pe ,gUffematt,0 gourttctf, kaxfxdb, &a., prtf 14, 1869. jr the gxxmtt. General Management of Poultry. Poultry will prore ft profitable branch of a email farm conveniently situated. Good poultry find a ready sale in oar numerous large city markets ; and on large farms they positively cost comparatively a small sum to raise and fatten. There are generally large quantities of grain scattered in the barn yards and lost nnleas eaten by fowls'; There are myriads of insects, such a flies, bugs, worms, grasshoppers, etc., which numbers are diminished by the cock and his follow ers; and even if kept up and fed, experi ence shows that for the amount of capital invested, the poultry contribute in propor tion, as great a return as any part of the farm. A stock of from twelve to twenty hens, with three cocks, are sufficient for a moder ate sized family. If more are kept they will not do so well, as the cocks will disagree. If suffered to roost out in the tops or branch es of trees in winter or summer, and made to scratch for a Hying the best way they can, it could scarcely be expected they would prove thrifty and profitable. Vermin and inclement weather would blight expectations. Neither are all situations favorable to rais ing poultry. The main consideration how ever is, to provide comfortable quarters for every bird, and feed welL There is nothing lost by liberal feeding and comfortable pro tection from cold and storms. The Church Union. Make the Horse Work. Horses were designed as beasts of burden to relieve man kind of fatiguing drudgery. It docs not hurt them to work hard, if they are treated kindly. It is not the hard drawing and ponderous lo;idd that wear out horses, and that make them poor, balky and worthless . but it is the hard driving, the worrying by rough and inhuman driverj that uses up more flesh, fat and tuasclc than al 1 the labor a team performs. Consider the pon derous loads that many teams are required to cart every day, and several times a day, and yet they appear to grow fatter and stronger every year. They are t reated kind ly. On the contrary, other horfe., that do not perform half the labor, soon grow poor and give out, and the next we hear of them is they died with the harness on. Hard work does not hurt them. But the fretting, worrying, and abuse did the job. Horses will do all the mowing and reaping on a large farm, thrash the grain, pitch the hay, turn the grind-stone, saw the wood and per form almost all the heavy labor that farm ers have been accustomed to do, and grow fat, if they are not worried and jerked, and kicked about as if they were a living foot ball. x. How to Catch Mick. A correspondent of the "Journal of Pharmacy" gays: Hav ing on several occasions noticed mice in our seed barrels, I bethought me of some plan how I might trap the little intruders ; they having gained entrance by eating through the chime. To kill them with a stick was impossible, as the little fellows would invar iably escape as soon as the lid was raided to any height. I then thought of saturating a piece of cotton with chloriform and throw in? it in, then closing the lid. On raising it aain in a few minutes, I would find that liie had almost or quite departed. Havirg on one wcasinn left a piece of cotton in the barrel, on again returning.found three mice with their heads in close contact with it,and dead. In the evening I saturated another piece, and placed it in the barrel, and on opening it the next morning, to my surprise I fnund nine dead mice." We recommend our country friend.-, to try chloroform on their rats, and see what effect it will have. Hints to Housekeepers. The follow ing are a few valuable hinta.which are worth preserving : Save your suds for garden plants, or for garden yards when sandy. Wash your tea-trays with cold suds, pol ish with a little bower and rub with a dry cloth. A hot shovel held over varnished furni ture, will takeout the white spots. A bit of glue dissolved in skimmed milk and water will restore old crape. Always mend the clothes before wash ling them. Roman Cement. The Ohio Farmer says: "After making common mortar, add one fourth of unpacked lime; mix and use at ouoe. This is said to be the Roman ce ment which resist water, and becomes hard " iron." This, althouch .very good cement is not the Roman cement so-called, but is a matcnal recently brought forward as the pro ducts Df a German.The true Romancement owes ,ts efficacy to about twenty pcr cent,of allumtna. An artificial substitute for this is sometime made by mixing with the lime about the eame proportion of calcined clay. Rhnharh m ui-cpiy uueaana very "en u to afford a supply of nutriment "mcent to enahle it to produce the im mense crop of large succulent leaves which are removed from it in the season. The -vea anould not be ken off ; Angagt or ","7eir' "DJ V -dressing, of nur should beghen before ma- To keep dog, from kilUtSWhoot him. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Books; Sheet Mania for Piano, Flute and VioJin; Black Account end Pass Books, of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exemption and Promisor Notes; Blank Legal Paper: White and Parchment Brief; Legal eap; Record cap and Bill cap, eta , Will he sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. GAUL IN, At the Post office, on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 5, 1863 NEW STOCK. Fall and Winter Goods. WM. REED & CO., Near Tost Office, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having just opened a large and complete stock from New York land Philadelphia, we ean offer extra nducements to CASH BUYERS. W have a splendid selection of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, CL0AK1NGS. FLANNELS. BLANKETS, BALMORALS, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, THOMPSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, ZEPHYR AND WORSTED TARN, And the most complete assortment ot Ladies and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS. ALEXANDRES KID AND HARRIS' CELEBRATED SEAM LESS KID GLOVES; the best ever made, Neckties. Butterflies, Collars, Cuffs, Ilandker chiefs, Embroideries, Laces, Edgings, also a large assortmentof Furs.with GAYS' PATENT MUFF, the best thing extant Together with a fall line of staple goods, all of wnicu we oner at the very lowest cash prices CALL AND SEE US. No Trouble to Show Goods. REMEMBER THE PLACE MARKET STRKET NEAR THE POST OFFICE. Clearfield. Oct. 7, 1868.' GREAT EXCITEMENT ! The Cheapest and Cost Goods in Clearfield county arc sold by GEORGE S. PERRY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE. North-west cor. Curtio St. and Publio Square. OSCEOLA MILLS, Clearfield co.. Fa. We keep on hand Goods of every grade and variety. FOR THE LADIES we have Dress Goods of every fabric, FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Ready-made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Linens. Ac Also a full stock of Gents' Furnish ing Goods. IN BOOTS AND SHOES We devt competition, as we buy Tor cash, and buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and hence ean sell cheap- is than other dealers. Hats and Caps of latest styfes very cheap. NOTIONS.-A11 goods in this line you ean find with us cheap and good. HARDWARE, of every description, for car penters, builders and others. GROCERIES. 6YRCPS, from the lowest grade to the best that can be bought in the markets SUGARS of every kind. TEASof the very best qualities COFFEES that cannot be beat. Either in price or aualitw CANNED FRUIT of all kinds, 7" DRIED FRUITS, SFio.,, 4-0., 4c. We have always on hand a large stock of Queensware, Wood and Willow-ware, ROPES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL & WINDOW PAPERS FLOUR & FEED, BACON, ' PROVISIONS, FISH, LARD, BUTTER, OILS, &c, &c. Any goods you are in want of ean be found at our Store. All are cordially invited to rail and examine onr stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we can sell you k... j. ... goons ana at lower prices, than can be purchased elsewhere. Particular attention paid to orders from a distance, and to supply ing log camps. COME ONE! COME ALL ! f Ao trouble to show Goods. GEORGE S. PERRY, Osceola. July 2fl.'68-tf. It StUrTV M"niII R?P tf-'l .i... cheap, at f axes, and auger vary S Vi7l ." T1"" d Retail. K will be sunnlioil - c - , . . Deale Ffd CAfnDM.F.f BDclwh:;i fi"' and mixed feed always on hanlTL?00'' enoP March-flu. , P. KRATZERS. Lard. Fish A-e , just received bV March-49 J j P KRATRFR DALMFR S Patent unload in MRRLL A BIGLER'S. CCfi WENS VILLE ADVERTISEMENTS, I XEBICAN HOUSE, Curwensville, Pa. Having taken charee of this well-known Hotel. the undersigned would respectfully solicit a share of the pnbltc patronage. Travelers will rind the acoommoilations equal to those of any other house in tniection. charges moderate. Dec 2. 186:j-tf. JOHN J. REED, Prop'r. T S. COLE would inform his old cus- tomers, and the public generally, that he still continues to manufacture BOOTS AND SHOES of the very best French Call and Kip. at the lowest prices for cash or approved country produce. He also maces all kinds of heavy boots All work warranted, and perfect satisfaction giv en. Opposite Draacker's Hotel, Curwensville. Pa. July 29, l68-ly. pLEARFIELD NURSERY. Encour- ace Home Industry. The undersign ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike, halfway between Corwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen -. Shrub bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also Sibrian Crab trees Quince and early ScarletRbea barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31,1864 J.D.WRIGHT, Curwensville SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. Curwensville, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This well-known Hotel, having been re-fitted and re-furnished throughout, is now open for the accommoaation ot travelers, ana toe puone in general. Charges moderate. WM. M. JEFFRIES, August 14, 1867-tf. Proprietor. Q J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist, Office on Main Street, Curwensville, Penn'a., Will make professional visits for the conveni ence of of the pob lie commencing in April. 1869, as follows,vis : Luthersburg first Friday of every month ; Ansonville, first Monday of every month ; Lumber City, first Thursday of everv month : spending two days in either place. All ordes for wort soouid te presented on the day ot his arri val in eaeb place. CV Teeth extracted by the application of local anastheaia. comparatively without pain. All kinds of dental work guaranteed. . tt. in public will please notice, that Dr. H., when not engaged in the above visits, may be puna in nis otrioe in Curwensville. ap.l. 69-ly J E W FIRM! Hartsock & Goodwin, One door East of Benjamin Bloom's Hotel, CruwEssvitLB, Pa. Ilavingjust received a full and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing, Notions, Hats. Caps, Boots. Shoes, Drugs Hard ware, Queensware. Tinware. Cedar and Willow- ware. Brooms, Groceries. Flour. Fish. Salt, etc, to which they ask the attention of the public. Our asSirtment is complete in every department, and our prices are moderate, as will be found upon examination oy purchasers. Goods will be sold cheap for cash, orexchsnged for country produce. DANIEL HARTSOCK, Fob. 12. 1868. ED GOODWIN. A WAYS NEW, WITHOUT FAIL. JOHN IRVIN, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensville. an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods which he will sell very cheap for wa. nis siocs. consists ot Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes,. Hats, Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc The publio generally Is respecfully invited to give him a call : see his stive k and hear bisprices. and purchase from him if you 6ml it will be to your advantage. Nov. i5, 186 PITTSBURG ADVERT I SMENTS. NON EXPLOSIVE. THE NEW LIGHT, TETROLEUM FLUID, Gives twice tbe light of Carbon Oil.snd safe under ail circumstances. CANNOT BE EXPLODED. The undersiened are now mannf&ctnrinf mnA nave tor sale, their new Petroleum Fluid, made ty distillation, without the aid of compounds. wnicu is craauiiiiv tasine tne mace or Carhnn vii, in an localities wuere it has been introduced. Agents wanted in every town. Send for circu- lar. Address, J. J PALMER A CO., No. 6 Hand Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Jan. 20 '6-3m EDFOERSTER, DEALER I.V Wall Paper, Window Shades, Floor and Table Oil Cloths ke A very ex tensive assortmentof all qualities of above goods will be kept constantly on hand and sold as low as the lowest WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT No. 1M Smithfield Strent t,..,- nth A.nn. Pittsburg Pa. A SPLENDID STOCK OF TOYS AND FANCY GOODS Will be found in another denartment of h same house. larch 17, '69-3m. R E M 0 V A L AND CLEARANCE SALE, Having found our present Store too small for our business, we will remove to 311 Liberty street.! about April 1st. To save trouble and expense cf ot moving, we are now closing out our Stock of HARD W ARE AND CTJTLiER-. AT Greatly Reduced Prices. LINDSAY. STERRIT A El'WER, 33T Liberty Street, Aug. 2C68 ly PITTSBURGH. PA. REIXEMAX, MEYRAX & SEIDLE, No. 42 Fifth st . 1 door from Wood t . Pittsburth, Ta., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES. DIAMOND Pure Silver ware, French Clocks. Plated ' Ware of every description. Tea Setts Spoons. Forks fro. Watch makers Tools and Material. and agency of the oelelirated AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep the largest and most varied assort ment of the very bert American made C LOC A'S to be found in aav citv. east o nil Persons in want of any article in our line, either at wnoiesale or tor their own use. will find our prices lower and our assortment lar ger than any to be found west of New Tork City. WATCH REPAIRING. To this branch of our trade (being ourselves practical watch makers) wepay very special attention We err ploy a foiee of the very best Artists in the country,, end any and all fine, delicate and difficult work entrusted to our care for the trade or individuals may rely 00 getting the utmost satisfaction. Work may be s in by "Press or itherwise. BEINEMAX. MEVRAN4 SEIDLE, holesale and Retail Jewelers and Silversmith's -P Fifth St., Pituburgh. '63-ly. f J.crIEn taa bhaier Corn Hominv Beans. M'GAUGHEY'S Restaurant and Refreshment Saloon, IN LEAVY'S NEW BUILDING, (formerly occupied by Rots.) Second St., Clearfield, Pa. Constantly kept on band a fine selection of Candies. Cigars. Tobacco. Nats, Ac. Also Fresh Oysters, received daily, and served up in any style, to suit the taste of customers. ggo" Billiard Saloon in Second Story. Deo. 9. 1863.1 DAVID M GAUGHEY J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Persons desiring good pictures. of any style and price, with all the modern improvements of the art. can be accommodated by calling at my rooms in Clearfield. Negative made in cloudy as well as in elear weather. CIULDREXS PICTURES taken accurately in a few seconds. The TONE eai FINIS II of my photographs guaranteed to equal that of any mads in Phila delphia or New York. Constantly on hand a large supply of FRAMES. ALBUMS, and STERESCOPES, of all sises, styles, and prices, and of the very best finish. Also, a choice selection of STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, of the most interesting American and Foreign scenery, lor sale at reasonable rules. Frames, of all sises, from any style of moulding maae to order, on short notice. Dec. 2.1868. J. K. BOTTORF. R E M 0 V A L. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St., QJcarfeM, Pa. We bei leave to inform our old and new cuito me.s. thstt we have removed our estnblibment to tbe new building just erected on Market treet nearly adjoining the Mansion House on the west and opposite Ornham A Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite the public to come and buy their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI CINES, OILS. PAINTS Sr VARNISHES Our stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of every imug usea. B--jeciea witn tne greatest care, an-: WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! o aiso Keep a lull sloe R ot Uyes I'erfumenes toiler articles.oaps. Tooih Hir Brmh es. Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind of Brushes, ne have a la ee lot of "White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in fact evervthine used 10 tne painting business, which we offer at City prices iu oasu ouyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Confectionery Spices, and the larzest stock of va rieties ever offered in this place, and warranted 10 ne 01 tne oeat tbe market affords J. G. HARTSWIfK, Dec. 2, 1883. JOHN F. IRWIN. . PATTOS, . 1RV1K, PATTOS, j a. 1RWI.X. E. B. PATT01Y & CO., Having fitted up a first-class PLANING MILL, are prepared to furnish to order all kinds of Man ufactured Lumber, such as FLOORING, SIDING, Surface-dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, and every description of Plain and Fancy Mou'd ings. Dealers will find it to their advantage to eonsult our prices before purchasing elsewhere. Address, E. B. Patton & Co., Curwensville, Dee. 2,'68. Clearfield Co., Pa. A. F. B0Y3IT0V. a s. tocso. B0YNT0N & YOUNG, Cor. Fourtlt and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA., m Mrr acturek a or STEAM ENGINES. 1 Mulay and Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING. PULIE1S, BOLTS, and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stoves, Sled Shoes, Plows, and castings of all kinds. DEALERS IX Giffards' Injector, S4am flanges. Steam Whistles. Oilers, Tallow Cops, Oil Cups. Gauge ''ocks. Air Cocks. Globe Valves. Check Valves. Wrought Iron Pipe, Steam Pumps, Boiler Feed-Pumps, Anti-friction Metals. Soap Stone Packing, Gum Packing, Ac, Ae., December 9, lS6S-tf. GRAIN WANTED Wheat. Bye. Corn. Buck wheat and Oats wanted, for wbieh tbe bih est market price will be paid bvJ.P KRATZER Market Street, opposit, th Jail. Clearfield, P. W. WALTERS, Clearfield, l'a Of5 Attorsev at Lw ;e in the Court House T ALTER BARRETT, Attorney atLaw, Clear field, Pa. May 13, ED W. GRAHAM. Dealer in Dry-Goods. Groce ries. Hardware. Queensware, Woodenwaie Provisions, etc., MarKet Street. Clearfield, Pa. XT IVLING A SHOWERS. Dealers in Dry-Goods LK Ladies rancy (ioods. Hats and Caps, boots Shoes, etc . Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. sep2i TERRELL A RIGLER, Dealers in Hardware LTL and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron rare. Seoond Street. Clearfield, Pa. June "66. TT F. S A VOLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and I I . dealer in Watches. Jewelry. Ac. Room tn Graham "srow, Marketstreet. Nov. 10. HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law.Clear . field. Pa. Offio in Graham's Row.fourdoo s west of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10. J. B M'EN ALT, Y, Attorney at Law. Clearfield Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoin-'&g lounttes. omce in new brick banding or J. Boyn t n, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel. T TEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield, Pa., will 1 . attend promptly to all Legal business entrust ed to his care in Clearfield and adjoining coun ties Office on Market street. July 17, 1867. THOMAS H. F0RCEY. Dealer in Square and Sawed Lumber. lrv-Goods. Oueensware. Gro ceries. Flour. Grain. Feed, Bacon, Ac ., Ae., Gra- haiuton. Clearfield county. Pa. Oct 10. T P KRATZER. Dealer in Dry-Goods. Clothing. ilardwttre Queensware. Groceries. Provi sion sions, etc.. Market Street, ncaily opposite the Court House. Clearfield, Pa June, lbr.. HARTS WICK IRWIN, Dealers in Drugs. Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume ry Fancy Gonds, Notions, etc, etc., Marketstreet, Clearfield, Pa Deo. 6, 1865. KRATZER SON. dealers in Dry Goods. x i. vioinn?. tiarriware. Uueensware. Groce. res. t'rovidions Pa. &c, second fetreet Cleat d, Dec 27. 1SB5. JOHN GI ELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds ot Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. Pa H also makes to order Coffins, on short notice and attends luuerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'5. rpiIOMAS J. M'CULLOUUH. Attorney 1 JL Clearfield. Pa. Offiee. et nf the -ni at Law, earfleld o jjana. ueedsand other legal instruments pre ,iared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, Liquors. Ae. iiooiu,on Market street, a few doors west Oi Journal Opre, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27 F. i-ervi IS READ. M !., Physician and Sut geon. illiiini s l.rcre, Pa., offershis Drofes?ionnl i-ervices to the citizens of the torrnnniiinr nnn July !0th. 1SD7. tf. -ITT-ETERX HOTEL. Clearfield. Pa This T well known hotel, near the I ourt House, is worthy the pntronage of the public The table will be supplied with tbe bett in the market. The best of liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY. DR. J F. WOODS. Ph y sic! an asp Sprckon. Having removed to ANSONVILLE, Pa. oilers bis pr.ifesji, nal services to the people of that place and surrounding country. All calls promptly attended to. Dec. 2. lS6S-6mp. FREDERICK LEITZINGER, Manufacturer of a'l kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or der solicited wholesale or retail He alsokeep 011 baud and for sale an assortment of earthens ware, of his oxa manufacture. Jan. 1. ISft:t JOHN H. FULFORD. Attorney at Law. Clear field. Pa. Office with J. B. McEnally, Esq., over First National Bank Prompt attention giv en to the securing of Bounty claims. Ac, and to all legal business. March 27, IS67. WILLIAM A. WALLACE J. BLAKE WALTERS WILLIAM n. BIOLRR FRANK rtr.LTlINO V LBl KT- BKO'S .Dealers in Dry Goods, f .Groceries, Hard ware. Queensware. Flour Ua eon, etc., Woodlaud. Clearfield county Pa. Also ueaiers inaiixiDdsot tawed lumber magics, ami square timber. Orders solicited. kvoJland, Pa., Aug. 19th, lsfis DBV J. P. BC KCn FIELD Late Surgeon or tbe -!d Reg't Penn'a Vols., having retuined trorn the urmy, offors bis professional services to lu "'mens oi iieartield and vicinity. Froes- .inn.) . . .. ... ,ruuipiiy aitendstt to. utnee on! corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4. 1SS5 6mp. 1 Ultl;9. Practical Dentist EiuBunun T IOCili u in intt nwn nt .lin. vine, lendois his profes-. innal services to the people ot plaice and vicinity. All work en. trusted to his care will i dim in th laciory manner and highest order of the profes- QLllXkiOR. The undersigned offers ms services to thA nnt m as .Sm--,-.- n u. rj-3 . rr ; v r "-j"" uiai ui iouna at nis residence in township, when not eneaired : or add mnl h. J.rl... HI. . I , 11 - - ,i3,iv. wi viMiuui'i, i en u m. March fith. !867.-tf. J AMES MITCHELL. JJAXKIXG & COLLECTION OFFICE McGirk perks. Successors to Foster. Perks, Wright A Co., Cextre Co., Pa. "here all the business of a Ranainir Hnuu will be transacted promptly and upon tbe moat i.iunuig terms. .March 20 -tf. D.M G1RK. HD.rr.HKS COLLIERS; ROUXTIES.-A recent bill has iiadsed both llminf f V,, . .t signed by the President, giving soldiers ho en listed prior to 22d July. 1861. Served oneyesr or of"" honorttbyitarged. bounty LfBounties and Aiit.i 1 thoseentitled tv them. 3 .ALllK BARRETT, Art'y at Law AnglSthlSo J Clearfield, P.. QLEAREIELD HOUSE, Clearfield, "c r-iiuM;riut'r wou'j respeptf uilv 'licit a continuance of tho natronm.. Xs I.;. iJi rienda and customers nt t. .r 1 ir ,, H - . . -. ,j u 1 . , 11 1, ii e . avinjr made manv lninrr.,n,.ni. i. : ed to acoomuiodate all who may favor him with vU.u,. r-ve-y uepariment connected with he house is conducted in a manner to ive T-n. ral 8ati.r:iction. jive him 1.0 m Soy. 4 IHrir). GliO. N. C0LRCRN. X c "AXOE HOTEL, llUntlllL'lllin. IVnn', This old establishment having been Iea.ed bv yrr,.son- formerly I'roprietorof the -Morrison ccu luLrougniy renovated and tnriiihn.l nn.l ....... 1 J ... . . ., re- prorements and cor. ver.iencies necessary to a first class Hotel The dining room has been r.m.,i KH,ICU wll,a an lDt modern tm t th fi V fl d,nlnS "m has been removed I he chambers are all ell ventilated, and tho fec-tly at hnrno. j MORRISON, . " , i "iii ouuciiTur 10 mjff. hid .. . - 8D.nejBs1 Proprietor. DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. .j il' A S',.HrI'I's desires to inform his patients and the public generally, that he has assnciafed with him in the practice of Dentistry.S. P SHAW n. , w,foUgfa'i'iateof the Philadelphia Dental College, and therefore has the highest attestations of his Professional skill " All work done in the office I will hold mvself personally responsible tor being done in the most fewion0'0 n)"nDornd highest order of the pro- An established practice of twentv two vesrs in Engagements from a distance should be mode coroiog. lClearfield. June 3, ISdS-ly HARNESS. Trimmines, and Shoe findines for T.aIe t MERRELL BIG LEU'S. HORSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, to be had at Ang.:t. MERRELL A RIGLER S THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes t r Wis ons. for sale by MERRELL A RIGLER PRUNES a quantity on hand and for sale at My 27- GRAHAM'S. CANNED FRCITS-1I kinds, warranted good and fresh, at GRAHAM 3. A. 1ITALLACE. BfGLER A FIELDING. Attor - , u 03" ' Lw" Cle"rfie'l p Legal business it all kinds promptly and accurnteiy attended to Clearfield, Pa . May 16th. I860. iP, c,OTer7- "embold s Buchu. Bake'a Cod Liver Oil. layne a and Ayer s Medicines.for sale by " 8 I1ARTSWICK A IRWIN NEW STORE. Corner of Second St. and Hill Road, R. MITCHELL Has just received and opened, at the abov earn ed place, an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Goods', which he will sell very cheap for oash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware. Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, ete. He also keeps choice Flour, Corn Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair . rates are respectfully requested to give hiss a call. Approved eountry produce will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield, June 17, 1863. e. v- sirs, jr. WEAVER W. POWELL, a. r. Boop NOTICE, w JOXES. w. Birrs CLEARFIELD TLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citisens of the eounty that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improvsd WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute nil orders in their line of business, such as Flooring, Weatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-half inch pnnnel plank preferred Not 6, '87. W A. A RKASGEJIE N T. I. S II A W , DRUGGIST. (Second street, opposite the Court House.) Ciearfic-ld, Pa." The subscriber would respectfully inform tbe citizens of Clearfield crunty. that be continues to carry on the Drug business, at the old stand, and that be is now prepared to furnish DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Dye Stuffs, Tobacco. Cigars. Confectioneries. Stationery. Ao. PHYSICIANS Will find our stock of Drugs full and complete and at a very alight advance on Eastern prices SCHOOL BOOKS. Teachers and others will bo furnished with class ical and miscellaneous books by express, at short STATIONERY", Consisting of Cup. Flat Cap. Foolscap. Letter and Perfumed Note Paper, also, a very neatstocic ot Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand. Pens, Pencils, Ink. Ao HOUSEKEEPERS. Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda. Soda Ash, Concent: ated Lye Soap, Ac. LADIKS AND GENTLEMEN Are requested to examine our stock of Perfumery. Hair oils. Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Comb's, toilet Setts. Ae. SMOKERS AND C1IEWERS find a full sudcIt. cf nrinis rfiin . Will Smoking Tobacco. Imported and Domestic Cigars, bnuff, Fine-eut, Ac. CARBON OIL. Of the best brands, always on hand. LIQUORS, The best quality of Liquors alwavson hand, for mrdical purposes. Physicians prescriptions promptly and earefnlly C-0P0D.edj lAugutt 7, I8S7. KEYSTONE STORE! Second St., Clearfield, Pa. NEW GOODS ! BLANKETS! BLANKETS! hooks, JNUBIAS, BREAKFAST SHAWl.s LADIES' FURS! CARPETS AXD OIL CLOTHS, LADIES' COATS, Ladies' and Childrens Shoes!! ALL WOOL REPS, FREXCn AXD ENGLISn MERI.VOS, SILK FINISH VELVET for suits. ALEXANDRIA POPLINS, ALL WOOL PLAIDS, KENEBEC REPELLANT, CHAMELEEX POPLIN, TAPPA CLOTH for Wrappers, LADIES' CLOAK1NGS. WATERPROOF Black and Brown, CASSIMERES-for Men and Boy., BONNET VELVETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S' HATS, WOOL AND COTTON DlLAINES, MUSLINS, COTT. FLANNELS, PRINTS, ZEPOVR, WORSTED & WOOL YARNS, Dress Trimmings, Under Clothing, Hata, Caps. Hoisery, Gloves, and a complete assort ment of all kinds of notions, at MODERATE PRICES. NrVLIXG & SHOWERS. Clearfield, Penn'a. - Oct. 14, 1868. G 71 cane, to he bad at AGx?NTKS,WANTEI)-r-5 300 per Month !!! or a poniniis.-!Pn from k' 1 twice that amount ca ba made bv selliJl, Latest Improved Conipon Sat FAMILY SEWING i, A CHINE Price S18 0. For circulars and Terms addrL Dec.9.-68-3m.l O. BOWERS A CO' 320 South Third Street, Philadelphia, "p McKXIGHT & JAXN0T, Wagon and Sleigh ilaker, (Immediately in rear of Planing Mill j clearfie:.d, pa. The subscribe would respectfully infera, u, e.Uiensof Clearfield, and the public in JJ that they are prepared to do all kinds of work e WAG0X8.CARRIAGES," on snort notice and on reasonable terms mm workmanlike manner A new feature ia !' si that mm tmn n-mw, ...W HI All orders promptly attended te. WM. McKNIuHT Nov. 13, 1888. CUARLES JA.IoT QLEARFIELD MARBLE WORKS. ITALIAN AND VERMONT MAKBLI FINISHED IN 'ill E UHiul SI VLB OF TUS ART. The subscribers beg leave to aanonaeeto tk. citisens of Clearfield county, that thaw 1 opened an extensive Marble l ard, eo Ue SeVrL west corner of Matketaud Fourth street, aim ' field, Pa . where they are prepared to ask Tomb Stones, Monuments f ji "rubs; 'nd Side Tnt, iouic m.iiua, ueuictery l'osts, M antics ctieives, uiaokets, etc., oo verv short notice. etc. Thy WT., keP on kn' rge quantitw of work, finished, except the lettering .i tk. J., sons ean call and select for th. mselves the ,iv. desired. ""yie They will also make te order aay ether styl. ,f work that may be desired : and ihi. A fj selves that they ean compete with'tbe ,.,(' turers outside of tbe county either in workaTl' ship or price, as they only employ the best .1 workmen. All inquiries by lotter rroa,.,!, " wred. JOHXfilKiiV? May 22. lf6T-tf. HENRT tsUELICII FURNITURE ROOMS. JOH.M Gf ELICH, desires to inform hl.oirf r.: . far to ed mootiy nas on hand at his - Fbi niture R.em. - ..nuientoi turnilure. aKotg which is BUREAI'S A?D SIDKBOARDS Wardrobes and Eook-eases; Centre. Sofa. p,r,,r Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-po8ts, Cottage, Jem-ny-i,md and other Bedsteads SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WOKK-STANDS, BAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ae. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs And common and otter Chairs. ' LOOKING-GLASSES Or every description on hand, and new gl.e. ft. old frames, which will be u :l iu very rtsosable terms. osaort notice. Be also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order Hs Lorn-busk, Hair and Cotton lop Mattresses. " cofnss,or Evtuv aiNo, Made to order, and funerals attended wi:k a Hearse, whenever desirable Also. Ilcuse painti&g done to order. The above, and many other are f.rri,... to customer, cheap for cash or er.r,." ., .. r-roved country produce Chertv Mar . f.ri. Lm-wcod and other Lumber suii'abiofor ih. la. ness. taken in exchange lor furniture. Remember the shop is on Marx et street. Clear field, and nearly opposite tho -Old Jew Store December. IS5I JOHN" 1 KlirH !!! 10 IT IS8S-9 !!! READ CAREFULLY. Your JJcst Intcretts Dtuisnd i X a f a WW I I S. l-l It 2-K i s xr. 0 u - 0 o H M o -t ---1 p H p in : o O 5 S S 0 ? 0 bwi a i w 0 s p" s 33 -3 O 0 O o o 01 C O H "i P u 1 1 o C 03 S t3 o V. 0 9? a; 5 Q o o U 3 a 8 . o - 1 1 v. n rg II G-89SI I 01 ii IKON. IRON!! Rest bar iron, for '"' store of MERRELL A BIGLEf s ALT' SALT!! A prime article of nm exit, out en in oaten t saexs. for sales" t the .ret e if R. MObfr. BLASTER the cheapest in the eeenty. at May 20 '7. M0L. XAILS A PPIKES-tUechcspest ia t';'9 X at NC"'i IU,- - " "V - -- - F " mwrwaseo a make to order such furniture ., may KlVZ . in gooa style and at ehe.i, r.. ...i. o a a ae IS is II ii ye