.1l 1 : : s or the farmer. Greasing Waooxs- Says an ex chtnge: "But few people are aware that they do wagons ami carriages more in jury by greasing too plentifully, than in any other way. A well made wheel will endure common wear from ten to twenty-five years, if care is taken to use the right kind and proper amount, of grease; but if this matter is not at tended to, they will be used up in five or six years. Lard should never be used on a wagon, for it will penetrate the hub and work its way out around the tenons of the spokes, and spoil the wheel. Tallow is the best lubricator for wood axlc-treess, and castor oil for iron. Just grease enough should be applied to the spindle of a wagon to give it a light coating ; this is better than more, for the surplus put on will work out at the ends, and be forced by the shoulder bands and nut washers in to the hub around the outside of the boxes. To oil an iron axle-tree, first wipe the spindle clean with a cloth wet with spirits of turpentine, and then ap ply a few drops of castor oil near the shoulder and end. One tea-spoonful is sufficient for the whole." We would add that, for journals on which there is a heavy pressure, it is a good plan to mix with the oil some lamp black of common soot; powdered plum bago, or black lead, is also employed for the same purpose. Prairie Farmer, Corn Bread. One quart of corn meal, one pint of wheat flour, two eggs, and a little salt, with sour buttermilk sufficient to make a stiff batter. Mix thoroughly.and then add one tea-spoon full of soda, dissolved in a very little hot water. Stir this in and pour into well-greased pans, sufficient to be one and a half inches thick when cooked. Place in a hot oven, and bake until done, say half an hour. Carry to the table hot. If all should not be used, bake over again, and it is about as good as when first baked. Half a pint of flour and one ejrT will be very good, but not uite as good as the above. The sourer the buttermilk the better, if it is not bitter. Success depends very much on the due proportion of ac id and alkali. Fine meal makes much better bread than coarse. If it does not keep as well, provide less at one time. Dent,or gourd-seed corn makes better meal than flint corn. Some people are shocked at the idea of eating drugs with their food, and ex claim against the use of alkali in cook ing. Let such consider that acid neu tralizes the caustic property of the al kali ; and if they never eat anything more unhealthy than that, they will do well. Live stock, of all kinds, should have the owner's daily supervision. If oth ers do the work, his eyes should see that it is well done. Few hired men can be trusted to do things constantlv according to directions. In the very cold weather there is a constant temp tation to consult his own ease rather than the comfort of the animals entrust ed to his care. Feed and water roru larly. Keep salt within reach of hor ses, cattle and sheep. A large lump of rock salt is best for this purpose. If they can lick when they please, they will not take it in excess. As fences are frequently renewed in the fall, we would suggest that around each post used in fencing there should he closely packed a small mound of clay mould which will keep the post hole from filling with water ajid add to the longevity of the post. In setting fence posts in ground liable to heave, a H inch pin should be placed through the bottom of the post with its end pro jecting. The wind would thus effect it less and he Irost can not raise it. Bread Pudding. Take light white bread,and cut in thin slices. Put into a pudding mould, shape a layer of any sort of preserves, then a slice of bread, and repeat until the the mould is almost full. Pour over all a pint of warm milk in which four well beaten eggs have been mixed ; cover the mould with a piece of linen, pUce in a s.auee pan with a little boiling water, let it boil twenty minutes, and serve with pudding sauce. By WEIGHT. In California berries are sold by the pound, as they should bo everywhere. Early strawberries, says the California Farmer, brought fifty cents per pound this year. It is said that Bonner feeds his hor ses from a box setting on the floor, as he believes it is natural for them to take their food from a level with their feet. A countryman at the Astor, tb.6 other day, after tasting some olives, wanted to whip the waiter for pouring salt on "them plum" f f;c jHaffeman's gountaf, gfoarftcfb, NEW STORE. Corner of Second St. and Hill Road. II. MITCHELL Has just received and opened, at the abov"nam ed place, an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which he will sell very cheap for eash. II is stock consists of . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc. He also keeps choice Flour, Corn Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give him a call. Approved country produce will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield, June 17, 1868. a. i. xr.en. O. P. HOOP. w. row ell, NOTICE, i JOKES, W.BKTTS CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citizens of the county that they hare completely re&tted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, such as Flooring, Weatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. Tbeyhave a large stock of dry lumber on hand, and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-half inch pannel plank preferred (Not 8, "67. " K W ARRANGE M E N T. A. I. S If A W, DRUGGIST, (Second street, opposite the Court House,) ClearBold, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully inform the cttisens of Clearfield county, that he continues to carry on the Drug business, at the old stand, and that he is now prepared to furnish DRUGS, PATENT MFDrCIXES, Dye Stuffs, Tebnoco. Cigars. Confectioneries, Stationery, Ae. pnvsiciANs Will find our stock of Drugs full and complete and at a very slight advance on Eastern prices. SCHOOL BOOKS. Teachers and others will be furnished with class ical ana miscellaneous books by express, at ah or uotiee. STATIONERY, HOUSEKEEPERS. Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda Soda Ash, Concentrated Lye Soap, As. HDlJSS AND GENTLEMEN Are requested to examine our stock .f Po-umery .!.ia.i,r ' l" Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, loilet setts, Ao. SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will fin.larull supply, or prime Chewing and inoking Tobacco. Imported and Domestic Cigars, jnuff, Fine-cut, Ac. - CARBON OIL. Of the best brands, always on hand. LIQUORS, The bct quality of Liquors always on hand, for imdical purposes. Physicians prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded. August T, 1667. KEYSTONE STORE! Second St., Clearfield, Pa. NEW GOODS ! Shawls! Shawls!! Shawls!!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS! HOODS, NUBIAS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, LADIES' FURS! CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LADIES' COATS, Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes!! ALL WOOL KEPS, FRENCH AXD EXGLISFJ MERIXOS, SILK FINISH VELVET for suit. ALEXANDRIA POPLINS, ALL WOOL PLAIDS, KEXEBEC REPELLANT, CHAMELEEN POPLIN, TAPPA CLOTH for Wrapper., LADIES' CLOAK1NGS. WATERPROOF Black and Brown, CASSI.MERES for Men and Boys, BONNET VELVETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' HATS, WOOL AND COTTON DsLAINES, MUSLINS, COTT. FLANNELS, PRINTS, ZEPHYR, WORSTED & WOOL TARNS, Dress Trimmings, fader Clothing, Hats. Caps, Hoisery, Gloves, and a complete assort ment of all kinds of notions, at MODERATE TRICES. NIVLING SHOWERS. Clearfield. Penn'a. Oet. 14, 1S68. MOSSOP'S. GC,NS' Piltolg Bd ",ord " o be bad at June,'6. MERRELL A BIGLER 'S. Consisting of Cap. Flat Cap. Foolscap. Letter and Perfumed Note I'nper, also, a ve'ry neatstocic ot Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand. Pens, Pencils, Ink. Ac gu$in&$ gircctonu J ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law, Clear field, Fa. May 13. ED. W. GRAHAM. Dealer in Dry-Geods, Groce ries, Hardware. Queensware. Wooden waie, Provisions, etc., Marcel Street. Clearfield. Pa- VTIVLING 4 SHOWERS. Dealers in Dry-Goods l Ladies' Fancy Goods. Hat! and Caps. Boots, Shoes, etc . Second Street. Clearfield. Pa. sep2i TERRELL A BIGLER. Dealers in Hardware LX and mannfacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron rare. Second Street, Clearfield. Pa. June "6. HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10- HBCCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear field. Pa. OfEet in Graham's Row, fourdoo I west of Graham ABoynton's store. Nov. 10. TTEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa., will attend promptly to all Legal business entrust ed to his care in Clearfield and adjoining coun ties. Office on Market street. July IT, 1867 . THOMAS II. FOKCET, Dealer in Square and Sawed Lumber, Dry-Goods. Queensware, Gro ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, Ac , Ae., Gra hamton. Clearfield county, Pa. Oct 10. X P. KRATZER. Dealer in Dry-Goods. Clothing. I . Hardware. Queensware, Groceries, frovi sions.etc. Market Street, neatly opposite the Court House, Clearfield, fa. June, tar.a. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Dealers in Drugs. Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume ry . Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street. Clearfield, Pa ' Dec. 6, 1865. (1 KRATZER A SON, dealers in Dry Goods. j. Clothing. Hardware, Queensware, Groce ries. Provisions. Ac, Front Street, (above the A cadetny,) Cteai field, Pa. Dec 2T, 1SS5. TOIIN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds 1 J Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield. Pa He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. mUOMAS J. M'CTLLOUGII, Attorney at Law J. Clearfield, Pa. Office, east of the -Clearfield o.liank. Deedsand other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. RICHARD M0SS0P, Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods. Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west ol JournoA Office, Clearfield. Pa. Apr27. 171 B. READ, M D., Physician and Suigeon. ' . William's Grove, Pa., offers his professional services to the citizens of the surrounding eoun try. July loth, 1.867..tf. ITTESTERN HOTEL, Clearfield, Pa This IT well known hotel, near the ourt House, is worthy the patronage of the public The table will be supplied with the best in the market. The bestof liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY. FREDERICK LEITZINGER. Manufacturer of all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail He alsokeep on band and for sale an assortment of earthens ware, of his own manufacture. Jan. 1, 1S63 JOHN H. FULFORD, Attorney at Law, Clear field, Pa. Office with J. B. McEnally, Esq , over First National Rank. Prompt attention giv en to the securing of Bounty claims, Ac, and to all legal business. March 27, 1807. WALLACE. BIGLER A FIELDING. Attor neys at Law' Clearfield. Pa.. Legal business of all kinds promptly and accurately attended to Clearfield, Pa , May 18th, 1S68. WILLIAM A. WALLACE WILLIAM I. BICLEII J.RLAKE WALTERS FRANK FIELDINO DR J. P. BUROIIFIELD Late Surgeon or the 83d Rc?'t Penn'a Ynlfl . hirirw -fHimarl from the army, offers bis professional services to mgviuicusui viearneiu ana vicinity. IToles- sional calls promptly uttendad to. Office on uum-casc corner or 3U and Market Streets. uct. 4. IMj binp. QUllVEYOll. The undersigned offers his services to the nulilifi. as a Snrtf vnr He may be found at his residence in Luwience township, when not engaged; or addressed by letter at Clearfield, Penn a. March tb, IS7.-tf. J 4ME S MITCHELL. DR J. M. MOOKEHEAD. tenders his profes sional services, in the practice of medicine. to the citizens of Ansonville and vicinity. Hav ing received a liberal encouragement during the past iwo years, ne nas determined to remain hera permanently. Teeth extracted without pain, by a Narcotic sprav. perfectly safe. Artificial teeth put up in a worxmanlike manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. Sept 2-2mp. HANKING & COLLECTION OFFICE OF McGirk a perks. Successors to Foster, Perks, Wright A Co., Puilipsbl-ro, Centre Co., Pa. Where all the business of a Banning House will be transacted nromntlv anil r).. favorable terms. .March 20. -tf. J. D. m'oirk. ewo r C OLDIERS' BOUNTIES. A recent bill has pa&ied both Houses of Congress, and signed bv thn Priifnr irivimr Dnl.1 i I. .j - limed prior to 22d July. 1SG1. served one year or more and were hannmhlv dintiarfrofl a hr. of sum. ' ieBounties and Pensions enllected bv mm tnr thoseentitled to them. W ALTKR BARRETT, Att'y at Law. Aug. 15th. 1S66. Clearfield, Pa. QLEARFIELD HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of his old Iriends and customers at the "Clearfield House." Having made many improvements, he isprepar cd to accommodate all who may favor htm with their custom. Every department connected with the house is conduoted in a manner to give gen eral satisfaction. Give him aail. Nov. 4 lStio. GEO. X. COLEURX. C O T T HOUSE. MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, PA. A. ROW & CO., RROPUIETORS. Ibis house having been refitted and elegantly furnished, is now open for the reception and ea tertainment of guests. The proprietors by loni experience in hotel keeping, feel confident they can satisfy a discriminating public Their bart supplied with the choicest brands of 1 quors an wi- July 4th. 1S66. T? X C II A N G E HOTEL, Uutitinpdon, Penna. This old establishment having been leased by J. Morrison, formerly Proprietor of the -Morrison House.'" has been thoroughly renovated and re furnished, and supplied with all the modern itn provements and eouvenienciesnecessary to a first class Hotel. The dining room has been removed to the first floor, and is now spacious and airy. The chambers are all well ventilated, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make his guests per fectly at home. J MORRISON. Huntingdon. Judb 17.IS6S. Proprietor J. P. KRATZER, Clearfield, Penn'a, Dealer in Dry Goods. Dress Goods Millinery Goods. Groceries. Hard-ware. Queens-ware, Stone ware. Clothing. Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps. Flour. Bacon, Fish. Salt. etc.. isconstantly receiving new supplies from the cities, which he will dispose ot at the lowest market prices, to customers. Before purchasing elsewhere, examine his stock Clearfield, August 2S. ISS7. JJENTAL PARTNERSHIP. DR. A M. HILLS desirestoinform his patients and the public generally, that he has associated with him in the practice of Dentistry. S P.SHAW. D. D S , who is a graduate of the Philadelphia' Dental College, and therefore has the highest attestations of his Professional skill. All work done in the omce I will hold myself personally responsible lor being done in the most satisfactory manner and highest orderof the pro fession. An established practice of twenty-two years in thL. place enables me tospeak to my patrons with confidence Engagements from a distance should be made by letter a few days before the patient designs """ling. iClearfield. June 3. ISRS-ly. B OOTS A SHOES the cheapest in the county, TT'EPD the cheapest in the eounty. at A jiay MOSSOP'S. QWAIM S PANACEA. Kennedy's Mediral Dla- k. 1 roritrw ILmKaU'. t.L.. I l. ' rt i - - y ...... ....... - ....:. s, oa x.iver Oil. Jayne and Ayer'e MeHirfne for ile j llAMinw 1 1. a. A LMWIW. B. MEYER, PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT, HtLESBlnO, CEXTBB CotSTT, PE.X'A. Also agent for ail the latest Improved Water Wheels and PortableSaw Mills. Jan 8'68-lyp. P RAN K LIN nOUSE, MILLER FARM STATION, (0.1 OIL CREEK RAIL ROAD,) enango County, Pean'a. THE HOUSE AND FCRXITURE NEW. Jy 8,'6S ly. C. W. TWIST, Proprietor. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Books; Sheet Musie for Piano, Flute and Violin; Blank Account and Pass Books, of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exemption and Proiuisory Notes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap; and Bill cap, etc , Will he sold at Wholesale or Retail by T. A. G A U LIN, At the Post offiae, on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 5. 1863 NEW STOCK. Fall and Winter Goods WM. REED & CO., Near Tost Office, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having just opened a large and complete stock from New York and Philadelphia, we can offer extra inlucements to CASH BUYERS. We have a spit ndid selection of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAK INGS, FLANNELS. BLANKETS, BALMORALS, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, THOMPSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, ZEPHYR AND WORSTED YARN, And the most complete assortment ol Ladies and GENTS FL'RXISIIINU OOODS, UNDERWEAR, HO.atRY, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, ALEXANDRES KID AND HARMS' CELEBRATED SEAM LESS KID GLOVES, the best ever made, Neckties, Butterflies, Collars, Cuffs. Handker chiefs, Embroideries, Laces, Edgings.also a large assortmentof Furs, with GAYS' PATENT MUFF, the best thing extant Together with a full line of staple goods, all of wnicn we oner at the very lowest eash prices. CALL AND SEE US. . No Trouble to Show Goods. REMEMBER THE PLACE MARKET STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. Clearfield. Oct. 7, lSfiS. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! The Cheapest and Best Goods in ClearfiVld county are sold by "GEOlUxE S. PERRY, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALER 1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE, iNorth-westcor. Cnrtin St. and Public Square, OSCEOLA MILLS, Clearfield co Pa. We keep on hand Goods of every grade and variety.. FOR THE LADIES we have Dress Goods of every fabrie, FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Ready made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Linens. Ao. Also a full stock of Gents' Furnish ing Goods. IN BOOTS ANI SHOES AVe defy competition, as we buy for cash, and buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and hence can sell cheap er than other dealers. Hats and Caps of latest styles very cheap. S0TI0NS AH goods in this line you can find with us cheap and good. HARDWARE, of every description, for car penters, builders and others. Cx R 0 C E R I E S . 6YRUPS, from the lowest grade to the best that can be bought in the markets. SUGARS of every kind. TEASof the very best qualities COFFEES that cannot be beat. Either in price or quality. CANNED FRUIT of all kinds, DRIED FRUITS, Spices, dc, A-c. We have always on hand a large stock of Queensware, Wood and Willow-ware; ROPES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL k WINDOW PAPERS, FLOUR & FEED, BACON, PROVISIONS, FISH, LARD, BUTTER, OILS, &c, &c Any goods yon are in want of can be found at our Store. All are cordially invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we can sell you better goods, and at lower prices, than can be purchased elsewhere. Particular attention paid to order from a distance, and to supply ing log camps. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! No trouble to show Goods. GEORGE S. PERRY, Osciola, July 29,"68-ti. s. a., 'gloperoBer 18, 1868 PITTiBURG ADVERTISMENTS. y ALLEY FORGE 1 -A)W WORKS. John Hall & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Plows, Cultivators, Shovel-Plows, Har rows and Union Mowers, No. 121 A 123 Liberty St., corner of Pitt St., Pittsburgh, Pa N. B. Our eastings and points being made in an air furnace are in every way superior to those made by other manufacturers. Feb 12.'6S-ly. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (Succrssor to S. JOXES CO.,) Comer of Fourth and Wood Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA., B A-N K E R S, Buy and sell all kinds of Government Securities, Gold Silver, and Coupons. Six per cent. Interest allowed on Deposits. Money Loaned on Government Securities at lowest market rates. Agents for Union and Cen tral Pacific Railroad. Pamphlets sent on appli cation, free of charge. I Sept. 30,'63. NEW HARDWARE STORE. Lindsay, SterritttV. Euwer, Importers and Dealers in II A II D W A R E AND CTJTIiER-5T. Entire New Stock just opened and will be offered to the trade at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. BEAR INIOM DEPOT, 337 Liberty Street, Aug. 26,'G8 ly PITTSBURGH. PA. ' WOODRUFF'S PORTABLE IiAROMETOR Has the following good qualities : 1st. Accuracy. ) I 3d. Simplicity, 2d. Portability, j j 4th. Durability . It is undoubtedly the best Barometor now in use, and can be relied apoa for accuracy and durability. Any person whese interests depend upon iheir kuuwledge of the C CTM I N G STORM should have one. as it will be of incal culable interest to them in time. Send for Circular giving Description. General Agents DUXSEATII & IIASLETT, JEWELERS AND 0IT1CAN8, 66 FifthStreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 8, 1863-.1m. JEINEMAN, MEYRAN & SEIDLE, No. 42 Fifth st . 1 door from Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES. DIAMONDS, Pure Silver-ware. French Clocks. Plated Ware of every description. Tea Setts, Spoons, Forks, -c. Watch makers Tools and Material. and agency of the celebrated AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep the largest and most varied assort ment of the verv bet American made CLOCKS to be found in any city, east or west. Persons in want of any article in our line, either at wholesale or for their own use. will 6od our prices lower and our assortment lar ger than any to be found west of New York City. WA TCH R EPA IKWG. Te this branch of our trade (being ourselves practical watch makers) wepay very special attention. We employ a folce of the very best Artists in the country, and any and all fine, delicate and difficult work entrusted to our care for the trade or iudividnals may rely on getting the utmost satisfaction. Work may be sent in bv exnrcas nr .itKuwi.. REINEM AN. MEYKAN d-SEIDLE W ho!esa!e and Retail Jewelers and Silversmith's. aPi- J nun st., ritUburgh. '68-ly. LOOK AT THIS! CLEARFIELD BAKERY. The whole population of Clearfield and vicinity are hereby informed that the undersigned keeps on hand FRESH BREAD, every day, PIES, CAKES, ROLLS, - and all kinds of COXFECTIOXARIES. ALSO, WEDDING AND CHRISTMAS O -A. lEC E s , at reasonable prices. J. A. S T A D L E R . September IS, 1868-rJn. DOCTOR TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACHIC and CARMINATIVE BITTERS, Extracted entirely from HERBS and ROOTS. Highly benefioial ia DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, and Loss of Appetite ; and an excellent CORRECTIVE for persons suffer ing from Disorders of the Bowels, Flatulence, Ao. Sold Everywhere. Depot,No.413Marketst., Philadelphia. J. K. TAYLuR k CO., September 9, 1868-1 y. 1. GRAHAM. : W. GRAHAM. : A. A. GRAA. Jf E W FIRM! JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,Notions,Groceries,Hard ware, Queensware, Wood and Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt, etc., etc., etc., MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. The Largest, Best and Cheapest stock of goods to be found in the county is now on sale at JAS. B. GRAHAM k SONS. FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets. Silks. Coburgs, Alpacas, Merinos. Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ging hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and other Gloves. Hosiery. Ealino ' rals. Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bon?, trim mi ngs, Battens, Braids, etc., at the lowest prices, FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres,Sattinetts, Tweeds, Mcl tons, Wnter-proof Cloth. Silk. Satin and common Vestings, etc, in great variety, and at prices that will give general satisfaction to buyers. READY MADE, Such as Overcoats Dress coats of various qual ities and prices. Plainjand Fancy Vests, Cassimere and Flannel Overshirts, Woolen and Cotten undershirts, llandkercbiefsand neck tics, Cotten and Woolen socks, Calf and Eip boots and Shoes, Gum Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and such other articles as are usually needed. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Among which may be found Carpetj,Oil cloths, Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins, Drillings, Pillow casing. Sheetings, Towelings, Table cloths, Table covers. Window Blinds, Cur tains,TicK ings.and a very large assortment of such articles as are wanted by housekeepers, and at prices to suit the times. QUEENSWARE, A tall assortment, consisting of Tea and Din ner sets, Pitchers, Bowls. Dishes, and general variety of ware that will be sold by the dosen or pieee, and aa cheap as it can be purchased elsewhere in the eounty. HARDWARE, Such as Saws and Files.Deor Locks and Latch es, Hinges of all Kinds, Augurs, Screws, Nails, Spie, Tacxs, Brads, f-hovels, Spades,IIoes.Forks,Axea. Hatch ets. Chisels. Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Carving Knives and forks, and all articles usually wanted by the people. GROCERIES, ETC., Consisting of Sugars. Coffees, Teas. Spices, Syrups,Dried Fruits, Cheese.Flour, Bacon, Feed, etc, always on hand and for sale at a small advanoe on cost. WOOD & WILLOWWARE, Such as Tubs, Buckets and Churns, Clothes wringers and Wash boards, Clothes. Mar ket and Dinner Baskets.a general as sortment, at all times, in store and for sale low. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SONS II all articles that are usually kept in a well-regulated oountry store, and hence the people generally will find it to thtir advantage to bnj goods of them. SAWED LUMBER. We are also extensively engaged in baying and selling all kinds of Sawed Lumber, and as we intend giving thU branch of business special attention, we feel assured th at we can make it to the advantage of thosewhohavelumberforsale to-deal with us. Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber. GOODS ARRIVING DAILY Grain and eoun try produce tacen in exchange for Goods. Ao.2,138. QUEEN OF EN.GLAND SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. (jus, its or Kr.LA.iD soAr. For doing a family washing ia th best aid cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal te any iB the worla ! Has all the strength of old rosin Mae witb the mild and lathering qualities of genaite eastile. Try this splendid tea p. Sold by tk, ALDfcN CHEMICAL WOKK8, 48 Hierih Frcit street, Philadelphia. I Sep. 8,lh6e-)T FURNITURE ROOMS. JOIIH CITELICH, Desire to inform his old friends and aataWr that, having enlarged his shop and increased sit facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepaist to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for eash if mostly has on band at his -Furniture Room. a varied assortment of furniture, among wkick it, Bl'REAl'S AJUD SIDEBOARDS. Wardrobes and Book -case ; Centre, Sofa. Paries Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny-land and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS HAY RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ae. ' Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chaira. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on band, and Bew ajlew m fcr oid frames, which will be pa! it on very" reasonable terms, onthort notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair, Corn-busk, Hair and Cotton lop Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furaitked to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for i proved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Poplsr Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the ness. taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Marxet street. Cltis field, and nearly opposite th "Old Jew Store " December 4. 1HS1 JOHN 6TJKLICK A NOT II Eft BIG "JLOPI WM. F. J0HMS0H. : t t tit J. M. 1A1I.BI. Some two months ago. it was formally aBatane that Pennville was "Right aid up." Recent events have proves th annoanecment premature. Another -Flop" recently oeeirrte. aad chief among the improved, "interesting. important" phases presented, is the oae portray ing TBK MEW, LAKOC, AW CoKHUDIOTS bTeat House, of JOHNSON 4 BAILEY who have just returned from tk last with a large and ,arrful!y trlttttd tioci mf Mean oHt poods of greater variety, and of better qaaliiy, than have heretofore been offered ia this section of the county. Call at th Ne Star Uu,. and you will find : Dry Goods and Groceries, ITaift, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hard-ware, Queens ware, Hollow ware, Wood and Stone-ware, Drugs, Oil, Taints and Varnit-bes, Glass, Puttj, Bead; . inde Clothing, Clocks, Contectionary, Cheese.Flour, Fish, and Provisions generally. Oar stesk '. Hardware wilt bear tti.iprrtion, as it is fall mat si the beat quality Our stock of Boots aad cWmm is unequalled in quality aad low prises To the ladies we would say we istead to Bike the Notion and Dress department worthy tiiir patronage Artieles not on band will bespeeially ordered, to suit our customers. Thestriking feature in the"Flop," aad the est we would keep before the people Is. the ritr LOW PBtCER AT WHICH WEAKE SELLIBS. Tbepsa- lie are invited to give us a call. Bring on vir Produce, your Board. Shingles. Grain. Pork. Butter. Eggs. Dried Apples. Rags. k. Cr anotte, "Cheapest A Best. JOHNSON A BAi LET Pennville. August 56. 1S7. !!! 10171868-9 !!! READ CAREFULLY. Your Best Interests Demand Ik. 0 H H 0 id Q f - W c c 3i ST is o s lT i i O I s t . t j " H S 2 n Q G 2 - c rt- o n 7T O O5 5 s f!Oa (A o -J 0 o o S3 -3 O 0 2 o 3 GO 1 o tf a) o ft in 6-8981 LI 01 ill O ALT! SALTA prime article of gre.od .! f PatcP in patent saexs. for saleol t the ttciq of R jjoSM.-' GROCERIES th cheapest in the county. ' May 29. MOSSOP. OIL PAINTS th cheapest ia the county. May 2'J. MOSSOP2 FL,iFRllh ehePt n the county at May 29. '67. MQSSOP'L. PLASTER the cheapest ia the eoontv. at May29 '7. r MOSFOP'8 AILS A SPIKES theeheapest in the '.' MOSSOP'S FISH, of all kind th cheapest in the eottfj c OAL. M hale, and Linseed OH, Family V arnish and Paint of all kind aroard It 'y BARTOWTCK VIS for t f 1!