aft-swans journal. "EARFIELD, PA.,NOV.iri868. Tyrone aad Clearfield Railroad. ..-leaves Tyrone at : - : : : M a n " i-iTM t Phtlipsburg at : : 11 w a.m. JrriTM Itiia leaves L ' T Arrives at Tyrone at : ni.:i:.Iiivif : p : : 4 00 p. 'PiriciOUS. Uivine services win te neia TV " "1, 1 11 ,,, sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows: B- Kev. NixJorn in tne LiUtneran cnurco in the morning and evening. - ... BvT.ev. Archer irresDytenanj, 1a the Court Home, mo ning and evening. Bv Rev. Guyer in the Methodist church, .the morning. By Re- Hayes, in the Baptist Church, ia the evening. A 5ew assortment of Ladies' Underwear just received at Wm. Reed k Co's. Boons. AH persons having books be- lunging to the M. E. Sunday School, will confer a favor by returning the n George I W Rheem, the Superintendent. 'oCoCRT.-We learn that all the causes put down for trial at the Court commencing on the second Monday ot November, nave , .:...! v--- ,.. .;tt 1 I oeen cuunuuou, -uu lUc.c u. uu uo Court. Bask Ball. We have leen requested te state thai a match game of Base Ball be- tL'n the Rough and Ready Club, of Penn- .field, and the Chinchaclamoose Club, of Clearfield, will come off at the Fair ground . 1 - . 1 T V 1 r. . , , 1 1 I a.iuispiaue.on rnuayaiieriioon,at,to ciocK. Where is It? Several months since it was announced thai the "town clock," to be placed in the Court House tower, was com pleted, and rt ady to be put up. But, as yet. it is not there. What has become of it ? Hope it wasn't shipped "up salt-river," by mistake ! Destroyed by Kirk. No. 4 School Hjje, iu Beecaria township, we are inform ed, was b irnt down one night last week. It was evidently the work of an incendiary, as there was no fire in the building for so:ne mouths past. The house was one of the best in the township. Bars Burned. We learn that the barn of M. M. Foot, near Utahville, Beccaria township, with all its contents corn, oats, ly, straw, harness, etc. was destroyed by fire one night last week. The barn was a gwd one. Mr. Foot's loss will exceed two thousand dollars. The fire was accidental. The Public Reading. Prof. Shumaker, f Philadelphia, gave a public reading in tt, .1 ft i . , "ia yiatc, an Ajursusy evening last. lie was attentively listened to by the large and appreciating audience present. The Pro- ic-n ia an tAccueiu elocutionist, ana his style of delivery is pleasing and instructive, well as entertaining. Lold and Snow. On Sunday evening la-t we experienced considerable of a change in the atmosphere in this region, whieh was fjllowe. by a light fall of snow. However, more uiodeiate air again prevailed on Monday munjing, and the anow soon disap- ptir"i. But the season for wimer is here, iid ail thuuid be prepared for its coming. Dedicatort Notice. The Lecture Room, in the new M. E. Church in this Borondi, wili be dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, on 8unday, November 15th. TLe Rev. Wm. Harden, of Baltimore "7. will preach the dedicatory sermon at 11 o'cluck, A. M. Other prominent minis ters will be present. The public generally re invited. A. W. GuYER, Pstor, A NcisAsce. During the past week or l"o, bo)S have been engaged in throwing hatjjfulia of corn against the windows ol ridW,, jn pacing along the streets. This practice is a nuisance, and should be rt'jjiped. No decent and well-behaved l-oy :ll be caught doing such a disgraceful trick, h w only those of bad and vicious habits, Dave norespt-ct for themse!ves,that ' '' -t s Right. During the past week, - - '' -rough "'Dads" have been enraged in and establishing the lines and cor rs "i the streets within the corporate lini ubaview or grading and macadami 1 she same. According to the survey just we notice that many of the buildings fE-n.iPU upon the streets, while others ' ' l,4, 'J- This evidently is owin? to the 13 uianner in which the lots were lo j at the time of the erection of the 'i-r. B,lt- as njojjf ,j,ese buildings are and will replaced with brick dim a comparatively few years, it was htnJ PrPer that a survey should be "vJe( this time, so that when more per C4rt iaiprovemenis are to be made, they ny 1,(ted and erected on the proper "' Coining adds so much to the appear- -f a town as the regularity of the build lnn it streets.- The Borough officers i reoe,ve the thanks of the whole com - -Ky for the interest they manifest in - !vg ihs streets and houses in our bor correctly located. And, we would , u tbat' kereaftr, when buildings are erected, the front line of the lots be "aaied by the corporation authorities. 1 oo encroachments may be made upon r Hreets in the future. " assortment of Hoods just 'vt4at Wm. Reed A Co's. ""aw kaeav.-r. T&afteman' onxnai. Qteaxfidb, Jocvin's genuine kid gloves at Wm. Reed A Co's. President Judge. Below we give the vote for President Judge of the 25ih Judi- : cial district : ,ounties. M Enally. Mayer. Centre, 3.3H0 3 teaineia, 1.01,4 2 954 Clinton, 1,847 2,892 Total, 7,191 9,618 Mayer's majority, 2,427. vongress Official. The official vote for Congress, in the 19th District, on Octo ber 13th, is as follows: Counties. Cl.-arfiold, Cameron, j'Keau, Elk. Forest, Warren, Krie, Jefferson, Seofield. 1.890 537 964 501 334 2,935 7,675 2,067 Brown. 3,066 440 825 1,001 350 1,934 4.572 2.107 14,355 Total, 16.903 Seofields majority, 2.548. isew Advertisements. Miss Susan Reed advertises a new Mock of Fall and Winter Millinery goods. J. P. Kratzer pub- lishea several important not! (lenra. S , . ferry cautions the public against purchas- ing a Dilir of hnrapu n .T M To.t . -1. dissolution notice of Perry i Biggie. No tlce m regard to the removal of persons in- terred in the old graveyard at Curwensville, w published. Lindsay, Sterritt & Euwer call attention to the change in their adver't. T, T -r-rro- , . , in the 1 ost-office at Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 1, 1S68. Brady, Mary A. Mrs.; Buk, Melchier; Bu m Laugh, M. Mrs.. Brown, Wm. G. : Bloom, Martha K. ; Crider, Hester Miss; 'le- J"' A. ; Cn ier. Hoy & Co. : Der- ner, fcanih Miss; Dewit, J. (2); Evans, Beiy. ; tarley, Francis; Fleming, John ; Halliner. Maihew; Haynes, S. J. ; Inger- soll, A. B. (2); Johnston, Miss; Kline, D. U. ; Krise. Jacob: Krise. E. A M;- Kctter, Martha M. ; keys, Elias; Layton. Davis D. ; Luther, C. S. ; Miller, A. Miss; Murphy, Pat (2); McCaffrey, llodger; Norden, M. ; Oram, Z. (4) ; Peel, John; Rose. E. R. ; Scott, Martin V. B. ; Tem ple, John P. (2) ; Whitey. Samuel ; Wil liams Menora Mrs.; Welsh. T. M. ; Win die, George W. ; Van. inner, Robert, Persons calling for any of the above will please say they a-e advertised. P. A. Gaclin, P. M. On Monday, Oct. 26th, 1SG8. at her res idence in Uirara town-liiii. .Mrs. .ahah Ann Jury, wife of Adam Jury, dee'd,aged oi j cars. All mmt die ; and surely no one ever died more lamented lhau our departed luoider. t -i. . . . , . ..jau vrrc me tears cnii.-ecrait a to iier memory, but then we had the consolation to know that the eternal day of heaven dawn j , eu upon one angel more iliat wuiie we wept for her, her freed spirit walked the golden streets of that beautiiul city, and there, before tLe ieat white tin one, with an innumerable host, was Mtigiiii' song r.i praise to G'ld aad the Lamb forever. And may we all strive to meet her again. in those realms of bliss. beyond the t-ky. J. 11 C. Official Vote for Auditor General and Sur- rejor Geaeral of Per-.nsjlvaiiia 1363. Al'l) tifc.M. Si'KV. GEN. COUNTIES. o Adams, 8.12 3174 2834 3173 Ai.ejiboiiy, 2&S,so 14923 2-'iH44 14v4 AruiMrong, 3U.S7 3459 3l7 34oO Beaver, 3540 2075 3.r.4l 2071 Bedtoid, 2H25 3GI9 2o3t3 3t)U'j Beiks, 7413 13y2l 735 13yoS Biair, 3S41 31 S3 3S37 31 1,4 Bradford, 7612 3Sfi3 76US 3.6a Bucks, 6ysl 7838 C979 7838 Butler, 3723 3292 3722 3i3 Cambria. . 2849 3fiH7 2.64 355-s Cameron, 537 441 537 441 Carbon, ' 2129 2772 2124 2773 Centre, 338 37C5 339 3764 Chester, 8850 658 8863 6bt5 Clarion, 1908 2956 1908 2955 Clearfield, 1895 St 137 1892 3U4U Clinton, 1992 2765 1991 2769 Columbia, 2077 4058 2003 4129 Crawford, 7026 5390 7023 5392 Cumberland 38U1 4433 3785 4448 Dauphin, 6190 4535 6178 4554 Delaware, 4016 2764 4009 2769 Elk, 5.8 1054 507 1055 Erie, 7702 4531 7699 4532 Fayette, 3745 4773 3789 4723 Franklin, 4321 4278 4319 4277 Fulton, 72 1113 782 11 13 Forest, 352 34S 352 348 Greene, 1722 3374 1720 3372 Huntingdon 3473 2498 3475 2496 Indiana, 4s42 23111 442 2295 Jefferson, 2ti76 2094 2075 2095 Juniata, 1467 1863 1462 167 Lancaster, 15313 8570 15304 8572 Lawrence, 3091 1716 3692 1715 Lebanou, 4267 2858 4262 254 Ijt-hieh, 4733 6305 4732 63w7 Luzerne, 9992 13420 9990 13459 Lycoming, 4oSO 5031 4671 50o7 .McKean, 983 809 982 10 .Mercer, 4793 4177 4793 4169 Mifflin. 1?58 -128 1854 131 .Monroe, 735 279 733 2791 Montgomery 7443 8905 7909 936 Montour, 1194 J6w3..1192 163 Northaiii'n, 4452 77; 1 4446 7700 Northum'd, 3694 4146 ' 3;io 4161 Perry. 2570 2526 2570 2526 Philadel'a, 60638 60808 C0G00 6058 Pike, 338 1269 337 1271 Potter, 1604 1605 811 Schuylkill, 8192 958 814 9532 Somerset, 3195 129 - 3189 1830 Snyder, 186 1343 162 1342 Sullivan, 461 846 462 846 Suquehan'a 462 3377 461 3378 Tioga, 5410 2051 5411 2050 Union, 2054 1340 2'48 1346 Venango, 4431 3761 4430 3755 Warren, 2990 18S2 290 J90 Waohiugt'n, 4946 4948 4936 4945 i Wavne, 269S 3397 2698 3398 Wextmorl'd, 5335 6569 5330 6578 Wyoming, 1549 1765 1552 1767 York, 6053 9-106 6048 9005 Butler, Total, 331,416 321,739 31.134 321. 955 321.739 321 955 Majorities, 9,677 9.179 S WHIM'S PAS4.CFA. Kennedy's Medifal Dis covery. Hembold's Ruchu. RHke's Cod Liver Oil. Jsyne's and Ayer's Meieines.tor sale by Jaa 1. HAttTbW ICk A IBWiw. j. ri t . .- ' it a 1 . a" n 1 - AH i X. ii , PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT. MILS.SBCRO. CR.1TBB COOKTT, PUPa'A. Also agent lor all the latest Imr X" l, . 1 . 1 i . . ..... ' nM.aJ WhlaaaJ PorUb.eSa. mu.rSZu7. F T A XT T - V . A il J L N H il IT S MILLER FARM STATTOJf, (OH OIL CRREK RAIL BOA D,) enango County. Penn'a. THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE SEW J 3 8.'y 1 C W. TWIST, Pum-hihtoh. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. n.'kl.. ..J K. 11 n , ... .'iii-uciiwueuHs rooicg; neet Musio mr riano, rime and Violin ; Blank Account and Push Rook, of every de eoription; Paper and Envelope-. French pressed and plain; Pent and Pencils ; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment. Exemption and rromisory .Notes; Blank Legal Paper: White and Parchment tsnet; Legal cap: Hecord cap; and Rill cap, eto . Will he sold at Wholesale er Retail by P. A. GAULIN, At the Pot' offie. on Market Street, ClearBeld. Pa. May 5, 188 NEW STOCK. Fall and Winter Goods WM. REED k CO., Near Post Office, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having just opened a Urge and complete stock from ie York and Philadelphia, we can offer extra in Jucements to CASH BCYEltS. We have a splendid selection of DI1ESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS. CL0A KINGS, FLANNKLS ULANKETS, BALMORALS, HOOP SKIRTS. CORSETS, THOMPSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. ZEPIIVK AND WORaTLD YARN. And the most complete ass rtmeat ol Ladies and GENTS FCRXISHINU WOODS, UNDERWEAR, UO-ILRY, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS. ALEXANDRES KID AND HARRIS' CELEBRATED SEAM LESS KID GLOVES, the best ever made. Ncckti. s. Butierflirs. Collars. Cuff. Handker chiefs. Embroideries, Luces. Kdgings.alAi a large assor'mentof Furs.wilh GAYS' PATENT MUFF, the best thing extant lok-ether wi'h a full line of stai.'e mods, a'l i.f wbi h we offer at the very lowest cash prices. CALL AND SEE US. No Trouble to Show Goods. RVMEXKFK THE PLAC1 .HFK! TSTRi ST NEAR TliE PisTOKFICE. ' learfieM. Oct 7. S6S. GKEAT EXCITEMENT! The Chi-ancpt nn-1 E-st Goo. in Clearfiflii county are sold by GEORGE S. PETIRY, WUOLRSALR SKD RCTA1I. DSJALKR l FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC M KRCH ANblSE. North-west cor Curtin St st.d Pub'ie ?Qiare. OSCEOLA MILLS. Clearfield so.. Pa. We keep on hand Goods of every grade and variety. FOR THE LADIES wa have Dress Goods of every fabrie, . FOK THE GENTLEMEN, Ready made Clothing. Cloths, Caseimeres. Sattnetts. Tweeds, Jeans. Linens. Ae Alto a fall stock of Gents' Furnish ing Goods. IN BOOTS AND SHOES We dew competition, as we buy for case. and buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and hence can sell cheap BR than other dealers, lists and Caps of latest styles very cheap. NOTIONS All goods in thi line you can find with us cheap aud good HARDWARE, of every description, for car penters, builders and others. GROCERIES. SYRL'PS, from tbe lowest grade to the best that can be bought in the markets. SUGARS of every kind TEASof the very best qualities COFFEES that cannot be beat. Eitber in price or quality CANNED FRUIT of all kinds. DRIED FKUIT3. Spices, 4-e , 4-e We have always on hand a large stock of Queensware. Wood and Willow ware ROPES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL k WIN 1 OW PAPERS, FLOUR k FEED, BACON, PROVISIONS, FISH, LARD, BUTTER, OILS, &c, &c. Any goods you are in want of ean be found at our tore All are eordiallv invited to rail and examine our s'ock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we ean sell you better goods. and at lower prices, than can be purchased elsewhere. Pellicular at'enlion paid to orders from a distance, and tn supply ing log camps. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! No trouble to show Goods. GEORGE S. PERRY, Osceola, July ,'8-M. CCRWENSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. SJ. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist; Office I I t k ... k- ik. - . - : - IT, "..nd." 3?'!!: I I . Z. 1 ' price nr cash or n,nr.,..j prince II-alsoj.Ke. all kind.ofh..T boo.s. All work warranted, and nerfeot iati.f-,,. en. npnwit, brmcktr't Hoi,l r 7 Juy V s8S-It 1 IJLEARFIELD NURSERY. Encocu W ACE IlOMK IxbUSTRT Th 1 . , .... . " HC UI1UCI I f 1 1 - ""'S esiaonsnea a Aarsery.on the Pike ui. way oeiween l-arwensville and Clearfield ttoronehs. is prepared to furnish all v;A.ts...i trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen . Sbruh j.uraue . mes, uoosenerry, Lawtrn Black Sibrian Crab trees Quince and early SearletRhea- c wraers promnti-v attendrH laa. Aag 31.1H64 J.D. WRIQHT, Curwensville. gUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. vui me, x m. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFIC1. This well known Hotel, havirir h..n ,. .. j and re-furnihed rhrouebout. is now .n.. ,k. .w..utuj-i.i urn 01 inroivri ana the pablie in Kenerai. vnarges moderate. WM. M.JEFFRIES. Aagust 14, lSo7-tf. Proprietor. E W ? IBM! Hartsock A; Goodwin, One door East of Kenj imin Bloom's Ilotel, C'CK wsvstii.l. Pa Havinjrjusi received a full and wall select.A "ssnrrinent nt nry liomi. Urasi tioods. Clothing, Notions Hsts Cspf. Roots. Hioes. ilreo-. H.rH.' ware. ljiieunntre. rinware. Cedar and Willow- ware. Unt'im. Orocenes Flour. Fih. Sail. i ta whioh they ssk the attention uf the publio. Our a r'nietit is complete in ererv denartmenr and our prices are moderate, as will be found nnon rflu m.i mil puaninrB i ouds will be solil aheap forcssb orezchanged lor onuniry prnauce i ."h t e. l H AKTSOUK. Feb. 12. ISB8. ED GOODWIN. A WATS K WITHOUT FAIL. E W, JOHN IKVI N, lias lust received and opened at the eld stand in Curwensville. an ntire new stock of Fall and Winter Ooodf which he will sell very cheap far iah. 11 is siucK consists OI Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenware, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Caps, Beady made Clothing, etc. The public eenera'lT is resrecfullv invited tr. i2ive niui a can : e n s'iek sod near bir prices and purchase from him if you Bn.l it will he t year advasrajre. Sor. i. 18BS A TTENTIONl BUYERS!! IIIPPLE Se PATJBT .'OHSIS.'e An D0BI3TIC DST-rJOOBI. C Am sraaarr. ciiawasviLAa, ri , Having just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to ahit-h they desire tc invite the attention of their old eastomers aad friends. Their stock consists of Dry-Uoods. Groceries. Hardware. Qaeeneware, linware. rioets. Mines lists aad 1 aps. Clothing. Notions, ere . in great variety, which 'hey now offer at prices for eaeh te suit th times They also deal in Grain. Pork. Shingles Boards ind other lumber, which will be received at the t ighest market prices ia exchange for goods. Persons desirnne of purchasing gueds at fair rs'es are respectfully requested te give us a call Remember you can lad us at the eld staad in Main Street where we are prepared to aocoaie late eusuasars with aaythiag in ear liae ot Husinees ept. . M5 HIPPLK A FAl'ST. . CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The First Session of tbe next Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence on Mud day. tbe 7th dsy of .September. IHfiS Pupils ean enter at any time Tbey will be charged with tuitiou from the time they enter to the close of the session Tbe course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accum ptisbed education of both sexes. Tbe Principal having had the advantage of much experience iu bis profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire anility and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of tbe youth placed under his charge. Teres or Tditioh : Orthography. Reading. Writing and Primary AritUniilie. per session (11 weeks.) Si 0(1 Oraniuiar, tleugrephy. Arithmetic and Histo ry SA.OU lgebra.',ometry. Trigonometry, Mensuration, urveying. Philosophy, rhysfnlogy. Chemistry Rook-keeping, Botnny, and Physical Geogra phy. t.oti Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a bove branches S12 00 f7No deduction will be made for absence For further particulars inquire of Rev P. L. HARRISON, a at. July 31. 1887. Principal. ALLEGHENY IRON WORKS WAUKEX, PENN' A. BROWN, ARNETT & CO., Proprietors ol these works, have added to the Machine Shop enlarged Machinery, of the best description, for heavy work, a steam hammer in the Blacksmith Shop. nd in the lioiler Shop tools necessary tor the manufacturing of Steam Boil ers in the best style. They would respectfully notify Millers. Luna; berinen aud Tannery n.en that they are repar ed to leceive, and promptly execute, orders for ENGINES. BOILEKS CIKCCLAR MILLS. SIiINGLK MACHINES AND BAKLOW'S PA I EN I hOTARV Ml'LEY SAW HANG 1NGS. PLOWS, fcc fco. They employ none tutthl!t wurkmen and purch-tse tbe best material the market affords. They feel as'uied tht ihry will thus be able to turn out work bi b will civesaii.faetion to th ir cu-tomer The Barlow Patent Rotary Cutting Muley Paw Hangings are con-idered the most perfect Muley ever yet introduced We will guarantee them to cut twenty five per cent, more lumber than any olher Muley now in use Our Circular Mill nriy be seen at the Mill of Ellis Irwin 4-Son. at Lick Run, where informa tion respecting them can be ohtsined. H W. BR'iWX. L. W ARNKTT Aug 3 .a TiK'S Tm;il E R S. 17 ABM KB? will find a lull and complete A MiM-k ! Grass. Grain and Brier Seville, Sii-xles Hay and Grain Rases. Porns. Scythe tones CrumcricK. Hay-rope ire., nt tbe Hard ware Store of i. H. Zfcl iLKR A 0.. July 15. laea. Pbilipsburg, Pa. T'IIMLE-SK one, for sale -KE1NS and Pipe-boxes t. r Wag MERRELL i RIOI.ER hv ITT ANTED lO.roO pounds of WOOL, at tbe If n-RTsroia 5-ToRE. - v lesrfeitl Fa. jelO. F '1DOFR CUTTERS of asup rioi msk- for ssle at reason Me pries at MEKkl II and BlttLEK'S, CJearteJ.Pa. ov. 14 fi- JSCOLE would inform hi M x,w.J i ,c" .C..V . fc..tsi? . Public jrenerally, that M.nufacturinit Conleeiioner.and Whole.aielil.1- vftoi! r A'""" I n,"uf"'"- BOOTS AND in Fruiie. NotAe, in the United Bt.t... MI-E of the ery best trench Cali and Kip. at March 4. 18o-ly. tne lowt incei ftr cash or n,nr.,..j ?a., gLoxemfat 4, 1868. S4 1 TiT.- Vri aTin w-. n . . -w- It . HALiK. All tr.e ardv varioi.ipn nf first nnulit-v r ..a - . . ... . "- 'k tiotuv farifiiuH ni nnsi nuaiiLT v. i.uu per nanarra. Uidere solicited aitoonaa conTentrot and tiled in -otauon, ay a, M.HILL8 HE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, SOMETHING NEW IS CLEARFIELD O j""1"- . " aee ano agon nop, ' I tmroe.liBlely in rear of Machine shop. The nndereiirr.ed woald respectfully inform the Eiiiiensoi i.ierneid. anil the pablie in general. nt be is pr-p .red to do all kinds of work .n carnages butties, w.jtuns. sleighs sleds. Ae . en '"" nonce a J in a workmanlike manner. Or uers proinut v aten laif tn WM M wrnUT virarneiq. rep. 7. IHIM.y. (CLEARFIELD HOUSE. FRONT STREET, PHILIPSBURG. PA. I will imtteaeh im on. .hn T r.ii 1. . Hr"nai aneriiiun to al I oar customers. or 1.11 wrause tnem to rejoice overs well fr- iarie. with elean na.i ki. where all may feel at home and tha wear km Philipsburg. Sep. 2,'68. JAS. H. GALIR. J(EW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, - Market Street, nearly opposite Ike fttlllnee f II. B .-woods Esa.. Clearfield. Pa., Would resnectfullv mrnB... ia ... I viesrueia ana vicinity, that ke ha oseatd a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in tbe h.ileM.. i,.i. n : i i i , . " . vl I occupied by J L a law omce and thai he i ii determined not to be oatdoae either ta aualitv of work orprices Stecial atteation i tk'. OI sewea werE. i reaob Kip and ,." "'"i " best quality, always oa hand uiu a cnu. IJu.r VA 'HA QHAIRS CHAIRS !! CHAIRS 111 JOn.l THOl'TIAH naving resumed tbemanufaetaraufekalr. i . shop located on tbe lot ia tkeresr el hisresidence ou .nanet street, ana a short dist iaee west of the ruunarj. is prepared le aeeomojodate kls old irienus. and all others who may faver him with a can. wnn every description of Wiadser chairs. iienasacood aortment en head ta hl-K K . directs the attention ef pnrebasers. They are inaue oi tne very best material well painted and n Dinned in a workmanlike manner, aail win V soia at prices to sn it the times Eiamlae tbam oeiore purcnastng elsewhere. t.learDeld. Pa.. Mareb IS. ISflt. JJOMK INDUSTRT BOOTS AND SHOE Made to Order at the Lowest Kates. The undersigned would reseeetftillv Invite tha attention ot tne cittsens or t;ieruel J and vicini ty, to give him a call at bts shoe ea Market St. nearly opposite iisrtswiok 4 Irwin s drac store 1. , . "... wucre uu is prepareo. so maae er repair aajthl ug in uii una. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented I nave now on hand a stack ef extra freer. rait skins, superb gaiter tops, Ae., that I will nniso up at the lowest figures. Joneiatn. ISRB. DAIEL CiiNbIILT A VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE, Situate in Decaturtownship Clearfield county.Ps The subscriber, desirous of qui ttinr the business. offers for sale a good FLO (J it I N(i M I LL with twu run of burs the .Mill is stroac and in cood order, wi'h from twenty to thirty acres of land and a comfortable frame dwelling bouse attached. There is a considerable lot of Hemlock and White Fine timber on the land The property lying two miles West of l'bilirbun Centre couniv. and within a few rods of the turnpike read. The Tyrone and Clearfield Riilruad runs through tha Ian J. within a few r ds of the Mill. This is a de sirable location for Wooleu Factory, and one is much needed in this section of country. For fur ther particulars inquire of the subscriber, on tbe property. or address him by letter at Pbilipsburg Centre county. Pa. Oct. 7,'6a-3iu. CDA-. M. CAUWALADIR. yTEV STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD HILLS, Clearfield county. The undersigned, havinz opened a larae and well selected stock of a-.Htd. ai Bald HIIU. Clear field county, re.-pectfuily solteit share of publie patronage. Their stock embraces Drv Goods. Groearlaa. Hxr'lwnre Qurensware. Tin-ware, Rootsaad Shoes, Hats and Caps, ye ady made Clothing, and a gea eral assortment of Notions, ete. They always keep on band the best qaality ef Flour, and a variety of Feed. All goods sold cheap exehaaged for approved country protuee. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, tkey are predated to saw all kinds of lumber le erder. Orders solicited, sod punctually tiled. Nov. 2, 1897. F. ' A. IKWId. JjIFE INSURANCE AT H0MIC. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., 21 Chestnut Street, Phii.a. tnsurea Lives on favorable terms, and will issue folicieron any of the approved plana of insure nee Assets liable to losses $1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash; annually semi-annual!) or quarterly; r one-half in cash, and one-calf in note by a supplement to the charter notes hereafter received will participate in all Dividends or Surplus SeripeertiBcater up to January IHoJ, inclusive, are now receivable is payment of premiums Agency, at the office of II B. Swoops. Clear field. Pa Dr J. O. Hartswiek. Medical Ezamt ner ; August 14. 1W4. H BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pav One door Eastef tha Clearfield Boose, Keeps on haid a fall assortment of Genta' Far niching goods, sucbas Shirts. (linen and woolen, Undershirts Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties. Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves. Umbrellas. Hats, ete , in great variety. Of pieee goedi he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades) Blaek Doe-Skin Cassimeres of the be?t make. Fancy Cassimeres, in great variety. Also. French Coatings; Beaver. Pilot. Chinchilla. an I Tricott Over-coating, all of wb'ek will be S'il.1 cheap fir cash and made up according lo the latest styles, hv experienced workmen Alo aent for Clearfield oounty. for I. M.Singr A C s Sewing Machines. November 1 lt' SOMETHING NEW IN ANSO.NVILI.B. Clearfield county, Penn'a. Tbe undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and eomroodioas stera room, is now engaged in oiling it ap with a lit and select assnrtmentof Fall and Winter goods, which he offers to the publie M prices to suit the times Hif st-ek or Mens' and hoys alefhing is urasl ly extensive, and is offered te eastomers at from SIA tn$?n for a whole aait. Flour. Salt. and Gro ceries, of every kit d. a remple'e assartesent; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps m ureal virltty ; Ladies' dress goods, furs, aud other fr.eey good together with an end'ess as-ortment ef notions toe tlios to enuaierate. always on band and sor sale very cheap. Prints at I renrs a vsrd and other goods in proportion Now is the lime te bay Country produe- of every klrd. at the hi eh est market prices, will be taken la rich an re for goods; and even Greenbacks wiV nee be vused rr any article in store Examine my stock be fore you buv elewhere October 30.1 W H. SW.?. BOOTS AND SHOES are sellina- at half tbe nana price at J. P KRATZER'S. c I LOT RING CLOTH IN G CLOT H I NG. Too can get a full suit of e'o'bes. t'oat. Pants and Vest for six dollars, at J. P. KRATZSR S. rp I wOMJSTH t NG NEW. I in dRAW a- onur FRANK A STOUOHTON, Merchant lailora, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having opened their new establishment, in Shaw'i Row. one door east of the Post Office, and having-just returned from the eastern eitiaa with a targe aud elegant assortment of Cloths, Casimetes, Testings, -Beavers, &c, and all kinda of goods for men and boys' wenr, are now- '-' prepared to make np to oriler CLOTH INi, from article 10 a tall salt, la the latent styles most workmanlike manner peeial attea- Ktven to enitnn vnib nmA Mfiin t .... uu 010 tion gi men ana ooys r. OD-er gr. hargaias to easte rners, and warrant entire satisfaettoa. A liberal hare of public patronage isaolioiied Call aad etamine our goods M A rKAK Oct 1, IH67. K. R. L STOLGHTOK QIGARS AND TOBACCO. AD0LPIT 9CII0LPP, MisorAcrrnER sso Wbolesale Retail 1'EALBH 11 ClOARS A9D TOBACCOS, CLEARFIELD. PA.. Would respectfully announce that he ha remov. ed to the large and onamodina store-room, op posite the residence of H B swoope, Eq, where he has opened a treneral assortment of T.ihjtecn Cigars, etc. which he is prepared to sell, wholesale or reian. at reasonable prioes. His ciears are made of the verv best material and in style of manufacture will compare with those of any other establishment. He has alwavs on haml a auoarinr &rttil nf I rects the attention of ' lovers of the weed. cnewingand smoking tobaccos, to which be di- Merchants and Dealers, throughout tha eountv supplied at the lowest wholesale prioes. Call and examine his stock when you come to Clearfield. June 10. lsS. JJARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, CLEARFIELD, .3 Having refitted and removed to the room lately occupied by Richard Mossop.on Market Pt., now offer low for cash, a well selected assortment oi DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Also. Patent Medicines of all kinds. Pa'nfs. Oils, Glass. Put'y. Dye-stuffs. Stationary. To jaeco and Segars, Confectionary. Spices, and a larger stock of varieties than ever before offered in this place. and warranted to be oi the best the market af Irrds Inspect their stock before purchasing elsewhere, and they feel warranted in saying thai j j.iu will be pleased with the quality and price of Ibeir goods Remember the place Mossop's old stand. on jaarketSt. Dej. 6. 18(56. c LEARFIELD MARBLE WORKS, ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE FINISHED IN TliE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART. The subscribers beg leave to announce to the citiaeos ot Clearfield county, that they have opened an extensive Marble Yard, on tt.e South west corner of Market and Fourth streets. Clear field; Pa . where they are prepared to make Tomb Stones, Monuments, Tombs, Box and Side Tombs, Cradle Tombs, Cemetery Posts, Mantles. Shelves, .Brackets, etc., etc, on very short notice. They always keep on hand a large quantity of wore, cnisned except tne lettering, so tnat per--ons can call and select for themselves tbe style desired. They will also make to order any other style of work that may be desired ; and they flatter tbem selves that they can compete with tbe manufac turers outside ot the countj eitber in workman "hip or price, as they only employ tbe best ol workmen. All inquiries by letter promptly an xwered. JOH N G tlELICH. May 12, lf67-tf. HENRY GCELICH II. F. N A U G L E WATCH MAKER, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELD. The undersigned respectfully informs bis old customers and the public, that he has on hand, (and eonstantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man- nfactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring aud Weight, and Levers, Tiu.e, Strike aud Alarm clocks WA TCHES a fine assortment. o Jsilver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled G'lLD PEIVS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders - . SPECTACLES, a larere assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a single piece to a full set ALSfi.m fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives. etc.. plated on genuine Alabata. All kinds of Clocks. Watches aud Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted A continuance ol patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth, 1865. H. F. NAL'QLE QL0THING! CLOTHING!! GOOD AND CHEAP!!! Men, Toutbs and Boys ean besnplpled with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at RE1ZENSTLIM liROS' CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce then purchase. The universal satisfaction which ba been given, has induced tbem to increase theii s'ock, which is now pot surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of tha State. Reizenstein Bro's k Co., Sell gnods at a very small profit, for eash ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. Tbey give every one the worth of bis money They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. Tbey having purchased their stock t reduced prices tbey can sell cheaper tl an others for these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at REIZKXSTEIN BKO'S A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the bighes' market prices. May 18, lbri4 NEW J. SPRING STOCK! SHAW A SON. Have just returned from tbe east and aro now opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Trwin. en Marke' Street, which they now offer to tbe publio at the lowest cash prices m Their stock consists of a general assortment of Pry Goods. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bonnets. Dress Goods Fruits. Candies Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, ete. . in fact, everything usually kept ia a retail store can be had by calling at this stora, or will be procured to order. Tbeir stock is well selected, and consists ef the newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for eash. or exchanged for approved country prvduee. Be sure and eall and examine bur stock before naking your purchases, as we are determined "tease all who may favor us with their custom. May 8. 1S6T. ' J. SHAW A SON. c URR ANTS tbe belt nd cheapest In the GRAHAM'S county, at DESSICATEDCOCOANUTS.forpiea.pEdo'inga, eta . for 'sale at GRAHAM'S. CANNED FKflTS -U kinds, warranted rood and fr.ah. at QKA H A M'S. JfEW SPRING GOODS, Jt?St RECEIVED AT KIRK k SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully Inform their customers, and the publio in general, that they have Jnst received their Spring stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries. Boots, Hi pes. Hats. Caps. Fish, Sart. Flour, Baeoa. liaila, t-ainta. Oils. Stoneware. Hardware. Qaeeneware, Baskets. Tubs. Churns. Carpet. Oil eloih. and general variety of anek articles as are usually kept in a eoantrr store, ail ef wkieh thev will sell cheap roe cas Tbey weald also direct attention tn fl,.;. t. stock of Ready-made Clothing, which they offer for sale at a small advance upon cost. T v KIRK BPINCXK. Lumber City. Pa.. May 8, la7. H. B. We also manufacture ta order ii a... stantly keep on band a general a wort meat ef Doots and bhoes, for men. women and ehiidrea. a-IKh. A bPiSClb.. U 8 T IN TIME! THB NEW GOODS AT A. K. WRIGHT i SONS, CLEARFIILD, Pa., Having retarned fronTIne eastern cities w. .re ... opening . full stoea of seasonable goods, al oar rooms oa Second atn.i i.?J" th.. :- to wnie ..w, ...c,uj luvue .lae attention of the pb- n.atrlt - ; - . . . VHICO aasoruBeBt is unsurpassed LI tT1";"1" old T,rJ ' eash. 1 he -took consists in part of DRY GOODS .thMbVt " Prif - Delamaa,Alp.- sas. Merinos. Ginghams; Muslins, bleached and """'J; Drilling, Tickings, cotton and woVl hi. u a Ca,me-. ladies Shawls Coats. Nu bias. Hoods. Hoon skina n.i....i. a. ... ... of wHch will be sold low sob cm " At.'. . "-- assortment of the best of M E N B W I A R , eon,t!nj of Drawers and FhirU, Hat. and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Handk.rehieftl orav.ta, "le. anHLAv..Rvrt-f"; Pf RP- Rlti.a Aogure ana Axes. Nails and t: Lamp wicks and chimneys,' etc., ete ' P Alko, Queensware Glasswara n.- n ries. and spices of all kinds Tn .hort . ....i assortment of every thine n.n. k.n ....... store, all cheap for eash, or approved country Soy aa-jalO-nolS. W3.IGHT AISOSS.1 EUREKA! STAR LIGHTNING ROD ! The Best and the Cheapest ! The Stab Salvasixkd LiGrrr.iise Rod is sape nor to any in use, and will last ror generations. It is made from Magnetie Iron tks square grooved, spiral-twisted and galvanised, and eon iccted with pure copper couplings rendering it qua! to a copper rod. the whole surmuunted with Gold plated cluster point of pure copper, tbua orming a continuous rod from the pciot te the round the combination of metals feimicg a :alvanie battery in the md. It is warranted always to remain bright and lean, and will never eorrode or rust, tons pre enring a neat ornamental appearance on the -uildiDg. worth more than its cost as a aatter of lrnament. to say n.itbing about itssure proteetioa gainst lightning. To show the popularity of the Galvanised Star iod. it is only necessary to say that the propri- ton have pulled off more than one hundred tone fold rusty irons, within twelve months, from ol leges, academies, publie buildings, barns, ete., nd put up tbe Star Rod in tbeir plaee. . , A tbe "Stab" is better and sold at a less pries han any other rod. is more durable and more or--ameaial. persons should consult tbeir own inter su and safety to life and property, before they tave a rod erected on tbeir buildings. AH that is necessary to convince tbe pablie ef he superiority of tbe SUr Lightning Rod. is a borough examinat on into its construction aad cientific combination. The undersigned, being tbe Agents for Clear ield county, will put up rods for all who may de ire them, on short notice and reasonable ' terms, .'all and examine them at theirstore in Cleaileld. June 10. 1868. MERRILL A hlULKK T HE CHEAPEST GOODS ARK BOLD BT RICHARD MOSSOP. EALKk IB FOREION AND DOMESTIC OR V GOOOS. C. ABIIT STKEET, CLIAEriCLD, PA. th'folloMnntt f good.- and proJSttAtrttf Cheap Cheap TO TH LADIES. Goe-ti Geod Good Good Good Good LTkrae Always on band a large stock of La dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laines. Ginghams, Prints, chints. Kerchiefs, Jiu bies. Bonnets. Gloves, eto. Cheap I'-hrap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Good Goad FOR GENTLEMEN Always on band Black. Blue. Brown ,m Vhtap and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Blaek Good Cheapi Casimeres. Sattinets. Cassineta, 'Good' r.eap Cheap a wecus, i lain ana r ancy est ings. Shirting, eto.. ete. eto. Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Ojod' Good Good Good Good' Cheap, KEADY-MADE, heap Such ma Coats. Pants. Vee'ts, TJnder titan seiru. and other Flannel shirts. Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. Neck ties. Gum Boots snd Shoee.ahd a variety of other articles. , HOUSEHOLD GOODS, D.A ' V. ,w I . I . ... . . Cheap Cheam ' . r hean -', r heart k uuu aa vnuivacueu sns meaonea Cj,ea a,na,ln- voiorea Muslins. Linen Ch f i060 4nd kemp towls. car C.ta, PeU- nains, fringe, etc ChZp HARDWARE. AC. CheapiI J0" ant Nails or spikes. Manure C'AeoJ or other forks Saw-mill or ether C'heapl Smootm ag irons. Locks. Cheapi Hinges, ete. go to Mossop's 1 Cheap bere you a buy cheap Cheap! IF YOU WANT C'AeopiKnives and forks. Botcher Knives Cheap1 Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Cheap) snd hemP ropes. Ink. Paper or Cheap Peus. Powder, Shot or Lead, Cheap etc., bay tbem at Mossop's. Ceap IF YOU WAST Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Cheap shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Good Cheap- Siin Slirrh U.ll p.... u.-:' fi..J Cheapi dow Shades, Lamps. Lamp tubes Good Cheap. or Wicks, coal oil. ate . re to Good ,,htar Mossop's cheap eash (tore. Goud neap , n . eap Good Heap Cheap Cheap1 Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Good extra family Flour. White or .' j brown sugar, hams, shoulders or sides, coffee; Imperial. Youn Hyson orblaex tea. buy them ' at Mossop's cheap for eash. T .T0. WAST 1 allow candles, fine or coarse aalt.(7eets Map Cueap Cheap Cheap Cheap Syrup or molasses cheese, dried Good Good Good Good Good Good apples or peaches, water or se do eraexers. eall at Mosaop a where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT " o -eap v, w,w ,,.r mauicai or caertlDSB Cheap tal uses. Swet wine, old Monon Cheup gahtla or rye whisicy, Cherry Cheap and Cognao brandy.- bay at fi rw . e., j j - . .. I Good Good Good Good , eroasup a cueap cash store. Cheap lf you WANT Goode , Good ? "r Kaisens. Fias. Prnnea .r AriA ChZl r4DU: fi'08- Pecan or Cheapi rona -.ndie. Good. Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap aheap f.heap Cheap Cheat- or Liquorice root, buy tbem at Mosaop'seheapand good. .'"' IF YOIT WANT v Z: To buy any other article ekeap. be Ooua sure to go to Mosaop. for he aellr j cheaper for eab than any other 7eo4 person in i;iearceia eoanty !7ro,a- I November ST. IMI, ap27 49 Good Approved eounirw peodue of emerm ttnd tmiem at ti' wewat mtarie on re im vehmntre re ea SWEET POTATOES, "A WET) FRUIT, CONFECTfOXARX, Oot 14. 1868. CBANBERRIE3, DRIED ERCIT, Jass veeetved. at J. T. KKATZtR'B. SALT SALT-JALT fall weight. Isrre sack selling cheap, at J. KRATZER.8. PARED PEACHES-Ihe best la market a tbe alore of J B GRAHAM A SONS. S. DDLX3. Bridles, harness eollars Ae.. fer MEHREL, BIQLER'S, sale at i It --. I ' ! it 3 i t '. t'-i.