UL c glaffematt'g gournafj glearfiefb, "g?a., cceroBet 9, 1868. "ARFIELD, PA., DEC. 9, 1868. TZont and Clearfield Railroad. . uiVaTyfiat : : : : 2nm- . ..wares Philipsburg a' : : : 2 05 P m 'V. ..Tirana at : : : :4.00 p.m. 4rriM at Tyron at REUaiors. Divine services will be held Mlt Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : By Re- 'illorff in tIie Lutteran cburch -, morning aad evening By R- Archer (Presbyterian), la the C.t House, noniiDg and evening. By Rev. Guyer in the Methodist church, ii the evening. By Rev. nye., in the Baptist Lburch, in tb Biominj?. To IIocse Keepers. Wra. F. Ir win ha in ore an(i for 8ae on JIar" krt street, a quantity of good extra family flour. Xsff Advertisements. The Reg ister's notice, several cautions, etc., ap pear in our advertising columns to-day. Read thern The Old Franklin Almanac. This excellent Almanac for 1869 has made its appearance. It contains more oiefnl information than its predeces iors,nd tliis is high praise. Trice, 20 cfna. A. Winch, publisher, Fhil'a. A Pre-sst. Our friend, Capt. M' Gaugaey, on Friday last, presented m acan of fresh oysters, for which we tender him our thanks. The Captain is a good, clever fellow and deserves to If sustained in his present enterprise. Tni Vicissitudes of Foetcne can not dratroy the mental fortune. Edu cation rises above panics and the fluctu ations of trade. Knowledge and re finement are better than gold. Your daughter! can enjoy superior advanta ge at the IloUidaysburg Seminary. Restaurant. Mr. D. M'Gaughey laving purchased the entire stock of witfectionarie, etc., from Mr. J. F. Rote, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. His stock is large and varied, and every effort will be nude to suit customers, fcfee advertise ment for particulars. Stram Machinery. Messrs. Boyn- ton k Young, having during the part summer erected an extensive machine ship in this place, are now in full op eration and prepared to furnish steam nginf!, and other machinery on short notice. For particulars see cdvertise cieiit in another column. Advertising. An exchange says, '"Lat advertising makes up for the dis i Wantages of a poorly located business r.wl; k jrood business stand mav have " the customer constantly at the door, tut advertising draws customers ritrht to the place." The truth of this &r araph is well known to every man iat pursued a systematic plan of Uwt thing. Snow. On Friday last, Dec. 4th, one fout of snow fell in this region, ai.cn Monday lust, about eight inches i-'ore. Em, notwithstanding the heavy t.ijuf snow lying on the ground, the is1 quite moderate for this season of '-:yeir. Should the atmosphere be- a little more fridgid, the effect "1 be to put the roads in good condi gn fur traveling and hauling a much te4 desi.leratim at this time, espe by our lumbermen. Ft Tobacco Ch ewers. One cf :..t most indecent halite extant, is that cowing tobacco in churches and f'g the disgustiug filth over the ! to th ie 2reat inconvenience of and the annovance of fentle- "ho are frequently compelled to ''-'Jpy Ac same seat. The man who (r.ot refrain from chewing tobacco '"g the hour of divine services, is a to a practice that he should make Ft exertion to free himself from, as '-'.church is not "t place for an ex ition of the filth he ejects. We "j3;4 k lho;e who are in the habit .'w'g tobacco in churches and "'ngupon the floors: what would ; tblnk of the man who would enter C P4rl0r r "'"S-room and while spit great pools of tobacco juice rjour fi(K)rs anJ carpet3? your a designed as a place in which "e your gt comfortable during .', sU.r ith you, and the church is -i ts piace for the comfort of :iTtTi durins Divine servi.,Ps. X..ith. r 15 intended tl, . as a depository 'of filth : , " is no more justifiable iu vio- c luuimnn i,nn. ,.i ... r 4T hfA l -i . i' v.ji icuco il citljr T. -one m church, than while in " Por, and no fwtv ,.r ... , zentleman will be ZcL . an lmPrpriety in eith He snKmit 1- .1 am mcD reuiarKH to creful consider,,;. e n ( in .L , . . .v.uu'Jll Ul nil , HO . -"udoitot chewintr tobacco in ie ha birches. S. witn 1, r..n b, . assurance tnat a QiQnia. uu, seriom reflection will suf- tf0110 them f th heinous- ili i 0ffensivc habits, and that U1 hereafter refrain from chew-'e1'BSlivineftrTice9. Enlargement. The "Elk Advo cate," recently purchased by C. B Gould, Esq., has been enlarged, and otherwise much improved. Mr. Gould is a sound Republican and a vigorous and lively writer, and under his man agement the "Advocate" will be wor thy the support of his party friends. A VI FF A tCRK FOR JSARACHE. lliere IS scarcely any ache to which children are subject, so bad to bear, and so dif ficult to cure as earache. But there i3 a remedy never known to fail. Take a bit of cotton ; put upon it a pinch of black pepper; gather it up, and tie it; dip it in swett oil, and insert it ia the ear. Put a flannel bandage over the head to keep it warm, it will give im mediate relief. The Happiness on the IIome Circle. At this season of the year, when affection ami love prompt the bestowal of some suit able token to the members of the family and to friends, the question arises how we can delight our loved ones,and at the same time do thein a real and lasting good. The an swer is simple: Cail upon some reliable Music Dealer, a man in whose judgment and integrity you can place implicit confidence. nd procure from him a fine Piano or a good Organ, above all others the articles best cal culated to contribute to the delight and hap piness of the entire family circle, and which is a "thing of beauty and a joy forever." Such a niau is emphatically Mr. Henry Kleber, of the firm of H. Kleber & Bio., 122 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, a man who from his infancy has been connected wirh music, who is one of the very best judges of musical instruments in the country, and whose character fur integrity is such that he has perhaps sold more Pianos and Organs to parties who left the choice of the same en tirely with him, than any man in the busi ness. If we add that this firm are the sole agents for the world renowned Steinway Pianos, which beat all competitors at the late Pans Exposition, and also the exquisite Burdett Organ, with its wonderful imita tion of the human voice, a brand of instru meats which arc regarded as the greatest successes of modern times, we need assure no sensible person that it is at Kleber' s Wareroom where the very best instruments can be had. Dec. 9, lS68-3t. COMMUNICATED. Whereas, Through the foul breathings of slander, the pseudolopy of persons of splenetic disposition against the Rev. S. J. Hayes, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Curwensville, a reproach has been at tempted upon the cau.-eof the Master; and Whereas, these same precarious individu als have taken advantage of this opportunity made by them to insult the honored Minis ter of the Son ot God, whose character has ever been unimpeachable; and Whereas, said pastor has by his own efforts, and in spite of the opposition of an unprogres sive spirit, repaired and refurnished our meeting house, and placed the Church in a better finanei.il condition than it has been for years ; therefore be it Resnlcetl. That the Ilev. S. J. Hayes has our unbounded confidence for the manner in I which the Ministerial and financial affairs of the church have been conducted by him. and that we hold hiiu ctitirely blameless of any and ail charges that have been brought 8gainst hi in. Done by order and in behalf of the First Baptist Church of Curwensville, Pa., No vember 2'0lh, 1SC3. John S. W lliams, Moderator. J. D. Wright, Church Clerk, pro tern. A Southern editor says he thinks Grant ought to be grateful to, what he calla, "us rebels" for making a hero of him. That is, they furnish the material for Grant to make war agaiust, and thus made him his fame. They gavj themselves to be whipped for his glory; aud this editor thinks the whippers deserve his gratitude. The reasoning looks clear. At the Working Womens Protective As sociation, in New York, they are exhibiting a cloak that required thirty days to finish the embroidery on it, and in which one hun dred and eighty tkeins of thread were used For that amount of skillful labor and time only twelve dollars were paid by a promi nent .Uioudnay house- By the middle of December there will be in Marateon county. Wis., one hundred log ging camps, averaging ten uien each, in full operation. It is estimated that each camp will average 1,500.000 feet of lumber, ma king in the whole one hundred and fifty mill.'on fret as the lumber product of one county. Iu the face of a duty of $14,00 per ton, of 2,000 lbs., for iron, and of forty-five per cent, on the invoiced value of steel, the im portation of foreign railway bars has trebled within three years, showing, for the same period of nine months in 1S66, 70.405 tons; iu 1867, 137,884 tons; in 1868, '00,36S tons. A wealthy gentleman in Providence, who bas tuade a specialty of co.lecting political caricatures, has a full collection going back as far as the hard cidfr campaign. It is said to be the richest of the kind extant, as he has been offered repeatedly several thousand dollars forit. . Secretary M Cullocb officially reports the entire reduction of the public debt, for the year ending November 1, 1868, at a little more than thirty-millions of dollars. Cops will please make a note of this. General Grant has been gossiped about of late as being worth $300,000. Thi is an enormous over estimate. He has never been a money geti er, and about all he possesses has been given to him. Bets to the aroountof two millions of dol lars are said to have been made on the Elec toral vote in California. s s A citizen of Chicago, anxious for a 'cham pionship,' wants to pitch quoits at a mark against pistol shots. MARRIED : On Wednesday, Nov. 26th. 1868. by Rev o. jr. Archer, -Mr. ue.njamin I. Love Clarion, Pa., and Miss MacgiE A. READ. of .Lawrence township,- Cluai field co., Pa. Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities JAMES T. BRADY A CO., (Srwor to S. Jo net Co ) CORNER OP FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS. Pittsburg, Dee. 5. 1S63. buy sell 1)ut. sell GOLD 1355 VM 5-20s. Jn.'7. llUifllDj u.a.fts, issi. llZj ilj jd 2"s. Jul 67 10 luS o-ziis. iw., 1 17j !ISJ Juoe. 7 Wis. ion J luy 5-2l.18ft4, 10SJ 10o, July 7-303. 1091,109 o"s.lS85. I0SJ 10, May Comp.'fiS.IU ' 10 40s. 1031 10o! Aug.Oomp 'fi5 118, 1I 5-2lis. Jn.'5, 10SJ I0SJ: Sept C'ooin.'fti.l IS 1 1S 5-20s. Jul. '65. 108 108 j Oct. Comp. '65,1 17J I IS We are uow converting 7 30 of the June an Jul; series into Gold Coupon 5 20 bonds of IS--5-7 r)ISSOLUT10NT. The partnership here tofore existing between the undersign ed, in tbe Lumbering and Mercantile business, in Pike town-hip. Clearfield county, bas been dis- uiTea oj mutual content. Not 4. ISSS-fit PERRT A BIHOLE. AUTION. All persons are hcrenvcau tinned n-rainst ptirr-hnsinp or in snv wav meddling with two U RAY HOKSES, now in pni. se-non ot John fen unmet, of Orsbam township as ine same oeiong Co me and are sunjeet fo mj i-ioy. iJ-.ii j order. A. B SHAW. CJTKAY HOG. Came trespassing on th. premises ot the subscriber, in tiirar township about the latter part of September last a white and black bog, supposed to be about nm year old- The own-r i requested to come for warn, prove property, pay charges and tuke i away . or it will be sold as tbe law directs. Nov. 25-31. ALLX. I K WIN. TOR SALE. The property occupied by Thomas Liddell. corner of Reed and Fourth Streets, Clear&eld borough, consisting of a good substantial Plan'r House. ui,1 the lot (about mree-iourmsot an acre) isnOered lor sale. Tbe situation is close to the Railroad Depot, and is an excellent location for buMness purposes Fm terms, apply on ibe premises Nov. ll-H-ss NEW MILLINERY GOODS. MISS SUSAN REED, Market Street, Clearfield. Pa., Has just received a new and splendid sock of Fall and Winter MILLINERY GOODS, at prices to snit the times. Call and see them. Clearfield. Nov 4.1363. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The Second Session of the present Scholastic year of this Institution, will oommence on Mon day, the iid day of November. 1S6S Pupils can enter at any time They will be charged with tuition from the time tbey enter t the elose of the session Tbe course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. the Principal having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa. rents and guardians that bis entire anility and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge Terms or Tditior: Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmttic, per session, (11 weeks.) fb 01! Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and flisto ry- $6.01) Algebr-i.Oeoraetry, Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying. Philosophy. Physiology, ChetniMry Dook-kecpinz, Botany, and Physical Gentcr phy. S'J.OO Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a bove branches SI2.0D tTSo deduction will be made far absence For further particulars inquire of RiT. P. L. H ARRISON. . JulyJH . IS07. Principal. DOCTOR TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT. STOMACHIC and CARMINATIVE BITTERS, Extracted entiiely from HERBS and ROOTS. Highly beueScial in DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, and Loss or Appetite ; and an excellent CORRECTIVE forperson? suffer ing from Disorders of the Bowels. Flatulence. Ac Sold Everywhere. Depot.No. 4 1 3 Market St., Philadelphia. J. K. TAYLOR k CO., September 9. 1363-ly. HOUSEKEEPERS, and those eontempla-ing matrimeny, would lave tnonet. by buying their household goods, such a.' buckets, tubs, brooms, baskets, churns, butter bowls, ladles. rub ters. sieves, broebes.cl lhe pins clothe lines, bed cords, rolling pins, knife boxes, sugar boxes, sti ves. kettles, wash boilers, bake pans, lamps, lamp shades, lanterns, candle sticks, porcelain ketiles. tea canisters. Bat itons. clocks, looking glasses, meat stands, table oilcloths. Ac at fee- 2 isas J. P KKATZKR S GRAIN WANTED Wheat. Rye. Corn. Ruck wheat and Oats wanted, for which the high est market price will be paid byJ.P KKATZbR. Market Street opposhe the Jail. Clearfield. Pa SHOEMAKERS can buy. at a small advance on city prices. Sole learher French and Ameri can Kip and Calfskins Kip n per. Spanish Kip. Moroccos. Linings. Findings. 4c .of November 4, 1S6S J. P KRATZFR. "CARPETS english brussels. super ingrains, ed hemp, plain J ventians, all wool stair, twil'ed hemp. hemp, felt druggett, floor oil cloths. 1 . 1 f. 1 1 4-2 yardswide.at J. P. KR ATZEK'S BUFFALO ROBES, lap robes, foot rugs, just received at J P. KHATZLH & PRUNES a quantity May 27. on band and for sale at GRAHAM'S CANNED FKUITS and fresh, at -all kinds, warranted good GRAHAM'S. PARED PEACHES the best in msrke' at the store of J B GRAHAM A SONS. ADDLES. Bridges. bames collars Ac. for MEKRELL A IUGLI.R'S. sale at TOVE3 of all sorts and fires, constantly on band at MERRELL A BIGLER'S SOLE LEATHER A FINDINGS the cheapest in the county, at MOSSOP'S. IOOTS A SHOES the cheapest in tbe county, ) at MOSSOP'S. CCRWENSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. Q J. HAYES, St roeon Dentist; Office J ou 'i'ti-Miipsoii street, Cnrwensville. Pa. Teeth extracted by the application of local an" aia'.bedia and all kinds I modem dental work May I.. ISoS-y. done. M E R I 0 A N Curwensville HOUSE, e, I 'a. Having taken charge of this well-known Hotel. the undersigned would respectfully solicit ashare of the public patronage. Traveler will find the acooiiiinoaariuud erjuai to tbo&e of any other bouse in ibis section. Jliur;es modorare. Deo 2. ISrts-tf. JOHN I REED. Prop'r T S. COLE would inform his old cus w turners and the pni.iic generally, that he still continues to manufacture BOOTS AND S1I-IE- of the very best French Cail and Kip. at tbe lowest prices for cash or approved country produce. Hi; also n:aKes all kiuiis of heavy boots. All work warranted, ar.d perfect satii-faetion giv en. Opposite Draucker'a Hotel. Curwensvihe Ph. July 2a imw-iy. pLKAUFlKM) NURSERY. Encolr v ace Homk. Industry. The undersign ed having established a .Nursery, on Ibe Pike hall way between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared t- furntsh all kiudsof Fru trees. cst.intard and dwarf. ) rvirgreen . Shrub hery.t,rape ines, Gooseberry, Law ten lilo nerry . .-trawherry and Knspbeiry vires. Also sjibrian' rab trees yuince and earl y Scarlet Rben barb Ac Orders promptly attended -o Address Aug 31. ISM .I D WK1.1I1T, Curwensville QUSQUEIIA N N A HOUSE Curwensville, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This well known Hotel, baTir? been re-Etted and re-furni-hed throughout, is now open for the arcommonaiion i-i iravcieia and the public ffeneral. Charges moieraie. VM. M.JEFFRIES. August 14. 18o7-tf Proprietor T E W FIRM! A. Ilartsock k Goodwin, One diK.rEnst of Henj.-imin TUoom's Hotel, CDKWESSVII.LB. P Having just received a full and well selected "ssortment of Dry (tools Uress (ooa-. Clothing motions, iiais .aps. isihiis. .-noes, mugs Hard ware. Queensware Tinware. Cedar and Willow ware. ISruoms, Groceries Flour. Fifh. Salt. etc. to which they ask the attention of the public. "ur ass jrtmeut is complete in ererv denarttnent and our prices are moderate, as will be found upon eiHBimailiill oy purvnasora. Hoods will be sold cheap for cash nrexchanved for country produce DA.MhL HAKTSOCK, teb. 12. 1S6S. ED GOODWIN. L W A Y S N E W , WITHOUT FAIL. JOHN I R V I X, Has just received and opened at the eld stnnd in Curwensville. an ntire new stock of Fall and Winter Goodx which he will sell very cheap fo l akh, n ia sioc consists 01 Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, loots and Shoes. Hats. Caps. Ready made Clothing, etc. The public eenernllv is respecfully irvited tt give mm a call : see hi? stock and bear hirprices and purchase from him if you find it will be t your advantage. Nov. i5, lstifi ATTENTION! BUYERS!! HIPPLE Ss FAUST Df.ALKRS IS f'OREIGN A1TD DOJBKSTIC DEY-G00DS, 40 MAIH STBCET, CUaW B.I S VK.LK, PA., Having just returned from the east with a gen era! assortment ol goods, to which they desire tt nvite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry Goods. Groceries. Hard ware. Queensware, Tinware. Hoots. Shoes. Hats and Caps, Clothing. Notions, etc., in great variety, wbicL they now oEcr at prices for cash to suit the rates Theyalsn deal in Grain. Pork. Shingles. Boards and other lumber, which will be received at the tiighest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons de-irous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a call Remember you can find oi at tbe old stand on Main Street where we are prepared to aecomo- tate customers with anything in our line of business. ept. . 1S65. HIPPLE A FACST. J' II E C II E A P E S T GOODS ARE SOLD BY f C IT A Jl r MOSS O P. DFALFR III OREIQN AND DOMESTIC DRV GOODS. &.C.. HABiri STBKKT, CLEARFIELr, PA. 'As following list of goodfand projittherehtf Cheap Toil TiU LADIES. (ruOf Curap Always on band a largestock f.f La Curati 'es K,M"S such as Coburx Clotb, -iteun Alpacas, Dc Laines. vitti;baui6. C-ooi Gooii Good iGoo4 Cheap t ri uts. tiintz. tverrniets. . u- Citrjip FOR GENTLEMEN. y-heap Always on cana umick. liuc u ro w u Clooil ' Chrup and Grey Cloths. Fancy and Black (i0id' tVfip, Casimeres. Suitineis. Cao-tnets. '(nn.ii dtap Tweeds. Tlain aud fancy Vest- O'uutC V,ap ings. Shirting, etc.. etc. eto Good' Ct,,p READY-MADE. Good yhrap Such as CoaU, Punts. Vests. Under- Good litap .hirts. and other Flannel shirts. Good Vl,,ap Hoots. Sboes. Hats. Cups. Neck- Good lienp ties. Gum Bootsand Shoes.and .Good lhran a vanetv of other articles. Roorf' heap HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Good P uch as Unbleached and Bleachcdlt,0,, neap. j..i: . v,...i:-. ii Gooif WIHSIIDB. UlMI CU .luailllD. 1.1QCQ I ,.7a"l and cotton table ninth.. Oil cloth. Gw Linen and benip towl.. car- (i.00'' rTan peta, curtains, fringe, etc ('ood Cl',t HARDWARE. AC. Chjvilt Joa wantNails or spikes. Manure r.unA- Cheap r other fork. Saw-mill or other Uood Cheap SaootP eg irons. Locks. Oootl, hmn Hinges, etc. go to Mossop's rij. Cheap wbure you n buy cheap Goo4 CheapS IF YOU WANT Good C'AvoijKnives and forks. Butcher Knives. Good Heart' fOoe and stove niaoKinc. .tlanilla Gnndu Cheap', and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Good Atn Pens. Powder. Shot or Lend. nnn,fM Cheap etc.. buy them at Mossop's. Good C neap's w YflTT WAN! (;,, J"aP Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Good Cheap rf0ap. Starch, Wall Paper or Win- Good -Jieap dow Shades. Lamps. Lamp tubes Good CJieap or Wicks, coal oil. etc . go to iGoodf heap) Mossop's cheap cash store. Goodt eap F votT WANT Goodt ap Good extra family Flour. White oi lnnd!L '', p briwn sugar, hams, shoulders or '-'I"1, sides, coffee; Imperial. Young Sfid "'"f , Uyson or black. tea, buy them ''oodj p at Mossop g cheap for cth. i'00'ii A :d if you want -VrajTalI" candles, fine or coarse salt. Goodi efeap synp or molasses cheese, dried Good heap apples or peaches water or so- m;j. Cheap do cracK-ers. call at Moasnp'a (;oaJ, Cheap' where you can buy cheap. .(ioud Cheap IP YOU WANT '7oo-. fV-ip.Port wine for Medical or Saermen-'''ej! Cheapi tal uses Sw er wine, old Mnnnn. Cheap gahela or rye wbisicy. Cherry .Gondii Cheap' and Cognac brandy, bny at Goodt Cheap Mossop's eheap ea-sh store. Good Cheap, fF vou WANT Good, hecil u - . t. . . n n il.t.J n frmi.J. 'h"P- rmBt' filberts, cream pecjD or (",t .heap- vrnnYin nitra. candies. Lintinri.. Goodp or Liquorice root, buy them JW . f ... a!.aah a A i (rnndm eop . Gaad. Cheap J r ill I' w A p 1 noad, CheapiTa buy any other artiel- cheap, be rtLj fheap' ure to go to Mosxop. for be sells ;, Cheap, cheaper ror cash than any other Croodt Chenm person in Clearfield coun'v ,-. . ('heap November 27. 1 RBI. P275 Goods Approved ettntrv vradttee of rr Inntl tatm-m i the uxnal market priret ii eTrhavp 'or srnd GUM GOODS. Gum overcoats. Gum Poots and Shoes, Gum Blankets, at J. P. KRATZER 8. G NEW, ROW, FRANK & STOCQHTON, Merchant Tailors, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having opened their new establishment, in Shaw's Row. on door east of the Post Office, and having just returned from the eastern cities with a large aud elegant assortment of Cloths, Cassimc-es, Yestings, Beavers, &c., and all kinds of goods for men and boys' wear, are now prepared to make up to orderCLOTHING.from a pii.gle aiticle to a full suit, in tbe latest styles and most workmanlike manner Special atten tion giveo to custom work and cutting out tor men and boys. e offer great bargains to custo mers, aim warrant entire (attraction. A liberal .hare of public pationaze issolicited Call aud examine our goods M A. FRANK, Oct IB. 1S67. E. R. L STOUGUTON N iT E Xt SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT KIRK & SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform tbeir customers, and the public in geueral. tnat tbey have Just received their Spring stock of goods, consisting of lry uoods. Uroceries. IWnts. .shoes. Hats. Caps, iisn, tall. Hour, lincoii, ails. Paints. Oils. Stoneware. Hardware. Queensware. Rasket. Tubs. Cburns. Carpet. Oil cloth, and s general variety of such articles as are usually kept in a countrv store, all of which they will Sell CHEAP -01' CASH Tbey weuld also direct attention to their targe stock 01 ueady-tnaa- i;ioioing. wnicu iney goer for sale at a small advance upon cost. KIRK A SPENCER Lumber City Pa..Mv 8, lstiT. N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con stantly keep on hand a general assortment of Boots and Sboes, for men. women and children KIRK 4 SPENCER. c I G A R S AND TOBACCO. ADOLPII SCII0LPP, MANrPACTttKER A.VO WnOLESALK AND ReTAII. Dealer i Ciim its, and Tobaccos, CLEARFIELD. PA , Would respectfully announce that he has remov ed to the. large nnd comtnodious store-room, op posite the residence of H B Swoope, Esq.. where be has opened a general assortment of Tobacco. Cigars. etc which hr is prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, at reasonable prices. His cigars are made of the very best material, and in style of manufacture will compare with those of any other establishment. He has always on band a superior article of chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which he di rects the attention of '-lovers of the weed." Merchants and Dealers, throughout the county supplied at the lowest wholesale prices. Call and examine his stoek when yon eome to Clearfield. June 10 ISM. c LEARFIKLD MARBLE WORKS ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE FINISHED IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART. Tbe subscribers beg lesve to announce to the citizens of Clearfield county, that they have opened an extensive Marble Yard, on tue South west corner of Market and fourth streets, Clear field. Pa . where they are prepared to make Tomb Stones Monuments, Tombs, Box and Side Tombs. Cradle To:nbs, Cemetery Posts, Mautles, Shelves, Brackets, etc., etc, on very shon notice. They always keep on baud a large quantity of work. EnWbed. except tbe lettering, so that per- .ons can call and select for themselves the style desired. fhey will also make to order any other style of work that may be desired : and they flatter them selves that they ean compete with the manufac turers outside of tbe county, eitber in worsman. lp or price, as they only employ tbe best oi workmen. All inquiries by letter promptly an swered. JOHS GUELICH. May 22. lSS7-tf. HENRY GUELICH. II. F. N A U G L K WATCH MAEEK, GRAHAM S ROW, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned ropectfully informs his old customers and the public, that be bas on band, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stork of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. C LOCKS, a large variety from tbe best Man ufactory, consisting of Eigbt-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and A larm clocks. WATCHES a Sne assortment o silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled G'tLD rENS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver exteuaion and desk noidors SPECTACLES, a large assortmant, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a single piece to a full set A thrift, a nne assortment or spoons, rorxs, but ter knives, eta., plated on genuine Alabata. A LlSO. Hair Jewel rv with pure gold mounting got up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2sth, 1S65. 11. F. NAI.GLE QLOTIIING! CLOTHING! C 003 A53 cheap : -Men, Youths and Boys ean bo-uplpied witb full suiisof seasonable and tnauiouuble clothing at RElZENSTEl EROS' & CO., liere it. is sold at prices that will induce theit purchase. The univers.-il sa'isfaction which bo been given, has induced them to increase tbeir s'ot-k. which is now not surpa.-?ed by any ewtab lisbuient of the kind in this part of the State Reizenstein Bro's k Co., Sell goods at a very small profit, for cash; Tbeir goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his meney They treat their customers all alike. Tbey sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock 1 1 reduced prices they can sell oheaper tl an other For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at REIZENSTEIN BKO'5 A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest arrst prices. May 18, lhf.4 SPRING STOCK! SHAW 4 SON. j. Have just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the publie at the lowest cash prices. e Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits. Candies Fisb, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc., n fact, everything usually kept iu a retail store can be bad by calling at this store, er will be procured to order. Their stock is well seloored, and consists of ihe newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest tyles. and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determined nlease all who may favor us with their custom. MavR. 1867. J. SHAW A SON. BOOTS AND SHOES era selling at half the nsua price, at J. P KRATZER'S I- ADIES'CLOAKS the cheapest in tb e county J at MOSSOP'b. CJOMETHIN rjRAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the leading hardy varieties of first quality Concord Cuttings. St. 00 per hundred. Old era solicited as soon as convenient and filled in --otaiion. by A M. HILLS, PURE BUCK LEAD, equal in quality to Enelish white lead; O.ls. l aiuts and arnishes of all kind; Gold leal in bonks, and bronte. for sale by A. I. SHAW. Clearfield, October 2-7. l67. T HE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RlCHAltiijcn a rn 126 Market Street. Philadelphia. re th largest ManutnctunngContectionersaad W bolesaie Deal ers in Fruits. Nuts. Ac , in the Unitetf'uies March4.1863-y. Q LEA II FIELD II O U S , FRONT STREET, PHILIPSBt'KG. PA. I will impeach any one who says I fail te give directaud personal attention toall oar customers, or fail to cause them to rejoice ever a wcli fur nished table, with clean rooms and new beds, where all mav feel at home and ibe weary be at rest. New stabling attached. Pbflipsbarg. Sep 2.'6S. JAS. H. GALKR. JVJ-EW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. E D W A R D MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite the residence of 11. B swoope. fc.q., Clearfield. Pa., Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Oleatfiold and vicinitv. that ho Las opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the buildii g lately occupied by J L Cuttle.as alawofiice and thnt Le is detcnmi.ed not to be outdone either in qualify of work or prices S ecial attention given to tbe manufacture oi sewed work. French Kip ai.a Call Skills, of Ihe ben Quality, clwnvs on knaJ. Give him a call. (Jane i4 't',4 QHAIRS CnAIP-S!! CHAIRS!!! JOHS TROUT MAN ITaving resumed the manufacture of cbcirs at hk hop located on the lot thererr ed his residence on Market street, aad a short distance weft of the Foundry, is prepared te accommodate his old friends and all others who may favor him with a call, with every description of Windsor chairs. lie basa good assortment on hand to which be directs the attention of purchasers Thev are made of tbe very best material well painted. and finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be sold at prices to suit the timer Examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Clearfield. Pa.. March 2S. ISftS. JJ O M 12 INDUSTRY! BOOTS AUD SHOES Made to Order at tbe Lowest Rates. The undersigned" would resrieeffulfy invite the attention of the citizen of Clearfiel i and vicin i ty, to give him' a call at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store, where be is prepared lo muh er repair any thing in his line. Orders entrusted to htm will be execut-d with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted a represented. f have now on hand a stock of extra frenrh calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ae., that I will nnisn np at tbe lowest figures. June 13th. 18. DANIEL CONNELLY A'. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY; FOR SALE, Situate in Decatur township. Clearfield county. Pa The subscriber, desirous of quitting the business. oilers for sale a good FLOURING MILL, with two run oi burs. Ihe .Mill is strong and in good order, with from twenty to thirty acres of land and a comfortable frame dwelling bouse attaebed. There is a considerable lot of Hemlock and White Pine timber on the land - The property lying two miles West of Phtlipsburg Centre county, and Kid tew rods of tbe turnpike road, ibe Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad runs through tbe land, within a few rods of the Mill. This nude irahle location for a Woolen Factory, and one is much needed in this flection of country. For fur ther particulars inquire of tbe subscriber, on the property. or adores? nim bv letter at rutlipsburg. Centre county. Pa. (ct. 7,'nS-3m. CIMv M. CADWALADER. JEW STORE AND SAW MILL. AT BALD HILLS, Clearfield couuty. Th nndersigned. having opened a large and well selected stock of stood, at Bald Hill-. Clear field county, respectfully solicit ashare of public patronage. their stock embraces lrv Uoods. Uroceries. Hardware Queensware. Tin-war-, Roots and Shoes. Hats and Cap, ueady made Clothing, and a gen eral assortment of Notions, etc. Tbey always keep on hand tbe best quality of Floor, and a variety of Feed. Ail goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for approved oountry produce. Hav ing also erected a steam Saw Mill, tuev are predared to saw all kinds of lumb-r to order. Orders solicited, and punctually filled. Aov.ZU.lS57. t. B. A A. IitttlS. s O M E T II I N G N 12 W IN ANSON VI LI.E, Clearfield county, Peuu'a. The undersigned having erected, during tbe past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now entraed in filling it up with a new and select assortment of Kali and Wintergoods. which he offers to the public tit prices to suit the times Hisstock of Mens and oovs clottiiitg is urrusuul ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from ilii to f-'il for a whole suit, i: lour, Still. mid Gro ceries. of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tediour' to enumerate, always on band, and snr sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard and other goods in propsrilon Now is tbe time to buy. Country produe- of every kind, at the hixbrst market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods ; and even Greeubacks will no' be refused or anv article in store Examino my stock bo fore you buy elsewhere. October 30.18S7. H. SWAN. u s T IN TIME! THE NET GOODS AT WRIGHT & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., A. Having just leturned from tbe eastern cities we are now opening a full stocx. of seasonable good, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention ol the pub lie generally. Our assortment ts unsurpassed in tbi section, and is being sold very low for eajh. The -lock confuts in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such a Prints. Delaines. Alpa aas. Merinos Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Ticking, cotton and wool Flannels. Cassimer. Ladies' Shawl. Coats. Nu bia. Hoods. Hoop skirts Halmoral. Ae.. Ac all of wHch will be sold low roa caa. Alse.a fin assortment of the best of MENS BAB consisting of Drawer and Fhlrts. Hats and Cap, Bootsand Sboes, Handkerchief!! cravats, eta. Alio. Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Raltiaa Augur and Axes. Nails and Spike. Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc, eto Also, Queensware Glassware. Hardware. Groee ries. and spices of all kind In short- a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, all cheap' for rath, or approved country produce Not. 28-jal0-nol3. WRIGHT A SONS, "TTT"0 OLEK GOODS Pontile Shawls, V Breakfast Shawl. Roods Nubia. Children's Knit Capes. Scarfs Blanket, Ae , now opening at Oet. 14. I. J. P KRATZER S. rrtOBACCO Cavendish. Navy. Spun Roll. Fine I Cut Flounder, Congress, bmoktng Pegar and Snuff, at J P. KRATZER'S (ALMFR'S Patent unloading hayfork, to had at MERRELL t BIGLER'S. DESSICATEDCOC0ANCTS,forpie.ru4dit!ga, eH, for ml at GRAHAM'S. EUREKA! STAR LIGI1TNING ROD! The Best and the Cheapest! TbeST.a. 5lt!uicd Lighthi-o Ko Is supe rior to any in se, lt will last lor. generations. It is made from Magnetio Iron jths rqhare grooved, spiral-twHsted tit galvanized. nd oon-' oected with pare copper couplings, rendering it equal t. a copper rod. the whole surmounted with a Gold plated cluster point of pure copper, tbua forming a continuous row from Ihe pcii.t te the ground the combination of metal lot mi eg a galvanic battery in the rod. . . It ia WAHHASTun always to remain brigtt anil clean, and wiil never corrode or rust, thii pre senting a neat ornamental appearance on tbe building, worth more than it cost as a matter of ornament, to say nothing about itsgure protection gainst lightning. To show the popularity of tbe Galvanized Siar Mod, it n only necessary to say that the propri etors have pulled cfl more than one hundred ton. of old rusty iTons. within twelve month, from colleges, academies public building, barn, etc., and put up the Star Rod in tbeir rlacw. . 'i "?e,Ur "a oli ' ' Price thn any other rod. is more durable and more or namental, persons fhould consult their own inter est and safety to life and property, before they have a rod erected on their buildings. All that is necessary to convince th public of the superiority of the Star Lightning Rod. is a thorough examination into iu construction and scientific combination. The undersigned, being tbe Agent fot Clear Bed county, aiil put up rod for alt who may de tire them, on short notice and reasonable term Lull and exan iaethem at their store in Clearfield June 10. s,-,s .MI- KHILL A BIHLi.R Tlic Xew York Observer I tow publishing a new serial Story, to ran through a large part of the next volume, entitled "MR. BROWNING'S PARISH." All Pew subscriber will get the etory complete. We send Grover and Baker $55 Sewing Ma chine for 18 new tubtcribers In order to introduce the Onsrsvoa to new reader and now circles of inluenco, we make the following Kbwral offers fcr NKW SUBSCRIBERS: We will send the Oas.nvon for one year to- 2 subscribes, one or both being new. for $S off 3 subscribers, two or all being new. for $8 00 4 subscribers, three or all being new, for SIS 00 Or. to any person rending us five or mere new subscribers, wc Kill allow one dollar coub.Uib on each. Send by eWi. draft, or Pe-st-offhse order. Sample copies and circular lent free. Term 93.511 a year, in advance SIDNEY E. MORSE. Jr.. A CO 5fI:J?r?L 37 Park Row, New York. pospectus Of the Daily and Weekly Telegraph. Prepare for the Gubernatorial Campaign. The Republican of Pennsylvania achieved a glorious victory in October and November, by e lecting their State aad .National candidate, not withstanding the immense frauds committed by our political opponents It now remains with the people to see that tbe standard bearers of our jlurious party are properly tustaiaed in their ef forts to establish confidence in the stability of our institutions, renewed activity ia all branches of industry, and the restoration of amity and good fellowship witb all the people of on Common country That tbe Telegraph ha eontribuied it full share to the glorious victories recently gain ed will not be denied, even by our political op ponent. Look at tbe result in our own county, wbeie tbe editor labored night and day daring the canvass, through tbe paper and personal vis its to our Repulicau friend la tbe covnt the unpreeedented majority of twenty-one baud red and ten was the result We point also with pride to the result in oar neighboring eosatieeof Porry Lyootning, Union. Snyder and Northumberland, where upwards of six thousand eopk- oi Lb 7V. egrdph were weekly distributed. THE GUBERNATORIAL CONTEST. While personally we desire rest from political turmoil, at least for a while, we Cannot close our eye to the fact that Our ever vigilant opponents are already preparing f'-r the Gubernatorial eon test nxt year; and as we believe that in time f peace we should prepare fi war.we would exaorl our political friends to make prepnf atn.zta fr coming eomingencics at once, and CIRCULATE TIIE NEWSPAPERS among your neighbor. If you have a Republi can paper in jour county that is true and reliable to the party, it should bo preferred to ihoi-e print ed in other counties After you bare done this, and you and your friends desiie a true and relia ble Republican journal from abroad, we would recommend to you cither the WEEKLY OR DAILY TELEGRATII. Tbey are published at the seat of our Statedm- err.ment. end will contain full reports of tbe do ings of tbeNaiiomil and Stite Legislature.-. They miii buibiu wir irium pn an , : y elected leaders in the establishment of '-Peace" all over ih l.nrf witb all the power tbey ean command. The Telegraph belongs to no ciiaue. Tt ..f course ha its preferences before nominations are made tor 'mc. but when once made, the Tele graph has rever failed, since it ha been under our control, to sustain the candidate presented with the aame energy and xeal as thouzh its own personal friends were on the tickot. TERX3 OF THE DAILY: 1 copy one year, , ag copies one year.in one package, per copy. S 8 10 copies one jear.in one package ner club". 45 te 1 copy during session of the Legislature. I 50 10 copies daring session of the Legislature. 10 00 TERMS OF TIIE WEEKLY: i copy, one year, si 50 5 copies, one year, per copy, 1 25 10 copies, one year, per copy. e0 C!ub- of from iffc&ty to fifty will be furuufced at lower rates These terms will hardly riiv for the cost r iha white paper on which tbe TtJerani ia nrinted and therefore ihe cash must accompany tbe order Addiess, GEORGE BEKGNER. Nov. 18 lbrta. Harritbnrg, Pa. T II E LADY'S F K IE SD. A Splendid Inducements to Suhscriliers. The Lady' Friend announces tbe following Novelets for tSStf: Between Two." by Elizabeth Prereott. au'hor of- How a Woman bad her wy." Ac ; -The Prize of Two Men's Live." by Aman da M. Dougl5.autbor ot --TheDebarry Fortune;" A new novelet by Lobise Chandler Moulten. au thor of "Fleeing frotn Fate,'' Ae : and a new novel by Mr Henry Wood the distinguished En glish Novelist, author of Eat Lybne," Ae.. (un less Mrs. Wood isprerented writing it by ill health) with numerous shorter storied by a brilliant galaxy of liiiy writer. Th Lady' Friend will give a finely executed Steel Engraving a handsome kouble-page.hnel) colored Fufhioo Plate engraved on etrel and a large assortment ot wood cat. II nstiaiing th fashions, fancy worn, Ac , in every number. It will give a popular piece bf ton sic worth the cost of tbe Magazine in every number. A eopy of the Large and Beautiful Premium Steel En graving -The Song of Home at Sie". engraved expressly for our readers will be sent (post-paid) to every full ($2 50) subscriber, and fo every per son vnding a club. The Engraving is a gem of art. New Sobscriiiehs wbo send in tbeir names for 1869 before tbe first of Noveuber. will receive tbe November and December numbers of tbi year in addition, making fourteen month In all. And all tie to subscriber for !bfi9 shall receive the mag nifioent December Holiday cumber., making thir teen month in all. Tubus On eopy (and tfae large prccium n craviog) S2.50 ; four copies. SS flO; five copies (and one gratia) $8 Oil; 8 copiea (and one gratia) $! 2 00 ; one copy each of Lady' Friecil and Post, and Premium Engraving, ft 00. Tbe getter-up of a club will always receive a eopy of tbe Pre mium Engraving Member of a elub witbing th Engraving must remit One Dollar rrtra. Specimen copies cent gratis Address DEACON A PETERSON. 319 Wafntlt St , Pbil a jsep 13- LOOKING-GLASSES. A Urge assortment ot arch top and quar Looking GlaJ.es. with rose-wood, giltp walnut and mahogany frame. Also, looking glass plate, of all rites, at Nov 4. J. P- KRATZER'S. CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING. Too ean get a tall twit of clothes, ("eat. Pant and Vest for si a AeMar. at J. P. KRATZER 3. GROUND AND IJ NGROTJND SPICES. Citron English Currant. Essence Ceffee. and Vine gar ot th best quality. for sale bv Jan.H. HARTSWiri A IRWIN. CLOTHING the cheapest in tb county, at May 28 .. MOSSOP'S. "T7ANTED lO.fOO pound of WOOL, at th V Karsrona Stobk." Clerfield. Pa. jelo FRUIT JARS the best in the market at Sept. t-lm. J. P. KRATZER'S. c V BR ANTS th les. aad cheapest in tc GRAHAM'S. ecwaty, at nr