!(e affewmt's gournaf, gfearftefb, tidokt 28, 1868. CLEARFIELD, PA., OCT. 28', 1868. Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. .. 1 rtl leaves Tyrone at : : : : : .zo a m Arrives at Philipsburs; at : : 11 JO a. m itm PhiliDsburc at : : : 1.05 pm Arrives at Tyrone at : : : : .0J p. "Rilioiocs. Divine services will be held Brt sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : Bv Rev. Nixdorff in the Lutheran church in the morning and evening. By Rev. Archer (Presbyterian), ia th fourt House, morning and evening. By Rev. Guyer in the Methodist church is the evening. By Rev. Hayes, in the Baptist Church lithe morning. Fob good goods, at low prices, go to Win. Reed & Co' a, near the post office. Fol hd a key, supposed to . belong to a chest The owner can get it by calling at this office. Court. A court, of .one week, will be held in November, commencing on the 3d Monday, 16th day. Will be taken, on account of subscrip tions, etc., several turkeys, as thanksgiving day is approaching. Thanks. We are indebted to T. J. M'Cullough, Esq., of the Penn'a House of Representatives, for a copy of the election lavs "digested and arranged" by authori ty of the Legislature. Notice. me person wno borrowed a law out of my shop, without permission, one day last week, is requested to return the same without delay and save exposure. It. Chas. II. Larrimer. Lost on Sunday evening a-week, between the Metho list Church and Colburn's Hotel, in this borough, a lady's gold dollar breast pin. The finder will be suitably rewarded open leaving the pin at this office. The Electoral Ticket. On the mar gin of this page, we print five Grant & Col fax tickets. Cut them ofT and supply your selves and your neighbors before the day of the election. This will save you time and trouble in procuring a genuine ticket, when you go to vote. The Kailhoad. We incidentally learn that the Superintendent and several other officials were in this place, the latter part of last week, looking after the interests of the rued here and that preparations are in progress for the erection of the depot buil J? rri , - , , aingi. ine indications are tnat tne cars will run here about the first of December. A ell, we wont be sorry. Litcrart Entertainment. By request of a number of" our citizens, Prof. Shunia ker, or t Lil a, has consented to give a pub lic Reading in the Court House, on Thurs day evening, the -'yth of October. V predict a crowded house on the occasion, as t is one of the best Elocutionists in the bu.e. AH should go and hear him. Ad luission, Twenty-five cents. Grant and Colfax Meeting. A Re publican meeting will be held at Rock ton, I bico township, on Friday evening, Octo ber 30th. Let the friends of the Union nd the Const itution turn out, and hear the luesuons of the day once more discussed. Competent speakers will be present. The people from the adjoining townships are lutd to be present on the occasion. Mcsicau We have received the U. S. Jlujical Review, Parlor Companion, and Wee Hive, all containing most excellent Pieces ot" music. Published monthly, by J. L rVers, New York P. O. Box 5429. Lovers of music should send for copies of these works,as they will find them to contain aay amusing as well as interesting and in tractive pieces. Single copies 30 cents. AcciDkHT. On last Friday night as the deletion from this place was returning rom the Curwensville meeting, one of the WJ!ons accidentally run against a stump ".ttiing near the middle of the road, just the foot of the hill on this side of the 'ooofellow bridge, throwing out headlong, J the occupants, and injuring them all a re or less four of them quite severely. The stump U an obstruction to safe driving &:t night, and should be removed, as it eue'1 frequent accidents in tbe past. e Preunie, the company having charge of 'he road are liable for all damages sua oed Ly persons or property, in conse wn.ee of their permitting the road to be rul by tne stump. porust xo yoxsag -On the 3rd f of -Member the voters of this State U called upon to discharge a sacred duty u;ey oe to themselves. There are two rallying around One of these ''esin the contest, both the 2? of their tountry. trues IS doomed tn rlofaat arul n-WVl that t"eM tllere iU be a great depression of P nu; surrinducing a loss of appetite and 10 tntlre deraogement of the digestive or- or animal functions. The unfortunate e contest, aforesaid, wUl find a whole e panacea in Hoofland's German Bitter "Tnic that will speedily restore the tone ,he,r "tomachs and enable them to re- !cKbUSineS8" TheSC PrePration9 "re for lg'sta and dealers in Medicines s o jn.rMni4iii b urriciAL. iseiowwe give the vote polled for Assembly it this dis trict, on Oct. 13, 1868. Counties. M'Cullough. Clearfield, 3,042 Elk, ,054 Forest, 333 Adams. 1,904 503 342 4,429 1,680. 2,749 M'Cullongh's moj. State Senator Official. Below we print the official vote for State Senator in this district, on October 13, 1868 : Counties. Cleaifield. Cameron, Clarion, Elk, Forest, Arnold. 1,883 538 i,m 503 340 Wallace. 3,069 . 439 2,956 1,056 340 Total, 5,172 7,860 Wallace's majority, 2,688 CoNOREsa Official. The official vote r, n i , - . for Congress, in the 19th District, on Octo- ber 13th, 1868, is as follows Counties. Clearfield, Cameron, M'blean, Elk, Forest, Warren, Erie, Jefferson, Scofield, Brown. 1,890 3,066 537 440 141 maj. 501 1,061 334 350 2,935 1,934 7,675 4,572 2,067 2,107 16,080 13,5'0 2,550 Total, Scoficld's maj. Eepublican Meeting, A large and enthusiastic meeting was held in Curwensville, on Friday evening October 231, which was presided over by the follow mg officers : President Elisha Fenton. Vice Presidents Simon Thompson, Jacob Uoover.G. Philip Guelich, Arthur Bell, II fi IIrl Ur... T o i i . r.v -, . "viu, or., ikuueri iu aui, I Vr- li- V . bpackman, Isaac Kirk, Isaac Thompson, Sr., James Glenn, James For rest, and John Barclay. ucurcLaries ur. O. lU JUne, O. J. IwOW. , . ! . , o tun n y After the organization of the meeting, II. B. Swoope, Esq., was loudly called for by the assembled multitude. He responded in an appropriate, argumentative and convin cing speech presenting the issues involved in the Presidential contest in a clear, point ed and concise manner. He was frequently interrupted by bursts of applause, giving evidence that his remarks were appreciated by the large'concourse of people present. lhomas H. A!urray, Esq., was the next speaker. His speech was certainly a good one full of pith and argument and one 111. J ,-. . . iiiai, wuuiu nave uone creaic to a speaker Ot I rfl.ra ,,. - Tw I kMl i 7i- i . iiigiuj ai'piauuL-u in ine course OIDIS remarks. Mr. James Ross was then introduced as 'Gen. Boone, from South Carolina," and amused the crow 1 for a short time, in the j capacity of a chivalrous Southern supporter I of tseymour and Blair. Mr. R s perform ance was certainly a very rair ana amusing piece of satire, wit, and irony combined. it- ruuoru, rsq. , men maae a lew- brief and well-timed remarks, after which the n acting adjourned, and the people tnn-ed to their hemes. The stand, which was erected for the oc casion, was profusely and beautifully deco rated with evergreens and flowers, by the ladies of Curwensville, which added much to the interest and success of the meeting. We tender them the thanks of the Repub lican party ef Clearfield county for the aid extended in this respect, and for their pres ence at the meeting. The torch light procession was not what we could have wished it, nevertheless it was a very creditable affair, and added greatly to the interest and enthusiasm of the occasion-. Altogether the meeting was a grand suc- sess, and we anticipate that much good will result therefrom. T"l IT 1 .w rixED for JjiFE. w e learn irom the Newark Courier that Gen. Geo. B. M'CIol- lan has at last been settled for life. The executors of the Edwin A. Stevens' estate, have employed him at an annnal salary of $10,000 a year, to superintend the comple tion of the famous Stevens battery at Ho- boken, and which, when afloat, is to be ten dered as a free gift to the State of New Jersey. As no limit is specified for the completion, the General will have a splen did opportunity to develop that engineering skill of which he is the undoubted possessor. MARRIED : Un October (th, lSos, by Kev. 1. Van Scoyoc, Mr. J. W. Bters, of New Wash ington, and Miss Lccretia J. M'Crackin, of Bell township, Clearfield County. DIED : On Monday, October 19th, 1868, Ellis Sheridan, infant son ot Ahrara and Sallie J. Hoover, of Girard township. On Sunday evening, October 25th, 1868, after a short illness at her residence in Gi rard towship, Mrs. Sarah A. Jury, relict of the late Adam Jury. On Saturday, October 17th, 1868, Mart, daughter of A. F. and Mary E. Boyntoo,oi Clearfield borough, aged 4 years. 4 months and '2.1 d-jys. Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities. JAMES T. BRADY CO., (Snrcessors to S. Jon ir Co.) COR SCR or rolETB ASD WOOD STREETS. Pittsbnrg, Oct. 24. 1368. but sell I bur. sell. GOLD. M 1341 5-20S, Jan.'7, llOf illO, C.8.6s 1S81, , 115f Hit 5 20s. Jul. '6T 103 ,'108 113 113 June. 7-30s, 10U 109 1IIJ 11U July, 7-30s, 109. 109 110 110 May Comp,'5,114 4- 208. 182, 5- 20s, 5-JOs. 1864, 10-40s. 105! loo Aug.Uomp. oa iisj iis: 20s. Jan.'5, 103 insj! Sept.Comp. 8S.118 ,I1S &-20s, Jul. '65. 103 ilOSj; Oct. Comp. 6i,l 17 J! 1 18 We are now eonvertine 7 30 of tbe June and July aeries into Gold Coupon 5-20 bonds of 18&-T. HARNESS, Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for sale at MERRELL A BIGLER'S. CABLE CHAINS a good article, on hand and forsaleby MERRELL A BIGLER T0VES of all sorts and siics. constantly on MERRELL A BIGLER'S hand at TL. Putty, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at Jane '66. MERRELL A BIGLER'S. IRON! IRON!! Best bar iron, for sale at the store of MERRELL A BIGLER. CANNI Aug ANNED FRUIT, of best quality, forsaleby J. MERRELL A P-IGLER. ' QCEENHWARE the cheapest in tbe eouny Q at MOdSOP'S. 'p The Platform. The National Republican party of the United ." "mDlea n national ConTention in the v"jr v.u.oSo on tbe 20th day of May, 1863 : " ,us ueciaration ot principles. 1. We congratulate the ci.untrv nn th. .... i success of the reconstraction policy of Coneree ... i . . """ u"f"'n, in a majority oi tne Mates lately in rebellion, of constitutions secur ingeaual civil and political rigbta to all. and -e-gard it as the duty of the ttovernment to sustain ""? institutions, and to prevent the people of . ucmg remiixea te a state or an. ercny. S. The guarantee by Congress of equal suffrage to ail loyal men at the south was demanded by eTr7 c.on'deration of Pnble safety, of gratitude and of justice, and must be maintained.wbile the eunrage in all the loyal States prop erly belongs to tho people of those Slates 3. e denounce all forms of repudiation as a ""uu cr.me, ana tne national honor requires the payment of the public indebtedness in the ut most good faith to all creditors at home and a broad, Hot only according to tbe letter, but the spirit of the law under which it was contracted. 4 It is due to the labor of the nation that tax ation should be equalized and reduced as rapid- j , 1 u"i'"t miiu win permit. . The national debt, contracted national H Kt nnMtA J 1 v. . for tbe preservation of the lTni.m r.-r all i. . come, should be extended over a fair period for redemption, and it Is the duty of Congress to re duce the rf iff ..-., .1 - 1 . hoie9tiy be done , m ueai poucy to dimimsn our burden of debt, is to so impVove our credit so that cap" o iu man us money at lower rates oi interest than we now pay, and must eontinne to pay so long as repudiation, partial or total, open or covert.is threatened or suspected. 7. The Government of the United States should be administered with the irriMMt Mmnnm the corruptions, which have been so shamefully nursed and fostered by Andrew Johnson, call loudly for radical reform. o. We profoundly denlore the nntimelv nrf --6.u uc.iu ui noraoam iiincoin ana regret tne accession of Andrew Johnson to the PreaiHennv. who has acted treacheroual v to the nennle hn ciwicu mm ana ine cause ne was pledged to sup- port, has usurped high legislative and judicial functions, has refused to execute the laws, has usea nis nign omce to induce other officers to ig nore and violate the laws, has employed his exe cuiive powers to render insecure the property peace liberty and life of the citizen, has abused the pardoning power, faasdenounced the national legislature as unconstitutional, has persistently and corruptly resisted, by every measure in his power, every proper attempt at tbe reconstruo tion of tbe States lately in rebellion, hmm nam,. ted the publio patronage into an engine of whole, sale corruption, and has been justly impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and properly pronounced guilty thereof by the vote of thirty five Senators. 9. 1 be doctrine of Great Britain and other Ko I jupem powers, mat, because a man is once a sub ject, ne is al wavs so. most be resisted at mwmrw hazard by tbe Uuited States as arelie of the feu da times, not authorized bv tbe law of nations. anuai war witn our national honor and indepen dence. naturalized citizens are entitled to be protected in all their rights of citizenship, as though they were nativo-born, and no eitizen of the United States, native or naturalized. must be liaDle to arrest and imprisonment by any foreign power for aetsdone er words spoken in thiscoun- try and. if so arrested and imnrimnnl. it i tha duty or tbe government to interfere in his be nan 10. Of all who were faithful in the trials of tha late war, there were none entitled to more esne- ciai Donor man me oiave soldiers and seamen who endured the hardships of tbe camDaiirn and cruise, and imperilled their lives in tbe service ot tbe country. 1 be bounties ana pensions pro vided by law for these brave defenders of the na tion are obligations never to be forgotten. Tbe widows, and orphans of the gallant dead are the wards ot tne people a sacred leeacv beaueathed iu iub nxuon 9 iroieciing care II. Foreign emigration, which in the past has added so much to the wealth, development of re- . . . . , . " i ......".." . U I.UUU, mi re a and inrt,.. nt nnn-A . , u n . snouia oe lostered and encouraged by a liberial and just policy. 12 This Convention declares itssympathy with " oppressea peoples strngglmg tor their rights 1-t. n e highly recommend the spirit of mag. nanimityand forgiveness with which men who have served the rebellion, but now franklv and honestly co-operate with us in restoring the peace ,a,e Governments upon the basis of impartial oi ine country ana reconstructing tne Southern uuu cijuii rigniD. are receivea oaca into ine communion ot the loyal people. and we favor the removal of the disqualifications and restric tions imposed upon the late ebe s in the same measure as Hie spirit of dislovaltv will direct and as may be consistent with tbe safety of the loyal people 14. We recognize the great principles laid down in the immortal Llecliiration of Independence as me iruc itjtiijuiiiTun oi i.mocrnc frovernment. and we hail with eladness everv effort toward mnkine these principles a livinz realitv on everv : u . e , : itcu ui AuienraD soil. CCRWENSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. C J. HAYES, Si. ituEON Dentist; Office Oil Thomnsmi street, ihirwnsvillo. Pa. Teeth extracted by the application of local m sesthesia, and all kinds of modern dental work done. May 13. lS8-y. T S. COLE would inform his old cus- toniers. and fhe public jrenerallv. that be still continues to manufacture BOUTS AMD SHiJES of the very best French Calf and Kip. at the lowest prices for cash or approved country produce, iie also makes all kiodsof heavy boots. All work warranted, and perfect satisfaction giv en. Opposite Drauoker s Motel, Curwensville.Pa. July 29, l6S-Iy. CLEARFIELD NURSERY. Encocr- ace Home Industry. The undersign ed having established a Nursery, oa the Pike. nan way between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frai trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Everereen. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtca Black berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also Sibrian Crab trees. Quince and early Scarlet Rhea barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address Aag 31,IS6 J. D. W RIGHT, Curwensville. a USQUEH ANNA HOUSE. Curwensville, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE 0FFIC1. This' well-known Hotel, bavins been re-Stted and re furnished throughout, ia now open for the accommodation of travelers, and the pnblie in general. Charges moderate. Wfl. M. JEFFRIES. August 14, 1 867-tf . Proprietor. E W SIB. Ilartsock t Goodwin. M 1 One door East of Benjamin Bloom's Hotel, Coawa.isviLLa, Pa. Having jast received a full and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, 1) re ss tieeds. Clothing. Notiens. Hats, Caps. Boots. Shoes, Drags Hard ware, Queensware, Tinware. Cedar and Willow ware. Brooms. Groceries. Floor. Fisk, Salt, etc, te which they ask tbe attention ef tbe public. Uur assortment is complete In everv denartment. and our prices are moderate, as will be foand upon examination by purchasers. Goods will be sold eaeap for cash, orexchanrad for country produce. DANIEL HAKTSOCK, Feb. 12. 1.16S. 11 GOODWIN. s O M B T H'l NO JT J W IN CmWKNSYILLB. DRUGS I DRUGS!! DRCGS !!l The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that he has opened a Drug Store, in the room recently fitted op in the house of George Kittlebarger. on Main street, Cnrweasville, Pa., one door West of Hippie A feast's store, where he intends to keep a general assortment ef Drugs. Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Patent Medicines. Per fumery. Toilet Goods, Confectionaries. Spices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco and Cigar, Books, Stationery, 1 encils, 1'ens, Inks, and a geueral variety of Notions; Barrett's Hair Restorative, Glass, Putty, etc., etc., etc. The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt in Curwensville. and as that want is now supplied, tbe undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit ana receive a iioerai snare at public patronage. His stock embraces meat articles needed ia a commnnity. is entirely new. and or tne nest qual ity, which he will dispose oi at roasonaoie priees Call and examine tne gooas wnicu eannoi tan toplea.e. . ikwi.n ssg. i uliub. November 8, 1865.-July a.'ta. SALT SALT SALT full weight, large saeks selling cheap, at J. P. KRA1ZER.8. PARED PEACHES tbe best in market, at tbe store of J B GRAHAM A SONS. ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars Ae., for sale at .MfcliKtijij m oiuvt-n a. Y E II , PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT, HI LS SBC no, CESTHl COCUTT, PEJA. Also smi te all the latest Improved W.ter W heels nd Portable Saw Milla. J.n.H'tiS-lyp. piiANKLIN HOUSE, MILLER FARM STATION, (OH OIL CBIIK BAIL ROAD,) Venango County. Penn'a. THE HOUSE AND FCRXITCRE NEW. Jy8,'681y.l C. W. TWIST, Pbopbibtoh. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Books ; Sheet Musie for Piano, Flute and Violin; Blank Account and Pass Books, of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Perns and Pencils; Deeds;' Mortgagesr Judgment, Exemption and Promisory Notes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap; and Bill cap, eta , Will be sold at Wholesale er Retail by P. A. GAULIlif, At the Post office, en Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 5, 1869' NEW STOCK. Fall and Winter Goods. WM. HEED k CO., Near Post Office, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having just opened a large and complete stock from New York and Philadelphia, we caln offer extra inducements to CASH BUYERS. We have a splendid selection of DRESS GOODS, SILKS; SHAWLS. CL0AK1NGS, FLANNELS. BLANKETS, BALMORALS, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, THOMPSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, ZEPHYR AND WORSTED YARN, And the most complete assortment oi Ladies and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, ALEXANDRES KID AND HARRIS' CELEBRATED SEAM LESS KID GLOVES, the best ever made, Neckties. butterflies, Collars, Cuff's, Handker chiefs, Embroideries, Laces, Edgings, also a large assortmentof Furs,with GAYS' PATENT. MUFF, the best thing extant. Together with a full line of staple goods, all of which we offer at the very lowest cash prices. CALL AND SEE US. No Trouble to Show Goods. REMEMBER THE PLACE MARKET STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. Clearfield, Oct. 7, 1S68. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! The Cheapest and Best Goods in Clearfield county are sold by GEORGE S-PERRY, waOLISALB AWD RETAIL DEALER IB FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE, North-west cor. Curtin St. and Public Square, OSCEOLA MILLS, Clearfield co Pa. Ye keep on hand Goods of every grade and variety. FOR THE LADIES we have Dress Goods of every fabric. FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Ready-made Clothing, Cloths, Casaimeres, Satinetta, Tweeds, Jeans, Linens, Ae. Also a full stock of Gents1 Furnish ing Goods. IN BOOTS AND SHOES We deft competition, as we buy for cash, and buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and hence can sell cheap er than ether dealers. Bats and Caps of latest styles rery cheap. NOTIONS. All goods in this line you ean And with us cheap and good. HARDWARE, of every description, for car penters, builders and others. GROCERIES. SYRUPS, from the lowest grade to the best that ean be bought ia the markets. SUGARS ef every kind. TEAS of the very best qualities. COFFEES that eannot be beat. Either in price or quality. CANNED FRUIT of all kinds. DRIED FRUITS, Spices, fre., e. We have always on hand a large stock of Queensware, Wood and Willow-ware: ROPES, CAHFETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL k WINDOW TAPERS, FLOUR & FEED, BACON, PROVISIONS, FISH, LARD, BUTTER, OILS, &c, kc. Any goods you are in want of ean be found at our Store. All are cordially invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that We eansellyon better goods. and at lower prices, than ean be purchased elsewhere. Particular attention paid to orders from a distance, and to supply ing log camps. COME ONE! COME ALL!! No trouble to show Goods. GEORGE S. PERRY, Osceola, July 28,'18-U. s. CLExlRFIELD ACADEMY. ine iirst bession of tbe next Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence on Mon day, the 7th day of September, 1863 fapils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and aceom plished education of both sexes. 1 he Principal having bad the advantage of mucb experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Tkkhs or Tuition: Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per aessiop, (11 weeks.) $5 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo 7- $6,00 Alebra,Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry iiook-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra Pny- 9.00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a- oove branches. $12,00 tT7No deduction will be made far absence. For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. u. July 31,1867. pri ncipal EUREKA! STAR LIGHTNING ROD I The Best and the Cheapest! X The Star Gal va.xiikd LiaeTNina Rob Is sepe- -"j u use, eua win last ior generations. it is made from Magnetic Iron ftbs suuare- gruucu, apirai-iwistea ana galvanised, and con nected witn pure copper couplings, rendering it equai 10 a copper roa.tbe wnole surmounted with a Gold-plated cluster point of pure copper, thna forming a continuous rod from the pcint to the gruuDa me comDination or metals farming eaWanie batterf in the rod. It is WARKAKTEDalwavs to remain hria-ht ahH clean, and will never corrode or vast, tbas pre- building, worth more than its eest as a matter of ornament, to say nothing about its sure protection against liehtninar. 10 snow tbe popularity of the Galvanised Star noa, II IS on IT necessary to SIT tht tha nniivri. etors have pulled off more than one hnndrad tnna of old rusty irons, within twelve months, from colleges, academies, public buildings, barns, ate., uu put up toe cur Aoa in tneir place. As the "Star" is better and sold at a less price tu-" auj uiuer ruu. ia more auraoiaana more or namental, persons should consult their own inter ests and safety to life and property, before they m-tw m iuu wicu uo laeir ouuam?s. All that ia necessarv to convince tha nnhlie nf 100 nu-erioriiT oi me Mar Liigntning Kod. is a tborougb examinat-on into its conatruction iiH scientific combination. Tbe undersigned, beinr the A cents for nin, field county, will not uo roda for all whnnaavr da. sire mem, on anort notice and reasonable terms. Call and examine them at theirstore in Clearield. June 10, loOS. MERRILL A BIGLER PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION PROP. LAM ATION. Whereas, bran A,-t nf meuenerai Assembly ot the Commonwealth of r-enn a., and tbe several supplements thereto.it is proviaea, mat tne electors or tbe several eoantiM cf th e Com mon weal th .qua! ified tovote for mem bers of tbs General Assembly, same places at which the anrne memoera ana:i nave been voted for at tbe preceding election, On the First Tuesday next after the First Monday of November, in the year of our Lord. one thousand eight hundred and forty, auu vi turn same aay in every lenria year mere- aner, tor me purpose or electing, electors of ("resident and V ice President of tbe United States. Tbebspore, I, CTRENCS HOWE. High Sheriff 01 iiearueia county, in pursuance or toe duty en joined on me by the Act above referred to.and the aupplements thereto, issue this. my proclamation, giving Notice to tbe electors of the oounty of Clear field, qualified tovote for members of the General Assembly .to meetat theirseveral election districts on A UbSU Ax, tbe 3d day of NOVEMBER next, then and there, between the hours Eight o'olock in the morning- and Seven o'clock in the ereninv of said day, to vote for Tweaty-Seven Electors of a President aud Vice President of the United States. And that the several Judges. Inspectors and Clerks who shall have atteaded at the pre- ccumg uenorai r.iecuob are required to attend and perform the alike duties, and be subjeot to alike penalties for neglect of duty or misconduct as mey snail ne uaoie at said ueoeral Election. The electors of the eounty of Clearfield will take notice that the said election of Electors of President and Vice President will be held at the following places, vis : At the Union Hotel, in Glen Hope for Beccaria townsnip. At the house of Aseph Ellis for Bell townshia. At the house of the late James Bloom, Sen., for moon lownsnip. At tbe house of Edward Albert for Boggs town'p. At the house of Jacob Pearoe, for the township of Bradford. At the public house of R. W. Moore for Brady townsnip. At Young's School House for Burnside tow nth ic At tbe school house near Simon Rorabaugu's for tne lownsnip ot uoest. At tbe court house for the Borough of Clearfield. At the house of Jacob Maurer for the township of Covington. At the house of I. Bloom, dee'd, (or the Bor ough of Curwensville. At Centre school house for the town'p of Decatur. At the house of John Gregory, formerly occu pied by Thos. Robison, (Broadway) for the town ship of Fergnson. At Congress Hill school house for the township of Girard. w At the public school honsefor Goshen township. At tbe house of Jacob JUubler far the township of Graham. , At the school house in Janesville for the towa ship of Guelich. At the house of J.Wilson for the twn'p of Huston At the school house in Ansonville for the town ship of Jordan. At Bridgen's school house for the township of Karthaus. At the Turkey Hill School house for the tew a ship of Knox. At the court bouse in the .Borough of Clearfiea for Lawrence township. At the public school hoose for the borough ef Lumber city. At the house formerly occupied by Thomas tr ier for the township of Morris. At the public school house for the Borough of New Washington. At the pubiio House of Milo Hoyt. for the Bor ough of Osceola. At the house formerly oi Wm. rr. Anderson for the township of Penn. At the Donse of I. Bloom. dee d, in theBoroura of Curwensville for Pike township At tbe bouse or u. t. uru baker for union tow p At the bouse of Thomas Henderson for the town ship of Woodward. NOTICE IS FURTHER HEREBY GIVIN, That all persons, eacept Justices of the Peace, whe shall hold any office or appointment ef trust, ai der tbe government et the United states or ef this State, or of any incorporated district, wheth er a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subor dinate officer or agent, who is or shall be eat p oyed under the Legislative, Executive, or Judi cial Departments of this State or United States, or any city or ineorpoated district, and also that every member Of Congress and of the State Legis lature, or of the common or select eeuncil of any city, or commissioner of any incorporated dis trict, are-by law incapable of holding er exer cising, at the same time, tbe etnee er apomi- ment or Judge, Inspector, or Ulerk or any eiee tion of this Commonwealth. And the Return Judges of the respective dis tricts aforesaid are requested to meet at tho Court House, in the Borough ef Clearfield, oa tha First Friday next after the said Second Tuesday ef Oc tober, then and there to do these things required oi them bv law. GIVEN under my band and seal, at Clearfield, this Tenth day of September in the year ef ear Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States the ai aotyooeond. CYB1WCH MOWB, 8heriC EVERYTHING in the Hardware line kept and for rale.at FAIR PRICES, by July 15, 1868. G. H. ZEIGLEK ir CO. GH. ZEIGLER k CO., at their large Hardware Store, in Philipsburjr, buy for cash, sell for casb, and consequently they sell cheap. July 15, 1868. OOLE LEATHER FINDIKGS the cheapest )J in tbe eoar-ty. at MOSSOP'S H ORSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, to be had at Aug. SS. MERRELL k BIGLER'S. FRUIT JARS the best in the market, at Sept 9-1 nr. J. P. KRATZER'S. H .-ui.ur.1,0 wni unu a inn ana complete Stock Of Grass. Gram snri lrir Scrikoa r-iCKies. Iiay and Grain Raxes. Fom S.th I Mones. IrumcncKs. Hay-rope. d-B., at the Hard ware store ot ti. 11. ZEiGLER A CO.. July I j, 1363. Pbilipsburg.Pa. A' DMINISTHATKIX'S NOTICE.- Let ters cf Admir-KfrStion on the estate of field county.Pa .dee'd. having been granted to the anderaigned. all neraona indebted to .id ,. vvcra fv iOWFV lltla) Af ,! n afc ff'savwt f ' I ak a a. ..c., IO maae immediate payment, and u,Ur B aim. ...,.0, th. .11 . property authenticated, for settle nent. Kl.(7tfTU vnvpv October 7.1S68-tp. " Admini.tratiix. J L W A T S if WITHOUT FAIL. JOHN I K V I N, Has just received and opened at the rid stand in Curwensville. an entire new stock or Pall and Winter Ooode. which he will aell vervcaaaa far fau II . . . . . uia a,wm WUSISII OI Dry Goods, Groceries, . Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, liats. Caps, Heady made Clothing, etc. The public aenerallv ia ranarntl t!t..l . s1" a can ; see bis stock and bear aispriees, and purchase from aim if von n.l it will k. t. year advaatage. Nor. ia, IStt 'TTEKTlON I BUIIRSII HIPPLE 5c FAUBT aaaLaas ra r0MWJLTO D0"ESTIC DBT-W-. 1 sits min, CDsvugrius.rs., Having just returned from the east with a aea- eral assortment ot goods, to which they desire te invite the attention ef their old ewstomore aad frieads. Their stock eeaalsta of Dry-Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Qaeeasware, xinware, soots, caoes, AlatI aad laps, Clothing, Notions, ete., la great variety, which iney now oner at priees for cash te suit tha umea. They also deal in Grain, Pork, Shingles, Boards and other lumber, which will be received at the highest market prices ia exchange for goods. Persons desiroas of purchasing goads at fair rates are respectfully requested ta give as a call. Remember yon eaa ind as at the eld ataad an Main Street where we are prepared te acceme aate customers with anything ia ear liae of buainees. Sept. 6, 1865. HIPPLI A f AUST. ALLEGHENY IRON WORKS WARREN, PENN'A. BROWN, ARNETT & CO., Proprietors of these works, have added to the Machine Shop enlarged Machinery, of tbe best description, for heavy work, a steam hammer in the Blacksmith Shop, and in the Boiler Shop tools necessary for the manufacturing of Steam Boil era in tbe best style They would respectfully notify Millers, Lum bermen and Tannery men that they are prepar ed to receive, and promptly execute, orders for ENGINES, BOILERS, CIRCULAR MILLS, SHINGLE MACHINES. AND BARLOWS PATENT ROTARY MOLEY-SAW HANG INGS, PLOWS, &c, cc. They emptoy none but the best workmen and purchase tbe best material the market affords. They feel assured that they will thus be able to turn out wo'rk which will give satisfaction to their customers. The Barlow Patent Rotary Cuttinr Muley Saw Hangings are considered the most perfect Muley ever yet Introduced. We will guarantee them to cut twenty-five per cent, more lumber than any other Muley now in use. , Our Circular Mill may be seen at the Mill of Ellis Irwin 4-Son, at Lick Run, where informa tion respecting them can be obtained. H. W. KROWN, L. W. ARNETT. Aug.5,'83 3m. THOS STRUTHERS. T HE CHEAPEST GOODS ARE SOLD BY RICHARD MOSSOP. DXALEa IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Df!Y GOODS. .C, WXbket sTBK-r, ctPAariiLij, pi. Head th follavnnglitl o f gooasaml prof.tthtrthy Cheap Cheap CW, Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap CAcae FOR THS LADIES. Good A I ways en band a large stock of La dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laines, Ginghams, Prints, Chintz, Kerchiefs, Nu biea, Bonnets, Gloves, ete. FOR GENTLEMEN, Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Casimeres. Sattinets. Cassineu, Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Veat ings. Shirting, etc., etc. etc Good' Good' Good' Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good hap Cheap Cheap KEADY-MADE. shirts, and other Flannel shirts. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck ties.Gum Bootsand Sboes.and . a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Suoh as Unbleached and Bleached Muslins. Colored Muslins. Linen and cotton tablecloths, Oil oloth, Linen and hemp fowls, car pets, curtains, fringe, eto HARDWARE, AC. If you wautXaiis ?r spikes. Manure or other forka Saw-mill or other saws, Smootni ng irons. Locks, Hinges, etc, go to Mossop's where you n buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Good Good Good Good i ? A.... ' ITnivaa Bnfl frtrlra Rntnk.. r.i.aa Cheap Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla jOooo" Cheap and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Oood lshap Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Good' Cheap ete., buy them at Mossop's. Good C"ipj IF YOU WANT 9."'i CAsau Shoe Last or Pees. Palm r Fsbct.0"' Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheao Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win A C.f. T. T , .. I Good Good Good Good Good Good God Good Good Good Good Good u u . . unujpB.uauifiiuufi or Wicks, coal oil, ete , go to Mossop's cheap eash store. IF YOU WANT Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Good extra family Floar, White or brown sugar, hams, shoulders or sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson or blaca tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for eash. IF YOU WANT Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt. Syrup or molasses, eheese, dried apples or peaches, water or to do craeaers, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. vheap Ciirap Cheap Cheav Good Good Good Good Cheap1, Good Good Goods Good Good Good Good Good Ltheop IP TOU WANT C. rap Port wine for Medical or Saeramen- Cheap tal uses. Sweet wine, old Monon Chej,p Cheap Cheap' Cheap Ciirap Cheap Cheap Cheap gahela or rye wbisay, Cherry and Cognae brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap eash store. IF YOU WANT Raisens. Figs. Prunes or dried Car rants; filberts, cream, paean or ground note, candies. Liquorice Good Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Lheapi or litiuvrivv rutfl, OBJ mam at Mossop's cheap and good. IP YOU WANT Cheap Chap Cheapl Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap to buy any other article cheap, be Goods Good sure to go to Moasop, for he V-fGoods cheaper for eash than any other Goods person in Clearfield eonnty. 'Goods November 27, 1861. ap27'54.!7.. Anproved re untry product of overs; Irxnd taken ml tk usual marie rim in omkang for rood: PALMER'S Patent unloading hav-forks. to be had at MERRELL BIGLER'S- THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag ons, forsale by MERRELL BIGIJCR WANTED 10.000 pounds of WOOL, at the ' Karsroxe Stqbk," Clearfield, Pa. jal. FODDER CUTTERS of asuperior makr fot sale at reasonable prises, at MERRELL and BIGLER'S, Ciearfied, Pa. ev. 1 T 1 4 T, 11 rDO !11 i - . ELECTORS. G. Morrison Coates, Thomas M. Marshall,' William II. Barnes, William J. Pollock, Richard Wilder, George W. Hill, v Watson P. Magil); John II. Bringhurst, Frank C. Hooton, Isaac Eckert; Maria Hoopes, David M; Rank; William Davis, Winthrop W. Ketcham, Samuel KnOrr,' Benjamin F. Wagenseller, Charles II. Mullen, George W. Elder; John Stewart,1 Jacob Grafius,' James Sill . Henry C. Johnson John K. Ewing, William Frew,' Alexander W. Crawford James S. Rutan. ELECTORS. O. Morrison Coates, Thomas JL Marshall, William If. Barne, Wiliam J. Pollock. Richard Wildey; eorge V. Hill, Watson P. MagjB, John II. Bringhurst Frank C Hooton, Isaac Eckert, Maris Hoopes,. David M. Rank, William Davis, Winthrop W. Ketcham; SamuetKnorr,. Benjamin F. Wagenseller,' Charles H. Mullen, George W. Elder, John Stewart, Jacob Grafius,' James Sill, Henry C. Johnson, John K. Ewing, William Frew, Alexander W. Crawford; James S. Rutan: ELECTORSV G. Morrison Coates.' Thomas M. Marshall, William H. Barnes, William J. Pollock, Richard Wildey, George W. Hill, Watson P. Magill, John II. Bringhurst, Frank C. Hooton, Isaac Eckert, Marid Hoopes; , David M. Rank, William Davis, Winthrop W. Ketcham, Samuel Knorr, Benjamin F. Wagenseller Charles H. Mullen George W. Elder, John Stewart, Jacob GraSus, James Sill. Henry C. Johnson, John K. Ewing, William Frew, Alexander W. Crawford James S. Rutaru ELECTORS It. Morrison Coates;, Thomas M. Marshall; Wil iam H. Barnes, William J. Pollock; Richard Wildey, George W. Hill, . Watson P. Magill, John II. Bringhurst; Frank C. Hooton; Isaac Eckert, Maris Hoopes, David M. Rank, William Davis, , Winthrop W. Ketcham, Samuel Knorf, Benjamira F- Wttjenselltri Charles II. Mullen; George W. Elder, John Stewart, Jacob Grafius, James Sill. . Henry C. Johhsorij John K. Ewing, William Frew, . Alexander W. Crawford, James S. Rutan. ELECTORS. G. Morrison Coates, Thomas M. Marshall. William II. Barnes, William J. Pollock, Richard W ildey, George W. HilL Watabn P. Magill, John II. Bringhurst, Frank C. Hooton, Isaac Eckert, Maris HoopdS, David M. Rank, William Davis, Winthrop W. Ketcham, Samuel Knorr, Benjamin F. Wagensallef , Cnarlea H. Mullen, George W. EMery JohnStewarrt, Jacob Graffius, James Sill, Henry C. Johnson, John K. Ewing, William Frew, Alexander W, Crawfefd, James S. Rutan. nf