l(jc finnan' gourncif, glVarfxcfi), ga., dokt 21, 1868. EARFIELD, PA., OCT. 21, 1868. and Clearfield Railroad. Religious. Divine services will beheld sabbath, in Llearbeld, as toiiows : r, jjjjy XixdorfiF in the Lutheran church :. moraine. Rc Rev. Archer (Presbyterian), in th I'nnrt House, morning and evening. By Rev. Guyer in the Methodist;church the morning. By Rev. Hayes, in the Baptist Church in the evening. Snow On Saturday morning, Octobe i-th two inches of snow fell hereabouts, but it all disappeared again in a tew hours. t'xps aso Capes. Every Republican having a cap and eape is requested to bring thim with him to the meeting at the club room on Thursday night. To Correspondents. D. A. TV., and a S. yours received. . Will try to have the arrangement made, to which you re fer If successful will inform you in due time- County Institute. In another part of today's paper, we publish a letter from the County Superintendent in reference to the hoMine of a County Institute. Let every Jriend of education read it. Lost on Sunday evening last, between th : M :th.)iist Church and Colburn's Hotel, in this borough, a lady's gold dollar breast ?in. The finder will be suitably rewarded tano leaving the pin at this office. Ladt's Eriend. The Movember nuin Wr i'f this excellent magazine is before ns It Ls one of the best ladies magazines in the tjuntry, and worthy the support of the la dies everywhere. $2,50 a year. Deacon k Peterson, Philadelphia, Pa. ew Paper. "The Philipsburg Journ a!" is, the title of a paper just started at riiiitpsburf.', Centre county, Pa. It is neat lv printed and ably edited. We with the proprietors, Messrs. Dutcher ,k Ellsworth, buca's in their new enterprise. G iev. This friend of the ladies, for November, is received. It is the leading fashion magazine in the country. Kvery lady in the land should subscribe for it, m she cannot well be without so pleas- at an J instructive companion, f 3,00 a year. L. A. Godny, Philadelphia, Pa. l'osiTONEi). On accouiit of a previous tuasteuieiit of Ilev. Pershing, the dedica tion of the M. K. church, at Blooiuington, lai been postponed to Sabbath, October .th. Preaching at 10 a. tn. and 7 p. tn. by Rev. Pershing, and at 3 p. m., by Rev. 'Guyer. Ministers and friends of neighbor ing charges) are cordially invited. Another New Paper. The third num ber of "The EiL County Railroad ai d Mi ning Gazette," printed at St. Mary's, has been received. It is ably edited, neatly printed, and devoted to the interests of the I'emocratic party having at its head the rume of Seymour and Blair. We tender Mr. Hodtfeaonr best wishes for his pecuni ary Micresa. I.mcRtRY Entertainment. By request of a nunilicr of our citizens, Prof. Shunia-I'.-r, of l'hil'a, has consented to give a pub lic Reading in the Court House, on Thurs day evening, the 29th of October. We prvdict a crowded house on the occasion, as one of the best Elocutionists in the :s'e. All should go and hear him. Ad ims4iu, Twenty-five cents. Kmtation, next to religion, is the best i'-?aard apainst the evils which threaten rub'iian government Schools cannot too multiplied, if there are only pupils to a-tam them. The greatest care should be 'skt-n to have them in the hands of prudent, i'.:hl'ul and efficient teachers. We can I rtily r.-oommend the Academy in this I v s an institution which should be cor supported. RrJ'TNv. at Osceoi a. The Osceola 'rvu and Colfax Club bad a jubilee meet ir? on Saturday evening. One hundred m "ore fired, the Brass Band enlivened '"i with patrioticairs,and the Tan-c"r- ith their torches, were out in full f-w. The O-ceola Grant boys are full of trih i-ia-ii,. while lawe and his disciples faces Ung enough to "eat oaU out of a ;"'try cliurn.'" VICTORY! VICTORY!! lne Krvstoiie lledeemed ! 2 HEPUDIATOES EEPUDIATED ! "NK MfHiE GRAND RALLY FOR (-KAT AM) COLFAX ! pablioans, we have fought a good fight 1 routed the enemy "horse, foot, and "V'joo.." Our standard floats in triumph ,L Vl.out VERMONT, MAINE, PENN ;rLVAMA, OHIO, INDIANA, AND N'KBRASKA. 't us have one more Grand Rally at r T R W KXSVILLE, ,,n rVulay Evening, Oct. 23. 'tinguL.hed Speakers will be present to Ur the meeting. Tfcere will be a Torch-light procession, legations will leave Clearfield punctu 4"y M Ttree o'clock, P. M. Cume UP in your strength, and in your '- "'"me with your wives and children, m neighbors and friends, and let us have more glorious demonstration before our Mand Final Victory! II. Burur.a Swoope, Chairman County Committee. CLEARFIELD Aud. Gen'L'iSarr. Gen'l . . i - ? Is ? : g I s J - I Is ? J ? 125 117 j 125 117 125 56 130 56 130 I 55 i9 S5 29 35 j 30 51 110 ! 51 lift 50 63 153 i 63 153 63 96 320 96 320 96 166 95 1C6 95 167 ! 96 98 96 98 97 ! 106 154 105 155 106 26 94 26 94 25 86 25- 84 28 S5 83 147 83 146 ! 82 45 64 45 64 ! 40 36 8 36 68 j 36 33 56 33 56 32 ! 17 111 17 111 j 15 i 93 25 93 25 93 j 79 61 79 61 : 81 ' 50 89 50 89 i 49 j 26 61 26 61 I 27 ! 23 110 23 110 ! 23 J 99 251 j 99 251 ! 100 23 36 I 23 36 I 24 52 174 i 52 174 ! 52 I 8 43 j 8 43 I 6 ! 65 82 j 65 82 66 53 74 i 53 74 53 j 108 114 ;' 108 114 J09 ! 48 44 I 48 44 48 : 54 96 I 54 96 j 55 1895 3037 !lS92 3040 1890 . IS95 j 1892 jj 1142 1148 ''I DISTRICTS. Beccaria, Bell, Bloom, Boggs. Bradford, Brady, Burnside, Chest, Clearfield, Covington, Curwensville, Decatur, Ferguson, Girard, Goshen, Graham, Guelich, Huston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Lumber-city, Morris, N.Washington, Osceola, Penn, Pike, Union, Woodward, Totals, Majorities. Recpublicans In Roman, and Democrats in their ballots MARRIED : On Thursdav. Oct. 15th. 1SC8. bv Evans, Esq., Sir. Christian LAMCHand iMiss Amanda Miller, both of Pike town ship, Clearfield county, Pa. On Thursday. Oct, 15th. 1868. brJ. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr Jamks II. Ferguson and Miss Lucy Owens, both of Ferguson township. On Thursday evenintr Oct, "15th. 1868. at the Presbyterian Parsonage in this borough by the Rev. J. G. Archer, Mr. William W. Spiddy to Miss Carrie L. Hartman. both of Boggs twp, Clearfield, Co Pa. PBEMIUMS AWARDED. The following is a list of the premiums awarded by the Clearfield County Agricul tural Society in October, 1 868 : Ciass I SwfrpstaJies, For best Bull, to Lewis Brown, $15,00. For 2d best, to S. Widemire, 10,00. For 3d best, to J. W. Thompson, 5,00. For best Cow, to A. C. Tate, 12,00. For 2d best, to Danl. Bailey, 10,00. For 3d best, to DanL Bailey, 5,00. Clast 2 Grad rattle turned tn county. For best Cow, to L. F. Irwin, $10,00 For 2d best, to Geo. C. Passmore, 8,00. For 3d best, to Wni. Brown, 5,00. For best 2 year old, to Martin Owens 8,00. For best Calf, to L. Brown, CIhm 3 Oxen. For best Oxen, to DanL Bailey, Fur 2d best, to John Shaw, Cf'iss 4 Fat Cattle. For best fat Cow, to Brown & ullerton, For 2d best, to Jerry Butler, 5,00. $10,00. 5,00. $10,00. 8,00. (,'tiut 5 ThoroftgAartd konts . For best Stallion,to M.S. Flcgal, $15,00. For 2d best, to D. Tyler, Jr., 10,00. For best Mire and cult, to Jno. Sankcy, but as his stock was not in. until Thursday, it is giveti to Wni. Hoover, 10,00. No other mare and colt on ground in time. Clans 6Riiline, Draft and Farm Horses For best span of draught horses, to M. F. Wallace, For 2d best, to J no. Sankey, For best single draught horse, to Joseph Owens. For horse that moves the heavi est load on a stone-boat, according to his weight without a whip, to John Sankey, For best single family horse to R. A. Mitchell, For best matched carriage Horses to Jno. A. McBride, For best colt under 2 years old, to W. B. Miller, For 2d best, to M. Borst, For best colt 2 years old, with drawn by R. Landsberry, For 2d best 2 year old colt, to Joeph Owens, For best 3 year old cold, to C. Conklin. For 2d best to J. Erhard, $5,00. 2,00. 5,00. 7,00. 3,00. 3,00. 4,00. 2,00. 5,00. 6,00. 4,00. Class 7 Trotting horse. For best trotting Horse, to Si mon xM'Farland, $100,00. Class 8 Smepstaies Pacing in harness. For best pacing Uorse,to Nathan Ettleblute, $50,00. Class 9 Trotting in sxngls harness, for horses otcned in the contilv at least fifteen days before the Voir. For best trotting Horse.to Simon M'Farland, $50,00. Class 10 Trotting horses owned and raised in the county. For best trotting Horse.to Rich. Evans, $30,00. For best walking Horse, to John Peters, For 2d best, John Sankey, 2,50. Class 11 Trotting colts, raised in the county, not exceeding 3 years old. For best trotting colt, to Robt Landsberry, $0.00 Clas 12 Sfteep and Wool. For best Buck, to Henry Mead, $5,00. For 2d best, to W. P. Tate, 3,00. For best Ewe, to J. W. Thompson, 4,00. For best lambs, to W. P. Tate, For best Twin lambs (discretion ary premium) to Jno. S. Hoyt. For best fat wether, to L. Lands berry, Class 13 Sutt'ie," For best hog, to Wm. Brown, For 2d bet, to Wm. Brown, For best sow and pigs, to Jerry Butler, For 2d best.to Wm. Brown (Ag riculturist 1 year) or For best Boar, to W. P. Tate, Young Farmers Manuel and 2,00. 2,00. 3,00. $3,00. 2,00, 5,00. 1,25. 5,00. COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS OFFICIAL. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 18G8. Congress. Pres. Judge:,' Senator, j! Assembly. j Proth'y. j;Reg.&Rec. ! k ! s 3 s: s- ? t 3 I: r i 118 128 114 124 119 126 130 54 131 55 130 55 35 29 33 I 30 35 30 110 : 55 106 I 50 110 SO 153 67 148 I 62 154 62 : 323 101 318 ! 97 322 96 I 96 170 94 ' 167 96 167 97 97 94 ! 97 97 97 i 154 131 130 i 101 159 118 95 26 93 jj 25 95 25 27 89 25 83 29 84 148 81 143 82 148 83 71 41 66 j 43 68 43 67 I 38 66 j 36 67 !i 36 58 32 57 I 33 57 j 32 112 21 105 14 113 15 24 94 23 ! 93 24 93 66 83 61 j 81 66 81 89 51 87 I 49 88 49 61 27 59 27 61 26 111 22 110 23 111 23 257 110 241 99 256 101 36 27 32 j 24 36 24 174 53 173 52 174 52 44 7 43 7 44 6 81 68 79 64 83 65 75 i 54 72 53 74 53 115 j! 108 110 109 114 109 44 ! 45 45 46 44 I 48 95 j 55 96 55 95 55 13066 1964 2954 ,1883 '3069 1904 J1890 1964 1883 1176 990 ! 11186 i i' 11138 Italics. The difference between Hartranft for tnt, as personal favors to friend oue in Class 16 Plows, Rollers. Drills. Harrows and Cultivators. For best Plow, to J. D. Thompson, 4,00, For best corn planter, to James a. ieeu, jjip. ior best cultivator, to Jerry But ler, Dip. Si ,50, For best mower and reaper, to Wm. M. Johnson, Dip. Class 17 Miscellaneous Farming Implements. For best bee hive, to A. Nevling, Grimley's Mystery of Bee Keeping. Class 18 Wheat, Rye, Corn, Barley, OatsJrc. For be6t Acre of corn, 130 bu., to Jos. Owens, $8,00. For best bu. corn ears, John Peters, 3,00. For best bu. potatoes, to Wm. Ii. Owens 5,00. For 2d best, to M. S. Flegal, 3,00. For 3d best, to G. H. Hall, 1,00. For best acre Buckwheat,3Gj ba. to John Shaw, 4,00. For best bu. rye, to John Peters, 3,00, For best acre of wheat, to Robt. Landsberry, 10,00. For best bu. of wheat, to J. R. Bloom, 4,00. Class 19 Bread, and Cereal Food. For best display of Jellies, to Miss Fanny Jordan, Dip. & ,50. For best Jelly (green-gage) to Miss Annie Barrett, Dip. For best loaf bread, to J. A. Stadler, Dip. k ,50. For best coke, to J. A. Stadler, Dip. For best fruit cake, to J. A. Stadler, Dip. Si ,50. For best pie, to Miss Mary E. Flegal, ,50. For best cup cake, to Miss Mary E. Flegal, Din. Class 20 Butter and Cheese, For best firkin butter.to Mrs. A.C. Tate, $5,00. For best roll butter,toMrs. Wm. R. Morgan, 3,00. For best cheese, to Mrs. Wm. R. Morgan, 1,00. Class 21 Flour. For best buckwheat flour, to S. B. Jordan, $2,00. For best wheat flour, J. R. Bloom, 4,00. Class 22 Domestic Articles. For best peaches (airtight) to Mrs. Jacob Guelich, Dip. or ,50. For best jar of fancy pickles, to Mrs. O. M. Imboden, Dip. or ,50. For best honey, to A. Nevling, 1,00. Class 23 Domestic Manujactures. For best rag carpet, to Mrs. B. II. Caldwell, $1,25. For 2d best, to Mrs. B. H. Cald well, ,75. For best pair mits, by Miss un der 10 years, to Miss M. B.Shirey,dip. &,50. For best pair stockings, to Miss H. Guelich, Dip. 4 ,50. For best Tidy, to Miss Minnie Finney, ,50. For best coverlet, to Mrs. John Porter, 2,00. For best pound stocking yarn, to Mrs. B. II. Caldwell, Dip. Si ,50. For best pair of blankets, to Mm. B. II. Caldwell, 2,00. For best knotted counterpane, to Mrs. Mary Young, Dip. & ,50. Class 24 Xetdle, Shell, Wax Work, etc For best bed quilt, to Mrs. Har rison Spence, Dip. Si ,50. For best afghan, to Mrs. O. II. Hess, Dip. Si ,50. For best worsted embroidery, to Mrs. L. Denning, Dip. Si ,50, For worsted braiding, to Miss Fannie Jordan, Dip. Si ,50. For best zephyr cloak, to Miss Annie Barrett, Dip. Si ,50. For best worsted flowers, to Miss Mary Watson, Dip. 4 ,50. For best feather work Mrs. Sal lie J. Brown, Dip. Si ,50. For 2d best, to Mrs. Eli Bloom, Dip. For best zephyr shawl, to Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Dip. For best ornamental bead work, to Miss K. A. I'. Rynder. Dip. & ,50. For best pin Cushion, to Miss Maggie Welch, Dip. For best worsted cushion, Miss Fannie Barrett, Dip. For best silk embroidered cush ion, to Miss Annie Barrett, Dip. For silk embroidered skirt, Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Dip- For be-itcainp chair cover, Misa A.H. lltfas, I'P- For best patch-work by Miss un der 9 years.Mtss A. J.Thompson, dip. k ,50 ;omm r. C ! tM 5s 4 a' 3 19 4 a or a Is 117 130 35 no 1 53 323 96 97 139 95 147 67 67 58 111 24 66 89 61 III 255 35 174 44 : 125 55 30 50 63 96 167 118 130 35 109 153 323 96 97 153 95 26 147 69 67 58 112 24 66 89 61 III 258 36 174 44 82 75 114 44 95 117 55 30 50 63 96 167 97 104 25 86 83 43 36 32 15 93 81 48 26 21 101 24 52 6 65 53 111 48 55 123 130 35 110 153 323 96 97 153 95 26 147 69 67 58 112 24 66 88 61 112 252 36 174 45 82 74 113 44 94 125 55 30 51 63 96 167 97 106 25 87 83 43 37 32 18 93 81 48 26 24 HO 24 52 8 66 53 109 48 55 116 127 35 107 153 3-23 94 97 147 95 25 146 67 65 57 109 24 66 88 61 108 216 35 174 40 81 73 105 44 92 97 104 25 86 83 43 36 32 15 93 81 48 26 23 99 24 52 7 65 53 110 48 55 a 115 44 95 3042 1891 !3061 1:1883 3059 !1912 2980 1904 jl891 11170 jl883 j 11176 I 1912 11068 and Campbell's votes, is owing to three Republicans having cast Clearfield and two in Curwensville. For best ornamental seed work, to Mrs. A. M. Hills, Dip. k ,50. For best Leather work, Miss Ag nes Lanich, Dip. k 50. For best imitation of Porcupine, to Mrs. Emma Foley, Dip. Class 20 Artistic Work. For best Oil Painting, to Miss A. Lanich, 2,00. For best I'ortrait Painting, to Miss Sarah Johnston, 2,00. Class 28 Mttalie Fabrics and Machinery. 'ur uusb bpeciuien DiacKsumn- ing, to A. Kennard, $2,00, 2,00. Dip. Dip. For best guusiuithiog, to Jobu Moore, For best Pocket knife made by exhibitor, to K. C. Taylor, For best water wheel (original) to A. Carr, Class 29 Vehicles of all kinds. ior best buggy, bain 1 Landsberry, 4.00. For best wagon, Jos. Owens, 4,00. Class 31 Coopering and Carpentering, manufae- mrea in county. For best spring wagon seat, Win. Powel, pip. For best pannel door, Wm. Powel, 1,00. For best window blinds, W. Powel, 1,00. For best window sash, Wm. Powel, 1,00. For best pump, G. II. Hall, 1,00. Class 32 Hoots and Garden Vegetables. Best beans, G. A. Jordan, ' 00 Class 33 Curriers, Saddlers and Zhocmaters. Best tnn'd buckskin, D. B. 31'MuIlen, 50 Best Gents saddle, W. P. Tate, 2 00 Class 37 Chemicals and Chenu col Action 'in Co. Best cider vinegar, to Mrs A. C. Tate, 50 Best mold candles, to Miss S. Read, 50 Best soap, to Miss Sarah Conklin, 50 Class 38 Wood and Stone. Best turned articles, R. C. Taylor, 50 Best wash'g machine, J D Thompson, 1 00 Class 39 Natural Mineral. Best stone coal, J. Read, 1 00 Class 40 Fruit. Best plums and cherries. Mrs A. C. Tate, Coles Am'n Frail Book Best elder blossom wine, L. F. Irwin, Dip Best blackberry wine,L F Irwin, Manning's Fruit Book and 1 00 Best elderberry wine.L F Irwin, Dip Best grapes, W L Rishel, 50 Best peck of apples, A Peters, 1 00 Greatest variety of apples, John Peters, Husbandman on Am'n wine & 4 00 Best display of pears. Coles Am'n Fruit Book and 1 00 Best quinces, Mrs. M F Wallace, 1 00 Class 42 Nurseries. For best nursery (outline) John , , D. Wright. Class 43 General List. For best pair of buck skin gloves, J. Harpster, For best assortment of furs, A. Nevling, For best pumpkin, Andy Baird, 3,00. Dip. 1,00. Dip. For best Mammoth cigar, A. Scholpp Dip. I. G. Bargee, Secretary. T HE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM. J. J. RICHARDSON A CO.. 12S Market Street, Philadelphia, are tha largest Manufacturing Confectioners and Wholesale Deal ers in Fruits, Nuts, Ac , in the United States. March 4, 18681 y. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The First Session of the next Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence on Mon day, the 7th day of September, 1868. Pnpils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session. The coarse of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of much experience in bis profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms or Toitios: Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) $5 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo ry. $6,00 Agebr,Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. $9,00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the a bove branches; $12,00 r7No deduction will be made for absence. For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. m. July 31.1867. Principal. OIL, Putty, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at June '66. MEKRELL A BIGLER'S. IRON. IKON!! Best bar iron, for sale at the store of MEKRELL A BIGLER. CANNED FRUIT, of best quality, for sale by Aug. 23, MEKRELL A BISLEK. ai?rris. 59 D IB 9-' S Surveyor. Auditor. B 5 r3 a z a. a. 0 ?5J 4 117 129 35 110 153 323 96 97 154 95 26 147 69 67 58 112 24 66 89 61 110 256 36 174 44 82 74 116 44 95 125 55 30 50 63 96 167 97 104 25 86 83 44 36 31 15 93 81 49 26 23 100 24 52 7 65 53 108 48 55 129 117 130 35 110 153 323 96 97 154 95 26 146 69 67 58 112 24 66 89 61 110 55 30 50 63 96 167 97 104 25 86 83 43 36 31 )5 -93 81 49 26 23 100 24 52 7 65 54 109 43 55 ft 9 ; i ' 3 3 r- O ?- 5 a at I m So K o tern C2" m a. O g M 03 o 22." 256 36 174 47 80 74 E5 R a. 5B t-o. a V- 115 44 95 1891 3059 il885 3056 1891 All kinds of 885 job-work exe 11168 11171 cuted neatly and promptly SOMETHING NEW is CLEARFIELD. Carriage and Wagon Shop, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citiiens of Clearfield, and the public in general, mat ne is prepared to do all kinds or work on carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, sleds, Ac, os snort notice and in a workmanlike manner. Or ders promptly attended to. WM. M KNIGHT. Clearfield. Feb. 7. 1866-y. p LEARFIELD HOUSE, FRONT STREET. PHILIPSBCRO, PA. I will impeach any one who says I fail to giro direct and personal attention to all our customers, or fail to Oanso thein to rejoice over a well fur- ni.onea laMe. witn clean rooms and new beds, where all may feel at home and the weary be at rest, isew siaDimg attaeCCd. PhiHnsbtrrg. Sep. 2.'68. JAS. H. G ALER. ALLEGHENY IRON WORKS WARREN, PENN'A. BROWN, AKNETT & CO., Proprietors of these works, have added tot the Machine Shop enlarged Machinery, of the bost description, for heavy work, a steam hammer in the Blacksmith Shop, and in the Boiler Shop tools necessary for the manufacturing of Steam Boil ers in the best style. They would respectfully notify Millers, Lum bermen and Tannery men that they are prepar ed to receive, and promptly execute, orders for ENGINES, BOILERS, CIRCULAR MILLS, SHINGLE MACHINES. AND BARLOW'S PATENT ROTARY MULEY-SAW HANG INGS, PLOWS, &c, &c. They employ none .but the best workmen and purchase the best material the Market affords. They feel assured that they will thus be able to turn out work which Will gite satisfaction tofhsir customers. The Barlow Patent Rotary Cutting Muley ?aw Hangings are considered the most perfect Muley ever yet introduced. We will guarantee them to cut twenty-fire per cent, more lumber than any other Muley now in use Our Circular! Mill may be seen It the Mill of Ellis Irwin 4- Son, at Lick Run, where Informa tion respecting them can be obtained. II. W. BROWN, L. W. ARXETT. Aug.5,'o8-Sm. THOS STRUTIIERS. H E CHEAPEST ARB SOLD BY GOODS RICHARD MOSSOP, BEALtJ M FOREIGN ANO DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. C.. MAkCET STBEET, CLEAKFIELd, Pa. Read the following list of goods and profiithtrehy Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap FOB THS LADIES. Good1 I Always on hind a lafrfe stock of La dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laines, Ginghams, Prints, Chints, Kerchiefs, No '' bies. Bonnets, Gloves, eto. Good Good Good Good Good jixeap yheap Cheap Cheap Good Good Good Good Good Good FOR GENTLEMEN, Cheag Always on band Black, Bine. Brown heap na urey viotns, r ancyana buck Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cnsimeres. Sattinets, Cassinets, 1 weeds. Plain and Fancy V eat ings. Shirting, etc.. eto. ele. HRAnv-Mans; Good' Goods Goods Goods Cheap Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under Cheap', shirts, and other Flannel shirts. heap' Cheap, Cheap Cheap Cheap 'heap ("heap (heap Cheap Cieap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap I; heap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Neck Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods ties, Uum tlootsand shoes. and variety of other artioles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Such as Unbleached and Bleached Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, eto HARDWARE. AC. If you want Nails or spikes. Manure or other forks Saw-mill or other - saws, Smootn: ng irons. Locks, Hinges, etc, go to Mossop's where you n buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods I Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Chcrw ana nemp ropes, ink, Paper or Cheap Pons, Powder, Shot or Lead, 'Goods Cheap eto., buy them at Mossop's. Goodi Cheap IF YOU WANT iGoo- Cheap Sho Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy .(roods Cheap Cheap, Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Soap. Starch, Wall Paper or Win- Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods aow&naaes, Lamps. .Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil. etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash stor. IF YOU WANT 'Goods . , . iviuvu mu laiunj riuer, n oil or j . l-heap htown iue..r. hams, shoulder, or . n s . - t ;, v, n-i'. Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cueap Cheap Cheap Cheap 2 ' . I rnnrt . Hyson or blacc tea, buy them !go3 at Mossop's cheap for cash. Goods IF YOU WANT Goods Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt. -.Goods Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried Goods apples or peaches, water or so cio cracxers, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. Goods Goods Goods Is heap IF YOU WANT Goods Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacraman Cheap tal uses. Sw:et win, old Monon Cheap gahela or rye whiscy, Cherry Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Cheap Mossop's cheap cash stor. Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Raisens. Figs. Prunes or dried Cnr- Goods Goods sneap rants; filberts, cream, peoan or Cheap ground nuts, candies, Liquorio Chap or Liquorice root, buy them Chep at Mossop's cheap and good. Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap IF YOU WANT To buy any other article cheap, b Goods sure bjow Aiossop, ror ne ''IGoods cheaper for cash than any other Goods person in Clearfield ounty. 'Goods November 27. 1861. 'ap27'5.i fjoods Approved country produce of every Innd taitn at tks usual market prices in exchange far goods FODDER CUTTERS Hf asupsf ior malt for sal at reasonable prises, at MEKRELL and BIGLER'6,Clearfifd,Pa. Kv. H M E Y E R , rKAUTlCAL MILLWRIGHT, MILlSBBd; Cllhl COINTT, rB'A Alao agent fat all the lateit Improved Water Wbeeli nd Portable hw Mills. Jan 8'63-lyp. RAN K LIN HOUSE, MILLER FARM STATTOX, (OH OIL CRBKK BAIL BOAD,) eoaogo County, Pan'a. THK HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. Jj ft.'ttMy.l C. W. TWIST, Pbopwo. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Ciiries avd Minellarraoos Pe: Sheet Mtrpre forFiano, Flute and Violfo; Black Account and' Pas Books, of evert f- Krfption; Paper and Enreloneii. FreneS prened and plain r Pefljand1 Pencil;' Doeda; Uortgarea; Jadgmetit, Ezemptiost tad rromisory -ote; Blank Legat Paper; White and ParcBiHrat isrier; legl cap; Record cap; and Bill eap, eto , Will ha sold at Wholesale er Retail by P. A. G A V Irl S, Ai the Post office, on Market Street, Clearfield, Fa. Wsy 5, 186 NEW STOCK. Fall and AVmter Good; WM. REED k CO., Near Tost Office, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa, Having just opened1 a large and complete stock from New York and Philadelphia, we can offer extra inducements to CASII BUYERS. We have a splrndi4 selection of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS. CLOAfclNGS, FLANXFLS BLANKETS, BALMORALS, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, THOMPSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, ZEPHYR AND WORSTED YARN, And the most complete assortment ot Ladies and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, ALEXANDRES KID AND HARRIS' CELEBRATED SEAM LESS KID GLOVES, the best ever made. Neckties, Butterflies, Collars, Cuffs, Handker chiefs, Embroideries, Laces, Edgings, also a large assortmentof Fnrs,with GAYS' PATENT MUFF, the best thing extant Together with a full line of staple goods, all of Which we offer at the very lowest cash prices. CALL AND SEE US. No Trouble to Show Goods. REMEMBER THE PLACE MARKET StftEKT, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. Clearfield, Oct. 7, 1868. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! The Cheapest and Best Goods in ClearfiVM county are sold by GEORGE S. PERRY. WHOLES A LB AMD RETAIL BALER IK FOBEIOS AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE, North-west cor. Curtin St. and Public Square, OSCEOLA MILLS, Clear Beld CO., Pa. We keep on haild Goods of every grade arid varietyY Fd k Tfi E LADIES We have Dress Goods of every fabrie, FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Beady-made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Linens. As. Also a full stock of Gents1 Furnish ing Goods. IN BOOTS AND SHOES We nsrr coupetitioh, as we buy for cash, and buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and hence can sell cn saf er than other dealers. hats and Caps of latest styles very cheap. NOTlONS.-AU goods in this line yoa can find with ns cheap and good. HARDWARE, of every description, for car penters, builders, and others. GROCERIES. SYRUPS, from tbe lowest grade to tbe best that can be bought in the markets. SUGARS of every kind. TEASof the very best qualities COFFEES that cannot be beat. Either in price or quality. CANNED FRUIT of all kinds. DRIED FRUITS, Spices, it:, ds W hare always on hand a large stock ef Queenswsre, Wood and Willow-ware: ROPES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL & WINDOW PAPERS, FLOUR k FEED, BACON, PROVISIONS, FISH, LARD, BUTTER, OILSj &c, ic. Any goods you are in want of ean be found at oar Store. All are eordiatly invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we ean sell you better goods, and at lower prices, than an be purchased elsewhere. Particular attention paid to orders from a distance, and to iCfjpl ing log eampa. COME ONE! COME ALL! No trouble to show Goods. GEORGE S. PERRY, Oiceola, July 29,'69-tf. B. "PRESIDENT! AE ELECTION PROC-" LAMATION. Whereas, by an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn'a., and the serera supplements thereto.it is proTided, that the elector! of the sereral eoanties rf the Commonwealth .qualified tOTOtefonaemben of ths General Asaembfj.same places at wnieh the same members shall bavw been rated for at the preceding election. On the First Tuesday neat after the First Monday of November, in the year of oar Lord.one thousand eight hundred and forty, and on the same day in every fearta year there after, for the purpose of electing- Bleetorh of" President and Vice President of the United States. TiiBBroBi, I, CTREKUS HOWE. High glerlfl of Clearfield eonntv. in nnniiftnm nf h !, joined on me by the Act above referred to.and the supplement thereto, issue this.my proclamation, giving; Notice to the electors of the eonnty of Clear field. qualified to vote for members of theUeneral Assembly .to meet at theirseveral election if iatrirta on TUESDAY, the 3d day ot NOVEMBER next, then and there, between the hoars Eight o'oloek m the morning and Seven o'clock in the evening of said day, to vote for TwcatT-Seven Electors ef President aud Vice President a the United lH; Anltnnt theseverart Jadf.s. Inspectors and Clerks who (,. k.H ceding General Election are required to-attend nd perform the alike duties, and be eosject to alike penalties for negleet of duty ermiscoadaot as they shall be liable at said General Eleotioa. The electors of the county ef Clearfield, will take notice that the said el-tio. .r ki.,,. r resident and Vice Presitn, k. k-u l following places, via: At the Union lie el. ia Olen Hwm t tl..-. township. At the house of Asepfe Elll foi Bell townshiy. At the houve of tSm late Jinn Blo K (-- fer mwim luwDSUip At the house of Edward Albert for Boggs town's. At the house of Jacob Pea roe, for Ike Wwnahia f Bradford. At the public house ofR. W. tfecm terr KrAw townsMp. At lounge School House for Burnside townshia-. At the School houra near Sl nn RfiMk.n.k'. ' he township of Chest: At the court house for the Borough of Clearfield. m uie nouseoi jaeoo Maurer tor the township of Covington. At the house of X. Bloom, dee'd, for th Ber ough of Curwensville. At Centre school bouse for the town 'p of Dec star. At the house of John Gregory, formerly occu pied by Thoa. Kobison, (Broadway): tor thertowa ship of Ferguson,- At Congress Hill school house for the townshia ofUirard. w At the public school house for Goshen township. At the house of Jacob Hubler fer th townshia of Graham. At the school hone in Jancsville for th towa ship of Gueliea. At the be-aseof J.Witson for the twn'p of Huston At the school house in Ansonville for th town ship of Jordan. At Bridgen's school bouse for th township of Karteaas. At the Turkey Hfcs SeW hews fer th tewa ship of Knox. At the oourt boose ia th Boroagh ef Clears for Lawrence township. At the public school hone for tkwbwiwwga f Lumber city. At the house formerTy occupied by ThonwM Ky. ler for the township of Morris-. At the public school house for th Borough ef New Washington. At the public Houte ef Milo Hovt. fer the Bar. ough of Osceola.- At the house formerly of Was. W. Anderson far the township of Pen. At the bouse of I. Bloom, deo'd. in thBrourh of Curwensville for Pike township At tne notueo v. t. Brubaker for Unieatow'p. At the horoseof Thesaa lieaderson for th tewa- ship of Woodward. NOTICE IS FURTHER HEREBY GITK9. That all persons, except Justices or the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment ef trust, aa der the government ef the United States er ef this State, or of any incorporated district, wheth er a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subor dinate officer or agent, who is er shall b eat ployed under the Legislative. Executive, ot Jadl- . cial Departments of this State or United States. or any city or incorpoated district, and also that every member of Congress and of th Stat Legis lature, or of tbe eosmmon or select oaoeil ef any city, or commissioner of any incorporated dis trict, are by law incapable of holding er exer cising, at the sam time, tbe office er appoint ment or Judge. lnspeotor, or Clerk ef any lee lion of this Commonwealth. And the Return Judges of th respective dis tricts aforesaid are requested to meet at the Court House, in the Boroagh of Clearleld. on th First Friday next after tbe said Second Tuesday efOe tober, then and ther to do those things required ef them by law. GIVEN under m v band and seal, at Clearfield. this Tenth day of September intbeysaref ear Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States th ninty-scnd. CYRBNUS UOWI, SheriC EUBEKA! STAR LIGHTNING ROD! The Best and the Cheapest r The Star Galtasizkd LieRTftisa Rob is sape- rior to any in use, and will last for generation. It is made from Masoetie Ira fta saoare- grooved, spiral-twisted and galvanised, and con nected witn pure eopper eoupliaes, rndnns: it equal tn a copper rod. tbe whol surmounted with a uoia-piated cluster point of pur eopper, that forming a continuous rod from th point to th ground tbe combination of metals ferssinr m galvanic battery in tbe red. It is warranted always to remain bright and clean, and will never corrode or rosl, thus pre senting a neat ornamental appearance on th idinr, worth more than It cost as a matter of ornament, to say nothing about its sore protection gainsi ngnming. To show the nopal aritt of the Galvanised Star Rod, It Is only necessary to ssy that the propri etors have pulled off more than on hand red tons of old rusty irons, within twelve months, from colleges, academies, public buildings, barns, etc., and put up the Star Rod in their place. As tbe "Star" is better and sold at a less prie than any other rod. is more durable and mora or namental, persons should consult their own inter ests and safety to life and property, before they have a rod erected on their buildings. All that is necessary to convince th public of the superiority of the Star Lightning Rod, is a thorough examination into its construction aid scientific combination. The undersigned, being the Agents fur Clear field county, will put up rods for all who nay da sire them, on short notice and reasonable terms. Call and examine them at their store in Clearfield. June 10, 1808. MKKKILL A BIULER. NOTHEB BIO "fLOPl" w. r. jobjso. : : : i t : . w. ariar. Soma two months ag it was formally naoand that Peonvill was "Right side up." Recent events have prove a th iaeanesjeBt prematura. Another -Flop" reoently occurred, aad chief amougtbe improved, "interesting, and important'' phases presented, is the one portray ing TBS W, LABOB, AS D CcBOtHOC StOBB, Hons., of JOHNSON k BAILEY who have just returned from the Fast with large and i are fully selected sXoet of seasonable goods of greater variety, and of batter quality, than have heretofore been offered ia this section of the county. Call at the New Stor Bwas, and you will find : Dry Goods and Groceries, Hat, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hard-ware, Qneens ware, Hollow ware. Wood and Stone-ware, Drugs, Oils, Paints and Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Read; mad Clothing, Clocks, Confectionary, Cheese.Flour, Fish, and Provisions generally. Our stock of Hard war will bear inspection, as it is full and ef the best quality Our stock of Boots and Shea is unequalled in quality and low pneea. To the ladies. we Would say w intend te ssak the Notion and Dress department worthy their patronage A rtlcles cot on hand will be specially ordered, to suit oar customers. Tbe striking feature in tbe "Flop," and the en we would keep before the people is, tub tsit LOW PRICES AT WBim WEA8E SELLINB. Th pub lie ar invited to give us a eall. Bring on your Produce, your Boards, Shingles. Grain, Pork, Butter. Eggs. Dried Apples. Rags. Ae. Our motto. 'Cbbapbst A Best. JOHNSON A BAILEY. Pennvill. August 36. I HOT. T7VERVTHING in the Hardware line & kept and for sale.at FAIR PRICES, by July 15, 1863. U. II. ZEIQLJR g CO. ri H. ZEIGLER k CO.. at tbew largo Hardware Store, in PhilipsbuT?, buy for casb, sell for casi, and eonseqaentry they sell cheat. tJaiy 15, 1b63. SOLE LEATHER A FTNMN3S th cheapest In th Midi, at MOSSOP'S H ORSF..SHOE4, and horse-nails, tn be had at Aug.2. MKKKELLA BI'JLtK S. I 'si . 1