c &afizman'z omat, kaxftfb, "ga., efirucm; 17, i860. Kjftsman'S gournal. fTrmTclaarfleld Railroad. 1 ' Tyrone at : : : - iV.ve.ClearS.eld at : : : 8.00 p.m. " 1Va ITtj : : : : '60 p A ,t. Cincinnati Express Eutit 6.17 rTmrori Divine services will beheld in Clearfield follow,: Bv Rev Nixdorff in the Lutherac church in the morning and evening. By Rev. Gayer in the Methodist church, in the morning. . By Rev. Hayes, in the Baptist Church, in the evening. -J St. Fraocia' church-Mass at 10 A. M., tbe second and fourth Sundays of each month. . , Th vkkh. We are indebted to lion. Goo. p M'Farland, for a copy of his annual re port as Superintendent of Soldiers' Or phans. Take Notice. Those intending to ap ply for license at the March term, must file their petitions on or before Monday next (22) or they will be too late to receive the legal number of publications. Applicants will ki boar iu mind that their bondsmen must be aiguera of their petitions. This L the law. The River. Owing to the- prevailing warm atmosphere on Saturday and Sunday list, the anow melted rapidly in this region ; idJ, as a consequence, the river was very ho on Monday. Should the weather re main anxious, "ratting in" will be com menced in good earnest, along our streams, in the courseof a few days. Oi'R Streets. Now, that tho Railroad ii finished to this place, it behoovesour Bor ough officers, to give early attention to the im provement of our streets, in view of the prob able largely increased travel on them. The streets that will be used most, should be macadamized with as little delay as possible otherwise they may become almost im j arable during the wet season in the spring. Philo ; your communication was receiv ed. We admit the justice of an exposure of so grave an offence, but we do not feel JL-posed to shoulder the burden of the res ponsibility of doing so by publishing a com munication over a fictitious signature. The Lw, we presume, ia sufficient to protect the sanctity of the marital ceremony from dese cr&UoB, and hence it is your privilege and your auty to have the guilty parties arrested and punished for their unholy trifling with tab sacicJ Christian ordinance. A Nuisance. The congregating togeth er of jouug men and boys, on the east side of the Railroad track in this place, on the A -snare of trains, is of a 'character uube ("Oiing to intelligent and refined minds. In fact, tiooe but those of depraved and vul fir natures, who have no respect for them selves or others, would be guilty of such no- gentlemanly and indectnt conduct. We di rert the attention of our Borough authori ties to this matter, .-nJ a.-k them to take immediate action to abate the nuisance rcf,T rti to. The Sidewalks. Our Borough "Dads" should pay some attention to the sidewalks on the streets leading to the depot. Two years ajo the Borough officers caused a part if a sidewalk to be laid along the lot of one of our churches, and 'compelled the small congregation to pay an advance of 20 per tent, on the cost for doing the work, whilst, oniesamj street, they have suffered the iiiealks of individual lot-holders to remain unhid even to the present hour. Such par tiality is not very commendable, and should not be permitted to exist any longer. Tbe borcujb officers have no more right to m w a penalty upon ft church, than upon an iufvidual. A word to the wise is sufficient. Late Publications. Tta B.ok Business. But few persons live aay pror er comprehension of "how vast f the book business in .his country. Take we "item," for instance, as Dlustrative : M-ithew Hale Smith's '"Sunshine and Shad m Xuw York," which is tho exciting c! the Jay, has already reached the e tjus sale of 25,000 copies within thirty The pahlishers (J. B. Burr & Co. HirtiVird, Conn.), use two tons of paper -y u.i run bn krge roller presses con -"wt'y to supply the current demand. This ! ':.? a wholesd'e business with one book i n;. This L a larga work too, it must be J.mtjtfreJ, between seven and eight hun ted pa.t ro..a; ocUvo - auJ ye jt is gaij nvj ii, rauidity 0f sille, "Uncle Tom's foM. TLiuk of the countlessness u! the 'aia!l oaes published. Surely ours is ,!a'has country. Thihr-,.st weekly paper in the World. -. rc.i i uion comes to us a sixteeu 5- 33 by 40 j weekly Lue. It is doublo -'- of the weekly quartos. It has three f1 !orifcs. One page each issue de 10 U"hry Ward lecher's Sermons. ye V-c fjr the farmer, and a vast amount - Mi It g;ve6 ai0ttt duule tne matter ' . 5t rt''i'iou.s papers, for expetly the pnee' 50- It has dropped all pre vaJ L'Iaims that henceforth it must r. "4i"n ly tho who want it. Send for a ( !.;,' e:'in8 ten cenu, to Henry R iH,IA PuULher. 41 Park Row, N. Y. City. r n.Di CUJJ of the testimony taken in the of the election in the Third Con-s--al Du,trict, finds the title of Mr.My . 6uct-ve!y fctablithed ; Mr. Moffet, -V'j"J- Wh. DW h(llis lhe certificate, has j- to vmate more than twenty or thirty j Tut whi,e l least three hun lrl'f ,vwn ba!!ots are proved illegaL m-?'ll,,W ma-irity was only 127, and is Wished more than twice over. The Uote of Representatives of Wiscon- Passed a bill submitting the question ejuffrage t0 vote of the people.. CushI,, hA returned. ne has sol ttosBthelathmuaof Darian. , , MARRIED : - - - , On Sunday, Jan. 31st, 1S69, by W. J. Nugent, Esq., Mr. Vilbert R. M'Cand LK3S, of Burnside tp., and Miss Hester A. W alever, of Chest tp. On Sunday, Feb. 7th, ,1869, by H. J. Sloppy, Esq., Mr. William Robison, of Jordan tp., and Miss Anna E. Donily, of Tyrone City. On Tuesday, Feb. 9th, 1869, by Rev. A. W. Guyer, Mr. William M. Adams, of Milesbunr, and Miss Lizzie W. Eorrest. of Clearfield bridge. On Thursdav. Feb. 11th. 1869'. bv Rev. A. W. Guyer, Mr. Jos. B. Larrimer, of Clearfield, and Miss Lizzie E. Fcllertox, of Lawrenee tp. On Thursdav. Feb. 11th. 1869. bv Rev. A. W. Guyer, Mr. Wa. Ross M'Pher- son and Miss Juizzis A. SORTER, both of Lawrence tp. We winh tbe fair bride and worthy groom abundant peace and prosperity; and may their matrimonial sky never be marred by lowering clouds of discord, but ever remain bright and cheerful to the end of life's check eredjourney. On February 14th, 1869, by Josiah Ev ans, Esq., Mr. SeymocrRoss, of Curwens ville. and Miss Alice J. Dcnkleberger, of Pike tp. DIED : On Saturday, Feb. 13th, 1869", Cornelia, second daughter of W. W. and Maggie J. Betts, aged 3 years and 3 days. ''Gone iu the morning. And there is no night there." Closing Quotations of Govemm't Securities. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (Snerrssors to S.Jones If Co ) CORNER or FOOETU AND WOOD STREETS. Pittabarg, Feb. 13, 1808. fcuy 'sel! ; bay.iell. GOLD. l.ii ,13oJ 5-20, Jn.'7, 1IUJ 110 U.S. 6t.. 1831. 113 n2r!5-20a.Ju!. '67 108 M0SJ 5-20,lS62, lHj HSMJuno. 7-30, 10,109i 5-20.lSfi4, 106i 106 July. 7-308, 109ijlOSi 5 208.1865, 10 J.lor.l!:May Comp,'5,l!4 10-40. 103103Aa);.Coinp.'65.n8;il81 5-2US, Jan.'i, lusj lOSii.fcept Comp. 65.113 118: 5-20a, Jul. '65. 103 !l0S :Oct. Comp.'65,117illl8 We are now converting 7-3Q of tbe June and July series into bold Coupon 9-20 bonds of looa 7 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned. Executors of the Estate of Jaon Kirk, late of the Borough of Lumber-city deceased, offer at private sale the following de scribed real estate, to wit: The undivided half of about two hundred acres of land, situate in Union township, Clearfield county. Pa., known as the Union Mills" property. About 21 acres of the laDd is cleared, from 80 lo 100 acres is covered with excel 'ent white pine, besides hemlock and other timber. The improvements are a valuable grist mill, saw mill, and woolen factory, besides a gooa irame nouse and Darn, lhe water power is good, sitaated on Anderson's creek, about 12 miles above 3urwensville. Persons desirous of seeing the property, can call uponJ. R. Arnold, residing thereon. For farther particulars apply 10 me unuersignea at J-nmoer city ISAAC KIRK. 8AMUE1. KIKK, Jan. 13,6. JOIIN RUSSELL, Exr's. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Tbe Third Session of the present Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence on Mon day, the 8th day of February, 1869. Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the Urn they enter to the close of tbe session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sezea. The Principal having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that hi entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training ef the youth placed nnder hit charge Tstkms or Tcitioh: Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, 11 weeks.) $5 00 Uramiaer, Geography, Arithmetic, and Ilisto ry. $8.00 Algebro-Oeometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geo era phy. 19,00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a bova branches. SI 2,00 I f i'l deduction will be made for absence. For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. k. JnlySl.1867. Principal. AT COST! AT COST!! We prcpose to Sell our entire stock of Winter Dress Goods. Dress Trimmings. Shawls, Ilood, Sobins, Breakfast Shawls, Cloths, Casst merrs Satticctts, Flannels, Blankets, Under-shirts and Drawers, Cas simere Shirts, Hoop and Bal moral Skirts, Gloves, JloUery, Ladicj' Coats, Hats and Caps, Bonnet Velvets, Frames, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Ladies' and Children's Hats, AT NET COST, to reduce stock for Spring. NIVLIXG k SHOWERS,' KEYSTOKE STORE, j 6. Clearfield, Fa. '09. DELAINES AT 20 CENTS PER YARD, CALICOES, from 10 to 12 cents, Muslins, 10 cents and upwards, at the KEYSTONE STORE FURS Ladies', Genu' and Children's Furs, ba lance of stock at greatly reduced prices, at the KEYSTONE STORE. SnOES a fresh invoice of GLOVE CALF BUTTOSED BOOTS.SUt Polish Bal morals,, at prices to suit the times, a the KEYSTONE STORE. WANTED Country Produce, in exchange for CHEAP GOODS, at the KEYSTONE STORE, Clearfield, Penn'a. Jan. 6, '69 tf. TTTOOLEN GOODS AT COST. After this date, f all woolen goods, including hoods, nubias, breakfast shawls, sootags. children's eapes.scarfs, caps ire, will be sold at cost, at Jan.1, la9. , , J. P. KRATZEB'S. PITTSBURG ADVERTISMENTS. yAL LEY FORGE I ,OW WORKS. John Hall & Co., . . , MANUFACTURERS OF Plows, Cultivators, Shovel-Plows ilar . rows and Union Mowers, Hot. 121 123 Liberty st., corner of Pitt it., Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Our eastings and points being made in an air furnace are in every way superior to those made by other manufacturers. Feb 12,'63-ly. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (Successors to S. JOJYES ir CO..) Corner of Fourth and Wood Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA., BANKERS, Buy and sell all kinds of Government Securities, Gold Silver, and Coupon. Sfx per cent. Interest allowed oa Deposits. Money Loaned on Government Securities at lowest market rates. Agents for Union and Cen tral Pacific Railroad. Pamphlets sent on appli cation, free of charge. Sept.3 ,'68. N0N EXPLOSIVE. THE NEW LIGHT, FETROLEUM FLUID, Gives twice the light of Carbon Oil.and safe under all circumstances. CANNOT BE EXPLODED. The undersigned are now manufacturing, and have for sale, their new Petroleum Fluid, made by distillation, without the aid of compounds, which is gradually taking the place of Carbon Oil, in all localities where it has been introduced. Agents wanted in every town. Send for circu lar. Address, J. J. PALMER CO., .No. 6 Hand Street. Jan. 20 '6'J-3m Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW HARDWARE STORE. Lindsay, Sterritt & Emver. Importers and Dealers in HARD W ARE AND . CUTLERY. Entire New Stock just opened and will be offered to the trade at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. SEAR rSIOS DEPOT, S37 Liberty Street, Aug. 26,'68-ly PITTSBURGH, PA. JEINEMAN, MEYRAN & SEIDLE. No. 42 Fifth st . 1 door from Wood t., Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES. DIAMONDS, Pure Silver-ware, French Clocks, Piated Ware of every description. Tea Setts, Spoons, Forks, oo. Watch makers Tools and Material. and agency of the celebrated AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep the largest and most varied assort ment of the very bett American made CLOCKS to be found in aav city, east or west. Persons in want of any article in our line, either at wholesale or for their own use. will find our price lower and our assortment lar ger than anv to be found west of New York City. WATCH REPAIRING. To this branch of our trade (being ourselves practical watch makers) we pay very special attention. We employ a foiee of the very best Artists in tbe country, and any and all fine, delicate and difficult work entrusted to our care for the trade or individuals may rely on getting the utmost satisfaction. Work may be sent in by express or .itherwise. RE NEMAN, MEYKAN ir SKIDLE. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers and Silversmith's. ap29- 42 Filth St., Pittsburgh. '63-ly 1HE CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY RICHARD MOSSOP, SEALER IK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ltd MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Read the following list of goods and frofittherehy Cheap CJiMp Ckeap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Ckeap FOR THE LADIES. Always on hand a large stock of La dies goods such ae Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laines. Ginghams, Prints, C'hinti, Kerchiefs, Nu bies, Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN, Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown Good Good' Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good ana urey (Jlotns, fancy and Black Casimeres. Sattinets. CasaineU, isicap Cheap X weeds, 1'Iain and t ancy V est ings. Shirting, etc.,eto. eto. Good9 Good9 Cheav Cheap KEADY-MADE Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Cheap Such as Coats, Pants. Vests, Under C'heapi shirts, and other Ffannel shirts. Cheap Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck y-ueap I heap Cheap Cheap ties.uum Uoouand Shoes. and a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Such as Unbleached and Bleached Muslins. Colored Muslins. Linen and cotton tablecloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp fowls, car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE, AC. If you want Nails or spikes, Manure or other forka Saw-mill or other saws. Smootn; ng irons. Locks, Hinges, etc. go to Mossop's where you n buy cheap. IF YOU WANT "heav Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Cheap Cheap Cheav Cheap Cheav Good9 Good9 Good9 Good Good9 Good Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Good9 Goods Goods CheMp Cheap Cheap theap Cheap Ckeap Cheap. Knives and forks, Butcher Knives, Cheap1 Shoe and Stove blacking, Manilla Cheapl and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Cheap Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Clnau etc., buy tbem at Mossop s. Cheap IV YOn WANT 'Goods o heap Cheap Shoe Last or Tegs, Palm or Fancy Goods Soap, Starch, V all Paper or Win- '.Goods Cheap Cheap Ckeap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods aownaaes, j.ampa,ijaiiipiuucs or Wicks, coal oil, eto , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods Goods IF YOD WANT i j . r ii- TT1,;.. ranas i- brown sugar, hams, shoulders or f-.j. Goods sides, eofiee; imperial, xoung Hjson orblacK tea. buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt. Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried apples or peaches, water or so cio cracxers, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. Goods Goods Goods Cheap Goods Cheap C neap Cheap Cheap. Cheap. Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods IF YOU WANT Goods Goods C.eapPort wine for Medical or Sacramen- Cheap tal uses. Sweet wine, old Monon- Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap: gabela or rye whisay, Cherry and Cognao brandy, buy at Mossop's eheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Raisens, Figs. Prunes or dried Cur rants; filberts, cream, pecan or ground nuts, candies. Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop'scheapand good. IF YOU WANT Cheap Cheap' Cheap Cheap Goods Goods I Goods Goods Goods Goods Good. Goods Cheap Cheap 1, heap Ckeap Cheap Id UBJ muj --v , iTOOfls Good, Ckeap, Cheap Ckeap sura to go to jnossop, lor ut (Joodt cheaper for eaab than any other , Goods person in Clearfield oonnty. Goeds November 27, 1861. p27'5-,t7orfj .heap Approved etuntr produee of w shnd taken at the msuoJ market wriee nmenehanfr for rood TLANKTS a large stoea of fine whit woolen a Kl.nk.ia am,v la.nkta. artillerv blankets. gum blankeiajhomc bUnkets,at J.P. KRATZEB'S. E. W. GRAHAM. A. A. GRAHAM. NEW FIRM! JASB; GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL DEALERS ia all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,Notions,Grocerie3, Hard ware, Queensware, Wood and Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt, etc., etc., etc., MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. The Largest, Best and Cheapest stock of goods to be found in the county is now on sale at JAS. B. GRAHAM k SONS. FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets. Silks Coburgs, Alpacas, Merinos. Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ging hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and other Gloves. Hosiery. Balmo rals, Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bons, trimmings, Buttcns, Braids, etc., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimores,Sattinetts, Tweeds, Mel tons, Witer- proof Cloth, Silk, Satin and common Ycstings, etc., in great variety, and at prices that will give general satinfaetion to buyers. READY MADE, Such as Overcoats, Dress coats of various qual ities and prices. Plain; and Fancy Vests, Cassimere and Flannel Overshirts, Woolen and Cotten undershirts, Hand kerchiefs and neck-tics, Cotten and Woolen socks, Calf and Kip boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and such other articles as are usually needed. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Amonjr " .hieh may be fouud Carpeti,0il cloths, Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins, Drillings, Pillow casing. Sheetings, Toweiings, Table cloths, Table covers, Window Blinds, Cur taina,Ticcings and a very large assortment of such articles as are wanted by housekeepers, and at pxices to suit the times. QUEENSWARE, A lull assortment, consisting of Tea and Din ner sets, Pitchers, Bowls, Dishes, and a general variety of ware that will be sold by tbe dozen or piece, and as cheap as it can be purchased elsewhere in the county. HARDWARE, Such as Saws and Files,Door Locks and Latch es, Hinges of all sinds, Augurs. Screws, Nails, Spices, Tacxs, Brads, -hovels, Spades.Uoes. Forks, Axes, Hatch ets.Chisels.Ktiives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Carving Knives and forks, and all articlesHisually wanted by the peoplo. GROCERIES, ETC., Consisting of Sugars. Coffees, Teas. Spices, Syrups, Dried Fruits, Cheeee.Flour, Bacon, Feed, etc., always on hand and for a'.e at a small advance ou cost. WOOD & WILLOWWARE, Such as Tubs, Buckets and Churns, Clothes wringers and Waeh boards. Clothes. Mar ket and Diuner Baskets. general as sortment, at all times, in store and for sale low. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SONS sell all articles that are usually kept in a well-regulated country store, and bence the people generally will find it to their advantage to buj goods of them. SAWED LUMBER. We are also extensively engaged in bnying and selling all kinds of Sawed Lumber, and as we intend giving this branch of business special attention, we feel assuredtbatwecan make it to the advantage of thoee who have lumber for sale to deal with ns. Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber. GOODS ARRIVING DAILY; Grain and eountry produce taKen in exchange for Goods. Ace. 26,1668. is. B. SSAHAK. JECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, FOR THE YEAR A. D., 186S. WM. K.-WRIGLEY, Esq', Treasurer of Clearfield county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in aco.unt with said oounty. from the 7Ua day of Januery, A.D.. 1868, until the 16th day of January, A. D , 1869. dkbtor. . I r To amount due county by Treasurer Moore s last settlement, , . S To amount due School and Road refund in Woodward township. To am i due lrom Collector's on county for 187 and previous years, To am't due from col a on State for 1367 and previous years, . , To am't due from unseated lands 136ft, Xo am't due from unseated lands 1867, To am't due from col s returns leri6, To am't due from enl's returns 1867,. . To am t received from J. B Graham ia Bradford. 1867 and previous veers, 321 32 33 83 239 04 ; 02 61 7,2a3- 4r 7,258 39 24A 68. 176 81 5 50 To. am't assessed seated, oounty. 1868, 14,591 27 1.U2 03 6,948 19 io am I assessed. seated, Mate, JBO-i. To am't assessed unseated lands 1!!,, To am't assessed pur ool 's return I Sort, . To additional ass t. Decattrrand Fergu son townnhips. 1867, rsni 'tread tea day assessment. , To am't int on J. Buruey's duplicate. To iq'i ret 'd on sale ot county maps. To am'tree'd from lands sold by Coiar's, To am't ree'd on sale of stove in Treas urers' Ofiice, . j To am't ree'd as Jury lees. To am't ree'd on redemption oi lands, To am't reo'd fines and forfeitures. To am't ree'd J road tax on yard lands for 1S67, in Goshen tw'p. as per act of Assembly of 22 J March. 1867, To am't transferred fiuia militia fund, 72 51 17 55 2II. 45 26 98 24 0U 374 00 17. 00 24 00 S4! 23 ?98 6'J l.yt 46 -4il 06 Total, Std.O.i-l jV cnanrroR. By amount ooUtaedrng from collectors' for ISC'S and previous yearn. $1,053 S3 By an.ount outstanding from collectors on State nt 72 By amount outstanding from t7. S. Lands 6 948 19 By amount .outstanding from collectors returns for 1867 and previous years, 40 45 By amount outstanding from collectors returns 1868 51 By exonerations tc collectors on county (or 1868 and previous yearn. 471 7? By exonerations to collectors on Stata for 1868 and previous years, 53 By exonerations on IT. 8. Lands fcr 1867 and previous years. 337 91 By relundis on l. S. Lands for 1867 and previous years. , 95,20 By percentage to collectors o county 1867 ami provious years, 740 23 By percentage lo collector on State 57 60 By State Treasurers receipt for State tax 660 51 By belief orders renewed, 3 3j By lsse8ora wages. 597 75 By Auditor ai d Clek, 270 0 By Clock and Dials, I,u79 40 By Court Crier, 86 00 by klectionexpensea. 1,540 5S By Books and stationary. 251 50 By Auditing Proth'y and Registers accounts, SO 00 By Agricultural Hooimj, 100 00 By Counsel fees, J6Q 00 By Burnside Bridge, 305 U0 By District Attorney, 323 u0 By Express and postage, 18 39 By Constables eosts, 371 15 By Foxes and Wild Cats, 203 00 By M tu. S. BraHlcy Clerk, 700 00 By Duplicates 75 00 By Coiumissioner; office vis : Chas S. Worrell. 161 days, S 102 50 . Honry S'ono, 158 days 395 00 Othello Suead. 163 days, 407 50 Samuel U Shaffner, 16 days. 40 00 1,245 00 By Jury commissioners and Clerk, 57 00 By Inquest 139 49 By Jauitors fees, - 57 00 By Justice, fees 26 80 By Grand Jurors. 873 60 By Traverse Jurors, 2-i77 59 By Penitentiary, By Lunatio Asylum, By llou?e of Refuge, By Physician, By Printing, By Painting, By State road per Act of March' 18S7, By Road damages, By Tipaiaves, By Prolhonatory's fees, By Repairs to Jail, By Repairs to Court House, By Fuel for Court House, By Sheriff fees, By Fuel for Jail, By Reward for bortr thieves, By Material for Court House and Jail 3.158 19 869 67 286 43 408 34 39 25 769 00 363 00 312 25 55 00 114 08 652 84 443 35 S6i Oi 110 1.243 6i 105 93 40 00 as per bills, By J. P. Kratzer, ByMerrel and Bigler, By J. P, Kratzer, ivy Richard Miisgop By Merrel and Bigler, By Richard .Mossup, By J. ir. Kratzer, By Miscellaneous, By Costs oi making land deeds, By Amount overpaid State, By Commonwealth costs, By Bears and Oshell, By Win. AppIeroD. By David Michaels, By Gordon Et al. By John Appleton, By Lena Miller, By John Casey, By Thos. Evans, By James Lee. By George Shank, By Isa.o Morrison, By John Flanigan, By Jacob Thurston, by Jf.M. Farewell, By John Feeney, by Philip Stegoer, . by Ilortoo ami Irwin. By Hough and Ilartzel, By H. J. lloughentury, By Wm. Silvia, By I. Kitchen, By Ball and Bear, By Barber. By Cnlvin Smcad, By J. 7. Kitchen, By Stone for Jail, Fy Road views. By Court House bonds. By Court Uuuse coupons. S42 34 75 70 24 15 33 17 35 43 6 97 10 96 223 72 30 52 153 00 31 35 $21 90 12 00 ' 169 71 157 38 15 30 63 00 12 00 2'. 78 27 87 62 19 421 52 425 1 3 130 92 76 lo 47 65 10 00 9 12 21 01 5 00 3 00 37 83 161 33 8 74 39 62 73 40 2,057 10 65 70 2(13 110 3.500 00 120 00 By paid G. W. Snydor County Soper intendantas per Act ot Assembly of April 9ih 1867-for incidental expens es for Teachers Institute for 1867 and 1868, S3 per bills filed. IPS 00 By Trias percentage recieving 31,713 65, 475 78 By Trea's percentage paying 25,971 34, 389 57 Bal. dus County by Treasurer W ricley, 4.3.15 66 S10, 033 59 Amount due from Collectors for 1868 and previous years : . Yr. I Names. T ps. j County. Bounty. 1867 T. S Washburn, 1863 A dam Breth, Becearia. $06 69 S313 88 49 38 Bell, Olearfi'd Ferguaon Goshen, Jordan. G. L. Reed, Joftiah Henry. Wm. Grhbam. W. G Williams, fl30 63 804 79 34 47 83 83 7 96 13 08 27 35 40 851 Lor Hertliue, Wm. Price, Karthaus Pike 112 78 JS1553 39,1320 30 Yr. Names. Tw'ps. State. f9 86 19 85 12 99 44 02 Militia. 14 20 t3l 07 10 42 12 47 7 50 30 57 1867IT.S Washburn, Becearia, 1868, G. L. Reed. Clearfi'd Tnsiuh Henry, Ferguson Goshen, Jordan, Piko, Wm Grnham. W. G. Williams. Wm. Price, $146 72 $106 23 Those marked (t) since paid in fall. Toam'tCourt house bondsoutftandiDg, $500 00 To amount Court-house bonds interest, 30 00 To probable expenses of County tor '69. 13,000 00 By am't due from collectors, 1.553 39 By am t due from col's returns, 112 94 By am't due from uns'ed Id's, 6.948 19 By am t due from eo'y Tres"r. 4,335 66 By deficiency to be raised by taxation, 5,070 80 Totals, $18.030 00 $13.030 00 Detailed Statement. Wl.j. mt of bonds issued to date, $270,335 00 Whole am't of bonds re- ,lmd tn Jan 1868. 5134.UU3 uu Whole am't red d 1868, 53.97a 00 213.070 00 $57265 00 S 3,055 00 15,700 00 12,900 00 10,145 00 15.300 00 1,800 00 Bonds Outstanding : Amount ove Ain't due iu irdne, Jcly 1869, 910,200 00 Am't due in Jan. 1870, 5,500 00 .Inlv I87A. Q oiiA nn Am't due in Am't due in .ln 1871. 3 mm nn Am't due in July 1871, fl.245 00 Jan. 1872. 3 Sinn Oil Am't due in Am't due in July 1872, " 13,500 00 Am't due in Jan. i7J, x,uu uu .Inl. 1K73 !M1A AH Am't due in July 1878,' 1,500 00 Am't dae in Am't redeemable during '69, $18,755 09 A m"t int. on bonds unred'd. 3.044 70 To be provided for during 186?,. $21,799 70 Am't due from eol's for '63 A pr. ys, $1 ,320 30 Am't due from unseated lands, 4.342 77 Am't due from collectors returns, j' Am't due from Treasurer Wrigley,' 13.957 37 Am't to be raised by taxation, . 2.053 02 Total, S2ir7997Q General Statement of Eoad Fund for 1866 and 1867. WM. K. WR11JJEY, Esq .Treasurer of Clearfield county, in tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in aceount with the severltl Tcwnshias in said county for Road Funds. ' . PKBTOU. . . . ., t To balance due from Treasurer Moor at last settlement.' . $ 4S 37 To bal due from col's return, in Vnion.- j . 2 40 To baldue trom unseated landsfor I86G, 7,25.1 46 To bal due frouj unseated landsfor 1867, 7.25 89 To bal due from col s return for 1866-7, 57. 2ft To bal due from addiiinnal as'essmont, 9 86 To agg. am't ass'd on U S. lands for '68, 8.685 21 Total, . $23,835 44 , .-.I .. eitumroR. - . , B"7 SifC-nia't dae from U S. land for '63. fS.685 21 By aggregate amouut of exonerations, 34 5 94 My eg'egate amount of refunds. ... 62 85 By ggregte amount paid supervisors, 12 038 93 KJ aggregate amount due townships, 2,702 46 Total, 823 835 44 STTBMNT IS flKTAIL DKBTOR. Townships Tax of Tax a'd!Bel ddelO.I ret 866-1 8S7. j for ,l6S. Jan . '6S j '66-67 BcrcaHrt, Bell. Bogg. Bloom. Bradford, Brady Burnside, Chest. Covington, Decatnr, Ferguson, Fox. Girard. Goshen, Graham, Guelicb, Huston, Jordan. Karthaus, Knox Lawrence, Morris, Penn, Pike, Union. V oodward, Tetals. S50S 44 $300 423 IU 133 111 475 159 son 305 362 44 3M 391 2ri6 2.04 76 2i0 275 431. 379 ir.5 150 341 455 07 69 67i 47 1S 77 TOO A 2-14 07 262' 74 143 86 73 18 423 73, 61)8 17. 379 20 704.88 66 46 3r. 3D . Off :i7 OSi 9i 00 4 nn 50 23 5 34 5 00 t I'lt T Tt 32 froo 2 00' 1 4 32! 4 n 155 44 14 25 ?.!I4 76i 3.r 62' 3.42! 5S IRT76 362 1 6 21 11 115 41 0 83 19 50, 30 00 96! 5II 44: 42 7!) 58 273 96 2"9 20 9r 7S 80 sn 75 20 80 6I8 32. 134 16 2 16 574 08 SI4.5I2 35. $3,685 21 S5-I8 37 $57 25 STATEMENT 13 DETAIL CBKUtf. Townships Eloner' r I ations. Trena's Amount I Bal. due per ct.jpaid twp's Jan.1869. 515 2..I S4T44 $ 179S 21 27 5D5 00 103 60 8 521 2iO 86 25 75 6 03 2l i il 00 6 74 4 46 167 IS, 30 96 23 34 640 00 143 52 12 86 135 4S 275 07 13 26 280 00 ?07 67 1 1 38 300 Oil 60 60 21 15 623 32 117 1 7 1 99 . 0 00 15 93 10 06 277 36 16 17 152 45u 383 95 19 II 604 72 38 61 11 84 434 27 flO 87 10 64 330 00 21 62 102 65 3X92 34 369 92 5 61.! 13 : 00 46 31 10 86' 26 00 ? 46 14 4i 400 00 f,0 06 15 34) 461 03 51 07 23 72, 620 00 156 62 8 37 210 0 15 47 6 23 226 Oil 4 00 IS 5S 5P4 16 170 57. 17 22 .4-2 46 67 it $12,038 98 $2,702 46 Beccariu, Bell, Boggs. Bloom. Bradford, Brady. Burnside, Chest. Covington, Decatur, Ferguson. Fox Girard. Goshen, Grabam, Guelich, Huston, Jordan, Karthaus, Kuox, Lawrence. Morris, Penn, Pike. Union. Wood ward $1.1. 10. I 421 3 52 I 4 14 .27 26 21 10 19 60 5 76 63 23, 1 oil 12 00 i 06 67 76 7 20 22 50! 12 42 30 12 96 20 23 12 23 Totals, $345 94 Note. The sum of 529 86 was collected as road tax off lands returned by the owners, viz: Brad ford $5 29 ; Decatur $10,05 ; Ferguson $7.50 and Fox 7,02. Tbe refunds were, vis: Breuaria SI .1.00; Bradford S2.10, Girard SI.C0; Huston $7,00; Jordan 25 cents; Karthaus S20. 70 ; Morris $1; Penn $3,21 ; Woodward 13.97; Total $62,85. Bounty Fund. WM. K. WRIGLEY, Ksq .Treasurer of Clearfield County in tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in account with Bounty Fund for tbe year A. D. 1868 DEBTOR. To balance due fpnd last settlement, $115 92 To ballance due from from collector!- for 1867 and previous years. 3.752 55 robal. due from Unseated L'a.nds' 18t. 25.42 74 To bal. due from Unseated Lands 1367. 14.519 80 Tobal. due from collectors returns 1336, 762 9i To bal. due from ccllectors returns 18G7, 357 23 To bal. due from collectors returns additional. 80 90 To amount assesed seated 1838. 8.818 O'.i To amount assessed Unseated 1363, 4,34 2 77 To amount atsesied collectors return 1863, 36 34 Total, 3582B929 CREDITOR, By ba!. due from collector! for 1863 and previous years. $1,320 39 By bal. due from unseated lands for 1863 4,342 70 By bal. due from collectors re turns for 1867 and previous years, 84 99 By bal.due trom collectors returns for 163, 36 34 By amonnt exonorations unseated lands, 1,989 60 By amount refunds unseated lands, 492 27 By exonerations to collectors 736 86 By percentage lo collectors 176 36 By exonerations on collectors re turns for 1869 and '67. 255 72 By amount of Bonds redeemed the past year, . is.975 00 By amount of coupons. 4,707 57 By amount of coupons Burnsido and Pike Schools 372 00 By Treasurer percentage on receiv ing 45,072 09 at 1 per cent. 450 72 By Treasurer percentage on pay ing 37.151 59 at 1 percent. 371 51 Bal due fund by Treasuror Wrigley 13,957 37 Total, s58,263 29 Statement of School Fund for 1867 and 1868. WM K. WRIGLEY Em , Treasurer of Clearfield county, in tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. in account witn tne several t-cbool districts lu said county for School Fuuds vis : DEBTOR. To Bal. due from Treasurer Moore last settlement. 9 17G 09 To amount due from collectors returns 10 72 To amount due from U. 8. lands for I860, 8,313 47 To amount due from V S. landsfor 1867. 9,335 69 lo amount due col teuton returns for '65-67 130 80 To amount due from additional assess ment, t 2 14 To amount assessed on U S land for 1863, 11.352 no Total, CREntTmt. By aggregate amount due from U.S. lands for 1863, By aggregate exonerations, By aggregate refunds. By overcharge in Bradford, By Treasurers percentage. By aggregate amount paid School Treasurer, By aggregate ballance due districts, Total, Si'J.y.ll 51 Sll.352 80 570 00 57 13 5 03 551 90 13,933 49 3462 35 92993I5I STATEMENT IS DSJTAIL DEBTOR. 1868-1867. for 1863 Jan '63 j '36-67. $991 43 600 14 709 02 557 29 I 355 21 373 74 8 ?3 334 52 173 50 5 48; 275 35 2oO 10 23 49 50 82 1.481 77 666 06 12 55 U 50 743 44 313 30 J 744 94 390 26 872 13 J81 45 1J 55 15 40 1,273 72 638 6l 2 TBI 82 37 55 23 3 83 294 69 619 83 472 74 8 08 1,147 69 783 26 5 04 1.026 46 667 60 633 28 345 98 1.026 23 1,047 13 J 04 266 35 182 66 45 00 549 77 375 09 19 69 625 8.3 413 83 767 12 647 14 1 54 1.027 84 , 493 96. 12 12 . 483 1 4 290 12 8 74 24 83 196 04 21 21 185 50 20ft 38 1,176 89 829 36 3 77 $18,199 16$U,352 60 $176 09 S1308ft Becearia, Bell. Boggs, Bloom. Bradford, Brady. Burnside, Chest, Covington T)Octur. Ferguson Fox. Girard. Goshen, Graham, Gulich, -Houston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, I.awrenoe, Morris, . Penn, - Pike, Union. Woodwaid STATEMENT 15) DETAIL CREDITOR. Townshipsl E?.one Tress's Amount Bal. due per ct.j paid tp'g. Jan 1869, 29 74 700 00. 224 44 21 27 575 00 102 33 16 66 500 0 40 41 1 031 329 85 . 1 8 26 229 14 49 69 47 05 I 200 00 299 89 2 0 689 43 22 35 604 23 26 1ft 500 00 ' 314 39 34 1,141 70 146 63 J 75 70 00 12 6S 8 84 175 47f . 44 02 13 59 350 00 245 2 j 34 67 1,002 00 ti 94 I 30 79 730 00 252 34 19 15 500 00 : 119 13 30 80 975 28 I 7-99j 200 0 47 62 I 17.84J 40 00 154 It 18 94 500 00 96 20 I 23 01 547 81 197 30 83 900 00 91 tl 14 64 403 75 33 1 8 54 274 21 24 17 5 56 125 00 54 94 35 30 1,000 P0 1 ,.6 4? $551 90 $13,938 49 $3,462 36 Becearia, Bell, Boggt. Bloom. Bradford, Brady, Burnside, Chest, Ce.vington Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, ., Girard, Goshen, Graham, Guelich. Huston, lasdan, . Karthaus. 10 4: 12 9; 23 h: 47 71 118 31 45.08 10 37 58 88 1- 30 r 2o 13 15 20 32 10 441 33 72 Knox, 16 14 45 16 87 Lawrence, Morris, Penn, Piko, Union. Woodward 48 84 Totals Note. The addition. I , to the sm of $62 H,i,- Brad, $35 63. Decatur $ 7 16 and rergnaonSS 35. The refund, amount ed in the aggregate to 13. viz : Beocaria$l 60. lllJs"l-?l fjrth.u.SS 76, Morri.,51 GertificateV We. tbe nnder! rn,t n, , , ;..- . 5oty of Clearfield, in the Commonwealth 1 ennsylvania. having examined the several ae. counts and vouchers of William E Wrigley Esq Treasurer of said county, for 1868. Dc-eertilV that we find tbem as above stated. The amount due the County fund1 by aim' is (54.33J t.6) fi.ur thousand three ha.Jred and thirty-ftve dollars and sixty six cents.. The only indebtedness cf the county fund is ($500) on Court Hours bond. The amount i!n A.. i: r - ; , . . "'iiini irom collec tors is (l,a33 39) one thousand five hundred and" -..j H luirry-nme cents, CoantV funds and(S!44 72) one hundred and fovtv.sii dollars and seventy-two cents-State and" (J106 23 orw hundred an 1 six dollars and tweuty.lhree cU dlllllla inea Euh,i,(. ,k. , viT , . - sut. vxonerauous "ui1.rros,,rers uJ Collectors percentage. . , - J'.VM1' dae ""-WV from.nnseiited lands is (56.943 19) six thousand nine hundred and forty-eight dollars and nineteen cents. The aggregate amount of Bounty Bonds still unredeemed lis (557.265 09) fifty seven thousand, two hundred and sixty-five dollars. The asuoant to oe redeemed riurinv lAiu - . tcen thotifand seven hundred and fifty fivedoliars V , JW wl" moont to the sum of $3,014 70 three, thousand forty-four dol lara and wv.nt. u . . t , , : i -, .me amount dae from collectors is (51,320 3o).one thonsan three nnniirail enii aa..e J , " ponar ana. thirty . eents, from unreated lands S4,342 771 four theusand three hundred fourty-two dollars and seventy, seven cents, from ool ectors retsras (S12I 24'osia hundred twenty one dollars and twenty four cents, amount due from (13 P57 37) thirteen thous and nine hundred and fifty-seven dollars and thirty-seven eents. leaving a deficienoy of ($2, Oob 02) two thon-and and fifty eight dollars and two ceuls to be rawed by taxation to meet the current payments of the year. The aggregnte ballance due the seversl School districts by tbe Treasurer, is ($3,462 36) three thousand four hundred and sixty-two dollars and thirty six eents, which is respectively set forth in the tabular statement above. The aggregate reliance due the several town ships for road funds by the Treasurer is ($2,702. 4o) two tboutaud seven hundred .and two dollars and Torty six cents, also set forth in a tabular statement above. Witness our hands, at Clearfield", this 30th day of January, A. D. 1869 , At.,e" HENRY STr.jfK. r W, S. Bradlet, UTHELLO SMEAD if Clerk. SAM L 11 SHAFFNER, ) r,,TVE,!i undersigned Auditors or ihe County of t learfield, in tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having inot at the Court House in the bo?ough of Cleai field according to law, and having examined the several accounts and vouchers of William K. H rgley Esq . Treasurer or said coaety forth year A. D. I8t9, do report that we find them as above stated. a J fivm0n? dn" rron? hiB' to 'ne county is S4, 335 66) lour thousand three hundred and thirty 0I7 e? 'fu f d '"J-."" eeDt- 00 Cnty ($13, Ja7 J7) thirteen thousand nine hundred and fiftr f$ie7"?r w" ?? "V-ven cents, on road fund (j2 702 46 I two thousand seven hundred and two (S3 466 30) three ihousand lour hundred End sixty dollars and thirty-six cents. In testimony whereof we have hereunto setour hands this 3tHh day of Jannarv A. D. 1369. J A. L. FLKUAL, it. .) CLARK BROWN, It. g.1 Attest: PUICE ROWLEfl. 1.. s G. B. Good ladder, Connty Auditors. Clerk. Clearfield Feb 3, 1869. h U, LbALh;,Tb property occupied by P AJ.UUC", wiruer 01 need and Fourth Streeu, Clearfield borough, consisting of a good substantial Plank House.fnd the lot (about tbree-fourihsof an acre) is offered far sale The altuatioa ia elnsn in K k.:i , t . . . . excellent location for business tir... bv- terms. apply on the premises. Nov. 1 1-1869. C. CR0MM, MERCHANT TAILbrt. MARKET STREET, CtEABFtktD, PA., Adjoining the residence of Dr. J. G. Uartswick, Keeps a fine asaortmtint r 1 ... -- - - f..a,ii auu 1KBCT cloths, cawmeres, etc., which he will make up to -. . ltnl oijyiva, (je lowest prioes. Being an experienced workman, he guarantees entire catisiactinn a ,1,... .. ...11:. . .w v. uuuiiv usuuoiri solicited. f ,., or, KQ.e JfEV SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW k SON. Have just returned from the east and are bow opening an entire Be stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, wbl-h the 6w offer to the peblio at the lowest cash price. Their stock consists of a genera! assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Bronms, Kails, ate, in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store eta fee Bad by calling at this store, or will bo procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of the newest goods, Is of the best quality, of the latest ty!es, acd will be sold at lowest prices for cash. or exchanged for approved country produoo. Be sure and call and examine oar stock before making your purchases, as we are determined "lease all who may favor ns with their eustom. May 8, 1367. J.'SHAWSOK. HOUSEKEEPERS, and those contempratiof; matrimony, would save money, by .ayiez their household goods, such as buckets, tubs, brooms, baskets, ehurns. butter bowls, ladles ran ters, sieves, brushes.el.uhe pins, clothe lines, bed f meb7 .M"h...b'1i?"'.bk7 .m"-. Ip l, , . ' -". cauuie suces. porcelain aettles. tea esn e 1 , .5 . .. glasws.meat stands, table oilcloths. Ac. 'at ..i - j. y. KUATZER'8 SHOEMAKERS can buy, at a small advance on city n rices Ri.lt, c t. 1 . : can Kip and Calf tkiiis.Kip'up per, Spanish Kip, .iniuga. rinaings, ao . 01 . 100a. J. f. KKATZtK. PARED PEACHES tbe best in market, at the. store of J B GKAHAMAbOKSv FEED the cheapest in the county. 4 . May 29 "kof OP'g. lABLE CHAINS a good avticle. on hand and. for sale by MKKKKLL A BIGLER. GROCERIES-th. tbeapest in tbe eo.nty. at MJ M" MOSSOP. F0DDE& CVTTERS of .up.rtormakfar reaionaHe prites, at MEKRKLL aad BIQLER'.Clearfiei,Pa. Nov. U T ADIES'-CT.OAB'S v. .1...