ffle afttmatf goutnaf, prarficl'b, Iga., gamum; 6, 1869. 6: 1869. tyroae and Clearfield Railroad. : 11.20 a. m. : 2.05 p m : 4.00 p. m lMiile Pbilipaburg a' Am" -j pElIr,wrs. Divine services will le held ,tt lbatb. in Clearfield, as follows : Bv Re- '-orff in tl?e Lutheran church :. the morning and evening. m By Rev Archer (Presbyterian), ra the Court House, moiuitiK and evening By Kev. Gnyer in the Methodist church, ; the evening. . , By Rev. Hayes, in the Baptist Church, in tie looming. VrPBAE in our columns to-day the quarterly statements of the First National BaoksofCurirenevillc and Clearfield. Both institutions seem to be financially sound tni prosperous. ' IuponTA-tr. Under the heading "At C0st," in our advertising columns, the read er can obtain information that will accrue to benefit, in case he avails himself of the invitation extended. IWt fail to refer to the aJ.erti.teuicut alluded to. Dedication. The Presbyterian Church, atCsceo'. will be dedicated to the triune Godon Sunday, January 17th, 1869. Ser vices, preparatory, will commence on Fri Jy evcnin.sr. Sth. All are invited to attend. V. B. Southerland, Pastor. Bitters. AsM. A. Frank, Esq., will be absent from Clearfield for some weeks, per sons who are using his celebrated "Ameri un Bitters" are notified that he has left sev eral dozen bottles at this office, where a sup ply can be had until Mr. Frank's return. TheWiatuer, etc. Owing to the pre vailing moderate air and the falling of some rain, in the beginning of the week, the snow melted considerable and caused quite a tise ia ome of the streams in this region. They, however, are still ice-bound, and are likely to remain to for some time to come. "Week okPraveb, "The anuual "Week of Prayer" is being observed in this place. Kwcises this Wednesday evening in the Methodist church, Thursday evening in the Baptist church, Friday evening in the Luth eran, church, and on Saturday evening in the Methodist church. All are requested to aUeii'L Oca Railroad. The main track, of the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad, has been completed to the depot grounds in this Bo rougQ. We tin. Wstaml that it is in contem plation to send a large number of workmen here, in a few days, to put up a turn-table and depot buildings ; and that, if the weath er proves auspicious, regular trains, both passenger and freight, will run to this place on and after January COth. The' Academy. We are glad to know tbat this institution continues to prosper, nnder the efficient management of its ex cellent Principal. In addition to the advan tages already enjoyed, we understand that the pupils now have the opportunity of timing both instrumental and vocal music, under the instruction of a competent teacher. Lrt tho.--e who desire a good school, with energetic and thorough teachers in all its department, patronize the Academy. Tue Lumber Prospect. The prospect for a large quantity of square timber being no down the river, in the spring, is rather i ribli'tiiatical We have no definite data as tithe supply likely to be on hand, but, if ? are permitted to judie from the meagre information now before us. we believe the ijuaatity will be quite limited. We hope ibis will Le the case, as the prospect for re munerative prices is not very flattering at this time, owing to the fccarcity of money everywhere. Temperance Lecture. Rev. J. S. Mc Marray, of Altoona, will deliver a public lecture, on the subject of temperance, in tH Court lloiwe in Clearfield, on Monday "eninj, January 11th, 1S69. Rev. Mc M array has the reputation of being one of the beiit and most entertaining lecture a in tee State. Old and young, male aud fe- fflaie, are cordially invited to attend and fwaie of the rich truths that will be pre wntC'l tor thoir serious consideration on the TitA' subject of tomperance reform. I '.nation. On Christmas Eveanuw l t ladies and gent!cmen,of lYnnfield and jcimty. vwted ti e residence of the Rev. J- ... Ilcwi t, whine they spent a few hours n pleasaut conversation, and partook of Miue refreshments. Upon dispersing, the romraur prest-nt-.-d Mr. Hewitt with a purse c-'tiiaining over Forty dollars, aud bis family with a number of articles of wearing apparel. The kind friends have the thanks of Mr. II. i family, f(r their generous gifts; aud tty the Lord ble them for this expres :on of lov" fr their pastor. 1'at5-fr and Ieer. The Greensburg .(., f IVe. 3i.ith, says : "A subscriber hvmjat Indiana, writes us (of the date -'2d ) a f j;ows : 'Yesterday we had the J ' l'jro of-teing the largest panther "ever j'wht to ton a It wa killed in Clear coatity. near the Indiana county line, 7 -Mr. Huph. y Kelly, who fonrerly resi ul Livormore. The animal measured 'ne '-'-?t '"from tip to tip." weighed two ''-.i;! pounds was thirty-three inches b'-& tail three feet long. Mr. Kelly Lr"UKht in thirteen deer, which he killed, S fame day.' " Cold (.'it rr.cHES. Preaching to a con-S'c-gition in a cold church is a fruitless task. , ln;tiister may have devoted much time 3J thou-ht in preparation, and entered 'hcpnlpit convinced that he was able to de d the undivided attention of bis flock, T if the church is poorly warmed his uu3 will be of no more avail than if epo i to pens Hed w;th chips. A week's rk will be lost to all, excepting himself. ae stuall quantities of kindling wood and might have been saved, and the sexton reed from his work of opening and closing ftie dfk-.rs. A room well warmed, made coin Wab'e without the furs and overcoats,pre rs the body and mind of th hearer for crdt and ernn?el of th rW- List of Lettebs remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at Clearfield Pa., January 1st, 1869. D. Acheson, Barters Bush, Wa B. Brown, Miss S. H. Boyle, Miss E. Jane Bruce, Mrs. M. Jane Beek, Hutch. Bradley, Mrs. M. Ann Clarkin, Samuel Clark, J. F. Crawford, Mrs. M. E. Cranes, Miss Cal. B. Cariile, D. L. Coleman, Wesley Deb ass, Mrs. Bridget Dolah, 12) ; Mollie Frampton, Solomon Fetterman, Philip Golden, W. M. Heverly, Mrs. Fredriea Heisendale. Abner Hoffman. (2); John II. Heath, Miss Nan nie Imboden, James M. Kelly. George Uer rick, James Johnson, J. R. Kratzer, Miss Maggie M'Cully, Miss Emma F. Mici.eal, James M'Caskill, Bridget M Ginnis, Miss Rosanna Potter, 3liss Mary Smith, Leon ard Stock well, (2) ; Thoma Singleton, Ed ward Valtcrs, David B. W alters, Alexan der Welishouse. Persons calling for any of the above will please say they are advertised. J C Rous. The following named persons haye been drawn as jurors for January term, 1809, commencing on Monday, the llth: Grand Jurors. Beccaria, Math. Cow an ; Bell, Benj. Baird ; Boggs, Sauiuei Lam belt; Bkhui, G. A. Bloom; Brady, LianL Smith; Burnside, Gerge Paichin. Wilson King, It A-shcialt, J. L. Neff, Wm. Irwin ; Chet, Solomon Tozer, Andrew Addiemao. Josiah Westover, John Connelly; Coving ton, C. Barmoy, Joab Rider: Ciearfield.il. Bridge, Wiu Rudebaugh; Decatur, Jesse Gos ; Ferguson, H. M 'Cracken ; Jordan, John Straw ; Knox, Benj. Roberts; Law rence. S. S. Moore; Penn, GrierBelL Travis Jurors. Beccaria, Lemuel Root, Samuel Hcgarty, S. M. Dickerman ; Bell, Robert Mehaffey ; Boggs, Aaron Hartman, Jol:n Miller, jr., Uriah Litz; Bloom, W. W. Anderson ; Bradford, Edmund Dale, M. O. Wilson ; Brady, David Reams, L. B. Cariile, John Garble ; Bun side, John Es trieker, F. Hutton. Daniel Gorman ; Chest, Wm. M'Garvey, Austin Curry; Covington, Wm. Plubell, L." Flood; Ferguson, M. Witheright; Girard, Milton Leonard; Gra ham, Enos Buh, Andrew Patricks ; tiue lich. Daniel Fulkerson ; Huston, Thos. Hew itt, E. F. Hewitt, W. D. Woodward; Kart liaus, Ed. M'Garvey, John Michaels; Law rence, O. B. Merrill, Milton Nichols, Jas. Forest, D. R. Fullerton ; Lumber City, W. T. Moore; Morris, Thos. Divinney, James Thompson, S. Hendershot, Joseph Potter; Osceola, L. G. Lingle, William Gladstone, Wm. Sheller, George Perry; Penn, John B. Rafferty. J. II. Brady, James B. Clark ; Pike, R. W. M'Naul; Woodward, James Stott. MARRIED: On Thursday, Dc 24th, 1868, by Rev. F. E. Hewitt, Mr. Wm. II. Radebach and Miss Almedia Brown, both of Hustou township. A bright silver dollar accompanied the above notice, for which wc tender the hap py couple our sincere thanks. And as they glide down the stream of time together, we wish them many silver-y reflections and gold en enjoyments, and hope that they may be the happy recipients of eternal joys at the close of life's journey. On Tuesday, Dec. 22d, 1868, at Mayville, Pa., by Rev. Ira Brownsou, Mr. Adam iNULPH and Miss horniA Rowersox. On Wednesday. Dec. 23d. 1863. by Rev. A. Wr. Guyer. Mr. J. I. W'illiams. of Philipsburg, and Miss Ada Saran, of Uurwensvnle. On Thursday, Pec 24th. 1868. by J. R. Caldwell. Esq., Mr. Lemuel C. Bi.oom, and Miss annie Beauman, both of Koox tp On Thursdav. Dec 24th. 1S68. bv Rev. J. W. Buckley, Mr. G. Hudson Lytle and Miss LYDIA Kelly, both of Lumber city. On Thursdav. Dec. 24th, 1S6S, by Rev T. II. Switzer, Mr. David S. Burkett, of Shirleysburg, Huntingdon county, and Miss Alice Huuhes, of Decatur tp., Clearheld County. On Tuesday, Dee. 29th, 1863. by Rev. S. W. Sears. Mr. GT.oroe C. Davidson, of Clearfield, and Miss W ESTANNA M. Jones, or 1 hmpsburg. On Thursdav, Dec. 31st, 186S. bv Rev. S. J. Hays, Mr. James R. Throne, of Wayne, Clinton county. Pa., and Miss Catherine A. Dice, of Curwenville,Clear field county Pa. died : . On Wednesday, December 16th, 1863, of consumption, Malissa, daughter ft Math ew S. and Mary J. Oedeu. of Clearfield borough, aged 17 years, 8 months and 15 days. .May she rest in peace. On Friday, Dec 18th, 186S, Emanuel Wiser, of Bradford township, aged 25 years, 7 months aud 21 days. On Tuesday, Dec. 22d. 1868, of consump tion. Willis W. Wasburne, Esq., of Glen Hope, aged about 24 years. I he deceased was admitted to the Bar in this place, but a tew months since, and was a young man of more thin ordinary ability at.d promise. Peace to his remains. On Wednesday, Dec 23d, 1868. of con sumption, Maggie, daughter of George N. and Margaret Colburn, of this borough, aged 26 years, 10 mouths and 7 days. It is sad to lose our friends peculiarly so, when, in early years, they are attacked by a fatai disease and hurried to a premature grave. But this, our cloud of sorrow.bathed in the sunlight of brightest hopes, has for us a "silver lining." Maggie has left be hind her, precious memories precious in our thoughts, precious in our faith. She had professed her love to her Saviour in the days of comparative health, and had hon ored that profession by a consistent walk, and in the hours of her suffering aud death, she realized how blessed it is to trust the Lord. Our heavenly Father, as He lay His sick child prostrate uon her bed, gave her such a delightful assurance that she was really His, as to banish every doubt, disarm death of his terrors, and open a shining pathway to the very throne of God. This was the source of unfailing comfort the ground of constant joy the inspiration of her tender counsels the bright radiance of her dying chamber. Her experience of the presence, power, and prccioiisness of tlie Saviour was a wonderful testimony to the abiding truth of the promises of Christ. Not a visitor, to that bedside, could fail to be impressed with the marvelous power of true relinion to support and sustain in the hour which, above all, man dreads most. Her death was eminently a glorifying of God manifesting that strength, confidence, and victory which was in striking contrast to the weakness of the emaciated body. At last, her ardent desire to depart, and be with Christ, was granted; and death already couquered, made no last effort to redeem his prey, and, gently as closes the eye of day, her departing spirit left its clayey tab ernacle, and waiting angels bore the ran somed one to her eternal dwelling-place, there, clothed in a robe more spotless than tl e driven snow which sweeps over her grave, to be thrilled by Heavens sublime surprises and to be enraptured by its im mortal songs. How precious such a life, how sweet the memory ot such a death, how solemn and earnest the last words of one who had such a blissful realization of eternal joys. "And J heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, write 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." "Let me die the death of the righteous, aod let my ltit end be like hers." M EYE R, PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT. MILCSICBO, CKSTRB COCKTT, PBF'A. Alio geot for all the latest Improved Water P R A N K L I N HOUSE, KILLER FARM STATION, (OS OIL CREEK BAIL BOAD,) eoango County. Penn'a. THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. Jy 8,'68-ljr.l C. W. TWIST, Proprietor. - LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and MieMnneons Rooks; Sheet Musi for Piano, Plate and Violin; Blank Account and Pass Books, of every de cription; Paper and Envelope. French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment. Exemption and Promisor j Notes; Blank Legal Paper: Whito and Parchment Brief; Leg I cap: Record cap and Bill eap, etc . Will ha sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. GAULIN, At the Post ofSop. en Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 5, 1868 NEW STOCK. Fall and "Winter Goods. WM. REED k CO., Near Post Office, Market Street, Clearfield, Ta. Having just opened a large and complete stock from New York and Philadelphia, we can offer extra inducements to CASH BUYEKS. We have a splendid selection of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS. CLOAK1NOS. FLANNELS BLANKETS, BALMORALS, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, THOMSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS, TRIMMINOS OF ALL KINDS, ZEFHl'R AND WORsTED YARN, And the most complete as8ortment.ol Ladies and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS. ALEXANDRES KID AND HARRIS' CELEBRATED SEAM LESS KID GLOVES, the best ever made. Neck tits, Butterflies, Collars, Cuffs. Handker chiefs, Embroideries, Laces, Edgings. also a large assortmentof Furs.with GAYS' TATENT MUFF, the beet thing extant Together with a fall line of staple goods, all of which we offer at the very lowest cash prices. CALL AND SEE US. No Trouble to Show Goods. REMEMBER THE PLACE MARKET STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. Clearfield, Oct. 7. 1868. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! The Cheapest and Best Goods in Clearfield county are sold by GEORGE S. PERRY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER l!f FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE, North-west cor Curtin St. and Public Square. OSCEOLA MILLS. Clearfield Co.. Pa. We keep on hand Goods of every grade and variety. FOR THE LADIES we have Dress Goads of every fabric FOR THE 'JENTLEMEN, Ready made Clothing. Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetta, Tweeds, Jems. Linens. Ao Also a full stock of Gents' Furnish ing Goods. IN BOOTS AND SHOES We dety competition, as we buy for CAsn, and buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and hence can sell cbeap er than other dealers, hats and Caps of latest styles very cheap NOTIONS. All goods in thii line you can find with us cheap atid good HARDWARE, of every description, for car penters, builders and others. GROCERIES. SYRUPS, from the lowest grade to the best that can be bought in the markets. SUGARS of every kind. TEASof the very best qualities COFFEES that cannot be beat. Either in price or quality. CANNED FRUIT of all kinds. DRIED FRUITS, Spices, de., ij-e. We have always on hand a large stock of Queensware, Wood and Willow-ware ROrES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL 4; WINDOW PAPERS, FLOUR & FEED, BACON, PROVISIONS, FISH, LARD, BUTTER, OILS, tc, kc. Any goods yon are in want of ean be found at oar Store. All are cordially invited to rail and examine oor stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident thai we can sell yon better goods. and at lower prices, than can be purchased elsewhere. Particular attention paid to orders from a distance, and to supply ing log camps. COME ONE! COME ALL!! No trouble to show Goods. GEORGE S. PERRY, B . FARM AT PRIVATE" SALE. The sub- scriber offers for sale his farfti in Law rence township, situate on the east bank of the eusquenanna river, who toe i-rie turnpike on the t-onth, and containing 84 acres. Moat of the farm is in meadow, and the whole under good fences. The improvements are a good log house and frame bank barn, with the other necessary out bouses. A spring of good water is near the door. An orchard of choice fruit is growing on the premises. There are three veins of good eoal on the land, to wit: one of five feet, one of three feet 4 inches, and one of two feet the latter near the river. For terms, inquire of the subscriber, on tbt premises. JORDAN REED December 16, lSBS-pj QLEARFIELD MARBLE WORKS. ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE FINISHED IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART. The subscribers beg leave to announce to the citisens ot Clearfield countv, tbat they have opened an extensive Marble Y ard. on the South west corner of Market and Fourth streets, Clear field, Pa . where they are prepared to make fotub Stones, Monuments, Tom ha. Box and Side Tombs, Cradle Tombs, Cemetery Posts, Mantles, Shelves, Brackets, etc., etc., on very short notice. They always keep on hard a large qnnntity of work. nibetl. except the lettering, ?o that per rons ean call and select for themselves the style desired. They will also make to order any other style of work tbat may be desired ; and they Salter them selves that they can compete with the manufac turers outside of the county, either in workman ship or price, as they only employ the best of workmen. All inquiries by letter promptly an swered. JOHN OUKLICH. May 22, l67-tf. HENRY Q UELICH. II. F. N A U G WATCH MAXES, L E , GRALTAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks WA TCHES&tine assortment.o silver Hoot ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled GOLD rEjVS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a largo assortment, far and near siht. colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full sec ALSf).a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives. etc . plated on genuine Alabata. ALSO. Hair Jewelry .with pnregold mounting got up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted A continuance of patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth, lb65. H. F. NAUGLE. JfEW SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW k. SON. Have just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the publie at the lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc, in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store ean be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of the newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determined 'ease all who may favor ns with their custom. May 8, IH67. J.SHAW SON. rpiIE CIIPAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY Ft I C II A II 13 MOSSOP, DEALEK IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. &C..' MARKET STalET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Head th following; list of pood t and profitthrrehy Uood' Good Always on band a large stock of La- P Good GoodM Good Good Good Good Good Good Good aies goods sucn a4 loturg Cloth, Alpacas. Dc Laines, Giugbams. Prints, uhintx. Kerchiefs, N u bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. Ckeap Ult-trau CU,p FOR GENTLEMEN, Chrup Always on hand Black. Blue. Brown Vkrap' nd Grey Cloths. Fancy and Black Cl,roA Casimeres. Sattinets. Cassinets, tteap Vhean i weeus, fiaiu una r uucy v eat ings. Shirting, etc.. etc. etc. READY-MADE. Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good -heap C,,ap Such as Coats. Pants. Vests, Under Cixap shirts, and other Flannel shirts. Cheap: Boots. Shoes. Hats. Cat)?. Neck- hearA ties. Gum Bootsand Shoes. and t;Ao a variety of other articles. - htap gueh as Unbleached and Bloached It rap lJieap Cheap (..- and cotton tablecloths. Oilcloth, Linen and hemp fowls, car pets, curtains, fringe, etc Gjod Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good HARDWARE, AC. Cltea-n IfJu want Nails r spikes. Manure Cheap or other forks iw-mill or other Cheap BHWS. 71UUVID V alUIIS. LOCKS, Hinges, etc.. go to Mossop's ' where you n buy cheap. Cheap Cl, rap Ch 'ieap IF YOU WANT Ch,ap Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, Cheap' Shoe and Stove hlacking. Manilla Cheap, nd hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Cheap, Pens. Powder, Shot or Lead, CheaiA etc., buy them at Mossop's. Good Good Cnap, IF TOO WANT Good (. heap s; 'heart Shn f.ajit or Peps. Palm nr Fan Goods Cheap', Sqbd. Starch. Wall Paper or Win- Goodi Cheawl dow Shades, Lamps. Lamp tubes tot" or Wicks, coal oil. etc , eo to Good Cheap Cheap Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods Cheap! If. you WANT G,'""9 r.,-i- Fi, wl:. Goods Cheap . k.m. iode sttrap sides, coffee; Imperial, loung Hyson or blacit tea. buy them Goods ne-ap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods yh.eap Cheap, at Mouse p s cneap ior cash. IF YO0 WANT Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt Syrup or inoiasses. cheese, dried apples or peaches, water or so do cracKers, call at Mossop's where you ean buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Ijheap Cheap tneap, I heap Cheap Cheap Cheap C'.eap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramen tal uses. Sweet wine, old Monon gahela or rye whisicy, Cherry and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap eash store. IP YOU WANT Cheap Raisens. Figs. Prunes or dried Cnr- 'i", rants; filberts, cream, pecan or Goods ' Goods Cheap' Cheap Cheap i grouno nuts, candies. Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop's cheap and good. IF TOU WANT Goods Goods Goods Goods ChfMp CheapL Cheap 10 ou7 "'" "" eneap. ne Goods sure to go to Mossop. for he sell:? r. Cheap, cheaper for eash than any other Good, Cheap! Porson ,b Clearfield county Go0)is CheJp November 27.18fil. ,p27 o..Goods Approved -iMntr produee o f evert hnd taken at the usual market wrir in exchange for goods o TL. Potty, Paints Glafs and Nails, for sale at Jnne '68 MtnutLL a BiULbK b. IRON i IRON!! Best bar iron, for sale at the store of MERRELL ABIGLER. CANNED FKCIT, of best nudity, for sale by Ag. 33, MERRELL 4 EIGLKR. PITTSBURG ADVERT I8MENTS. yALLEY FORGE I ,OW WORKS John Hall & Co.,' MANUFACTURERS OF Plows, Cultivators, Shovel-Plows Har rows and Union Mowers, No. 121 a 123 Liberty St., corner of Pitt St., Pittsburgh, Pa N. B. Our eastings and points beinr made in an air furnace are in every way superior to those maue oy otner manufacturer. Keb.I2,'6s-ly. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Successors to S. JONES d CO..) Corner of Fourth and Wood Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA., BANKERS, Buy and sell all kinds of Government Securities, Gold Silver, and Coupons. Six percent. Interest allowed on Deposits. Money Loaned on Government Securities at lowest market rates. Agents for Union and Cen tral Pacific Railroad. Pamphlets sent on appli cation, free of charge. JSept. 30,T68. NEW HARDWARE STORE. Lindsay, Sterritt Euwer. Importers and Dealers ia HARD W ARE AND Entire New Stock just opened and will be offered to the trade at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. 1IAI UNION DEPOT, S37 Liberty Street, Aug. 26,'68-ly PITTSBURGH, PA. JEINEMAN, MEYRAN & SEIDLE, No. 42 Fifth st .1 door from Wood t., Pittsburgh, Pa , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE JEWELKY, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Pure Silver-ware, French Clocks, Plated Ware of every description. Tea Sett, Spoons, Forks. If a. Watch makers Tools and Material.and agency of the celebrated AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep the largest and most Varied assort ment of the very bert American made CLOCKS to be fonnd in any city, east or west. Persons in want of any article in our line, either at wholesale or for their own use, will find our prices lower and oor assortment lar ger than any to be found west of New York City. WATCH REPAIRING. To this branch of our trade (being ourselves practical watch makers) we pay very special attention. We employ a foice of the very best Artists in the country, and any and all fine, delicate and difficult work entrusted to our care forthe trade or individuals may rely on getting the utmost satisfaction. Work may be sent in by express or itherwiae. REINEMAN. M EY KAN i SEIDLE, Wholesale and Retail Jewelers and Silversmith's. ap29- 42 Filth St., Pittsburgh. '6S-ly. LOOK AT THIS! CLEARFIELD BAKERY. The whole population of Clearfield and vicinity are herebj informed that the undersigned keeps on band FRESH BREAD, every day, PIES, CAKES, ROLLS, and all kinds of C0XFECTI0NARIES. ALSO, WEDDING AND CHRISTMAS. C -A. IT E S , at reasonable prices. J. A. S T A D L E R . September 16, 18B8-n. Mcknight & jannot, Wagon and Sleigh Makers, (Immediately in rear of Planing Mill.) CLEARFIELD, PA. The subscribers would respectfully inform the cit'rensof Clearfield, and the public in general, that they are prepared to do all kinds of work on WAGONS, CARRIAGES, SLEIG IIS,ic, on short notice and on reasonable terms, and in a workmanlike manner. A new feature in our line si thai we iron our own work. All orders promptly attended to, WM. McKNIUllT. Nov. 18, 1S63. CHARLES JANNOT. BANK NOTICE. The annual election for Nine Directors of the First National Bank of Clearfield, will be held at the Bank, on Tuesday, January 12th. lSGd, between the hours of 3 and four o'clock, P. M. Dec. lfl, 1068; A C. FINNEY, Cashier 170R SALE. Tlie property occupied by Thomas Liddell, corner of Reed and Fourth Streets, Clearfield borough, consisting of a good substantial Plan'c Houe.and the lot (about three-fourths of an acre) is offered for sale. The situation is close to the Railroad Depot, and is an excellent location for business purposes For terms, apply on the premises. Nov.lt 1SA8. rjISSOLUTlON. The partnership here tofore existing between the undersign ed was dissolved on October 21st. 1863, by mutual consent. The books and accounts are in the hands of M. Yingling for settlement. Burnside. I MICHAEL TINGLING, Dee. iri,'68-3t. ISAAC YINGLING. TISSOLUTIONof PARTNERSHIP. All persons are hereby notified that the co-partnership existing between the undersigned, ia the Merchant Tailoring business.was dissolved by mutual consent on the 31 st day of October, A. D.1BC8. The books and accounts will be col lected by M. A. Frank, and the business will be carried on at the same place by E. R L. S tough ton. M. A. FRANK. Clearfield, Dee. 18 E. R. L. STOUGHTON. TN THE COURT of Common Pleas of J- Clearfield county: RarBEN Reiter 1 No. 270 Sept. Terra, 186T. TS. AsA Reitck. J Alias Suh. Sur Drvorc. To Aska Reiter. Respondent : Ton are hereby notified and required to be and appear in your own proper person, at our next Court of Common Pleas, to be bolden at Clearfield, on Monday, the llth day of January. 1869, before our said Judges, to answer such things as may be then and there charged against you in the complaint of said Ii bellant, in the proceedings now pending, and d submit to soch order and decrees as the Coart it make; and hereof fail not. Dec. V, lrW-U. O. HOWR, Pheriff. CCRWKNSVTLL ADVERTISEMENTS. Q ' J. HAYES, Surgeon Dkstist ; Office oo Thouipsou street. Curwensvilie, Pa. Teeth eitraefed by the application of local an aesthesia, and all kinds i f modern dental work done. May 13, lSHS-y. AMERICAN HOUSE, Ctirwensvilie, Pa. Having taken charge of this well-known Hotel, the undersigned would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Travelers will find the accommodations equal to those of any other house in this seetiou. Charges moderate. Dee 2. ISdS-tf. JOHN J REED. Prcp'r T S. COLE would in lorn, his old cu9 " tomers, and the public pem-rallr, that he still continues to manufacture hOOl'S AND KH'IES of the very best French Call and Kip. at the lowest prices for eash or approved country produce, lie also o as all kinds of heavy boots. All work warranted, aid perfect satisfaction giv en. Oppurite Draucker's Hotel, Cnrweneville Ja. July 29. lWo-ly. rjLEARFlELD NURSERY. Encour- ace Home Industry. The undersign ed having established a Nursery, on the Pi'ke. halfway between Curwensvilie and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Etergreen". Shrub Dery.urape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black herry. Strawberry and Rnsphei ry vines. Also Sibrian Crab trees Quince and early Scarlet Kheu Darn.se. urders promptly attended o. Address Aug si.ltso. J.u. v ltiuirr, Curwensvilie s USQUE II ANNA HOUSE. Curwensvilie, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This well known Hotel. havinc been re-fitted aud re-furnihrd throughout, is now open for the accommodation of travelers, and the publie in general. Charges moderate. Wjl. M. JEFFRIES. August 14, 1887-tf. Proprietor. E W I R M ! Hartsock & Goodwin, One door East of Tienjamin Rloooi's Hotel, CcaWEXsviLLE, Pa. Having just received a full and well selected assortmentof Dry Goods. Dress Goods. Clothing. Notions. Hats. Caps, Boots. Shoes, Drugs Hard ware, Queensware. Tinware. "Jedar and Willow- ware. Brooms. Groceries. Flour. Kith, Salt. etc.. to which they ask the attention of the public. Uur assirtment is complete in every department and our prices are moderate, as will be found upon examination by purchasers. Goods will be sold cheap for eash. or exchanged for country produce. DANIEL H AKTSOCK, tt0.li.ls6i. EL UOODW1S. L W A Y S NEW, WITHOUT FAIL. JOHN IRVIN, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensvilie. an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods which he will sell very cheap for cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, QucenswarcBoots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc The publie generally is respecfully invited te give him a eall : see his stock and bear his prices, and purchase from him if you find it will be to your advantage. Nor. li, 18t8 A TTENTION! BUYERS!! HIPPLE 3s FAUST DEALERS IX FOREIGN ARD DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, tC MAM STREET, CCRWRXaVILLK, PA., Having just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to which they desire to invite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry-Goods, Groceries. Hard ware. Qneensware, Tinware, Boots, Shoes, Uat and Caps, Clothing, Notions, etc, in great variety, which they now offer at prices for cash to snit the times They also deal in Grain, Pork. Shingles. Boards, and other lumber, which will be received at the t'ighest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a call. Remember yon can find us at the old stand on Main Street where we are prepared to accomo date customers with anything in our line of business. Sept. lSfiS. RIPPLE A FAUST. AJEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT KIRK SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have Just received their Spring stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots. !boes. Hats. Caps, Fish, Salt. Flour, Bacon. Kails, Paints. Oils. Stoneware. Hardware. Queensware, Ba&kets. Tubs. Churns. Carpet. Oil cloth, and a general variety of such articles as are usually kept in a country store, ail of which they will sell cheap roH CASH They weuld also direct attention to their lare stock of Ready-made Clothing, which they offer for sale t a small advance upon cost. EI KK A SPENCER. Lumber City Pa . Mav 8, 1S7. N. B. We al?o manufacture to order, and con stantly keep on hand a general assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men. women and children. KIKK A- SPENCER. THE Pennsylvania "State Temperance Union" is actively enuazed throuch its agents in presenting the 'J'einpernriee Reform. Tbey have made more than three hundred Tem perance speeches and sermon since the beginning of this year, and are 3. ill bu-y. The will an swer all demands for Speakers, in the order of application. Peisnns wishing to have the Total Abstinence doctrines advocated and weighty reasons presented why a prohibitory law should be enacted, ean be gratified by writing to the Secretary. Wm Nicholson. Esq.. No. 115 Sontb 7th St.. Philadelphia, or to Rev Pernell Coombe. 513 Arch St. Philadelphia. There is to be a Temperance Convention for the State held in Harrisburg nest February. Dec. 9, '68. SHOEMAKEES can buy, at a small advance on city prices. Sole leather. French and Ameri can Kip and Calf frkins. Kip u per. Spanish Kip, Moroccos. Linings. Findings, Ao . of November , 1863 J. P KRATZFR. GROUND AND UNG ROUND'SPICES. Citron English Currants. Essence Coffee, and Vine gar ot the best quality, for sale by Jan. 10. HARTSWICK i. IRWIN. IURS german fitch fetts.french squirrel setts. ' American squirrel muff, sadle.vietorines sil ver martin setts, mink capesand muffs, cents' lur collars, (beaver and mink) at J. P. KRATZER'S. CtARPETS englUh Brussels, super ingrains; J ventians, all wool stair, twilled hemp, plain hemp, felt druggett, floor oil cloths. I. If. 14-2 yards wide, at J. P. KRATZER'S J,i Lr,iv tun r. rvo oi asuperior maat 101 1 sale at reasonaHe pr-tea at MERRELL and urai i-uto r i - d. Ka. ia U ?. VIVI1RV a, I . .w . -. Q UEENSWARE the cheapest in the county a L AVtNUI 0. FEED the cheapest in the County .at May 29. MOSSOP'S. FLOUR the cheapest in th county at May 29, '67. MOSSOP'S. PLASTER the cheapest in th eonnty. at May 29 '67. MOSSOP'S. NAILS a EPIKES theeheapest Id th ccunty, at MOSSOP'S. F ISII, of all kinds the cheapest in the county at Mussura. o IL A PAIKTS th cheapest in the eonnty say z. iwvjoowr CABLE CHAIRS a good article, on hand and forsal by MKRRfLL A BIG I.BR. THOROUGH ORDINANCE At a mecC injjof the Town Council, held on De cember 7th, lt)6A. it was ordered that th follow ing Ordinance be re published, and notice gives tbat its provisions will b strictly enforced : Be it Exacted ad Orbaiked by th Burgess' and Town Council 0f th Boroegh of Clearfield, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by th au thority of the earn, that hereafter it shall b th duty of ocenpiers of lot, and owners of oneeca pied tots, slang whose premises side walks are now, or saay hereafter be laid nnder ordinanoe now in force or which may hereafter be passed,' to causa th side walks along their retpeeiiv premises to be cleared ot :now.when and as often as the sameshall fall thereon. within twelve Sours after tbe sametball ceare failing; and on default of soch occupiers or owners, having such aid wains cleared as aforesaid, he, she. or they, shall be fined in the sum of five dollars, to he collected as debts if like amount are now by law recovera ble. And it is hereby made the duty of the Bur gess to see tbat suits are brought against all who may offend against this ordinance. In testimony tbat the foregoing ordinance was paf sed th 6th day of Dec. A D. l(5o, I haj here unto set my band. Wat. K ADESAroaj, Burgess. ttest, L J. Crass, Secretary. Notice is herebv given, tbat the prevision f the above ordinance will be enforced. ...... W. W. BETTS, Bnrgeas. Attest. Q. L. MoROAit, Sec'y. decl6. The Xexo York Observer Is now publishing a new serial Story, to raa through a largo part of tbe next volume, entitled "MR. BROWNINGS FARISH." All new subscribers will got the story complete. We send Grover and Baker's S55 Sewing Ma chine for 18 new subscribers. Jn order to introduce the Obrbtor to new readers and new circles oi influence, we make th following liberal offers for NEW SUBSCRIBERS: We will send the Observor for one year to 2 subscribers, one or bith being new, for j6 Ot 3 subscribers, two or all being new. far Sd 09 4 subscribers, three or all being new, for $10 66 Or. to any person sending ns five or more new subscribers, we will allow one dollar commission on each. Send by ehca:, draft, or Post-office order. Sample copies and circulars sent free. Terms S3.it) a year, in advance SIDNEY E. MORSE. Jr., A CO , Nov. 2S-3t 37 Park Row, Sew York. THE PITTSBTJEG DISPATCH TOE 1869. The Dispatch is on of th largest, liveliest and most widely circulated papers in the Stat. It is an eiiht page paper, independent in politlc,and contains forty-eight columns of matter. embracing tbe Latest News by Telegraph, the Most Reliable Market Reports, th Latent Cable Telegrams, the Fullest Local Reports, with tbe Latest Newe by Mail including the most interesting Personal and Political items. Telegraphic Market Reports front all points of importance, East and West, and much other matter of an entertaining and in structive character. The Dispatch is furnished by mail at 93 a year, or may be had from oar agents at li cants a week. Send for a specimen copy. In issuing their Prospeetus for 1869, it affords tbe Publishers gratification to be able to state that their Weekly like their Dally, eaters npon the new year under very flattering auspices. It has been enlarged to nearly double its former sis, and now oontains thirty-two columns ot matter, printed in bold, clear type, making it on of th handsomest, as it has long been on of the cheap est, if not the cheapest. Weeklies in the country. It contains th Latest news of thexlay Political, Commercial and General, and a aa entertaining and acceptable FAMILY NEWSPAPER is not excelled by any paper in th Stat. Th Weekly Dispatch is tarnished to single subscribers t SI SO or in clubs of ten to one address at SI 00 each, with a free paper to tbe party getting up the club. . Subscribers may remit us by mail, either in bills or Post office order, which is the safer mode. Postmasters receiving subscriptions tor the Dis patch, either Daily or Weekly, are authorised to retain twenty percent, on our published rates.for single subscribers, or ten per cent, on oar elub rates of ten papers for S10 00. Address, O'NEILL & ROOK, Publishers Daily and Weekly Dispatch, . (niMPATCH IROB BUILMXC),) Dee 23 67 and 69 Fifth Street, Pittsburg Pa- THE PITTSBUE0 GAZETTE FOB 1869. This journal enters upon tbe 83d year of an ex istence which has never been more vigorous, or rewarded by the confidence of the people with a more substantial support, tban now. Always a leading newspaper of the Commonwealth, tbe present generation of the people, the third since the establishment of tbe Gazette in the last cen tury, still regard it, as did their fathers, with unabated respect, and with an entire reliance upon its faiiblul exposition of the soundest prin ciples of political aud social economy. Th Pro prietors need only point to the unblemished record of this journal io the past, to pledge to their fellow ciinens tbe same fidelityto the high est considerations of duty for tbe future Our facilities for obtaining the latest and most reliable news, ircreaso daily. a reeognize our devvtion to (bote political principles which bar recently aebcived a fresh and most signal viudi cation before the tribunal of the people. The effective services of this journal in promoting this triumph are ackhoa ledged by an universal assent. Tbe Gazette enjoys to-day an admitted influ ence in a wider field than ever before. It is no longer regarded as a mere local journal, but has acquired an interest, as a journal of the nation, which commands attention to its utterances abroad as well as at homo. Its managers will aim to maintain and increase this influence by every just menus. It will continue to be. as in tbe past, the only political journal in Allegheny eonnty which will be accepted by the people, at boiue or abroad, as the faithful. steady, ever-true exponentof thos Republican principles which one Administration and four successive Coi.grcsses have loyally and successfully interpreted, and which the Americas) people have just now one more approved. The close ol a momentous political straggle, and the victorious situation to which tbat has brought us. will find the Gazette acting in harmo ny with the new administration of tbe Govern ment in its most important department. We shall have access to the most reliable sources for early, accurate and abundant information on all mailers transpiring at the National and Stat Capitals, and will make the collection of such matters a leading speciality. Our special and regular daily reports from Washington and Hr risburg. during the approaching sessions, will b early, minute, uninterrupted, aud from th vary higbast sources The Daily Gazette at only two-thirds the price charged by other journals gives an eq .at amount oT inteiesting matter, its eight broad pages ma king it the cheapest, as it ia on of th largest daily papers in the Stat. The WEEKLY GAZETTE, with Its days of publication so arranged as to snit all th snails from this city, gives th same mattet in its forty eight columns, to its readers, at a lower pric tban any otber paper in tbe State. Its Editorial. News. Commercial. Financial.Re ligious. Agricultural. Scientific, and Literary De partments are conducted with th same earnest desire to command tberublic approbation, which has already l.een conspicuously manifested, and which confessedly regards tbe Gazette as th special organ and most reliable reporter for the leading interests of Western Pennsylvania Tbe Market Reports of tbe Weekly Gazette arc a standard authority in Commercial eireles throughout this region. Its files are accepted as an authority for reference in th oonrta of this eouaty in important issues, to Jetermin th ru lings 01 prices at any given penoa in uispui. TERMS DAILY GAZETTE. One year, S3 ; six months, $4 ; three saenths. 2 ; WEEKLY GAZETTE : Singlt copy, per year, SI SO ; elabs of five, each copy, $1 2s ; elubs of tan, each cony. SI li. and one copy to tbe getter np of the names. Specimen copies furnished oo applieatioa to th Proprietors. Address, PENNIMAN, REED & CO., GAZETTE BUILDING. Pec 23 M ard 86 Fifth Avepne, Pittsburg HARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for sal at MERRELL BIGLEK'S. H OR5E-SH0E8, and horse-nails, tob had at Aug. 23. MERRELL A BIQLkUt'fr THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes. fcLt on, for sale by MERRELL M(MJR PRUNES a quantity on hand sad for sal at May 27; GRAHAM'S. C ANNED FRUITS all kinds, warranted good and rresn, ai UKAHAM fe. PARED PEACHES th beat in mark, at tbe store of J B GRAHAM A feOKS B OOTS A SHOES th cheapen in the anty. TADIES'CLQAVEl th. ehtapuHn thercus'y i at M?f,OP;.