to Xtyrif 14, 1860. 9 Raftsman'? journal PIRFTPA7APRILT4. 1869. -- . d....ts To insue the safe tranrmissloi ..hwaail na:r..tissh..nll remit hyeheei oney-order, or nave their letters registered. Tyroaa ani Clearfield Rkilro&d. . f' leaves Tyrone at : : : 9 0(1 a in l-rives at Clearfield at : : 1.00 . m 2.110 p m hiriAa,t church. ! St. Francis' church Mas? at 10 A. ?!.. j the wcond and Sundavs cf each month. Prl;:n?, at the Keystone. Lcc-k Ilavrri. is K'lling the bet qnniiiy nf Men's Kip Boot.t at Fl YE DOLL A To ! Sign of the tchilejliy. T Land Ownkhs.-TLc csrJ ofT. W. . , Moore, surreyor arri convevancr. apvcai-" , I in our cjiumns tt.w week, to which v c di I . ., i 7 ! n-ct thcatt.ntion of land .wr.erj. i Perkins. Lv-k II.v-i. h seliing the best j Priats, and yard wide Bleached Mn-lin for ! Hi eents to be found in the wbulc su.ruund- I in country. Tiy and see ! ! I Corxry SrPEKT.NTF..iF.:-.T. Amcng new adverti-cnienta appears the notice for j the election of a new County Superintend- ent of Common S-.-huok, on Tuesday, May j 4di. i I fimts Tn Rf.inr,T tV )-,r, to ! quested to announce that the last half ofth-i ! Spring term of 3Iiss 1 1, is. Swan's feh-.ol, will commence oo Mondaj-, April 'Z6ih. mi i ir..- 3i- . . . - iae sciio'M isuesignea lor t;ris oniv. miss 80 is an excellent and esijerienceJ teach- I er, and uicrits the patronage of tha pubiic. Ei)CCATlOSAL.-We learn with pleasure of the reopening, on the an !wt.. of the J Pine Ciove Academy atid Si-tiiinary. We j lope thif institution may be as pri-spo-ou - j tinder the care of irs present prii!i-: ;;!; Mr. i B. F. Hughes of Gcttvs'j-.rg. a it wasuo- I , , c .. , ... i dtr that of us former poplar pnucipal, I rnf- rbou,a Look OUT !-Tiie .coaajre! ,vho nas ,. , . , . ' prowiini aooui, ar.u jneJ to get into the I kit'.-licn wi'idou-, at the le.sideme of the ed- ! iroroi the JolkxaL, on Monday night last, 'iX? -, ; ;zi z. t,,at ' -yde n.w wi!h Cincinnati Express East at (I 17 j '"chauni pipe, at Leavy's Hall, on this ; Wert at 44 p. ni ; Bald Eagle Ex. j (Wednesday) evening. The public are in HliHiL - vi to attend. Admittance ten cents. "K" heW Foa SAF.E.-Gardenle7d, and gen- By Rev-W. H --". in ,he M'thdist I U!no' -ust received from the Pi.ila Jelphia church, uiorrtinz and evening. Sabbath gardens, as well as a quantity of super-phos-eh.wi'at 9 A. M- Prayer meeting, every ! phate lime ami 'bone-dust for agricultural Thursday trJJ P. M. Communion services ; at the Drug Store of Ilart.-wicfc & P r.i aubtb f every month at 10J A. M. i r.. n r i i n r . Rev iidorff in the Lutheran church ' Ir" ,n' Ck'a' field' 1 ' faP -Sit. !! better refrain (mm nu-h attempt, i ,he : t'c7iCliCJ-'s JiJmoi,u; Slritl) f.itrc, !t.t be nngbr kt-re f.;; h; !j peifora-L- . . , ' J . , , . . r , . ! 'ew'c'J Tonic and Mandrake Pills.will cure Con let l.y the Contents of a MX snooicr. A j s-;iiii.ii..n. Liver Coii.p!aint R!.d !.-pe-iiia. if ti .ird to the wie is sufUri nt. ! Kr? '-Jordit.g to aiieetions. They area'! three to m t.ikii at tho srne time T.'ut elans the J s'oitiah. relax the liver and put it to work ; then r-K!T STOI.K;. vv e learn u: !!? sk'.!. ! tcWng ;., oar l.-l-nd..l.ij..r Joan li. ilel fy, residing at t lis river a'-'..t one r; - .t ,. , . . . , - . i a. ve tins plj;-e, wa-st'-i.-o i-it 1 i ia;!v n:;ot I !... Ti i - i i 1 last. lt.esMtf was paiti'-d au-atu red , funnels, and nearly ii.-.v. . tnspt- thai thr ! .i;.TI0, I ; : 1 at. i :i:e i u.eVfS ue twte.l and .uiiNhcd. TTrvPTFi. Ti.i r W l .' 4J . JHi.r.. et-v.l -v-tand tost nneniifht last tiivk -j..-ii..-!in!i T.. .T..: . I i ,. drek wh. had but little ft-iir of .n-.n o,-the I lotour Cilti-ry. a'lemptr: 1 to pry off i fw stutter from one of t' back win !o.v i r- .. . t. , , .'lirs. Jlgtiteai i Nm s -hoe and hat !, in this b-trough, but failed in effect tuc an c trance on a ctomt of the tr. rtj"h of i ri.r fastenings. Thieving seems to lie on the increase in our bnroiirli, and it therefore behooves our buness men to ue every preirautiou aain-t Lavir.g (lit ir good. t:o!ea. R-'BBKBV. On Friday nieht ;:; !, Apiii 0, W'tac thieves J.i(i'e into the boot and -"' -hop of EL 3!ai;L, in this boi.tuph. I'd t-l a rr.'.i. .-cr of j.abs of "ts and " h ics, some If!h-;r, in.d a guitar. I t: 3'""t Si-VJ. Eti.-rt-nes was effected ..,.,. . . - V'io itach. win-low. .r Ml-j.ii'liiijs tahied as to who the 'irev. n,a- I .,. , " I '";fs is a rather Ren ,n. rtiiy to Mr. ' '!-. a- it i- b- ' a -o tie. : ) 1 .. ', . '" -inen IK j it b'lsiiittj. li-; ;i y., r i.j,,., j 'i.v 'V !.. di ....... ,.1 . .. ! ...J " t '"'UJ' 'Kt- -'1 -"i."-"! t' j !J"1-'- ! H.'KKiai.n sn Km-m Ac-f-rvr ()- i t f t .i. .ii,i..i,.i. j "-' April ,k;!i. on t ut the to'v.-t j :J!- aii-I I;."irt-i..i . . i . ... fortaii rt--irr if m O'-CP 1 ' V nil.!, near al- I '!. iio- "i in I,:. i-::i., ... t:,ar ir lo! to ic ,r. t 1 ,. r tt , .1.1- ' . r ! hsd tiot been i r " Hie !, :t -urtli bill of build j he -'otlliei ...... ' . . ;o s. wa.-. wai-ieu away i a nrnre s r ec : on . in ,., , ' W,ut"J' "'C owner ,he very last stage of u fin. .nary consum ;' i-n . bis !-- .r.!-r. Act ori'ili". on I l-h.vfiei.nis Iimv.ii'; prot.ouneed his hope!.-- "--! i:...- -'' !:irt!v t at. tito mill was start- r I he buib-r exu'od i " 'll: a trt-i;i,-;., i,.j f. i instai:tlv l.i!!- I I Mr.J'ot.mi . -V. . j, -' n iovr.H r ar.u .'ir. Itioin "' trema'i l-cid seriously inj ii in; I i-.i-oii an was also at wr.i k in th Sal 4 , :. i ,x i -1 - , ,1 , ' ''- c "' t"l t . r carried aay the j part of :ht- ;, Stneal ! f'llii i, 1- , - .1 , ", . j '-.I.. nlhenvi. e luandcJ by Cih- J !""r:,f t,o .1 itijchiii-ry ; n h : I'.: i cit 11. 'shiertllvc- ' ii;t ir;i tragnieols j tl.e head da bed in --rr. !.. . . . , 'm I !l) ! i-:.r-ssc;,tl.,vlb;ih.:r tnaiier. la , b.Ii(2 picked up - i than Mie t.npdr.,!-,-ri!tJs from the mil!,) '' tl, w,.re srH,,.t.r re2u? ..,., !l a.?T?.'V.f"rmi'1 a Perfect and living Jny ,'n,:-v a horrible and H,"' ne au.i'y. Some circunistanc vTeT,'-'1' f';U,'laI a"J fa:a! C3S tif,", ',;P!'li"'!l to make i's conteiitola- , t v ,c- Souin months r-uice, rierj i-V '"" "' ""- ' tin.-afc by an ?x- SmealV n",:,!,rl: a"l. aecortlinjrly, Mr. rns ..J"."""'te'' '"r boiler and rn- J. ceased riinnino- thrt ,,1,1 wiili Nation i f huvi-ieii,, t'l,- netrn.-icMn. - tiortir i l' his .a- J'l-t a he n il t.l.nnf tn rfi "I'lf-iur,.;, ... ... 3:etltei. ' f' 1 i- M , ;! Illf,i;ri)flll j Q Tb .,J,;ree''''yi''''!;' -;,lf'1 'ban described. Wi,,. '''"' ic'iavd families and ' ) or fctxe U 'Lyijl tLc Jeir sore sorrow Bee Hives. We direct the attention of 1 ee raisers to the advertisement of Messrs. Niviing. relating to bee hives. i Perkins, Lock Haven, is selling tlie best i .- . j r .,.. . , . ,, -"" .ciy .uw prices, lie Mire to call wlure tho bite Pag hangs over the front duor. Velocipedestriaxism Extraop.pixa-RV- -' have been re -mestcd to annoum. T,rx Trn- j situation is afce.s-.ible and healthy; the terms liberal ; (be discipline firm and instruction tr,:.i-ii;;h. The Summer Term opens April and continue thirteen weeks. J-'or ejifu'aM teud to II. F. King, A. M., I'rin- ci'ial. I'nowxn.-Ily reouest, we publi.-h the y . " . V J.'.f,- ot April an, rehtmit- to the j,, ; r M , , ., . , drowning of Mr. McAdoo. at tfnoneer dam ;.',- ,.. in tins cm'.ty: "A ynuns ui.tu, son of 31.-. n.. , r , , "oert ..,2.V1jo, of Aruxtrong tr., this CJUn,fi'' v:s 'Irowned at the S?pcne-r d ...i on Suiic!i:niia river, near Lumber City, ,h ev,;!,iHS -Monday, March 2ft h. The rfl kW'':' SJr- M jA :o. was asi,:in in run- lii.'u sunk iiiinicdi:tte!y after crossing the dam, the youi-g man swam a considerable distance, but tin.- cunent biitig strong his strength failed bitn and he .-aok to i ise no nu,ru He was about Sve feet eight inches high, auburn lifiir, siuooth fjre.":iii,I wor.. a'r pants ana bl-ase coat, ana ." ... taa I"''1 " i!''':r " ,"is'fir'I(;r when he h-'t o me. j is t.o.iy tas not yet ueen recover ed, and any infbmatioii relating I hereto will Be rt-etived by the father. Ad tit' MoAd.m, at Indiana, Pa." MARRIES : ,Jl! Curwn-ville. on Tncs-lay, Ann! 0:1.. Kr.i.s. f S-.-in. Maine, ana Mi,s .Maiiv P.xtz. of Lajthcr.burg. f On lav, April 4th. l.60. by D. Pre.-s irl - 'l-. M"". E. Goonwi v, of' Union IP ' ,"r,!"',i-v f.f ine, and Miss Hannah ui....NLrr, ot Ijiady ti). TlinrsJl4.. A,,r;, ?fl). ;,y j..v j P.. Wiliia.. Mr. RopKiiT O 'attvh,s. ''.tch-p, and Miss ElueJ.Wil- "t .1!! o-iV!.,.;. SPECIAL NOTICE. "" 't:r-"-e i-rotaea goo I ts.e loot nig,?.. airl fles!, the disea-te 1 matter ripen, in the 1 ngs.Ind lLe. r.!"'"''t "i.'mi the di.f ase and gets' well ; l,t ls W2J' to cure fbe coneuint tion. . 1 To the-e three medioir.ef Tr .T. H. Siihenck of ri .lr.delphta. owes hi,- unrivalled success in tho ,1'r!.'',t f i'n!u!iry connmpti.n The I'ul- IVOM.I "ll:'.'"V rtpeis mo rr.orbtl matter in the o.,i. n ..-J.-9 tr.rows it on !v an easv i t on A,r wilt!.' the hlem or n.ntier is t it.e i n win ttirow ic r. aoti the naticnt has f- "4 a g 'gin to !ie To eo thii. the Saaced T..cio and Ma Irake a-sst be frc ly u.( t- ih, snauh ami liver hat li.i- U.!.? S,rU? fet,, wiU u,ake SooJ I-'vcr is one of the most prominent C'1U' - S r c',U!U.:"P,!",n h-',ea--' seaweed Ten .r m: gentle ritulnBt and akerstive. and the assail ii. the .SNweed. which this preparation is inula tit. as'Uts tb stomach to thro out the ga-t trie juice 'o dte"(ve the f..od with the Pulmonic Syiuii and it ismadeiuto good blood witboutfer ii'cu':.;l.iu or S'.uruir in the st-m..-h The grat reason why physicians do cot cut e consum pt ion is th y tiy to .io ioo much ; ihey gife rae.licine to t'op the cotih, io stop chi:U to slop eight swea's hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the ilu!e digestive ptmerd.luckiiig up tl.e sect etiui.s oi eventually the pao'riit eu.ks and die. I'r Fchenck,' in his treatment, does not fry to s:..p a cjugli night sweats e.hills or fever. Ke mo.e the e:.n.-c snd they will all stop of their own - :v.i"d A, ore c.-n Lu curd ot c-'1iiUiLtpiion,Iiv- ci c .rpptj'rr. d ;. .;' !--ia. catarrh, c irker. ulcer a'fd Ihroat uali-M the i tver and stomach are mudo Uu.'tl.v. if a fcr'on liaseonsnmptton of course the lungs ti v tn way are diMtaaeit. either luhcrcles. ab . uioueuiat irrii.ttton. pleura aaoeston. or ir.t !ur.o nra a m. ot nitt itmtion an i fa,t dc - la,fU3lt' c what " '"? It is not in li:ngs tbt are waste I.liur it i the -'.oIb body. 'li e stomach and liver have lost ir power ri. blood out of fo-.d. Xow the j, is to iakcSchenck t ihree tne.iieit.e. Ahiih will brifz up a lone to the stomach, the J .tieti? v.-iii begin want f..-i. it will .li. at eas'ly ..ud make j-mi J flood; then the patient begins to Sain in Ucsa. au-J a-s woa us the bjily beii.s to til longs beg n to h;al uo. and the patient '" 8'-,'-v,""i "" " 0 oi.iy ay to cure eor.suuit'tiui:. Wl en tiieiei-no hir.g tiire-tsc, and onlr liver n u pH,..!, .-enct'CK a neawceu etiei.f.'i . it itraka Pil s are sMheii-nt wit hour PuIiu-mo-j Syrup. T.-'ka the Mitdral'u Pi. Is i-ntMT in i.i r-t:.oiis cm: o:: mil, its Ihcv uic per- U,:11i!.,M. ' " v n.- ,!.,., t.a ,-t..v.t .:ntn,r.,n. ':hf..r many years past, and now weighs 21: n-l I..1 ml t--; hitu to his fate. He was cureil U-e atet-fHiti tued.c.nes.arid since his recovery 'ary s imil n! nfii : trl have used I'r s r j'-r 'i"n.. rti ilajmn remarkaole iiucces i he dirtctions i: ? itnp-iny ing each, make it nut iib.i.Piieiv tiH.-e s .ry to s( Dr. Schanck . un!es ibe j at.ctt- vi i-!. their Innga examined, end for ttiis purj. o.-:- he is I'ro!csioul;y at his Priuoil a! , . ff ,e. 1 ;m -phi... every Saturday, where nil i !" ' for .-..Ivice must be addressed. He is alar pri.r.s. i. i.ulW at .. ;2 iii-nd Street, New York e) -r Tuesday. att.I at Xu. :t- Hanover t Hcston. every o-hcr WeJnu-dsy. lie k ivee advice f - c - . btit for a tfccrcueh ex,.i,-.:rati,.n with hi. rooie.or in pil e H 5j. l.tTlee hours at each .-i.i V A. M to .. P M. Piico r.l the i'uimonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic e i, h l : per hurtle, ot o ;.( a h.tlf dozen. Maudrakc l'iiis 2a cunts a box. For tale by all drug-;:!. lip., j. :i. scritNTK. Ap. 7,Y3 ly la .Y. fi.A Si., riiil a. ra J. C U N N I N G II A M, A ITiMiNF.Y AT LAW, Ecr.I Fta!e Agcr.t and Conveyancer, rvr.osr: rnrsTr, pa. Spcial afer.tii-n given to the collection cf claims Tyron. l'a.. January 27. lS-;9 tf ' jQ KAPE VINES FOR SALE. Alhl.e leadin-r hardy varieties f first quality Cnr.ccrd t'uttings. ?l HO per hundred. Otdcr solicited as soon as convenient and filled in 'otalion. by A M.illl.I.S. pi-P.E PUCK LEAD, equal in quality to EriclNh while lead; OiN. Paints and Yarni.-bes of all kinds; tiold leaf in books, and broi rcs for sale by A I. SilA W. Clearfield, October 2Z, isfll. L E A li 1" I E L D HOUSE, FRONT STREET, PHILIPSPUR''.. PA. I will impeach any one who says I fail to give direct and personal attention roall our customers. fail to cause them to rejoice oyer a well fur- nibet fable, with clean room and new beds, where a'l may feel at home and the weary be at test. N'w stabling attached. - Pliilipsfcurg., Sep. 2, '68, JAS. II. 0 ALER. i ORGANS AND PIANOS, OAJUJIASUJ X UAMLLMS, poiimfF l"- FOR SALE BY J. HAYES, Cunvensville, Pa. TO RAFTSMEX. FRESH bread always on HAND and for sale At the Bakery of J. A. STADTLEll, Clearfield, Pa. M 17 "6!l-2ra. WINE & LIQUOR STORE- I. L. KEIZENSTEIX & CO., ukalehs in WIXES AXI) LIQ UORS, market street,. eld, pa. A ooJ osaortiuent for mciiicat purposes voIwljs on hand. .Tanuiiry 27. l.S59-6m-. SEWING MACHINES. The Singer Manufaeturi jg CompaDy'g nev Fnuiiiy Sowing Machine, and the cole brmtd Florence, for sale at the KEYSTONE STORE. Pcronsin irant of machines would do well to call and examine the Singer and Flor ence before unrcbaing Lvery ma chine warmnvi to give Batisfao tion. Machines nd machine fin lins alw tjj on hant I Feb 24. IS9 SIVLINi'S A SHOWERS T LIKUEtL. G. J SirDCB. LIDDELL & SNYDER, Stonecutters and Stonemasons, Will execute all kinds of work in their Hne, at u)u-:i'iut- prices and a first class style, such as CEMETERY WORK, of all kin is; SCt LPTTRF. IN MARCUS OR SANDSTONE; ARCHITECT!! HAL OR NAM ENTS, in all styles. Ancient or Modern, Stone dresing for Buildings, and EVKl'.Y IJ SCIUPTION rF STONE WALLS. For the latt.-r. they have procured the services of First rate mojous, and can do any amount of work. Having control of the t-est resource for oVtain ing eveiy kirid of mitarial. -nd having a lull ex pen"cnee in the liu.-inc-K,lhey can do work cheaper ..t. ;.. I ..- ...... i I . ' ' sjio iiimu nua fcver-oeeo atiemptea i :i ' h i. county Sh.ip on ileed St . near the Rail Koad Htpof. Mar ;h i7. J. r AN X 0 UN CEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! SojneiJunf ?tcic in Clear jlcld ! Groat Bargains in Boots and Shoes ! Great Eargiiins in Hats and Caps ! THE GRECIAN BEND HAT! THE VELOCIPEDE HAT ! THE ALPINE II AT ! SILK II ATS, OF Til E LATEST STYLE ! ALL KINDS and STYLES and CHEAP ! HOOTS ANDSIIOES IN PROFUSION! Ladies took to yon r interests and call and bco the late.t end most fashionable styles of PLAIN ANjJ FANCY SHOES. Purple. Blue, Pronro and P.isniarck Shoes, for Misses and Children, of high est. CUSTOM WORK iiiado a ppeciulity at this store. -I. C. LKiHTCAP & SOX, would respectfully announce, to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, thai they have opened a lareand varied assortment of JJOOTS, JfOES. II ATS and the Store room Gfi Market Street, oppo site the residence of II. B. Swoopc. E-q , where they will be happy to wait on all who wish to patroniie a First class CI Jill t TT Tf k m rTt 1! OllUL AiMi 11 A I S I I i H IV HAND MADE CHILDRENS' SHOPS! FINE BO'lTS ! COARSE BOOTS! WATER-PROOF BOOTS ! TRUNKS, Ac., 4e. Call anJ see for yourselves what we Ii'ive rot for sale. Bern ember the place, M A KKET STREET, CLEARFIELD. PA., Opposite the residence of Ii B. Swoope, Esq March 31. lS9-tf f- ROUND AND I7VG ROUND SPICES. Citr in T English Currants. Fsserce ('cti'cc.and Vine gar ol the best quali'T forsalebv Jan IO. I i AKTSWH'K .t IRWIN. MUSICAL (lOODS.yiolins flutes, fifesclaronets, accordeons. Italian strings, guitar strings clarionet reeds mn-ie paper, instruction books, for sale by J. P. KRATZER. agent for.Pianos and organs January tt. lSt9 SADDLES, Bridles, harness eollnrs ie.. for sale at MEKRELL 4 BIGLER'S. lf!"Ar- AS" , ,"E ! . 'aennaerstgneonaving perfected arrangements I 18 r'eprd t fill orders for either coalburnt ) or woM tprni mue. ana Authraciie Yard ai ine KaiiroHt aepui. u XAYLOll Fi-b 24. ISiJ Vegetables and Fish. Having made the ncce,-?iry arrsno-emenN the undersigned wuM notiry ibe citizen of 'lear Celd and ricinity. that n and at"r AUr-li'ta 1S9. he will have on hand ard fjr file at hi'. Shop nn the market lot. Fresh fi-b Sweet and wane potatoes, ana all vegetables in gca-on at as low rates a they can bo bought at the car ' March 4. l.-fill b. I:. Ft'l.LLK'i 0NT. TO. WAOOX MAKEKih7ic7. !MrTi.nr1.,m,,!'ifrI,.n. f cwn'' with his SMITH MKP, afiistelara wagon, fl.ih.t ,e. r-tnb!ishment. A g.wd opportunity ig GVrcii to a Wagon Maker, who wn-he t ,ro iDto t.UPiuea. comfortable house (near the op) if oired 11EXKV KKIINS! February. 10th 18b9. Curweneviile Pa J. P. K II A T Z E II, ClcaiSeld, Pc-nu'a, Dealer in lry Ooodn. Ire Goods Millinery tJoods. 5 roecriee Hard-ware. Quecnr-ware Ktonef ware. Clorhiug. Roots. Shoe. Iiat.. cp.' Flour Kacon. Fish. Salt. eic . i constantlT receiving i.ew" "upplies from the cities, which he will dispose d r.t the lowest market prices, to customers i'efore purchasing clseuhcre examine Li ttuck Clearfield. August 2;. IK07 F. C. CR0MM. MEK MIAXT TAII.OK. ' MVHKET STIIFKT, CI.KAUFlKLn. PA , Adjoining the residence of J)r J (J. Harifwick.j Keeps a fine nssortuient of p!,iin and fancv cloths. ca-isimere, etc.. which he will make up to order, in the latest styl n. at t ic lowest prices Heir.g n experienced wo-hman. I.h gnai ni-i-s entire . a!isjciio!i. A share or public pat,0r,ao ?oljcilei; ,, f X Z U R E N I n t i- i E i iiMi-i-m i u'.en lnoij'ii F O It T II i: L A li N 1) U V, It is warranted not to streak. .,r in any injure the lina-t fabrics. For Faimlr use sold in five ten and twenty cent boxes. Ea.'U twenty cert ursmin i. living u.e nines as mtlcti r.luo as- the five cent boxes, contains a pocket pi.i nishion or emery bag. For Hotel and large Laundrv use it is put up in 52 CO boxes See ;h-teaeh box hasriroper (ride mark For sale by A. I. .-haw and Hanswick A Irmn." Hi. "PROCLAIM IT TO ALL THE Vv ORLI) that THE X. I TIO .V. I L B ITTEll S. ha cttrcd n: ore case of ly;pepsia. more cases of LIVER -vlPL.IST,'j onus f XEilV-U HKAIMC-IIE. FKVKR AAUt ;:. at ,1 mote ca.-cs of DIMLIIT. Ihfn any other remedy beture the public in the same space of liuio IT EUlllt'iES THE BLOOD clams the mind, restores -deep is an Excellent Ap petizer, and a general vig.. tutor of tiie System WALTON A ZLUJ. I'rovriclors, No 9 N. Seventh St , Philadelphia. Sold by I'rugg.sts, and Dealers gent ruily. Feb 21 1813 ti ,o. CQMKTIHXG NEW AND BEAUTI- I'LL! The Photograph Marriage Cerli leate is truly a ining or rio-e tieauty. It coir-ists of a beautiful engrarirg with a p'er on the left to insert the photograph of the Husband, and a place on the right to insert the p'lo'ograph of the Wife : nc- compatded with p-snges oteiipture adopted to each Ac . Ac. Whit a pleasure it r. ill le. when our hair are getting gray, to have ban . in in our pallors, a fceepsako.'" that will remind us of our brnlat rid yt. nn.i hrhtiil h 'a ill il All who have been lately msrrid. and those cent! n.pintii g marr -g? should have them Men who have been married lor years ate applyit.' for them. Any competent penman can fill them out. Ibe undrr'ijrned is the exclusive agent for tbe Photograph Marri iire Ccrtifi.-ate. for I leaiGcld. Centre and Klk c. antit a. They will be sunt t mail pre paid. .-end your addrers and get a de.crlplivc circular g:n-i. .-.o.iress vi . a J'l J'.Ti i . w, .-over. March 17. 'S'.t-ly. L'leai field Co Pa. OSCEOLA. The Mo:t Thriving Town in Ci earn eld County. The under-izned offer the lopowing described Property at PittVATE SALE Lot Xo 31 in the iteneral plan of the above named Ijor-mgh having thereon erected a good snd Comfortable two and one half story , HOUSE G lushed throughout painted in the fill of lfis. ha , ir five rnotiis and ball wiiU lusement kitchen and du.jih waiter. A well of excellent water at the door umter cover A good fiame 'ifljeo painted same color as tho house plastered and papered, ice House. Stable ami other outbuilding s in good repair. Choice .ijtpfr, Penrh unit Pmr Trtr. and fine '.rape Vires suited to the c!itn:ile Situated on the best business street in the Town aurl one of the best locations for bu.-i-i.-ss For terms to A. LL.TiNE':i Ktil H. Feb. 2. IRf.9 Osceola Pa. NJ- E W SPUING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT 'KIRK & SPENCEIiS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform their customers, anil the public in iteueral. thai they have just received their Spring slock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, liroceries. Boots. Shoes. Hats. Caps. Fish. Salt. Flour, bacon. Nails, Paints. Oils. Stoneware Hardware. Queensware, Baskets. Tubs. Churns. Carpet. Oil cloth, and a general variety of such articles as are usually kept in a country storo. all of which they will sell ci:i:Ar fou cash They weuld also direct atter,tTor t their latire stock of Ready-mud. Clothing, which Ihey cl'r for sale at a small udvuiice uj on cost. KU:i A SPENCER. Lumber City Pa .May 8, 1.-..7. N. B Wo also maiiufactuie to oi-lrr and. con stantly keep on hand a gi-iier.i! a.-'..rrtnent of Boots and Shoes, for men. w-ioen r t : . i ehii.-reii. KIltK A SIMM EH. THE GREAT ZINGAIU BITTERS. A Safe Blood Purifier. A Splendid Tonic, A Plea-ait TJeverage. A Certain Cure find P R E V E N T I V E OF DIS E AS E S The ZiNfl ARl BITTERS .ire compounded from a prescription of lhe ci'ebr.ite I ptian phy.-i can lot. CllE.iprs, who. afier yeiie of trial and experiment, discovete.l the Ziuzari Ji'rti the most remarkable vegetahle produeti-.n. the earth, perhaps, has ever yielded ccriaiuiy the nul effective in the cure of It. in combina tion with the other valuable pro; ertis of which the ZIN'vJARI BI tTERs is composed, will cure Dyspepsia. Fever and Agne, Bilious Fcver.Choiic, Cold?, Brunchitis. Consumption in its fitst stage, Flatulency. Nctvous Debility. Female Com plaints, Rheumatism. Dysentery, Acme and Chronie Diarrhea. Cholera Morbus Chol era. Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Yellow Fever, Scrolula. Di-eases of the Kidneys. Habitual Costiveness, Ac-, Ac, Ac, In the Prkvestiox md Ct nr. of the a hove d is eases, it has never been known to tail as thou sands of our most priM.iincnt eitiitens thronghout all parts of the country, will testify 1 et 'he afflicted send for circular containing testimoni als and certificates of 'hose who have been cured after their cases have been pronounced hopeless by our best physicians. Principal depot. F. R 4HTEK . CO.. No ON- Front St , Philadelphia. Recommended ty Ex lov. David R. Porter, of Pcnnsy Ivanit. lion Kohert J. Fisher of Penn sylvania. Hon Edward Mcl'nerson of Pennsyl vania. Hon Joel B Dinuer of Pennsy Ivanic Hon. Wm. McSberry, oi Pennsy ivania, an I others Send for circulars- (Feb. 10th,6titf ly ). a. a. cr.An.m N E W V I Pv M ! JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE AXD P.ETAIL ULALEP.S in all kinds of Dry GooL, Boots and Shoos, Hats Qticensware, Wood and Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fisli, Salt, etc., etc., ct, , MARKET STREET, Cleahfield, Pa. The Largest, Best and Ciieajiost stock of goods to be found in the county is now on sale at JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS. F0I1 TIIE LADIES They have Bonnets Silks Coburgs. Alpacas, Merino. Wool Delnines. Lustres, Oing hams. Prints. Poplins. Lawns. Sun shades. Handkerehiefs Kid and . other ! I. .yes Hosiery. Paimo--rals. Hoop-skirts, and a ger.eral variety of rib-lion-, trinimincs, Buttons. Praids, ec . at the lowest price, FOR GENTLEMEN TLey have illaek ard Blue '"..' - I' a.-k and Fancy Cassiineres,Sat!"inctts. Tweeds. Mel tons, Weter proof Cloth. Siik. Satin and common Vesting?, etc., in great variety, and at prices that will give gei eral sati.-faction :o httycis. READY MADE, Such as Overcoats Dress coats of various qual ities and prices, Plain'and Fancy Vests, . Oas.-dmcre and Flannel Overshirts, Woolen and Cotten ondersbirls. Handkerchiefs and neck tics, Cotten and Woolen si cks. Calf and Kip boots and Shoes. Gum Bootsand Shoes. Ha's and Caps, and socn other articles as are usually tuelid. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Among .hicb may be fouad Carpet .'i! cloilu, Rugs, Brown Muslins. I'.k-nelied .Muslins, Drillings, Pillow casing. Sheetings, Towelings, Table cloths. Table oovers, Window Eliuds. Cur tains, TicKitigs and a very large assortment of sui-h .irtielcs as are wanted by hoiuckeepe . and at prices to tuit the times. QUEENSWARE, A tall assortment, consisting of Tea and Pin ner ffet?, PircLers, Cowls. Dishes, ami a. general varietj- of ware chat will so lii by the doseo or piece and as . chenp as it can be purcbfi.'ed elt-uwLeie iii the county. HARDWARE, Sach as Saws and FHes.Donf Look sand Latch es, Hinges of all l ir.ds. Augurs. Screws, Naps. Spines. Taesis. Brads, Sh.ivt's, Spades, Hoes. Forks. Axes. Halcb ets.Chisela.Ki.ires and Forks, Butcher Knives. Carving Knives and forks, and all articles usually wanted by the people. GROCERIES, ETC., Cot-. I Tt it; Of ( T s Sj ict-s Syrups. Dried Fruits, ( uecse Flour, Bacon, Feed, eic . always on hun aad for .ale at a imall advance oti coit. WOOD k WILLOWWARE, Such as Tubs. Buckets and Churns. Clothes wringers and Wash boards. Clothes Mar ket and Dinner Baskets. a general as sortment, at all times, in store ar;d f ,r sale iow. IN FACT, GRAHAM .1 S-JNS roll all articles that are usually kept in a well-regulated country store. and hence the people generally will find il to their advantage to buy goods of them. SAWED LUMBER. M'e are alto extensively engaged in buying and seli nig all kinds cf Sawed Lnmbor, and as we intend giving this branch of bu.-ir ess special attention, we feel assured thai wecan make it to the advantage cf IhosewhohaTelumberforsaletodeal with us. Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber. GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. Grain and country produce taxen in exchange for Goods. Acu. 2-ii. j.J.CRjrtix. ; r, W. GBAHAB. 3i i h 3 3 33 3 To thk Wokkiso Class : I ni now r. re n area to furnish all elasse with const ant employment i u.eir r.omes. ir, wno e ot the time, or lor the spare mouienis. J ustness new, hgat and pio6ta . .in. rui - urn.' .- -t.j n-r evoniTiic tseastiv earn I ed by persons of either sex. and theboysand girls earu nearly a much as men . Great inducements are offjred those w ho will devote their whole time to the business : and. that every person who sees ttiig notice may send me tbeir atPJrers an 1 test the business for themselves. I mace the lol lowing nnparalled effer : To nil who are n-u well satisfied with the bttine-. I will pnd SI to pay tor the trouble of wriring me Full particulars, directions. 4c, fent free. Sample sent by mail for HI cents. Address E C. Ai.t.ES Anirnsra. Me VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The enderstgned. Executors of the Es'ato of Jasrn Kirk, latu of the Uorough of Lumber ciiv. deceased, offt r at private sale the following de soribe.l real e-fate tw wit : Theuodlvided lralfof about two hundred ner of Ian I sttuate in Union tonht. Clearfield county Pa . known a, tht "Union Mills" property About 11 acres of tiie land is cleared, from iit Io il0 acres is covered iib excel cut while pine besides hemlock and olber timt-er. 't he improvements arc a valuuble grist mill, saw mill, and woolen factory, besides a good frame Louse and barn. The water power is goo-i. situated on Andersons creek, ubout 12 miles iibore .'urwensviilo Persons desirous of scein- the property, can call upon J. R. Arnold, residing 'hereon. For further particulars appiy to the undersigned at Lumber city ISAAC K'". SAMI'KI. KlkK, Inn. 1V69. JOHN I'.USSKLE. Exr s. HENRY BRIDGE, MERC IT A XT TAILOR, HARKr.T TTItFKT. Cl.r. All VI ir I T. 4.. ' - - Keeps on hand atull assortment ,,f Gen's'Fur- -.ishing Goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen i.rioersinrts Drawers nnd socks .Neck ties Pocket Handkerchiefs. Glores. Umbrellas. Hats, etc . in great vurioty. Of puoe goods be keeps the best CLOT!!?, (of, ere-.y shntr.) VI.A':x DOESKIN VASSIMEliE. of th btt FANCY CASSIMEKES, in ere il variety: A!" French Coatings. Beaver, Pilot. Chinchilla. and TricottOyer coarine. which will he sold che-p for cash, and made up accord ing to tr.e ltest styles, by experienced workmen. Also, ag-nt for 0!osr6e!d county, for I M Singer A Co s Sewing Machines. Nov. I. I3H5. REMOVAL! II EJ1UV A Ii ! C. KRATZER k SONS, Have removed to the large and elegant NEW r- 1 cm l. K'.'l M. on Secoiid t-trcet. a.l i , n tin Mor. rcll Bigler s Hardware Store, where they will be p!eaed to see their old and new customers. . Citizensof the county visiting Clearfield, and wishing to tnaks "purchases, will find it to thuir advantage to examine thoir stock. Goods at cash prices exchang. d for all kinds of Tou-ttry produce Jan. C.'A9. E R. L.STOUGIITON, MERCHANT TA1IJOR, MARK FT STREBT, CLEAItriELD. PA., Would respectfully inform the citizensof Clear field and yiciniti. tha' he has opened a new tail oring estnbli-bment in Shaw's Row. one door east of the Post fli and has just returned from the eastern cities with a large and elegant stock of Cloths, Cassimores, Nestings, Beavers, &c, and all kinds of Ools for Jiiea and Imys wear, and is prepared to make tip to order C. , 'THI X'l. from a single article to a full suit, in the latest styles and most workmanlike manner. Special atten tion given to custom rfc, and cutting out for mi i. an.t noys lie otters great harjainsto cust.e tners udI w arranlscntire satisfa-iioa. A libeial share of public patronage is solicited. Call and examine the goods. Oct 1ft. ISii?. E. R. L.fSTOranTON Selling at Low Prices. at the store of ALEXANDER IRYIN. Market St., Clearfield, Pa., Choice Eastorn flour, from the counties of Juniata, Centre and Huntingdon. Wete-n flour, such as City Mil's. Srow fiaks. White-water, and o'her sel ctea brands. Soger cured ifsms. (best quality. Bacon, and new Mess Pork by the barrel. A few tons of Plaster, by the Ion or hundred, in bags or barrels warranted pure. Eye chop. Corn laea!. Mixed ehop and Mill feed . . Most b6o!os9d out before the 1st of April next. March 10.1H39 ALEXANDER IRVIN. II. F. N A U G L E , WATCH KAKER, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD The undersigned rosnoctfally informs his old customers and the public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a largo variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and LoverB. Timo, Strike and Alarm clocks. IV A 'I'CIT ES afine assortment. o 'silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Lovers, plain and full jeweled . G'tLIJ TENS, an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk hoiders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY oi etery variety, from a single piece to a full set A LSO. a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives. etc.. plated ongenujue Alabata. ALSO. Hair Jewelry. with pure gold mounting got np to order. Call and see sample book. Ail kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted . A continuance ot patronage Is solicited. Nov. 2-ti.. 183a. ' li F. NALGLE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Tho Third Scsrion of the present S.-holastic ytarof this Institution, will commence on Mon day, the Sth day of February. lSti9. Poplls can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session The conrsc of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of bc-th sexes. The Principal having bad the advantage of much experience- in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms or Tuitios: Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmttic. per session, (11 weeks.) S5 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo ry $6.00 Algebrj.Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration Purveying. Philosophy. Physiology. Chemistry Book-keeping, Eotany, and Physical Geoera phy. " sa.00 Latin. Greek and French, with any of the a bove branches. $12,00 itrNo deduction will ba made for absence. For farther particulars inquire of Rxv. P. L. HARRISON-. A . July 31, 1867. Prinoipal. YEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. E D W A R D M A C K ,. Market Stroet. nearly opposite the re&i Jenoe of 11. II Swoope. Esq., Clkabpield. Pa.. Would respectfully announce to th citirens of Clea'Seld and vicinity, that he has opened a Hi T ANI SHOK SlKip, in the building lately occupied by J L Cuttle. a law offioe and thai he is determined not to be outdone either in quality orworif orprices ecial attention given to the manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip- and tail s-kins, of the best quality, alwava on hand. Cive him a call. Jane 24. 64.. JJ O M E IX DCSIEI !: BOOTS AND SHOE i3ie to OrJcr at the Lowest Bates.. The undery-Vnttd would reDectf.iHv iVirit. ii.. attention of the citizens oT Clearfield and vicia-. tj. to give him a call at his shop on Market St nearly opposite Harts .rick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair any thi je iu his line. - Orders entrusted to him will be extent. with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on bs.,.1 .,.. r ..... fiJ,f,Kk.i":.E.a,.pe.rh t?1"''cr toP9- i win June 1 .1th. 1S. DAN TEL CONNELLY CIGARS AND TOBACCO. AD0LPII SCIIOLrp, MAM-rirrrsKR .r,lvoLi:jAit RrTAtu Dbaleh in Cioars An Tobacco, CLEARFIELD. PA.. nnM respccttuliy announce that he has rsmor ed to the large and commodious store-room on- I , ' -. " w.M-pe. usq., where 7. ' 0P"nc' K";ral aseortmeut of Tobacco, ) .'J, .:? 'I' " h K !' Pre.l'"'l tosell, whole,aie I"""" ,n resiacoceof It B Swor pe. Esr, , where v. n t lotsuimijie prices-. Ji'" "7 roa1 V ,he v"-y ' material, and m style of manufacture will compare wiib Ihose of any other establishment.. He has always on hand a superior art-do of chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which he di rects t,e attention of - lovers of the weed " P'V STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD niLLS, Clearfield county. The undersigned, having opened' a large and" wel selected stock or goods, at Bald Hill- Clear fie.d county, rc-pectfuilysolioit .share of public patronage. Their stock embraces Dry Goods. Groceries, Hals i .- iirs,;ootnn(i Shoes ami Cups, tjeody made Clothing, and a sen assortment of Notions, etc. assortment ot .Mltii,n j riZVi:Viy of" F"d b"' f j Bds sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for ii ; i":,....'-v'-,r"if-. Having also erected a Steam Sow M;tl it,., predared to saw all kinds of lumber to order Orders solicited, and punctually filled Nov. 20, 1361. F. B. A A. IRWIN, g O M E T H I N G NEW IX ANSONVILI.E Clearfield county, Tena'a. The undersigned having erected, daring th past summer, a large and commodious store room is now engaged in tilling it up with a new an select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which he ojers to the public at prices to suit the time. 11 is st-ek of Mens' and boys clothing is r usual ly extensive, and is offered to eustnmers at fron S10 to32(l for a whole suit. Flour. Salt.and liro ceries. ol every kind, a complete asset tmenf Stoves and Stove pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps in great variety: Ladies' dress goods, fnrs. and otherfancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enu.oerate. always on hand, and sor sale verr oheap. Prints at 1 cents a vatd.and other gooaa in pioporjion Now is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the hieheT market puces, will be taken in exchange for good; and even Greenbacks will not b r.t..j K' 'r any article in store. Examine mv siiv-k k.. I tore you buy elswhere. tctoticr dd.lrfii II. SWAN QLOTHING! CLOTHING!! GOOD aSD CHEAP. '.I Men. Yonths and Boys can be 'uplpied with fall eoauuauic buu insuionahle clottiingat KKIZENSTE1N BltOS & CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their porehaso. The universal satisfaction which bas been given, has induced them to increase their s'oek, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of ths kind in this part of the Stat. Reizenstcin Bro's i Co., Sell gods at a very small profit, for cast, j Their goods are well made and fashionable-. They give every one the worth of bis money. They treat their Customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated They having purchased their stock t fedaced prices they can sell cheaper tl an others For these and other reasons persons shoald buy their clothing at ' REIZKNSTEfN ButTS CO I roduce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18, Ibti4 KEW SPRING SIOC Kt J. SHAW k SOX. Have just returned from the easf and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which tbey now offer to the public at tho lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment Dry Goods, Groceries. Queensware, Hardware Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. BonneU, Dres, tioods, , . Fruits, Candles Fish, Salt, Broom,, Rails, etc., " in fact, everything usually kept in . reai or.' can be had by calling at this .tore, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists cf ,n. newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for eash, or exchanged for approved coantry prodeeev Re sure and call and examine oar stock VSefore making your porchases, a, we are determined Please all who may favor n. ;. .t...- , ' " tucir custom. May 8, 1 S67. . J-SHAW SON CVER, Timothy and Orchard-grans seed sat JAT2ERSONS. PD. PERKS 4 Co's flour, the best f markeTWr .1 ,a!e b? J MJ AWA-'X. DE?SICATEDCOCOANUTS,foTpics.pnddingsi ete . for sale at i R A H A M 'S. CABLE CHAINS good article, on band and forsaleby MKRKELL A BIULtK. JSHA. A SON now offer there whole stock of woolens for less than first ooat in Pbila CHILDREN'S furs twen.y-five per oent less than cost at J. SHAW t SON. -VfERYFfNE blanket will ho ,a7hw J- PF1AW A SOX. il HE highest maiket prices paid ft Sb-rle k 5? J SHAW A SON, SPRING GOODS.JUst opening a splendid took of new goods at C KRATZER A SONS. FODDER CUTTERS of asup-rior mak. -for fZfJ T"lfana ,e Pfiei; at MEKR r LI. an, BIGLEK'S.Clearned.Pm. Jie-v.14 ; -'t i-1 si --) i S" ri .