Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 07, 1869, Image 3

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    (je "giafiman)
outnat, ffcarftefb, a;, Jlprif 7, i860.
.afts'wan's Journal
Tyrone and ClearSeld Railroad.
I ,.ia leave Tyrone at : : : 9 0(
Arrives at Clearfield at : : 1 OC
00 a m
arrives at l
00 . m.
2.G0 p m.
5.50 p. m.
. -i i
ia leaves Clearfield a
Arrives at Tyrone at
.... r: tBrt Kwnrmam Vmmt mt ft 17
li i iiS Ex-
atlOOp m
Keligiocs. Divine wrvieea will te held
it Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows :
next bal
R Rev. W. 11. Di'l, in, the Methodist
By l
ehnreh. marom?
nnmin2 and evening, fcabbath
L.i,o,.l at 9 A. M- Prayer meeting, every
Thurs)y t 71 P- M. (Jormnuniou services
Frst Vabbvh of every month at 10 A. M.
Bv Rev. Nixdorff u tle Lutheran church
in the inoruing and evening
By Rev. Hayes, in tha Baptist Church,
ia the morning.
St. Francis' church-Mas at 10 A. M.t
the second and fourth gundava of each.
Bionih. , .
Fori neat nd nice fitting Hat or Cap
cheapest in town go to this Banner Hat
Store of J. C. Lightcap& Son.Martct St.,
Clearfield all style and color"!.
Rafting. Owing to the cold and stormy
weather that prevailed in this region for,
some days, rafting was very much retarded.
But now. that pleasant weather again pre
vails we may expect that running will be re
turned wiih renewed vigor.
To Knr.p Clear of ISko Bugs. Take
the whites of four eggs and ter, cents worth
of quicksilver: put them in a bowl and beat
to a perfect froth. '. Tate a feather and dip
into the preparation and apply to every part
of your bedttead where bugs conceal them
selves; do this oUt-e a year, and you will
Deter see a bed bug ir, your house.
Fatal Accidents During the last two
week in March.no lens than three men
were killed, while engaged hi driving logs in
the Sinnemahoning and its tributaries, iu
this and adjoining counties. Several oth
ers have also been eriiu:,!y injured. We
bive not learned thu names of tlio killed nor
Salt Youit Chimneys. In building a
chimney, put a quantity of salt into tha
mortar with which t1 e inrereour.-ses of brick
are to 1 laid. The effect will be that there
ever will be any aoctitual.it ion of soot in
that chimney. The philosophy 13 thus sta
ted: The salt in the portion of mortar wbi-.-h
iiriposed absorbs moisture from the at-ntosj.-liere
every damp day. Tho soot, thus
Leiumiug damp, falls down in the lire place.
select Scuo.Ji.s. A Select School Las
i rt r. o'abKft-.ed in the upj tr crd of Bell tp,
r. 1'ruf. Siuiih; Luthersburg, by Prof. W.
( .rnrll ; Curwviihviile. by Prof. 7T. Cook ;
Lumber ( ity. by F. 13. Kafferty ; Plenum
iliil, by K. E. Hutton. Said schools to
in the 3id or 10th of May. A number of
iuii!ar school are to be established at oth
er point of the county, during the early part
o! the summer. Tho County No. tual, which
Las wrought such a powerful influence for
f nod, we presume will be re-orencd about
the 1st of Jane.
W filVE Got IT. We understand that
t-'Uie euterprUiug Yankee, rrt-iuhiiia.-i, or
, , , a..
meuouj- else, ma ;c lus appearance in our
tian, on Moads last, with fmr veritable
Velocipede." Whether h: will revive
sSiicnt encouragement from the "I'lmys"
in this place, to ay him for hi tiip hiih-r,
reaiain to be demonstrated. Prom the ac
o.uau given in the papers, we would infer
hat it ia much less labor "to walk up hill
vii fWjtdiwn," than to ride on one of
'. Dew-fangled "aiiium-en." But, if tho
' . ms'urs" feel k.c!iuej to 'tack" one,
"' .-bu let 'em t ip."
Thk Little Ones Do you ever think
- much a little child does in a day ?
- fnwi sunrise to MiAMt the dear little
-fl ratter around to us so aimlessly.
;ubiitg p here, kneeling down there.
- dug to another place, but never still.
'tioa and turning, rolling aud reaching,
doubling, as if "testing every bona and
a'c!e for their future uses. It is very cur--ito
watch it. One who does so will under
iwi tie dej, breathing of die ro-y litile
"'Pf, as with, one arm tossed overitscurly
ii prepares lor llie next daj gj m-
' A busy creature ie a little child.
' :'r"t Tuey Go. The other day, says
-Miy.'f, a lady eailed at ihe house of a
: 'd seeing a couple of not largo
: t in cushions lying upon a table, which,
; " T"y, she found had beeo it use for
. ara-itujrgested to the lady of tlie house
' 11 would be a good idea to rip them
" pet tbe needlofi. At ttiu the lady
;- i and replied that she thought it
' harJ!y pay; but upon the othei in
'"' that ehe would find as many a? i00,
'- expeiitnent was tiually tril, when,. to
' 'oni,bineiit of aii, I5 W needles were
''ejont! We don't charge the ladies
""'ij t-jr thi bit ol information.
APR.WM.-For so.i.a days
during, tlio
--. tne im predion
was prevalent
? TIT!
eritij Uad donned her Minnvsit-
i eauieat, for the tcason, end a!!
re lad in anticipation of the
a i pear:, nee that Dame Nature
" r-eiit. But, vain are the cal
' ' : ; iia.i. Mortal optii-s have iu
:liu i-iiojcets ofde'u.sions and
;' ii:; no now. On Monday night
v :vter again pic.uined to hie from
'- .:. and on Tuesday morning
'- ;j-ri-ure the feeble vision of
'" -s ' i e by flinging a bridal veil of
': o . r her, while he would sport
'.f1 w''!l : ,e Iovelv, fair, innocent and
Miss Spring. The itnper-l-'
I5.it a just retribution has beeii
'-'t bin indi-cretionn. Sage and
' -'' lipeedily came to tha relief of
n-'late twain, lie soon freed Dawe
"" 'e flimsy Teii ttat had been
"-' lly ca-t over her, and relieved
,! from the rudden and ind"urcet
. ' 'ch she was ao unwittingly
hi!e be ban'ulied the cause sf
" "kei for troubles to his cold and
"ambers in the north and now,
' e, we hope, all parties are moving
n iiir accastomed spheres to fu'Sl
-i.: iisatioles appointed thm.
1-lour.best ouahty. Bolted Corn Menl. I
Buckwheat Flour, also Chop Feed of differ
ent kinds. For sale by W. F. Ibvin, on:
Second Street,
House Bcrned. A correspondent in
forms us that, on Sunday morning, April
4th, the house of At drew Wilson, of Brady
township, was entirely consumed by fire.
1 he fire originated at a flue. Most of the
furniture aud bouse effects were saved.
A Boom. We learn from the Eau Clai-e
(Wisconsin) Free Pre, of March 25th,
that out- enterprising friend, and former
citizen of ;his county, James P. Nelson.Esq.,
has been succeHsful in obtaining from the
Wisconsin Legislature a charter, granting
to Nelson, Hunter & Co., the right to con
struct a boom or booms 3 miles in length,
in the Chippeway river in that State. We
wish our friend Nelson abundant success in
is new enterprise, in the home of his adop
A New Dress. The Pituburg C7i ront-
cte came to us, last week, in an entire Dew
dress, looking fresh and beautiful as spring
L uder management of SiebxeckX Collins.
the Chronicle has achieved proud distinc
tion as a literary and high toned daily news
paper, and this new evidence of prosperity
assures us that their efforts to turnish a Grst
class journal contiuues to be appreciated by
the commuuity. We wish the publishers
all the success their energy and enterprise
Ciiirncn Meeting. A meeting of the
Presbyterian Congregation, of ClearSeld and
vicinity, will be held in the Baptist Church.
on Saturday next, (April 11,) at Z o'clock,
i . M., for the purpose of acting on the re
port of the Committee, heretofore arpoint-
ed to select a proper person to fill the office
of Pastor to the congregation. The com
mittee have agreed upon a person, whose
name they will pres nt, and it is desirable
that tho meeting should be as full as practi
cable. A. M. Hills, Ch. Com.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the
Post Office at Clearfield April 1st I860.
Caivin Adams, Albert Allen, David Alli
son, J nomas Arbuckle. Japher Baird, A.
Paum, Christian Bennet, Charles B Beck,
Edward Bedord.W. W. Bell.M. V. Briggs,
Job Curry, Itobt. Criswell, J. Pewitt Ciia
Ptcm.Mrs. Mary A, Dunlap.G. W. Eniieh,
i nomas rany, hjis. Jane Uirard, KoVrt
Hail, Geo. fl unsingcr, Levey Henderson, S.
Johnson. lavid A. Kennedy, Kandolnh
Liiz. S. H. Lanehlin, Tura Leonard. Graf-
fin Miller, Samuel McAIluny, A. C. M.-
tiown, Joseph Kitzinstein, lieed Dalherst
Si Co., James S. Smith. John V. Smitb
B- V. Smith. Geo. W. Shultz. xMrs. Mary
U . Smith. Miss Ann Straw, John Sharer,
Calvin V. Smertd, D. M. Sipher, J. F.
O 1 mm .......
onjaer, .Mrs. .Martha fcelfnJire. Samuel J.
Sutherland. J. C. Waiter, Major Wright,
Newel It. Varner, Thomas Ziglar.
Local Normal School. A school ex
pressly fur advanced pupils and teachers,
will be opened in Curwensville, on the 3d
day of May, for a term of five months, bv
Prof. W. W. Cook, a graduate of the State
Normal School of Millersville. Tuition for
the full term of five months (common
branches) $12 and the higher branches for
the same time, from $12 to $14. . Boarding
from $3 to $3 per week. For particular.-,
addresss Z. McNaul, Eq., Curwensville'
Also a Local Normal School established in
Juthersburg, by l'rof. W. Cornell, to open
the Mth of May, for a term of five months,
for advanced pupils and teachers. Tuition
for the fiill term of five months, same as the
above. Boarding from $2.75 to $3.50 per
week. For particulars, address M. II.
Luther, Esq , Luthersburg.
Scales should be used in every house and
Barn, the proverb says : deliver all things
by measure and weight, and it ought to be
heeded. Have Fuirbank Standard Scales
in the kitchen and prove which grocery man
gives weight and buy of hira. Weigh butter
and every thing sold, and not mistrust that
you are cheated. Have a Fairbank in the
barn and weigh the pigs and Stock and
Oram an. 1 tortiuzers and thus know what
is payii g and what is not paying. If
a man has consulted his unerring Fair
bank, he knows when tho right price is
oiJered, according to the the rates quoted in
his last weeks paper. The best evidence of
the perfectiioss of a Fairbanks Scale is the
fact they have taken more first premiums at
Plate and National fairs than all others com
bined and that their Scales are constantly
increasing and extending to all parts of the
worM. See card in another column.
A Plfas.ynt Affair. The following no
tice of the reception of Rev. A. W. Guyer
and family, by the members of his present
congregation, which we clip from the Altoona
Ttflune of March 3lst, will be read with
irtcrett by tbe msrty friends of Mr. Guyer
in iLis county : "Avery cleasant affair, iu
t iie way of a 'reception' caiue off at the par
sonage cf the Fint M. E. Church, in this
C'ty. on Thursday evening last, (March
2.")th.) on the arrival of Rev. A. W. Guyer
and fsuiily. For a dayor two previous, the
parsonage had been in the possession "of a
number of the lady tue tubers of the congre
gation, who had put down new carpets, fix
ed up old ones, renewed the window blinds,
hat! the furniture refitted and painted, black
ed the btove., iua lo tip the beds and arrang
ed everything in regular housekeeping style.
On the evening named, a large company of
ladies and gentlemen assembled at the par
sonage, each one bringing a basket or sack
of provisions, and the ladies proceeded to
get up a supper. When the minister and
his family arrived. they found the rooms filled
with their friends, and received such a cord
ial greeting as must have made them feel
happy. ' The greeting over, they were invit
ed to a table, sumptuously spread, where,
surrounded by their friends, they partook
of their first repast in their new home.
Again and again the table was spread until
all present were served, and a full larder of
provisions and groceries slill remained for
tbe future use of the family. AH present
enjoyed themselves, and went home feeling
mud better than had they permitted their
minister ud fauiilyto conic among them with
out notice.or manifesting any concern for tlieir
comfort. Such aetion on the part of the
congregation makes a minister at once feel
at home among his people, and equally bene
ficial to all parties. : ;
The chcanest and tlie lest Ufa nf.,1!
Shoes to be had in ClearSeld, are at the
Lanner Shoj Store of J. C. Lightcap &
Son. Market street, opposite the residence
of n. B. Swoope, Esq.
Wear your learning like your watch, in a
private pocket, and don't pull it out to show
that you have one; but if you are asked
what o'clock it is, tell it. 8o if you are
asked what the greatest tonic in the world
is, you can with confidence say, the Zingari
Bitters. It is recommended by some of the
most eminent men in this country, as well
aj in Europe.
A Small-pox P.emehy. The following
remedy for small-pox from a correspondent
of the Stockton (California) Herald, is at
least worth a passing notice; and, if skill
fully prepared and used, may indeed prove
the "remedy" it professes to be : "I here
with append a recipe which has been used
to my knowledge in hundreds of cases. It
will prevent or cure the small-pox though
the pittings are filled. When Jenner dis
covered cow pox in England the world of
science burled an avalanche of fame upon
his head ; but when the most scientificschool
of medicine io the world that of. Paris
published this receipt as a panacea for small
pox, it passed unheeded. It is unfailing as
fate, and conquers in every instance. . It is
harmless when taken by a well person. It
will also cure scarlet fever. Here is the re
ceipt as I have used it, and cured my chil
dren of scarlet fever, here it is as I used it
to cure the small-pox ; when learned physi
cians said the patient must die, it cured :
Sulphatejof zinc, one grain ; foxglove (dig
italis.) one grain ; half tcaspoouful of sugar;
mix with .two tablespoonfuls of water-
V hen thoroughly mixed, add four ounces of
water Take a spoonful every hour. Eith
er disea'se will disappear in twelve hours.
For a child, smaller doses according to the
age. If countries would compel their phys-
eians to use this there would be no use pest-
houses. If you value advice and experience
use this for that terrible disease. '.'
At the residence of John iKinlap, in Pike
tp., on March 31sl, 18fiS, Mrs. tSL'SAN Mc-
Kin ley of Milesburg, Centre Co. Aged j
about 90 years. Belletoute papers please
S. J. HAYES, Curwensville, Pa.
T70R SALE a valuable Blacksmith Shon
j- a good Frame lUellin? Houe. and two
l-fsl ittasLts In t k SK i 1 d rrsk nf tl Ian Uni TL.
situation for carrying on Blaoksmithing is one of
the best in the county. The boildings are in
ffood condition. For totins Ac , call upro or ad
dress the sabsoriber at Glen Hope, Clearfield
countv. Pa. W3I. 6. WRIUUT.
Feb. 10. '69
t t r'B"' Auunuistration on the estate ot
Ann n W Mala Ua .T U TJ i; J i
u-MiiKocen granteuTo id uadorained. cotic
estate are r-aue-fed to ru;ik- inim-..;..
ment, and thoe hTing claims atfainst the lam- Siy kind oi material, -"nd havinx a full ex
will present them. Drooerlv autbantU-.-H f- Por.!nc. the bu5ine,thej can tin work cheaper
veiLiemem 10 UAMu 3IcKIGfIT I
ft an i i n & Mav nr I
W. W. HALE. Philin.hurT P.
March 3, isn9-it Administrators.
FRESH bread alwtiyson HAND
and for sale
At the Bakery of
Clearfield, Pa.
M 17. '69-2m.
The subscriber will offer for sale, at Publie
Vendue, on tbe farm of Judge Wright, i of a
mile south of Clearfield, on ihe road leading to
Clearfiel.t Bridge. on
the following personal property, to wit: Two
fre?h Cows. One yearling Heifer. Thirty-one
Chickens, One Hog. a lot of Hams anr1 Shoulders.
a lot of Potatoes. One barrel of Soap, One Grind
stone. One Wheelbarrow, To Forks, One bureau.
One Dinning Table. Five pair of Bedsteads. One
Book Case. Two Eight day Clocks. Two Stoves,
One Cupbonrd, Set of Chairs Donhtry, a lot of
good Carpet, a Saddle and Bridle. Tubs and Meat
Carrel?, One Mall and Wedge., a lot of Rafting
Tools, One Wash Kettle, and numerous other ar
ticles too tedious to mention Sale to commence
at iuocioob- A.M.. or said day. Terms made
known on day of sale. la A AC SWALES
March 24, 1869-3t
United States Assessor's Opnca,
Nijeterhth District. Pa..
Orpica, Curwensville. Clearfield Co., Pa.
notice is Hereby given that tbe assessment list,
valuations and enumerations made and taken
witbin the Nineteenth Collection Distriot, Pa.,
by the Assistant assessor ender tbe laws
of the United States, will retniia open to all
persons concerned for exainii.a.ion for the space
of It) days from tbe twenty-fiifth day of March
A. D. 1809. at tbe Assessors Office, in the Borough
of Curwenville.
At tbe time stated above tbe Assessor will re
eeive. hear and determine all appeals relative to
any erroneous or excessiva valuations or enumer
ations by tbe assistant assessors.
In regard to appeals the law provides, That
" tbe question to be determined by the assessor, on
"an appeal respecting tbe valuation or enumera
" tion of property, or objects liable to dutv or tax.
" ation. shall be whether the valuation eoroplain-
li A V, 1 . : i . - '
v wo ui u, uui iu jusL reiuuun or propor-
tion to other valuations in the same assessment
" district, and whether tbe enumeration be or be
' not jorreet. And appeals to tbe assessor as
' aforesaid, shall be made in writing, and shall
-specify the pirtioular eaue. matter, or thin
' respecting which a decision is requested ; and
" shall, moreover, state the ground or principle
x lucijiiaiiij ut si rur aim pirn uetl OI '
Assessor of the Nineteenth Ditriet.
O II ERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry
writs of Fieri Farias, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleaa of Clearfield
county, and to me directed, there will be exposed
to public sale, at th Court House, in tbe hor.i"h
of Clearfield, on THURSDAY, the 15th DAY of
APRTL. lHf!9, at 2 o'clock P.M. the following
described property to wit :
All that inc ited and partially graded and un
finished railway of tbe Madera Coal and Improve
ment Company situate in Decutur and Woodw rd
townships. Clearfield county. Pa,, beginning in
Decatur township at the line of and junclii n witb
the railroad of the Moshannon coal company,
thence by tbe valley of Beaver run southwardly
through lands of Moshannon coal company. Bea
ver Branch ooalcompany. A. B Lang and Dr. V
Hnntz, fifty feet iu width as located, graded sni
chopped, and two miles and one half to station
o i mere i.izaicu. more tuny described ss
follows : ltegmning at a point on tbe Moshanaon
branch of the Tyrone and Clearfield Railway,
two and three-quarter miles West of Osceola,
tbenee Sooth 4i degrees and 15 minutes West for
l i'j j feet, tbenee by a 3 degree course to rigbt for
1213 feet, thence South S3 degrees 30 minn es j
West for 2 ISO feet, thence by a I degree and 30
minate oarve lo left for 350 feet, thence by a t de
gree and 1 5 minute carve for 1750 feet, thence
South 57 degrees West for 2050 feet, thence bv a
3 degree curve so right for 1000 feet, thence by a
2 degree and 15 minute carve to rigbt for 1500
feet, thence North 62 degrees and 50 minutes West
for 14(10 teet. matiog two and ntty eignt one Hun
dredth miles. The same being unfinished and
without rail npon it and ielding no rents, isanfis
or profits. Seised, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of tbe Madera Coal and Im
provement Company. C. HOWE,
March 24. . Sheriff.,
A good assortment fur medical purpose alwayi
od Hand.
January 27. 1869-6m.
The Singer ManofAeturijg Company'i oet
Family Sewing Machine, and the cele
brated Florence, for tale at the
Persons ia want of machines wonli do well
to call and examine the Singer and Flor
ence before purchasing Every ma
chine warranted to give Sattsfao
Machines nd machine findings always on banc
Feb . 24.1fi69. NIVL1NG Jfc SHOWERS.
A new stock oi Ladies' and Gents' Furnish
ing and Fancy Ooods, eomprising all
novelties of the Spring season :
Collars, Caffi, flundkerchiofi, 0 loves, Ki d
Gloves, Trimmings of ail kinds, Laces,
Edging. Buttons, Corsets. Jet Sets,
Braoelets. etc
Aso, aermplete asjorttnent of Ladies,' Misses'
and Childrens' shoes of the first qualitv,
to which we ask examination.
Bottofflfes, Neckties, Cissime.r and White
Shirts of a superior quality. Also latest
sty lee of Hats and Caps.
Clesrfield, Msrch 3 1859-3t.
0. 1 XTDKIt.
Stonecutters and Stonemasons.
Will execute all kin Is of work in their line, at
moderato prices aod a first class style, such as
of" k,nd,:
1 '
in all stylus, Ancient or Modern,
Stone dressing for Buildings, and
For the latter, they hare procured the services
of First rate masons, and cm do anv amount of
I t ' J
. Uav,D control of tb Ytst r-soarcea for obtain-
, . "V" iu u Tr octsn uompiea
Sh.-p on Reed St , near tbe Rail Road Depot.
U U t a ik r
Somefliing new in Clearfield
Great Bargains in Boots and Shoes !
Great Bargains in Hats and Caps !
Ladies look to your interests and call and see
the latest and most fashionable styles of
Purple. Blue, Bronze and Bismarck Shoes, for
Misses and Children, of high cat.
made a speciality at this store.
would respectfully announce, to the citizens
of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have
opened a large and varied assortment
and CAPS.ia theStore-raom
on Market Street, oppo
site the residence of -II.
B. Swoope, Esq.. where they will be happy to
wait on all who wish to patronize a First class
Call and see for yourselves what we
have got for sale.
Remember the place,
Opposite the residence of H. B. Swcope,"EM.:
, March 31, 16fl9-tf. , ,.v...
q q.q q q q q q q
To the Worrmis Class : I am now prepared
to famish all classes with const ant employment
at their homes, tbe wboe of the time, or for the
spare moments. Business new, light and piofita
ble. Fifty cent to ti per evening, is easily earn
ad by persons of either sex. and the boys and girls
earn nearly as much as men Great inducements
are offered thota who will devote their whole
time to the business: and. that every person who
sees this notioe may fend ms their address and
test the business for theo'elveg, I make tbe fol
lowing nnparalled offer : To all who are not well
satisfied witb the busine s. I will reud SI to pay
for the trouble of writing ma Full particulars,
direction. Ac. sent free. Sample sent by mail
fut In cents. Address E C. Ai.lbs. Auruta.Me
The undersigned. E seen tors of tbe Estate of!
Jason Kirk, late of the Uon.ah of Lumber-city,
deceased, offer at' private saf tbe following de
scribed real estate, to wit: The undivided half of
about two hundred acr-s of land, situate in Union
township, Clearfield county. Pa., known as the
L'nion Mills" DrooertT About 22 acres of the
lard is cleared, from fan lo 10f store is severed"
with excel ent white pine, besides bedjlock and
other timber. Tbe improvements are a valuable
grist mill, saw mill, and woolen factory, besMes
a good frame house and barn. Tbe water power
is good, situated on Anderson's creek, about i l
miles above Curwensville. Persons desirous of
seeing tbe property, can call upon J. R. Arnold.
residing thereon. For farther particulars apply
to the undersigned at Lumber-city.
Jan. 13,'69. JOHN RUSSELL, Exr's.
Keeps on hand a tull assortment of dents' Fur
nishing Goods, such as Shiits. (linen and woolen.)
L'udershirts. Drawers and Socks Neck ties, Pocket
tlanukercbiefs. Gloves. L'mhrcllas. IJats. eto . in I
great variory. Of piece goods he keeps the best
CLOTH, (of, every W 1
in great variety. Also. French Cotitiogs. Roarer.
Pilot. Chinchilla. and TriooitOver eoating. which
will be sold cheap for cash, and saade no accord
ing to tbe Infest styles, liy experienced workmen.
Also, agent tor llearneld oounty. for I. M. bingcr
A Co's Sewing Machines. Nov. l.lSRo.
Have removed to the large and elegnrfJNEW
STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoining Mei-
rell A Bigler's Hardware Store, where tbey win
be pleased to see their old and new customers.
Citizens of the county vfsitlng Clear 6eld, and
wishing to make 'purchases, will find it to their
advantage to examine their stock.
Ooods at cash prices exchanged for all kinds of
country produce. Jan. 6Y89.
Would refi.eclfullv inform the citizens of Clear
field aud vicinity, that be baa opened a new tail
oring est.-ibli hmeut in Sbaw's Kuw. one door east
of the Post Offi.i... and has just returned from tbe
eastern cities witn a large and elegant stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Nestings,
Beavers, &c, and all kinds of goods for
men and boys' wear, and is
prepared to make up to order CL"THINa. from
single article to a lull suit, in tbe latest styles
no most woramaniiKe manner, r-peoial atten-
cn given to custom work, and cutting out for
men ana ooys. lie oner great bargains to custo
mers, and wsrrantseuiire satisfaction. A libeial
khare of public patronage is solicited. Call aud
examine the goods.
Octlo.lm7. K. Hi. L. STOLUHTON.
Selling at Low Prices.
at the store of
Market St., Clearfield, Pa.
Choice Eastern flour, from tbe counties of
Juniata, Centre and Huntingdon
Western flour, such as City Mills. Scow
fiake. White water, and other selected
Sugar-cured Hams, (best quality). Bacon,
and new Mess Pork by tbe barrel.
A few tors of Plaster, by the ton or hundred,
- in bags or barrels warranted pure.
Rye chop, Corn ueal. Mixed chop and Mill
Mast be closed out before the 1st of April next.
F. N A U G L E
The undersigned respectfullv informs his old
customers and the public, that be has on hand,
(and constantly receiving new additions,) a large
stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelrv.
CLOCKS, a large variety from tbe best Man-
atactory, consisting ot rigbt-day and tnirty-bnur
spring and Weight, and Levers. Time, Strike and
Alarm clocks
WATCHES a fine assortment, o Jsilver Hunt-
ng and open ease American patent Levers. Dlain
and full jeweled
G'lLJ) PENS, an elegant assortment, of the
best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk
SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and
near sight, colored and plain glass.
JEWELRY ot every variety, from a sinzle
Ala(, a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but
ter knives. etc.. plated on genuine Alabata.
ALSO. Hair Jewelrv. with pare gold raoantinr
got up to order. Call and see sample book.
All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelrv car
fully repaired and Warranted.
A continuance ot patronage is solicited.
Nov. 2sth, 1865. U. F. NAL'GLE '
The Third Session of the present Scholastic
year of this Institution, will commence on Moo
ay, the 8th day of February. 1889.
Pupils can enter at any time4 . Tbey will be
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
the elose of the session
The coarse of instruction embraces everything
noluded in a thorough, practical and accom
plished education of both sexes. - -
The Principal having bad tha advantage of
much experience In bis profession, assures pa
rents and guardians that his entire ability and
energies will be devoted to tbe mental and moral
training of tba youth placed under his charge.
; Tanas or Tcinott: -
Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary
rithmttic, per session, (11 weeks.)" . 5 00
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and His to
r . - - - - V . $8.00
Algebrj.Geometry. Trigonometry, Mensuration
Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry
Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra
phy. ' $9,00
Latin. Greek and French, with any of the a
bove branches ' i $12,00
EsVNo deduction will be made fer absence:
For further particulars inquire of : . i
- B.T. P. L. HARRISON, A- at. ,
July 31,1867. Principal.
A. A. ORjhHAtf
tn all kind's of
Dry Goods, Boots and Show, Hats
and Caps,Notions,Groceries, Hard
ware, Queensware, Wood and
Willowware, Flour, Bacony
Fish, Salt, etc., etc., etc;,
Clearfield, Pa.
Tle Largest, Best and Cheapest stock
tf goods to be found in' the county
fe row on sale at
They have Bonnets Eilks Coburgs, Alpacas,
Merinos. Wool Delaines, Lustres, Oing
hams. Prints, Poplias, Lawns, Sun
shades. Handkerchiefs Kid and
other flloves. Hosiery. Balmo
rals. Hoop-skirts, and' a
general variety of rib
bony, trimmings,
Battens. Braids, etc . at the lowest prior:.
They have Black and Blue Cloths. Black and
Fancy Cassinieres.Fattinetts, Tweeds, Mel
tons, Wster proof Cloth. Silk, Satin
and common Vestlngs, etc., in
great vjricty, and at prices
tbat will give general
satisfaction to buyers'.
Such as Orarcoats.Dress coats of various qual
ities and prices. Plain'and Fancy Vests,
Cassimere and Flannel Ovemhirts,
AVooico and Cotten undershirts,
Handkerchiefs and neck ties.
Cotten and Woolen toekf,
Calf and Kip boots
and Shoes, Oum
Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, and snch
other articles as are usually steeded.
Among bich may be found Carpet,Oil cloths,
Bugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins,
Drillings, Pillow easing. Sheetings,
Toweling, Table cloths, Table
covers, Window Blinds, Cur
tains.TicKings and a very
. large assortment of
such articles as
are wanted by housekeepers, ihd i(
prices to suit tbe time.
A tall assortment, consisting of Tea and Din
ner sets, Pitchers, Bowls. Dishes, and a
general variety of ware that will be
sold by the dozen or piece, and as
cheap as it ean be purchased
elsewhere in tbe oounty.
Snch as Saws and Fi!es,Door Locks and Latch
es, Hinges of all kinds, Augurs, Screws,
Nails, Spiaes, Tacas, Brads, -hovels,
EpaJes. Hoes. Forks, Axes, Hatch-etsXhiaeli-KliiTcsand
Forks, .
Butcher Knives, Carving
Knives and forks,
and all articles usually wanted by tbe people.
Conristing of Sugars. CtBees, Teas. Spicea,
Syrups. Dried Fruits,Cheese Floor, Bacon,
Feed, etc, always on hand and for
tale at a small advance ou eoet.
Such as Tubs, Buckets and Churns. Clothes
wringers and Wash boards. Clothes. Mar
ket and Diuner Baskets, a general as
aortmunt, at all times, in store
and for sale low.
GRAHAM A SONS sell all. articles that are
usually kept in a well-regulated country
store, and hence the people generally
will find it to their advantage to
bnj goods of them.'
We are also extensively engaged in buying
hnd selling all kinds of Sawed Lumber,
and as we intend giving this branch
of business special attention, we
feel assured that wecan make
it to the advantage of
those whohavelumberfor sale to deal with as.
Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber j
finnria ' A rPTrTVn TV i tt -v-' I
-cwvifcA r iv VT 11A1LI 1 :
Grain and country prodacs tax en in
:J i - exchange for Goods. '
T:;-f i- ' Ata. J-'8.
The nndersisrned bavins perfected arramAmen ts
is now prepared to fill orders for either ookT-bar at
or wood-burnt lime, and Antbraeiie eoa Yard
at the Railroad depot K. B. TATLGR
Feb U, I8ot. .
Vegetables and Fisit.
Having made the necessary arrangements, tee
undersigned wort notify the cittsent of Clear
,uBd .'f.lnl,T- to nd after Marflh 4h,
tr V11 h,r 00 hn' " r sale a his
shop on the market lot, Fresh Ssh, Sweet and
whrto poutoes. and all vegetables in season, aea
low rates a they ean be bought at the ear
March 4. It 69 1 D. R. FCLLk ETOW.
ctSJS1?! 'ies'rious of connecting with His
bMITU SHOP, a first class wagon, sleigh sled
establishment. A good opportunity is offeresV te
a agon Maker, who wishes to go wt fconaess .
The tabseriber ean also furnish t applicaat a
comfortable boose (near the shop) if desteeaV -HE.NRT
February. 10th 1889. Curwensville, Pit,
P. K E A T Z E
Clearfield, TenD'a,
twi. n G,?od Dre" Oooda, Jirninarr
lT p,?"" "ri"r'-Q"a-waT., Btoae-
Bacon. Fish. baJt. to.. i, constantly reeeiVwc new
surpl.es from the etti.s, which be will dilpo." of
? lo,WMt m'kt Prices, to en.tomers. Before
purchasing elsewhere, eaamrae h stock.
Clearfield. A ugust 28, 1 8M.
F. C. CR0MM,
Adjoining the residence of Dr. J. Q. HarUwiok.j
""P" nn8 assortment or plain and fancy
lotbs. cawimeres. etc. which ha alllna.. .1
order, in the latest styles, at the lowest prices
Being an experienced workman.be guarantees
entire ratistaciion. A share of nublie natron..
sol io i ted.
Jan. 3D, '69-tt.
Z U R K "if E.
IConceBfrnrp Trwtifm T
FO-k THE LA V Si) Zt.
It is warranted not tn .tr.V .
Injure tbe finest faVics. For Family nse told ia
five. ten and twenty cent boxes. Each twenty eent
bix. besides having five times as much Mae ae she
uve cent boxes. contains a rtonkMt niM
emery bag. For Hotel and large Lanndry use it
is put op in 52 00 boxes
See thot each box has proper trade mark For
sale by A. I. Shaw and iiartswick A Ir.i. .
x that
'?rt?', "oore Cs'" of Dyspepsia, nlore cases of
uiir.awjin,Aisi, more cases of NERVOUS
HEADACHE. FEVER AAOLK, and more cases of
DIBIUTY, t-haa anv other nmxlt ha. tt.
public in the same epaoi of time
olams the mind, restores sleep, is aa Excellent Ap
petiser, and a general vigorator of tbe Svstem
W ALTON A ZUU. Proprietors,
No V N. Seventh St , Philadelphia).
Sold by Druggists, and Dealers central! v.
Feb 2 1869 6 m.
The Photograph Marriage Certificate is truly a
thing of rare beauty. It consists of a beautiful
engraving, with a place on the left to insert tbe
photograph of the Husband, and a place the
right to i user t the photograph of the Wife ; ac
companied with passages of Scrip tore adopted to
eaeh Ac, Ae. ;
What a pleasure it will be, when our hai'ri are
getting gray, to have banking in oor parlors.
keepsake, ' that will remind as of our bridal
daft, and bridal bran t if .
All who have been lately married, aad thorn
eontemplating marriage should have them Sfaay
who have been married for years are applying
for them. Any competent peatfcaB ean fill Ihraa
The undersigned is the exclusive agent for tbe
Photograph Marriage Certificate, for Clearfield ,
Centre and Elk counties. Tbey will be seat Ly
mail pre-paid.
Send your address and get a dercriptive circular
gratis. Address W . li PlRDY, Westover.
March 17, 69-ly. Clearfield Co. Pa.
The Most Thrivinxr Town in
Clearfield County..
The Undersigned offer tfiM foltnwin. ilAAr!Kj,i1
! Propertv at PRIVATE SALE. Lot No 31 in tha
general plan of the above named Borough having
thereon erected a good and comfortable two and
one half story
flOUSB 1 '
finished throughout painted in the talfcf 1888,
having five rooms and hall with basement kitchen
i nnd do jib waiter. A Well of excellent water at
the door under cover
A good frame Office nainted same rtnfor ii fa
bouse plastered and Daoered. Ice Honae. Sl.hla
I and other outbuilding s in good repair.
I Cbbtc Apple, Peaeh arid Pnir Tnrf.: and fins
; Grape Vines suited to the climate- Situated on
the best business street tn the Town and one of
the beet locations for business For terns apply to
lFeb.2. lBW Osceola Pa.
Lorn ber City, Pa., -Tbe
undersigned would' resneetfnU lafnm.
their customers, and tba publie hi general, that
they have Just received their Spring stock of
goods, consisting of Dry Ooods. Groceries, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fish, Salt, Floor, Bacon, Nails,
i Paints, Oils. Stoneware, Hardware. Queensware,
, Baskets, Tabs, Churns, Carpet. Oil eloth, and a
general Variety of such articles as are usually
kept in a country store, all of which thev will
They weald also direct attention to their larre
stock of Ready-made Clotning. which tbey offer
for sale at a small advance npoB cost.
Lumber City, Pa., May 8, 1867.
N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con
stantly keep on hand, a general assortment ef
Boots and Shoes, for men. women and children.
TnE GREAT ' ' r
A Safe Blood Purifier, . .."
A Splehdid Tonic,
. A Pleasant Beverage.
A Certain Cure . .
... and
The ZINGARI BITTERS are compounded from
I a prescription of the eelebrated Favntian nhv.i.
cian Da. Cbsopi s, wbo, after years of trial and
experiment, discovered the Zinsrari HrrhMa
most remarkable vegetable production, the earth,
perhaps, has ever yielded certainly the most
effective ia the ears of disease. : It. ia oomhlaa
tion with the other valuable properties of whioh
tbe ZINGARI BI ITERS Is com poled, will ear-
Dyspepsia. Fever ind Ague. Bilious Fever,Cbolio,.
loius, Brenenins, l onsumptibh in its first stage,
riatnieney, nervous Debility, Female Cota
plaints, Rheumatism. Dysentary, Acute and
Cb ro bio Diarrhea. Cholera Morbus, Choi-:
era. Typhoid and Typhas Fever, Fever,. "
t Yellow Fever. Scrolula, Diseases of i. j
tha Kidneys, Habitual Costivenes,, ,
" J Ac, Ao., Ac.,
la the PnETEHTtow and Ccee of ts above die.
easee. it has never been known to rail, as thou
sands of our most prominent cltiaens tbreaghout
all parts of the country, will testify. Let tba
afflicted send for a circular eontefning- testimoni
als aad certificates of those who have been oared
aftar -their saees have been pronounced hopeless.
bv oor best nbyeicii
Principal depot
- r. BSBzrv a n
a aVT 7 as aaV
No S. ticm St. Philadelphia.
Recommended by E2-(3iv n,j n t.... r
Pennsylvania. Hon. Robert J. Fisher, of Penn
sylvania. Hon. Edward MePhefaoa. of Pennsyl
T,""H6 1, i?1 B Danner of Pennsylvania
Hon. Wm. MoSberry.af PBuyivaBia,ana others
pvan ir einraiaxa. (Feb. Iftb, 1819. ly.