Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 24, 1869, Image 2

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    i)c Smnurt, jfatrftefb, la., gStarcji 24, 1869.
Raftsman's Journal.
s. J. bow, cniTORAHDntormrroii.
The Pardon Business.
There is real encouragement ia the action
of President Grant in the case of the Du
puys at New York. Uudor the administra
tion of President Johnson the counterfeit
er and revenue swindler have had very
co ufortable times. O-s asiouaiiy some zeal
ous district attorney or revenue officer
would undertake to bring the robbers of the
Government to justice, tut conviction was
sure to be followed by a pardon from the
President, and it became cheaper to let the
counterfeiters and swindlers have full swing
without being at the trouble and expense of
trying them, only to be released again. It
is safe to say that, if any counterfeiters and
roveuue swindlers were left in cotiGneuicnt
when Mr. Johnson left the White House, it
was becaa.se their cases had been accidental-ly-overlooked.
And it is equally safe to say
that under tlr; administration of President
Grant, conviction of an offence auainst the
United States Government will not be a
mero farce. "The President i.s in earnest
about this matter' was telegraphed to the
New York olfieers by Commissioner Rollins
in regard to the withholding of the pardon
of the Duptiys, and the country will be glad
to know that at last we Lave a President
who believes that deliberate crime deserves
the punishment of the Ian, rather than a
full ami unconditional pardon from the Ex
ecutive. "At the rate President Johnson has
issued pardons for the most serious of
crimes, our whole system of United States
laws and courts has been a mere farce, and
we are glad to know that we now have a
President who will be more anxious to pun
ish villainy than he will to reward it-
The Growth of the United States.
In rapidity of growth this country 1 as no
parallel among the nations. A cotcmpora
ry remarks that the population has been
marked for seventy years by an uniformity
regular as to enable u to predict the fit -tu
e with something very near toeertainty.
Each recurring decennial census from IT'.H)
to lSt"0 shows a percentage of increase var
ying from 32.67 per o-.nt., the lowest, 30.45
per cent, the highest, the average of the
eevcis periods being 34.47 for each ten years.
Estimated upon this average, the census of
1870 will rctirn the population of the Uni
ted States at 42,:'22.731 ; in 1830. 57,906,
308; in 18W, 76 C76,3oS; in 10X. which
many a man living will ee, 103,205.880.
Nor is it likely that the great variety of
causes, foreign or domestic, which have con
tributed to our rapid increase of population
since this century came in, will cease to be
operative, or substantially be less effective
before the century's close.
American Enterprise. Col. Gowan,
the American who recuvercd the Knjjiish
man of war sunk by the Russians before
Sebastapo , afier all the Kngli.-h engineers
failed, has connected himself with a new and
promisiug enterprise. This is neither more
nor less than the recovery of the eleven or
twelve Spanish galleons, sunk iu action in
Vigo Day, in the reign of Queen Anne, du
ring the war between Britain and Holland
on one side, and France and Spain on the
other. The sunken galleons contained six
railiion dollars. England aiid Spain furn
ish the neec-sary material, and chare the
profits after paying the engineers hand
somely. A Rising Man. A correspondent of the
''Pittsburg Commercial," speaking of the
Democratic members of the House who
were expected to participate in the debate
on the Fifteenth Amcnd,nctii-r:: "Mr.
McCullouih. of CiearSeld, trAo u the ac
Tcnotcledged leader, will be absent attending
Go in, Mr. McCullough, of Cleatfield!
You've held Wallace's coat tail lung enough,
it is his turn now to h ldy-3urs.
Speech vy H is. Rcssell Errett. Iu
another column will be found the admira-
11 1 ( II T 1, . ...
."-.... v. iiuu A. licit, ui:iltl- I
ed iu the State Senate, on .he ratification of
u;e speecn oi tton. itUf.sell l-.trett, deliver
the I'ltteeiith Amondmei t. It most effec
tually extinguished the coffee-pot Senator
from Cle"arfield,anihi!aied hi- flimsy attempt
at argutneut, and left the poor creature
without a shrel to cover his political hid
cousuess. The Copperheads are very much horrified
at the passage by the Pennsylvania Senate
of the Suffrage Amendment. They howl
and gnash their teeth, with impotent rage,
and declare that public sentiment is very
much against it. What do they know of
public sentiment ? The poor Cops, are one
hundred years behind the ago, and at their
present rate of progression they will never
catch up to it.
.The 'D )j le3town Democrat, oue of the
most influential Democratic papers in Penn
sylvania, is out in a strong leader in favor
of Gen. Hancock for Governor. A move
ment in the 5ame direction has also been
made bv leading Democrats in Washington.
Gen. H. will jrolably get the nomination
but that is all Tha Republican candidate
is bound to win. '
Our Democratic friends are sending np a
'wad about the banihment of General
Hancock, by being assigned to the depart
ment of Dakota, but no one thought it ne
cessary to commiserate the gallant little Phil.
Sheridan, who has been out in that region
for a year or m ore.
An exchange says that Andy Johnson Hs
a fit of the blues because he can't veto Pres
ident Grant' inaugural.
The Sew Bounty Bill. '
Congress, on the third of the month, pas
sed a most important bounty bili.tbe text of
which has not yet been piven through the
Washington dispatches. It will be seen
that its provisions apply very largely to the
Pennsylvania volunteer regiments, and for
the benefit of the members of those old or
ganizations, and their widows and orphans,
we print it at length :
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That when
a soldier's discharge states that he is dis
charged by reason of "expiration of term of
service, ' be shall be held to have completed
the full term of his enlistment, and entitled
to bounty accordingly.
Sec 2. And be it further enacted. That
the widow, minor children, or parents, in
the order named, of any eoldier who shall
have died, after being honorably discharged
from the military service of the United
.States, shall be entiled to receive the addi
tional bounty to which such soldier would
be entitled if living, under the provisions of
the twe'fth and tbii tenth feetions of an act
entitled "An act making appropriations for
sundry civil expenses of the Government
for the year ending June thirty, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, and for other pur
poses." approved July twenty-eight, eigh
teen hundred and sixt3--six, and the provi
sion of Si i I act shall be to construe!.
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That
all claims for the additional bounties grant
ed in sections 12 and 13 of the act of July
28, 1SG6, shall, after the IstdayofiMay
next, be adjusted and settled by the accoun
ting officers of the Treasury, under the pro
visions of satd act; and allrueh claims as
may on the 1st of May be remaining in the
office of the Paymaster General unsettled
shall be transferred to the Second Auditor
of the Treasury for settlement.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That
all claims for bounty under the provisions
of the act cited in the foregoing section
shall be void, unless presented in due form
prior to the 1st day of December, 18CJ.
Loss and Gain. The country perhaps
pained something by the termination of the
fortieth Congress, but it also lost some
tiling it lost .Muliins, of Tennessee, to
whom Davy Crockett was hardly a priming
in his best days. If Mullins never "set
the table in a roar" by his wit, he often as
tonished the House by the vigor of his ora
tory, which was irresistible. Don Piatt,
who writes, we believe, the Washington let
ters of the Cincinnati Commercial, says
"the best things of Jlullins are not renor
ted. The reporters fail to do him justice.
He charged down on New York Chandler
the other day, on mules, and it took Chan
dler's friends three days to dig him out. 'I
will stand here, Mr. Speaker,' roared Mul
lins, 'till the angel Gabriel snaps his last
cun. I will stand here till the pis-ants car
ry me out piecemeal through the keyhole.
I will stand here until the archangel fires
the crack of dwtn amid the wi eck of mat
ter and a crush of boards, and Asia tumbles
into Africa, leaving the polar star to gleam
like the eye of hell upon a mighty void of
collateral chaos.' "
The Tenure of O.fioe law, the repeal, sus
pension or modifieation of which has enga
ged the attention of the Senate for more
than ten days, and is likely for some days to
come, holds all appointments, excepting
where vacancies actually exist, in abeyance.
So long as the law stands, the labors of the
grand army of offi.:e seekers will be in vain,
as the President holds that the law restrains
him from making removals except for a
cause during the session as well as recess of
the Senate. On the question of repeal, a
close canvass about equally divides the Sen
ate. Should repeal fail, the suspension of
the law until the next session, with perhaps
a modifying section added, will take place.
It will be several days before the question is
settled. Should the action of the Senate
not be for repeal, the question will have to
come up again in the House.where the Sen
ate's stubliomness is not at all relished. In
no light is the prospect for the grand army
jot offire-seekers to whom the delay has al
ready been exccediualy vexatious and ex
pensive particularly encouraging.
Late Elections.
Hl ntincdov, March 19. The entire Re
publican ticket was elected in this borough
to day by a majority of about 54 the same
that Gram had in November. The vote by
the Republicans for and aeainst the Craw
ford county system resulted in a majority of
one hundred and twenty three in favor of
its adoption. Indications are that it met
with but little opposition in country districts.
?"J " .'y, he lch
tins county will hereafter be coverned bv
this method in making its nominations of
Allentow.v, March 19. T. II. Gyd,
formerly colonel of !ho Forty-seventh Penn
syvania Volunteers, the Democratic candi
date, was to-day elected mayor of this citv.
The former incumbent was a Republican.
It is rumored that General Longstrcet
will decline the appointment of Surveyor of
Customs at New Orleans, to which he has
been nominated by the President. The reas
on assigned ts that he does not wish his mo
tives for joining the Republican party to be
questioned particularly in the South When
he attached himself to that party he was iu
fiueuced by higher motive than expectation
of favor or reward ; and as his circumstances
are not necessitous, he tVmks the appoint
ment can be more appropriately eiven to
some other gentleman equally quallifi.d,
whose acceptance could not compromise
bunselfor others.
Defeated,. We are glad to see that the
bill for the inspection of steam boilers,
which was a gigantic swindle, has been de
feated m the House, notwitbstaadiug it re
ceived the valuable support of that distin
guiohed Democrat "the acknowledged lead
er -lion. 1. J. McCulloueh. of thi
scoiio- ,
t V Tf WAIlM hava Ka.. - C ,
...v. ..-.v. n.tzu i gru-s iraua upnn
the people a gigantio monopoly, that was
too much, even for the present Legislature
to stomach.
Kosaouth is said to be old. poor, decrepid
and living on charity.
Republican Convention.
In pursuance of the call of (be Cbairwrtn
of the County Committee, the Republican
Convention assembled on Wednesday eve
ning, the 17th inst, and organized by elect
ing S. C. Patchin, Esq, President, Capt.
Z. C. McCuIlongh, and John W. Wright,
Esq., Vice Presidents, and Wni. Radebaugh
Esq., and S. J. Row, Secretaries.
On motion of A. C. Finney, Esq., Hon.
J. B. McEnally, Hon. John Pat ton, and
John B. Hewitt, Esq., were elected Repre
sentative and Senatorial Conferees, to meet
the conferees from the other counties in th
District, and elect Delegates to the State
Convention to assemble on the 23d of June
n. B. Swoope, Chairman of the County
Committee, read letters from tie Chairmen
of the County Committees of Clarion and
Forrest Counties, saying that they had
agreed upon Ridgeway, Elk County, as th
place, and the first day of June as the time
for holding the District Conferences. Where
upon it was resolved that Clearfield concur,
and the time and place were adopted.
On motion, the Convention adjourned
tine die, W.M. RadebaUGH,
S. J. Row, Secretaries.
Chaplain of the House, It affords us
more than ordinary pleasure to be able to
announce, that Rev. J. G Butler, D. D., of
St. Paul's, has been chosen Chaplain to the
House of Representatives at Washington
city, by the following vote : Rev. J. G.
Butler. 112; Rev. John Chambers, of Phil
adelphia,16 ; Rev.Gilman Jackson, of Wah-
incton, 16; Rev. James M'Kinncy, of In
diana, 14. Total vote, 158.
If we mistake not. Dr. Butler is the first
Lutheran minister, that has ever been chos
en to the Chaplaincy of either branch of
Congress. It is an honorable post to fill, and
in this instance, certainly, if ever, it has
been well and worthily bestowed. We con
gratulate the popular branch of our nation
al Legislature on the eminently wise sclec
tion they have made, and Dt. Butler on this
deserved tribute to his high personal and
ministerial character. Luth. Observer.
Shocking Mcrder. A. J. Tood and
his wife were murdered in their bed at Leb
anon, Indiana, on Thursday night.March 18,
The discovery was made the next morning.
when Mr. Todd was found lying on the floor
with his throat cnt from car to ear and i
bullet hole in his breast, and a rifle gun ly
ing about three feet from his body. Both
h nds were clasped on his breast over the
bullet hole. His throat had been cut while
in bed. where he had bled to death. He
was then dragged out of bed and thrown on
the floor and shot. His w ife was lying in
in the bed with the backside side of her
head mashed in, and several cuts across her
face and arms, and on her head. An old
hatchet was found in the bed, and an old
case knife on the floor. There is no clue to
the perpetrators of this blood, tragedy.
New York editors who live in glass hou
ses should not throw stones. Some of these
gentlemen have been lately casting missil s
of various degrees of hardness at the Penn
sylvania Legislature and Pennsylvania polit
ical rings in general. We will say nothing
of bow many holes these missiles made, but
since the history of the extraordinary bribtry
and corruption at Albany has been made
public, the citizens of our sister Stale have
discovered that they live in such an excess
ively little house one so transparently vile.
that they are willing to fo'get what they
have thought of us, if- we will only forgive
them and abstain from retaliatory attack.
They know how few stones would utterly de
moiisli all their preteuces of legislative hon
The first bill signed by President Grant
the bill for strengthening the public cred
it embodies the principle on which the Re
publicans planted themselves in the Presi
dential canvass. It provides that the obli
gations of the Government shall be paid in
coin, except in cases where the law authori
zing the i.-sue of any such obligations has
expresslv provided that the same may be
paid in lawful money, or in other currency
than gold or silver. This law will have a
beneficial effect abroad, as well as at home,
without any doubt, and it was entirely ap
propriate that i should be the first to receive
Piesident Grant's sienatnre.
Female Labor. Certainly they can if
they will, and what is there to prevent try
ing? Intelligent, healthy women, if they
had the patience and steadiness of purpose
that men hav to go through an apprentice
ship or course of instruction for years, would
lie competent to conduct many kinds of bus
iness that men now wholly monopolize.
There are women now c gaged in carrying
..u:.. i...:u:.. i .i
I -"i uunuiiijc, a nusiiiess mai requires
as much skill and talent perhaps as any oth
er. Maine returns fonr and Virginia two
women engaged in this business.
That President Grant will shortly nomi
nate cx-Gov. Curtin as Minister to Russia,
is more than probable. The tender was one
of the first made by the new President, and
it is understosd that Mr. Curtin returned a
favorable answer The report that Col. Mc
Ciure will -ir-cmupany him abroad has no
foundation in t-iiih the idea having never
been entertaim-d.
De'awiiH l a.- Ittiit-t iifi tent to it.-record,
and its Senate has rejected the constitution
al amendment. Perhaps after Georgia and
A ississippi have ratified it. and ail of the
other States, the pea patch may be induced
to do the same. But it is doubtful.
President Giant's Cabinet is giving ereat
satisfaction to the country. Every memler
of it is a sound Republican, and of the
whole seven not one asked for his positon.
Like the President, each member can say,
'"the office came to me unsought." .
Andrew Johnson seeuis to have left many
little varacity accounts unsettled on his de-
j part u re from the White House. It i.s now
ascertainei mat tne bill adding two majors
to the J udge Advocate's Bureau was one of
those pocketed by the departing Tennessean,
although several officers of the army claim
to iave his promise in their behalf for its
Colorado wa nts 1 ,000 marriageable women.
A Little f Everything,
Mra. Gen. 3a.sk ia W Farit
Legal tenderneu Tonr wifs'f kfa for nonay.
It i amid that -Naby" will b iade PoitmuUr
at Toledo.
Goorg Bergner has beB appointed Poatmaatcr
at Harriiourg.
A smile that foretolli sorrow the one that yoa
take in the bar room
A nan has been lynched in Colorado, on lutpie
ion of baring aiole $260.
The Hon. 6ideoft Wellei, late Secretary of the
Nary, i abotft to go to' Europe.
Velocipedeetrianiatiealiatiniriirnoloirigt ia the
latest addition to tbe lengaige.
A child wanting to dettnbe a make, laid it
waa-a thing all tail, clear np to tbe bead "
A Mississippi paper has a "Grecian Bend Bu
reao," for paragraphs relative to tbe fair sex.
If bieritj is the soul of wit. what a vast amount
of fan there is in the tall of a fashionable eoat
Russia has just exiled about fort; treasury
officials to Siberia, fur robbing the government
Brick Pomroy lectured in Detroit, whore the
people are so decent that he didn't ) ay his bills
A cynical husband says that tbe only good run
of luck he ever had was ahen his wife ran fioin
Mrs Partington thinks tbat tbe pillars of liber
ty are stuffed with the feathers ot the American
A German committed suicide in Chicago last
Saturday, because he was thoroagly diagnated
with tbe place.
Messrs Each ide of the ''ky, Streak of-
Light and Horned Snake are coming from the
west to see Grant
An eminent Physician has discovered that the
nightmare in nine cases out of ten is produced by
owing for a paper.
President Grant is said to hare disposed of an
office-aeeker by biuntly telling him, -That plaoe,
sir, is not vacant "
Eajter Sunday occurs this year on tbe 23th of
March. We trust that 'hen fruit" will be abun
dant about that time.
The appointment of the new Secre tary of State
is considered a sadden rise in Fish, and is attri
buted to tbe lenten season. .
Yonng men anxious to get rid of their wild oats
will do well te get a sewing machine Those cov
ered with calico are the best.
Tbe London Telegraph calls Anna Swan, the
giantess, a '-damsel of harmonious and homogen
eous, though tremen iom inches. "
Women enjoyed at least one right in Eietor.
England, two hundred years ago That of per
forming the duties of tbe hangmen.
Tbu following rules are posted in a New Jersey
school house "No kissing tbe girls in school
bours, no licking tbe master during holidays
In San Francisco a man took one drink of
whiskey, which caused him to fall before reach
ing tbe door of the saloon He was then robbed.
The London coi respondent of the Chicago
Tribune says tbat "uert to the Siamese twins, the
greatest natural curiosity heie is Reveriy John
son "
Some one of a statistical turn of mind has estl
mated that tbe corn made Into whi?kev in a single
revenue district in Kentucky would fatten 2U0 UnO
A contemporary says: "The Legislature of
Minnesota, according to a time-honored custom.
closed its session with a genearl spree iu tbe hall
of tbe house.
A man recently appeared in a Kentucky town
attired in the simple coniume of a straw bat and
belt, carrying a buudle containing bis purse and
pocket cou-b uuder bis arm
A fiujr,,io policeman smelt smoke, sounded an
alarm, got out tbe engines, and tbtn discovered
the cause to be a smouldering eigar burning a
bole through his cost tail pocket.
A country doctor announces tbat he has chang
ed bis residence to the neiebboihood of the
churchyard, which he hopes niny prove a grea
convenience to his numerous uiients.
Sunbury had a mad dog la.-t week that succeed
ed in biting some six or seven other dogs, before
he frightened populace succeeded in dispatching
him. It will be a dost iron r plce thurtiv.
With reference to the child with no btck bone
who i reported to b art rtcently died in Obio. tbe
Boston Poxt says tbat by bisdeu-h -tbe Slate lust
admirable material for a member of Congres-.''
A " lady," well drersed. very drunk, and with
$s,000in her pocket, was arrested iu the stretts
of Alexandria. Virginia, last week. After sober-
ng off in tbe lock up, she was permitted to go
Miss Lixzie Boynton, of Crawfordville. III.,
having lectured on the subject, After 5uffrao.
What?'' received an answer the other day in tha
shape of an old pair of trousers, a jsxket and a
dull raxor.
Tbe Bathing Police of Dieppe, France, have
been warned not to catch drowning ladies by tha
air, according to previous instructions, as the
present fashions render tech a proceeding very
The Boston Transcript propo-es that the disap
pointed office-seekers be placed on Government
reservations and made to till the soil since tbey
expect the Government to provide for toetn in
some manner.
An Englishman relates tbat he -recently dined
in Nevada with an editor of that commonwealth
ho inquired after the health of Tennyson and
Thomas T. Carlyle. remarking, "Them men kin
ling ink. they kin "
An editor's experience with the velocipede is
thus staled : Tbe first pass it beaded for tbe gut
ter the next time, it ran against a fence and
ext, it "laid down with him " When he rides
now he general'y goes a loot.
Mr. Wm Thompson, a gentleman who some
time agn, out on the plains, underwent tbe inter
esting but somewhat painful operation of being
scalped by Indians, has arrived in Chieago Ho
carries bis scalp in bis pocket
A soldier oi tbe Frst empire ex-Sergeant Logis,
is beginning life, at tbe age of ninety-i our. as a
ublie lecturer Tbe Woild says t tat if be were
nly an old woman instead of a man. he might go
to New York and compete with Philips.
Tbe editor of the Berwick Gazrtte. has seen a
sight. He says it was "doable bended lantos
head, consisting of two face', four ejes and two
ears " Wonder if he hadn't been poking his
finger's in bis eyes and looking in a g tut
The Raleigh (Xurth Carolina) S-' says ;
"a little wbite boy wbo sold peanuts and apples,
complains to one of our repor era that ' lion."
ug4r Miller. Doorkeeporuf tbe tluuae of Kepre
seutatives. has removed him. and set up a aiaud
for himself"
A lashionablo jooni lady went into ;iu'iu s
book store Ibe other day. and iuqui;ed if be bad
-any f-line intestines fur iyrio! purpose? ' She
wanted eat-gai guitar sttings. For once in bis
life Peter -weakened." and wasearriel oat on a
canceled postage stamp.
Tbe following t ffutioo. said to be the result of
a '-poetical agony" bv a Georgian soldier, who
sent a yonng ladt a'-bokay ' while iu erniip
w it !
r" I
her borne, is eminently satisfactory, to far a
goes, to prove that - none uui tbe brave deserve
iba fair..' and hope had the desired effect.
Here it is: . '
"Accept this boksy from a feller,
Wbo oft has beaid tbe knuotia beller ;
Has listened to Ibe fifes a tuotea.
And helped to do a beep of sbooten
ile has seen tbe war eloads dark arise,
Like fifty bustards when 'be J Hies;
Who is bigger than his dad, (
And wants to many mighty bad.
j " OF E .
Stnatorrum Allegheny C"'9-
Fifteenth Constitutional Amendment,
Ih th Senate Uhnrtday, March lth, 1669.
-. . . , - . ..
Mr. Speaker, when the majority of this
body consults togcilie. and reeolv ed to put
mis reeoiuuoii through to iu tbird reading
.a t uigUt, aud agreed, in order to attain
that euu wnuoui iau, to reirau.ro. . s iio CJlu theretore be taken to the amend
nan iu ibe discussion, it was not because ... w....i : . i;.;, .;.. J
iiu-.- were ubauted ot their cause or afraid
tu uiscuss it. but because, iu oruer to secui e
itseuily passage, piudenee dictated that
dscusioi, on tin i part, snouia be post
poiicu uutil the tesuiuuou was completely
miili-r ine.r control ou its) final uassasre.
il any jusiihcaiiou bad been needed for
their action it was toaud in tbe weak, flimsy
aiiruiueutation that characterized all the
speeches ou ttieotherside the utter absence,
1 may nay, oi anything lining to tne diguity
ot au argument. Certainly no answer was
needed to auy logic used iastniglit, lor uone
was used ; and the tact that when the ma
jority courteously yielded to the Senator
lroiu Cleartield au extension of time beyond
his halt hour, he repaid the courtesy by in
lusuliini! flint; at those who had just shown
their generosity toward him, knowing we
were cut otf from reply by the expiration ot
the tune fixed tor terminating the debate.
and the additional fact that tbe Senator from
lierks immediately on the close ot the Sen
atorirom yeu.ue u. o use out . tu nua.se
cries for t he orders ot the day, showed
broke out into hoarse
i i i . .1, . . i
,ki.,,lui u,.!,' fliuf h rpiititinpii nn that, kiiia
feared nothing so much, at that time, as an
answer irom this side, and that tbey knew
full well we were fully prepared with an an
swer that would in a few minutes have rid
dled the sophistries of
tl.ftSnrnr frn...
- "
L learjeid.
, r -1
I i,u iiAnilAninn nn In,,. ai.lA vprs. vtrv
buli, ia tne early part of the evening; they
. fc . " .
dared us to discussion ; tbey taunted us with
our -u.ence and challenged us to the com bat ;
vet. when the time came tbat the answer
they had been
. ,, .1.
en challenging was apparently
shrunk trotu tne combat, and
ready, tney
skulked like cowards behind the '"orders ot
the day." H e wee silent in the early part
ot the evening, because it served our pur
pose to be so, just then, and their courage
was ot tbe most exalted kind, as long as they
thought we would not sti ike back ; but as
souii as they thought they saw a band raised
tor a counter blow their courage oozed out
at their tiugs' ends, aud all their affected
borror ot gag law could not keep tneui trout
resorting to it to save themselves lrom tbe
auswer they baa been challenging. Liike a
parcel of boys they kept crying out all night
"dare ye 1 dare ye I . yet turned tail and
run. on tne erst snow oi resistance.
lue wuoie exhibition ofiast night was but
a repe.iuou ot the stale and oft exploded
aixuuieiila that have been retailed here,
ses.-iuii alter session, ever since 1M(J. It ha.
imiici'l.j been cuiuurlsed in the cry ot 'ntg
er 1 uiituer ! niKter 1 we nave all Heard
i, so o.tcu ih..t we can always te 1 beforehand
Wurtl ile range ot sucti dl.iCUSslon Is going
lo be. It is tne sole stock iu trade of the
Uuuioeraiic party. It it had uo prejudices
iu auueai lo, it woul't lose the bream of its
1 et I could not help observing, last night,
tuat that there has been a manliest improve-
uieut iu tne (oue ot our Democratic iriends.
Uar colored citizens were ""negroes," last
n ik n i lusiead of '"niggers," as heretofore ;
t lie parly has at la?t learned to spell that
woid With one g instead ot two : and the
poor An lean who, oniy last year or the year
uei'oie, was iu the estimation of theSem tor
irom Cleartieid, a vile, degraded being, only
oue bleu aoovj a baboon, has since so risen
tu ttie scale of human excellence as to extort
Irom that Senator the coulession that be is
wining to acknowledge aud recognize hi
naiuiai rights as a man.
I his is uiJeeJ progress-a progress as great
as that evince J oy the Senator from rayette,
who, last year, made tbe mountains ot his
ilniiict ecno with nis denunciations of the
Cmcago piailorm, yet last night endorsed
bearing the suttrage plank ot that platform.
Ibe iXuiocrattc party, 1 am sure, is wet
couic to our cast-otf ciot lies ; but it would be
much better it it wouid take a bold stride,
at once, to i ne lrnut rants, and stan I up
ma.iiuiiy tor huniau rights, as all true Uem-
UCflis OUKlIt IO UO,
This improved tone o? our Democratic
frieuas to too African is certain y a hopeful
ludicalieu to the colored race. Ihey oppose
this auieudmciit now, bitterly : yet. as soon
a. it is auopted, I have no doubt we shall
hud them courting the negro vote assiduous
ly as 11 they had ueeu Abolitionists from the
year one. and doing it with that utter abne
gaiiou of the past which characterized t-heir
-outheru .Democratic bretheru last year, who
held colored Democratic mass meetings
uave colored Democratic barbecues, at'Deai
ed to the negroes as political brethern, and
lavished upon them every political art to
ootain tuetr votes, uown in ueorgia and
Alabama a nejrro is as eood a white man. in
Democratic eyes, it he voles the Democratic
ticket, and why oot in Pennsylvania I Down
there ihey have got over dread of ne
gro equality, and 1 have no doubt it will be
the same m this Stale when the fifteenth
amendmeut becomes a part of the supreme
law ot the laud. We shall have, in five
years from now, to get up affidavits to prove
thai democrats voted against giving them
the right of suffrage, aud prophesied untold
horrors assure to tollow their exeicise of it.
The argument ot the Senator from Clear-
field aud his Democratic colleagues against
this auieuduient may be briefly summed up
1 It is unconstitutional to amend the
2. The people are tbe only ones who can
ameud it.
3. The right of suffrage is not a natural
but a political right,aud therefore the negro hat universality of human rwhts is a "hum
is not entitled to it. 'UK . hat . stride from Jefferson, wit h
4. This Siate has always refused to rem,
nize the negro's rights aud therefore should
continue to do so. Aud
5. It degrades one race to elevate another.
Of there in their order.
1. It is uneoustitutioual. say they, to
amend the Coust tution. This has been a mocracy m preference to the new. The
favorite Democratic argument. You must people of Pennsylvania do not, I know, be
not change that instrument, they say, tram Jieve that the doctrine of the equality of
tile Milrlt or its nriiniml cuiKV-ntiiin. rHeaiiA
jou have no power under it but what it gives
you. It mis were true, there could b no
siieli thing as i.iogress, no such thing as
a.lupung jo ir Constitution to the changing
wants ami circumstances ot the nation. It
iuut re in a mi uuateied ana unalterable.
like the laws oi the .Modes and Persians,
and the Uuited Slate of 1887 be no further
dvauced than the United States of 1787,
whilst all the rest ot the world is in motion,
It this had been the intent of its f ranters,
tn ten a in mend uients proposed by the Con-I
gress f 178V, only' two years after its forma
tion, and inonroraiing entirely new princi
ples in it, would never have been proposed,
file very first Congre.8 that assembled un
der the Constitution, found that instrument
so defective as to render necessary ten amend-
....... . I
ineiits, ail radical in Iheir nature, and two
others were found essential, one in 1794 and
one in 1 K03, ail within a short time of its
"T?''!0","": ', .
2. The plea that the people only, by a
dire, t voteK can grant to the General Gov
ernment if is said, and sovereignty resides
in the people, 1 admit : bnt the people act
through their representatives.- The Consti
tution of the United States begins with these
solemn words, '"We the people or the
United States do ordain and es
tabfeh this Constitution." Yet it was oot
ratified by a direct vote of the people, in
any of the States, nor any of the numerous
amendments to it, which form no inconsid
erable part of it, by ttie Legislatures of the
beveral Stales. Yet it is noue the less the
work of the people. Wheu this fifteenth
amendment is incorporated in it, the pream
ble to tbe Constitution will apply to it i a to
all the rest, and it will be true of it as all the
. 4, . U 1 . IT 1 ......
re we. me ueouie oi me iuiieuoisies.
. . . , . stan,.:sh :t .
, (henj no linjUatjon to
th character ot the anieljduients ,bat niay
. . an.i .. - mft:,,.t:.inai
uient before us. Hat there is a limitation as
to the method ot its ratification. First, it
must be proposed by two-thirds of both
houses of Congress, which two thirds vote
this amendment received. And second, it
must be rati aed by the Legislatures of three-
fourths of the States, or by conventions in
the States, as the Congress may direct this
to be submitted to the Legislatures of the
several States, it has accordingly been sub
mitted to us, as one of the Legislatures spok
en of. It is, consequently, tor us and tor
the Legislatures ot the other States to say
whether it shall be ratified or not.
And this is the only way in which it can
be ratified. It is not in our power to submit
it to popular vote, it is bimnly our duty
to ratify or reject it. The power ot ratifica
tion has been lodged by the Constitution it
self in us, and we cannot shirk our duty or
shift it on to other shoulders, lo subaat it
to the popular vote would be an unconstitu
tional way of amending the Constitution, and
1 marvel at tbe men who make so much con
8ntutiona, clamor proposiug
I .....
a plan at war
I tuts lustrumeui, mey proiess to venerate
As to all the talk of our not darinz to go to
the people on this issue, it is mere clap trap.
1 dare to do my duty, and to take the conse-
Suu ,-. i.au,.Dot B.ra,u VJ.. l" V eopie, or
M ,h,ln rt I I..... i . ... 'II... I ' . .
uuuliiui vi Liieii vciuitt, sue vuiisiuuiiuii
i nasimposeu upon, metne tasit oi passing
1 " . . "
I S. l . --I -. , -iT
uiinn an amendment rirniwispil liv ftvn thlnls
ot both Houses ot Congress. I will discharge
that task fearlessly, aud as fearlessly appeal
' . . . , i -
to the people tor their approval.
it ia uieir priviece tu puss uuuu uiv aunuu
af 1 g nd 6&t
fied they will endorse what I propose to do.
and my political friends around me feel, I
am sure, tbe same conbdence. V e shall go
to them upon our record, in tho fullest trust
that they will approve it. Already .New
Hampshire has stioken, endorsiug Grant s
inaugural on this point, and her people have
just chosen a Legislature that will ratify this
amendment elected, too, in full view ot
this issue. Iowa aud Minnesota, after once
votinc down resro suffrage, last, year adopt
ed it by opular vote, and even some of the
Democrats ot Iowa elected a negro Justice
ot the I'eace. The sober second thought
comes out right, if the first should happen
tu be wrong ; aud 1 have no doubt the peo-
p e ot Pennsylvania, believing in the alien
ability of human rights, aud that one man
has just the same rights as, and no more
than, another, will rejoice in the incorpora
tion of this clause in tbe National Constitu
tion as a liual settlement of a long perplex
ing question.
3. But thcSenator from Ulearheld tells us
that the right cf stiifrage is not a natural,
but a political right, and, therefore, those
who have it can give it or withhold it as they
please. It this right is a mere political
right, to be given or withheld at pleasure,
where did those get it who have it to give or
wilnholtif. Where did tbe Senator irom
Clearfield get his right to vote? What right
has he that any other man has not I And if
he has any, from whom did he get it f 11
he tells me that he got it lrom the Consti
tution of the State, I ask where did those
get it who framed the Constitution ? He will
say, "tbey were the people, and sovereignty
resided in them." Bat what rights had
they which oi- men had not? Who gave
them the power to say who should or should
not vote? It you say it was inherent in
tbem, it follows that it was also as inherent
in the black men ot the land as in thetn ;
and if you say it was not inherent, I ask tor
the source front which hey got it. And I
will ask in vain for a satisfactory answer.
The only answer that can be be given is that
the right tlu j' exercised came from might.
It was simply the exercise ot tyrannical
power. I here is no escape from this logic
It is the inexorable logic ot human riiMits.
Either every man has the natural right to
vote, and all men have the same rights, or
those who claim to possess superior rights
must show the superior source lrom which
they draw them.
ror myself, twenty-five years auo I learn
ed the full import of that divine declaration.
God hath made of one blood all nations."
and to look upon all men as consequently my
brethren and politically my equals. v hat-
ever rights I had, they could trace to the
same source. I learned also that other al
most divine declaration, written by the father
of tbe old time, not the modern, Democra
cy, "that all men are created equal," and
that their rights are inalienable. Tbat is
the Democracy which I learned at the out
set of my political career,and I remain proud
of it to-day. I am not ashamed to extend
my hand to the hitherto oppressed and down
trodden bl;ck man, and recognize in him a
Man, created by tbe same Maker, of the
same blood, and with precisely the same
rights. That is the Democracy wl ich the
Bible teaches and which the Declaration of
Independence teaches. To that I adher.
and I scorn that bastard Democracy which
sneers at Human rights as a myth aud nro-
claims universal suffrage a humbug 1
A humbug 1" "I thank thee, Jew, for
teaching me that word. And has it come
' t118' "at the leader of Democracy in
iciiu?)iiauia umures 111 at equality OI DU-
,nan riShts has no existence is a myth :
that one ."'an llas Just those rights and no
tner wnich other men choose to give him ;
that might makes right; that the strong
have the right to trample on the weak, and
hts inalienability ot human rights, to the
Senator from Clearfield, with his theory of
OI the non-exi-tence of human rights, and
tne humbug ot universal suffrage from
liotolbb. 1 he new age is in many things
superior to the old, but give me he old De-
human rights IS a "humbug." and I am
ready, for one, to go to them on that issue,
anl tf've to this apostlo of the new Democ-
racy tne lull benefit of btsdiscovery that the
Bible and the Declaration of Independence,
?nu Jenerson and tne lathers, were all wrong
acKnowieoging tne unity ot all races in
blood and in rights.
As to the citationsof the Senator from
learheld to show that Pennsylvania has. in
times past, done injustice to the negro, and
therefore should do it smII, tbey carry their
)Wn refutation with them. If, hitherto.
wrong nas neen done.it is high time to aban
don it. This is our golden opportunity to be
gin to do right.
5. And this brings me to the mem'n.
argument of last night, and th one dwelt
upon with most unction that it degrades
. . ... u it ucKraues
one raca to elevate anmhpr ihot t i ...
the negro wiil degrade the white man n
phUosophy could be falser than this. Itiaa
flt.contradiction in the teeth of human ex
uerience. n it were true, it would be most
nunn!iating to the white race that thev
super abundant in numbers, rich in this
world a good, educated, refined, trained in
religious teaching.and endowed with the un
trammeled right to exercise all their own
rights, should be degraded by extending to
a handful of colored men the same righto
they enjoy themselves..: If it were, true, it
is a race not worth preserving. But jt;
not true. No man ever did a good deed
another that did not thereby do good "
biuiself. In elevating my neighbor 1 ev
vate myself, and that because in doing m
am calling into exercise the better parts '.if
my nature. To gather up to myself ,
rights I have and deny them to others is to
foster selfishness and all iu attendant brood
of degrading evils ; but to help in brii1(fin"
up others to where I stand is to develop tn
best energies of my nature. Human XDT
neuce proves this. The life of every end
man proves it the history of every conunu
nity illustrates it.- -- Homer somewhere savs
tbat the man who puts a chain round anoth
er man's heels to enslave him, puts the oili
er end around bis own neck and so enslaver
himself. In like manner the man who helns
to free another frees himself. Like bets
like. To do good always produces good re-
anlr nnrt in i'L.i-itin. 1. n if.:
- -..5 .i i ii-a ii we are
elevating ourselves to a point of exaltation
never before reached by any nation. The
old proverb has it that "Itight wrong tl0
man," and to do right.to secure equal rights
to all men can work no wrong or degrjlla
tion to any.
I regard this amendment as the itievit.
ble result of the decree of emancipation. It
is its logical sequence. It flows from it a,
naturally as effect from cause. To free a
race and then deny it political rights wouid
be monstrous. The ballot is as necessary to
the black as to the white for his protection.
He can have no adequate protection without
it. The one great task of government is to
secure men in the enjoyment of their rights,
and the Heaven ordained instrument foref".
fecting this security is the ballot. Govern
ments. a cording to the Declaration of In
dependence, owe all their just powers to the
consent of the governed. This was the
ground on which we justified ourselves to
the world f t revolting from Great Britain,
and this is the ground upon which we justify
this amendment. The men who are to be
governed, black a. well as white, must con
sent to the powers exercised over them ly
the government, and can consent only by
having the ballot in their hands.
I go for this amendment, therefore. I.
cause it is right ; because the right of suf
frage belongs as naturally to the black as to
the white man ; because our rafefy as a na
tion consists in giving, instead of withhold
ing, what is due : because. havin?irtven tli
black man his freedom, he must, to be i.
cure in it, have the means of protecting it ;
and because by its adoption, and bv it only,
can we fulfill the true mission of the Amer
ican people, of assuring equal and exact
justice to all men.
Advertisement set iv , rarer (vm. r mul
ttyle, mill be charged double tttiial tates. K nits
Tbe subscriber will offer for sale, at Pnblie
Vendue, on tbe farm of Judze Wright. 1 of a
mile south of Clearfield, on tbe road leading to
Clearfield Bridge, on
the following personal pro pert v. to wit : Te
fresh Cows. One yearling Heifer. Thirty one
Chickens. One Hog. a lot of H.itns ani Sboulitcri,
a lot of Potatoes. One barrel of Soap, One Grind
stone. One Wheelbarrow, Tsio Forks, One bureau.
One Dinning Table. Five pair of Bedsteads. One
Book Case. Two Eight daj Clocks. Two Stores,
One Cupboard, Set of Chairs Douhtry. a lot of
geod Carpet, a Saddle and Bridle. Tubs a'nl Meat
Barrels. One Mall im i Wedges, a lot of hWiioj
Tools, One Wash Kettle, and numerous other ar
ticles too tedious to mention taie to commence
at 10 o'clock A.M.. of said day. Term mads
known on day of sale. . ISAAC SWALES
March 24. lSr.9-3t
The Summer Session of Susqnebanna Select
School, located at Campbell's Cbun-h in Bell
township, will commi noe on the tb ird Monday of
Mar, (first Monday.) for the una of five montha.
with a vacation of three weeks in raidsamtnsr
Tbe Common Branches will be taught, and aim
the following, it deaired.to wit: A Igenra. Jenm
try. Plain Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying,
Philosophy. Physiology, Physioal Geography,
Ilhetorio and Logic
shall be. for the full term of five month Jli ard
for less than the full term, at Ihe rate of S3 per
month All pupils shall be held till tbe end of
the term, without special agreement at the time
of entry, and tbe prioe of tuition shall be paid is
Tbe School is located in n pleasant neighbor
hood, and a competent Teacher has been secured.
Boarding can be procured for Si per week.
Any further information ean be had by aditn
itig the President of the Board. Cash Fost "Srm,
the Soeretary at Burnside, or Professor Siniih t
CurwensTille. J. F. LEE. President.
J. W CAMl'BKLUTreair.
March 24. 1869.
Usitbo States Assessor's Orriet, )
N'fXETeaxTH District. Pa..
OrFica.Curwensville.CIoarfield Co , Ps )
Notice is hereby given tbat the assessment Int.
valuations and enumerations made and raki
within tbe Nineteenth Collection District. Pa.
by tbe Assistant assessor under the lawi
of the United State-t, will remain open to all
persons concerned for exainma.inn for thepa--a
of 10 days from the twenty-fiitth day of .March
A. D. 1S69. at the Assessors tffice, iu tLe Forough
of Curwenville.
At the time stated above tbe Assessor will rs
ceive. hear and determine all appeals relative ts
any erroneous or ezcessiva valuations or enumer
ations by tbo assistant assessors.
In regard to appeals the law provides, ' That
" the question to be determined by tbe asfewor.on
"an appeal respecting the valuation or entinifra
" tion of property, or objects Iiaole to duty or tai
" ation. shall be whether tbe valuation compl'ia
" ed of be or be not in a juat relation or propor
' tion to other valuntiona in the same a.seaiEt
"district, and whether the enumeration be or be
not jorrect And appeals to the assessor si
" aforesaid, shall be made in writing sad rball
"specify the particular eaue. matter, or tb'
" respecting which a decision is requested ; and
" shall, moreover, state tbe ground or principle
' of inequality or error complained of
Assessor of tbe Nineteenth Ii-tnet
Q IIERIFFS SALE. By virtue of sunJ j
Writs of Fieri Facuix, isMl"d '
of the Court of Common Plsaa of ClearScj
county, and to me directed, there will be eIP',,,
to public sale, at th" Court House, in the barraiU
of Oleirfield. on THURSDAY, the 1Mb IMT '
A PHIL. 1M9, at 2 o'alock P. M , the foilo:'
described property to wit:
All that loci led and partial! rraded and so
finished railway of tbe Madera Coal and ImproTa
ment ComDanv situate in Decatur and rVni r'
townships. Clearfield county. Pa beginning J
Decatur township at the line of and juncti' n wua
the railroad of tha Mhannon coal "mV,
thence by tbe valley of Beaver run suutbariT
through lauds of Mosbannon coal company
ver Branch coal eompanv. A. B Long and nr. i
Houti. fifty feet in width as located, (fradae
chopped, and two miles and one half to sta no
No 134 there l .oated. more fully ""T'b',J,
follows : Beginning at a point on the Moshaai a
branch of the Tyrone aid Clearfield Kail"..
two and three-quarrer miles West of
thence South 45 degrees and 15 mine tes
1595 feet, thence by a J decree course to rini i
I2S feet, thence South 83 degrees S9
West for 2130 feet, thence by a 1 degrse ana
minute curve to left for 350 feet thence by
gree and 15 minute eurve for' 1750 feet, w t
South 57 degrees West for 250 feet, thence j
3 degree eurve so right for 1008 feet, thence
2 degree and 15 minute eurve to right ro'w-t
feet, tbenee North 62 degrees and 50 eoinatea
for 1400 feet, making two and fifty ei? htone a
dredtb miles. Tbe same being anfiois so
without rail upon it and t ieldiog no re ,
or prpfita. Sened, taken in eaecutioa sna
old as tbe property of the Madera Coal a
provement Company. sheri
March 24. . . ""
T ttt, ,nr . . KarebV Cu
tinned against purchasing or in .
interfering with the traea or piece of ',.
aupiedby A W. Lee. or with the ricSl'-
as the tame belongs to me.
Marca lo, ibow.