s gournal, (gtVctrftcft, a., gcpf ember 23, -1S6S, for the farmer. Gathering fblit.-TLc appearance and value of fruit depend very much upon when and how it is gathered. Peaches should be left on the lives until ful ly ripe, and then fratherd carefully with thumb and finger and at once laid into the basket or box in which they t re to be mar keted. If the bloom is ru'obid off the peach by roufh handling, its beauty of appearance is injured and it will decay much sooner ttian if untouched. Formerly it was supposed that the peach must be gathered before ripe in order to ship it any distance; but prac tical experience has proved that ripe fruit not quite soft, will carry just as well un ripe, and command a much better price. Pears and apples should never be pit-ted from the tree by breaking the stems. Unless the stem will separate freely from the tree.the fruit is not ripe; it will neither eat nor cook good, and is anly fit for those who want a touch of cholery morbus. Ap ples, as soon as gathered n.ay be sent direct to market; but nearly every variety of pear is improved in appearance and quality by keeping in close dark drawers, wrapped in flannel or eofc paper, or packed in bran a ew days. For profit, and inorlcrto obtain the highest price, all fruit pays to be assorted into two or more grades. A few scattering large berries, apples or pears.in a quart or a bushel, do not assist in advancing the price ;but if carefully packed by themselves will bring the highest price, and ofien in duce, the dealer to buy the small fruit in order to get the large. Large horses are generally most admired by farmers; but farmers are most admired who pony up. TAME3 MULLEN, with I. P. Chalfant & Co., Auction Jobbers of lltiisery, No-. tions.vt hiteUoods, r.uir.roidcries. ?ents Furnish ing fioods, etc.. No 57 North 't hird afreet. Pbila delphia Orders solicited. Apr 2"2.'rM. EW STOKE AND SAW MILL, AT BALI) HILLS, Clearlield county. The undersigned, having opened a large and well selected stuck of good, at bald llillf. Clear field county, respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Their atock embrace Pry Goods. Groceries. Hard ware. Queensware.Tin-wa re, Hoots and Hhoes, Hate and Caps, steady made Clothing, and a gen cral assortment ot Notion, ete. They always keep on hnnd the beet quality of Vl... 1 - : . c i.. i i w i , i. u m t ai t -1 j , i ecu. All goods said cheap fur eash, or exchanged for approvea country proauce. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are predated to aaw all kinds of lumber to order. Orders solicited, and punctually filled. Soy. 20, tSri7. F. B. A A. IRWIN .II 01 THIS WAY!! NEW STOKE IN MADERA! James Forest i Sox, would respectfully in form the public, that tbey bave just opei ed. in Madera. Clearfield county, Pa , an entire new atock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Their stock consists of Alpacas. De laines. Prints and Muslins, of nil varieties : Cus- timeres, Satinets and Flannels, too numerous to mention; Retdv-made clothing of the best qual ity; Hoots and Shoes of the very best makes; a complete stock ot t.roceriea. Jt-i In short, every thing us :ally kept in a country store. Cousumers! Look to your ii tcregis. Call and examine our stocK and prires before purchasing elsewhere. Lumber aud grain of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. Remeiuherthe place; Mtdera.f'leiirfieldcn.inty. Oct. 30, '67. JAMLS FOUUEST A .-OX. JJ BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. One door East ol the Clearfield House, Keeps on hand a full assortment of fients' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts (linen and woolen, ruaersntrt. I'rawersana .-orits;.eck-ties. Pock et Handkerchiefs, (I loves. Umbrellas. Hats, ete , la. great variety, ot piece gouds he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades) Black Doe-Skin Oassi meres of the licst make, Fancy Oassimeres, in great variety. Also. French Coatings; Beaver. Pilot. Chin-hilla, ot Tricott Over-coating, all of which will be aul J cheap for cash, and made np according to the latest styles, hv experienced workmen. Also agent for Clearfield county, for I. M . Singer A C' Sewing Machines. November I In5' a O M E THIN G N E W IN ANSON VII.I.E, . ., -" Clearfield county, l'etin'a. The undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and commodious store room. ia now engaged in titling it dp w-tb a new nnd select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which he offers to the publie at prices to suit the times II is stick of Mens and hoys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from (10 to Silt for a whole suit. Flour. Salt.an.1 tiro eeries. of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a bearv stork ; Hoots and Shoes. Hats and Ca s in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy Roods, together with an endless assortment of ootiors too tedious to enumerate, always on hand and Mr sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard and other goods ia proporilon Now is the lime to hnv Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will nor be refused for anv article in store Examine my stock be fore you bnv elsewhere. October So. I S47 11 SWAV FIRST FKCM.'jr.l A J Of at Siircr t,sIal w.i xv- xi-CKtt to - MRSnrS I.'.".!.. tiCTCSATIVE M i air, Bu.ucs in Njahu-, S.'L S., ltsiti . Vcent!eTlIi5 iterative -H(i.-rn to it, --l Onfc-r. r-o- I ;-n.i, . f i,., i..,ri T':a,i.n IU A:' " .'. ",s -J tJ ' 't ' -VV i,.?-V-' ' UH-, . .r ... 1 a U'-:.-;'n ttn is-inrkvi-, h.r. IT J" .' ' ' i--l . rl r.ii- . . Ni '"--o--- II Jk V7 O v J. R. BARRETT C CO.. Proprictora, MAvrjiFSTra. v. a. ' Sold by Hartsaick Irwin. Clearfield A I 8b... Clearfield ; J It. Ir.iocur..,,. aldealera m PatetqMediineslap l.S-m CURRANTSthe best and cheapest in the eonnty, at UK A It A SI'S D ESSI.-ATEDCOCOANUTS.rorpk-s puddings eto , for sale at WKAH AM S CANNED FRUITS-all kinds, warranted good and fresh, at UKA li a M S. B OOTS i S1I0ES the cheapest in the eonn'y ' M MuSSOP S. FEED the cheapest in the county, at CLOTIUXa-the cheapest in the county , - MV MUSSt.PS. LADIES' CLOAKS the ebeapestin the county. V MOSSOP'S. FL0J'R"h?,hc,p"t ln ,he !,y at PLATFRthe cheapest in the eonnty at May 29 '67. ilOSSOP S. JAS. M. GBAHAM. : E. W. CRAHA. : A. A. OKABAJI. N E W F IRJI! JAS. B. GRAHAM & SOXS, WU0IE5ALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS in all kinds of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,Notiens,Groeeries, Hard ware, Queensware, Wood and Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt, etc., etc., etc., MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. The Largest, Best and Cheapest stock of goodi to be found in the county is now on sale at JAS. B. GRAHAM & SOXS. fOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets, Silks Coburga, Alpacas, Merinos. Wool Delaines. Lustres, Ging hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sun shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and other Gloves. II oriery Balmo rals, Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bons trimmings, Buttcns, Braids, eto., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cloths Clack and Fancy Ca&iuieres.Sattinetts, Tweeds, Mel tons, Wster proof Cloth. Silk, Satin and common Vesting, etc., in great variety, and at prices that will give general iti.-fuction to buyers. READY MADE, uch as 0vereoald,Drc9a coats of various quiil itietf and prices Plain and Fancy Yeats, C as i mere anJ Flannel Overhirta, Woolen and Cotter untlercbirta, Handkerchief.' and neck tics, Cottenand Woo leu socks, Calf and Kip boots and Shoo, Uuui Boots and Shoes. Hate and Caps, and such other articles as are umaliy needed. household cioods, Among which may be found Carpeti.Oil cloths, Kugs, Brown Mumius, llieached -Muslins, Llrilliugs. Pillow ca.-ing. Sheetings, Towelings, Table cloths, Table covers, Window Blinda, Cur ' tains, Tii-Kii.gs and a very large assortment of such articles as are wauted by housekeepers, and at prices to suit the times. QUEENSWARE, A tall assortment, consisting of Tea and Din ner sets, Pitchers, Howls. Dishes, and a general variety of waro that will bo sold by the doxeu or piece, a nd as cheap as it can be purchased elsewhere in the county. HARDWARE, Such as Saws and Files, Door Locks and Latch es, Hinges of all kinds, Augurs. Screws, Naiis, .SpiKcs. TacKs, Brads, t-hovels, pades.ll jes. Forks, Axes. Hatch eus.Chisels.Kiiivesaud Forks, Catcher Knives, Carving Knives and forks, and all articles usually wanted by the people. GROCERIES, ETC., Consisting of Sugars. Coffees, Teas. Spices, Syrups.Dried Fruits, fheese Flour, Bacon, Feed, etc., alwaya on haul and for tale at a small advance on cost. WOOD & WILLOW WARE, Suoh as Tubs, Buckets aud Churns, Clothes wringers and Wash boards. Clothes. Mar ket and Dinner Baskets.a general as sortment, at all times, in store and for sale low. IN FACT, GUAHAM A SOXS sell all articles that are usually kept in a well-regulated country store, and hence the people generally wiil find it to their advantage to buj goods of them. SAWED LUMBER. We are also extensively engaged in buying and selling ail kiids of Sawed Lumber, and as we intend giving this branch of business special attention, we feel assured that wecan make ' it to" the advantage of those whohavelumberforsaletoacal with ne. Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber. GOODS ARRIVING DAILY Grain and country produce tan en ia exchange for Goods. Arc. 23, IsSS. CCBWEXSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. SJ. HAYES, St UGEON Dentist; OiTn-e on Tliouipwjn street, Curwensville, l'a. Teeth extracted by the application of local in-ie-!heia, and all kinds modern dental work done. May 13. IHijS-y. T S. COLE would infonu his ol.l eus towers, and the public generally, that be still continues to manufacture BOOTS AND HD'ES of the very best French Calt and Kip. at the lowest prices fur cash or approved country produce, lie also n:Ke all kindsof heavy hoots. All work warranted, and perfect satisfaction giv en. Opposite Draucker's Hotel, Curwensville. Pa. July 1-J lftW-ly. p LKA II FI KLD JS' V 11$ Eli V. Excoi r- ace Home Industry. The undersign ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike, half way between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnifh all kindsof Frui trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen-. Shrub bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry. Lawtrn Black berry. Strawberry and Kaspbeiry vines. Also SibrianCrab trees. Quince and early SearlctRhen barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended 'o. Address AugSl.lSSt J. D VVRItillT, Curwensville. CUSQUE II A N X A HOUSE. Curwensville, l'a. EXPRESS AXD STAGE OFFICE. This well known Hotel, having been re-fitted arid re-furuirhed throughout, is now open for the accommodation of travelers, and the public in general. Charges moderate. Wil. M. JEFFRIES, August I t, lSG7-tf. Proprietor. E W F I II 31 ! llartsock & Goodwin, One door East of Benjamin Bloom's Hotel, Ci rwks vii.le, Pa. Having just received a full and well selected assortment of Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Clothing. Notions. Hats. Caps, Boots. Shoes, Drugs Hard ware. Queensware. Tinware, ledar and Willow ware. Brotms, Groceries. Flour. Fish, Salt, etc.. to which they ask the attention of the public. Our ass rtment is complete in every department, and our prices are moderate, as will be found upon examination by purchasers. Goods will be sold cheap for cash, orexchanged for country produce. 1NIEL II AH1S0CK, Feb. 12 loflS. ED GOODWIN. L W AYS IS E W, WITHOUT FAIL. J O II X I It V I NT, (las just received and opened at the eld stand in Curwensville. an entire new stock of Fall nnd Winter Goods which he will sell very cheap for cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Uoots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Heady made ClotliitiL', etc. The public generally is respocfully Irvite l to give him a call : see his st, irk and hear bisprtci-s. and purchase from him if you find it will be to your advantage. Xov. id, IHKtl A TTENTIOX! BUYEIiS!! HIPPLE Ss FAUST DEALERS IX FOKEIGX AND DOMESTIC DKT-GOOCS, C MAIS STKKET, CCBWEX8 VILLK, PA., Having just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to which tbey desire to invite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry Goode. Groceries. Hard ware. Queensware, Tinware. Boots. Shoes, HaU and Caps, Clothing. Notions, etc., in great variety, which they now offer at prices for eah to suit the times Thoj also deal in Grain, Pork. Shingles. Boards, and other lumber, which will be received at the highest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a call Remember you can find us at the old stund un Main Street where we are prepared to accomo date customers with anything in ear line of business. Sept. 6. 1365. HIPPLE A FAUST. g 0 M E T II I N G N E W IN Cl'KWE.SVILLE. DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS!!! The undersigned would respectfully announce to tbe public that he has opened a Drug Store, in the room recently fitted up in the house of George Kittli-barger. on Main street. Curwensville. Pa., one door West of Hippie A Faust's store, where he intends to keep a general assortment of Drugs. Medicines. Oils, l'aints, Dye-Siuffs. Patent Medicines, Per finitely. Toilet Goods, t'onfectio'iaiies, Spiees, Canned Emit. Tobacco atnl Cijrars, Books, Stationery, Pencils, Pens, Inks, ami a pencral variety of Notions ; Barrett's Hair Restorative, Glass, Putty, etc., etc., ete. The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt in Curwensville. and us that, want is now supplied, the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual ity, which he will dispose of at roasonabln prices Call and examine the goods which cannot fail topleae IK WIN A 110NTELIUS. November 8, l?S5.-July S.'CS. ' N E W SPUING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT KIRK & SPENCERS, Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform oieir customers, and the public in general, that tney nave just received their Spring stock of goous. consisting or Dry Goods. Groceries. Boots, shoes. Hats. Caps. Fish, Salt. Flour, Bacon. Nails Paints. Oils. Stunenare. Hardware. Oiimihiu. Baskets. Tubs. Churns. Carpet. Oil cloth, and a general variety of such articles as are usually niuuir, more, all Ot WD1CU tney Will Sell CHRAP ITOH CASH. They wenld also direct attention to their large sto-k of Ready-made Clotning. which they offer lor saie at a small advance upon cost. , , KIRK & SPENCER. Lumber City. Ta ,My 8, lst7. N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con sianuy Keep on hand general assortment of uuou ana 5noes, lor men. women and children. KIRK A SPENCER. AN OTHER BIG "FLOP! ww. p. johnsov. : : : . : J. n. BA1LET Some two months ago it was formally annt uuced that Pennville was -Ki;ht side ud " Recent evei.t? bave proven the announcement piemature. Another "Hop" recent'y occurred, and chief amine the improved, "interesting, and uporiani pnas es prcs euted, is the one cortrav in TBS XKW, LASU.E, ASD Co oDlOl'.l tTl.KK nttisE, or JOHNSON & BAILEY " i i . i i ' u i u i u mm inn i- n iti. larsrK aht ,arrfttlln Xrlrrterl Mori nf ,..-..l,r- znoit i rre.arer variety, and ot better Quality thau bave neretofure been offered in tl list ltinn of the county Call at tbe New Store ana you win ana : Dry Goods m l Grror?t, Hats, Caps. Boots and Shoes, Hard-ware. Queens ware, Hollow- ware, ood anl Miine-ware. Drns. Oils Paints and Yarnihe, Glass. Putty, Read- itidd Clothing, Clocks, Conteetionarv. Cliei-s. Flour. risn. and t rnvistons generally. Our stock of Hardware vtll hrir nuttrtum. as it in full and .f ids "ri quality our stock ot Boots and Shoes is unequalled in qnality and low prices. To the ladies we would savwe intend to mok the No ion and Dress department worthy their patronage Articles not on hand will be specially ordered, to suit our customers Tbestriking feature in tbe"F!on." and the one we would keep before 'he neorle is. thk vest iw prices at wmcn we ibe stLLiNO. The pub lic are invited to rite as a call Brino An TtiDP Produce vonr Bnitrds Shin. I.. ,.L. Butter, hggs. Dried Apples I!es. Ac. Our motto! ( W I- . 1. . ft. T ,11. v ...... . . . . . ' PenoyUle, August 2S, !Sd7. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The First Session of the next .S.-hoIastie year of this Institution, will commence on lion day, the 7th day of September. 18S Pupils can enter at at.y time. They will be charged with tuition front the time they enter to the close of tbe session Tbe course of instruction enibrsees everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of much experience in his pr fession. assures pa rents and guardians that bis entire aldlity and euergics will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms op Tcitiom: Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmttic, per session, (II weeks.) S3 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histo tj "" Algebra,Genmetry, Trigonometry. Mensuration. Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology. Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. $i).10 Latin. Greek and French, with any of the a bove braucbes: - H 2.011 fpXo deduction will be made for absence For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L. HARRISON July 31.18C.7. Principal. a. L. BEF.n. J r.WKAVKK W. TOWELL, o. P. HOOP J. JUNES. W.W.BETTS NOTICE. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP. WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inTorra the citizens of the county that they bave completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improved WOOD "WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, such as Flooring, WcatlierLoarJing, Sasli, Doors, Bliruls, Brackets, ami Moldings, of till kiiuls. They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand, and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-half inch panncl plank preferred Nov 6. '67. NEW HARDWARE S T 0 It E, rillLIPSBUnO, CENTRE CO. , PA. Geo, II. Zeiglcr & Co., HEALF.r.S IX Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Vood and Willow ware, Tin ware, Stoves, Oils, Taints, Glas, Iron, Nails, etc., etc., etc. The attention of Mechanics. Builders. Fanners Lumbermen aud Buyers generally, is invited to the fact that we are now offering a bet.'er assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of tbe ata vat prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises a general assort ment of Tools and Matcriuls used by Carpenters. Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers, Join ers, ic, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery and Harness material a good assortment ; Ropes Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross-cut Saws; Enameled, Finished, and Plain Hollow ware in great variet ; Cables. Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selection of Fine Cutleiy," Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors, shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar ticics. Also, dessert, tea and table spoons, and plated forks, in great variety.and of the best man ufacture. Also. Brittania and silver-plated ware Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be fiund buck ets of every site, tin-cups, oil cms. sprinkling cans. dusting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart and pint nicajuras, and many other articles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everbody Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows. Vices. sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron, nail rods- etc ; and with cast., shear, spring and blister tteeb, from the best manufacturers in tbe L'nited States, or of foreign manufacture. Carpenters i J Tl . 1 , .... .. .... .iiiu iuuuers win nnd in our establishment a superior and complete stock of Planes. Saws. Augurs, Hatchets, H.'ainiers, File. Chisels. Ilinees, Screws, Locks. Bolts. Pulley. Sash. Cord". Ac. Farmers Will find CAerything in their line, apd cheaper than elsewhere in this section of the State coin prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex eusive " stock of wood and coal Stoves. Comprising Spear's justly celebrated Anti dust cook and parfor stoves of ail sises ; AI.'o. The Ni agara cook. Parlor eook. Brilliant, Dawn, lew drop, Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. All of the above goods will be sold cheap for Cash. G. H ZEIGLER A CO. PhHipsburg 0ct.lfiih.1StT.-ly. OIL PAINI; May 29. -the cheapest in the county, MOSSOP'S. 7TII ANNUAL EXHIBITION CLEARFIELD C0LSTV AGRICULTU RAL SOCiETY. Will hr It'll on tlir F,iir firouft, ia tMe Bornuirk of CirirfirJ.t. ',.. on 7 M'v.y, tut l.'iii, ll'i, 1 T !' f October, 1M3. COMKITIEE OF ARHANGEMENT. JOHN M GAllilltY, Chairman. . W. Worrell. Jos li. Ittown, F. Cardcn.E. K. Shirey, R. J. Sbaffuer, l. W. Jurdan. Reuben M Pnerson. T. N Fulton. Jo. Owens. 1 K. Ful lertuu. I ira Ale, ' has. Stewart. Jas W. Irwiu. C L. Barrett. N. L Kohint, James A. Moore. G. G Irwin. W. L Antis, Jas .Mitchell. J L. Leavy. Jos. Larrimer.K. A. Mitchell. Wm. M Cull..ugh.r.. Mrs. G.-R. Barrett. Mrs. S. J. Row, Mrs. G B. Goodlander. Mis. Jvc Fortest. Mrs Berry, Mrs. .1. H. l n.tlly. Mrs. I'r. Ilurchtield, Mrs C. U. U'atsuii. Mrs. J. H Fulford, Mrs U F Etsweiler Miss Mary A Irwin. Mirs Fannie Jordan. Miss Elixa .Mitchell. Mi.-s lixa head. Mrs. G W Sny der. Mrs latiiel Stewart. Miss Heuriutta Peters, Mrs Kobert Flegal.Mrs. R II. J-huw. Miss Amelia Larrimer.Mrs Matthew Read, lrs J. 15 Shaw. COSIKITTEE AT LAKGE. G. I). GOODFELLOW, Chairman. George Guelich.Wm.T Wilson Win T.Seliry ver. Abraham G lloyt. Zenas J. gden. Isaac Hloi.ui.l'.ol.crt Porter is K lapiels.Pkilip lleiey II. G. bllfrller. W. L.Shaw. I. I Irwm, D. T.uck, Tbos. McPberson. Mis Jane Hoover. Mts Jenme H..l.i-on. Mrs A. A Read. Miss M livin, Miss Masrgie Head Miss Mary E. Flegal. Mrs. Joseph Owens. Miss Mary A. Risbel, Miss Ada Robbius, T. J. creamer. Marshal Z. C. M CUl.LOi G II. Ciiiek vr Police William L. Kisbcl. G.te KKt.'t:rs George W. Carter, John C. Read, Theodore i, Peoples. E TILES AND REGCLA1I0NS. Family Tickets, : : : : Single Tickets during Fair, Sicule Admission lickets. SI 00 : 60 : 2i Children under 10 years old. when accompanied by their par nts or guardiaus. fiee. Children under lo years of age not admitted unless accoinpaniod by their parents Checks will begiven at the door to persons de siring to pa-s out during exhibition, but will not admit tbe holder to any other exhibitiou each half day counting mi exhibition. Every person wit-iiiug to be enrolled ns a mem ber of this Society iiiu.tt apply on or before the fint day of tbe fair, and on tbe payment of one dollar to the Tucasi'rcr shall receive a certificate of membership containing the name of the appli cant and endorsed by tbe Secretary. Every person oecoining a iueuiier asabove sta ted shall, on the prerentationif his certificate, receive a ticket which witladuiit bini free duriug the fair. Any person complying with the above regulations and paying $111. shall become a life member, and shali be exempt front ail contribu tions, and shall annualiy receive from the Secre tary a free family ticker. All persons must be provided with tickets, which can be had from the Executive t'oinmitiee. Treasurer, or Secretary, or at the tiffi(e ou tbe ground. Persoi.s acting as judges a-e expected to become members uf the Society . I'eisous from other counties can become member by complying with the above ruies. Ladies can become uicui beis by making application as a'tove. aud paying into the Treasury tiiiy cents when they will re ceive a ticket to admit thetu free. Exhibitors must becouic members of the Soci ety and have their animals aud articles entered on the Secretary's books on or before the first day of the Fair; and all Hiiitii'ils ai.d articles, except horses for p:ca.-ure. and for the trotting prises must be brought within the enclosure as early as Wednesday, at 3 o'clo.i't, P M.. and all per eons entering animals and articles for exhibition uiu?t procure cult's from the Secte;ary with the cla. aud number of entry cf said urtijles. pre vious to placing suiil articleson the ground. Hay and straw wiil belutnished gratis for ail triiiiiiis entered f ir premium, atid rain will be furnish ed at cost for tho-e thai ilerirc tu purt-base. No horse shall be entere-i or allowed a premi um uolecti be is free from disease Jlorse3 will b? received ui til Wednesday nooa. hut must bo en tered previously. All persons who intend to ex hibit horse . cattle. frheep, or i-wine or who intend to offi.-r stock or any other article for sale should notify tbe Secretary of such intention oa or be fore the 1st of October and have with him a list and full description ot the same. The number and class, and the number in tbe class, with the name of the article will appear on tne cartl attached ; but the name of the exhibit or will not appear. Premiums and diplomas will be paid on and after the first Monday after the Fair, and until the 1st day of Iecember.lSt'.S. after which all mon ey premiums unclaimed will be considered as a donation to the Society. The otfiuars of tbe So ciety and members cf the Committee of Arrange ments must wear badge designating their office, and it will be iheir duty as well as pleasure to al ien I to the expressed wishes and wants of exhib itors and others if it is in their power so to do. A select police force will i-e in constant atter.d ance for the preservation of order and protection of profterty. Tbe trotting course is level, well graded, and one-third of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange inents will be made for the convenience of vis itors. IssTurcTKixs to JincRs No animal to receive an award in more than one class. Judges are expres-ly required not to award pre miums to ovcr-kd animals. . No premiums arc to be awarded to bulls, cows. or beiffers. which shall appear to bave keen fattened, owy in tbe ctas of fat cattle, the object of the Soeiety be in,' to have superior animals ot this description for breeding. Kat Cattle The judges on tat entile wil I give particular attention to tbe animals submitted for examination. It is believed all other things he ing equal those are the best cattle that have the it i ea test weight over the smallest superficies The judges nill require all in this class to be weighed and will take measures to give the superficies of eaeo.aiifl puotisn the result with their reports. They will alto, before swarding any premiums, require the manner and cost of feeding, as re quired by th regulations of the premium list. If there is but one exhibitor, and he may show several animals in one class, premiums will be awarded in accordance to the merits of theanimal. The superintendent will take every precaution in his power, for tbe safety of stock and at tides on exhibition after their arrival, and arrange ment on the giounds. but will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur The So ciety desires exhibitors to give personal attention toiheir animals and articles and at the close of the fair to attend to their removal as the Society cannot take further ear of them ki-LES hp Plow ixo. 'J be name cf the plowman must be given as well as the kind of plow to be used, at the time of entry. 1 he quantity of ground to be plowed by each team be J acre. The time allowed to do the work will be three houis J he furrow slice in all cases to be lapped. The tanis to start ft the same time and each plowman to do his without a driver or other assist- ance. The premiums offered by the Society will he awarded to the individual, who. in the judgment ot the committee. sha:l do their work in the best manner, provided the work is done in ibe time allowed for its performance. i.acn plowi inn to strike hi own land, and nlow entirely independent of tbe adjoininz land Within theone fourth of an acre plowed each nlow man will be required to strike two back furrowed anus ana nmsQ with tbe dead furrow in the middle. Any info; mation required in retrard to matters of the Society ertn be gained by aodresitng the Executive Cominitte or the Secretary, who will be pleased to give any information in their pow er at unv tune Any article not enumerated in the above class esand placed on exhibition, if worthy of notice, l'l ae suitably awarded Tbe Executive Committee reserve a discretion ary power to award diplomas in any case for 2d best articles, or forarticles not entitled to nremi- uins by the roles A If arttclt-s insy he entered free of charge, ex cepting horses for pleasure, and for the trottiiig ptemtums. LIST OF PKEMIfMS. Claxs 1 fter''ldfi. o)h tu til hrreds anti rompttitors. Best bull, SIS; 2d best. $19; 3.1 best. $5 Best cow, 12; 2d best, 10; 3d best. 4 All breeds corne together in thiselassand com pete with each other to bejud-e t by their good poii.ts. sytt uie'rv of frame, ability to fatten, and the strck they will produce Cla. 2 (Vn- eatttr orrHA-l in coffHty. Uest cow for mi Ik. f 1 H ; 21 best. S3 ; ::d -est S5 Itest heifer. 2 years old, 8 ; 2d best. st heifer. 3 vears old. 8 : 2d best, Best calf coder 8 months old, i. Clux 3 Osfn. Eeft yoke oi ox--n. 10 ; 2.1 best. S3; "i Let, S2 (7rut 4 Fut i 'liHle. Best fat bollock, row or heifer. SIO; 2d best. S3 f'o-ts bTliaroitplilrti hanr , ia a!l. Best stallion, any breed. SIS! ?l )..t ln Best mare uui colt, any bleed, 10; 2d best, 8 I Clans 67Zidius. Draft and Farm Uorirs. Best saddle horse. 3 00 ; 2d best, $2 00 Best single family horse. 3 4t0 Best matched carriage horses. 3 00 Bert gelding or mare tor work, 5 Hi) Best span of draught horses or mares, 5 00 Second best. 2 l;0 The exhibitor is required te produce a state ment of at least three responsible neighbors is to working qualities of draught horses for premiums in til. class. Best colt.nnder 2 yearsold, 4 Ot) ; 2d best 2 00 Best 2 year old colt, 5 OH ; 2d best. 3 I'd Hest 3 year old colt. 6 0"; 2J best. 4 00 The horse that mves the heaviest load on the stone boat, according to bis weight, without . a whip, Youatt on the horse aud 7 00 t'ilM 7 Trotting horvt. aJf Best time. 3 in b. trotting in single harness Si 00 no No premium will be pnid in this class uuless there are ten entries of $j 00 each. Each horse to trot against time (J I am sj SwespAtoX-e oprn to all Pacing i harnf. best 2 in 3. mile heats, against time. SI00 00 No premium will be awarded in this class unless there are six entries Entrance fee i 15. Cass 9 Trotting iu xingh ftarnrxa, for horft owned tn thr routtit at hat fifltea day if fore the Fair. Best 3 in 5, mile heats, against time, S50 f-0 No premium awarded in this class unless there are eight entries. En'rance fee 55. The borse winning the premium in class 7, cannot compete for the premium in this class. Cta.sn 10 Trotting hnre owned and ratsetl iu the eoiinti. Best 2 in 3. on lime, in hnrne". 530 0(1 No premium awarded in this class unless there are five horses entered to compete for the same, r ntrance free. Best trotting horse or mare under saddie, S3 00 Second hest. 2 00 Best trotting horse or mare in single harness. 3 00 Second best. S mi Best walking bnrse or mare. $5 ; 2d best, 2 50 Clattl 1 1 Trotting roltn, raised iu the rottnty, not erreerttiis 4 years ota .open to alt. Best 2 in 3. against time. 20 00 There must be ut least three entries in order to compete for this premium. Entrance free. Clus 12 Sheep and Wool. Best buck, any breed, 5 ; 2d best, S3 OS Best ee. any breed. 4 00 Best sheep, fattened for mutton. 3 00 Best lamb. 2 ; best fleece of wool. 50 Cttisn 13 Stcine, open to all. Best boar.any breed, Yonng Farmer's Manual i S- Best breeding sow. ariy breed. f 5 Second best, Agriculturist for one year. Best bog. S3; 2d best S3 Best pig. under 6 mu's old. Agriculturist 1 year Chi li Poultry. Best eoop sprirg chickens not less than six. Beamont's American Poultry Book A- 50 Best 2 heaviest turkeys. - A- 50. best display of chickens, gl I0 (Tltiss. 15 Plaintiff. The man that plows green sward the best, S20 00 Class 16 Plows, Rollers. Drills. Harrows and Cultivators. Best plow for stubble or sward. SI 00 Hot sub-oil plow, Hariy's Fruit Garden If 2 tut ISest clod crusher and roller combined. 4 00 Lest grain drill. Hiscretiuiiarv Premium Best threshing machine, Hisrretiouary Premium. l.est cum piuuter. Discretionary Premium l!e-t noise r.ike. Itiscittiouarv Premium best bay pitching machine, I'isciet'ry Premium, best stalk and straw cutter, Itiscret'ry Piemium. best horse-power. gun purposes, l'isc'y Premium. Best original invention or agrieu'l implement, Si I. est udeli ill plow, SI; best cultivator. 3 best harrow, 3; best corn shelter, 3 Best fan ring nil", 4; best ox VoKe, 1 All articles enumerated in this elass. not m.id-t in tbe county, but produced upon exhibition, if worthy of it. will be awarded a discretionary pre miuiu by the Kxecutive Committee. Class 17 MtserllanenHs Farming Implements. Best bee hive. Grimley's Mystery of Bee Keeping best i dx. band rakes,SI ; Best grain cri-dle SI HO Best stump machine, 5; Best potato uigger. 50 Best lot garden tools. oo Lest disp'y fainting utensilsowned by farmer 8 OU All articles vuutnera led in this class are subject v lull Mluc IU.(I B, VMMW I O. Class 13 H'Aftrf, Vpe. Corn, Barley, Oats.lfe. best acre of wiuter wheat, Best busbe! of wiuter wheal, Best bushel of rye, Best acre of rye. S3 ; Best hu'h S10 4 3 3 . corn ears, test acre ot oats. 4 ; re-u bush Best acre buckwheat 4 ; 2d hest -' potatoes, best acre clover seed. 3 ; 3d be.-t Best i ae. broom corn, 2 ; Best f acre peas. Best 1 ac raabagas, I; Best i acre sorghum Best acre turnips, 2; lies! bub el turnips, Best acre corn. 8 ; Best acre carrots, Best half ' u.-hel timothy seed. Crops being equal, preference will bt cirrn to those thai yield the largest net profit Statements to be furnished by the exhibitors. They must be measured, or weighed and a sample turiii.-btd at me inir Applicants lor premiums must furnish tne committee with a statement signed by them selves, under plc'ge of veracity, of the quantity of grain raised on Ibe grouud entered for a Dre- miuiu, and must state as correctly as he can the kind and condition of the previouscrons.the kind and quantity of seed sown. and the time and mode of putting it in the ground. Persons entering field crops for exhibition, or menu tug to hum. may give notice to Ibe execu tive committee at any trnie. and have the lift. I measured and examined by the committee while growing. Claiu U liread and Cereal Food. Rest loaf of wheat bread, Biplnma and 50 cents uesi loai oi rye oread. lMploina and 50 cents I'iploma and 50 cent Best loaf of corn bread, iest sponge cake, Best jelly cake, best bachelor's cake, best pie. any k ind. l'tploinaaud 50 cents lMpioma and Ml cents Itiplouia and 50 cents 50 cents best preserves and jelly. liplnma and 50 cents Best di-play jclljJJ- preserves, Uiploma and 50 cts Best pound cake, Iiploma and 50 cents best fruit cake. Diploma and 50 cents best coffee cake." -, Diploma, and 50 eeuts Best Lady's cuke. Diploma and AO cnts best take. Diploma Best jelly. Diploma Lest icecream. Diploma Claxx 20 Butter and Cheese. Best five pounds or more, of butter, Best ten pounds of firkin butter, Best cheese, made by exhibitor, Cla2 Flour. Best fifty pounds w beat Hour, best fif y pounds, rye flour. best fifty pounds sprit g wheat flour, Best fifty pounds corn meal. Best twenty pounds buckwheat finnr. Class '22I)o)iirstic Articles. Best box or jar of honey. S3 00 5 00 1 00 SI 00 2 CO 1 00 1 00 2 00 SI 2 Dip or Dip or Dip or Dip or Dsp or Best 10 pounds of maple sugar, best peaches put up airtight, best tomatoes nut un air tiirhr best black berries put up air tight, best currants put up air tight, Best fancy jar of pickles. Best gal. syrup or sorgbum. or each. Best cured ham (cooked) wiib mode of curinz. I Din or Best dried beef with mode of curing. Dip or Claxx '2?, Domestic Manujacturex. isest Hi yards flinnel. Best 10 yards sattinet. S2 00 2 00 2 0 2 uo best 15 yards woolen carpet, best 10 yards cloth, best 15 yards rag carpet woolen chain, Best pair woolen blankets, best woolen verlet. Best wool fringed mils. ip ntl best air knit woolen stockings. Dip and Lest spec n knotting.knittiiig or nee- die work. by Miss under 1 1 yis old. Pip and Hest pound linen sewing thiead. Dip and l.est po ind stocking yarn. Dip and best font mat. one: Tit ti,l 1 he premiums in this class are intended only Tor artioUs manufactured in the eounty OniXre,lte, SI, 11, Wax Work. etc. Best specimen needle work. Dip and 50 best speeimcu needle work, machine. Dip and tO Best specimen flowers in worsted. Dip and .i0 best specimen embroidery in worsted. Dip and 50 best specimen embroidery in Ince. Diianl 50 lies! specimen embroidery in muslin. Dip and 50 Lest M'O iuien f leather work, Dip and 50 Best specimen of wax flowets. Dip -nd .tl Best siecimen of feather work. Dip and 50 Best specimen .f ornamental work. Dip and 5C Best shirt made by Miss irnder 12yrs, Dip and 50 beat patebing or mending, Jip aD(j 60 Class 25 Millinery aud Dress Milin-. ' Best milinery, S3: Best il,u. m.t :T ' - SO tin 26 Artistic Work. r a i j-est aaguerreorypes taken on tbe ground best amhroty p.s taken on the ground. ' Best photographs taKen on the ground, Best lanrcape painting, Best penmanship, litst architectural drawing. Best paintiug in oil. Beit portrait painting, Best cjittle painting. Best painting in water colors, Le3t ornamental painting of any Kind, Dip Dtp - Dip SI on Dip .3 Oil 2 00 2 1)0 2 00 1 00 1 60 Clans 27 Designs. Best design for farm house, barn, carriage boose and stable. Sloan sOrniunental Houses d- Si n Best design for dairy bouse. Manual of the Home Best design for ioe bouse. j best design for fruit house, a Best design for bridge, with plan, span not less than 2.'0 feet, j ga Class 2JMrt,Jic Falfies and Machinery tti conKing stove, wood or coal, $3 ( Second best. Jl Third best. Best parlor stove, S2; Best cast iron fence. Second best, I ; Second best Best specimnn or lot of tinware, . Second best Dip and Best specimen blacxsm'thing. Best specimen guusuiithing, best specimen iron-turning. Dip 3 UO Dip 2 4M 50 2 00 2 00 2 C(f I.PII pmie cmiu;. lesi SO OWer bsth.l 00 Best original invention in county. j qq Best display of table and pocket cutlery, A- merican niannfaetore, Best display of edge tools. i Best display of farming am! field tools, 1 my Tbe ahnvt premiums are offered for articles man ufactured in tbe county Diplomas may be award ed for any bf tbe above articles on exhibition, without regard to their place of manufacture. Chits 29 Vehicles of all kind". Best family carriage, SI; Best timber sled, Best buggy. 4 ; Best horse cart, l Best farm wagon, 4 ; Best wheelbarrow. I Best sleigh. 2 ; The premiums la this class are intended only for articles manufactured in the count. Class Z0 Cabinet trare in connft. Best dre.stng bureau. S2 ; Pest set of chairs, Bst extension table, 2; Rest sofa. Best variety of chairs, 2; Best centre table, i . .. . ie ueusieau, ; llrnt Innnge. Best washstand, best looking glass. 50c ; Best ttfice chair, 50c 60r t 00 Dip and 2 00 Best set of parlor furniture. Best display of cabinet-ware. Class 31 Coopering and Carpentering, manufac tured in eoHuty. Best pine ware. tubs, etauds.etc., Dip nnd Si 00 best set i.f grain measures. 2 00 Best window blinds. $3; Best speciniun sash. 00 Best lot baskets, 1 ; Best pane) door, 2 0(T Best lot Dockets, 1; Bt'tfonp, 3 00' Class 32 Roots and Garden VegrtalJet. Best i ba rutabagas 50c; Best 8 hdcabhage.5(ie' Best 1 bu carrots. 50c; Best 2 b'ds calitl 'rs. A0o Best 4 stalks celery. 5Ce; Best variety melons 50 Besl J bu tomatoes. 50e ; Best " squashes. 5e Best i bushel sweet potatoes, 50c Best quart Windsor beans, 5itj Best i bushel table beets. 50c It most be shon that all vegetables bave been raised by tbe exhibitor. Class 33 Curriers Strddlers and Shoemakers. Best gents' bunts and shoes, Best lauys boots and shoes. Best display of boots and shoes, Best ladys riding saddle. Best riding bridle and martingale, best side finished harness leather, Best robe made by exhibitor. S2 00 1 no 2 0I 2 uO 1 00 50 I oo Best carriage harness, S3; Rest tug harness. 2 00 Rest single harness. 3; Best gents' saddle. 2 00 best di-pl.iy saddlery. 4; Best Ira v I trunk, I 00 Best side kip leather. 50c; Rest calf skin. 50 Best side sole lo ither,50c ; Besl side upper le'r,50 Class 34 Tailors and Upholsters' wori. Best suit of clothes made by hand, S4 best coal made by aJady, Best pants and vest made by a lady. 1 Best husk mattress, SI ; Best straw mattress, I Best hair matlnas, 2; Class 35 Printing in county. Best newspaper, SI ; Best handbill, ft Best blank. 1 ; Be t card, I Best ornamental printing, Class 35 Stone;, trare. Best assortment and best qu-lity. Si Class S7 Chemicals aud Chemical Action in Co. Best available mar ore at moderate est, SI Rest available manure for farm products. I Host ui'itcrixl for glue.illc ; Best linseed oil, 50o Best tallow caudles. 5c; Best vinegar. 50o Best specimen of soap. 5Ho; Best writing ink, 5tto Class 3S Wood and Stone. Best dressed stone, SI ; Best mill stone, St best grind stone. I; butter Ixiwl. Dip d-50o Besl shingles, not less tban 50, $1 Best turned article. ipa Best floor boards, worked. $1 best washing mi. tine, Best split or shaved hoops, J;p Best butter la I le. Dip Best weather boards, worked, ). CYrjor 39 JTat nral Minerals. Best suit cf useful minerals of Clearfield county. including coal. g2 Best eahiLet of tniuerals of Clearfield and ad joining counties.to be the property of tbe Society, j Best limestone, 50e; Best collection fossils, 1 Best fire el ay. 5ie ; Best burnt lime, 1 Best potter's clay, 5vc; Best coui, 1 CUts id Fruit. Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap ples, summer and winter. Husbandman on A merican Wines and S4 Oil Second best, 2 OH Best display of pears, Cole's American Fruit Book and I 0t Best plums and cherries, Cole's Am Fruit Boos. Best quinces. Best specimen apples, I peek. 1 00 Best spec A m'ioan grapes, Manning's Froit Boos Best natural grapes raised in county and wor thy of culture. jf0 Best domestic wine and mods of manufacture. r'nllsruiran. Pnl........ t MIL - '..ll,I.la,U'l wr best currant wine. Manning's Fruit Book A- 1 no best blacKberrv wine. " s. on. Best gooseberries. Manning's Fruit Book. C 'lass 4 1 llorsem a n sh in. etc To the lady who manages her horse best and sits most irraeefuilv To the gentleman who manages his borse best .is mm grace! oily. Dip Best display uf horsemanship, not less than five eounle. Best driving on the course by a lady. Best company of cavalry. Best company of infantry. Best band with bmu lnrnm..i. Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Dip Best martial br nd, Din ; Best ten singers. Class 42 A'mrserir. Best nursery, containing ik. -r fruits and shrubs cultivated in the most approv ed manner, the applicant to furai written de scription the Varietr ul n ..!. a n Second best, Barry's V'saUtiardaa Class 43 General List. Best display and greatest variety of flowers, Dtp- . o,s,,iay ana greatest variety of plants, Pip Best display of floral ornaments, Dip Best basket boauet. with k.,li. i.i Best hand boquet, Dip Iv Discretionary inninm ;n k. .....t for all articles of merit exhibited by mechanics ia all the various branches and it is hoped a gener a exhibition will be made For all improvements useful to the farmer and baying valuable proper ties diseretionarj premiums may be awarded bw the hxiculive Committee. GEORGE R. BARRETT. Pdes't I. G. Baboer, a. M. Hills, Secretary. Treasurer: EXEC! Vtv CoMMlTTre N.k.. ;.l D ; u v Jordan. L. F. Irwin. A ft T,im J a i n....t Clearfield. July 15. ISfiS, ' pARMKRS will fi,,J lull and compkte s-tiK-k Orass. (;rain and Drier Serf hex. Sickle. Hay and Urain Kiiu. r.. k-.,k Mones. Crumciicks, Ui,-m, ,. d-o.. at the Hard ware More of u. II ZI-'Kji v a en July 15. Ia. . PbU.psbi.rg, Pa. prior to Hi Jul. Isril. served ..... or"""'1 "' k1""fb1' discharged, a bou.ty OBounties and Pensions collected by me for tbuteeniitled to them. WAL'fi-R BARRETT, Att y at Law Ang. loth. 1st -6. Clearfield, Pa. LIFE INSURANCE AT HOME. The Perm Mutual Life Insurance Co . 21 Chestsct Street, Pbiia. Insure Uveson favorable terms, and will issue r-ohcie.on any of the approved plans of insurance Assets liable to losses $1,221,2S9 71. Surplus divided Annnalljr. Losses paid prompt T Premiums may be paid in cash; annnaily. semi-annually or quarterly; ji one-half in essB, and one half in note. By a supplement to tho charter, notes hereafter received will parliei t in all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificates up to Jaaaary, IS53, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of pre-r iums Agency, at the office of II B. Swoope. Clesr field, Pa Dr J. G. Haruwick, Medical Exaioi nw August 24, PJ4. OOLDIEKS- LOUXTIES.-A rw-ent bill ''f: I; l"th Hon-esof O.i.KresH.a.,.1 signed by the President, ffivinz soldi. k. listen ST 2 I 50e