Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 14, 1868, Image 4

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i M
: r
or the farmer.
Healtbfcl.ness op Apples. There is
scarcely an article of vegetable food more
widely useful and more generally liked tban
the apple. Why every farmer has not an
apple orchard, where the tree will grow at
all, is one of the mysteries. L?t every
housekeeper lay in a good supply of apples,
and it will be the most economical invest
ment in the whole range of culinarics. A
raw, mellow apple is digested in an hour
and a half , while boiled cabbage reitiire-t
five hours. The moat healthful dessert
that can be placed on the table is a baked
apple. If eaten frequently at breakfast,
with coarse bread and butter, it has an ad
mirable effect on the general system, often
removing constipation, correcting acidities,
and cooling off febrile conditions more effec
tual'y thaa the most approved medicines.
If families could be induced to Fubstitute
apples sound and ripe f r pies, cakes and
sweetmeats, with which their chill ren are
too frequently stuffed, there would be a
diminuition of the sum total of doctor's
bills, in a single year, sufTn.-ient to lay in a
stock of this delicious fruit for the whole
season's use. Christian Advocate.
How to Fit Collars to Horses
Shoulders, The collar should be pur
chased of the proper size. They are usually
too large. If obtained of the proper size,
ju.st before putting it on, the first time, im
merse it in water, letting it remain about
a minute, and immediately put it on the
horse, beini; careful to have tha hatnes so
adjusted at the top and bottom as to fit the
shoulder, an 1 then put the hirse to wnrk.
The collar by being wet, will adapt itwlf to
the shoulder, and should dry on the horse.
When taken off, it should be left in the
same shape it occupied on the horse, and ov
er after, you will have a snug Siting collar
and no wounds. Valley Farm er.
Corn Starch Cake. One cut. butter,
two of sugar,two of flour,one of cornstarch,
one o' sweet milk, white of seven e?s;s. one
teaspoonful of soda, two of cream ttutar.
Mix the butter and sugar well together. put
the soda in the milk, the cream tartar in
the corn starch, add them to the butter and
supar, then put in the flour and ecrgs, stir
ten minutes, and bake in a moderate oven.
Steami.no Food for Cattle. Nothing
but steam is wanted to eook hay.or any oth
er kind of food. Steam under pressure is
much hotter than wafer, and, of course,
will cook more rapidly. The difficulty may
be in not having your bos, or steaming vat
tight enough. There is no particular dan
ger of steaming hay too much. The softer
it is made the easier it is digested.
MAXrrArTmER n Wholesale and Retail
Dealer ii Ckiars and Tobaccos,
cleakfikld. pa..
Would respectfully announce that he has remov
ed to the lar:re and e -mmodious s'ore-room op
posite the residence of li B Swoope. F.sii . where
be has opened a general assortment of Tobacco.
Cigars, etc. which he it prepured to sell, wholesale
or retail, at reasonable prices.
His cigars are made of the very best material,
and in style of manufacture will compare with
those of auy other establish ment.
lie has always on hand a superior artiole of
chewing and smoking tobaccos, to which be di
rects the attention of - lovers of the weed."
Merchants and Dealers, throughout the county
applied at the lowest holesule prices.
Call and examine his stock when voa come to
Clearfield. June 10. IStis.
Market Street, Clearfield, Ta.
On door Eastol the Clearfield Doose.
Keeps on hand a full assortment of (rents' Fur
nishing goods, suchas Shirts (linen and woolen.
Diidershirts Drawers and Socks;Xeck-ties. Pock
et Handkerchiefs. tiloves. Umbrellas. Hats, etc ,
io great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the
Best Cloths (of all s-hades) Black
Doe-Skin Cassimeres of the bet make,
Fancy Cassimeres, in great variety.
Also. Frenoh Coatings; Beaver. Pilot. Chinchilla,
an I Tricott Overcoating, all of which will be
Sol I cheap for cash, and made up according to
the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also
B.itit for Clearfield county, for I. M Singer A
Co s Sewing Machines. November 1 l!w
Cleariield county, Fenn'a.
The undersigned having erected, during the
past summer, a large and commodious store room.
s now engaged tn fillin' it un with a new and
select assortment of Fall and Wintergoods. which
he offers to the public tit prices to suit the times
ilisst'ck of Mens' and boys' clothing is nnusual
'T extensive, and is offered to customers at from
H to S-t for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, and Wro
ceries. of every kind, a complete assoitment:
Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavv stock ; Hoots and
Shoes. Hats and Caps in great variety : Ladis-s'
dress goods, furs, and other fancy g.K is. together
with an endless assortment of notions too tedious
to enumerate, always on hind, and sor sale very
cheap. Prints at 10 cents a vsrd and other goods
in proportion Now is the time to boy
Country produc- or everv kind, at the highest
market prices, will be taken in exchange for
goods; and even (ireenbacks will not be r. fused
lor aiiv article in store Examine my stock be-
ivio vfu u rirwQir.
i.ct'.her SIMS." SWAV
A I.ARIE lot of F!y Nets. Team and!
" aee H:ime-. H.r ('..liar. ;arth I
Sarcmglcs and Sadd'ery Hardware jut received 1
-l"r by 'DC firm f H ZEIGI.KK J- CO. ;
V IT'LL lit e of cnripiteu Water Coolers. '
v icdiu iiirzers r.-.r sate tjy
--"!jr .'i.11 J" ZEI'il.Eh A- CO.
JJOTY S Clothes 'aher and (la!es Cop
ier trip feed Cutrer for sal.- bv
July li. G j, jrKIJLtK A co
the best and
cheapest in
eounty, at
etc , for sale at
and fresh, at
-all kinds, warranted jjood
BOOTS A SUOES-tha cheapest in the court,
IEED the cheapest in the count v. at
Mav 29
-the cheapest in the county at
j at
-the cheapest in the county
ILorR,he chea , jB the eouotT nt
PL XlJTn hert ia the court, ,t
at thecheapest in the cr nntv,
Mos-JOP'S '
ISH.of all kind
-the cheapest ir. the rountv
SR. findings-,,;;;
ORSE SHOES, and ..Tu wk.
$5000. ACCIDENTS. $5000.
Five Dollars ptr month and from S25
ta 550 per year with weekly
compensation, in ease of
total disability.
Policies and tickets, covering all kinds of acoi
dents, whether received whilst travel
ing or otherwise, sold by
Insurance Aeent.
Clearfield. April 1, 1653.
Corner of Second St. and Hill Road.
Has just received and opcei, at the above nam
ed place, an entire new stock of Spring
and Summer Goods, which ha will
sell very cheap for cash.
His stock consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware,
Queenswnre. Boots and Shoes, llats and
Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc He also keeps
choice Fiour, Corn Meal, Chop feed,
Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits.
Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair
rates are respectfully requested to
give bim a call.
Approved country produce will be taken, at
the highest prices, in exchange tor goods.
Clearfield, June 17, 1S64.
i. s n a w ,
(Seeend street, opposite the Court Bouse.)
Clearfield, Pa.
The subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizens of Clearfield ct unty. that he continues
to carry on the Drug business, at the old stand
and that he is now prepared to furnish
Dye Stuffs, Tobacco. Cigars, Confectioneries
Stationery. Ac
Will find our stock of Drugs full and complete
ana at a very slight advance on Lustern prices
Teachers and others will b furnished with class
ical and miscellaneous books by express, at short
Consisting of Cap, Flut Cap. Foolscap. Letter and
I ertumed .Note Paper, also, a very neatstoc ol
Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand
reus, t'eucils, ins, so
Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda. Soda
ash, concent: ated i.ye r?oap. Ac.
Are requested to examine our stock of Perfumery
Hair t'ils. Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Coinbs
ioiiet Setts. Ac
Will find a full supply, of prime Chewing and
Sm king Tobacco. Imported and Domestic Cigars,
Snuff, Fiue-cut, Ac
Of the best brands, always on hand.
The best quality of Liquors alwayson hand, for
ui uii'si purposes
Physicians prescriptions promptly and carefully
......, ,.,.,.. August I, 1SS7.
saoiiij iif)iir
ju.vo(i apwdfl peiunx
ucce.-sor to l.aitfhc. hue Co.,)
r.rspert fully invite an examination of their
larse s'ock of Seasonable goods, purchased for
c.iaa, anu selling at greatly reduced prices.
Wc Defy Competition.
Wa scl! better Goods at lower rates than any
other house in the county.
Because we buy fcr ca.-h and buy close, and are
mus er.aoieu to give our customers and pa
trons the bcrefit of the grenter portion of the
profits they have hitbenobeen paying; and
Because we .ell more goods than any other house
in Clearfield couuty.
Our stock consists of
Dry Goods. Groceries Queer.sware, Hardware,
H ood vsre. Willoww.ire. Boots and Shoes,
UaH.Ciips.Clo'hing Furnitnre. Carpets
and Oil Cloths. Provisions of all
kinds. Feed. -c.
RES5 GOODS FOR LADIFS. of every style.
in neat and tasteful designs.
Ready-made Clothing at greatly reduced pri
ces, "rders :nk:i) for suits of Clothing.
. . . . j mnviiivDjiiwijion band.
'torn our !ar;:e stock of Notions, every want
that line can be supplied, wvery
desire gratified.
Groceries and Provisions.
Sugars cf every trade
Preserved Fruits and
"V rups of every quality
Jellies. Tomatoes and
r-t aches
M'iST t'urnl ll.n,, i
u; I'-af Dried lieef. Shad.
r.feVi . ' Co'!,h -K'-undlUrr I .Lake Trout.
Ultra Hour. Cm Meal and Buckwheat Meal.
Cash Paid for Countrv Produce.
T.;olsf,.rCarperters and other.. Best Double
atd Hive Axes Pick- Rot e, anJ
Cordage. Brushes, Mill Findings.
Finest brn is of Cisrar. fk.. , -
king Sobacco ThUffi
t tne Cut in bulk.
fV Country merchants ,-uprlied on .. t
terms as can be ; ,.. v.'f' ...TU
.--oiern cities
Goods ordered Tor our customers and a.t
islaction guaranteed.
To buy to save, to buy to please
To buy to make, to buy with ease.
To buy at all. as all must do.
To thecbeap cah store all should go
Bennett, Blattenbenrer & Co
Osceola Mill. May 27. 'SStf.
2 tee X i!s anj S,.;t ist rweived and
- for sale by G. II. ZEIGLEB & CO.
jas. a. gbaha. : e. w. graham. : a. a. graham
in all kinds of
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Huts
Queensware, Wood and
Willowware, Flour, Bacon,
Fish, Salt, etc., etc., etc.,
Clearfield, Pa.
The Largest, Best and Cheapest stock
of goods to be found in the county
is now on sale at
They have Bonnets, Silks Coburgs, Alpacas,
Merinos. Wool Delait.es, Lustres. Ging
hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns. Sun
chades. Handkerchiefs Kid and
other Gloves. H osicry. Balmo
rals, Hoop-skirts, and A
general variety of rib
bons, trimmings,
Buttons, Braids, etc.. at the lowest prices.
They have Black and Elue Cloths. Black and
Fancy Cassimeres,Sattinetts. Tweeds, Mcl
tons, Wster proof Cloth. Silk, Satin
and common Vestings, etc., in
great variety, and at prices
that will give general
satisfaction to buyers.
Such as Overcoats.Dress coats of various qual
ities and prices. Plain and Fancy Vests,
Cassimere and Flannel Oversbirts,
Woolen and Cotten undershirts,
Handkerchiefs and neck tics,
Cotten and Woolen socks,
Calf and Kip boots
and Shoes, Gum
Boots and Shoes. Hatsand Caps.and such
other articles as are utuauy needed.
Among which may befound Carpet i.Oil cloths,
Rugs, Brown Muslins, Bleached .Muslins,
Drillings, Pillow casing. Sheeting,
Towelings, Table cloths. Table
covers. Window Blinds. Cur
tains.TicKiogs and a very
large assortment of
such articles as
are wanted by housekeepers, and at
prices to suit the times.
A full assortment, consisting of Tea and Din
ner sets, Pitchers, Bowls. Dishes, and a
general variety of ware that wili be
sold by the doscn or piece, and as
cheap as it can be purchased
elsewhere in the county.
Such as Sawsaud Files.Door Locks and Latch
es. Hinges of all kinds, Augurs. Screws,
Nails. Spines, TacKs, Brads, !-hoveis,
Spades.IIoes Forks. Ares Il.t-oli
ets.CLiselt.Kiiives and Forks,
. Butcher Knives. Carving
Knives and forks,
and all articles usually wanted by the people.
Consisting of Sugars. Coffees, Teas. Spices.
Syrups.Dried Fruits heese Flour, Bacon,
Feed, etc., always on hau " and for
sale at a small advance on cost.
Such as Tubs, Buckets and Churns. Clothes
wringers and Wu,h bonris. Clothes Mar
ket and Dinner Ea&kets.a general as
sortment, at all times, iu store
and for sale low.
G RAG AM & SONS sell all article, that are
usually kept in a well regulated country
store. and hence the people generally
will find it to their advantage to
buj goods of them
We are a!j.o extensively engaged in buying
and selling ail kiids of Sawed Lumber,
and as we intend giving this bratch
of business special attention, we
feel assured that we can make
it to the advantije of
thasewhohavelumberforsaletoatal with us.
Orders filled for all kinds of LuniV-r.
Grain and country produce taEen i
exchange for Goods.
Ac. 20, ls68.
The First Session of the Dext Scholastic
year of this Institution, will commence on Slon
day, the 7th day of September. 1 3 " S
Pupils can enter at any time. They will be
charged with tuition from the time they enter to
the close of the session
The eourso of instruction embraces everything
included in a thorough, practical and accom
plished education of both sexes.
The Principal having had the advantage of
much experience in his profession, assures pa
rents and guardians that his entire anility and
energies will bo devoted to the mental and moral
training of the youth placed under his charge.
Terms of Tl-itiox:
Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primnry
Arithmitic, per session. (II weiks.) 55 CO
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo
ry So.Ufl
AIgebr.,Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration,
Surveying. Philosophy. Physiology. Chemistry
Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geojrra
rhy. "
Latin. Greek and French, with any of the a
bove branches. SiS.Ofl
"?"No deduction will ba made for absence.
For further particulars inquire of
Ret P. L. HARRISON. A. m.
July 31. 1Si57. Principal.
a. l. REP.n.
W. I'OrtKLL,
6. P. HOOP
MiiSSRS. HOOP, WEAVER 4 CO., Proprietors.
respectfully infirm the cilnens of the
county that they have completely refitted and
supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough,
with the best and latest improved
and are now prepared to execute all orders in
their line of business, such as
Flooring, Weatherhoarding,
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and
Moldings, of all kinds.
They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand
and will pay cash for clear s'uff. one-and-a-half
inch panne! plank preferred p?ov 8. '07.
ruiLrpsncRo, cfntri co., ta.
Geo. II. Zeiglcr &
Foreign nnj Domestic Hardware, Cutlery,
Wood and Willow ware, Tin ware,
Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Iron,
Nails, etc., etc., etc.
The attention of Mschanics, Builders. Farmers.
Lumbermen and Buyers generally, is invited to
the fact that we aro now offering a better assort
ment of goods in our line than can be found else
where in this part of tr-6 St . at prices to suit
the times. Our stock comprises a general assort
ment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters.
Blacksmiths, Carriago and Wagon makers. Join-
i. to., together with a large Btock of
Iron, Stcl, Nails,
Spikes. Pailroad and Mining supplies; SalJlcrv
and Harness material a good assortment ; Ropes.
Chains, irindstor.es, circular mill and cross-cut
ws; Enameled, Finished, and Plain IioHow-
ware in great varict ; Cables. Coal oil Lamps and
Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating
oils; and an extensive and good selection of
Fine Cutlery
Comprising a general assortment of dining knives
and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving
knives and furhs. pocket and pen knives, razors, i
shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar
ticies. Also, dessert, tea and tablespoons, and I
plated forks, in great variety and of the best man- I
ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated ware.
In great variety, and of tho best manufacture al
ways ou hand, among which will be found buck
ets of every size, tin-cups, oil cvns. sprinkling
cans, dusting p.ins. miners' lamps; gallon, quart
and pint measures, and many other articles in
the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everbody.
"m Tit.
Can be sar plied with Anvils, Bellows. Vices,
sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse
nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron,
nail rods- eto ; and with cast, shear, spring and
blister steel, from too best manufacturers in the
(.cited States, or of foreign manufacture.
nd i,ui!ders find in our establishment a
superior nud complete stock of
li: turners,
F i!es.
Cord. Ao
Will find eaerything in their line, and cheaper
than el-ewhere in this section of the State coin
prising Household, horticultural, farming and
raftins implemeLt of the latest and most im
proved patterns Particular attention is direct
ed to our very ex eusive stock of wood and coal
Comprising Spear's justly celebrated Anti dust
e.K.k and parlor stoves of a. I sites ; Aho, The Ni
ajrani enne Parlor cook. Brilliant. Lawn. Lew-
drop Artie, Egg and Picket stoves.
All of the above goods ill be sold cheap for
Phijipsburg Oct. loth. I3".-Iy.
OH- PA IN7S the cheapest in the cr.nntv,
Ha . MOocOP 6.
Wilt lr htld O'l tUr Fair (rrouwf: i" tie
Bormuzh of Clr trfirl.l. Pa., on 'I ufyltiy,
Wr'inrHiaii 'Itiirt'uy and Vri.iau,
the 13A, lUi, 1 itk A- l'VA !iys of Vaobtr, ISflS.
W. W. Worrell, Js B. Btown, F. Carden.E.K.
Shirey. K. J. Sbaffncr, I. W. Jordan. Reuben
MPnerson. T. X Fuiion. Jos. Owens, i. K. Ful
lerton tsra Ale, 'bs. Stewart. Jas W. Irwin.
C L. Birrett.N. L Robins. James A. Moore. G.
G.Irwiu. W.L Antis. Jas Mitchell. J L. Leavy.
Jos. Liirriuier.K. A. Mitcheil.Win. M Cui lough. sr..
Mrs. G R. Barrett. Airs. S. J. Row. Mrs. G B.
Goodlander. Mis. Js Forrest. Mrs Berry. Mrs.
.1. B. M'Knatlv. Mr-". Ir. Ilurchlield, Mrs C. U
Watson. Mrs. II. II Fulford. Mis. I. F I.iiwciicr
Miss JUry A. Irwiu. Miss Fannie Jordan Miss
F.lna Mitchell. Miss Eliza Head. Mrs G W fny-d-.r.
Mrs Daniel Stewart. Mis licnrinlta Peiers.
Mrs Robert Flcgal. Mrs. R. H. haw. Miss Amelia
Larrimer, Mrs Matthew Read, Hrs J.B chaw.
G. K.GOOl'FELLOW, Chairman.
George Guclich.Wm. T Wilson Wm T.Schry
ver. Abraham i llnyt. Zrnas L Hg.iyn. Isaac
Kluom, Robert Pnrter.i E Dauit.-!?. Philip lleiscy
II. C. Sbaffncr. W L.Sbaw. 1.. I Iiwin. O Buck.
Thos. McPberson. Miss Jane IIotver. .Mrs Jerome
Robi.-on. Mrs A. A Read. Miss M Iivin, Miss
Maggie Keail. Miss Mnry E Fleiil. Mrs J ?f-pb
Owens. Miss Mary A. Rishcl, Mi;3 Ada Bobbins,
T. J. Creamer.
Marsual-Z. C. M rri.l.OUGH.
Ciiikp of Police William L. Ui-hel.
G.atk Kckfki.s George W. Carter, John C.
Read, Theodore 1, Peoples.
Family Tickets, : : : :
Single Tickets luriui F.iir,
Siiile Admission Tickets,
Children under 10 years old. when accompanied
by their par nts or guaijiarjs. free.
Children under Hi years of ae not admitted
unless accompanied by their parents.
Checks will begiven at the door to persons de
siriug to pass out during exhibition, but Mill not
admit the bolder to any other exhibition each
hull' day couuting an exhibition.
Every petson wishing to be enrolled as a mem
ber of this Society must pply on or before tbe
first day of the fair, and on the payment of one
dollar to tbe Tjcasurer shall receive a certificnte
of membership containing the nnme of the appli
cant and endorsed by the Secretary.
Every person necomiug a member as above sta
ted shall, on the presentation of his certificate,
receive a ticket which willadmit him free during
tbe fair. Any person compl ing with the aboi e
regulations and paying SI0, shall become a lite
member, and shall be exempt from all contribu
tions. and sh-ill annually receive from the Secre
tary a free family ticket.
All persons must be provided with tickets,
which can be had trom tbe Executive t'omoiittee.
Treasurer, or Secretary, or at the office on the
ground. Persons acting as judges are expected
to become membcrsof the Society. Persons from
other t-ounticscau become members by complying
with the above rules. Ladies can become mem
beis by muking application as a;-ove. and paying
iuto tbe Treasury tit'ty cents when they will re
ceive a ticket to admit them free.
Exhibitors must become members of the Soci
ety and have Ibeir animals an t articles entered
on the Secretary s bot ks on or before the first day
of the Fair; and all animuls ai.d articles, except
horsesfor pleasure, and tor the trotting prizes
must be brought within the vne!i sure as early
as Wednesday, at 3 o'clock. P M.. and all per
sons entering auimals and articles for exhibition
must procure cuids from the Secie:ary with the
class and nombcr cf entry of said articles, pre
vious to placing said urticleson the ground. Ilnv
and straw ill be turnished gnitU for all animals
entered for premiums, and grain will be furnish
ed at cost for tho-e that de-ire to purchase.
No horse sh'iil be entered or allotted a premi
um unless he is freo from disease Horses will bj
received until Wednesday noon, but must be en
tered previously. All persons who intend to ex
hibit horsej. cattle. sheep, or swine or wbo intend
to i-ff-r stock or ary other article for sale should
notify the Secretary of such intention on or be
fore tho 1st nf October and h:ive with him a
list and full description ot the same.
The number and cUss. and the number in tbe
class, with the rnme of tbe article will appear on
tbe curd attached; but tho name cf the exhibit
or will not nppcar.
. Premiums and diplomas will he paid on and
after the first Monday after the Fair. Hnd until
the 1st day of l eeeuiber.l-S after which all mon
ey premiums unclaimed will be considered a" a
donation to tue Society. The officers of the So
ciety and members cf the Ooiuuiittee of .Arrange
ments must wear a budge designaiiig their office,
and it will be their duty as well as pleasure to at
tend to the expressed wishes and wants of exbih
itors and others if it is in their power so to do.
A select police force wiil i. in constant attend
anee for tbe preservation of ordor and protection
of property.
Tbe trotting course is level, well trraded ond
one-third of m mile iu circuit. Ample arrange
ments will be made for the convenience of vis
itors. I XSTIM'CTIOSS) To .TrnriFS No animal to ..!v.
an award in mote than one class.
Judges are expressly required not to award pre
own ins to over-led animals. No premiums are to
be awarded to bulls, i-ows.or heiffers which shall
appear to have been fattened, only in the ciassof
fat cattle, the object of the Society bein j to have
superior animals of this description for breeding.
Fat Cattle The judges on tat cattle will give
particular attention lo the animals submitted for
examination It is believed ail other Ihinas he
lug equal those are the best cattle that have the
pteatest weightover thesmHllest superficies. The
judges will require ail in thisclass to be weighed
and will take measures to give the supci ficios of
each, and pul.iis-h the n-sult with their reports,
they will also, before awarding any premiums
require the manner and cost of feeding ns ro
quired by thi regulations of the premium list.
If there is but one eshibitor, and he may show
several animals in one class, premiums wi l be
a winded in accordance to the mr in ,.f , ho ,.;... i'
1 he superintendent will t.ik ,,.r
in his power, for the safety of stock and a. tides
on exhibition after their arrival, and arrange
ment ou the i!iour.ds. but will not be responsible
for any loss or damage that mav occur The So
ciety desires exhil.iiors to 2ive personal attention
to their anitna s and articles and at the close of
the fair to attend to their removal as the Society
cannot take further car of them
Ri les ok Pi.ou ing 1 be nj.:e of the plowman
must i,c plven as wcl, , ,he kinJ uf . t be
used, at the time of en'ry.
The quantity of ground to be plowed by each
team be f acre
The time allowed to do the work will be three
bou:s 1 he furrow sli:e in all cases to be lapped
I he t.nms to start at the same time and each
plowman todo his withouta driver or other assist
The premiums offered by tbe Society will be
awarded to the individuals, who. in tbe jud:rui-nt
ot the committee. ha I do their work in the best
manner, provided the work is done in the time
allowed for us performance.
Each plownan to strike hi, own land, and plow
u""I- - '"P1"'"' of the adjoining land
" lthiu the one fourth ofao acre plowed each plow
man will be required to strike two hack furrowed
lands and finish with the dead furrow in the
Any lnfoimation required in regard to matters
or tbe Society can be gained by addressing the
Lxecutne Committee or the Secretary, who will
be pleased to give any information io their puw
er at any time '
Any article not enumerated in the aboveclass
es and placed on exhibition, if worthy of notice
will-be suitably awarded 1
The Executive Cooiu.ittee reserve a discr-tion-
ary power to award diplomas in at,v case for 2d
1. lY'Vi. .r for arti-lc ' entitled to premi
ums by the rules
All articles may he entered free of charge ex
cepting horses for pleasure, and for the trotting
Class I Sairep.tairs. opru Io all breeds and
Best bull. $15; 2d best. S!0; 3d best. S3
i1,"' 12 : 2d best, 10; 3d best. 5
i"!l breeds come together in this class atd com
pete nb each other to be judged by their good
points, symmetry of frame, ability to fatten, and
the strck Ihey will prolines
Class 2 tirade rattle owned in county.
Best cow for milk. Sill: 2,1 K.t J - -(j i...
Best heifer. 2 vearsoM
Bst heifer. 3 years old.
Best calf, under 8 months old,
Class 3 Oxen
!d best.
id best,
Beet yoke of oxen. SI0:2dbest
. S3; 3d best, S2
Class 4 Fat Cattle.
Best fat bullock, cow or heifer. $10
2d best, SS
(.last 3 Thoroughbred bnr.
T"L"n- ?D-,hr. 2d best. 'siO
..iu ooii. any Dreed, 10;
M be, u I
5 KiJinx, Draft and Farm Uorra.
le horse. " 3 00 ; 2i best, S2
Best saddle horse.
Best single family horse.
Best matched carriage horses.
Best gelding or mare lor work.
Best span of draught horses or mares,
Second best.
The exhibitor is required to produce a state
ment of at least three responsible neighbors as to
working qualities of draught horses for premiums
in this cla.-s.
Best colt. under 2 yearsold, S Ot) ; ?d best S2 00
Best 2-vcar old colt, 5 00; 2.1 best, 3 tin
Best -". year old colt. 6 00; 21 best. 4 00
The hot-e thai mves the heaviest load on tbe
stono boat, according to his weight. without
a whip, Youatt on the horse and 7 CO
CViim 7 Trotting liortre. open tj all.
Best time. 3 in 5. trotting in single harness iflO 00
No premium will be paid iu thisclass unless
there are ten entries of Si 00 each. Each horse
to trot against time.
CI as S Sirrrpitjlrt oprn to all Paring' in
be?t 2in X. mile heats, against time. $100 00
No premium will be awarded in thisclass unless
there are six entries Entrance fee i 15.
Ctl'S 9 Trotting in stitch t.yriirxs. far Itories
oicueJ in thr run nty at Irast Jitcen days
brlore the 1'utr.
Best 3 in 5. mile heats, against time, S."0 00
No premium awarded in this class unless there
are eiht entries. Entrance fee $5. The horse
winning the premium in class 7. cannot compete
for the premium in thisclass.
Class 10 TrotliHG" hnrst otrneA and Tard in
thr rouiity.
B st 2 in 3. on time, in harness. 00
No premium awarded iu this class unless there
are five horses entered to compete for the sniue.
I rttrance free
Best trotiintr horse or mare under saddle, S3 00
Second best. 2 00
Best trotting horso or mare in single harness. 3 00
Second best. 2 00
Best walking horso or mare, S3 ; 2d best, 2 50
CY.-z.s t 1 1 Trotting raits, raisrd in the rovntyx not
exrefdiii" 3 yrirs old .OjKit to all.
Best 2 in .'!. against time. S20 00
There must be at least three entries in order to
compe'e tor this premium. Entrance free.
(7isx 12 Sheep mid Wool.
Best buck, any breed, S3 ; 2d beat, S3 00
Best ewe. any breed. 4 OH
Best sheep, futuncd for mutton. 3 00
Best lamb. 2; best fleece of wool, 50
Class 13 Swine, open to all.
Best boar any breed. Young Farmer's Manual i
Best breeding So, a:iy breed. $5
Second best. Agriculturist for one year.
Best hog S3; 2d best. $2
Best pig. under 6 mo's old, Agriculturist 1 year.
Clax 14 Poultry.
Best coop spring chickens, not less thaD six.
Beamont's American Poultry Book ir 50.
Bess 2 heaviest turkeys. A-30.
Best display of chickens, 1 ,io
Clans, 15 Plowing.
The man that plows green sward the best, S20 00
Class Id Plum, lio'lrrs. Drills. Harrows and
C ultiv.itors.
Best plow for stubble or sward. Si 00
Best sub oil plow, Barry's Fruit Garden iV 2 CO
Best clod crusher and roller combined, 4 00
Best grain drill. IMscrelionary Premium.
Beet threshing machine, l'iscretion.iry Premium.
Best corn planter. I'iseretionary Premium.
Best Boise rake. Iiscretiousry Premium.
Best bay pitching machine, lliscict ry Premium,
i'.est stalk and etrawcuttcr, Discret ry Premium.
Best horse-power. gen purposes, I'isc'y Premium.
Best original invention or agricu'l implement, S3
Best side-hill plow, SI; "best cultivator, 3
Best barrow. 3; lest corn shel!er, 3
Be.t fanni-.g mi!!, 4; best ox yoKe, I
All articles enumerated in this class, not made
in tbe county, but produced upon exhibition, if
worthy of it. will be swarded a discretionary pre
mium by the Executive Committee.
C7fft 17 Misre.'l.tiifstiis Farming Imjlrments.
Best bee hive. Grimlty's Mystery of B-.e Keeping
llcst i ix. hand rkes.SI ; Best grain cradle Si on
Best siump machine, 3 ; Best potuto oigger. 3d
Kesl lot garden tools. pn.
l est uisp'v fatmii.gtitersi'.sowt.ed byf.irmcr .8 DO
All articles enumerated in this class arc subject
to tho same ru.'is as closs 16.
Class IS Wheat, llyr. Corn, Barley, Oats,r.
Best acre of winter wheat. . ih
Best bushe cf winter wheat,
ncsi uuMit-i oi rye.
Best acre of rye, ; Best buih. corn ears,
Best a- re of oats. 4; l est bush po:atocs,
Be.t acre buckwheat 4; 2d best
Best ucrc clover seed. 3 ; 3d best ' "
Best i ac. broom corn, I ; Best ; acre peas,
Lest i ae ru ahagaji, I ; Rest i aero s-.rsrhum.
Best acre turnips, 2; Best bushel turtips,
Rest acre corn. S ; Best acre carrots,
Best half i ushal timothy seed.
Crops being equal, preference will bt given
loose tr.ai yie:.; in- largest net profit Statements
to l.e turnished by tbe exhibitor. They must be
measured, or weighed, and a s.in;p!e furnished at
the lair Applicants lor premiums must furnish
the committee wi'h a statement signed b7 tliem
selv,s. under pledge oi veracity, of the q'u.mtitv
of grain raised oh the ground entered for a pre
mium, and must state as correctly i,s be can ihe
kind and condition of tbe previoujcrops.the kind
and quantity of seed sown,and the time and mode
of putting it in thegrouml.
Perrons entering field crops for exhibition, or
intending to do so. may give notice to the execu
tive committee at Kny time, and have the field
measured and examined by the commictce while
Class Xyr.rr.tilnn.l Cereal Food.
(est loaf of wheat bread, Diploma and 50 cents
' i,i oi rje oreaa.
Iip!.ma and 3o cents
lipioma aad 50 cents
I:p:omand 50 cents
Diploma and 50 cents
Diploma and 0 cents
; 50 cents
Best loaf of corn bread,
Best sponge enke,
Best jelly cake.
Best bachelor's cake,
Best pie, any kind.
nest preserves and jelly.
, , , . ..... ,i v OVU19
.",u1sf"TJCyirprecrre, Uiploma and 50 ct
-est j..,und cake, l'iploma and 50 cents
Best fru it cuke, 1-iploma and 50 cents
Best c..Qer cake. Diploma and 50 cents
Best Lady s cako. Diploma and 50 cm.
Host l-;,
Best jelly.
Best ice cream,
Class 20 Bolter ond Oese
T.i : . , .
.si ii, pounns. or more, or hutte;
Best ten pounds of firkin butter, "
Best cheese; made by exhibitor
Class 2 Flour.
S3 00
5 Oil
1 00
Best fifty pounds wheat flour, e
l est fif y pounds rye flour. 2
Best fifty pounds spring wheat flour, 1
Best fifty poumis corn meal, j
Best twenty pounds buckwheat flour. 2
Class -22 Domestic Articles.
I est box or jirof honey.
Best 10 pounds of in,p!e sugar.
Best peaches nut on airii,h.
Dip or
Dip or
Dip or
Dip or
Dtp or
uiatoes put up air tight.
'('st black berries put up air ti
Best currants put up air tight,
Best tarry j:ir of t iektts.
Best eiil. syrup or sorghum, or eaeh.
Best cured ham (cookedj with mode of
Best dried beef with mode of curing.
Dip or
Dip or
Class 23 Domestic Jfoitujacturcs.
i" yarns tunnel,
P.est 10 yards satiioet.
S2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
est u yarns woolen carpet.
Best 10 yards cloth.
Best 15 yards rag carpet woolen chain,
f-est pair woolen blankets.
i Cjt woolen ci verlet.
Best wool fringed raits. Hip arjll
ri-st air kt.it woolen stockings. Lip and
lust spec n knotting knitting or nee-
ulc wotk.by Miss under 1 1 vrs old. Dip and
est pound linen sewing thread, Dip and
Best poand stocking yarn, Iij 9D&
Best loot mat. iuc; Besttidymat.
I be premiums in thisclass are intended
for articles manufactured in the county
Class 24 XreiHe, Shell.
Wax Work, etc.
I.est specimen needle work.
Best s ..clmr-i li Z -Z ' - . f.' P" 3"
, r -ii. macnine. Hip and 50
Best specimen flowers in worsted. Hi and aO
Bes specimen embroidery in worsted.Dip and 50
Bes specimen embroider, in lace. HiL MDd 5
Bes specimen embroidery in muslin, Di "d 50
Best specimen of leather work, Hip 2 H
P.es specimen of . flwe. D 0
:- specimen of feaiher work. Is jp an
est specimen of ornamental work. Ii p and C
Bist shirt made by Miss under 12 vrs D n 1 Z,
Bt patching or mending, " ' fj
Class IjMill.nerv and n.. -..
Bestm.liiie,,, $3; Best dr. t
S3; Best dress maki
Class 20 Artistic Work.
Vl 2"erreo,?P".''ker, on the ground,
l.es amhro-ypes taKen on the ground. '
Be. Miotosraph, taKen on the ground,
Best lanscape painting;
liest penmanship.
Best architectural drawing.
Best panning in oil,
BeM po-rrait painting,
S2 00
3 01
2 no
2 00
2 no
1 00
1 00
came pnioting
Best naintini, in w
est painting in water colors.
ornamental painting of any Kind,
Class 27 Designs.
Best design for f irm house, barn, carriage boue
and stable. Sloau'sOrnamental Houses A- Si (:a
Best design for dairy bouse. Manual of the Home
Best design for ice bouse. q
Best design for fruit houre, 1 50
Best design for bridge, with plan spsn not
less than 250 feet, 3 00
Class 2-1 Mrtalie Fairies and Machinery.
Best cook ing stove, wood or eoal, $3 t0
Second btat, j o
Third best, ji,p
Best parlor stove, S2; Best esst-iron fence, J o
Second best, I ; Second beat. fip
Best specimen or lot of tinware, 2 Ml
Second best Dip and io
Bust specimen blacRsmithing, 2 i0
Best specimen gunsmilhing, 2 uo
Best specituea iron-turuing, 2
Best plate casting, SI; Best shower bath 1 00
Best original invention in county, - J 00
Best display of table and pocket cutlery, A-
mericau manufacture, (iq
Best display of edge tools. 1 q.)
Best display ot farming and field tools, I 00
Tneabovt premiums are offered for articles man
ufactured in tbe county Diplomas may be award
ed for any of the above articles on exhibition
without regard to their place of manufacture, '
Class 23 Vthicles of all hind.
Best family carriage, S4 ; Best timber sled, $2
Best buggy. 4; Best horse cart, 1
Best farm wagon, 4; Best wheelbarrow, 1
Best sleigh. 2;
The premiums in this class are intended only
for articles manufactured in the county.
Class 30 Cabinet ware in county.
Best drc. sing bureau, S2 ; Pest set of chairs, $i'
B st extension table, 2; Best sofa. 2
Best variety of chairs, 2; Best centre table, 1
Best bedstead, 1 ; Best lounge. 50e
Best washstand, 50c ; Best office chair, io
Best loosing glass. 5,-,,.
Best set of parlor furniture, S4 l't
Best display of cabinet-ware, Dip and 2 00
Class 31 Coopering ondCaTprntertiter. manufac
tured tn county.
Best pine ware. tubs, stands.etc., Dip ai.d S3 00
Best set cf grain measures. 2 00
Best window blinds. S3; Pest specimen sash. I 00
Best lot hasKets, 1 ; Best panel door, ! ot
Best lot buckets, 1; Beit pump, S 00
Class 32 Roots and Garden Vegetahles.
Best i ba ru'.abagas. 50; Best 6 h'dscabhage.50c
Best i bu carrots. 50c; Best 2 h'ds califl"rs.5iic
Best 4 stnlKS celery. 50e; Best variety melons 5do
Best i bu tomatoes, ate; Best squashes. 5i'c
Best i bushel sweet potatoes, 50o
Best quart Windsor beans, Sue.
Best f bushel table beets. 5nc
It most be shown that all vegetables have been
raised by the exhibitor.
Class 33 Curriers,Saddlert and Shoemalers.
Best gents' boots and shoes,
Best l.iii y' boots and shoes.
Best display of boots and shoes,
Best ladys riding saddie,
ii GO
1 no
2 00
2 0u
nest riding onaie and martmgalo, 1 oa
Best side finished harness leather, 50
Best robe made by exhibitor. (,
Beet carriage harness, S3; Best tug harness. 2 00
Best single harness, 3; Best geots' saddle. 2 00
Best di.-play suddlery. 4; first travi tr-Jr.K. 1 00
Best side Kip leather. 50c; Best ca'f suin. 50
Best side sole Ieather,50o ; Best side upper le'r,50
Class 34 Tailorsand ZTpholftcrs' tcoii.
Best suit of clothes made by band, $1
Best coat made by ajady, 1
Best pantg and vest made by a Isj. 1
i-est husk mattress, SI ; Beat stra
t straw mattress, I
test nair mattress, 2;
Class 35 Printing in county.
Best newspaper, 1 ; Eest handbill,
Best blans. 1 ; Be: t card,
Best ornamental printtag,
Class 36 Stone ware.
Best assortment and best qa'.Iity, j
Class 37 Chemicals and Chemical Action in Co.
Best available mat ure at moderate cost, $1
Best available manure for farm products, 1
Bost material for giue.50c ; Best linseed oil, 50o
Best tallow cnud'ex. 5ilc; Best vinegar. SOe
Best specimen of soup. 50c; Best writing int, 5ua
Class 33 Wooil and Stone.
Pest dressed etcce, SI ; Best mill stone, SI
Best grind stone, I ; Butter bowl. Dip 4 iiio
Best sfcu gles. not less than 50, SI
Best turned ai tide, 5(ic
Best floor boards, wonted, t
Best washing machine. j
Best split or shaved hoops, Pjp
Best butter la I le, jjj'
Best weather boards, worked, ji
Chiss 39 Jf'ititral Minerals.
Best suit of useful minerals of "J'aarCeld eouutv.
including coal. i t
Best cabinet of minerals of ClearSeld and ad
joining counties. to be the property of the
Socioty, 5
Best limestone, 50c; Pest coiltciica losses. 1
liest fire clay, 5ta ; B-st burnt lime, 1
Best putter's oiay, 50c; Best coal, 1
Class 40 Fruit.
Eest dispiny and greatest variety of grafted ap
fics, summer and winter. Husbandmen on A
merican W ines aud 4 fJ
Second best, 2 00
Best display of pears. Cole American Fruit
p , . , , Book and I CO
..-.st p. nro9 and cherries, Cole's A in Frail Bi.c
rest quinces (
Best specimen appios. I pecs. 1 on
Bet sprc Am iean grapes, isarri-ig-s Prui: Boos:
t-tt natural grapes raised in count? and wor
thy of cutmre. " j,,0
Best domestic wine and mode r.f manufacture
f !Ir''.iapi i.'altureani SI 00
l.est enrrant wine. Manning s fruit B.v.k J- 1 10
best blacs berry wine, - i-1 0
Best gooseberries, Manning's Fruit B..us
Class 41 Uorseinaiiship, etc.
To the lady who manages her horse bet and
most gracefully. llip
10 the gentleman who manages his horse best
and sits most eracel nil v. rin
TlAst 4I. . r , r . . . 'r
five count
, uorsemansnip, not less than
Best driving on the course by a lady,
Best company of cavalry.
Best Company uf infantry
Best band with brass instruments.
Best martial bi nd, Dip ; Bost ten singers.
Class 42 Xurscries.
Best r.ursery. containing the greatest variety cf
Iruitsand shrubs cultivated in the most arpr.'.v
ed manner, the applicant to furnish w rittcn le
scription.the variety and mode of culture S I "0
becond best, Barry's Fruit Garden
Class 43 General List.
Best dispray and greatest variety of flowers
Best display and greatest variety of plants,
Bestdisplay of floral ornaments,
Best basket boquet, with handle.
Best hatd boquet,
1 Discretionary premiums will be awarded
ror all art.. -tenor merit exhibited by mechanics in
11 tl, .. : 1 . . . r
-.. . i iiiui orancues. and it is Hoped a gener
al exhibition will be made Forall improvements
useful to the farmer. and having valuable proper
ties, discretionary premiums may be awarded fcj
the Executive Committee.
I. G. Babcf.r. A.M. Hills,
Secretary 'frrasuir'
t E?BCl7,vCoMtTTei N-thaniel hishel. S.
Jordan. L. V. Irwin, A O Tate, J. A. L. Fieg.il.
JwfieliTJu:y : j. IStiS
pAUMERS will fimla full and fonii 'ftc-fttK-k
of Grass. (J rain and IJriir tcvtlies,
. ..mcs. nay and tiraia Kaites. Forxs. Sc
ft.yies. Cruiucricas. Jiay-rope. A-o , at the Hi
ware .-"tore of J. a. lAti thK A ru..
-uiy 1-,, ,sa. Phiiipsburg. Pa.
gOLDIKIlS- IJ01:NTIES.-A recent Li'l
has pa-sed hnth Houses o( Coiifrrecs.anJ
signed by the President, giving soldier." who en
listed prior to 22J Jnly. 1S6I. served oneyesror
ofSMi honorabIy discharged, a boocty
., I"Bounties and Pensions collected by me for
thoseentitled to them.
. Ang 13th, 1SB8. Clearfiold l'
The Venn Mutual Life Insurance Co ,
921 Cdbst.vit Stbzet, Pbil'a.
Insores X,!vea on favorable terms, and will issce
folicieson any of the approved plans of insursnce
Assets liable to losses $1,221,-89 71.
Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt
ly Premiums mar be r.si.1 ir-..o- .nnu.illT-
j semi-annuallj or quarterly; ,r one-half in casti,
m note fjti supplement to toe
charter, notes hereafter received will participate
in ail Uividends or Surplot. Scrip eertificater up
to January. lo53, inclusive, are now receivable in
payment of pre-r iums
Agency, at the ofSce of H. B.Pwoor. t ie"'
field, Pa Dr J. G. Ilartswick. Medical Exsmi
Ber August 24, lb4.