I Li a : It : I J if Hi .for the fnxmtt. ' ' What a Fanner must Know. The farmer, lite the business ninn, must know what he is doing ; he mual have some pretty dcided idea of what he is to at-ivmi-plish in fact mast calculate it beforehand. He ma.it know his soil that of each Jot ; not only the top, but the1 sub soil. He mast Ldow what grains anl grasses are best adapted to each. He must know when is the bent time to work them, whether in the fall or sprint, or whether they need summer fallowing. He mast know the condition in which ground mast be, when ploweJ, t'iat n e not too wet or too dry. He must know that some prains require earlier mowing tJn others, and what those grains are. He innst know how to put them in. Ho must know that it pays him to have machinery to aid bim in -tead of muscle. He must know about stock and manures, the cultivation of trees and small fruits, arid many other things. In a word, he must know what pood, experienced farmers know. Then he will not guess will run no ri.ks. Ccre for Founder. The Rural World proposes to cure founder in horses in this way: "Take the horse into a brook or stream of water deep enone h to nearly reach his body and fasten him there with his head so high that he cannot drink. If the weather is warm keep him there several hours. Then remove him and rub his legs thoroughly to promote circulation. If still lame, rejeat the process three or four times and a cure will be effected. In Y inter t wenty minutes will be long enough to keep the hor.-e in the water, when he should be taken out and rubbed aa in the other case repeating the operation if necessary." This is said to cure all cases of founder, when not of long standing. A Ccre for Earache. There is scarce ly any ache to which children are subject so hard to bear, and so difficult to cure, as ear ache. But here is a remedy never known to fail : "Take a bit of cotton batting, put upon it a pinch of black pepper,gather it up and tie it, dip it in sweet oil. and insert it in the ear. Put a flannel bandage over the head to keep it warm. It will give immediate relief." Poll Evil. To cure poll evi!. cleanse the sore with soft water.apply eight or ten drops of muriatic acid per day till it has the ap pearance of a fresh wound, then wash clean with euds of castile soap and leave it to heal, which it will do if acid enough has been ap plied. For itch in swine, rub the animal with equal parts of lard and brimstone, and put them in a clean pen. Lime put on sod a year before it is plow ed down, is the best way to apply it. TAMES MULLEN, with I. P. Chalfant & Co., Auction Jobbers of llm.-i-ry, .No tions. White Goods, Embroideries, Gents' Kurni-h-ing Goods, etc.. No S7 North Third street. Phila delphia. OrJerj solieitc 1. Apr 2J.'tM. SOMETHING NEW in CLEARFIELD. Carriage and Waemi Shop, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The, undersigned would respectfully inform the eitisens of Clearfield, and the public in general, that he fa prepared to do all kinds of work carriages, buggies, wagons, sleighs, sleds. Ac. on abort notice aud in a workmanlike manner. 'r der promptly attended to. VM. M KN'IG I1T Clearfield. Feb. 7. lSdtS-y. WAGON MAKERS and Blacksmiths " will hnd a larire assortment !' Hubs, I Spokes, Felloes. Axles. Thiuitde Skeins. P.uggy I Springs, Bar. Scallop and Rod Inm. Nail Rod, i Cast Steel. Horse and MuleShoes. Horse Xails c.. at the large Hardware oioreot ZKhH.KK , CO . i July 15, ISoS Philipsburg. r j Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes sold oh.aj er I than .,ny where in the eountty. ( piIAIRS: CHAINS!! CHA1US!'.'! JOHN TROl'TJIAS Having resumed the manufacture of chairs, at hit shop located on the let in the rer ot bis residence on Market street, and a short distince west of the Foundry, is prepared to accommodate his old friends, and all others who may favor him with a call, with every description ot Windsor chairs Jlehasagood assortment on band, to which he directs the attention of purchasers. Tbey are made of the very best material, well painted, and finished in a workmanlike manner, and will be sold at prices to suit the times Examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Clearfield. Pa., March 2s. 1SC YEW STORK AND SAW MILL, i ' ! AT BALD HILLS, Clearfield county. ; The nndersigned. having opened a large and j well selected stock of good, at Bald HilU. Clear- field county, respectfully solicit a share of public ' patronage. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries. : Hardware. Queensware.Tin-ware.Bor.ts and Shoes. ' Hats and Caps, jieady made Clothing, and a gen eral assortment of Notions, ere. They always keep on band the best quality of Flour, and a variety of Feed. All goods soldeheap for cash, or exchanged for ' approved country produce. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, thev are 1 predared to saw all kinds of lumber to order. Orders solicited, and punctually filled . 29,1$67: (. B. A A. IRWIji. ; U O! THIS W A NEW STORE IX MADERA! Y ! ! Jahks Forust A Som. would refpec:ful!v in form the public, that they have just c.pei e"d ir Madera. Clearfield county, Pa , an entire new stock of SFRIXG AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are prepared to sell as cheap as the' cheapest. Their stock consists of Alpaca" Vr- ' lames. Prints and Muslins, of all varieties' Cas- i simeres. Satinets and Flannels, too numerou to' mention; Ready made clothir? of the best qual. I ity. Boots and Shoe, of the verv best mafc?.; a I complete stock of tiroceries. A, ' In short, everv thing usually kept in a Kuntrvstorl,. I Consumers ! Look to your iltt()ts Cj, examine our stock and prires b.f,,re : .laewher.. Lumber and grain f Z ! in exchange for goods. ds Uk'" j Remember the place; Madera.Clearfield e,otT Oct SO, 67. JAMES FORREST SOX.7' I s O M E T II I N G IN ANSOXVII.T1? N E W' Clearfield county, Penn'a. Th anderaigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and commodious store room I is now engaged in filling it np with a new and elect assortmentof Fall and Winter goods, which ! Je offers to the public at prices to suit the times ! Mis suck of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual- ly extcasive .l ; . .ff.. .-j ... .7 , .to .A -m V . - vu..LiuicrH at rrom ? or whol suit. Flour, Salt, and ro Stovea'n"J.", klnd' '""P''8 fottmer.t; dress eooda ft, Vn nat TrieIy : Ladies' innrnlonNowir.r''"8 rd.; and even .Jr.. , " rhnee for f..r any .rtiel. in ,fore. Fj' 'f fore you bar e xamine my stock be- et-ober M, SWA5. f (;c "gtaftsmtatt'd Soitnwf, gfcarftcfb, TEW STORE. R E E D & CO., Have just opened a new stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hoisery. Notions, Trimmings, etc, which they are aellinc ebP tor cash. CALL AND SEE THEM. jbree doors below the Post Office, Market Street. Clearfield. Pa. Clearfield, June 17, 1SS3. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Billies enJ Miscellaneous Fonfcs; Sbeet Music for i'iano. Flu'.e and Violin ; Blank Account an'I P;w Books, of every de scription ; Paper and Envelopes. French pre3bil and plain; Pons and Pencils; Deed; Mrtje; Ju lment. Exemption and ProiuUory Notes; Blar.k Legal Paper : Yhite and Parchment lirief; beyaJ eip: Kecord ca ; and Uiil cap. etc . Will le sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. G A U LIN, At the. Pos offlie. on Market Street, Clearfield. Pa. May o, 1S68 ffEAV STOCK! STRING GOODS! SPUING GOODS!! S f K I . U UOODS!" AT THE K E Y S T O X E S T O 11 E. Second St., Clearfield', i'a. BUYERS OF DRY GOODS, TRIM- MI.W.S, NOTIONS. 1PJISEKV, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, CARPET CHAIN, TOILET QUILT, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, &c, &c, are invitcl to examine the most complete stock ev er broitglit to this market. Wc Challenge Cuinpetition. C.SH BUYERS "Will Rare Inducements. NIVLTNG .c SHOWERS. CTearSeld. Penn'a. April S. IrtfiS. (BEAT EXCITEMENT! The :i,o:;r.esf and Uest Goods in Clearfield countv urcold bv (iEOlMJ E S. PERRY, WIIOI.CSAIK. AB TETA1L PRALF.R IX FORE1UX AN I) DOMESTIC M ERCH AXDISE, Xorth-wcstcor Curtin St. and Public Square, OSCEOLA MILLS. Clearfield eo Pa. We keep o-i liand Goods of every . grade and variety. FOR THE LADIES we have Dress Goods of every fabric, FOR THE GENTLEMEN, F.cadv made C'o'hing. Cloths. Cassimeres. Sntinetts', Tweeds. Jeans. Linens. to. Alio a full stix-k of Gents" Farnish ina; Goods. N P.OOTS AND SHOES We mtv covrrriTioN. as we buy for cash, and buy from the manufacturers in East ern cities, and Lence can sell ciilap Eli than other dealers, hats ani Caps of latest styles very cheap. NOTIONS All goods in thi-- line you can find wilh us cheap aud good HARDWARE, of every description, for car penters, builders and others. (r R OC E R I ES. SYRUPS, from the lowest grade to the best that can be bfugat in the markets. l "GAl'.S of every kini TEAS of the very best qualities COFFEES that cannot be beat. Either in price or ina!itv CANNED FRUIT of all kinds. DRIED FRUITS Spices, c, 4-c. We have always oa hand a large stock of Queci.sre. Woj ,d Willow-ware linPES. c A II PETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL i WINDOYs- PAPERS. FLOlIl i FEED, P.ACOX," ' PROVISIONS, FISH, LARD, UUTTER, OILS, &c., &c. Any -oods you are waIlt of b found at our store. All cordiallv invitei to call and examine our ock before rorcnasmg elsewhere, as we feel confident that we can sell yon better goods. and at lower prices, than can be purchased elsewhere. Pattieular attention paid to orders from a distance, and to supply ing log camps. COME ONE! COME ALL!! trouble to show Goods. GEORGE S. TERRY, OS.CEOL4, July 29,"6S-tf. 7TII ANNUAL EXHIBITION or THE CLEARFIELD .COI NTY AGRICULTU RAL SOCIETY. Will be h'!J on thr Fair Grounds, in tht Beroitsk of CUArJu-ld, Pa., on 'fttetuiay , ll'r.ittf-i'liii 'i Imrsday and Friday, iht Zth, l4fi, li'i 3r loiU day of Uetoter, 1S03. EXILES AX3 SJSGIILATI0N3. Family Tickets, : : : : : : : SI 00 Single Tickets durin Fair, : : : : JO Singlo Admisiion Tickets. : : : : : 25 Children under 10 years old. when accompanied by their pan cts or guardians, free. Children under 1U years of age not admitted unleas accompanied by their parents Checks will begiven at the door to persons de siring to pass out during exhibition, but will not admit the holder to any other exhibition each halt day couuting an exhibition. Every person wishing to be enrolled as a mem ber of this Society njut apply Xtn or before tne first day of the fair, and on the payment of one dollar to the Tjeasartr shall receive a certificate of membership containing the name of the appli cant and endorsed by the Secretary. Every person becoming a member as above fa ted shall, on the presentation of his certificate, receive a ticket which will admit him free during tne fair. Any person complying with the above regulations and paying S10. shall become a life member, and shall be exempt from all contribo tioiis, and shall annually receive from the Secre tary a free family ticket. All persons must be provided with tickets, which can be had from the Executive Committee. Treasurer, or Secretary, or at the office on the ground. Persons actiug as judges ere expected to become members cf the Society. Persons from other counties can become members by comply ing with the above rules. Ladies can become uicm bets by making application as above. aud paying into the Treasury iifty cents when they will re ceive a ticket to admit them free. Exhibitors must become members of the Soci ety and have their animals and articles entered On the Secretary's bo'jks on or before the first day of the Fair; and all animals and articles, except horses for p:eaure. and for the trotting prizes must be brought within the enclosure as early as Wednesday, at 3 o'clock, P. M.. and all per sons entering animals and articles for exhibition must procure cards from the Secre:ary with the class aud number cf entry of said articles, pre vious to placing said articleson the ground. Hay and straw will be furnished gratis fur all animals entered for premiums, aud grain will be furnish ed at cost fr those that deire to purchase. No horse shall be entered or allowed a premi um unlesshe is free from disease Horses will bt received until Wednesday noon, but must.be en tered previously. All persons who intend to ex hibit horses, cattle. sheep, or swine or who intend to offer stock or any other article for sale should notify the Secretary of such intention on or be fore tha 1st of October, and have with him a list and full description ot the same The number and class, and the number in the class, with the name of the article will appear on the card attached ; but the name of the exhibit or will not appear. Premiums and diplomas will be pail on and after the first Monday after the Fair, and until the it day of December. 1N3 after which all mon ey premiums unclaimed will be considered a a donation to the Society. The otnjers of the So ciety and members cf the Committee of Arrange ments mut wear a badge designating their effije. and it will be their duty as well as pleasure to at tend to the expressed wishes and wants of exhib Dors and oihcrs if it is in their power so to do. A select police force will ie in constant attend ance for the preservation of order and protection : of property. -i The trotting course is level, well graded, and j one-third of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange I ments will be made for the convenience of vis itors. Instrittions to Jcdges. Noanimal to receive an award in more than one class. Judges are expressly required not to award pre miums to over-fed animals. No premiums are to be awarded to bulls, cows. or heiffers. which shall appear to have been fattened, only in the class of fat cattle, the object of the Society beiiif to have snrerior animals of this description fur breeding. Fat Cattle The judges on tat cattle will give particular attention to the animals submitted for examination. It is believed all other things be ing equal those are the best cattle that have the greatest weight over the smallest superficies The judges will rq;iir ft al I in this class to b wgihaj and will take measures to give the superficies of each, aud publish the result with their reports. They will also, before awarding any premiums, require the manner and cost of feeding, as re quired by the regulations of the premium list. If there is but one exhibitor, and he may show several aniu,als in one class, premiums will be awarded in accordance to the merits of the animal. The superintendent will take every precaution in his power, for the safety of stork and at tides on exhibition after tfietr arrival, and arrange merrn the gtounds. but will not be responsible for any hiss or damage that may occur The So ciety desires exhibitors to give personal attention to their animals and articles and at the close of the fair to attend to their removal as the Society cannot take further care of them. Ri les of Plowing. 1 he name of the plowman must be given as well as the kind of plow to be used, at rho time of entry. The quantity of ground to be plowed by each team be acre. The time allowed to do the work will be three houis. The furrow slice in all cases to be lapped. The teams to start at the same time and each plowiuan lo do bis without a driver or other assist ance. The premiums offered by the Society will be awarded to the individuals, who. in the judgment ot the c lumittee, sha 1 do their work iu the best nncr. provided the work is done in the time afioive1 fur its performance. Each plowi i.m tn .,,ike hi; own land, and plow entirely independent of tbe adjoining land. Withio the one fourth of an acre plowed enob plow man wili be required to strike two back furrowed lands and finish with the dead fuVrow in the middle. Any information required in regard lo matters of the Society can be gained by addressing the Executive Committee or the Secretary, who will be pleased to give any information in their pow er at any time. Any article not enumerated in the above elass esand placed on exhibition, if worthy of notice, wilTbe suitably awarded The Executive Committee reserve a discretion ary power to award diplomas, iu any case for 2d best articles, or fur articles not entitled to premi ums by the rules. A II articles may be entered free of charge, ex cepting horses for pleasure, and for tho trotting premiums. LIST Oc PREMIUMS. CV.uj 1 Sire'isttii-?'. oprtt to all breeds and rompetiturs. Pest bull, SIS ; 2d best. S-10; 3d best. S3 Rest cow. 12; 2d best. 10; 3,1 best. 5 All breeds come together in this class and com pete with each other, to be judire.1 by their good points, sju metrv of frame, ability to fatten, and tbe strok they will produce Cltis 2 Grade rjttle otrned in coil'ity. Rest cr.w for milk. $I0 ; 2J best. S3; :id Vst. S3 Rest heifer. 2 years old, S; 2d best. 5 Rest heifer. 3 years old, 8; 2d best. 5 Rest calf, ui. Jer 6 months old. 5. this o Oxen. Pest yoke of oxen, Sin : 21 best, Si; 3d best, S2 Cfatx 4 Fat Cattle. Rest fat bullock, cow or heifer, 510 ; 2d best, S3 f.Var S Thoroughbred horsrx open to aJT. Best stallion, any breed. SI5; 2d best, SIO ilest mare and colt, any breed, 10; 2d best, 6 Clair Riding, Draft and Farm Jlortes. Rest saddle horse. 3 00 ; 2J best, S2 00 Rest single family horse. 3 of, Best matched carriage horses. 3 oo Best gelding er mare for work, 5 (10 L'est span of draught horses or mares, 5 00 Second best, 2 on Ifce exhibitor is required to produce a state ment cf at least three responsible neighbors as to working qualities of draught horses for premiums in this class. lien colt. under 2 years old, 54 09 ; 2d best S2 00 Rest 2-year old colt. i 00 ; 2d best. 3 00 Rest 3-year old colt, 6 00; 2d best. 4 90 The horse that m ves the heaviest load on tbe stone boat, according to his weight. without a whip. Youatt on the horse and 7 00 Class 7 Trotting Morses, open to all. Best time. 3 in 5. trottir g iu single harness Si 00 00 No premium will be paid in this class" unless there are ten entries of 55 00 each. Each horse to trot against time. Cla tsA Swe'pstaies open to all Pacing in harness. best 2 in 3. mile heats, against time. 100 00 o premium will be awarded in thisclass unless there are six entries Entracce lee j la. Class iTrotttmr i harness, for hones otrned in theronnrg at 'east fifteen days before thr Fair. Best 3 in 5. mile heats, against timei S50 00 o premium awarded in this class nnless there re eight entries. Entrance fee S. The horse ginning tbe premium in class 7, cannot -compete tor the premium in thisclass. Class 10 Trotting horses ourntd and raised in ' the touiity. Best 2 in 3. on time, in harness. 530 00 o premium awarded in this class nnlass there j are five horses entered to compete for the same, r ntrance free. Eesl trotting horse or mare under saddle, $3 00 Second best, - " Best trotting horse or mare in single harness. 3 00 Second best, 2 00 Best walking horse or mare, Si ; 2d beet, 2 aO Class 11 Trotting rolls, raised in the ronnty. not exceeding 3 j-rui-j old, open to all Eest 2 in 3. against time. S20 90 There must be at least three entries in order to eompe'e for this premium. Entrance free. C7,7.sj 12 Sheep find Wool. Best buck, any breed, Si ; 2d best, $3 00 Rest ewe, any breed. 00 Best sheep, futtentd for mutton. 3 00 Best lamb, 2; best fleece of wool, 30 Clans 13 Striae, ojcn to all. Pest boar. any breed.Young Farmer's Manual if". Best breeding sow. any breed. Sa Second best. Agriculturist for one year Best hog. S3; 2d best 52 Eest pig. under 6 mo"s old. Agriculturist 1 year- Ctitss 14 Poultry. Best coop spring chickens, not less than six, Beamont's American Poultry Book Sr 50. Best 2 heaviest turkeys. " " ir 50. Best display of chickens, SI 00 Cluiut, 15 Plowing. The man that plows green sward the best. S20 00 Class 1C Plows, Rollers. Drills. Harrows and Cultivators. Best plow for stubble or sward. St 00 Best sub-oil plow, Barry's Fruit Garden ijr 2 00 Best clod crusher and roller combined, 4 00 Best grain drill. Discretionary Premium, Rest threshing machine. Discretionary Premium. Rest corn planter. Discretionary Premium. Ke-t horse rake. Di.-cictionary Premium. Best bay pitching machine, Diseiet'ry Premium. Best stalk and straw cutter, Disererry. Premium. Best horse-power. gen. purposes. Disc'y Premiim. Pest original inveutioo or agrieu'i implement, S5 Best side-hill plow, SI; best cultivator. 3 Rest barrow, a; best coru shelter, 3 Best fanning mi!!, 4; best ox yone, 1 All articles enumerated in this class, not made in the county, hut produced upon exhibition, if worthy of it. will be awarded a aiscrciiouary pie mium by the Executive Committee. CVaf 17 .If' srrljnrntts Farming Implements. Best bee hire. Gritnley's Mystery of Ree Keeping Best i it. band rakes. SI ; Rest grain cradle. SI do Best stump machine, 5 ; Best potato uigger. 50 Rest lot garden tools. I 0(1 Best di-p y fanning utcnsilsowncd by farmer S 00 All articles 11 utile rated in this class are subject to the same ru es as cioss 16. Class 18 Wheal, Rye, Com, Barley, Oals.r. Best acre of winter wheat, $10 Rest bushe! of winter wheat, 4 Best bushel of rye, 3 Best acre of rye, $3 ; Best bu.-h. corn ears, 3 Best acre of oats. 4 ; Be.-t bush potatoes, 5 Bes-t acre buckwheat 4 ; 2d best- 3 l'est acre clover ijeed. 3 ; 3d best ( " 1 Best i ac. broom corn, 2 ; Rest t acre peas. 1 Best i ac ru'abagas, 1; Best J aere sorghum. 2 Bet acre turnips, 2; Best bushel turnips, I Best acre corn. 8 ; Best acre carrots, 1 Best half ushal timothy seed, " 1 Crops being equal, preference will bt. given to 'hose lhai yield the largest net proht Statements to be furnished by the exhibitors. They must be measured, or weighed, and a sample furnished at the fair Applicants for premiums must furnish the committee with a statement signed by them selves, under plei'geol" veracity, of the quantity of grain raised ou the ground entered for a pre iniuui. and must state as correctly as he eau the kind and condition of the previouscrops.the kind and quantity of seed sown, and the time and mode of putting it in the ground. Persons entering field crops for exhibition, or intending to do so. may give notice to the execu tive committee at anytime, and have the field measured and examined by tbe committee while growing. Clnss 19 JJrcail arid Cereal Foetd. Best lonf of wheat bread, Dip'oma and 50 cents Best loaf of rye bread. Diploma and 50 cents Rest loaf of corn bread, Diploma aad 50 cents Best sponge cake, Diploma and 50 cents Best jelly cake. Diploma and 50 cents Best bachelor's cake, Diploma and 50 cents Rest pie. any k ind. 50 cents Best preserves and jelly. Diploma and 50 cents Rest ui.-playji lly,y pruaervao. Diploma and 50 cts Best pound caka, Diploma and 50 cents Best fruit cake, Diploma and 50 cents Best coffee cake. Diploma and 50 cents Bust Lady's cake, Diploma and 50 cents Best cake, - Diploma Pest juily. Diploma Best ice cream, Diploma China 20 Butter and Cheese. Best five pounds, or more, of butter, S3 00 Best ten pounds of firkin butter, 5 00 Rest cheese, mude by exhibitor, 1 00 Class 21 Flour. Best fifty pounds wheat flour, St 00 Best fif y pounds rye fiour. 2 00 Best fifty pounds spring wheat flour, 1 0" Best fifty pounds corn meal, 00 Best twenty pounds buekwheat flour, 2 00 Class 22 Domestic Articles. Best box or jar of honey, SI 00 Best lOtpouti'ls of inaple sujar, 2 00 Rest peaches put up airtight. Dip or 50 Rest tomatoes put up air tight, Dip or 50 Rest black berries put up air tight, Dip or 50 Uest currants put up air tight, Dip or 50 Best lnncy jar of pickles, Dsp or 50 Best gal. yrup or forghuin. or each. 1 00 Best cured bam (cooked) with mode of caring. Dip or 50 Best dried beef wilh mode of curing. Dip or 50 Class 23 Domestic Manufactures. Best 10 yards fl mnel, Reni 10 yards sattinet. S 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 Best 15 yards wooUn carpet. Best 10 yards cloth. Best 15 yards rag carpet woolen chain, Best pair woolen blankets, Best woolen ctverlct. x Rest wool fringed m its. Dip and Best pair knit women stockings. Dip and Best spec's knn'ting. knitting or nee dle work. by Miss under 1 1 yrs old. Dip and Rest pound linen sewing thread, Dip and Rest pound stocking yarn. Dip and Best foot mat. ' AOc ; Best tidy innt. The premiums in this class are intended for articles mui.ai.-rctorcd in the county. 2 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 only w AXredle. Shell, Wax Work, etc. Best peeiuien nt-edle work. Dip and 50 1 .est snecini-11 reelle work, machine. Dip and 50 Best specimen flowers in worsted. Dip and fO Rest tpeciuien embroidery in worsted, Dip and io Best specimen eujbroidury in lace. Dtp and 50 Best specimen embroidery in muslin, Dip and at) Best specimen of leather work, Dip and 50 Best specimen of wax floweis. Dip and 50 Best specimen of feather work. Dip and 50 Rest specimen of ornamental work. Dip and 50 Best shirt made by Miss undet 12yrs, Dip and 50 Best patching or mending, Dip and 50 Ct.iss 25 Mi.'liierv aud Dress Tilnlin". Best milinety, S3; Best dress making. 53 Ch'ss 2G Artistic Wort. Best daguerreotypes taken on the ground, Dip Best ambrotypes taken en the ground. Dip Best photographs taken on the ground, Dip Best lanscape painting, $2 00 Btst penmanship. jp Best architectural drawing, 3 On Best painting in oii, 2 00" Best portrait painting. 2 00 Rest cattle painting. 2 00 Pp? nitnlinn I. , , ,u ainr colors, I yy j Lest ornamental painting of any Kind, 1 00 Class 2T Designs. Eest design for farm house, barn, carriage house and stable. Sloan'sOrnamental Houses A- S5 00 Best design for dairy house. Manual of the Home Best design for ice house. 1 50 Best design for fruit house, 1 50 Best design for bridge, with plan, span not less than 250 feet, 3 00 Class 23 Metjhe Fabrics and Machinery. Eest cooKing stove, wood or coal, $3 00 Second best, 2 00 Third best, rjp Eest parlor stove, $2; Eest cast-iron fence. 3 00 Second best. 1; Second beat- Dip Best specimen or lot of tinware, 2 00 Second best Dip and 50 Btst specimen blapssmithing, 2 0 Best specimen gatjmitbing, 2 00 Best specimen iron-turning. 2 00 Best plate casting. ; Best shower bath 1 00 Best original invention in connty. 5 00 Best display of tutje aud poccet cutlery, A- merican manufacture, 1 00 Best display of edge tools. 100 Eest display of farming and field tools. 1 00 The abovt ptem iums are offered for articles man- 11 Tfii-f tA in tlitt a f 1 : , t. , . . ... toiidiy i.'ijouuji5 may oe award ed for any of the above articles on exhibition, without regard to their place of manufacture. Class 29 ntcfV of allhinds. Best family carriage, 54 ; Best timber sled, $2 Restbuffgy, 4; P-est horse cart, 1 Best farm wagon, 4; Best wheelbarrow. 1 Best sleigh, 2; The premiums in this elss are intended only for articles manufactured in the county. 1a., M Class 30 Cabinet ware in count!. Beit dressing bureau, 2; Pest set of chairs, S2 Best extension table. 2; Best sofa. 2 Best variety ef chairs. 2 ; Best centre table, 1 Best bedstead, I; Best lounge. Sta Best washstand, 50c ; Best office chair, 58c Best loosing glass. 5 Best set of parlor furniture. 54 00 Best display of cabinet-ware, Dip and 2 60 Class 31 Coopering andfarprntering, manufac tured m county. Best pine ware. tubs, stauds.etc, Dip and $5 00 Best setf grain measures. 2 00 Best window blinds. $3; Best specimen sash. 00 Best lot bassets, 1 ; Best panel door, 2 00 Best lot bucnets, l;Betpnmp, 3 00 Class 32 Roots and Garden Vegetable. Best i ha rutabaga 50e ; Best 6 h"ds cabbage. 50c Best i bu carrots. 50e ; Best 2 h'ds ealid'rs.aOc Best 4 stalKS celery. 50c; Eest variety melons 50e Rest i bu tomatoes. 50c; Best ' squashes. 50e Best 1 bushel sweet potatoes, 50c Best quart Windsor beans, 50c Best i bushel table beets. 50c It most be shown that all vegetables have been raised by the exhibitor. Class 33 Currtrrs.Saddlers and Shocmaiers. Best gents' boots and shoes, S2 00 Best ladys' boots and shoes, 1 00 Rest display of boots and shoes, 2 00 Best ladys' riding saddle, - 3 00 Best riding bridle and martingale, 1 00 Rest side finished harness leather, 50 Best robe made by exhibitor, 1 00 Best carriage harness. S3; Best tug harness. 2 08 Best single harness, 3; Best gents' saddle. 2 00 Best di. play saddlery. 4; Best travl trunK, 1 00 Best side Kip leather. 50c ; Best calf sKin. 50 Best side sole leather,50c ; Best side upper Ie'r,50 Class 34 Tailors and Upholsters'' teork. Best suit of clothes made by hand, $4 Best coat made by ajlady, 1 Best pants and vest made by a lady, 1 Best husK mattress. $1 ; Best straw mattress, 1 Best hair mattrtss, 2; Claii ;5 Printing in county. Best newspaper, SI; Best handbill, SI Best bliii-K. 1 ; Be.-1 card, 1 Best ornamental printing, 5 Class 3G Stone.-icart. Best assortment and best qutlity, S5 Class 37 Chemicals and Chemical Action in Co. Best available mat ure at moderate cost. SI Best available manure for farm products. 1 Bost material for glue,50c ; Rest linseed oil, 50c Best tallow candles. 50c; Bestvinegar, 50c Best specimen of soap. 50c ; Best writing ink, 50c Class 38 Wood and Stone. Best dressed stone, St ; Eest mill stone, SI Rest grind stone. I; Butter bowl, Dip A-50c Best shingles, not less than 50, SI Best turned article. 50c Best floor boards, woraed, SI Best washing machine, 1 Best split or shaved hoops, Pip Best butter la I le. Dip Best weather boards, worked, SI Class 39 Xatural Minerals. Best suit of useful minerals of Clearfield county. including coal. 2 Best cabinet of minerals of Clearfield and ad joining counties, to be the property of the Society. 5 Best limestone, 50c; Best collection (ossils, 1 Best fire clay, 50e; Best burnt lime, 1 Best potter's clay, 5t)e; Best coal, 1 Class 4'J Fruit. Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap ples, summer and winter. Husbandman on A merican Wines and S4 00 Second best, 2 00 Best display of pears, Cole's American Fruit Book and I 00 Best plums and cherries, Cole's Am Fruit Book Best quinces. 1 00 Best specimen apples,! pecK. 1 00 Rest spec Am lean grapes, Manning's Frnit Book Best natural grapes raised in county and wor thy of culture, 50e Best domestic wine and mode of manufacture. Fuller's Grape Cultureand SI 00 Best currant wine. Manning's Fruit Book a. 1 00 Best blackberry wine, " " ir I Oil Lest gooseberries, Manning's Fruit Book Cluxs 41 Horsemanship, etc. To the lady who manages her horse best and sits most gracefully. Dip To the gentleman who manages his horse best andsitsmost gracefully. Dip Best display of horsemanship, not less than five couple. Dip Best driving on the course by a lady, Dip Best company of cavalry. Dip Best company of infantry, Dip hcsiDani who bras instruments. Dm Best martial bind. Dip; Best ten fingers, Dip Class 42 Xurseries. Beat nursery . containing the greatest variety of trnits ana scrubs cultivated in the most approv ed manner, tne applicant to furnish written de scrij tion.the variety and mode of culture. S3 00 Second best, Barry's Fruit Garden Class 43 General List. Best display and greatest variety of flowers, Dip Rest display and greatest variety of plants, Dip Best display of floral ornaments, Dip Best basket bnquet, with handle, Dip Best hand boquet, Dip I f Discretionary premiums will he awarded ft.r all arti.-losof merit exhibited by mechanics in all the various branches, and it is honed m nr. al exhibition will be made- For all improvements useful to the farmer. and having valuable proper ties, oiscretionary premiums may be awarded by the Executive Committee. GEORGE R. BARRETT. Prks't. I. G. Bahgri-.. A. M. Hills, Secretary. Treasurer. ExEcrnvit Committee Xxthaniel Rishel. S. B. Jordan. 1.. F. Irwin. A C Tate, J. A. L. Flegal. Clearfield. July ii, 1S63. "pARMERSvrill find a full and complete stock of Gras. Grain and Brier Scvthes. SieKles. Hay and Grain RaKes. ForKs, Scythe sioues rumcricKS. u ay-rope. iyo.. at the tiara ware Store of O. 11. ZEK3 LER A CO.. July 15, 1(S3. Philipsburg, Pa. COLI'IER.S- BOUNTIES. A recent bill y has passed l.otli Houses of Coiifrres.--.and signed by the President, giving soldiers who en listed prior to 2-'i July. 1361. served one year or more and were honorably discharged, a "bountv of Slow. ' I ?- Bounties and Pensions collected by me for thoseenti'led to them. WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at Law. Aug. 15th. ls.:4. Clearfield, Pa. piRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! Tho Insurance Company of Xorth America, Philadelphia. Capital j Oldest Stock Insurance ) Incorpora Sot'0.000 I Co in the Inited States t ted 17SI4 siy.HOn ooo losses paid in cash ASSETS, JANUARY 1, ISfiS. $2.001.2t6 72. Applications received and policies issued. forany length of time without being subject to assess ments, by JOHN 11. Fl'LFORD, Agent. Clear-fiwlli- P- February 19. Is63fim. LIFE INSURANCE AT HOME. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., 821 Chestsct Street. Phil'. Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will issue r uncieton any ot the approved plansof insurance Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash; annunlly. semi-annually or quarterly; jr one-half in cash, and one-half in note. By a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will participate in all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificate? np to January, 1859, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of premiums Agency, at the ofnee of H. E. Swears. Clear-' field, Pa Dr J. G. Uartswick. Medical Exami nSL August 24, 13i4. H BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, JIarket Street, Clearfield, Pa. One door East ol the Clearfield House, Keeps on ha-id a full avortsaent of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen, l iidershirts. Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties. Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc , in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades) Black Doe-Skin Cassimeres of the best make, Fancy Casiiineres, in great variety. Also. French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot. Chinchilla, an L Tricot t Over-coating, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, and made np according to the latest stylea. by experienced workmen. Also agent for Clearfield connty. for I. M. Singer A Co's Sewing Machines. November 1 1665. A 1868. PITTSBURG ADVERTISEMENTS. y ALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS. John Hall 1- Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Plows, Cultivators, Shovel-Plows, Har rows and Union Mowers, No. 121 123 Liberty St., corner of Pitt St., Pittsburgh, Pa N. B. Our eastings and points being made in an air furnace are in every way superior to those made by other manufacturers. Feb.l2.'6S ly. WOODRUFF'S PORTABLE BAROMETOR Has tbe following good qualities : 1st. Accuracy. ) 2d. Portability, ) i 3d. Simplicity, 4th. Durability. It is undoubtedly the best Barometor now in use, and can be relied upon for accuracy and durability. Any person whose interests 'depend upon iheir knowledge of tho COMING STORM should bare one. as it will be of incal culable interest to them in time. Send for Circular giving Description. General Agents DUNSEATII & IIASLETT, JEWELERS AMD Of-riCAtlS, 56 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 8, lS6s-3m. JEINEMAN, ME YUAN & SEIDLE, No. 42 Fifth st . 1 door from Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES. DIAMONDS, Pure Silver-ware, French Clocks, Plated Ware of every description. Tea Setts, Spoons, Forks. A-e. Watch makers Tools and Material. and agency of the celebrated AMERICAN WATCHES. We also keep the largest and most varied assort ment of the verv best American made CLOCKS to be found iu any city, east or west. Persons in want of any article in our line, either at wholesale or for their own rti. will find our prices lower and our assortment lar ger than nny to befound westof New York City. WATCH REPAIRiyG. To this branch of our trade (being ourselves practical watch makers) we pay very special attention. W e employ a foice of the very best Artists in the country, and Bar mil all fine, delicate and difficult work entrusted to our care forthe trade or individuals may rely on getting the utmost satisfaction. Work may be sent in bv express or itherwise. REINEMA.V. ME YUAN ir SEIDLE. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers and Silversmith's. ap29- 42 Filth st., Pittsburgh. "6S-ly So B. M E Y E R, PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT, MILESBCRO, CENTRE COCNTT, PETS'A Also agent for all the latest Improved Water Wheels and Portable Saw Mills. - Jan.H'l8-lyp. P RAN K LI N HOUSE, MILLER FARM STATION, (OX OIL CREEK RAIL ROAD. Venango County. Penn'a. THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. Jy 3,'tW ly. C.'W. TWIST, Proprietor. MISS SUSAN REED, ' DEALER IX PLAIN AND FANCY BONNETS, Misses and Children's Hats and Caps, French and American Flowers. Ribbons, Ac. Bleaching and Trimming done in Latest Styles Opposite Mostop's Store, Market Street. ap22.:fiS Clearfield, Penn'a. GREAT WESTERN Horse Insurance k Detective Company. Incorporated by tbe Legislature of Illinois, with a Chartered Capital of 5300,000, HOME OFFICE: DECATLR, ILLINOIS. Cash Aswets, Julj 1, 1867, ?171,G97 85 This is the only Company that iusnres against ACCIDENTS NOT RESULTING IN DEATH. J. F. EATON, Actuart. Office College Block, North Third Street, llarrisburg, Penn'a. WM. M. M 'CULLOUBH.Esq., May27,'8. Agent. Clearfield. Pa. $5000. ACCIDENTS. $5000. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS INSURANCE FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, FOR ONE DAY. FKe Dollars per month and from $25 to S50 per year with weekly compensation, in case of total disab'lity. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION IS MADE IN ACClDENiaNSCRANCE. Policies and tickets, covering all kinds of acci dents, whether received whilst travel ing or otherwise, sold by ALFRED M. SMITH, Insurance Apent. Clearfield, April 1, 1668. SEW SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW k SOX. Have just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of good in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the public at the lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc. , in fact, everything usually kept in retail store can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of the newest goods, is of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or ezobanged for approved eountry produce. Be sore and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determined to itease all who may favor os with their custom. May8, IS67. J.SHAW A SON. w OOLEN FACTORY! Having purchased an interest in the Union Mills, in Union township, Clearfield county, we are prepared to card wool, manufacture and fin ish cloth, and doall kinds of work in our line on short notice, in a workmanlike manlier, and on reasonable terms. Flour, feed, and lumber, also manufactured and for sale. Terms, cash. Roekton. June 17. 1S6S. J. R- ARNOLD. ' N. B Wool intended for carding ean be left at R. Mosson'a or J. P. Kratier's. in Clearfield.which will be taken sway and returned when earded. EV BOOT AND S170E EHOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite tha residence ef II. B Swoope. Esq., CLBAsriELD, Pa., Would respectfully announce to the eitisens of Clearfield and vicinity, that be has opened BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L. Cuttle. as alawofiice.and that he is determined not to be ontdone either in quality of work orprices. Special attention given to the manufacture of eewed work. French Kip and Call Skint, of the best quality, always on hand. Give bim a call. June 24. '4. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Situate in Clearfield borough, on tbe South-west corner of Cherry and Third streets. (bmg Rail road street) to wit: A lot. with a good two-story plank building thereon, 36 by 16 feet, one room on each floor, suitable for a store or other business- Also. the adjoinicg lot. with a tj story dwell ing house thereon, and several other town lots. Also a lot of well-burnt brick, and a good a sortment of stone-ware, such a crocks, jugs, jars, fruit cans, etc., at reduced prices. For further particulars inquire at the stone ware pottery of F LEITZINGER. May 13 Clearfield. Pa. J O M V, INDUSTRY BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the citiiens of Clearfiel J and vicin i ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St. nearly opposite Uartswick A Irwin drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair anythi og in his line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all werk warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra french calfskins, superb gaiter top. Ac, that I wilt finish up at the lowest fighres. June 13th. 1S6. DANIEL CONNELLY SOMETHING S E W , IN .HAW'S ROW, FRANK A STOUOnTO?!, Merchant Tailors, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Having opened their new establishment, in Shaw' Row. one door east of fhe Post Office, and having just returned from the eastern cities with a large aud elegant assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting?, Beavers, &c., and all kinds of goods for men and boys' wear, are now prepared to make np to order CLOTH ING. from a siLgle article to a full suit, in the latest stylea and most workmanlike manner Special atten tion given to custom work and cutting out tor men and boys- We offer great bargains to custo mers, and warrant entire satisfaction. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited Call and examine our goods M A. FRANK. Oct 16, 167. E. R. L. STOI GMTON. JJ ARTS WICK & I R W I N , ORUCGISTS, Having refitted and removed to the room lately occupied by Richard Mossop.on Market St .now offer low for cash, a well selected assortment of PRI GS AND CHEMICALS. Also, Patent Medicines of all kinds. Pa'nt. Oils, Glass, Putty, Dye-stuffs. Stationary. To jacco and Sega.-, Confectionary, Spices, and a larger stock of varieties than ever before offered in thi place, and warranted to be of the best the market af fords. Inspect their stock before purchasing; elsewhere, and they feel warranted in saying that you will be pleased with the quality and price of their goods Remember the place Mossop' old stand, on .Market St. Pej. . 1(5. TUB FIR3 T PREMIUM t. y WAS 1VAEDCD TO JL ' BAHRETT'S l!A!B RESTORATIVE Cf Br ! II. Slate Aet-:rolturI 8-iet. a y lis i u.-, LoLcj ia Ni.u:, Sv-t. SO. J!. BABHETT'S VesetaSIe IlaSr RestoratlTe R'.rM Cray FT-ir to Its IT-itural Color i pro- t: :.,! to t.-ir oTirr-nsI .r inie action t rmdi uis a:n:v.i l it; ii.r ; Ui i'-irr.ii.niou!; naunorJ'rruitig. . ' I 'JUOI'I. Ilirrni. ill, V VJV '"' l.irr.u-hfl;l lit i-Aii, rtc. .oriii, alia wo J. FL. BARRETT & CO.. Proprietors, m A-vctiEST-rn. n. n. Sold by Uartswick A Irwin, Clearfield ; A. I, Sbaw. Clearfield ; J. R . Irwin. Cnrwensville. atidl all dealers in PatentMedicines. ap I, '68 6m Q LEAR FIELD MARBLE WORKS. ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE FINISHED IN THE HIGHEST STYLE OF THE ART. The subscribers beg leave to announce to the citizens of Clearfield county, that they have opened an extensive Marble ard. on tbe South west corner of Market and Fourth streets, Clear-" field, Pa., where they are prepared to make Tomb Stones, Monuments, Tombs, Box and Side Tombs, Cradle Tombs, Cemetery I'osts, Mantles, Shelves, Brackets, etc., etc., on very fchoit notice. They always keep on hard a large quantity of work, f niihed. except the lettering, so that per sons can call and select for themselves the style desired. They will also make to order any other tyle of work that may be desired ; and they flatter them elves that they can compete with the manufac turers outside of the county, either in workman ship or price, as they only employ the best ef workmen. All inquiries bv letter promptly an swered joH.N tlUKLICH. May 22.VK7-tt. II EN R Y 5 U ELICI1 JUST IN TIM E! THE NEW GOODS AT A. K. WRIGHT k SO N S , CLEARFIELD. PA., Having just i earned from the eastern cities we are now opening a full stocK ef seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very low for cash. The stock consist in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such as Prints. Delatnes.Afps cas. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Ticking, cotton and wool Flannels. Caseiiners. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, No bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmoral. Ac . At., all of wHch will be sold low for cash. Also, a Cue assortment ef tbe best of MENS WEAR, consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hat and Cap, Boots and Shoes, HandkerchiefM cravats, etc. Also. Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Raltina Augurs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamp and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., cte Also, Queensware. Glassware. Hardware, G roe ries, and spices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, all cheap for cash, or approved country produee. Nov. 2g-jal-nol3. WRIGHT A SONS. rj. II. ZEIGLER k CO.. at their lara VT Hardware Store, in Philipsbrrrp, buy for casb, sell for cash, and consequently they sell cheap. July 15, I8S8- lot nf Pltr Veto To, anil IX- Staee Harness. Horse Collars, Garths. Sarcingles and Saddlery Hardware, just received and for sale by the firm of G. H. ZEIGLER Sr CO. A FULL stock of PIatform,Counter.Bcm and Balance Scales, for sale at Mann- acturers price, by G.H. ZEIGLER 4- CO., July K, ISB3. Philipsburg. Fa 00 kees Nails and Spikes just received and -1 for sale by G. H. ZEIGLER k CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers