-XbFILD, PA.. SEPT. 16, 1868. - "on and Clearfield Railroad . . Jn Tyroae at .-:::: 20 a m '""drives Philipsbors; at : : 11 29 a. m. . ,Z,m Philipsbarg a : : : 3.05 p m. ""Arrives t Tyrone at : : : : 4 00 p. m. Kruoiors. Divine services will be held Jt sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : Ry Rr- Archer (Presbyterian), ia the rnnrt Hoa-e, mo niti and evening. Bv Re- Gayer in the Methodist church, ,DByeReT.nH3yes, in the Baptist Church, ia the morning. t L j tj .Your sketch relating to your vil lee has heen unavoidably crowded out, this week. We will try to find room for it in our oxt. Temperance Meeting. A temperance meeting will be held in the Court House on Mondav evening, Sept. 2Sth. Competent speakers will he present. The public, and especially the ladies, are invited to attend. Pmocratic Judicial Nominee. The Clinton and Centre county Democratic con ferees, on their re assemblage :n Dellefonte, after their adjournment in this place, nomi nated C. A. Mayer, of Lock Haven, as their candidal for President Judge of this judicial d.-trict. 'TiPlox Seminary. The Fall term of 'ibis Institution will open on the 23d instant tud close on December 23. The school is designed for pupil of both sexes. Board ing reasonable and in the Seminary building. Instrumental and vocal id usio taught. Prin cipal, H. F. King, A. M. To the Afflicted. We have been re quested to state, that the "Great Macedo nian Oil," a sovereign remedy for cough?, colds, bronchitis.etc., is for sale at Graham's Store. The afflicted should call and get a pamphlet, aud convince themselves of the merits of the medicinal qualities of this oil. Toe Academy We are glad to learn of tbe bigh'y prosperous condition of this in stitution. The present year opens most aus piciously and with largely increased at tendance. Let parents who have children to educate remember this excellent school, which deserves a liberal support, Repcblicax Meetings. We publish, to day.brief accounts of several Ri publican meetings held in this county, withv tbe past two weeks. Our correspondents speak Tery encouragingly of our political prospects in'their eectious of the county indicating that the RepubKcan3atclive and awake as to the importance of the contest. Other large and enthusiastic meetings were held, lot reports relatiDg to them have not been received. Great Western Railway. It is pro rosed to re-organize 'the Atlantic and Great Western Railway 'Company upon a new financial basis; capitalizing the past-due co i pumind certificates ofdebenture to the ex tent of about fifteen millions of dollars and iurea-ing the entire bond and share account to ahout $63,000,000. A proposal of this turn re fromrbe Directors has met unanimous approval in England, where the greater por tion Of the stocks and bonds are held. The Fair. By requestsjwe call fine at teutioo of our readers to the fact, that the Eieeutive Committee of the Clearfield Lonely -Agricultural Society -have com menced the necessary repairs preparatory to abiding the Seventh Annual Exhibition of iii-1 Society. The track has been graded -and otherwise improved, and is now in complete order, end open for the "trotting and sporting" public. And preparations are in progress for the complete arrange ment of all articles, and for the comfort of stock. Hon. G. R. Barrett, the President f the society, being a practical as well as theoretical farmer, and -she members of the "Executive Committee, are exerting their ctmo.-t csergies to make the coming Fair nwre attrji-ffvelban any previous exhibi tion in the County. The hearty co opera tion of both the ladies and the gentlemen, tbrnvhout 'the county, U solicited by the -'Ooers of the society. A general response to their request will, no dou t, be the means of mikin; the Fair a grand success a niucb desired result by all who feel an in terest in the advancement Agriculture in Clearield County. A "Mess" tM Piulipsbcrq. We are in KW'pt of two lengthy count unieations. a detailed account of a "muss" in Hiiiipsburg, m Saturday -night last; but, e canixit find room for either, we will rJ" to state the occurrence briefly as given l Mir correspondents. It seems that the Republican Grant club ii suspended a flag from their head-quar-rs, and bad several addresses on the ooca fla. The Seymourites also htlJ a meeting fteaoie evening. Thus far all things went T?'K n 'ke meetings adjourned near -'Moiafct. Some time after the adjourn 'tntof tbe meetings (then Sunday) a num r of persons of both parties met in the trect, when a dispute arose in reference to ownership of the flag referred to,it hav 'S been gotten up by the citizeus several ago. Tbe Seymourites, through the ttgess of the town, claimed the flag as - j' a,i,erted lat the man who c .r " it had ao right to do so, as he had not -a anything towards getting it up. The Jrtfor Men ne wasj repiied tbathe had right to carry the Stars and Stripes of country any place in the United States. n-s assertion the Burgess repelkd with a - I oath, and denied the right of the sol jr 'tocarry the flag through Philipsburg," ''e ,be dispute was going on, from two . j lurdred persons of all ages and sexes "leated in the vicinity, and a gen - - sgat was imminent for some time, but 1 ended in words. Our correspondents '-. rc-ate the occurrence, aud pronounce it one of the most disgraceful scenes that ' to.4 j,iace ;n tjjt ,0Wfl '.' ne,her thee are all the facts connected the "muss," or as to who is most to h " We re not Prepared to say ; but we , '' l statement will prove satisfactory Pmies concerned, and that they will rj' difficulty without expos t ienwe:ves further iu the columns of the '-papers. Adjourned Sale. The Treasurer, will sell at tbe Court House, on Saturday, Sept. 26th, the unsold tracts of unseated lauds. No one ever regretted having obtained a guod education. Every young person can get an education by atteuding the State Normal School at Edinboro. "My loss is such as cannot be repaired." is the frequent exclamation of those who find their hair turning to the frosts of old age. But such may take courage. "Bar rett's Vegetable Hair Restorative will not only restore their hair to its original color, but render it soft and glossy as in youth. Jlilwiukee Sentinel. LOCAL COEEESPOULEITCE. Pennfield September 9th. 1863. MR. Editor: The Republicans of Hus ton township, held an enthusiastic meeting at the Scboolhouse in Pennfield, on Monday evening Sept, 7th. The meeting was first addressed by J. II. Fulford, Esq , on the important questions of the day.in his usual clear and forcible manner. T. II. Murray. Esq., was then called upon and delivered a stirring, eloquent and convincing address. Mr. M. is a rising young orator, and is doing good service in the Republican cause in this county. The meeting adjourned with three cheers for Grant and Lolfax, and three for the speakers. You may rest assured that Huston township, will roll up a handsome majority for Grant, Colfax and the State ticket Yours Truly, S. Janesville, September 5th, 1868. Dear JoCHnal: The Republicans of Guelich held a large and enthusiastic meet ing in this place, on last evening, Sept. 4th. The meeting was organized by electing J. L. M'Cu'ly, President ; Moses Robison and Simon Stanley, Vice Presidents ; and L. A. Warren, Secretary. Eloquent and stirring addresses were de livered by T. II. Murray and J. II. Fulford, Esq's., ot Clearfield, and Capt. G. W. Curry, of Philadelphia, upon the issues of the pres ent political campaign. The enthusiasm was such as to hold the people till past midnight, without any show of impatience or weariness. The meeting adjourned with three cheers for Grant and Colfax, and three for the speakers. The people of this section are waking up thoroughly to the importance of the contest, and will do their full share towards the thirty thousand majority for 1 1 art ran ft and Campbell in October. And we promise the support of many J)emocrats in November, to swell Graat's majority beyond anything on the record. Yours truly, Yokick. Madera, September 4th, 1S68. Ml Row: Dtar Sir: The citizens of Madera aid vicinity, met ou Thursday eve ning. Sept. 3d, 1S68, and organized by elect ing W. B. Thomas, President ; John Beyer and Thomas Irwin, Vice Presidents ; and L. A. Warren, Secretary. Notwithstanding the inclemancy of the weather, the house was filled to overflowing with ladies and gentlemen, and many were compelled to -remain -outside. The assemblage was addressed by Capt. Curry, of Philadelphia, and T. II. Murray and J. II. Fulford. Esq's, of Clearfield. The speeches were full of truth and convin cing argument, carrying conviction to the minds of the hearers. Our meeting was a perfect success, atten ded wjth goud order, amidst much enthusi astic feeling and applause. The speeches were well received by all present, and will have a salutary influence on the day of the election in rolling up a large majority for the Republican ticket. With cheers for the speakers, and our candid .tes, the meeting adjourned. Yours, W. Lutiiersbcro, Pa , S-pt. 14, 1S68. Mr. Editor : Being present at a Dem ocratic meeting in Luthersburg on the 12th inst., and hearing some explosions from the bij gun of Brady, I cannot resist the im pulse to notice, through your columns, an insult throwu at the soldiers during the evening. One of the speakers, during bis remarks, had occasion to make mention of the sol diers. He termed them in a very energe'ic manner, 7ie louxy, ragg&l, thieiing W tliers," while, in the same speech, he said " we should take the men of the South by " the band, in good faith and fellowship, " and restore them their former rights and " privileges, both socially and politically." Now, I would ak : Why not have as much pity for the poor, lousy Union soldirr, as he (the speaker) shows to the thousands who were in arms against tbe country? If the ex-rebels are entitled to their former stand ing as citizens iy virtue af their ceasing in rebellion, the ragged soldier should certain ly have the same privilege, as the war is over and they no longer bear arms ! Again : These same thieving soldiers planted them selves before Lee's hordes at Gettysburg, to protect him and bis property from insult and devastation, even if the price were life itself; and now, should they nol have just as good a right to feel an iuterest in tbe political welfare of the country as our "triend" Jell ? But I think I can surmise the reason why tbe ex-rebeis, in his estimation, are more entitled to universal regard than tee are, to wit : The Union soldiers proved that they can and will protect the country and their homes, while, on the other hand, the "boys in Grey" fried tooverthrowthe Government and wring the aforesaid speakers neck, but tailed ; and therefore these rebels require a certain portion of his pity and commisera tion, while those whe saved the country from ruin are termed by him cs "louy, thieving fthliert" aod deserve none of his pity. Well, Jeff, they ask none at your hands ! They are better off without it, for it would poison them. I do not wish to be understood, however, that I would withhold from the residents of the Southern States their rights as citi zens one day longer than the safety and in terests of our Government require ; nay, as they prove themselves worthy I would ad mit them. But, while I accord this much to the late rebels, I wou d expect at the hands of the friends of those rebel, at least a proper regard for the services and feelings of those who lought and bled in their coun try's defence. Youre, &c, D. A, W. GRAND RALLY! Grant and Colfax MASS MEETING! AT CLEARFIELD, ON WEDNESDAY EVEN'G, SEPT. 30,1868. The Meeting will be addressed by GOV. JOHN W. GEARY, Hon. Andrew G-. Curtin, HON. G. W. SCOFIFLD, Hon. Samuel Linn, and a numberof otherdistinguisbed speakers. Friends of the Union, of Humanity and Peace, "rally once again 1" It is the same old struggle the same vi tal i.-sue shall the Nation survive or per ish ? Shall all the results of the war be sacrificed all the blood have been shed, and all the vast treasure expended in vain ? Shall the Government of the country be en trusted to those who attempted to destroy it? Let us be up and doing, for everything dear to American freemen is at stake ! II. Bucuer Sw'oope, Chairman County Committee. MASS CONVENTION, TO BE HELD AT PITTSBURGH, ON Thursday, Sept. 24, 1 808. The Republican State Central Committee has ordered a Uraod Mm Convention to te held in ibix city ou the 24th Of September. 1808. The Republicans of Western Pennsylvania are urgently invited to eume.ru mas.ie, to this Con-vei-tion. and so help the good entire along. Arrangemeuta it ill be made, as far a possible, with the Kai.road Companies for Excursion Trains and Tickets to the Conventijn. Km'tient Speakers have been invited, and their names will be announced in due reason. A GkANl TORCHLIOIIT PKOCKSSI0N will take place on the night i efore the Convention, and all Urant Clubs aud Tanners' Club are invi te p to tko part in it. A DAY LIGHT PROCESSION will form on Thursday morning, and an invita tion is extended to all trades and and associations to be represented in it The various Grant and Tanner Clubs will also take part in it, and tbe Hepublicutis of the county are expected to turn o t in full force, in wagons and on horseback. The Sleumbo.itmen, Firemen, Uutchers, 1'ray men. Moulders. Glass Blotters. Puddlers, Hollers, Mucbii-iis. Carpenters, Brick and Stone Masons, aad men of every other trade, are invited to con sult together and arrange for such part as, each may cboi se to take in the procession Republicans ! Let us have a rally wot tby of the days of ISliO and IS6-1 By older of tbe STATE CFVTRAL COMMITTEE. Closing Quotations of Governm't Securities. JAMES T. BKADY A CO., Snrrwor to S Jonr.s Co.) COK.NEU OP FOURTH AND WOOD STUKET3. Pittsburg. Sept 5. 1S68. buy sell I buy. sell. GOLD. 1431 3 4 1 r 5-20s. Jan.'fi7. IDS j 1 0S U.S. 6s., 1SS1. 114 714, 6 28. Jul. '67 IdSllllS a-2ns, ISfi2, 114 1I4J 'June. 7 30s, 109 ltli 5 2is. 1SS4, 10tJ 1091 July 7 3Us. lnyi.iuai i 28. IStSa, 1 IllJ I III , May Com p, 'S3. 1 14 1 10 40s. Moi'lOft ;Au(.Coiup.'5.l I8J 1181 5-2(1. Jan. '5, lllsi lOsj! Sept. Comp. "65.1 18 ll8i 5-2tls, Jul. '5. 10S !I3ii Oct. Com p. '65,1 1711 1 IS We are now converting 7 3d of tbe June and July aeries into Gold Coupon 5-20 bondsof 1St5 7. SPECIAL NOTICE. All persons having unsettled accounts on the books of Ed. W. Graham, are requested to come forward and settle the aame fortuwith. Tbe books will l.e found atthextoreof JAS. B OKAli AM A SONS rpHE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON & CO., 126 Market Street. Philadelphia, are tha largest Manufacturing Confectioners and W bolesale deal ers in Fruits, Nuts. Ac , in the United States. March 4, lS6o-ly. rpEACHERS WANTED. The School - Directors ot the Borough of Clearfield want to employ three competent teachers to lake xbargeof tbe Public Schools the coming winter . ii tiiiw i u ni t inrnil A I) U IICU II IS CHU HU'IICSB lll'l.-.H 'l ' " , ' r -1- - ii i ri A..1.1 I- run- 1, GRAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the lrmlin(r ImrrK v:irilTlPS nt first nllillit.v- i . - - j .... - j Concord Cuttiiiies, Sl.HU per hundred. Oiders solicited aa soon as convenient and filled in 'otation, by A M. HILLS. Aug 21, '61. Clearfield, Pa. POR SALE. The subscriber will sell at - private sale, a House and Three Lois, situate u the town of Luthernburir Clearfield coun'y. Pa. Tbe property is a desirable one, in irirad location, ai d in good repair, una win oe sold on easy terms Far particulars apply to Hl'HrKl, Aug. 16, ISfiS. Crearfleld. Pa. EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Letters Tes tameiitjiry on the estate of James Al bert, late of lecatur township, Clearfield coun ty. Pa., dee'd. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indented to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having Chinos against tbe same will present them, properly authentic!.ed. lor settlement. Aug IZ, oa-ot VVA1 ALiBtttr, Jr , fcxes r. pOMMISSIONERS' SALE OF UN- SEATED LANDS. In pursuance of an Act of Assembly pa;sed tbe 23d day ot March. isl 3. entitled an act to amend an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and for otherpurposes.ioe Commisaiouersof Clearfierd coaniy. Pa . will di.-poee uf the following lands, at tbe Court llou-e. on luesduy, tbe i'Jtn day ut ? pteniocr. A 1) , inns: titt , Ac, lVr. Warrantees, Townships. 100 J. & Win. sj.itisom, Bradford. 5681 135 Joseph. Flirrruii, Brady. 20 E. B. Haymaker, Bi-ccaria. - J8 120 Michael Fonts, Bt-ccana. 1(K Bei.j. Ilart.sliurn, rVrguaon. 274 John Tliomaa, Graliatu. 1923 I'U ICS Mori is & Stewart, Girara. 700 William, Karthaus: a2H) Isaac Thompson, Ktmx. 40 , John B st, Morris. 100 John Nicholson, Morris. Bv ordrr of the Bonnl. Anp. 26. ' W. S. BKADLET, Clerk. Job Goss J No. June Term, 1368. vs L. J. Obass. et. al. ) EJECTMENT. Now, 19th June. 1S5S. Plaintiff.by hi; Attorney, moves for ruleon Defendants to appearand plead lo the action and an order of publication, in ac cordance with Ihe piovisions of the Act of As sembly. . li. B, Swoopk. Ait'y for Pl'ff. Now. 19th June, Kule ia pranted on De fendants, to appear and plead to the above stated action of I j ciment lor a certain piece of land situate in 1'eeatur township. Clearfield county, bounded as follows, to wit Beginning at corner of land of O. P. Mnttern thence West 27 perches, more or les. by land o: Morgan. 11 ale A Co. to a corner, thence North by land of Kephart aud others I Hi) percbes mure or less.to acorner thence East by lands of Morgan, Hale k Co 511 perches. more or lei-s to a corner, tbenre East by lands of Morgan, Hale A Co. I2 I erches more or less, to a corner thence Son'b I2o perches, more or les. to a eorner thence East 90 perches, more or tees, to acorner. thence South ISH perches, more or less. to the place of beginning; being parts of two tract in the names of Wihor k Heuibleton. the suit being brought to enforce paymentt f purchase monev. hale returnable at September Term 1368 Rule to be published in one newspaper in ihe county of Clearfield, for sixty days before the return day thereof, to he inserted at least three times accord ing to tbe provn-ions of the Act of Assembly in ucb ease made and proviaea. dj tne iouri. ii LOOK AT THIS I LOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Books; Sheet Musio for Piano, Flute and Violin; Blank Account and Pass Books, of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils;" Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exemption ami Promisor j Notes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal eap; Kecord cap; and Bill eap, etc., Will be sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. GAULIN, At the Pos offic. on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 5, 1868 NEW STOCK! SPRING GOODS! SPRING GOODS!! SPRING GOODS!" AT Till KEYSTONE STORE, Second St., Clearfield, Pa. BUYERS OF DRY GOODS, TRIM mings, notions, hoisek y, gloves, fancy goods, carpets, oil Cloths, window shades, wall paper, carpet chain, toilet QUILT, UMBRELLAS; PARASOLS, ic, &c, are invited to examine the most complete stock ev er brought to this market. "We Challenge Competition. , CASH BUTERS Will Find Rare Inducements. NIVLING k SHOWERS. Clearfield. Penn'a. April 8. 18f8. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! The Cheapest and Best Goods in Clearfield county are sold by GEORGE S. PERRY, WHOLESALE 1HD RETAIL DEALER II FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE, North-west cor. Curtin St. and Public Square, OSCEOLA MILLS. Clearfield eo Pa. We keep on hand Goods of every grade and variety. FOR THE" LADIES we have Dress Goods of every fabric, FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Ready-made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Linens, do. Also a full stock of Gents' Furnish ing Goods. IN COOTS AND SHOES We deft competitios. as we buy for cash, and buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and hence can fell cheap er than other dealers, liats and Caps of latest styles very cheap. NOTIONS. All goods in this line you can find with us cheap and good. HARDWARE, of every description, for car penters, builders and others. GROCERIES. SYR CPS, from the lowest grade to tbe ieat that can be bought in the markets. SUGARS of every kind. TEAS of the very best qualities. COFFEES that cannot be beat. Either in price or quality. CANNED FRUIT of all kinds. DRIED FRUITS, Spices, oo. We have always on hand a large stock of Queensware, Wood and Willow-ware. ROPES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL k WINDOW PAPERS, FLOUR & FEED, BACON, PROVISIONS, FISH, LARD, BUTTER, OILS, &c, &c. Any goods yon are in want of can be fonnd at our btore. All are cordially invited to rail and examine onr stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we can sell you better goods.and at lower prices, than ean be purchased elsewhere. Particular attention paid to orders from a distance, aud to supply ing log camps. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! No trouble to show Goods. GEORGE S. PERRY, Osceola. July 29. 68 tf. s. B. MEYER PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT, MILESBDRO, CENTRE CGCNTT, PKFS'A. Also agent ior all the latest Improved Water Wheels hnd for table saw wins. Jau.S'Otf-ly p. RAN K LIN HOUSE, MILLER FARM STATTON, (OS OIL CREEK RAIL ROAD,) Venango County. Penn'a. THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. Jy 8,'63-lj. a W. TWIST, Proprietor. DR J. M. MOOItEHEAD. tenders his profes sional services, in tbe practice of medicine, to the eitiiensof Ansonville and vicinity Hav ing received a liberal encouragement during the past two years, be has determined to remain here perniant-nt'y. Teeth eatracied withoat pin. by a Nareotie sprat, perfectly safe. Artificial teeth put op in a woricmaniike wanaer. aad warranted to give satisfaction. Sept 2-2uip. (JLEARFIELD HOUSE, FRONT STREET, PIIILIPSBURU. Pa. I will impeach any one who says I fail to give direct and personal attention lo all oar customers, or fail to cause them to rejoice over a well fur nished table, witb e'ean rooms and new beds, where a'l may feel at borne and the weary be at pest. New stabling attached. Phiiipshnrg. Sep. 2.'68. JAS. H. GALER. ALLEGHENY IRON WORKS WARREN, PEXN'A. BROWN, ARXETT & CO., Proprietors of these works, have added to the Machine Shop enlarged Machinery, of the best description, for heavy work, a steam hammer in the Blacksmith Shop, and in the Boiler Shop tools necessary for the manufacturing of Steam Boil era in the best-style. They would respectfully notify Millers. Lum bermen aud Tannery nen that they are irepar ed to leceive, and promptly execute, orders for ENGINES, BOILEKS. CIRCULAR MILLS, SHINGLE MACHINES. AND BARLOW'S PATENT ROTARY MULE Y-SAW HANG INGS, PLOWS, lie, &c. They employ none but the best workmen and purchase the best material the market affords. They feel assuted that tbey will thus be able to turn out work bich will give satisfaction to their customers. Tbe Barlow Patent Rotary Cutting Muley Saw Hangings ore considered tbe most perfect Muley ever yet introduced. We will guarantee tbem to cut twenty-five per cent, more lumber than any other Muley now in use Our Circular Mill may be seen at the Mill of Ellis Irwin if Son, at Lick Run, where informa tion respecting them can be obtained. II. W. BROWN. L. W. AltNETT Aug.5,'flS-3m. TllOS STRUT HERS. JUST IN TIME! THE NEW GOODS AT A. K. WRIGHT & SONS, CLEARFIELD. PA., Having just returned from tbe eastern cities we erenow opening a full stocK of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention oi the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is beiug sold very low for cash. The nock consists in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such as Prints. Delaines. Alpa cas. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Tickinsrs. cotton and wool Flannels. Casslmcrs. Ladies' h'hawls. Coats. Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals. &o . Ac. all of wMch will be sold low for cash. Also, a fine assortment of the best of MENS' WEAR, consisting of Drawers and Phirt.i. Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, llandkerchieftt eravats, etc. Also. Raft Rope. Dog Rope. Raltina Augnrs and Axes. Nails and Spikes. Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., etc Also, Queensware. Glassware. Hardware. Groce ries. and spices of all kinds In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, all chrap for cash, or approved country produce. Nov 2-iain-noH. WRIGHT SONS. EUEEKA! STAR LIGHTNING ROD! The Best and the Cheapest! The Star Galvanhkd Lightixq Rod is supe rior to any in use, and will last tor generations It is made from Maenetia Iron fths sauare- grooved, spiral-twisted and galvanised, ami con nected with pure copper couplings, rendering it equal to a eopoer rod. tbe whole surmounted with a uoiu-piauea ciusier point ui pure cvii, tuna forming a continuous rod from tbe point to the ground the combination of metals forming a galvanic battery in the rod. It is warka.nteo always to remain bright and olean. and will never corrode or rust, tnus pre senting a neat ornauieutal appearance on tbe building, worth more than iu co.-t as a matter of oruament.ro say n itbing about its sure protection against lightuing. In show the popularity ot tne (iaivamiea oiar Rod. it is onl v necessary to say that tbe propri etors have pulled off more than one hundred tons of old rusty irons, within twelve mouths, from colleges, aoademies. public buildings, barns, etc.. and put up the Star Rod in their place. As the -TAR is better anil sold at a less price than any other rod. is more durable and more or namental, persons should consult their own inter esta and safety to life and property, before they have a rod erected on their buildings. All that is necessary to convince the public of the sii eriorii v of the Star Lightning Rod. is a thorough exuniinat on into its construction and scientific, combination. Tbe uuderyii'ued. beins the Agents for Clear field county.- will put up rods for all who may de sire them, on short notice nnd reasonable terms. Call and examine them at their store in Clearfield. June 10, ISliS. MEKKILL A BIGLER. FURNITURE ROOMS. JOHN GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that having enlarged hie shop and increased bis facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good sryle and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on nana at nis -rut puure nooms. a varied assortment of furniture, among which is. BUREAUS AHI SIDEliOAKDS. Wardrobe and Book-cases; Centre. Sofa. Parlor. Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen- ny-Liind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KIND. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS. WASH-STANDS. e. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; Ana common ana omer mairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glaM fcr old frames, wntcti will oe pu- :x. n very reasonable terms, ossaort notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, nair. Corn-buk. Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVKKY RI.ND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to eustoine-s cheap for cash or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for tbe busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Marttet street. Clear field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." December 4. 1S1 ' JOHN GUELICH A LARGE lot of Fly Nets. Teom and -' - Stace Harness. Hnrse? Collars. Garths, Sarcingles and Saddlery Hard ware , just received and for sale by the firm of G. H.ZEIGLKK Sr CO. A FULL stock ot Platform.Counter.Berm and Balance Scales, f'.ir sale, at Manu facturers pric-s. by 6. II ZEI'H.FR t CO , J ly lo, ISfio. Pfciiipsborg. Pa EVERYTHING in the Hardware line k. i-t and tor sale.at FAIR PRICES, by July 15, 1S68. H- ZEIGLER o C0. A FULL lire of corigated Water Coolers, and Ie-s Cream Freezers for sale hy July 15. Ii3 G. H ZF-IGLEh 4 CO. DOTY'S Clothes Washer and Galea Cop per Strip Feed Cutter for sale hy July 15. 1863. G H iCEIGLLR k CO. N AILS k SPIKES the cheapest intheeeonty, $5000, ACCIDENTS. $5000. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS INSURANCE FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. FOR ONE DAT. Five Dollars per month and from S25 to i0 rer year with weekly compensation, ia ease of total disability. JiO MEDICAL EXAMINATION IS MADE IN ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Policies and tickets, covering all kinds of acci dents, whether received whilst travel ing or otherwise, sold by ALFRED M. S M I T 17 , Insurance Agent. Clearfield, April t, 186ft. NE AV STORE. Corner of Second St. and Hill Road. II. MITCHELL Has just received and op"ned. at the above nam ed place, an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which be will sell very cheap ior cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware. Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc He also keeps choice Flour, Coin Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectlully requested te give him a call. Approved country produce will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield, June 17, 1863. T- E W A KRANGE M E N T. A. I. 5 H AW, DRUGGIST, (Second street, opposite the Court House,) Clearfield, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully inform tbe citizens of Clearfield ccunty.tbat he continues to carry on tbe Drug business, at tbe old stand, and that he is now prepared to furnish DRUGS, PATEN T MEDICINES, Dye Stuffs, Tebaeeo. Cigars. Confectioneries, Stationery. Ac. PHYSICIANS Will find our stock of Drugs full and complete and at a very slight advance on Eastern prices. SCHOOL BOOKS. Teachers and others will be furnished with class ical and miscellaneous buoks by express, at short notice. STATIONERY", Cortfisting of Cap. Flat Cap. Foolscap. Letter and Perfumed Note Paper, also, a very neatatoea ot Mourning Note Paper and Envelopes on hand. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ae. HOUSEKEEPERS. Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda, Soda Ash, Concentialed Lye Soap, te. AND GENTLEMEN Are requested to examine our stock of Perfumery, Hair Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, brushes, Combs, Toilet Setts. Ae. SMOKERS AND CHEWF.RS Will find a full supply, of prime Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Snuff, Fiue-eut, Ac. CARBON OIL. Of the best brands, always on hand. LIQUORS, The best quality of Liquors always on hand, for m'dical purposes. Physicians prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded. j August 7, 1667. SUOIUJ 119111 j uavoq opisdft pou-in J, BENNETT, BLATTENBERGER & CO., (Successors to Lawshe. White k Co.,) WHOLESALE ANO KKTA1L DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, OSCEOLA, PENN'A., Respectfully invite an examination of their large stock of Seasonable goo is, purchased for cash, and selling at greatly reduced prices. AVe Defy Competition. We sell better Goods at lower rates than any othcr house in the county. THE REASON TP II r.- TJecause we buy for ca.'h and buy close, and are thus enabled to give our eustouiers and pa trons the benefit of the greater portion of the profits they have hithertobcen paying ; and Because we sel I more goods than any other bouse in Clearfield county. Oar stock consists of Drv Goods. Groceries Queensware, Hardware, Woodware.Willowwure. Boots and Shoes, liais Caps.Clothing Furniture. Carpets and Oil Cloths. Provisions of all kinds, Feed, ire. DRESS GOODS FOR LADIES, of every style. DRESS GOODS FOR CHILDREN, in neat and tasteful designs. DRESS GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN, in variety Ready-made Clothing at greatly reduced pri ces. Orders taken for suits of Clothing. Samples to select from always on hand. NOTIONS. From our large stock of Notions, every want in that line ean be supplied, every desire gratified. Groceries and Trovisions. Sugars of every grade. 5yrups of every quality Preserved Fruits and Jollies Tomatoes an. I Peaches. Sugar Cured Hums. Shoulders and Sides Me- fork. Mess lieef trel lieef. Shad. Mackerel. Codfi-h. Round ll rr l .Lake Trout Extra Flour. Corn Meal and Uucicwbeat Meal. Cash Paid for Country Produce. BUILDING and other HARDWARE. Tools for Carpenters and others. Best Double and Single Bin Axes. Pick. Ropes and Cordage. Drutbes, Mill Findings. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Finest brands of Cigars. Chewing and Siuo king Sobacco. The celebrated Michigan Fine Cut in bulk. f- Country taerchants supplied on as fair terms as can oe oaa in me eastern cmw. rp" Goods ordered for our customers, and sat isfaction guaranteed. To buy to save, to buy to please. To buy to make, to boy with ease, To buy at all. as all must do. To tbe cheap cash store all should go. Bennett, Blattenberger & Co., Osceola Mills. May 27. -utt-tf. O00 keesN ilsand Spikes jut received I and for skle by G. H. ZE1GLER & CO. PlTTSEtBfJ ADVFRT1FFMENT9. y ALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS. John Hall & Co., MANUFACTCRFRS OF Plows, Cultivators, Shovel-Plows, Har rows and Union Mowers, Sot. in k 125 Liberty St., ooraer of Pitt St., Pittsburgh. Pa N. B. Our easting and points beins; made ia an air furnace are in everv way superior to thos made by other manufacturers. Feb I2.'6S ly. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE Lindsay, Sterritt & Euwer, Importers aud Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c Our entire stock laving been bought during the latedecline in prices.we are enabled to offer great er inducements thaa rd houses w&o are carrying over stocks at old prices. Country Merchants should not fail to visit us when in the city. Lindsay, Sterritt & Ewer, 337 Liberty Street, 9 EAR rjtlOSI DEPOT, Aug. 2(5,'C3 ly PITTSBURGH, PA. WOODRUFF'S PORTABLE I BAL10MET0R Has the following good qualities: 1st. Accuracy. ) I 3d. Simplicity, 2d. Portability, J 4th. Durability. It is undoubtedly the best Barotnetor now in use, and can be relied open for accuracy and durability. Any person whose interests depend upon iheir knowledge of the COMING STORM. should have one, as itwill be of incal culable interest to them in time. Send for Circular giving Description. General Agents DUXSEATH & HASLETT, JEWELERS AND 0PMCA.N8, 56 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, July ft, lS63-3m. JJEIXEMAN, MEYRAX & SEIDLE, No. 42 Fifth st . 1 door from Wood St., I'iitsDurh, Pa , Wholesale an t Retail Dealers in FINE JEW ELtlY, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Pure Silverware, French Clocks, Pi a ted Ware of every description. Tea Setts, Spoons, Forks 4-0. Wateb makers Tools and Material. and agency . : of the celebrated AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep tbe largest and most varied assort , nientof the very bett American made CLOCKS to be found in aay city, east or west. Persons in want of any article in our line, either at wholesale or for their own use. will find our prices lower and our assortment lar- -ger than any to befouud west of New York City. WATCH REPAIRING. To this branch of our trade (being ourselves practical watcb makers) e pay very special -attention. We eu.ploy a foice of the very best Artists in the country, and any and all fine, delicate and difficult work entrusted tooureare forth trade or individuals may rely on getting the utmost satisfaction. Work may be sent in by express or .itherwise. REINEMAN", MEYRAN 4-SEIDLE, Wholesale and Retail Jewelers and Silversmith's, ap29- 42 Filth st., Pittsburgh. '6S-Jy. DOCTOR TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACHIC and CARMINATIVE BITTERS, ' Extracted entirely from HERBS and ROOTS. Highly beneficial in DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, and Loss of Appetite; and an excellent CORRECTIVE for persons suffer ing from Disorders of the Bowels, Flatulence, Ao. Sold Everywhere. Depot,No. 413 Market st., Philadelphia. J. K. TAYLOR & CO., September 9, lS6S-ly. RUSS ST. DOIMNGO. ITubball's. Hoofland' German. Drake's, and Hosteller's k Green's Oxygenated Bitters, and pure liquor of all kinds for medical purpose, for sale by. Jan. HI. 1I AI.1M. Itn 1KHI. SWAIM'S PANACEA, Kennedy's Medical Dis covery, llembold's Ruebu. Rake's Cod Liver Oil, Jayce's aud Ayer's Medicines. for sale by Jan. III. MAIUSM IUK IKWIN. CYAL "bate, and Linseed 'Ml, Family Dyes, 1 Varnish and Paints of a I kind around in OiL for sale bv HARTSWICK k IRWIN. SALT SALT!'. A prime article of ground al um sslt. paten in patent sacs. forsalecbean t the stn s if K. MOSSO. C"tROCERIES the cheapest in the eonntr. at J May 29. MOSSOP'S. D RT GOODS the cheapest in the county, at May zj. 'i7. jHussi.il' . 6 UEEX.SW ARE the cheapest in the county, at MUaftUF'S. )KUES a quantity on hand and for sale at LMay 27. G KAUAll'i. P A li E 0 PEACHES tbe Iwst in market, at the store of J li GRAHAM k bONS. H ARNESS. Trimminjrs, and r-hne-finding for sale at M KIIRELL k BIiiLbK'S G USS, Pistols and sword eanes to he bad at June.'titS. MEKKELL A B1GLEK C ABLE CHAINS a good artieh. on hand and for sale by MKKKr.LL A tsu.i.r.K. STOVES of all sorts and sixes, constantly on hand at MEKRELL k BIHLKK'6 FODDER COTTERS of asuprior mak. for sale at reasonat le pr'tes. at MEKHKLL and UIOLEK'S. ClearfieM, Pa. Not. 14 IRON IRON" Best bar i'on. for a'e at the gto're of MERRELL k BIGLER. s. ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars Ae., for Mle at A uiuictv. o. c SNED FfcTJIT, of best qntlity for sale hy Aug. 23. MERRELL WW- I A LM PR'S Patent onoa.Hng bay-forks, to b bad at MEKRELL BIGLER'9. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers