sel
dom or never see him. He has succeed well
and is wealthy ; but ever since he married a
wife with a small property and greater pride,
he has kept aloof from us. I do not blame
him so much as his wife, who is said to have
great influence over him. I have called once
but she treated me so coldly that I have not
felt a disposition to renew my visit."
"I can easily believe it," was the reply,
"for I, too, have been repulsed."
''You repulsed ? Did you give your name
and inform her of your relation to her hus
band?" "1 did, but she did not invite tne to en.
ter; and t-he was evideutly impatient for
uie to be gone ; I took the hint, and here I
"At least, uncle," said Mrs. Lowe, smil
ingly, "you need not be afraid of any re
puUe here."
"Of that lam quite sure," said the old
gentleman, looking affectionately ento the
face of his niece. "But you have not told
me of your husband. Let me know wheth
er you have a good match," he added play
fully. 'That depends upon what is meant by
the term. If it implies rich husband, then
I failed, most certainly, for William's sal
ary is only eight hundred dollars a year,
and that is what we have to depenp upon.
But for all that I care not, for a kind, affec
tionate husband is of tar more worth than a
magnificent house and the most costly furni
ture." "Yon an right, said her uncle warmly,
and I infer that your husbands is of such a
"Heij. in truth."
"Still," continued her ancle, "there must
be something which your limited income
will not permit you to obtain, but which
would be desirable, is there not ?"
"Yes," said Mrs. Lowe," I am anxious
to eive Emuia and Mary a musical educa
tion, but William's means will not allow of
such extravagance as the purchase of a
piano ; so that is one the things which we
must be content to deny ourselves."
Mr. Lowe then entered, and being inform
ed of the character of his visitor he. xtended
a hearty welcome.
A comfortable repast was soon spread of
which Mr. Beaumont readily partook. His
spirits rose, and h Memed to grow younger
as he saw the cheerful faces around' him,
and felt himself at home. Soon after the
evening meal he arose to depart.
"Surely, you are not going ?" aul bis
neiee, "you must henceforth take up youf
abode with us. ,
"We will see about that and if yon
don't think you will get tired o( uie perhaps
I will come. But I have hi, ed a lodging
and must undoubtedly remain in it for a few
"But you. must call in every day and
make yourself perfectly at home even before
you come here to stay, persisted his niece."
"Bo sure of that"
In accordance with his promise Mr. Beau
mont made his appearance next da) at elev
en o'clock, and was rccteved as cordially as
before. He had hardly been in the house
a quarter of an bour when a loud rap was
heard at the door. She beheld two men
who had just driven up in a wagon.
"Where is this piano to be put, ma'am,"
they inquired.
"Piano! You have made a mistake; we
have not purchased a piano."
"Isn't your name Lowe?"
"Thcu it is all right. Jim bear a hand
for its confounded heavy."
"But I am quite sure there must be some
mistake," still insisted the perplexed Mrs.
"Not at all," said aloud voice behind her.
She turned around in amazement.
"You know, continued the uncle, that I
am going to come and live with you, and I
thought I would pay my board in advance,
that is all Ai you expressed a wish yes
terday for a piano, I thought it would be as
acceptable a way as any."
"You, uncle I Why excuse rae but I
thought from from"
"You mean" said he smiling, "that you
thought from my appearance that I could
not afford it. And I confess," said he, cast
ing a glance at himself in the glass that my
dress is not in the extre jie of the fashion,
and in fact I was obliged to look sometime
when I called at the second hand clothing
store the other day before I could find these.
However, as I have got all the service I
wished out of them, I shall throw them aside
to-morrow, and appear more respectably
"What! are you wealthy, uncle?"
"Depend upon it, Anna, I didn't spend
ten years in the East Indies for nothing,"
was the reply. I had a mind however, to
put on the appearance of a poor roan and
so test the affection and disinterestedness of
my relations. One of them. however I found
not at home; Iain happy to find myself at
home with tbe other."
Let us turn to the aristocratic Mrs. B ,
who in a few evenings succeeding the evtnts
here recorded, was in her dawing room re
ceiving calls.
"Bv the way," said a fashionable visitor,
'lam to have your relative, the Lowes for
my next door meighbors."
"Next door neighbors!" exclaimed Mrs.
Beaumont iu amazement. "What do you
"Is it possible you have not heard of their
good fortune? Mrs. Lowe's uncle has just
returned from the East Indies with an im
mense fortune."
1 'He has taken a house in the same block
with ours, and when they have moved into
it, will take up bis residence with them.
Meanwhile he is stopping at the E.
"What! Henry Beaumont?"
"The very same, but I thought you knew
When tbe visitor withdrew, Mrs. Beau
mont ordered her carriage, and immediate
ly drove to the hotel where her husband's
uncle was stopping. She sent up her card
ane requested an audience.
The servant soon returned with another
card on which were traced the significant
words "not at home."
Language of tub Clouds. Soft look
ingor delicate clouds foretell the fine weather
with moderate or light breezes : hard edged,
oily looking clouds, wind. A dark, gloomy
blue sky is fine weather. Generally the
softer clouds look the less wind, but perhaps
more again may be expected ; and the hard
er, more "greasy," rolled, tuffed, or ragged,
the stronger the coming wind will prove.
Also a bright yellow sky at sunset pr.sages
wind ; a pale, yellow, wet ; and a greenish,
sickly 1 K)king color, wind and rain. Thus,
by the prevalence ot red. yellow or other
tints, the coming weather may be foretold
very nearly. Small, inky looking clouds
fortell rain, light colored clouds driving
across heavy masses show wind and rain ;
but if alone, may indicate wind only.
Chicago is, as usual, ahead. A young
woman of that city has invented a new branch
of female usefulness. She advertises that
she will "give lessons in etiquette, and the
way of conversing with ladies, to any young
gentlemen who do not feel at ease iu the
society of the opposite sex. Tuition to lov
ers extra." She has been quite successful,
and makes a speciality of proposals in vari
ous forms. From all accounts the male sex
of the Lake city have been getting along
very well with tbe fair sex, but of course,
after instruction in the art, they will do
much better. Will the number of divorce
suits be increased or decreased in conse
quence? A petulant old lady having refused a suit
or to her niece, he expostulated with her.
and requested her plainly to divulge her rea
sons. "I see the villain in your face," said
she. "That is a 'personal reflection, madam,"
answered the lover.
If you spcDd the day profitably, you will
have cause to rejoice in the eveoiog.
Elm wood was a pretty little town, and its
Targe and beanlifut rov was the favorite
resort of picnic parties. One pleasant after
noon, Alvah Everett, with bis sister,! left
their homes, aDtl wandered towards the
grove, to see the merry party gathered tliere.
Alvah Everett was tall, well-formed
young man, with a pleasing countenance,
and blue, expressive eyes. His blonde hair
clustered around his high brow in little curls,
and bis features were good, if not hand
some. He was the embodiment of wit and
good nature, and an especial favorite with
the ladies; but as yet his heart was un
touched1 by the marriageable belles. He was
tbe only son ot a wealthy gentleman, and
himself the sole possessor of a large fortune,
left to him by a! deevttsed atfnt. Ma sister
was entirely difierent, being of medium size,
and a brunette, with spatkling black eyes
denoting mischief arid mirth, and ebon-black
hair which played about her bieafd in natu
ral curls.
"Well Isabel," safid ber brother, as they
walked along side by side, "do you know
aught of these pleasure seekers?"
"Something," replied the merry girl,
with an arch toss of ber head.
"What is it," questioned Alvah, in a
mock tone of grave earnestness.
"Well, they are a party from the city,
and I expect to meet my friend Clara Marsh
among them, whose acquaintance I formed
at boarding-f-cbooL . 1 received a letter from
her a week ago and she stated that she in
tended to join the party, and expressed a
hope that I would join her at the grove.
She is an orphan, living with a maiden aunt,
who is rich, but excessively penurious, so
Clara privately informer? me. I mean to in
vite her to visit us for a week or two, and
when she goes away, I intend to address her
when we next meet, as Mrs. Alvah Everett,"
and the roguish maiden glanced at her
brother, laughing gleefully.
"You will never have that pleasure, lean
assure you," replied the young man decided
ly. "I shall never fall in 16ve with a silly,
sentimental school girl," he added, with a
positive shake of his head.
"We shall see," laughed Isabel "I'll
wager a ten-penny, that you will succumb to
her 1 actuations."
"Nonsense, Isabel," returned hdr broth
er impatiently, and tbey entered the grove.
They paued nn tbe gravelled walks be
neath the gigantic elms whose shade was de
cidedly refreshing, and soon they had drawn
nigh a bevy ot fair girls, who were engaged
in an animated conversation, and conse
quently were unaware of their approach.
Isabel glided from her broiher's side and
touched one of the young ladies lightly upon
the arm, who immediately turned round.
Mutual recognitions took place, and soon af
ter Alvah Everett was introduced to Clara
Marsh, and despite himself his heart throbs
quicker.ed as be contemplated her.
She had some pretentions to beauty, her
dark brown hair being arranged in glossy and
becoming bands, while the expression of her
solt, luminous eyes was particularly attiact
ive. She possessed a most bewitching bUiiie.
and a gentle manner, while her dress indi
cated modesty and good taste.
In a few moments after the introduction,
Alvah left the group of merry girls, accom
panied by his sister and the lovely Clara.
He could not resist the temptation ot look
ing at his sister's friend, and watching the
varying expressions of her countenance as
the topic changed. He watched, too, wit h
evident interest, her sweet Miiiies, retiring
ways, and the soft intonations of ber gentle
voice. They wandered through the grounds,
and expressed themselves sorry when the
party broke up. Clara reluctantly rejoined
her city friends, and Isabel and her brother
returned to tl eir home, the latter acknowl
edging himself interested in the charming
Clara. His sister actually made him blush
by laughing after he had made tbe confes
sion, and he secretly resolved to ke p his
own counsel thereafter.
Isabel had succeeded in obtaining a prom
ise from herfrieud to visit her, and Clara
fulfilled her promise by appearing one morn
ing in the following week.
From a week or two her visit was prolong
to two months, and then one day she was
surprised and pleased by a declaration of
love from Alvah Everett. The next day a
telegraphic dispatch arrived announcing the
sudden death of Clara's aunt. The maiden
immediately retured to her home ; but she
went away the betrothed wife of Alvah Eve
rett. A month passed by and Alvah began to
grow impatient as he had not heard from
Clara since her hasty der arture A few days
later he received a letter from a friend in
the city stating that Clara's aunt had be
queathed her fortune to her niece. The
writer then went on to iuform Alvah that
his betrothed was besieged by a crowd of
sordid admirers, and report said that she fa
vored one.
He concluded by advising Alvah to marry
Clara without delay. The young man knew
comparatively nothing of his correspondent,
having after their introduction which occur
red at the party in the grove, exchanged on
ly a few words with him. He found it ab
solutely impossible to believe that Clara was
false to him. and he concluded that the
writer must be mistaken. Alvah censider
ed him a troublesome meddler for interfer
ing with bis love affair, and therefore he did
not reply to the letter; so the matter slipped
At length another came, in a lady's deli
cate chirography. Alvah found upon read
ing it that it was an appeal from his bo
trothed to release her from all engagement
with him. The young man was thunder
struck. He read and re-read the letter,
finding it cfificolt to believe his senses, and
then sought his sister in her apartment.
Isabel looked up as ber brother entered,
and then started from her chair anxiously
asking him if anything had happened, as
she noticed the sad, dejected countenance.
"Read that," he said, in a hard, bitter
tone, and be banded ber the letter, stand
ing with folded arms betore ber while she
After she had finished she crushed the
letter in ber hand saying,
"Alvah, some enemy wrote these lines, I
am sure ; I do not believe Clara Marsh did
Her I rofher's face brightened.
"None but Clara could have an object in
doing this," ho said. "We have no foe who
could be benefitted by an estrangement."
"I am not so1 sure," was the reply ol
of Isabel;' but she strove vainly to obtain a
satisfactory conclusion to the mysterious af
fair. ', Clara has not written to me since her de
parture," said ATvab. relapsing into his
former melancholy tncb.l.
"I cannot aoc unt for that," jaurraered
fiis sister thouichtfully.
Alvah sighed; rw as he viewed hisbe
tmthed's, piwt .mnduct, he was almost con
vinced of her fickleness.
"Well, Alvab, what do you intend to do;"
inquired Isabel, after a pause.
"Wri.e to her immediately, and relin
quish my claims, ot course."
"Do you mean it, Alvah ?"
"I would advise you to go and see her."
"What would that avail me ?"
"It certainly vfould not da any harm."
replied his sister. "Come go and see her
to-morrow," she added, coaxingly.
The young man leaned his head upon bis
.band and for sometime reniait.ed in deep
thouglii ;' at length he looked up and said,
"Isabel, I am resolved to do as ycW de
sire me to."
'"That'll? you1," returned' the girl earnest
ly. "I feel that you will be the winner by
"Perhaps I may," murmured her broth
er doubtfully, as he left the room. He
spent the remainder of the day wandering
around the neighboring pastures and groves,
where he had spent so many happy hours
with his betrothed, and he often wondered
it he should ever experience them again.
Certainly the future did not present a very
promising appearance, a6d when he return
ed to his home he was in a very uncomfort
able frame of mind
The next day Alvah Everett departed for
the city. He had considerable difficulty iu
finding the residence of Clara ; but finally his
perseverance was rewarded, and he stood
upon the f-tepft of an utiprctendinghouse. He
rang the lcii with a quick, nervous jerk, and
gave bis name to the servant, who immedi
aiely retired to' inform' her young mistress.
In a few moments the girl came back and
conducted the visitor into a little parlor.
Clara was there and arose to meet him, her
eyes wimmin with tears, and her frauie
trembling violently. The young man had
determined to be firm and unyielding; but
his resolutions utterly failed him, and he
clasped the form of the unresisting girl close
to his throbbing heart.
"O Alvah, why did you not come before?"
she said, with a gentle, reproving look, as
shed isengaged herself from his emorace.
For an answer he took the crumpled let
ter from his pocket, and handed it to her.
She perused it, and her face paled per
ceptibly, as the returned it, saying
"What docs itmcan? Did you believe
that 1 wrote this letter, Alvah?"
"Did you not?"
"No; I never saw it before."
The impulsive lover uttered an irrepress
ible exclamation of thanksgiving, and im
printed a fervent kiss upon the girl's fair
"1 irc iveil rhi- letter yesterday, and tho't
that if eanic tVmii you. de irest. Who could
have written ir.ao.l vvlui was their object?"
"1 think it ino-t have U-en Cyi us Wheel
er," said Claia. the perplexed expression
leaving her face ifter a moment's thought.
"He was a friendless oiphan whom my aunt
brought up, but he proved ungrateful for
her k indues.-., and twice he stole a considera
ble sum of money from her. He was awfully
angry when he learned that my aant had
left him penniless, and since her death he
has several times asked me to marry him :
because I refused him, he resorted to this
base means to gain his purpose."
"Let us be thankful dearest, that he did
not succeed ; for if be had our mutual hap
piness would have been destroyed forever.
Would it not, Clara?" he added, with a
merry smile.
"Ce. tainly," responded his betrothed, with
blushing cheeks and downcast face.
During the afternoon Alvah returned to
his home, arid Clara accompanied him. One
beautiful day, not many months later, a wed
ding was celebrated, and Isabel had the
pleasure of addressing ber blushing school
mate as Mrs. Alvah Everett.
Where necessity ends, curiosity begins ;
and no sooner are we supplied with every
thing nature can demand th in we sit down
to contrive artificial appetites.
Oi the landlady who sprinkled snuff upon
her boarders' victuals it cannot, with any
degree of propriety, be said that she is not
to be sneezed at.
Fifteen rue rubers at Was-hingtonaspire to
be called tbe "'handsomest" man in the
z a m
A man in Geneva recently sold taliow coat
ed with butter for a good article of buttor.
... AND
For all tiiseasee of tQe Liver. Staaianh. or digea
tire organs.
llooftand's German Bitter
la composed of the pore jaicea (or, as they are
medicinally termed, txtrart) of Knots. Iisrbs.and
Bark a. mailing a prep aration.higbly concen
trated, and entirely free from alcoholic ad
mixture of any kind.
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It a combination of all the ingredirpt of the flit
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Thoe preferring a Medicine free fr'oi Alcohol
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Those wBo have no objection to tbe combination
of the Cittera, ai atated, will ue
They ar both rrranllj Rood. snd contain the
safte medicinal virinea. the choice between tbe
two being a mere matter of tat, the Tonfc being
the most palatable.
The stomach, from a 7riety of canes. rurji as
Indigestion. Dyspepsia. erfm Debility, etc.. ia
very apt to nave its functions, dcranred. The
Lier. f tnpalhising as closely as it does with
f5 Stomach, then be v' comes affected. the result
of which is that the patient suffurs from several
or more ot tbe following diseases:
Constipation',' Flatulence. Inward Piles, Fulness
of lllood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach.
Naurea, Heartburn, Dirgust for Food. Fulness
or Weight in the Stomach. Soi'r. EraitRtlotis,'
Sinking or Fluttering at tbe Pit of tbe Stornpcbv
Swimsiinjf of the Head. Hurried or Difficult
Breathing, Fluttering at tbe Heart. Choking or
Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture,
Dimness of Vision. Pots or Webs before the Sight.
Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspira
tion. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Paiu in
the Side, UacK,hest. Limbs etc , Sudden flush
es of Heat, ISurni ig in the Fieh . Constant im
aginings of Evil, and great depression of Spirits
The sufferer from .'nesedeaeRsno!rlde.xreie
the jtreutect caution in tbe selection of a remedy
for his case, purchaa:ng only that which he ia as
sured from his inves tigaiions and inquiries
poses.e true merit. O ia rkilfully compound-,
ed. is free from injurious ingrt drdents and has
established for nrlf a rpirtau'on for the cure of
these diseases. Ia this connnection we would
submit those well known remedies
JfooJlTitd't Grrman Bitlrrx. mini IIooJlanTg
German Tohr prrmrrd 6f Dr. C. jV.
Jack to ii, I'hilmMphia, Pa.
Twenty-two years sfnee they wire first intro
duced into this country from erm.-iny,'Uur:ng
which time they have undoubtedly performed
more eurea. and benefitted suO'uriu huinauiiy to
a greater extent, than any oihcr remedies known
to the public,
Thcst rem'fttTea will r.t inr T.loo, Cnm.
plaint. Jaundice. I'vs popsia. chronic, or Ker
rous Debility, Chron
iu linrrhre:i. Liiyeaseof
the KidneA-s. and all Diseases arising from a dis
ordered Liver, Stomach, or lutesiine.
Resulting from any cause whatever; prostration
o'f the ?y: tetn. induced bv severe labor,
hardships, cspouio. fwers. etc.
There is lio medicine jxtant equal to these rem
edies insuch cases.' A lone and vigor i.- imparted
to the wtjole system, the appetite is atrengthed,
food is enjoyed. Ins stoninch digests promptly the
blood is purified, the complexion becomes sound
and healthy, ihe yellow tinge is eradicated from
the eyes, a bloom is given to the check, and the
we-ik and nervous invalid becomes a strong and
healthy oeing.
And feeling the hand of time weighing heavily
upon them, with all lU attnndar.4 illa.wil1 find in
the use of this Bl TTEKS. or tfce TONIC, an elixer
that will instil new 'ife into their veins, restore
in a measure the energy and ardor of mure youth
ful days. build up their shrunken form, and give
h alio and happiness to their remaiuing years.
Tl is a well established fact that fully one-half
of the feuiala portion of our population are 1
dom in the enjoyment of good health; or. to
uee their own eipres -- sion. "never feel well."
Tbey aitf languid, devoid of all energy. extreme
ly nervous, and have no appttite To this class
of persons tbe liiTTEKS, or tbe TUNIC, is evpe
cinlly recommended.
Are made strong by the use of either of these
remedies. They will cure every cafe of MAKAS
MLS, without fail.
Thousands of certificates hsvo accumulated in
the hands of the proprietor, but spaoe will allow
of the publication of but a few. Tbose.it will be
observed, are men of note and of suoh (landing
that they must believed.
lion. Gear:? TP. Woodward, Chief J attire oj
tilt SHpreme Court of Pentt'a, tcriten :
Philadelphia. .March 16. I8C7.
'I find -Hoofland's Herman Bitters' is a
good tonio. useful in diseases of tbe diges
tive organs, ana oi great oencnt in eases or de
bility. and want of nervous action in Ihe avs'ein
Yours truly, GEO. W WOODWARP."
Hon Jamrs TAompioit, Jmlgr of th Supreme
Conrt of Pennsylvania :
Philadelphia, April 23. 186S.
-'I consider -Hoofland's German (Jitters' mvun
aMe medictue in case i f attacks ot Indigestion or
Dyspepsia. 1 can cortity tbia from my experi
ence of it. Yours, with respect.
From. Rev. Jottejih II. K'-wtard. D. D.. Patio
o f the t enth BapUnt Church, l'hxliule! filna..
Dr. Jackson Dear Sir: I have been frequent
ly requested to connect my name with recommen
dations ef different kinds of medicines, but re
garding the practice as out of my appropriate
sphere, I have in all care declined: but
with clear proof in various instances and
particularly in my own family, of tbe ueefulnen
uf Dr. Hoofland'a German Bitters. depart for
once from my usual course, to expresa my full
oonviction that, for general debility nf the xyttem,
ami expeeialy forLiverComplaiut.it i a safe
and valuable preparation. In some eases it may
fail, but usually. I doubt not. it will bo very Wen
cficiil to those who suffer from the above cautes
Yours, very respectfully.
J H. KENNARD.bth bel Coatesst.
Fiont Rev. E. D. Feudal. A vnetint Editot
Chrixtia Chroutrle, Philadelphia.
I have derived decided benefit from the nse of
Hooflande German Bittera. and feel it my piivil
ege to recommend tbem aa a most valuable tonic,
to all who are suffering from general debility or
from diseases arising from derangement of the
liver. Yoara truly, E D.FENDALL.
Hoofland's German Remedies a re counterfeited
Sao that the sign iture of C M JACKSON ia on
the wrapper of each bottle. All others are
counterfeit Princi ' pal Office and Manufac
tory at the German Medioine Store.No. 631 AKCH
Street, Philadelphia. Pa.
CHARLES M. EVANS. Proprietor.
Formerly C. M. JACKSON A Co
Hoofland'a German Bitters, er bottle.
Hoofland's German Bitters, half dosen.
St 00
i 00
Hoofland's German Tonio.putnpin quart bottles
SI 60 per bottle, or half dosen for 7 40.
Br" Do not forget to examine wall the artiat
yon buy, in order to get the gennine.
For ssU by A. I. SHAW Agent Clearfield Pa.
April 3J, IMS-ly
l'ha nnderaiirnd havinv nitrfrttd imiMmini
is now prepared to 11 orders for either coal-burnt
or wood-burnt lime, and Anthracite coal. Yard
at the Railroad depot. K. B. TAYLOR
Feb 24. 1 Sri S
E D W i R D1.. M A C K ,' .
Market street, nearly opposite the residenec of
H. B Swoope. Es1).,
. , CtARFlKLD, Pa.,
TowH rerpeetfully announce to the citisens of
Clearfield and vicinity, that he has opened a
BOUT AND SHOE SiiOP, in the building latelv
occupied by J L. Cuttlejs alawoffice T.d ;hat he
ia determined pot to be outdone either in quality
of work o prices. Special attention given to tho
mantrfarture ot eewed work.. French Kip ar.d
Calf Skins, of tbe best quality, always on hrml.
Give him a call. Juce 24.
II 0
i'l t. 1 j V U I K 1 I
T se- v r-h OT -S s. .
Jlatfe to Order at the Lowest Rates.
The undersigned would respectfully invite the
attention of the citizens of Clearfiel j and vioin -'J-
t give bun a call at his shop on Market St .
nearly opposite Hartswick i Irwin's drag store,
where he ia prepared to make or repair any thi .ig
in his line. ,
Orders entrusted to him will be executed with
promptness, strength and neatness, and all work
warranted as represented.
. I have now on hand a stock of txtra french
calf skins, .superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will
finish up at the lowest figures.
fi 1 ! 6 A R S AND TOBACCO.
J , ...... .... .
macvactfrer aso wdoisalk asd retail
Dealer i Cioaks ud Tobaccos,
Would respectfully announce .hat he has remov
ed to tbe large and. coinnodious store-room, op
posite the reeidmos of H Ii Swoope, Esq., where
h a h as opened a genoral assortment of Tobaceo,
Cigars, etc.. which he is prepared to sell, wholesale
or retail, at reasonable prices.
His cigars are made of the very best materia),
and fn style of manufacture will compare with
those of any other establishment.
He haa always on band a superior article of
chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which he di
rects the attention of - loversof tbe weed."
.Merchants and Dealers, throughout the county
supplied at tbe lowest wholesale prices.
Call and examine his stock when yon eome to
Clearfield. Jane 10. IsnS.
CleaVfield county.
The undersigned, having opened a large and
well selected stock of goods, at Bald Hfllt. Clear
Sold county, respectfully solicit a share of publio
Their stock embraces Dry .Good's, Groceries,
Hardware. QueenswarcTin-wareBnot and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, oady made G! thing, and a gen
eral assortment of Notions, etc.
1 bey always keep on band tbe best quality of
Flour, and a variety of Feed
All goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for
approved country proUpce.
Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are
predated to saw 1 kinds of lumber to order.
Orders solicited, and punctually filled.
Nov. 20, 1S67. F. ii. & A. IUWlJi.
ClearSeld county, Pcnn'a.
The undersigned having erected, during tbe
past summer, a large and commodious store room,
is now engaged in filling it up with a new and
select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which
he offers to tho public at prices to suit tbe times
11 if stock of Mens' and boys' clothing ia unusual
ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from
10 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, and tiro
ccrie, of every kii.d, a complete aasoitmeii':
Stoves' and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots ami
Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladit-s'
dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods togeilier
with an endless assortment of notions too tedioas
to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very
ohe.ip. Prints at 10 cents a ysr J.and other goods
in proportion Now ii the lime to boy.
Country produce of every kind, t the bigh-at
market prices, will be taken in exchange frr
goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refuted
or anv article in store. Examine toy stock be
fore yon bur elsewhere.
October 30.1 Kft7. II. SWAN.
Men, Youths and Boys can befuplpied with full
suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at
where it is sold at prices that will induce their
rare base. Tbe Universal aatisfscMon which has
been given, has induced them to increase .their
s'ock, whioh is now not surpassed by any estab
lishment of the kind in this part of tho State.
Reifccrtstein Bro's & Co.,
Sell goods at a very small profit, for eab ; S
Their goods are well made and fashionable.
They give every one the worth of his money.
They treat their customers all alike.
They sell cheaper than avery body else.
Their store is conveniently situated.
They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced
prices they can sell cheaper tl an other
Kor these and other r.ur.ni n.nn. . .i,m,u i.
r-.-... WUJf
their clothing at
Produce of every kind taken at the highest
market prices. May 18, lhfi4.
nave just returned from tho east and are bow
opening an entire new stock of goods in the room
formerly ocoupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market
Street, which they now offer to the public at the
lowest cash prices.
Their stook consists of a general assorts ant of
Dry Good J. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware,
Boot, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Bosnete, Dress Goods,
Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nail, ate. ,
in fact, everything usually kept in a retail atore
can bo had by calling at thi atore. or will bo
procured to order.
Their stook ia well aalooted. and consist of the
newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest
style, and will be sold at lowest price for cash,
or exchanged for approved country produce.
Be sure and call and examine oar, stack before
making yonr purchases, a wo are determined
n'eae all who may favor a with their oustom.
May 8. 1867. J.SHAWAS0V.
STOVES of all ort and sixoa. eosewr.tly on
v i