)t laffeman' oitrttaf, (Hcarfiefb, cl, ar$ 3, 1869. -TFIELD, PA., MARCH 3, Tst Tyrone aad Clearfield Sailraad. . n.arneld at 1.00 . a. i.TesClearaeld P -I I - a Arrive at Tyra .Mp ..v mti IT.nr.aa Cut At 6 II Ww-mIJ;.! BaldEagl. E. iea stlMP Wflioiocs. Divine acrvicea will ha held w ffith. ia Clearfield, a. follow.: 3 Ref . Nixdorff in the Lutheran church in the morning and evening. By Rev. H", in the Baptist Church. in the morning. St Vrancis chorcn and fourth Sundays of each the second month. Bepnblican County Convention. A Republican County Convention will be hrtld in the Court Houston Wednesday evening March 17th to select Representative tad Senatorial Conferees, to meet in Dis trict Confe ence for the selection of dele gates to the State Convention to meet on the 23d of June. By order of the County Committee. 11. a. 3woope, Chairman. CoxnstED. All the civil causes put down for trial at March Term, have been nnned bv CDnsent of counsel. Parties interested will remember this fact. Fish and Vegetables. D. R. Fullerton km made arrangements to supply the citi tens of this place and vicinity with fresh fi-h. vegetables, etc. , in season. See ad vertisement. Seasonable. Among our new adver tisement's will be found the card of Win. Reed 4Co., who have just received a full supply of new goods, embracing ail the nov eltie of the reason. Call and see. CorTEl. Many persons spoil the flavor of coffee in roasting, but Messrs. Arbuck- les Co's roasted Kio coffee, for sale by J, Shaw & Son, is not of this class, but retains tbat rich flavor which ia so much admired ly all coffee drinkers. Try it. Read This. Young men do you wish to obtain a thorough business education? Then tend to the Williamsport Commercial Col lege for specimens of Penmanship, Terms 4c. If yon don't wish to go to a Cummer eial College send for specimens anyhow. Special indoeementa offered. Address, J. F. Davis, Williamsport, Pa. 4t. Tai PrrrsBCRQ Female College. We e'ip the following complimentary notice of this institution from the Pittsburgh Chris tian Advocate: "The Pittsburgh Female College is enjoying marked prosperity, es pecially in the boarding department. There it bet a t-inple vacancy. Philadelphia, in the ut, and St. Paul, Omaha, and Inde pendence, Missouri, in the West, and inter mediate points, have sent representatives to oar excellent institution. . Among the num bers are the daughters of Bishops Simpson ud Kincsley. Unusual facilities are affor ded in all the solid and ornamental branch es, and tbe College Faculty ranks among the very best ia the land. The spring term wi l cum oieuce. March 23d." List of Unclaimed Letters, remaining ii the Post office. March 1st, 1S69 : Mis. Nancy Buuigardner, Geo. A. Boal, Mm. Mary J. Brown, Geo. M. Bond, Mrs. David Bonder, II. A. Bathaust, W. W. Bell, W. II. B,yer, David Campbell. Mary Cortel. George W. Cover, James Cherry, Martin IViier, Hubert Crain, A. Dickinson, John D. Fcrler. Samuel Hanawelt, Willard J. Ulman, (3). Ephraitu Hurd, A. B. Inger lJetie Kauffuian, Frank Kirk, Andrew -Miloney, S. A. Marks, Mrs. Emma C. Mirks, Jacob Mellen, Wm. .Miller, H. J. Morgan. Miss Kate Newel, Peter J. Haul, Dvid E. Puton, Jhn Piouta, Robert Ri W. Bart Seward, Thomas R, Sunderland. Ward Swinehart, D. Taylor, Miss Katie A Weaver, Sam'I Whitney, Wm. II. Wirt. frMPATnrnc I.nks. The following are mast atuu.Mng and easily prepared : Yel cu.pnate or copper ana tai amoniao parts dia.oIved in water. 2d. Onion Jitce. B-.'th colorlcsj when first applied c ywbie when heated. B lack A w.ak ".asionofgaib, show upon application of weak solution of pro to sulphate of iron weak solution of proto sulpha' e iron a blue when moistened with a we ak nfotiooof prosslate of potash; black, when iwisientd with infusion of galls. Browo or T . r ' T ery weak solutions of nitric acid, 'paar.c sad, muriatic acid, common salt, . MWtl of potah. Shows when heated ""-'ution of nitro muriate of cobalt, ?Prs wht u heated and disappears again wohog. Rose-red Acetate ot'cobalt -with the addition of a email quanti:y ra.eot potash ; appears and disappear ;"ey on heating and cooling. Solu - o. nitrate of silver and remhlnn'dA of permanently dark o '' to sunlight. ' on expo ir a ITTSBL'RG. lhebU8- world U indebted to the enterprising Pnctors of this noted establishment for i-Ji- TaIuable improvements intro lnrn ti,- . tuercnani a education tor a 'on. Tholr o.lia i : On ft. L . .ucufc ucw Li CJt C l.MS up- keepin, presents the public with I Tt lCai elac"ion of our national ui rjanl account Their advertise our columns informs our readers of tt. . ro,Ju'on of another valuable practi Co;lemprove,ncnt ! te connection of the trt W"h ' reu!ar business warehouse tj',i!Dlngihe mmercial student in real ued JfeWinU re lly t a?k Ies!,r8- Duff Jnniore h 0-'; , . M "Perienced practical ac n ea ho know what the com ivtnknt thoM learn, how to learn I ... " ,w 10 Practwe it. Book ti,0?,7008 of Pleading I 3lr U- ?e- In the circular J1";. H. Duff is termed an "u t ,., , Puoe it. Book-keeping is attractions before us, aiaa." i Knnea ,a unequailea ishtH , A s'8ht of his exquisitely fin- Col' sncttal specimens exhibited at it h " CanDOt faU 10 insPire the behold 4s, . f for ,hi beut.ful art, and a J, VT" OI eiasa; aa an imitator. ' lata Publications. Onward by Capt. Mayne Reid Carle ton, Publisher, New York $3,50 a year. This highly interesting Magazine for March ia received. Those who delight in reading exciting and tragic novelettes will find in "Onward" a very interesting companion. Ladt's Friend. Deacon k Peterson, Philadelphia $2,50 a year. The March number opens with a fine steel engraving "In the Firelight," contains its usual fine fashion plate and other engravings, and the customary budget cf interesting literature. A prominent Democratic ex-member of Congress ia reported to have purchased ten tickets for the inauguration ball at Wash inton and furnished them to negroes, in or der that they might attend to create a dis turbance. Turkey and Greece are again on an ami cable footing. How two such companiona ble elements as turkey and grease could ever had a falling out, is a mystery to Mrs. Par tington. But such is life. An Illinois paper says: "A curious sta tistician has figured out that there is now in circulation in this State just $3 to each in habitant. Somebody has got our share." To-morrow General Grant will be inaugu rated Presideut of the United States, and A. J. will leave for Tennessee. The country will be benefitted by both events. De Soto county, MUissippi is now with out civil officers, all the former incumbents having failed to take the oath required by General Gillem's order. The Government of India is now trying in some degree to mitigate the horrors of the famine by distributing food among the natives. Missouri wants to have a State etoruolo gist, with a salary of about $3,000 a year, whose duty it will be to kill the grahoppers. A Boaton paper savi Mr. Burglinrama, when in tbia country, said th Emperor of China wold tak elock in tb Darien canal to th amount of S0, 000,000, and (apply all th labor needed. Gold closed in New York on Monday at 131J. aovaansaaasT. The Ourwensvill Teachers' Institute Last apptarance of Eev. Mr. Williams "on the public stage" HU letters and ''card" lhe Tmiiianly dodge." Had I.known my last article was too lone would have compressed it to jonr apsoe. I do so now. The eminent protestant writer. Jiallarn aaid Luther "bellowed in bad Latin ' like bia prototype, Kev. Mr. W. only "bellowe in bad logio and false statement. From first to last be his done nothing, onlv what is called beeirin the question'' supposing as proved what eao not De proved, lb protestant version of toj Bibl (King James's) was the first, tbe t'onatitutioos were founded on it. Protestantism done ererv- thing. Catholicity nothing, for '-the great Ameri can nation." uatuolioa -unequal" tor roteatants me eneoi oi ue vatboiis "system. ' ibis wai your argument Grand display of biblical, his torical and theological knowledge When I ar rayed the Conetitutiona and Sobool laws against you and showed that V. S law. if just. should be m ecooraauoe wim ttoa i cnsrier r reewill -you admitted that ' was true" as to God's "char ter. l he rest of my position you called -'floun dering " H heo since asked how you dared W de prive uatnolics of -freewill" in the Institutes bv oumpa.uug tbem to listen to your prayers, you could not -eondesoend" to rive anv roDlv The shelorio of your -Card," like your letters, is not Diair s, it is your own "unmanly uodee. cloven foot, hood wink, Ileenan and Hyer, taken tbe belt," Ao.. are not elerical lans-uaee. Tbe com plaints in your "Card " are few, still, I cannot ssy iney nare oeeome "Deautirully less." rlow I bound to know thac you did not read regularly the county papers, or, that, it was by "the merest accidont yd saw my protest in the Republican and tbat your first letter wasbaased on my cbaige asitappearea in tost ipaper, aud you oonclude most logically and truthfully that, I departed from the subject unfairly in mentioning bible or common tennols. at 1 spoke of tbem onlv in mv protest as puonsbed In tbis paper, tb Zatb of last November. Tbis bare-faced statement has been rotated several times, even if my protest in my first article in either paper said nothing of the bible or com mo a schools- Sorely youoennot for get, or deny , tbat you artu ularlp proclaimed in youi first tetter that 'Rev. Messrs. Hays, Buck ey,' etc.. "could read the Bible, whenever, wherever. as lonr as loud as they pleased." Your idea of honorable debate blinda no one. It i like your conception of freedum of conscience Catholics can worship with you and all otbeis. but. you thought, U S. law dared not "control" your in tolerant and unjust practioe. It is no wonder that many teachers, even in this county still think tbey nave a right to compel Ca bolic children to listen to Protestant prayer, or the reading tbe rro;estant Bible, in common schools, when men claiming to be the ministers of God eonspire with the State Superintendent. Cobnrn, to pervert tbe school law. f Res W. tried tapalm one perversion on the public. "A large Bible part of tbe aparatus of school" "the Bible as a text book." are two others, (S h Laws P . Coburn s manual, pp. 75, 83, t4 ). When tSe difference in ereeds and io the versions (a few of which I have mentioned) of the bible are remembered, any candid person will admit that my claim is just and consistent, becaue in Rev. Mr. W's --system" Protestantism (he dare not condemn tbe denomination which deny t be divinity of Christ), if Christ is the founder He would be then, th author of eon tradiction or blasphemy. "See grave theolojry when once she strays From Kevolutiona.path, what pranks she plays." K. O BKA.11SA Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities. JAMES T. BRADY A CO., (S 'ntttxtort to S. Jonu ir Co ) CURBS a OF FOURTH AUD WOOD STKESTS. Pittsburg, Feb. 13, 1863. boy sell. buy. sell. GOLD U.S. 6s.. 1881 1-tt .l.to J S-ZOs, Jan.'7, HOjIUO! 113 H2i S 20s. Jul '67 108 'I08i lMj 1IS June, 7 30s, 10VJ I09J 9 Ills. 1.S62, 5-20s, lHftt, S- 20s. 1865, 1061 106i July 7-30S, 109J10i lO.iJ 101 May Comp,'65,lM 10 40s. 103 lO.ij AoeComp.'fli 118, 1181 5.20s. Jan. 5, 108 10S iSept.Comp65.118 I18 o-20a, Jul. 'S5. 108 11081 ,uct. uonp. 'tu.ufi'iia We are now converting 7-30 of tbe Jane and Julv seriesinto Gold Coupon 5-20 bonds of ldii-7. Get the Best. "1TT"EBPTEBS CNABRIDOED DICTIONARY. V 30.000 Engravings; 1840 paces Quarto. Price $12. 10000 words and meanings not in othe r Dictionaries Viewed as a whole, we are confident that no other living language has a Dictionary which so fully and taitbfoily sou lorin its present condi tion as this last edition of Webster does tbat our written and spoken English tongue. Harper's Magazine " - - These three books are tb sum total of great libraries, the Bible, cbakspeare. and Webster s Roval Quarto Chicago tvening Journal." Tbb New nssaraa is glorious it is perfect distances and defies competition it leaves no tbe ing to be desired. J. U. Kaymond, LL. D., Pros t aa-ar College.. Tbe most useful and remarkable compendium of h man knowledge in our language W. S. Clark. Pres't M ss. Agricultural Col.ege Wsbstcb s National Pictorial Dictiovabv. 040 Paces Octavo. 600 ExeRAVines Price S6. The work is reallv a rem of a Dietionarv. iust the thing for the million. American Edueational Monthly. Published by U AC. MEKKIAM, Springfield Massachusetts. Webster's Primary School Dictionary, 204 Eng. common Bsnool 374, " High School 294 " Academic 344 " Conn tin r Housa with nnn erous illustrations and many valuable Ubles not to be found elsewhere. Published by IVISOS. PHIXSKY. RI AITK. MAN A CO . Jiew ITork. iPeh. lth 18K I J. ODDER CUTTERS of a superior makt for aala ml raaaoaarla nriaaa. at UEMU11 1 BIQLK'S, Clesrfierd, Pa. 5ov. 14 OSCEOLA, The Most Thriving Town in Clearfield County. The nndereigined offer te following d worthed Property at PRIVATE SALK Lot No 31 in tbe general plan of tb above named Borough bavin thereon erected a good and comfortable two and on half atorj H0CSR finiabed throoghont painted in the fall of IR68. hating five rooms and hall with baaement kiiehen and da jib waiter. A well of excellent water at tbe door under cover A good frame Office painted aame color aa th house plaetered and papered. Ice House, Stable and other outbuilding a in good repair. Choice Apple, Peach and Prar Trtr-t. and 8ne Grape Vinea anited to tbe climate- Situated on the beat business street in the Town and one of the best location! for business For terms apply to A. BLATlJiKBKKUlvK, Feb. ti. 18S9 Osceola Pa. IOK SALK four valuabieTown pro periiea, ia tbe Borough of Clearfield. Locations deair- ble, na buildings new - Apply to WILLIAM M M CCLL0CGH, Attorney at Law. Clearfield Pa. December IS. 1R68. J. J. CUNNING II A M ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Eatate Agent and Conveyancer, TTKOMB. BLAIR COCHTT. PA. Special attention given to the collection of claims lyron. fa., January il. 1 sty it ORGANS AND PIANOS, ESTYS AND MASON k HAMLINS FOR SALE BY S. J. HAYES, Curwensville, Pa. "IOR SALE. The property occupied by Thomas Liddell, corner of Reed and Fourth Streets, Clearfield borough, consisting of a good substantial Plank Houne.and the lot (about tnree-fourihsor an acre) is ottered lor sale, lb aituatioa ia close to the Railroad Deoot. and ia a excellent locatiou for business purposes. For terms, apply on the premises Nor, 111869 TO WAGON MAKERS. The under -- Mtrned i desirious ot connecting- with hi SMITH cilOP, a fitst class wagon, sleigh sled establiabmeot. A good opportunity ia offered to a n agon Maker, who wishes to go into business The subscriber can also furnish to applicant comfortable house (near tbe si op) if desired. HENKY KEK.NS, February, 10th 1869. Curwensville, Pa, "FEMALE SEMINARY -- BOLLIDA VSBITBO, PA. Rev. Joseph Waugh, Principal. $50 000 expended on tbe building. None but Sarrestftd Tearhert employed. Location is healthful and beautiful; aoceasibl by Penn'a R. R. Seventh Session opens January 13. ltton. tuecember Z3. 18tttt-3m f AibitJiAi lAtvt. uiit,J!i. ;en " tral Point House. TheSubrsxtriberhav ing purchased and refitted tbe Tavern Stand form erly kept by Kolomab Bacdbb. in Covington cownabip. Ulearneld county, bas now i ened anc keeps constantly on hands the best kinds of li quora, and bis table will be supplied with th best to ooubtry can produce. ARNOLD 6CHNARS, Prop'r 1 February 17.-3t.) F. C. CR0MM, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET STREET, CLBABTIKLD, PA., Adjoining the residence of Dr. J Q. Hartswick, Keeps a fine assortment of plain and fane cloths, catsimeres. etc.. which he will make up to order, in tne latest styles, at tie lowest prices. Being an experienced workman, he guarantees entire catistaetion. A share of publio patronage solicited. (Jan. Z0,'6-tr. I Z U R E N E - Concentrated Indigo. FOR THE - LAUNDRY. It is warranted not to stresk. or in any manner injure tbe finest iarics. cor family use sold in five. ten and twenty cent boxes. Each twenty cen b jx besides haviug 6va times as much blue as the five cent boxes. contains a pocket pin cushion or emery bag. For Hotel and lajge Laundry use.it is put up in 12 uu boxes ree tb-teacb box baa proper trade mark. For sal by A. I. Shaw and Hartswick A Irwin. 13 T EGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice ishere- " nv eiven that the following accounts bare been examined and passed by me. and remain bled of record in fiis omce for tbe inspection of heirs. legatees creditors and all others in any way interested and win be presented in tbe next Ur- pbans' Court or Clearfield countv. to be beld tbe Court House, in the Borough of Clearfid commencing on tbe 3d Monday of March. lttriO final account ot J. w w titutl r. tsq . Admin istrator of fcstate ot S. D Rhule, late of Beccaria township, deceased. February ii, 1S6 A W. LEE, Register s. J. HAYES, Suboeon Dentist, Office Will make professional visits for tbe convent ence of of tbe publio commencing in April, I860. as follows, vis : Lnthersburg 6rt Friday of every monta ; Ausonviue.nrst Monday or every montb Lumber City, first Thursday of every month spending two days in either place. Ail ordea for work sbould be presented on the day of bis am val in each place. C" Teeth extraoted by the application of local anaKthesia. comparatively without pain. All kinds of dental wotk guaranteed. iN. a. 1 be public will please notice, that lr H., when not engaged in the abore visits, may be vund in nis nmoe in uurwensviue. ap.l. ou-ly pARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The ruo scri(er offers for sale his farm in Law rence township, situate on the east bank of the Susquehanna river, with tbe Erie turnpike on tbe.-Nutb. and containing 4 acres. Most of the farm is in meadow, and tbe whle under rood fences Tbe improvements are a good log house and frame bank barnr with tbe other necessarv out houses. A spring of good water is near the door An orchard of cboioe fruit is growing on tbe premises. There are three veins of good coal on the land, to wit: one of five fast, one of three feet 4 inches, and one of two feet tbe latter Dear tbe river. For terms, inquire of the subscriber. on ine premises. junUAn rvttsu December 16, IHfiS p. N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Unittd htates. for the Western District of Pennsylvania. KBt-N EZliR McMASTERS. bankrupt nnder the act of Congress of March 2d lo(. bavmg applied for a discbarge from all bis aeots. and i-tber claims provable under said act, by order of tbe Court. Dotice is hereby given. to all persons wbo have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 9th day of marcn isoy at 10 o clocK, A SI. . oelore S. K. Woodruff E?q Register in Banarnptcv at his office, in Pbilipsburg. Pa., to show cause, if any tbey Dave, wby a discbarge sbould not be granted to ine said Danxrupt. And IurtDer. notice is hereby given. that tbe Second and Third meetings ui vrearors 01 tne saia oanarupt, required bv th 27th and 2xth sections ot said act. will be held before the said Register, at tbe same time and ao. S. C. MoCAADLESS, Clerk. February, 10th 1869. 2t. A 5,00 GREENBACK of full value sent free to anv Knoli Arent Avsnta want ed for M iTTHEWUALE SMITH'S NEW BOOK. -ScHsniHB audSbadow iv New York " A work replete with anecdotes and incidents of life in the great metropolis, being a mirror of New York, re flecting tbe secrets ot tbe U Kb At till. One Agent told 80 in one daw. another told and delivered TSI tn 15 day. another 3u4 in 1 days. So book ever pcblished that sells so rapidly If you wish to know bow Fortunes are mad and lost in a day ; how Shrewd Men are ruined ia Wall Street ; bow ' Countrymen" are swindled by Sharpers; bow Ministers and Merchant are Blackmailed; how Dance Halls and Concert Sa loons are managed ; how Gambling Houses and Lotteries are conducted ; bow Stock Companies originate and how the Bubbles Burst, Ac. resd this work It tells you abont tb mysteries of New York, and contains spicy life sketches of its noted millionaires, merchants Ac. Ao. A larqe Oetavm Volume. 720 pafrrejinely Illuttratrd. Tbe largest commission given. Our 32 page cit cuiar an I a Si. 00 Greenback sent free on applica tion. For full particulars and terms address the sole publishers, J.B. BURR A CO., Harlforo, Conn. rpHE highest market prices paid for Shingles J. by J. SHAW A SOX. SHAW A SOS now offer there whole stock of woolens for less than first oost in Phila CHILDRENSfsjrs twemy-five per eent less than oost at 3. SHAW A BOX. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Th undersigned. Executor of the .Estat of Jason Kirk, late of the Borough of Lumber-city, deceased, offer at private sal the following de scribed real estate. to wit: The undivided half of about two hundred aorea of land, situate in Union township, Clearfield county. Pa., known as the -Union Mills" property. About 22 acres of tbe land is clsared. from 80 Io 100 aorea is covered with eieel'ent whit pin, besides hemlock and other timber. Tbe improvements are a valuable grist mill, saw mill, and woolen factory, besides a good frame house and barn. The water power is good, situated on Anderson's creek, about 12 miles above Ourwensvill. Persons desirous of seeing tbe property, ean eall nponJ. R. Arnold, residing thereon. For farther particulars apply iv tn unoorsigueu at uuiuwrcity. ISAAC KIRK. SAMUEL KIRK. Jan. 13.'69. JOHN RUSSELL, Exr's. E w J. SPRING STOCK SHAW k SON. Have just returned from th eaai and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in th room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the public at th lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, ate in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of lhe newest goods, is of the best quality, of the later; I styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure aud call and examine our stock befoi making your purchases, as wo are determined lease all who oxy fstTor m with tbeircnttoni, May8, 18C7. J. SHAW A SON. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The Third Session of the present Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence on Sifon day, tbe 8th day of February. 1869. Pupils ean enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to th close of th session The course of instruction embraces everythin .included tn a tborougn, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. Tb Principal having had th advantaga of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and mora training of th youth placed nnder his charge. Tbbms or Tamos: Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) i 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and II is to ry S6.00 AlgebrA.Goometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology. Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. s.00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the bove branches. SI 2.00 tT"No deduction will be made for absence For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. k. July 31,1867. Principal THE CARS! THE CARS! REDUCTION IN TRICES. R. MOSSOP HAS JUST RECEIVED 200 BARRELS BEST FLOUR. 100 BAGS OF SALT, 10,000 POUNDS OF BACON, 5,000 POUNDS OF LARD, 1,000 POUNDS DRY PEACHES, ' 1,000 POUNDS DRY APPLES. All of which will be sold at Railroad Prices. County Merchants will be sup plied with the above articles at a very small advance on cost. February 0th 13K9 THE GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS. A Safe Blood Purifier. A Splendid Tonic, . . A Pleai-ant Beverage. A Certain Cure and PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES The ZINGARI BITTERS are compounded from a prescription of the celebrated t.gyptian physi cian Da Ceeorrs. wbo. after years of trial and experimeot, discovered tbe Z in sari Herb tbe most remarkable vegetable production the earth, perhaps, has ever yielded certainly the most nective in the cur of disease. It. in combina tion with the other valuable properties of which tbe ZINliAKI BI ITER- is composed, will cure Dyspepsia. Fever and Ague. Bilious Fever.Cholie, Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption in its first stsge. Flataltncy, Nervous Debility. Female Com plaints, Rheumatism. Dysentary, Acute and Chronie Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus Chol era. Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Tallow Faver, Scrolnla, Diseases of the Kidneys, Habitual Coativeness, Ac, Ao , Ao , In the Prbvbstiov sod Crna of the abnee'dis- it bas never been known tn fall, as thou sands of our most prominent citiiens throughout pans ot ine eouniry. win lesuiy. Let 1 be fflicted send for a circular eontainios testimoni als and certifies tea of those who hare been eured after their eases have been pronounced hopeless by our beat physicians. rrmeipal depot. F. RAUTER a co. No 6 N. Front St, Philadelphia. Reoommendad fcv Fi Gov. David R. Pr r Pennsylvania. Hon Robert J. Fisher, of Penn sylvania. Hon. Edward MoPherson. of Peniisyl- ania. Hon. Joel B Danner of Pinnnlianim Hon. Wm. MeSherry, ot Pennsylvania, and others peno lor circulars. reo mm. ltj Jy ) BOOTS SHOES th cheapest ia the eounty at MO'SSOP'S. CURWESSVILtK ADVERTISEMENTS, Q J. HAYES, SuacaoN Dentist; Offioe J on Thompson street, Qirwenaville, Pa. scathes ia, and ail kinds i.f modern dental work don. May U, 1868-y. A MfiRICAN HOUSE, Curwensville. Pa. Having taken eharge of this well-known Hotel, tb undersigned wonld respectfully solicit a share of th pnblie patronage. Travelers will find the accom modations equal to those of any other house in this section. Charges moderate. Dee 2. la6H-tf. JOHN J REED, Prop'r T S. COLE would inform his old cus " tomers, and the public generally, that be still continues to manufacture BOOTS AND SHOES of the very beat French Call and Kip. at tn lowest prices tor easb or approved country produce. He also maces all kinds of heavy boots All work warranted, and perfect satisfaction giv en.. Opposite Draucker's Hotel, Carwnsvill!Pa. July 2tt, lh6S-ly. - - rjLEARFLELD NURSERY. Encocr- acje Home Industry. The undersign ed having established a Nursery. on the Pike, nan way oeiween uurwansvill and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees, (Standard and dwarf,) Evergreen". 6hrub be ry, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Law ten Blaok berry, strawberry and Kaspbeiry vines. Also blbrian Crab trees. Quince and early Scarlet Rhea barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Amg 31.1864. J.D.WRIGHT, Curwensville SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. Curwensville, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This well-known Hotel, bavins-been re-fitted aud re-furnished throughout, is now open for the accommodation 01 travelers, and the public in general. Charges moderate. WM. M.JEFFRIES. August 14, 1807-tf. Proprietor. N E W FIRM Harfeock & Goodwin, 6ne door Eaat of Benjamin Bloom's Hotel, Cubwcxsvillb. Pa. Having jost received a full and well selected assortment of. Dry Goods, Dress Goods. Clothing .iouuiis, nsis. laps, coots. r-Doet, Drugs Hard ware. Queensware. Tinware. Cedar and Willow- ware. Brooms. Groceries. Flour. Fish. Salt, etc to which tbey ask the attention of the Dublia. Our asa irtmant ia -nmnlat. ,n w. J.t ...ft and our prices are moderate, as will be found upon examination by purchasers. Goods will be sold cheap for cash, orexchanged lor eouniry produce VAMLL MAKlsUCJa. Feb. 1J. lo9. ED GOODWIN. L W A T S NEW WITH0OT FAIL. JOHN IRVIN, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensville. an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Gooda which he will sell very cheap for vjtaa. Alls IIIKS consists OI Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc Tbe public generally is respecfully lev! ted te give him a eall : see bis stock and bear his prices and purchase from him if you find it will be to your advantage. Nov. i5, 1866 J. K R A T Z E R Clearfield, Penn'a, . Dealer in Dry Goods. Dress .Goods Millinery uoous. groceries, tiara-ware, vueens-wara, Mone ware. Clotbiug. Boots. hoea. Hats. Cans. Flour Bacon, Fish. Salt. etc. is constantly receiving new surplies from the cities, which be will disposed, at the lowest market prices, to customers. Before purchasing elsewhere, examine his stock. Clearfield. Aovust 2 IK7 N EW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT KIRK & SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform tbeir customers, and the publio in general, thai tbey have Just received their Spring stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries. Boots. nnoes. Mais, Caps. ish, bait. Flour, Bacon, frails, Paints. Oils. Stoneware. Hardware. Queensware tsasaets. tubs. Cburns. Carpet. Oil cloth, and general variety of such articles as are usually kept in a country store, all of which they will sell cheap roH casb. Tbey weuld also direot attention to tbeir larra stock of Ready-made Clothing, which they offer ior saie at a smau aa venae upon cost. KIRK SPENCER. Lumber City. Pa.. May 8, 1867. N. B. We also manufacture to order, and eon. stantly keep on band a general assortment ef Boots and eboes, for men. women and children KIRK a SPENCER. JJ F. N A U G t E WATCH MAKEE, GRAHAM'S EOtv, CLfiARFIELu. The undersigned respectfully informs bis old customers and tbe public, that he bas on hand (and constantly receiving new additions., a larra huci ni viocKs, v aicues ana jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufai-tory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring ana n eignt, ana Levers, lime, strike and Alarm clocks WA 1'CHES afine assortment. o silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levera. plain I F . , - I ana lull jeweiea Gf'LD PEJVS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and cear siht. colored and plain glass. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a sinirle piere 10 a iuii sei Ahrirj. fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, hot ter k ni res. etc. . plated on genuine A labata. ALSO. Hair Jewelry .with pure gold monntinr got up to order. Call and see sample book. A II kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jawelrv car fully repaired and Warranted A continuance ot patronage ia solicited. Nov. 2th. 1865. H. F. NAUGLE FOR SALE. STORE, DWELLING AND STOCK of goods for sale. The Stors. Dwelling and Stock of goods and about eight acres of land, the estate of the late Robt. Campbell at Port Matilda, Cent re Co., Pa, will be fold 00 easy terms Tbe store contain a small stock of saleable geods bought low for cah Has a good trade, and is a desirable location for business The dwelling eintaii.s eight rooms, ia in first rate or der All tbe usual outbuildings, and a good stable. The groundscontain about FORTY FK (JIT TREE- all bearing well. For further informa tion apply to J. P. CAMPBELL. on th premises; LPebruary loth im9 The Greatest Discovery Yet. Stoffer'a Patent Egg Preserver, will keep Eggs in perfect eonditi, n iwo years. Eggs can't spoil while under tbe process. It bas been used by tbe patentee twelve years and never failed. Egga put up by this process during th summer hv been sold in the cities the following winter at ve rimes their original cost ! One man ean put p and send to ma.ket. f 2H.00O worth of Eggs in less than six months, and more then double his money. Is equsjiy appncaoie wo not or com oum- ates. la easily uo1ers'o-a. ana cois aoout t a eent per dosen. Thousands bar te ted the B?g, and certify tbat Ibey are peneci ine process is u a ran teed to be a perl 001 -Cfg preserver." be Patent bas 16 years to run. Familv Rights, without permission to buv and sell eggs,!' r speculation, ti ; Grocers' Rights in Large Cities . SM : in Villages. S29. S'ates and Counties according to popu'ation. Address, JOHN F. BEAZKl Feb. 14. t8t Tnlontown, Penpa. FURS gennan fitch set's. frenob stjuirrel setts; american soairrel muff's, sadle vietoriBes). sil ver martin setts, mink Capes and muffs, gents' far collars, (beaver as! mink) at J. r. IKAUIK'C. JAS. B. 4BABASJ. : B. W. OBABAW. : A. A. flBABAB NEW FIRM? JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE1 AND RETAIL DEALERS is all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,Notion8,Groceries,IIard ware, Queensware, Wood and Willowware, ' Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt, etc., etc:; etc;,' MARKET STREET,' Clearfield, Pa: The Largest, Beat and Cheapest stoc of goods to be found in the county is now on sale at JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS. FOR TUB LADIES They have Bonnets. Silks Coburgs, Alpacas, Merinos. Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ging hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and other G loves. H osiery .Balmo rals, Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bons, trimmings, Battens, Braids, e'e, at tbe lowest prices, FOR GENTLEMEN They hare Black and Blue Cloths Blaok and Fancy Cassimeres,Sattinetts, Tweeda, Mel tons, Water-proof Cloth. Silk. Satfa and common Vestiags, etc., in great variety, and at prices tbatj will give general satisfaction to buyers. READY MADE, Sueh ss Overcoats,Dress eoats of various qual ities and prices. Plain and Fancy Vests, Cassimere and Flannel Ovrrshirts, Woolen and Cotten nnderrhirts, Handkerchiefs and neck ties, Cotten and Woolen socks, Calf and Kip boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Shoes, flats and Clips, and such other articles as ar usually needed. Household goods, Amony yhich may be found Csrpeti.Oil cloths, Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslips, Drillings, Pillow eating. Sheetings, 'Towelings, Table cloths, Tabl covers, Window Blinds, Car tains.TicE inga and a very large assortment of suoh articles as are wanted by housekeepers, snd at prices to suit the times. QUEENSWARE,- A full assortment, consisting of Tea and Din ner sets, Pitchers, Bowls. Dishes, and a general variety of war that will be old by th doien or pieoe, and aa cheap aa it ean be purchased elsewhere in th eounty. HARDWARE, Such as Saws and Pilei.Door Locks and Latch es, Hinges of all kinds, Augurs, Screws, Nails, Spices. Taocs, Brads, f hovels, Spades.IIoes. Forks, Ales. Hatch ets.Chisels. Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Carving Knives and farks, and all artinlea usually wanted by the people. GROCERIES, ETC., Consisting of Sugars. Octrees, Tear. Spices, Syrtips.Dried Fruits, Cheeee.Flour, Bacon, Feed, te., always on hand and for tale at a small advanoe on cost. WOOD & WILLOWWARE, Such as Tubs, Buckets and Cburns, Clothes wringers and Wash boards. Clothes. Mar ket and Dinner Baskets. general as sortment, at all times, in store and for sal low. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SONS sail all articles that ar usually kept in a well-regulated country tore, and hence th people generally will find it to tbeir advantage to bej goods of tbem. SAWED LUMBER. W ar also extensively engaged in baying snd selling ail kinds of Sawed Lambar, and as w intend giving this branch of business special attention, we feel assured that weean make it to the advantage of these who have lamber for aale te deal with as. Orders filled for all ihds of Lumber . GOODS ARRIVING DAILY; Grain and country produce tacea ia exchange-Car Good. Jaa V, PITTSBURG ADVBRTISMINT8. y ALLEY FORGE tjtW- IfOBKS. John Haij & Co., . . , . , . - AHfjrACf URiRS or Plows, Cultivators, ShoVel-Plowa,: Har rows and Union Mowers.' "- No. Ill Its Liberty st corner of Pitt St., Pittsburgh, Pa. H . B. Our eastings aad points eeiag made is; an air furnace are ia rry way superior to the mad by other manufacturer. (Feb.1 1,'68-ly. N0N EXPLOSIVE. THE SBW LIGfiiT, PETROLEUM FLUID, Gives twic tha light of Car bwa Wl.aaif safeabdsr an eiroumstanoe. CANNOT V EXPLODED. The undersigned are sow manufacturing, and have for aal, their aaw Petroleum Fluid, mad by distillation, without th aid of compounds, which is gradually taking th place of Carton Oil, ia all loealitie where it has been introduced. Agents wanted' in every town. Snd for ctrea lar. Address, ..... 3. 3. PALMER A CO, . So. 6 Hand 6treet. Jan. x0.'6"-3m Pittsburgh. Pa. NEW HARDWARE STORE. 1 Lindsay, Sterritt & Euwer. Importers zo'i Dealers ia HARDWARE AND Entire N ew Sloe juet opened and will be offered to the trade at the LOWEST EASTERN TRICES. BEAK rftfox DrPOT,. 337 Liberty Street, Aug. 2G,'68 lyj PITTSBURGH. PA. JEINEMAN, MEYRAN & SEIDLE, No. 42 Fifth St.. 1 door from Wood L, Pittsburgh, Fa , v Wholesale and Retail Dealers lit FIXe JEWELRY, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Pure Silver-ware, French Clocks, Plated War of every description. Tea Setts, tppons, Forks. oe. Watch makers Tools and Material.and aganoy - - of tne oelebrated AMERICAN WATCHES- W also keep th largest and most varied assort ment of the very bert American mad CLOCKS to be found in say city, east Of west. Persons in want of any article in our line, either at wholeaale or for their own use, wilt find our prices lower and our assortment lar ger than any to be found west of New York City. . WATCH RBPAIRIXCr, .... To thi branch of our trad (being ourselves praotical watch makers) wepay very special attention. W employ a foioe of th very best . Artists in. th country, and any and all fine, delicate and difficult work entrusted to' bar flare for the trade or individuals may rely getting the utmost satisfaction. Work may b sent in by ex press or otherwise. REINEMAN, MEYKAN d-SEIDLE, . Wholesale aad Retail Jewelers and Silversmith 'a, ep29- 43 Tilth St.; Pittsburgh. 'PS ly. rjHE CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD Bf RICHARD MjSSOP, aiALIB 1ST FONClQN AN6 DOMESTIC DRY BbbOS. &C ' MABKXT STBXIT, CLIAarictt), PA. Head the folloirihg list of good and prijlttherety Cheap FOR THE LACIIS Good Hood Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good .nea Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Always on hand a large stock of La dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laines, GihghatBi: . Prints, chints, Kerchiefs, go bies. Bonnets, Gloves, to. FOR GENTLEMEN, . Always on hand Blank. Blue. Brown Cheap and Urey Cloths, Fancy and Black Cheamt Casimeres, Sattineta. Caaainata. Cheapl Tweeds, Plain and Fanoy Vest- Good theav tngs. fcihirting. eto., to. t. Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Cheap READY-MADE, yheap Booh as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under' Cheap! shirts, and other Flannel shirts. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck 'heap Cheap Cieai ties, uum noots and bboes.aad a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Cheap: Bach as Unbleached and Bleached Good heav Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton tablecloths. Oil oloth. Linen and hemp towls. ear pets, curtains, fringe, etc Good Gjod Good Good Good y-heap Cheap Cheap Cheap' Cheap HARDWARE, 4C. Good Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap If you want Nails sr spikes. Manure or other forks Saw-mill or other saws, Smootoi ag irons. Locks, Hinges, eto. go to Mossop's wher yoa a boy cheap. IF YOU WANT Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good CAfap.Knives and forks. Butcher Knives. Chap Shoe and Stove blacking, Manilla Cheap and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Cheap Pens. Powder, Shot or Lead, Cheap) etc, buy tbem at Mossop s. Cheaps if YOU WANT Gmod ' Cheap shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Good Cheap', fioan. 6tarch. Wall PaDarorWin- .Good Cheap joy Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes Cheap OT Wicks, coal oil, eto , go t Mossop's eheap cash star. Goad Good Good Good Goad !.od, Good Good Good Good Good Gooda Good Good Goad Good Goad Good Good Goad Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap IF YOU WANT Qaii extra family Flour, Whit or brown swgar, hams, shoulder or s'dee, ooffes; Imperial, Young Hyson or blaea tea, buy them kt Mossop's eheap for cash. IF YOU WANT Cheap Cheap Cheap CAMiT"weandle, An or eoarse salt. Kj neap I -v"i enow, ansa Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap appiea or pwaouee, water or so do eraoxers. Ball at Mossop's wher yoa can bay ehoap. IF YOU WANT -'" BiPott wine for Medical or Saeramsa- isieap tal uses. Sweat win, eld Moaoa Chedp Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap gahela ot ry trhiscy, Cherry and Cognac brandy, bay at Mossop's cheap cask store. IF YOU WANT Good Good, Good Good Good Good Good Good, Good, Goad, Raieens. Firs. Prunes or dried Car- rants: tlbei Cheap -round Bats, candies. LioMriaa Cheap Cheap) Cheap or Liquorice root, bay them at fliossop scneapand good. Cheap'. IF YOU WANT ::C;To bay any other artlel, .h.aa. tJ'JV Chpl to go Mossop, for h soils Good, Cheap, ehapr for eash thaa any othr Good. Cheap) J" Clar.W ty. ,G.V. Cheap', NovbrJ7.I86l. , aplT'S Approved reuntry preJuce of euon, hnd tain o4 the tLTUal market prion, in enehanre for mmmd BLANKETS- Isrgestoea of ine white weolea blankats.army blankets, artillery blenketn. gum blankets.boree blsakets.et J P. KVATZKR-K. EED the cheapest ta the eouaty. at ssay 2V McasBtrr-o. CABLE CHAiirfc a food artiolr. aa hand aad, for sale by , MEBRSLL AVBTGLBR. f-RUCEKIJtS tb sneaMt talle asssti. mA VJt May 29. Moseors. T ADIES' CLOAK tie hDaeH ...... Li at JCOSWP'H VERY TESK blankeU will be sold oh sap h ' J. SHAW A SON. 500,000 TSZaVI son, SOLELBATHBR A FINDINGS tha cheapest in theooanty.at MOSBOP'f.