smart's gmmtaf, gfearftcfb, a., Jtyrif 14, 1869. Xlaftsmau's Journal. 10A. lA &td ' tf' Treasury De JS?ICjai?? i t ascertain feSSSi to ..revet : .J. ')W. aulTOB MD PROrniKTOR. CLEARFIELD, PA., AI'KJLH. 169. Twitch !1 aid Ea'on. Uur rclacr' win, uwuw, . .vj..v, i.:.t. tiro meo, Twitolieli ami Eaton, were ?en- j l.. i .t, o.k Ti.:t.-i..i . 1 1 a r... r.r wr. f i i .1 ' r I ii n r KICC'l J uc IIUII Ull LUC OLU, It! s ii.iauci nn! TtffifI.pM t.hA mnrlfr r.f Lisi mTh'.r-in l-.w, Mrs. Hill, and Eaton f ir the l,.W,it,S rf.f T?..nn n r. .. t.', ! I 't . n.inm.L : OHVI'lillg - ' I. J V.JK ... . Willi U. ' Bat the ga!bw3 was deprived of half of its j work by the suicide of Twitciiell. On the 5.. .1.. . 1 i ijv,-uai iiiiciiic .i, wu'ju ' in-ni-f: jL' .hiton : Jsrry, y yi wid have to go alone to-morrow; hut muiu'a the ward." Euton, however, afiorvarJj raveaioJ this stato mjnt to the. aueading clergyman, who tho't it proper to inform the otfieorjoi the prison. Twit, hell's odl was then thoroughly search ed, . Bnd everything removed with which he might injure himself, even the looking gl.isa; hjt, itMCeim that he must have had sora? poi-ion coucsalcd about him or already Hwailuwed it, for at five o'clock on Thurs day uiorniug, the watchman observed that be was apparently in a deep sleep, but up in approaching the condemned man and shaking him found life wa3 extinct. But the galiow hal work, nevertheless. At a quarter bt-fvire one, Gerald Eaton was led forth from his cell, accompanied by two priests, and ascended the scaffold. He look ed pale and worn, but walked with a firm it . ",j:ui . , . i. BICTI. lie rC""i"MIUl7l a'JT.llJiV IU 111 Hrt..LlB of his spiritual advisers He then shook tands with the prie.-ts and bade the Sheriff good bye. aol, in a clear, di-tinct voice, de clared hisinocenec. His hands wore then pinioned and a white cap drawn over his eyes, hw lips in the meanwhile moving in prayer. At a few minutes before one, the signal was Hen and the trap sprung, and the unfortunate man was no more. Early io the morning Eaton was visited by his me, and their last larewgd w.n anatd'ciing Seene Indeed. It is truls painful to coutem j'late. such scenes as thee. Many believe that Eicon was innocent. If so. what atone ment can the law or the community make for taking fhe life of that iuuocc-nt man? Oh, how pad to think that man must he hurried before his God, to vindicate the laws made to protect the life of his fellow man. A'hen wid these things cease? llessa-je from the Preaident. ' President Giant sent a message to Con gress on Wednesday afternoon, April 7th, in which he suggest the propriety of restor ing the States that were in rebellion to their ' projKr -reljii'ius to thj O.iVjnrnent at as early a perio 1 as the popfe of those States " shall lie b.uud willing to beeoiue peaceful " and orderly eonimu.ii'ies, and ad.ipt and ; maintain such constitutions and laws as " will cTeotually secure the chil and politi ' cat rights of all pcr-ons wlihici their bord "cra." Uoder sur-h ciicumstaaees be holds .that "it is certaiqly do-iirable that all causes " of irritation be removed as promptly as " possible, and th it a more perfect, union ' may be esrablished, and the country re " stored to peace and prosperity." In ac cordance with these views ho recommends such action as will enable Virginia and Mississippi to submit Constitutions to Con gress on the first Monday of Decern! er next, "so that, if the aiue is approved, the nc " cessary steps will then have been taken" for their resor-tion to their "proper rela tions to the Union." In accordance with thesu suggestions. Congress daring the last hours of it session (it having adjourned on Saturday last) passed a law which anthor- 'izps the President to submit, the Constitu tions adopted by the State Conventions of those States to the people for ratification, at such ti'.iie and in such manner as mav be deemed most fit. Congressalsoautborized the submission of the Constitution of Texa in like manner, to the peord of that State. 'Tbe promptness with which Congress em bodied iu an enactment the recommenda tions of Preident Grant on this subject, proves the confidence entertained by our ' National representatives in his wisdom and statesmanship. The Elections. The S'ae of steady habits, Connecticut, te'd her y.mmul election for Governor. Con gTer. ai d nu Uiberr- of the Legislature on Mond-v April 5th, which resulted in the C mplcte triumph of the Republican party. Tae election of a Rpub.ijan Governor, two members of Congress defeating I'ixo.v j a msjoiity o the Legislature is as em! i f resu't asiMJid Ik; asked for in Connecti cut, considering that the Democrats gener ally carry the S:ate, As the first State dec- j tion since the inaugaration of GraN'T, it is ! approved by the people and will iikciv sc cure the ratification of the suffiage amt nd ajentAlurmg the present year. Rhode Hand elected her Governor with a full State and Legislative ticket on Wed- Bsday, April 7lh. The election resulted in ! r,w, u-totl.M!ler mentioned in the affidavit of Mr dence, liepub.icaa, for Governor, by about Sellers 3.1K-J majority, in . agg-egate vote fabing j Whe her they were aef ually delivered over nearly fifty percent, short of that rolled in j by bim to the destruction committee is the the 1 re.iuetittal coulee a he complexion j point it, doubt The committee incline to .u cvumc r-niaui-, .uoui tue same, Republicans to 6 Democrats ; that of the lloue 61 to 11, securing a Rjpuulicaa ma jority on joint ballot of 71- The contest was on 'he su raire .-.,,. and Ttl.n.!. Island uoLly responded to the voice of Progro-g Th eutire R'publiean city ticket was elect ed Tuesday, at Denver, Colorado.- The Citiz.n-' ticket was elected at Jetferson City, Missouri. The Democrats carried the elec tion at Leavsn worth, Kauaas. 1 , , . ' , ,! Important Eepoii --The Treasury Depart ment Ventilated. Tl, .. A V, .- . 1 ort ...mlftui An I TLetrenohruer.t, appointed two years ago un der iiietructiou to make a careful and minute .examinations of the methods adopted by the partment to print the bonds, securities of the United Strtc-s; what guards have been adopted "raud or mistake; what additiou- -al guards ought to be adopted: whether ! there has been any fraudulent or erroneou.s ! issue of bonds, not, or coupons; and if so, J by whose fault or negligence, and how best to remedy anything amiss that has been done aii 1 prjvent areeu'renja in the future; and especially to examine the offi.-ial con duct of tuoe charged with the printing, reg titration and issuing of any notes, bonds, or securities of the United 8;ates, Jfcc, after pursuing the invcstigution entrusted to them for some time without making much pro gress, -or perhaps, leitig unable owing to the srre.-it number composing the Commit lee ts proceed at nil, finally appointed a sub- tVim If t r P-iin 1 1 - t I n O F .fn!ltnr3 V.A l II n.l W ...... . . - ........... . ! Buokalew and Representative Ilalsey, to prosecute theexnmination to a conclusion. Tt..-.f nr.irn, i,l l,.t A,.. .i. r.u -..-.. s. it-.fiinir c-u in p rises tne pith of it, and will be read with interest by all who take a proper interest in our nation al affairs snd the manner in which they are conducted : The report sets forth that the sudden and enormous Treasury operations of the rebel lion were productive of error and iooseuess, but no considerable loss. Of the first loan of February 8, IfcCI, the bonds are all ac counted fur except one of one thousand dol lars, and the Treasury has Buffered no loss. Of the issue of Treasury notes under the act of March 2, 1861, only two are unac counted for. The Oregon war debt is next refered to. Some coupon bonds of this loan that We're supposed to have been lost in the Golden Gate, and duplicated under authori ty of an act of Congress, were since present ed and redeemed. Of the twelve years sixes some duplicates were also iued to supply the place of bonds stolen by one Whittles sty, and some discrepancies were discovered and accounted for, so that no loss seems to have occurtd. Of' the three-year Seven thirty ntt'js of July and August, 1861, none remain :o be accounted for. There is a very large dincrep: ncy between the number of printed nut-.-s delivered and those a.'eounteQ for at the Treasury of the issue :f October, 1S61. Of the fifty dollar notes 115,502 were delivered by the Hank Note company, while the Treasury officers cconnt for only 1 15,21J. Ot the one hundred dollar notes, the com pany delivered 120.000, while the Treasury 'fficers account tor 1 19.927. Of the one thousand dollar notes of this issue, the com pany delivered 43 540, ami there are ac counted for 43,90). Of the five thonsand dollars, there were delivered 2.225, and 'here are accounted f.,r 2,146. There is some reason to conclude that these differences are nol the result of fraud, but thai the certifi catesof destruction have been lost. The de mand notes of 1S6I are the next securities, and they are all accounted for. Discrepan cies in the five twenties of 1SC2, first series, are variously, by evidence and probable con eonrct ure. explained ; an 1 similarly of the second series. Of the third series coupon bonds, same ismc, a $100 bond and 10,'r $500 bonds are no! accounted for. The fol lowing were delivered by the Printing Ru reau to thu Register of the Tte.isury, and are claimed by those officers respectively to have been handed over to n committee for destruction, or to have been destroyed, viz. 33,805 I onds of ?50. each, 66,340 of flOO eash, 43,233 bonds of f500ea;li, and 86,218 bonds of $1,010 each. Of the thousand dollar bor.ds 0S.5W) were delivered to the Rft-ister, and 7,7 IS to the Treasurer. The committee bay in reference to the foregoing : ' The direct evidence is entirely incom plete to show the destruction of the bonds of this third series, not issued, stated in the tables fiorn the Register's books to have been destroyed." The order for destruction appears in the statement of Mr. Marvin The result is, that of those bonds which went into the Register's cfik-e there are not satisfactorily accounted for the 50s, 26 bonds ; of the 100s. 7.072; of the 500s, 1,087. and of 1,000s, r.l'iiS. T Itose which went direct to the Treas urer's office were not yerfect, but marked "statiaieal" for destruction. Of these there is no proof of the destruction of one bond of $100, and 103 bonds ol $:00. It appears from the certificate of the burning committee, dated August 26, 1864, that in ten packages of $500 bonds destroy ed there were .three $1,000 bouds, which leads to the conclusion that there must he an error in the account or an erroneous printing. Of the fourth series of coupon bonds of the same issue all are accounted for by the Register and Treasurer as cin cellcd or destroyed, excepting four of $1,000 each. A table of the gold certificates under the same act of March 3,162, is given. All 1 " , , an. a tr t hou r I. a rr mint tn (i 1 j affidavit of Mr. Sellers, a clerk in theTreas urrr's office, and from an investigation of the books and accounts, and the conr.-e nf !itn.'n.wi U .. U ' . - l r . i ureau, and could not Ik used without beir.g filled up any sinned by the Assistant Treasurer at New York ; that they were unc led by the Priutina Bureau and returned io tne lreasurer scfi;ce as"statisti cai, lur uoi ruction, ana as such went into . 1 I me vault witn certain other statistical" the opinion that (W .1,. rrtfifl with n large quantity of other "statistical-' matter. As they have never since appeared, and wire oanrclt.? n.i ... : i .1 r.,.i ...:., " . 'm.u' "nmuee -1"" apprenension on the subject. although the looseness of the proceedings by which so large an amount of securities should have disappeared without any cer tain method of fixing the delinquency upon any one person, is far from satifactory. Read Wra. Reed & Co's advertisment. A Eeayy Eohbery. The robbery of the Beneficial Saving Fund Society, of Philadelphia, on Sunday, April 4th, was one of the most extensive that has ever occured ia the country. The robbery was committed between the hours of 6 A. A. and 4 P. M. The burglars affect ed n entran -e from the stairway leading to the billiard room in the building. The floor was strewn with paper and envelopes which had contained the securities of the Society. All the bonds, amounting to over eight hun dred thousand dollars, were stolen, together with two or three hundred thousand dol lars worth of coupons and registered bonds, that had been left in the fire-proof for safe keeping. The fire proof is built of brick and stone, with double doors of chilled iron, t be outer door having a combination lock. The burglars performed tbe'r work in the most skillful manner, by drilling through the door into the lo; k ami then breaking the bolt by means of a stout brace of timber. Everything, with the exception of a thous and dollar bond, was taken and this proba bly escaped their notice. The securities, amounticg to eight hundred thousand dol lars in cash, were kept in a small iron sale which had four locks each with a different key, but the locks were completely smashed by means of a brace. The Treasurer of the Society, Patrick Quinn, had $50, 00 worth of bonds of his own, ol which $45,000 were cu on bouds, all taken. Mortgages amount ing to a quarter of a million of dollars were not disturbed. The securities stolen con sisted of $125,000 six per cent, loan; 93. 000 United States Five Twenties ; $33,000 Pennsylvania War loau cupon bonds; $10, 000 New Jersey six per cent, coupon bonds ; $20,000 Delaware six per cent. coupoD bonds ;15,000 Northern Pennsylvania Rail road coupon bonds ; $I0.MX) mortgage bonds same road ; $14,400 U. S. bonds, '81 ; $25. 000 Philadelphia and Erie bonds ; $32,000 Allegheny county bonds; $2,000 Camden City coupon bonds; $26,000 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad bonds; $61,000 Schuylkill Navigation Loan ; $23,000 Cam don and Amboy coupon bonds; $40,000 Long Island Railroad; $1,000 North Penn sylvania seven percent, bonds; $32,000 A! letheny five per cent, bonds; $15,000 North Pennsylvania six per cent. loan. The regis tered bonds stolen amount to $ ioO.OOO, and coupon bonds to $150-000. The depositors in the Soc-ty number about three thousand, and the securities stolen were held for their benefit. To uieet the loss sustained the So ciety will secure the registered bonds, the mortgages, besides the estate, worth about $80,000, making a total of $730.Oi)O to meet their liabilities, even if the coupon bonds should not be recovered.- A reward of $25,000 is offered for the capture of the burglars. The managers of the institution have decided to suspend payment to depos itors. The Susquehanna LtMiiEn TitAr.E. The following item from the Yest Branch Btillitin, will give some idea of the progress of the lumber trade on the Susquehanna; "The streams up the river are in fine eondi tion. The logs are cominir out in great quan tises. The river from Lock Haven to Clear field presents a constant drift of logs. Ben nett's Branch is in the best floating condi tion, and most of the landings are already broken, and the backed floods in Ilix's, Dent's, Meiick's, Trout, Laurel, Kersey, Wilson's, Mountain Branch and Elk Creek runs, keep up a constant influx of logs into the main stream, and the prospect now is that the logs will be gotten out more espe ditiously and at a cheaper rate than ever be fore. There is a vast quantity of snow and ice in the drafts and ravines, and no appre hension need be entertained about abundant floods. On the other hand, if we should have an immediate heavy rain, we will have a heavy rise. Under the warm sunshine ol a few days, the snow and ico will disappear and keep up the streams to a fine raftitiL condition. The b.iom never was in such complete order as now, and thus far it ha caught all.the logs that have arrived, inclu ding those escaped from the Lock Haven bo .m. They are packing finely, and it i estimated that 80,000,100 of feet are already in. There is every prospect of one of the finest seasons that we have ever had. We learn that there is now on its way the larg est drive ever floated down the river. It i estimated at 150,000,000 of Ject. We may soon look for 250,000,000 of feet in our boom. That means lively business." In addition to the logs, about seven million cu hie feet is floated down the river in the rhape of square timb: r, in rafts. Newspaper Changes. The name cf ''The Bee," Forest county, has been chang ed to that of "Forest Republican," by its new editor. Mr. W. R. Dunn. The Rrjwh licmi is sound in politics, and is worthy the support of the Republican party of that county. We wi.h Mr. Dunn abundant sue cess in his present undertaking. W e sec by the lat Philipsburg Journal that Mr. J. C. Dutcher has withdrawn from the editorial mat apement of that paper having disposed of his interest to Mr. E. II. Ellsworth, his former associate. We wish the new editor of the Journal long life, peace and prosperity. Mr.'J. L. Holmes ha3 withdrawn from the editorship of the Tyrone Hr.rull, and his dutie have descended to S. W. Jones, his recent partner. Mr. Jones has our best wishes for unbounded success in his present undertakintr. Three of the newly elected members of Congress from Connecticut Strong, Kel oe and Starkwea'her took their seats in the House on Friday last. At the election held in Kansas City, Monday, April 5th, W. Hadley, Republican, was elected Mayor. All the City Council men are Republican. The Republicans of Cincinnati elected (heir whole ticket, except city Commission- ; er and three Councilmen, at the recent i election. The Cleveland muncipal election on the 5th resulted io the re election of Mayor Bohuer, De Hoerat, by a small majority. The Republicans carried Keokuk, Iowa, at the muncipal elections on Monday a-week. A Little of Everything. Sneezy stuff cettarrh"nuff Gone the velocipede "casnr. A sonnd judge a mu.ical critic A-veil-able ; ace a woman' f ice. &hin breakers some of the sidewalks. A eqoare thing Cub;e)an Independence. A trick the chap, with tlie red top -knot. Reappointed James Piuninier'postumster, at Tyrone The bet eewir.g machine an elderl lady's daughter. ' ' Living only foartaon members of Napoleon's grand army. Voung ladies are generally hotiest.but they will book dresses. Kegroeraud families are added to th list of olfice-eeckers ilasago-d "gui V the fel!ow wao drinks twenty times a Uay. About tbe thnj with the ring-striped hal and fireaked ncik-tiB. York has seven building associations, ail in a most flourishing c ni'!itloo. Keportel 'Hit Pjrrjr Jonea' is the champion Te!oripediBt in I hiopttuig Two of the newly e!e?te I traces' of the South Carolina L'nirerity ar colored men. Tlie gold handkerchief riiiJnd chiiius of the oldeu ;iu.c? arc conon;; into tashion. The L.-cdon i m -i in fiiTnr of the eonfedei atioD of ihe hritin Provinces in North America Horncc 'i celej'e white coat and hai hive bud their portrait painted ; lioiace is in the piutura, too. Omaha is becoming to fulftantial that they wiab to provent the erection of any mote fiame bui.diiis. W hen a public elerk 13 removed from his posi tion in Vashiugton. he is now said to be "re trenched " A Minnesota ides i? to increase tbe number of member? iu tLe Lt,;ure in order to kill iff the --riEa " The Orleans family haj a!r ady tpentover thr e millii.n francs t secure tbe Spanish throne lor 1'uke do Muntpensier. A clf-rgyman in Mitchell ennnty, (Jeorgia. says' thai the - fo. bidden rruit'' that Kve paiiuok of and gave to Adam wa tobacco The lust New York bond robbery was of only 31,1)1)0. a miserable piit.n-e compared with the haul of the Pbilade lph ia burglars. A New Hampshire fowl combines the virtues of a ben and eat. fbelajt eggs and also lajs for mice, cutchirg four or fivo a day. Lo, the poor Indian,'' has been fiia.?overed . lie is hbeceii r Low. of the Marsbpee tribe, on Cape Cod. and will be IU'1 years old next most!). Gen. Hancock denies tbe truth of the story tbat sllurtly after the Tamoiany Convention ho -cut" ticn. tiraiit by iefuin lo return his greeting. The .-panih climate is raid to be unhealthy lor Minister Hale, and I'r, Crant thinks serious ly of recommending hid return to h is native air. The Boston Pint says : "ISoulwcIl will need some hair restorer .before lorv. Fifty female olerks have juit been dischatgej from the Treas ury. The pedestals of the statute to bo erected to t Pierre Antoine Mtrsetlles, will contain a medallion head of A or r bum Lin en In. The Democrats in Wahinjrton were an confident ofcarr. ing Connecticut that they betbxavily. The defeat of IMxon for Congress lsespecinlly mortifying. A New England lady had an imitation bird as an ornament on bnr hat The cat discovered tbe same and ate more than half of it before perceiv ing its mistake. A young man fell dead in the whirl of a Ger man waits, at uhieayo. Let it be a warning to our State Lei.iators. who are accused ofbiiin fond of whirling Horace CJreeliy says that the darkest dny in any man's cirei r is tbat wherein he fancies that there is some easier wty ol gaining dollar thau by squarely earning it. An Iowa inerchnnt haptiz!ed the young lady graduates of a sjciiT.nirv thi-ro ly offering to each a calico dress, on condition that it shall be worn on commencement day. A paper in Southern Illinois notes tbe f'twie ol a Virginia fitmily. en route for ibe Far VVe-it. consisting of the old inan, the old womau fourteen children and eleven dogs The Directors of the Union Pacific KaProsd Company have changed tbe name of tbe road to tne Kansas Pacific, thereby coovejin,; some idea hero and what the road is The amtntny of a man has somewhat ehnd in,?e he was originally forme! Formerly hii hesrt w is tup-. ,-,, I to be his most sensitive or gan, but now it is his pocket. LacKrd down the msn who offered one hun dred loilars to any one who would teach him to pr. pel a velocipede, when it was deinoneratvd that the feat was practicable. . Mrs Stanton ta Is Tilton that when he goes to tho Senate.4 some w Ue wemfln will sit on bi right and mine black man ou hi left.' That is very discouraging for Ti!tou:t chances of ever being there. ' Ojr Mairo cirhanges ?ay that tbere is ft creit -surplus of potatoes in tht State, and that before P'antittg time the pii.'f-H wrl be considerably re duced 1 he supply iu the wcit this spring is alo very lare. A1I whe'li-r nia'c or fun'c,.iro al lowed ;o, o o or tbe question of lay repr'. s-;lit.iliun wlich cooios up in aM the churches this year "' Hr.ehivet. That's iny-iiig on the first blow lor femaic suffr age. . Andrew Johnson proposes to ' devote the re mainder of his iife as a private citizen to tbe vin dica ion of his ifficial life and native State, and the obk.rjuj cast up..n them " Wherein he cuts out for h iuit-ci!" harder woik than he has yel un dertaken. One of the insane in the RaTiegb,?C.C., Asylum recently visited tbe Legislature. Upon his te turn the Superintendent asked him what he .ho't of it. Relapsing into a - brown study'' for a mo ment. he looked up and said : -Well, I think they sre a branch of this establishment " In lo7 the total population of the Island of Cuba amounted to 1.370 tOO souls, of whom 7ot, .'.OU were bites and d V wcrecolored. Of the colored population . 22n (1(19 are designated as of the free class, including under this head, heide the freemen of m ro blood, s large nutu' er ot Chinese. Captain fteorge BrooKs. a full-b'oodcd nejrro. who, as maoter of tho James Waterbury, with a black crew, has just returned from a snses-tul voyage to the coast of Africa, is tho first man of his race whoever received a certificate from the American Shipmasters' Association that ha is a capable and approved shipmaster That is a good suggestion pr posed by r. New Tor legislator, who has given notice that he iu tends to introduce a oill to make it an actionable offense to speak derogatory of 'he charac er of a woman when the charge cannot be proven A rigid enforcement ot such an act would work, wonders ia soineooui-u iat:i3 cijII mention A good story is told by the Richmond Dis patrh: Aoo'orel soldier fcff.xed his mark to an application for bios pay an t bounty While tbe claim was passing through the department he learned to write, aa I signs 1 bt n ima to tbe ad -ditional papers subsequently required, and ibe Red lape Bureau, astonished at his quickness, declared the latter ignainre to be a torgery. Washington City Gossip. OnSa'urdayat noon, Congress adjourn ed, in accordance with a j.iint resolution of both houses. Ah hough the closing of the was marked with some confusion, yet the best of humor prevailed throughout, and nothing unpleasant occur red. The President issued a proclamation on Saturday, convening the Senate in special session on Monday the 12ih, to consider Ex ecutive nominations. - The appointment of Governor Cl'RTIN as .Minister to Russia. wi'I be among the first sent io the Senate. There has at no time th ! inauguration been any doubt con-pcri-iutr beintf-one of the first tendered by the President. It is said that Mr. MoTI EVis booked for England an i Gen. SiCKLr.3 for Meiico. The I iidtan Bureau Ring has been com pletely broken up, and tho business placed in the hauls of pre-ident GltANT, who in tends to call the Quakers to his aid. The policy V.f humanity and civilization, backed with an appropriation of $2,000, 0K). will l substituted fur the thieving, demoralizing policy of tbe past. The progress of tbe ex periment will be watched with deep inter est, Tlie Cohan resnhuionsof Mr. Batiks pa?.s eJ the House on Saturday by a vote of SS yeas to-3.') nays, but failed in tbe Senat, Mr. Wilsiiti preventing a vote by talking :isfokii-t time. It is nor improbable thit the administration desired their failure, as not calculated to improve the cause of Cuban independence. in this country and liable to embarrass the policy on which the President and his advisers are understood to agree. Not Cuba alone must be taken into account. We have relations with o'her countries, and other questions present themselves in the mntiagemeiir of th i Government. It is not to be doubted that the administration will pursue the course of even-handed justice, and at ibe same time evince all the sympa thy which a people struggling for independ ence have a right to expect, consistent with our oiiligatious as a member of the family of nations. A new law relative to the tax on whiskev was passed i ear the close of the session. It is of a highly important character to Iuom) dealing in the article. In some instances the administroiion lias been sadly imposed upon in appointing men to m'e. In New York, one proves to lie a recrular swindler. lie was recommended by a distinguished millionaire wbtj appears to not btive known what was his rual char-acler Another is hung up in the Senate on the eharse of having defrauded a widow and red-iced her to poverty. Other cases have come to liuht all of which go ta prove ihe necessity of a thorough reform in the civil servicii, whereby not only deception like that here instanced will be prevented, but the scarcely less teprehensible practice of Con gressmen using the patronage of the Gov ernment to advance their own interest, pe cuniarily and politically, wili lie broken up. Under tip.' present sstcui this is next to im possible. The Government is preparing for a vigor ous policy with reference to Cuba and of eonrse Spin. A considerable number of Xumrieau citizen are held as prisoners by tlie Cuban d-spotNm. Some have been mur dered and Americans have but little securi ty there.- The naval force in the West In dies is bein rapidly augmented. Orders for getting' ready several iron clad monitors, in cluding the Dictator and Cmtonicus, were civen towards the close of lat week. The foistiiry will rest satisfied that every ques lion growing out of the Caban revolution will be wisely and promptly treated. We ate getting on. We learn fas. V( yield to wh.-it is inevitable with becoming grace. Negro soldiers gave us a shock from which we had scarcely recovered when etiian eipaaon. wholly and at once, struck us with a death like chill. This was scarcely recov ered when negro suffrage Was proposed and accomplished, not, however, without, givintr us the shakes, which had not entirely sub sided when negro office holding became a fixed thine, and we are now in a stateof re-lap-e into which it threw us. We shall re cover however. The Lieutenant Governor of the State of L ui-iami, in the person of a negro, named Dcxn, has for weeks been re ceived on the floor of ho; h branches of Con gress, where he has been treated as though his skin was white. A eentleman of wealth, culture and elegant manners, color is the only peg to hang an objection on : and that is so short and lec'ole I hat it is of little ac count. Should a negro make his appearance with credentials infilling him to a seat, in Congress, it is probable we should survive. In fact, there is nothing more likely, and wc shall yet live to w jn ler that, we ever mndu such a fu..s about '"the nijrger." tcur tU'cvfemcnts A'rin'.ltt set ,ip llirnrfrftvp,- il'tcf v,'v, ityU.wii! hf rkatt-l JouhU usti'al jXv't,;tt bee invEnmvEsn The undersigned having on hand and for sale the iiiebicas Movaisle comb Bek iiivs.s. and finding i impossible to supply the demand for hives have concluded to sell one half of the tetri to.y which they own. to wit: t.'learfield and parts f Ccntie and Cambria ewunties. 1 hey have made arr rn'ii'i-s to have the material for hives cat toor.itr. Persons desirous of -eeinj a Minnie of inc i.ivrs w:i p. ease call at Aivimg ,V Shower .Store in Clearfield. Bee raisers wili find it to ibeir advantage lo have the patent hives. Per sons wishing t . buy Lives r territory can address us to G It n Hope, Clearfield countv V.i April I t. IS.;;. A A W . A M LINCl. 17 LECTION. To the School Dikec- Tul6 OF USTY: Genilrni- it : In pursuance of tLe lorty-third section of the. Act of Ihe Sth of .Va , 1S54. vou ,re hrcl.T n oified te meet in Convention." at the Court lli-use. In Clearfield, on the first Tuesday iu Vay. A U lr'.l the 4tb day of the mouth, at 1 j o clock in tho altornoon.and select rivavori by a uiHjonty of the whole number of directors pres nt one person of literary and scientific ac qairemen's. and r.f e-kill and exoc-rionce in the artot teiching as County uperintendant lor tbe Ihree .occeedinp jears; determine the amount of compel satioti for the same ; and cer'ify the re sult to the i-tate Sui-eriuiendant. at llarrisbur as required by the tbirty-ninih ard fortieth sec tion of said Act. UEO W.SNVlJtK, County Puperintcr.daDt of Clearfioid Coun'tv April 14. IMSV-St. - '' -. FUKS gencan fitch setts. french sqnirrel setts aroerican squirrel muffs, sad ie victorines si I ver martin setts mink enpesand muffs, gents tur g liars, (beaver and mink) it J. l KKATZEK 8 KEW 4ETEETISESIESTS. rpiiOMAS W. MOOKE. Land Surveyor and Conveyatieer Having recent'y lo- ented in tbe Borough of Lumber City and resuia- scmed the pr;-tice .f Land urveying respeet- i lully tenders nts professional services to tne own ers and speculntors in lands iu Clearfield and ad joing counties lieedsof Conveyance neatly ex ecuted, i fn -ean-i residence one door art of Kirk .V Spencers Store Lumber City. Apiil lt.lSST ly. NOTICE. TN THE OURT of Common Picas of - Clearfield Co. : No. 15. Jaa. Tcrtii, 1809: sTuuatLan Uoynton vs A. Tpderprnff; A A. V inegardner ; I. Jnmi'on. at-d Ai.nis Eusworlh Widow and devisee ; Lydia K Koers daugeter and heir of l.oren A tnsworth. and (jeoi ge Kojjets husband of said Lydia : Alb n Trsworth A Alli-e Coyd devisees of said l.orco A. Lriswr-rlh ; and Annis G. Ltis worth. Horaei E Taylor and Henry Parsons, Kxeeutors of stii 1 Loren A. Lcswortb, dee'd Summons in h joetracnt sgaitst defendants, to appear and answer to a certa n complaint made by -lons'han lloynton. the Plnintiff tivtt they the s-iid I'c-iendatits now have in their actual posses sion ihe follow ing described Irnctsof land, situate in Clearfield County. Pennsylvania, to wit: Tba' certain tract of land known as tract in name of Isabella Jordan. situate ia Kr.nx township, Coun ty ar;d State aforesaid, containing four bundled and twenty-nine acres, more or less : Also one other trait in the cane of Nancy lieggs. situate in P.-irs township. Cleaifield County aforesaid containing 410 acres more or less : Also one otn er tra.-t in tbe name of Win. McCormiek. sftuatc in Bojja towr-sbip. County and ;t.ite aforesaid, containing 4 1j ncis more or less: Also one other tract in the name of John Heed, situate in Law rence township. County and State af irositid. con taining 41o aries. uioie er Jcsm Also a balance of ids acres, more or less, in the name of Hugh Jordan, in Lawrence township. County and State Dloresaid. being the balance of said tract not sold to Dauherty and McLaughlin ; Also tbe timber or timher interest, on. or in Ibe 1 (In acres of laud ofsatdrsct sold to McLauirh-liu. Tbe rightof pos sesion, or title to which be. the said Jonathan Ilr.ynlnn.says is in htm and not in the said defend ants: All of wnich he.tbesaid P.-jnton avers bets prevu''i to prove A c Returnable to J an. T Isfrj This action of Ejectment being brought to compel specific ot contract between the said liovnton of the Sist part and A Vp-icr- jritff A A Wir.egardner. L. A Knsworth and I L. Jamison Said contract madeSjth Sept.. ISaH. j Now. Mi'tch I.'.th, lKi'S). il apjesrirg tb'at i return has been made as to defendants, tbat tey j cannot be found, Ac.. On motion of J. B. ilcEu- j allv.Plnintifis Attorney, a rule is grantod on tbe i d -teridants n-med to appear and plead by the third iionday of June A. I).- 1569 Notice of j wbi-.h ru'c is to be published, describing the ptemis-e.for nt le ist 51 dujs preceding the return i dsy thereof. in at least one newspaper published in j the County of Clearfield, and to be inserted at least three weeks in accordance with ths flih J section of the Act o: 14th April A. D. I So I j F.y the Court. I Certifi.-il frr.Tn the record this 12:h day of April, A. L. is.itf. A. U. J ATE, frob y. Apnl 14. ISf.5 4t 1SG9. I860. GRAND OPENING 05" SPRING & SUMMER STYLES IK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, WHITE GOODS, SHAWLS, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. &e. Having selected our stock with the greatest care, wc cannot be surpassed in Style and Quality. All our goods will be sold at a close cash price, so that purchasers will find it to their advantage iu cal.'ing on ns. naTing fitted up a separate room for Iia's and Caps and Straw Goods, the finest assortment of these goods will be kept. ; WM. REED Sc CO., Market St. ClearflclJ, Ta. Aprill4. Isfia F A I R B A N K S STANDARD SCALES, OP ALL KINDS, a'.SO TJagi-je Harrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Tresses, Improved Money Drawers, 4c. FAIRBANKS, MORSE &. CO., 102 Second Avenue, near Wroo-J St pirrsiiUKGu. pa. KlDMREAD!! DISSCLUTI0N OF PAIlTNERSIIIR The partnership heretofore existing between : en l-.jt-k A Thompson in the merchandise trade h,,b" otcsoived by mutual consent. The t D-Ut-"' -'-'S'lent.. and all business V j - m '"'n ,ho hnlrWm. Ten Kvck. -o.. us., an mat re indebted to the lat.. firm to settle tbe same as soon as possible, as he nur poses leaving tne eounty as soon as his business .,s ,:a uo arranges. w M. TEN EVCK APr7'3t- U U. THOMPSON. NEW FX RM NEW FIRM. The undersigned have this day formed a en partnership on ier tbe firm nr.meof Thomnson o . and will be pleased to serve the cusmeY. of .heold firm, and all others, at tbe same pl"e 'ne dor east of the Bans.) where thev will .nL1 to sell a, prices to suit'the tim'Vr, . "S' Fruit. Boot, ftd shB yal et Mifc,o i Tl and tiamice our goods and pries,. 8 ",ewllere' J n TH'IMPSOV H B. THOMPSON. Z: B?,fiii: r' t and offr you eood ijZ. . oor P'" rou will JJL .r.Jnrf00e,u."ta- 'PinB ba aid us. weremain Yrurs To iUPPO" yB i vurwensvil e. P, , i ' W M . TEV E rrv pri.i8B. ( H. B. THOMPSON. 1 Q ACTION. All persons are hereby can , lioited against ptirchasin? or in any ar Interferin- with a dark bay ot brown Mors now In possession of Ueorj;. Hill, of heccaria t' as the and borse belongs to ..- md is onl, i,"." with II in on loyi.enbjeei toai . i Jer at.n.'.i. ' - M" JAMES Q. HI, h y jKST FAMILY 1 'l.OUii -.). . Kr . lias made at rantemciits to be fui,i,1,b,i with Ibe celebrated -Cambria Stone" f ' ! 1 rect from the Mills, and baring tb . adv.nta; ', special rates, customers can rely tpii,' 1 the Best Hour at the lowesi p,;e, .'S'r dehveretl to any part of tho tow. l.-ee of eh.r March Jl. Isov-lm. ""St pOil SALE a valuable MaelwuithSW a tood irame D'.eliimr House, and H Ws. situate to the Ti:iae of U!en Hope Tk. situation for carrying on Blacksmithing is one of the best in tbe county. The buildings are in Itoid condition For tettns-Aj . call uprnorid dress the subscriber at Uien Hope, CIar'V eOhFJ-P.0 .WM.b.WRItiHI.- VOTiCE OF INCORPORATION.- o dor of the Court ol Common 1'leas of Clearfield county, and in with tb. provisions of the Act ef Assembly in such ewe. ma le and piovidcd. notrce is herebv (riven th.t application has Ua made to the said Court for the incornnratien of -The First Baptist Church of ( urwenniile." tbe Petition aai Articles of Au. ctation having been duly filed in my ofSce ; aEa the said Association will be incorporated at the next Term, if r.o causs .ppears to the eontrarv . A C TATEolhV' TX THE DISTRICT COURT of the Cni tedStaies.h.rthe Western District of J'u; I n the n-.n'ter of STAC y TH 'MHS'JX. RaKiirrT. ) In Ban'rtfpty To wn-m rr mat coscBits : The ander-icnea herebv iris es notice of bis appointment as af.'iunf of Stacy W. Thompfon. of lioa ton-bip iu ill coonty of Clearfield a ,d State ot PciinsvlviroV within tbe said i'islnct who has been adja i :, : t' Eacsrupt upoa his owu petitiou by the Court of said i'istrict wr r I WM M MTrLLOUtili. Ansig , . TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the I i ted ttates.tor the Western District of i , In the matter of ) CH.HISTI AN J SUOFF, J Jt,f.,.. Laskhcit ) . To wtioa it way roxclcR.: The nnders- -hereby gives noti -e of his af poinimcnt - c of Christian J sbi.ff. of U'avdwar-i towmhiT !.'. tbe county o Cl-irliofd. and Mote of PennMivv ma, within the said i'is'ri :t who has been acj. , cd a flnr.Krupl tit-iin his own petition, by tbe Lis triet Court of said Listrict. .APfJ : vf? X-tXLOCGIiLAf.iijsire TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the l;. ted States forihe Weeteru District of 1'? Jr. toe matter cf J"'i KV.1N llAKI:t.T. .V lSAXKRUfT' rr. To wnon it r cositntt; Tbe nnders.' hereby (lives notice rf his lu.tnt as inee of John llyau. of Cnrr.side towosi.i the couLty of . .'earfield asd -ive of Per.i s nia, iriihin teid I'istnct. who has ben artjui upi uri.:; own i'e.:!:on bv the I-i urtof eoid lii.ri,-t Lated the 2lih da-, .t March. A. 1 IS:.'J. Varch 3I.V.!-4t. A .V ATVt.MS. Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the Ur.i A ted Slates for the Wevtern District of I'a: In the matter of THos IIL'MPHKET. 7.Y BANKRUPTCY. tiANKr.Lpr. J Tonii-ix it !Ar cosrr.ns: The undersignsd hereb3- gives notice of his appointment as sssites of bo!i;as Humphrey, of 1'ite town,bip. iu ibe county of Cleai fiel 1. and Stateof PennsTlvauis. within the said iistrict, who has been a'dju.lged a liankropt upon his wn by the triet Court of taid Lisiiict. JJaled tba 2fith dj of March. A D. . sS. '-. A: A A1M Ms- AwisTnea. TN TI1K COURT of Common Plea of Cicartitda County, I'a. : Fan.n-ik Smith. 1 No 179. Jan. Term. l?lJ. vs. JuSF.rn M. SsitTi. ) ,V,it. ,Sr ,. re March 17th. 18n0. I. F. Ktxwrilcr. appointed a Coti.tnisri.incr to ikkc letic-.i.y in thl.rssr B. tliecoait. A. C 1MI. I :c b y I niii attend to the !aties of tho al-eve a; coict ment at tbe office ..f Vtse. fii'er A l.t'd'n'. ir, ClearEe'i. on I-liWA Kj,';e".'i. riuy afAPtilL IS'iS. at 10 o clock . wl eie all psrtie inter ested can attend. b. i trZWr li.KK. April 1. Ite;i9 Commissioner. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Unit, d tStatw, for the Western );-ni(-t of Pennsylvania THOMAS HL'MPHlttY. a bankrupt under th Art bf Congress of Msroa i-J ls07. bavin); appliej for a dinbaige from n ' I h is debts, and ther claims provable uudei ssij s.-t. by order of tbe Court i otice it hereby giver t sil pcrsoLS win have proved their debts, ai.d o:b:r persons interes'ed. to app.-.r .m the l:itb dv .f May IV'9 at Tv. o 0V0.-R. P M .." IL. Woodruff Esq I.eisttr in Br,krnf tcy st hii om.-e. in Ciearni-M P.t.. to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should nol be j'sntel to Ihe said bankrupt And fitrtber. notice ti hereby jriven that the Second and Ihird mestirsi of Creli ors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27ih and 2th seeiions ot said et. ill be be!4 before the said llcfris'cr. at the arc iiuie aU rlae- S. C. i.cC iNDLLSa, tletk. l'ebrnary. 1st, ISfio.Ht. SELECT SCHOOL! The Summer Session of Surcj-jebanns Fe!ert sVhool, iicsied t Campbell's ibureii ir, 111 rowneb ip. will ciiidj. nee on the th ird .Mood") M-ir (.first Monday.) for the tm of ave aioctti with a vacation of three weeks in mi lsu.ntnr The Common Brant-ftes will be taught. sliI ! the f iViin i i. jr. it desi-ed to wit- A igei'ra i.e-ia tty. Plain TriiinoTiterry, Mensuration Su'veri: f Philosophy. Hhv-iolosy, Thjeical ijcogra(l:; P. hetoiic sil ! Lojic. Till: PHICE OF TIJITJOX. shall be. for the full term of five months S!5 :' for less ttan the full term, at the rate of J". '' All pupils thai, be held till tho ei..i ,: the term, without sneciaf arreoiueot at tbe or:. ef entry, and tbe price of tuit.oa sha.i be pi-l r advance. 'J'he School is Toeaye-.I in n pleayant v.i' ' hood. nd a competent Teacher has beer ssrt.i.'; Hoarding can be procured for per k Any further information can be had Ur if.g the I'rasi-leo' of the 13ord t'u.h ivs the St retarv ut Burnsi le. or I'rt fe.-si.t n : -Curweneviile. J f. I. EE Pr'fider.t J.W CAMt'LELL,Ire:' JAMES PC) WLEIt, Sec y. March 24. 1SC3. SHERIFFS SALE. Dy virtue of tmJ .' writs of Fiffi I'tido, issued "' of the Court of Common Pleas of Cleati'; county, and to me directed, there wili be eit"" -to put-lie sale, at th Court House, in the bor-sit of Cle-trSebl. on TH Lit-: l A Y. the Jith l.'AV " APhll,. ISfiS. et 2o'c'ock P. M , Ibo fo b "' described property lowit : All that loc.'itcd'aud partialis era.led " 6fi.Jliii railway of tbe Madera "Coal ari I-;"'"' ment tympany .sit'unle in !ie:;tur an.l ' r townships. Cieaifieid county. Pa. leirin"-'' .'(c Peeatur township at the lin.- of and jane"- ' tbe railroad of the M-bsniion coal cn"r -r' thence by the valley of Leaver run siutlir" ' 111 rough lands of Mo.harnor.. o il cuipinr vi-r ilrat-fh o inlMsioniiV A II L-o.g "1 ''r H.-iiiK. fifty feet in wi.ldi as :.ttl -r"i'' ' . chopred. and two miles and one l.a'f ' No liS tbere l ieated. more fully descnb-l ' follows : '.(.ginning at a point un the M"n ; c" branch of the Tyrone aLd Cleatfiei.! Hail'v two and three-quarter miles West o( '""ij thence South ii decrees and li uiir.utts , r i .- ya leet. thence by a .i de;ree c-"rsc - 1213 feet thence South SO deirrets 30 ',',.. I2il:t feet, thence South West for 2130 feet, thence bv a I decree minute curve to left fnr3 0 feet t'nen-e lj I it- (tree and 15 minute curve for I Ti0 feet. lu noma .'.7 degrees West for 2ol) leet. ti.ei. - . 3 decree curve so right for H'fO leet thence 2 degree and 15 minute curve to right feet, thence North 62 dczrre" an t i! htV for 14D0 feet, making two and fifty ei-'ht dredth miles. 1 ho same beir g unfinifl without rail upon it and i ieldingro rebts . -or profits. Seised, taken in execution r . sold as the property or tbe Madera Coal provement Company. ti.r;f March 24 CANNED FRUIT. Canned Pino"- J' and canned corn, ous . for sale at t Store of A-1 bU Maroh 10. 18C9 . 'ANTED IO.OoO pounds ef TPJ),L' ,J ..!... , ori-,rncld.P JL w c I f I V .w v i "r. an rlL'RRANTS the best and eh?p,r? tbs OIL. Putty," Paints Olass and " Jnne'64. MEKKKLL PIs-tt'