gfcarftefb 10, 18G8. l! I i" t gor the farmer. Sorrel, which is a pest to any fk-lLmay be eradicated by the judicious application of lime or ashe-t The sourinjr principle of sorrel is oxalic acid ; if thU w removed from the noil sorrel cannot grow. Lime or potash unite with the oxalic acid forming oxalate of fiiue or potash. These substan ces are sometimes called sweeteners .)f the soil from their ability to remove acids from it. Sorre'l will never "row on lime soils. Feeding Horses. The Arabs, the most careful of their horses of all people, do most of their horse feedirm at bight They say that feeding in the day time docs not impart bo much vigor and ela.-tieity to t1 e animal as night tmstication does, llieir saying is that "barley at night gJs to the bollock in the morning to the manuie." They afford water to very sparingly during the day time. Prilli.vq Wheat. The advantages of this practice are conspicuous in the wheat fields the present season. The report of the Department of Agriculture for April says, that "in every locality where wheat suffered from freezing, tho drill fields are unscathed, while thoe which were sown broadcast are in a miserable condition. EARLY rising docs not agree with some farmers. We heard one remark that it would be jolly not to get up till the nest day. TAMES MULLEN, with I. lCha! & Co., Auction Jobbers of II it?ry. No tions. While Goods, Ltnbroideries. OenU' Furnish' ing Goods, etc.. No 57 North IbirJ street. Phila delphia Orders solicited. (Apr 22.'S;4. SOMETHING NEW is CLEARFIELD. Carriage and Wagon Shop, Immediately in rer of Machine shop. Tht undersigned would respectfully inform the citisens of Clearfield, and the public in general, that he is prepared to do all kinds of work op carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, sleds. Ac. on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. r ders promptly attended to. WM. -M KN'IUHT. Clearfield. Feb. 7. IHiiti-y. STORE AND SAW MILL. AT BALD HILLS, Clearfield county. The undersigned, having opened a large and well selected stock of Rood-, at BalJ Hill.-. Clear field county, respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Their stock embraces Dry Goods. Groceries. Hard ware. Queens ware.T in-ware. Hoots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, ied v made Clothing, and a gen eral assortment of Notions, etc. They always keep on band the bost quality of x lour, ana a variety ol reed. All goods sold ebean for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. iiaving also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are predared to saw all kinds of lumber to order. Orders solicited, aud punctually filled. Not. 20, l!67. F. B. A A. IRWIN. H O! THIS W A NEW STOKE IN MADERA! Y ! ! James Forest Jt So, would respectfully In form the public, that thej have just opei.ed. in Madera. Clearfield county, Pa , an entire new stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are prepared to sell as cbe.ip as the cheapest. Their stock consists of Alpacas. De laines. Prints and Muslins, of all varieties; Cas simares. Satinets and Flannels, too numerous to mention : Ready made clothing of the best qual ity; Roots and Shoes of the very best. makes; a complete stock of (Irocerie. Ac In short, every thing us i ally kept in a country store. Consumers! I.ooK to your interests. Call and examine our stock and prires before pureha-ing elsewhere. Lumber and grain ol all kinds taken in exchange for gods. Remem berths place; Madera. ClearSeld connty Oct. 30, '67. JAMES Foil REST & SOX. JJ BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. One door East ol the Clearfield House. Keeps on ha-id a full assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen, I'uderahirts. Drawers and Socks;Seck-ties. Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves. I'mhrellas, Hats, etc , in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Best Cloths (of all shades) Black Doe-Skin Cassimeres of the lest make, Fancy Cassimeres, in great variety. Also. French Coatings; Beaver. Pilot. Chinchilla, an i Tricott 'Wer-coating. all of which will be old cheap for cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also ant for Clearfield county, for I M. Singer Ca's Sewing Machines. November 1 Is5' s O M E T II I N G N E W IN AXSONVIM.E. Clearfield county, IVnn'a. The undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large ant! commodious store room, is now engaged in Ailing it ui with a new and elect assortment nf Fall and Winter goods. cMch he offers to the public at prices to suit the times His stick of Mens' and buys' clothing is uru'ual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from S 10 to Si" for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, an I eeries. of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes. Hats an I Caps in great variety : Ladit-s' dress goods, furs, and other fmcy goods together with an end'ess assortment of notions too teliou to enumerate, always on hand and sor sale very cheap. Prints at 10 rents a yard and other goods in pr porilon Now is the time to buy. Country r-rodue- of everv kind, at the hishest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will not be T-fifed for anv article in store. Examine my stock be fore you buv elsewhere. October 3tl.lS.-57 H. SW V Fir.CT FTCMIUM -S vr S".!vcr Slcdal WAS A AbrD TO BASRriT'3 I IAI .1 RZSTCKATIVE A-r't-::; -rl S.i,-. Vc?e!aMe U.t2r Eestoratii lor !t-ir ., r-irind Color, pro- : e-e t.-,. s rf , ,.- r r, ,. ' f T to,.:, to ,i " . 7-" " ' - c-it-s ISc'ril i,j ll-,r --. , .-,.17. . ... . hJi i: ji:-!.-. ii;, it l, V l. -..Mrt J.i 't-ltu n. BA1rrT i CO.. Proprietor,, -v.iritESTr.n, x. jj. by Hartswi,-k Irwin. Clearfield : A T Sold Miv. Clearfir'd : J. II l,,i Curwetisville. and (ap 1 'fis-flu, all dealers in PatentMedicines. CURRANTS the best and cheap,,, in the . GKAH AM S DE.1oIlrATE? C"C''.forpic..Tu.ddiRgt. eto , for sale at ,fK , ., . ...s'' GRAHAM'S. C ANNED FRl'ITS anl frrsb. at -all kinds. warranted good GRAHAM'S. BWT3 A SUOES-the cheapest in the en,T t U(,lWJ '' TEEDthe cheapest in the eoontv. at 1 . Jtossnp's. Mossop'i r ADTES' CLOAKS ij at the cheapest in theronnty MOSsOP'S. FLnM.y" '" U 'h ' . Mnsrp-s. conntv. at MOSSOPS. W. CBABAX. : A. A. GRAHAM. X E W FIRM! JAS. B. GRAILLM & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in all kinds of Drv Goods, Boots anvl Shoes, Hats and C.ips, Notions, Groceries, Hardware,- Quetiisware, Woo I and Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fisli, Salt, etc., etc., etc., MARKET STREET, Clearfield, Pa. The Largest, Best and Cheapest stock of goods to Le foun'l in the county is now on sale at JAS. B. GRAHAM k SONS. FOR THE LADIES They have Ilonncts, Silks Coburgs, Alpacas, Merinos- V ool Delaines. Lustres, Ging hams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns. Sun shades, Handkerchiefs Kid and other t, loves. li osiery. Balmo rals, Hoop-skirts, and a general variety of rib bon?, trimmings, Buttcns. Braids. ec. at the lowest prices. FOR GEXTLEMEX They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fancy Castiiuierus.Sattioetts, Tweeds, Mel tons, Wt-ter proof Cloth. Silk, Satin aud common Vestings. etc., in great variety, and at prices that T-tll give general satisfaction to buyers. READY MADE, Such as Overcoats, Dress coats of various qual ities and prices. Plain and Fancy Vests, Cakimcre and Flannel Overshirts, Woolen and Cottep undershirts. Handkerchiefs and neck tics, Cotton and Woolen socks, Calf and Kip boots and shoes, Gum Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and such other articles as are usually needed. HOUSEHOLD C00DS, Among which may be found Carpcti. Oil cloths, Hugs. Brown Muslins, Bleached Muslins, Drilling, Pillow casing. Sheetings, Toweling, Table cloths. Table covers, Window Blinds, Cur tains, TicKings and a very large assortment of such articles as are wanted by housekeepers, and at prices to fuit the times. QUEEXSAVARE, A lull assortment, consisting of Tea and Din ner sets, Pitchers, Bowls. Dishes, and a genetal variety of ware that wili be sold by the dozen or piece, and as cheap as it can be purchased elscwhero in the county. HARDWARE, Such as Sjwsatid Files. Door Locks and Latch es, Hinges of all hinds, Augurs. Screws, Nails SpiKcs, TacKs. Brads. Shovels, Spadcs.lloes. Forks, Ases. Hatch ets.Chisels Kiiives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Carving Knives and forks, and all articles usually wanted by the people. GROCER IES, ETC., Consign; of Sug.jrs. CcfTeeS. Teas. Spices, Sy rups.Diicd Fruits,' bcese Flour, Racon, Feed, etc , always on hsu : and for lalo at a small advance on cost. WOOD & W ILLO W WARE, Such as Tubs. Buckets and Churns. Clothes wringers and Wash boards. Clothes. Mar ket and Diuter Baskets.a general as sortiniiii, at all times, in store and for sale low. IX FACT, GRAHAM A SONS sell all articles that are usually kept in a well-regulated country store, and hence the people generally will find it to their advantage to kuj goods of them. 1 S AAV ED LUMBER. We are a!-o extensively engaged in buying and selling all kind, of Sawed Lumber, and as we intend girmg this branch of business special attention, we feci assured that wecan make it to the advantage of tfaosewboharelumberforsaletoaeal with us. Orders filled for all kinds of Lumber. GOODS ARRIVIXG DAILY Grain and conntry produce tascn in exchange for Goods. Acs 26.1S6S. " JiS. S. GRAHAM. CCRWESSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. SJ. HAYES, St'RGEON Dkntist; OSee on Thompson street, Curwcnsville. I'a. Teeth extracted by the application of local an aesthesia, and all kinds i-f modern uenia work done. May 13. tsis-y. T S. COLE would inform lifs old ens " toniers, and the public generally, that he still continues to manufacture BOOTS AND sil"ES of the verv best French Calf and Kip. at the lowest prices for cash or approved country produce, lift also u: aKes all mods ot heavy boots. All work warranted, and perfect satisfaction giv en. Opposite Draucker's Hotel, Curwensville Pa. July i;, IsS.S-ly. O LEAH FIELD NL'HSEKY. Excoua- ace Home Ixdlstkv. The uuder-ign- ed having established a .Nursery, on jhe Pike. half way between Curwensviile and L learnetd Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees. (Standard and dwart.) Evergreen -. Shrub bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Black berry. Strawberry and Kaspbeiry vines. Also SibrianCrab trees. Quince and earlv Scarlet Rhtsu- barb. Ac. Orders prompt'v attended o. Address Aug 31.164. J. J. WRIGHT, Curwensviile. C U S Q U E II A X X A HOUSE. Curwensviile, l'a. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This well-known Hotel, bavirg been re-fitted and re-furnished throughout, is now open for the accommodation of travelers, and the public general. Charges moderate. WM. M. JEFFRIES. August 14, lS67-tf. Proprietor. E W F I K M ! Hartsock fc Goodwin, One door East of nenjiimin P!ooma Hotel, CrRWBNSTILLB, Pa. Havinjast receired a full and well selected ft'sartineut of Drv lioo''. UreBS iiood.-. Cloihtnjr Xotioua. Hats. Capf. Boots, boea, Irus Hard ware. Qaeenware. Tinware. Cedar and Willow w.ire, Hrornaf, t.rocenes. Flour. Fish, valt. etc. to which they ask the attention of the public. Our asi rt merit is coin pi ete in every department. and our prices are moderate, as will be found upon examination ny purchasers. ioods will be ioId cheap for )ih. orexchaned Tor country produee. IMMKu 11 AK lsOLJv, Feb. 12. lotiS. EO GOODWIN. A L W AYS N E W WITHOL'T FAIL. J O II X I It VI X, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensviile. an -'iitire new stock of Fall and Winter tJoods. which he will sell very cheap for cash. 111s stoca consists Ot Ity Goods, Groceries, ' Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoe.-, Hats, Caps, Heady made Clothing, ete. The public generally is respcefully Invited tc give turn a call : see hisstock and bear bisnrices. and purchase from biui if jou find it will be to your advantage. iov. ia. iw A TTEXTIOX! BUYERS!! HIPPLE Ss FATJST dealkrs iy FOREIGN A!T3 DOMESTIC DHT-G00DS, &C HAIX STREET, CCHVE.1 S VILLK, Pi., Iiaving just returned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to which they desire to invite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry-floods. Groceries. Hardware. Queensware, Tinware. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Notions, etc., in great variety, which they now offer at prices for cash to suit the times They also deal in Grain, Pork. Shingles. Boards, and other lumber, which will be received at the highest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a call Remember you can find us at the old stand en Main Street where we are prepared to accomo date customers with anything in our line of business. Sept. 6. 1385. filPPLE & FAUST. g O M E T II I X G X E V IN CriUVENSVIIXE. DRUGS! DKCGS!! DRUGS!!! The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that be has opened a l'riig Store, in ihe room recently fitted up in the house of George Kiltlcbargcr. on Main street. Curwensviile. Pa., one door West of Hippie A Faust's store. here he intends to keep a general assortment of DniL's. .Medicines. Oils, l'aints, Dye-Si tiffs. Patent Medicines, Per- fuuieiy. Ttiilet Goods, (.'oiifeetionaiies, Spices, Canned I'ruit, Toliaeto and Cigars, Books, Stationery, Pencils, Pens. Inks, ami a peneral variety of Xotions; Bantu's Hair Restorative, Glass, Putty, etc., etc., etc. The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt in Curwensviile. and as that want is now supplied, ihe undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual ity, which he will dispose of at roasonable prices Call and examine the goods which ennnor fail to pleae. IKWFV A MOXTELICS. Novembers. ISfi5.-July X E V SPRING GOODS, JUST DECEIVED AT KIRK & SPEXCERS, Lumber City, Ta., The undersigned would respectfully inform their customers, and the public in general, that ihey have just received their Spring stock of g.Tnls consisting of Hry Groceries. Boots, -hoes. 'Iats. Caps. Fish, Suit. Floor, Itaeon, Nails. P.iints i! Stoneware. Hardware. Queensware. Baskets. Tubs. Churns Carpet. Oil cloth, and a general variety ot such articles ns are usuailv kept in acountrv tlore. all of which they wiil scM ch hap ron dsn. They weuld also direct attention to. their large stock of Ucady-madc Ciotning. which they oner for sale at a small advance upon cost. KIKK & SPEXCER. Lumber City. Pa . Mav S. loi7. U We also manufacture to order, and con stantly keep on hund a general assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for men. women ami children. KliiK. 4 SPENOEK. X OTHER BIG "FLOP!" wm. p. johxxi)-. : : : : : : j. B. bulet. Some two months ago it was furmallv anncunccd that Pennville was -ttight side up."' " lieccnt events have proven the announcement piemature. Another --Flop'' recently occurred, asa chief among the improved, -interesting, and important'' phases presented, is the one portray ing TilC SEW. LAKUE, ANO COUHoUlurs SlOKE Hoi SE, of JOHXSOX & BAILEY who have just returned from the Eau with a l-irsr aud ,arrlullq trlrttr-4 sXnrt of rioi,a!,lt soa If of greater varit tv. and of better quality th an have heretofore betti offered in this section of the county Call at the -New Store f.ooui... ana you win mm : Iry (ioods and Groceries, Hats, Caps. Boots and Shoos, Hard ware. Queens ware, Hollow ware, Wood and Stone-ware, lnips. Oils, Paints and Vanishes. Glass. Putty, Read' . tade Clothing, Clocks," Confectionary. Cliee-e, Flour, Fish, and Provisions generally. Our stock of Hardware vill h,ar ip""o". s it is full and of the f it uHahtv Our stock of Boots and uos is unrquailed in qnality and low prices. To tbe ladies we would say we intend to make the N. ion and Iress department worthy their patronage Artieles not on hand wilt bespacially ordered, to suit our cuMotners. Thestrikingfeaturc in !he-'F!op." and the one we would keep bfure '.he people is. tiik very low pjure ATWM.-n wic ite sulito. The pub lic are invited to gi.e us a call Bring on vour Pro."uoe vonr Tourd. Sbtrgles. tJrain. Pork, Putter Fees. Dried Arnilrt R n.,. "CHKAfEKTA Kest. J'!tNS0X 4 P.Atl K.V. ' rennvtlle, August 23, lSDr. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The First Session of the, next Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence on Mon day, the 7th day of September. 1SC3 Pupils ean enter at any time. They will be charged with tnition from the time they enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having bad the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies wiil be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms or Tcinox : Orthography, Keading. Writing and Primary Arithmttic, per session. (11 weeks.) $3 flu Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, andHisto ry SO. HO A!gebrA,Geometry. Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Tbysical Geogra phy. i-'i Latin, Greek and French, with any of .the a- bove branches t 512.00 f!rXo dedactionwill be made for absence. For further particulars inquire of Rev. P. L.UAIUIIS.OX. A. at. July31,lS57. Principal. a. l. HF.r.n. 3 T. WEAVER w. row ELL, G. P. HOOP NOTICE. J. JONES. W.W.UfcTTS CLEARFIELD ALL PLANING MILL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP, WEAVER CO., Proprietors. would respectfully inform the citixens of the county that they have completely refilled and supplied their PL.ANIXG MILL, in this Borough with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of busicess, such as Flooring, Woatlicvboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand and will pay cash for clear stutt", one-and-a-hal inch pnnnel plank preferred Nov 6. '67 NEW HARDWARE STORE, rniLirsBCRG, centre co. , pa. Geo. II. Zeigler & Co., DEALERS IX Foreign and Domestic Hardware,' Cutlery, Wood and Willow ware, Tin ware, Stoves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Iron, Nails, etc., etc., etc. The attention of Mechanics. Builders, Farmers. Lumbermen aud Buyers generally, is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of tbe St at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises a general assort ment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters. Blacksmiths, Carriage and Wagon makers. Join ers, 4c. together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, . Spikes, Kailroad and Mining snpplies; Saddlery and Harness material a good assortment ; Hopes Chains, Grindstones, circular mill and cross cut Saws: Enameled, Finished, and Plain Hollow- ware in great variet ; Cables. Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selection of Fine Cutlery, Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors, shears, scissors, shoe knives, and many other ar ticicst Also, dessert, tea and table spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the best man ufacture. Also, Brittania and silver-plated ware. Tin-ware In great variety, and of tbe best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be fiuni buck ets of every size, tin-cups, oilcans, sprinkling cans, dusting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart and pint measures, and manv other articles in tho tin-ware line, which are wanted by everbedy . Blacksmiths van De suppncu wita Anvils, lieilows. ices, sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse nails, and all kinds of flat and round bar iron, nail rods- eto ; an! with past, shear, spring and blister steel, from the best manufacturers in the r, , , . , ... . ., . . United States, or of foreign manufacture. Carpenters And builders will find in our establishment a superior and complete stock of Planes. Saws. Augurs, Hatchets, Hummers, File, Chisels. Hinges, Screws, Locks. Lolts, Pulleys, Sash, Cord. 4c. Farmers Will find CAerything in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere is this section of the State com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex eusive stock of wood and coal Stoves. Comprising Spear's jnstly eelebrated Anti dusf cook and parlor stoves of a.l sixes : AI.'o, The Xi agara cook. Parlor eook. Brilliant, Dawn, Dew drop. Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. All of the above goods will be sold cheap for Cash- O. H ZEIGLEll i, CO. Phi!ipsburg Oct. lttth, !3i7.-ly. OIL t PAIXTS Aiay JS- -the cheapest in tbe county, iIOS.S.iP:S. 7TH ANNUAL EXHIBITION CLEAEFIELD COL'XTr AGRICFLTC . , . . KALoOCtETY. . , . , ' 'Wilt So hfJit on thr'Frir Grounds, in - the Boronzh of i.'lt,ufid. Pa., on 7 Htsday, IVrdilr'ttat I lutrvtay aH Friihtn. tut loiA, Utf liA ir ioiU days of Urtoisr, 1563. COHSIiriSS 0? ARRANGEMENT. JOHN M'GACGIIEY. Chairman. W. W Worrell. Jos B. 1'iowc, F. Cardcn.E.K. Phirey. K. J. Shaffner, I. W. Jordan. Keulwu M'i'berson. T. X Fulion. Jos. Oweus, 1 K. Ful Icrton. l-.ira Ale, ' has. Mewrrt. Jas W. Irwin. C Is. G-.jjen. L Lobin?.-J iines A. Mre. t. tj Itwin. W . L. Antis. Jas Mitchell. J L. Leavy. Jos. A. Mitchell. Win M Cullough .-r , Mrs. G li. U.-.rrett. Mrs. s. J.iiim. Mrs. G D. Goodlander. iiis. Jf Forrest. Jlrs Jierry. Mrs. J. Ii. Al l-nailv., Mrs. Dr. liurehtield. Airs CD. Watson. Mrs. J. H. Fultord. Airs l K tttweiier Miss .M try A. Irwiu. AlUa Fannie Jordan Miss HI xa Mitchell. Mi.-a Liisa Head. Mrs G V Sny der. Mrs Daniel Siewart. A! Us Heiirixtta Peters, Airs Kubert Flegal.Alrs. K. 11. thaw. Miss Amelia La r rimer, Airs Matthew Lead, kirs J. 11 thaw- CCKITIES AT LAT.GE. G. D. G0ODFELL0W, Chairman. George Guelicb Wm.T Wilson M'm. T.Schry ver, Abtabam tl Hoyt. L. Ogden. Isaac Hlooni.Kobert Portcr.h E Daniels Philip Heisey 11. O. .-huffier. V. L. iShaw. L. I Irwin. L Iiuck. Tbos Alcl'tiers-n. Miss Jaiie Hoi-ver. Alis Jerome Kobi.-on. Mrs A. A Kead. Miss M itvin. All. -8 Alaggie Ivead. M'.-s ALiry E Fleal. Airs J eph Owens. .Mi.-s Mary A. Ki:hel, Ali-s Ada Kobbius, T. J . creamer. Marshal Z C. AI CCLLOl'G H. Chief of Police William L. l;ihel. Gate Kekpei s tieorge W. Carter, John C. liead, Theodore D, Peoples. UTILES ASD EE3ULATI0X3. Family Ticke's. : : : : Single Tickets during Kair, Single Ailniis.-i.ia Tickets, SI Children under 10 years old. when accompanied by tht-ir partbt? or fruardiuns. free. Children under lit years of age not admitted unless accompHfiicd by their-parents. t.'becks will begiven at the door to persons de siring to pass out during exhibition, but will not admit tbe holder to any other exhibition each bait day counting an exhibition. Every person wishing to be enrolled as a mem ber ff this Society nju! apply ou or before the tint day of the fair, and on tbe payment of one dollar to the Treasurer shall receive a certificate of membership containing the name of the appli cant and endorsed by tbe Secretary. Every person hecomiug a mcuii er as above sta ted biil, or. the presentation of his certificate, receive a ticket w hich willadmit him free during the fair. Any person con;pl ing witb the above regulations and paying SiU. shall become a lile member, and shali be exempt from ail contribu Hons, aud shrill annually receive from the Secre tary a free family licke:. All persons must be provided with tickets which can be bad from tbe Executive I'ommittee. Treasurer, or t-ecreiary. or at ibe office on the ground. Persons acting as ju Iges are expected to become members i.f the Society. Peisousfrom other counties can become members by compiy ing with the above rules. Liidies can become inr ru be l fi by making application as a'oove. and paying into the Treasury titty cents when they wiil re ceive a ticket to admit them free. Exhibitors must become members of the Soci ety and have ibeir animals and articles entered on the Secretary a bocks ou or before the first day of the Fair; and all animals ar.d articles, except horses for p'e.isure. aud for tne trolling prizes must be brought wi'hin the enclosure as early as Wednesday, at ' o'clooV P. M.. aud all per sons entering anim.a's and articles for exhibition must procure eatris fri m Ihe tfecre.'ary with the class and nt'mbcr i f eutry of said articles, pre vious to placing said nrticleson ihe ground. Hay apd straw will le furnished gratis iorul' animals eniered for premiums, and grain will be furnish ed at cost for tho-e that dc.-ire to purchttse. Xo hor-'e she'll be entered or allowed a premi um unlesshe isfree from disease Horses will b. rcci ived ui til Wednesday noon, but must be en tered previously. Ail persons who intend to ex hibit horses. cattle. fheep, or swine or who intend to offer stock or any other articte for sale should notify the Secretary of' such intention on or be fore tbe 1st of October, and have with him a list and full description ot the same. The nuinticr and d iss and tho number in the class, with the r.nino of the article w ill appear on tbe c-ird iittached ; but tbe name of the exhibit or will tim appear. Premiums and diplomas will be paid on and after the first Monday after the Fair, and until the 1st day of December IH after which all mon ey premiums unclaimed will be considered a a donation to, the hosiery. The officers of the So ciety and members rf the .'ouimittce of Arrapge uieiils must wear a b-ide designating their ofjice. and it will be iheir duty as well as pleasure to at ten i to the expre-sed wi.-hes and wants of i jhib i'ors and oTheis if it is in their power so to do. A select poli ie force wi;l .e in constant nttesd . ance for the preservation of order and protection of property. I he trotting course is level, well graded, and one-third of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange ments will be made for tbe conveuience of vis itors. Issthiktioss to .Icpoes Xo animal to receive an award in more than one class. Judges are expre-iy required not to award pre miums to over-ted animals. No premiuiiis are to bo awarded to but;, eows.or heiffcrs which shall nppear to liwve been fattened, only in tbe class of f it cattle, the object nf the Society heinr to have superior animals ot this description for breeding. Fat Cattle The judges on tat cntrle will gi'c particular attention to the animals submitted tor examination It is believed all other things be ing equal those are the best cattle that have the eieattst weight over the smallest superficies 1 be judges will require ail in tbisclass to be weighed anu win nine measures to give the superficies of each, and pubii.-h the result with their reports. 1 hey will nl.-o. awarding any premiums, require the in.'iiruer and cost of eedii.s. as re quired by th reguiatioTis of the premium list. If there is but one exhibitor, and he may show several animals in one class, premiums wi I be awarded in accordance to the meri's of thcanimal. The superintendent wiil tjke every precaution in his poer. for the safctv of stock and n.iiloj ou exhibition afar their arrival and arrange ment on ihe ciotinds. but will not be responsible for any loss or damage that mav occur The So ciety desires exhibi.ors to give personal attention to their aniiiia-s and articles unit at the close of the fair to attend to their removal as the Society cannot takr further ear of them Ki lks of Plowinu. 1 be name cf tbe nlowm,,,. must be given as well as the kind of plow to be used, at the time of emrv. The quantity of ground to be -plowed bv tenm be i acre. The time allowed to do tbe work will b tfcr hours The furrow slice in all cases to h I . nr.. The tiatns to start at the same time and ear-h plowman to do his without a driver or other assist ance The premiums offered by the Society will be awarded to the individuals, ho. in the judgment ot tbe committi e. sha'l do their work in the best manner, provided the work is done in the time allowed for iis performance. r.ach plownanto strike bi ; own land, and nlow entirely independent of the adjoining- land Within the one fourth of an acre plowed each nlow man will be required to strike two back furrowed t:ni;!s ana hntsa with the dead furrow in the middle ' Any info.mation required in regard to matters ot tne society ean be gained oy addressing the Executive Committee or the Secretary, who will be pleased to give any information in their pow er at any litre Any article not enumerated in the above class es and placed on exhibition, if worthy of notice, will be suitably awarded The Executive Committee reserve a discretion ary power to award dif louias in any ease for 2 J best arti -leji. or for articles not entitled to premi ums by ibe rules All articles may be entered free of charge, ex cepting horses fur pleasure. and for the trotting ptctuiuins. LIST OF PUEMtTAiS. Class Swtrpstalr. oprn to tUl brredt and cttmpfttlorg. Best bull, SIS; 2d best. SIO; 3d best. 5 Lest cow. 12; 2d best. 10; 3d best. 5 All breeds come together in tbisclass and com pete with each other, to be judged by Ibeir good points, syii metry pf frame, ability to fatten, and thestrck they will prodncu , Class 2 fjride rattle anted in county. Best cow for miik. 5:; 21btst,$S; :'A est $5 Bet beifer. 2 years old, 8; 2d best. 5 beifcr. 3 years old. &; 2d be.t, 5 Best ealf. under 6 months old, 5. Claxx 3 Best yoke of oxen, $10; 2J bestSi; 3d best, S2 Cfas Cattle, Best fat bullock, cow or heifer. S10; 21 best. i Class 5 Tkoroughhrrd Aorjtrsojiru to all. Best stallion, any breed. SI i- 2d best. 10 llest mare and colt, any breed. 10; 2d best, 8 i Class 6 KidiHg, Draft and Furm Honrs. Best saddle horse. 3 00 ; ' 2d best, 52 00 list single family horse, . ' 3 00 Uest matched carnage horses, 3 00 Best gelding or mare lor work. 5 00 best span ol draught horses or mares, 5 00 Second besu. . r ' 2 tio The exhibitor is required to produce a state ment of at least thcee responsible neighbors as to working qualities of draught horses fur premiums in this class. Best colt. under 2 yearsold, 54 00 ; 2d best 52 00 Best 2-Tear old coit, 4 0o ; 2d best. 3 00 Beat 3 jear old colt, 6 00; 2d best. 00 The horse that in ves the heaviest load on the stone boat, according to bis weight. without a whip. Youatt on the horse and 7 00 Class 7 Trotting horses, open tj all. Best time. 3 in 5. trottii g in single harness Si 00 00 No premium will be paid iu tbisclass unless there are ten entries of $a 00 each. Each burse to trot against time Class 3 Sicrrptnlrs open to all Paring in karHfs. , , r best 2 in 3. mile heats, against time. SIO0 00 Xo premium will be awarded in tbisclass unless there are six entries Entiarce fe i 15. Class 9 Trotl1Nr iv..JtH!rts harness' for horses owned tn thr rtittnty at least fifteen days, before tlte Fair. Best 3 in S. mile beats. t gainst time, SS0 00 Xo premium awarded in this cts unless there are eight entries. Entrance fee $5. Ihe horse winning the premium in class 7, cannot compete for the premium in tbisclass. Class 10 Trotting horses owned and raised in tlte rottnty. Best 2 in 3. on time, in harness. $30 V0 So premium awarded in this class unless there are five horses entered to compete for the same. I- ntraree free. Best trotting horse or mare nnder saddle, S3 00 Second best. 2 00 Beet trottin j horse or mare in single harness 3 no Second best. 2 00 Best walking borse or mare. H ; 2d best, 2 S0 Class 11 Trotting eolt. railed iu the eonnty. not txreedi ti 3 years old , 0.ett to all. Best 2 in 3. asaiust time. 520 00 There must be at least three entries in order to compete for this premium. Entrance free. Class 1'2 Shrcp-and Wool. Best buck, any breed, S j ; 2d best, S3 00 Best ewe. any breed. 4 Oil Rest sheep, fattened for mutton. 3 00 Best lamb. '2; best fleece of wool, 50 (,'lttz 13 Sniite, open to oil. Best boar.any breed, Youcg Farmer's Manual t S:. Best breeding sow, asy breed. $5 Second best, Agriculturist for one year. Best bog S3; 2d best $2 Best pig. under 6 mo's old, Agriculturist 1 year. Class 14 Poultry. Best coop spring chickens not less than six. Belmont's American Poultry Book 1)- 50. Best 2 heaviest turkeys. " ' r 50. Best display of chickens, 1 00 . C'Iks, J5 Plowing. The man that plows green sward tbe best, $20 00 Class 16 Potcs, Kotleis. Drills. Harrows and Cultivators. Best plow for stubble or sward, $1 00 t.est sub oil plow, Barry a I ruit Garden 4" 2 00 Best clod crusher and toiler combined. 4 00 Best grain drill. Discretionary Premium. Best thresbing machine, Discretionary Premium Best corn planter. Discretionary Premium. Be.-t hotse rake. Disowtionary Premium. Best bay pitching machine, Dirtiet'ry Premium, hest stalk and straw cutler, DHcrei'ry Piemiutu. Best horse-power. gen. purposes, Dise'y Premium. Best original invention or agricu'l implement, 55 Best side-Bill plow, SI; best cultivator. 3 Best harrow, 3; best corn sheller, 3 Best fanning mi!!, 4; best ox yoke. 1 All articles enumerated in this class, not made in tbe county, but produced upon exhibition, if worthy of it, will be awarded a discretionary pre mium by ihe Executive Committee. Class 17 Miscellaneous Farming Implements. Best bee hive. Grimley's Afystery of Bee Keeping Best i tlx. hand rakes.SI ; Best groin cradle SI 110 Best stump machine, 5 ; Best potato oigger. 50 Best lot garden tools. I 00 Best disp'y fanning urcnsilsowned byfarmer8 00 All unit ies numerated in this elass are subject to tbe same ru es as closs 10. Class i -Wheat, H ye. Corn, Barley, Oats.Jrr. Best acre of winter wheat, 510 iest uustie ot winter wheat, Best bushel of rye, Best acre of rye, S3 ; Best bu.h. corn cars, Best acre of cits. 4 ; Pest bush potatoes, Best acre buk whept 4; 2d best" " Best acre clover seed. 3 ; 3d be ' Best i ac. broom corn. 2 ; Best z acre peas. Lest J at ru abagas, I ; Best i acre sorghum. Best acre turnips. 2; Best bushel turnips, Best acre corn. S; Best acre carrots. Best half 1 ushol timothy seed. Crops being equal, prefcren.-e will bt given to those ibai yield iho largest net profit Statements to be furnished by ibe unil.itors. They must be measured, or weighed and a sample furnalhtd at tbe lair Arplicautg for premiums must furnish the committee w ith a statement signed by them selves, under pledge of veracity, of the quantity of grain raised on the ground entered for a pre mium, and must state as correctly as be can the kind and condition of the previous crops the kind and quantity i f seed sou n, Hud tbe time and mode of f ulling it la the ground. Per.-ons enteting field crops for exhibition, or intending to do so. may give notice to the execu tive commit'ee at anytime, and have the field me.-uured and examined by the commiuee while growing. Cl'iss 10 lirrail ttntl Cereal Fooil. Best loaf of wheat bread, DipVun and 50 cents Best lonf of rye bread. Diploma and .'.0 cents Best loaf of corn bread, Diploma and 50 cents Best ptwge cuke, Diploma and 50 cents Best jeiljr cake. Diploma and 0 cents lest bachelor's cake, Diploma and 50 cents esipie. any atnu. 50 cents Best preserves ar.d jelly. Diploma and 50 cents Bestdisplyjcl!y preserves. Diploma and 50 cts Best pound cake, Diploma and 50 cents Best fruit cake. Diploma and 50 cents Best coffee cake. Diploma and 50 cents Best Lady s eake. Diploma and 50 cents Pc'i e."k,e' Diploma Fe- J'JI-T' Dil-loma Lest icecream, Diploma Cln iat 20 Butter and Cliecse. Best five pounds or more, of butter, Best ten pounds of firkin butter, Best cheese, made by exhibitor, Class 2 Flour. Best fifty pounds wheat flour, Best H F y pounds rye flour. Best fifty pounds spring wheat flour, Best fitly pounds corn meal. Best twenty pounds buckwheat flour. Class 22 Domestic Articles. Best box or iarof honey. 53 00 5 00 1 00 54 00 2 6(1 1 00 1 00 2 00 Best III pound of uiKpie sugar, Best peaches put up air tight. Best tomatoes rut un air tihf 51 00 2 00 Dip or 50 Dip or Dip or Dip or Dsp or Best black berries put up air tight, Best currants pet up air tight, Best tancy jr of pickles. Best gal. syrup or sor-hum. or each, Btst-cured bam (cooked) with mode of curing. 1 Dip or Dip or Best dried beef with mode of curing Class 23 -D1nnt.1t ic Alan ujacturrj. Best iO yards linml. Best 10 yards ratline! 82 00 Rest 15 yards woolen carpet. Best 10 yards cloth. Best 15 yards rag carpet woolen chain Uest pair woolen blankets, Be.-t woolen c vtrlet. Best wool fringed mils. r,ip and . , , r un,, ,H,ien stockings. Jjjp ,nd Les spec n knotting knitting or nee- die work by Miss under 1 1 y old Dip and Kcst pound linen sewing thread. Dip and Best p ,nd shocking yarn. Dip and Best foot mat. :iic ; Best tidy mat. The premiums in this class are intended for amoks manufactured in the eounty. 50 60 50 50 only Class 2i-X,t rile. Shell, Wax Work, etc. Best specimen needle work. Dipand 50 Best specimen needle work, machine, Dip and 50 test specimen flowers in worsted. Dip and 3d Best tpejimen embroidery in worsted,I'ip and 50 Best specimen embroidery in lace. . Din and 5rt Lest specimen embroidery in muslin, Dip and 50 Best tneeioien of leather Best speoitnen of wax Soweis. ' Bet specimen of feaiber work, llcst specimen of ornamental work. Brn shirt made by Miss nnder I2yrs, Best patching or mending, - Dip and 50 Dip and 50 Dip and 50 Dip and 5C Dip and 50 Dip' and 50 Class 25 Millinery and Dres Mnlhf Bcstmiliuery. $3; Best ores, making. $3 Class '2S Artistic Work. Lest daguerreotypes taken on the ground l.e-tambroivpistakenon the ground ' Lest photographs taken on the ground' l.t lanscnpe aintmg, : Bist penutansbip. Btst architectural drawing. Best painting in oil. Ilett portrait painting, Bef caft!e nnifttinw Dip Dip Dip 52 nil Dip S 0 1 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 oa ltest paintinz in aita, ...t Best ornamental painting of any Kind, . Class 2Let'gn.-'; f ; Best design for farm house, bant, carriage boat and stable. Sloati.Vlraamenlal House V9 no Best design for dairy bouse. Manual of the Home Best design for ice house. 1 50 Best design Mr fruit house.' rcttT I 50 Best design for bridge, witb plan.wpsa Dot ' ' ' lew than 250 feet, !: i : J 00 Class 2S Metahe Fabrics and Mackiutry. Best cooking stove, wood or coal, . S3 00 . Second btst, . . , 2 00 Third best, ' ' ' - ' ' ' -Dip Best parlor stove, $2; Best csst-iron fence. 3 tM Second best,- -l:t Seooud best, ' j Dip Best specimen or lot of tinware, . . 2 00 Second best Pip and 58 Bist specimen blacusm'thing, ' ' 2 00 Best specimen gnnsmitbing, 2 to Hest specimen iron-turning, 1 J 00 Best plate casting. 1; Best shower bath. 1 00 Best original invention ia eouuty. 5 00 Best dirplay of tuble and poctet cutlery, A-' ' merican manufacture, . I 00 Best display of edge tools. . - 1 i ot) Best display ol farming and field tools, J 03 Tbe a bo vi premiums are offered for articles man ufactured in tbe county Diplomas may be award ed for any of the above articles on exhibition, without regard to their place of miuii fact are, ' ( lass 20 Veh left of all kin.h. ' ' Best family carriage, 54; Best timber sled, 52 Becst buggy, 4; ist bnrae cart,. , , 1 Best farm wagon, 4; Best wheelbarrow. I Best sleigb. 2; 1 - t Tbe premiums in this class are intended only for articles manufactured ia the county.' ; Class 30 Coh in rt tea re in covvty. Best dre.-sing bureau. Si ; Test set of chairs, $2 ' Btst exienMon table, 2; Best sofa. -. J Best variety of chairs, 2; Best centre table, I Best bedstead, -I; Best lounge. 50o Best waslisiand, 50c ; Best office chair, ; 50a Best looking glass. ' 50a. Best set of parlor furniture, " $4 00 Best display of cabinet-ware, Dip and 2 00 Class 31 Coopetins and'Carpentrrtng, manufae- tared tn emHiity.' 1 . : Best pine ware,, tubs. studs,tv i D'P and 55 00 Best set pf grain measures. 2 00 Best window blinds. $-'! ; Best specimon ansh. I 00 Best lot baskets, - 1 ; Best panel door, 2 00 Best lot buckets, 1; Best pump, 3 04 Class 32 Pools ywl Garden Tegetaules. Best j bu ru'abagaa 50c; Best 6 h'dseat hage.SOe Best i bu carrots, 7 5r)e ; Best 2 h'ds ejlifl'rs.iOo Best 4 stalks celery. 50c; Best variety melons 5te Best i bo tomatoes, ate; Iiest ": squashes. 6c Best J bushel sweet potatoes, . -, 50c Best quart Windsor beans, -'" " Sfto Best i bnshel table beets. ' - 50o It ninet be shown that all vegetables hay been raised by tbe exhibitor. Class 33 Ciirrters.Saddlrrs and Sltermattrs. Best gents" boots and shoes, Best ladys' boots and shoes. Best display of boots and shoes, Best lady riding saddle. Best riding bridle and martingale, Best side finished harness leather, Best robe made by exhibitor. S2 00 ' 1 00 ' eo i 1 (0 ' 50 I CO Best carriage harness, 53; Best tug hatTi'ess. 2 00 Best single harness. 3; Best gents' SJvridIe 2 00 Best display saddlery. 4; Best travl trunkal 00 Best side kip leather. 50c; Best calf Skia. 50 Best side sole le.ither,50c ; Best side upperle'r,50 Class 34 Tailors and Upholsters' irtrt.' Best suit of clothes made by band, , $4 Best coat made by ajady, ' ' ' '' 1 Best pants and veat in arte by a lady.- - 1 Best husk mattress, SI ; Best straw mattress, I Btst hair, 2; Class 35 Best newspaper, -Printing in county.' SI ; Best handbill; SI 1 Best blank. I ; B&tcarJ, aesi ornamental printing. Class 36 Slone-urare. Best assortment and best qa'lity, S5 Class 37 Chemicals and Chemical Action in Cm. Best available marnro at moderate cost, SI Best available manure for farm products. I Bostmaterial for glue,50c; Best linseed oil, 50o Best tallow candies. 5e; Best vinegar. 50e Best specimen of soap. 5Cc; Best writing iac, 50o - Class 38 Wood nnd Sfone.- Hest dressed stone, - SI ;-Best mill staneV - St Best grind stoae. I; Butter bowl. Din i 50e Best shingle, not less than 50 Itest turned article. Best floor boards, worked. Best washing lurch ine. Best split or shaved hoops. Best butter la I !e. Best weather boards, worked, 50c . l I - nip , Dip SI Class o0Xatnral Minerals. Best suit of useful minerals f,Olearfild eoaSfy, including coal, 2 Best cabinet of minerals of Clearfield and ad joining couaties,to be the property of the Society, j - Best limestone, 50c; Best collection fossils 1 Best fire el ay, . 50o ; Ik si burnt lime, 1 Best potter's clay, 5tic; Best coal, 1- Class 40 Fruit. ...... Best display and greatest variety or grafted ap ples, summer and winter. Husbandman on A merican Wines and 54 00 Second best, " - - 2 00 Best display of pears, Cole's American Fruit ' Book and I 00 bct plums and cherries. Cole's Am i'rait Book Best quinces. 1 00 Best specimen apples. I pec. ' ' ' I 00 Best spec A in ioan grapes. .Manning's Fruit Book Best natural grapes rai.-ei in county and wor thy of culture. .. Best domestic w ine and mode of manufacture. Fuller's Grape Culiureand SI 00 Best currant wine. Manning Fruit Eook 1 00 Best blackberry wine, . " " A- 00 Best gooseberries. Manning's Fruil Book Class iDnri-emanship, etc To the lady who manages her horse best and sits most gracefully. .. . rj, To tbe gentleman who manages his horse bast and sits most gracefully. Din Rptt riirl r I . 1 - - . . -.. five counle. ;oroaiansuip, not ieas tn an Dip Din Best driving on the course by a lady,' Best company of cavalry. ' Best company of infantry. Best band with brass instruments'. Best martial b.- nd, Dip; Best tea ilagara, Dip Dip Dip Dip Clan 42 Xurteries. Best nursery, containing the greatest variety of fruits and shrubs cultivated in the most approv ed manner, the applicant to faraisb written de scription the variety and mode of culture S3 00 Second best. Barry's Frait Garden. Class 43 General List " ' ' Eest display and greatest variety offlowers. Dtp, Dip Dip. uispiaj ana greatest variety or plants, Lest display of floral ornaments, , ., Best basket boquet. with handle, ' ' VST Discretionary premiums will b awarded. tor all artlolesof merit rih.h.r.J K- v.-:-. all the various oranches. and it ia hoped a gener al exhibition wij bo maig For, impt?mtDti useful to the farmer.and having valuable proper, ties. discretionary premium! may be awarded by the Executive Coin mi nee. GEUKGE R. BAKKETT. Pais t I. G. Babcfr. . A. M.U11.LS. ere tarsi. ' T.. rmr EjEcrTivk C ITte NMbaniel Risbel. S. ft. Jordan. I. F. Irw.a A C Tata, J. A. L. Megal. Clearfield. Joly 15, ISoj. . PAII.MKRS will, find a lull and complete- '.,'' k- tirain and Brier ScvciW Sickles. Hay and Grain R.v.. i stones. Crumcricki, Hay -rope. A-e.. at the Hard "W'."-re of U' U- ZEIGLER eo.. July la. laoS JHiilipsbarg, Pa. gOLDIEKS' BO UNTIES. -A recent bill . liji-s jiastHjil both Hottseso Cttnirresas.and signed by tbe President, giving soldiers who en listed prior to ild July. lSfil.srvea one year or rTi "i" h""rb,' ihargod. a bounty CF"our.tie and Pensionr collected by ma for taoteeutiiled to tbem. - Aug- lath. HtliO. Cle.rfisld, Pa. LIFE INSURANCE AT HOME. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.,. 21 Chbstju't Steiit, Phu.'a. Insures T,!veson favorable terms, and will issue roncieson any of tbe Approved plans of insurance Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Anaaally. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash; annually, semi-annually or quarterly; jr one-half ia easn, and one-half in note. Ey a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will participate in all Dividends or Surplus. ScripcertiSeates ap to January. 1859, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of premiums Agency', at the ofiee of H.'B.Pwoope. Clear field, Pa Dr J. O. Hartswick. Medical Exami ner August 24, 1b4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers