Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 12, 1868, Image 3
5itrit.vf i 12, 1868. C iyuftsman'js journal rlEAKFIELP, PA., AUGUST 12, 1868. -" Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad. :. lesves Trrone at : : : : r 9.20 a m Arrires it Ph.lipsburg at : : 11.20 a. m. Iinl PbiHpsburga' : : : 2.5 p m. ArrivesjuTyrone t : : : : 4.00 p. m wEUOiors. Divine services will beheld t.ba!h. in Clearfield, as follows :. Br Be. N'id'rff in ,he Lut"eran church ;B the mornine and evonine. Bv Rev Archer (Presbyterian), ia the Court II mo-nine and 'renin. Br Kev- Gayer in the Methodist church, "ByneTmVesintte Baptist Church, in the evening. . . - . ADJOTJBNED COINTV CONVENTION. The late CounU Convention having adjourned to re-nsscmble at the call of the Chairman of the County Committee for the purpose of nominating a county ticket, on consultation with the mem bers of the Committee, I designate TUESDAY, the 1st dy of SEPTEM BER, for the re-assembling of the Convention, in the Court House, in V'learneM. at 2 o'clock, P. M. II. B. Swoope, July 20.2t. Ch'n. Co. Com. Treasurer's Sale. The adjourned sale of nn-e:ted 'and:- for the taxes, will be held by the Treasurer in the Court House, on the 24th inst. Persons interested should make a note of it. Grant Cixb. The Republicans of this borough and vicinity are requested to meet it the IL-adquarters, over the store of II. Bridge.on Saturday evening next, to organ iiea Grant and Colfax Club. Large Yield. Our friend, William V.'e.tover, of Chest township, took eighteen "rents" -out of his Patent Bee Hives, last week, which together weighed ISO lbs. This is the largest yield of honey wc have ever known in this county. The ' Graspfes" Here. The officers of the Grand Lodge of the I. O. O.. P., ar rifi'l hero on Friday evening, oti a "pasto ral,'" or some o:her kind of a visit to the t'learfield I!g They had seme sort of a I'orfuruiance, lasting late into the night. and Irft tiie next morning. One of them was ! piiotigh to have carried fi. stiAll Lodge in h; coit pocket. Ki.nQt'ENT Sermon. The Rev. FT. E. L!-un of Indianapolis, preached for Rev. J. G. Archer, on Sabbath evening last. Iti'K'rUHin was from th words "Arid he ui::e to hini.'.elf," in the stor1 of the Prod is. '. It s an analogy between InsiT.-.ty iiiJ Impiety, very graphically and forcibly Mr. Edson is a brilliant sdiyicir, 1 Tii a inr-st eloquent preacher. Kducatiox. No person shoa'd enter Iffe wi.hout agt),)..l education, when the nioans i.T ai-nuiring it are now so ample and inul- tij'iied. To those in search of a good school i we take t k-a-ure in sayinf th?t tbev i SPt1,! Cil n.l f-irllior fr.0,1 tiniDd llton in 1,. Af-adeniy, located in this town, to find a fi-5t-rate institution, under competent teach ers, with moderate charges for tuition. LriiuEit City Grant Club. A Grant ind (V.fax Club was organized in Luru er City on Friday evening last. Isaac Kirk was w-trj President, Jno. U. Ferguson Secre- 'ary. and ti. H. Lytic Treasurer. A vigi- Usce Committee was appointed. Speeches "-remade by Hon. J. P. Hoyt and others. It i- v ry enthu.iiastie meeting, and the !;.,,.,t.v. .... 1 . .t ... 1 uoovau are oeternnnea 10 pusn rue 1 i -wpaic.'i wui'.zeal and energy. UMvUt.rT Ax The clausx ot the a.'- fhich provided that no person should be ! tir.n of Grant and Colfax, ot (Iriswold and i:-4.ird whose estate would not nay fifty ! Cornell. Yon see, as I see, that the ap - y ' j j.roaelnng canvass summons us once more ,rf.nt. en the dollar, and which took ef- j to the is.-ue between patriotism and treason. :- n the Grst of Jane k,t, h.s Wn fur- I You feel, as I feel, that in Novcn.b r the j American people must iieciite whether their - : x'ended to the first of January next, j (l0vrnmetit shall remain in the handset its iives five months more time for the 1 friend or be surrendered to its betrayers TI .. cation of those who have n assets. '! I! Swoope, Kj.. practices in the Courts ,; the L'nited States, aud will present Peti- t;'' fir those desiring to take advantage j :" th a: extension. Thk Homu -h.e (-ASE .The case of Isaac M-rr,n. charged with the murder of Jno. Il'iVitts, by striking him with an axe, on th i -V-h of Ja!y, at Reed's Mill, near Os--a- Wul U- tried at the September Term. lni'Je.n was held n the body of Higgins. (vruin testimony elicited, but we think " wtterto withhold the publication of any c! the pmiculars until after the trial. Let verJ uid -uspend judgment in the prera 1StS unti' tbe case is fully and properly in-,-'iK.lt.,lVytl,e Court. B;!i!"1' CNsErRATED.On last Sunday wk, the very Kev. T. Mullen, formerly iwor in Allegheny City, was Consecrated i! r,tt't'rg. Ui,h..p of this (the Erie) dio ,e' t0 l'ie vacancy occasioned by the ' -vitu of Bi-hnp Young. The ceremonies ,e grand and imposing. The price of -Wion was fixed at one dollar, and the proceed, tl,X), were presented to the 'f--burg Catholic Orphan Asylum. Since ' ' loath of Rihop Young.tbe Rev. Fath ir c"iy, (formerly of this place and a most ?tirtab!e gentleman,) has managed the af 'ir of the diocese. Bishop Mullen is said to t man of ability, a ripe seholar, and a e'-oqutnt preacher. We presume Le will Clearfield at an early day. New Goods just received at Reed & Co's. Agricultural. Ve are requested by the Chairman, Nathaniel RishelEsq, to an nounce that therg will be a meetineof the Ex ecutive Committee of the Clearfield Agricul tural Society, at the Register's office, on Sat urday afternoon next, at one o'clock. As there is important business to transact, the Committee are all urged to be present. Kkv. L. Oslf.r, of Providence R. I. will preach in the Baptist Church, in Clearfield, commencing orr Wednesday evening, Aug. 12th, 1SCS. and to continue each eveninp during the week and on the Sabbath. Mr. Osier proposes to give a series of discourses on the Advent Faith. The Community are respectfully invited to attend.- 'A snrinirino- i.w. 9 nlpasnr wrM.-r, nn -" - t - , language can express," is imparted to every possessor of luxurious head of hair which only"Barrett's Vegetable Hiir Restorative" can impart. This is the only preparation to ,. , 4kr 1 v 1. v y i Which a .Medal has ever been awarded. St. Joseoh Union. The '"White Man's Government" Party. The Mobile Daily I?efi?ter gives the fol lowing counsel to the Democracy of Ala bama : ''You can easily carry a majority of ne gro votes for Seymour and Blair. You must organize a central club at every county site clubs in every civil district. Let it be com posed of whites and blacks ; if you have but one Democratic negro in the district or beat, enroll him as a member. Meet regularly frequently, and each member of the cluh endeavor to brint; out one or more colored ! Radicals to hear vour discussions." The Register also imparts this interesting piece of news : "The colored men are ripe for joining their white fe'low-citizens of the South to execute vengeance upon the villains who have used and abused them for their own vib; purposes. By a persevering and judi cious application of efTort, fifty thousand colored men may be-enrolled in Democratic clubs in three moirhs, and join the white pec ple of the South in banishing from their places of ill-gotten power and from the soil they have polluted, thieves and incendiaries who have come here to steal office and make diseord between the white and colored peo ple." 'Things are working" down in that country- Prekekked the Monkkv SlIV, An amusing incident oceured tli other day at a Democratic meeting in Jacksonville, 111. While Gen. McCunn -U was speaking, a cir cus procession, preceded by mr.-ic, drove around the public square, the. band playing a lively tune; whereupon a majority of the persons present left the meeting and ran oti after the band or to the show. At this, Gen. MeConnell, usually amiable lost his temper, ond after pausing a few moments, said : "Fcllow-eiiizens, it is a bad sign, I tell you it is a "-id sign, to sec the pciq)e leave a 'Vmocratic meeting and run alter a d d monkey show. Such conduct convin CCS me that VOU care neither for your party 1 nor your principles. . . , The Ten Cent Party Official paper, I have come to light showing that the Den .0- vratie executive Committee of Ohio have "assessed a contribution of ten cents a head I carry on tne campaign. 1 ne county cotu- mittees are to collect it through the aue.icy of the sub committees. The copperheads have a singular proclivity for 'ten cent' con tribution, and assessments. They rai.-ed one for the support of tire traitor Vallandigham when he was "exiled." They have a full recollection of 'ten cent' Jimmy, and then, at present prices, it just takes 'ten cents' to buy a drink of whiskey for which their fondness is proverbial. Seymour's Brother-in-law. Scvmours brother-in-law, Hofi. Roscoe i Conkling, in response to u serenade at his . . ,T . r.. i ..,.,.,( . home in Utica.maue a most eloquent speecli, from which we take the rollowing; , . ' 1 ' . T I . '. . .. . . 1 V t . 11 f 11 - , l,., nnn ,.... ami its toes, in tins lairu we snaii oin and by this sign we shall conquer." DIED : On Thursday morning. August 0th, ITiS, 1 of Consumption, in the ''tth year of her aire. 1 1 arrikt M.. witeot m. irwtn oi Rurnside, Cle: rfield Co.. Penn'a. "VOTICE. All persons having unsettled accounts with the undersigned will please call and settle at once without further no tice. T. H. FORcEY. I. rahampton. Angast 5, lSS-lt ALLEGIIKNV 1K0X WORKS WARREN, PENN'A. BROWN, AliXETT & CO., Proprietors of these works, have a i led to the Machine Shop enlarged Machinery, of the best description, for heavy work, a steam hammer in the Blacksmith -Shop, ind in the Eoiler Shop tools necessary fir the manufacturing of Steam Boil ers in the best sty le. They would respectfully notify Miilers, Lum bermen and Tannery men that they are repar ed to receive, and promptly execute, orders for ENGINES, BOILERS. CIRCULAR MILLS, SHINGLE MACHINES. AND BARLOW'S PATENT ROTARY MULEY-SAW HANG INGS, PLOYS, fcc, &c. They employ none tut the best workmen and purchase the best material the market affords. They feel assmed that they will thus be able to turn out work which will give satisfaction to their customers. The Barlow Patent Rotary Cutting Moley Saw Hangings are considered the most perfect Muley ever yet introduced. We will guarantee them to cut twenty-five per cent, more lumber than any other Muley now in use Oor Circular Mill may be seen at the Mill of Ellis Irwin if Son, at Lick Run, where informa tion respecting them can be obtained. H. W. BR'AVN, I, W. ARNKTT Aug. 5,'o8-3m. TII'.'S STRITHERS. A FULL lire of corigated Water Coolers, and Ice Cream Freezers for sale lv July 15. ISdS O. 11 ZKIGLEh 4- CO, T)OTY'S Clothes Washer and Gales Cop- per Strip Feed Cutter fivr sule bv July li. 186S. U fl . ZEIULER A CO. T?VFJIYTIILG in the Hardware k. pt and for sale.at FAIR PRICK? by July 15, IsrtS. G. II. ZEIULEK A-CO pURE BUCK LEAD, equal in qna'ity to , Enclish white lead: Oils, l aints and arnishes of all kinds ; Oo!d leaf in books, and bronres. for sale bv A. I. SHAW. Clearfield, October 23. 1HC7. rFIlE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, 3. J. RICHARDSON 4 CO., 12rt Market Street. Philadelphia, are th largest Manufacturing Confcetionersand Wholesaielteal eni in Fruits. Nuts. Ac , in the United States. March i. ISS-'-ly. PACTION. All persons are hereby cau- tioned against purchasing or taking an assigrment "1 a certain proraisory mite, dated May -U. InriS calling for Two Hundred and Fifty sonars, six mowns alter aato payable to the or a" ot.""?J loini.kms As I havo received no vaiun tor said note 1 will not Dav the same unless compelled by due course of law. WenHopeAu?. 5 :5tp. S. M. DICKERMAN. fJAMP MEETING. Providence permit ling, the Third Annii:t! Camp Meeting luemi, .11. c. viiurra. win com- mence 011 Friday, August 1 tth. ISriS, in the Grove ui u.-qurnanna 1 trcuit. .11. E. Church, will com- 01 .Messrs, Jirvers. near er Washington. A number of eminent ministers are engaged for the occasion. The members of Cherry Trfe. Urookvilla and Clearfield circuits are invited to I come and tent with us. Juiyy. os-;n W T. WILSON. Pator. PACTION. -All persons are hereby cau tinned airaint piiichasinr a promissory note, calliii" lor Fifty Hollars, and due about the middle of April. ISriU. said note being given in favor of M i. r.rown for the privilege of selling his Horse Hay Fork in tho town.'hips of I'eun. Blooru and I. umber-city Borough. Having re ceived no value for said note I am determined not to pav the same unless compelled bv due course of law. SAMUEL W1DEMIUE. Grampian Hills. July 2'J. HfiS-St. A SS1G N EE'S NOTICE. Tn the District Court of the United States, for the Western district of Pennsylvania: In the matter of ) WILLIAM F IKWIS. Tn Bmlriiptry. Iiai. krupt. ) To Whom it mat CosrEiiy The undersigned hereby gives rotice of his appointment as As signee of William p. Irwin, ot the Borough of Clearfield, in the county of Clearfield. State of f'ennsj Ivania. withi.. said llistrtct, who has been adju.-ged a Hunkrupt. upon his own petition, by the Iiisirict Court of s:iid District. July 22. '6S-lt. M V TATE, Assignee. lEV STORE. Corner of Second St. and Hill Road. 11. MITCHELL Has just received and op-ned, at the above nam ed pla'io. an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which he will sell very cheap for cash. His stack consists of Dry (3 ods, Groceries, Hardware, Qiteensware. Hoots and Shoes. Hats and Caps. Heady ma le Clothing, etc. He also keeps choice Flour, Com Meal, Chop feed, Bacon. Fish and dried Fruits. FerscES desirous of purchasing goods at fair ri'tee aro reaj ectlully requested to give him a call. Approved country pruduce will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield. June 17, IS68.- w II ERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry writs of J-'irri I'icin. issued out. of the I Court of Common l'h as of Clearfield county. and to me direeied. there will be exposed M sale at the Court hooj'e in the borough of Clearfield, on S at I H1a V. the isih day of AlCl ST. ls.3, llt 2 o'clock p. it , the following described Real Es- -, f : . . .... certHin tract of land, situate in truelk-h township. Clei field county, l'.i.. bounded and described as follows: l!i'Kint:ing at a M:i pie thence South 50 di-irri-'es. Wet si i.rrclies to White nk thence South la decrees East SM J perches to Post, thence Sou:h ."! d'res West 94 perches to Post, thence Ni rth 40 degrees West 1 1 fi 3 perches to Post. thence South 50 ile;; V'rst 134 4 perches to Post, thence Norih 1 I i drones West 7rt perches to White Oak. 'thence South 77 degree. West 51 perches to Hem lock , thence North 5o decrees East 25 perches to Post, thence South 40 decrees East itti perches to place of beginning containing 218 acres and 5 pen-bes and allowance. Also all defendants in terest in the timber standing upon the old home stead, lyinjr North of a continuation of the John Meyers Northern line. through the old homestead. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of (Jeorge Ilegarty. Also all the interest of Sj. W. Thompson cf in and to all that certain trat or piece of la;id situ ate in Bloom township, Clenrfieid county. Penn'a. and surveyed on warrant No. .-O-t. in name of Nicklin A tirifiith. anil containing abou t 3(10 acres. Seized, taken in executi in. and to be sold as the pr-'pertv of Stacy V Thompson. .luiv 22. isr.s C. HOWE. Sheriff. X E W F I It M ! JAS. B. GRAHAM &; SONS, MARKET STREET, CLBARFIELn, Pa. 0 SIT.CIAL BARGAINS. Every Department Well Assorted. 0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. (I CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, SATIN ETTS, TWEEDS, JEANS, LINENS, &c. 0 Ready ma tie Clothing, for Men and Hoys. -o- GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, 0 BOOTS AND SHOES. 0 : IIOISER Y, the best assortment, ami at the lowest figures to be found in t lie county, 0 Ladies Dress (Jood. LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, A full assortmen of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, alw.iya on liaml. 0 Orders Clcl for all kinds of Lumber. 0 Goods Arriving Daily. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Grain and country produce taKen in exchange for Goods. CALL AND SEE. Acc . 1868. CURWENSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. O J. HAYES, Si Rr.Eox Dentist; Office on Thompson street. (urwenville. 1'a. Teeth extracted by the application of local in tetbeaia. and all kinds cf modern dental work done. May 13. IrtfiS-y. T S. COLE would inform his old cus " tomers, and the public generally, that he still continues to manufacture BOOTS AND SH'iES of the very best Krenuh ("alt and Kip. at the lowest prices for cash or approved country produce. H also manes all kinds of heavy boots. All work warranted, and perfect satisfaction Riv en. Opposite Draucker"s Hotel, Carweosville. Pa. July l''.i lo--Iy pLEARFIELD NURSERY. Entoir- ACK llo.ME Isnrst HY. The undersign ed having established a Nnrsery.en the Pike, halfway between Curwensviile and Clearfield Boroucbs. is prepared t lurnish all kindsof Frui trees. (Standard and d wart. I Evergreen '. Shrub bery.tjrape 'ines. Gooseberry, Lawten Bl;.cfe berry. Strawberry and Rnspheiry vines. Also Sibrian frab trees. Quince and early Scarlet Rheu barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended 'o. Ad'lress Ang 31 . IStii J. DWRI1 1 IT, Corwensville. Q US QUE II ANN A HOUSE. m Curwensville, Pa. EXPRESS AND STAGE OFFICE. This wcl! known Hotel, having been re-fitted aid re furnished throughout, is now open for the accommodation of travelers, and the public in geBeral. Charges moderate. W;.l. M. JEFFRIES. Augcst 1 4, 1 SS7-tf Proprietor. AT E W F I R M ! IJartsock Sz Good win. One door East of Henj imin Bloom's Hotel, CclUVKSSVILfcB, Pa. Having just received a full and well selected assortment of Hry iJoots. Ilress tioois. Clothing. Notions. Hats. Caps, Boots. Shoes, Drugs Hard ware, tiaeenswarc. Tinware. Cedar and Willow ware. Brooms, Croceries. Flour. Fifh. Salt, cto.. to which !hcy a.-k the attention of the public. Our a.-s irtmetit is compleTf in c-erv department, and our prices are moderate, as will be found upon examination by purchasers. ioods will be sold cheap for cash orexchanged for countrv produce I A N IE I. H AKTSOCK. Feb. li.'lSrtS. El GOODWIN. L WAYS N E WITHO'L'T FAIL. JOHN 1 II V I X, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensville. an jntire new stock of Fall and Winter Ooods which he will sell very cheap for cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Roots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc. The pnb!fc generally is rc?pecfully irvited to give him a call : see hist.k and hear bis prices, and purchase from him if you find it will he to your advantage. Nov. 15. ISfSS A TTENTIOS! BUY E R S !! riKAtr.RS t! FOREIGN ASD DOKE.'TIC DttT-QOODS, tC M.1.X STREET, Ct R W BN S V tLLF , PA., Having jttst retcrncd from the east with a gen eral assortment ot gooSs. to whicn they desire to invite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of Dry-Goods. Groceries. Hardware. Qneens ware. Tinware. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing. Notions, c'e., in great variety, which they now offer at prices for cash to suit the times They also deal in Grain. Poik. Shingles. Boards and other lumber, wbte-h wiU-fc received at tho highest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair 'rates are respectfully requested to give us a call Remember you can find us at the old stand on Main Street where we arc prepared to accomo date customers with anything in our line of "business. Sept. fi. lfiS. flIPPLE 4 FAUST. g O M E T II I N G N E W IN Cl'HWKNSVILLE. MUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS!!! The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that lie has opened a Drug Store, in ihe room recently fitted up in the bouse of George Kittlcbartter. on Main street. Curwensville. Pa., one door West of liipple t Faust's store: where he inteuds to keep a gcnoi .il assortment of Hrngs. Medicines, Oil., Paints, Iye-Si nils. Patent Medicines, Per fumery. Toilet Goods, Conlectionaries, Spices, Canned Fruit. Tobacco and Cigars, Books, Stationery, Pencils, Pens, Ink, and a general variety of Notions; Barrett'." Hair Restorative, Glass, Putty, etc., etc., etc. The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt in Curwensville. and as that want is now supplie-1. the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit, and receive imurai suare oi public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual ity, which he will dispose of at roaonable price? Call and examine the goods which cannot fail to please. I KWIN A MONTELIL'S. November R. lS5.-July S.'flS. E W SPRING GOODS, jrST RECEIVED AT K I R K & S P E N C E R S j Lumber City, Pa., The undersigned would respectfully inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have Just received their Spring stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods. Groceries. Boots, r-hocs. Hats. Caps. Fish, Salt. Flour, Bacon. Nails, Paints. Oils. Stoneware, Hardware. Queensware. Baskets. Tubs. Churns. Carpet. Oil cloth, and a general variety cf snch articles ns are usually kept in a cduntry store, si I of which they will Sell CHEAP F1K CASH. They weuld also direct attention to their large stock of Ready-made doming, which they otter for sale at a small advance upon cost. KIRK & SPENCER. ' Lumber City. ?a.,Ma? S, 17. N. B. We also manufacture to order, and con stantly keep on band a general assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men. women and children. KIRK 4 SPENCER. A N O T H E R BIG "FLOP! " wm. f. jonxsos. : : : : : : J. B. iUlet. Some two months ago it was fi raal!y announced that Pcnnville was -Right side up." Recent events have proven the announcement pteuiature. Another -Flop' recently occurred, nad chief amon tbe improved, -interesting, and important"' phases presented, is the one portray ing TUB SEW, LtKUS. AMD Coaot)or. STOKE Hoc.se, of JOHNSON & BAILEY who have just returned from the East with a large al firefiillit trlrctrd lnrk of xr.n.nnnhle cooH of greater variety, and of better quality, than have heretofore been offered in this section of the county Call at the New Store iwuoi. and you will find : Dry Goods nnd Groceries), Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hard ware. Queens ware, Hollow ware, Wood and Stone-ware, Druos, Oils, Paints and Varnishes. Glass. Putty, Read' , ladd Clothing. Clocks," Conleerionary, Cheese, Flour, Fish, and Provisions generally. Our stock of Hardware will htar tii'prrtinit. as it is full and of the iirf quality Our stock of Boots and Shoes is unequalled in quality and low prices. To the ladies we would say we intend to make the No-ion and Dress department worthy their patronage Articles not on band will be specially ordered, to suit our customers. The striking feature in the "F'op," and the one we would keep before the people i. the vbbt LOW PRICES AT WIIICB II (IE SKLL1XG. The pUO- lio are invited to gite us a call Erin? on your Prodii;e your Boards. Shingles. Grain, Pork, Butter. Eggs. Dried Apples. Rsgs. Ac. Our motto, ' Cheapest A Best. JOHNSON & BAILEY. Pcnnville. August 2. IS? 7 CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The First Session of the next S.-holastio year of this Institution, will' commence on Mon day, the 7th day of September. 1868 Pupils can enter at any time. They will be chr.rged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Tebus or Trmos: Orthography, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) 55 00 Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, nndllisto ry $3.0(1 Algebr-t-Oeotr-etry, Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying. Philosophy. Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. " y.n Latin, Greek and Trench, with any of the a bovo branches- 9 2.00 t.SrNo deduction will b made for absence. For further particulars inquire of Kbv P. L. HARRISON. A M. July ni.l.s'17. Principal. o. L. tir.r.n. j r WEAVER w. row ELL, B. F. noop NOTICE, t JONES. W.W.nETTSJ CLEARFIELD PLACING MILL A L L II I G II T . Messrs. HOOP. WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respec'fully inform the citizens of the county that they have completely retPted and supplied their PL A XING. MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, sach as Flooring, WeatLerboarding, Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand, and will pay cah for otear sfT, one-and-a-half inch pannel plank preferred Xov 6. '67 NEAV IIAEDWARE 0 R rillLIPSBCRG, CENTR7 CO., PA.. Geo. II. Zeigler & Co.,"- DEAl.r.RS I Fovcijrjv onj rorucftlo Hardware, Cutlery, Wood and Willow ware, Tin ware, Stove?, Oils, Paints, Glass, Iron, Nails etc., etc., etc. The attention of Mechanics. Builders, FaMcers. Lumbermen and Buyers generally, is invited to the fact that we are now offering a better assort ment of goods in our line than can be found else where in this part of the Sti ?. at prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises a general assort ment of Tools and Materials used by Carpenters. Blacksmiths, Carriage and Waon makers. Join ers, c. together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, xsails. Spikes. Railroad and Mining supplies; Saddlery and Harness material a goott assortment ; Ropes Chains, Grindstones, circular mill arJ oross-eut Saws; Enameled, FinS.iied, and Plain Hollow ware great variet ; Cables. Coal oil Lamps and Lanterns; Lard, Linseed, Coal and Lubricating oils; and an extensive and good selection of Fine Cutler Comprising a general assortment of dining knives and forks, dessert knives and forks, and carving knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, razors, shears, scissors, shoe knives, nnd many other ar ticles. Also, dessert, tea and table spoons, and plated forks, in great variety and of the best man ufacture. Also. Brittania and silver-plated ware. Tin-ware In great variety, and of the best manufacture al ways ou hand, among which will be fiund buck ets of every size, tin-enps, oil ctns. sprinkling cans, dusting pans, miners' lamps; gallon, quart and pint measuras. and many other articles in the tin-ware line, which are wanted by everbody. Blacksmiths Can be supplied with Anvils, Bellows. Vices, sledges, hammers, horse and mule shoes, horse nails, and all kinds of Bat and round bar iron, nail rods- etc ; and with cast, shear, spring and blister steel, from the best manufacturers in the L'nited States, or of foreign manutacture. Carpenters And Builders will find in our establishment superior and complete stock of Planes. Saws. Augurs, Hatchets, Hammers, Files. Chisels. Hinges, Screws, Ixks. Bolts, rulleys. Sash, Cord. As. .Farmers Will End eaerythir.g in their line, and cheaper than elsewhere in this section of the State com prising Household, horticultural, farming and rafting implements, of the latest and most im proved patterns Particular attention is direct ed to our very ex eusive stock of wood and coal Stoves. Comprising Fpear's juitly celebrated Antl dus ccok and parlor itovea of ail sizes ; Alro, The Ni agara cook. Parlor cook. Brilliant, Dawn, Dew drop. Artie, Egg and Picket stoves. All of the above goods will be aold cheap for Cash. G. H ZEI3LEK k CO. Philipuburg. Oct. 16th, 1857.-1 y. O TL A PAINTS the cheapest in the county. nay J. i. u. CRAPE VINES FOR SALE. All the " leading hardy varieties of first quality. Concord Cuttings. St.uU per hundred. Oiders solicited as soon as convenient and filled in ".tatiou. by A M. HILLS. Aug 21, 'ti.-. Clearfield. Pa. ! ("1LEARF1ELD CEMETERY. Satur- fixd upon i -r cleaning unti putting in r '.er J14 nicretl fiUoe. All fcetic? an iTitcrcM in it will f.leHe a r tend with the n r v tools. Remember the deaU. .I'N Ti'VNT'. July lo. 13 AH KLUS I UYI. Trustee. TJOOK AGKNTS WAN 1 KH to solicit. J (Wf'ir Irr. iiii.iiu Smith's I '. ionn or ! ry or the libi The only e ittutn ru'iiiahr 1 in A- timric.i oni.rn-cd by I'r I Smith's own h:unl. In Te lan- Ocfuwo volume. 1'iusir itd wuii over trvl mid wiod onr.tvin. A it- niid .ub-flerH-era gee that. ou git frlj cuuine olirinn bv Ir n.vh The Spriftcrf;,Tf lrphrtr.m F3rs thir edition pablishtd Itj ...;jiT!" !ii:rr k Co . is the genuine t h i n The i'ouc rr ' ( ' " srei ys. u h t e v e r wi,-hee to eet. in ihe cheMj.est frui she hvsl l'ie tiraary of the Iliic uutd buy tliis . Aent? Hre uiTtinjc with uii(.ri!lcile 1 fuoces-. TVe einpl'y n Cltrrul Atftti hd tilfrr extra in duceuients to c invat-rj". Azut will ! e the advantage of dealing diret tly vn'.h ihn Publish ers. Fr descriptive ciretHarif ni:h t'u'l prtitu larf and lerms, idd'rc tho lubil4lur. -f i' F'l'lltC 4 CO., liartlord. CrUn junc 3J0 t. QIGARS A N I T O li A C C O. ADOLni PCflOLrP, ! Dkalp.k rii!S am Tobaccos, i Would res"pe:ful:y iinn-unce that he has reir.ov f ed to the lare and c fi(ii'diui efor-nsont up polite the residence of tl li ?-wtHtpe, Kjj.. w litre 1 he hiin opiiiied a trfciicrul :ifort:nviit of J t.hjeco, I Cigr.rs.elr. vhih hf i prepfrd ti sell, wholn.-aic ! or retail, nt rtirfs-vnubW? nrirew. H'i9 ciariJ are rmde ot" the very lt materii!. and in ntylc of n:nnt"jr? are wil! cejipure nith hope of any other e-s'ahiii.niri.t. He ha always on hnu 1 a ujipri.-r article f chew i n arid looking itbaco-. to which he direct.- the irrtcn-inn rf lovers of the weed." Merchants and Ie-i1erj. thrnnhout the county supplied at the lowest w h!esa !e p ric. iall nndexmrre hisntok when you come to Clearfield. June IU. II. F. N A U (5 L K WATCH yAKE2, GRAHAM'S KOW, CLEAKFIEM. The un 1ersi nod respectfully infirras hi oM customers arrd th publir. thHt he has on band, (and constantly rtr.eiviiig new additions.) a large toek of Clocks, v at'b nt .Jewelry. CLOCKS. lare variety from the het Mnn cfac.torytcini.rir: r.f l'iht-day and thirty-hour pprinjr and Weight, and l,evera. Time. Mrike ai;d Alarm clocks IV A TCH a Pn a vctmcnt.o ,':lvrr Hnnt int and open on.e America: putent I.evcii. plain and fu) 1 ie wlp I G'tLD yi.V.S. an eVkcrtnt awrtmMit. of the best quality. Also, in silver exteiiPion and dtsk holders SPECTACLES, a l:irtre atmtrtmant. far and near siht. colored and ph'.in tflap?. J fi WE T.! V of every variety, from a single piece to a full aot ALS()ta fine assortment of ?.ns. forks, but ter knives, ettv. r-hrted on genuine Alabata. AH kinds ifCloeks. Watches and Jewelry enro fully repairs 1 atid Vt't;rrn:tnt A coiittnu:iiee oj inlrotia:e is policited. Nov. 2-th Ivt.i. li. F. NAVfiLK Q LO T II I X G ! CLOTHING!? cooo ad cheap::; Men, Vou'h and Dor run 'bo uplpied' witS full suits of so:tiah!e and t.tshioiiaijle clolhii.g at RtlZENSTF.IN I ROfi & C(T.t where it i fold nt p rices tTiat will inoce their i-urcuano. The iniTernnI sniirfctton which hnr been given, haa tiidrjeed tlieiu to increase theii ?'o.k. wbiuh is now not surpassed by any estub I liiiiiuicnt cf the kind ttt this prt of the. State. lTdz.-nsft' BV:s A Co., Sell tio3 at a very rftasJI profit, for cab ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every cne t6 trtrrth cf his money. They treat their costorcers sM aliKe. They tell cheaper than every boriy e'se. Tbeirstore is conveniently situated. They having purchased tlieif stock : t reduced prices they cau rcli cheaper tl ah others Kor thf se and other feasons person should buj their clothing at KKIZKXSTKrN BttO'S A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 13. 184. II E C II E A PEST GOODS A KB SOLI) 1ST RlCItARD M O S S O P. DEALER IS FOREIGN A NO OCVESTIC DRY GOODS, .C. MA K i; tT 3TH KfcT, CLE BFI1.LU, PA. Read thr. full, n? tt.U n r roo. niitl )roJili-rrhy. F0K THS LADIES. ''.00,h i.nfup Ctteau' llnt',cioi Vinnil n T iv.ru or jtsib- r.f I 1. : A! !?. Ie I.aiftes. (JinhRms. c V C h'o ' t is. vhii:. Kerchiefs. Nu 'i bies. Bonnets, ttlttves, etc. Goods i i' FOit .Jt.VTJ-EMEX, CVr! Always on hand ISlaek. Ulae. Brown;, ! i.heaa and ir;y Cloths. Fancy and black ifj OOrs Ct'tip Casimeres .Sa: tiucts. Cassinets, x(htorf Vfrtp Tweeds. Vlain ai:d KancJ Vest- Gw(s -A iugs. r'htrting. etc.. etc. cto. ,Goo l I Vhrfp UEAlV-MALi-:, j I l-hr.Gti Stieh as ro:.tf. Pant Vets. TJntler-' ''ei birts. and other Flannel shirts. I''0"''' p, LVots, hoes. ii-ts. Caps. Jfl K- ' V""7'! tied, (iuiu Uo'it.-and .-hoes. and , I'hfrp) a v-.iriety of other arr;5lcs. f?uf? ';"" j IHrSKll'l.D(10iIS. JanU.- rJa Su-h as I'nbleached and Uleached -"(Mil! .1....I:... A M..i:n. Il IrJO.t and cntinn tablecloths. Oil cloth Che.. G'iOri (rtiott 1 Goods pets, curruind. iriuge. etc HARDWAKE. AC. 1-ftrap Ch,ip Cheap Chean Goo'f, If yoa watt ail r spikes. Manure Onod or other forks aw-mill or other foodn saws, auiootii irons. Locks, ilines. etc- 0 to Messop's where you n buy cheap. IF YOU WANT u hfap Cheap Cheap Cheap CltKip Ch e,ip Cheap Cheap Cheat Good , (rood Gnod Good Knives anil forks. i?uther Knives, 7W .Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla flood and hemp ropes. Ink. Paper r Pens. fwder. Shot or head, etc.. buy them at Mo.p's. Gofd, Gods Mr and Cn tap IV YOU WANT Cheap jJhoe Ln-t or Peirs Palm or Faney o" Chsapi oap March, Wall Paper or Win- 'y Good L,henp Jow Shades. Lanins. Ldmpiunes Cheap or Wicks, coal oil. etc . tfo to Cheap Mosson'v chefip c:t;h store. Ghean rv vniT riVT Goods Gnadh Good Cheap 0o0(1 CJttr0 family Klonr. White or j it. bums shoulders or Chp ,Me. cofcee ; Imperial. Young Goo i i lOQtl Gnu' G tto-1 Goo- xrMp, iirM'ti or!ac'K lea. buy them ( hup at V(si.rt"s chean for eash. C h es? p I Chrnp Chefip ' C 'neap Chrip, Chfa Chrap if yor WANT allow candles, fsnt- or ciarse ?aTt. Hoot! yntp or moit-ep cheese, dried (iftJf apple or peaches, water or 90 io cracKers. call at Mos?ops where you can buy cheap. IP YOt WANT , Good ( rated s finodf Good Good ; Goad Good A Gond.t Gondii Good Gnodtt j Good Good Goods Ceap Port wine for Medieal or Saeramen- Cheap tal u-s Sw et wine, old .Mnon- l heap gaheia or rye wmrnj, ukuj Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Chem.p Mofor"s cheap cash store. Cheap iP YOU WANT Cheap Hai-ri9 Fis. Prunes or dried Cur Cheap rinu; filberts, rream. pecan or Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap grouna nuts, eandiov. Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them at Mofsop'seheap and good. IF YOU WANT C heart ' f roots rheanx0 buT any othep article nap. be Goods yl p sure to go to Mossop. for he sellf O-nod rhP cheaper for cafh than any other Goods tAMJ person in Clearfield oountv Good ChZV November 27. Ibftl. ap27 59 Goodg Approved riHtrtrv yrodue of ever fand taken at the fijntaJ market prim in errhanee forodj CKOUN D ANT) UN-GROUND FPICES. Citron J Enelih Currants. Ea-enee Coffee, and me g ., ,h. bt quality. t IRWIS. Goods EUBEKA! STAR LIGHTNING ROD! The Best and the Cheapest I TheSTn Gat.VAT.raKD I tc,n-niisa Kod is supe rior to any in use. and will last lor generations It is made from .Magnetie Iron tbs square grooved, spiral-twisted and galvan'xed. and con nected with pure copper couplings, rendering it equal to a copper rod. the whole surmounted with a old-plated cluster point of pure copper, thus formtng a continuous rod from the pcint t the ground the combination of metals forming a alranie eattery iu the rd. 1 1 :.r w Attn ANTr.n c) ways to reaain bright and clean, asd will never corrode or rust, tnus pre sorting a neat ornamental appearance on the btriHing. worth more than its cost as a n?atter of ornament, to say n. ailing about its sure protection against lightning. l o show the popularity of the Galvaniied Star Vko. it is only ne-efa-y to say thai the propri etors bhv pulleit ( ff in,. re than one hundred tone of old ruMy irons, within twelve months, from eolteces. academies, p-ihlic buildings, barns, ete., and put up the Star Hod in their ple-i. A. ihe -Star" is better and aold at a lets price thai any other rod. is more durable and more or nmuetitHl. persons should nonsuit their own inrer ct, and salety to life and property, before they b.ive a rod erected on their buildings. All that is necessary to convince the pnhli of the anteriority of the Star Lightning Kod, is' a thorough ci-iminnt on into its construction and fcietittfic combination. The undersigned, being the Agents for Clear field county, mil put up rods for all who mav de sire them, on short notice nnd reasonable terms. Call and exatniuuthem at tbeirstore in Clearfield. .lure lft. 1-vW. MKKKILL BItJLtR. A R R A X G E M EXT. t. s ir a y , DKUUlilST, t?cond street, opposite the. Court House,) Clearfield, Pa. The suV.feriher would respectfully inform the citizens of t'learfield cruuty. that he continue! to carjy on the I'rug business, at the old stand, and that he is now prepared to furnish D1U OS, PATEN T MEDICINE?, t'ye Stuffs, Tabacco. Cigars. Confectioneries, Stationery. Ac. rn vsiciaxs Will find our stock of Drugs full and complete-, and at a very slight advance on Eastern pricea. SCHOOL BOOKS. Teachers and others will be furnished with class ical nnd miscellaneous books by express, at short notice. STATIONERY, Consisting of Cap, Flat Cap. Foolscap, Letter and Perfumed Note Paper, also, a very neat stock ot Mourning Note Paper and .Envelopes on hand. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ac. HOUSEKEEPERS. Will find a full stock of Pure Spices, Soda. Soda Ash, Concentrated Lye Soap, Ac. UPTSS AND GENTLEMEN Are requesied to examine our stock of Perfumery, Hair -i Is. Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Setts, Ac. SMOKEUS AND CnEWERS Will find a full supply, of prime Chewing and Smi' king Tobacco. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Snuff, Fine-cut, Ao. CARTON OIL. Of the host brands, alwavs on ham. LIQUORS, The be;t quality of Liquors always on hand, foi nwdical purposes. Physician? prcscriptionfi promptly nd carefully saoiaj h f) i ii ;uavo(i opisdfl patunx BESTNETT, BLATTEXBEROER & CO., (ucceforp to Lawphe, White A Co.,) WHOLESAB Alt" RKTA1L DEALERS IM GENERAL MERCHANDISE, OSCEOLA, PEX.N'A., Respect fully invite an examination of their large stock of Seasonable goods, purchased for cash, and selling at greatly reduced prices. We Defy Competition. We sell better Goods at lower rates than any other house in the county. T II E IZ H A S O N TT II Y: Because we buy for ca-h and buy close, and ar thus enabled to give our customers and pa tron, the benefit of the greater portion of the profits they have hitherto been paying ; and Because we sell more goods than any other house in Clearfield county. Our stock consi.-ts of Dry Goods. Groceries Queensware. Hardware, Wood ware. Wil low ware. Hoots and Shoes, Hats Caps.Cloihing. Furniture. Carpets and '.Ml Cloths. Provisions of all kinds, Feed, 4-0. PItESS GOUOS FOU LADIES, of every style. IiRESS (JtXiDS FOR CniLDKEN, in neat and tasteful designs. IKESS (5O0DS FUR GENTLEMEN, in rariety. Keady-made Cloth ing at greatly reduced pri ce?. Orders taken for suits of Clothing. S jniples to select from alwayBon hand. NOTIONS. From our largo stock of Notions, every want in that line can be supplied, every desire gratified. Groceries and Provisions. Suears of every grade. Syrups of every quality, preserved Fruits and Jellies. Tomatoes and peaches. Sugar Cured flams. Shoulders and S.'.tcs V.es Cork. Mess Beef Dried Beef. Shad, .Mackerel. Coilfi.-h. Hound llirr 1 .Lake Trout. Extra Flour, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Meal. Cash Paid for Country Produce. BUI1YMXG and other HARDWARE. Toole for Carpenters and others. Best Double atid Single Eitt Axes. Pick'. Hopes and Cordage. Brushes, Mill Findings. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Finest brands of Cigars. Chewing and Smo king Sobacco. The celebrated Michigan Fine Cut in bulk. Jf" Country merchants supplied on as fair terms as can be bad in the Eastern cities. fioods ordered for our customers, and sat- itactiou guaranteed. To buy to save, to buy to please. To buy to make, to buy with ease, To buy at ail. as all must do. To the cheap cash store all should go. Dennett, Blattcnberper & Co., Osceola Mills. May 27. '-tf. f )ARED PEACHES the best in market at the J store of fc. W wKAHAM. rwiT SHOES the cheapest in the eonnty, jjum,. i.arip- B at " . Fprrthe cheapest in the county, at L y 29. MOSSOP'8. n LOTH T SO the cheapest in the county, at M.v2B MOSSOP'S. . I ADIES' CLOAKS the cheapest in the county, F LOCK the cheapest in the eounty May 2, 87. MOSsF 5.