LIL Ztftttaxn9' gcutnal .d Clearfield Railroad Tyrone at : : ,.eCleirfie!da : : : 2.00 p m. ' "." : : t ..SO P. m. ' .. with Cioeinn'' Express East at 6.17 "M?ii vv..t i .-: Ba,1 '6" Ex" . ,,.-., .5 lmne services wili te held RE"?K in Kfield, s follows: , "t'SwiLWI, ih Method st v. V moraine and evening, fcatoath church, "0" iWer meeting, every j ,-.V M Communion services TU"3 1 .,h - y month at 10 A. M. B, dorS in the Lutheran church BRUnHe.y!"nth Baptist Church. "sfSchurch-M at 10, A. M.. At snJ aud tounh buuduvs ot each EjOnth. i i - - Vpoloot. 0ing to the illness of the ,vt.r our rwr has not received the atten tion it thoald. The Court proceedings and wvera! other matters of interest have leen unavoidably delayed. Kvlahged. The "Berks and Schuylkill Journal" has again been enlarged, and is Dw one of the largest papers published in IVnnsylvsnia. The Journal is one of our be-t exvlianged, and it gives us pleasure to ntfioe this evidatice ot its prosperity. Give rs Notice. Thoe of our subscri-k-rs whu intend changing their residence on theFirrtof April, would oblige by sen Jin uj timely notice of their whereabouts. Tbos who thus notify us should state where they move froui and where to. A little care in this respect will prevent uibtakea and save aiat-h trouble. Mcsic. Persons wh design giving their children a thorough musical education should rend them to Prof. Harrison, at the Clear field Aw-lamy. Mr. II., having recentiy pure! ased a first-class piano, and obtained the services of one of the best musical in structor" in Western Pennsylvania, is fully prepared to teach vocal and instrumental music For terms. Jcc, call at the Academy. New Advertisements. The Summer K-s.-i"n of Su.-rjuehauna Select School, is aJvetti-d in this issue. SbeiiiT Howe publishes an interesting no tice in regard to the Madera Coal and Im provement Company. I-aac Swale- offers valuable personal prop err at public sale. The U. S. Tax Appeals occupy a promi nent position in our advertising columns. The Weather Prophets. We do not kbow how it is, but it appears to ns that "Mr. Pig's" 'p'-onostieator'' must' have leen nut -if g"?ar on the 21 of IVtrnary. IV, ns'ar as we know, he did not see his nhai-iw iii this region which would indicate uncording to prevailing superstition) that Wi wtiuil have warm weather thencefor ward. 'Our 'V eatber Prophets," however, had their word made cood, ly our having a fjii ot about six inches of snow on Monday r.iiiht last. Their almanacs have been Uiale rijrht this time! Copev's Lady's Book. Godcy needs no special reomuriJation to insure it a large fircuiation anions women of refinement and tate. Tho frontispiece of the April number is a luu'i!'al steel engraving entitled '"Down iii the Meadow," followed ly a laughable iievgn called the "First of April." There U a large an J eirgant fashion plate and de firns for the latest styles ot feminine cos tume, patterns for needle work, kc The literary ci-nlributions are fully up to the kUaiardof Magazine merit. L. A. God.y, Philadelphia. $3 per annum. Wi e soncE a statement going the rounds ot our exchange, porhaps not genera.iy but is interesting to young men to ii effe.n that "those solitary ringlet," :ch il- ats from so many waterfalls, is a r iS aiii n on the part of the wearers that t'-ry ar- not ornMital. If it is extremely the wearer is suppo-el to be verr de-"""i- " rL'tiin spliced at once; if only '- !r:i'e!y In.. it shows that only good ctcr- wiil be entertained ; and an extremely -rr. nieaire ringlet inlicates that the nearer js very particular as to whom she ac- Thi e I.i'T's Friend. The April number - .'I tzsine has been received. 1 tie ti-'-T-jilcr" is the subject of the fine s'vci ngraving whi-h iea Js off the last num 'tr '. this charming liiouthly. This is fl ' i ly a ha.i l-onie and rc-Qned -tecl plate ' tie ;a"e-t Paris fashions. Then we have -?r:k:ti2 picture of an Aval iuche among ttie -Vji-,. f.jlijweJ by a numbered tngrav -.ite-1 to ladies and children's dress- e s. fancv work. etc. Tlie muiefor tr. iiu!:.ler is the popular song. ''Pulling ?ts'n-t the Stream." Deacon & Pe .. '1 ) Walnut St , Philadelphia. $2,00 t- NFf r.f.Ni-e Appointments. The ap- cm, l r the A!to na District, of the 1- K 1 eiitial IVfin'a Conference, for 1869, -e a- f.,1!,,,,; J. S. M-MIT.RY, P. R r.A! Ut Charge, A. W. Guyer, 2.1 i ,). D.mahue, llo!!id:tvsburr. G. V-"i. Huticansviiie, K. Ma'ialicu, Mar , !'"' i'r. .1. W Leckie, Williainst urg J. ' L .."ins Vallev. J. A. Woodcwk. Ty-:5J- i. Hjrnhart, G. (uver. Port Matilda, V.- L crk. W. C. R bbins, Miiesburg. : b;-.;. r T y Mc'!ure. IVnns I'.-y- W Haughawout. Bellefonte. J. W:df Moon. J. W. Cleaver, W. W. I'r XV:""ri"r's Mark, D. Cattleman. J. f i llilip-lurg. S. W. Sears, Philips '. R. K. K.-l!v. T. 11. Saitier, J'jMl H. Cl.-arrield. W.'H. Dili. Clearfield. ,.'""' A. Cl'.ppineer, Curwensville. W ', Snw-hoe. T. Greenly, Glen J.' " d W. Bueklv, J. B. Moore, New p'a'niCtoo, W. IL Whitney, L. KB. "-lei. Tle fjllolog appointments may also be c' mtera-it to nuny of our readers: ."-Ji'spoRT District. W. L SpoU l;, Sinneruahoiiing, fl. M. Ilaw- andL. White, Caledonia, A. B. Hoov n. fcn.twiu.1.. M. L. Drum, Muncy.H. M. t;t5l; loa' - W- K-irly. Lewibburg, S. . -IrsiATA District B. B. TTamlin.P.E. Jf!own. D. S. Monroo. Tocaront, C t'rtuara, Granville, G. W. Dunlap. Onward, Capt. Mayne Reid's New Mag azine, contains its usual amount of first-clas literary matter. Those of our readers who are fond of novel reading should subscribe for Onward. Trice, $3 per annum, Carleton, Publisher, 497 Broadway, N. Y. Read This. Young tuen do you wish to obtain a thorough business education? Then send to the Williamsport Commercial Col lege for specimens of Penmanship, Terms &c. If you don't wish to go to a Commer cial College send for specimens anyhow. Special inducements offered. Address, J. F. Davis, Williamsport, Pa. 4t- An exchange, in speuking of a divorced woman, calls her "a retired wife." MARRIED : On Thursday, Feb. 11th, 1SC9, bv Rev. J. R. Williams, Mr. G. D. Hum and Miss Mart Ams Bloom, both of Knox tp. On Thursday, March 18th, 18C0, Ly Piev. J. K. Williams. Mr. Philip Erqakd and Miss Mart E. Shoemno, both of Jordan township. DIED : At Chest Creek, on Saturday, February 27th. isf,9, Rebecca, daughter of John and Eliza: -eth Orr, aged 23 years, 4 months and 10 days. IOR SALE four ralaabieTown pro periies, in the Boroaeb of Clearfield. Locations Jesir blr, and buildings new. Apply to WILLIAM M M CULLOCOH, Attorney at Law. December 111. 1S6S. Cleaifield Pa. T J. C U N SING II A M, v. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Real Eifate Agent and Conveyancer, TTRO.IE. BLIB COrSTT. PA. Special attention piven to the collection of claims. Tyrin. Pa . January 27. !8-i9 tf ORGANS AND PIANOS, EST YS AND MASON k IIAMLIXS, FOR SALE BY S. J. HAYES, Curwensville, Pa. FOR SALE a valuable Blacksmith Shop a good Frame Duelling House, and two Lots, si i:u ate to the Tj.'lage of Glen Hope. The situation for carrying on Blacksmithing is one of the but in the county. The boiiiins are in good condition For tetms o . call nprn or ad dress the subscriber at Glen Hope. Clearfield countT, Pa. Wil. 6. WRItiUT. Feb 10 Y,9 CAUTION. All persons are hereby cau tioned aeain-t purchasing or in any way meddling with the following property, now in the hands of II. Richards, of Woodward township, to wit : two gray horses, cue gray mare, two wagons, three log chain, two Aeds and et blacksmiths tools, as the awe bas only been left with laid Richards on loan, and is subject to our order at any time March 17, 1889 W. ALBERT & BRO'S. TO RAFTSMEN. FRESH tread always on HAND anl for sale At the Bakery of J. A. STADTLER, ClearfieM. Pa. M :7. -em. To thsj WoBaio Cl : I anunow prepared to furnish all elates with constant employment at their homes, the who'e of the time, or for the spare moments. Business new, light and pioBta ble. Fift cent to Si per evening, is easily earn e-i by persnusof cither sex. and the boysand gitls earn nearly a much a men Great inducements are offered thore who will derote their whole time to the business : and. that erery person who fees this notice my send me their addre'i an I lest the business for themselves. I mske the fol lowing nnparalled offer : Te all who are not well satisfied with the busine-s, I will setjd ?1 to pay for the trouble of writin? me Full particulars, direstitma. Ac. sent free. Sample sent by mail f.rlOeents. Address V. C. Alle5. Augusta. Me ED. F0ERSTER, DEALER 14 Wall Paper, Window Shades, FK-or and Table Oil Cloths e A very ex tenfire asirtment of all qualities of aboT goJs wi:l be kept eoL"tantly on hand and eold as low as the lowest WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT No. 14 Smithfield Street, near 6th Avenue Pittsburg Pa. A SPLF.N'DID STOCK OF TOYS AND FaNCY GOODS Will be found in another department of the satre b'tuse March 17, '69-3 in. SEWING MACHINES. The Singer Manufacturing Company's net Family Sewing Machine, and the cele brated Florenoe, for sale at the KHYSTOXE STORE. Ter'ons in want of machines would do well to call an.l examine the Singer and Flor ence belore purchasing Every ma chine warranted to give Satiafae tioa. JIa-!hinesnd machine findings always on haac iFeb 21, 1S69 SIVLISO A SHOWERS. SOMETHING NEW AND BEAUTI FKL! The Photograph Marriage Certileate is truly a thing of rare beauty. It consists of a beautiful enr.ivin. with a p lucn on the left to insert the photograph of the ilusbnd. and a on tD right to insert the p'lotogrpb of the W ife ; ao companied with passages of Scripture adopted to each Ae . Ae. What a pleasure it will be. when our hairs are getting gray, to have han.-ing in our parlors, a -keepsake," that will remind us of oar bridal day, and bridal beauty. All who bare been lately married, and those contemplating marrage hould hee tbem Many who have been married for years are applying for them. Any competent penman ean fill them out. 1 he undersigned is the exclusive agent for the Photograph Marriage Certificate, for Clearfield, Centre and Elk Bounties. They will be sent y mail pre paid Send your address and get a descriptive circular gratis Address W.B PCRDY. WVstover. March 17, "C9-ly. Clearfield Co Pa. Selling at Low Prices. at the store of ALEXANDER IKVIN. Market St., Clearfield, Pa., Choice Eastern flour, from the counties of Juniata, Centre and Huntingdon Western flour, such as City Mills. Snow flake, White-water, and other aeleeted brands. Sugar-cored Hams, (best quality), Bacea, and new Mess Pork by the barrel. A few tons of Plaster, by the ton or hundred, in bags or barrels warranted pute. Bye ebop, Corn ueal. Mixed chop and Mill feed Must be closed out before thelstof April next. March 10, 1So9 ALEXANDER IBVIS. FODDER CCTTEK5 of asup'rior makt for tale at reasons! le pries, at MEriHl LL 4 BIG LBR"B, Clearfield, :P. Vor.U rPO WAGON MAKERS. The under siened is desirious of ennnectinp with his SMITH fcHOP, a first elasa wagon, sleigh sled establishment. A good opportunity is offered to a Wagon Maker, who wishes to go into business. The subscriber can also furnUh to applicant a comfortable house (near the si op) if desired. HEN rlY KERNS, February, 10th 1S69. Curwensville. Pa, P M A L E SEMINAR 1', -- BOLLIOArSBCBO, P4. Hev. Joseph Waugh, Principal. S5u 000 expended on the building. None but Swrfal Trarhrr employed. Lorattin is healthful and beautiful: accessible by Penc e R. R. Seventh Session opens January 13. 18t59. December 23, I868-3tn F. C. CR0MM, MERCHANT TAILOR. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., Adjoining the residence of Dr. J G. UartswicJc.j Keeps a fine assortment of plain and faney eltbs. eatftimeres. etc.. which he will make up to order, in the latest etylre. at tie lowest prices Being an experienced workman, be guarantees entire ratisiaction. A share of public patronage solicited. Jan. 20, fii)-if. J P. K R A T Z E R , Clearfield, Penn'a, Dealer in Dry Goods. Dress Goods. Millinery Goods. Groceries. Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Stone ware. Clothing. Roots. Shoes. Hats. Caps Flour. Bacon. Fish. Salt. etc.. is eonttantlv receiving new supplies from the cities, which he will dispose of at the lowest market prices, to customers Before purchasing elsewhere, examine bis stock. Clearfield, August 28, lsfir FOR SALE. STORE, DWELLING AND STOCK of goods for sale The Store, Dwelling and Stock of goods and about eight acres of land, the estate of the late Robt Campbell at Port Matilda, Centre Co., Pa. will be sold on easy terms The store contains a small stock of saleable goods bought low for ca-h Has a good trade, and is a desirable Ideation for business The dwelling ecntaii.s eight rooms, is in first rate or der All the u?ual outbuilding. aid a good stable. The grounds contain about FORTY FH I IT TREE- all bearing well For further informa tion apply to J. P. CAMPBELL, on the premises. February. 10tb 1S9 The Greatest Discovery Yet. Stoffer's Patent Egg Preserver, will keep Eggs in perfect eonditi. n two years. Eggs can t spoil w hile under the process. It has been used by the pateLtee twelve years and never failed. Eggs put up by this proce-s during the summer bve been sold in tbe cities the following winter at five times tbeir original cost ! One man can put up and send to ma. ket. f 20.000 worth of Eegs in less tban six months, and more than double his money. Is equally applicable to hoi or eold dim ate, it easily understood, and eosts about i a cent per dosen. Thousands bave te ted the; and certify tbat they are perfect Tbe process is guaranteed to be a perfect ''Egg Preserver." The Patent hae IS years to run. Family Rights, without permission to buy and sell eggs.Irr speculation, S5 ; Grocers' Rights in Lnrge Cities , fSO ; in Villages. $29. States and Counties according to popu'stion. Address. JOHN F. BEAZEL Feb. 21. 1859 Uniontown, Penra. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned. Executors of the Estate of Jag"n Kirk, late of the Borough of Lumber-city, deceased, offer at private sale the following de scribed real estate, to wit: The undivided half of about two hundred acr'S of land, situate in Union !wnihip, Clearfield county. Pa., known as 'he -Uniou Mills1 property About 22 aores of the land is cleared, from SO to 100 aores is covered with excel ent white pine besides hemlock and other Hinder. Tbe improvements are a valuable grist mill, saw mill, and woolen factory, besides a good frame house and barn. Tbe water power is good, situated on Anderson's creek, about i 2 miles above Curwensville. Persons desirous of seeing the property, can call upon J. R. Arno'd. residing thereon. For further particulars apply to the undersigned at Lumber city ISAAC KIRK. SAML'El. KIKK. Jan. 13 '69. JOHN RUSSELL, Exr's. VEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT KIRK & SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform tboir customers, and the public in general, that they bave just received their Spring stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries. Boots. Shoes. Hats. Caps. Fish, Salt. Flour, Bacon. Nails, Paints. Oils. Stoneware Hardware. Queens ware. Basket. Tubs. Churns. Carpet. Oil cloth, and a general variety of such articles as are usually kept in a country store, ail of which they will Bell CHEAT rOB CASH. . They weuld also direct attention to tbeir large stock of Ready-made Clotning. which they offer for sale at a small advance upon cost. KIRK A SPENCER. Lumber City. Pa..Mav 8, 18t7. N. B. We also manufacture to order and con stantly keep on hand a general assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men. women and children. KIKK SPENCER. JJ F. N A U G L E , WATCH MAKER, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEAKFlELp. Theundersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that he bas on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a Isrge stock of Cjocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers. Time, Strike and Alarm clocks WA 7 C HES afine assortments (silver Hunt ing and open case American putent Levers, plain and full jeweled G'tLD rENS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLE!. Isrge assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a single piece to a full set ALSO, A fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. A IJSO. Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting got up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Not. 2Sth. 18S5. II. F. NAUGLE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The Third Session of tbe present Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence on Mon day, the 8th day of February, 1869. Pnnila ean enter at anT time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having bad the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability -and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms op Tcitiosj: Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmttic, per session, (11 weeks.) 85 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo ry S6.00 AlsebrA.Gometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying. Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. 9-00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a bove branches. 11.00 lyjlo deduotion will be mad fer absence. For farther particulars inquire of Ret. P. L.I1AESI605, a. k. JulySl,IS47. Priasipal. C. W. OR AS AX. A. A. eSAHAH. NEW FIRM! JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALERS In all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and ShocSj Hats and Caps,Noticns,Groceries, Hard ware, Queensware, Wood and Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt, etc., etc, etc., MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. The Largest, Best and Cheapest stock of goods to be found iii the county is now on sale at JAS. B. GRAHAM k SONS. FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets Silks Coburgs. Alpacas, Merinos. Wool Delaines. Lustres, Ging hams. Prints. Poplins. Lawns. Sun shades. Handkerchiefs Kid and other Gloves. Hosiery. Balmo rals, Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bons trimmings, Buttens, Braids, etc.. at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Clmbs. Black and Fancy Cassimeres.Sattinetts. Tweeds, Mel tons, Wster-proof Cloth. Silk. Satin and common Vestings, etc., ia great variety, and at prices that will give general satisfaction to buyeis. READY MADE, Such as Overcoats Dress coats of various qual ities and prices. Plain and Fancy Vests, Cassimere and Flannel Overshirts, Woolen and Cottop uoderthirts, Handkerchiefs and neck tics, Cotten and Woolen socks, C&If and Kip boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Sfaoes,Hatsand Caps, and such other articles as are usually needed. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Among .hich may be found Carpets.Oil cloths, Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins, Drillings, Pillow casing. Sheetings, Towelings, Table cloths, Table covers. Window Blinds. Cur tains.Ticxings and arery large assortment of such articles as are wauted by housekeepers, and at prices to suit the times. QUEENSWARE, A full assortment, consisting of Tea and Din ner sets, Pitchers. Bowls. Dishes, and a general variety of ware tbat will be sold by tbe dosen or piece, end as cheap as it ean be purchased elsewhere in tbe county. HARDWARE, Such as Saws and Files Door Locks and Latch es, Hinges of all sinds. Augurs. Screws, Nails Spiices. Tacxs. Brads, ""hovels, Spades.Hnes. Forks. Axes. Hatch ets.Cbisels.Kbives and Forks. Buteher knives. Carving Enives and forks, and all articles usually wanted by the people. GROCERIES, ETC., Consisting of Sugars. CcEees. Tens Spies. Syrups. Dried Fruits, Cheese Flour, Bacon, Feed, etc., always on han and fur tale at a email advance on cost WOOD & WILLOWWARE, Sucb as Tubs, Buckets and Churns. Clothes wringers and Wash boards. Clothes. Mar ket and Diuner Baskets a general as sortment, at all times, in store and for sale low. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SONS sell all articles that are usually kept in a well-regulated country store, and hence tbe people generally will find it to tbeir advantage to buj goods of them. SAWED LUMBER. We are also extensively engaged in buying ' and selling all kinds of Sawed Lumber, and as we intend giving this branch of business special stteniion. we feel assured that wecan make it to the advantage of those who have lumber for sale to deal with us. Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber. GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. Grain and country produce taxen ia exchange for Uooae. Asr M-'88. J. B. QRAJXAX . OAL Aftli LI1I. Tbe undersigned bavins nerfeeted irnnranisti is now prepared to fill orders for either coal-burnt or wood-burnt lime, and Anthracite coal Yard at the Railroad depot K.B.TAYLOR Feb 24.1869 Vegetables and Fish.- Having made the necessary arrangements the undersigned would notify the eittsens of Clearfield- and rieinity. that i and after 4'h. 189. he will have on band at d for sale at his shop on the market lot. Fresh fih. Sweet and white potatoes, and all vegetables in aea-ou, at as low rates a they ean be bought at the ear March 4, Ic69 ) D. K. FUl.LKRTOX. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Let "" ters of Administration on tbe estate of John W. Hale, late of the City of Kee ling. dee d having been granted to theundersigned. no'ice is hereby given tikt all persons indebted to Slid estste are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated, fer settlement to DAVID MeKNIGHT. Beading Pa., or W. W. HALE, Philipsburg Pa. March 3, lSr9-t- Administrators. A Z U R E N E. I Concentrated Indigo. 1 FOR THE LAUNDRY. It is warranted not to streak, or in any manner injure tbe finest fabrics. For Family use eold in five. tea and twenty cent boxes. Each twenty cent b jx. besides having five times as much blue as the five cent boxes, contains a pocket pin cushion or emery bag. For Hotel and large Laundry is put np in $2 00 boxes Sea thM each box bas proper trade mark. For sale by A. I. Shaw and Haruwick A Irwin. 3. Agents Wanted. C- aday. Two $10 Maps for S4. Lleyd s t) X J Patent revolving double Maps of Amer ica and Europe, America and tbe United States of America Colored tn 4000 Counties These great Maps, now just completed, show every place of importance, all Railroads to date, end tbe latent alterations in the various European States These Maps are needed in every School and family in tbe land they occupy tbe space of on map. and by m'ans of the Reverser. either siie can be thrown front, and any part brought level to the eye. County Rights and large discount given to good Agents. Apply for Circulars, Terms, and send money fur Sample Maps, to J T Ll.'JTIt. 23 Cortland Street. N. T. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The ab Kcriiier ofrers for sle his farm in Lnw renoe township, situate on tbe east bank of the Susquehanna river, with tbe Erie turnpike on theouth. and containing B4 acres. Mot of the farm is in meidow. and tbe whole under good fences. Tbe improvements are a good log house and frame bank barn, with the o'hi r necessary out house. A spring of good Water is near tbe door An orchard of choice frtfit is growing on tbe premises, 'i here are three veins of good coal on the land, to wit one of five feut. one of three feet 4 inches, and one of two feet the latter near tbe river. For terms, inquire of tbe subscriber, on the premiss. JORDAN' REED Deermber 16, 18S8 p. PROCLAIM IT TO ALL THE WORLD A that THE NA TIOXAL BITTERS. has cured more cases of Dvspepsia. more caes of LIVER OUPHISr, mor'eeaies of NERVOUS HEADACHE. FEVER AAUL'K, and moiecatesof DIBILITY. tban any other remedy betore the public in the same space of time IT PURIFIES THE BLOOD clams the mind, restores sleep, is an Kxcel'enl Ap petiser, and a general vigorator of tbe System. WALTON A ZUG. Proprietors, No 8 N. Seventh St . Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists, and Dealers gent raily. Feb 21 ISHg it mo. A 5,00 GREENBACK of full value sent free to anv Book Afient Airents want ed for M TTHEW HALE SMITH S NEW BOOK. Sr!,HisE A5D shadow ix New York " A work replete with anecdotes and incidents of life in tbe great metropolis, being a mirror of New York, re ecting tbe seereuof the GREAT CITY. Out Asmt sold 80 in out day another sold and delivered 227 t 15 dny. another .111 I in 7 days. No book ever published that sells so rapidly. If you wish to know how Fortunes are made and lost in a day ; how Shrewd Mei. are ruined in Wall Strret ; bow 4-Countrymen" are swindled by Sharpers; bow Ministers and Merchants ate Blackmailed; how Dance Halls and Concert Sa loons are managed ; how Gambling Houses aud Lotteries are cuudiicted ; how Stuct Companies originate and bow the Bubbles Burst, te.. read Ibis work It tells you about the mysteries of New York, and contains spicy life sketches ot its noted millionaires, mereb mts te . io A largtOrt'ivo Volutnf TiHpagri Finely liluttrnted. The largest eouniition given. Mur 32 page cii eu!ar in I a S-.00 Greenback rent tree on appMcH tion. For full particulars ami terms address tbe sole publishers, J. B III RR A ., Hartfora. Conn. Get the Best. TE3STERS UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. f 30.000 Engravings; I M0 pages quarto. Price SI2. IOiiOO words and meanings not in otb er Dictionaries Viewed as a whole we are confident that no o'bvr living language bns a Dictionary which so fully and faithfully sets forth its present condi tion as tbis last edition of Webster does tbat our written and spoken English tongue -Harper's Msgs sine " Thee tbree books are the sum total of great libraries, tbe Bible. Shak.-peare. and Webster's Royal Quarto -Chicago Evening Journal." Tb Nsjw WresTkB is glorious it is perfect distances and denes competition it leaves nothe ing to be desired. J. H Raymond, LL. D-, Prea't Vas ar College. Tbe most useful and remarkable compendium of h man knowledge in our language W. S. Clarfc, Pres't M ss. Agricultural College Werstb's National Pictobial Dh;tio"cabt 1040 Paof.s Octavo. (100 Enora vises Price ?8. Tbe work is really a gem of a Diotionary jut the thing for the miilioo American Educational Monthly Published by G AC. MEURIAM, Springfield Massachusetts. Webster's Primary School Dictionary, 204 Eng. Common Srbool 274 Hub School 294 " " Acad em io u 344 " " Counting House " with num erous illu trations and many valuable tables nut to be found elsewhere. Published by IVIS0N, PHINXEY. BI.AKE MAN A CO , New York. Feb. 10th 1869 THE GREAT ZliYGAM BITTERS A Safe Bloorl Purifier, A Splftidid Tonic, A Pleasant Beverage. A Certain Cure and PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES Tbe ZING ARI BITTERS are compounded from a prescript'on nf tbe celebrated Egyptian physi cian I'R Caeoprs. who. after years of trial and experiment, discovered tbe Zimrari Herh the most remarkable vegetable production, tbe earth, perhaps, has ever yielded certainly tbe most effective in the cure of disease. It. in combina tion with tbe other valuable properties of which the ZIN'u AKI BI ITER- is composed, will cure Dyspepsia. Fever and Ague. Bilious Ferer.Cbolic, Colds, Bronchitis. Consumption in iu first stage, Flatalency. Nervous Debility. Female Com plaints. Rheumatism. Dysentery, Acute and Chronic Diarrhea. Cholera Morbus. Chol era, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Yellow Fever. Scrolula. Diseases of the Kidneys. Habitual Costiveness, Ac, Ac, Ac, In the Pbetektioi and Crac of the above die eases, it has never been known to fail, as thou sands of our moat prominent eitiiens throughout all parts of the country, will testify. Let the afflicted send for acircular containing testimoni als and certificates of those who have been cured after their eases hare been pronouneed hopeless by our best physicians. Principal depot. F. KAUTER A CO.. No 6 N. Front St , Philadelphia. Recommended ky Ex Gov. David R. Porter, of Pennsylvania. Hon Robert J. Fisher, of Penn sylvania. Hon Edward MePherson. of Pennsyl vania. Hon Joel B Dner of Penney lvanic Hon. Wm. MeSberry, t Pennsylvania, sci others Sed Jot circulars. f t'eb. 10th, 189. ly c WINE & LiaiOR STORE- I. L. REIZENSTKIX & CO., DKALKR3 L.1 WIXES AXI) LIQUORS, MARKET STREET; CLEARFIELD, PA. A good assortment for medical purposes always on band. January J7. lS69-fim. R E MO V A L ! REMOVAL! c. kratzef: & sons. Hare removed to the large and eleganfNEW STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoining Mer rail A Bigler's HardwaretStore. where they will be pleased to see their old and new customers. I - Cititensof the county visiting Clear feld, and wishing to make 'purchases, will find it to tbeir advantage to examine their stock. Goods at cash prices exchanged for all kinds of country produce. Jan. 6. '69. JUST RECEIVED, A new stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furnish ing" and Fancy Goods, comprising all novelties of the Spring season' : Collars. Ccffi, Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Kid Gloves. Trimmings of all kinds. Laces, Edging Buttons, Corsets. Jet Sets, Bracelets, etc. Aso. a ormpleto assortment of Ladies,' Misses' and Children' shoes of the first qtalitt, to which we ask examination. Butterflies, Neckties, Cassimer and White Shirts Of a superior quality. Also latest styles oi Hats' and Caps. WM REED A CO'. Clearfield. 5!arcS 3. lSG?-3t. T. LIDDELt. O. J SMTDER. LiDDELL & SNYDER, Stonecutters and Stonemasons, Will execute all kinds of work in their line, at moderate prices and a first class style, such as CEMETERY WORK, of all kinJe; SCULPTURE IN MARBLE OR SANDSTONE; ARCn ITECTU AL ORN A M EXT3, in all styles. Ancient or Modern, Stone dressing for Buildings, and EVERY DESCRIPTION OF STONE WALLS. For the latter: they hate procured the serticts of First rate masons, and CD do any amount of work. Having control of the test resources for obtain ing evety kind of material, - nd having a full ex perience in the bosine-s,thry can di work cheaper and iu better style than baa ever been attempted in this county Sh"p on Keed St , near the Rail Road Depot. March 17. C'i. THE CARS! THE CARS! REDUCTION IN PRICES. R. MOSSOP 1TAS JUST RECEIVED 00 BARRELS BEST FLOUR. iOO BAGS OF SALT, 10,000 POUNDS OF BACON, 5,000 POUNDS OF LARD, 1,000 rOUNDSDRY TEACHES, i,000 TOUNDS DRY APPLES. All of which will be sold at Railroad Prices. County Merchants will be up plicdwith the above articles at a very small advance on cost. (February iOth. 1S69. CANNED FRCIT. Canned Plums. Peaches, and canned core, etc , for sale at the Drug Store of A. I. SHAW. Match in. 1S19 1I700LEN GOODS AT COST After tbis date, V all woolen goods, including hoods, nubias, breakfast shawls, sontags. children's capes scarfs, caps Ac will be sold st cost, at Jan. 1, IS59 J. P KRATZER'S. CLOTHING the cheapest in thecountv. at May 29 MOSSOP S. 7 ANTED 10.000 pounds of WOOL, at tbe htrsroM stoks,71 Clearfield. Pa. jeio c URRANTS the best and cheapest in the county, at (iKAHA.M tv o IL, Putty. Paints Glass ad Nails, for sale at Jnne '64 MERHELL A EIULER'S. 17L0UR the cheapest in the county at May 29. 'B7. MOSSOP'S. JTUSH, of all kindj tie cheapest in the county I1 at MOSSOPS. o IL A PAINTS tbe cheapest in the courty QUEENSWARE the cheapest in the eounty, MOS.SOP'S s ADDLES, Brid'es. harness. Collars c. Tor sale at siKKRELL A BIGLER'S. s TOVES of all sorts and. sites, constantly en hand at MEHKEUU A BIGLEK'B f f Vy tbe Patenr Roasted Coffee put no in one J pount papers, requires no egg or other sub stance to settle it Old Governmet Java Coffee Prime Rio Coffee Pure Ground ,;ff. e f"r sale Feb. 3. by.'. P. KRAT?ER OSCEOLA, The Most Thriving Town iu Clearfield County. The undersigned offer tbe iollowing daseribed1 Property at PRIVATE SALE. Lot No 31 in the general plan of the above named Borough bavin; hereon erected a good and comfortable twe and one half story nOTJSE ; Rniibed tbronghout painted in tbe fall of la. hating five rooms and ball with basement kitchen and dumb waiter. A well of exeetlect water at the door u'mler cover , A good frame Office painted same color as tbe bouse plastered and papered. Ice House, Stable and other outbuilding s in good repair. Choice Applt. PtacK and Pear Trten. and flee Grape Vinos suited to tbe climate- Situated on ' the best business street in tbe Town and one of the best locations for business For terms apply to A. BLATINEBERGER. (Feb. 24. 1S09 Osceola Pa. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! GOOD aSD CHEAP !i: Men, Touths and Boys ean be f uplpied wtb full suits of seasonable and iashionable clothing at RE1ZOSTEIIS JBROS' A CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which bas been given, bas induced them to increase their r'ork. which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Eelicrrstein Bro's k Co., Sell goods at a -very small profft, for easli : Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one tbe worth of bis money. ' They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheSpef than every body else. Tlieif store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they ean sell cheaper tl an others For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at REIZENSTETN BUG'S A CO. Produce 6f every kind taken at the h:hest market prices. jay 18. ltS4. 2f E W SPRING STOCK! J: SHAW k SON; Have just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, whish they now offer to tbe public at the lowest caAh prlues. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. BonneU. DWs Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc. , in fact, everything usually kept in a reUil store ean be bad by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of .he newest goods, is of the best quality, of the lajest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exclfaned for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases!, as we are determined Please all who may favor us with their custom. May 8, 1RC7. J. SHAW A SON. HE CHEAPEST, GOODS ARE SOLD BT RICHARD MOSSOP, DEALEa lit FOREIGN A NO DOMESTIC OR Y GCOOS. AC. MABttr stacrr, cicaaricLD, x. Head the followmglixt of goodtaiid ftofitthtrtty. Cheap- F0S XHE LADIES. ?' VkZp Alwsys on band a largeftock of La-l.""t' Cheau dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, . ..tMn Mni, n. I.ain.i IIS-.fl. (oodM t heap Cheap heap Prints. 'chin's. Kerchiefs. Ss-' bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. GorJ Good neap FOR GENTLEMEN. Goo-i Good tteap Always on band Black, Bice, firbwn! -heap and Grey Cloths, Fancv and Dlaek : Lrreap Cheap sheav Casimeres Sattinete. Cassiuets, Goot Tweeds. Plain and Faney Vest- jGvens ings. Shirting, etc., etc. etc. Good' hear) Lheap Siich as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under-Good Cheap, (bins, and other Flannel shirts. Goeds yheapi Boots, Shoes. Hate, Caps, Neck- .Guodn Cheap ties. Gum BootsandSboau and G001i Chrap a variety of other articles. Gaodt A';,aP HOUSEHOLD GOODS, V?.00? V"J Such as t nbieached and Bfeacbed'0!"i tfPl Mnslice. Colored Muslins. Linen n,""i "taP andcottontablecIoths-Oileloth, Y ClZfl Unen od hemP 'o"1" r- ""i CheJ Pet- "rtains, fringe, etc tiZ'j HARDWARE. AC. f Chnav:Ifya want Nails it spikes. Manure Good Cheap'x r 0,her.fork Saw-mill or other ;(,'oos - : p Che-p Cheap Cheap una. cmuoiui ng irons. Locks. Goods Hinges, etc. go to Mossop's ;,. whore you n buy cheap Goods IF YOU WANT 'Gnt Cheap, Knives and forks. Butcher Knives. Go Cheap' Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Gnont Cheap hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Gexuim Cheapx Pens. Powder. Shot or Lead, Go: Cheav etc., buy them at Mossop's. Goo, s Cnesp, IF you WANT !- Cheap gDOO Lest or Pegs. Palm or Fsncy Goo.'s Cjitap. Soap. Starch, Wall Paper or Win- Ooojis ih'aP dow Shades. Lamps. Lamp tubes Gnott Cheapl or Wicks, coal oil. etc , go to floods Cheap, Mossop's cheap cash store. Gum's )J:,ar if rou WANT '''os y.","lp Gooi extra family Flour. WMte or neap, . ... .1. , . '" Cheapt Cheap sides, eoffee: Imperial. Young Hrinh Art-lin, t.i 1 r Cheap Cheap at Mossop's cheap for cash. - J " ' " " MJ Ull Ul Gocdt Goos Cheap IF TOP WAST Gof-ts Cheao, Tallow candles, fine Or coarse salt. G, Cneap, Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried Ga:s Cheap, apples or peaches, water or so- Goo-i Cheap do Craexers. call at Mossop's Go,.. , Cheap! where you ean buy cheap. Cfrap IP YOC WANT Hio,.., Cheap' Vort wine for Modical or Sacramen- Goo 1 Cheap tal uses. Swtet wine, old Menex Cheap gahela or rye whiffy. Cherry GcJ. Cheap', and Cognac brandy, buy at is Cheap', Mossop's chean easb store. Cheopi ip YOU WANT ""' Slf''lReisena. Figs. Prunes or dried Cur Cheavi ... iu..,. '.it, d- , ratio, 1 ' .ii 'cvu vi tu" gro-una nuts. canJic? Liqnorict er Liquorice reot. bv 'hem nLr at Motsop'seheapand'good. r.v''! IF YOU WANT Ge-J, Gve,i, G.., .'.f.T, C-roJ. Cheap 1..-MP, - 1. -- " - - .-00 .. 10 do v an uiuflr mrriitm a Chritp' "ro e" " iuosjwp. tor be sells ;,.. Cheap, Pr ir casn 'Dsn any other ti00.t. Cheap, person inClearfield eonntv G;o- Cheapl November 27. 1861. apl7'5,;c' Approved riusr, yrodnre of ever tle .1 the usual mariet prir in erhangr for goo GROCERIES the cheapest in tbe eoortv. at May 29. MOSSOP'S. TADIES'CLOAKS tbe cheapest ta tbeeeunlv J at MOSSOP'S s OLE LEATHER A FINDINGS the cheapest in tbe county -at jut-SMtp's. c '..OVER, Timothy and Orebard-graas seeds at C. KRATZER A SONS, E D PERKS A Co's lour, the best is market tor yj sale by J SHAW A ivON. D ESSIPATED COCO AN UTS, for pies. puddinjj'v etc . lor saie ar M S. B OOTS A SHOES the cheapest in the eewwy MOSSOP'S FEED tbe cheapest in. tbe evBbty at May 29. MOS MOSStiP'S. CABLE CHAINS a good ertiels. en heed ar.d for sale by MERRELL A BIGLEK. 500,000 LOXG Tl so ',. ': 1